#if anything i felt guilty for keeping him from his lunch 🥺
orcelito · 5 months
I have water again, yay!!!! I have also reorganized my entryway a little bit to make it easier to move thru (since my couch got shifted in more and I was like "Huh. This could actually help."
That was still. About 4 hours of my life spent on that. It's 2 pm and I've been up since 7 am and I am very very very tired.
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nicistrying · 2 years
An update (will try to keep it brief bc there's quite a lot but I just need to vomit my thoughts out):
So Tuesday (12th July) I drove to the Lake District after work to meet Matthew's family at a beautiful cottage they were staying in for Matt's mam's 60th. Wednesday was her actual bday so Tuesday night I just arrived and had a few drinks in the hot tub. Weds we went for a long hike which was just gorgeous although the weather was really hot and we all got a bit burnt.
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Thursday me and the boys went paddleboarding on Lake Coniston which was awesome! I'd never done it before but I wasn't too shabby at it! Of course it wasn't a relaxing paddle around the lake though with 4 brothers, it was a full on war of shoving each other off the entire time. It was great fun and I felt so damn lucky bc I never got to do anything like that as a kid! The boys went to the pub for drinks with their dad when we got back and me, my mother in law and sister in law stayed home and got drunk in the hot tub. And then the boys came home and cooked dinner for us 🥺 we're so lucky. Every evening I was there looked like this:
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Friday I woke up v hungover. Vomiting and everything which is really unlike me! I blame it on the champagne bc I usually stick to gin but obvs we were celebrating his mam and everything. Matt went out fell running with Maggie and I went for a walk with the other boys and the parents. Not such a lovely walk bc it rained most of the time but it was just as beautiful.
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We all had dinner together and then I left bc I was back in work at 6am today. I had a lovely shift tbh as it was just me and Uncle Manager until 9 and we just had a good catch up while we got ready for opening. He told me some seriously juicy gossip about previous managers at the old store and I let off some steam from my time away with Matthew's parents asking me when's the wedding, why don't you want kids bla bla bla. A very cathartic morning. And then when I went to actually start working stock I was greeted with this in my cold room:
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Bear in mind I had literally been gone for 3 days and I left it organised and pristine. So I wasn't thrilled about that. But I was in a good enough mood that I got it all sorted anyway. Uncle Manager came to have lunch with me and informed me that his fiancée thinks I'm sleeping with him which is just great. Idek why bc he always invites her out on dog walks with us and she wouldn't come (Matthew has joined us a few times and it's been nice). But she gets jealous really easily anyway and after the work night out apparently she started questioning why he was transferring me out of the old store into his new one, why does he text me so much (literally 90% of the time is about work and the other 10% is him venting and me trying to help when she's threatening to kick him out of his own house). So when she turned up to pick up the baby's pram out of his car I didn't dare go say hi. She's only spoken to me once and she wasn't very happy about it and since then I just keep out of her way but it just means now if I need anything I feel so guilty needing to ask him for help when he's not at work or whatever. Or heaven forbid we send each other memes for fun. So I'm in a kind of shitty situation but he says he's already explained that I moved across for the full time contract therefore pay rise, way more experience, actual formal support with my apprenticeship which I wasn't getting at the other store, better drive from our new house when we move.. and tbf I know I'm not doing anything wrong. Like as much as I find him kind of attractive, we are both adults in committed relationships, and also I know exactly how horrible he can be when he gets into an argument and I want no involvement in that. I like being able to go walk out of work after one or both of us has been in a bad mood and go back the next day after we've gotten over it. We literally just have known each other for a few years now and have always gotten on well bc we have a lot in common.
Anyway that's this week summed up. It's been eventful 😂 Visiting my sister tomorrow to give my niece her bday presents and then back to work on Monday.
Hope everyone is well! Apologies for the long rant
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