#if anyone doesn’t kno this anon
patchiko · 6 months
Jason 100% comes with scary guard dog privilages, so with that being said what would be some things that would genuinely make him mad/protective over his s/o? Idk if he'd immediately deck a catcaller in the face, but it's hot beefy protective bf hourssss. I also feel like he'd be all moody and salty afterwards because how dare anyone disrespect his s/o.
I don’t think he’d immediately deck a catcaller HOWEVER i’m a “Jason Todd is a nerd” truther so i think he’d verbally berate tf out of a guy. IN THE MOST WITTY WAY POSSIBLE TOO. LOWK EMBARRASS TF OUT OF THEM
hawt beefy protective bf!jason todd hcs HEHEHEHEH
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*slurping noises and then i snort a little too* (sorry)
as soon as it happens this mans neck is cracking like a god damn OWL bro.
the side eye is almost FANTASTICAL bro.
Witty remarks to the max
yall ever kno that one girl who can make the creative, unimaginable, yet perfect remarks.
yeah jason todd like that. i can feel it.
“The guy who looks like the personification of mustard is talking right now?”
HDODBDKDN ANYWAY back to u anon
The first thing that would set him off is ANYTHING sexual.
Touching his s/o IS Jason immediately decking /getting physical with the catcaller,
he’s grabbing n’ slamming them against the nearest surface and threatening the FUCK out of their ass.
Even sexual verbal remarks will set him the fuck off
He’d curse someone out fosho
scare someone away with words, not even threats bro
He’s a little pouty, arms all crossed, he just wanna go home
I don’t think he’d wanna talk to anyone besides his s/o after
he doesn’t even want the possibility of getting even more annoyed cos he’d tweak out jussst a little.
jason todd so the type to silently think to himself some shit like ‘im so ready to chop your head off its kinda crazy to me.” and just be standing there so quietly pissed off.
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xxcallmemaryxx · 1 year
Hi, I have a little personal request nad I hope u feel comfortable doing it.
most of the time - if not all the time - i hate talking and that's why a lot of people tend to think i dislike everyone, but is just my social anxiety, so I want some fluff about the ghoul with a reader that it's really reserved and bc of that other members from the clergy usually ignore them, please <3
Its almost as if you just took a peak into my life anon, I deal with the exact same thing.
Mountain took one look at you, one sniff in your direction, and pretty much claimed you. If anyone of the ghouls is going to get it… it’s gonna be mountain.
I mean… I feel like he is kind of the same right? He feels no desire to constantly be talking. He feels no desire to constantly be social. Those who took the time to know Mountain, understand that he will happily sit in silence and consider that bonding time.
So when he took the time to know you, you clicked right away. He sees a lot of himself in you and it’s refreshing for him to have someone who really gets it.
There’s quite a big part of Mountain that loves the quiet moments the two of you share. When you sneak away to the woods on the Abbey property, or when the rest of the ghouls are off doing whatever it is they decided to do that day, and it’s just the two of you. Alone.
For Mountain, he doesn’t see this as a challenge to find you more friends or introduce you to people to ‘help’ you. Should you want to do so, of course he would support you. But the comfort comes from knowing you can be silent, just sitting with him… or with the other ghouls or whoever it is you want to be around and do exactly that. There’s no pressure to talk. There’s no pressure to fill the silence. And every time he notices how comfortable you are with him… he feels his heart soar.
He is almost positive that you can hear it, when it’s just the two of you. Perhaps you’re curled up with him in his room, or cozied up under a nice tree on a warm day. When the two of you sit down for breakfast, still half asleep with your eyes barely open… he is just positive… that you can hear his heart beating for you.
Rain would be kind of similar. Although he definitely likes to get involved and steal the spotlight every now and then… he will never put you in a position where you feel like you need to step up for him.
Rains heart is massive, he has so much room in his life for every single friend he could possibly make. He saw you, on your own, it took one second for him to decide he was having none of that and took you under his wing. You two have been inseparable ever since.
He keeps you close. The day Rain learned you felt a sense of safety with him. It was game over honestly… you’ve not gone a day without seeing or hearing from him. He gets so excited that he is your safety net. Sometimes too excited, because he has never been the safety net before. He has always had the safety net. And when he sees just how comfortable you feel with him, he gets all fuzzy and happy and soft and forgets to settle himself.
Of course he understands that he isn’t always going to see you, and he isn’t always going to hear from you. And he can be patient, and can wait for you to feel ready to come find him again. He knows that it may take a few hours, maybe a few days. And even when he is just itching to lock the two of you in your room and crawl into bed with you and soak up your presence again… he must wait. He is a good boy though… he waits for you every time and tells you just how proud of you he is every. Time.
Dew is a whole other story. He saw you, sitting on your own and just… didn’t really understand why. Like, why aren’t you interacting with other people? Why aren’t you sitting with your friends? Where are your friends? He wants to know. He needs to know.
So he plopped down right next to you and started rattling off all the questions he could think of. It was a rough start to your friendship to say the least. But, he made it his mission to know you. And boy, did it take time. But your world and his world were so vastly different that he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Fast forward to now, he has realised a lot about himself. And now he comes to you when he needs to step away for a bit. Dew has quite literally given you so much confidence, in the sense that he showed you that even the most popular, impulsive and out of control ghouls can drain their social battery.
He might not completely understand just how difficult it can be to put on a smile and go be social all day when you just can’t do it. But thanks to you, he learnt that it’s important for him that he spends some time away from the noise and away from the world. It’s during those moments that your worlds connect, and the two of you find a kind of peace with each other. You both found something in each other that you’d never been able to find before. And as a result, the bond between the two of you grows with every passing night.
Aether gets it too, he has his friends and his popularity among the Clergy, but Aether will always chose to spend his nights, and his free time, doing his own thing. So when he met you, he couldn’t believe someone hadn’t already come and scooped you up and away from the rest of the world. To him, you were like a dream. He didn’t need to put on a mask around you. He didn’t need to put on a smile or put up a front that would convince you he was ready for action. He could breathe a little deeper, and knock down his walls.
Much like Mountain, he finds so much comfort knowing he can just chill out and do his own thing whilst in your presence. You don’t even have to be doing the same thing, Aether could be cooking up a storm in the kitchen and you could be perched happily on an empty counter, or on a chair nearby just reading a book.
There’s no pressure to have conversation, and there is no awkwardness when it’s quiet. It’s just lovely. Aether actually finds himself craving those moments with you. When he is away on tour, or if he has duties he needs to attend to or if he has been invited somewhere and his friends are relying on his presence. He just can’t stop thinking about how peaceful it is when he is with you. The content look on your face is enough to give him purpose in life.
Swiss and you are like polar opposites. He is similar to Dew in the sense that, he is well loved among the Clergy. He has looooots of people aiming to grab his attention even for just a little moment. And there’s a big part of him that loves it. He loves the attention he gets, he thinks it’s so fun. But then he got a taste of life with you. How drastic in difference it was to his normal day to day, or life on tour. It came as quite the shock when he realised just how much he enjoyed a quiet night in.
Now, Swiss will always be a party animal. And he will always love a killer night out, but he has grown quite fond of his nights with you. He refuses to tell anyone what you two get up to when he stays in with you. He gets a little bit possessive over you, worried that everyone else will want a taste of your company too.
Which of course would defeat the whole purpose of your reasoning for preferring to stay in, and he would rather drop dead, then allow anyone on this planet to make you uncomfortable or put you in a position where you need to exhaust your social battery.
Swiss would quite literally hide you away from the world and keep your quiet little moments he has grown to cherish so much all to himself.
When Phantom was still new, and was still trying to figure out his place in the Clergy. He kind of… clung to you? Like. He felt so safe and comfortable in your presence, it was exactly what he needed while he was settling in. And it wasn’t like you two met and then talked and then became friends….
No no. Phantom literally spotted you. His ghoul boy brain just went ‘yes’. Made his way over to you and without a word… sat next to you and continued studying the rest of the room. No words were exchanged. Aside from him blurting his name out, because of course you deserved to know who was going to be your shadow for the rest of forever. It was kind of awkward, and you were confused out of your mind.
But Phantom very quickly became a rock for you. He was familiar and comfortable and safe. God he was so safe. And to him… you were his anchor during the weird period of meeting people, finding his place and getting used to performing on stage.
Even now, after he has found his footing and gotten comfortable within his life in the Abbey, you are so so dear to him and you will always be the most important person on the planet to him.
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mockerycrow · 1 year
I literally just want anything Rudy x Reader or Alejandro x Reader 😩
I Wanna Know What Love Is (Rudy x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You work at a local coffee shop that Rudy frequents and he works up the courage to ask you out on a date.
A/N: THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RUDY CONTENT!! thank you for the request, anon. <3 let me know if my translations are wrong. btw, yes, the title is a song. Reader is implied to be Mexican.
WARNINGS: Pure fluff!
Rudy doesn’t think it’s fair; the way you look, the way you act, your unnecessary kindness. Part of him knows it’s customer service, it’s a part of the mask you must have for your customers—a similar mask he must hold for the people he faces as well—but he couldn’t help the way his gut tightened at your smile.
Rudy’s never really had crushes like that before, maybe he’s had a few hookups here and there, a consistent sexual partner once or twice, but he never actually found anyone romantically enticing. You’ve had a quite few good talks with Rudy when you were less busy, usually at the end of rush hour. He’s learned a bit about you during those times; your favorite color, some of your hobbies, a few names of your close friends that he doesn’t really remember at the moment, and some other minor things.
Rudy can’t help but feel so.. attracted to you. He finds himself antsy to get to this little coffee shop, knowing you’ll be there. You told him you don’t work Thursday’s or Friday’s, so he doesn’t end up going, but you don’t need to know that. Rudy was never much a coffee person, but he’ll fake it every time for you to make his drink. He became a regular and you immediately picked up his drink choices.
“What will it be today, Rudy?” You grin, leaning your hands on the counter that has the cash register resting on it. You’re wearing your uniform; black polo, blue jeans, an apron and a company hat. Your fingers push at the pen at rests just at your fingertips absentmindedly. Rudy thinks he dies right then and there. He’s never heard his name sound so good coming from someone else; let alone his nickname. He didn’t even have to ask you to call him Rudy. “Straight black,” He murmurs in response, taking out his wallet. You hum as you watch him feel around for his wallet and you wave your hand. “No es necesario, señor.” You reply, pushing yourself from the counter.
Rudy’s eyebrows furrow and look at you, pausing his movements. “It’s on the house.” You simply gives him a smile before you walk further behind the counter, leaving him dumbfounded. A simple motion such as that shouldn’t be sending your heart pounding, but it is. He quietly walks over to the other counter where you would collect your coffee if you had ordered. Your smile and your words are sending him into a spiral, and he know that shouldn’t have much of an effect on you, but again; it is.
You interrupt his thoughts by placing the double plated paper cup in front of him, causing Rudy’s gaze to snap to you. And of course, he feels his cheeks burn as he can’t hold back a soft smile. “Gracias,” He murmurs quietly, holding eye contact as he takes the cup from the counter. You nod and grin, your tone a teasing one. “You’re so basic with your coffee choices. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you’re coming here just to see me!”
Rudy’s heart dropped to his stomach, his smile faltering ever so slightly. How did you kno—
You laugh and wave it off. “Ah, cálmate! I’m only messing with you. Maybe I could expand your tastes later with some Kahlúa.”
“I’d like that,” Rudy blurts out.
Oh shit.
You blink at him and giggle quietly after a moment. “Yeah? You would?”
Rudy clears his throat, trying to ignore the ache in his chest from his heart rapidly beating at an abnormal pace for too long. He nods, a nervous smile coming to his face. “Yeah, maybe, uh.. we could do something together? ¿Puedes hacerme esa bebida especial?”
You don’t say anything for a moment and Rudy is fully convinced you’re about to laugh in his face—wait, are you blushing?
You bite your lip as you grab a napkin and take a pen out of a pocket in your apron, writing something down.
His eyebrows raise as he realizes it; you’re accepting his offer for a date.
You slide the napkin over to Rudy, that big, yet shy smile remaining on your face. ‘Pink looks good on you.’ Rudy thinks in the back of his head, loving how your blush outlines your cheekbones. He looks down at it and he scored your number. He looks back at you with a similar grin to yours.
“I’m off tomorrow. Text me whenever and we’ll see if you can hold your liquor, yeah?”
Yes, definitely yes.
No es necesario, señor. = No need, sir./It’s not necessary, sir.
Gracias. = Thank you.
Cálmate! = Calm down!/Take it easy!
Kahlúa. = A Mexican coffee liqueur, typically made into ice coffee.
¿Puedes hacerme esa bebida especial? = Can you make me that special drink?
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puckthedrama · 3 months
Keith tkachuk basically is fond of Ellie, look at how much Ellie looks similar to his wife. Keith has been inviting Ellie to Tkachuk family vactions for 4 years….Ellie and Matthew Tkachuk have NOT even been official for 4 years… inviting her to the lake on weekends, to Europe FAMILY vacations, to the games sitting with their family NOT the wags, inviting her to trips where not even Taryn or Bradys GF was present. Inviting Ellies mom to games very often as well. All while Mathew was with his various hookups, flings, & past girlfriends. Also, Ellie Connell mother and Chantal Tkachuk have been best friends since they were teenagers. The Connell family even has a house in Saint Louis near the Tkachuk home. Ellies mom and Chantal Tkachuk had been pushing for Matt to date Ellie but Matt was never interested hence his various flings throughout the years. Ellie obviously knew Matt was not interested in her but i mean the odds were in her favor since Matts own parents were practically setting up the entire relationship for her, and she herself wanted to be with Matt, so of course she played the game and went along. Once Matt got to florida Keith went overdrive in making sure Matt made it official with Ellie. Did u kno Matt did not want to walk the red carpet at the NHL awards with Ellie, but who do you think invited her anyway without informing Matt until hours before? KEITH. Ellie even had to borrow an item she wore that night from Taryn tkachuk last minute, since she didn’t even kno the color of suit Matt was wearing. Who do u think got Ellie introduced to the Florida wags & wag events even tho Matt had not paid wags fees, or wanted officially introduced to wags? Mr. KEITH himself. Keith liked Ellie for Matthew & was going to get Matthew to date her one way or another, its not necessarily that he has acted “inappropriate” towards HER or wanted her for himself-NO nothing like that, its about CONTROL for Keith. he wants to control every aspect of his sons lives. especially the black sheep of his kids-Mathew. Keith knew Ellies family well, shes blonde, all American persona, lowkey looks like Chantal tkachuk, she was in a sorority, the Connell family have the same political beliefs as Keith. There was no way Keith would approve of anyone besides Ellie Connell who he knew like a book.
i’ll use a prom analogy to better explain.
Keith =mom dress shopping with daughter. Mathew=daughter dress shopping for prom. Prom=life. Dresses=Girls Classmates=teammates
For Example:
mom likes a dress for u to wear to prom & u don’t think its ugly or anything is necessarily wrong with it-it’s actually a nice dress but its just not the type of dress YOU want for yourself. but ur mom keeps pushing it & saying how good it’d be if u chose the dress she liked (almost as if she’s living vicariously through u). U don’t give into her pressured, instead u got out on ur own and find a few dresses that are your type. U hide it from ur mom knowing she won’t approve, but when she finds out about the dresses you’ve been trying on she is FURIOUS. Now, when she see’s u she makes rude comments about the dresses u chose & acts passive aggressive making sure u know she disapproves. she tells u none of your classmates buy dresses that are colorful or that aren’t made in America & u’ll be the only one with a colorful dress & u’ll look ridiculous & she’s worked too hard for u to embarrass her. she tells u flat out that she doesn’t want u to get the Beige dress, or the brown dress, or the mixed Black black & white dress, or the yellow dress not even the Tan dress, she wants you to get the WHITE dress. U want her approval bc she’s always been hyper critical of u, so even tho the white dress is not ur type -it is a pretty dress & there’s nothing wrong with it, so to make ur parent happy and get her off ur case u pick the dress thinking to yourself well maybe it won’t be so bad after all….but remember you can LOOK good with the dress, ur parent can be pleased that u finally chose the dress THEY APPROVED, but if u don’t FEEL good u won’t be happy……at prom….
☝🏻on matthew & keith tkachuk and ellie!
wow anon appreciate the effort in this!!
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jlf23tumble · 11 months
If larries think Louis is closeted why are they surprised/offended he “acts straight” (my bros in cheezits it’s been nearly a year since he was pictured with a lady - what are you talking about), or bitch slaps “fans” who bring up gay relationship lore? And they make it about their feelings on the matter?? Does he not have his own feelings, like maybe he doesn’t want the entire world talking about how he’s gay (neon letters- gay w/ Harry Styles - who to anyone with a brain seems not straight)?!
All the times when there is actually a simple, straightforward explanation that, u kno what, would actually align with their narrative to some degree if they weren’t so obtuse, they take the L and become crybabies. Also, maybe they should just stop being cunts to him. I kno, what a concept.
It's the "maybe they should just stop being cunts to him" for me, but yeah, so much of this! Because here's the thing, he's a real-life person, and he's living his own real life, not a script, not a fic, not a built-up fantasy quilted by overly invested strangers. I feel for him, and I'm not here to say there was nothing there, clearly there was, but also? Maybe, just MAYBE there isn't anymore, and maybe, just MAYBE he's genuinely pissed to have to talk about it allllll the time as this cutesy GOTCHA by people who put in their bios that they believe in conspiracy theories around his sex life, desperate to break the fourth wall in a way that both outs him and dredges up a relationship that might not be something he wants to be dealing with at the moment. And rather than think, wow, oof, sorry, king, that's on me, instead, you have people all ass-hurt about it, acting like he's some kind of dick for (justifiably) losing it. You haven't been gaslit, you haven't been lied to, you haven't been baited, he owes you literally jack shit about something that maybe just MAYBE hits him on god knows what fronts (this is not YOU you, anon, lmao, you get it)
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
Also I’m gonna be honest I kinda forgot about the request I made since it’s been awhile but when I saw this omg it was so worth the wait! You’re amazing 4402 <3
ah thanks 🖋! super glad you enjoyed it. it’s been a long time coming i’m sorry it took so long you forgot LMAOOOO
real talk sending asks on anon is so hard. you lose track of what you sent so easily. i almost wish this was a main blog just so i could say hey without inserting my full url at the end like a dork
this fic was such a Project with a capital P that there were so many scenes and little bits i thought of writing, but eventually scrapped for brevity even though we all know that’s not my strong suit. here’s a list of some of my notes under the read more because of spoilers, most of them are more recent because they’re fresher in my memory lol.
for clarity’s sake here’s how i hc it when i write about these characters being vtubers: the models on screen are a more polished or stylized lookalike of the person behind the screen, but without some of the details of the real person. so basically while vtuber!ike looks like how we all know him, the ike you interact with during the off-collab also has blue-tipped hair and gold earrings that match his glasses chain, but doesn’t wear the same thing daily, shows a full range of emotion, and has, ya kno, pores and freckles and all that instead of anime skin. they’re identical but in different art styles lol. (obligatory disclaimer that i’ve always written for the characters and not the real people working for nijisanji, and that we do not encourage unhealthy parasocial relationships here)
i wanted to hone in on the friends-to-lovers dynamic as much as possible by establishing friend moments before the actual meat of the romance during the off-collab. same with establishing pen and paper as a common in-universe ship. i’m a believer that including these scenes only strengthens the dynamic between mc and li, even if they aren’t necessarily about them interacting!
in the same way i wanted to establish the comfort of being in love with your best friend just as much as the worry. the outlast scene is really tense but i wanted to write it so the dialogue there could apply to anyone comparing themselves to others. same with the last two scenes. one of the elements i love most in hurt/comfort is that they can be like little affirmations even when the reader is completely different from the insert. reader and ike have a million different insecurities about themselves but they rarely see what the other is so worried about because it’s just another part to love. and when they do see it, they’re still there for each other even if it’s as simple as a weird photo or as big as pining
while we’re at it SHOUT OUT TO AIA, MIKA AND ALBAN FOR BEING THE REALEST MFS EVER i loved writing those three interacting with reader. they’re so funny sometimes. and when they’re not, they also serve as great sober advice. they all have different ways of getting you there—aia is the “soft” one but encourages you to get out of your comfort zone when she sees an easy way in and out, alban is the one that tells it to you straight and gives godly advice because of it, and because she’s close with both you and ike, mika does a lot of work behind the scenes encouraging you both. but at the end of the day no matter what your love life looks like, those three are there asap if you need them, regardless if they’re online or in-person
in the meanwhile vox, nina, and mika serve as ike’s close circle of friends and i think that’s beautiful lmao. i didn’t make those four’s relationship that explicit but i like to think of it as a family dynamic of sorts. vox and nina are the patient parent figures while mika is a younger sister type, and all of them also hype ike up like how aia, mika and alban hype you up
and speaking of vox i wanted to include him referring to ike as his work husband, and maybe a more serious one-on-one advice/shovel talk with reader about ike. this was one of those things that was tricky to place in the order of scenes, so it was eventually scrapped
honestly i think this fic is more about the power of friendship than the power of love lmao. it’s a love letter to friends that would drop everything for you regardless if they see you romantically or not, just as well to friends that want you to get every bit of happiness you deserve
you can probably tell how much of this fic is ruled by close friendships down to the kiss scene. reader is pretty clumsy with their feelings, and ike is even worse (though reader never notices because they’re so worried about themselves). i have this hc that for his first kisses, ike would always ask before he goes in, but if it weren’t for that this would’ve been one of those mutual go-for-it wordless kisses, you know what i mean? where everything feels right and even righter when you realize the other person is also leaning in
ESPECIALLY WHEN READER BUMPS IKE’S GLASSESSSSSSSS one of my favorite things in fic is when it’s not always picture perfect and people mess up! and then roll with it! things happen irl including being clumsy but those things tend to be the parts that make things special. i said what i said about reader and ike always being there for each other even when they’re insecure and i meant it. especially because the happiness is so contagious that reader smiles before kissing back and how they both take a laugh break before kissing even more
ren’s ukulele is also a personal touch. it’s not a very grand feeling to just zone out with your friends while one of them plays music, but it is one that i hope everyone experiences once. it really is comfortable, and if you have a friend that’s a bit of a smartass like ren? it gets funny too
when this fic was in development around early april if i remember correctly, ren did a karaoke stream with iris, which was the moment i realized that was the perfect song to describe the fic. i mention a bunch of other songs but iris is the “theme song”. it’s romantic and pretty and intimate, but with an ukulele and nina casually singing along, it fits the comfortable vibe well
wannabe by the spice girls was chosen for the recognizable goofy factor alone. i mentioned motionless in white, my first story and spiritbox mostly because i’ve heard ike mention them before on stream, but spiritbox gets a special shoutout here because i’m pretty sure they’re one of the only ike band recommendations i actually like (talluh too if you include the two songs i’ve listened to). toxicity gets mentioned because, uh… i was watching gavis bettel’s birthday karaoke when that happened and he was too blasted to do system of a down but that just stuck with me. i also have to admit i never actually listened to the emo holy trinity and only knew one mcr song from guitar hero but luckily it’s recognizable and it’s in a wide enough range that i think most people could sing it. ahhh i wish writing lyrics in fic wasn’t so clunky! i have such a picture in my mind of how reader and ike would sing the breakdown and onward
vox singing george strait is pure self-indulgence and i am begging us all to imagine handsome from the cowboy asmr singing christmas cookies. i have been thinking about this since october 2022
the final bonus scene is a neat bow to explain the important parts of the off-collab as well as ike’s real feelings. after all, the fic was written with limited pov and one of the major sources of tension is that ike’s feelings aren’t explicitly stated until the second confession (and the high-stress q&a stream). i wanted it to be so reflective and fond that it feels like a victory lap, and reaffirm what reader and ike’s relationship actually means to him even though he struggles with articulating it out loud
that final scene also had the most ideas that ended up scrapped. this includes but is not limited to: ike telling chat about the cafe with reader but without admitting it was a date, alban teasing ike in the chat, reader teasing ike in the chat, confirming that uki and ren going cafe-hopping was actually so they could playfully gossip about the sexual tension in this airbnb, actual descriptions of the photos reader took, confirming that ike or reader stole the other’s shirt (ike is a smaller guy so i wanted to keep it ambiguous for any reader body types), redirecting to reader’s stream, ike and alban actually talking about why alban knows so much (and him giving ike a shovel talk), and maybe most tragic of all; a forum-style text post scene where the delulu fans get it right for once and guess that reader and ike are in a secret relationship
i might write the delulu fan forum fic one day for fun but if i do then i’m going to call this little series “the pliskinverse” unironically and im that is not a fate i want to impose upon anyone
the word ~ verisimilitude ~ recently entered my vocabulary from a review of the candle cove creepypasta. it basically means when fiction seems authentic, like how a kind character would have polite manners or how an evil villain would laugh completely different than the hero. you could say an ooc fanfic would lack verisimilitude for example. anyways i bring this up because that creepypasta is formatted like a forum thread with distinct personalities between the posters... just like how i wanted the chatters to come across! i don't think it's subtle but i did write them all with different personalities and interests in mind. maybe for fun you can look through them and figure out what team they all play for, even though i'm awful at coming up with fake usernames
it’s really obvious that one of my favorite tropes is shovel talks isn’t it
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constermonster · 2 years
Love your work so interested in your OCs could you give us some info on them?
THANK YOU!❤️‍🩹 sorry it take me so long to reply to this anon I wanted to draw refs!
(Booby warning for the images! They’re not sexual just references!)
I’ll give sum info on my 2 babies Mio and Kitaro from my IP Cat’s End! I’ll introduce more characters later (You can see all my design work for the characters on my patreon >:3)
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Mio Kaneko (金子澪)
Mio is a 20 year old university student studying biology. She is a ghoul, meaning she is undead and forever trapped in the university building she died in.
She’s selfish and introverted, not really bothered about talking to new people, she has her friends and sticks with them. Anyone else is just in her way. She has violent tendencies, usually jumping to extreme conclusions as solutions. Mio is bad at school but she doesn’t care. She’s pretty straight to the point and blunt.
She likes cute things and her dream is to be an idol!
Height: 150cm
Cat breed: Burmilla cat
Age: 20
Subject: Biology
Year: 3
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Kitaro Katō (加藤鬼太郎)
Kitaro is a 20 year old university student studying maths. He is Mio’s childhood best friend. He is alive.
Kitaro is very outgoing and friendly, he will talk to almost anyone and he’s super confident. He’s good at calming Mio down… but also very good at encouraging her. He’s very good at school, getting all A’s on his exams but he’s an airhead outside of class. He wears a lot of oversized comfy clothes. Kitaro is super clumsy and always dropping his phone so he has a cheap flip phone with a cute keychain of a fish on it! He’s always got a big grin on his face and BIG OL EYES! He has big floppy ears and he’s super fluffy!
How can you not love him :D
Height: 168cm
Cat breed: Norwegian forest cat
Age: 20
Subject: Maths
Year: 3
Im glad u guys like my OCs! I wanna draw more of them! If u got any questions abt these guys or wanna kno about a specific from one of my illustrations or whatever my inbox is open!! (Also if u wanna draw them PLS DO hehe n tag me I’d love to see!)
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tubularfem · 18 days
Hi! I've seen your post where you wrote about how you used to ID as asexual from 14 to 22 years old, then you realised that you were a lesbian all along.
I'm 20 years old, I don't know what am I, and it kinda bothers me. I'm curious if I have an experience that is similar to yours. It's gonna be kind of a long vent, so sorry in advance.
I don't know if I'm asexual or not, but I can say with absolute certainty that I never want to have sex or be in a relationship with a man. I wouldn't mind being a lesbian (female genitalia doesn't disgust me), but there is little to no active attraction to any women in me either, and I don't wanna prescribe an incorrect label to myself. I was probably born with 0% libido, because I'm not taking any medications, and I'm not autistic. It would be nice to share my life with a woman, hug and kiss her, help when she's struggling, and make plans together, but I don't want to let her down if sex is something I can't provide. Besides, I don't think I've ever had a proper crush ever (the kind that makes your stomach flutter and want to drag the object of your affection into bed, the kinds of things people write in fanfiction). I don't understand why people around me are saying things like "she/he has a beautiful ass!". Technically, sex sound messy, and I don't really get why many people want it so much. What is wrong with "being friend-zoned"? Am I unhealthy in some way? Should I fix this (and what should I do if I don't want to)?
Maybe I'm just asocial, because I don't know how to maintain a friendship unless I have a work or education or fandom related reason to see this person, idk. I'm also scared that if I will ask this woman I want to be friends with to get coffee together she'd think I'm asking her out (I'm very gnc and slightly anxious so it certainly would look like that), she'd reject me, it wil be awkward and potentially dangerous, and I would feel awful... But I digress.
Do you think I'm a lesbian with low libido, or an asexual? I can't see a therapist for this, so I'm asking women on tumblr for sex ed.
Thank you for your time!
Hey there, thanks so much for the question!! I hope it wasn’t sitting too long, I was away all day.
I feel for you anon, these questions can be VERY difficult to determine for yourself, especially considering the overwhelming pressure for women to be sexually available (for men).
I hope this doesn’t sound condescending in any way at all because I don’t mean it as such, but 20 IS SO YOUNG. You are so so young. And to tell you the truth, when I was identifying as asexual, it HURT. It hurt to not have the experiences my peers were having, to feel that I was missing out, that no one was interested in me. It hurt that I couldn’t seem to make the same connections, to connect to anyone in the same way romantically or otherwise. When I was a teen, it was easier to call myself asexual than it was to consider the alternative of being a lesbian. Partly due to internalized homophobia, but also because I was not emotionally or physically ready for intimacy at that age. At least if I was ‘asexual,’ I had a reason, so to speak, of why I wasn’t dating or finding anyone. Because I too am pretty anti-social, and that’s just part of my personality. I don’t like being around people, and that’s OKAY. I am very strange when it comes to physical touch as well and that was enough to convince me that I must be asexual, even though even then it didn’t accurately describe me. (Part of this was also internalized homophobia at imagining sex between two women as extra gross even though now I think having sex with a man is the grossest thing in the entire world and I am glad I never forced myself to ever try to do so).
It is OKAY if you don’t want to have sex
It is OKAY if you’re not ready (and never are)
Being in a relationship or being intimate with someone is a big deal, even if some people don’t consider it so. It’s difficult to put yourself out there or try something when you don’t even know! You don’t know if you even want it, much less might enjoy it. It’s nerve-wracking!
So when I see you stressing about this at 20, my heart really goes out to you because I was there and I still even struggle today.
You have time. All the time in the world to slow down, and take your time with your life. Many lesbians are late bloomers, and many lesbians also don’t start dating or trying anything sex related until their late twenties/early thirties. If it’s something you’re really terrified of, TAKE YOUR TIME. It’s scary for a lot of people. Sometimes people take a lot longer to be comfortable with it.
there is nothing at all wrong with you. I can’t tell you if you’re lesbian or asexual, as that’s something you’ll have to figure out with time and experience. But don’t stress, don’t worry so much about labels and just figure out what makes you happy. There are plenty of asexual and/or low libido women out there who are also looking for a partner/dates. And women who will wait and go your pace. Anyone who doesn’t is to be avoided at all cost.
20 in the grand scheme of things is just beginning! No experience and/or not being experienced is perfectly normal. If you decide that sex and intimacy is something that you want to pursue, great! Go for it, try it out and experiment! But if you also decide that it’s not, that you don’t wish to be physical, that’s also fine. Real life relationships and crushes that develop over time aren’t going to be like fan fiction for most people.
You’re good anon, don’t stress about where you’re not at life, and just do what you love; work on yourself and your hobbies, figure out your passions and if a relationship comes into your life, you’ll have the chance to see for yourself how it feels.
I hope any of this was helpful anon! Ultimately my advice is to focus less on defining yourself at this moment, and naturally see where your life takes you! Think about if romance and sex is something you’d want to try with the right woman at some point, and that it’s perfectly normal to not have experienced a crush on anyone yet, but that doesn’t mean you never will. Everyone is different, including lesbians; everyone has their own pace and development. It’s hard if you’re attracted to women only, because there’s a lot less of us than straight men around. Maybe test the waters a bit more directly if you want? Try to find a date or a lesbian’s group. Or at least a female-heavy hobby group of some kind? That could lead you to forming friendships and possibly attractions to someone as well, and help with the friend forming issue too. For me, I know that I don’t do well online and need something tangible and hands on.
I hope this helped at all. Just know that you’re not alone and I still struggle even now at times! It’s very very hard to be introspective when you don’t have the experience to be so. But just keep on being yourself, and I promise it will be alright. It is also very fine if you decide you are not interested in women sexually or romantically, as relationships are just one part of a life filled with other things you can be proud of and pursue. It will be alright anon!
PS: about your question on asking a friend to hang out solely as a friend. To me, yes, asking out for coffee does signify a more date- like connotation. Maybe instead ask her if she’d like to hang out sometime? It’s a bit more casual. Or a great idea to get to know her better is invite her to something in a group setting; either with any other friends you have, or some sort of event going on. You can always ask her for her number too if you don’t already have it!
Only you can answer your question in the end, because you know yourself better than anyone. I hope you can come to an answer, and if something should change in your understanding of yourself (like for me, realizing I’m attracted to and desire a relationship with women), don’t stubbornly hold onto a label just because you used to consider yourself that.
I went to a woman’s college for four years and didn’t date anyone because I was holding on to that asexual label 💀 Biggest mistake of my life! I could have gone on several dates and made experiences for myself.
Don’t sweat it. You’re doing fine, and any issues that you think you have socially, they’ll seem very minor in time, especially as you mature.
I hope I’ve helped. Thank you so much for your question. ❤️
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dozy-draws · 3 years
Hey I have a request can you do g3.5 my little pony art of the core7 and mlp newborn cuties baby core7 so adorable 🥰
Oh my god you guys I’m a #real mlp artist now…. I’ve done it
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Heart Shaped Glitter
Anon 72  “I didn’t do it.” “Then why are you laughing?” “Cause, whoever did it is a freaking genius.”
Max Verstappen x Ferrari driver Reader
The one where pranking your teammate made two rivals fall in love
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You thought getting your first contract into F1 would be the greatest dream but then getting signed to Ferrari with one of your oldest friend Charles was a close second and while you two have got to F1 together and are older now it doesn’t mean you’ve grown up. Proven by your next actions.
You were leaned against the wall of the men’s locker room at the gym you and Charles frequented, tapping your foot and waiting for the inevitable.
“Y/n?” You looked up to see the other Monaco resident driver, “Hey Max.” You nodded then went back to waiting, you and the Red Bull driver had never really spoken no matter how many times he has tried but you were always with Charles or Pierre, who were fiercely protective of you and never let him get close. Taking a look around the hallway not seeing either of your shadows.
“You know the women's showers are down there right?” He pointed leaning against the wall with his shoulder, still confused as to what you were doing, he also noticed you weren’t wearing gym clothes. “I’m pulling a prank on Charles he’s in there.” Nodding your head to the wall behind you which you strategically placed yourself right on the other side of the showers.
Now Max understood, your prank war was known to everyone around the paddock and was even a little series on Ferrari social media for how much the fans loved the relationship you two had. He’s seen the videos but has never seen it in person.
“What did you do?” He whispered leaning in his excitement showing. You held in a smirk, “I paid the manager to let me cover the shower in oil.” His eyebrows rose. And he let out a loud laugh that you shushed so Charles wouldn’t hear.  
“This is going to be good.” He laughed quite now, both of your eyes widened as you heard the shower start running, pressing your ears to the wall. If anyone got a picture of two of the top F1 drivers pressed against the wall with goofy smiles on your faces it would be all over formula one articles. You both heard a loud thump and a very girly shriek that you’re causing yourself for not finding some way to record it. Multiple French explicits followed more crashed as he tried to gain footing and failed, sliding around.
“Y/N!” Charles yelled knowing you were behind it. You immediately took off running leaving Max frozen behind you, “Come on Verstappen!” You yelled over your shoulder making him jump into action his longer legs making up the short distance you gained. Just as you were about to turn the corner you caught sight of a very frazzled Charles clutching a towel as he tried to chase you but kept sliding from leftover oil.
“I’m going to get you back for this!”
Yours and Maxs’ laughter echoed through the gym as you ran through dodging people working out, gaining you both weird looks but neither of you cared.
Max grabbed your hand pulling you along faster out the doors, luckily the doormen saw you both making a dash and held them open. You let go of his hand to run to the drivers side of your Ferrari Max quickly followed sliding into the passenger side.
Barely getting the door closed before you pealed out. Max was still chuckling a few blocks away, he was side-eyeing you noticing how good you actually looked driving, sure he saw it every weekend but this was different less serious the carefree smile with your light laughs escaping through your lips, you sobered up feeling a little self-conscious under the Dutch drivers gaze.
“You know these things are pretty nice.” Max snapped out of it playing it off looking around the rest of the interior, mentally curing himself at the stupid attempt to change the subject. Laughing you nodded along tilting your head. “Careful don’t let the media hear you say that, they’ll think you’re joining the dark side.” Giving him a teasing look.
“You know I’d have to see the back of one before making a decision.” He teased right back enjoying the vibe you both had, it felt easy but exciting at the same time. You barked out a very unladylike laugh that your media handler would hate at his words.
“You know I’m currently beating you in the standings right?” “We’ll see how that changes by the end of the year.” And little did he know he was right, things would be very different by the end of the year
That prank changed things between you and Max, suddenly you were stuck to each other on and off the track. Hands brushing as you passed each other during press day. There are tons of videos of both of you in interviews suddenly smiling out of nowhere, only a trained eye would see the other driver passing behind subtle touches left behind. sneaking off to the others drivers room before a race became a tradition, or you being seen drinking the occasional Redbull, plus the fans loved the pictures of the Ferrari and Redbull superstars running hand in hand out of the gym an angry half-naked Charles in the back, Max even had the picture as his phone background. You both kept your affections a secret for as long as you could but it came out when you both showed up with bright pink hair as Charles somehow dyed your shower water unintentionally outing you.
Pierre and Charles were in latters garage as the Ferrari driver filmed a TikTok for social media day he was supposed to be showing the fans all the parts of their racing gear. well, Charles was, you were once again huddled around the corner with Max, Watching the two men. Just as the Monegasques grabbed his helmet your giggles started, making Max cover your mouth with his hand shushing you gently, pulling your back tighter against his chest.
“What the!” Your teammate screamed quickly pulling his helmet off making the glitter you filled it with cover him entirely, and Pierre who was bent over laughing almost falling off his chair.
“I didn’t do it!” He choked out seeing the mans glare settle on him, knowing sometimes Pierre joined in the prank war. “Then why are you laughing?” Charles growled shaking the glitter out of his hair, well trying to.
“Cause, whoever did is a freaking genius!” The French mans words broke the camels back as you and Max started laughing making the glitter bomb move his glare to the two of you. This time it was Max pulling you along as Charles advanced. “Come on Y/L/N!” Throwing you over his shoulder as he ran. Your laughter making Max have a wider smile than the Paddock has ever seen as you ran from your teammate and oldest friend covered head to toe in silver glitter.
He set you down once you reached the safety of Redbull, your chest raising rapidly that carefree smile he loves so much on your face as he looked down at you caressing your cheek. “He’s going to kill you one of these days.” You leaned up pressing soft kisses to his jawline. “You’ll save me before he does.”
“Y/n come on!” Your trainer yelled, making you groan. You hated running around the track it felt no matter what part of the world you were in the sun beamed off the concrete making it unbearably hot. Trudging through the garage you quickly texted Max hoping he’d give you an excuse to skip but not getting a text back, with a sigh you met your trainer and started walking to the track not noting all the extra people around with cameras.
“I forgot my phone you go ahead I’ll catch up.” They ran back to the paddock before you could say anything, with a shrug you walked through the gate onto the track, not paying attention until you came across two cars parked on the track. It was two matte black cars one was a honda NSX with Your country flag as the stipe down the middle exactly like your 458, and the other was a Ferrari with the Dutch flag. In your confusion, you spun around looking for an explanation gasping as you saw Max behind you, on one knee.  
“I’m ready to join the dark side, but only with you as my wife, Will you marry me?” Holding up the most perfect ring, in his shaky hands showed how nervous he was. Nodding your head tears filling both of your eyes Max’s eyes widened, “Yes?” He asked to be sure at your wordless answer. “Yes Yes Yes!” You shouted. Max stood up wrapping you in his arms spinning you around, pressing kisses all over your face until you pulled his lips to meet yours. Breaking apart he slid the ring on your shaking hand. “I love you future Mrs. Verstappen,” he spoke against your hand he pulled to his lips kissing the ring. “I love you too Mr. Verstappen.” Pressing your foreheads together basking in the moment.
Walking hand and hand back through the paddock getting cheers from the crews you laughed seeing yours and Maxs garage covered in balloons ‘Congratulations to the future Mr and Mrs!’ Scrolled across the huge banner. Christian Horner giving you both hugs, “Never thought I’d be happy to welcome a Ferrari driver into the family.” He joked making Max pull you closer. “Neither did i.” Your fiancé teased making you lightly hit him in the arm.
You pushed yourself out of his grip seeing Charles walking over with a box in his hands opening his arms for a hug, “Ugh can’t believe my best friend is going to be a Verstappen,” he shuddered in horror making you laugh. “Here.” Taking the box he held out you pulled the ribbon off a glitter bomb going off on you and Max.
Charles took off running yelling between his laughter, “It’s heart shaped!”
You looked up to your future husband whose eyes were closed, brushing off said pink hearts out of his hair making him look at you. “Sure you want to marry into this?” Max smiled pressing a kiss to your head and nodding. “For life baby.”
hope you liked it e me know what yall thought 
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
Fics Still Missing part 3
These fics are still missing!
1. Hello, looking for a fic where LWJ comes to Burial Mounds and WWX & he get into a fight. It’s pretty brutal, and at some point A-Yuan arrives and is in danger so LWJ protects him getting stabbed in the progress. I think it was a fix-it au.The fic is during burial mounds settlement days. I think during the fight WWX doesn’t fight LWJ personally but calls many many corpses to do it for him. #2 of post
2. Hi! I’m looking for a fic where wangxian are both bored with their (separate) sex lives and decide to have roleplay sex with each other to liven things up. The first time they do this they pretend to be strangers in a bar. There was also one that time that was god/worshipper roleplay. It was multi chapter with each roleplay in separate chapters. Thank you so much for the help! #6 of post
3. Hey! I was looking for a LXC x Oc, the oc was a jin who is like what people say dumb and the summer is something along the lines “The new madam Lan got pregnant and is craving for the bunny” I forgot the whole summery but it was like that. Anyways turns out she was actually quite smart. #17 of post
4. Hey! Can anyone please help me find the fic on ao3 where Lwj and wwx went to catch water ghouls and when lwj carried him out he performed a mouth to mouth on wwx which wwx he performed on other disciples too and wwx gets jealoused. And I guess they were betrothed so Can anyone please help? I lost it when I was reading. #11 of post
5. There is a fic where the spirit/ghost/memories of one of the Lan sect founders possess each sect leader in turn through a ritual, and Lan Qiren and Lan Wanji figure it out because they don’t want to lose Lan Xichen. I can’t find it, please help! It was dark and angsty and probably AO3. @/artemisdax  #13 of post
6. Hello! I don’t remember much of the fic, but I do remember that it was a “watching the series” fic and that it featured CQL’s interpretation of Nightless City, wherein the cultivators were killing each other, and Sizhui was Very Not Happy. Sorry it’s so vague! #17 of post
FOUND? Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 134k, wangxian, hualian, WIP, TGCF, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, characters watching their series, Time Travel Fix-it) The relevant passage is part of chapter 6, but it's a fairly brief mention and shows reactions from the entire junior quartet
7. Hello! Please help in finding this fic. I don’t remember if I read it on ao3 or Twitter. But it was a fic where wwx came back into mxy body and he immediately was getting married to lwj. It was abo I think. And I distinctly remember that there was some ritual which required jin zixuan and lan xichen to approach wwx and lwj kept growling and getting worked up about it? He ended up calming down when wwx touched him. I think wwx was wearing a long veil. #14 of post
hi this is the anon from the most recent ficfinder #14. unfortunately it isn’t that fic. I remember that it is in canon setting so no modern au. also idk if this is helpful but wwx woke in mxy body literally moments before the weeding. jzx was approaching as mxy brother and lxc as lwjs brother for a part during the wedding ceremony and it made lwj growl and they were all trying to cover it up cause it was a loss of control for lwj and wasn’t supposed to happen. idk it the extra details will help
NOT FOUND! Write It on My Neck by diamondbruise
8. Hi! Hope you’re doing well. I was searching for a fic where most of the characters got engaged at a young age and one of the pairings is huaisang/wen xu? WRH agreed for amusement at first and like later tries to reverse it during their Cloud Recesses years. I think most of  their parents were alive also? Thanks &lt;3 #2 of post
9. Hi! I’m not sure if I am doing this right…so I apologize if I am not. I am asking about a fic that people on reddit are looking for. I KNOW I read it and enjoyed it but I cannot seem to find it again. I told everyone I would try to track it down for them! Here are the detailsLWJ works for a company who’s trying to reach WWX. He has to drive out there to try to get his help, but oh no! There’s a storm, so LWJ has to spend the night, and there’s only one bed.LWJ is a specialist called in by the company when they couldn’t figure it out themselves, and he knew this code, he recognized the touch. But he wasn’t going to tell them, since some of it skirted legality and he knew that his old schoolmate WWX still had enemies who would love to blame him for any flaws in the system, so he had to go find him himself @/deeper-ground #4 of post
10. Hallo! I’m looking for a fic in which the juniors are told a suger-coated version of the past and then in some way find out about the truth. (Unsure if this was a fic finder or ITMF, please let me know if I am wrong and I will move it ^^ - Mod C) #12 of post
11. Hello, I’m looking for a fic where wwx does not want to date guys who are not wealthy; lwj is his roomate and is in love with wwx but he thinks he doesn’t have a chance because he is hiding he’s very rich and fakes being almost poor (he even hides his credit card for emergencies). I think wwx also liked him but didn’t want to try anything because he thinks lwj is poor. Thank for your help! #1 on post
12. I’ve been looking for this fic I read in passing, which isn’t my normal taste or pairing, and still can’t find it even after limiting the search options. The pairing is JC/LWJ and happens during the 13 years WWX is dead and I only remember two specifically key events that happened in said story. One was that a demonic cultivator who was really young was taken into Lan custody but took a nail from the barn he was being held in to kill himself. The other was LWJ pushed JC hard enough to hit his head on the floor and daze him?  The fic is definitely on Ao3. Any help would be nice~ @/youkaimeimi  #13 on post
13. Hi, I’m looking for a fic where the sword goes through both JYL and JC at Nightless City. WWX takes them both back to Lotus Pier and   essentially locks the place behind a barrier, but the sect itself doesn’t really mind. I think it was one chapter in a collection but I can’t be sure. #10 on post
FOUND? Chapter 2 of Cosmic by apathyinreverie (T, 10k, wangxian, JC & WWX & JYL, everyone lives au, yunmeng sibling dynamics, protective yunmeng Jiang sect, romance, smitten LWJ, oblivious WWX, powerful WWX, possessive LWJ, soft WWX, streetkid WWX, time travel fix-it, modern setting)
14. I’ve got another Fic Finder that, if answered, will fulfill a Mood/Compilation request—specifically Disabled Wangxian. This was a modern AU where we meet WWX as a young child with cerebral palsy; he had his canonical high intelligence and cheerful outgoing disposition; he signed, used a wheelchair, and loved Kirby. #4 on post
15. hi <3 i lost a fic that im pretty sure is quite popular, but i have no idea how to go about looking for it. all i remember is that a small thing changes, and then in the scene where teen lwj kneels beside wwx so they can both be punished, wwx jumps to cover him bodily, yelling something like 'no you wont hurt my lan zhan it wasnt his fault’ (?) possibly maybe it was lxc pov?? it maaaay have had something to do with time travel?? (not wwx tho).. i really dont know :D thank you!! #5 on post
16. Hiii sorry I don’t know how this works. But I am looking for this one specific fic I believe it was more than a one-shot. From what I remember was  that LWJ was obsessive and WWX was oblivious LWJ killed I think a friend of WWX at midnight at school and tried to cover up the body. A girl who WWX flirted with constantly and who LWJ threaten to stay away from WWX found him and the body at the bathroom of the school and LWJ threaten her to help him cover the body. The next thing I remember is he is stalking WWX and I believe WWX somehow ended up in LWJ’s house there is banging from the basement and LWJ is acting suspicious then he cooks food for WWX then makes a joke about the food being JC and throughout WWX stay he hears banging in the basement and he tells LWJ and he lies about it and he goes to the basement to find out that I believe it was JC who was tied up and they tried to escape but WWX stayed behind that all I can remember. thank you @/kawaiiskeletonlamphero  #17 on post
17. Hi all, sorry I have just one more request! There’s a fic I think I read at some point that had the cliff crumble as LWJ was trying to pull WWX up, and all three (inc. JC) went over, then there was potentially bickering and shenanigans in the afterlife? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you! @/katonahottinroof #2 on post
18. Hello! Thank you very much for all your hard work! I’ve been trying to find this fic for a while now. LXC comes to NMJ asking to do the whole sworn brotherhood and NMJ refuses. I believe NMJ shows LXC all the people JGY tortured and asked him how NMJ could agree to it when even his own people were hurt. Yeah, something approximately like this. The fic wasn’t too big - I believe it was a one-shot. #3 on post
19. Hi! I saw this on Twitter- it seems everyone is looking for it! It was just posted on wangxian ficfinder on Reddit- let’s see who finds it first! 😈 There was this mdzs fanfic with this plotline of : Wei Wuxian actually dies at hands of Jin Guangyao in Guanyin Temple after confessing and Lan Wangji follows, and both of them gets reincarnated as their younger selves prior to the destruction in Lotus Pier. And Lan Wangji decides to switch fate with Wei Wuxian and tries to act accordingly. Reborn Wei Wuxian who doesn’t yet know LWJ is also reborn gets confused when he was not kissed blindly this time in Phoenix Mountain and wonders why…
Things slowly start to follow a different route this time and Wei Wuxian has a guess but he is not able to find anything yet. Yiling Laozu who has his demonic cultivation methods this time without losing his core, actually ends up being sneakily possessive of the young Wangji and gets jealous to see him around all others but not himself this time! Reborn Wangji who also isn’t aware of wwx’s reincarnation vows he must not let him(wwx) go in the demonic path this time and so tries to control the Tiger seal himself, consequently having to act out of his own character and more like Wei Wuxian.
Karma runs and now it’s time for our flirty twink to drink vinegar jar regularly. I lost the fic and can’t even remember the name. Wasn’t on my device to can’t go check via history either! If anyone knows of this fic, please, please let me know!Here’s the twitter thread / 👀 Twitter thread for a fic finder! @/revellingfate / Can you help me find this fic? (Repeat of above)  No idea whether it’s a thread fic, on ao3 or whatnot but if anyone recognises it please share! A bunch of birdies are waiting for it on twitter, please and thank you @/trashbin-is-home  #4 on post
20. Hey! So can I request for a fic which is lan jingyi centric? Like I don’t remember completely but it’s like jingyi does not know that he is adopted by WangXian and like the trio go to yunmeng where Yu ziyuan and Fengmian are still alive as well as jiang Yanli and Zixuan. And like Xuanli or Fengmian teach some lantern making or stuff like that. Thank You!!! @/dazaiosamu2308  #13 on post
21. Hello!! For the next fic finder I’m looking for a single dad WY fic(?) In which during the cloud recesses study a woman suddenly declared that her child was WWXs ( I think this is baby Yuan but I’m not sure) please help me find it T-T.  @/cucumber-brooo  #16 on post
22. Hey, I’m looking for a fic on ao3, where JGY is very reluctant to discard people who might be useful to his plans, so he has WQ&WN&WW captured instead of killed. He has some of the Hu shunts to the same place, once of the Hu gives WW his core. XY and WQ work together to restore WN’s more precise functions. WW is told to craft a curse to kill JGS. It was more along the lines of a meta fic @/any-mouse  #20 on post
23.   I think this is part of a series, it’s about a dark yunmeng triad and  lan zhan is forced to marry wei ying. it’s from xichen’s pov and there’s  a particular scene where wwx plays this terrifying song that he says he  got from madam lan’s ghost(?) and in the end I think xichen prays at  his parents’ tablets and breaks down in tears. even if it’s deleted i  save everything, I just can’t figure out where I put it. help! @/onlyegret #7 on post  
24.  Hi! Looking for a fic for a friend, actually, but she doesn’t have   spoons to ask around. She said it’s a fic where the Jiangs take wwx in   basically as spare parts for a Jiang Yanli with a chronic illness. She   assumes it was a modern AU, given the premise of organ donation and   such. She can’t remember if it was a twitter threadfic or on AO3. Thanks  for your help! @/math-is-magic  #9 on post
NOT FOUND! Step by step by apathyinreverie  
25.  Hey ho mods! I’m looking for this fic I barely remember anything about  and you are my last bit of hope. It’s pretty angst and ends soon after  LWJ fights against Lan elders infront of the cave, defending WWX. After  LWJ is defeated, the elders seal WWX inside the cave while he is still  alive. That’s all the details I have. I think it might be a reference to  Greek mythology? Or smth? The sealing bit. Thanks    #12 on post  
26. hi, I’m looking for a fic that I think was part of a series.  basically dark!yunmeng triad with Sect Leader(?) Jiang Yanli forcibly   negotiating a betrothal with Lan Xichen. He can’t risk angering them but  LWJ isn’t on board until WWX plays him a very cursed song and says   something about “your mother told me” so ghost madam lan is in the   building? and at the end lan xichen breaks down in tears before his   parents'ancestral tablets. oh also, jiang cheng might have intimated he murdered lqr but I’m not 100% on that.does this still exist? and if not, does anyone know what it was called at least. @/onlyegret  #20 on post  
27. ahh helloo. i would be really grateful if you could help me. i remember reading this fic where in CR after wwx punched jzx he was upset and lwj went to talk to him but he said something really hurtful to lwj. ive been trying to find this fic for so long and havent had any luck :(( #10 on post
28. Hello I’m sorry if this is very vague but there was this fic i read that was along the lines of Genius WWX where he fought the Lan’s swordmaster in a spar in Cloud Recesses Arc and ended up getting severely injured but when he woke up in the infirmary, he was told that he was the closest to ever actually beat the man because no one has ever fought against him for so long. Thank you very much and have a nice day! #14 on post
29. Hi! Please help me find this fic. It’s premise is that the lan head ribbon can only be unknotted by their fated person. WY unties lz’s ribbon accidentally and they are made to marry each other. Accidental marriage, i guess. I think xicheng was also said to be a pairing but I’m not too sure. That’s all i can remember. #15 on post
Hi, i’m the anon who requested #15 here. Sadly “the world passes by but for me there is only you” by beeswaxing is not the fic that i was looking for. Other details i could remember now is that they are made to marry by the lan sect itself and that it is canon divergence before core removal.
30. Hi! I remember a fic I read at least a year ago, if not two. I remember these few things about it.
- It is not a modern au. Pretty sure it was still the “period” verse.
- Lan Wangji falls to a coma for some reason, and Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing (only 80% her it was her and not some other random doctor) work on bringing him back.
- Lan Wangji keeps dreaming of him meeting WWX at a dreamscape lotus pier, and WWX keeps getting away or smth like that
- The most memorable part is it mentioning how WWX cares for the body of a comatose patient and all the not so pleasant things that entail the task. Not graphically so but it does mention and I immediately took note because very rarely do fanfics details things like that when writing about a bedridden character.Do you guys have any recollection about having ever seen this? 🥺 Thank you for your time! Really appreciate your hard work! 🥰#12 on post
not FOUND I Will Not Go Gentle into the Quiet Night by TriviasFolly
31. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to Mods! I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to ask a fic I’m looking for right now but if so, I’m looking for this fic that I’ve been halting to read for years now 😭 and it’s about an AU where WWX was saved from being thrown in the Burial Mounds, to be specific. I believe it’s either both LWJ and JC or just LWJ who saved him and the fanfic starts in WWX waking up at the Yiling Supervisory Office feeling bad then that’s it… And as far as I also remember in the tags, the author mentioned that the “Self-Harm” tag was about WWX not wanting to be help, hopefully this detailed description helps since I know there’s another famous fanfic is similar to the fanfic I’m looking for. Thank you! #11 on post
32. I read a fix about wangxian in modern times where they were in the same college and the gang was going to a camp and lwj wanted to confess to wwx and was prepared to be rejected. It was a one shot I can’t find it now 😭 #10 on post
33. hi! i was wondering if you know the ao3 fic where wei wuxian is a ghost at ends up at xie lian’s shrine? and he’s stuck there at first with no memory but then decides to stay? #3 on post
FOUND? Slumbering Soul by animewriter (M, 26k, wangxian, JC/NHS, SL/XXC, JYL/JZX, LXC/NMJ, reincarnation, ABO, dark LWJ, sick WWX, non-con drug use, comatose, coma, dark JGY, sleeping beauty elements, WIP)
34. Hi! I hope everyone is doing ok!! I’m here asking for your help to find a fic, please. I remember it waa time travel, JC got back and found kid!WWC in Yiling, and somehow left him at BM. Then WQ, who also got back (JC doesn’t know that yet) takes him to her parents, and I think he grows up as a Wen. They both visit him through the years, and I think even LWJ shows up at some point. JC sees himself die, because he fell from the boat after the attack to LP. Do you know it? Thanks, happy holidays! #16 on post
35. Hi! Thank you for all your work :) I’m looking for a fic where in the past JYL drowned bc she got caught in a net of some sort and WWX and JC tried to save her, and JC blamed her death on WWX. In the future something similar happens and JC realises it wasn’t really WWX’s fault and they sort of reconcile I think? #2 on post
36. Hello Mood, I’m looking for a fic in which during study time in Gusu, Lan Zhan hurts his eyes to protect Wei Ying. I don’t remember anything else from the fic but only that about Lan Zhan’s injury. Please help me find it, I think it was in ao3 #4 on post
37. Hi! I’m looking for a canon divergence fic where the ending is LZ and WY is dual cultivating at the battlefield (not sex, just using their energy to purge out resentful energy from wy’s body, guqin and flute) and this in turn results in wy developing a core - both their energies after joining together comes down powerfully to settle down in wy’s body.
The ending para of the fic says about a long lost poem about lan an (? Or some other lan ancester) and his partner cultivating a new core through the same method wangxian did. It says no one knows this method.
 Before this dual cultivation (not sex) wy suffers a memory loss and lan zhan calls out to him “wei ying” to tether/ground him and bring him back. It took a while for him to succeed. The fic was very angsty. #2 on post
FOUND? If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, YLLZ WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn) what was described happened specifically the last 2 chapters Wwx didn’t have memory lost tho, just an overwhelmingly resentful energy that he couldn’t recognise anyone while using resentful energy but lwj was able to call and ground him back, lwj did some lwj things and wwx ended up getting ‘cleaned’ with spiritual energy of his own. The fic ends with some lines from a book that was burned before.
38. Hello, I’m looking for a Wangxian fic that I’m pretty sure I have saved somewhere. It was a pretty short fic on ao3. From what I remember it was set in a dystopian future where magic was fading from the world. Wangxian knew each other but not well and they were not together. LWJ was a shifter, possibly a huli jing and could no longer shift into animal form. WWX had a workshop where he worked with androids and helps give LWJ his animal form back. It seemed like this was very dangerous for them.  #9 on post
For #9, this is super random but it caught my eye - this is almost the exact plot of a Ken Liu short story called “Good Hunting”. I’m wondering if the fic in question was sort of a re-telling of that story with Wangxian as the characters? Maybe that gives this person an idea of tags or keywords to search - hope that helps someone track it down!
39. I was on Reddit and found this fanfic someone mentioned and I wanted to send it here to see if I could get any luck! “with WWX as Gordon Ramsay and LWJ as single dad who brings his son, reluctantly, to the kids cooking session. But he doesn’t like WWX because on TV he’s always mean and then later he sees how good he’s with kids and stuff.” #19 on post
40. Hi, first of all thank you for your amazing work! This is not a WX request so feel free to ignore it but I have been looking for this fic for so long that I thought I take a chance here. I read it quite some time ago and I think it was Meng Yao/ LXC but it might also have been   JWY/ LXC. MY or JWY (whoever became LXC’s partner) was a succubus who had been together with one of the Wens. He was used for his magic but also starved because because never got enough affection etc. to fill his succubus magic reservoir. He only realizes this when he gets together with LXC and recovers. WX are together in the background. I also remember a scene in which Su She comes to bother LXC after having established his own small sect at the edge of Gusu Lan territory. MY (or JWY) encourage LXC to be more assertive towards Su She by telling him to remain half-dressed and talking to Su She at the kitchen table. If I remember correctly there was also a second part in which MY or WWX used their power to make their enemies kneel in a showdown. Might have been ABO on top of succubus magic. This fic has haunted me for a long time now and I would be super grateful if anyone remembered it! #12 on post
Hi! Thanks for trying to find my fic (no.12)! Unfortunately, it is  not the suggested one. Maybe the author deleted it because god knows I  have searched high and low for it… 
not FOUND i could whet your appetite by beizhaan
41. Hi! I’m trying to find a fic where on post-canon Lwj and Wwx are going through Lwj’s mother’s things and find out a letter (or a diary, I don’t remember what it was) where she reveals that she loved Lxc, but actually hated Lwj, and it absolutely breaks Lwj’s heart, since he loved her so much.  #16 on post
42. Hi I love this blog and I really need help finding a fic. It was a nsfw fic on AO3 where I think WWX was like an explorer or something and finds a snake(?) Or at least a creature of some kind which bites him and infects his with like some close to sex pollen. But the creature turns into LWJ  who I think was a naga. I can’t find it at all and none of the searches I’ve done seem to bring up either. Thank you for the help (I just home Tumblr doesn’t eat this ask )
18 on the fic finder. Yea the one described sounds exactly like it! Slither pleasure didn’t look the same but I’m happy to read it anyway. It’s suck if the one I’m looking for got deleted so fast. Thanks y'all for the help!
know that I’ve read #18 on the latest fic finder before and it’s not Slithering Pleasure but think it may have been deleted because I can’t find it anywhere 😭 lwj was the snake and kind of intersex. Wwx was a certified monster fucker and thought a lot about past sexual encounters he’d had with other creatures. It ended with lwj declaring wwx as his mate and wwx more than happy to be so. I really can’t find it anywhere so hopefully someone else can!
43. Hi! Hope you are doing well. Although this is my second time requesting this fic, i  hope you are able to find it for me. Lwj in this fic is a celebrity and wwx is a reporter/paparazzi. Wangxian are in a secret relationship, initially all the reporters think that lwj and lqy are in the relationship. This is all the informationthat I can remember. Hope you are able to find it for me @/mayavsworld #13 on post
44. Hi again! I have an ask for the next FicFinder that this falls into. There was this one fic I read maybe back in 2021, where wangxian had had more than just Sizhui as a kid (i think it was two) and their youngest kid got lost and everybody was going crazy searching for him. The kid is eventually found by Wen Ning, thinking he was about to find wwx, because the kid was whistling like he’d seen wwx do and after all is said and done, the kid had to promise not to do it again. I think in this fic wwx was referred to as “mama” and it could possibly be an abo verse? I’m unsure as it has been a while, but if anyone can find anything, I’m super grateful! Thanks in advance 😁💜 #2 on post
45. Hello! I don’t remember much of the fic, but I recall there was a specific part of madam Yu getting whipped by zidian. And this was a time travel fic; lan zhan went back to the past a bit before wei ying arrived at gusu lan. Last I remember reading this fic was in 2021, and thank you so much for your help! :) @/suriaster  #3 on post
46. Hello! I want to find a fic which had post canon (?)wangxian at a family banquet. It was all about them being happily married. The specific scene I remember is that at the banquet, Wei Wuxian knew that lwj liked a specific kind of shrimp, and peeled a lot for him and nudged it his way. Then he looked up and saw everyone was blushing over the romance and lwj looking smug. I hope someone remembers which fic this is. Thank you so much! #18 on post
47. Hello I am looking for a specific fic where WWX and LWJ get into a fight. WWX comes back from needing some to find LWJ crying because he thought they were done after the fight. The rest of the fic is them making up after the fight. I hope I gave you enough info to go on. #2 on post
It’s Post cannon, hurt/comfort and not in modern setting. Sorry for the vague description.
NOT FOUND! this is me trying by queen_gee
48. Hi! I’m looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian wakes up in Lotus Pier after being injured on a nighthunt (?) that he went on with Lan Wangji and he finds out from Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli that Lan Wangji has died.
However, we later on find out that Lan Wangji is not actually dead but instead someone sent false letters to Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen. The letter Jiang Cheng received had said that Lan Wangji had died and the letter Lan Xichen had received had said that Wei Wuxian had died. So somebody purposefully made Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji think that the other was dead.
I believe there was also a part in the fic where some guy at Lotus Pier kept calling Wei Wuxian ‘Wei Ying’ and Wei Wuxian kept telling him to stop because only Lan Wangji was allowed to call him that but the guy did it again and Wei Wuxian snapped. Thank you for your help! #6 on post
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Minimal Loss - Maximal Stress
(A/N): This was requested by an anon and plays in the intern universe. It’s based on 4x3 “Mininal Loss”. I didn’t follow the exact plot, but the quint essence is there (you’ll see what I mean). I hope you enjoy it.
Summary: An intern goes along on a seemingly undangerous case with Emily and Spencer on a ranch under the lead of Benjamin Cyrus. What could go possibly wrong (well, everything ig)?
Warnings: Mentions of child abuse, guns, vomit, swear words, ususal Criminal Mind stuff
Wordcount: 2.9k
✨Masterlist✨ ________________________________
“Do you guys really think it’s a good idea to bring a child to an interview about child abuse?” Agent Lunde asks skeptically while steering the car towards the ranch, where the allegions originated from.
“(Y/N) is our intern and we thought she has to make some experience in the field and since this is the most peaceful case you can find within the BAU, it’s her opportunity”, Emily defends the team’s decision.
“Also, she is nearly the same age as the girls, so it’s easier for them to open up to her and she is incredibly bright, meaning she can help us deducing a profile”, Spencer adds. The teenager doesn’t acknowledge anything they say, too engrossed in listening to One Direction over her bluetooth earbuds.
Soon the quartet arrives at the Saptarian ranch. “I’m looking for Benjamin Cyrus.” “You found him”, answers the man, who sits in front of a chapel.
“He really is nicely placed. I feel like I looked like this in my math classes. I was like beautiful decoration, but had no use”, (Y/N) whispers to Emily. She in turn has a look of confusion on her face. “You aced math, you graduated with an A+ in it.” “Just because I have good grades doesn’t mean I’m not stupid. I mean, I’m educated, but stoopid.”
A little later she sits across from a blonde girl named Jessica, asking her questions about the 911 call. Her mother continuously steps into that conversation.
“Jessica, can you tell me, if anyone here were ever touched inappropriately?” “Is this really necessary? You are a child yourself, shouldn’t ask one of the other agents the questions?” Slowly the teenager’s patience is wearing down and Spencer can definitely see that from five meters away.
“Ma’am, with all due respect, but I’m perfectly capable of conducting this interview, if you stop interrupting me. I may be young, which doesn’t stand in my way of being an intern for CPS and still knowing my way around, so please step to me colleagues or something and let me do my job.” Hesitantly the mother gives the two girls their space.
As soon as she is out of earshot, Jessica begins to explain. “Nobody is touched in a way they shouldn’t be touched. Or is it wrong for a wife to share a bed with her husband.”
(Y/N) remembers Emily telling her to not judge anything anyone of the girls will say. But damn it, this girl is really hard not to judge.
“Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight: You are simping for that walking quote machine?” Okay, maybe she is judging. But just a little bit.
“If simping means deeply in love then yes, I am simping for Benjamin Cyrus, my husband.” At this point the other three agents get closer again. “Jessica, the state of Colorado demands parental consent. You aren’t married to him unles-'' The black haired woman cuts the young doctor off. “She did give consent.”
(Y/N) can barely contain the unsurprised “surprised” gasp leaving her mouth. But it would have been cut short nonetheless, since sudden gunfire erupted outside the school building.
Fairly quickly everybody is evacuated through the tunnels. As Cyrus tells the cult members to trust in god, the teenager turns to the agents. “This much to it’s safe for me here. Didn’t anybody check for weapons or something?” Flabbergasted because of the whole situation Spencer answers. “Yes, Garcia checked with the authorities and nothing was suspicious.”
Suddenly Lunde takes all the courage she has (maybe because a teenager she brought into this is in immediate danger like all the other kids) and goes up with the cult leader to speak to the shooting law enforcement officers. Shortly after the other three get the message of her death.
But they don’t have any time to think about her, since they all are shoved into the chapel.
While Cyrus holds a speech about trust in god in dangerous and trying times like this the BAU in Quantico learns about the shooting through the tv news report.
“HOTCH”, Morgan yells up to the Unit Chief’s office, probably giving everybody else a heart attack. Alarmed Aaron storms out into the bullpen followed by Rossi, who is attracted by the tumult. “Aren’t Prentiss and Reid on that ranch?” Derek asks, his eyebrows furrowing in worry.
Squinting at the screen, horror etches on the other agent’s face. “(Y/N) is also there”, he says, realizing that they sent a minor with zero field experience into a lava hot situation.
Suddenly the whole bullpen’s phones ring, which results in Hotch barking his first commands.
After a nightflight to Colorado the team sets up at the crime scene.
“Dave, I was appointed to determine the primary negotiator”, Aaron tells him after he pulls him to the side. “It makes sense. I trained most of the people here, if you want me I can give you a few recommendations.” But the Unit Chief shakes his head. “No, I want you to be the negotiator in this.”
Now it’s Rossi’s turn to shake his head. “Aaron, I can’t do it, I’m too emotionally involved.” “So are all of us and why should I take the student if I can have the teacher?” The older one sighs in resignation and accepts the offer. They don’t have the team nor reccourses for any mistakes in this.
As he goes to prepare for his task at hand, Hotch hears a man complaining loudly. “I demand to talk to know why I wasn't told that the FBI was sending undercover agents into the Saptarian ranch?” “The only thing you are in position to demand is a lawyer”, he says while stepping closer to the scene.
“Who the hell are you?” The man spits out into his direction. “I’m Aaron Hotchner, Unit Chief. I’m the guy who is gonna tell the Attorney General of the United States whether to charge you with obstructing a federal investigation or negligent homicide.” “You can’t talk to me like that”.
Upon closing the little bit of space between both of them, Aaron stares him down. “Get off my crime scene.” Just a few seconds of the intense and pissed Hotch Stare are enough to chase that man down to his car and go on his way to Coward Island.
Meanwhile the first contact is made, Emily and Spencer tell (Y/N) in hushed voices what the situation means. “There are three groups here. The leader, in this case Cyrus. The hard die hard believers, the goons of him, and the followers”, Spencer explains.
“In a case like this we go for minimal loss. We try to get as many of the followers out as possible, because the rest won’t give up as long as they can breathe. At first we go with one or two people, children mostly, then with smaller groups and in the end we get out as many of these people we can. Soon, there will be the first supply delivery from our team, but it’s gonna be bugged, which means we know they are listening. Understood?” Emily adds.
Aside from the knowledge that there is a great possibility that they won’t come out alive of this one, (Y/N) is pretty calm. “Honestly, it’s pretty extra here. I mean I can’t even, look at the walls and the whole pseudo decoration. Why would anybody choose this willingly? But yeah, I understand.” Seeing that these phrases are a kind of a coping mechanism, the two agents aren’t too concerned about her right now. I mean, of course they are pretty much on edge because they all are in a hostage situation, but since the teenager doesn’t seem to be on the verge of a breakdown she has to be fine.
“Is there anything you want to know?” The black haired woman asks, stroking the younger one’s hair out of her face. “No, not right now. This is anything but basic, but I’ll hit you up if something shoots into my mind.”
When Rossi comes in to hand make the first delivery, he looks beyond worried. It seems like he got years older in the span of the last 24 hours. As he glances through the rows of people, he subtly acknowledges their presence and well being.
“How do we know this will be nothing like Waco?” (Y/N) asks out of the blue as all the members get a cup of wine. Surprised Emily turns towards her. “You know about Waco?” “Duh? I told you, I’m educated. So, how do we kno-” “And together we drank the poison.” “Oh well, I guess we do now. It’s nearly iconic how bad his acting is.” Now both of the agents look confused at her.
“What? Didn’t I tell you that I was a theater kid? Also, his goons are writing the reactions down, so it’s just a test to know who to separate from the group and who not.” Even in a situation like this a girl in a red and black flannel over a white graphic tee - it is a Doctor Who Tardis - astounds them.
Not long after this, the three of them are shoved into a small room, which looks sort of like an office.
“Which one of you is it?” Cyrus asks. Confused Prentiss, Reid and the intern look at him. When nobody speaks up he pulls out his gun. “One of you is an FBI agent. So who is it?”
In the short silence he points his weapon at (Y/N). “Oof. Dude, what the fu-” “She is a child. The FBI doesn’t recruit children. But she is a good leverage. So, if neither of you reveals their identity, I will blow her brain out.” This is the final point for the teenager to slowly freak out.
“It’s me. I’m the FBI agent”, Emily confesses. Seeing the young girl with panic in her eyes sets something off in her. Roughly she is taken away by two big guys.
“No no no! This can’t be right. Nobody of us is from the feds. It’s not her, you stupid piece of boom-” With a swift motion of his gun Cyrus knocks her out.
“Damn, this is an annoying one. I don’t know how you can even take her seriously.”
(Y/N) wakes up half an hour later in the chapel draped over two stools with her head in Spencer’s lap. He strokes her hair while his mind is running non stop looking for a solution to this situation. A groan tells him that she is awake.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” The young doctor asks in a soft voice. “If good means your head feels like it’s dancing samba without me, then I’m good.”
He smiles. “We are going to get out here, soon. I convinced Cyrus that we are on his side. He also won’t hurt Emily any further. I saw her earlier, he held a speech. She is fine, just a bit roughen up.”
To lie to the girl like that feels wrong to Reid, but he can see signs of a concussion by her behavior and doesn’t want to worry her more than she already is.
Three o’clock rolls closer and closer, which makes both of them more nervous. Because of the lack of communication they don’t know the tactic the team will use to come in. They can only hope that they all come out alive and in one piece.
Since they are in the chapel, their attention is solely on the cult leader. They don’t even notice all the women and children leaving. As (Y/N) and Spencer spot Cyrus with the remote for detonating the explosives, she mumbles “Let’s get this bread”.
When the leader sees Spencer trying to convince one of the die hard believers that he has a choice to change his mind, he punches the young doctor so hard in the gut that even (Y/N), whose vision is slightly blurred, feels the pain he endures.
“Hey Cyrus”, she calls out, “TBH I think all the shit you are doing here didn’t pass my vibe check. Also, the whole system is pretty whack.”
“You are a child, you don’t know anything. If god doesn’t want me to do any of this, he would stop me.” As Cyrus cocks his gun towards Spencer, Derek runs in and shoots him in the chest twice.
(Y/N) crosses her arms over her chest, says “Ok, Boomer” and rolls her eyes.
“Are you ok, princess?” Morgan asks, going over to her and examining the wound on the side of her head. “Never felt better now that there are two Derek Morgans to protect me.” Concerned he goes to say something else, but is cut short by Spencer shouting “RUN!”.
A look behind them shows Jessica short circuiting upon her husband’s death and grabbing the remote.
When the explosion erupts, Emily looks terrified at the remains of the chapel.
“Morgan! Reid! (Y/N)!” She shouts, followed by the other members and their calls after the three. A certain fear captures every single one of them. If only one of them is- No. Nobody can go through this thought. They are going to be fine. They are alive and-
“Thank god”, JJ breathes as she spots three limping figures. They slowly approach the group of four. “EMILY!” The teenager shouts relieved, though a little loud for the proximity between them. “SPENCER WOULDN’T REALLY TELL ME HOW YOU ARE! YOU LOOK TERRIBLE! THANK HARRY STYLES YOU ARE FINE!” Yes, the explosion definitely messed all of their hearings up, since Morgan and Reid also speak with the same volume.
Emily hugs her. “I’m okay. But you need to get checked out.” But the teenager vehemently shakes her head as she hugs Aaron. “I DON’T NEED TO”, when she sees her teammate’s faces, she reduces her loudness. “I am ok. But Spencer, he got a good blow to his guts. I think the Queen in England even felt that vibe check.”
As Derek escorted the young doctor to one of the awaiting ambulances, JJ also gently stirs the girl in the same direction. “Just let a doctor look over your head, it looks like a nasty cut and believe me, you want to get this checked out, Honey.” “But Jayje-” She begins to complain, but gets cut off by bile rising up her throat. In the next moment (Y/N) kneels on the floor, letting out anything she got in her system over the course of the past few days.
“I think this is nothing your body should do, Bambi”, Rossi adds up. Unwillingly the intern goes with the blonde mother to the EMTs. They decide to have a doctor looking over her and getting her x-rays done at the hospital.
A few hours and uncountable complaints from (Y/N) later, the team is back on the jet on their way home. She thanked Emily in a heartfelt moment in the hospital shortly after she got pain killers, which made her loopy, for saving her life by putting her own on the line by exposing her identity. Even Prentiss had tears in her eyes as she saw the young and innocent girl so frayed by the just occured events.
Unusual for Rossi, he takes a seat on the sofa, petting his lap as (Y/N) sits beside him. With pleasure she lays her head onto it, cuddling closer into the fuzzy blanket she got from Morgan.
A few minutes into the flight, Rossi just got into describing the interviews he conducted with Ted Bundy, Aaron motions him to make space. David excuses himself with the reasoning of getting a cup of tea for her.
“I’m sorry”, Hotch says as he runs his hands through his youngest employee’s hair. He is careful to not mess with the bandage she has on the side of her head. Confused (Y/N) looks up to him. “What for?” “For sending you into a situation, where you got seriously hurt.”
This makes the girl sit up, though her world once again begins to spin. “Aaron Hotchner, I hope you don’t mean that. You nor anybody else knew that this was going to happen. You only wanted for me to get as much experience as possible while this internship lasts and I tell you, with that story I’ll go viral on TikTok. Just because I got a medium severe concussion and a wound, which hopefully will leave a badass scar, doesn’t mean you have to apologize. But you can do me one favor.” “Anything.” “When I fall asleep, please make sure I don’t choke on my own vomit. The doctor told me it could happen, that’s why I am not allowed to fall asleep unsupervised. But I haven’t slept in three days and I think I'm beginning to feel uncomfy because of that.”
Smiling softly Hotch nods and lets the teenager take her original place in his lap. Minutes later she is fast asleep. But one thing is certain: As soon as she wakes up and feels any better, she is going to tell everybody who wants to listen about the one time where she got blown up by a fifteen years old girl, who was married to a cult leader. And nobody is gonna believe her tea. Except for Penelope, who greets (Y/N) with a hug and the promise to never let her out of her eyesight.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
Spencer Reid:
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cdroloisms · 3 years
Dream tried to stop Wil from creating L'Manburg, Phil tried to stop him from blowing it up, BOTH value people over items and builds, Phil has said that they're replaceable but people aren't, Dream traded spirit for his best friends fishes (we kno he's not someone to talk abt feelings:[) BOTH were kind and selfless but used by almost if not everyone, BOTH were ready to be THE VILLAINS if it meant everyone else could live better after. ONE of them always had someone there, ONE didn't. Intentional?
aaaa sorry for the really inconsistent posts ,, im gonna try to post a little more in the next few days. i have a few things written up, so look out for them? maybe? for now, have this *gestures vaguely* thing ,, it’s kinda a mess but *shrug*
phil is such a fun character, anon, especially for all the reasons that you mentioned in the ask!! he’s a really fun character with a lot of complexities that go (sadly) overlooked by a large portion of the fandom, but he’s super cool even tho i havent analyzed him too much. hope you enjoy (and i hope my interpretation of c!phil isnt too ooc lmao) 
tw: mentioned blood, injury, implied torture/abuse, starvation, trauma, mentioned death, prison arc/pandora’s vault
When Techno first brings Dream back from the prison, Phil doesn’t quite know what to think.
“I don’t trust him either,” Techno assures him, but there’s a flickering anger in the backs of his eyes, one that had emerged ever since he came back from the prison with the other man in his arms, and Phil knows his friend well enough to know that the words are empty in the face of the piglin hybrid’s particular brand of to-the-death loyalty. He shakes his head in reply, refusing to voice his thoughts for Techno’s sake, at least, but the look that the other slants at him suggests that he’s caught onto them all the same.
At first, the work is thankfully mindless; even if Phil has reservations on the man that Techno has more or less dumped into his house, he would hardly wish the clear suffering he’s been through on anyone. The first few days pass in a flurry of brewing potions, wrapping and rewrapping dressings, stitching up cuts and setting broken bones straight. The damage is extensive; Phil has to take more than a few breaks to just leave the house and breathe - he’s far from a stranger to blood and carnage, had received the title of ‘Angel of Death’ for a reason, but even he had never been particularly familiar with this form of cruelty. Torture was a level of violence that extended beyond what even he was willing to bestow - his hands may have caused many deaths, and the weight of each one would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life, but even those had the mercy of being a quick end. The wounds and scars that ripple over Dream’s skin, thin and stretched tightly over his bones with little muscle and fat left to cushion them, speak of horrors that were anything but merciful.
“I didn’t know they were capable of all of this,” Techno says, once, as they huddle of Dream, wringing towels in cold water to wipe his feverish skin. Techno’s hand reaches for the ribboning gold-filled scars that remain from the execution - carefully, Phil raises his hand to let his fingertips brush over them as well. “I mean, I knew he was dangerous and all, but-”
“I know, mate,” Phil looks back at Dream’s face, tight even in unconsciousness, at the darkened, hand-shaped bruises that remain around his throat, at the scar that runs over his left eye, clearly meant to mirror the same one that makes its way down the duck hybrid’s own face. “You said that Quackity and Sam were working together?”
“Yeah,” Techno’s expression darkens, eyes focused somewhere on the wall, seemingly very far away. He said that nothing happened to him in the prison, and he seemed relatively unharmed when Phil activated the stasis chamber, but ever since he came back, sometimes he’ll have moments, and Phil can’t help but - wonder. “Quackity does the dirty work, Sam gives him the way in and out, probably also the tools to do it. It’s-” he huffs a short, self-recriminating laugh. “It’s bad, Phil.”
Techno shoots him a look, and Phil cringes, knowing already that he’d used the wrong tone. Even with the execution, Techno had been adamant to hide all traces of his own terror and fear away from him, masking it all with fury for Phil’s own sake. He knows, just from the way his old friend looks at the ribboning scars that remain sometimes, that he is far from as over the whole ordeal as he acts, but Techno never wants to talk and Phil never knows the right time to ask and they smooth it all behind plans and explosions and hope that the TNT can blow apart the trauma, too. He’s got a sneaking suspicion that the same thing is going to happen, here.
“As soon as we can,” Techno starts again, pointedly shifting his eyes away from Phil’s face, “we’re calling a Syndicate meeting to figure out what we’re going to do about the prison. Like- come on, man, you couldn’t make a more transparent abuse of institutional power if you tried, really-” he looks over, uncharacteristic uncertainty warring over his features. “If you think that’s good, I mean-“
“Of course, mate.” Phil’s voice softens. “Whenever you’re ready.”
‘Whenever he’s ready,’ as it turns out, is easier said than done, becoming even more evident when their charge wakes up from his days long spell of unconsciousness. The worst of his injuries have, under their careful care and the benefit of many potions, healed enough to no longer directly threaten his life, but the vast majority have quite some time to go before being healed completely. Being as the goal was torture and not death, most of his injuries weren’t made to be life-threatening, but rather to cause as much pain as possible - from the grimace that twists Dream’s face when he struggles to force himself awake, they’re doing their jobs.
“Hey, mate, slow down,” Phil murmurs, pressing the man down by his shoulder when Dream weakly tries to push himself up and off the bed, and his struggling only lasts for a few more minutes before he gives up and slumps against his pillow, eyes cracking open and seeming surprisingly lucid.
“Where-“ his voice is wrecked, and Phil reaches for the glass of water at the bedside as Dream coughs. “Where am I?”
“You’re at Techno’s house,” Dream’s eyes widen and then slip closed as he processes the information, a wrinkle forming between his eyebrows as they knit together. “We broke you out, after Techno escaped with a stasis chamber with your book. Do you remember?”
Dream gnaws on his bottom lip. “Um- yeah. I think.” His head turns as his eyes crack open again- “Techno-“
“He’s out, right now. He’ll be back in a bit.”
“Oh.” Dream falls back into the bed, strength seemingly sapped from the short conversation. His breathing stutters, then steadies. “Okay.”
Recovery is slow. Phil doesn’t actually find himself seeing the man very often; now that he doesn’t need around-the-clock care anymore, he’s moved back into his own house, letting Techno do most of the work when it comes to rehabilitating the escaped convict crashing at his house. As he begins to spend more of his time awake and aware, he brings a whole slew of new problems; Phil catches him screaming one day, blurting harsh, angry words as Techno reads, unbothered from the other side of the room, and he stops in his tracks standing awkwardly in the doorway.
“Um-“ he winces when Dream curses, smashes something against the floor, and then curls into himself at the sound. Techno doesn’t even flinch. “Am I interrupting something?”
Dream stomps away, face flushed, arms wrapped around himself. Techno raises an eyebrow.
“You lookin’ for something, Phil?” he asks, and the unpleasant knot in Phil’s chest refuses to unwind.
The episodes, unfortunately, don’t seem to get much better. Though he’s rarely outright violent, Dream looks constantly murderous, usually muttering underneath his breath about something or another while he stalks the grounds of Techno’s house. It’s not too long before Techno sends him out to work around the house instead of just moping within the cottage, which also means that Phil sees him a lot more - tending to a small farm behind the house, feeding the dogs, hacking away at mobs, and usually complaining the entire time. It’s unnerving, even as injured and unarmored as the man is, to see him walking around like this; despite his rather pathetic appearance, swamped in sweaters that dwarf him thoroughly and thin enough to look like the slightest breeze will knock him over, his eyes are flinty and intelligent and bubble with promises of revenge.
“FUCK!” Phil turns to see him slamming a shovel into the snow, stomping away into the woods, and his hands tighten around his cup of tea. Next to him, Techno shrugs.
“Nerd’s got a few issues,” he drawls, and Phil laughs shortly.
“That seems like an understatement.”
“He’ll ease up in time,” Techno sounds surprisingly confident, completely content despite the muffled curses that come from the woods next to them. He’s probably used to it, with Chat and all, but Phil can’t quite seem to find the same calm.
“I just don’t know, mate,” Phil shakes his head. “You sure having him around is the best idea? He doesn’t seem...stable.”
Techno looks up at him over the rim of his cup of coffee. His head tilts, considering, but there’s a small smile on his face that tells Phil that Techno, inexplicably, doesn’t share the same sentiments. There was always a part of him that was, for the lack of a better word, softer than the rest of the server for his self-proclaimed rival, a sort of understanding that Phil could hardly hope (nor would really want to) understand.
“Don’t worry, Phil, if he tries anything I can always just tie him up in the attic or something,” Phil huffs a small laugh, amused, and nods to concede the point. “And- well, call it intuition. You could really try talkin’ to him, you know. He reminds me of you, sometimes.”
The words stick in his head despite his best efforts, rattling in his skull when he tries to sleep, lingering when he catches glimpses of the green-clothed man stalking around their properties. He can’t imagine what would’ve prompted his old friend to make the comparison, can’t think of a single thing (besides their affinity for the color green) that would mark him as similar to the - from what he’s heard - deranged menace with a particular penchant for destruction (not that his rants and fits of anger are doing anything to correct that impression). Even so, Techno had sounded so sure when he’d made the comparison, the words offhand like he’d thought them a million times before, like it was a simple observation that held no more weight than commenting on the color of the sky. Phil watches as Dream lugs a pile of logs behind him, huffing at one of Techno’s dogs that comes to chase and nip at his feet and grumbling loudly before faceplanting into the snow. He just...can’t see it.
Days later, Wilbur comes to visit, a grin on his lips as he dramatically recounts his newest exploit: a nation by Las Nevadas, a supposed safe haven away from the glitter and glory of Quackity’s city; it sounds brilliant, it sounds lovely, and more than anything it sounds stupid, and Phil tells him as such immediately.
“You’re being reckless,” he rants at his son, wings flaring outwards and only barely noticing Dream watching from the corner of his eye, “What are you doing- picking fights with Quackity? Starting another nation- didn’t you see what happened to the first two you made? You’re going to get yourself killed, Wil!”
“Well, I’ve already seen what’s on the other side of death, and it’s really not that bad-“
“You’re my son!” The words are angrier than Phil would’ve liked, and he knows that he looks ridiculous and overbearing, criticizing the actions of his fully grown son, but all he can see is Wilbur’s face, slack with pain and grief, stained with ash and soot as his eyes flutter to half-mast in the midst of the rubble of a country he loved and destroyed and destroyed him in turn. “I can’t lose you again, Wil!”
Wilbur doesn’t quite storm out, but it’s a near thing, leaving with a clipped goodbye and leaving Phil seething on his doorstep. He spends the rest of the night pacing around the house in a sort of mad frenzy, wings stretching and folding over and over. Not for the first time, he longs for the sky, to feel the air through his wings and let the world fall into pinpricks below him; it’s this that leads him to the roof of his house, staring stubbornly at the clouds as the sun sinks down to the horizon.
Phil startles; there, down below him, is Dream. He rocks back on his heels, seeming awkward, before clambering up the wall (Phil rolls his eyes at the ease with which he scales it, the feeling in his chest almost fond) and settling himself on the shingles at Phil’s side.
“Hey, mate,” Phil shakes his head. The fondness leaves, and the irritation that had risen at Wilbur’s words, earlier, comes back full-force. “Sorry- Wil came to visit, we talked. I just needed some time to think.”
Dream hums in acknowledgement, and they fall into a comfortable silence, watching as the sun dipping down past the mountains in the distance.
“You know,” Dream starts, sudden, “I told him the same thing.” He looks up at Phil, eyes faraway with old memories. “Wilbur, I mean. When he made L’manburg- I told him he was being reckless.” He shrugs. “I guess he never listened.”
Phil pauses, Techno’s words ringing in his ears. He reminds me of you, sometimes.
Dream looks surprisingly normal up close - face no longer reddened with fever or pale from blood loss, even the scars fail to really take from the boyishness of his face. He bites his lips, eyes falling away at Phil’s scrutiny, golden blond hair flopping over his forehead, newly trimmed to be something a little closer to his old length, at least in the front, the back pulled into a small ponytail. He’s young, and shockingly awkward, teeth worrying his lip, hands fiddling with each other, shifting his weight from one foot to the other several times a minute. He looks like a kid.
“He never does,” Phil lets himself smile, watches as Dream smiles back, almost like they’re sharing a joke. He wonders how well he really knows the man behind the mask. “Want to come in for some tea?”
Dream smiles wider, and something old and worn in Phils chest, knocked loose ever since he felt his son fall limp in his arms with his own sword shoved between his ribs, falls back into place.
“That would be great,” Dream replies, the words almost hopeful, and they go inside.
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nanasparadise · 3 years
can you do yandere risotto with the prompt, “You’ve gotten good at this, so it’s time to try something new. “ or “ I’ll never let you leave me.” thank you!!
Hiya anon! I hope you enjoy this prompt, I initially planned it to be shorter, but alas, I got carried away. As the title suggests, this writing is inspired by Dracula by Bram Stoker, thus it takes place in the late 19th century. I also was inspired by the myth surrounding Elizabeth of Bathory (you know that one where they said she bathed in human blood to keep herself youthful)! Now, enough rambling, please enjoy!!
“Blood bath” Yan! Risotto x female reader (Dracula AU)
9. I will never let you leave me
Summary: Your parents arrange a marriage between you and the strange, rich Count in order to overcome their financial burdens. What secret does the Count hold? 
TW: toxic relationship, death of minor characters, blood, power imbalance, arranged marriage, images of predator and prey, Risotto is naked at some point, noncon touching, threats, religious (Catholic/Christian) terms are used, mentions of wanting to be dead,  MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY/MINORS DNI
I do not condone any yandere behaviour in real life.
Word count: 3473
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You were aware that your family was stuck in a financially precarious situation. Nonetheless, you would have never expected them to arrange a marriage between you and the mysterious rich Count who hardly showed his face to anyone. Living secluded in his rather big and dark mansion on the outskirts of the town, you only knew about him through rumours circulating at the market. 
“I’ve heard the farmer girls that have vanished were last seen entering his house,” you had once noticed the baker’s wife had gossiped to the fisher’s betrothed, “he must have a liking for young women. Though only God knows what he’s doing to these poor souls!” The latter had leaned in further, practically whispering ominously, but you still had managed to hear the conversation. 
“Apparently, that’s what came to my ears, he tortures them until they die. Some bystanders have reported screams and blood coming from the mansion.” 
Back then, you hadn’t given much thought to these kinds of rumours. After all, it was a small city and people needed to talk about anyone and anything in order to not face their own miserable existence. You had assumed the Count – who bore the strange name of Risotto Nero – was simply an elderly, grumpy man that liked to remain in his solitary company, peaceful and unbothered.
That was why it hit you double hard when you first saw Risotto. Not only was he young, but also ravishingly beautiful. The white hair that was combed back complemented the harsh features of his stern face. Eerie red irises surrounded by black sclera travelled down your smaller form, intimidating you thoroughly. His tall body was dressed up in a black, neatly tailored suit, accentuating his muscles. 
You averted your gaze from him, gulping visibly. Why could he possible have chosen you as his bride? You were a common woman who lived her life following her duties of taking care of the antiques shop your father owned. You couldn’t offer him anything of interest. And yet, here you were, standing in the entrance hall of his mansion. When you’d interrogated your parents about the marriage arrangement, they had seemed to be too frightened to give you any valuable information. 
“Oh, you see Y/N,” your mother had nervously stammered, “Count Nero gave us his word to help us out of our financial obstacles if he could have your hand in marriage.” 
“But why me?”, you had kept going on, profoundly confused. 
“My dear daughter,” your mother had sighed, exasperated by your nosey behaviour, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. A match with a Count is certainly the best opportunity you’ll ever get.” Bashfully, you had trained your eyes on the floor. 
“Yes mother, you’re right,” you had replied meekly, “I was merely curious, since the Count doesn’t usually go out and I’ve never seen him before. Plus, I have no noble title or beneficial properties, so I don’t know why I could be potentially useful to him.” At your reaction, your mother had shot you a sympathetic look. 
“I cannot reveal to you much, Y/N, but be wary of him,” she had suddenly said, her voice taking a very serious note, “the Count has a lot of influence and power.” Your mother had taken a little break to gather her thoughts before continuing her speech. “Though these aren’t the only things you need to be cautious of. I don’t know anything specific, but when I saw him, I felt this shiver going down my spine. Something about him isn’t natural.”
Now that you were seeing the Count for the first time yourself, you could understand your mother’s sentiment. He may be the most entrancing person you’d ever met, but at the same time, Risotto radiated danger and darkness. 
His home reflected perfectly the broody and enigmatic atmosphere surrounding its owner: heavy, dark-wooden furniture adorned the place, the tapestry on the walls showed intricate black patterns, a big chandelier dangled off the ceiling, demonstrating his wealth. What piqued your interest the most was the fact that all the windows were covered with thick, dark curtains, letting no sun rays shine through them. The only light source illuminating  the place was dozens and dozens of candles and some oil lamps. 
‘That’s peculiar,’ you mused.  You stood in awe as you took in the whole estate. Risotto curtly cleared his throat, snapping you out of your pondering. You curtsied politely to the Count, introducing yourself. Next to his elegant demeanour, you felt like a fish out of water. 
“Please, follow me, Miss Y/N,” Risotto simply replied, not bothering to properly introduce himself. 
‘How rude,’ you thought sourly. Though not daring to voice that thought, you just trailed behind the taller man. From behind, you could observe how effortlessly and graciously the Count even walked. ‘Why would he bother to be with me? He could have any woman he desired.’ 
“From today on, this will be your home,” Risotto broke the silence once you’d reached what you assumed was the sitting room and were settled on a couch, “I’ve already discussed the important matters with your parents. You’re allowed to see them as long as you’re letting me know beforehand and arrive back here at the time I give you. You may also roam freely around the mansion. I offer you a separate room until our marriage, but if you wish, I can already share mine with you.” You immediately felt your face heating up at his inappropriate suggestion and muttered a quiet ‘No, thank you’. Risotto’s expression remained stoic and unimpressed as he observed you with growing interest. “Oh, I forgot to mention previously: under no circumstances you’re allowed to pull back any curtain from the windows as long as the sun shines. The same goes with leaving your bedroom at night. No matter if you’re hearing strange noises in the hall, you cannot leave your chambers until morning,” Risotto added to his speech. 
“What if I should break one of these rules?”, you asked, genuinely curious. 
“Let’s say the consequences won’t be in your best interest,” the Count answered all while keeping a straight face. Your heart started pounding furiously in your chest at his words. Again, you were reminded of your mother’s warning. The white-haired man continued staring at you intensely, his head slightly tilted as if he was listening to your heartbeat from the distance between you. Nevertheless, he remained silent. Sweat began accumulating in the back of your neck, the oppressive and haunting atmosphere of this place and its owner taking slowly a toll on you. How were you supposed to spend a lifetime with this man? Upon noticing your ragged breathing, Risotto eventually reacted by standing up and offering you his arm. “Please, let me guide you through the rest of my estate. I’ll lead you to your chambers as well, I think it might be best for you to have some privacy.” Hesitantly, you nodded and shakingly placed your arm on his. The touch of his skin on yours felt oddly cold, even through your clothing. 
“Do not worry,” the Count murmured almost inaudibly, “as long as you behave, no harm shall fall upon you.” A shudder of terror travelled down your whole body. Even though the words were meant to comfort you, they only ended up intensifying the fear inside of you.
After two weeks, you’d got used to how things happened around the mansion. You didn’t consider it your home – you doubted you ever could – but you felt a sense of routine settling in your day, providing you with some reassurance. You hardly saw the Count around the mansion, not even for meals. Most of the time, his servants took care of you, all while Risotto kept himself barricaded inside his office, working on his apparent oil business (you believed he was involved in more illegal matters, but remained quiet). You often visited your parents in their shop and helped them out or read a book in the mansion’s library in order to keep you somewhat entertained. It was hard to stimulate your social needs when being at the estate. For some reason, the servants were nervous in your presence, as if a single faux-pas could cost their lives, which, in fact, you started to believe was probably the case. Therefore, they only spoke when needing to, making them rather boring people to converse with. Risotto, when present, wasn’t a great option either. The stoic male didn’t reveal too much to you whenever you asked questions. The last time he had checked on you, you’d inquired about your union, wanting to know why he had chosen you. Risotto had only shrugged lightly his shoulders and had given the date of your ceremony, leaving you with no answer to your actual question. It seemed every time you demanded to know more, he denied you any responses. After a while, your stubbornness and curiosity had simply died down, much to your fiancé’s approval.
So the days blended into each other like spilt ink on a love letter. At this point, you felt incredibly bored and lonely, wondering why Risotto wanted to have a wife if he wasn’t even around to enjoy your presence. A sigh escaped your lips as you stared at your reflection in the mirror of your vanity table while making yourself ready for bed. During your stay at the mansion, you hadn’t  encountered these strange noises yet the Count referred to on your first day in his home. “Maybe he just invented them to scare me,” you pondered out loud. You wondered if you were right, but there was no way of telling, since he wouldn’t answer your questions anyway. Or maybe you had been always too tired to notice any noise (you must admit, these expensive Egyptian silk sheets made you sleep like a rock). With these thoughts, you climbed into your bed and closed your eyes, drifting into a slumber without realising you would soon find out the answer to your questions.
You awoke in the dead of the night, sweat drenching your nightgown, making it cling uncomfortably to your body. Desperately, you tried to flatten your agitated breath. “What a nightmare,” you uttered, still shaken, “I could have sworn I’ve really heard the cries of this woman.” You lit up the oil lamp on your bedside table to take a look at the clock in your room. Three o’clock. Even though exhaustion overtook your senses, you weren’t able to return to sleep after that horrendous dream. Slowly, you climbed out of the bed, making your way to the room’s window. You pulled back the heavy curtain and opened it. Gladly, you inhaled the cool night air and basked in the pale moonlight. This action seemed to ease your nerves as your breath calmed down a bit. Right when you decided to go to bed again, a blood-curdling scream pierced through the silence inside the mansion. Immediately, goosebumps formed on your skin, fear manifesting itself in your body again. There was no doubt this was the same voice as that of the woman in your nightmare! 
“So I didn’t make this up,” you mumbled, frightened. What was going on? Before you even properly registered, your hand found its way to the handle of your room’s door, ready to push it down and exit your chambers. Hastily, you refrained your body from doing so, remembering Risotto’s words. What kind of punishment could you face if you broke the rule? Would he scream at you? Beat you? Murder you? The horrible rumours of the women at the market resurfaced in your mind. No, you certainly didn’t want anything similar happening to you. But on the other hand, could you let another innocent woman die at his hands? Could you really continue living your life, knowing you didn’t even attempt to help her somehow? Feelings of guilt were already nibbling on your conscience, forcing you to bite nervously on your lower lip and to fidget with your fingers. No, you knew the answer was negative. Inhaling deeply, you mustered all your courage and pushed down the handle. With a little creak, the door went open. The hall was empty and dark. Grabbing the oil lamp from your bedside table, you tentatively entered the hallway.
For what felt like an eternity to you, you wandered through the huge house, hoping to find the source of the shouts. ‘Maybe it was just one of the maids that had hurt herself,’ you tried to rationalise the whole situation. Though deep inside, you already knew this was but a lie to comfort yourself. Already wanting to give up, you were about to return to your chambers as another scream disrupted the quiet night. But this time, you had no doubts that this was the voice of another woman, thus nullifying your previous theory about the servant. With a racing heart and bated breath, you headed unsurely to the direction where the sound came from. Thanks to your good orientation skills, you quickly found the infamous room. The door was left ajar, warm candle light emitting from the gap. You heard a soft ripple and the loud thump of a body hitting the floor. ‘Was this a bathroom? Did someone fall out of the bathtub?’, you thought, worry flowing through your system. Hastily, you made your way to the door, finally entering the room. Though you were taking in consideration the possibility of a crime, you would have never expected to encounter a horrendous murder scene. Trembling like a leaf caught in a storm, you let the oil lamp fall out of your grasp, landing in a puddle of blood. Your quivering hand found its way to your mouth, covering your terrified expression, though your widened eyes still revealed the horror the sight in front of you sparked inside of you.
Red. Everything was coated in red: from the floor to your fiancé, sitting in the bathtub filled with blood. Risotto’s blissful expression changed once he noticed your horror-stricken one. Instead, he bore the stoic façade again he always wore around you. The Count’s eyes, just as red as the liquid painting his naked body, followed your gaze down to the corpses of the women on the floor at the foot of the tub. 
“Oh my, you really had to break the rule, didn’t you?”, the white-haired man sighed, his usually neatly combed hair now dishevelled, “I knew your nosey nature would make me end up in a situation like this sooner or later.” 
Risotto suddenly stood up, startling you with his action. Desperate, you retreated frightfully, only to make contact with the wall. Your fiancé smiled at your reaction, like a predator to a prey before the chase. His grin revealed his grown fangs, all pointy and perilous. Your fearful gaze abruptly shifted to the victims, their bodies riddled with pairs of holes matching the size of his dangerous teeth. Did he really…?  Risotto got out of the bathtub, heading to your form all while kicking the corpses of the women out of his way as if they were but a pesty piece of meat. You tried to make a run for it, but the Count rushed to the door with an inhuman speed and closed it before you could flee from this terrible creature in front of you, letting his palm rest on it. Adding his second arm to your other side, you were essentially caged in. A frightened whimper escaped your mouth, your eyes as big as saucers now. Risotto’s cruel smile only grew at your little demonstrations of fear. “But you know what they say, my dear,” the creature – you refused to perceive him as human anymore – said in an amused yet dangerously low tone, “curiosity killed the cat.”
Tears streamed out of your eyes as you began to crumble. Risotto’s thumb suddenly wiped them away, replacing the salty liquid with crimson blood and staining you with his sin. The creature in front of you looked like a twisted version of a Renaissance sculpture: like David, but as if he had crawled out of the deepest depths of hell. The Count’s face grew close to yours – too close – as his tongue darted out and licked the blood spot on your cheek, moaning in pleasure. Disgusted by him, you knitted your brows together. A feeling of nausea nested in your stomach, bile rising up your throat as the coppery smell surrounding you became more and more intense.
 “What are you?”, you managed to blurt out, repulsion and anxiety swinging in your voice. 
“Ah, the question of all questions,” Risotto answered mockingly, as if you had asked him a theoretical philosophical question out of interest, “I guess you humans refer to my species as vampires.” Now it all made sense to you. You had heard the myths of the blood-sucking, nocturnal monsters before, but of course, you had never given them any credibility. 
“Will you kill me now?”, you asked, defeated and ready to accept your cruel fate. You were convinced that in a few moments, you’d end up just like the corpses sprawled out on the floor. A lifeless body, a mere food source. 
“It would be the wisest choice to do so,” your fiancé replied, contemplating his options, “but I won’t. I’d still like to keep you around, my little Y/N.” His hand now shot up to your neck, grabbing and slightly choking it. For someone who just had said to not kill you, his action seemed very much deadly to you. His thumb brushed over your pulsating vein. “Though I must admit, I’d love to get a taste of your sweet blood.” His cool lips joined his thumb, exploring the tender skin of your neck. Your pulse sped up at his touch, which seemed to please the vampire as he chuckled lightly. 
“Why me?”, you stuttered out fearfully, “Why having me here?” Risotto halted his touching for an instant, reflecting on your words instead. You were grateful for the little break, though it didn’t save you from his grasp. 
“I saw you during a summer night strolling around the woods near my estate,” he suddenly said, his voice taking a serious tone now, “I remember you were with another person, a picnic basket in your hand. You looked so beautiful, so carefree, as you laughed your heart out of your chest, almost like a goddess. I stood behind the window of my room, observing you from afar and enjoyed the warmth spreading in my stomach at the sound of your laughter. Can you imagine? Centuries of existing and exploring the world couldn’t make me feel a thing, but your silly reaction spread a sense of raw humanity inside of me again.” 
You blinked incredulously at his words, surprise painted across your face. You recalled clearly that night when you had sneaked out with your secret lover to go for a midnight picnic. A few weeks afterwards, your significant other had been forced to move out of the town, never revealing the reason for it. 
“You made them leave, didn’t you? Just like you threatened my parents into this marriage.” Your voice came out unexpectedly strong. Risotto’s dangerous grin reappeared on his face.
 “Guilty as charged, Y/N,” he taunted you mercilessly, “I couldn’t let them take you away from me, now could I? After all, I’ve been lonely for way too long.” His hands made their way to your waist now, gripping it securely and further dirtying you with the sticky blood of his victims. His cold mouth travelled up your neck to connect with your warm lips. Tears spilled again and rolled helplessly down your cheeks as he kissed you intensely. Eventually, he broke the kiss, moving his head away from yours. The vampire’s eyes bore into yours, as if you were the only thing on this planet he could see. 
“Please, let me go,” you pleaded pathetically, one last attempt to free yourself from this monster masked as an angel in front of you. 
“After you found out my secret? Don’t be ridiculous Y/N, you know I will never let you leave me.” The little hope inside of you got crushed easily by his statement. You sobbed uncontrollably, wishing he had actually killed you beforehand instead of holding you captive here. 
‘At least it would be over now then.’ 
“There, there,” Risotto shushed you, the hands on your waist stroking your sides. You didn’t know if he was serious or if he kept mocking you, but frankly, you didn’t care too much either. “This time, I’ll turn a blind eye on your misbehaviour. And as I said to you on your first day here: if you are good and don’t break any rules anymore, I’ll make this the perfect home for us.”
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Sooo i saw the prompt about dark!yohan and i have a request too pretty please!
Ga On seeing something he shouldn’t (like Yohan making someone fall off a building or something that Yohan doesn’t want anyone to see). Ga On being scared of Yohan until Yohan realizes that he actually saw what Yohan was going and catches Ga On right before he goes to tell Min Jung Ho about it.
Forcibly takes him home and scares him, keeps him inside the room. Basically holding him against his will until Yohan manages to clear all evidence pointing to him.
This would be everything to me!
Hi anon! I apologize for the lateness, but I hope it's to your liking!
Gaon was never really afraid of Kang Yohan…not until that night.  
It was late evening as Kim Gaon sat his desk, finishing up some last-minute paperwork so that he wouldn’t have as much to do the next morning.  Once he was finished with the paperwork, he shut everything down and packed everything up before he headed out of the office and out of Supreme Court, about to head down the stairs when a body suddenly dropped right in front of him, causing him to let out a cry as he jumped back in horror.  At the sight of the blood and the body, Gaon had to quickly cover his mouth to keep from gagging or even worse, throwing up.  He stood there for a moment, his hand still covering his mouth as he took deep breaths before he pulled his hand away from his mouth and shook his head. “What the fuck…” he murmured before his eyes widened. “Wait, where did the body even come from?” he wondered, taking a step forward before looking up to see where the body had fallen from.  As he looked up, he noticed a person standing there, causing him to squint to see who it was.  The longer he stared, the more he recognized the swoop of the hair and the stance of the person, making his eyes widen. “Chief Kang?” he called out, making the figure look down at him sharply.  Gaon’s eyes widened and he took a horrified step back, quickly pulling out his phone to make a call.  Who he was calling, he wasn’t sure; maybe Soohyun or maybe even Min Jung-Ho.  All he knew was that he needed to call someone to report the body and to report what just happened.  As he was searching through his phone, he didn’t hear someone come up behind him until he felt a sudden sharp pain in the middle of his back and before he knew it, the world was falling and everything was fading to black.
When Gaon awoke, he found himself sitting in an old-fashioned chair in a very ornately decorated room.  Yet that wasn’t the weirdest thing about the whole situation, the weirdest thing about the whole thing was that he was chained to said old-fashioned chair, like he was some sort of criminal. “What the hell?” he murmured, fighting against the chains and the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. “Oh good, you’re awake” a voice purred, making Gaon look up to see his boss, Kang Yohan, slowly walking towards him. “Sir…what is…what’s going on?  What’s the meaning of this?” Gaon asked.  Yohan smiled slightly as he stopped before him and reached out, gently grasping Gaon’s face in his hand so that Gaon was looking at him. “Well, Gaon-ah…you saw something you really shouldn’t have” he murmured.  Gaon blinked, his eyes big and innocent, as he frowned. “You…you mean the body?” he whispered.  Yohan nodded and hummed as he gently and absentmindedly stroked Gaon’s cheek with his thumb.  Gaon then shook his head. “I won’t tell anyone.  I promise I won’t” he assured.  Yohan chuckled mirthlessly as he continued to stroke Gaon’s cheek. “But you were going to, weren’t you?  You were going to call your precious Yoon Soonhyun or maybe even your beloved professor Min Jung-Ho.  Weren’t you?” he growled, his grasp tightening on Gaon’s face, making him hiss in pain. “Answer me” Yohan snarled.  Gaon gulped before he looked Yohan in the eyes. “If I had known it was you, I wouldn’t…I wouldn’t do that, sir” he whispered.  Yohan raised an eyebrow. “No?  How do I know I can trust you?” he purred.  Gaon looked at him with his big, innocent eyes. “You can trust me, sir.  I won’t tell anybody, I promise” he promised.  Yohan chuckled, almost darkly, as he stroked Gaon’s cheek again. “Unfortunately, Gaon-ah, I don’t believe you.  So you’re going to remain here until I deal with this” he declared.  Gaon looked at him in shock. “What?” he breathed.  Yohan smiled as he took a step back and motioned to the chair. “You are to remain here, in the chair, chained, until I come and release you.  The only time you are allowed to leave the chair is to use the bathroom and shower, eat dinner, and go to bed.  Other than that, you are not allowed to leave” he declared.  Gaon looked down at the chair then back up at Yohan before he began to struggle against his chains. “Sir, please.  You can’t do this.  I promise I won’t tell anyone about what I saw.  I promise” he begged.  Yohan tsked. “You should know better by now, Gaon-ah, that I don’t believe people very easily.  And you are no exception” he stated.  Gaon frowned. “But what about work?” he argued.  Yohan shrugged. “You can work from home, can’t you?” he replied. “The trials?” Gaon stated.  Yohan smiled. “I can always find a filler” he mused.  Gaon huffed. “You know that I can’t not call Soohyun…she’ll track me down” he reminded.  Yohan chuckled. “Oh, I’m well aware” he stated before he shrugged. “But I frankly don’t care” he declared.  Gaon huffed. “And what about Min Jung-Ho?” he asked.  Yohan raised an eyebrow. “What about him?  You think he’s going to come looking for you?  You think these people are going to come save you, like you’re some damsel in distress and they’re your knights in shining armor?  It’s time to grow up, Gaon-ah.  Things like that only happen in fairytales” he sneered before he took a step forward and leaned down, getting in Gaon’s face. “And this is no fairytale” he hissed.  Gaon’s eyes widened and they began to fill with tears, causing Yohan to quickly stand up straight before he turned and walked towards the door. “You can’t keep me here like this!” Gaon shouted, causing Yohan to stop and look over his shoulder at him. “Can’t I?” he purred darkly before he opened the door to Gaon’s room and stepped out, shutting, and locking the door behind him.  Gaon’s eyes widened even further as his mouth fell open and he began struggling against his chains again. “Chief Kang!  Chief Kang!” he shouted, the chains clanking against the wood of the chair as he struggled.  After a while, however, he realized that it was useless to struggle; he really wasn’t going anywhere without Yohan.  He then slumped against the chair and shut his eyes, heavily sighing.  It was late, he was tired and this whole…being chained to a fucking chair by his own fucking boss nonsense was just exhausting.  So, he decided that he might as well try to sleep it off and just forget about it…like it was nothing more than a bad dream.
When Yohan returned later on that evening, since he spent all evening working with K to delete or erase all the CCTV footage in the area as well as dispose of the body while also doing clean up, he headed over to Gaon’s room and quietly opened the door, fully expecting the young man’s rage at being chained up (which Yohan didn’t want to do but Gaon would have gone to either Min Jung-Ho or that policewoman and Yohan couldn’t have that) but to his surprise, he found Gaon slumped in the chair, head hanging forward as he slept, chest slowly rising and falling.  Yohan smiled slightly at the sight of the sleeping young judge and quietly walked over to him, kneeling down to unlock the chains around Gaon’s wrist and ankles, making sure that the chains didn’t clank too loudly as to not wake up the young man.  Once the chains were removed, Yohan carefully scooped Gaon out of the chair and cradled him in his arms, carrying him over to the large king bed.  He then placed him down on top of the comforter, watching him with soft eyes.  As he watched him, his eyes began to wander until they stopped on Gaon’s wrists, which were red from where he struggled against the chains. “Oh Gaon…” he murmured, reaching out and gently touching the tender parts of the young judge’s wrists. “I’m sorry…but I couldn’t have you tell Soohyun or Min Jung-Ho…it won’t happen again” he promised before his eyes turned dark. “Unless you see something you shouldn’t.  Next time I won’t be so nice” he promised.  Gaon, however, didn’t hear his threat and continued to sleep, Yohan watching him thoughtfully, protectively, possessively. “You are mine.  No one else’s.  Mine” Yohan murmured as he eyed the red, sensitive parts of Gaon’s wrist. “Mine” he growled.
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mull3ts · 4 years
Yes i know it's getting annoying and it's me again 🐱 anon, i'm talkative today because i'm so excited for your upcoming fics😭
I keep talking about getting railed despite not having my first kiss yet, so, how do you think will dilf NCT react to their baby not getting their first kiss yet? Hehehehehehehe
bReAthe iN bReAtHe oUt youre gonna live 😎 but lEtS gEddiT 😌
dilf nct vs first kisses
Mr. Moon Taeil
finds it lowkey understandable
and then proceeds to debate whether or not he should snAtch your first kiss
he decides not to as of right now bcs he's like-
"eH idk how'd they feel abt getting a first kiss from a bOoMer"
he'd snatch it tho after drinking a wine bottle tho 👀🍷
Mr. Johnny Seo
would snatch it immediately
tHis mAn would waste no time to smooch you 😌
it didnt matter whEre you told him that you'd never had your first kiss unless it was infront of your dad or his son
he'd smOOch you and make sure to smOOch you every time yall did the dirty 😏🍷
Mr. Lee Taeyong
He would sit there like 👁👄👁🍷 hUh?
he would nOt understand why no one has made a move to kiss you yet when you sit there looking pretty for nO rEasOn 😤
so ofc he'd steal your first kiss 😌
but unlike johnny he wouldn't smOOch you in a ✨dirty smexi✨ way
it's like ✨nice and whEE✨ kinda thing
Mr. Nakamoto Yuta
He would nearly spit out his wine :0
Yuta would be reAL dramatic abt this so he'd yeet your neck and then smooch you
please expect your lips to be swollen ;D
Mr. Qian Kun
Mr. kUn oVer hErE would be a mixture of taeyong and taeil bcs he's reasonable like dat 😌🍷
He'd specifically plan a date to kiss you like you were his highschool crush or smth and bOOm
kiss is snAtChed 😌
Mr. Kim Doyoung
would stand there like a kunfused dilf bunny
like- 👁👄👁🍷 but then roll his eyes bcs thats the kinda guy he is 😌
he'd make you get up to kiss him but then realize you're too short- ahA
it's not like that matters to him tho he'd still kiss you and smooch you and toTaLLy not smack dat ass- 😌✋
chile, anyways so-
Mr. Jung Jaehyun
he's kiss you right then and there
he's all about making sure youre his and only his 😌
but then he'd think abt his actions and still not regretting taking your first kiss
much like johnny tho he'd kiss you during the dirty 😏
Mr. Lucas Wong
would literally make the sound "eH?"
give him a second to process this information bcs much like taeyong he thinks you're the prettiest person he's ever seen plus wHy hAsnT anYoNe giVeN hiS bAbY a kiSs bEfOre?
in a summary he doesnt sexi kiss you its like a rEaL first kiss kinda kiss ya kno? 😌
Mr. Mark Lee
Dilf Mark is a bold and confident mf
siMiLar to yuta he'd yeet your neck and bOOm ✨kiss✨
on the inside tho he'd constantly question why has no one kissed you yet 👀
Mr. Hendery Wong
"aha, what? :D🍷" is what he'd look like
but honestly being ✨reasonable✨ he'd have a nice friendly sit down convo with you if you rlly want him to be your first kiss
coz sis hE kNows he's kinda old 👀
Mr. Lee Jeno
in a summary he'd look at you like this:
Tumblr media
you may understand it anyway you'd like 👀🍷hehehehehehehehhehehehe
Mr. Lee Donghyuck
would endlessly tease you about it
he'd be like "oH so my son doesn't like you, hmm." 😏🍷
he'll snatch it dw ;))
he might pay his son not to tell his wife what he saw but hUsh hUsh
Mr. Na Jaemin
would immediately be shocked :0
then babie you about it
but then realize how old he might be
expect a whirlwind of emotions from him 😌 he'll kiss you tho just give him a sec
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