#if anyone wants to give me their opinion hmu? i could use a second opinion lol
celticwoman · 2 months
so... i got tired of my oc page and decided to make one. from scratch. on carrd... yeah
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fgfluidity · 4 years
mirror | manor (part ten)
Summary: After the events of Mirror | Void, a newly-christened Dark has two goals: take revenge on Mark, and, hopefully…
Find the DA.
Pairings: Damien/Dark x DA; Actor x DA (Implied, could be read as gen)
Warnings: none
Tagged: @opprose @moriimae @statictay @volbeast (if anyone else would like to be tagged hmu!)
He reads the packet.
He’s not impressed.
Mark may be an actor— and just how skilled at the craft he actually is is a matter entirely of opinion— but a screenwriter he is not.
It’s nonsense, a glory project— and hardly more than a skeleton for Mark to inject his own personal... brand, as it were.
All in an effort to impress his audience.
The DA. Second fiddle and in the perfect position to be wowed by Mark’s exaggerated— or even entirely fabricated— good traits.
If they don’t remember, it’ll work. How revolting.
The same wiggle room for Mark gives him an in. After all, he was invited to come along.
He can’t turn down such an opportunity.
In the meantime... he has some preparations to make.
“W-what do you want to do?”
Dark works his jaw, swallowing down his irritation. “I can interfere with televisions and radios. Electromagnetic signals. I want to know if I can use them, as well.”
If he can get some kind of message through those ‘guards’ Mark has for his story—
Google— Blue, though does it matter?— simply stares at him, the same annoyingly enigmatic look he and all of his brethren have mastered over time.
Dark hates not being able to read him.
“You w-wish to bec-come a broadcaster? Host would p-perhaps be a better m-mentor.”
“You’re being deliberately obtuse,” Dark seethes. “It’s a direct interaction and you’re a damn computer. How is it done?”
Google lifts his nose— for once, an absurdly human gesture. “I’m s-sophisticated art-ificial intelligence technology. Your... a-abilities do not match m-mine.”
What could be worse than a snobby computer?
“I could take you apart and figure it out, myself,” Dark says, quietly, “or you can tell me right now. Your choice.”
All that sounds for a few seconds are the quiet whirrs of Google’s internal machinery, the muted tones of the other egos outside his Upside office.
“... May I ask w-why?”
“A project,” he covers, smoothly. “I won’t interfere with your directives in doing so, if that’s your concern. What’s the harm in honing skill?”
“... Fine.”
It takes little enough time to figure the theory, but more to translate engineering jargon into the emotional and mental exercise of using magic.
Before long, though, he can send a mass text to each ego.
How useful. Perhaps now they can make it to meetings on time.
If he’s going to try and see them again, perhaps he should make an impression.
A good impression, that is.
It’s ridiculous, of course. Why should it matter? A suit is a suit is a suit, and unless he’d like to show up in one of their preferred costumes—
He’d be comfortable, at least.
Looking at the suit, though— looking down at himself, he can’t bear mirrors to this day— he has misgivings.
It’s clean, unwrinkled, perfectly tailored. If one could pardon the pun, suitable for just about any occasion.
Their previous meetings left much to be desired in positive interaction; more likely than not, seeing him in this particular suit would only bring back such...
Pain. Anguish. Fear.
Perhaps a different suit would do it.
As if his own face wouldn’t remind them of all of that, itself.
He grimaces and allows void to wash over the fabric.
... Unfortunate, really, that without concentration he can’t hold onto a drop of color. Blue would have looked quite nice.
But white is certainly striking.
“Dark, have you seen— oh, you look sharp!”
Dark glances back to see Bim. “What did you need?”
“A suit like that. Imagine my game show then, ha!”
The big cheesy grin remains for several long, painful, quiet seconds. Then, Bim clears his throat. “Well.”
“Well.” Dark regards him coolly. “What?”
Bim takes a step back. “Camera Jim. We need him downstairs.”
Dark turns back to his sleeves, disinterestedly investigating his cufflinks, and hums. “No. Try the editing bay. And, Bim?”
The creak of the door stops. “Yes?”
“Pull up your ratings. Then we’ll see about a wardrobe change.” He pauses. “Though... do you really believe it’s sharp enough?”
Bim hums behind him, as if considering. “Well, you could do with a bit more flash and sparkle, but you know me. Trying to impress somebody? Is it Wilford?”
That catches him so off-guard that he must turn in place, bewildered. “What? Why would I want to impress Wilford?”
“Well, you’re close, he’s usually your second—“ Bim frowns, finally taking into account Dark’s expression. “Ooh, I have been reading all of that wrong, haven’t I?”
“Very. Get out of here, Bim.”
As Bim takes his advice with a quickness, Dark looks over his suit one last time.
... Flash and sparkle, he said?
He’s not sure if he enjoys the weight of the rings he adds on his fingers, but perhaps it lends a little more to a good impression.
He pares it down to one. Better.
On October thirtieth, Dark follows Mark’s unmistakeable stench through the void.
It isn’t as through it’s hard. These days it’s as if the man is throwing up a flare everywhere he goes.
He’s never been very subtle, even at the very height of his acting career, all those years ago. Though he seems to be making a bit of a real comeback in terms of fame these days, in a rather different avenue.
Regardless, Dark turns up outside of a large, vacant building, lit up for the night but still quite clearly closed.
The set of his heist.
It’s laughable, really. To think that their once-mutual friend would ever fall into crime, for any reason. They were the district attorney, for goodness sake— it wouldn’t stop a few such people, granted, but them? With their moral compass and righteousness? Hardly.
He slips back into shadow when he hears voices approaching.
“Are you sure this is the delivery you want?” British accent, though he can’t place it much more specifically than that. “I know it isn’t supposed to be that serious, but surely we can lean into the whole serious heist angle for—“
“Are you questioning my direction?”
Of course: smooth, oily, icy Mark, leading the pack as he rounds the corner. Though perhaps a bit smaller, Mark holds himself with unmistakeable presence, looking the man down with a smile— but with eyes like flint.
“Because, if you are,” he continues, a shade too intense to be strictly jovial, “even this late into production, I can find someone else. No trouble.”
The speaker frowns, a tense, uncertain line on his brow, look in his eyes. “No, no, sir. I’m sorry. I was only trying to make it clear, that’s all.”
Mark laughs, a humorless, dry little huff through his nose. “Allow me to make something clear.”
His hand raises, comes up to clap the man’s shoulder from behind, curling over to hold it. From the further tightening of the man’s face, Mark’s grip has tightened, as well.
“This production must be perfect. It is my story, written not just for my lovely audience, but my darling co-star.” His voice lowers as he leans in. “Should they or the audience find themselves disappointed, I will be very disappointed. And it will be on all your heads. Am I understood?”
The guard nods shakily.
Mark grins, too sharp, wolfish. “Excellent. Now, places! They’ll be here soon.”
He directs the man on with a hearty pat on the same shoulder, watching him go with a satisfied grin on his face.
Talk about prima-donna directors.
However, Dark can’t claim that he’s entirely free of fault, himself— Damien was a notorious micro-manager, refusing to delegate, and he, himself...
Well. He’s made his own fair share of threats.
“I know I invited you here, Damien, but you’re a touch early.”
Dark takes a look at himself. Surely he can’t be visible, and he isn’t— not in the dim lighting, not in the glass windows. Not even as a shadow on the ground, because he is the shadow.
And yet, once again...
“I admire how eager you are for the show to start, but really, now. And you can do away with your whole spooky specter in the shadows thing.” Mark turns on his heel to face him, a vicious, smug grin on his stolen face. “Come on. We’re old friends, aren’t we? Come give me a hug.”
Scoffing, Dark does as asked, but doesn’t step an inch closer. “You’d really want a hug from me? Or is it just an excuse to stab me in the back, again?”
Mark’s grin edges sharper. “Why don’t you find out?”
“The last mystery I solved involving yourself turned out poorly. I’m not particularly inclined to try again.” Dark looks him over, faint disinterest and disgust hiding his true agenda. Ah, there, look— listing to the right, making up for Damien’s injured leg.
“My eyes are up here. I thought you were a gentleman.”
“And I thought you were a man,” Dark quips back, baring his teeth in a grim smile. “See how wrong we both were?”
“Were we?” Mark paces a bit closer, eyes gleaming. “I can’t help but notice my villain hasn’t struck out yet. Why not? You’ve got me all alone.”
Wait, they’re alone.
Why not now?
No conscience, no Damien in the way. No witnesses. He could take Mark right into the void and make him pay for every last thing he’s done, to everyone. Enact every last revenge fantasy, every plan he’s ever drafted.
Mark has his arms outstretched. A challenge, practically an invitation.
Why not now?
“I’m not a patient man, Damien, so I’d wrap up drawing it out for dramatic effect. I know dramatic effect. Unless... you have a good reason not to.”
Unbidden, his thoughts turn to the DA, as they have of late. Where they live, what they do, who they spend their time with... their life as it is right now is inextricably tied to Mark. Entirely dependent on him.
He’s made it that way.
Made it so that no matter what he does, what schemes, what crimes, what villainy, Dark won’t touch him.
The ultimate form of protection.
Mark’s grin grows self-satisfied as Dark takes a step back, schooling his features into stoic disinterest. “That’s what I thought. The villain so enamored that he couldn’t possibly hurt them by hurting me; it couldn’t be better if I wrote it myself— and I did.”
Dark’s eyes narrow. “You wrote it? This is real life, you wrote nothing.”
“Oh, Damien. Dear, sweet Damien.” Mark chuckles. “I wrote everything. How else would I know where to find you?”
Before Dark can say a word, can even process, Mark checks his watch. “Oh, look at the time. Our little star should be showing any second. Show’s about to start, Damien— why don’t you take your seat?”
With a snap of his fingers, before Dark’s very eyes, he blips away.
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ariendiel · 3 years
ELLI I WILL NEVER GET OVER RH. However I'd love the opportunity to interrogate question your lovely characters. 💖
Ok first off: Headmaster Koh, if you're ever in need of a new.. em assistant, hmu. 👀😏
Also, Ada, Noah, will you either let me join your marriage or adopt me as your second child? K thanks, love you bye.
But now off to the serious questions:
Bobby, how did you respond Ada and Noah's marriage? And assuming they named their son after you, what was your reaction? Also, what are you up to nowadays?
Ada, what is your favourite part of your garden? Also, do you have any regrets about leaving RH now that you've settled into your new life?
Noah, as a modern man, how do you deal with the uptight royal society? You mentioned wanting to change things over there, how will you do that?
Headmaster Koh, what is your opinion about Ada marrying Noah?
Priya, how's the nomad life treating you? Any fun stories to share with us peasants?
Hannah, why are you such a bitch? what was the point in being such a snake? Did you gain anything from your actions?
Chelsea, are you and Henrik married yet? And how is Sweden?
Ibrahim, what's your friendship with Noah like? Are you still in contact after everything that happened? You're honestly amazing.
Jakub, did you ever get over losing that duel?
Ada, what's Noah's family like and how do they make you feel about your own family? Did your family every got in contact after you got married? And if so, how did they react?
I feel like I could ask 2391274017491 more but I'll leave it at this... for now...
SDJHSHDJSHD THANK YOU DEBBY! And your questions! So good! Thank you so much!
Turns out this got quite long, so answers are below the line... Hope you like it 🤍
🥞 Bobby, how did you respond Ada and Noah's marriage? And assuming they named their son after you, what was your reaction? Also, what are you up to nowadays?
If you must know, I may have written quite a lengthy and (yes, I will admit) emotional letter to my dear friend, Mrs. Buan-Alexander, to express my feelings on the matter. If I had not been in Scotland at the time I would have very much enjoyed to attent their wedding, but for some reason those two seemed rather in a rush... Little Robert Alexander is also such a delightful little boy, and I was honoured they named him for me. With those two as his parents he might even do me honour in growing up to become nearly as handsome as well! These days I am trying to avoid marriage as best as I can while my parents do their best to lure me into one – as per usual.
🌿 Ada, what is your favourite part of your garden? Also, do you have any regrets about leaving RH now that you've settled into your new life?
Why, thank you for asking! I must say that while I do find it difficult to choose, I do favour my pavilion with its many climbing roses. It has the most marvelous views of our pond and the rest of our gardens, and after we got a duchesse brisée it has also been a favoured spot for my husband to read, sometimes out loud for me to enjoy as well. Now, regarding regrets. Yes, I have a few, mostly in leaving behind my opportunity to teach other young women and see them enjoy the taste of knowledge. Then again, perhaps I may start my own version of the Royal Society for women one day?
🌑 Noah, as a modern man, how do you deal with the uptight royal society? You mentioned wanting to change things over there, how will you do that?
I would not describe myself as a modern man, but I thank you for such a gracious observation and dare I say compliment? The Royal Society is an old establishment, and thus suffer both it benefits and disadvantages I am afraid. I can only deal with them to the extent my noble rank and thus access to politics and parliament allows, but I am petitioning for change. I do fear it may be a while before they come to accept my views however, to the detriment of bright women such as my wife. Thank you so much for asking, Miss... May I call you Debby?
🍆 Headmaster Koh, what is your opinion about Ada marrying Noah?
After a few choice word with my fellow gentleman as to how to treate women and one's dear wife, I am quite sure we see eye to eye and my opinion of him is reflected thus. If anything, he proved to be more honourable than I expected, and have enjoyed to visit when time allows me to do so.
Headmaster Lucas Koh
💋 Priya, how's the nomad life treating you? Any fun stories to share with us peasants?
Nomad? Oh what a fun way to describe it! I must adopt that, it sounds all too exotic not to. My nomad life is treating me splendidly I must say. Italian gentlemen are especially hospitable and making me ever grateful Ada taught me a thing or two about botanical remedies... I do fear most of my stories would be rather inappropriate, but I did have to be rescued by a gentleman from The Seine, which was quite exciting I must say.
🍂 Hannah, why are you such a bitch? what was the point in being such a snake? Did you gain anything from your actions?
A snake? Do your parents now you speak such? Not very ladylike I must say. I merely did what anyone should have done, and prevented scandalous indecensies in a place of learning for vulnerable young ladies. Some have dared to presume I might have had feelings for Mr. Alexander myself, but I would never, no matter how striking, dreamy, noble, and handsome he may be! I have gained the respect from my elders, or at least from Miss. Sarabi, and I know I did what God would have wanted. So there.
Miss. Perkins
🌸 Chelsea, are you and Henrik married yet? And how is Sweden?
We are! Is it not wonderful! He really is so charming and most attentive, every time we go for a promenade he always picks me flowers. He even knows to give Mopsey some now as well as we both prefer pink as it's most flattering, do you not agree? I am sure he would pick some for you too if you ever were to visit. Sweden is truly rather different, and the language is impossible! My dearest Henrik has thankfully agreed we will be spending the winters in England or further south to get some sun, I do really think it helps.
🌼 Ibrahim, what's your friendship with Noah like? Are you still in contact after everything that happened? You're honestly amazing.
Oh, thank you that is very kind, and unexpected! But any compliment is much appreciated. Noah and I are still close friends, and although we rarely see each other these days I am merely thrilled he has found his happiness. We are childhood friends and that is a bond that is not easily broken, after all he is like a brother to me, and the best one at that.
Mr. Ibrahim Chapman
⚔️ Jakub, did you ever get over losing that duel?
Duel? What duel? I do not remember ever losing a duel...
Mr. Zabinsky
🌿 Ada, what's Noah's family like and how do they make you feel about your own family? Did your family every got in contact after you got married? And if so, how did they react?
My husband's family is everything I thought a family should be like, I must admit. They are kind and loving, and most of all they genuinely care for one another - something my family seldom did. For a while after my wedding I dared hope my family would change, but their only reaction has been to ask for financial aid. After ignoring the last plea from my mother, I have not heard from them in a while, although it pained me to know my Robert will never know that side of his family.
For my Rosehill House q&a, ask me and the characters anything!
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I would like to call shenanigans about the complaints of Phineas being "out-of-character" in the specials and movies. He's a kid! And human! It makes his character more interesting and three-dimensional! He's allowed to be sad or mad when he's out of his comfort zone! I mean, everyone else is allowed to have a wide range of emotions, and it makes it all the more satisfying when he manages to pull through and go back to being his usual positive self
I’m about to get real salty for a second (not at the show tho I’m getting salty at people who get salty at the show) so here’s a cut 
Nothing annoys me more than people who think Phineas had no reason to get upset in at2d. Literally one of the last things 2D Doof said to him before Perry revealed that he was a secret agent was, and I quote, “You really think that he’s your pet, don’t you? WRONG! He’s using you! He’s just your cover!” Of course he was going to internalize that!
And that’s not just speculation, either. As soon as they get a moment to talk without the constant fear of, you know, getting arrested by an evil dictator’s robots, Phineas straight up asks him, “Was that evil guy right? Were we just a cover for you? Were you ever really our pet, or part of our family?” AND THEN HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO BREAK MY HEART BY FOLLOWING THAT UP WITH “Well, apparently not, because you didn’t trust us enough to tell us!” Like? 2D Doof’s words overshadowed the entire reveal. Of course that was going to impact how Phineas reacted to it, and it blows my mind that people think he should have just accepted it with a smile like nothing happened. 
And that’s not even getting into the fact that Perry got them into that mess in the first place. I don’t even think I can say it better than Phineas so I’m gonna use another quote from the movie because I am apparently writing an actual angry essay right now with evidence from the text movie lmao. When they’re still at DEI and Heinz clarifies that he’s an evil scientist, Phineas turns on Perry and says, “You just sat there and let us help an evil scientist open an evil portal into an evil dimension, and you did nothing to stop us?” (With, of course, the caveat that yes, Perry peed on the couch, but “That wasn’t enough!”)
~~ taking a brief break from angry ranting in the middle of the night to add that I definitely don’t think Perry was in the wrong here. I’ve just spent a lot of time thinking about at2d because a) I’ve seen it so many times and practically have it memorized (thus why I threw in all these quotes off the top of my head lol) and b) I’m writing a fic where Perry can talk (it’s Bitch Shut The Fuck Up on Wattpad and AO3 if anyone’s in the mood for sassy, swearing Perry) and I’m going to start incorporating episodes once summer starts in the fic so I lowkey spent most of my nights in bed thinking about what Perry’s going to say and how it would change things if he could explain himself and would he even try to or would he let the kids think he betrayed them if he thought it would keep them safe so anyways I have a lot of feelings but tl:dr Phineas has ever reason to be upset and I don’t blame him and neither should you ~~
And then, of course, there’s the Marvel crossover and, like, he was right? He was 100% right? Candace was too star struck to help, and it was too important for them to take any risks. And you make a really good point with your comment about being out of his comfort zone. I don’t think there’s ever a time that Phineas is more out of his league than in the Marvel crossover. He really is just a kid, and he only got roped into this because he just happened to put his space station in the wrong place at the wrong time and the Avengers made the wrong assumptions. The fate of the entire world depended on them, and when Candace repeatedly messed things up, Phineas had every right to be upset -- and the fact that he was undoubtedly really stressed out because, again, the fate of the entire world, only gives him more of a reason to snap. It’s not out of character; his character had just never dealt with anything like that before.
I mean, of course, there’s Phineas and Ferb Save Summer, which I think was a more mild example of Phineas getting angry, but it’s similar enough to the Marvel crossover that I feel like I need to bring it up, if only to point out the differences. In the Marvel crossover, the world was actively being threatened by a group of actual supervillains. In PnF Save Summer, technically LOVEMUFFIN is also threatening the safety of the world by trying to plunge it into an eternal ice age, but Phineas doesn’t know that which is half the fun of the episode. Like, they don’t know why they can’t move the planet back into place, just like LOVEMUFFIN doesn’t know why they can’t move it further away.
That’s not really the point here, though; that’s just me having unnecessary opinions on everything. I don’t really view this one as Phineas snapping, but Buford does make that joke about how it must be a special episode because Phineas is yelling at his sister again so I’m guessing there are probably people who think it’s ooc which means naturally I gotta bring it up (and, of course, I wanted to reference the meta joke because I love it). 
Phineas built those thrusters. He knows how they work better than probably anyone but Ferb. When Candace says she’s going to overwork them, of course Phineas is going to tell her not to, and he’s going to be urgent about it, but he doesn’t yell. And when Candace accidentally ruins the thrusters, Phineas doesn’t yell at her then, either; he just tells her how to fix it (and, when she’s too scared to go into the attic, his hologram is there to cheer her on). It’s just? So? Wholesome? And “wholesome” is basically Phineas’s entire character, so that fits really well.
And the only other one I can think of off the top of my head is Summer Belongs To You (and it’s entirely possible he’s supposedly “out of character’ in other specials too but it’s 11:20 at night and my brain is fried lmao). “Get on the trike!” is literally one the most iconic lines in the show. Even Dan said it’s one of his favorites because it wasn’t necessarily a funny line, it was funny because it was Phineas saying it, and the fact that so many people remembered it was that it seemed so out-of-place coming from Phineas, which meant they had developed the character well (and if anyone happens to have the video -- I think it might have been an old tiktok but there have been way too many for me to look through -- hmu bc it was such a pure moment). But tbh even though the yelling was “out of character” in the sense that it made for a good joke, I don’t think his actions were out of character at all? Phineas sets crazy goals all the time, and he always achieves them. They’d put so much work into it so far, and he wasn’t going to let it go to waste when the end game was right there. He was exhausted, presumably both physically and mentally (I mean, we didn’t see him sleep at all, you know?) and he wanted to get home and he wanted to accomplish his goal and he wanted to do it as a family (because 🎵 friends are also family 🎵) and he wasn’t going to let Candace ruin that, which I personally think is adorable because technically Candace was never even part of the bet and she didn’t have to make it home with them for them to win so Phineas easily could have ditched her and made her find her own way home but he wanted her to see it through with them and I just have a lot of feelings 😭
OKAY last paragraph because I know no one really cares and it’s getting late and I have an 8:30 class tomorrow and should probably be in bed by now. I also like the point you made about how that makes it more satisfying when he  manages to pull through and go back to being his usual positive self. I don’t know if anyone considers it out of character given that it’s really supposed to be a powerful moment purely because it’s so out of the ordinary (although I guess I could say the same for all these scenes) but god, when Phineas breaks down on the island in Summer Belongs To You, it’s such a testament to his character because he had managed to push through so much because he was determined to get home but it also proves that he does have a breaking point. I mean, we see it in all the other scenes, too, but those are directed at people. This is purely situational, which I think hits harder and it’s why that was the first one I thought of when you mentioned pushing through. All these scenes are a testament to his character, really, and basically the moral of the story is that I completely agree with you, Phineas deserves to have his character explored as much as Candace and Heinz have theirs explored, and that I clearly have way too many opinions and should really learn to tone it down fjksdhfjka
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astridthejohnson · 4 years
Tumblr media
         .・゜-: ☼ :- 𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕕 𝕛𝕠𝕙𝕟𝕤𝕠𝕟  -: ☼ :-゜・.
                                 who put the baby in charge?
                                                                    it’s already hard
                                                  to buy all the parts and learn to use them...
[ MADDIE PHILLIPS, SHE/HER, CIS WOMAN ] — [ ASTRID JOHNSON ] is a child of [ APOLLO ] with the power of [ VITAKINESIS and PHOTOKINESIS ] . they were born in [ 1997 ] and have been in nemean lion since [ 2014 ] . with the change, they [ ARE TRAINING IN ] the [ MEDICAL ] role which makes sense since they’re usually [ WORKING IN THE INFIRMARY, HANGING WITH FRIENDS ] . — strud / she/her / cst / 18+
Astrid Johnson could pretty much never have asked for a better family. Sure, the first seven years of her life were a little rough, hanging out at the literal orphanage waiting to get adopted after she was abandoned by her birth mother as a baby. It’s whatever, she really likes to put that part of her childhood behind her. Because when she did turn seven, in walked the Johnsons— two dads who were already taking care of a young demigod themselves, recognized what Astrid really was, and brought her into their family.
Her life changed so much after that, and all she knew from that moment on was the happiness a real family, and the truth about her godly heritage. When she was adopted, the Johnsons already had a little boy, Pax, and though she was only seven, and was still learning what a family really was, she knew she was going to do everything she can to protect this little boy, her little brother. She’s always kept a watchful eye on Pax ever since, and since they were the first two of the Johnsons to be siblings, has always felt it was her responsibility to.
As the years went on, the family continued to find more demigod kids without a home, and their world only got bigger and so much brighter. By the time Astrid was thirteen, her family now had five siblings. Juniper came after she had, then down the line, Marcus, and soon after Miri, completing their crazy, at times messy, chaotic, and all-around wonderful family. Astrid can complain about her siblings all she wants, she knows she’ll do anything for them and would not be complete without even one missing. Being around them was what truly brought out all the vibrant, wild, jovial, annoying, and fun sides of her.
Astrid’s powers had manifested pretty young, but for a child, she’d always just thought it was her imagination coming to life. Bits of light would stick to her fingers when she swept her hand through sunlight, but she used to think it was her eyes playing tricks on her, and that faint sunny glow was just how sunshine worked. When sunbeams didn’t just stick to her in the daylight, but started appearing out of nowhere indoors, that’s when she realized something was up.
Once safely in the household of the Johnsons, they were able to explain to her that she must be a daughter of Apollo, that the small sun pendant her birthmother had left behind with her must have been a clue all along, and what she possessed were godly powers to control light. Then, another kicker came after she turned thirteen and the movie Tangled had just come out. Imagine the shock and surprise of the Johnsons, when Astrid, pretending to be Rapunzel, tried to sing away a scraped knee and it actually worked.
Needless to say, Rapunzel is now definitely her favorite Disney Princess, and it became a staple costume for her (who could also light up her hair to add to the effect). More importantly, she’d discovered her second power of vitakinesis, and became increasingly interested in the power of healing and medicine.
Save for Miri, who had been going to Nemean Lion since she was six years old, all the Johnsons left home once they turned seventeen to make the transition to the campus, and by the time that it was Astrid’s turn, she was more than excited. Part of it felt like a right of passage, of joining the organization she’d watched her older siblings be apart of. She was sad to have to leave Pax, but their home in Crystal Cove wasn’t too far away, and she knew it was more important to set a good example and do her best at NL.
Her dads had taught her a lot about mythology, but it was a whole other world that opened up to her once she was fully immersed in a place that was one-hundred-percent dedicated to shaping her into the best demigod she could be. She took her school classes, mythology courses, and combat training, but what really called to her the most was the Infirmary. Quickly, Astrid found herself watching the experienced healers, falling in love with the way they left people better than how they found them.
Ever since, she’s been steadily training her healing powers, taking medical college classes, and logging in more and more hours at the Infirmary— first as an intern, then as a professional. When NL made the transition into the public eye, Astrid course of action for the future didn’t chance all that much. Choosing the Medical track was a no-brainer, but it did put the pressure on to perfect her abilities. At work, she’s the picture of poise and focus, but any time outside of the Infirmary, she’s as free, loud, and fun as ever.
astrid johnson
daughter of apollo, with photokinesis and vitakinesis
adopted into the Johnson family, two dads and her siblings Pax, Juniper, Marcus, and Miri, and she loves her family probably more than anything in the world
knew she wanted to become a healer for a long time, and has been steadily training, so she also chose the medical track, naturally
currently works in the infirmary, her healing powers have gotten pretty good, but she still needs more training in actual medicine
bubbly, intelligent, optimistic
know-it-all, opinionated, musical theater kid
lives in the moon residence
loves her job, but also just loves hanging out outside on sunny days and filling her off days with tons of fun activities
Pax Johnson, Juniper Johnson, Marcus Johnson, Miri Johnson— her siblings from youngest to oldest, all from different pasts but they’re her family now and she’ll die for them
best friends— Astrid is someone who is extremely outgoing and very heartfelt, so I think she would definitely have a close-knit group of friends that she’s really loyal to, and loves to take care of
not-friends— again, I don’t know about enemies exactly, but listen, Astrid can be really annoying sometimes, ok. she has her loud and obnoxious moments, and is frequently singing around campus without even realizing, someone has to dislike her
healer pals— anyone else working in the Infirmary? I bet a few of them like to go out for drinks after and hangout, since they all get that side of each other really well
mentor/mentee— having the experience from her family, she’s really good at taking care of others, so I’m sure Astrid has taken people under wing who might need it, but also she looks and acts like a baby sometimes, so someone might also look over her?
crush/exes/unrequited— she’s an annoying hopeless romantic, I just know she’s had crushes over the course of her years at NL, maybe nothing happened with some, maybe she did date some, maybe she’s gathering the courage to flirt with someone right as we speak!
my brain is empty give me ideas astrid can be chaotic sometimes lets party
weeee this has been strud once again, pls hmu on discord for anything!
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lilaachearts · 3 years
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lee chaeyoung / isa, bisexual, cis woman + she / her ― hey look, it’s bora lim! she’s twenty-one years old, she’d lived in shrike heights for a month, and she’s currently working at daniela’s salon. i heard she’s pretty opinionated, but i think she’s so charismatic at the same time. can she make it out alive?
tw; extremely brief mention of domestic abuse
bora lim –– lee chaeyoung / isa fc
nicknames: give her nicknames pls
birthday: january 1st, 1966 - 21 yrs old ; capricorn
cis woman, she/her, bisexual
born in brooklyn, new york.
bora’s mother wanted her youngest child, and only daughter, to be nothing short of prim and proper. and all her life, as much as she hated it, the young girl went along with it; going by her parents’ very traditional and outdated rules for her own personal safety. unlike her oldest brother, she hated every bit of it. and unlike her second oldest brother, she knew how to keep it together and go with the flow for her survival in a house where their parents weren’t afraid of using extreme methods of discipline behind closed doors.
bora was calm, collected, and despite being so restricted by rules, she did things her own way. she was a straight A student, especially in subjects that her peers hated. physics and chemistry were things she especially excelled at. although her teachers would accuse her of cheating on her tests because she was skipping classes whenever she felt like it. bora would respond saying that it wasn’t that hard for her to catch up. she had a talent for learning quickly, anyways.
bora had a hard time being close to anyone in her family. she had a tendency of pretending to like her cousins or other family members just for the sake of keeping her ‘good girl’ reputation going. the only person in her family that she truly got along with was her second oldest brother. the two shared secrets, had a similar sense of humor, and they even talked about how they both wanted to leave and live freely somewhere else. the latter happened for him pretty soon, and he was away in california without taking bora with him. of course, she was upset about it at first, but she understood after a while. especially when he kept in contact and visited brooklyn sometimes.
behind her polished facade, bora had a plan, and she needed to get on with it as soon as she turned eighteen. she was sick of living like this. she had a lot of money saved up; courtesy of her parents giving her a few big bills whenever she said she didn’t have any lunch money. she could admit that as the youngest child, she was a bit spoiled. her dad could barely say no if she pouted. but even with that, her parents still preferred her oldest brother over the other two siblings, who didn’t get as much attention and love as he did. during that time, bora she was packing up her things slowly but surely, keeping her bags hidden away until the day came for her escape.
no one could’ve seen it coming. bora was seen and known as the family’s ���good girl” who was always on her best behavior. she was even expected to start working in her family’s business after majoring in one of the best universities in new york. but when everyone woke up, she was nowhere to be found. her things and her car had disappeared as well. her mother insisted on filing her as missing, but nothing could be done, because she was technically an adult now, and it was evident that she deliberately left on her own.
it has been 4 years of moving around from city to city. bora kept staying with friends and in random motels here and there, or apartment buildings, that is if she decided to stay longer in a town or city. she eventually made her way to colorado. this wasn’t her ideal place, especially when compared to where she grew up; a big bustling city like new york, but she liked the contrast. it was different, and it made her feel calm to know that she was away from any place that her family expected her to be at. she decided to stay longer in the town of shrike heights, and rent a small apartment to live at for now while she worked as a nail artist at daniela’s salon in shrike mall.
her next goal? she has no idea. but she didn’t expect her little adventure to include deaths left and right, and being scared for her life. 
headcanons !
bora is a good actress. she could lie to you for her own gain, and a lot of the time people didn’t even realize it.
she is into astrophysics, and as much as she would’ve loved to study for it in university, she never had the time for it. other than studying from books she borrowed from several libraries around the country, or some of the books she owns herself. 
speaking of studying, she was the smartest out of her siblings. she loved reading and educating herself about new things she was interested in. if she got into something, she’d invest so much time into learning all about it. 
the name bora means purple in korean, and you could only imagine how much she loves the color. her wardrobe consists of a lot of lilacs.
you’ll never catch her slipping! she always wants to look good, even without any makeup on.
she KNOWS she looks good
she’s a bit cold and opinionated, and can hold grudges, but for the most part, she’s pretty chill and doesn’t give a fuck about a lot of things. rly doesn’t have time for anyone’s bullshit
although the first impression of her might make her seem mean or like she thinks highly of herself, she really isn’t. shes nice unless you provoke her, then she won’t let you live it down
she has a soft spot for shyer/quieter ppl :(
the whole thing with the killers is scaring her, and she’s This close to leaving again. the only thing keeping her in town right now is her shortage of money and the need to save some of it again 
connections ?
roommates: bora might be smart with money, but she still can’t really afford to live on her own for long. it would be cool if anyone accepted a call for a roommate that she would’ve put up 
exes: i love me some good spicy sad plots. maybe someone who broke her heart and she hates their guts now ?? these two could’ve met and dated somewhere else and are now running into each other again in town
neighbors: someone who probably complained about how loud bora’s music is at night lool. or someone she met when she first moved to town and they’re either friends now or don’t like each other. im here for anything !
customers: bora is a nail artist at daniela’s salon ! it would be cool if she had regulars she got along with, and who always come to her because they preferred her work over other artists
someone she tutors! she’s p good at stuff like science and math subjects, and she wouldn’t mind teaching someone if they pay her lol
if anyone has any other ideas for connections you’d like and see them fitting for your character and bora, i would love to hear them ! hmu on discord if you’d like to plot ! 
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euhande · 4 years
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⟨ SIMAY BARLAS. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, HANDE DEMIR is actually a descendent of A R E S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old PRE-LAW MAJOR from ÜBERLINGEN, GERMANY has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite AMBITIOUS & ABRASIVE. 
hande’s mother is a highly accomplished aerospace engineering graduate from one of berlin’s premiere universities, having worked for various defense companies as a missile specialist since graduating with her master’s degree. she may basically be a rocket scientist, but it’s not rocket science to figure out why ares was attracted to her 😉
they began a tumultuous, on-and-off again relationship that would last for 5 years, and it was only when hande was born that ares dropped the bomb on her mother that monsters were going to try and eat their baby, so she better buckle the fuck up and get ready to raise a demigod
that was the essentially the ending of their relationship — ares became an absent father the way most greek gods are, intermittently sending birthday cards every few years but often getting the dates wrong. she can count on one hand the amount of times she’s met him in-person outside of being a baby, while her mother has been a constant (if sometimes suffocating) presence in her life. she wouldn’t say much about hande’s father when prompted by baby hande, just that he was an asshole and didn’t deserve to meet her, which, fair
from the time she entered kindergarten, it was obvious that she was highly intelligent but had, to put it mildly, explosive behavior problems that would routinely disrupt class time. students were constantly picking fights with her for reasons beyond the teachers’ comprehension, often times materializing from thin air or being an extreme overreaction for typical kid teasing and shenanigans.
schools didn’t know what to do with her. they tried claiming she had emotional problems, they tried moving classrooms, moving schools, and nothing worked. it wasn’t until she was eleven that she was found by a satyr and encouraged into joining a demigod camp over the summer, so that she would be able to control what was undoubtedly emerging odikinesis
that same year, her mother found a higher-paying work opportunity and relocated them to a small city near the swiss border called überlingen, which is home to a prominent defense company that manufactures, you guessed it, missiles. it was a shit ton of change coming from both mortal and demigod sides at hande, and she was resentful of her mother for years for hiding such a crucial fact from her... nevertheless, she was grateful she had a chance to start fresh in a new place and was able to explore the demigod side of herself at the demigod camp in athens   
it was pretty obvious she was a child of ares, but she wasn’t claimed until she punched a boy in the teeth for harassing her and knocked out a couple of his teeth. iconic queen.
an elite german boarding school nearby was where she attended mortal school, admitted fully on her merits (the discipline record was conveniently covered up by the mist), but it’s not like she could magically wish away her powers and function as a normal mortal in school. she had a shaky control of her odikinesis up until she was a teenager, and would often provoke other people in her grade, both accidentally and on purpose. she gained a reputation among her school as one of the more... well-known residents, and while she graduated without getting into a fist fight (on school grounds, that is), she also graduated with no friends.
eonia university was the logical place for her to attend college, elite and rigorous enough to satiate her ego while still being a haven for demigods, and she’s currently majoring in pre-law with the intent to go to law school and become a lawyer!
she’s an acquired taste for sure
someone’s first impression of hande is typically negative 95% of the time, and she’s not even remotely insulted by that. she knows she’s brash, she knows she’s outspoken, she knows she can be mean, and she’s unapologetic about it because why should she have to adapt her personality to be palatable to people who are probably weaker and stupider than her??? (her thoughts not mine)
i really have to stress she’s not a dick just because she likes to be a dick to people... like she’s not gonna go to up to anyone’s muses and start bullying them in person for NO REASON.... she is an ADULT WOMAN.... but you provoke her, and there will be a reason
she’s extremely passionate about causes she believes in and sees her opinions about everything from food to weather to politics as the complete truth, so what she might see as playful banter when someone holds a different opinion actually comes across as extremely rude and bitchy to the person getting brutally attacked by her unwarranted point of view. but when she’s actually trying to argue with you, you’ll know
she’s kind of unique for a daughter of ares in that she really doesn’t engage in much physical violence since she entered college, preferring instead to start what could be considered “warfare” over the internet and academically with similarly high achieving peers. but she DOES know how to fight, she just would rather die than have another child of ares intervention by the demigod authorities ASDKSKDFSDMF
so ambitious and academically competitive. it’ll cause her to have an aneurysm at age 22 at the rate she’s going. you didn’t hear it from me but she isn’t ABOVE sabotage if someone tries stealing her #1 spot... tonya harding anyone?? hande is definitely someone who would sacrifice you to a monster or shove you into the lake if it meant she looked better in the end... so that’s something she probably needs to work on
BUT with all that being said, if you aren’t being beaten down by her insane argumentative skills, and hande actually takes a genuine liking to you, you’ll find that she’s... a pretty normal person for the most part. she’s pretty witty, fiercely loyal to the few friends she does have, super smart, and generally pretty enjoyable company. very generous with her money (loves paying for her friends’ food) and cares deeply about everything she argues so intensely about. a lot of people never give her enough of a chance to get to know her (and understandably so), but if you did you really wouldn’t find the image of a shallow bitch that’s often projected onto her
there’s this facebook meme that goes “Need to find new haters... my old ones starting to like me 😂” and that’s it that’s her entire life
if you want to know more just read her app!!
fluent in german, greek, english, and turkish (in order of how often she uses them, though greek is arguably used more than german at this point, she’d just rather die than admit it) 
she starts twitter wars and trolls people online in all 4 languages. it’s her primary pastime and she’s been permanently suspended from twitter a whopping 4 times, but every time she just re-spawns and comes back stronger. absolutely notorious for saying out of pocket shit what she thinks about any given european country and the people who live there and getting ganged up on by said people SASDSDASD her favorite people to cyberbully are british people and french people... rip 
captain of the debate team, and part of model un and mock trial. her ruthless captaincy of the debate team has caused multiple freshman interested in joining to flee in tears, but eonia routinely kicks ass in debate in tournaments across greece and europe as a whole, so it’s not all bad. she is unbelievably skilled in debate and honestly pretty friendly to the people who actually manage to stick around on the team
kicked out of the feminist club for being overtly confrontational... if your muse is in the feminist alliance, hmu for plots 
when she started attending athens’ demigod camp, it got in the way of her going to istanbul with her mother every summer to visit family. she's only started routinely going again since attending university, so most of her time is spent between istanbul and athens and hasn’t been back to germany in a hot second
i just feel like she has the type of energy to own a chihuahua and carry it around in her purse. no allowed pets at eonia but STILL.... that’s the vibe lads
her sexuality is ambiguous and she likes to keep it that way because it’s no one’s business but any and all romantic plots are open to all genders :~)
aside from her odikinesis, she’s able to put minor curses on weapons and will usually do so to make somebody else look like a fool during training
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jonghours · 4 years
UTOPIA MV and a brief look into ATEEZ’s world and individual roles
as said on my previous post I’m gonna go into detail about UTOPIA and my theories on what it represents. 
now, before I put the read more, I want to put something on the table already. there are two groups in the UTOPIA MV, at least in the “normal ATEEZ” reality, the “sky room”: people who are asleep, and people who are awake. you can tell by these shots that don’t correlate to any other sequence despite sharing a set.
Hongjoong and Mingi are asleep
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Wooyoung, Jongho and Yunho are awake
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Seonghwa, as the only member who is aware of their Illusion state, is both
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Yeosang, apart from that shot with Hongjoong, isn’t shown doing either of those, because he’s special
also, UTOPIA is a song that, just like many ATEEZ songs, talk about keep going forward, no matter how many times, in search of that dream-like place full of joy and pelasure. but this seems more for fear at the idea of stopping than actually wanting to achieve their goal, because without their desire to achieve it, they have no reason to be anymore. like their song lyrics say, they don’t care about why they keep doing this, they just like it.
now, with that out of the way, I’ll go in chronological order in the MV trying to give my point of view on it!
the MV starts with ATEEZ dressed in all white (maybe they represent “White ATEEZ”) sleeping in circle in the “mirror room”, then Hongjoong wakes up
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...or does he?
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all ATEEZ members are still sleeping, yet awake at the same time. 
now, “normal ATEEZ” are also sleeping in the orange frabric (which I will go into detail soon) this ATEEZ are wearing regular clothes
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they also wear normal clothes in what I refer to the “purple/crescent light room”, however in this room they are also shown wearing the white clothes
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the next room is a completely dark one, with the exception of a big panel of light that keeps flickering. only the ATEEZ in white step into this room
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my theory is that ATEEZ are stuck in a dream or illusion in the purple room, while their bodies decide to wether wake up in the gloomy mirror room that ties into the flickering light one, or do it in the colorful one that seems to show them “the light” that they look at full of hope... kind of, but more of that next. the thing is “Normal ATEEZ” and the “ATEEZ in white” both are in the purple room, which I mentioned sybolized “The Light” ATEEZ alwats talks about and represents their illusion. however, they are all asleep in different places. 
now we have the blue chairs which I mentioned in the color theory post, but for anyone who doesn’t want to read all that, blue and red are a key element that repeats through ATEEZ’s MVs, kind of like two teams. here Hongjoong is sitting in the blue chairs all by himself, before suddenly disappearing
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we are shown now ATEEZ in the mirror room, now fully awake and in black and white. then it shows us that Hongjoong is the first one to wake up, followed by a very confused ATEEZ
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now wait, why are Wooyoung and Yunho sleeping upside down? especially when in the other sleep circle, the person next to Hongjoong is Jongho? extra points for confusion. also Mingi resting over Yunho, but more of that in a bit!
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then, we get this (breathtaking) shot of San, who seems to be at what looks like a small portal. this isn’t the first time that San has been shown alone, and in my opinion he’s a central piece of the story that can’t function on his own. he’s like a pawn or key without a side that he’s loyal to, just like Yeosang, who he has a special bond with. he’s always controlling the members during choreographies and he has similar “loner” roles on Say My Name, WONDERLAND and ANSWER
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now, Wooyoung is the very first one we see reacting to this “light” that appears in front of them. he seems mesmerized
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now, as I mentioned with the color theory, the blue light in the mirror room starts turning red, and right away they are shown facing the orange fabric, which in my opinion represents the desert from Pirate King, where their journey started. this could symbolize them going back once again to start their journey
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in the mirror room, Hongjoong, Wooyoung, Jongho and Yunho are stuck to the red light, while Yeosang, Seonghwa, San and Mingi are stuck on the blue. notice that Mingi and Yunho are together. they all face the camera now
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...well, almost all of them.
we are shown now the seats covered in red light, completely empty. no one sits in the seats while they are red, however, the moment they turn blue, all the members are sitting there
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once again, the members look ahead, except for two of them: Mingi and San
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now, another person with an important role, Jongho. he’s the only one waking up here, wherever that is. this place isn’t shown in the MV, and no other member is seen here. Jongho wakes up on his own, in some sort blue fabric
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this shot here is important. no, I don’t know why, but from a cinematographic point of view, is sending a message. Yeosang and Seonghwa are the only ones looking into the camera, tho
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I want to call attention to Yeosang leaning on San here. as I said, there is a bond between them. Yeosang appeared as San’s reflection back in Say My Name, and later on you can see them looking back while the rest of the members walk forward
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and talking about bonds...
Mingi and Yunho share a shot here. just like in the mirror room they are paired up again. they’ve actually been paired up quite a lot
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they also shared walkie-talkies during Say My Name, which means that to some dregree, they are or used to be in the same side
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next person sitting alone in the blue chairs is Mingi, seems like this place is only reserved for the rappers, even though there is another conexion in this MV regarding Mingi and Hongjoong that will be explored forward into the video
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all the members are exposed to the “light” that Wooyoung was so mesmerized by before, however some of them don’t seem very fond of it
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Yunho is staring right at us
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while San and Seonghwa refuse to even raise their heads to look at it
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now Yeosang does his signature “I am special” move: he walks backwards, which he will do again later, going against the members while his eyes stay focused on the light. this is not the first time light and Yeosang go together. in a scene that didn’t make it into ANSWER, Yeosang is blinded by a light of unknown origin
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now the members that were about to venture into the “desert” (remember this is just my theory) turn around to look at what we can suppose based on continuity is the light
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except Seonghwa
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during Jongho’s part, he’s shown controlling San. this is not the first time San is being manipulated like a puppet, as he’s used the same way by Seonghwa during WONDERLAND. this also isn’t the last time Jongho controls the other members in this video
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now the white ATEEZ stuck in the dark room are walking away before stopping again to look at us, a little further away this time
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as the second chorus hits, the choreography gets more agitated, and there is a single shot in black and white, which didn’t happen since Pirate King
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the members once again are shown exploring the colorful room. here we are shown Hongjoong and San going in different directions. later on, they are shown in the same situation, but inversed, which leads me to believe they are not in the same side.
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now this shot is interesting because most people don’t pay attention to it, since it lasts so little and is a little confusing to look at? this is ATEEZ standing at the small portal San was sitting at the edge of before, remember? but Jongho doesn’t seem happy about it, facing the other way
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and it’s in this moment when he walks away from the rest of the members, before they force him to get back to them
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now we have those shots of Yeosang standing alone, and this is where my “desert” theory came to be
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do these seem fmailiar?
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“the desert, with nothing, we started there” - ANSWER
I’ll save this for another post, because I want to give Yeongsan one of his own, so let’s move on
next we have an interesting shot of all the members in a state of... reflection? but as it’s common practice by now, some of them seem distracted
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once again, Seonghwa looks right at us, while San and Yunho share a moment
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Seonghwa is shown by himself dangerously close to the portal. he’s the member who is shown by himself the most in this video
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once again, Mingi and Honghoong, not only looking at camera but going against the other members
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moving on, San is seen controlling the members just as they are about to follow him, making them turn around. this isn’t the first time San has been seen contorlling the members, he did it during Say My Name as well
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and now as San and Seonghwa finish the song, we are shown shots of both Mingi and Hongjoong, yet again, only these two, in black and white. as I said, this hadn’t happened since Pirate King
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now it’s the point of the choreo in which Jongho once again walks away from ATEEZ, going backwards as they go forward, before they abruptly stop
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now ATEEZ continues towards the dark room. I don’t know if this represents them making their choice or not
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and for the first time, the colors change
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we are shown ATEEZ in the mirror room still sleeping, before they disappear form the dark room after the light finally dies
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I really can’t make more than these observations. I do believe this si tied to “White ATEEZ” and their connection to UTOPIA
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I believe ATEEZ chooses to go back to the dessert, because truly reaching utopia is bleack and feels empty, like the room with the flickering light.
 it’s hard to pick who is in what side. Wooyoung and Seonghw change sides, as well as Seonghwa and Yunho do through the entirety of the story. so do Yeosang and San. as ATEEZ said, with only this information we can’t understand the whole story, so I’ll leave it here
if anyone is interested in knowing more feel free to hmu!
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corymulpepper · 4 years
Cory Mulpepper Intro
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★ BIRTH DATE / 13 August, 1960  ★ BLOOD STATUS / Half-blood ★ PRONOUNS & IDENTITY / she/her; cis female ★ FACECLAIM / Sophie Simnett
★ PRIMARY SCHOOL / Cork Wizarding School, class of 1978 ★ ACADEMIC PURSUITS / Natural sciences degree, Potions cohort ★ HOUSE & YEAR / Hufflepuff, second year
★ It had been established in 1106 and not much had changed in ways of Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary except for its staff throughout the years. It stayed within the family and eventually reached the hands of Nikolas Mulpepper, an English botanist and potioneer, in the year of 1949. Outraged by the fellow apothecaries that littered the wizarding world, Nikolas condemned them all for their greed and their use of harmful practices. Since then, Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary has been the most affordable apothecary to shop, with constant deals on cleaning solutions and performative draughts. And it’s no secret Nikolas is one to barter if a patron cannot afford the remedies they so dearly need. The shop has almost gone bankrupt multiple times and while Nikolas may pay the ultimate price by having to shut down his family’s century old shop, he would never go back on his ways. He’s always been loyal to the customer and have taught his two daughters the very same. It should come as no surprise that they’ve made a formal announcement -- that they do not approve of Selwyn’s squib vaccine.
★ Lydia, Nikolas’ wife, was born a squib. It positively broke his heart when the love of his life was unable to see her twin daughters start showing signs of magic themselves. But as Lydia had had a difficult upbringing because of her status in the wizarding world, Nikolas was just happy she’d finally found her peace. He told nothing but wonderful tales of his beautiful wife as bedtime stories to their daughters, who looked more and more like Lydia as the days passed by.
★ Born only minutes apart, it was safe to say the girls were inseparable from day one. This never, not once, got in the way of their individuality. Where one was brushing their teeth, the other one was using her toothbrush on the family dog’s teeth. Where one was doing arts and crafts, the other was using their scissors to give herself a new haircut. Two different sides of the same coin, essentially. They really became individuals upon attending Cork Wizardy College. They still shared a room, which wasn’t so different, until they began meeting friends of their own and attending different social gatherings. One would go to group palm readings, while the other went for live music shows. Even as time passed and distance began leaving its toll, the girls would still get together once a week with their favorite sweets and catch up on what boys or girls they were kissing.
★ Cory, the loud mouth she could be, was not placed into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts. But her quieter sister, Colleen, was, while she was sorted into Hufflepuff. Cory carried a chip on her shoulder about that one for a long time coming, wanting to be sorted where their father had gone. Where she’d idolized half her life. But no, Colleen got in where Cory hadn’t. Their weekly meetings were soon diminished, Cory saying she was too busy with the workload to catch up on any gossip. The most they spoke now were holidays back at home, where they put on a show for their father. To be perfectly clear, this wasn’t something Colleen had ever wanted, but for most of her life just like in birth, she followed Cory, Cory’s wants, Cory’s needs. They came first.
★ Cory usually spends her time half-assing a dozen things; painting, riding her skateboard, her school work in potions. But when it came to quidditch, she put in 110%. But as much as she put into the game, Cory rarely saw positive results coming back. In Primary, she’d gotten ejected from two games in row, which ultimately got her kicked off the team. She’d been too aggressive (and broken more bones than anyone) and needed to turn a new leaf, but when she had, upon joining Hufflepuff’s team, her efforts once again went unnoticed. This time she was denied from a summer quidditch camp. It seemed no matter what route she rode, she never chose the right one at the right time. It didn’t help that she was playing with and against peers that simply outshined her on the field. Dawn Withey was going to be the talk of Hogwarts when she landed herself on a fancy, popular, professional quidditch team, while Cory just barely scratched the surface. Her cynicism didn’t stop her from trying, though. With her third year coming up and a possible captainship, more is on the line than ever.
★ Thankfully, growing up, the girls never had to rely on looking for summer jobs. Their pops let them open and close the store on weekends for extra money. Cory was sure she could’ve gotten extra school credit towards her potions work for working in an apothecary. She’d have to pull that card if her grades ever dropped, she decided. One afternoon, the shop was buzzing with Christmas crowds, and the next second everybody was fleeing the scene. The Menagerie next door had apparently caught fire, smoke now billowing over into Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary. Now, Cory couldn’t see much of what was happening once smoke grew thicker, but she knew a man had entered the shop. The man turned his wand on Cory, throwing Cory aside and knocking her right out until black was all she saw. When she awoke, alone in the shop, she knew that he had escaped with something in the commotion of it all. Cory had planned on going through inventory herself, but an item as rare as this, Mr. Mulpepper knew it was gone the second he returned to his shop. He immediately owled the DMLE. Cory’s yet to come forward with her statement of that afternoon, hardly believing anything truly happened as it all happened so quickly. The nightmares about it haven’t stopped.
✓ challenging; individualistic; responsive  ✗ critical; self-conscious; reactive
extra shit
cory is on hufflepuff’s quidditch team, as a seeker! this is the one thing she never slacks off with and is always on time for. and im sure gives people a hard time if they’re not picking up the slack dlsfjasjf and it’s like SHUT UP CORY, YOU’RE NOT THE CAPTAIN. so any hufflepuff team connects hmu.
has a twiiin name colleen. cory is the “older” one. colleen’s gonna be an open bio if anyone has an itch 2 get silly wit me 
is Dramatic af
is not totally full of hufflepuff pride and maybe gets points taken away every so often? oops. 19 years old and still actin’ up.
her about page is here 
listens to a LOT of music. a lot of underground bands that people havent heard of allll the waaay to the huge names like rolling stones and the who. she’s never been to an actual, huge concert venue with a big band headlining. she’s only seen smaller shows here and there. despite that, doesnt own a whole lot of vinyl. cuz she really prefers the live experience better.
she would love a skateboard riding buddy for when the weather’s nicer!! and she paints only landscapes and oceans cuz she sucks at pretty much everything besides that. and always knows where the best party is happening. probably cant wait to have a low street house next year to throw her own parties.
opinionated for the fact that she just loves to hear herself talking
hmu for any relationships!! friendships, she is prone to enemies with her big mouth, she is bisexual AF so anything there, just anythaaaang <3
hmu for threads! it’s kinda a busy time so i get that <3 if not let’s plan stuff for when they get back to school :’ ) ty xoxo
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meat-husband · 5 years
How about Bubba titty-fuckin' his s/o? And while we're at it, how about some intercrural sex with that big Texan beefcake as well, please? I just think non-penetrative sex is hawt (as is your writing!) ^_~
Yessss I didn’t realize there was a fancy name for thigh fucking thank you lol. This shit is my jam!! I just went with thigh stuff because it was already getting out of hand, but if you want the titties too then hmu and I’ll do a separate one for that!
There is also going to be a part two, I’m going to fill another ask with the second half c;
It was only mid morning and you were already sweating, the dusty house building up heat like an oven. No else seemed too bothered by it, and Drayton had stubbornly insisted that the rattling ceiling fans weren’t needed despite your protests, so you had been left to suffer. Even though you hadn’t left the shade of the house, you had still managed to sweat through your clothes, pulling at the sticky fabric to keep it off of your skin. Once you heard the rumbling of the old truck leaving the house, you were turning those damn fans on no matter what anyone said.
But it was worse outside, in the hot sun where you knew Bubba was working, pinning up a new fence to keep the chickens in and coyotes out. He didn’t complain about the heat, or anything really, but you knew it had to be unbearable out there. There was no shade away from the shadow of the barn, and the rough work done under the sun was going to tire him out quickly. He was used to it, you knew, and had certainly gone his entire life without you around to worry and still done just fine, but you slipped on your shoes and headed out into the heat anyways. With a heavy pitcher of freshly made tea cradled in your arms, you picked your way across the hard, dead grass, following the noise until you came around the side of the house. A small group of hens scratching in the dirt next to the barn let you know you had found the right place - they had the whole yard to roam in, but they gravitated to Bubba, trotting after him like ducklings.
Coming around the side, you could see the damaged fencing, a big piece of chicken wire torn down from a splintering post. It wasn’t hard to spot Bubba either, but when you did an unexpected warmth flooded you. You stop in place, standing in the baking sun and getting warmer by the second, although this time you couldn’t place the blame on the weather.
Bubba was on his knees, bent forward to nail the wire onto the bottom of the wooden posts, hens clucking loudly around him. Sweat clung to him, trailing in thick lines down his back and sides, shirt abandoned in a dusty pile a few feet away. Although his arms were tanned, the pale skin of his shoulders and back were tinted pink, his own dark curls sticking out between the mask’s messy laces. Your eyes followed the plump curve of his belly as he turned, sitting up to grab another nail, thinking with a flushed face about how good it would feel to have that weight on top of you, pushing you down and into the dirt -
You clear your throat, stepping forward with a red face and clumsy feet, sloshing liquid over the rim and onto the grass. It was too hot and too early to be getting so excited already, and you knew there were plenty of chores waiting inside to take your mind off of it. Besides, Drayton was still home and you would rather not be caught red handed.
Bubba looks up as you approach, getting up with a delighted squeal to press a sweaty kiss to your hot cheek. You know your face is red, but hopefully he doesn’t think too much of it, because you can’t stop yourself from grabbing a handful of his side once he’s close enough. The flesh is slick and hot under your hand, and you know it’s not doing anything to calm you, but you dig your fingers in anyways. He smiles, putting an arm around you as well to bring you into a half hug, the full pitcher in your arms keeping him from embracing you fully.
Fumbling a little, you offer the plastic pitcher, pleased to see that you didn’t spill too much of it in your clumsiness.
“Thought you could use a break. Drayton just made it and I know how hot it is out here,” He reaches for it, but you pull it away at the last second, looking at him with a grin. “Let’s go sit in the barn for a bit.”
Bubba pauses for a moment, looking back at the still half mended fence, then back at you. He lets out a quiet mumble, questioning.
“It’ll only be a second, just to get out of the sun.”
You step away, heading towards the barn and knowing that he’ll follow. This is also something you shouldn’t be doing, but you tell yourself that a quick sit down in the shade won’t hurt.
The inside of the old building is only marginally cooler than outside, thick dust gathered around the edges of the room where piles of old junk lay, untouched for years. Most of the big equipment in here hasn’t been used for a long time, but there is a sturdy work table and an assortment of tools to one side, which you have seen each of the brothers use from time to time. It was a waste of space, in your opinion, but the Sawyers weren’t the kind of family that ever threw anything away.
“We should have a picnic once it cools down,” you say, settling in the tall stool by the table. “If it ever does.”
Bubba nods in agreement, eagerly taking the pitcher from you and popping open the plastic lid. The tea is half gone in the first two gulps, and he only stops then to offer you some.
“It’s for you,” you insist with a smile. “I’ll make more once I’m back in the house.”
You watch with eager eyes as he downs the rest of the tea, sweat rolling down his neck and chest, head thrown back. The mask he uses for working is thin and worn, sticking to his wet skin, throat bobbing heavily as he drinks. With a glance towards the doors, you wonder just how likely it is that Drayton will come out here looking for you before he leaves.
Another kiss lands on your forehead, soft words of thanks murmured into your hair. You can’t resist reaching out for him again, hooking a finger into one of the belt loops at his waist and tugging lightly. Your hands twitch, wanting to pull at the button instead, but you keep them still, tilting your head up to accept the next thankful kiss on your lips.
“Why don’t you sit down for a second, Bubba?” You suggest, sliding down from the stool. “You’ve been working all morning.”
You have to nearly push him to take the seat, ignoring his confused protests, patting his leg as he finally sits. Leaving your hand on his thigh, you give him a reassuring smile, standing on tiptoe to quickly peck him on the lips. Your smile widens as your hand slides up, squeezing at the meat of his thigh and drawing out a loud squeal, stopping just short of the hardening mound between his legs.
“You gotta be quiet,” you say lowly, massaging your fingers into his leg. “Don’t want no one to hear you.”
Eyes wide, Bubba nods quickly, hands gripping the sides of his seat with white knuckles. Despite your warning, the noises don’t die down much, even though you haven’t even done anything more than feel him up a little bit. The rumble of the truck leaving the house hasn’t sounded yet, but you’re willing to bet a potentially embarrassing interruption that no one will come snooping out here.
“Help me up,” you ask, holding your hands up towards his shoulders. He grabs at you eagerly, pulling you up into his lap and sitting you over one thick leg, leaning down immediately to press sloppy kisses to your mouth. You giggle against his lips, a hand on the back of your head bringing you in closer, the other grabbing handfuls of your skirt to hike it up to your waist. You help to pull your clothes out of the way, lifting your hips to slide the fabric out from under you, but he struggles against your attempts to pull away when you try to leave his mouth. A hungry whine leaves him, face nuzzling into the side of your neck when you finally break away from the kiss, licking the salt from your skin with a wet tongue.
The heat between your bodies only makes you warmer, sweat slicking your skin, but the damp spot between your legs has nothing to do with the heat. You go to pull at the waistband of your panties, eager to get the soaking fabric off, but Bubba stops you. He redirects your hand instead to his own waist, moaning and begging for you to undo the straining buttons. You pull at them lightly, bringing your other hand over to palm him through the rough fabric, but you don’t tease him for long, his desperate noises making you just as eager as he is to bring your flesh together.
You gasp when you feel the hot press of his cock against the side of your thigh and hands, matching his own groan of relief. With hurried hands you move to get rid of your panties, desperate now to have your cunt uncovered, but you’re stopped again, big hands turning you in his lap until your back is against his chest. Sweat soaks through the flimsy material on your back instantly, his wet chest pressed against you and arms around your middle keeping you there. Bubba makes no move to press his cock between your legs or help you finally disrobe, only pulling you back to sit more fully in his lap. You hold yourself steady by bracing your hands on his knees, legs pressed together and the almost uncomfortable bulge of him digging into your ass. Bubba huffs and groans behind you, arms around your waist to hold you down, huffing hot breath against your neck as he moves you in his lap, rocking back and forth.
“Bubba, please!” You whine, trying to get around the mass of his arms to remove the last bit of fabric covering you. He lifts you, tilting your whole body to the side with one arm, the other hand sliding under your ass to hook a finger around the crotch of your panties, and you let out a preemptive groan of satisfaction, anticipating the hot stretch of him entering you.
The groan turns to a half shriek of surprise, his cock sliding through your wet folds instead of into them, nudging forward until the dark pink head pops out from between your thighs, nestled into the groove of your cunt. As he presses up his cockhead strains against the front of your panties and tents them out, away from your hips. You squirm in his lap, feeling him draw back slightly and the flared head bumping against your clit when he thrusts against you. There is a thrum of panic alongside the pleasure that twists in your stomach, a needy feeling that isn’t quite satisfied by the light friction you’re getting now. You have to fight against his hold, wiggling until your hips are angled down enough that the length of his cock is dragged over your hard nub with every thrust, but it’s worth the heavy, full feeling that starts to build in your abdomen.
Bubba kisses at your neck, mouth worrying at your skin with pointed teeth, half screaming into your ear with each hard push against you. The stool creaked ominously under you both as he bucked his hips, but neither of you even think of stopping. You watch with a parted mouth and eager eyes each time he pushes through the meat of your thighs, leaking precum and spreading your own wetness between your legs, until the push and pull is almost effortless, slick and hot.
“Does that feel good, Bubba?” You pant, knowing that it must, judging by the way his cock twitches and drools, a wet mess sliding down your legs and staining your panties further. He gives you a muffled stream of nonsense in response, arms lifting and bouncing you in his lap to meet his frantic rutting from below. It felt strange almost, to have the heavy weight of him slamming into you, skin meeting with loud slaps, but your cunt clenched around nothing.
The hard pressure against your clit was good, but you tense your thighs, tightening around him in an effort to make it better. You cross your ankles, flexing the muscles in your legs, making a smaller space for him to try and fuck up into. Bubba squeals behind you, snorting and gasping, spit and sweat trailing down your neck and back. He kisses and licks at your neck, throwing himself wildly into you, and you feel the first throbbing pulses that signal his release, flesh twitching against your own.
“Go on, Bubba,” you moan, bringing a hand down to rub your thumb over the slit in his pink head through your own panties. “You’ve been a good boy, go on.”
His thrusting stops, the muscles under you trembling as he holds himself up, whole body still and rigid. You jolt when the first hot pulse of cum leaves him, a sticky mess trailing down to pool at the apex of your thighs. His arms around you are suffocating, holding you too tight, but you don’t scold him. Squeals and howling cries echo from behind you and a brief feeling of jealousy hits you. Your own unfulfilled sex throbs against him, displeased with the sudden lack of friction and pressure, but you wait it out, letting him spill as much as he wants over your thighs and cunt.
Bubba slowly goes limp, arms loosening and head dipping down to rest on your shoulder. His breathing is heavy, warm huffs and pants against your skin, and you want to let him rest, but you’re too impatient.
“Bubba,” you cry out, wiggling in his lap and stroking your thighs over his softening dick. “It’s my turn now.”
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ingenves · 5 years
     ok its ya girl back at it, same deal ! if u wanna plot just HMU or LIKE THIS and i’ll come to you ! wes is my father & u can peep his pinterest board HERE !
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     ⌈ chris pine, cismale, he/him ⌋ hey, is it WESLEY BIGELOW that you’re looking for? you know, the THIRTY-SIX year old CARPENTER. typically i see them hanging around GRISTOL DOCKS so you could try there! i hear they’ve been in living in PRINCETOWN for THIRTY-SIX YEARS. gristol wouldn’t be the same without them, right? anyway, whenever i see them they make me think of waking up before dawn, an old rowboat sitting in still water & a kitchen full of fresh produce.
tw: car accident & illness 
this mans has lived in town his entire life!!! his parents, william and rose bigelow owned a historic farm . willy & rose were high school sweethearts, a shotgun wedding joining them together after rose ended up pregnant with their first child at the age of 19. while rose’s parents were furious with their daughter for being so reckless, william’s father was more than happy to offer them a place to stay and lend a hand taking care of the baby that would soon be on the way.
despite the circumstances, wes was never treated as an accident or a mistake. he grew up in his grandpa’s farmhouse with a loving family. the bigelow family followed some pretty traditional gender roles. wes’ dad and his grandpa would wake at the crack of dawn and work out in the field until sunset while his mother hung around the house to take care of him, doing laundry, making dinner, taking him to the park, everything.
from a young age he was encouraged to help out on the farm but being the mama’s boy he was, he was far more eager to help his mom out with the cooking and the laundry. he was close with his grandfather as well, the two always working on little projects together like building a tree house, birdhouses, his own bee house………………….a lot of houses
but wes was never rly close with his father. william wasn’t much of an emotional or talkative guy, usually just sitting there in stern silence and working the day away. a bit of a scary guy despite not ever doing anything scary?? he’s just an ominous guy that doesn’t rly seem impressed by anything so wes never rly knew where he stood u know.
the one time wes ever really felt close to his father was when they would take little weekend fishing trips together, even though they didn’t really speak. just the fact that william took his time to teach wes how to do everything and didn’t get mad or frustrated when he lost a lure or let a fish go by accident was enough to like…..send the message. that was his way of showing his love u know.
the second bigelow child was welcomed when wes was a kid and while at first he was jealous that his new baby sister was getting all the attention, having a baby around the house was kind of fun. she’d make funny faces and funny noises and he grew to love her pretty quickly. he used to always say that his baby sister was the best thing that happened to him. when she got older, he taught her how to make mud pies and how to play pranks on grandpa who was a rly good sport, all things considered.
car accident & death tw !! the winter of ‘94 would prove to be the worst winter of wes’ entire life. on the way back home to pick up a christmas tree from a nearby farm, the family’s old pick up hit a patch of black ice and ended up flipped into a ditch. it was a bad wreck. luckily his grandpa and sister were safe at home during the time of the crash, but wes and his parents weren’t so lucky, his mother being the unluckiest of the bunch. they were stranded in the middle of the road for two hours before anyone showed up for help and by the time they arrived, it was too late for rose, who got the worst of the injuries. doa at the hospital while wes and his dad walked away with mostly minor injuries. that year, there was no christmas tree and no presents. christmas dinner was replaced with takeout and no one said a word.
illness & death tw !! not long after rose passed away, grandpa bigelow got some bad news. lung cancer that no one really saw coming. just a few months after the diagnosis they were having another funeral for another member of the bigelow clan.
it was a tough year, but they got through it. wes did his job to step up and do all the things his dad couldn’t do; all the things his mother taught him. he expected all of it to make his dad more closed off but it had the reverse effect and for the first time in his entire life, wes and his father had heart to heart conversations.
jump forward to high school and things finally felt like they were back to normal. william wasn’t dating yet but he wasn’t being all that anti-social, either.
wes discovered quickly he was the kind of person that other people liked and he was quite popular??? he made good grades, played football, dating the coolest girl in school (in his own opinion ofc), everything kind of fell into place for him in high school
and then after high school he…………didn’t rly know what to do asdj;fdksgfkdlj he never went to college and decided work around town doing odd jobs and saving some money so he could go off and travel and live his life as a young person craving adventure.
he was gone for abt a year or so before coming back home & he’s just been here ever since, doin his thing
started working with a family friend in his shop, doing what he loved and building things n working with his hands u know and hasn’t stopped doing what he loves ever since
he owns his own shop now & builds custom furniture 
the….personality section has Arrived
he’s quite the Charming guy but he talks WAY too much
definitely the kind of guy who will just…..talk about himself non-stop without even realizing it ?? he needs to get his Ego in check even after all these years smh
buT he’s very good at making conversation and is rly a friendly guy!!!! will talk and joke with anyone just because……why not ?? it makes his day when ppl talk to him so he will talk to u even if u dont feel the same way
highkey the kind of person to start up a random conversation w a stranger in the grocery story just because
lowkey uncomfortable with feelings and still isn’t super great at expressing emotions and his thoughts but ya boi is trying his best
but he’s rly good at picking up on signals. he can’t express his own emotions but he’s like….pretty in tune with other ppl
a very platonically affectionate guy. loves hugging his buddies and telling them how much he loves & appreciates them
and now for the lil extra tidbits
he’s got two dogs. a german shepherd named mulder & a pomeranian named scully sfddgfhgfg and he strategically uses his dogs to flirt w ladies when they’re out on a walk LMAO
he’s got a 6 year old daughter named aspen with a woman he is no longer dating ( im prob gna put this as a wc on the main so if u want this....hmu???? ) but they are still v close and spend a lot of time together & he loves aspen more than anything :’)
he’s very much a Dad. dad jokes all the time. endless shitty puns for everyonE
the man loves a turtleneck. he can’t keep his hands off a good ass sweater u know ??
he loves to cook and is v good at it, since he’s been cooking his entire life. he is the self-proclaimed kind of bbq and honestly???? he’s always throwing lil bbq parties & they are a hit :/  u know he be winning contests w his grilling bro
obviously.........a handyman. the house he lives in now, he built himself after tearing down the old on.  he built himself a nice big deck and everything so he can have a nice place to host bbqs and everyone will come compliment him on hard work and enjoy his fantastic recipes
he runs his own business building & selling furniture!!!! need a shelf installed??? give him a call. dog chewed up ur table leg??? give him a call. house burned down???? give him a call he’ll build u a new one.
what’s better than this ??????????? guys bein dudes
he rly likes going to the movies. lowkey loves disney but pretends he only cares bc his daughter likes it but……….u know he knows the words to every song
tragically heterosexual ://///////
he loves strong coffee & he loves beer & occasionally he loves a good book & a nice game of chess
did i mention he is such a dad bc………..he is such a dad
someone hold his rough sandpaper ass hands
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freckledskittles · 6 years
104th SSBU Mains
In the midst of playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate and the trailer for the second half of SNK’s third season, this heap of crap came out of nowhere and now it’s the only thing I can think about
I don’t know a lot about some of these series so please excuse me for any mistakes or inaccuracies!
Eren: Roy. He got into Fire Emblem when he first played SSB:Melee, and he fell in love with that red-haired boy. When he plays Ultimate, Eren is less likely to stick to one character (his argument is that “everyone is good and I love all of them DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE”), but when he has to, he knows his boy Roy is there for him. Alternatives are Ryu, Mega Man, and Zelda, which, in his mind, if you’re going to play anyone, they’re the best options.
Fun fact: half of the reason he plays Ryu is to bug Armin to be Ken since “they’re best friends and we’re best friends and you look like Ken.” Same for Simon and Richter.
Mikasa: Young Link. LOZ is her favorite video game series by far (Majora’s Mask is her favorite hmu about Mikasa headcanons I love her) and when she heard he was coming back to Smash, she was sold on him before the game was out. She likes any Link, but Young Link has a charm and holds a lot of nostalgia for her. And she likes how he's the only one of the Link trio to have fire arrows. Alternatives are Yoshi (somewhat for the IRS meme but mostly for her fave green dinosaur), Mewtwo for the Pokemon representation, and Samus. Nothing beats an “I’m strong” catchphrase than the first female video game protag.
Armin: Mega Man. Of the video game series he’s gotten into, Legend of Zelda and Mega Man are the ones he’s most loyal too. For Ultimate, he’s more into the mini easter eggs that Mega Man’s moves give to other characters in the franchise than winning the game, and will probably play the single player modes the most, but he doesn’t mind fighting his friends. Alternatives include Pit, Pikachu and Falco; he doesn’t know much about Falco or Pit, except what he’s heard from everyone else, but it’s better than giving into Eren’s whim to play as Simon or Ken.
Jean: Ike. He grew up on that good old GameCube system, so of course he’d go to Ike, whose first game was for GC. He won’t admit it out loud, because he’s a Cool Guy™, but RPGs are near and dear to this boy’s heart. And what better way to share that love than with a blue-haired boy with a big ass sword? Also, he’s pretty good at Smash? So whatever smack talk he has is actually backed by some type of skill and experience. Alternative mains are Zelda, Young Link, and Pichu, all which took a very deep study of each character to develop. It was a serious decision.
Marco: Link. Like Armin, he has limited experience in videogame knowledge, and he’s just here to play with some characters and sass his friends. Link is the one he knows best, and the BOTW design is really pleasing to him. He’s really not here to win or show off how good he is cough cough Erejean. He just wants to have fun! And will do so in ways that make everyone regret handing him the controller, but he doesn’t know that. (Ridley just came out how the hell has he already mastered him?) Alternatives are Ness for the baseball references, Kirby for the deceit, and Marth for a cute blue-haired boy.
Fun fact: it’s a running joke among the 104th nerds that Ness’s design was inspired by Marco, and just to play into the joke, Marco has learned how to imitate Ness’s voice perfectly. For shits and giggles, he’ll spam the “okay” taunt if he’s doing better.
Sasha: Kirby. A classic, in her opinion, and the most versatile character since he can get the move of any player he inhales. There’s nothing more terrifying than a smiling pink glob hitting you with a hammer and nothing will change her mind. She put in so many hours to Kirby’s GBA and DS games when she was a kid that she can’t not play as him. Alternatives are Toon Link and Luigi for the GameCube nods, and Daisy. She makes up for losses by whispering “hi I’m Daisy” under her breath. It has a 95% chance of making them laugh.
Fun fact: the 104th buds have enforced a ban on Sasha’s Luigi when they’re playing together. He is too strong for mortal minds to comprehend.
Connie: Diddy Kong. The peanut gun really sold it for him, and he loves that Donkey Kong being the big goof that he is has a tiny sidekick like Diddy. He’s not here to win or compete seriously—he just wants to have fun. And that fun requires shooting peanuts and slapping opponents with his tail, but he’s not keeping track. Alternatives are Snake for laughs, Villager for the Look Of Death from that one skin (you know which one), and Peach. If he and Sasha are on a team, it’s a nightmare of hip bumps and golf clubs. If they’re facing off, No One Is Safe.
Reiner: Samus. As a kid, his mom wanted him to get into video games that were “safe for the kids” and so there was a bit of a limit to what he could play. But Metroid was something she okayed, and the series now has a special place in his heart. Samus is amazing to him? A bounty hunter in space who fights a giant dinosaur and is also a woman? He’s proud of that. Alternatives include Donkey Kong (more to play with Connie than anything else, really), Mario, and Olimar. Pikmin was another series he was able to play; if he had to choose, the white Pikmin are his favorite.
Bertholdt: Olimar. Sorta like Reiner, his video game knowledge is limited, but more by choice than anything. His knowledge stems from friends and his brothers playing DS games. (Their favorite is Spirit Tracks hmu about Bert headcanons I love him.) He chose Olimar, who he recognizes thanks to Reiner, but also because he looks like he is waaay out of his element. Which is how Bert feels 98% of the time. Alternatives are Marth, Shulk, and Pit; he didn’t choose them until he played at least some of their main games. (Which he did end up doing and enjoyed them all.)
Annie: Incineroar. She’s a Pokemon girl when no one’s watching, and that asshole cat pulling a clothesline on stage is exactly why she’s playing the game. She didn’t choose Litten when she played Sun/Moon (Rowlet is her dear round boy), but by god if she’s not going to take her chance. She was skeptical of Incineroar at his release but once she played him, she was a fan. The stone-like facade she wears playing him doesn’t help either—it’s win or death. Alternatives are King K. Rool, Zelda, and Ridley. She makes heavy characters look easy and the 104th does not appreciate it.
Ymir: Little Mac. A 5′7″ boxer from the Bronx is squaring up to fight a fire-breathing dragon, an anthropomorphic hedgehog, and a pink blob that wants to put her to sleep. It doesn’t matter—he’s here to beat everyone up and he won’t stop until he wins. She may be biased (modern au headcanon that she’s from the Bronx what up) which some will allege is her reason for picking Little Mac, but that’s just slander to her. Alternatives include Mega Man (after so many years of not having that iconic blue boy), Chrom (“that’s an ugly ass tattoo put some sleeves on”), and Sheik.
Fun fact: it takes every bit of her lesbian heart to not choose the girls because the 104th knows her attraction to long blonde hair and is waiting for her to do it. And sometimes, you need Peach to shut them up.
Historia: Marth. He’s a royal blue boy! Look at how pretty! Soft headcanon that Historia likes fighting games and RPGs because hello punching bad guys and using sword to battle evil? Yes please she wants that. She’ll distract everyone with praises of her character and “how beautiful” they are while attacking the 104th with every chance she gets. She’s here to win, and when she will, she just smiles and says “don’t worry we’re all winners.” But everyone knows who the One True Winner is. Alternatives are Ryu, Zero Suit Samus, and Pichu. When she chooses Pichu, the 104th buds know the game is over.
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deputy-sarah-sux · 5 years
can i be a psycho and your worst nightmare by asking ALL the writers asks?
You are a demon omg. I love it though this was so much fun to do.Since you didn’t specify fic specifically for some of these questions I’m just gonna write about The Devil Has Come for all of the “in xxx fic” asks.
Answers are below since this is such a long ask :):):)
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction? 12/13 it was between 7th and 8th grade and it was all anime fanfiction
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?Far Cry 5, RDR2, Assassin’s Creed, DC, Marvel, Fallout, Skyrim, Preacher. Far Cry 5 is definitely my favorite to write for though
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.Personally, I prefer OC’s, with OC’s I can build their character, give them a personality and growth. I like shaping the character as the world changes based on their actions
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?Action or romance unless I totally misread that question
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi-chaptered stories, which would it be and why?The Devil Has Come!!! It was my first in the Far Cry fandom and it’s my baby. I love all the characters and the world that I’m building. It’s got action, romance, some twists, it’s exciting
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?If we’re talking things that I’m currently writing and enjoy writing then I guess Bridges only because it’s the same characters as TDHC just in an AU form so I’d survive without it.
7) When is your preferred time to write?Night, 10pm on basically.
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?Everywhere really? TV shows, movies, video games, other fics
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?So far my favorite scene that I wrote in TDHC that has been published was either the confrontation with Rook in Chapter 11 or Jacob finding Sarah in the hotel in Chapter 8. They were both really fun to write.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternate ending in mind?Well it hasn’t been ended yet, but there were two possible endings that I was originally considering. I’m not saying much more other than the ending that I went with is gonna hurt me when I eventually get to it.
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?Not after posting but I have amended stories due to criticisms. If I’m a bit worried about a particular scene I’ll share the doc with my best lady @farcryfuckmeup and get her opinion. She usually points out things that aren’t great and I go from there. She’s the closet thing to a beta reader that I have.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?Sarah!!! She’s my best girl and I love her personality and attitude. In terms of canon characters though I’ve been writing some stuff from Arthur Morgan’s pov and that’s been really fun too. I really love playing around with his sense of self and morality.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?I don’t have one yet? We’ll see how the future plays out there. It might be Ethan Seed but I’ve never written stuff for him so I’m not 100% sure.
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.Almost every fic name is from a song. The Devil Has Come is from Blues Saraceno’s “The River”, Icarus is from Bastille’s “Icarus”, and I’m not sure where Bridges is from but I’m 90% sure it was a song. The series that TDHC and it’s connected stories are a part of is called Bottom of the River from Delta Rae’s “Bottom of the River”.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?I use name generators for modern characters or look up names with a specific meaning. If the character is from the past (ie cowboy times or pirate times) I look up names popular in that century. Sarah’s name I got by looking up popular names with religious meanings and Sarah was on the list.
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?I came up with the idea for TDHC by playing co-op with @farcryfuckmeup. It was originally supposed to be a crackfic based on the dumbshit we did in-game. Then in my desperation to pretend that the game didn’t end the way it ends I started coming up with ways it could have gone differently and thus my fic was born.
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.I have so many wips! I’ll do a few because I’m in a sharing mood.Fallout 4 WIP: “‘You don’t even use power armor, why did you steal so many?’”RDR2 WIP: “Valentine was a crap town with crap people and even crappier whiskey. It was tiny and smelled like mud and horse shit and something else that she was pretty sure was vomit.”Another RDR2 WIP: “Trouble was the bastard was clingy apparently as he was hot on Arthur’s heel.”
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?Yes, a few. I got bored or I decided to focus on other things. I do intend to one day finish them but who knows
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?The Devil Has Come!!! I can’t wait to write a sequel and I haven’t even finished the current fic.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?Sometimes I wish I’d written a follow up to my judge fic Joseph and his Judge. I’m not totally sure if I like how it ended.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?@farcryfuckmeup first and foremost, she’s amazing. I also love gwennolmarie and OutlandishWhalesharks on Archive of Our Own.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?My anime fics from middle school. It’s still posted and I won’t tell you what it’s called but every time I remember it a little part of me dies.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?Music mostly but it sometimes depends on the scene. For certain scenes I need silence but for the most part it’s music music music. I have playlists for all sorts of scene types.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?I love it, idk if I’m any good at it but I do like writing them.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?Yes, I’ve been writing some future parts of TDHC and I have cried a bit writing some of it.
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?The smut scene in Chapter 10 of TDHC, it was the first smut scene I’d ever published so I was really worried about that and kept rewriting it.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?Bit of both I guess. There is a vague outline in my head but only for like the big events, everything in between is go with the flow shit.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?It’s not going to be an instant hit. When I first started posting works back in the day I was always so upset when I’d check the next day and see only like 12 people had read it.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?Icarus :(   It’s only a baby fic and it’s in a mostly dead fandom but I love it.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?No, I love all the attention my fics get.
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)I’m gonna recommend one myself. Since this is a Far Cry blog I’ll recommend a Far Cry fic: come a little closer by lowtides on AO3Also here’s a Fallout 4 fic that isn’t finished but I absolutely love: RAIDERHEAD by TaraTargaryen
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?No real people no. Thomas is a combination of a few fictional characters though.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?I’ve gotten a few comments of analysis on chapters I’ve posted and honestly I love that so much. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing that someone not only read my fic but sat there and actually thought a lot about it.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?Like I said before I haven’t gotten a lot of criticism, but I guess the harshest for me was when I was discussing a character that I had really started to like and my friend (who I was ranting at about him) asked me to honestly think about what he brings to the table. Like is he actually necessary or just a throwaway character that won’t bring much to the story? I ended up scrapping him and putting a nameless character in his place to fill a few of his scenes.
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?I share them with one (1) person and that person is my irl best friend @farcryfuckmeup. Everyone else has to wait until I post stuff I don’t want to spoil any big surprises.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?It’s a chapter very far in the future for a fic I’m sure you can guess but I won’t outright say.“Against his better judgment, he reached out and grabbed the hysteric woman, tightening his grip against her struggling and pulling her into his lap. He wrapped her in a tight hug until she finally began to calm down, humming softly and running his fingers through blood-soaked hair.“
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?I haven’t written a lot of funny stuff. I mostly do angsty. But when I was in middle school a wrote a novel where I spent two paragraphs talking about my MC’s hair color and current outfit and I cackle every time I read it. 70 pages or pure cringe, it’s hilarious.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.@farcryfuckmeup hmu bitch!also you @onl-you
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?Third, every now and then I write in first but idk I just don’t like it much.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?My close friends do
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?Thomas Moore, he’s a lot of fun to write for.
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.I don’t actually have any song fics in the traditional sense. I do however have some fics inspired by songs. I listen to music almost constantly, sometimes a song comes on that gives my fic vibes and I add it to my prompt playlist.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?@/farcryfuckmeup has but I don’t try too hard to keep secrets when she’s around
44) What is the last line you wrote?“John rolled his eyes and finished unbuttoning his shirt.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?This is cliche probably but the readers. I don’t want to leave someone waiting around for the next update forever. I also want to see how things play out myself so my own desire to see the finished product also helps.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?Again, going with TDHC for this. I am writing a sequel currently (I know it’s not done). It’s going to focus on a different character but Sarah will make appearances. I’m also working on a standalone sequel for her but that won’t be posted until the first sequel fic is complete.
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made-up title. What would this story be about?I used a title generator: Hidden Midnight. It’s about a pair of idiots in love, one is a vampire so they can only meet at night and it’s very secretive. The human dies at the end.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?Forced partnerships. I love it when two characters are forced into a partnership. One of them can’t fucking stand the other but slowly grows to like/love them in secret. If the chill one is in danger the annoyed one freaks the fuck out and does everything they can to get to their partner and afterwards claims they couldn’t care less what happened.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?I don’t remember the name of it but I’m pretty sure it was a Supernatural fic. I think it was Destiel (don’t just middle school me) and a high school AU. I’m not 100% sure. It was either that or a Fairy Tail fic and I like to forget my anime days.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?Angst. I love fluff and smut but in the end, I always go back to angst. It’s so much fun and there are so many ways to do it.
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skeetvr · 6 years
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heyyy  all  !!  i’m  bee  n  i’m  here  with  this  babe  .,,  i’ve  never  played  rita  before  so  i’m  highkey  excited  but  also  b  patient  with  me  pls  while  i  figure  her  out  ??  she’s  a  tricky  one  to  figure  out  ok.
⋅ ◆ ⋆ —  ❛  KRISTINE FROSETH / SHE/HER  ❜   ╱   when  you  think  of  chamomile  tea  steeped  a  moment  too  long,  the  scratch  of  quill  against  parchment  &  a  bit  of  lace  unravelling  at  the  ends,  is  it  RITA  SKEETER  you  think  of  ?  because  i  sure  do,  i  also  know,  for  a  fact  that  this  year  is  rita’s  seventh  year  &  they  have  a  lot  on  their  plate,  like:  alchemy,  astronomy  &  the  school  paper.  boy,  aren’t  they  a  busy  little  SLYTHERIN.  i  sure  would  like  to  know  who  their  life  pans  out,  wouldn’t  you  ? 
rita  skeeter  was  born  to  a  fairly  respectable  pureblood  family  –  from  the  outside,  at  least.  from  the  inside,  they’d  certainly  had  their  fair  share  of  scandals,  but  what  pureblood  family  didn’t  ?  
her  mother  fell  pregnant  with  rita  when  she  was  only  sixteen  years  old,  unmarried,  and  in  her  sixth  year  at  hogwarts.  worse  –  rita’s  father  was  a  halfblood.  knowing  it’d  be  the  shame  of  the  family,  rita’s  grandparents  quickly  pulled  her  out  of  school,  telling  everyone  she’d  now  be  going  abroad  to  beauxbatons.  and  when  rita  was  born,  she  was  passed  off  as  the  second  daughter  of  the  couple  who  were,  in  truth,  her  grandparents,  and  the  sister  of  the  woman  who  was,  in  truth,  her  mother.
born  into  lies  &  deceit  as  she  was,  is  it  any  surprise  rita  learned  to  be  fascinated  by  the  secrets  of  the  world  surrounding  her  ?  she  was  always  a  curious  child,  always  opening  doors  marked  do  not  open  and  asking  questions  that  made  her  ‘ parents ’  quickly  shush  her  &  hurry  away.  she  read  voraciously,  devoured  anything  that  fell  in  her  lap,  from  fiction  to  newspapers  to  tabloids,  and  faithfully  kept  a  journal  of  her  life  in  looping  cursive.
when  rita  was  eight,  her  mother  ran  away  from  home  with  a  squib  wizard.  rita’s  grandparents  forbid  her  to  ever  contact  them  again,  and  told  everyone  that  she  had  died.  and  so  rita  saw  the  ugly  underbelly  of  the  world  at  a  young  age.  and  it  fascinated  her.  no  matter  how  adults  might  pretend  to  be  infallible,  each  one  had  their  own  set  of  secret  shames.
she  was  always  wilful,  always  fiercely  independent.  her  grandparents  were  all  too  happy  to  let  her  take  care  of  herself,  to  let  her  roam  free  as  much  as  she  liked.  and  she  did.  she  enjoyed  being  alone,  being  governed  by  nobody  but  herself.  everyone  shook  their  heads  in  pity  at  her  poor  ‘ parents ’,  so  heartbroken  by  their  eldest  daughter’s  death  that  they  simply  couldn’t  control  this  nosey,  half  savage  child.
rita  was  nearly  a  hatstall  between  ravenclaw  and  slytherin,  sitting  on  that  stool  for  eight  and  a  half  minutes  while  the  hat  debated.  eventually  it  settled  on  slytherin  –  although  rita’s  thirst  for  knowledge  &  learning  would  have  suited  her  well  in  ravenclaw,  her  methods  for  attaining  that  knowledge  were  uniquely  slytherin.
she  started  a  school  newspaper  in  fourth  year  –  at  first  it  was  crude,  nothing  more  than  a  single  piece  of  parchment,  double  sided,  with  hand-scrawled  articles  and  rita  the  sole  journalist,  editor  &  publisher.  but  she  kept  it  up,  and  eventually  it  blossomed  into  something  more,  something  she  could  actually  be  proud  of  creating.
it  really  took  off  in  its  second  year,  after  rita  added  the  feature  which  would  become  its  main  selling  point  –  a  gossip  column.  leaving  nothing,  and  no  one,  out.  rita’s  habit  of  sticking  her  nose  where  it  didn’t  belong  became  simultaneously  her  greatest  asset  and  her  downfall.  everyone  knew  who  she  was,  and  as  much  as  they  pretended  to  judge  her  for  it,  the  newspaper  had  never  been  so  popular.  
rita  wasn’t  surprised.  people  were  never  as  good  as  they  claimed  to  be.  they  were  just  animals,  acting  on  envy  &  lust  &  greed,  and  all  of  the  other  base  instincts  that  were  supposed  to  be  sins.  they  could  go  ahead  &  hate  her  for  exposing  that.  she  didn’t  mind.  she  was  used  to  being  alone.
she  fabricates  articles  from  time  to  time,  but  only  when  gossip  is  running  slow  –  unfortunately,  something  that’s  been  happening  more  and  more  frequently  as  of   late,  as  more  and  more  people  clam  up  the  moment  she  enters  a  room.  oh,  well.  she’s  always  enjoyed  creative  writing,  anyway.
she  has  a  very  cynical  view  of  relationships  –  both  platonic  &  romantic.  she  doesn’t  let  herself  trust  anyone,  and  gives  other  people  reasons  not  to  trust  her.  she  doesn’t  think  she  needs  to  get  close  to  anyone.  and  as  for  romance  –  well,  look  at  her  mother.  how  she  ran  away  with  a  man  she  thought  she  loved,  and  how  it  ruined  her.  look  at  her  grandparents.  sleeping  in  separate  beds  by  night,  keeping  up  a  shiny-perfect  facade  by  day.
rita  isn’t  all  cynicism  and  selfishness,  though.  she  does  have  her  good  qualities.  for  one,  she’s  incredibly  passionate  about  her  courses,  something  that  surprises  a  lot  of  people  who  don’t  regularly  have  class  with  her.  those  who  do  have  class  with  her  are  used  to  her  sitting  in  the  front,  glasses  perched  on  the  end  of  her  nose,  firing  off  question  after  question  to  the  poor  professor.  
she  also  doesn’t  let  anyone  tell  her  what  to  do.  she  is,  and  has  always  been,  stubbornly  her  own  person.  as  much  as  she  may  lie,  she  is  genuine  when  it  comes  to  being  herself.  she  openly  acknowledges  her  flaws,  and  acknowledges  her  strengths.  and  she  doesn’t  let  anyone  else’s  opinion  of  her  slow  her  down.
she’s  had  a  little  secret  of  her  own,  recently.  last  year  there  was  a  rumour  going  around  that  some  gryffindor  was  secretly  an  animagus  –  which,  obviously,  was  too  ridiculous  &  far-fetched  for  even  rita  to  publish  –  but  it  got  her  thinking. 
she’s  been  spending  late  nights  in  the  library,  reading  up  on  the  history  &  technique  of  becoming  an  animagus.  she’s  been  devoting  extra  time  to  transfiguration  with  a  fiery  determination.  the  o  she  got  in  her  transfiguration  owl  wasn’t  good  enough.  she  needs  to  be  better.  she  knows  that  to  try  and  become  an  animagus  would  be  notoriously  difficult.  the  hardest  challenge  she’d  ever  face.
it’s  a  good  thing  rita  likes  a  challenge.
so  that’s  rita:  selfish,  cynical,  passionate,  brilliant,  conniving,  curious,  distrustful,  greedy,  unflinching,  uncompromising,  determined,  resourceful,  honest,  deceitful.  she’s  a  strange  mix  of  contradictions,  but  …  well,  at  least  she  keeps  life  at  hogwarts  interesting.
uhhh  i  don’t  have  the  energy  rn  to  write  up  a  list  of  wanted  plots  but  if  u  wanna  plot,  like  this  or  hmu  !!
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cvenir · 6 years
imma try this again bc i said y’know fck it (heh) bc i need to introduce these characters before making proper bios ok here we go
so actually since i did do zella, felix, and gwenna’s bios, i’ll actually just leave them out of the intro bc like.... i have 8 more lmao so like here you can find their bios in the first three circles n also imma link all the pinterests aGAIN bc they probably do more than i can
these are gonna be crude n real cut n dry but let’s face it who has time to read everything abt all 11 ok this is for US
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CHRISTOPHER ‘KIT’ MILLER looks an awful lot like DONALD GLOVER. HE is THIRTY-TWO and while they’re MAGNETIC, they have a tendency to get pretty MERCENARY. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DEGAS PARK by KEVIN ABSTRACT.
ok so kit is my son !! he is kinda a shitty person but it’s a result of his upbringing entirely like he was raised in a household of self-obsession and pre-occupation with the material things. aka he’s like filthy rich bc his parents are well-known in the entertainment business
his father is a rlly big time actor like he is thaT GUY ( my star wars lovin ass likes to pretend he’s billy dee williams bc lando unite but anyway unrelated ) and his mother is a super awesome film director so he grew up with that hanging over his shoulders. his dad was always really hard on him and pushed him to become an actor too but he isn’t abt that life (only to spite his dad lbr)
also his parents were lke actively trying not to have kids so his dad always kinda held that against kit and resented him from day one meanwhile his mother embraced it so :/
his mom is everything he ever dreamed of in a mother, and even tho she was always a bit too busy for him, she never let it affect their relationship and they’re still very close
so yeah kit is that fancy ass man like he bathes in the opulence. he doesn’t do much but gamble and parade his wealth around –– except he has invested in many businesses so like he can be p serious n focused on that sometimes bc like
also he loves his ladies. like a lot. pls someone allow him to be the suGAR DADDY WE ALL DESERVE!!! but fr no that’s his biggest downfall like in his song inspo he can get very caught up in his emotions and rlly lose his head bc like he is calm cool and calculating and distant for the most part but once he gets attached it’s like he craves the connection and he can get very lost
anyway also bring me a plot where they may have grown up together and he’s very defensive over them like he doesn’t always get close to people but this person means the world to him and maybe he’s been lowkey in love his whole life but like whatever who talks abt feelings n ruins something so special he could never
yeah so idk what more to say at this point so yeah hmu w questions bc i could probably go off again
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ROSALIND LEPAGE looks an awful lot like ADELAIDE KANE. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR and while they’re RESILIENT, they have a tendency to get pretty QUIXOTIC You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MELTING by KALI UCHIS. 
okay now this is my baby. she is a sweet lil buttercup and only wants the best in life but it never comes to her ugh i’m wounded.
so she was born and raised in kola, v much small-town girl vibes. she absolutely loves it here but since growing up the town was really been stained by disappointment :/ when she was seventeen both of her parents like went missing just like completely disappeared leaving her and her six-year-old sister just completely alone which really fucked up her plans bc she was already accepted to a top-tier music school in new york for college for her passion for violin but she had to turn it down bc her sister was now her responsibility 
so she dropped out of highschool and got her ged and immediately entered the work force, leaving her dreams in the dust. she still plays every now and then, especially whenever there’s an open mic night at the coffee shop where she works like girl plugs in her amp n everything i love her
anyway like she doesn’t resent anyone or blame her sister bc she’s just so compassionate and selfless like she didn’t hesitate to change her life to support her sis but it does still kill her to know that her life just kinda never took off and probs never will. but now she just channels all that sadness into fighting to make sure her sister doesn’t end up stuck like she did
so yeah she’s just a huge sweetheart who loves doing things for others and she’s so so soft like someone hold my lil muffin :/ she can get way too caught up in dreams sometimes but y’know that’s life!!!
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DIEGO CABRERA looks an awful lot like XAVIER SERRANO. HE is TWENTY-THREE and while they’re VIVACIOUS, they have a tendency to get pretty ERRATIC. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to DO IT AGAIN by NO ROME.
so one of the messiest children ever, he is here. ngl i got a lot of inspo from adam sackler from girls for my son diego so if u feel me, word. 
basically pls meet the world’s biggest narcissist –– he’s just like appalling sometimes but he really is trying his best. my boi grew up in kola and always planned on moving to LA to pursue his dream of being an actor and wow is he perfect for that bc my guy is the most dramatic and expressive hot mess you’ll ever find
his mind is always moving 100 miles a minute and he just says the craziest things ??? like he doesn’t know where to stop. diego is super passionate abt his own life and what he wants to do and what he believes; he won’t let you forget it either. he’s always here to share a piece of his mind whether you want it for not and he’s not afraid to turn people away bc his opinions are valid !!
like he’s sooo selfish and doesn’t even hide his own agenda, but ngl once you get him attached there’s no going back like he really gives everything his all and will devote anything it takes to procure happiness for those he loves
like he’s rrlly terrible but he truly has a good head on his shoulders and a good heart in his chest n it’ll beat for u rll hard if u earn it (thru his means ofc)
like when i say god complex i mean it
but c’mon pls give me the plot where like this person pined after him for such a fuckin long time and he legit only used them for sex n didn’t even hide it (like fr seconds after rolling over he said ‘so are you gonna leave now ? bye) bUT y’know they’ve been hooking up for so long to where he actually got invested and wanted them to come to his rehearsals and share his passion w them and they just like ..... stopped caring all of a sudden. so now he’s sad boi and mad boi bc after basically begging for him to give a fuck they up and ran when his heart got invOLVED LIKE FUCK ME fr this is the song and i need this connection pLS LOVE ME
anyway he’s a mess but i love him
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PIPER KOVALSKY looks an awful lot like EMMY ROSSUM. SHE is TWENTY-SEVEN and while they’re NURTURING, they have a tendency to get pretty CALAMITOUS. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to COFFEE & CIGARETTES by VIC MENSA.
awhh pipes.... my poor bb. she is also quite the mess!! 
but lbr it’s all her fucking fault lmao like her life literally never took off but she has no one to blame but herself. like she just really has a talent for ruining things whenever they get good and she doesn’t even try too my bb just does not think abt ramifications ever
piper was also born and raised in kola but she’s hopped around from area to area bc she can’t keep a lease going to save her life
or a job
she’s a big fan of cigareetes and alcohol and partying but whenever she indullges in anything they kinda have a perfect way of getting her in trouble. like she really wants to stop living like a vagrant but her cyncicsm really gets her down so she barely tries
she has a few siblings that she really wants to protect bc they’re headed down her path as well but she can’t even keep her life straight ugh :/
but ok so she’s truly the biggest softie on the inside like she cares soooo fucking much and she does a terrible job at pretending she doesn’t. but ya girl still tries!
ok so time for me to go off abt a wanted connect!!!! so her song is coffee & cigarettes and it’s a bop find it here pLS and i just really feel in my bones that this should be a connection ok. give me that high school lovers that were never lovers bc all piper could focus on was her own self-destruction n rlly living it up so she just completely shut this person out when it finally became real :/ so yeah it’s a fucking mess and she’s never truly moved on
anyway i should probably move onto the next muse lmao
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MALCOLM WEST looks an awful lot like REECE KING. HE is TWENTY-TWO and while they’re JOCULAR, they have a tendency to get pretty CAVALIER. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to EPITAPH by HIPPO CAMPUS. –––––– may or may not be inspired by jake peralta
when i say he’s a goofster i mean he is a goofster and a gaffster ok
my tiny son who just wants to be a big bad detective and fight crime and just crack jokes along the way he is the meme king and he’ll let you know it
he grew up in atlanta where both of his parents were cops so he really just always dreamed of being just like them one day 
until his dad told him he’d never make it. that crushed his spirit entirely and ever since then he really kinda just figured out who his dad was ?? he caught him cheating on his mom and also just being a dirty cop and it just broke his heart bc that was his hero. and y’know malcolm gooddoer and fighter for justice so he went to his mom with this discovery and she just kind of admitted that she knew abt all of it but couldn’t do anything abt it so... he just kinda left and moved to kola to start over
he entered the police academy there as soon as he possibly could (18 i think maybe 19 if i’m dumb ) and just did not stop working his ass off and doing all kinds of paperwork and bust until he finally reached detective just a week ago
don’t get me wrong ya boi hates paperwork but he’s gotta do what he’s gotta do !!
anyway he’s a clown but he loves life and and even tho he’s a child he can take some things seriously
aside from his true feeling heh who ?? i don’t know her n imma just tell a joke or do an impression or smth instead
alsO idk if anyone knows chew the comic series but he dEF IS GONNA HAVE THOSE POWERS FOR THE SUPERHERO/SUPERNATURAL THREAD stay tuned
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CAMBRIA SONG looks an awful lot like JENNIE KIM. SHE is TWENTY-ONE and while they’re IDEALISTIC, they have a tendency to get pretty WHIMSICAL. You’ve probably seen them around Kola listening to MARCELINE by WILLOW.
ok first of all her pinterest is a whole ass aesthetic and u basically see everything she’s abt on there 10/10 would reccommend
now this is a smol bean that is also a bad bitch and we stan !! she’s your astrology loving, extra ass, witty lil witch and she loves adding in her two cents! she’s a sweet lil thing but her bite is bigger than her bark so watch out fr
mostly imma have her in the supernatural verse (witch heh heh), demi-god verse (u kno she’s hecate’s daughter), n maybe the horror verse bc i want my bb to be a medium like lorraine warren that’s my girl!! 
other than that catch her throwing out ur natal chart, charging n cleansing her cyrstals, n offering free tarot readings! really she has her mf shit together n loves helping ppl w spiritual awakenings ok
here is a pic of her two sides conversing ok big meme here
anyway i’m a big fan of her pinterest and i hope that gives everyone a good vibe for her bc tbh i’m tired lol
so imma do my other three muses in another post tomorrow bc !!! ya girl is feeling lazy now lmao sry this took so long geez
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jacquclyn-blog · 7 years
hi my guys ! name’s honey, i’m 19 and i’m actively doing everything in my power to keep from going back to campus to get my books because that means classes are about to start and...yep, no thanx. anyways, i’ve been eyeing this bad boy and when i saw lizzie the loml got reopened i’d figure hell yeah, let’s do this thing, so here i am and honestly just accept that you’re never getting rid of me. beneath the cut is more on jackie, ofc, so feel free to hmu or just like this and i’ll come to you !! #buyrainbowonitunes
——— woah! wait, was that ELIZABETH OLSEN i just saw walking down mainstreet? no, of course not. that was just JACQUELYN VANCE. they’re TWENTY-SEVEN years old and identify as CISFEMALE. they have been in Alder Heights for TEN YEARS and work as a MAGAZINE EDITOR. i’ve heard they can be OBSTINATE and PEDANTIC on their bad days. but don’t be put off, because JACKIE can also be FERVENT and DISCERNING. no wonder people around here call them the AMARANTH.
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born in los angeles, california, jackie grew up very comfortably; both parents are lawyers and during the clinton administration, jackie’s father served as the us ambassador of france. she was nine when they first moved, and was seventeen when her father’s run overseas was finished, and being back home was an interesting transition for her, since she felt like the odd man out considering she’d fallen in love with the french way of life, i guess? she didn’t really want to leave when the time came, but it wasn’t entirely up to her (her least favorite president is w. bush, 3 guesses why lmao) 
instead of going back to la, they moved to alder heights, since her father wanted to continue pursuing a career in government/politics, and it was much closer to dc than la was. her two younger sisters adjusted to life back home a lot easier than jackie did; she wound up completing the last little bit of high school online, since she’d had an accelerated course schedule overseas (she loved school) and would’ve rather been eaten by wolves than go back to public school tbh. she started classes at georgetown uni (rich parents lmao) at seventeen and for awhile, her major was in political science since she had every intention to follow in her father’s footsteps, he was her hero after all
and then somewhere along the line, she realized she didn’t really like political science, she liked having an opinion on and discussing politics, so she moved over into mass communications and her parents weren’t thrilled at all, they totally thought they were going to have a vance legacy and be able to start some family dream team thing and being the oldest, they expected her to be the one to fulfill this, and it definitely started a few fights but they eventually shut up about it just because arguing with her is arguing w a brick wall tbh — they are still slowly coming around, they’re not crazy about it but they still support her, things are Tense, fun times
so she graduated, went on and got her masters, blah blah, fast forward to where jackie finds the job of her dreams at an unnamed, v popular magazine (it’s unnamed bc i want it to be lmao, givE ME TIME but if you need a comparison, think cosmo) and she chased after it hard, like all she wanted to do was be a writer and after spending roughly two years as an assistant, she got promoted to a writer and she loved it, absolutely loved it. got to write about the things she was passionate about, loved the people she worked with, she was living the Dream 
and after a few years of just really, really enjoying her job her higher-ups were like “hey, we’re gonna promote you if you want” and in jackie’s mind she was like, hell yeah, more responsibility, more control, all the things she loves tbh and she took the job as the lifestyle department editor since it was broad and encompassed a lot of the stuff she’d enjoyed writing for and of course, Loved it...to a point
jackie is married to her job, and it’s highkey unhealthy tbh, she’s very very hard on herself and now that she’s moved up in the hierarchy of things she’s beginning to see what they ask of their employees and it’s not always stuff she agrees with? it’s a lot of pressure and she’s beginning to fall out of love with all of it in general, the writing, being responsible for stuff, etc and part of her is like fuck this, i’m over it but at the same time, she’s forcing herself to stick w it because she wants to prove to her parents she can too see their successes in the career path she chose
basically, she’s currently conflicted as hell when it comes to work and is currently a don’t ask, don’t tell type of situation
has begun doing freelance writing on the side?? she doesn’t post or share any of it since most of it is just her rambling and she’s not got that much time to dedicate to it as it is but it’s kinda keeping her sane in the moment and reminding her as to why she loves what she does
her label is the amaranth, one of my faves, which p much means that they’re hard to forget and leave an impression and that’s certainly jackie lmao, she’s got a very strong personality that makes it hard for you to confuse her w anyone else
y’all see the traits up there in that app....that’s Her. she’s the kinda person you want in your corner, not the person you want opposing you bc she will end you and show no mercy
is a sagittarius 
can sometimes let her emotions get the better of her??? she’s stubborn and gets conflicted very easily and that basically just leads to disaster, she’s great at making problems in her life that aren’t a big deal a Big Deal and what she wants, she’ll get it even if she’s got to step on toes or scream really, really loudly for someone to hear her; her parents taught her to never settle and settle she does not
also bilingual, speaks fluent english and french. usually only slips into french when she’s pissed so...beware
connections i’d love to see for jackie (but aren’t limited to, i just know it’ll be a hot second before i get a page up and running!):
best friend  —  self explanatory, obviously, but just give me someone who jackie can sit on the couch and drink wine with in her pajamas, someone who’s got her back if they go out to a bar, her go-to if she’s ever got a company thing and she needs a date last minute, someone who’s gonna butt heads with her when there’s a conflict in either of their lives but they still love one another no matter what *cue true friend by hannah montana in the distance*
sibling like relationship  —  another self explanatory one but jackie’s got a mad mom side to her, she’s v protective of the people she loves so give me someone that might as well be a long lost vance, they do dumb shit together, have each other’s backs, try (and fail) at matchmaking for the other, having a toothbrush with their name on it at their apartment, the works
summer flings!!!!! someone jackie met while she was on vacation or even off on a business thing and they like hooked up and she never in a million years would’ve expected to bump into them back in alder heights......except, she did
tbh just give me a friends-esque group of people for jackie where they all hang out and eat and act like their lives aren’t constantly falling apart, that’d be N*ce too
exesssss!!! the good, the bad, the inescapable, the ones with lingering feelings, the ones that swear they’re over but have a problem every time the other even looks like they’re about to go on a date w someone else, this is free range
college friend   —  basically someone that she met back when she was in college and was the first bit of american companionship that she’d had since she was like, nine?? like i said, she started classes at seventeen, and hadn’t really interacted with anyone since she did online schooling for her senior year; this could’ve been a roommate, someone she had a class with, someone that she met on campus and got coffee with, we can talk this one out obviously but you get the gist!
angst  —  idk what, idk how, i just live for it and i want it thanks
someone who lives near jackie and whether it’s really weird stuff like coming over to ask for some milk to put in their coffee since they’re out and forgot to buy some or they like hang out and have dinner together a few nights a week, switching off and stuff, i think this could be Fun
family friend  —  jackie’s parents are both lawyers and her dad’s been involved in politics for awhile so i can imagine jackie’s gone to her fair share of parties and whatnot, meeting clients and coworkers and all kinds of people so this would ideally be someone she met because their parents were acquaintances/friends; they could’ve met as kids, stayed in touch while jackie was overseas and resumed their friendship years later when the both of them found themselves back in dc, they could’ve met on the more recent end of things, they could totally understand the other’s pain and get along gr8 because someone finally gets it, they could lowkey hate each other bc their parents are rivals/ they’re trying to work through it...the possibilities are endless
and while i’m on the topic of past connections: jackie occasionally had to come back to the us and visit dc while her dad was serving as ambassador (aged 9-17) so if you’re interested, we can totally work something with that
a plot where they’re acquaintances at best, they’ve maybe got mutual friends and therefore they hang out a bit but they’re always arguing w one another for whatever fucking reason, they both probably annoy each other but they’ve got mad sexual tension going on?? maybe they act on it, maybe they don’t, but either way, they lowkey enjoy the bantering and being at one another’s throats even if they act otherwise
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