#if anyone's curious the Scene is how the group learns about home
tell me why i wrote 4k words of fantasy au the other night but overall Absolutely Nothing Happened in it
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
You don't have to answer this, but I was curious.. What are some of your general headcanons for the creeps? Nothing romantic or anything like that, just headcanons you have for the creeps.
ah. i have... so many, to be honest with you. but i can share a few!! these are just my own personal headcanons that sometimes influence how i write certain characters so! here you go. gotta put it under a cut bc idk how long this'll be and also i needed to include a photo bc i am terrible at describing things. ignore the numerous liu headcanons i'm so normal about him, i promise.
the mansion itself is a living being in my mind. it's an entity that exists, that just one day appeared within the forest slenderman resides in. think... monster house and the house from encanto. it's a living being, it has its own thoughts and it can only convey those thoughts to a very small handful of people.
continuing on, the mansion isn't a place where people live, the only people who can stay there permanently are ben and sally, as well as any animal such as smile dog and grinny cat. everyone else uses the mansion more as a safe house more than anything else.
it/its slender.
jeff has a pretty bad fear of fire, though he does a very good job at hiding it.
jeff, ben, and eyeless jack are a found family in my mind. they all deeply care for each other and would burn the world to ash to keep each other safe.
liu, sully, helen, and nurse ann are also a tightly-knit group of friends. i can't explain why, they just are.
liu and jeff know morse code. they learned it before everything happened so they could communicate with each other without the people in their community knowing what they're talking about. they still use it from time to time, though it's a lot less friendly
bouncing off the last one, jeff taught eyeless jack and ben morse code.
and liu also taught nurse ann morse code so she can communicate with him without forcing herself to speak.
liu has nightmares at least once a month.
liu is an arsonist. burned his home down elric brothers style. he carries a lighter with him everywhere and finds fire to be very captivating.
liu uses a gun as his go-to weapon. it puts a distance between him and anyone he needs to harm; it keeps the blood off of his hands in a physical sense. he doesn't kill if he doesn't have to, and most of the lives he's taken have been in self-defense. 
meanwhile, sully uses a knife. likes getting up close and personal when he's about to cause someone harm. he's the one who does the killing. he kills people willfully. the blood will always be on his hands.
sully thinks cannibalism is Very romantic and honestly wouldn't mind partaking in it but liu thinks cannibalism is a big no no, so alas. no cannibalism for him.
sully is a hatsune miku fan.
okay i'm not really sure how to explain this one but. i imagine eyeless jack can only see like... white outlines. you know the uh. black paper scenes from omori.
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like this. this is how i imagine jack sees things.
nina and jeff have a love-hate relationship. one moment, they get along pretty well and the next, they're at each other's throats.
liu has basically adopted sally as his little sister.
sally has a diary full of her first impressions, current impressions, and tea party experiences of each and every creepypasta that has visited the mansion.
not really a headcanon but slender does Not like children. it took it months to warm up to sally and ben, and it took it even longer to become a parental figure to sally.
slender and zalgo are besties. idc what anyone says, in my mind, they meet up once a month and discuss random things while sally and lazari play together.
liu will never forgive jeff. i could go on and on about how liu hates jeff and how jeff just wants to be a family again and how that will never be able to happen but that's not the purpose of this so i shall withhold myself.
the jeff, nina, jane, liu dynamic. let's discuss it. jeff and nina are frenemies. jane despises jeff. nina doesn't really like jane but doesn't hate her. jane ignores nina's existence more often than not. liu doesn't hate nina or jane, but he doesn't interact with them. jane hates liu. nina doesn't like liu too much, but she respects him. liu hates jeff. jeff wants to be liu's brother again. sully isn't fond of any of them other than liu.
helen has a fear of the dark but is hesitant to admit it.
eyeless jack can eat cooked meat without throwing it up but it genuinely tastes absolutely disgusting to him and it does make him feel nauseous afterward eating it.
sully shows little to no interest in things, so when something catches his interest, it catches his interest.
jason, vine, and the puppeteer meet up every few weeks to have a little doll-making club.
helen is very very very interested in the horror genre and has seen many many horror movies. it's one of the best ways to strike up a conversation with him.
okay uh i think that's all that's coming to mind for now! so. yeah.
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the-missann · 6 months
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Next character up is
Cassie Ann, the deuteragonist of the story.
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She is an energetic young woman who tries her best to make everyone around her happy. Being a 4th Dimensional being just like Larson, she also is curious about her species and essentially forced Larson to let her help him.
She is very headstrong and has a hard time listening to others who aren't making sense. Despite this, Cassie is a sponge and any emotion anyone currently has, she usually feels it as well. This makes her grow empathetic towards even the worst of people. It doesn't cloud her judgement though and she will only help someone if she feels like it.
Cassie is going to be in every other scene I made because she's so friendly, she's involved in almost everything the group does. Cassie is made to be the catalyst for most everything that happens and if not for her, no one would even interact with each other.
P.S. the scenes she's in with the other characters aren't colored because 1. I'm too lazy, but also because I got tired of having to get the right colors every time I drew them. Then in 2023, I learned about color pallets 😶‍🌫️
I'm also thinking of this right as I'm about to post this, but she's the Deku to Larson's Bakugou lol.
Anyways, I was going to draw her in these different hair styles, but I decided just to have a mention that Cassie's hair is different throughout the story. She is black and I like to be realistic and not rude when it comes to making black people and their integral hairstyles :) Also this helps so people can relate to her a bit.
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As for this form, this is something I haven't written, but clearly got the idea for. In the second book, the beings called Selestials are a species of rock people who are born through the energy of their earth. Because Cassie isn't a human, she's able to endure the process of this birth and ends up in this form!
This was also just "I'm a super big fan of my own work and wanted to see her in this form" so I ended up adding it in the story.
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Here's a little scene for her:
Cassie made off as swiftly as possible, wasting no time when she was finally let go. As Cassie was walking around, she made sure the phone was still up and could see everything she was seeing. After her check, she took another look at her surroundings.
There’s nothing here! What am I even looking for?
Cassie looked out and could see all the other planets.
It was still a sight to behold. She was amazed at how beautiful the universe was and found herself thinking that they should visit other planets after this. She sighed, but right now we’re on a mission huh?
Cassie decided to keep walking and found nothing on the barren planet, so she picked up a rock and put it inside her bag to take home, but then she heard a noise. She suddenly turned… and saw nothing there.
“Lars?” She called out.
Nothing was to be heard, but she was sure she heard something. Cassie shook her head and resumed walking when the noise returned.
She didn’t turn around this time, but instead reached for the rock she collected. With it gripped in her palm, she waited until hearing the noise again; which she did. Quickly, she turned around and threw the rock as hard as she could in that direction.
The rock shot out just barely missing the one who was now behind her. This person stood with a smile on their face, unphased by the rock that almost hit him. He looked human, so Cassie thought they had to be like them.
Cassie thought this optimistically. “I’m sorry if I almost hit you with that… I thought you were my friend.”
“So that other one is with you?” He asked himself. “Then it’ll be easy to make quick work of you two. As long as you’re not together, this’ll be easy.”
His words were strange and they only caused Cassie to sigh when she realized what she may be in for.
Her optimism was squashed as she spoke. “Um… are you going to try and kill us?”
He chuckled. “Maybe not, if you decide to work with me and not against me.”
“To do what?”
“Destroy anyone who feels they can oppose me and make me the ruler of the entire universe!”
Cassie stared at him as he spoke. She sighed and walked over to a larger boulder she saw, she set her bag down and made sure the phone was angled perfectly.
“Are you abandoning your earthly possessions?” Asked the strange male.
“No, I just don’t want my phone to break when I attack you.”
“What are you-”
He was cut off when Cassie punched him square in the face. This sudden and intense impact caused him to fall to his knees. Cassie stood behind him and waited for him to lift his head up. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and spoke to him.
“I don’t know if you think you’re stronger than me…I mean, you might be, but much like I was against Lars, I can’t let you do whatever you want.” She stared down at him with a blank look on her face.
Her banter caused him to chuckle. “And why’s that? Because you fear the destruction of this world and everything in it?”
“No, I just don’t want to have to listen to someone who’s first line was getting rid of someone.”
The male found himself laughing even more now. He reached back to grab Cassie’s arm, he did so and Cassie stared at him with the her expression unchanged.
“Then we’ll have to see if you’re strong enough to stop me!”
She sighed to that. “Why couldn’t the first thing we found have been friendly?”
The man laughed and reached to strike Cassie…
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Not- so-fun fact: this Cassie is pretty much the only one I have built like this. All my other Cassies are shy, anxious, and don't talk. I always love writing her this way, but, the person who review swapped with me said that Cassie had to have some kind of underdeveloped mental state because she frequently acted as a child would... when she's only seventeen. Again, I feel this was only said because she's a female.
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castrationanxietyy · 1 year
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Interview with 5tr8tch, Neurotek 7/21/23
“You have to be adaptable. There are no excuses in this shit.”
There are a lot of DJs in LA; there is no point in denying that. However, for most, it does take them a while to master their craft, let alone anyone mention their name. During a six month period, Kian Stretch took a liking to vinyl and started spinning techno and other tunes and hasn’t stopped since. 5tr8tch is not someone that you should take your smoke break during. 
I had the luxury of seeing his first gig sometime in Febuary at a small store-turned-soundspace in Santa Ana. At the time of this performance, I had no clue that it was his first time ever spinning for a crowd. He has worked alongside some of LA’s current golden child DJ’s, giving much credit to Amir Karneh or 1Morning.
Originally from Seattle, Stretch moved to LA for a change of scenery. At 13, he was already scratching over hip-hop records, all the while expanding his musical talents. At home, he was a producer for the underground rap scene as well as a talented jazz drummer. Playing in jazz clubs and salsa/Latin groups, he applied the technical skill and trained ear into techno. 
“Drumming helped me with everything most, [...] playing the drums and understanding the timing helps me with everything. You have to be able to keep timing and um, beat matching. I see some people like, learn it on vinyl and its a lot going on. I already had my ear trained to play along.” 
Stretch is completely self-taught in every aspect of his music. Although drumming is no longer a passion he pursues, he commends it deeply. 
Before techno, he credits artists like Burial and LTJ Bukem for introducing him to the world of electronic music. What truly changed for him was watching Karneh spin for the first time. He had already loved the music and seen some DJs, but it wasn’t until his friend of seven years performing that flipped the switch. 
Their friendship had started long before his move dating to when he worked on SoundCloud rap. At the time, Stretch wasn’t taking music seriously and more so just enjoyed being involved in musical projects and the chaos of couch surfing. 
Stretch isn’t stuck to any specific styles yet. I had asked him if this was because he was still relatively new, but he wasn’t sure. For the most part, he does whatever sounds good, his style is fluid more than anything else. 
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if anything, his sound is technical chaos. Although I will put my fascination with vinyl DJs and their ability to flip through their records at lightning speed aside, I was curious about his setup and knowing which vinyl he was about to play, to which he replied, “I just winged it.”
“Maybe some people plan it out, I don’t know. The way me and my homies do it, we have a general idea but we don’t like–, fucking memorize the BPM and do it this to this to this. Nah, there's no fun in that.”
I wanted to know if he had noticed any significant mistakes in his set that night. For the audience, if you can play off anything good enough, your worst nightmare could be your best transition.
“I don't think I did. [...] It’s vinyl, it’s never going to be perfect. That’s what it’s about. I don’t want it to be perfect, there’s fun in fixing your shit.”
He compared techno and its similarity to jazz music, my friend adding that techno became the evolution of jazz. Stretch has learned how to play the audience and never show sweat, something which can be attributed to his time in jazz bands. 
While he doesn’t have a signature yet, he doesn’t believe he can place that label upon him. He wants the audience to decide, with the only end goal being a good set that others can enjoy. 
“Every time you do that shit and the homies have you hyped, it’s not like you can remember what you did.”
Stretch also vends at the Silverlake Flea market and eventually is planning to open up a record store.
Jeff Mills 
Claude Young
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silvertsundere · 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (04/06/23)
starting from today, for stuff that I don't have anything to say about I'll simply have it on the list here with a * but not in the body of the post itself, in today's case that applies to jiangshi X
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Megumin Ep9
I know I said on like ep 5 or 6 that that coulda been the finale but this one felt even more like one since they actually arrived to axel. but no there's still 3 more. the ep wasn't bad tho, actually had some decent animation when arnes was making that death ball, big sad she died tho she was a baddie
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Imas CG: U149 Ep8
very good ep, like usual, elevated even more cause it had so much kiryuu too tho I talked about that in another post. not much else to say, tho I want to give a shoutout to that one scene of character acting with just chie's hands around 12:30 (it's the 3rd one in this tweet, rest of the thread is good too tho)
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Mashle Ep8
I forgot they mentioned I0 this early in the story (big final boss) but anyway. the 1v1s have finally started, up until now the animation has been serviceable but nothing to write home about. the fight with dot in this episode was not any different, perhaps slightly better than average, but now that the 1v1s are starting I'm hoping for at least a crumb of sakuga. from the next ep title it sounds like next episode it's gonna be mash vs razor which is the one fight out of these 3 I want to look good the most. I guess they're doing this fight first cause it'll end with mash fighting the puppet guy for the finale and they wouldn't want to have 2 mash fights back to back
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Pokemon Horizons Ep9
good ep, we're finally in paldea and riko realized that despite this being their goal for a while it would've meant the end of her adventures with the crew. ofc that would never happen since she's the mc of the show, but it was nice seeing her come to terms with her desires and expressing herself to her dad and stuff. but forget all that cause next week is NEMONA DAY BABY LET'S GO
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Jigokuraku Ep9
good ep, I already knew it had some sakuga but it was still nice to see, I was hoping the whole fight overall looked a bit better but the big that DID look good (I posted a clip of it) sated me enough. I liked the chanting they had for the prayer forest but I wish they kept it going in the background whenever someone was there and not only when gabimaru got there, felt like a waste when they could've had that extra flavour I think. next episode we're gonna start getting our first glimpses into tao tho iirc it won't get thouroughly explained until basically the end when the group is all together
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Dandadan Ch108
very cool chap, considering the last one I thought it was just gonna be momo showing off but it was actually jiji and aira. it was cool seeing them apply the spiral stuff that okarun learned about but it's also exciting to know okarun is almost there. tho at this point I'm expecting that he won't even be able to show his power up since the baddies will be all beaten by then
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Kindergarten WARS Ch10 - 12
certainly didn't expect this to have a love triangle well, love conga line more like but still
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Show-ha Shoten! Ch19
good chap, I was curious to see what advice the guy was gonna give azemichi but it wasn't anything out of left field and was pretty sensible. I also really liked the analogy he used for how he makes jokes. anyway my buddy mega thinks it's gonna end after the competition coming next, since obata usually does short series, but we'll see. I wouldn't be surprised tho, it'd be a nice stopping point
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Pension Life Vampire Ch8
I shoulda known that they weren't actually gonna kill anyone, series is too goofy for that. nue is cute tho, can't see it all there but she got a good design
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Choujin X Ch37
I like ishida's work, I do, but it's hard to keep up when we've only been getting 1 chap like every 2 months. the chapter itself was nice, some cool action and seems like next we'll get the backstory for that noh guy. but again like I said, having such a long gap between chapters isn't good, ishida stories can already be hard to keep up with normally but this just makes it harder
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Tokyo Underworld Ch42
damn mega said this was a very eventful chapter and he wasn't kidding. I didn't expect that twist at the end but I'm sure it's gonna be a fake out, there's no way they'd her off screen like this she's too important
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The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Ch27
hey I'll give them credit, this chapter wasn't totally terrible, actually moving the plot forward even if it's just a tiny amount
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Fabricant 100 Ch24
?????????? I thought there had been some bad chaps but this one took the cake, like what? I guess it's so it can continue until the next serialization round, same as ichinose but that doesn't make it any less bad
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Nue's Exorcist Ch4
ok chapter, the girl's exorcist outfit has a cool design and the action wasn't too bad, I was hoping there wasn't gonna be more fanservice in this chap but I shoulda known better, that's not gonna save your series kawae you gotta try something else
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Kill Blue Ch7
ah yes the classic "elite students that the mc has to defeat in order to achieve is goal", it's a fine trope tho. having these powerful guys coming after noren should shake things up and create the opportunity for some cool action scenes. curious to see how fujimaki handles this
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Do Retry Ch5
very good chap, it's crazy to see the difference in quality between this and nue when they debuted back to back. you can really tell kirarazaka learned a lot from his time under matsui, you can really tell in the art ofc like I mentioned before but also in the paneling. it's funny cause this is the series from this batch I had the lowest expectations for but it surprassed them a lot while nue is the complete opposite
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Witch Watch Ch111
don't have anything to say about the chap itself but did wanna mention how fucked up the results for the pop poll were, like kengo and kan in 1st and 2nd? what in the world
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Blue Box Ch103
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED LET'S GO miura you madwoman you actually did it god that was good, these last few chaps building up the tension for this and now this release were just so good. the confession being 3 spreads at the end was extremely good too, really giving you time to soak it in, also not as impressive but that page with the 4 panels of taiki and natsu running and it being like the continuation of each other looked really good too
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Cipher Academy Ch26
very good chap, the return of the broken glass imagery from her battle with iroha was especially very cool I was hoping something like this would happen when tayu offered to fight instead but I didn't expect it to be over so soon
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch8
good chap keeping the quality consistent, I guess that's the power of a veteran duo and as usual the information about filming terms and stuff is really neat to see I've said before but I don't think this series is gonna be long, which is a good thing mind you, tho I got no idea how long it could be, mayhaps a handful of vols? or just a bit more
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Mashle Ch158
good chap, the good ol "power of friendship" saves the day not like that's a bad thing this IS jump after all. the action was good and that panel with mash smiling was really good too. I'm hoping for a bit more out of this fight but it prob won't be happening at this point also if me and mega's prediction of the manga ending only when the anime does it'd line up perfectly since there's 5 more chaps left to fill a vol and there's 4 more eps of the anime left.
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Undead Unluck Ch161
oh hell fucking yeah I didn't expect a martial arts tournament I'm pogged the hell up, gonna be good to have some hype after how mellow the phil retrieval arc was
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Sakamoto Days Ch121
what the hell!! all this time in the flashback sequence only to find out that maybe rion wasn't dead all along? interesting twist to say the least. also I'll be completely honest, it's been so long since I started reading that I forgot the whole series started off because of people coming after sakamoto cause of the bounty lmao
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The Elusive Samurai Ch112
very weird not having our mcs for so long. should be like 1-3 more chaps of this intermission I guess, it's gonna be a shame seeing kusunoki die he was neat
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Akane-banashi Ch64
really good chap, as expected it was the backstory of the salesman but it was fast and straight to the point, well executed like always. I also really liked that the chapter started and ended with the exact same line ("This is so stupid.") but just in different contexts, it's neat
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Ayakashi Triangle Ch132
sorry suzu but that's against your nature. you just can't fight it. nice chap anyway, really showcasing suzu's shamelessness, tho I'm more hype to see matsuri fighting along mei and kanade next chap
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artificialfm · 1 year
How does a group live this work? How do plots happen and interactions? How does the story progress? Sorry, I genuinely am curious
How does this work? the google hangout confuses me a bit
hello! these were two separate messages but i'm going to answer them in one go to fully explain. i'm just operating under the assumption you've never heard of band rp before. this type of roleplay is bandom/band roleplay (band rp) which is, i suppose, a specific brand of celebrity roleplay that leans heavily into the music scene, often the alternative music scene, but it's open to all types of famous folks (actors, models, sportspeople, internet personalities, etc) as well as original characters. it differs from other types of tumblr roleplay in a few ways (it has evolved a lot over the years!). as per our plot page, we have a very simple plot. we're freelance, which means you can do pretty much whatever you wish. your character could run on their real life schedule or you can just have them at home, travelling... whatever you want. so in terms of an overall central plot from the group, there isn't one here, per se. you apply with your character blog, and once you're accepted you can follow the main blog, gossip blog, and all the other members. from there, you can interact on the dash with everyone and make your own posts as if your character is using a regular social media app. you can post more private, revealing information about your character on their sideblog, almost like a diary (which you can keep private or make public if you wish—some players choose to link them on their main blogs). the gossip blog (which, in this group, acts as a celebrity gossip website posting blind items) will use information from sideblogs to make posts and stir up drama. there are also forms to submit information about your own or other characters to the gossip blog. it gives the group a little bit of spice, particularly as we are freelance! when it comes to plotting with other characters or interacting privately, this is where google chats (formerly known as google hangouts) comes in. characters should have their chats username in their blog description somewhere, so it's easy for others to find. you can then hit them up on google chats and start talking! people often do this in character (ic) and simply talk to one another as if texting between characters, or alternatively you can message someone out of character (ooc) and ask if they're up for doing a specific plot. you're free to brainstorm whatever you want! some people have plot pages on their character blogs to give you ideas of what they're looking for, or they will make plot calls on the dash asking people to like their post if you'd want to plot with them. you can use google chats to progress your plots via 'texting' as mentioned, or as if your characters are having an in-person conversation, or go the traditional route and write scenes together (para). google chats is useful for this as you can use their spaces function to have 2 chats going with the same person. i personally often use this to have a para and a normal chat or ooc chat going at the same time. this answer is probably more than you bargained for but i think it covers all the basics! all the links to learn about our group are available on this page and if you're a 'newbie' to this type of roleplay (or any type of roleplay), we'd still love to have you! if anyone has further questions about how we work, please don't be scared to ask. no question is too silly!
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magickofartemis · 4 months
Exploring the Mystical World of Tarot Cards in Melbourne
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Tarot cards have long been a source of fascination and mystery. Originating from mid-15th century Europe, these enigmatic cards have been used for both entertainment and divination. Today, they are more popular than ever, with a thriving community of tarot enthusiasts in Melbourne. Whether you're a seasoned reader or a curious newcomer, Melbourne offers a wealth of opportunities to delve into the mystical world of tarot.
The Basics of Tarot Cards
Before we dive into the Melbourne tarot scene, let's cover some basics. A standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards, divided into two main categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana includes 22 cards that represent significant life events or spiritual lessons, while the Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards that focus on day-to-day activities and experiences.
Tarot Card Reading in Melbourne
Melbourne is home to a vibrant community of tarot readers, each with their unique approach and style. Whether you're seeking a personal reading or looking to learn the art of tarot reading yourself, Melbourne has plenty to offer.
Tarot Reading Services
There are numerous professional tarot readers in Melbourne, offering services ranging from in-person sessions to online consultations. Here are a few well-known options:
The Oracle Room - Located in the heart of Melbourne, The Oracle Room offers personalized tarot readings that delve deep into your past, present, and future. Their experienced readers provide insightful guidance tailored to your unique situation.
Inner Goddess Tarot - Specializing in empowering women through tarot, Inner Goddess Tarot offers readings that focus on personal growth, relationships, and career guidance. Their nurturing approach ensures a supportive and enlightening experience.
Mystic Journey - With a team of skilled tarot readers, Mystic Journey provides a variety of services including tarot readings, astrology, and spiritual coaching. Their holistic approach helps clients gain clarity and direction in their lives.
Tarot Workshops and Classes
For those interested in learning to read tarot cards, Melbourne offers a range of workshops and classes:
Tarot School of Melbourne - Offering beginner to advanced courses, the Tarot School of Melbourne is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their tarot knowledge. Their comprehensive curriculum covers everything from card meanings to advanced reading techniques.
The Moon Tree - This cozy space hosts regular tarot workshops that cater to all skill levels. Participants learn about the history of tarot, card meanings, and how to conduct readings for themselves and others.
Melbourne Spiritual Learning Centre - This center provides a variety of spiritual workshops, including tarot reading. Their experienced instructors guide students through the intricacies of tarot, ensuring a thorough and engaging learning experience.
Tarot Card Communities and Events
Melbourne's tarot community is vibrant and active, with numerous events and gatherings for enthusiasts to connect and share their passion. Here are some popular options:
Melbourne Tarot Meetup Group - This group regularly hosts meetups where tarot enthusiasts can come together to practice readings, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. It's a great way to build connections and improve your skills.
Mind Body Spirit Festival - Held annually in Melbourne, this festival is a haven for all things spiritual, including tarot. Visitors can enjoy readings, attend workshops, and explore a variety of stalls offering tarot decks, books, and other mystical goods.
Tarot and Tea Gatherings - These informal gatherings provide a relaxed environment for tarot enthusiasts to share their experiences and insights over a cup of tea. It's a wonderful way to meet like-minded individuals and deepen your understanding of tarot.
Finding Your Perfect Tarot Deck
For those looking to purchase their own tarot deck, Melbourne boasts several specialty stores that offer a wide selection of cards and related items:
SpellBox - Located in the heart of Melbourne, SpellBox offers a magical assortment of tarot decks, books, and other mystical items. Their knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect deck to suit your needs.
The Empress and Wolf - This unique store features a curated collection of tarot decks, crystals, and other spiritual tools. Their beautiful selection ensures you'll find a deck that resonates with you.
Hares and Hyenas - While primarily a bookstore, Hares and Hyenas also offers a variety of tarot decks and related literature. It's a great place to explore different decks and find the one that speaks to you.
Whether you're a seasoned tarot reader or just beginning your journey, Melbourne's rich tapestry of tarot resources and communities offers something for everyone. From professional readings and workshops to vibrant community events and specialty stores, the mystical world of tarot is alive and thriving in Melbourne. Embrace the magic and let the cards guide you on your path.
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costhursdays · 7 months
Upon preparing for heading out of the town, the party had a few errands to run through getting Udo Lukovich and his mother Willemina Rikalova out of Vallaki. With the possible threat of retribution from Vargas Vallakovich assuredly presumed, they had to work fast to get the two out of the city. From here they were told by Father Petrovich to head south of town to the small Vistani encampment. Vargas does not trust these Vistana and have forbade any from entering the town. The group disguised the two Vallakian's, heading through the gate trepidatiously, so as to not get caught.
Upon reaching the camp they came across a hurried scene, as Vistana were running to and fro. The group met with a man who seemed to be delegating the lot, sending out teams into the forest and beyond. They learned from this man, Arrigal, that his niece Anabelle was missing, and that no one had been able to find her for half the day at least. Over half the Vistani that lived in the encampment were out searching, including several Dusk Elves, the likes of which the group had only read about due to the rumors they had died out long ago. Arrigal asked for their assistance in finding her, describing her as a little girl in a yellow sun dress and ribbon. While Nick was suspicious of the description, Chiaroscuro proffered that he could help track her with the help of Flicker the Shadowember Cat, who could perceive scents better than anyone in the party could. Arrigal had a young Vistana teen bring out a spare ribbon that Anabelle wore in her hair, and Flicker gave it a healthy sniff before leading the group back to town.
Heading north, the party left through the gate to Lake Zarovich, where they had heard earlier that day from Lady Petrovna that the wolves have been more active in the area of the lake. As they came to the edge of the water, they couldn't see anything save for the small row boats at the shore and one in the water, with a man fishing within. The party got in two, Alexir and Kenshi in one rowboat, Cash, Nick, and Chiaroscuro in the other, and both rowed out towards the man in the middle of the lake.
Approaching him, the group asked how he was doing, but upon speaking the words, the man seemed to be in a daze. He didn't respond, instead slowly lifted a large, tied off burlap sack over the water and dropped it into the lake's frigid waters below. Kenshi sprung into action, leaping into the water and diving quickly to save whatever was trapped within the bag. He reached out, fingers barely grazing to grab the strings of the sack, bringing it to the surface a few seconds after diving in. Alexir threw a dagger at the man in the boat and knocked him out easily as Kenshi brought the girl out of the bag while he climbed into the boat. Cash connected the man's boat to the one he and Chiaro and Nick were rowing and both boats headed back to shore.
While en route to the shore, Kenshi explained where he was from to Anabelle, who was a precocious and curious thing. In the opposite boat, Chiaroscuro and Nick had a conversation using Nick's Psychic Whispers, where the Elf-ish rogue explained that they were from north of Waterdeep and that they had a sister just like Chiaro that they're very fond of. The moment passed once they got to the shore and questioned the man in the boat, who had started to come to from the intense shock to his system.
The man introduced himself as Bluto Krogarov, who had heard a tale that if one would sacrifice something to the lake, they'd be blessed with fish. He took advantage of Anabelle being there where she wasn't supposed to be, seeing her as a missing Vistana child in the middle of town where Vistani children are not allowed to be. The party left him at the north gate, informing the guards there that he had attempted to murder a child for fish, and headed back south to the Vistani camp, Anabelle in tow.
When she arrived home, the party met her father, a large, mountainous man named Luvash, who carried her around everywhere with him now that she returned home to him. He offered the group a gift of treasure as thanks, along with allowing Willemina and Udo to stay with them no questions asked, as they had been willing to save the one thing in the world he cared for. Simultaneously, he also asked the group for help, as their wine supply was low and the Vistani group were growing dry. He requested they go west to check out the Wizard of Wines, to see if anything was holding up their allotted shipment. The party, serendipitously, was already en route to the same place, so offered to check it out for them as well.
Back on the road, they headed west towards the bridge connecting Vallaki to the Svalich Forest. What was ahead of them was a mystery about to be solved.
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jedielle · 2 years
Bossy President on Mangatoon
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Disclaimer: A lot of the things I'll write here is based on my own opinion. And this is not sponsored by the app. Also, there are some scenes in the story that I do not agree with. And honestly, I was quite shocked to have found such a story.
This is going to be quite long and I hope you'll read the rest of it.
Just a quick summary on how I discovered this app. When the pandemic hit, a lot of us were affected by it. And because we are stuck inside our homes, we looked for ways to spend our time. Believe me when I say to you that I am a lazy reader. I don't like books that much. But I did not know that I will come to love reading so much. It helped me keep my sanity. Anyway, back to the topic about the app, I was just looking at the Google play store and accidentally saw Mangatoon. I was curious at that time so I installed it on my phone and I was so glad that I did because I discovered a lot of stories/manga. Anime has been a part of me ever since I was in grade school. And before it will be called an "anime" it will start as a manga first. This app is a paradise for those manga lovers like me.
After installing it, there are choices you have to make whether you like romance, female lead or male lead, etc. You will need to sign up and fill out some information so you can start reading. If my memory is right, Bossy President was the first story I read on this app. But at that time, it was free to read and I don't need any coupons or coins just so I can read the next chapter. But now, you need those things to read the chapters.
It is a story about a British born Eurasian, Aubery Kung, a bold, cold-blooded, sharp CEO who established his own company at the age of 20. And eventually developed it into a multi national group through constant expanding and acquisition. One day, he burst into a sauna and accused a girl named Nina Sze that she drugged him three years ago and carried his child. Nina denied even carrying a child for this guy because he is rich and she is just a nobody. So, how could she be involved with someone as rich and powerful as him? Even after Nina denied over and over again that she did not carried a child for Aubery, he still insisted that it was her who drugged him and slept with him. This is where the story will start. I don't want to spoil people who will read my post, so I'll leave the description up to this point.
Warning: This story is not for kids because there is a lot of sexual scenes involve. You should have an open mind and be ready to be shock every chapter.
I re-read everything again as to write a review of it here on my blog. I must say that it is a unique story because I've never encountered quite like it. I always feel frustrated that there is someone as powerful as Aubery that can get away with any bad things that he did to Nina or anyone else. He has a condition called "paranoid personality disorder" that became the reason why whatever Nina says, he does not believe it. He has a pattern of distrust and suspicion of others without adequate reason to be suspicious.
Every chapter you will feel frustrated and even dislike the male lead because of his behavior towards the female lead. But as you go along the story, you will come to understand every character in it, except Nina's so called "family." That is just my opinion based on what I've read.
Hate is a strong word. But I'll tell you now, that you will say it in your mind while reading through the manga.
The story is like a Teleserye in the Philippines and some will say that you will not gain anything from it. But for me, I've learned a lot while reading the story. And honestly, I am afraid to fall in love. Because this story showed me how hard it is to understand someone. How hard it is for someone to fight for her life, for her freedom. You will see in this story how hard Nina endured everything that comes her way. Maybe that is the reason why I've read it a second time as to understand how Nina still chose Aubery.
I've been reading it since 2020 and it is still fresh in my mind what this story imparted with me; not to fall in love easily and to not trust anyone but yourself. Falling in love is not for everyone because you have to embrace the good and the bad of a person. And I think I'm still not ready for that kind of commitment to someone.
I know there's a lot of stories out there. But this one will always stay in my heart and it's for you guys to find out what you think of it.
How will their story unfold?
Will they gain their freedom?
P.S. The story is still on going and if you like a story with a unique male lead, you guys check it out on the app.
Until next time...
See you on my next review of a story.
0 notes
scarlettriot · 3 years
Mina Ashido Headcanons!
@jewel116 requested some headcanons of our Alien Queen and I am here to deliver!
Some of these also could be considered BakuSquad HCs, hope that's alright.
I also went ahead and included some Adult Mina and 18+ Mina Headcanons too. Both are below the cut and clearly stated. Warnings are posted at each header mark.
If anyone has any other requests, lemme know!
Basic Mina Headcanons
Warnings: It's as fluffy as her dang hair! (Swearing)
. Most definitely has ADHD! In class, she is constantly tapping her foot on bouncing her leg as a means of trying her best to keep focused.
. Has a collection of shirts that she has designated for sleep and loungewear because she's burned acid holes in them by accident. Sometimes she'll wear them to concerts and shows if the design is cool enough.
. Loves piggyback rides! Frequently will run and jump on the backs of the guys in the BakuSquad. Even Katsuki himself puts up with it after a while.
. While Katsuki is the 'mom' of the squad, Mina is the one everyone goes to when they need comfort. Denki will curl up in her lap after a long day, Eijiro frequently goes to her when his insecurities creep back in, Hanta shows up late at night and they talk in her room about nothing just because he doesn't want to be alone, and Katsuki, well, he shows up to her room, slams the door and complains for a solid half-hour after reading a particularly heartbreaking scene in a manga while she listens to every word and validates his feelings.
. Mina worries far more than people believe she does. Her bubbly, loud, personality usually masks it but she knows when people are lying to her about what's going on in their heads.
. Sitting properly in a chair physically bothers her. She'd much rather be hanging upside down off it.
. She lowkey likes that the boys get protective over her.
. Mina is the type of person who gets A LOT of random thoughts that pop up in her head and one of the few people who actually will engage with the sheer randomness of the ideas is Shoto. Not only does he engage, he comes up with his own! The two can talk for hours.
. Loves hosting 'spa parties' in the common area of the dorms, everyone is welcome to join.
. When road trips happen, she's making the playlists (technically, she and Kyoka switch off).
. Tries teaching Tenya, Izuku, and Shoto how to flirt. After a very embarrassing first hour, Shoto didn't learn a single thing, Izuku was only good at it when paired with Shoto and Tenya... Tenya had her SHOOK! Man has game and she made sure everyone knew!
. Has weekly meetings with Yuga where they drink tea and spill the tea.
. She is so damn ticklish. Hanta was teasing her one day, she warned him to stop, he received an elbow to the face for not listening.
. Tried to grow her hair out once but it didn't grow down... it grew OUT. Mina thought she rocked it, and she totally did but ended up having it cut back down so poor Tsyu could see in class.
. Wakes up early three days a week to practice her hand-to-hand combat with Eijiro. Mina wants to improve her technique and Eijiro needed to work on his mobility, it benefits them both.
. Just Dance is her favorite game, she dominates.
. Easily forms new interests.
. Won't admit it but she gets jealous super easily.
. Will be the first to attempt to throw hands for a friend! I HC she was picked on as a child for looking so different but it never really phased her too badly, she likes looking different but understands that not everyone thinks like she does. So, if someone were to say something about Mezo's facemask, she's stepping in to defend the guy without hesitation.
. Knows every TikTok dance EVER. If a new one comes out, she's mastered it by end of the day and her account is always up to date.
. (Popular idea but important to reinforce) Mina and Eijiro co-founded a club, Horn Buddies, specifically to make Eri feel more welcome. They take her on trips and group outings. The only horned person who's not allowed to join is Pony because she was rude as heck to Mezo.
. Mina gets extra competitive over board games.
. She can ice skate and roller skate like a champ.
. Mina is resilient, dedicated, and passionate. She has goals and the girl will achieve them.
Pro Hero - Adult Mina Headcanons
Warnings - Mentions of alcohol use and swearing
. Gets several tattoos and piercings.
. Starts a roller derby club with most of the girls from 1A.
. Loves going out to the hottest dance clubs just as much as she enjoys staying in and munching on take-out food with friends.
. The Horn Buddies club she formed with Eijiro has now expanded into regular society and both young heroes couldn't be more proud. Together they've formed a foundation that strives to help those with non-flashy, unconventional, or misunderstood quirks feel welcomed and loved.
. Does her best to shop small whenever she can. Mina wants to help her community in as many different ways as possible.
. Becomes a fashion icon for many small, just starting out, alternative clothing lines. They love her look and the standard she sets.
. Goes to fashion and runway shows with Momo on the regular. While Momo prefers buying right off the rack, Mina goes to thrift stores and buys items that are coming back into style.
. Does her best to stay in touch with her classmates. She really cherished the friendships she made and goes the extra mile to make sure everyone stays connected.
. Has told off Shoto's father. Sent the man an anonymous bag of flaming dog shit as well for making his son so damn stressed. Sorry, not sorry.
. As long as she isn't in the middle of a fight, Mina will always stop to take a photo with a fan or sign an autograph. In or out of costume, she doesn't care.
. In high school, Mina's room was always decked out for the holidays. She goes decoration crazy and it is always done well. But, now that she's an adult with that pro hero money and her own place, she's the best house on the block decorated for each and every holiday! Inside and out! Also throws holiday-themed parties.
. Got absolutely trashed with the BakuSquad one night and taught them all how to twerk. By the end of the lesson, she deemed Katsuki was the best of her students.
. Loves to drink. Is a lightweight. Katsuki and Eijiro have carried her home more times than they can count.
NSFW 18+ Mina HC Below - Minors DNI
Warnings: Drinking, rough sex, mentions of orgies, handcuffs, impact play, and praise kinks. Subtle sexual relations with BakuSquad, Jiro, Todoroki, and Ochaco.
. The Queen of stripteases and lap dances.
. If any of her friends are at a party or some event and they need a fake date, Mina is their go-to person. She's handsy. She's flirty. And has no problem with platonic make-outs.
. Always encourages kissing-themed games at parties. Seven Minutes in Heaven, Spin the Bottle, those sorts of games. Mina also loves to play cupid and has rigged a game or two to get people together.
. Has made out with every member of the BakuSquad at least once as well as Kyoka, Shoto, and Ochaco simply because she was curious.
. Has attempted to start an orgy with the BakuSquad before when intoxicated. Still mentions it in passing just in case they change their minds.
. Has gone further with Katsuki and Eijiro though. Maybe both at the same time once or twice or several times...
. Wonderfully filthy dirty talk. Can even make Katsuki blush.
. (A personal favorite of mine that was in a previous post) When they were first years, Eijiro asked innocently enough, to touch her horns. He was gentle but that didn't matter. Our poor girl was so damn flustered! Her face turned red bright, she felt hot, and she had to go take a very cold shower!
. Ei felt terrible about it. It took them both maturing for her to explain exactly why she reacted that way... and then asked him to do it again.
. Is likely to send NSFW texts and photos while people are indeed at work. She is a Pro Hero though so only certain people are allowed to have those photos. A scandal is the last thing she wants.
. Very good at communication and is not afraid to speak her mind about what she wants and needs out of a relationship and her sex life.
. Loud, very loud, very needy.
. Fuzzy handcuffs in every color she can think of and adores impact play.
. Let her know she's doing a good job, Mina responds well to praise.
. Big cuddler after sex. Wants to snuggle into you and more than likely take a nap.
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yn-x-animeboy · 3 years
Jungkook x y/n (as a famous artist) Pt. 1
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request: mine, my brain made me write this
pairing: reader x Jungkook
genre: fluff, romance, for entertainment purposes
BTS x Fem Reader
sinopsis: You are a popular artist in America, pretty famous, loved and well-known by the general public (actually you were one of the top 10 artists in the world but you are pretty humble and naïve to realize your popularity), one day during one of your fan meets you talk about how much you love BTS, and not only how you wish to meet them and work with them but how Jungkook is one of your celebrity crushes. During the meet you fangirled with other ARMYs in the crowd; video clips of you fangirling and talking about BTS at your meet where posted and reposted all over social media. This obviously broke the internet because you were not only a famous singer but you also were always accepted and loved by ARMY and this made a lot of people happy. Suddenly it felt like everyone wanted you to meet the seven handsome and talented idols and collaborate, but you could only wish, you believed they didn't even know who you were...or so you thought.
Pt. 1- Introduction. Your fan meet
Basically every couple of months you like to organize small get-togethers with your supporters as a way to have a closer contact with them, to get to know them, as a fanservice and to just thank them in a way. Lately you have been noticing one specific group of fan pages dedicated to you who have been really interactive and supportive on twitter; 
promoting your latest music video and the recent EPISODE of: y/n’s camera roll uploaded to your oficial platforms (your team uploaded a weekly video=episode to your channel; almost like Run BTS. Each episode had a different theme and your fans loved it)  this group of fan pages is constantly on your main page, so you decided to contact them and fly them out for a day in L.A. for one of your infamous meets so you could meet them.
You don't normally film your fan meetings, they are normally just a one on one gatherings between you and your fans,  but your team thought it could be a good idea to record today’s meet and upload parts of it for your weekly EPISODE, these were greatly appreciated by your international fans and other fans who wanted to see a little more into your personal life.
You were currently hanging out with the small group of fans you invited over. A group of around 10 boys and girls were currently sitting on the fluffy carpeted floor and some were sitting on plush chairs randomly spread in front of you. (a/n i imagine this setting like the Zach Sang Show, for the Ariana Grande interview episodes) 
You were sitting in front of them on a small white couch for two. Once everyone was comfortably settled in, you introduced yourself and invited the others to do so as well, one by one telling you their name, username, pronouns, age, and fun facts about them. You smiled wide, happy to be able to meet such amazing people and also making mental notes to remember their names and facts. 
After the personal introductions your camera crew was set up and ready to start, you told your fans sitting in front of you about how today's meet was going to be recorded and asked for their consent to upload said video; and then proceed to open for the camera; 
“Hello everyone welcome to another episode of…. f** I don't even know what we call these videos, jajajaja” 
Your fans sitting in front of you stated the name of the youtube series in a heartbeat;
“Wait what?... jajajajaja omg guys thank you, I'm so sorry, yeah you heard them, welcome back to y/n’s camera roll, I can’t believe I forgot that, anyway today’s episode is a little different……” you proceed to explain what the episode was about and thanking the future viewers for tuning in and watching the video. “Waw what a long introduction, so, before we actually go on and have the meet while you guys at home enjoy, I want to introduce you to the lovely group of people who I have invited here today….” Again proceed to introduce your fans to the camera by name, trying to not miss anyone and not butcher any name in the process.
After the introduction is done you porcede to carry out the fan meet like you normally do, you normally have scheduled sections of activities during your meets to make them fun; For today’s meet you all played games and did a couple challenges with your fans; then you recorded a couple of tik toks and instagram stories your fans asked you to be in, and casually all hung out. After a while of comfortable chatting and laughter, you wanted to hype up the mood. You turned down the lights, turned on some color  LED lights and had a dance party with everyone invited, dancing and going all out to popular music.
After being all drained from the heavy physical activities, you ordered a variety of food for your fans, like pizza and pasta, sushi, tacos, snacks, etc. and had a muckbang/eating section for the episode as well.
You were having so much fun, you looked around while eating and just by looking at their excited and happy faces you couldn help but feel complete and thankful for all of your fans.
After filling up on food, you carried out the Q&A section of the meet, allowing fans to ask you personal questions and conversing on various topics. The camera director gave you instructions to proceed with the questions, you nodded and thanked him and the staff for their hard work, turning on your heel and sitting back in your spot you tuned to the main camera: “Hi, quick update, sorry I haven't been so interactive with the camera in this episode for everyone watching at home, but I have been having so much fun and I am not used to having a camera crew for my normal fan meets, I’m sorry. Anyway now we will move on, I am going to answer some questions and hopefully this is entertaining enough  for the EPISODE hahaha” the crew and fans present chucked as you finished the small interruption.
And the questions began. A girl sitting in the back, raised her hand and spoke; “yeah um, I’m sorry I wanted to  see if I could start the questions, idk if the others are okay with that”. The rest of the group nodded sweetly at her, others replied with short “yeah’s”. She then proceeded nervously “thankyou g-guys, um I’m sorry before my question, is there anything we cannot ask you or..?
You sweetly smiled at her shyness and consideration, you tried your best to make her comfortable, “You are so cute, hahaha, thankyou for being considerate, but I really can’t think of anything that I am not allowed to answer or talk about, let me ask my manager...do I Sam?” you shifted your upper body to the side where the crew was standing, your manager Sam shook his head, you don't really have any tea to be spilled anyway so he is pretty confident and comfortable allowing you to be 100% in control. 
“Okay if Sam says it’s cool, it's okay  jajaja. You can ask me anything”
The girl then proceeded to ask her question, and waited for you to answer.
Time went by, and it was pretty cool to see what your fans were interested in learning about you, after some time the group continued asking you questions like “who is your biggest inspiration? favorite song?, favorite thing about being on tour? what would you do if you weren't a singer? etc.
One of the boys in the group spoke; “Hi, y/n, can I ask you another question?” you nodded and signaled him to proceed; 
“I saw that you liked an instagram post about BTS a while back uploaded by a fan account and I also saw that you actually follow their personal twitter account. ALSO in your behind the scenes video for your music video shoot you can be seen in the background dancing the Boy with luv choreo. So I wanted to ask if you were an ARMY and if you know them personally? and like should we be expecting a collaboration soon?”
You chucked at his talking speed, curious questions and great detective skills.
 Before you answered you mentally told yourself to hold back and not go all cRAzY fAnGirL on them, you inhaled and answered:
“OMG hahaha I love you so much, what an amazing question, Okay so first off no I don’t know them personally and sadly no plans of collaboration are on sight. Oh wow I have never been asked if I liked BTS before, I’m excited hahaha. Yeah I am an ARMY, I love them so much I am one of their biggest fans, and they are also one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to work ethic and professionalism, listening to them or watching them gives me motivation to keep doing what I love, which is this. 
anyway I am rambling I should stop; you guys can say y/n stop whenever I start rambling okay? hahaha''
The group in front of you laughed and added some extra comments on your response.
After a couple comments back and forth you realized something… and asked out loud, 
“Wait so, how many of you guys here are actually ARMYs?”, 
all of the sudden the 10 fans sitting in front of you raised their hands. 
“So you guys are telling me literally everyone of you is a fellow ARMY and didn't tell me until now?” everyone chuckled and looked around surprises at the coincidence 
You were already feeling shy after talking so much about yourself before so you redirected the activity, “Guys should we actually talk about BTS for a bit? hahaha” you asked your fans
This made a girl raise her hand and ask: “Can I ask you a BTS question then? Okay so, who is your favorite member?
You loved the new conversation topic. You answered truthfully: “Well first off, I don't have a favorite member. I really mean it when I say this. I love them all equally and I love them all as a group. I don’t prefer one over the other or like one better.  I really do support them equally. I mean there is nothing wrong with having a bias, as long as you also respect the other members, hope that all made sense lol” Everyone seemed moved by your support towards them and nodded.
“Y/n so you don’t have a favorite, but do you have a crush on any of them?, like if you could date one of them right now, which one do you pick?” A fan asked.
You looked at her and really thought about how to answer said question in the best way possible; “okay...well...Like I said just to be clear I don't have favorites amongst the group members, but I do have a type…. I consider one of them to be my celebrity crush” you answered, starting out slow and finishing by blurting out the last part.
Your fans in front of you went crazy, they leaned over their seats wanting to feel closer to you and not miss anything you were saying as you took a breath to continue speaking.
“So in that case, if I had to pick someone that I would date in real life...i would say…. Jungkook'' The room was filled with surprised remarks, small comments and squeals.
“Omg guys chill hahaha, breathe, it's just a crush I don’t know him and it's not going to happen. It's just that I find him really attractive and he is my type.”
The fans kept raising their hands to ask you various questions about BTS,
the camera director and manager signaled you to get your attention after you finished answering other questions and told you you only had time for one more question before the fan meet was over.
“Okay guys so apparently we have time for one more question, so make it a good one, it can be about anything, shoot” you said as you leaned over to reach for your water bottle, swung the bottle and pointed to someone on the corner of your eye who seemed to have one last question, as you drank some water they asked: “I have a last BTS question if you don’t mind y/n” 
Still gulping water you moved your hand indicating them that is was okay and to go on,
“okay, um I just thought about this, do you have like a specific fantasy or make up scenario about BTS that you could only dream could come true; like I wish i could walk into a café shop and suddenly meet V, realizing we were reading the same book and covering for hours”
That was such a deep and personal question, you had never once thought anyone would be interested in what your fantasies where; you thought it might be boring for your fans if you went on and on about  stupid make believe scenarios that live in your head rent free. But seeing everyones approving faces over the question and the intrigued eyes they were shooting at you, you spoke: “I love that question, and your scenario is so cute, you should write a tumblr post about it, (a/n wink wink) well yeah I obviously have created fake scenarios in my head about BTS, past crushes, fake arguments even hahaha, there are so many BTS fake scenarios in my head…. hmm oh I know which one, okay so this fantasy of mine is about how I would meet them irl and work with them, I will make it quick”
You kinda chuckled at yourself, playing with the cap on your water bottle, you felt as if you were about to say something really cringy and embarrassing. You took a deep breath and started the narration of the sinopsis of your personal fanfic created by you. 
“Okay so, my literal fantasy is to one day meet them at a talk show, you know how hosts like will surprise their guests with something/someone they like?, I believe Ellen has done it multiple times where she surprised a guest with their idol or celebrity crush, you know?” The group nodded, invested in your fake scenario “Well i would be invited to like the Jimmy Fallon Show, where he would just randomly surprise me with BTS. Then I would be given the opportunity to introduce myself and tell them how much I love and support them. I would also be able to show them my Korean speaking skills, I learned Korean and Spanish back in school and I have never been able to actually use either them, lol, anyway...well after that we would all become really good friends, and we would collaborate and put out one or multiple songs for you guys. I mean that's basically it, I wish I could meet them, and become their friend and write songs with them, even produce songs with Suga or RM if I could'' you sighed as you ended your mini narration.
You continued; “But well, that's just a fake scenario I repeat, it's not real and it's not gonna happen, EVER. For now I will keep supporting and loving them with you and the rest of ARMY. I really doubt they even know who I am, anyway” you closed the conversation at that. Your fans seemed like they wanted to say something but your camera director called you over before anyone could say something else. You excuse yourself and walk over to the cameras and lights set up where the staff is.
*your fans were really confused, and this you didn't know, but your fans knew for a fact that BTS knew very well who you were. The fans even knew which member has continuously admitted to having a platonic crush on you for years now, ever since you first blew up, back when you were 16 and he was 17. Your fans knew how you are one of BTS’s favorite artists, and this was no secret, you could literally look all this information up... 
They didn’t understand how you could have no idea how famous you actually are* They talked amongst themselves about this while you talked to your team.
Your manager and camera director indicated you to do an outro for the video’s footage and other instructions. You nodded your head and smiled, you took a step back and bowed your head towards the staff behind the cameras and thanked them for their work.
You then walked towards the group of fans and told them you had to do an outro for the camera if that was okay with them; you then sat with them on the floor while side hugging the two fans next to you, you directed yourself to the camera:  “Okay guys so sadly today’s meet is now over, I am really sad I wish we could hang out for longer, thank you so much for coming and making today so fun and special” you then turned to the camera “And for my other amazing supporters who are going to watch this on youtube, today was just a little scoop into my life like the other y/n’s camera roll EPISODES, in case you are interested in other videos like this one you can visit head to the channel where this video was uploaded and watch more! hopefully you guys had fun with us! I adore you all, thank you! Please Spread love always, y/n out” you waved as the camera director said “CUT” and the crew cut the cameras.
Your manager then stood up and directed everyone to get ready to leave, also thanking them for always supporting you and taking care of you, you smiled at your amazing manager and looked back at your fans while they picked up their stuff, smiling sadly.
You said your goodbye to everyone one-by-one as they headed out.
After lots of farewell hugs, kisses, selfies, and gifts, you went home with a smile on your face for the amazing time you had.
You went to bed, turned your phone on silent mode and looked at your ceiling,  reliving that fake scenario you talked about a few hours ago, oh how you wished it could become real (a/n hehe wink wink). Finally dozing off and resting for the work-packed day you had tomorrow unaware that your social media was currently going crazy and how they yearned for your new weekly EPISODE to come out.
Part 2- Jungkook’s POV --------> here
thank you so much, please interact with me to let me know if you like this :) Xx
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blueascend · 3 years
Omura Aimi had been working at Toyokawa for roughly four days when she realized that their ace salesman, Kurosawa, had a boyfriend.
To be fair, she had been on the lookout for particular signs. Omura hadn’t been able to be out at her last job and she’d been hoping that Toyokawa would be different. She’d done her best to befriend everyone, keeping her ear out for office gossip, getting the lay of the land.
The first time she saw Kurosawa with his boyfriend, she breathed a sigh of relief. Surely, if the most popular man in the office could be himself so openly, Omura wouldn’t have any issues.
Unfortunately, it soon became apparent to her that most of their coworkers weren’t aware of Kurosawa’s relationship status. Everyone seemed to believe he was single and straight.
How? Didn’t they have functioning eyes?
It became a slight obsession for Omura over the next week, watching Kurosawa blatantly flirt with his boyfriend without anyone noticing. They even had matching red pens they kept waving at each other like the least secret signal in the world!
Then one day, someone caught her staring.
“You have a crush on Kurosawa?” her coworker, Nakamura asked. She laughed, not unkindly. “Better get in line, then.”
“Huh?” Omura furrowed her brow. Kurosawa was now fixing his boyfriend’s tie, standing way too close to him to do so. “No, not really.”
“No?” That was Chino, her voice bright and shocked. “But just look at him.”
Omura looked at her coworkers, a knot forming in her stomach as she saw their confused expressions. Uh oh. She wasn’t ready for that kind of suspicion, not when she had no idea how they would react.
“He’s not my type?” she tried. When they kept staring, she added, “I, uh, like someone else?”
Nakamura and Chino glanced at each other. “Don’t tell me,” Nakamura said. “It wasn’t Kurosawa you were looking at, was it?”
“You like Adachi!” Chino concluded.
Omura swallowed. Adachi. Right, that was the name Kurosawa’s boyfriend wasn’t it?
Well, if it would throw them off her trail. “Yes. Yes, I do.”
Both women giggled.
“He is cute, I guess,” Chino said. “And much more attainable than Kurosawa.”
Nakamura clapped her hands. “We need to get you two together! An office romance, this is so exciting!”
They were gone before Omura could object, whispering between themselves. Omura groaned. That could’ve gone better.
Someone tapped her shoulder and Omura turned around to see Fujisaki. They didn’t know each other that well, as Omura had spent most of her time with the other women in her department, but she’d heard nothing but kind things about her.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I don’t mean to be nosy but I overheard you. Just so you’re not disappointed, I think Adachi is actually seeing someone.”
‘I think he’s seeing someone’ she said, but the glimmer in her eye very clearly stated ‘I know he is’. Had Omura misread the situation, was she actually Adachi’s girlfriend?
But no, then she would have said as much. She didn’t seem jealous or territorial either, only genuinely concerned that Omura might be in for a disappointment. How much did she know?
Deciding to test the water, Omura carefully admitted, “To be honest, I didn’t even know his name. It’s just easier to say you like someone when people are asking. I’m new here, I wanted to fit in.”
“Ah.” Fujisaki’s gaze turned curious. She looked at Omura for a few moments and Omura wasn’t sure what conclusion she reached, but she finally offered a kind smile. “I see. In that case, I’m glad I don’t have to worry.”
Omura smiled back. Maybe it was too soon to tell but she felt like she had an ally in Fujisaki. 
“Omura, you are going to love this!”
Omura looked up from her laptop, seeing Nakamura and Chino approach her. “What?”
“We’ve just arranged for a group of us to go for drinks after work,” Nakamura said. “And we got Adachi to join! This will be the perfect chance for you two to spend time together.”
Omura’s stomach sank. “You - you did?” 
“Don’t be nervous,” Chino said, misreading her expression. She reached over the desk, putting her hand on Omura’s shoulder. “We’ll be right there with you if you need help.”
Nakamura nodded, shooting Omura a finger gun. “You got this.”
“I got this,” Omura echoed faintly.
There were eight of them at the bar later that night; Omura, Chino and Nakamura, as well as Fujisaki, Adachi, Kurosawa, and two male coworkers Omura hadn’t learned the names of yet. 
Chino and Nakamura, in full matchmaker-mode, managed to arrange the seating so that Omura and Adachi sat together at one end of the table, with Kurosawa and the rest of the women on the other. 
Omura glanced at poor Adachi, who looked supremely uncomfortable to be there. Even if he didn’t know about Omura’s supposed crush on him, he didn’t seem like the type to enjoy these kinds of gatherings. Omura was sure he’d much rather be at home, unwinding with his boyfriend after work.
Sorry Adachi, she told him in her mind. She frowned, considering. But at least now I can try to find out if I’m really right about your relationship with Kurosawa.
“Have I introduced myself to you yet?” she asked him.
Even that polite question was enough to startle him. “What? Ah, I don’t think so.”
She gave him what she hoped was an encouraging smile and nodded. “I’m Omura Aimi, I started working at Toyokawa recently.”
“Adachi Kiyoshi.” Adachi nodded back. “Do you - do you enjoy your work?”
“Very much.” Omura looked over at her friends, who both gave her not-so-subtle thumbs up. “It’s a nice atmosphere, much more friendly than my old workplace.”
“I see.”
An awkward silence descended between them. Omura had a sip of beer as she wondered what to say next. She had no idea how to casually broach a topic like hey, are you gay like me? Adachi mirrored her, grimacing slightly as he drank.
This really wasn’t his scene, huh?
“What do you like to do outside of work?” Omura finally asked. 
“I, ah,” Adachi fumbled as he placed his glass down, spilling a few drops of beer. “The usual things, I suppose. I like reading, drawing, playing on the Switch.”
“Yeah? I like video games too, I just started a new save file in Stardew Valley.”
Adachi perked up. “I’ve also been playing that. I got Kurosawa to join me in multiplayer but it’s been going kind of slow. He can’t master the fishing mini game and it’s been frustrating him. He’s not used to being bad at stuff.”
Omura giggled. “I can picture that. I love the multiplayer too, especially since I can use it to get married to-” my girlfriend, she barely stopped herself from saying. She cleared her throat, smiling awkwardly. “Anyway, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Mhm,” Adachi agreed.
Another awkward silence commenced. Omura looked to her friends again but they were busy talking amongst themselves. Fujisaki met her eyes and smiled. Next to her sat Kurosawa and he was glancing between Omura and Adachi, frowning unhappily.
Maybe Omura was reading too much into it but he looked almost... jealous?
She turned back to Adachi, the desire to confirm her suspicions growing stronger than ever. Screw subtlety, what she needed was privacy.
“Adachi?” she asked. “Do you mind if we talk alone?”
Adachi stiffened, eyes widening in panic. “Eh?”
Omura stood up. “It will only take a moment.”
Reluctantly, Adachi got up as well and followed her. As they walked away, Omura could hear her friends talking, the alcohol likely making them a little too carefree and loud:
“-so bold! But I guess with a guy like Adachi, the woman has to take charge.”
“Do you think she’s going to confess already?”
Their voices faded away as they turned a corner. Omura lead Adachi to the balcony connected to the bar. It was thankfully empty and as Omura slid the doors shut behind them, they had perfect privacy.
“What did you want to talk about?” Adachi asked, clearly dreading the answer.
Omura bit her lip. How to word this? “You... we...” she rubbed her hands together, finally settling on, “I think we might have some things in common. Besides video games.”
“Like- like what?”
Omura opened her mouth to answer but before she could, the doors to the balcony were shoved open. Kurosawa stood in the doorway, looking as much a mess as Omura had ever seen - that is, still very put together, but hair slightly ruffled and cheeks pink from either the alcohol or the warmth inside the bar.
“Don’t!” he cried and this was it, as blatant a sign as Omura was ever going to get.
“Relax, Kurosawa,” she said. “I’m not going to confess to your boyfriend.”
Kurosawa blinked. “You’re not? But they just said-” he stopped himself short, clearly realizing what he’d just admitted. “I mean-”
“He’s not my type,” Omura cut in before he could panic too much. “Besides, I doubt my girlfriend would approve.”
Both Kurosawa and Adachi stared at her. For a second, Omura feared she’d really misunderstood them after all, but then Kurosawa slumped against the door in relief.
“I see,” he laughed.
Adachi looked relieved as well. “So that’s what you meant by ‘things in common’, huh?”
“Yeah,” Omura said. “But sorry if I made you nervous.”
“It’s fine.” Adachi waved his hand in dismissal. “How did you find out, anyway? Did Fujisaki tell you?”
So Fujisaki really was in the know. “No, and I don’t think she ever would. You two are just really obvious to those who know what to look for. Especially Kurosawa.”
Kurosawa shrugged, not looking the least bit ashamed. Adachi rolled his eyes fondly.
“Anyway, I’m gonna go back inside,” Omura said. “I’ll tell them I chickened out on confessing to you or something. They’ll lose interest in this whole thing soon enough.”
She passed Kurosawa, who stepped out onto the balcony as she went inside. As she closed the door behind her, she could hear Adachi teasing Kurosawa lightly:
“Were you being jealous again, Yuichi?”
“Don’t be mean. How could I help it when Kiyoshi is so cute, I want him all to myself!”
Adachi laughed but it was muffled. “Not here, someone could see!”
Omura shook her head as the doors sealed shut, leaving them to their privacy. 
She couldn’t wait to tell her girlfriend about this.
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blu-joons · 4 years
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Incredibly affectionate, that’s the best way to describe Sehun. He has a lot of love to give, and that usually ends up coming in the form of either a hug or a kiss, or sometimes just being able to hold onto your hand.
You worked backstage on Busted which was how the two of you met. Sehun had his eye on you quite early on, but he was far too nervous to say anything. He kept a close eye on you throughout the feeling, which was something several other members of cast and crew soon picked up on, encouraging him to at least say hello.
On the last day of filming, Sehun invited you to one side so that he could talk to you. You weren’t quite sure what was going on until Sehun began to tell you all about how he had been watching you over the past few weeks. When he finished his talk off by inviting you out to dinner, you were definitely taken aback, but you didn’t need much time to accept and go out to dinner with him that night to a nearby restaurant.
Your dates together were usually quite spontaneous, Sehun loved to see what took your fancy when you stepped outside. He loved the element of surprise, if the two of you spotted something whilst walking around, you’d just head over and give it a try. Whenever he has an event for the group or his acting, he’ll always invite you. He loves to introduce you to his friends and show you what he’s been working on, whilst it might not be a date per se, time spent with Sehun is more than enough for you to enjoy.
You were the first experience of love Sehun had, a lot of the early days were about allowing him to learn about relationships. He was open with you about his fears and worries about dating, but after talking with you, he knew that he had to trust in the two of you. To begin with, he never said a word to anyone about you out of fear something would happen, however overtime, he began to relax a little more and seen began to share more with other people about your relationship and how happy he was with you.
Sehun isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind, which can sometimes lead to a bit of miscommunication between the two of you. Once he realises that what he’s said has upset you however, he’ll be quick to realise his own mistake. He values the time he spends with you in amongst his busy schedule so the last thing he wants to do with you during this time is fight. He won’t be able to let an argument settle, as soon as it feels like it’s blowing up, he’ll diffuse the situation and encourage you both to talk about things rather than letting it fester. He won’t leave you alone until an argument is resolved between you both.
His family were a little apprehensive to meet you, but as soon as they did, they saw exactly why Sehun fell in love with you. They were a little worried about Sehun when he told them that he was dating, but after getting to know you and seeing the two of you together, they soon saw exactly what Sehun saw in you too.
Sehun only waited a few months before inviting you to move into his place. He was quite keen on having someone around to help and support him. It was only when he moved out, did he realise how much he needed the other members, and whilst they could never be replaced, living with you was just as good, if not better.
He was the first one to say, ‘I love you,’ one night when you surprised him at the studio. You weren’t to know, but a visit from you was exactly what he needed. When he saw you, he just couldn’t help but say it as a token of appreciation to how pleased he was to see you. You thought nothing of it but hearing him say he loved you certainly made you smile.
Out of the two of you, you tended to get jealous a little more than Sehun. You always knew that he was a social person, and at most events he loved to circulate and speak to people, but that didn’t stop you getting jealous at times. Sehun would be able to tell straight away when you were feeling jealous and would usually place his arm around you to not make a scene around his friends. When the two of you were alone however, he’d be a lot more verbally reassuring and remind you that you were the one he was with.
Having children felt like quite a way off for Sehun just yet, but that didn’t stop him from discussing it with you from time to time. He wanted to make it clear to you that he saw children in your future together, just not in the immediate future. He’d often sit to himself and imagine what his future would look like with you and children, even if it wasn’t to happen straight away, Sehun couldn’t wait for the day.
Hearing you laugh was one of his favourite sounds in the world, he couldn’t help but laugh whenever he heard you laughing. He loves to mess around with you and wind you up, he’s had plenty of practice over the years with mocking his elder members that he knew exactly how to get a laugh out of people. If you’ve ever had a bad day, he will work hard to put a smile on your face, if there’s one good thing about Sehun, he’s relentless, and he won’t stop trying until your smile is firmly back on your face for him to see.
The members are very protective of Sehun as the youngest, so they always pick up on when he’s missing you. They’ll rally around and pick him up and will also send you a text every now and then to maybe nudge you into getting into contact with him. You know that Sehun will try and convince you that he’s alright, so you’re always grateful whenever the boys get in contact with you and let you know what’s really going on. It will take a while for Sehun to admit to how he’s feeling, but once you eventually break down that wall in him, he’ll open up. He works hard to make time for you whenever he’s on the road, at some points it can be a struggle, but he will always find a way even just to say hello to you.
Sehun loves nicknames for you, cute names like ‘petal’ and ‘sweet,’ are two of his usual favourites, he loves to change things up and take you by surprise with a cute little name that he knows will make you smile.
He’s obsessed with your body, he could never pick a favourite part of it, but he loves to have some form of physical contact against you when he’s close to you.
As he’s in public quite a lot at events and promotions, he’s not afraid to be affectionate with you in public. He’s not someone that will make a big deal out of affection, but it will be enough to make it clear to other people that you’re with him and that’s staying right by your side in order to keep you safe and protected.
Sehun has a very curious mind, so he’ll often ask you questions about the world. He loves to engage in conversation about anything that comes to mind and sit with you and enjoy several debates about random things.
Very few people are aware of a bracelet that Sehun carries around wherever he goes. It was one he stole from your wardrobe a long time ago when he went away. If he’s wearing long sleeves, he’ll wear it on his wrist, but if his wrists are on show, he’ll tend to place it in his pocket or attach it to a zipper on his outfit, it’s something that you can look out for, but none of the fans or staff will even be able to see it on him.
He loves to explore and try new things; his curious mind will often get the better of him as he aims to learn more about your money and your needs. Sehun takes great pleasure in taking care of you, he focusses a lot on your insecurities and will take extra time to reassure you about all of them. He loves to whisper into your ear and be as affectionate as possible, anything that will do the trick and put a smile on your face.
His schedules are often busy which means there’s limited time for you. When he can get a moment during those busy days he’ll always send you a text to prove to you that he’s taking care of himself and eating well.
For so many years he’d been the baby of the group, but now he liked having someone to look after. He was loyal to you always, once he felt his heart beat around you, he knew that he saw his forever with you.
Whenever he went overseas, Sehun would try hard to be able to get you to go with them. He travelled often with everything that he did, but he loved to have you with him. On his days off, he loved to take you out to explore and give you a bit of time with him too away from his busy schedule that constantly interrupted you both.
If he didn’t have your attention, Sehun wasn’t afraid to kick up a storm. He’d sit and wait patiently until he had your full attention and then he’d talk.
Sehun is a big fan of kisses, they’re simple ways of constantly reminding you that he loves you in his opinion. He much prefers to kiss you than for you to kiss him, he likes to be with the one to make your heart burst and fill you with a lot of warmth. His kisses can often be spontaneous too, he loves to take you by surprise and appear by your side when you least expect him by pressing a kiss against the side of your face.
You were his partner in crime, together the two of you were very mischievous.
At night, Sehun loved to sit and talk with you. He’d lay tangled up with you, he loved to play with your hair especially whilst you’d tell him what was on your mind, and then lay as he responded and supported you in whatever it was you told him.
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heroesandlovers · 2 years
Nancy Drew 2x09 "The Bargain of the Blood Shroud"
The next series of episodes give us excellent #Nace content 😍
Main plot
Nancy calls the Drew Crew in a panic about the missing shroud.
“They took a banana cream pie”- (Is this a clue or an Aceism?)
Ace is on trial. Nancy, Nick, and George told NO ONE about the shroud so..who could have taken it? Did Ace tell Amanda?
“Something about her just opens me up” 🤢
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The Crew goes to visit the Bobbseys. (Oh there’s pie crust on Gil's shirt. Clue it is)
Gil wants to use the shroud to find out more about his mother’s murder from 14 years ago. Nancy offers a deal with Gil that if she can find out the truth of the murder before that evening then Gil will give her the shroud. Gil tells Nancy about Eddie Collins, a man who was having an affair with his Mom and whom he is convinced killed her.
Nancy and Gil break into Eddie’s house and find a secret room with…many paintings of Mrs. Bobbsey.
I think I’m missing something…how will the shroud help them make Eddie tell them anything about Mrs. Bobbsey? He intends to use it after Eddie dies but…why? Is it leverage? "I can keep you alive but only if you tell me what I want to know?" Unclear to me.
Nancy learns from the home health nurse that Eddie Collins was legally blind so…he couldn’t have been the one who painted those paintings of Mrs. Bobbsey. Nancy is curious about why all of these paintings include a ghost-like spector over the woman’s shoulder.
“Find the artist. Find the killer” Nancy and Ace check out an art gallery where they find paintings by the same painter.
Unfortunately, Eddie Collins dies before he can be taken off life support as was planned for that night. Nancy confronts Gil before he can use the shroud. She explains to Gil that the portraits demonstrate that Mrs. Bobbsey was the one who painted those “self-portraits”...and that she is still alive. Nancy brings Amanda which is fortunate since she was the only one able to get through to Gil.
Nick and Odette and George
Three’s company I guess. Nick is desperate to find a cure but George is reconciled to the fact that it will be the THREE OF THEM until the day she dies.
Nick vents to Bess about the difficulty of sharing a bed with both George and Odette. He needs to come up with a way to control Odette. But Odette overhears, driving her to the cliffs. Odette is not feeling much reason for living this life either.
“If you kill George, I will have no choice but to follow you off that cliff”- Woah..Nick is all in. I admit to being surprised about Nick’s intensity here.
Bess is a bit of a mess since she's been exiled from her family. Ace staying over- (I want a platanchor).
Why did they take Bess off the group chat?
Carson offering to stay home with Bess is the cutest thing. He’s such a Dad, convincing her to help him with his speech to the judge.
“Bess you are really good at this”
Is Carson trying to make all of Nancy’s friends into lawyers?
Nancy and Ace
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Like…did they have to be so close for this scene?
There’s the sprinkle of jealousy (from both of them) but mostly concern from Ace. It’s not just jealous he doesn’t trust Gil and is worried about Nancy.
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Both of their “I know you”s” and then the small subtle smiles.
1x14 was their first new awareness of each other
1x18 was Nancy accepting Ace’s support in a way she never had with Nick (or anyone)
And here 2x09 is a new turning point for them. They are acknowledging that “know” each other in a way beyond just casual friends, or even in a way beyond the other friends in the Crew.
“I’m like a flower. I’m in bloom”
“Oh, that’s a shame cause we’ve heard great things about your restrooms”- The way Nancy immediately starts talking over him here makes me think it was an improv but either way it was perfect timing and SO FUNNY!
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here’s a prompt :) — tom and hermione dance at the yule ball. tom comes to terms w/ his feelings for hermione but does not confess right away. the next morning, she is gone (she went back to her own timeline). he wants to find answers.
(A/N: I know it's been literally months, but I finally got around to this prompt and I had so much fun writing a little snippet for it. Hope you like it, love, and thank you so much for sending in the prompt <3 )
warnings: brief violent/murderous thoughts, toxic relationships, possessive behavior, Tom being a little bit of a creep in general
The whole ordeal is tedious.
All parties, in Tom’s opinion, possess a certain dullness that seems utterly inescapable once you reach a certain point in society, and while the Yule Ball is a school function—and therefore not quite on the same level as, say, the Malfoy’s annual Yule party or even Slughorn’s more exclusive events—it’s still burdened by the same rules of propriety and small talk that Tom loathes.
Therefore, tedious.
Made worse, still, by the fact that Hermione Granger is floating around the dancefloor in a pale blue, satin gown that flatters her lithe body and delicate curves, her riotous hair half-pinned up, pearls peeking out between the wild curls. In the silvery atmospheric lighting, she looks ethereal, an otherworldliness that suits her bizarre personality. She is not the most graceful dancer nor the most practiced, but there’s always a confidence to Hermione that seems almost daring, as if to say, “My faults are irrelevant in the face of my accomplishments.”
And she is accomplished, Tom will admit that now. Four months of watching her breeze through classes, mastering spells on the first try and giving him a run for his money with her theory work. He has seen her do things that he had previously only thought himself capable of, has watched her match him wit for wit, barb for barb.
She is the only woman—the only person—that comes even close to being his equal, and yes, he had resisted that at first, but now…
But now, he can’t stand the thought of her dancing with anyone but him.
His feet are moving before he’s even really finished the thought, slipping through the crowd of dancing couples with ease as he makes his way to her. She sees him, of course, because no matter how hard Tom has tried, it seems like Hermione always sees him—or more specifically, sees through him. Her eyes—caramel brown, thick lashes, wary and angry and curious all at once—narrow, but she doesn’t stop him when he taps on the shoulder of her current partner and asks to cut in.
The boy pales a bit, throws Hermione an apologetic smile, and bows out. It’s nice, Tom thinks, how even now, with few knowing even half of what he’s truly capable of, there’s still an understanding that when Tom Riddle asks for something, he’s not really asking.
“You’ve given poor Adrian a heart attack,” Hermione comments idly, casually, like it’s just an observation and she couldn’t care less. He isn’t fooled into a false sense of security—they have been playing this back-and-forth for months now, and he knows her anger is always ready, always burning just beneath the surface—but admittedly, he enjoys it too much to ever back down.
“Perhaps you should have acquired a date that doesn’t startle so easily,” he muses, enjoying the subtle twitch of her jaw.
“Perhaps you should learn to wait until the next song to ask for a dance. I hear patience is a virtue.”
It burns, a little, that she’s right. He could have waited for the song to end, waited to approach her during the lull in music. It would have caused less of a scene, certainly. Would have seemed more gentlemanly, less…desperate.
But then, it hadn’t really been a conscious choice in the first place.
“And you could have refused,” he tosses back, because he’s petty and it’s true anyway.
The pause that follows is one that Tom doesn’t expect. What he expects is for her to push back, snarl some insult about Tom being childish and greedy, or snark that she could never dare to refuse the great Tom Riddle—all said with the heaviest, driest sarcasm he’s ever heard in his life. Instead, she sighs.
“I’m tired of fighting useless battles,” she says, and there’s something so bitter and sad and…and tired in her voice that it makes him stare. Because she’s definitely not just talking about the dance he stole from her.
Because maybe… Maybe, despite all the anger and derision and sheer viciousness that has tainted their every interaction since she arrived the beginning of September, maybe she, too, feels that he has worn her down in the way that she has done with him.
It is not love—Tom is absolutely certain of that—but it is something startlingly closer to it than Tom ever imagined he’d feel: a sort of raw possessiveness over her that pisses him off nearly as much as it gratifies him, an understanding that she is likely the only person alive that could ever satisfy him on an intellectual level, and the only person he has ever wanted like this, even if he’s half tempted some days to strangle her and throw her carcass down in the Chamber so no one finds the body.
It is strangely compelling that he can see hints of that same violent and conflicting desire in her.
When the song ends, she disappears into the crowd and Tom lets her go. After all, he doesn’t need to chase after something that is already halfway his.
Hermione is not at breakfast. She is not part of the group of students that Tom escorts to the train platform, and she is not at lunch when he returns. He asks the Ravenclaw 5th year prefect if he’s seen her, checks in at the Hospital Wing, and finally ends up at the library—where, truthfully, he really expects her to be.
The library is empty.
“She’s not here,” a voice says, and Tom stiffens at the sound, an automatic response he can’t control no matter how he tries.
Dumbledore, always poking his nose in where it’s not wanted.
“Miss Granger left this morning.”
Tom frowns, because he knows she didn’t get on the train, and the deputy headmaster must realize this because he sighs.
“She returned home, Tom.”
“Home,” he repeats flatly, because Dumbledore is lying. He’s sure of it.
Because Hermione doesn’t have a home to go back to. She told him as much—parents dead, all her distant family either deceased or estranged, and even if she could get in touch with them, none of them wanted to take in a war orphan. She was alone and lost when she came to Hogwarts. She can’t have gone home, because Hogwarts is home. For her, and for him.
“Miss Granger was only here on a temporary basis, Tom. You know that,” Dumbledore is saying. “Arrangements have been made with her mother’s cousins in America…”
That’s around the time Tom stops listening. It’s all bullshit, every word. It’s funny. As much as Dumbledore has always managed to know when Tom’s up to something, it goes both ways. It always has.
“I see,” Tom says eventually. “I…am sorry I wasn’t there to wish her off. We had been getting on better these past few weeks. You don’t happen to have an address for her, do you? I’d like to write her, if I can.”
“Ah, unfortunately not, my boy. Her relatives are travelling people, I believe.”
They both know they’re both lying. Neither of them blinks.
“I see,” he says again. “Well, thank you for informing me, professor. I’ll be off to dinner now, though.”
Dumbledore watches him with undisguised suspicion for a good minute before smiling. “Of course, Tom. It’s shepherd’s pie tonight. You certainly wouldn’t want to miss it.”
Tom holds his calm, impersonally polite smile through dinner, relieved that at least most of his peers in Slytherin have gone home for the holidays so he’s not subjected to their inane chatter. He keeps it in place through evening rounds, through his nightly routine. It’s only later, having sneaked down to the Chamber a little after midnight, that he lets the façade crack, firing off spells at the wall with a vicious, raging anger while he shouts his frustration.
Impulsive and erratic as it is, it does make him feel better. Steadier. Clearer.
He’s Tom Riddle, he reminds himself: prodigiously talented, sharp and clever and determined, the brightest mind of the century. And then he smiles.
There’s nowhere Dumbledore can hide her that Tom can’t find.
send me prompts if you want <3
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thosewickedlovelies · 4 years
An Ode To Marcus Moreno’s Arms
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x GN!Reader
Rating: Mature
Summary: You’re a training specialist in swordsmanship at Heroics Headquarters, so you see a lot of Marcus Moreno.
Tags: Reader has a vivid (sexual) imagination, but there’s only a few brief sections.
Word Count: 2,272
A/N: This started out as an ode to his arms, but his arms are connected to the rest of him, so. Alternative title: In Appreciation of Marcus Moreno
My assumption/headcanon of his powers are telekinesis, plus general exceptional physical prowess and weapons skills? Idk, we weren’t given much, but those feel like solid abilities for someone implied to be the super among super heroes. Idk what this is but I regret nothing.
More content/worldbuilding set in this universe 💗
Marcus Moreno’s arms were capable of many things.
You knew this because you saw them on an almost-daily basis. You were one of the training specialists at Heroics Headquarters, one of a large, ever-expanding staff of instructors who were experts in their respective fields of combat or weapons. Your job, essentially, was to be a superhero minus the powers- and use your abilities to keep the Heroics in top form.
Your expertise was swordsmanship, which meant you spent more time with Marcus than any of the other heroes. All of the physical trainers and specialists sparred with the Heroics in mock villain showdowns, but you also helped them hone specific skills. You were here because your skillset and abilities matched Marcus’s.
So you’ve had plenty of opportunity to behold his arms at work.
One would think that they’d be most enticing mid-action, but it was a cosmically ironic fact that there was never really a wrong moment to ogle. How that man could make merely unsheathing his swords so erotic was beyond you.
But by now you’d seen it from every angle. You were as familiar with Marcus’s technique as you were with your own, and knew well the cycle of muscle contractions which rippled up his whole body. It started with his legs: setting his stance, primed and poised on the balls of his feet. Then every muscle in his torso, his clinging t-shirts sliding over taut flesh as they rode up with the lifting of his arms- his arms. Biceps suddenly incredibly present and visibly straining past barely-existent sleeves, tendons flexing rigid and obvious, a tangle of pathways you wanted to map with your tongue.
This show was best when he had started his day with tactical theory sessions, because then his expressive face got involved. Oh yes, it wasn’t enough for him just to be built the way he was, his face had to go and be attractive as well.
Tedious strategy debates with Miracle Guy during these sessions never failed to get under his skin- you could always tell how much steam Marcus had to let off based on the clench of his jaw. Or the way he’d drag his bottom lip over his teeth, nostrils flaring in an almost-snarl. When that happened you knew he gripped the hilts of his swords a little tighter, because you’d see the ridges in his wrist dip and pull like piano strings perpendicular to the line of his gloves. The blades would sing little sharper on those days, his arms freeing them in a jerk rather than their usual smooth, deliberate slide.
It was amazing you ever made it beyond unsheathing your weapons.
But oh, were you glad you did, because watching Marcus Moreno fight was truly a treat. The control he had over his body was remarkable; even when his limbs flung and stretched, they were to ready to contract again at a second’s notice. “Fight” was really too limited of a term for it- Marcus manipulated his body in an incredible harmony of mind and muscle, using his weapons- including his telekinesis- as extensions of himself.
You wondered sometimes how fine his control over his telekinesis was- if he could use it on himself. If he did use it somehow to give his blows that devastating extra speed and strength.
It was easy to understand, after witnessing him, why battle is often described as a dance.
On particularly ruthless training days, his tan skin would gleam with sweat. It would bead and trickle along the pulsing veins in his arms, drawing your attention even more, and salacious scenes would flash behind your eyelids: those same glistening forearms visible in your peripherals as they box you against a wall, that same intent glitter in his dark eyes as they come closer and closer, breathless, his chest heaving into yours-
You never let on to any of this though. You were a master of the blade, and had trained too thoroughly to let the appearance of an opponent get to you. Besides that fact, you would never do anything to risk your place with the Heroics. Although you were an authority figure, they were still superheroes, and thus unlike anyone else you’d worked with- it made for a challenging, stimulating dynamic in which you were constantly both instructor and student.
Even outside of the training arena, Marcus’s arms were a sight.
Holding data pads or writing utensils as he led the Heroics in discussions of group tactics, deftly manipulating characters onscreen or scribbling things on a whiteboard. Sometimes he would go to these sessions straight from physical training, and the cooling sweat on his skin would raise goosebumps all along the smooth flesh.
You observed how gently his arms could move in yet other circumstances.
Training specialists often joined in when the Heroics were given new gadgets to play with. And although these days tended to be slower, they still made you sweat. Watching the caution with which Marcus handled the gear at first, the slow care he reserved for things with which he was still becoming familiar. The precision and that control he always kept- even when his frustration slipped out in the form of snarky remarks, he was always conscious of his movements. As he gained confidence, the surety would return to his motions, his shoulders squaring in quiet triumph- his broad, broad shoulders, which you had imagined far too many times propping up your thighs while his hands and mouth were otherwise engaged between them.
You wondered if Marcus would treat your body like something new he had to master. If his hands would probe and caress with the same thoroughness. If the same wicked delight would steal over his features as he learned how best to coax you toward his desired goals; if his fascinated smirk would change after the thousandth time he had taken you apart.
It didn’t help that these sessions highlighted that he was a kind, competent teacher. His teammates exasperated him sometimes, but Marcus was the first to step in when one of them was struggling. A light touch to rearrange their stance, an encouraging word or smile. If you hadn’t personally felt the power thrumming under his skin, you would have never guessed that such a soft man was capable of his immense abilities.
Occasionally you had to remind yourself not to get all dopey-eyed when he was instructing the kids. If you thought he was patient with the adult Heroics, it was nothing compared to how he interacted with their younger counterparts. Equally firm and joking in turn, he taught them every trick he knew while desperately hoping they would never have to use the knowledge.
Some days were easier for him than others- the times they practiced with weapons could have unexpectedly diverting consequences. Marcus let Guppy hold his katanas, once- she was fully capable with her shark strength, but the vision of the diminutive girl brandishing swords that were taller than she was, her face aglow with a ferocious grin, had all the others in fits.
You swore he was suppressing laughter himself as he carefully took them away from her. His hands, already distracting enough, looked comically vast compared to hers as he delicately maneuvered them to pluck the swords from her grasp. Something about the sight of his thick fingers, resettling themselves around the hilts with reflexive ease, made your mouth dry.
His fingers squeezed other things, too, and it made flames leap low in your belly every time.
Lime wedges, on the rare occasions he indulged in drinks stronger than wine at the Headquarters bar. His friends’s shoulders, in affection and farewell, after relaxing with them at said bar following hard days. You longed to be one of those who Marcus slung an arm around in jest, a laugh shaking his shoulders and sparkling in his eyes. Would his skin be as warm as it was while swinging a weapon? What would his body feel like softened in mirth, instead of vibrating with focus?
You didn’t blame him for his more formal attitude during work hours. His days were busy, and you rarely saw him off the training mats. You had shared a few evenings with him on nights when the bar was quieter, though. He was perfectly friendly, treating you just like anyone else he was getting to know.
Tonight was one of those quieter nights, but you didn’t do more than cast a quick glance at the small group sitting in the corner before slumping to the bar. You were worn out today, and just wanted something strong and solitary before going home.
You sighed into the numbing wash of your drink, your eyes drifting shut. Nobody would bother you this evening; it wasn’t that kind of atmosphere.
Except- the barstool next to yours scraped against the floor.
You inhaled deeply, preparing to politely rip into whatever idiot was assuming you needed company- only to have the words struck off your lips by the apprehensive brown eyes of Marcus Moreno.
“Hey,” he said, clearing his throat. “I’m sorry to bother you. You can tell me to march right back to my table if you like, but uh, I just wanted to see if you were all right. After today.”
You could see that he genuinely meant it- he was perched only partially on the barstool, ready to take off again if you said the word. But his gaze was curious, concerned.
You brow furrowed. “After today?” you echoed, too caught off-guard to think of anything else. What could he mean? Nothing special had happened today. He’d disarmed you, sure, but it wasn’t the first time that had occurred in the eight months you’d been working with him.
Marcus shifted uncertainly. “You just seemed...tired. Reflexes slower than usual,” he noted wryly. “And, well. We have matching bags.” He pointed to his face, where dark shadows were visible beneath his eyes. He offered a self-deprecating, tentative smile, conscious that he was treading in new territory.
It takes you a minute to process. In all the time you’ve spent observing his fighting techniques to perfection, you’d never considered that he could have been using those same opportunities to observe you. It provokes a funny feeling in your chest, twisting your breath up in your lungs like tangled ribbon.
“Oh,” you murmur, surprised but unoffended by his mention of the bags under your eyes. “Well...I am tired today, I guess.” You took a sip of your drink, gauging his interest, hesitating before continuing. “My sister broke her hip, so she just moved in with me for while she heals. It’s been...a stressful transition,” you admitted.
He angles himself toward you, attention fully committed and eyes widening in sympathy. “Oh gosh, that’s terrible. Do you need some time off? I can clear it with the boss for you, work with Santino for however long you need.” He seemed to straighten up, as if ready to spring away and take care of it the moment you answered.
“No, please,” you chuckled in appreciation of his earnestness. “I might need a few shorter days, but neither of us need me fussing over her 24/7.” Both you and your sister were strongly independent. It meant that you had often been at odds when you were younger, but you were all each other had now, and had made efforts to improve your relationship.
Marcus nodded in understanding, settling again. He seemed at a loss for if he should leave or say something else, so you made the choice for him.
“Tired of getting your ass kicked in my lessons, Moreno? You know Santino doesn’t work you as hard.” Your fellow swordsmanship instructor was slightly younger, a newer hire who was still a little bit in awe of the Heroics.
You didn’t usually speak so flippantly to him, but his eyebrows arced high at the challenge, a smile tugging on his lips. “Sounds like somebody needs a reminder of who kicked whose ass today, ma’am.” Rolling right along with your apparent newfound playfulness.
You pinpointed, suddenly, what was different about him tonight, why this interaction felt different compared to your others. There’d always been an air of deference about him before, as if even outside of the arena he considered you a superior. But tonight he was just treating you like a peer, a regular person. Maybe it had taken your excessively dragging day for him to come to terms with the fact that you were a regular person, but the ice finally felt like it had broken between you and you just...talked, after that. For longer than both of you probably intended.
“Shoot, I have to go get Missy,” Marcus realized, catching sight of his watch. “But you- you’ll be here again? I mean, I see you here a lot.” He stumbled over his words.
Did he? It was true that you were often at the bar at the same time, but for him to acknowledge that meant that he actually noticed you. Remembered your presence.
“Yeah, I’m here pretty regularly,” you confirmed, cautiously hopeful.
“Good. I mean, I’ll see you, then- next time.” His voice rasped low, but there was a nervousness in his expression. He twisted his jacket between his large hands.
He wanted to see you again. “Yes.” You smiled at him, surprise and pleasure shining through. “I’ll see you next time,” you said with conviction.
His eyes crinkled in answer, and your breath caught. Your ordered yourself not to watch him leave the room.
You drove home with a quiet grin on your face.
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