Damn Taylor
Am I hallucinating or did Taylor really wear the VS ring at her own birthday party this week?
She did? Oh. 🙈
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Is this guy ok? Like holy shit.
God I fucking hate Olaf the snowman so fucking much holy shit. Holy shit, every frame he's in, every scene, every gif, every jpeg, he's got this painfully vacant, stupid as shit, fuckass look on his stupid lumpy face. Absolutely no part of his ugly as sin piece of shit character design is endearing. His stupid fucking legs? Who the hell makes a snowman with legs. His dumb flaily fucking twig arms? His shitty, lumpy bastard head? The three thousand percent unnecessary dumbass shitass fucking SNOW BUCK TOOTH that no snowman has EVER FUCKING HAD IN tHE HISTORY OF GOD'S GREEN FUCKING EARTH? God, I hate him. I hate him so much. So FUCKING much. Every time I see a stuffed toy Olaf or an Olaf gif or a shitty goddamn commercial, it ignites my primal rage response and I'm overcome by the need to punt this shitty little homunculus into the fucking sun. "Bhurr blur, I'm Olaf the fuckshit snow fucker, I like warm hugs". Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. You look like Tow Mater summoned a patronus. Your dumb fucking twig hair makes your whole shitty head look like a hairy skin tag. I hate your dumb fucking lumpy carrot nose and your stupid, empty googly eyes and your over-the-top goofy ass upbeat asshole personality. Any scene he's sad it invokes all the wrath and fury of a spoiled child having a meltdown over a chocolate bar in a w*lmart checkout line. And I know its irrational. That's the worst part. I know he's just a shitty fucking side character in a stupid fucking children's movie, I know it doesn't matter, I know I shouldn't care. But that's part of the problem. The part where no matter the might and fury of my hatred, the locus of my homicidal intent is alltogether inconsequential. I find myself laying awake in the dark in the early hours of the morning consumed by the spirit of Wrath itself, all the force and might of a flaming hurricane directed at a bottle of piss in a ditch by the highway. The absurdity of it all burns me to my core. What better things could this energy be directed towards? And yet my disdain for this stupid, useless, insubstantial failure of endearing character design utterly eclipses the intrigue of all other pursuits. I hate him. I hate him on a level of my mind reserved for the worst of the world's array of sinners, and I can't even begin to justify it. Shitstick the snow dick is, for all intents and purposes, the animated corpse of all of humanity's saccharine pretenses- every condescending, passive-aggressive statement of meaningless upper middle class suburban drama distilled into a single, hateable form. The fucking. Fuck. I have no words. There is no cuss or epithet in any language that can encapsulate the height of the emotions I am experiencing. God, I hate him so much. I hate him so, so fucking much. I want to light his ugly little dumpster body on fire. I want to graphically beat him to death with his own stupid fucking nose. I want to punch him to death. You know that weird feeling you get, when you see a picture of something so cute you find yourself overcome with the bizarre, inexplicable urge to squeeze it? It's EXACTLY like that, except instead of cuteness it's disgust. The wordless knowledge that his existence as a fictional work is evidence of all the failures of mankind. I find myself possessed by the will of a Holy Angel gone rogue with the belief that God has made a mistake, and I alone must correct it. This is the trial by which Samael himself fell from grace. This wild, meaningless rage. A thousand blades of shining steel cast with inhuman force in the direction of a plastic grocery bag floating on a breeze. What horrors must I have committed in a past life to be plagued by this torment now? I must Unmake this fictional snowman
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Who else thinks that Taylor in this purple suit is just absolute pimp status. I’ve never seen a suit that screams “I get all the girls!”
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Taylor Swift attends the “All Too Well” New York Premiere on November 12, 2021 in New York City.(Source: Dimitrios Kambouris./Getty Images North America)
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Plot twist they are both about the same thing…living in New York with Karlie. London Boy is supposed to be kind of a joke or sarcasm maybe. She’s at this point where she can’t freely be with the woman she loves in New York and is in London playing a charade with a london boy.
In tears Ricochet she still can’t live with her love in New York and she still lives with london boy but now she’s sad and depressed about it.
I think both songs are to media and her intolerant fans but now she doesn’t have the joking sarcastic feel she had in London Boy because it’s been three long years and she’s probably tired and she doesn’t want to have to hide anymore hence the things she says in Tears Ricochet.
I just want to attempt a comparison between London boy and my tears ricochet because I do think there is a connection between the two songs like the anon that originally responded to the London boy anon’s question was saying.
London Boy: “home is where the heart is but that’s not where mine lives.”
My Tears Ricochet: “And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want just not home. And you can aim for my heart go for blood. But you would still miss me in your bones.”
The bridge in my tears ricochet sounds to me like it was her explaining what the antagonists of the song created because of their actions. They created a world where she can’t go home. And because she can’t go home she is forced to watch as they attack her heart which isn’t at home either. This to me is a theme repeated throughout both albums: a great divide. But the bridge reminds the antagonists that no matter what the they do it’s clear they are just being spiteful because they no longer have her and they will regret it.
London boy’s pre-chorus repeats that she can go to all of these places but never once does she list a place that she considers home because her heart doesn’t live at home.
Her heart is living out in the world unprotected. That means the use of the word “blood” in my tears ricochet and “lives” in London Boy feel the same.
In my tears ricochet she is singing about these people who killed her. But she her heart is still pumping blood. Maybe she’s talking about her heart being someone else that is still out in the world unprotected and because of her current circumstance all she can do is watch.
I don’t know but I definitely don’t think the lyrics in the bridge of my tears ricochet are as simple as people make it out to be about home just being her former record label.
Home is wherever I am with you.
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Also funny how she told Jack to take his wife there because it was romantic; she knew it was romantic before she went with Karlie if she had already been there once. VSFS must have been love at first sight for Taylor.
“Kloss suggested they do something spontaneous Like…getting out of town?? Driving out of the city? Away from the crowd??
Oh. 😴
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“Oh damn never seen that color blue”
please share some of your favorite photos of brunette Karlie 😊 I’m in mourning right now was loving the brown roots 😔
Blonde Karlie has been around so long but I was enjoying those roots lol. Sure I’ll share some of my fave brunette Karlie pics
I didn’t want to go too far back in time but brunette Karlie was and is a gem (I fully expect to hear comparisons to Olivia Wilde)
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Fun fact: Every time I see Taylor with that “J” necklace during the rep era I think of this “K” necklace lol 👇
Those eyes really do pop though
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Jourdan 💛
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Shawn says he’s still friends with Taylor but I don’t think Taylor would consider him a friend. I say that because friends usually give the heads up about albums or when to release. Taylor released Evermore a week after he released Wonder which tells me that Taylor doesn’t consider him in the same league or that she values any kind of friendship with him to not tell him to release at an earlier or later date. So while he considers her a friend enough to text her I’m willing to bet she wouldn’t call him a friend.
“Yeah [we have remained friends ever since touring together]. I just think this photo is so funny. I look so big and awkward. [On whether he still texts with Taylor] Yeah. I am always asking her for advice on music. The last time we texted was maybe a month ago, so whatever that counts for as still texting. [When asked about Joe] I’ve never personally met Joe, but he looks like a sweet guy. I’m lying a little bit? Yeah, there’s something… I mean, he’s kinda got a little bit of a villain look about him. I mean, he looks like a nice guy but he like at any movement could turn into a villain, you know? He’s got really blue eyes and I struggle with eyes that blue. Like, I find easier to trust brown eyes. I just talked way too much about him.”
– Shawn Mendes talks about his friendship with Taylor and his impression of the Joe’s picture (Vanity Fair’s Lie Detector Test, September 20th 2021)
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Is Taylor that kind of territorial though? She hasn’t been with any other PR relationship.
Also to add to the toe ask about her friends knowing nothing about him, if their relationship was real it would literally mean that one of them is a complete narcissist. Like if Taylor is ‘keeping him to herself’ it means she is isolating him from everyone which would mean she’s a narcissist (which is very impossible because they are not even in a relationship) OR if he refuses to hang out with her friends/wants her to himself most of the time/refuses to let her share anything regarding their relationship with anyone would definitely mean he is a narcissist. So it’s not cute at all in both situations. BUT i agree that they could use that as a reason for a breakup. Or like the goo old ‘he is very private he couldn’t stand being exposed to taylor’s life and the amount of people she’s surrounded by’. Reminds me of Lorde’s lyrics ‘did my best to exist just for you’.
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They really do like to bash Karlie for the mistakes she made when she was just a baby for modeling contracts, PR deals, and managers. Like what 18 year really understands that kind of business? I did real dumb shit at 18.
Hi there.
Today I saw a post in FB were 4 pics of Taylor and Joe in a balcony there are from the "start" of their relationship. And they were like ''oh there's a theory that Karlie leaked the location to scooter and then he leaked to the media that's how they found them'' you can see that they were having fun and then Taylor realized the pap and she was clearly upset then she came back inside the hotel room and left joe alone and he looked pretty upset too.
My point here is are they really a RP relationship?, because if you see these pictures they looked pretty genuine or these pictures were a stung like the ones at the golden globes? Besides they have been together for almost 6 years now
I'm a "new" kaylor and I wish with all my heart that Karlie and Taylor are still together, of course sometimes I get doubts for all the things they do, but still have faith in them.
Welcome Anon ... Toe and Taylor are in a bearding relationship.
There are not paparazzi in Nashville. How do you think pap's got photos of Taylor on her penthouse balcony one time in her entire existence? They were staged. Let me show you how high up her balcony is:
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She has lived there since 2009, yet the only pap pics are from a morning with her and Toe? Common sense alone tells you that these are staged.
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What’s funnier is Ed Sheeran calling her out for how gay it is.
Camila wrote a song "South of the border"? Is there any evidence for this?
Thanks in advance for your reply
Well, her name's on the credits.
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This frog is chaotic good. Protect the frog at all costs!!
My dad has motion detectors with built-in cameras along his driveway, and there's a frog that has figured out that if it jumps in front of the detector, the infrared light that turns on will attract bugs. So my dad frequently gets a bunch of pictures of the frog jumping around, and he's really fond of the frog now. He refers to it as his frog, enjoys getting pictures of it, and is always super, super careful in the driveway to check for the frog to make sure it's safe.
Anon. Please listen to me. I would not tell you this if it was not very important to me. PLEASE get me a picture of this frog. 
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...people are calling aoc elitist and performative for infiltrating a celebrity fashion event to make a big media splash pushing a progressive policy platform targeting the rich At Their Own Event 😭 that’s enough internet for tonight yall get better soon please
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Yes!!! I will also go on to say that his statements, “it’s hard for me to apologize when I’m wrong” “and “I never want to be the bad guy and I feel so guilty and she comforts me” are narcissistic and abusive. It is a sign of emotional immaturity if you can’t apologize when you are wrong and the above statements are the same ones physical abusers use as well. Statements like “If you hadn’t made me so angry I wouldn’t have hit you.” “I bought you these flowers and earrings to make up for last night but you just made me so angry” it’s the same thing and it’s building to that kind of physically abusive relationship.
I normally do not say anything about what Shawn says (especially if he talks about love and ego and vulnerability) because I see red flags everywhere and DIOS MIO, it is getting romaticized and praised at. But I have time today so ehe.
Anyway, I could not roll my eyes enough of what he says about the "yogurt incident" that made him raise his voice at Camila and ALL HIS EGO AND MASCULINITY COMING OUT. (insert cringe face)
First of all, RAISING YOUR VOICE at someone is not and never a definition of masculinity. Sometimes it is a product of anger and frustration... of pent up disappointments. but seeing how he acted with just that incident shows that it is a definition of ENTITLEMENT. He feels entitled to being seen as someone who is more relevant in the situation. That his feelings matter more. And seeing where it went, he is aiming to be seen as someone who is masculine and possesses the traits every manly man has.
Which made me ask, "why does he have to mention masculinity and being masculine and all?" Then in a zap, I found the answer: HE NEEDS TO PROVE THAT HE IS MASCULINE AND THAT HE POSSESS MASCULINITY IN HIM. Which by the way, does not need to be proven at all. A man never has to prove the masculine in him. The moment he does, he comes out a walking toxic masculinity.
He says in that podcast that ALL THE EGO was coming out. Shawn, you have far more ego coming out in this interview. Even if you said all those "nice things" afterwards, there was not an ounce of humility in it.
Please do not condone or worse, compliment this kind of mindset. Masculinity is not built out of anger and toxic behaviours. Masculinity is NOT defined by raised voice, bruised fist, drunk nights, and the amount of women a man slept with. In my opinion, masculinity is in the gentlest ways a man loves in the toughest times.
PS. He is not being vulnerable. Vulnerability is in silence. Vulnerability is in privacy. Everything public is never the complete truth. So do not believe in him when he says he is.
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And she really smirked at the camera like she knew what she was doing.
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she was really like, am i gonna post this? yes, yes i’m gonna post this 😆
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August slipped away into a moment of time because it was never mine.
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Also there is speculation that Taylor wrote the Lover album before Reputation and if that’s true then she would have written it in 2016 or early 2017 which would fit three summers. The other theory I have is that because she had teased Lover in the music video for Delicate and delicate was written in late 2016 or early 2017 to me that means she most likely already had Lover written at that point. Which would also work for the three summers.
How does the song lover refer to Karlie? (Cause when the song was released they would of been together for more than three years/summers) so it doesn't really make sense.
Enlighten me. Since you know so much and are obviously a master at figuring out jaylor.
Three Summers
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Discovered Taylor Swift in 2020, and when I told my sister that I secretly liked her…her response, “I can totally see that you gay ass bitch.”
Ok I’m gonna get crap for saying this, but damn Taylor has some strong sapphic energy, and the reactions on her recent #thirsttrap says it all 👅 all I see everywhere is girls drooling over how hot she looks and so on. You know whenever I’ve brought up Taylor with straight guys in my circle, they have never implied they are attracted to her, like even if they like her music, but girls.. they are all goo ga and how flawless she is.. point being, even when she tries to het wash herself, the sapphic force jumps out and still shines through ☺️ sorry in advance for the homo crap you may receive in reaction to this ask 🙏💋
I completely agree with you, she attracts women. Even when she’s not trying. I’ve had the same conversation with straight guys.
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