#if anyone wants to ask questions feel free to 👉👈
Here’s y’all’s food— eat up
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worriedvision · 2 years
Can I ask for a little bit of angst with Al-haitham? Like he just stoped being romantic and Put effort in the relationship because he thought he fell out of love, so eventually reader ends the relationship and moves forward with their life. By the time Al-haitham wants reader back, they're already in a relationship with another person (Maybe Diluc? 👉👈)
Sorry if my english isn't good 🥺
Gender neutral reader, angst due to the nature of Alhaitham being a bad lover lol. Going with Diluc here, enjoy!
He had grown tremendously distant from you recently. It wouldn't have been noteworthy if it was anyone else, but Alhaitham was that monotonous that you knew when something happened. He didnt get you to sit on his lap as he reads anymore, he doesn't ask you if you wanted anything when he went to get his lunch, he only holds your hand in public.
You very much love him, and you wanted to have him in your life. You were determined to find out what exactly was wrong with the relationship. Being honest with yourself, nothing seemed out of place. You hadn't done anything that would upset him. When you got him his lunch one day without being asked, Alhaitham merely said 'you can have it, I'm not hungry now'. You went to hug him, and he didn't wrap his arms around you like usual.
Over time, the harsh feeling in your chest only intensifies. No longer could your heart take this, you had to talk to Alhaitham about him being suddenly distant.
The conversation didn't last long. Sadly, you found out he didn't feel the feelings he once had for you. He explains it wasn't any actions you did, he just no longer felt like he loved you. You take that as the final straw, breaking things off before walking out of his house.
You moved to Mondstadt permanently for work, realising Mondstadt was the best place for your company to thrive. A place where people were, generally, more relaxed. A place that wouldn't remind you of the broken relationship with Alhaitham, and somewhere you could possibly meet someone.
To your surprise, the 'someone' in this case was none other than the owner of Dawn Winery, Diluc. You heard that he was a stoic man, someone that was fully committed to his business and his work with the adventurers guild. You meet him through a business meeting, him negotiating good terms for your company to contribute to the Adventurers Guild. While there was not an immediate spark, you both did feel comfortable enough around one another to go for a dinner together.
One meal became another, and eventually Diluc was the one to admit he had fond feelings for you, romantic ones. You admit you return these feelings, and Diluc nods before he takes you on a nightly stroll.
Diluc knew about Alhaitham through your constant questioning if he actually loved you, and if he was going to grow bored of you.
Meanwhile, Alhaitham had been trying to find you. Being away from you, not seeing you every day, it made his heart grow incredibly fond. He wanted to confess his feelings, to make you feel as loved as you made him feel. The thought of losing you because he got that used to your affections that he stopped trying at all with the relationship disturbed him.
Alhaitham was a wine connoisseur, and when he heard word of Diluc planning on having a talk in Sumeru regarding his wines and their properties (Well, mainly the free sampling of wine as well as possibly ordering more wine). As always, he kept an eye out for you everywhere he went.
On his walk towards the venue, he spots you taking in the scenery. He walks towards you, you turning to see who was walking so quickly, and your heart sinks as you see Alhaitham.
Before he can start to win you back, however, your boyfriend also walks over. He wraps an arm protectively around you, you leaning into his touch, and he makes eye contact with Alhaitham.
"How can I help you?" Diluc asks. "I couldn't help but notice you briskly walking towards my partner."
"Ah, I was simply hoping to catch up with an acquaintance." Alhaitham responds.
"And it has nothing to do with the fact you realised you still have feelings for them?" Diluc raises a brow, Alhaitham staring at him. "You're too late. They're with me now."
"..." Alhaitham thinks to himself. He looks over at you, realising you were being treated better than he could offer. "Treat them right." Alhaitham nods, deciding to just go home instead of attending the lecture he was previously looking forward to.
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goingmerryfics · 6 months
So since you’re on impel down you’ve surely seen my darling favorite villain Sir Crocodile so may i request just some soft x reader fluff or headcanons for him x a trans male reader i never see x masculine stuff for him but I love him very muchhhhhhh thank youuu 💚👉👈
Trans Male Reader w/ Crocodile
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Content: Trans Male reader, he/him pronouns, coming out. No emphasis on if they’re pre or post-op top or bottom so feel free to picture this as you will. No NSFW!
Notes* Thank you for the ask! When I tell you I fell in love with this man the moment he showed up in Alabasta-
You’re not the only one he’s interacted with that doesn’t fully align with the stereotypical gender norms See: Mr. 2
Anyway, as a trans man myself, I’m very happy that this just so happened to be my first official ask. It kind of turned into a bit of a comfort fic, hope that's ok! Please enjoy!
Crocodile knows you’re trans before you tell him
So while you were panicking about coming out to him in the midst of your blossoming relationship, (What if he loses trust in me? What if he reacts badly?) he was oblivious because in his eyes, there was nothing wrong. He was dating you, and you identifying as male or female or otherwise didn’t matter. You managed to worm your way into his heavily fortified heart somehow. Labels didn’t mean fuck all to him if he was already in love with you
Eventually when you do come out to him through ugly tears and hyperventilation, he just kind of blinks at you
“Huh? Why are you crying over that?”
It takes you by surprise
While you’re trying to calm yourself he opens his arms and offers you a hug, which you take happily
While he’s holding you to his chest, he pulls the cigar out of his mouth and sighs
“All that matters is that you’re mine.”
You felt your body begin to relax, surrounded by the warmth of the man holding you tight enough to crack your spine. You’d soaked the front of his shirt with tears and a bit of snot, and yet he didn’t seem to mind. Crocodile holds his cigar away from you so you won’t go into a coughing fit before you can catch your breath, while also being careful of the hook on his other hand- the last thing he needed right now was to snag you on it and hurt you while already in a vulnerable state.
His quiet comfort was enough to pull you out of the panicked state, but he didn’t let up until he felt you take a step back. There was a pause while you wiped up your face as best as you could with your sleeve, and Crocodile stayed patiently waiting until you were ready to look up at him again.
You nod, and apologize for the outburst, but he clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes.
“If I’d known you were so scared to tell me this, I would have let you know a long time ago that I already knew.. Now let's go clean you up.”
Now that the animosity is out of the way though, it feels like your relationship has changed for the better. You feel much more comfortable with him
More importantly, you feel more comfortable sharing certain things with him- and he feels much more comfortable asking questions, too!
One day he asks you what Dysphoria feels like, and man did that take you a few hours to put into words and even then your explanation didn’t feel exactly right
He lets you know very quickly that if there’s anything he can do (he means anything he can pay for, really) that all you need to do is ask and consider it done
He understands when there are days where you don’t want to be touched in certain spots
He makes sure to make it known to anyone else who may know you’re trans that you will not be disrespected whether in his presence or not. If anyone dared to misgender you, he would deal with them accordingly
He also does things that will help you feel ‘manly’, like asking you to open a jar for him even if he could very well open it himself
Long story short, he loves and respects you no matter what
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parsapuff · 5 months
Important Updates!
So everyone kinda knows how I'm struggling to release cc rn so I'll list some reasons why I'm currently struggling.
I'm loosing Interest In posting anything on tumblr rn.
I've been out of energy and extremely tired for a while now. I don't really know what's going on with me but I haven't been really able to do much other then sleep
I never expected to get this big of a following and It's definitely making me nervous to post anything.
I had an art account a few years agon on twt and this same thing happened to me so I just kinda stopped posting. 😥
Don't really want to stop posting here tho since I still love making cc and want to release It for everyone. So I decided to make some changes. First of all I'm no longer keeping the voting poll active. I'll also only be making cc that I'm Interested In. Request poll will stay since many of the requests I've gotten are actually really good Ideas!
Requesting other series Is fine I'll just be making characters from stuff I'm also Interested In! Sadly to the Honkai Impact 3rd fans I might not be making much of them anymore. I Just don't really care for the game but I do like a lot of the designs so I might be making them In the future still! I might make a big batch of mini sets for the HI3 characters that I haven't done yet so you'll at least have the hairs.
Made my current batch shorter as well. I'm going to pick future characters just based on who I wan't to work on.
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Sorry If no one likes the change btw since the other option Is for me to just leave and stop posting </3 Just trying to make everything easier for me. Here's a small list of character's I'll still be working on. Some characters aren't here since I ran out of space or just forgot them. (sorry Sethos </3)
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To make It easier to post stuff I'll be getting rid of one of the download sites. Either Google Drive or Mediafire. (leaning on google drive cause I hate putting stuff there) I'll also be asking the last people who took my photos If they could continue taking them In the future too 👉👈Other Idea Is letting someone else post them but Idk anyone here that well and talking to people scares me a bit </3
Also I'll be going through my old sets and adding specular maps to them! I'll retweet each set once I've updated them <3 This Is something I'll be doing slowly btw. But that's pretty much everything I wanted to say (I think) Hopefully this makes sense to people cause Idk what I'm typing here half of the time (plus english Is my second language so I make a lot of mistakes) Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer them the best I can. (sometimes tumblr dosen't notify me that I've gotten a comment btw so If I miss It sorry </3)
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moons-of-dewclan · 8 months
Hi! Plural fan anon again, all of my introjects end up at least slightly different from their sources AND I have learned through trial by fire to mentally separate them and maintain those boundaries so source material isn't distressing. I appreciate you worrying, though!
I guess my next question is, would you want to see them? 👉👈 If I drew them, could I post them on my system blog? I totally understand if not, I don't want to make you uncomfortable! I want to respect you and your work, and I'm definitely used to keeping stuff private, so it wouldn't hurt my feelings or anything like that <3
HELLO PLURNON i'm glad you can separate it BC I CAN'T IMAGINE HOW POTENTIALLY UPSETTING IT COULD BE. i mean people just casually observing media can be so effected by many things so LADSKNLKSDN
AS FOR THE QUESTION THOUGH, i don't mind if you post them! so long as nothing strange is afoot (i mean no disrespect but i always gotta preface with 'don't be weird' when anyone asks if they can do anything with my ocs bc I JUST. DON'T KNOW ANYONE LAKSDNL. i don't assume all of y'all are weirdos or anything, i just also have no idea bc i only know like.. Two people i've ever answered asks from here) KEEP IT PG IS ALL
AND AS FOR ME SEEEING IT.. i want to approach that cautiously. you can drop me your url but i might not peek! i'm not uncomfortable with you doing anything, but it can be a 'thing' for me to look at my ocs being involved in more intensely personal art for other people. IT'S LIKE AN OVERLAP OF EXPRESSION??? HARD TO DESCRIBE BUT MY BRAIN IS WIRED ODDLY LAKNDSLK. sometimes i feel like i'm looking into someone's diary, and even tho they're happy to show it to me, it's a little hard to look bc there are hints of 'me' in it?? (via ocs)? AKSLND SIGH I WISH I COULD EXPLAIN MORE
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flowering-thought · 2 years
Hey! I recently discovered your ocs and I love them very much <3 You're pretty good on making them feel like actual people! I know you have a lot on your plate right now so feel free to ignore this if want!! How would the brothers react to a darling who, when they confessed, wrote it off as a (cruel) joke because there's no way a handsome guy such as themselves likes them?
Hope you take care! I'm super invested on your children so I may or may not make some fanart of them 👉👈 hope it's okay?
Omg hi!! Oo I quite like your idea cause ngl I've done that too babe <3
A reminder that you're beautiful though <3
I'll give all the aggressive love ya need on those insecure days and so will the Kawahara's-
As for fanart feel free!! Ngl I love hearing people's ideas and if someone makes fanart I just melt jrksksnwkw
I hope you're having a good start to the new year!! So let's get with this-
Not double read so there might be spelling errors 🫠
Takeo then Daisuke then Makoto <3
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Takeo after some months of getting to know you in person, finally confessed. He decided to do it while you two were meeting for coffee.
He always wanted to make it more elaborate, maybe ask you out with some fancy sign or with an elaborate gift, or maybe even a treasure hunt! But somehow the sunlight hit you just right and as he sat across from you he couldn't help but feel like he'd burst if he didn't tell you how pretty you were.
"I really like you!" Was what he blurted out, a small blush reaching the tips of his ears. He felt the urge to smack his head on the table but decided it was now or never. His fingers fiddled with each other anxiously as he looked up to your slightly shocked expression.
"I really like you and would you maybe go on a date with me?" He asked. But you only sat there confused before a small chuckle left your lips, "Oh come on that's not even a funny joke Kawahara! You're way too handsome for someone like me!" You say, the slight twinge in your chest hurts but you really didn't take him seriously.
And Takeo felt his heart nearly explode. He wasn't expecting this kind of reaction. "I'm serious." He said, his tone becoming neutral as he stared right at you.
"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met both inside and out and I don't care what anyone says you're the only one I want. So I'm serious when I say that I like you and want to go out with you." He claimed. He felt so serious that you had completely froze.
Takeo reached one of his hands across the table to take one of yours and give it a squeeze, "Please give it some thought. I seriously want to be something more with you. This isn't a onetime thing and ever since I saw you I knew I wanted to ask you out.".
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Daisuke had many worries swirling through his head. He had gotten to know you for a bit before he was absolutely sure he couldn't live without you.
His head was filled with thoughts of dates and seeing new reactions and complimenting you. He couldn't wait to just hold you in his arms on a rainy day and read peacefully. He envisioned doing so many thing with you that would only prove you to be his.
So here you were, hanging at the bar, petting Mikan on your lap with a big smile on your face as you talked with Daisuke. Honestly Daisuke is east to talk to. He loves listening and when you ask him about a novel he's interested in for the week he goes on about something new he learned and how the plot is going and his eyes light up in a way you adore.
And he loved that. The way you listened to him with genuine interest, your hand holding your head and the soft gleam in your eye as you listened to him ramble. It wasn't till he went silent that you waved your hand in front of his face with a soft smile.
"Kawahara? You alright?" You ask, tilting your head out of habit as you question him.
"Would you be mine?" He asked, that moment of transparency in his emotions slipping out without thought. You reeled back a bit, unsure of what you heard. "What?"
Daisukes' eyes widened when he realized what he said and his hand went to grab the cloth he used to dry off the counter and hold it tight, "Well! Um! Would you maybe go out with me?" He asked, a little unsure as he repeated what he really meant.
You smiled awkwardly before fumbling with your hands, "Very funny, I don't think many would make a joke like that though.." You mumbled. Daisuke felt his grip on the towel tighten at your words.
A joke?? How could he ever joke about his feelings for you? He nearly felt himself cry before he hardened his resolve and looked you straight in the eye.
"I'm serious! I haven't felt like this for anyone before. You're the only one I've ever felt this way about. Please don't turn me down without thinking about it!"
⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚. ੈ ⋆。˚.
Makoto had been going to your bakery quite often. He loved the smell of sweets and warm fresh baked goods. The warmth of your bakery felt so lovely on a cold morning before work.
Sometimes he came after work just to get to see you a bit more. He always told himself that he was going to do more than make conversation with you.
But when he'd make his order and covers with you he'd get so lost in conversation that his mind couldn't think about anything else other than you're voice and the calm and lovely way you'd talk to him and make the effort to make him feel comfortable.
And he noticed that you didn't treat other customers the same. You talked with him more, laughed with him more, you actually seemed happy each time he came in.
And he thrived on that smile you gave him each and every time.
And one morning, when there was no one around and he saw your pretty lips curve into a smile, he knew it had to be then.
So he walked right up and as you asked him how his morning was and that you had made a new batch of his favorite sweets ready for him he stared right at you with the most serious expression and blurted out, "Would you go on a date with me?".
A minute od silence passed till he noticed your anxious look. The way your body nearly caved in on itself and how you almost looked lost for words. "Is this maybe a prank? Maybe one of your coworkers put you up to this?" You asked, almost looking like you'd tear up as you stood there.
Makoto nearly felt his heart break at your expression and frowned. He knew you had to like him? So did you really think that he would play such a horrible prank? That he disregarded your feelings to the point he'd do something so horrendous?
He almost wondered if your reaction was due to experence and nearly felt his blood boil till he realized he needed to come up with a reply.
So he calmed his heart best and shook his head.
"It's not. I really find you adorable and I was really hoping you'd give me a chance. I don't mind waiting for your answer and I come in every day so don't feel pressured to give me one until you're ready! But I'm serious when I say I want to get to know you better. If you give me a chance I promise I'll make it worth your time."
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clownsalot · 11 months
uhm i come bearing milgram ocs can i come play in the sandbox with you guys 👉👈
anyways here are my silly guys!!
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(im kinda too lazy to come up with my own entire prisoner roster and Es, so i basically just plopped my guys straight into canon. also, im only throwing in stuff from trial 1 because i havent really thought out trial 2 yet beyond vague ideas)
details and stuff below the cut!!!
t1 songs of the prisoners
No, I'm too scared to—!
t1 voice trailer
Ah, my name is Takahashi Naoto. Just Naoto is fine. I'm 18, in my graduating year of highschool. Nice to meet you, Warden. I think asking me about how I feel will just sway your decision making. It's straightforward, so let's keep it simple. Just take the facts. —"—"- What the hell...what the hell? I didn't think it would...it wasn't supposed to...
t1 songs of the prisoners
This is...payback!
t1 voice trailer
Yo~ I'm Hashimoto Akane. I'm 15 years old, 3rd year middle school. That makes us a similar age, doesn't it? Let's get along! Well, I will admit that what I did definitely made some people very upset. You'll be deciding if I should be punished on their behalf, right? —"—"- You deserve this. You deserve this! You're the one who chose to go that far...!
interrogation questions
Q: Family?
015: Both my parents. An older brother, too. I don't talk to them often since I stopped living with them.
016: Myself, my mom and dad, and my younger sister. She's 14, I love her very much!!
Q: Who was your victim to you?
015: A schoolmate. Her name was Asuka. You could say we were friends.
016: She wasn't anyone important to me or anything, so don't get weird ideas. I only knew about her because of my sister.
Q: How is your experience in Milgram?
015: It's not all bad. I've never had this much free time before.
016: It's alright but I still kinda want to go home. I worry about how my sister is doing...
Q: What do you dislike?
015: Just in general? Well, it doesn't matter i guess. I don't like things that are bothersome.
016: People who mistreat others for no reason. They're terrible. Terrible!
Q: Are there things you regret?
015: I try not to think about them. Regrets don't erase your mistakes, so what's the point?
016: I did everything believing it was the right choice at the time. But I wish I'd done more sooner. It would have saved my sister a lot of suffering and I might not even be here if I had.
Q: Do you have apologetic feelings for your victim?
015: You're the one responsible for judging if I should, aren't you?
016: Who knows. But I don't regret what I did.
Q: Any prisoners you're close with?
015: I'm on good terms with everyone. Though, I like talking with Kayano. He's a bit like an older sibling.
016: I like taking care of Amane and always try to look after her, we're the youngest in the prison after all. But I don't know if she likes it...
Q: Which prisoner would you say is most like you?
015: Mr Mukuhara. There's just something about him, like if he looks at me too long he'll know what I did. That he'll know that I broke a promise too.
016: Not that sure actually...maybe Kotoko?No...Kajiyama? I don't know. But Kajiyama's actually kinda nice when you get down to it, isn't that surprising? He looks out for Haruka, like I try to do for Amane.
Q: Is there a verdict you hope for?
015: That would defeat the point. I want to be judged properly by an outside perspective. Whatever you decide must be correct, right?
016: I'd like to be forgiven, since I think I did the right thing. But I know what I did also hurt others, so I understand if you choose not to forgive me.
bonus notes!!
i was thinking that the trial results would go something like:
for naoto (015) it'd be t1 guilty t2 innocent, something like fuuta. because his mv and song would be super vague and the prevalent theory would paint him in a terrible light, kinda like shidou except without the pretty privilege, and like fuuta whether he feels bad or not is hard to tell, so he gets guiltied. then somehow his trial 2 would garner him a crap ton of sympathy again like fuuta and his vote would turn around
for akane (016) it'd be t1 innocent t2 guilty, kinda like a reverse of naoto. she might be like muu or kotoko where the trial 1 paints her as super sympathetic/heroic, leading you to root for her, but in trial 2 she gets painted in a more negative light so she gets guiltied then
funny side note is that in terms of character parallels by complete accident i accidentally gave naoto like a wild number of paralles to kazui?? like i reached the 'which prisoner would you say is most like you' question, looked at it and suddenly realized, hey isn't this guy just like kazui??? it's that 'i personally relate to kazui a staggering amount' swag ig
akane's parallels were a lot harder to think of because she paralleled a lot of characters in different ways, so the way i ended up writing her response was deliberate and it's great fun to me lol.
i actually couldn't decide if akane would like fuuta or hate his guts, so i didn't include a 'who do you get along with?' question here since i didn't know how to answer it
for their names i ended up going down the 100 most common japanese surnames list on wikipedia and choosing ones that i thought fit, then put them in combination with their given names. i think what i came up with is a little morbidly funny in relation to their crimes that i still think i was kinda clever for, but i didn't write anything about their actual crimes beyond the vague hints in the interro questions, and i havent included the actual characters for their names. idk is that interesting to you guys
so anyways i was wondering if it'd be better if i elaborated on the crimes and wrote them out as it happened in another post or..? idk what do you guys think? should i continue to just be super vague about them
i did also come up with these guys with a prisoner pair theme in mind and it's supposed to be something like 'how much of yourself would you give for your loved ones' but im a little afraid that might be too similar to shidou and mahiru's theme about love? even though their crimes are vastly different i think
anyways that's it, have a nice day!! if you were interested enough to read all the way to here thank you so much <3
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loosesodamarble · 4 months
I know this is a lot but can I get 14 18 21 & 22 for Josele and 5 & 7 for Dusk and Dawn please? 🥺👉👈 Thank you!! 💖💖
Acacia~! Hi there again! Thank you for all the questions! Especially for Dawn and Dusk akjdshgiashritu! Yay! Lots of questions to answer for multiple ocs~!
Josele Canty
14) What are your favorite music genres?
I mostly like old folk songs that I picked up from my mom and dad. My dad didn't know that many songs and none of them fit in with "normal" music, as far as I can tell. My mom knew songs that sound, well, more musical. I chalk that up to there being a musician in the family a few generations back.
I kinda know "classical" music. But that's just 'cause I like to dance to that kind of sound.
18) What’s the best way to cheer you up?
I cheer up the most when I spend time with my friends. The exact activity changes with whoever I hang out with, but as long as I'm with a friend, my day gets brighter.
I go out social dancing with Finral (he makes an excellent leader or follower, by the way). Gordon, Gauche, and Grey like to set up tea or coffee with lots of snacks to cheer me up. Noelle and Yami train with me to cheer me up. And when all the girls get together to cheer me up, it's basically a make over day for all of us.
21) Describe your ideal partner.
Hrm. I've never really been truly attracted to anyone other than Morgen or Nacht. I've fancied people in passing but... Nevermind.
If I had to put it into words, my ideal partner is someone who is kind to their very core. That kindness can be apparent or buried deep down, so long as it's there, I'm happy. They'd be someone who puts their best into what they do, even if they have to take time to find the will to do so. My ideal partner should be someone I've known for years and find incredibly easy to love, as in if I'm asked about my love for them, my answer is out the second the question is asked.
I guess ideally, my partner would be skilled enough to go hunting with me and neither Faust has been able to do that. But I honestly prefer Morgen and Nacht the way they are over any imagined perfect partner in my head.
22) What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
O-oh? Well... Morgen and Nacht both have different pet names for me and all of them make my heart flutter a bit. Morgen calling me his "heart" was honestly the most romantic thing in the world. The sound of his voice and the look of his eyes when he said "my heart"... I miss those a lot... Nacht has lots of pet names for me too. "Darling," "my star," "my angel." He says them so sweetly that I just melt!
I guess another tactic to easily flirting with me is giving little kisses here and there. Long kisses are nice but the those quick pecks are playful and leave me wanting for more later~!
Dawn Faust
5) What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
I train! Whether it's with magic or weapons, I like to make sure I'm at the top of my game! Sure it tires me out but a snack and a shower is enough to bounce me back! Besides, I like to think I look super cool when I train!
I especially love training with my friends and siblings! They've got some awesome spells and it's fun to see them improving too!
7) Who do you look up to?
Oh that's an easy question. I look up to Mother and Father are my main role models of course! I gotta be strong like Mother and I wanna be as clever as Father one day.
Ms. Charlotte, Ms. Noelle, and Ms. Mereoleona too. They're all brave and strong and amazing people who can't be stopped by anything at all! And though I don't really know Uncle Morgen, the fact that I have the same attribute kinda makes me feel like I should live up to the legacy he left behind (you know, minus the evil paladin stuff...)
Anyone who is cool and strong and nice is someone I think it worth looking up to honestly!
Dusk Faust
5) What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
Read mostly. Fantasy novels, "writing for dummies" sorts of books, gaming rulebooks and modules...
And I write a bit too, but it's nothing special. My friends think the stories I come up with are good, but they're the one doing most of the work by being the heroes.
7) Who do you look up to?
I'd say that my biggest role model in life in Lord Fuegoleon Vermillion. He's a dignified man with strong morals. He's a lot more outspoken than I am but he doesn't have to raise his voice to command respect. I... Don't want to be in the spotlight him, not at all. But I would like to have his confidence one day...
Mrs. Adlai was apparently like me back in the day so I look up to her to reassure me that I won't be a coward forever.
I also look up to Uncle Morgen and the kindness that Mother and Father say he had.
And I guess... Father too. We weren't always close but... He's not good at showing he cares, like me. Still, he protects and loves those he cares about with all his might and even if his best isn't always enough, he tries. I... can't deny that he's a good man.
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iodotsys · 1 year
I'm not Anon from before but if Dib is an incel and Zim can't care then how do they make a couple? (No hate from me!! I only want to know your thoughts on ZADR 👉👈 )
I appreciate this question. Its funny, I was wondering if someone was gonna ask this when I was doing my analysis.
Dib is the only one who sees Zim for the incredible force that he is and visa versa. They both fulfill each other's need for the attention and 'respect' they attempt to get from those around them. They feed off of each other, they are each other's reason to live.
Right after that whole speech I mentioned in Room with A Moose, Dib remembers what Zim had said.
"Zim's voice: My mission might not be as exciting without you around to annoy me.
An image of Zim fades in.
Zim: But it will be more… pleasant."
Dib immediately changes his mind about what he was planning on. He saved Dib's life.
And, of course, who could forget the entirety of Mopiness of Doom? Zim becomes a depressed mess just because Dib isn't paying attention to him. Dib feels empty inside because he's not chasing after Zim. They've become entangled in each other's lives far more than they would even WANT to admit.
They drive what is most important to each other, themselves. They give each other purpose and fuel each other's ego. They make each other feel important and seen. They care for each other only because they know how important they are for their own survival. They've become a means to an end of their own importance.
There is a fine line between love and hate. It is by no means a traditional romance. They are two suns trapped in a binary system, ripping apart anything that gets close to them. They destined to orbit each other in a deadly tango until one of them supernovas and consumes the other.
I enjoy these questions. If anyone has any more, please feel free to ask.
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natimiles · 6 months
Though I am curious to knkw what exactly make you pick that suitors as your faves like what attracted you toward them and yes I mean all of them sorry if it is a long question 👉👈
Ooooohohohoooooo, Giulie…. That’s a dangerous question, little lady!
This is gonna be long. You asked for all of them, and all of them I shall give.
There will be spoilers too, soooo… I’ll put it under the cut HASIUEHIASUESA. You feel free to skip any of them you haven’t played yet or don’t want to read hihi
It’s time to shine! *cracks knuckles*
WHERE TO BEGIN? OH MY GAWD, ASHIESUAHEAS. My lovely physicist… How could I not love him? He is the love of my life! He is shy, a contrarian, socially awkward, and adorkable.
He says he doesn’t need anyone and he just wants to be alone, but I think he is the most touch and love starved out of everyone in this mansion. He has spent his whole life being alone. It’s more a thing he’s used to than what he really wants (and I think that’s one of the reasons why Arthur can’t leave him be and keeps teasing him; he can read Isaac like a book). And it’s so beautiful to see him realize that!
He has the purest reactions sometimes. And his side stories really add to the whole thing, like when they go to town together after MC takes care of him, and he:
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He could barely look MC in the eye in the prologue, and look where he ended up! He grew so much during his route. I think it has the right amount of drama and sad background.
When he finally falls in love, he is so bewildered by the idea. He still has a hard time expressing himself with words (and he says so in his last birthday), but it’s endearing how he tries his best.
And besides being smart, nice, gentle, adorable, cute, kind, caring, protective, and a little jealous (but also never stopping MC from doing anything she wants!)... He is pleasant to look at. I mean, I LOVE HIS EYES! He has the prettiest eyes, in my opinion. Sometimes while playing, he appears on the screen, and I just stop and stare into his eyes for a whole minute...
I love his soft voice and how he stutters sometimes.
I love him.
I like a good tsundere, and Mozart is one for half of his route. Half because when it’s time for romance and he accepts his feelings, he becomes really forward about it. He says what he wants and what he likes, and he encourages MC to do the same: speak her mind, don’t be afraid to express what she likes, and don’t be ashamed if she's feeling aroused (this might sound funny, but it’s really important).
He pretends he doesn’t care, but he is always taking care of MC. He tries to feign annoyance, but then you look and he is blushing! HIASUEHAS. He is adorable!
When he finally falls in love and he realizes… God, I think Mozart literally running away to not bite MC is one of the best reactions. And then he comes back to play for her the song he composed because of her… LIKE?? It’s obvious you’re also a little contrarian and you actually want to be with her, Mozart!!!! PLEASE! ASIUEHASIEA.
He pretends to be nonchalant and not care, but we know he does! In Jean’s route, you can see how much he cares about the ones he loves because he can’t stand the idea of MC thinking poorly of his bestie. He doesn’t do it the best way, but… Let’s consider the intention and not the action, ASIUEHSAIEHAS.
He is caring, kind, and adorable. And also overprotective, possessive, and very jealous. He is one step closer to being yandere sometimes… But he does it in a cute way (Does it make sense?), and it makes it funny and kind of endearing.
I love his voice! Like omg, it’s so good! I love hearing him giggle.
Bonuses: His reaction to eating chocolate for the first time is so cute! And in one event, he is commanding MC to do things (it’s the one where he commands her to lick blanc from his beautiful fingers), and he says her blood is something he could never command her to give to him. Talk about boundaries and consent!
He is so much more than he lets on! I’m playing his route for the 3rd time now, to get his side stories and try to get some premiums.
His facade falls fast when he blushes and gets all insecure when he has to apologize for biting her. It’s also nice how he stated he had reasons he now knew were wrong. If you count being wrong as losing, it means so much! This man hates losing, and he’s proud of his deduction skills, so… to admit he was wrong? Wow!
Also, very, very kind! I mean, all of them are, but I’ll repeat it HIUASHESAU. His story is well-written, I guess it helps too.
I love that he can be forward, but also gets a little flustered and desperate when he thinks MC is going home, HAISUEHSA. I LOVE THAT WHOLE SCENE!
He has a huge and soft spot in my heart because he is my very first otome husband. I actually started playing Masamune, my phone was robbed, and then I started playing again and picked Ieyasu. And we’ve been married since then (:
My little porcupine is adorable. The reason I love a good tsundere is because he is one.
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But contrary to Mozart, he expresses himself more through actions than words, although I think he tries to learn to do it with words (kinda like Isaac sometimes).
He is the youngest, and although they don’t say anything about it (that I remember), I think MC is his first relationship. He cares so much about her (and everyone else, even Mitsunari), and takes care of her while pretending it’s nothing. And when he listens to Hideyoshi and gives her the earrings as a reward… He really didn’t want to risk her disliking him! And it’s so precious to me.
He is kind, sweet, smart, and really strong. He just doesn’t realize it. I love how he grows with and because of her. His main route is almost slow (I haven’t read his sequel yet) compared to the new warlords and all the drama they can have, but I think it’s just as beautiful.
Also, I love how he helps MC to grow too. He teaches her how to shoot arrows, and I love how his MC just goes to battle to help him in the Eternal Ending.
I love all the sadness and drama. I love that he falls first and harder.
He is such a mystery! I never really hated him, but I was curious about why he acted the way he does. So I guess this curiosity already drew me to him. And when they released his route, GOD IT IS SO GOOD.
One of the best-written routes (in my opinion), because when you read it for the second time with his povs, you see everything in a different light. I love how we come to see he’s just been showing his true feelings the whole route.
He loves his MC so much, it’s painful. He cares so much about her. And I’ll state it: he is the most romantic suitor ever. EVER. He spent the whole route being romantic, even if we didn’t know about it. And when they get together, it’s so good. He is really forward about his feelings, he isn’t afraid to say or show how much he loves her, and he encourages her to do the same. I can’t say enough how much I love Mitsuhide for opening his heart and not being ashamed about it.
He is also so smitten it makes him look cute. When they’re at the festival and MC says she cares about him, and he starts walking a little clumsily, ASUIEHASIUE. IT’S ADORABLE! Like she can break his character so easily, it’s lovely.
He lies, he deceives, he betrays… but then he goes to her window to give the fucking bellflower pin. GOD, it hurts so good just thinking about it.
And he looks smoking hot with the red eyeliner.
Friends said I’d love him, and GOD HOW I DID. I think I fell faster and harder than Mitsuhide, ASIEHASUIEHSA.
His fangs played a huge part, I’m not gonna lie. I love some fangies! But the way he treats his MC is what got me real hard. The way he always offers his hand and waits for her to accept it, how he doesn’t do anything without her consent.
He needs lots of hugs and therapy. And I love how he grows in his route! He and MC help each other so much to fight their inner demons (or wolf, in his case hehe), it’s really nice. The whole time he thinks he doesn’t deserve to be happy, when he smiles, when he blushes… it’s all so adorable and beautiful! I think it’s impossible not to love him!
He is loving, caring, kind, and pretty forward. I love how he just says “I’m in love with you” like he’s in a business meeting, AHUIEHASUIEHAS.
I love a character who is all stoic but gets emotional about their love. And I love how they show this little detail in his sprites, how his eyes lose their light when he goes berserk about her.
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Plus he bites and I like it. Gotta count that too.
We can bond over baking and cooking!
I love that he thinks he’s another lonely wolf who doesn’t really want to be alone, but finds out it’s the opposite along his route.
I love that he is shy and runs from MC. I love his blushing face, his beautiful eyes, his dyed hair, and his natural one. He looks so pretty with his natural silver hair!
I love how he and Isaac can be similar, and I think that's what attracts me to him the most.
Alright. Jonah used to be 2nd and Luka 1st, but now I’m playing his route again… And I think I might change it (OMG).
He sounds arrogant and selfish, but he is just really proud of himself. And it’s not a bad thing!
Also a tsundere with the “silver hair and beauty mark”. He and Mozart are very similar, in my opinion, and I guess it adds to my love for him, AHSUIEHAS.
Plus, he is hot, and his voice is so good. When he kind of whispers, it gives me goosebumps.
I haven’t played Ikemen Villains yet, but I’ve read some translations. And this man already has my heart.
He is so sweet and cares so much about MC. He sounds almost innocent and clueless sometimes, which is cute.
I loved the event where he got the handcuffs and gave MC the keys. It spoke volumes to me!
I’ll find out more about him when I read his route translations and when they release the EN server so I can play it.
His voice already has me in a chokehold. It’s soft and so, so good. UGH!
I did a whole post appreciating how smart he is, and it counts a lot here.
He is annoying in the beginning? Yes. I’d probably fight him, ASUIHESUIAHE. But then I can’t help it! I love a shy, awkward, otaku, and gamer guy! And Levi is the whole combo.
He is so sweet! I still haven’t gotten over that event where he programs a whole game to propose to MC. Like, look at the extent of his love!
He is another favorite who has a hard time saying it, but he shows it! He can get bold when he needs to, and he blushes furiously in the most loving way. I love when he goes “WOOAAH”, it’s so dumb and lovely.
I love his stupid hair, his eyes, and how his nail polish always changes from teal to purple.
I love his demon form and I won’t elaborate that to keep it sfw.
He is so dumb. He is a grandpa. He says the most random things with a smile. He’s hot when angry. 
He is so precious! I love his eyes, like… most beautiful eyes for Obey Me, I guess. It’s a tie with Levi. I called him dumb, but he’s actually pretty smart.
He cares very much about MC. He talks about his feelings like he’s discussing the weather sometimes, but other times he blushes. And it gets to me every time.
He’s silly, kind, caring, loving, gentle, and a little bit jealous. He’s just discreet about his possessiveness; you gotta read between the lines sometimes.
The feelings I have for his voice. It’s not even a crush, it’s like falling off a cliff.
I’m not sure about this one? HASIUEHSAIU. LIKE. I love that he is smart and goofy at the same time. He isn’t on the “must protect” team, but he is one of my favorites.
I love how he blushes when he needs to talk about his feelings or when MC kisses him, HAIUSHESAIU. SO SILLY!
Kinda my favorites
Alright, these are favorites, but more like… They’re adorable, and I have a strong urge to hug and protect them from the world. I’d give my life to make sure they could smile because they’re so innocent, clueless, cute, and adorable. They’re angels!
Jean: my favorite thing is how he says “marorons” and when he writes his name IN HUGE LETTERS in his notebook because “the bigger you write it, the easier to know who it belongs to”
Shakespeare: recently added here. He is so sweet! And he is very forward with his feelings when they finally get together. It’s… wow, very wow.
Charles: he needs hugs and therapy.
Mitsunari: angel. Breaks my heart when he’s the love rival for Kenshin.
Kenshin: he needs hugs and therapy #2
And one final thing that I love from all of them (and I think all suitors are like this, but sshhh HIASHUESA) is they always compliment their MC about her personality, or things beyond just her looks.
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Can you hear me screaming?
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Mozart breaks me every fucking time with this.
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Thanks for coming to my TED Talk 🤍🤍
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bihansthot · 1 year
Someone in the apartment complex burnt their popcorn or dinner or something and the smell is just lingering in my bedroom. Ugh. I’m tired and want more Syzoth content, we need head canons and fluff and fun! There are lots of wonderful fanarts though and that’s fantastic, I know I’m a basic bitch jumping on the Reptile hype train but I don’t care. I also want to answer more headcanons and asks and stuff so feel free to send me any questions you have. I’m still not quite up to doing fic requests yet but pretty much anything else is fair game.
I’m happy to do content for all of the Lin Kuei (except Frost, sorry I don’t like writing for women) Rain, Reiko and Reptile! Other kharacters might open up in the future and I’m happy to answer questions about any kharacter. Please don’t be shy! Ns/fw is totally fine as long as it’s not a full blown fic request. Please note though I default to an AFAB reader, I am happy to change that if you request it though, it’s just my go to because that’s what I am and I identify as female. Also please note that I don’t do ships, I only do canon x reader I might throw in some Bi-Han x Syzoth here and there though because I enjoy them together. I also won’t do canon x oc, unless I’m asked about my OCs Hallvard or Ice I just do not know my moots or readers OCs well enough to write them. I’m sorry! (If I decide to do requests again I might do canon x oc in exchange for art or a return fic.) Other nos are incest or underage or gore, silly for MK I know but I don’t want to write about organs lol I’m iffy about child requests, I don’t mind talking about my fictional kids but I can physically have children myself so it’s sometimes a touchy subject for me. So, I guess I’ll say kid asks are at my discretion. Oh full on non con is a no but dub con and yandere are ok I guess? I don’t love writing yandere if I’m being totally honest. If any of these subjects bother you though please let me know if you need a specific tag so you don’t see it by mistake.
So, yeah asks are open I guess? I will try and sprinkle in more smut fics here and there too because smut is life, but like I said I’m more than happy to write ns/fw headcanons and stuff. I just can’t handle the commitment of a full blown fic request right now, but small things are good and keep me active in the kommunity. Also as always please feel free to talk to me at me whatever I’m always down to talk about MK :) I can also always be found on discord the server is 18+ but very chill and self ship friendly, but also ship friendly we have different roles to make everyone as happy as possible. Ok lovelies I think that’s everything, I’m going to spend the rest of my night trying to smell something other than burnt food.
Oh one last thing! Please specify what timeline your ask is for! I won’t write for Hanzo Scorpion but I guess I will try for Kuai Liang Scorpion. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just need to know what Kuai Liang I’m working with if he’s involved.
I lied one more thing self ship and OC asks are always appreciated but not expected but I would love to talk about both if anyone is interested 👉👈
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Question, can the mc have sharp elf like ears? 👀
🥺👉👈 Just for you, I might include that option!! Since I'm already working on the customization options for the next update, it's a good time for anyone to drop suggestions for what they'd like to see—no guarantee, though!
Options or not, though, I think elf-like ears is a pretty mild cosmetic change MC can do, so it would still be a valid headcanon! Although, most gods choose to have normal ears as the point is to blend in with mortals. I suppose it depends on how much your MC wants to blend in, or if they don't really care about that!
Thank you so much for the ask hampsy 💕 And again, if there's anything specific people want to see, feel free to suggest below!
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 2 months
I'm thinking about starting to publish my fic, but I don't know much about canon tags... Can ya explain me? 👉👈
And any additional advice would be really appreciated <3
Thanks for taking the time to read my question and I hope you've having a great day 💝💝
Always glad to help if I can!
Canon tags are things like characters, places, objects, even points in the timeline that tell potential readers what pieces from the original content they’re going to see in your fic.
So, for example, say I’m writing an Avengers fic. I want to write just the original team from their first movie, living together in the Tower, before stuff gets too complicated. I would tag each individual team member who appears in the fic as well as any other character who comes in (you start typing their names and AO3 should provide a list of options), then I would use tags like Post-Avengers (2012) and maybe Canon Divergence: Post-Avengers (2012) (if something happens in the fic that contradicts later movies/shows). I could also tag Avengers Tower.
I don’t know which fandom you’re writing for specifically, but the above formula should work universally.
Some extra notes…
The canon tags for characters might not be what you’d expect. For instance: Grogu. His character tag is Grogu | Baby Yoda. If you type in either name, that will pop up in the suggestion list, and if you leave it as just one or the other, it will reroute to that tag (that’s the beauty of bigger fandoms 😉)
There’s a lot of different opinions on whether or not to tag non-main characters in a fic. Personally, I feel any character who speaks, who is “on stage” or has a major influence on events in the fic, deserves a tag. That way, readers who want content of that character can type it into their search and celebrate when they find a bunch of fics, and anyone who does not want to see hide or hair of that character ever again can filter them out and go on in peace.
You don’t have to get too tangled up about getting the absolute right tags to tell people the date and time of where the fic is set. Often times, just tagging the movie or TV season is enough. If your fic is Canon Compliant, you can tell us so and (if it’s in a show) you might wish to tag the exact episode. Otherwise, the good old Alternate Universe—Canon Divergence and Not Canon Compliant will cover you if you’re playing around in the sandbox and ignoring canon’s crimes and indiscretions.
And I think this is pretty well-known but some might be unfamiliar with it—relationship tags. There’s a spot specifically for them when you’re getting the fic ready on AO3. Character A & Character B denotes a non-romantic relationship (can be used for everything from family to friends to “well, they’re actually enemies who totally hate each other’s guts but they talk to each other in this fic”; Character A/Character B is a romantic relationship. You can have multiple characters in the string if like they’re a set you can’t separate: Character A & Character B & Character C
🍁 Hope this helped a bit. If you want any further explanation or guidance, feel free to ask and I will try my best! 🍁
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oathofpromises · 3 months
hands.  for your muse to take a hold of my muse’s hand. — Crystal Exarch to Lady Exarch 👉👈
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Lady Exarch reclined in the chair, while Lyna, still a young child, slumbered soundly against their chest. The Vii had quickly drifted off after hearing yet again the story of how Exarch and his wife had met. While they had to make some changes, primarily to shield Lyna from the existence of other worlds, when she was older, they decided to tell her a few more details, but it was crucial to avoid any thing that didn't exist on this shard. It was for the best, but the two knew how smart Lyna was already and it would only get harder the older she became.
Gently, the Lady Exarch stood up as she walked into the next room and tucked Lyna into her bed. Despite the fact that this world was on the brink of destruction, they were still able to have such peaceful moments as this. It was a painful reminder of how fleeting their lives were, or should have been, but their connection to the tower, shared by both Exarch and herself, prolonged their lives, at least to a certain extent. They understood that averting the Black Rose future would necessitate far more years than afforded to a normal life span .
The embedded crystal in both their bodies served as proof of this. For Lady Exarch, it was her scales and tail. At this point, her scales and tail were completely covered in crystal, and she made no attempt to hide her face. After all, even when the time came that Stella ended up here, it would be difficult for just anyone to put two and two together. At least, that was their hope and even should someone figure out that the Lady Exarch and Stella were essential the same person, it would be impossible to explain to the average citizen. Even the Lady Exarch wasn’t sure she fully understood how she came to be here, but that didn’t matter. The feelings she had for the Exarch were way stronger than any questions she might’ve had about her own existence. 
There were even times she could see it in the Exarch's eyes; he was thinking of Stella. She was still there, but there was always a slight ache in her heart. She wasn’t the one he had originally met; she was simply a shard of the woman he loved. The Lady Exarch tried her best to be the same Stella he had known and loved, but sometimes it felt like maybe she would never live up to it. The last thing she wished for was for him to be here alone and maybe it was that wish that allowed this shard of her to be here with him now.
The long, pink-haired woman leaned against the balcony in the their bedroom, closing her eyes. It was almost time for the Exarch to return from his evening walk around the city, and last thing she wanted him to see was the slight tears falling down her face. The woman's mind was elsewhere; she didn’t feel fingers brush against her hair before pink locks slowly escaped from the ponytail she kept it in. 
A soft smile formed across her face as she felt her lips press against the side of her neck. Her hand slowly reached behind her, and she found the Exarchs before their fingers tangled with each other. She turned and saw the hood cascade down behind his back, revealing those gorgeous, crimson eyes. She often found herself lost in those same eyes.
"Raha," whispered the Lady Exarch, letting out a soft giggle as his lips trailed up and down her neck. He paused, taking a moment to breathe her scent in before resting his head on her shoulder. Gently, she reached her free hand up and ran it through his red hair. 
'I missed you...' 
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"There you are, Raha; how did your walk go?" she asked before she raised their intertwined hands and pressed a kiss against his palm. He had been working extremely hard lately, and she knew it was all to try and save this shard. Another part of her worried about the pressure he was putting on his body. She'd already felt weaker lately, and she could only imagine how hard it was on him.
"Raha, what do you say we take some time for ourselves tomorrow? We haven't had much time to really rest and take it easy lately, and I worry about you."
It could also provide her with the opportunity to discuss a significant matter with him—a revelation she had only recently made—a prospect that fills her with dread, particularly given the recent weakness of her own body. Slowly, her other hand reached down and held her stomach as she felt the Exarch drift off for a brief moment. She gave his hand a soft squeeze as a small gasp left her lips before feeling him carry them to the nearby bed. 
"Get some rest, my love. I'm right here," she whispered before leaning up and pressing her lips against his forehead. This is where she would stay, by his side, until her life faded from this world. 
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mewnia · 1 year
For those who like to keep up with me, I’m going to be changing the way I do a few things here soon! I’m wanting to take what I do a little more seriously 👉👈
The changes that I know rn for sure are
1) I will be retweeting/reblogging less stuff. Exceptions to this are mutuals and friends that I want to support, and small bursts of participation in the fandoms I like
2) I’m going to try doing “Tales-of Sundays!” Where I draw at least a cleaned sketch of something for the Tales series :P Feel free to even ask questions, request, or just overall gush about the series with me on those days.
There are a few changes that are more personal and for my blog specifically that I won’t state here because I personally don’t… think anyone would care? So I hope things go well! I just want to be both a little more professional and also a little more present than I have been in the last year. Thank you!
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windkonig · 2 years
Hi!! I was wondering if Surgat's demon kind was like.... A closed species? (Gonna be honest I don't know how that closed species thing even works exactly) BUT basically I've been wanting to create a demon oc design of my own that'd be like Surgat but I wanted to know if that would be okay, and if there'd be any rules of any kind attached to it? 👉👈
OMG?!!?! I'm shocked I never thought I'd ever get anyone wanting to make their very own surgat demon!! :D
I'm flattered and I'd love for you to make your very own! here's some general info on what the species kinda presents like to help you out! if I missed anything you'd like to know please feel free to ask me more questions!
(and of course if you make your own OC I'd love to see them!!)
appearance related:
they actually DO have two horns, surgat was just born with one. feel free to give yours one or two, up to you!! one is considered rare.
horns can vary in curve and size, just as long as its coming directly out of the temple area like surgat's, and should match skin color. (I hope that makes sense ahh)
your OC can have any skintone of your choosing. surgat's skin is just very pale bc there's no sun on the planet anymore!
they all have Claws, the color is yours to decide
the tail is essentially a prehensile hand-like appendage. they can vary a bit in shape and size, as long as there's a hand-ish shape going on!
surgat has some glowy bits, like the inside of his mouth is blue and glows! you can incorporate this if you choose
on the glitter topic... for consistency's sake the species as a whole probably has skin/hair that sheds glitter-like stuff from them. however, if you don't want your OC sparkling like mine, I won't get onto you about it
they have sharp canines (fangs) and some individuals fangs are larger than others
there's no standard eye color so go for whatever you want! however I think it'd be cool if they all had that ring of a secondary color of your choosing (like how surgat's is gold) but you don't Have to follow that
I know all my guys tend to wear suits but feel free to have your OC rock whatever clothes you want :D
any body type you like, feel free to make them trans, give them body/facial hair, birth marks, tattoos, piercings, etc
this species has an "aura" that they can separate from themselves and manipulate into objects of their choosing. these objects would glow and typically be the color you choose as their scheme, so surgat's objects would be solid blue, but yours could be green, pink, etc.
basically the aura is a manifestation of your character's Power. every demon is built different, so some are stronger than others.
every individual can "exert" their aura if they choose, and the stronger they are, the more pressure is felt in the air. at extreme levels, this can cause pain and immobilization to others around that person.
this is basically demons' way of showing off to each other hey, I'm the fucking strong. so it all depends on how powerful you want your character to be!
other demon species/types in my OC-universe CANNOT manipulate their auras into shapes like surgat's kind can. they are unique in this
I'm aware this sounds very shounen-anime-ey but I started building this lore when I was in highschool LOL
lore of the species:
they lived in symbiosis with another species called "false angels" on a very lush and forested planet.
surgat's kind are slow to heal from wounds, and false angels, while not angels, can still heal others.
however, false angels are weak physically, so surgat's kind served as protectors to them.
because of some other complicated lore event, the sun went out on surgat's planet. after this, hungry and violent creatures born from shadow took over, and as a result, surgat is technically the last of his kind.
however, we're gonna ignore that last part because I want anyone who wants to to be able to create their very own surgat-demon <3
general stuff:
they can live a long time! surgat is around 370 but they can prob be up to around 1,000 in age
you can name your OC however you like! there's no rule for it
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