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crowdusk · 4 months ago
One Piece Chapter 1132: Adventure in Elbaph (thoughts & predictions for the arc)
Part 2 here.
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[These are the feverish autism-fuelled thoughts I wrote out after reading chapter 1132 because I was overtaken by the urge to connect some dots (I did edit a bit to hopefully be more coherent). I didn't engage with any other reviews or theories on Elbaph apart from quite general ones before reading this, so it'll be cool to see if other people have similar ones. Wasn't sure whether to post this but I wanted to put it somewhere before chapter 1133 came out and next week's break so it doesn't just sit on my laptop for me to forget about, and more importantly so I can refer back to it and see if anything I said was even vaguely correct. It's a monster and I don't have time to do a proper editing process so please kindly look away from any mistakes and poor structuring. One of the really fun aspects of serialised storytelling for me is theorising and analysis, even if it makes a fool of me more often than not. I'm not expecting to be right but it's fun when that happens!]
This also ended up being, uh, Very Long. There is a chapter review part with some thoughts on the arc, and then there are thematic sections where I got more into detail about what I think Elbaph will explore. This whole thing will be split into multiple posts because of Tumblr's limit, but there will be links to the different sections/posts. Ok, end of intro.
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Overall thoughts on the chapter
Firstly, this chapter was so fun. It had all the familiar thrill and excitement of a new island and adventure, with some wonderful panels (rainbow-sailing, Bonney and Robin, the Elbaph village). We had ‘Adventure in the Land of Mystery’, and the suspense was interesting, but I’m sure I wasn’t the only one extremely confused (especially because of the mistakes). From what I saw the whole fandom was essentially the when ur whole crew doesn’t know a damn thing meme. But I’m glad Oda had his fun with the fake introduction to Elbaph, which also helped set up Luffy meeting Loki and the delay in receiving Vivi’s message amongst other things. 
1132 really feels like quintessential early One Piece where we’re off to a running start now that we’re finally sure we’re where we want to be. Love to see the Strawhats get somewhere, play around, and immediately cause chaos. It’s somehow packed with new information and fast-paced, while feeling like we get a bit of a breather from plot-intensity after Egghead. 
I’m also, of course, incredibly happy we’re finally getting to see Elbaph in all its much-anticipated glory. The natural features of the island – especially the landscape, the scale, elements like the rainbows and the giant tree as a living support–  make it feel extra fantastical and wondrous beyond what I, at least, had imagined. Hats off to Oda and especially his assistants for the gorgeous Rivendell-Zelda-Skyrim vibes in the village introduction spread. I love a fantasy-style nature-based environment, and I don’t think we’ve had that in a while. Wano and Egghead had some incredible settings too, of course, but the story felt a lot more people-centric once they got to the islands. Here, the landscape really becomes a character of its own in the same way it did in say, Zou (quite literally). In fact, Yggdrasil is both alive and ancient, just like Zunesha. I’m looking forward to seeing how that feeds into the story. 
I'm also very glad that Oda is leaning into that and giving us those wide-angle shots. He doesn’t always get perspective and scale exactly right, but I personally don’t mind – the man knows how to draw an impactful double-spread. I can’t un-know the fact that the Sunny is supposed to be more than twice the height of Goldberg, who’s carrying it, but it doesn’t ruin anything for me. I’m used to Oda just doing shit like that because he wants/needs the Sunny to be carried around like a toy. It would be such a shame if we got to Elbaph and we only got smaller views or workarounds in order to avoid the challenges of scale and perspective. 
On top of that, one of my favourite parts of the One Piece experience is finally having puzzle pieces and references fall into place after arcs and years – like the architecture and landscape we recognise from Big Mom’s flashback. We've been waiting for this for over 20 years! More than 1000 chapters! I love this manga. I love it here. The sequence of the rainbow bridge leading into finally getting to see the village was lovely, and as a huge Skypiea lover, I am having a great time. Seeing our experience reflected in Luffy and especially Usopp’s reactions was also beautifully moving. I’m glad they were highlighted and we had the flashback to Little Garden to really drive it home.  
On the plot side,  we’re slowly building a picture of the variation in how different giants feel about humans. We have Gerd and Rodo, who both have strong feelings in completely opposing ways. Where Gerd infantilises humans in her fascination with them, Loki and Rodo clearly seem to think they are inferior. It remains to be seen what other perspectives exist in Elbaph. Is there real resentment or hatred from those like Loki and Rodo, or do they generally just think giants are superior due to their strength and size? Regardless, it feels like Oda is slowly setting us up to understand that there are different groups of giants with different beliefs even within Elbaph (we already know Saul is not from there and considers them ‘barbarians’). Just as in any society there are surely faultlines and disagreements, and their relationship to humans – and maybe even the world at large – might very well be a point of tension within the kingdom. 
Speaking of points of tension, it’s obviously very ominous that Luffy has made a promise to Loki, particularly since we don’t know the specifics of it. Oda has cleverly given us only a glimpse of the very end of that conversation in relation to Luffy’s famous difficulty with lying and we’ll see how long he decides to tease us with it. He could definitely give us that information in dribs and drabs to keep us guessing, but I also think most of us are probably right in guessing that Luffy promised to free Loki, even if we don’t know if he wanted anything in return. Honestly, the first time we even saw Loki in chains I thought oh Luffy’s 100% going to free that man, and I know I’m not the only one. 
Regardless of exactly how and when we see that conversation, I imagine we'll see Luffy’s actions start to confirm and clarify our suspicions. For example, if he did agree to free Loki and needs to retrieve the key, then he might well start making moves to do that soon (although after the feast, of course – nothing comes before a metric ton of meat). I also think it will be very interesting – and comical – to see Luffy try and execute a stealth operation, because as we’ve seen time and time again, that is the opposite of his forte. He’s bad at lying, he’s bad at keeping secrets, and he’s bad at doing things with subtlety. So I’m looking forward to seeing how Luffy deals with that – whether he manages to keep it a secret from everyone or if, as I suspect, he ropes in at least one of the other Strawhats, even if by accident. Take your guesses! There’s a whole range of options ranging from experts (Nami, Robin, Brook) to the sneak mission equivalent of throwing a grenade onto a presidential lawn (...Zoro).
My more specific pet theory when it comes to Luffy’s meeting with Loki is that I would not be surprised if in one of the upcoming chapters up we get a sort of split screen set up with Hajrudin or an equivalent giant on one side, explaining more about Loki’s deeds and why they imprisoned him, and the flashback to Luffy’s conversation with him on the other. We know from DorryBrogy (yes I’m using that now) that Hajrudin wanted to come and retrieve the Strawhats from Egghead himself, but ultimately couldn’t because of “some (Loki-related) trouble back on Elbaph”. It would make sense to me if Hajrudin explains in more detail what happened that prevented him from sailing to Egghead, and tells us more about Loki himself. At the same time that Hajrudin is talking about the terrible things Loki has done, we get the penny-drop of Luffy flashing back to his agreement to free said evil man. 
It’s a perfect storytelling device in this medium, especially when it comes to revealing important (and in this case stomach-dropping) information to us as omniscient readers. We saw something slightly similar most recently during Vegapunk’s speech, which Oda used to clearly signpoint us to characters and their links to mentions of important information in the speech, (e.g. showing Shirahoshi, Vivi and Momo when talking about the ancient weapons). Of course that was very different in tone and intention compared to what the Loki reveal I’m hypothesising would be like, but I’m mainly just trying to highlight the use of the manga medium and how it lends itself to this kind of layering. I’m sure Oda’s done something much closer to what I’m thinking of before, but in all honesty I can’t recall an example right now. Regardless, I could be completely off the mark (I am just a little jester honestly), but we know Oda loves his dramatic reveals and drumbeats so I’m willing to put this out there. 
I am also particularly interested to see how Luffy will react to the information about Loki. Will he dislike Loki but still go through with it? Will he disagree with Hajrudin and the other giants? Will it change nothing for him? I think Luffy won’t go back on his promise no matter what information is revealed, but knowing Luffy, he also might just not really pay attention or care what Loki’s done. It will mainly be for us as readers, and the rest of the Strawhats, to decide how we feel about it. We know that Elbaph has very strong values and rules, especially surrounding their warrior culture – ones like honour, strength, and probably truth/honesty. I’m waiting to see whether what Loki’s done is considered bad specifically within Elbaph culture, or whether they’re just terrible in general. This is why in my opinion Loki won’t be A Classic Villain, because I don’t think the central conflict in Elbaph will be as simple as just Loki vs the rest of the giants and Strawhats. There’s too much ambiguity present.
Plus, we haven’t seen Luffy’s instinct about people go wrong yet. The first time he met Blackbeard they immediately started fighting, even if it was about something as stupid as food preferences. He hated Doflamingo the minute he met him. Even Buggy couldn’t actually betray him, despite wanting to. If Luffy generally trusts someone, we know that means they’re trustworthy or at least even if not at the beginning, he wins them over or is able to deal with the untrustworthiness in a way that makes it irrelevant. 
Of course, Loki could prove the exception to the rule, but we know that part of Luffy’s strength is understanding and seeing through people. It would take a lot for Loki to fully trick or betray him, since Luffy just does what he wants and deals with the consequences as they arise. He’ll be more than happy to fight Loki if he threatens something/someone he cares about. To be clear, I’m not saying Loki is a threat at all – I do think his desire to “destroy the world” means mass violence, but Luffy doesn’t tend to care about larger villainous plans until they directly affect his loved ones. He’s also the first ‘evil’ character so far who’s been shown to have very obvious parallels and similarities with Luffy, so even if he is an antagonist, I expect it to be in a way we haven’t seen before (more on that later). 
Another possibility is that Loki and certain other giants have a strong dislike of humans, and therefore want them off the island as quickly as possible. This would also align with Louis Arnot’s warning about not overstaying your welcome. I imagine not everyone on Elbaph is inclined to be friendly to humans, and there might even be other people (other kinds of giants, or non-giants) living on the island. It feels like Oda has strongly emphasised that Warland is only a kingdom on the island of Elbaph, implying that there might be other groups of people – or even countries – sharing the land mass (perhaps on the Astral level?). To me, it feels like Elbaph is holding some kind of secret that makes it particularly dangerous. Maybe, like in Skypiea, there is a forbidden area in Elbaph that is off-limits to people (prime candidate being the Astral/Celestial realm) whether to maintain that secret or perhaps for spiritual reasons. Trespassing could incur serious danger or punishment, and we can probably predict exactly what will happen if a certain captain hears about it. 
And there are other ways I think Elbaph will parallel Skypiea. The Strawhats first connected with the Skypieans (Conis and her father) and were quickly thrown into conflict with both Enel and his forces (including the White Berets) as well as the Shandians who weren’t too happy about outsiders. They had to work with the different groups against Enel, and as part of that, prove to the Shandians that they were trustworthy. The Shandians, who had the crucial connection to the Ancient Kingdom and the poneglyph. We might see a similar situation in Elbaph where the Strawhats have to prove to a group of people (maybe outsiders to Elbaph’s society, maybe those who distrust humans) that they are trustworthy so that they can all unite to fight against a bigger foe like the World Government. It remains to be seen who that might be, but this would also be an opportunity for Oda to give the Strawhats even more people, groups and allies who believe in Luffy’s power. 
Additionally, both Skypiea and Alabasta were countries in the midst of internal conflict – specifically over natural resources – when the Strawhats arrived, and in both of those cases the actions of the crew helped end the wars. Elbaph might be similar. In both of those arcs the conflicts had roots in the secrets of the Void Century, be it because the Shandians were protecting their ancestral lands and the poneglyph after being persecuted by the World Government, or Crocodile’s desire to gain control of Pluton. The giants of Elbaph seem to be one of the only groups of people who have maintained a consistent sun god worship, probably not for lack of the World Government trying to wipe it out (their strength will certainly have served them in that regard). On top of that, I’m sure there’s other crucial information, not just from the Ohara library, that the giants have managed to protect regarding ancient history. If we think about their lifespans, the Void Century was only a few generations back for them, so there may be important oral histories that have been passed down from elders. It’s clear that this is a culture with strong links to the secrets of the past, like the Shandians and the royal family of Alabasta. Though the wars in those countries were exacerbated by many other factors, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see something similar in Elbaph – some tension that relates to events further back in history, and maybe even the Void Century.
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Loki, Luffy, and the power of myth
My current theory on Loki is that he believes he is the new Joyboy, and/or an incarnation of Nika/the sun god from Elbaph’s myths (in the same way that King believed Kaido to be Joyboy). We don’t know yet whether Elbaph is polytheistic – Nika/the sun god might just be one of their deities – but if we use Rodo’s weird RPG cage world as a reference, he did create a bunch of different minor ‘gods’. Elbaph itself might have a similar system, with the Sun God being the most important deity. Regardless, we know that Nika is important in their culture, given Dorry and Brogy’s immediate recognition of Luffy in Gear 5 and the celebration of the Winter Solstice as the return of the sun in Big Mom’s flashback. We’ve also seen the painters being called sunstones, which is reminiscent of Vegapunk’s pursuit of solar technology and the Motherflame, and the giants live on the Sun level of Yggdrasil. On top of that, the Underworld – where people are sent for punishment – is specifically noted to lack sunlight. We already know that the sun in One Piece’s world is associated with Nika (liberation, joy), but in terms of general symbolism the sun is also linked to clarity, truth and perception. 
This is why I think questions of faith, belief and truth will be so important to answering what makes Elbaph’s giants such mighty warriors, what kind of devotion do they have, and how do their beliefs and worship link to collective liberation in the One Piece world, both historically and in the present? 
Oda is also going to get meta in this arc, I believe (even more obviously than he already does). I'll get into this more later, but the Lego kidnapping introduction already served to set up important questions. What is reality, and what is fantasy/illusion? Whose world are we in? Who are the storytellers and what are the different ways stories are lived and told? What is their nature, function and importance? There are going to be many layers in this arc and it's narration, encompassing past present and future, and I think Oda will play with form to achieve this (off the top of my head - the adventurer's log voice of Louis Arnot, to flashbacks, to legends told by the giants, to reading the texts of Ohara...). Contradictory stories, multiple perspectives on one narrative, and different but coexisting truths might well all come into play as important.
Speaking of one type of story, myths and legends are the vessels of belief, and it’s likely the Elbaph culture includes and centres many related to Nika and Joyboy. In fact, this was already mentioned by DorryBrogy (“they tell tales about this god in Elbaph”). I don’t think we’ve had direct confirmation yet, but I’m sure the giants had a connection to the Ancient Kingdom and may very well have preserved information from the Void Century by virtue of their fighting strength, passing stories down across generations, despite the World Government’s best efforts. I also think those stories handed down from the Void Century (maybe even from the first Joyboy, or Roger) may have included some kind of prophecy that Joyboy/the Sun God will destroy the world when he returns (similar to Madam Shyarly’s prophecy about Luffy destroying Fishman Island). If that’s the case, Loki could very well think he’s the chosen one to do so. 
Of course, we know that the final war will likely involve some form of physical destruction (Fishman Island amongst other things) – and there are many theories around that – but to me, the idea is most importantly metaphorical. The world as it is needs to drastically, fundamentally change (including materially), which requires the destruction of things as they are so that the dawn can arrive. Loki’s interpretation, in contrast, could very well be a literal and narrower one involving setting everything on fire Ragnarok-style, hence the other giants imprisoning him to stop him. The way they’ve referred to him as having “a few screws loose” also suggests they think he’s mad or maybe delusional, which makes sense if he’s claiming to be an incarnation of their sun god. His belief may in fact be so pure that it is extreme. As Oda is making clear over and over, you cannot choose to be a god – myths and gods are made by people’s collective belief. I don’t think we’ll ever see Luffy declaring himself to be Nika or even Joyboy for that very reason. 
Luffy is god-like sometimes, but he isn’t one (“Luffy’s not a god, he’s just an idiot!”) nor would he want to be treated as one. Luffy doesn’t even know he’s the new Joyboy, or who Nika is, and what his Gear 5 powers are. If the giants try to project any kind of divine responsibility or title onto him, Luffy will absolutely not care – he refuses to be anything other than himself in all his freedom. However, he does have a great amount of care for friends and is willing to go to any lengths to help them, so we’ll have to see which characters act as those anchors for his desire to fight during this arc. 
I think we’ll see a lot of complex and interweaving traits with Luffy and Loki, as characters who have many similarities but also fundamental differences. Luffy pretty much can't lie, whereas I'm guessing Loki is pretty good at it. Luffy is selfish in his words but his actions help the collective, whereas I could see Loki causing widespread harm but claiming selflessness and doing collective good (e.g. cleansing the world via Ragnarok). Loki claims his godhood fully, demanding respect and imposing obedience, believing fully that he is fit to command others. Luffy doesn’t demand faith, he inspires it.
Indeed, Oda has clearly set up Loki to parallel Luffy in the past few chapters. They had very similar childhoods where they spent a lot of time alone in the wilderness and befriended beasts – in Loki’s case, in the frozen outcast space of Elbaph. This is particularly interesting given he’s a prince – we have to wonder why. Like Luffy, he seems to have humorous and silly traits like getting people’s names wrong, which is an exact copy of what Luffy does. He also has an older brother in Hajrudin, like Luffy with Ace and Sabo, although we don’t know the nature of his relationship with Hajrudin. Were they close growing up and then there was conflict later because of Loki’s actions? Were they always at odds? I wouldn’t be surprised if Loki’s strength wasn’t in his physicality but more so in his cunning and intelligence, which might not have been celebrated or seen favourably as what was expected of an Elbaph prince, in contrast to Hajrudin better fitting the mold. This theory is mostly based on Norse mythology, where both the god Loki and the jötnar Utgarda-Loki are associated with trickery and illusions. It would also mean Loki flaunts the rules of Elbaph warrior culture, making use of strategy, intelligence, language and mischief to win his battles. If Loki was seen as strange or not quite fitting into society and expectations, he may have just chosen to isolate himself and spend time in the Underworld with his animal friends. Alternatively, maybe he was sent down there by his father to get stronger, in the same way Garp threw Luffy into the jungle. 
With all that said, I’m particularly interested to see what his devil fruit is – initially I thought it could be a mythological zoan, which I believe is still very possible, but I could also see it being related to these themes of magic and illusion. The one thing I’m unsure of in this regard is Loki referring to himself as the strongest in Elbaph. Is it because of his devil fruit? Does he mean something different to strength in combat? Was he just lying? That remains to be seen. 
We also don't know what Loki did yet, but I think a lot of the themes of this arc are going to be about the values of Elbaph and how different people come up against them. I’m particularly interested in our dear captain Luffy, of course, and how he relates to those rules, because Luffy’s whole character is about pure freedom regardless of what’s happening around him. The only form of bond that Luffy accepts is those of love, friendship and connection with people (often conveyed through food, as we know). Of course, it could be that Luffy doesn’t particularly come up against Elbaph’s rules (we didn’t really see him in tension with the samurai code in Wano) but I have a feeling that the challenges of this arc will be a complex set of tensions – buried information, the overarching evil of the World Government, the consequences of history, the values of a war-based society, and how those have shaped the people of the island they’re on. 
Even Luffy’s embodiment of something Nika-like in Gear 5 goes against stereotypical expectations of a ‘warrior’. He is a warrior, but the epithet isn’t complete without the liberation aspect. He doesn’t follow any rules but his own when he fights – in his freest form he can literally bend the rules of space and material (maybe even time). He is so strong not just because he can smash things, but because he is completely unpredictable, silly and joyful – only limited by his own imagination. I also think it will be really interesting to see what Elbaph’s version of Nika is like, because people and societies shape gods, and they can evolve over time. It would be fascinating if Elbaph’s version of Nika is more of a stereotypical kind of war(rior) god. We’ve had mentions of their warrior god before, with the belief that the winner of a duel is the one chosen by that deity, so fighting itself – and the glory of victory – is clearly sacred to them. It may well be that their warrior god is a separate being to Nika, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be a version of Nika that has been shaped by their society’s dominant values. And maybe that is also the version that Loki thinks he is or has warped to fit his desire for violence and destruction.
Part 2 here (ft. strength???, summoning a princess, gay technology and shadow the hedgehog)
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tbaluver · 2 months ago
I reeeeaaalllyyyy love your father/husband headcannons and I’ve been pondering about how the lad boys would treat mc if she was pregnant?
Hope you have time to do it, but it’s completely fine if you don’t want to!!! <3
I love your work and your kindness! Keep up the amazing work and happy new years!!
How They Treat You When You're Pregnant- The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre/ tags: fluff fluff a/n: HIHI again my angel !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ this req reminds me of my first headcanon i ever did for this fandom and i feel like this one is a more accurate one (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) i am always grateful to hear you guys love my work thank you so much luv MWAH ILY !! it always motivates me to write and create more for you all and i hope you're having a happy new years so far !! hopefully i did this req justice lmk what you think !! ahh i hope we get to chat again and i hope you enjoy reading luv (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
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Pregnancy can make sleeping uncomfortable for you and whenever you’re feeling restless, he’s always right there by your side. Whether it’s waking up to comfort you, watching your favorite show together to help you unwind, or adjusting pillows to help you find a comfortable position for you, he’s happy to help. He’ll patiently wait until you’re sleeping peacefully first before he settles back right beside you.
He also doesn’t let you put on an scary movies or shows because you might scare the baby
His face would light up when he hears you want to try one of his favorite weird snack combos. Highlight the word, snacks, because you’re definitely not letting him cook near the microwave or stove.
Xavier is even more protective of you than before, if that’s even possible. Whenever someone gives you a lingering glance in the baby aisle, he’s keeping you close, his arm securely around your waist while giving that person a glance back. When you’re out in public, he doesn’t let anyone get close to your belly bump. Before they can even reach out, he’s already stopping their hand and gently guiding you away.
Xavier attends every doctor’s appointment with you. However,  he does NOT like the idea of going to the OBGYN especially if it were a male doctor. You two would be out of the room immediately. However, if you're uncomfortable with any of the doctors in general, he’ll gladly switch and find a better one for you without a second thought. 
He’s constantly seeking out new information on pregnancy and babies he can find and has probably read every single online article. He does all of this because he’s determined to learn everything he can to care for you and your future child.
If it were even possible, Xavier would be even gentler with you. He talks softly to your belly, his hands resting gently on your hips as he presses his ear against your stomach, listening and waiting for any movements of your future child. As long as you’re comfortable, he’ll lay down between your legs, his face against your belly while you run your fingers through his soft hair. He’ll mostly fall asleep in this position
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Zayne would already notice the subtle signs that you were pregnant before you even realized. He’d pick up the sudden fatigue you’ve been feeling or the way you’ve been extra sensitive to smells. He’s already by your side, holding your hair back as you kneel by the toilet, vomiting. He’ll guide you back to bed, making sure you stay sitting up while he grabs you a couple crackers and a cup of tea.
Zayne is truly an organized and prepared man. He keeps track of everything, noting it down on both his and your phone so that you both have access to all the important details and reminders. He has every date for your checkups, ultrasounds, and any other appointments that are related to both your health and the baby’s. He even makes sure to keep track of which foods are safe for you and which ones to avoid. He’ll keep all the important documents in a file and even keep pictures of the ultrasounds on his desk. Zayne would also have a bag prepared months before your water breaks.
He would let you indulge in anything you crave, as long as it’s safe for you and the baby. He goes the extra mile to prepare you each meal with care and love, making sure that every dish nourishes you and supports the health of your future child. Zayne would have to gently discourage you to not eat dirt covered rocks if you were thinking of craving them. He would also ask his mother some tips when she was pregnant with him. 
A surgeon's hands are trained to be precise and steady which makes him the perfect person to give you a massage. With practice care and skill, he’s able to help you release the tension in your muscles, easing every knot and carefully tending to each sore spot. He would not mind if you sat on his lap and guided his hands to your aching breasts or any sore muscle. He'll happily knead and massage them.
You would always know his schedule, so you’re aware when he has to work late. To make sure you’re taken care of when he’s working, he’d stock up on your favorite snacks and meals, making sure to place them within places you can easily reach. Throughout his shift, he’d check in on you during his breaks, texting to ask if you’ve eaten and drank enough water. He’d also make sure to call you during his lunch break just to make sure you’re doing okay and also because he misses you.
Mood swings are a nightmare and not once have they ever bothered him. Zayne is one of the best listeners to any of your worries and also in general. He understands your fears, concerns, and even the times when you overreact. He’s always there to offer you constant reassurance and to take down any fear you had. He would never belittle your emotions and always prioritizes you with unwavering support.
Unfortunately there are nights when he has to come home late, already finding you peacefully asleep in your shared bed. He can’t help but let out a quiet sigh, a soft smile displayed on his face. Quietly, he approaches your sleeping figure, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and then to your lips. His hands delicately trace the curve of your rounded belly before pressing a gentle kiss to it, whispering, “Good job, you didn’t wake up mommy.”
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The studio would ACTUALLY be clean. You’re not really sure if he stopped being lazy or if he hired someone, probably Thomas, to take care of it for him. The floor would be clear of scattered art materials, dried up paint, and the desks would actually be organized. All so you don’t accidentally step or slip on anything or have anything poking or rolling onto your belly when you sit by his desk.
Rafayel is prepared when it comes to baby names. He actually keeps an organized list in his notes app, with his favorites marked by an emoji so he can easily find them. Each name on the list has its own meaning and references. The two of you would cuddle up in bed, sharing new name ideas and laughing at the ones you can’t pronounce, making sure to cross off the ones that didn’t make the cut.
Mood swings were completely new to Rafayel and to you but he quickly learned to keep up with them. He understands that these emotions aren’t easy for you, so he’s always there, even when you need space. He’s always ready to listen and offer support through every high and low and will be there to lift your spirits up whenever you need him.
Sometimes insecurities can weigh on you and you might feel like hiding your baby bump especially when it feels like the maternal clothing isn’t quite your style. But Rafayel is always there and never fails to remind you just how beautiful you are. He’ll go above and beyond to find the perfect maternity clothes that match your taste.
Rafayel would want to document everything so you both have memories to look back on. He’ll take countless pictures of your growing belly each month, capturing the progress so you can look back on how much has changed. He’ll even create his own little maternity photoshoot for you because no other photographer can capture your beauty like him.
Rafayel loves gently caressing your baby bump, often talking to it, hoping that they can hear him. He’ll throw out random names, saying things like, “give me one soft kick if you dun like this name, two kicks if you realllly love it!” and if there was a quiet moment, he’ll say “it’s okay maybe baby glubs is just sleeping.” So he’ll just hum to you and your belly a Lemurian lullaby so you can all drift off into a peaceful slumber.
One of his favorite things to do is preparing a relaxing bath for you. He fills the tub with warm water and adds calming scents, making sure they’re not overpowering, and a few bubbles to help you unwind and soothe any aches or tensions. As he gently washes your body, his hand gently glides over your growing belly, washing away the soap as he imagines the three of you one day swimming together in the ocean as a family.
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Every time you wake up or whenever he walks through the door after a long day, he greets you with the sweetest affection. First, a gentle kiss on your forehead, then a soft on your lips, accompanied by a “Hello sweetie,” His eyes then soften as he looks down, his hands gently caressing your baby bump, “and hello our little dove.”
You can always expect pampering from Sylus. He’s right by your side with endless shoulder, back and leg rubs. He can’t imagine how uncomfortable it must feel growing a little one inside of you and how much it takes out, so he’s determined to ease any discomfort in every way possible. He’s learned how pregnancy can change your sense, so he’s careful to use any lotions or oils with certain scents, avoiding anything that could make you feel nauseous or unsettled.
Whenever you have trouble sleeping, he’s there to gently prop up some pillows to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible. He’ll go through his vinyl collection, picking out your favorite or ones that will help you unwind and relax.
He loves you deeply and he knows you’re capable of being independent but he does not want you lifting a finger once your baby bump starts to grow. Even in your early stages of pregnancy, he gently encourages you to take it easy, reminding you that you don’t need to push yourself. With the doctor’s advice to rest often, he’s got all the reasons he needs to insist that you relax. Not a single dish in the house will be washed by your hands and no clothing will be folded by you. He wants you to relax as much as possible and focus on yourself and your little one.
It’s not hard to wake up Sylus. In fact, he’s already awake before you slip out of his arms to satisfy your late night cravings. Quietly, he trails behind you, wrapping his arms around you. His large hands rest on your tummy as he presses a soft kiss to the back of your head, his warm chest gently against your back. He already memorizes your cravings at this point unless it was something new, so he guides you to the chair by the kitchen counter. “What are you hungry for, sweetie?”
In your early stages of pregnancy, shopping for your baby was fun and something you both enjoyed planning together. But by the time you reached your third trimester, the long walks were beginning to wear you out. So he suggested online shopping together. He didn’t want you to feel left out and he loved seeing your face light up when you found something adorable for the baby, even if it was another plushie to add to the collection. The two of you would settle in on the bed or the couch, face masks on , hair tied back, happily chatting and laughing about the cutest finds and everything the baby needed.
Every doctor’s appointment, he’s right by your side. He’ll hold your hand the entire time, his thumb gently rubbing soothing circles. He knows how nerve-wracking these visits can be, especially the anticipation of any results. But just having him there by your side brings your comfort and reminds you that you're never facing it alone.
In general and throughout your pregnancy, he’s always been someone you can lean on. With all the emotions and changes in your body, he’s there to listen and offer comfort. He becomes your safe space where you can express yourself openly with no hesitation.
He can’t deny that he secretly loves being called a to-be- dad’ by Luke and Kieran. There’s a smile that never seems to leave his face, knowing that he will be the father of your child and to experience a new form of love together as a family.
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alkaline-wtr · 4 months ago
141 x sick!reader headcanon
Description: They take care of you when you're sick. Genre/Warnings: 141 x sick!reeader, fluff, comfort, headcanon
** This is bad, oops. But here is a little bit of sick comfort because, I am sick right now and procrastinating Chapter 6 of 'We Will Survive' Enjoy.
GHOST: Whenever you're sick Ghost jumps straight into his 'doctor' role.
Rather than giving you a hug and rubbing your back soothingly like you hoped he is up poking and prodding you, asking you more questions than you care to answer.
"Yer not warm."
He says placing his calloused palm on your forehead.
"How 'bout yer head, does it hurt? Throat sore? How 'bout here does it hurt when I do this?"
He asks pressing on your side with his fingers.
You groan swatting his hand away.
"Can't you just... Will you make me tea?"
Ghost sighs and kisses the top of your head.
"O' course love."
GAZ: The morning you wake up with a scratchy throat and a relentless sinus headache, is when Gaz is quick to take over the daily chores and responsibilities.
Cleaning and cooking are his top priorities. Anything that can keep you in bed and stress free he's on in.
Sometimes you think he's trying to heal you through food and drinks alone.
Bringing you teas, water, and softer food or soups for breakfast and lunch. For dinner he'll order takeout from your favorite place and ends the night in bed with ice-cream and your comfort show or movie.
Gaz is a sole believer in resting both your body and mind during days like this and he takes his domestic duties seriously in order to guarantee you a comfortable and clean space to relax and recover.
SOAP: Soap is known to be a bit overbearing when you're not at your best. Smothering you in affection, fluffing your pillow, and crowding your space on the couch with anything he thinks might help you feel better.
You're restricted to the couch, surrounded by water, juice, snacks, plushies, and even objects of entertainment like a game, or a book to read.
Any move you make to shift into a more comfortable position or get up to use the bathroom Soap is by your side immediately asking what you need or how to help.
You always appreciate his care and concern, but it would be nice to use the bathroom for a couple minutes in peace, without Soap knocking lightly on the door to ask if you want him to run you a bath.
PRICE: Price isn't the type to go overboard and tend to your every need. He'll start the day off giving you a simple breakfast in bed, and some medicine before bed rotting with you the rest of the day.
You both nap on and off all afternoon. He holds you in his arms brushing your hair with his fingers gently and leaving plenty of kisses on your cheeks.
It is a slow and quiet day, the TV plays softly in the background as you laze around curled into Prices chest. Curtains pulled shut to leave the room dark and obscure any sense of time you might have. As far as anyone is concerned the world is on pause and it's only you and John today.
You being sick, means he's sick too. He won't be leaving your side, and you will be resting and recovering together.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year ago
Hey, will you write a cassian x reader fic inspired by the song Creepin by Metro Boomin & the Weeknd?
My fault.
Summary: They never liked her. Thought he was too good for her. She did not realised the lengths they would go to hurt her.
Tw: self loathing, cheating, asshole inner circle, reader does not think herself worthy of love. that's all, me thinks, but if there's more, lemme know.
A/n: thank you for the request anon! i enjoyed writing it so much 🥹 so sorry for the long wait my love❣️
(the inner circle is kind of a bitch in this, not Nesta though. she is an angel. reader has no freakin backbone, so dont read if its no your cup of tea)
with that out of the way, i might do a part two if everyone wants it. I have it all planned out 😏
anyways, enjoy!
(heheh @artists-ally and @aroseinvelaris i hope this makes you cry. the snippets were just the snacks. this is the meal)
Y/n stared at her best friend of centuries, numbness spreading through her chest the longer she thought about the information she had just received.
"Y/n? Please say something." Nina begged, her eyes shining with tears, pleading.
"What is there left to say?" Y/n mumbled, taking a deep breath as she turned her gaze towards the empty cup that sat in front of her, picking at her cuticles. "Are you... are you sure it was him?"
Y/n knew it hurt Nina to be the bearer of the bad news, and she felt bad for asking her more about it. But she needed to know. "Yes. I don't think many Illyrians walk around with seven glowing rocks on their body."
Y/n nodded absently.
They sat a few moments in silence, letting the scrape and clinks of the cutlery fill the space between them.
It was supposed to be a girl's day today, and it had been fun, until Nina had gotten that sad, guilty look on her face as the two of them sat sipping on tea at a small cafe in the heart of Velaris.
Y/n almost regretted asking her friend what the matter was. Almost.
When the quiet became unbearable, Y/n stood with a deep sigh, grabbing her purse from the table in between them. Nina followed. "Y/n?"
"I think it's getting late. We should go home. He will be returning soon."
Y/n could see Nina's heart breaking for her friend, but she did not want anyone's sympathy.
"You are going to go back? To that house? To him?"
Y/n released a frustrated breath as the two of them left the cafe, spilling out into the packed street. "What else am I supposed to do? Run away?"
"Yes! He does not deserve you. Please tell me you will leave?"
Y/n looked away from Nina. "You know me, Nina. I have never been one to just up and leave."
It was almost common knowledge at this point. Everyone who knew Y/n, knew she would rather stay in a relationship in which she was the only one making an effort than leave. And she knew she probably was weak for not standing up for herself, the couple of relationships she's been in before showing that, but she simply could not bring herself to forget the teachings of her long dead mother-
That it was a female's job to keep her partner satisfied, and if he sought out other women, then it was the female's fault that she could not satisfy his needs.
Y/n did not think she would ever be able to stop being that timid, shy female who would just cry in the safety of the darkness in her room when someone hurt her.
She hated herself for it.
Nina was the only one who understood Y/n's reasoning and did not give her shit for it. She was the only one who tried to gently guide Y/n to stand up for herself. She never judged Y/n for crying.
"I..." Nina took a deep breath before nodding, rubbing Y/n's back. "I hope you someday find it in yourself to leave him before he..."
Nina did not say it, but Y/n heard it nonetheless.
Before he left her, disposed in favour of someone better. Someone more beautiful, someone more confident and loveable.
Y/n nodded, blinking back tears as she moved to hug her friend, who was more of a sister than anything at this point.
"Thank you." Y/n murmured into Nina's shoulder, her voice breaking. She felt Nina nod against her, giving her a rueful smile after they pulled away.
"Take care, Y/n."
Y/n nodded, turning away. "You too."
Y/n searched his face for something, anything, to show her that what Nina had told her was just a lie. That maybe she was mistaken.
Y/n came up lacking.
Now that she thought about it, the signs were always there. She was just too busy pretending that everything was fine. That Cassian was not like her previous lovers. That he would not throw her to the side, out of his life, for someone else.
That he loved her.
She now saw how foolish she'd been. Every male put on this land by the mother was the same. They only wanted females who were confident, who knew how to give them what they wanted.
She remembered how he had become recently. Yelling and picking fights over the smallest things.
The first time it happened, he was deep in his work, and Y/n had dropped something, making a loud sound and startling the both of them. Usually, Cassian would have given her a small smile and just gone back to work. But not that day.
That day he had glared at her, which was almost worse than the words that he mumbled next.
"When will you stop being clumsy?"
He had spoken under his breath, but Y/n had still heard. She stiffened.
He sighed, his frustration evident. "When will you stop being clumsy?"
His voice was loud, almost booming, echoing in the painful silence after. Tears filled Y/n's eyes as she stared at him.
"Great. Now you are crying." He leaned back, dragging his palms down his face. Y/n ducked her head.
"I'm sorry." With that, she had shuffled out of his office, hoping she had not angered him too much and that he would forgive her.
Y/n watched, as Cassian threw back his head and laughed at something his family said, his hand on his abdomen.
She knew he had recently begun pulling away, knew he felt trapped by her.
And so she had let him do what he wished, made herself smaller to make space for his happiness.
Maybe that's where she had gone wrong.
She could tell he felt freer in this moment. Could tell by the sparkle in his eyes and by the constant smile and joy on his face.
She watched through the window as his body shook with the bouts of laughter his family pulled from him. She stood outside of the small gates that guarded the River estate of the high lord and blinked away her tears.
She had not seen him this happy in months now, and she had to fight off the jealousy that simmered in her gut. After all, she had no right to feel that way after she was the one who suppressed his happiness.
Y/n took a breath, releasing it in a sigh as she made up her mind. She needed to talk to Cassian, and then she would go back home, to the place she and Cassian had shared. To the place that he stopped living in in the past months, only visiting for the sake of it.
Walking up to the door of the home was quicker than she expected, and suddenly she was staring at the fine wood and considering bolting.
Her hand raised itself before she could do anything else, knocking, and she cursed lowly when the sound of footsteps approached.
The door opened to reveal a beautiful female staring at Y/n with a small smile. She had gorgeous blue-grey eyes, her hair that was wrapped around her head in a crown shining under the faelights.
"Yes? How can I help you?"
Y/n blinked, swallowing, wondering if she looked as miserable as she felt.
"I- is Cassian here?"
The female's brows furrowed. "Yes. Who are you?"
Y/n's eyes travelled to behind the female, where now stood a wide eyed Cassian and a furious looking High Lord. "I..."
Cassian sighed, taking a step forward, making the beautiful female glance back at them. "She's my-"
"She's no one, Nesta." Everyone's eyes snapped to the high lord. Hate spread through Y/n, but she tamped it down when Cassian simply continued staring at his brother instead of defending his wife.
A sudden rush of tears prickled at Y/n's eyes, but she swallowed hard. "Yes. I'm no one."
Cassian met her eyes, his gaze pained. Y/n had the vague feeling of being watched, but she ignored it, directly addressing her husband.
"Can I have a word? In private?"
The high lord opened his mouth, to reject no doubt, but Cassian beat him to it. "Yes."
Y/n sighed, and when she inhaled, Cassian's scent mixed with a soft, feminine filled her lungs . Y/n's wide eyes swung to a confused looking Nesta before glancing at Cassian disbelievingly, and she could see guilt overtaking Cassian's features.
She blinked, letting the tears fill her eyes as she gave him a pained expression.
"Thank you." Y/n mumbled, her tone defeated. Before the high lord could interrupt, she turned away, making her way towards the garden in front of the house, knowing Cassian followed.
When she was sure that no one could eavesdrop on them unless they really wanted to, she turned to her husband.
The two of them just stared at each other, the air around them charged.
Y/n decided to try and break a tense silence. "Hi."
His brows furrowed. "Hi..."
She smiled uncertainly at him as she contemplated her next words. "I... how are you?"
He blinked. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
She shrugged, the words flying out of her mouth before she could stop them. "Just feels like I haven't seen you in a long time. I've been worried."
His features softened, his eyes studying her. "I'm sorry. I have been... busy."
She nodded. "I can tell."
Despite her efforts to not let her sadness show, she knew he could tell.
"I- I can explain-"
Y/n shook her head. "There is no need to. I understand."
He blinked again. "What? You... what?"
She gave him a look. "I understand why you did it. I mean... it's not like it hasn't happened before with my previous lovers. I get it."
His mouth opened and closed like a fish, and Y/n continued.
"Look, it's... okay. I won't stop you from it. Just... I don't want to know. If you are playing me, please... keep it low. My heart can't take it anymore. Just don't let me find out. Keep it to yourself." Her voice wavered as she spoke the words that were swirling through her mind since Nina told her about what she'd seen. "Please don't throw me away."
Guilt and shock spread though his face, as if he's just made a realisation and hated it. "Y/n I am so sorry-"
His voice broke, and Y/n immediately began searching for ways to ask for forgiveness and make him happy.
"Don't apologise, my love. I know your family hates me, and I probably deserve it. I... you definitely deserve better. I know you do. And I understand." She took a deep breath, knowing she was rambling but she could not stop. "I- I am so sorry I could not give you what you want, but please, Cassian, don't-"
Cassian grabbed her face, pulling her into his chest. Y/n stilled, trying to take in a full breath as tears started escaping her eyes as she gasped and clenched her eyes shut.
But a sharp gasp cut him off, and Y/n pulled away from Cassian, finding Nesta and Rhysand staring at them. Y/n took a few steps back, not wanting to ruin whatever was giving Cassian the happiness she couldn't.
But Nesta glared at Cassian, and then Rhys. With a start, Y/n realised the high lord was staring at her.
And he had tears in his eyes.
"You were trying to get me to accept the bond with a married male?"
Everything slowed down, and Y/n stared in horror at Rhysand.
"Mates?" She whispered.
Nest looked over, making to step close. "Please forgive me. I did not know that brute was married. I would never have done what I did otherwise."
Y/n shook her head, wondering if there was a way to respond to that.
She settled on the only thing that made sense to her.
"Good night."
She turned towards the gates, and, for the first time since she had met Cassian, ignored the calls of her name by her husband, his brother and his mate as she sprinted away.
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Cassian taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter
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arminsumi · 2 years ago
so happy you're writing for gojo and getou!! You make my day fr <3
Thinking of ex getou hc... he annoyingly drapes himself over you like your not broken up, still brings you lunch and snacks when he knows your craving them, hugs you for way too long Infront of other men until you break and take him again <33
He would not be afraid of being toxic if it ment getting you back
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒꒱ ex-boyfriend
GETO x f.reader
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A/N: i am in pieces at the word choice 'drapes' 😩 thank you for your request — so happy i can make your day 💗 i kinda... wrote an excessive amount srry if i deviated a bit i was in a real suguru state of mind
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♪ NOW PLAYING: don't blame me, your love made me crazy
Wc: >900
Overview; Suguru just can't let you go. His mad love reels you back into his arms.
Content; fluff, (ex.bf) headcanons
Warnings; light toxicity, light obsessiveness/possessiveness (?), jealousy, he doesn't let you leave
arminsumi's library
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— He is the definition of the "I'm not her ex" ex-boyfriend. Anyone who asks "Did you two split?" will be met with a firm "No. We're just working things out." from Geto before you can even open your mouth to speak.
— Soft, good-smelling, and good-looking; his aura permeates through the air of your apartment as soon as he walks in. He unashamedly invited himself over and said "Aren't you lonely without me? C'mon admit it. I'll make some tea, do you want? Okay then, I'll make you one anyways."
— Behind those abyssal eyes are all his unchanged feelings for you; his one and only. He can't move on. You have a death grip on his mind; he thinks about you in the shower, on the road, walking to the store, while shopping. Daydreams of you are plastered throughout his routines.
— He engulfs you in a consuming hug and peers down at you with a tender look. He's so much bigger than you; the broadness of his shoulders are laughable in comparison to yours. "Missed you, baby." he says, usually pressing a kiss to your cheek (smirking when you swat him away like a fly), and he says that a lot; you can feel the weight in each word.
— Of course... when in front of other men, his hugs seem to get clingier. Heavier. Longer. More possessive. He hangs on your body as if he's the clothes on your back. His scent lingers on you.
— Still lends you his oversized T-shirts and insists that you wear them before heading out for coffee with your coworker, Gojo. Asks for 'proof' pics that you really are wearing his shirt.
— He calls you by the nickname you always favored, the one that had the power to weaken your knees to the point of falling to them. Paired with that silken, dangerously attractive voice and the yearning glint in his eyes, you're a goner.
— He's always been able to read you like an unravelling scroll. As if you're a painting and he's an artist, he knows every brush stroke that creates an artwork like you.
So when you push him away, he knows that you actually want him to hold you tight. When you tell him to give up, you actually want him to try harder. And when you shakily answer no to his inquiry about "Do you still feel for me?" he knows you actually mean yes.
— Leans in to whisper something in your ear when you've got company or guests over at a party. He loves forming a barrier of intimacy between you and him in a public setting; he thinks that they should all witness how capable he still is of flustering you. His heart lurches when you react to his whispers with the same swooning smile as you did in high school.
— He pops up at your workplace, "I got you your favorite." he says with a smooth smile that you instantly succumb to.
— He selfishly drags you back into his arms like Hades mythically dragged Persephone back into the underworld.
— You want to move on from him ? Nope, not happening. He's dead set, completely determined, to dig his way back into your heart.
— Needles of jealousy prick his chest when he sees you laughing because of someone else. He can't stand that, not even for a second, so he invades the conversation and plucks you out of it like you're a gemstone lost among rocks in a dirty river.
"Let's go." he says, "Go where?" you ask, but he whisks you away without answering.
— Honest to god, if he could snatch you away and trap you in a castle, he would. In fact, he can, minus the castle — but his penthouse will have to do 🤷‍♀️
A few lavish invitations to dinner at his place lead to you sleeping over like how you used to. It's all part of his grand scheme. "Baby, come back to me." he murmurs into your hair. "This house is so cold without you."
— Come the morning, you're readying yourself to leave for coffee with your coworker again. Stupid Sunday tradition, Geto hated it. No, he despised it; it made his head spin with anger.
"I've got to go... Suguru?" He blocks your path down the hallway, his silhouette giving hint to his serious frown. It's dark in the hallway, but not darker than his eyes.
"You're not gonna let me leave, are you?"
"No." He admits heavily. "Come on, don't look at me like that; I love you. You'll be safe here. You know what, tomorrow I'll make you your favorite for breakfast, doesn't that sound nice?"
— All these sweet words are said in a smooth, murmuring voice... while his veiny hands firmly plant on the front door and force it shut with a startling bang after you attempted to open it.
"Stay." he demands in a threatening, low voice. "Please?" he lightens it at the end, aware of how scary that probably sounded.
— He's wrapping you around his finger like how he did in the beginning. You coil around his life until, without realizing soon enough, you're back in it.
— Just like that, his love ensnares you once more, and you're happily trapped in his big strong arms.
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eosofspades · 2 years ago
quick n easy list of gentle coping mechanisms for bad mental health days / neurodivergent understimulation episodes!! some are more applicable to one or the other but when i'm feeling particularly like a tiger in a too-small enclosure i find doing at least a couple of these things helps me so much
drink water. basic, but annoyingly effective
eat a snack. same as above
stretch! even just some laying down stretches like pulling on your arms and knees (in fact, here's a great tiktok series for "depression stretches" and workouts/physical stimulation you can do laying down/without much movement)
music/podcasts/video essays. your favorite playlist you haven't listened to in a while, a podcast you like/have been meaning to start (i listen to podcasts while i'm drawing!)
draw/color! if you don't wanna draw, a coloring book is always fun. i actually prefer kids' ones.
read a book. i prefer physical books bc i know i'll get sucked back into the social media scrolling for hours if i try to read on my phone. i also recommend a nice tea/hot chocolate/juice with this one.
video games. this can be anything from minecraft to destiny 2, but i usually never give myself time for these, even when i have it (stuck in that phone scrolling). a more action-packed game for mental understimulation, maybe a more mellow one for a bad depression episode.
shower. i am fully aware this tends to take a lot of spoons but even just sitting under running water ALWAYS makes me feel better when i can manage it. it also helps me with adhd overstimulation!
clean/organize. this sounds counterintuitive but i actually do enjoy organizing stuff for understimulation, and cleaner workspaces help with the depression. even if it's something as simple as "put all the pencils on the desk back into the pencil cup."
puzzles/brain games. this one is almost exclusively for mental understimulation but once i get going it makes my depression SO MUCH BETTER, TOO. my niche is getting myself some algebra sheets but this can be anything from math to jigsaws to crosswords to word searches!! some kind of problem solving that engages your brain and requires focus. this one is my favorite because i find it really grounding.
playing an instrument. this is in the same vein as the last one! again, my personal niche is the piano, but this could be any sort of thing. in fact this could even be substituted for some kind of alt hobby all together, like knitting or crocheting or something! again, mostly for understimulation, but gives me the serotonin boost to get through the depression stuff as well.
this is all i have for my list, but i'd love for anyone to reblog and add their own stuff!!
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years ago
With stories of Tails and Knuckles, time to finally write something with Amy for @starrjoy's Pandora AU. This was the trickiest to figure out, but thanks to some theories about her around here, I finally got something. I hope you enjoy!
 After the events of Sonic Frontiers, the gang is getting ready to set off on their own separate adventures. Before leaving, Amy decides to do some fortune readings. However, Sonic soon learns his most cheerful, optimistic friend didn’t always have such a happy life.
Amy had just finished shuffling her cards. She drew three and looked them over. She seemed quite pleased with what she had. Just then, she heard a knock at her door. She went to answer, but she already knew who it was. 
“SONIC!” She happily greeted the blue hedgehog as she opened the front door, even before she got a look at him. “I knew it was you!” 
“Well, you were expecting me, right?” Sonic placed a bag on the table next to the couch. “Here's the supplies you wanted from Tails.” 
Amy went to check the contents of the bag. “Thanks. I’m not sure what I’ll face out there, so I want to be prepared. You can never be too careful.” 
“I guess, but-" 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
The two laughed as Amy joined in on Sonic’s line.
“You want some tea and cookies? I made a fresh batch.” There was not a soul out there who could resist Amy’s baked goods.
“Sure. I could go for a snack.” Sonic sat down on the couch, and just as he was about to put his feet up, he saw Amy’s cards on the table. He picked up one with a large emerald on it. “Trying to guess the future again?” 
Amy placed the tray of drinks and cookies in front of them. “Fortune reading is not guessing, Sonic. It’s a mystic art to gain insight into the past, present, and future. I wish you would take it more seriously. We did meet because of my fortune cards, remember?” 
Sonic shrugged. “I still question how those cards told you Little Planet at that specific time.” 
“It’s about interpretation!” 
“Right... anyway, it’s not my thing. I don’t like being told what to do. Prophecies are not for me.” Sonic said that with his typical ‘too cool to care’ attitude, but there was a deeper meaning behind it. He tried to fulfill a prophecy once, and it cost him everything.
“Fortune reading is not the same as a prophecy, Sonic,” Amy corrected as she sat down beside him. “They’re meant to help guide you on the journey through life. For example, the cards may have led me to meet you, but I was the one who chose to follow you. I decided my own path.” 
This made Sonic pause for a moment. The choices we make... how we interpret them… it wasn’t as set in stone as he had initially thought. Though he had made it a habit to break through everything that was. How many could fight giant gods and win? And on more than one occasion at that?
“These cards may seem silly to you,” Amy continued, “but they have helped me through a lot of hard times.” She picked up her tea and took a sip. “Especially when I couldn’t count on anyone else before…” 
“What was that?” Sonic caught something Amy said under her breath. She blinked and quickly turned her head. 
“Oh, uh, nothing! Nothing at all!” She tried to make it sound casual, but it came out quick and panicky. 
“Ames…” He bent over, leaning his elbows on his thighs. He raised his eyebrow and gave her the look she would give him whenever she was annoyed. 
Amy just stared at her drink. There was a long silence. The only sound was the wind chimes outside. After what felt like an eternity, she finally spoke. 
“Let’s just say I don’t have the best relationship with my parents.” 
“Your parents?” All the time he knew her, Sonic never heard Amy mention anything about her family. He assumed she visited them whenever he hadn’t seen her for a while. Actually, he never even thought that. He never considered anything about her past. Boy, did that make him feel like a jerk. 
“I don’t want to talk about it, okay.” Amy put her cup down and crossed her arms. Not like she was mad, more like she felt vulnerable. This was not Sonic’s strong suit, but even he couldn’t ignore this matter. 
“Amy, you’re always trying to convince us to open up and talk about our feelings,” he reached out and placed a hand her shoulder. “You should be able to talk about yours.” 
The pink hedgehog rolled her eyes, letting out a small sad chuckle. “You’re really using my advice against me?” 
“If I have to.” 
There was no getting out of this. As much as Sonic disliked talking so opening about his deeper emotions, and would prefer not to dig too deep into others’, it felt like it needed to be done. 
Amy took a deep breath. “My parents were… are basically always busy. Not just focusing on their jobs, but every aspect of their lives. They put so much time and effort into everything they do… except me.” Her ears began to fall back a bit. “They weren’t even always home. Sometimes one was gone, sometimes both. There were times when I would days, or even weeks, without seeing them. And even then, they hardly spent any time with me.” 
This story was already starting to put a knot in Sonic’s stomach. You’d think parents would put their kids first. Amy picked up one card. It looked like it had some sort of knight on it. 
“These cards were one of the few things they gave me. I had to ask though, they thought card readings were stupid and unrealistic. But they’re how I got by. Something to do, and to look forward to. Back then, when I got this card… I had always wanted to see Little Planet. A rare phenomenon that only happens one month out of the year. Even though my parents weren’t home at the time, I ran off. To see my supposed ‘destined encounter.’ And sure enough…” 
“You ran into me,” Sonic finished the thought. “Though it was actually more like I ran into you.” He tried adding a little joke to lighten the mood. It seemed to work; Amy giggled a bit.
“By the time all that was over, I knew my parents had returned. I had to tell them everything.” Amy went quiet again. She lowered her head, balled her fists up. “But when I got back… they didn’t even notice I was gone!” 
Sonic’s mouth fell agape. Didn’t notice?! He tried to think of a logical reason. “Well, there was the whole mess with the Time Stones. Maybe--"
“It took me two days to get to Never Lake from my old house! Even with the stones, I was gone for almost a week! And they had been home for days! Even when I told them I was captured and threatened, they brushed it off! ‘You got back. That’s what counts.’ How could they not have been worried?!” 
At this point, Amy was crying. She hid her face in her hands, trying to control her sobs. “Parents are supposed to yell at you when you do something wrong! They’re supposed to shout and punish you! Tell you not to do stuff like that! That’s how they show they care, isn’t it?!” 
The more she cried, the more Sonic’s heart ached. Not just for her, but looking back. How often his own mother would scold him for doing things. How she spoke of acting out herself when she was young to get attention. Sonic had thought she was just trying to control everything at the time, but she wasn’t. She was just trying to protect him. If he had listened, if he had understood, then she, his siblings, everyone on Christmas Island. They’d still be here. 
Still, all this time, Sonic had no idea of the weight on Amy’s heart. Since she was so cheerful and outgoing, he figured she had a happy upbringing. 
“I couldn’t take it anymore. Eventually, I left that place. I had money, so I could rent out places, like my apartment in Station Square. If they weren’t going to be there for me, I would find my own way. My own adventures. I chose the path of the one who didn’t let me down.” 
“You mean me?” Sonic asked in a depressed tone.  
Amy nodded. “Sonic, you were the first person I met who was there for me. Even when you ran off, whenever I was in trouble, you always came to help me. You didn’t… you didn't abandon me.” 
Her voice was still shaky, but her crying was more controlled. Steeling herself from vulnerability. 
“Have you… spoken to them since?” Sonic was sure he knew the answer, but asked anyway. 
“I’ve… made attempts reach out. They haven’t. Honestly, it was probably a huge relief. I don’t think they wanted a child in the first place. I wasn’t worth their time.” 
“Don’t say that!” Sonic’s voice came out louder than expected. He almost slammed his fists on the couch, but he was mad. Amy looked quite surprised by this. The blue hedgehog lowered his tone as he continued. “Amy, you’re an amazing person. You’re kind, brave, thoughtful, and do what you can to help anyone who needs it. They should have realized they had the best daughter they could ever hope for. If they couldn’t see that, then they aren't worth your time.” 
Amy’s cheeks turned bright red. She tried to cover it while also wiping away any remaining tears. She looked up smiling. “Thanks, Sonic. That really means a lot.” 
Once again, Sonic put his hand on her shoulder. “I mean it. You’re one of my best friends, Amy, and my life is always exciting and unexpected when you’re around. Meeting you was one of the best things that ever happened to me. You, Tails, and even Knuckles.”  
Amy couldn't help but hug him. To finally unload all that baggage and to have some comfort. Sonic wrapped his free arm around her and patted her back. With that reassurance, the room became quiet again as they finished their snacks. The tension in the air began to settle and ease. It was now Sonic's turn to speak. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I can understand now why you always go out of your way to help people. You don’t want them to feel hurt like you were. If I had known… I would have given your 'so called parents' a piece of my mind.” 
Amy let out a small laugh. “It’s alright. I’ve put that behind me. Besides, if that didn’t happen, if I hadn’t taken that step, I probably wouldn’t have met so many wonderful friends.” 
Amy’s words suddenly hit Sonic harder than any of Eggman’s robots ever did. If that didn’t happen, I never would have met you guys. He thought hard. Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Shadow, and so many more. All these amazing friends, they wouldn’t be in his life if he hadn’t gone through with Pandora’s scheme. It was a bittersweet truth he never realized. On one hand, he would still have his family. On the other, he wouldn’t have the family he has now. 
Tails was mechanically gifted, like Manic. Knuckles was super strong and hardheaded, just like Sonia. And Amy, she had the same loving and overbearing heart that his mother had. In a way, it was like his previous family’s spirit found their way into his new one. A strange sensation filled Sonic’s heart. He could feel his eyes burning. He wasn’t sure if it was sadness or joy, or something in between. Just an emotion that took over his whole being.
“Thank you, Amy.” 
“For what?” She became confused by the look on Sonic’s face. She could sense something strange going on in his mind.  
“I’ll tell you about it another time.” Sonic pushed aside any form of confession. If he told her now, a flood of feelings he spent years burying would come pouring out. Instead, he changed the topic by picking up another card. “Why don’t you do one of your readings for me?” 
Amy gave him the side eye. “I thought these weren’t your thing.” She was sporting a smug grin of satisfaction. 
“You’ve convinced me. Maybe I’ll at least get a good laugh out of it.” Sonic was starting to feel more like his in control self. 
With that, Amy took the card he had, gather the others, and shuffled them together. She did so carefully, but also with a great deal of showmanship. Once she was done, she spread out the cards and gestured to Sonic. He picked three cards and gave them back. Amy flipped them over, inspecting them. Her expression started simple, then a little more serious, followed by wide eyed concern. 
“So… is it bad?” Something about the look on her face made Sonic a bit nervous. 
“It seems like you’ll be facing a great trial soon.” Her voice low and almost stoic. 
“Not like I haven’t done any of those recently.” The blue blur eased. This didn’t seem new. He loved challenges. 
“This is different,” Amy pressed. “It may be something about your past. Some sort of tragedy coming back with vengeance. Pushing you in a way you never have.” 
“Again, how did you get all that?” Even though Sonic played it cool, there was a small chill that ran down his spine. It seemed as of late he had been thinking about his past more often than he had in years. Was Amy somehow picking up on that? She did seem to have way of sensing things like that. But even so, that was all water under the bridge… poor choice of words.
“Aren’t you even the least bit worried as to what this means?” Now it was Amy’s turn to give that look Sonic gave her earlier. Despite the twinge in his heart, he showed no signs of it affecting him. 
“Whether it’s true or not, I’ll face it like I do with everything. Head on.” 
“What if it’s not something you can face head on?” The concern in her voice was clear. With all the dangers Sonic had been in lately, how close she had been to losing him, it’s no wonder.
Sonic gave her his trademark wink. “Then I at least know I've got a team to back me up. It’s nothing we can’t handle together.” 
Boy, how those words came back to bite him. He didn’t give too much thought into that reading. Now he was heading right into it. As Sonic stood between the wings of the Tornado for shelter against the pouring rain, so many thoughts raced through his head. His past truly was coming back to haunt him. 
The only thing that gave Sonic any comfort in the moment was that Tails, Knuckles and Amy were with him. Tails had just gotten the full story, but he hadn’t said anything to Knuckles and Amy. He knew he would have to tell them as well, but for now he just wanted to focus on the task at hand. Get the Chaos Emeralds and stop these… water wraiths. And prevent Eggman from making the same mistake Sonic did years ago. And hopefully, no definitely, not lose his new family doing so. 
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smaller-comfort · 2 months ago
For the character building questions and, of course, I am choosing Resh'an and Aephorul: 1, 4, 6, 32, 37, 43, 57
Sticking most of this under a cut because it got long!
1 What's the lie your character says most often?
Resh'an: "I'm doing this for the greater good." Aephorul: "I'm doing this for you."
(The non-horrible answer- or the more horrible answer, depending on your perspective- Resh'an lies a lot about his relationship with Aephorul, still, out of habit. There was a golden period in their early immortal years where they didn't have to hide because of social pressure, and they hadn't broken up because of all the genocide, and even then, Resh'an would still reflexively just refer to Aephorul as his "associate".
I sort of feel like Aephorul is more interesting if he's a pathological liar, but that circles back around to giving me brain maggots, so I...can't actually write him that way. At any rate, SoS-era Aephorul doesn't need to lie very often, and actually makes a point of being honorable/following through with his deals. "This will only hurt a little" is probably the most common lie he tells his subordinates. From his point of view, it's not that painful! His point of view is deeply, deeply skewed.)
4 What's a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Resh'an will claim that he doesn't have hobbies- everything he does is in service to his research. But he spent a few centuries getting really, really good at pottery and glassblowing. He'll claim this was just so he could manufacture his own alchemy equipment- but he honestly just really likes making things with his hands. Creating Living Glass made him remember how much he liked it.
Aephorul used to read voraciously, pre-immortality- poetry, fiction, philosophy, anything he could get his hands on. One of his immortal life goals was to curate the best library in the multiverse; he's forgotten this, and thus can't quite articulate why Resh'an calling himself "The Archivist" fills him with so much reflexive despair. (It was something he wanted them to do together.) He doesn't read for pleasure anymore, and considers it a frivolous waste of time.
(He was also a horse girl. But animals tend to avoid him on instinct, now.)
6 What's their favorite [insert anything] that they've never recommended to anyone before?
Resh'an's favorite snack are these little apricot and pistachio pastries that Nasreen would procure from the kitchens on special occasions by brining the kitchen staff. He'd never recommend them to anyone else because then he'd have to share.
Aephorul complains frequently about not being able to find decent coffee in the city (it's mostly tea culture in the north). Word gets around and he eventually finds himself in the kitchen of someone's grandmother, who insists on serving him coffee and feeding him and complaining about her children at him. He visits her at least once a week, and never tells anyone where he is when he goes. (He also quite likes the kitchen's apricot pastries, but he always saves his to give to Resh'an.)
32 If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
pfffft just one? Resh'an would shoplift. He wouldn't even do it on purpose most of the time, he would just forget that he put things in his pockets.
Aephorul would vandalize things- give him a can of spray paint, and he'll be out there drawin' dicks all over public property. (modern au, these are things both of them have done. repeatedly.)
37 What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
Resh'an gets cagey about his sexual history- this is partly because it could get him arrested, but it's also the source of a few nasty arguments he and Aephorul have early on. And later on, too, actually. Mostly these are stupid arguments that happen for stupid reasons, because Resh'an gets defensive about his life choices and Aephorul gets defensive about his relative inexperience, and it's extremely dumb.
Resh'an also doesn't want to tell any of his other lovers he's still in love with Aephorul, even after everything goes to shit, but that's not exactly a secret.
Aephorul never actually tells Resh'an he wants a family; he grew up with the expectation that hed eventually have an arranged marriage, and he secretly has this very naive, idealized image of himself and and a wife and half a dozen children. And then he meets Resh'an, and can't reconcile the intensity of his feelings with any of the other things he wants out of life, or any of the things that are expected of him.
Post-immortality, he offhandedly mentions the idea of adopting an orphan or two, and Resh'an just kind of laughs it off as too absurd to even consider.
He really doesn't have any other partners to keep secrets from; I don't even see him necessarily fucking his subordinates, unless it's as a means to an end. (Resh'an does have other lovers, both before and after they split. Aephorul tolerates this, but has a lot of mixed feelings about it.)
43 What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
Resh'an is pretty clueless about life outside the capital. He doesn't know anything about Aephorul's home country outside of stereotypes, which leads to him being occasionally incredibly offensive by accident. He spends a lot of time apologizing for putting his foot in his mouth. (Aephorul takes advantage of this a lot when they're first getting to know each other.)
He has an extremely cynical view of most familial relationships because of his fucked up relationship with his father. (I'm still vague on the details around his mother, but it's possible he doesn't find out the truth about her until he accidentally crosses over into the modern AU. Whoops.) He refuses to examine or interrogate any of his feelings on this matter; he acknowledges that Mooncradle was kind of fucked up, but only because it didn't produce Guardian Gods at the rate that he needed it to.
Aephorul is an arrogant snob who thinks he's the smartest person in the room; he suffers a bit from being a big fish in a small pond in a lot of ways until he settles in as an imperial alchemist. And while he wasn't exactly spoiled growing up, he did live a life of considerable privilege. He's used to getting his own way, one way or another, and doesn't deal well with being told "no".
He never really grows out of this, honestly! And he resents being called out on anything, and has to fuck up immensely before he'll be willing to apologize for it.
57 What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
Resh'an is very bad with time management- fortunately, his life as an imperial Alchemist is pretty rigidly structured most of the time, so he gets by as long as he has people to remind him where he needs to be at any given time. This gets worse after [spoilers], but it's always something he struggles with. Post-immortality, it gets 10,000x worse; if not for the vial of time, he'd never be on time to anything ever again.
Aephorul can cook. He understands nutrition! He likes fresh fruit! But he will live off of coffee and hard tack if no one is watching him; he has come very close to giving himself scurvy on some of his extended solo research excursions. Fortunately, as long as he has someone to share meals with, he will eat like a normal human being. But one of the first things he figures out how to do with flesh magic is photosynthesis, so he never has to think about it again.
They both adjust very badly to being away from each other after they break up- it's all the little movements that come from spending an eternity living with someone else, that they constantly trip over. No second toothbrush to hand to someone else in the morning; remembering to only boil enough water for a single cup of tea. They both break a lot of lab equipment entirely accidentally, because they're so accustomed to having a second set of hands and eyes around when they work.
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nickeverdeen · 4 months ago
Hello, Hope you're doing well. Can I get a romantic Harry Potter match-up? (golden trio era, preferably male but female is fine too)
My name is Dylan, I'm bisexual with a huge preference for men) he/him. When talking about my personality, it's broken into two things: being a bookworm and mood swings. Like you will always spot me reading something and sometimes I'm laughing then a moment later; crying for no absolute reason. I'm a Ravenclaw BTW and My patronus is a husky. My likes are listening to music or audio books and eating comfort foods (ice cream, rocky road) and soaking in the sun.
My dislikes are overly noisy and crowded spaces and getting backstabbed by a friend (trust me, I've went through a lot.) and My hobbies are listening to music/audiobook and reading.
I look like your average young male adult with black, fluffy, a little curly hair, a little bit tall for his age (I'm Filipino btw.)
I'm a libra, ambivert/ a mix between an extrovert and introvert. I'm a think-act kind of guy. Usually perceive than judge and I am very sensitive. That's all. Thanks so much🎀
Your Harry Potter golden era match is…
Neville Longbottom
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Neville loves seeing you absorbed in a book
Sometimes he’ll bring you a snack so you don’t forget to eat while you’re reading
He’d take you to his favorite quiet spots in Hogwarts, like the greenhouses or the edge of the Black Lake, where you could read and listen to the gentle sounds of nature
Neville would create a small herb garden just for you, filled with plants he thinks you’d like, and use them to make you herbal teas for your mood swings
On sunny days, he’d encourage you to join him outside, soaking up the warmth while lying on the grass together, talking or just enjoying the silence
If he noticed you feeling down, he’d give you small tokens of affection, like pressed flowers from the greenhouses or a handwritten note reminding you how much you mean to him
Neville loves your husky patronus and would often tease that it suits you because huskies are loyal, spirited, and love the snow (or ice cream in your case!)
During noisy or crowded events, Neville would find a way to sneak both of you out to a quieter place where you could recharge together
He’d always defend you, standing firm against anyone who tries to hurt you, and his bravery would inspire you to stand taller too
Neville would love listening to audiobooks or music with you, often sharing his favorite stories or wizarding tunes while cuddled up in a cozy corner of the Ravenclaw common room
He’d never judge your emotions or sensitivity, instead seeing them as a sign of your deep capacity for love and compassion—qualities he cherishes most about you
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year ago
❤️ for anyone- >:3
I adore you
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"What I love about Onyx... oh my I could probably talk hours about this but let me give you the shortened version. I adore this mystery aura keeping me wanting to figure out more about her, those pretty piercing eyes who give me a shiver each time they strike me, the beauty of those thighs being hugged by stockings and nice dresses... that she is honest with her dismay towards me, that even covered in blood she looks more stunning than anything... her dedication to her writing and crafts.... that blush when a compliment of mine hits her... even the pain she gaves me is far more comforting than the pain I already been through... she truely is a precious gem among them all to me... one I want to keep close and claim as mine each day I can... even if it has to be with some marks she might want to hide. I am just teasing.~ Or maybe not."
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"About Keisuke? I do love the time we spend together a lot. Playing games, making theories, cuddling while watching something, going to cafes for some tea and snacks... He is also just adorable when I get him flustered I can't help but to feel so happy about it and just want to hug him more. This messy hair of his is sweet to ruffle as well or to share a book in the library and place a kiss on his cheek. Even if it can be tiring with both our bothers but.. I take that risk... he kinda always understands what is on my mind and knows what to do when I need it... and I was impressed that even when I get annoyed by Barry or Yasuno he managed to stand up to them... If he reads his poems to me his voice calms me cause its so soothing to me... what I wanna say is I think there is just a lot why I hold him dear and cherish him.... but I often hope I don't bother him too much with things... I want to leave him his space but the urge to just be close and affectionate and slightly teasing to him is too high... I just can't help it. <3 "
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"I would say... even if I call him my Angel I really think I can't say anything without being judged or look at wrong here so... how do I say this... He is beautifull.... attractive... but also quite a mess to deal with... I regret telling him a lot of my preferences.... as well as some of my... odder sites... first I had a blond who didn't accept what he is and now I am with a blonde who is the one exposing me... um we did talk what I love about him... Despite being an annoyance he does actually give me what I need and for the money I hand him he does make me feel good enough so I guess... I love him cause he is one of the few who is there despite my oddities."
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"I am already a hot mess just thinking about the boss... this strict tone he has with me... with that firm grip of his hands... this nice body I see move during practise... this buttery voice getting angry with me.... he has talent, looks and strength, what else can I want more?... on Serious note I also admire him as a person as well... he knows how to handle the performances more than anyone But I still can't get help being distracted by his- *he was dragged away by April* "
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"Dawn... she makes me feel more comfortable in this untrusting world... being close to her feels like a short nice dream I don't want to end. She is as pretty as the morning sun... Eyes to get lost in and holding her close feel feels like you embrace a cloud yourself. I want to keep anything that would hurt her away just to see that smile each day... I enjoy just having a quiet time where we lean against another or she makes her treats while I finish my work... she is also so precious sleeping in my arms... I do feel the stars brought me to her and I won't let her go no matter what."
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"W-why do you bring him up? Geez... well he is handsome in a way... he is reliable... does at least have good manners and doesn't cause me a headache like some others.... b-but its not like I like him that much.... or do I?... I just don't know myself... sometimes when I talk to him I feel my heart pumping... I feel despite the flames he throws drawn to him... and its admirable to still have a family you care about cause.... I can't say the same... I guess you could say I like him because he makes me have hope more in people I meet and that some are comfortable to be around but... I hate to admit I dreamed about him at times... I will stop talking and don't you dare tell anyone about this."
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*blushing* "I feel like I am under a spell each time I talk to her... like she enters my mind against my will and twists it to her ways... how come a lowley servant like me be this close to demon royalty I won't ask myself anymore cause it just happened but... I just feel her tapping my shoulder and my brain flipped a switch that makes me a fool for her I admit it. How come her kisses make me long for more.. it made me even think giving up on my current positions but... Kimon is important to me as well... I do love Cattleya to the point it drives me mad given how her voice and actions draw me in but this at this point makes me question myself with how bad it is..."
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abyssalzones · 2 years ago
🍕🍀🎹 FOR ANYONE (everyone) IN EV YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT!!!!! id love to hear abt them all but do so only if youre in an infodumping mood don't force yerself <:)
Yasha you of all people should know that I am Always in an info-dumping mood. VERY LONG POST UNDER THE READ MORE
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
ROSE CUBBAGE: I'm fairly certain I've answered this before (feel free to dig through my OC tag to find a series of other asks that I went into depth with a little while ago) but I think Rose would love any type of food that is a sweet/savory combination. Foliaverds don't have strong "sweet" flavor receptors, being hyper-carnivorous, but the sugars you'd see in fruit do get across to their palette more or less. See this dialogue from the outline of a chapter:
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DOMINO: Domino is extremely picky about her food, something unusual for her species- who are usually content as filter-feeders, snacking on whatever bacteria and small animals (or even bits of dead animals- they aren't picky) make themselves at home in the caverns of Yxin, either colonizing the rocks or floating aimlessly through the densely-chemically-populated air- but she has an odd taste for salts. Odd, because that stuff is considered pretty acidic and foul to most moeboids. Keep an eye on her or else you'll lose track of your table salt.
VENUS: As with most Ikarians, Venus's diet consists mainly of insects. However, he normally has a very subdued appetite due to... multiple things. Their samefoods mostly consist of cold (or just not hot) things that don't have a very strong smell: frozen crickets, protein chips, dried fruit, and (expensively) tenjarian-tempered yogurt that's supposed to be digestible for every species, but most think it tastes... awful. Venus loves it, for some reason.
GILLS KVN: Herbal tea and pain pills. Well- that'd be the answer early on, anyway. He starts eating more regularly with time and feeling a little more comfortable actually getting out of his lab to visit the kitchen, and as per usual for his species, mostly favors raw seafood. He prefers animals with shells, though, since overly-mushy textures bother him immensely. As for his favorite favorite, I think he'd enjoy a bowl of south Kaaleran noodles (thin, dried parasitic eels native to Kaalera's coasts, cleaned and fermented with starch. Add steamed veggies, whatever eggs you have on hand, and plenty of spices), which is notoriously too hot for most species to handle.
SPARKPLUG: I elaborated on this a little before, similar to Rose, but I think Sparks is partial to sweets! Sweet for his species, anyway. He loves the kinds of tangy, metallic preserved pastries native to his home planet, recipes carried down and altered by his family for generations, across planets. I'm lazy so I'm just going to steal what I already wrote:
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Pie is a universal concept.
NORA ACTON: Peanut butter + banana + bacon sandwich. Simple, very filling. I like to think she only realized this after moving out and trying to figure out how to feed herself in her academy days.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Going to give you a catch-all answer for this to start with: the conceit of the comic, and subsequently most of the crew, was that it was originally a cast of Starbound OCs! That obviously has changed, but it's still in their roots. As for specifics...
-Rose was sort of her own thing, a position of leader and captain that needed to be filled- and she only really came into her own later in terms of development, inspired by characters like Alyx Vance or Ellen Ripley in particular- and my own personal experiences, actually. I think in a lot of ways Rose is closest to me.
-Venus's inspiration is weirdly difficult to pin. Taako from TAZ, maybe? A little bit of the Rito from when I played BOTW? He's kind of his own character, really.
-Gills, however, was definitely strongly inspired by Ford Pines. I feel like it's a little obvious sometimes. Then, a little later, characters like Spock, or Kim Kitsuragi.
-Sparkplug... draw your own conclusions based on the information above, particularly his dynamic with Gills. His arc, however, was also strongly influenced by my own ongoing struggles with chronic fatigue.
-Domino is inspired by a whole host of fictional characters, ranging from Lupin to Max from sam & max to Shiraishi from golden kamuy, but the most important part is that she was originally an OC created by my friend Addy, who I've known since the comic was in its baby stages. That part of who she is is extremely important to her core as a character.
-Nora is kind of like... a fusion of Sam Raimi era Peter Parker and inspector Zenigata from Lupin III. But british. and butch.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
ROSE CUBBAGE: Worrying. Creating collages, actually, but those mostly consist of future plans and secret obsessive corkboards. She used to enjoy biking, and still has her bike from when she was an older teenager sitting around on the station, despite not using it much.
DOMINO: Stealing things to create "art" in her room. I think she'd love to branch out and create more multi-media type stuff, but she's mostly motivated by boredom.
VENUS: Between you and me, I think they write fanfic. Something he would no doubt label as extremely cringe and keep very close to his chest, but fun to kick back and knock out a couple hundred words on every once in a while. They mostly tinker with robotics, though that's less of a hobby and more the main thing he does around the station, so it can get a little boring. I think they could put effort into making video games if they really felt up to it, but they struggle with seeing the point in it. Creative passion projects are embarrassing, after all- from his perspective.
GILLS KVN: Aside from reading, I'm not so sure Gills has any hobbies to begin with. He spends most of his time working on projects in the lab, which while he might consider it fun, it's still ultimately work. I think he would really benefit from taking up something like terrariums or aquariums, maybe some casual gardening. That, and cooking- which is really another form of chemistry, if you think about it.
SPARKPLUG: Another damn workaholic. However, Sparks enjoys music as a hobby immensely, and is rarely far from a stringed instrument, such as his retractable banjo. When the joints in his hands get tired or locked up, I think he'd enjoy getting outside and doing a little nature-watching. Does that count as a hobby? It does now.
NORA ACTON: Nora is definitely the most visually artistic of the crew, something that she's never considered for a career but definitely enjoys as a hobby. She mostly does environmental art, studying things from nature and her surroundings- a fun practice for someone with such a photographic memory. Similarly, I think she loves using her camera, even if it's mostly something she picked up for work.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years ago
Creeps Dealing with a Friend that Can’t Sleep
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: aha I said I was in an off season but here I am. I tried going to sleep at 10pm, it’s almost 1am. Usually I‘m awake until 2-4 in the morning but I’m attempting to sleep earlier. Lying to myself at this point. Apologies for formatting I’m on my phone. Anyways—]
Slender Man
The kind of man to give you a cup of tea and send you on your way.
The tea might be drugged. Slender doesn’t actually care about pretty much everyone but as you’re one of his favored proxies… he can make exceptions.
The way he gets you to sleep is questionable. Brings you back to your room and awkwardly leans in the doorway watching you shuffle.
If he could frown—. Wants you to be in tip top shape for work. Will get you some thing within reason if that gets you to sleep.
He might tell you Germanic fairytales if you’re really not feeling sleep at the moment.
Jeff the Killer
He will jokingly tell you “go to sleep” but man he deals with insomnia too he knows the struggle.
He might make you do push-ups. When you ask why, he says “they tire me out.”
Honestly he just stays up talking to you. He knows there’s no forcing you back down. Once you’re up, you’re up.
Once you start zoning out he might pet your head out of habit.
Doesn’t leave until you’re actually asleep. Might hang around to ensure you stay asleep and then falls asleep with you.
Eyeless Jack
At first he doesn’t actually care like, it’s not his problem lmfao. But then he’s like, nah we’re cool and tosses you a bottle of melatonin.
While waiting for that to kick in, he might actually suggest meditation! I get the feeling EJ meditates every now and then because he considers it his way of “recalibrating” from a long day or week.
He will take away your screens though just so you’re not messing with your sleep schedule anymore.
He might hum to you. He has a gorgeous voice—.
You can pet him while you fall asleep and he’ll purr like a cat lmfao. He wouldn’t afford that part of him to anyone but his best friend.
BEN Drowned
Just as clueless as you are on what to do about it lmfao. He pops through your computer and lazily smiles, asking if you’re having a hard time like him.
The two of you end up saying “no <3” to sleep and stay up watching bad TV shows.
He will get the both of you snacks! Also has a habit of giving you good warm drinks that might put you in a sleepy mood. He’s actually subtly trying to get you to sleep in his own way.
He’s like a demon/ghost/entity he doesn’t necessarily need sleep. But you’re still living a human experience so—
The two of you end up passing out on the couch together as the sun comes up. It worked—just really unorthodox.
Masky (Written more like Tim)
King of insomnia. He’ll make some hot chocolate or warm milk with honey and cinnamon and plop it down in front of you. That thing is a natural sleep aid.
He’s honestly a bit prone to cuddling. He’ll hold you in his arms, smile and put on some late night boring show to get your brain to power off.
Also lowkey might read you “go the fuck to sleep” as a joke. His voice is a tad deeper due to the exhaustion rolling off him so it kinda sounds nice.
He puts you in a really safe, sweet mood and that dampens your energy enough to actually call it a night while it’s still night.
Eventually you get Pavlov’d into thinking cigarettes mean sleepy and get sleepy at the scent of Tim.
Hoodie (Written more like Brian)
Brian has always been gifted with the ability to tune out and go to sleep. He’s had to relearn that as a proxy and sleep doesn’t come as easily to him anymore.
He knows the struggle. Ends up staying up with you and talking. Slowly moving into more boring topics to get your brain tk stop racing.
He will stop you from drinking anything caffeinated after noon. Also prone to keeping your phone away from you.
Might give you his hoodie to get you in a warm sleepy mood.
Brian might also suggest listening to podcasts or rain sounds. He likes the thunderstorm ones because they remind him of summers in alabama! But he really just stays with you the entire time until you’re asleep.
He’s the kind of guy to also say “no <3” to sleep and get up and do stuff. You tell him you can’t sleep and he’s taking you out on an adventure.
He will actually manage to tire you out by how much stuff you’re doing with him throughout the night. And it’s nothing dangerous, he’s just high energy.
Eventually, the two of you are in the backseat of the car chatting, having a nice time and he can tell you’re almost asleep.
His tone switches. He’s gentler and soft, his hand might even pet you like his sister did when he couldn’t sleep. He implements a lot of what she did to you.
And before you know it, you’re asleep in the back seat and Toby is dreading moving because he kinda likes seeing you at ease. He’ll be driving back to your residence and carrying you to your bed so you wake up somewhere comfortable.
Kate the Chaser
She’ll snuggle with you and softly speak to you. She often can’t sleep and those soft moments often help her.
Very prone to getting a book and reading that out loud to you. Sometimes it’s a murder mystery, other times it’s a magazine she got from the corner store-her voice is soothing and sweet.
Kate gets you a warm drink too. If you really can’t sleep, shel might make a midnight snack—mac and cheese is the best bet lol.
Might go onto the roof and talk with you. She’ll point out constellations and individual stars, telling you the myths that surround them. It’s really relaxing.
When she realizes you’re ready to call it a night, she’s moved you back to your bed before you even realize it.
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clouds-rambles · 4 years ago
Hey bestie may I request diluc,childe,zhongli,and venti having a bad nightmare over their s/o wanting to break up with them and when they wake up their s/o isn’t there but really they’re in another room or something if that makes sense!! Thank you 🤑
Hi bestie positively evil... i love it <3 nobody question why zhongli and the reader are married in all my headcanons thanks lmao
Pairings; (Seperate) Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, and Venti x reader
Warning(s); panic, nightmares, hurt/comfort, injury mention
Keep reading under the cut!
Diluc wakes with a start, his brows furrowed as he takes a moment to arrange the events of his nightmare in his head
Both you and he had a particularly explosive argument after he had come back injured from a night protecting Mondstat 
You had left the winery after exclaiming that you refuse to date someone who has such a lack of regard for his own life. In the long run you’d be saving yourself from further heartbreak if he ended up dead on the front porch
Diluc wonders if dream you could be right...
The red-head finally notices the cold side of the bed you should be sleeping on. He more than remembers going to sleep with you
Panic sets in at the bottom of Dilucs stomach. He must be imagining things right? You’re probably just in the bathroom
A beat passes
Then three
No, you’re not in the bathroom. He would have heard you by now...
What if the dream was actually what had happened last night. A breath catches in the mans throat as he gets out of bed and throws a shirt on
If he couldn’t find you in his home has he truly lost you?
Diluc speedily walks through the halls of his home, checking the spare rooms, the study, the library, the living room, the dining room, the
Diluc opens the door to the kitchen his heart threatening to break out of his chest at the pace it’s beating when he finally spots you drinking a cup of tea, in your pajamas
Thank the archons it was just a dream
“Diluc, honey, are you okay?” you ask getting up from the table in the kitchen to your sweating, hyperventilating partner
Diluc says nothing but opts to hugging you, his head bowing to your chest as he breaths you in
“Diluc, you’re worrying me” you tell him returning his embrace and rubbing circles on his back
“You weren’t in bed” is all he offers to tell you. You don’t push him on the details of why he is so panicked
“I couldn’t sleep so I came down for a herbal tea” you explain kissing the man on his bed of fluffy hair “I have a cup left in the kettle, I can pour one out for you” you offer
“Please” he breathes, but doesn’t move to let you go from the embrace, you can stand to hold him and tell him sweet nothings for a little while. Tea can always be reheated
It would only be right, and he suspected as much. You had told him that because of what has recently transpired in Liyue you cannot find yourself to love a brutal harbinger
Maybe its for the best. Childe concludes not paying much attention to his weeping heart. Maybe, you’d be happier not to be under the constant eye and scrutiny of the Qixing, the Milleth, and the watchful eye of Childes own fatui informants
Without much pause form Childes last thought the man finds himself waking in his room, unsure if the dream was reality or his mind playing tricks on him, he feels your side of the bed and notices a distinct lack of warmth... and you
He cries
Childe curls himself up in a ball determined to not get caught by anyone showing such an extreme and out of character emotion, he let himself cry. He’s pretty sure he’s sobbing loudly but he doesn’t care. It’s just him in the house anyway. The one person that he doesn’t mind seeing such emotions has left him
That’s until he hears the distinct click of the bedroom door open “Oh my archon Childe, are you okay?” you ask quickly making your way to the side of his bed and placing a hand on his shoulder
The man looks up to you, he isn’t sure if you’re real 
“I thought-” he starts “I had a-” he tries to find his words without seeming like a crazed person “You weren’t-” 
“It’s okay babe, I’m right here. I’m not planning on going anywhere” you console “I just had an epiphany in my dream and I had to write it down” you add explaining your absence. Childe nods along 
“Stay” he tells you as you wipe the tears out of his eyes. You nod and hum
“Of course” you lay onto the bed and let Childe wrap himself around you
You hum him to sleep and whisper sweet nothings
‘I can’t love you anymore Zhongli, I feel obligated to come back to Liyue after every adventure, it’s starting to take a toll on me’
‘But our vows, [name] we made a contract at the altar’
‘To love each other, yes? Zhongli there’s no love left in this marriage, you sleep in the spare bedroom whenever I’m back, we sit in silence over dinner, I don’t think I’ve kissed you in months. The lack of love itself is the breach in the contract’
‘But I-’
‘Think about it, do you really feel the same love that you felt on the day we got married?’
Zhongli wakes up with a start, his heart beats a little fast for a second. The man convinces himself it’s just a dream he had, but the coldness of your side of the bed seems to speak otherwise
In all fairness, Zhongli should have rationalised his dream before he started wondering the house like a mad man. The only time he sleeps in the other bed is when you’ve suffered an extreme injury, dinners are often spent with jolly laughs and conversation. And Zhongli prides himself on the amount of affection he gives you around the house... and in the bedroom
But most things aren’t making sense in his head right now
“Zhongli my love” you call him upon noticing him in the hall. You had just come out of the bathroom after a midnight toilet break “Are you okay darling?” you ask placing a hand on his shoulder
The tenseness in Zhongli’s shoulders dissipate as soon as you initiate the touch
“I love you” he tells you, the declaration is out of nowhere to you. But you smile at him and embrace him
“And I love you too” you pause bringing up your hand baring the ring that sits on it “And this ring is a reminder of our vows and my unyielding love to you” you tell him with a smile
Zhongli chuckles at you and returns your hug “You seem to always know how to comfort me my dear”
“It’s because I’m a mind reader” you jest matching your spouses chuckle
Disappeared. So much so that the thousand winds could tell Venti that you were in fact not in Mondstat and had travelled to Liyue from the time Venti was playing music in the tavern to when he knocked for you early the next morning
The only trace you left was a letter. Unmistakeably written by your hand
‘Venti, writing this in a letter is much easier than saying this to your face. I am quite simply tired of your antics, no matter try to talk to you, you seem to always brush me off. Be it the nights you spend at the tavern, my general concern when you disappear for days at end just to tell me you were at the thousand winds temple, stormterrors lair, or windrise, no matter how much I tell you I checked all three. Being in a constant state of concern isn’t good for me, it’s emotionally draining and I’m terrified of finding you dead somewhere, despite your archon blood. By the time you read this I’ll be in Liyue where I’ll be staying with a friend for a while. Tell me I’m going somewhere you can’t follow, and I’ll tell you this is how I have felt many a night. I wish I could have kept loving you, [name]’
A harsh way to break up Venti admits to himself rereading the paper a few times before waking up
A dream?
Venti holds his chest, surely a dream couldn’t conjure such a horrific sinking feeling that makes him want to just vomit
Looking to your side of the bed for your comfort the sinking feeling intensifies when he doesn’t see you
So it wasn’t a dream? Venti doesn’t want to call on his kin, the thousand winds, again just to be told once more that you’re currently in Liyue sipping tea with this cousin you had mentioned in the letter 
The archon sits up in bed and takes deep breaths, he doesn’t want to explain to anybody that he had a panic attack over your horrific breakup letter, no no
After calming his breaths Venti steps out of bed with a shaky few steps before walking downstairs to engage in the typical breakout routine. Snacking. Maybe when you left you had elected to ignore some of the snacks you love to litter about your abode
When Venti walks in to the living room towards the kitchen he sees you nursing your head on the couch
“[name]?” he asks in almost disbelief
“Hm,” you answer before looking up to Venti “Oh hey love, sorry I’ve got a headache” you greet properly after a moment. Venti grins at you which causes you to tilt your head. Why is your headache so grin worthy? Weird...
“Would you like some paracetamol?” he asks walking beside you, you shake your head
“I just took some” you reply looking up at your partner “Though I’d love to rest my head on your thighs” you add. Venti more then obliges and settles down on the couch
“You know I had the strangest dream” Venti tells you after a prolonged amount of silence, you hum to let him know you’re listening “You left me” he says bluntly
You bring yourself up to Venti’s face with a smile and give him a kiss “I love you Venti, I wouldn’t leave you for even the prettiest lyre” you half console half jest
“That’s because the prettiest lyre is mine” Venti chuckles and you nod pressing another kiss to Venti’s lips
guys it’s 2.42am I’m so sorry if there’s grammatical errors, my brain isn’t catching up rn
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izzytown · 2 years ago
okay so i had a request to redo my “the fellowship reacts to starbucks” post but with the company (and since this is my niche now, i’m here to provide!)
the premise is mostly the same as the other post, just my silly little headcanons on what the characters would drink at starbucks. i now present to you “the company reacts to starbucks coffee” (part 1/2)
i adore the hobbit, but even though I’ve read the book (and watched the films) a fair number of times, i’m much more well-versed with LOTR characters than i am with those from the hobbit, so bear with me.
note: will not be including gandalf as i’ve already included him in the fellowship’s post - pop over there if you’re curious!
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thorin: the grumpy-ass prince himself need not trifle with complicated orders when going to the bux. in fact, i propose he only goes if he’s DRAGGED by his arms and legs by fili and kili during babysitting duty—he gets a dark roast pourover, regardless of what roast is brewed, just because he “respects coffee craft.” you will find him rolling his eyes whenever a frap is ordered, silently mumbling about how his local coffee shop under the lonely mountain is WAY better.
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fili: the quieter, more thoughtful sibling, fili is hit or miss on caffeine. if he’s looking for something pretty caffeinated with flavor, i think he goes for an iced brown sugar, toffee nut latte. not too sweet, but very flavorful (just like his personality). if he ain’t feeling a lot of caffeine, he probably gets an iced black tea to have something to sip on while supervising kili's shenanigans. also, he gets a cheese danish as a little snack, it’s canon-
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kili: this man is on crack. he’s a kid in a candy store when he walks into starbucks- first off, he gets a birthday cake pop EVERY time without fail (much to thorin’s bank account’s dismay). he’s okay with caffeine, but the taste of coffee is a little much for him, so he cycles through a strawberry açaí lemonade, a vanilla bean frap, a chocolate cookie crumble frap, or an iced chai with cold foam and caramel drizzle. just gallons of pure sugar in a 16oz “coffee” for this guy!
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oin: now i know very little about oin, but what I do know is that he seems like he doesn’t give two shits about anyone (respectfully). to me, that sounds like someone who drinks an insane amount of espresso and could care less how long it takes to pull 8 shots. therefore, I propose he drinks a 6-8 shot espresso over ice in a venti cup, with a light splash of cream. the pedro pascal special!
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gloin: dark roast is the only acceptable roast of coffee in gloin’s household, how else would gimli acquire his profound appreciation for coffee? gloin tends to go for heavier, powerful drinks, contrasting gimli’s love of a good 'ol cappuccino. gloin’s go-to if there’s no dark roast available is probably a hot black americano with a couple packets of raw sugar, keeping it classic while wanting a drink that packs a punch.
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ori: this is the sweetest dwarf you ever did see, and i think his drinks reflect that. not only does he give the vibe of someone who doesn’t drink anything too caffeinated, but he also seems like he has drinks for every season. he’s happy to have a nice chai latte in the autumn, a decaf peppermint white mocha for winter, a peach tranquility tea with two honey packets during the spring, and probably a passion tea lemonade (sweetened with liquid cane) during the summer.
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dori: he so slays. dori seems like a mom friend to me, rolling his eyes and being a responsible part of the company, so i’m gonna make the executive decision and say he probably gets a typical “mom” drink, which to me is an iced mocha (or black and white mocha) w/ no whip. or maybe a honey citrus mint tea if he’s feeling sick, trying to cut back on sugar (as if it’s any better for you Lmao)
part 2 is available here
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sugamamacustard · 4 years ago
Feed Me
Pairing: Alpha! Keiji Akaashi X Omega! Reader, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Rintaro Suna x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Ooooo what about when Alphas 🐘 ( maybe akaashi, ushijima, rin and kuroo) find out that their omega has not been eating enough like (their only eating little things like granola bars or fruit) so their upset that they had to find out through someone else and they scold them for that but then their told that they have gain some weight and that gets them even more upset because they think their perfect etc.
Summary: Some times, people do things because it’s what they think is best. You don’t tell your alpha about some weight gain you’ve noticed, and try taking care of it yourself because of this.
Author’s Note: Hey, you. Yeah you. The beautiful person reading this? You are perfect. You are worth it. Your feelings are valid and you shouldn’t feel bad about having them. You are so amazing, and even if I don’t know you, I am so proud of you. You are so strong for making it so far. Keep going. Never change. :) Also your nice comments? Literally my dose of serotonin
did I mention my OC one or twice? Yes. Am I sorry? No. Also, idk if anyone is curious, but Yuka doesn't actually go to Shiritorizawa but whatever.
Requests: Closed!
Buy me a coffee?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of (Semi?) Starvation.
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Keiji Akaashi
➵Now, Keiji is pretty on top of omega and significant other care.
➵ Like, weirdly so. It's honestly kind of creepy?
➵ In an endearing way.
➵ He always says 'Bokuto-Kun prepared me in a way.'
➵ Honestly, he loves doing this for you too!
➵He loves caring for you so much.
➵ Like I firmly believe Akaashi's love language is acts of service.
➵ So things like bringing you food, leaving sweet notes in your locker, helping you with your homework.
➵ He lives for doing these things.
➵ Especially feeding you snacks and things.
➵ It made his inner alpha purr because that meant he was caring for you. Providing for you.
➵ Being the very thing that made him worthy of an alpha.
➵ Prove that he could continue being the alpha you needed and wanted.
➵ Unfortunately, there were downsides.
➵ Your hips had the beginnings of small love handles, a little more chub on you tummy, thighs a little squishier.
➵ Let's not lie, Keiji absolutely adored this, by the way.
➵ I also think one of his biggest kinks is praise
➵ He makes sure you know how loved and how perfect you are.
➵ It's sometimes hard to believe him though.
You hummed an acknowledgment at Keiji's call, typing the final words to your essay before turning to look at your beautiful alpha- Sometimes you questioned how you hooked him. His gorgeous emerald eyes shining with love and adoration.
"I'm gonna go run and pick up some supper, what would you like beloved?" He came up to squeeze and massage your shoulders, leaning down as he pressed a small peck to your temple, your purr a sweet melody to his ears.
You swallowed behind your purr, trying to hide the small panic in your eyes. Your mind instantly flashed to your reflection this morning, how you pinched your hips with a frown. You already had been slowing down on the snacks, and fast food made you shiver.
"I-I'm okay for now, Keiji. Thank you though." You smiled, nonetheless, holding Keiji's cheek in your hand. He quirked a brow, frowning slightly before nodding lowly. Another peck was pressed to your cheek before he left, ordering your favorite from the diner he took you to for your first date.
"Beloved, I'm back." Keiji called, once more tearing you away from your essay; you were always thankful for the distraction though. He set down the take out bag, taking out the top box and handing it to you before shrugging off his jacket.
"Keiji? I said I was okay-"
"I didn't believe you. Now come on, you need to take a break and I'm touch starved." The raven didn't even look behind at you before pulling out his own box, dragging your rolley-chair to the bed. He pulled his sweater over his head, handing that to you as well before giving you a sweet peck.
His eyes locked with yours. Your breath hitched. So many silent words swam in his eyes, asking you, demanding you, to tell you what was wrong.
"I just- I've gained a little weight lately and-"
"And? My love, you are just as gorgeous as the day I met you. Nothing is wrong with a little weight, even if I think you're foolish to think you've gained weight. Never think otherwise. Even if you do, let me know, my job as your alpha and boyfriend is to make sure you feel as good as possible no matter what."
He slipped the sweater over your head, rehanding you your meal that he took from you momentarily, running a hand through your hair.
"Your my beautiful omega. Nothing should keep you from your happiness."
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
➵Unlike Akaashi, Wakatoshi is little more...Hesitant (In a way) when it comes to omegan care.
➵ He never really learned how to? Ya know?
➵ Both his parents were alphas, and he was never around omegas consistently enough to learn.
➵and it's not like you were a volleyball that he could use the same techniques to up-keep.
➵ He also couldn't ask his team.
➵ Well, he could, but only one other person on his team had an omega. (It was Satori and his advice, though helpful, could only go so far.)
➵ He was doing good though, especially with you holding his hand through the entire thing.
➵ The first time he noticed something was up was when you didn't show up to lunch-- texting him a picture of you in the library, tongue poking out as you held up a peace sign to assure him you were okay.
➵ When he brought it up to Satori, who had his own omega (A small, but fiery brunette named Yuka) leaning on his side as she played some sort of phone game on his phone (Mama's slusheria? He thinks?) .
➵He explained he didn't know what was going on with you while Satori listened with a hum before giving him a sad smile. "Sorry I can't help you further Ushi-waka, but as you can see-" He slid his unfinished lunch towards Yuka, who popped one of the Dango skewers into her mouth without looking up. "I'm not very familiar with the problem."
➵ He offered his help as much as he could nonetheless.
➵ He slowly began to pick up on smaller things, locking them in his steel trap.
➵ Like a good boy :)
➵ He put hours of research into omegas after this (not that he hadn't previously). Keeping strenuous notes beside him.
➵ They were colorful and highlighted :)
➵ And he followed the advice that 'Mommy Luna-boo' posted on the blog he found like a goddamn Mantra. ('Sometimes Omegas need a little more love! Their bodies, especially during high school years, will change a lot! They may feel a little down! As an alpha, make sure you remind them how beautiful they are!')
➵She was mother Theresa and he was her follower.
➵ Well after he followed you.
➵and after he made sure you were feeling better
Walking into your dorm room, Wakatoshi set down a small bag filled with goodies. He set it down on your bed as he sat down as well, watching you carefully.
When you gave him a small smile with a quirked brow, he took a deep breath, remembering everything Tendou had coached him through.
"Have you been eating enough lately?"
You sucked your tongue at the question, shuffling your shoulders. Truth be told you had been missing out on a few lunches after noting a few extra pounds you hadn't noticed earlier. You never meant to worry him, that was never your intention, but it seemed the world was working against you. You had no clue where to go from here. If you told him the truth that would do nothing but worry him, but lying was never good in any form of relationship.
Your hesitance to tell him was more than enough though, as his larger lands encased your own, holding them tightly.
"Why?" His tone wasn't accusatory nor was it angry in the slightest. Genuine curious if anything. If he could get to the bottom of the root of the problem, he could prevent it from happening in the future. Right?
"I- I just...Noticed a few extra pounds and-"
"That's it?"
You looked up to him with a tilted head, like a lost puppy. "What do you mean that's it?"
Pulling you closer, Wakatoshi effortlessly pulled you onto his lap, using one hand to dig through the bag beside him while the other wrapped around your hips. He pulled out a few of your favorite snacks laying them out in front of you.
"That's, in my opinion, a silly thing to worry about. If you feel that's a big problem, I can offer my services to you in any way you wish-- whether it be support or as help, it is my job to be there for you." He nuzzled your scent gland, voice rumbling against your shoulders.
You purred in response, leaning back onto your alpha.
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Rintaro Suna
➵ Suna is a lot like Akaashi in the sense that he has incredible observational skills as an alpha.
➵ His eyes are like sniper scopes.
➵ The minute something is wrong, he's on it.
➵ Like he looks aloof but he's not.
➵ He had notes.
➵ So hiding something from him is not easy at all.
➵ But you two most likely ended up together because you gave him a run for his money.
➵ You made him work at being an alpha.
➵ And he loved you for that.
➵ It did come back to bite him in the ass though.
➵ The only reason he heard about this was because the betas at Inarizaki were loud mouths.
➵ Honestly he learned so much tea from them.
➵ Like this third year was sleeping with a first year because she planned on baby trapping him and-
➵ It was wild.
➵Though most times it was nothing more than a source of entertainment for you and him to laugh about.
➵This time the gossip was actually useful.
➵ He wasn't thrilled they were talking about you, but provided some very useful information.
➵ And he was set into action.
➵ typing a few things onto his phone he set out to find you.
"Rin, I said I'm not hungry-"
"I know and I'm making the executive decision to ignore you."
He squinted his eyes at the carefully written instructions in front of him, sending a silent thanks to Atsumu's mate Haruka. (;)) She had written a step by step instruction sheet to making Onigiri while also dropping off all the ingredients (Pre-prepped). The only reason she didn't make it was because Suna's alpha, no matter how much he trusted her, wouldn't have let it near you.
"Look, Y/N. I love you, you know that. You know a lot of things, you're my smart little omega. So you must also know this isn't good, right?" Sliding a plate of, albeit mediocre, onigiri towards you, Rintaro focused his gaze on you.
"You know this, eh?"
You swallowed before grabbing one of the triangles, nibbling on the top in an attempt to appease your alpha. His sharp gaze still focused on you, making you shiver as he rounded around the counter. He turned you around so you were facing him, his hands holding your hips.
"You know this."
You wilted under his expectant gaze, knowing what he wanted from you. "I know this."
He smirked, leaning to take bite from your snack, licking his lips as he did. "Good omega."
"Rintaro that's mine!"
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padfootagain · 4 years ago
The Shirt Thief
Here we go for a second drabble for my 5k followers event! Thank you @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ for your request!
Prompts 16 and 47 were chosen for Ben :
16. “So… Uhm… that was a… a hell of a kiss…”
47. “Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”
Just some adorable fluffy fluff! I hope you like it!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1200
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It was dark in your bedroom as you opened your eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time. Your eyes though, accustomed to the shadows as they were, still saw the details in your bedroom, from the door to your wardrobe. On your bedside table, the glass of water you kept there every night was right in front of the shining numbers of your alarm clock, the time thus distorted, but you could still read it.
3:12 am.
You heaved a sigh and rolled to your other side, trying to get more comfortable. But on the other side of the bed was the shape of your boyfriend fast asleep, and it was too distracting to allow you to fall back asleep.
His dark hair was messed by both the pillow and your fingers. A beard darkened his cheeks, and his eyelids delicately rested upon his brown eyes you adored so. He was softly snoring, a barely audible sound that accompanied each rising of his chest, followed by a loud puff of air escaping his lungs. He seemed peaceful, although the darkness your room drowned into hid most of the details of his features.
Yes… such a sight wasn't exactly helping you to sleep. You would have rather stared at him for hours.
You were suddenly hungry, your stomach making some grumpy noises. Afraid it would wake Ben up, you decided that a little stop to the kitchen was in order. You escaped the bed as silently as you could so not to disturb your boyfriend, but made sure to tug him in properly as you disrupted the blanket in your movements. In the dark, you picked up the first article of clothing you found amongst the clothes you had discarded across the floor the previous night. It was soft and smelled like Ben's cologne.
You exited the room and closed the door behind you before turning on the lights. You had picked up Ben's shirt, but didn't mind at all as you put it on.
Everything was silent in your home. You chose some biscuits for your snack, made some tea and before long, you were lost in your own thoughts while staring at the street outside. The lampposts were still alit, orange lights that didn't seem quite enough to scare the darkness away. There wasn't anyone in the street, not even a car passing by, almost as if the world had come to a standstill. Most of the stars in the sky were covered by clouds that the lights of the city painted into mud-like hues. The moon was visible though, silvery and bright, but on its decaying cycle.
You were so lost in your own little bubble that you didn't hear Ben getting up and fumbling through your home until he found you're hiding spot in the kitchen. Only when he heaved a relieved sigh and patted his way to you through the little room did you notice his presence.
"Ha, there you are," he mumbled, his voice low and hoarse with sleep, his accent coming through even more than usual in the midst of his fatigue. "'Was wondering where you were hiding."
"I just wanted a snack," you answered with a welcoming smile.
"Is everything alright?" he asked with earnest worry.
"Yeah, I just… couldn't sleep."
"Something on your mind?"
"Not really. Just… not tired enough. Did I wake you?"
"Yeah, you did."
"I'm sorry," you apologized, handing him a cup of tea as well as he leaned against the kitchen counter behind him. "I didn't mean to."
"It's alright. I just… I woke up because I noticed you weren't in bed anymore."
"That's… that's very cute, actually."
Ben rolled his eyes, but his gesture was contradicted by the blush that coloured his cheeks and the tip of his ears.
"You're so romantic. So cheesy," you teased him, making the blush intensify while a giggly smile appeared on his lips. "Can't sleep without me…"
"Oh, stop it!"
"You're so cute!"
"You're the cute one," he replied, putting down his cup on the counter to wrap his arms around your frame and pulling you closer to him. "By the way… Is that my shirt you're wearing?" he asked in a cheeky tone, and it was your turn to shy away now.
"It looks good on you…"
"I mean, it was hard to grab any kind of cloth on the floor in the dark."
"Hmm… excuses, excuses…"
"What is your excuse for only wearing your underwear though? I was awake, you could have turned on the light and found your clothes."
"First thing first, I'm not just wearing just my underpants, I also put socks on, cause my feet were cold," he corrected you, making you laugh. "And well… I would have loved to put my clothes on but someone had stolen my shirt, so…"
"Oh dear, what a crime," you mocked, but couldn't refrain a giggle.
"Shirt thief."
"Are you complaining? Really?"
"No," you admitted, running your fingers down the expanse of his chest. "Are you?"
"Absolutely not," he confessed, gently bumping his nose against yours, letting out another wave of laughter before diving to capture your lips with his.
If you expected a peck, you soon realized you were wrong, as Ben looped an arm around your back to pull you unbelievably close to his chest, and cupped your jaw to keep your face in place. And when he finally broke away, you instinctively chased after him, leaning even closer in an attempt to find back the contact that had made your knees tremble and your heart pound in your ribcage.
You blinked, discovering a grinning Ben who was just as out of breath as you were.
"So… Uhm… that was a… a hell of a kiss," you mumbled, your fingers threading their way through his messy locks.
"Hmmm… yeah, it was. And there's more where it came from," he added with a wiggle of his eyebrows that made you giggle.
You buried your face against his shoulder and he did the same. But after a couple of minutes standing still, basking in each other's embrace and the warmth that grew in both chests as you held each other close, you could feel him leaning more and more against you, his weight shifting forward.
"You're falling asleep on me, darling," you noted with a tender laugh, rubbing his back soothingly.
"Yeah, I'm tired."
"Let's go back to bed."
"But I want to stay with you, and you couldn't sleep," he mumbled against the fabric of his own shirt, his voice more fragile, almost boyish.
"I'm gonna go back to bed too," you reassured him, kissing his naked shoulder.
"Yeah, I need to try and get some sleep."
"Good, but before we do…"
"I think you should give me my shirt back, it's only fair."
You laughed, shaking your head.
"But I'm naked underneath!"
He lifted his head to look at you once more, a mischievous grin shining across his features despite how exhausted he clearly was, with the dark bags under his eyes and his falling eyelids.
"That's the point, love. Who needs clothes on when they sleep anyway, huh?"
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