#if Steve’s so fucking great? y’all can talk only about him
morganski-19 · 7 months
The One with the Ring
(Woah, flashback. This takes place a month after Eddie moves in. Also, since Friends had a lot of flashback episodes, what would y’all like to see as a flashback for this au??)
Eddie stares at the box in his hands, knowing that it’s time. Knowing that he has to get rid of it. It’s useless now. It was barely useful a month ago. Now it was just sitting in his closet, taunting him.
He stands, leaving his room to find Steve sitting on Nancy’s couch with a magazine. “What are you doing here?”
Steve makes a face. “Walls are thin, Robin has a friend over, I lost my earplugs. And I wanted non-shitty coffee.” He takes a sip of the mug that was on the coffee table.
“Ah, makes sense.” Eddie stands there awkwardly, not quite knowing what to do. He’s still adjusting to this friend group, and he and Steve haven’t hung out one on one that much. For a reason. Eddie can’t trust himself yet.
Eddie walks over to the door, placing the ring box on the table while he puts on his jacket.
“Woah, is that a ring box?” Steve questions, not in a pressuring way. “Didn’t know you moved that fast, Munson.”
“Yeah well,” Eddie sighs. “Not going to be anywhere special anytime soon. About to go pawn it.”
Steve’s face falls. “Shit, sorry. I, I should have realized.” He sets down the magazine, standing and about to walk over to Eddie but decides against it. Instead choosing to lean against the back of the couch with his arms crossed. “Wanna talk about it?”
Eddie takes a deep breath. “We were together for three years. Long distance for the last six months. He got a new job, moved here, I had some things I had to take care of before I could move. I got it done faster than expected, thought I’d surprise him. Saw what I needed to see and left.”
“That fucking sucks. And you were going to propose?” Steve says it in a way that makes Eddie want to tell him everything. He can’t give his heart away just yet. But a friend, he could use that.
He nods, picking up the box and opening it. Looking at the ring he spent so long to pick out, making sure it was perfect. Too much effort for the wrong person. “Yeah. I was so sure he was it for me, but the universe has its way of fucking with me. This was just the latest edition.”
Steve walks over to the shoe rack, sliding off his sneakers and putting them on. He looks at Eddie expectantly. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Go where?” Eddie looks at him confused.
“To the pawn shop, then the bar. You deserve a drink after what that asshole put you through.”
Eddie huffs. “Don’t remember when I invited you along.”
“You didn’t,” Steve shrugs. “But I know a great pawn shop that won’t stiff you if that’s worth anything good.”
Eddie gives in. “Ok then, lead the way.”
Steve wasn’t wrong. The pawn shop gave him a pretty good amount for the ring. Not as much as he paid for it, but at least comparable. And then Steve buys him a drink. Or three. Makes his day a little bit better.
“So, how’d you find that place?” Eddie asks.
Steve sighs. “You’re not the only one who bought a ring for a terrible person. Only difference is I didn’t know for a few months after I proposed.”
“Shit,” is all that Eddie can find to say.
“Yeah. Saw a message on her phone from her coworker. I’m not a jealous guy, well most of the time, but I had this feeling about him when I met him. He was so flirty and touchy, and she didn’t stop it. But I trusted her, look where that got me.” Steve takes a long sip of his beer. “Looking back, it wasn’t going to work out. We were fresh out of college and going different places. But I still hoped, you know.”
Eddie sighs. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, though. She didn’t deserve you.”
“And he didn’t deserve you either.”
“If I were lucky enough to get someone like you, I’d never do anything to let him go.” Eddie knows exactly the look that’s on his face, but he can’t stop it.
Steve smiles at him. “I could say the same thing about someone like you.”
Eddie has to look away before he does something stupid. Has to call it a day after he finishes his drink. They walk back to their building, saying goodbye when they get to their apartments. Eddie leaning on the door as it closes, pressing the heels of his hands to his eyes.
He is so fucked.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low, @thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady, @apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic, @fearieshadow, @mentallyundone, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging, @potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug
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littlelord · 8 months
the ASOIAF / HotD / GoT fandom does not talk about the Velaryons enough, (and i know y’all know why. work on that.) so let’s talk about them. I present:
Velaryon Appreciation Day 1:
Corlys Velaryon
The lack of recognition for Corlys is DISGRACEFUL in this fandom.. I genuinely didn’t know he was a main character until I watched the show this week.
So here are some reasons you should appreciate or at least recognize Corlys:
1. He loves his wife more than anyone on that show. Easily the best husband out of the lot.
2. Literally Rhaenys’ #1 fan
3. Puts aside his long-held ambition to have his blood on the throne when Rhaenys asks
4. Is one of the biggest supporters of Team Black
5. ..I’m not kidding, do y’all remember how he kept vying for Rhaenyra’s claim long after her death? Yeah
6. Dude got arrested and sentenced to death for plotting to unseat Aegon AFTER RHAENYRA WAS DEAD
7. Like instrumental to Team Black and Rhaenyra’s line succeeding the throne, especially post-dance
8. Some of the best hair in the series i mean COME. ON. :
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the gold bands? that length??? outdid.
9. Some of the best outfits, especially among the men of HotD
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10. He is THE Sea Snake, ruler of the seas!!!!!! Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark, Head of House Velaryon, and Princess Rhaenys’ husband (the final is obviously his best and most important title).
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11. My dude is HARDY. Recovered from a near-fatal stab wound and intense fever at 70(ish) years old.
12. He is so sweet to Luke. Fights for him as heir to Driftmark despite knowing they are not blood related (“it was just so the Velaryon name stays on the throne!” so? he could’ve supported Vaemond’s claim but he chose to support Rhaenyra’s child, his grandchild)
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(look at little Luke and his grandsire😞)
13. Driftmark is cool as fuck and he’s the Master of it so that’s another point to Corlys.
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14. I said it once I’ll say it again: GILF.
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15. (extra credit): Steve Toussaint (Corlys’ actor) seems to be a great guy. He’s funny, v entertaining in interviews, comes across so genuine, bffs with Eve Best (Rhaenys’ actress), and is a huge GoT nerd (seriously. he is the only one who can answer any questions about GoT in the interviews i’ve seen him in). And fun fact- as I was looking to see if he’s overtly problematic, I discovered that all of his twitter likes are just “human kindness” and funny animal videos.
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And the worst thing is that if he looked like his pre-HotD fancast/fanon version, people would not shut up about him.
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“He’s soo fine”
“I need a husband like him”
“We need to talk about him more.”
..and you know i’m right!
I am not saying you have to like Corlys (especially if you do not fw any asoiaf men, which i deeply respect), but free him and House Velaryon from this double standard you hold them to.
Like I better not see anyone who appreciates, recognizes, or likes Daemon or Aemond or Criston or even Alicent talking about how Corlys is “too prideful,” “too ambitious,” because look the fuck around!!!!!!! who isn’t in this goddamn verse!!?!??!!! and also you know what?? if my beautiful amazing badass wife was denied her rightful throne, i’d be mad about it too!!!!! even after she said she was over it!!!
if you made it this far, i’m thoroughly impressed and even more grateful that you have heard me out in this Corlys Velaryon rant!
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docholligay · 8 months
Episode 2.1: Taissa
Hello! This is about up to Season 2, Episode 1 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY that of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond this spot, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
Oh Tai, you are in so much trouble here. 
Taissa picking out a dog for her son, not even picking out a dog, just going and grabbing one because she thinks she can simply sub one thing in for another, and that’s what’s happening in her political life! She is subbing in the poltically expedient person that she needs to be, who already needs to think about being reelected, for the person that she was during the campaign, for what she promised people she could be. It’s all the smae, isn’t it? And evben then she knows it isn’t the same, the level of disconnect she feels when the gal tells her she phone banked for her and she was so happy to campaign for someone real. Tai knows she’s not real, and was she ever? Which of the Taissas is the real one? And is that changing? 
She didn’t even realize the monster she’d become, even though she knew underneath she might have killed Biscuit. And i love that Simone doesn’t fuck around here, I love it that she is going to fuck up Tai’s entire life in order to get Tai to do something to help herself. 
Having to confront her own monstrosity, hugging Steve and saying it was just a mistake, and she’s going to do better with him. Oh okay, you sent your wife and child away because on some level you believe that you will hurt them, but this new shiny dog you have no affection for yet, sure, that’ll be different. 
Tai is right that Van should just lock her up there, and can Taissa really respect someone that is so willing to hurt for her, to bleed for her? Will it only ever be guilt that binds her to Van, or will it be enough? I mean, we know they aren’t together in the future. So far we haven’t mentioned Van being dead, and with the Lottie reveal, I’m starting to think Van also survives, though i don’t love that. So is it just the trauma that splits them up, or is it that Tai is driven as fuck, and not at all woowoo, while Van is just like…following Lottie the fuck around? Writing her love for Tai in her own blood? (HINT HINT)
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thequeenofshebasays · 2 years
There’s an Insider article claiming the show edited the scene with Jonathan taking pictures. Fans (particularly Steve and Stancy fans) are claiming Jonathan took pictures of Steve and Nancy hooking up but he only took inappropriate pictures of Nancy and it wasn’t sexual in his eyes at all. It was still wrong but he freaking apologized and was punished enough in the show and by fans. It just makes me so angry. Do these same fans not see how pushy Steve was to Nancy about sex or his bullying in S1
Insider is stupid tabloids so don’t listen to them lmao. Also anyone can write an article for anything these days. Steve Stan’s need to stop pretending to he objective and admit they worship they dude.
Anyway back to the point: I remember that scene perfectly upon first viewing of the series. And I’m going to be honest with y’all, I never personally had an issue with him taking the photos lmao. Not for any moral reasons just that I guess as a person that views media I’ve seen worst things and I also understand narratives and try to understand why a certain scene was put in the show. Jonathan Byers up to that point was my favorite character, and he was still my favorite during and after that scene lmao.
But I’ll tell you why: the scene had a LOT going on: Barb dying, Nancy being pushed into having sex for the first time by her pushy boyfriend, Jonathan taking the photos. It’s amazing how folks ignore all the other shit happening in those few minutes just to dredge up that Jonathan took photos.
Jonathan was taking photos of the whole party… AFTER he stumbled across it by mistake, he was looking at where Will’s bike was found, he was trying to be helpful and look for clues. He wasn’t looking for Steves house. He started to take photos of the group and it’s interesting because he captures Barbs last moments, he sees that she looks sad. And he draws his camera up and takes a photo through the window bc he’s human and then he stops. He realizes what he did. Nancy was in her bra yes but nothing beyond that… … Nancy and Steve were not having sex against the fucking window lmao. Like if you only listened to idiots online you’d think he was in the crawl space above Steve’s bed with a video camera… like holy crap.
And I’ll keep going: he stops and he legit visibly looks uneasy like he realized what he just did. It wasn’t sexual, Jonathan isn’t like that. He just got caught up in the moment, and he stops.
And only looks back when he hears Barb make a sound and he doesn’t see her anymore. And he shrugs and heads back to his car.
When I watched that scene the first time I was intrigued and confused, I was wondering where they were taking the Jonathan character, I was wondering why they had this scene, but mostly I kept thinking that Jonathan was going to get attacked by the monster right after Barb bc I’ve seen horror movies. My take away was how Nancy’s (horrible) first time was being cut with Barb being killed… like the scene was intense and also just like really telling… it wasn’t a pleasant scene for anyone involved… accept maybe Steve…
I honestly forgot about the photos until the scene where the girl sees Jonathan developing them, and again… this was ONLY done for the plot. He wasn’t developing the photos to do anything with them later. And honestly it was lazy writing on the duffers part. They included the photo taking scene because it happened in an 80’s movie they thought was cool where a peeping Tom accidentally witnessed a murder… sort of rear window if you will. Just call Jonathan “Jimmy Stewart”… kids these days act like Jonathan Byers was the first to do this and is oh so evil for it… oh no…
But I’ll get back to the plot: it was a lazy way to move the plot along, how else would Jonathan gotten a photo of the demogorgon? He wouldn’t just be taking photos of the forest at night lmao. And we had to have to him not believe his mom or that there was a monster for a bit. So he couldn’t have seen it himself.
It was a plot device and that’s it. Folks need to move on from it. They’ve moved on from:
Steve pressuring Nancy to be intimate on multiple occasions.
Steve spying on Nancy through her window
Steve having a horrifying temper and jealous tendency’s that’s result in him slut shaming her publicly.
They’ve moved on Steve forcing HIS future plans on Nancy, not listening to her and telling her to just move on in S2
They moved on from Steve once again behind a dick and this time leaving her blacked out drunk at a party… which is honestly evil and if this show wasn’t this show but a normal teen drama on like WB or something, there wouldn’t be a Jonathan to save her… it would be horrifying.
And they moved on from him yelling at her because HE is jealous. Because HE is insecure. HE takes his issues out on her (I want anyone that brings up the S3 Jancy fight to shut the fuck up)
Everyone is ready to forgive and forget for steve, because they love his stupid block head and his dumb hair… because let’s face it… he’s very bland. But Jonathan did ONE thing that he apologized for (steve never apologized to Nancy for all the shit he did) because they don’t think Jonathan is cute or he’s boring… we’ll boo fucking hoo.
Anyway. Yes: the fandom is very stupid and selfish and horrible and it feels like they only watch the Steve parts and ignore ANYTHING else.
Also I wanted to add, when we look at how unhappy Nancy was after being with Steve that night and how she was just not happy with anything and then how happy she was with Jonathan and he made her smile… and then in S2 how happy she was the morning after… yup….
But yeah. Idk where this went lol. I clearly had a lot to say, I did want to add that I don’t condone what Jonathan did, like of course it’s not, but in the context of the show and how like… they forgot when Will’s bday was. Y’all can forget that one scene and move on and stop being idiots.
Go worship Steve and leave Jonathan Byers alone.
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spookylady92 · 2 years
A Night To Remember
With Steve Harrington and Billy Hargrove
(A/N) I’ve never written anything like this before but I hope you guys enjoy it!
Characters: Steve Harrington; Billy Hargrove; Reader
18+ only
Mature content
I knew what I wanted that night. I wanted to forget all my worries. I wanted to forget my breakup with Eddie. After two years he decided I wasnt what he wanted.
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I pull up to the Hargrove house. People littered the yard and road. Most passed out. Some making out. I pushed my way past everyone and made my way in. My first stop was the kitchen. I needed a hard drink… or four…. Nancy and Steve were huddled in a corner in what looked like a heated argument. Nancy slammed down her cup and walked away. Steve sighed, “I swear women make no sense at all! Who breaks up with their boyfriend who looks like this” he said motioning to himself, “for a guy like Jonathan Byers?! “Men aren’t much better. I got broken up with too..” I said as I wrapped my lips around a shot glass filled with Tequila. Steve and I talk for a little while about our past relationships before we head yelling in the living room.
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As we enter, there are people gathered around a table watching the end of a beer pong game. “One more and I win boys. And you better pay up!” A small ball flies through the air and perfectly lands in the other teams cup. “I fucking told y’all I had this game from the beginning! Now pay up and let someone else try to beat the champ!” I look at Steve and he nods, “Let’s do this!”We walk over to the table and Steve says, “We’ll have a go.” The guy looks us up and down and says, “Alright then let’s do this!” A smug smile comes across his face. “Hey I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before. What’s your name gorgeous?” I roll my eyes, give him my name and ask his in return. “Its Billy… Billy Hargrove.” I almost completely miss his name because his ocean blue eyes are so distracting. And his body is damn near perfect. He has on an unbuttoned blue shirt, tight jeans and black boots. His blonde curly hair sat perfectly at his tanned and toned shoulders. “So are we playing or are you just going to stare at me all night?!” He asked with a devilish grin. “Why can’t I do both?” I say letting out a little giggle. “Maybe your boyfriend there won’t appreciate me saying this but damn you are sexy as hell.” Steve looks at him with a small smile and says, “Actually we aren’t together. Just friends.” “Oh is that right?” Billy says as he bites his bottom lip. “Mmhm… are we playing or not guys? I’m trying to get drunk and forget about my breakup that happened like 10 minutes ago. Damn have some respect.” Steve says letting out a little laugh and nudging me.
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“And it’s looks like I’m still the champ!” Billy says walking over to me and throwing his arm over my shoulder. “Yeah great for you Hargrove. Now I look like a fool in front of the pretty girl” Steve says in an irritated tone looking at me. “Awww Steve I still think your a strong and handsome man!” I said as I laughed and touched his chest. “Um yeah so can one of you point me in the direction of a bathroom?” “Yeah gorgeous I’ll show you!” Billy said with excitement in his voice. Billy takes me upstairs to the bathroom. When I finish I come out and he’s still there waiting for me. “Come on I wanna show you something…” Billy said grabbing my hand. I followed him into his bedroom. “So what did you want to show me? I said giving him a skeptical glance. “This..” he said putting his lips on mine. His body was warm and inviting so I just let him take control. His tongue tasted like cigarettes and beer, but I didn’t mind. This was exactly the distraction I needed. His hands cupped my breast as he kiss my neck. Just as things start to escalate Steve walks in. “Oh and what is going on in here guys?” Steve said with a smirk leaning against the door frame. “Uh you know just hanging out.” I said, my cheeks flushed from being caught. “Either get out or sit down Harrington, I’m kind of busy.” Billy said in a low husky tone his eyes never leaving me. “I guess I can stay for a minute as long as it’s cool with you..” Steve said staring at me with hopefulness in his eyes. I looked at him and then back at Billy with an approving look. Steve moves a desk chair from the corner of the room closer to the bed, his eyes staring at me the entire time. Billy started to kiss my neck again. But this time he was licking and sucking. I let out a slight moan as my body started to move closer to him. My hips moved up and down, begging for him. My eyes were still on Steve who was obviously enjoying the view. I could see his dick start to harden in his pants. “Don’t just leave him hanging baby.” Billy whispered closely to my ear. Those words sent a piercing sensation through my body. The mere thought of having both of these strong chiseled men to myself at the same time scared me. But it also excited me. Was I really about to do this?
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I guess I took to long to make a move because sudden Billy had flipped me over and off the bed. I stood there looking at him confused. “Strip” he said as he positioned himself back against the wall. I began to take off my clothes slowly until I was completely naked looking back and forth at Steve and Billy. Steve was sat back in his chair looking me up and down as he let out a little moan. “Damn you are sexy as fuck baby. Isn’t that right Harrington?” Billy said as he stood examining my body. “Fuck yeah.” Steve said biting his bottom lip. Billy grabbed me by my wrist, forcefully pulling me and then pushing me to my knees on the floor in front of Steve. I looked back and Billy and he said “Well show use what you got.” I smiled and crawled further in front of Steve. I lifted his shirt exposing his perfectly toned body. I kissed his chest down to his stomach as I unbuttoned his jeans. When I pulled them down his dick stood straight up waiting for me to make my next move. I started by licking the head in a circular motion causing him to let out a throaty moan. At this point Billy was on the bed rubbing himself through his pants. Steve grabbed my head and started to slowly push it down to take all of him in. I moaned with excitement and I could feel my wetness starting to drip down my thigh. I reached over to Billy and started to rub his hard dick through his jeans. He threw his head back and began to take his pants off. I took Billy in my hand and started to jerk him off. Steve had a fist full of my hair pushing and pulling my head fast and then slow. Just then, Billy stood up and pulled me off the floor. “Now it’s time for some real fun” he said through heavy breath.
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Billy threw my on the bed, my head dangling off the end. Before I could even think straight he had forced his dick into my mouth. Pushing further and faster as I moaned against his hardness. I felt the bed move and then my legs spreading apart. Steve had inserted his throbbing dick into my opening. “Fuck you’re so tight” he said as he thrusted inside me. Billy grabbed my throat and said “You’re just a dirty little whore huh? Want all the attention on you you filthy slut!” He pulled himself out of my mouth and said “Say you want my cum inside you. SAY IT!” “I want your cum inside me sir!” I said softly through my moans. Billy seemed to really enjoy that because he shoved himself inside my throat and let out a long and loud grunt as he thrusted. Cum and spit dripped out of the sides on my mouth. About five seconds later Steve began to jerk around. “I’m about to cum!” “Cum inside of me! I screamed as I felt I was just as close. Just then I could feel him filling me up and it sent me over the edge. I screamed out as I wrapped my legs around Steve and let myself feel the ecstasy.
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Billy and Steve both put their pants back on looking at me with pure delight. “Well that was amazing” Steve said. “That was more than amazing Harrington. Maybe us three should make this a regular thing?” Billy said looking at me and winking. “I’m so down with that!” Steve said with excitement in his voice. I looked both of them up and down and said “I think that’s be best idea you’ve ever had Hargrove..”
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
Movie!Hinny Positivity Post
Scrolling through my posts, I realize I tend to shit on Movie Hinny, Ginny, and Harry a lot lmfaooo, so I thought I’d make a Movie!Hinny positivity post to prove to myself I really can be optimistic about a mostly pessimistic adaptation if I try. Feel free to reblog and add more to this list if I missed any!
1. The MOVIE SOUNDTRACKS HOT DAMN. The songs “Ginny” and “When Ginny Kissed Harry” has to be in my top 3 movie songs (right after “Snape to Malfoy Manor” aka the title theme song to DH1). They are just so angelic and beautiful that it makes their kissing scenes way more palatable to watch imho.
2. The intense, piercing, soul-searching way Harry looks at her in the last three movies (though mainly HBP). Even though they don’t really speak to each other much in HBP, their heated looks manage to tell a story of their own that I don’t even think Romione does until some parts of DH1. Seriously, Harry doesn’t look at anyone in the heated way he looks at Ginny, not even Cho, Romilda, Luna, or the waitress diner girl at the beginning of HBP, whom if they were given noncanon romantic looks were nowhere near as searing as the ones he gave to Ginny. (The only time he gets even close is to Hermione during the noncanon dancing tent scene but I’m trying to keep this post positive lmfao so let’s move on…). For instance, even if you don’t like these scenes there’s no denying the actors - especially Dan Rad - mastered the great art of eye-fucking. Think about it: the looks when Harry gazes up at her while she’s at the top of the Burrow all-Repunzel-Flynn-Ryder-style with the song “Ginny” playing in the background, when Harry finishes that tension-filled hug also at the Burrow, when he’s listening to her brothers tease Ginny about Dean in Fred and George’s shop, when Ginny walks in late during Slughorn’s dinner and he stands up and stares at her, when she walks in the RoR in DH2 and the hard set of Harry’s jawline and eyes go soft when they see her, when SHE ASKS TO ZIP UP HER DRESS AND THE UP-AND-DOWN LOOK HE GIVES LITERALLY RIGHT WHILE HES DOING IT OH MY FFFFING LORDDDDD 💦💦💦🌊🌊🌊. Anywho.
3. The hug Ginny gives Harry after Dumbledore dies. A beautiful addition to the books that actually contributes to the strength of their relationship. In the books, Ginny is the only one to pull Harry away from his beloved mentor and idol’s body, but in the movies, she stays with him and holds him through his pain, really emphasizing her role as his greatest source of comfort. Both versions of course were cute, but this was not bad either.
4. When Ron says “you know why I listen to the radio every day? So I don’t hear Ginny, or Fred, or Molly” and Harry goes “you think I’m not listening too? You think I don’t know how this feels?!” Okay, I know that the focus of this fight in the movie was not on Hinny but at least it shows that Harry was thinking about her even if not all of his actions in the tent scenes did.
5. Right before the Golden Trio Disapperates from Fleur and Bill’s wedding and Harry shouts “Ginny!” while running to protect her but Lupin holds him back and pushes him toward his friends. (Which btw is very much reminiscent of when Lupin holds him back from running to Sirius right after he dies AND as we see later in DH2, when Arthur holds Ginny back from running to “dead” Harry as she shouts “No. NO!”). An uncharacteristic thoughtful small scene written by the man himself, Steve Kloves, everyone, who would’ve thought.
6. When they kiss in DH2 spontaneously and Ginny goes “I know,” which many assume to mean that she knows that Harry was about to tell her he loves her. This was also their least cringey on-screen kiss, so extra points for that. ALSO FUN FACT which y’all might know already and I’m just slow but did you know that Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright actually improvised that kiss scene? There’s an interview online in which DR talks about it (he says something along the lines of “I could die any minute now, Ginny. We should probably kiss” in that very awkward, dry way that he’s known to talk in interviews lmfaoooo.)
7. when Hermione says “how does it feel like, when you see Dean with Ginny?” and after the whole Angry Bird™️ live action moment she performs, Harry goes “It feels like this.” I’m not a huge fan of this scene generally for other reasons but something about this dialogue was very poignant and was a good summary of his feelings even if the actual acting/scripts for other parts didn’t always match up.
8. The deleted scene of Harry desperately clutching Ginny’s hand while marching toward the Great Hall in DH2. Also plot-wise, it makes a lot more sense if they had not removed it because otherwise one is left questioning how Harry showed up in the following scene in which he accuses Snape.
9. In the Epilogue scene where Albus falls behind and Ginny and Harry look at each other with the same cadence as an old married couple who just internally know each other and their child and how to console him. It just screams long-term intimacy and maturity, I love it. The glance happens for a millisecond but it’s definitely, obviously there.
10. In COS where Ginny runs away from Harry when they first meet is honestly the cutest thing in the history of forever. Plus the way Harry runs and I mean runs to her cold almost dead body and grips her hand when he finds her on the Chamber floor.
11. This is less of a Movie Hinny thing but a Movie Ginny thing but you guys. The sheer COMMAND my girl has on the Quidditch field in the match against Slytherin. Even though the focus is on Ron’s victory (another soundtrack song that ranks prolly #5 for me), if you pay attention to Ginny’s plays, she’s absolutely fucking fierce and impressive as hell. To the point that the strength of her Quaffle throw knocked a few Slytherins against the hoops too. Again, it’s subtle but unmistakably, purposefully there.
12. Another Movie!Ginny appreciative moment is literally almost all of her dialogue in GoF. (“I think you’re in love, Ron.” “I’m not wearing that it’s ghastly.” “Don’t be so rude.”) She’s hilarious and where was that sass and spunk in the later movies where they actually mattered??
13. Again, again, again, the friendly but awe-encompassing looks he gives her in OoTP when she beats the shit out of that dummy with her Reducto spell and when he compliments her Patronus (“Excellent, Ginny!”). You can definitely see that the movie producers, director, and whatnot are trying to get viewers to see her at least as powerful and contributive, if nothing else.
What Movie!Hinny positive moments did I miss that you appreciated?
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Bucky x black reader
Description: After a heated argument between the two of you, one where the words exchanged were better left unsaid, has left your apartment leaving the two of you unsure of where you stood in each others lives. Now, all Bucky wants to do, is be done with this John Walker business so he can come home to you and tell you how he really feels.
Angst. Angsty as fuck and I don’t know where I came from but I’m sorry.
Here I am. Me. Trying to be apart of something great! @fineanddandy 2k celebration! My submission to the #breakuptomakeup2k with only a 80% understanding of said assignment as I chose emo smut for this. Again y’all. 80% understanding 😅 I got carried away, there is no smut to be found…but just. Here. He y’all go
I’ll be back with another contribution and I’ll be going for angry but until then… Enjoy… Whatever this is lmao
( unedited. Af )
Flashbacks will be in bold.
There will also be a pov change so pay attention. Also the gifs, closest thing I could find to the relevance of the story so…brace yourselves 
Word count: 3,481
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Bucky was once again at the bar he frequented. It was where he did his people watching and got in his mandated weekly social interactions in order to keep his therapist off his back.
All the regular joes were there, but there was someone in particular, a new face, a pretty one, he found sitting at the bar. One, that was unfortunately, being bothered by the resident asshole. He didn’t know his name. He didn’t really give a fuck but for some reason he did care about the frown that was on your face as the guys seem to be getting extra handsy. As Bucky approached the counter he heard you giving him what he knew wasn’t the first warning.
“Mister, you reach over here with those grubby fingers again you gon pull back less than you reached over here with.” You threatened as you reached for your purse.
“Excuse me, Bucky wedged himself between you and the asshole facing you.
“I’m Bucky.” he spoke, holding his hand out for you to shake.
"Y/n," you shook his hand slowly a bit confused, only for Bucky to wink at you.
He turned to the man who wouldn’t leave you alone.
“And you are?”
The man took Bucky’s hand and attempted to grip it firmly in order to intimidate him, and before he answered with his name, Bucky gripped his hand hard before releasing it quickly said man falling to the floor.
“Don’t care, beat it.” He said taking the guys seat.
“You broke my fingers.” He groaned from his position on the floor.
“Dislocated.” Bucky brushed him off and took a seat.
Quickly dragged out by security, the two of you watched in amusement before but he turned to you once more.
He thought you were breathtakingly beautiful. The smile on your face wascontagious and he found himself smiling too.
"Y/n,” he tested your name out on his tongue, and you nodded confirming. “Can I get you a drink?"
The rest was history.
The way Bucky fell for You happened so fast yet so slow and all at once. It had been a while but Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he felt this much love from somebody. Received this much love from somebody. Truly felt like he had someone in his corner other than Steve before he… Went away. He had finally managed to find someone on his own.
His own person.
You knew all about his past, the things he’d done, and had yet to judge him. Every time he got in a mood you made sure to remind him that it was temporary. And it was OK to feel whatever and however he may have been feeling.
His person.
“You got 10 minutes, than we’re doing things my way.” Bucky rolled his eyes as John Walker, America’s new appointed Captain America, attempted to display his authority as Sam went in to attempt to talk down Karli.
Bucky was more than over his self righteous bullshit. He was genuine. This was just another kid trying too hard. But he was here. And he would have Sam’s back, the same way Steve would. Even if he was mad at him for giving up the shield.
He wanted to go home. Bucky didn’t like this one bit, then again, he could recall you saying the same thing just a week ago. And if he went home now, his argument with you would be all for nought.
“I don’t like this. I don’t like this one bit.” He watch you pace back and forth and he pack his stuff to take back to his place before meeting Sam.
“What do you want me to do?” He huffed becoming increasingly frustrated.
“I want you to sit back, and mind your fucking business for once.” You exclaimed hands flapping all over the place for dramatic affect.
“Y/n. You know I have to-“
“No. You don’t.” You cut him off talking through your teeth. “You don’t have anything to prove to anybody. Steven is gone. You don’t owe anyone shit.”
“I didn’t expect you to understand. God for bid something other than you have my attention.”
“And what’s that suppose to mean.?”
“You have a family! The shield. It’s the closest thing to family that I have-“
“Oh, Fuck you! Okay!”
“Oh, fuck me?!”
“Yes, you bastard! Fuck you! You have of me! But if you want to go around I continue chasing ghosts and potentially get yourself killed, you go ahead. See if I care-“
“You don’t!” He yelled causing you to jump.
It was the first time he actually raised his voice at you and while it didn’t scare you per se, it caught you off guard. He let out a deep breath clenching his jaw as he snatched his bag off the couch.
“You don’t care and It’s clear I was kidding myself for everything thinking you could..” he caught him self before he could say anything else.
“I could what James?”
He could hear the crack in your voice and knew your feelings were probably hurt but he continued to throw the bag over his shoulder before grabbing the front doorknob.
“Love me.”
That was the last thing he said before he left you. That you didn’t love him. It was a stupid thing to say. I really stupid dumb hurtful thing to say.
Something he knew wasn’t true.
You guys have yet to say ‘I love you’ to one another, seeing it as it had only been about 6 months and you had done your best to make sure you were patient. With him, his feelings. But even though you hadn’t said it.
He felt it.
He could absolutely feel the love you poured into him each and every day. That day, just wasn’t a good day. He was anxious, on edge. He was angry. So very angry. And while all this time he had done his best to not take it out on you, he failed this time. Between things with you and the storm they we’re headed for now, he was all over the place. He closed his eyes for a second trying to calm himself down. He imagined you there with him, telling him what you always did every time he was frustrated with himself and not feeling in control.
“They’re feeling, Bucky. As much as we wish we could control them we can’t. Not always. And that’s okay.” You would say. “You’re not a bad person for having feelings and not knowing what to do with them. You’re human.”
Bucky sighed eyes still closed, hearing your voice in his head clear as day as if you were still with him.
“I’m human.” He repeated.
He opened his eyes quickly, having forgotten where he was momentarily.
“You alright?” Sam asked after what they just witnessed
“No.” Sam nodded at Bucky’s answer, feeling similarly.
“‘Are you ready for this.” Sam fired another question as they prepared to enter the deserted warehouse.
To this Bucky said nothing, just made his way into the abandoned building.
John Walker had just killed a man. He killed man mercilessly. He killed a man in public. And he had done so using the shield. Steve’s shield.
They had to make to things right and they had to do it together.
The sooner they got this over with, the sooner he could be with you.
You had been pretty down the past 2 weeks without Bucky. You slept better when he was there. Felt better. Protected. Love.
This wasn’t the first time you guys argued and it wasn’t the first time he tried to push you away. This time though, It just felt so…so final.
Like he was done with you.
God you hoped that wasn’t true and that he’d come back to you.
After watching the news this morning, the faith that Bucky would come back to you was restored. The news reported that he and Sam had gotten John Walker and his position as Caption had been terminated. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself knowing that Bucky and Sam had accomplished exactly what they set out to do. Now all that was left was for him to return to you.
You waited anxiously for his arrival and while you weren’t sure when he’d come, it had to be soon right?
You’re feeling were hurt from the events that transpired between you two, but you knew he didn’t mean it. Beneath the tough exterior bucky was a big old softy. He fancied himself a ladies man when he was with you. Which is why you also knew he’d be beating himself up over it. This was probably the most time you guys has been away from each other since getting together and if he was the person you knew he was, you knew he missed you as much as you missed him.
So you want to do something nice for him. To show him you were sorry too. To remind him you were still there for him. You had learned that Bucky didn’t like big grand gestures. He appreciated small intimate ones as he was still getting using to positive affirmation and intimate attention. So you decided to bake his favorite cookies, having Instacarted all the Ingridents.
While you weren’t exactly sure when he would be home, he had previously told you he wouldn’t be gone for more than two weeks. Well you were two days shy of the two weeks and you wanted the cookies to be ready for him.
You had also decided to tell him. To tell him that you were completely in love with him.
You put the third batch in the oven and went to the bathroom for a quick shower. Seven minutes in you heard what sounded like your front door opening
You quickly exited the shower, throwing a towel around you to peak your head out of the bathroom door.
“Bucky.” You smiled when you heard the sound of his boots entering the kitchen.
“Buck take the cookies out the oven will you? I’m gonna throw on some clothes then I’ll be right out.”
And you did just that. Throwing on a tank top and some boy shorts, you slipped your robe on and went to meet your man in the kitchen. You were giddy with excitement, knowing you’d find him in the kitchen 3 cookies in.
“By now you I made your favorite…” your voice trailed off the smiling falling from you face.
He came toward, nothing in his hand, seemingly harmless but you knew better.
“You’re not Bucky.” You swallowed eyeing the former patriot before you as he made sure to block the front door.
“No. But you know who I am.” His rasped staring at you with a crazed look in his eyes
“What do you want?” Your eyes flickered over to your phone momentarily as you continued to watch him.
“He took something from me.”
“Im going to take something from him.” He shrugged.
It was than you understood exactly why he was there. Before either of you could say another word your phone went off and a Buckys photo came up.
“Answer It. On speaker.”
With shaky hands you grabbed the cellular device and answered the phone putting it on speaker but holding it close to your chest as you continue to eye John Walker who stood a mere 5 feet away from you.
“Hey.” You spook keeping your voice steady.
“Hey,” you could hear him breath out what sounded like a sigh of relief.
“Did you get it?” You questioned the way you normally would, even though the both of you knew you already knew the answer.
“We did.” He confirmed a way.
I’m so happy for you buck.” You couldn’t help but smile.
“You mean that?”
“I do.” You nodded as if he could see you.
Silence. On the other end, Bucky fought not to be too emotional. He just knew you were going fo be done with him but when you picked up the phone for him…
“Buck?” You swallowed glancing at John Walker. “You okay?”
“No, Y/n, I’m not.” He confessed, pausing only for a moment, “I’m sorry for what I said the other day.”
“Oh honey. Water under the bridge.” You spoke as nonchalantly as possibly.
You needed him to know you were okay…
“I shouldn’t have-“
“James. I forgive you baby,okay?”
…that you were no longer upset with him…
“God I miss you.”
“Sleeping’s not the same without you.” You confessed.
…that the two of you were okay…
“I’ll be home soon. Less than 24 hours.”
…just in case anything happened to you…
“Yeah doll.”
“I like you, a lot.” You blurted out
The two of you made that a habit; saying I like you a lot. It started off as a joke but then became a way for the two of you to express the strong way you get for one another without the pressure of saying “love”.
“I like you a lot too doll.” He chuckled and you smiled knowing you put a smile on his face.
Possibly for the last time.
..you wanted to be sure he knew….
“24 hours?” You repeated.
“24 hours and I’m yours.” He agreed.
“It’s a date.” You agreed with a sad smile as a single tear worked its way down your face
…you still felt all the things for him…
You hesitated giving John Walker a once over. He smirked thinking you were now going to beg Bucky to come rescue you.
..you needed him to know exactly how you felt about him.
“I love you.”
You quickly dropped the cellphone smashing it under your foot and taking off toward your bedroom. You slammed and locked the door quickly going for Bucky’s drawer where you knew he had gun.
You picked it up quickly turning out the safety before firing at John who busted through the door. He took several protracted steps back into hall trying to evade the gunfire. The pistol had a silencer on it, but you wished it hadn’t. That way someone would’ve actually heard it and call for help. But it was just you. You followed suit, firing after him as he ran down the small hallway. If you could just get him away from the door you could escape.
Two bullets left you thought to yourself as you counted them the way Bucky taught you, so you’d make every single one count.
He cleared the hallway but you could still see him try to bend the corner when you fired your last shot.
“Son of a bitch!” He yelled.
Got him.
Soon as his arm jerked back and he hit the floor you spirited toward the front door.
You almost made it two the front door when he yanked you back by the braids. Hitting the wall with such force you knew you had to have made a dent in the wall. Coughing you tried to stand only for John to punch you sending to the floor once more.
Your head was spinning. You couldn’t focus and your body began to hurt. Your lip was busted and your shoulder felt as if it were dislocated.
He picked you up by the throat slamming you against the wall again, this time cutting off your oxygen.
“He’ll come for you.” You wheezed as best you could.
The grimace still help on his face, he bought you closer towards him, squeezing your throat tighter, mouth leveled with your ear. You began clawing at his hands as you fought for air.
“I’m counting on it.”
While Karli was in the wind, both Zemo and John Walker were taking down. Caps shield was back with Sam, the way it always should’ve been, and in t-minus 12 minutes he would we back with you.
Where he knew he always wanted to be.
Bucky was elated when you answered the phone for him as if nothing happened.
Then you told him you love him, before you hung up.
Love him.
He started to call you back but he didn’t. He wasn’t sure he was ready to respond. He wasn’t sure he able to properly put the reciprocal words in a sentence. Of course he knew he loved you, you’re the one who helped him remember exactly what love is, what it feels like, but your confession caught him off guard. Now that he had time to recover from the infill shock, he was more than ready to tell you, and he wanted to make sure he did it face-to-face.
“Babe.” Bucky called out opening your front door.
He didn’t live with you, not officially, but you had him a key made after the first month. It felt high school to move in so quickly but he might as well had. Bucky was with you all the time. You both agreed he should keep his place though, sometimes he still liked to sleep on the floor and it was safer when he was out on “missions”, rather, making amends as he liked to call it. Not to mention, sometimes, he still needed to be alone. That was something else he loved so much about you. You understood that and you supported that.
You were in his corner no matter what.
Upon enter Becky could smell the white chocolate chip oatmeal craze and cookies as soon as he stepped into the kitchen. He remembered the first time you made them for him at Christmas time 3 months ago. You said it was the perfect holiday cookie and he had to agree. You would always make them to cheer him up and put a smile on his face. He smiled to himself, today was no different. There was a cute decorated plate full of them. Neck to it was a small note written in cursive.
‘I love you’
He felt as if his heart skipped several beats. There it was again. The word you guys had yet to say to one another face to face, a feeling he also shared with you. I know you feel the same even after your fight…
Bucky knew you took your nap seriously, so if you weren’t curled with a blanket on the couch, he knew you’d be in the bedroom. He wasted no time heading that way.
“I love you.” he breathed out as soon as he got to the doorway of your bedroom.
The relief from that confession was short-lived as the hairs on the back of his neck begin to stand up.
Something was wrong.
And as he taking your motionless frame underneath the covers another feeling crept in.
Bucky didn’t feel fear. He hadn’t in a long time save for the few words that could’ve activated him once upon a time.
Outside of that though. He wasn’t sure when the last time he was ever really afraid of anything.
Til now.
“Y/n.” The call of your name was soft but definitive.
While his brain had already registered the possibility you weren’t breathing was high, the other half almong with his heart couldn’t.
Cautiously he walked around the other side of the bed getting closer. The unusual way your eyelids were mostly closed along with your hand that idly hung off the side of the bed he knew.
“No, mm-no.” His voice broke as his heart broke into a million pieces.
He dropped to his knees taking your limp hand in his.
“No..” it was death curdling scream. A cry that came from the back of his throat as he placed your cold hand to his cheek.
With his free hand Bucky pushed some of the braids out of your face, revealing the some of the black and blue scarring on around your eye, you busted lip. As his eyes traveled down he froze. His hand lowered He could feel the way your neck with a naturally bent on both sides. Broken neck, crushed windpipe.
“Come on doll, you’ve got to get up for me.”Cradling your head his gently brough you to his chest, pulling your body into his.
He checked for a pulse even though he knew…
There wasn’t one.
“Open your eyes for me huh.” His hand caressed your cheek, tapping ever so often, willing you to wake up.
“I haven’t even told you I love you. “ he sniffed a river of tears freely falling down his face. “That I am irrevocably in love with you.”
“So I need you to wake up ok?” His hand moved to the back of your neck, now pushing your face closer to his. “Come on, Y/n.”
Bucky rocked back and forth as he held onto you.
but even as he continued to beg…
He knew it was futile.
If by chance I broke your heart too…I’m sorry
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valenhell · 3 years
From the studio that brought you “I can’t find good Byler fics in the ao3 tag”, comes:
"The Definitive Byler fic rec list"
Literally no one asked for this but because I spent the majority of last year (...and 2019, and 2018...) reading byler fics and coping with life, I thought I’d make a list of some of my absolute favorites. 
The other day I was basically starving for some byler fics and the angel @magicalfairy provided me with some of her faves so I thought I’d do the same, because I love reading, and I love all of these fics and I appreciate their writers💗 And fic writers in general, come on!
- This is a mix of long works and one-shots/short stories. - Everything is mostly fluff with a tad of angst and a lot of internalized homophobia conflict.  - Every fic is completed, except for the ones I mention that they are not. - I try my best to lay out the stories in a way that I won’t spoil you the plot but also warning you of some stuff you might don’t like. Either way, all of these fics are correctly tagged by their respective authors/owners, so read at your own risk. For better understanding, in between brackets I denote Rating, Words and quantity of Chapters. - I feel like I should clarify, none of these are narrated in the singular first person. None of that “And I told him...”, no. 
Long fics
a dream always the same (T, 99k, 35 chapters) What happened in those few weeks between the Battle of Starcourt and the Byers leaving Hawkins. Literally a satisfying and very needed fill in of season three, with a good dose of Mike’s thoughts and conflict. Mike’s characterization is specially amazing in this one. The writing style is amazing and I know the author put everything into making it historically accurate, and it was really sweet. You probably read it, it’s by the amazing sevensided here on Tumblr🧡
Spring Break (T, 120k, 14/15 chapters) The slowburn of my dreams. Lots of internalized conflict and conflict with each other. Conflict within the Party (uhh kind of), conflict with Mike and Will. Byers family has moved and the kids are visiting! Chaos. Characterization is on point. Yeah, I know it’s unfinished, but the fourteenth chapter actually serves as a pretty nice ending. 
This is where it starts (M, 148.8k, 24 chapters) Aged up characters. The Party is in college and Will disappears again, but now it’s different. Mike knows he didn’t vanish from thin air, and the discovery he and the Party end up making is pretty insane. Mystery solving/fantasy/third dimension, throw in a bit of D&D and Mike realizing some shit, and you get this marvelous fic. It’s a breath of fresh air. The world building is definitely one of the elements that stands out the most, because it’s very nicely described, it sounds like a dream and it’s completely immersive. Absolute gem of a fic. 
there’s a Starman waiting in the sky (M, 30.6k, 8 chapters) Do I need to say anything? Will is out there living his best life and Mike realizes that wow, umm, maybe his best friend looks a bit too nice with that costume... and wait, is he getting horny? It’s actually really fun and sexy.
The Evening Speaks (T, 23k, 7 chapters) In where Mike is a late-night college radio host and Will is the art student that stays up till late to catch up with Wheeler on the Mic. They flirt through songs y’all, this one is really sweet. 
heads or tails? (E, 24k, 3 chapters) Aged up characters. I know most people don’t enjoy sex in fics and with specific characters but this one is insanely well written. It’s a slowburn that commits to the tension and with every word you are grasping and anticipating their next move. I think you can find the author here on Tumblr as yousaidyes🧡
The Man of Average (M, 56.7k, 5/? chapters) Aged up characters. No but you don’t understand, the writing here is absolute gourmet. The story is exciting as well, it’s super interesting. Weirdly enough, for being very aged up characters, they are well characterized but they don’t feel like teenagers. They are naturally Mike and Will. The author really captured Mike and Will’s essence. I know, it’s unfinished and it’s updated very rarely, but this is the typical fic you can’t believe someone just posted on the internet for free. I will say though, I think it’s definitely not for everyone. Read at your own risk.
Heartstrings (E, 82.8k, 24/? chapters) Aged up characters. By the same author of The Man of Average. A collection of memories, the road to Mike and Will’s happy ever after. And fucking hell!!!!! You’ll cry and get angry, you’ll cheer for them, then you’ll want to crash their faces together because god dammit you love each other!!! But yeah, same thing here. The writing and the way the story is laid out as a nonlinear narrative is brilliant. And I also think this is one of the best Will versions I’ve read. The author might as well be the og creator of this two characters tbh. You can find the author here as mylesimeblr🧡
Sinners behind the walls (T, 1.5k, 1/1) And because I can’t stop recommending this author, a little thing of Mike tormenting himself but also being too deeply committed to Will. 
The Red Envelope series (T/E, 167K, two completed works) Something happens that Will thought was impossible and from there, pure drama and romance. Anything by this author has the potential to become your absolute favorite fic, but this series in particular is amazing. I doubt that any of you haven’t read this, but it doesn’t hurt to put it in this list. I’m pretty sure the author is serendipitous-magic on Tumblr🧡
A New Fight series (T, 91k, two completed works, one WIP) And finally the Star Wars AU that we all needed. But this isn’t your typical “Mike is Han”, “Will is Leia” and “El is Luke”, it’s way more interesting than that, and the author has appropriated the Star Wars world like no other. I’ll admit I’m not a 100% fluent in SW lore but this is amazing to me either way. This author is also on Tumblr, tea-for-one-please🧡
- Yes, most of these are (if not all), in a way, canon compliant/canonverse/canon continuation into fanon. (In a way)
One-shots and short stories
Sundae for Two, Please (G, 4.8k) Steve being the supportive friend and older brother these kids collectively need. (not Jonathan erasure, we love him). Steve is very sweet himself, and this little cute thing through his POV is gorgeous. Yes, it’s byler.
Backstage (T, 10k, 2/2) Jonathan, you forgot to mention to Will how hot your new band’s guitarist is, dude. Now he’s hyperventilating and weirdly flirting with him in the corner. Background Stonathan because why not.
102 Peach Street (G, 3.8k) Established relationship, but not only that, they are married :’’))) PURE fluff. Extreme fluffiness. Diabetes. 
sweatshirts and bottled up feelings (T, 3.2k) Or, Mike thinks that the sweatshirt Will wears looks insanely good on him. And kitchens are for lovers. 
kiss it better (T, 16.3k) Basically one of the best character studies of a few precise moments of Mike and Will’s relationship and feelings. 
will wonders ever cease (T, 11.3k) #i ship will and happiness. Omfg what a beautiful piece of fanfic. Will centric, this kid really deserves all the good in the world.
The Calm After the Storm (T, 1.6k) Tooth rotting fluff, boyfriends in love. Boyfriends being lazy, cuddling, love words, kisses. Boys loving each other’s company... Basically, Mike and Will in their element. What more can you ask for?
neither of us ready to let go (T, 4.8k) That scene from season three, but a bit of a fix it. 
Still in love (G, 1k) Domestic, married life au fluff. Y’all, I’m a sucker for established Byler, even if I can’t find many fics with it. But this is very sweet. It takes place in 2020, but I don’t think there are any mentions of the COVID-19 crisis that I remember.
I Nver Find Out ‘Til I’m Head Over Heels (G, 12.5K) Classic 5+1 fic. If you haven’t read it, where have you been? This is your moment. In where Mike keeps inviting Will to the school dances and Will thinks it’s just a joke until he realizes it’s not. 
Before You’re Gone (T, 5.9k) Will is leaving Hawkins and Mike thinks this is a great moment for a confession. This one I discovered last friday, thank you friend @magicalfairy 💗
You’re weird Wheeler (M, 4.5k) Mike unintentionally starts a tradition of going to each other to talk about their sexual encounters just after they finish. Will keeps getting more explicit with the details he shares, and he makes his best friend interested. This one is really fun y’all.
Out-Of-Town Friends (N/R, 4.6K) It’s not rated. I haven’t re- read it but I’d say it would probably fall in a T rating. So cute!! Will has new friends and sneaks off every friday and the Party doesn’t know where he is going, so Mike decides to follow him and is surprised. 
Snowed Under (G, 1.3k) By the same author of The New Fight series. Mike is spending christmas by himself in college because a snowstorm hits Chicago and Nancy can’t drive to see him, but then he has a surprise visitor. Ahhh just a lil sweet holiday fic. Super cute. 
you love me anyway series (T, 7.1k, three completed works) Literally just the cutest thing ever. Established Byler. Will loves to take pictures and he loves taking pictures of Mike. It’s adorable. 
you wanna be friends forever (i can think of something better) (T, 9k) This one is so amazing. So. Amazing. From Will’s POV, my kid deserves the world and he gets it. 
okay not to be okay (T, 4.9k) Mike is a bit sad but then everything is okay. 
can’t hold out forever (G, 18.4k) Y’all!!!!! 5+1 sweetness. Mike has been falling in love since kindergarten. And it’s long af, you’ll enjoy it. 
even if it takes forever (G, 1.3k) College short AU, they miss each other, they love each other, they promise all to each other. It is sappy y’all.
clear as day (N/R, 18.4K, 4 chapters) It’s not rated, but I’d say it falls in the T category. Strangers to friends to lovers. And also, everyone is pretty gay; we have our dynamic trio Mike, Max and El as disaster lesbians (and gay). Will works at the library and he is also gay. Lucas and Dustin and Will are the best friends we needed. It’s very sweet and the Party is kind of formed here!
I went overboard with the one-shots, so you must have realized how much I love long one-shots and I favor them over long works lmao but they are all amazing!!! If it’s on this list, I probably read it at 2 am, sobbing in my bed. So. Hope you enjoy it☺️🧡
795 notes · View notes
Sugar, Sugar 15
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Warnings: non-consent sex and rape, violence, mean sugary Steve
This is a dark! sugar daddy! Steve fic. Obvious AU so please keep that in mind. :) That being said, it will be an explicit fic (18+) with noncon. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
(This chapter: violence, threats, fear  :O)
Series Summary: The reader is struggling in the big city but find opportunity before her. Will she take it?
This Chapter: The wedding day approaches but not everything goes to plan.
Author Notes: So this is another series wrapped up after a grueling two years, haha. Sorry y’all.
Please let me know what you think, like and reblog <3 love ya
🍭 🍭 🍭
The floor length mirror was trimmed with twisted gold. You stared at your reflection as your shaky hands pressed against the front of the ivory dress. The cut hid the small bump but you could not forget it. Ever since you confessed, it all happened so fast; the wedding was pushed up, the dress tailored and expedited, and invitations sent out in a rush.
It all felt surreal. The day had come but you just couldn’t accept it. How could you go through those doors and smile through it all?
You closed your eyes and let your breath out. They would knock when it was your time. Your father would be waiting to walk you down the aisle. The guests waited eagerly for the most talked about ceremony in the city. And you still felt like just a footnote in your own wedding.
You moved away from the mirror and sat unsteadily, gripping the arms of the cushioned chair, careful not to catch your veil under you. That night you told him, that was the final straw. But you didn’t forget what Sasha said. You took a picture of the broken door and wrote down the entire scene. You sent it to yourself in an email as proof.
That wasn’t the last time. You recorded Steve one day when he came in as you were texting your sister about the new date. You hadn’t answered his last message about your first appointment with the doctor. He was livid and you sat and listened to him rant as the red dots pulsed. You wrote down every instance, every time he made you appease him, every terrifying word.
Then there were the police reports. Nothing more than words in a filing cabinet but the night he choked you was just the beginning. He threatened to break your finger when you took your ring off because your hands were swelling. Then he broke your laptop when you didn’t pay him enough attention. 
As the wedding loomed closer, he only seemed to get worse. He was clingy, always touching you, marveling over your stomach. He checked in almost every hour on the hour when he was working, and you weren’t stupid enough not to notice that the building was being watched.
It was like you were living two lives and yet you were entirely trapped with him. What good could the emails do? Or the reports when the police wouldn’t act on them? You were going to marry this man and that would be the end of it; of you, of your life.
Knuckles tapped on the door and you stood. You crossed the room and inched it open the door. You flinched as you were met by an unexpected and uninvited guest.
“Sasha?” you gasped.
“You’re marrying him then?” he held the handle but you didn’t try to close the door, “the account gone, I heard nothing from you.”
“I… I’m scared,” you admitted, “when he found out, I thought he was going to--” you shook your head. He wouldn’t actually kill you.
“You know it’s not too late,” Sasha urged.
“You can’t be here, it he finds out, he’ll--”
“I’ll defend myself,” Sasha snarled uncharacteristically, “I’ll give him what he deserves.’
“No, I don’t want you to get hurt. You need to go,” you begged as you glanced past him furtively.
“I will. Come with me,” he said, “just go. Everyone’s distracted, they won’t know--”
“I can’t just leave. You don’t understand--”
“No, you don’t understand,” he argued, “if you marry him, it all gets so much more complicated. I told you that day at the café. It will be harder to fight after the vows, but right now, you can still get out.”
“And go where?”
He swallowed and looked down the hall. You could hear the distant murmur of the crowd.
“Did you do any of it? Keep a journal? Something?” he asked.
“I tried. I went to the police but nothing,” you sniffed and gripped the door tight.
“Nothing yet but that’s a start,” he chewed the inside of his lip.
“Why are you here? Why is this so important to you?”
“Because I can do something,” he hissed, “because I can’t live with it if I don’t. So come on. Come with me, I got a bigger place. It’ll have to do for now and then we’ll work on getting you standing, getting the baby somewhere to grow--”
“Am I trading him for you?”
“I’m your friend,” he said evenly, “that will never change. All I want is you safe. If it makes you feel better, I’ll sleep in the hall. You can lock me out and I’ll sleep against the door. But I came down here knowing I wouldn’t leave without you.”
“It’s a sweet fantasy but--”
“Come on,” he grabbed your hand and pushed the door open, “please, don’t go with him. It doesn’t end well. You don’t get out. It doesn’t get better.”
“I have nothing,” you quavered.
“You have me,” he said, “please don’t make me walk out of here alone.”
“I….” you uttered as your heart squeezed. “He’ll come after you.”
“Good, I want him to,” he clung to you, “please?”
You inhaled and heard the voices. Your father and your sister. You had no time to think but you knew it was your only chance.
“Let’s go,” you lifted your skirt and pulled the door shut behind you as you stepped out, “now.”
He held onto your hand as you rushed away from the voices and skirted around the corner. Sasha urged you on down the back stairs and through the maze like halls of the extravagant church. You nearly tumbled down the stairs and he caught you as you came along the narrow passage beside the main room, the guests and groom just on the other side of the wall.
You came out into the sunlight and Sasha lifted the train of your skirts as he directed you over the grass. our heels sank into the dirt as you rushed over and the organ began to play Here Comes the Bride. As he helped stuff the swathes of fabric in behind you in his modest car, the music stopped suddenly.
He closed the door as you were squished in the back seat amid your layered skirts and he got in the front. The engine turned and he nearly side swept another car as he pulled out without looking. You peeked back behind you but saw no one coming down the large steps of the church.
He turned the corner and sidled in behind a yellow cab. He looked at you in the mirror and nodded. You bit your lips nervously as reality sank in. Your chest hammered and your entire body buzzed with adrenaline. You knew it was only the beginning.
The day passed in a daze. You sat in your wedding dress waiting for all hell to break loose. Sasha sat with a beer, silently, and tapped his foot endlessly. When the silence was too much, he turned on the television but neither of you paid any attention to the old sitcom.
When the trance of disbelief dissipated, he showed you around his spacious loft. He was being paid well by Stark but you worried how long he would stay on the payroll after what he’d done. Steve wasn’t stupid and there were more photographers at the church then you’d seen collectively over the last year and a half.
“This is the second bedroom,” he showed you into a room with gleaming windows. There was a bed, a dresser, curtains, a cozy rug, all carefully selected, “I thought you’d be here sooner.”
Your eyes lingered on the box leaned against the far wall. A crib.
“Didn’t know how long…” his voice trailed off as he followed your eye line, “I’m not trying to be him. You can go anytime but I… you have a place here.”
Your eyes welled and you blotted them with your knuckles, the rough lace of your gloves scratching your cheeks, “you did all this for me?”
“I told you, I’d do anything,” he said.
“But… Sasha, I don’t--”
“I don’t expect anything from you. High school was a long time ago but you made it bearable for the biggest dweeb in the class.” He sighed and paced a circle around the room, “you know, I had the biggest crush on you. That doesn’t mean anything now, it doesn’t mean I want you to fall into my arms, but it means I want to help you. It’s the right thing to do, somehow I made a career of doing the right thing so what’s one more?”
You felt your chest sink and you covered your cheeks with your hands, “Sasha?”
“Please,” he cringed, “I was a teen boy, I think I had a thing for Oprah once. Really, it’s just… we’re friends. We’ll always be friends.”
“I can’t…” you sniffled and dropped your hands, “I don’t deserve any of this.”
“He doesn’t deserve you,” Sasha intoned, “and you don’t deserve to live like that. I know this isn’t much but I know you. You’ll find your way, you just got a little lost.”
“I…” you shook your head speechless.
“We’ll figure everything else out tomorrow. You can borrow some of my clothes for tonight and then we can see about retrieving your things from Steve,” he neared the door and stopped beside you, “or we can say fuck it and you can start all over.”
You turned and slung your arms around him. You buried your face against his shoulder as tears spilled out onto his jacket.
“How did you know?” you sobbed.
“That day at the shower,” he rubbed your back gently, “you know, lawyers learn how to read people and you never were very good at subtlety.”
“No,” you chuckled through your tears, “No, it’s why I was great as a bard.”
“Mmm,” he grumbled, “if that’s how you remember it.”
It felt like Sasha was gone forever but when you checked the clock, it had only been twenty minutes. 
You sat on the couch with your feet under you as you watched the news and rocked nervously. All anyone was talking about was Steve Rogers’ runaway bride. Your face was everywhere and the statement issued by Steve made it all the worse.
He painted you as a gold-digger, as an adulterer, as a swindler. He was the heartbroken fiancé and you were the wrongdoer. You knew it would go this way but expectation never softened reality.
You flinched as the lock turned and Sasha entered with a bag in hand. He came to the couch and set it down beside you.
“I don’t know about my taste in women's clothes but those should do,” he said as he checked his watch, “we should go soon.”
“Yeah,” you stood and opened the bag to reveal the lavender blouse and dark jeans, “you really didn’t have to--”
“You kidding, he’s gonna be surrounded by cameras. You can’t win his game if you don’t play it. I’ve dealt with his type before, they’re the ones who need lawyers on standby,” he sneered, “did you eat?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you swiped up the bag and headed for the hallway, “it was good.”
“No problem,” he shrugged as he grabbed the remote and shut off the tv, “and ignore all that nonsense.”
You got dressed and emerged as your anxiety grew to impatience. You left the apartment in brittle silence and the car ride fed the uneasy bubbling of your stomach. .
As you came up to Steve’s building, you sat for a moment before you got out. Sasha followed and shoulder away the cameras as you neared the front door
The elevator moved slowly and fidgeted uncontrollably as it dinged on Steve’s floor. You swallowed and braced yourself to face Steve. Sasha kept a few feet back as you walked down the hall and stopped at the door. You knocked as you found it locked.
It was a while before it opened but when it did, you were startled as Steve grabbed the front of your blouse and wrenched you inside. He spun you but quickly released you as he was knocked off balance and sent sprawling over the floor. Sasha stood above him with his hands in fists.
“Hey,” he pointed at Steve then looked at you, “you okay?”
You nodded as Steve glared between the two of you and cautiously got to his feet, “so you brought your little boyfriend?”
“She’s here to get her stuff. We thought we’d avoid a police escort, as her lawyer I thought it prudent, but we can always make that phone call,” Sasha said sternly, “she is entitled to her possessions.”
“Her stuff? I paid for every single thing she has to her name. Hers? Mine.” Steve spat and reared on you again, only to be caught by Sasha as he inserted himself between you.
“You will not touch her again. Those things you bought for her were gifts. You have no legal rights to them once they are given. She will take her clothes, her phone, and any other necessities.”
“Pfft, she’s not taking anything. She’s not going anywhere,” Steve growled, “she not yours--”
“I am certain the photogs would appreciate a show,” Sasha pulled out his phone, “police? That can only be a domestic dispute.”
Steve squinted and his nose flared as he looked at you over Sasha’s shoulder, “fucking slut.” He crossed his arms and stepped aside, “get your shit, get out…” he hissed, “but I have my rights too. You will not keep me from my baby.”
“That will be settled in court,” Sasha replied coolly, “go on, get your things.”
He waved you past him as he kept you shield from Steve. He was of a height with Steve but not as broad. Even so, you felt safe behind him. You rushed down to the bedroom and quickly gathered up your toiletries and those clothes you didn’t absolutely hate. Your phone screen was shattered but you took it anyway.
As you emerged again, a bag slung on your shoulder, you slid the ring from your finger. 
“You can keep the rest,” you said as you placed the band on the small round table just inside the front room, “goodbye Steve.”
“Goodbye? Goodbye?” he spat, “this isn’t the end and you fucking know it.”
“Calm down,” Sasha warned.
“You don’t tell me what to do,” Steve shoved him, “I should fucking smash your head in--”
“I’d like you to try,” Sasha stood his ground, “really. You think the court would let a violent man be around an infant?”
Steve scoffed and rolled his eyes. He backed down and shouldered by Sasha. “Get the fuck out.”
You left quickly. You had no desire to hang around. As you stepped onto the elevator, Sasha softly touched your elbow and you winced. The bag fell to your elbow and he quickly scooped it up and heaved it over his own shoulder.
“You okay?” he asked.
“No, I don’t think so,” you said, “he was so angry. I--”
“I was stupid, we should’ve brought the police. Fuck the cameras,” he said, “from this point on, no contact with him whatsoever. Only through me and the court. No talking to reporters, no nothing.”
“Yeah, that won’t be hard,” you uttered as he led you out of the elevator. 
As you came outside, cameras flashed and voices called out. You collided with Sasha as he was blocked by a photographer shouting questions, “is it true you’re pregnant? Is it Steve’s?”
“My client will not be answering questions,” Sasha kept on and made a path for you, “go, she’s not answering any of your questions.”
He elbowed past more cameras and opened the car door for you. You fell inside and quickly huddled down in your seat. As he sat behind the wheel, he mumbled and pulled out into traffic. He gripped the wheel tightly and pushed himself back into the vinyl.
“That asshole,” he said, “he’s gonna want the paternity test. This isn’t gonna be pretty.”
“I can’t… he fucking told them. I mean, I’m not surprised but… god,” you grimaced.
“We’ll get the test done before he makes a formal request,” Sasha said, “it shows transparency and when we hand over those results, we’ll include those police reports too.”
“Police reports?” you blinked.
“Sorry, I… It’s a suggestion,” he said tersely, “but he’s going to make this a trial by media.”
“No, no, I want to,” you said firmly, “I want everyone to know the real Steve Rogers.”
‘I was just like many struggling in the city. I worked a low-paying job in data entry and lived in an apartment which was little more than a box. The dreams of the big city were passing me by as there was little opportunity to be found.
Then I met Steve Rogers. Like a dream or a Lifetime movie. I was in debt, I was desperate, and he offered me a safety net. I can own my part in the relationship; I was interested and I accepted his generosity. I was all too happy with the arrangement.
That was until I found out that it was all based on a lie. I didn’t know that he had access to my accounts even before I knew him, that he had used his connections to force me into that dire situation. And I could not know the real man behind the billionaire façade.
It was little things at first. Any woman loves to feel wanted but his possessiveness soon turned to control. He kept me isolated from my own family and did not permit me to do anything without his permission. His affection turned to obsession and when it was not reciprocated he forced it from me.
He took me on vacation and did not allow me to wear clothes. He chose what I wore, how I looked, and what I did. He coerced me into acts I was reluctant about, and when he was too rough, he did not listen to my pleas for him to stop.
When I tried to leave him, he followed me and dragged me back. He had me watched by PIs and surveilled all my communications. He used his financial power to control me and when that did not work, he used his physical power.
Steve Rogers abused me. He yelled in my face, he threatened my family, and he choked me.
Steve Rogers raped me. He expected me to bend to his will whenever he desired and when I refused, he held me down and did what he wanted.
Steve Rogers took my whole life and when I chose to leave, he set his eyes on the life inside of me. 
The only thing I want from him is freedom. I want to live safely with my child and I want that child to never experience the abuse of their father. I never want anyone to know that horror again which is why I have written this and released the police records. I am not asking for anything but peace for me and my unborn child.’
The statement was carefully edited by Sasha. You reread the font across the glossy pages of Vanity Fair, the article spliced with excerpts not only from the police reports, but your own emailed accounts of your relationship, and the whole thing began with an image of that broken bathroom door.
It was two months since you ran away from the altar but life was not a romcom. It was a disaster. Even with the article, you knew not all would believe you. You knew it would open you to doubt and vitriol. And you knew Steve would have a response.
You closed the magazine and groaned as you rubbed your hips. Freedom didn’t feel so… freeing. There was a long way to go; court dates, doctor’s appointment, and depositions. But it was a start.
You rested your hand on your stomach and pushed on the arm of the couch as you stood stiffly. When you were halfway up, you felt a hand on your elbow and Sasha helped you stand straight. You smiled guiltily. You’d grown a lot in the last few weeks and still had nearly four months to go.
“The reviews are good,” he said, “I know that is kinda grim but… people seem to believe you.”
“Seem to?” you echoed as you went to the kitchen and pulled out the container of sliced strawberries, “or they don’t?”
“Well,” he leaned on the counter as he watched you add too much cream to the berries and smiled, “Stark Industries has cut ties with Shield, Inc. and Tony has made a sizeable donation to several shelters across the city,” he cupped his chin coyly as he leaned on his elbow, “and will be covering legal costs for the support hearings seeing as I can’t legally represent you anymore.”
“Oh,” your mouth fell open before you could spray some cream onto your tongue, “when were you going to tell me this?”
“I’m telling you now,” he crossed his arms as he shifted them further over the island, “I thought I’d give the good news first.”
“And the bad?” you put down the can of cream as you neared the marble across from him.
“I have several requests for interviews and I think you should do at least one,” he said, “I know you hate reporters and all that but… with a little Rogers baby on board, it’s just another part of the process.”
“Oh, and what should I tell them,” you edged around the counter towards him, “that I moved? That I found someone better?” He turned to you, his lips curved as he leaned in and you turned your face up to peck his lips, “or maybe I should tell them I’m single? Keep the intrigue?”
“As long as you tell them I’m handsome, I don’t mind,” he purred as he placed his hand on your side.
“Oh, how could I leave that out?” you cooed and kissed him again, “patient, loving, kind… but what a geek?”
“A geek?” he smirked and framed your chin with his hands, “says the dungeon master.”
You giggled and ran your hands up his chest, “someone’s gotta raise this little bard well.”
“Oh, no, no, she’s not gonna be a bard. Maybe a cleric?”
“No way! That’s lame,” you chirped, “how about… a sorcerer? Ours is a bit lacking.”
“Excuse you,” he quipped, “what was your AC again? Maybe next session I’ll run out of healing spells.”
“See?” you taunted, “geek.”
You drew him to you until he was pressed to your belly and he swept you up in a kiss. You rocked with him as he turned you against the counter and slowly parted.
You squeezed his wrist as you went back around to your strawberries and cream. You took a spoon and scooped up a mouthful as you slid your phone towards you. Sasha stayed as he was, watching you scroll through the emails and piled up texts.
You stopped as one blared in all caps. There was no name, only ‘Private’. You opened the conversation and found a dozen bubbles; ‘THIS ISN’T OVER’, ‘HE CAN’T KEEP YOUR FROM ME’, ‘CUTE, YOU THINK PEOPLE BELIEVE YOUR SHIT.’ Another message blipped up, an image and you dropped your spoon as it opened.
You saw the picture of your sister and her son. You shook as you put your hand down on the counter and choked on the cream.
“What?” Sasha reached over and turned your phone to him, “Shit,” he sighed and blocked the number, “he’s just stacking the evidence against himself.”
“I--” you blinked as tears boiled behind your eyes.
“You don’t need to be afraid,” he screencapped the conversation, “this just makes the case even easier.”
“No, I will always be afraid of him,” you said as you touched your stomach, “it’s not just about me anymore.”
“And it’s not just you anymore,” he took your hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb, “we’ve been through worse. If we can get through a cave full of orcs, we can defeat Steve Rogers.”
END (or is it?)
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Thoughts on Vol. 2 (spoilers):
Things I loved:
-I love the story and most of what happened
-Very happy it ended on a cliffhanger
-Shoutout to El for not giving Brenner closure
-The sound design (soundtrack, ost, sound effects) *chefs kiss*
-Every Argyle moment
-Screaming at how well the set up for Vecna’s origin is
-Jopper kiss jopper kiss
-Master of Puppets. Wow.
-You know it’s great when even the things I wish were done differently I can still really appreciate
-Will Byler’s speech. That’s all.
Things I didn’t love as much:
-My biggest gripes are all the loose ends (what happened to Owens/the military, why’s the upside down stuck in 1983, where are the possessed Russians, etc.)
-Things that didn’t make sense (why didn’t Nancy or anyone else have a sense of urgency when there’s a massive fucking rapture in Hawkins when that was literally in her vision, why did it take 2 days for the upside down to bleed into our world, etc.)
-The entire 2 day timeskip felt like a rushed ending to give vague closure but threw everything off for me personally, don’t get me wrong Robin and Vickie are cute but that was not the time to set them up, it was nice to see the reunion but everyone’s acting way too calm, etc.
-Mike Wheeler continues to be an utterly unbearable character, I was hoping he’d get Vecna’d and some sort of arc but all that happened was a half-ass retelling of Will’s speech to El and the obligatory “I love you”
-On Byler: (let me preface with the disclaimer that I am queer) I do not support it in canon. I think Mike has inner issues involving his sexuality that prevents him from having a true connection with anybody. Mileven has been falling apart since s3, and there’s no way he out of no where does a full 180 and gets with Will. I think he isn’t straight and has some feelings for Will but without any acknowledgment of that this season I absolutely do not support him finding himself and all of a sudden dating Will in 5, theres just no way that’s plausible and I think the unrequited love story is 1) very true to the queer experience and 2) adds depth to Will’s character as an outsider (which I think will be important and have to do with Vecna in 5)
-On queerbaiting: (again, from a queer person’s perspective) I literally do not see what y’all are talking about. There isn’t queerbaiting. Robin is canonically a lesbian, Will is very clearly gay, coming out doesn’t have to be Will standing up and announcing “I’M GAY!!!” it feels a lot more natural and realistic especially given the time (period and the events of the show) that he wouldn’t say that. Jonathan clearly knows as well so I don’t get the issue. Yeah, Robin’s love interest is a side character, so what? Byler isn’t canon? Big deal, go watch another show with boys kissing. I think that the canon queer characters are done very well and given that the world is literally ending don’t see a point in focusing on forcing relationships between any characters at this point ???
-This is bleak but more of the main cast should’ve died. It felt like the stakes weren’t really that high when the only ones killed off was Eddie (who was introduced this season) and kinda Max. I love all the characters and would be upset at their deaths but it needs to happen for the sense of danger and reality, when everyone makes it out fine it feels like wacky spring break adventures, Steve or Murray or Dimitri or somebody else should’ve bit the dust IMO, but given how badly some people are taking Eddie’s death maybe it was a good idea on their part for the fans not to
-The Stancy moments were all so forced and even the Jancy moment felt off after Jonathan literally talked about wanting to break up with her days earlier
-There’s probably more I’m forgetting in general but current ramblings lol
Overall, I think it was good save for the final 30 minutes but the reality is with the set up of Vol. 1 we were bound to be underwhelmed, that was 7 episodes of a massive season where there didn’t need to be closure and even if they tried harder here they probably couldn’t have accounted for everything they should have. I have high hopes for 5 and that it’ll clear up some things and disagree with a lot of the hate the Duffers are getting right now?
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Deep End  -  Two
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Pairing: Dark!Steve Rogers X Reader
Summary: He’s back. After all your best efforts at getting away, he’s found you again. And this time, he’s not letting you go so easily. He’s determined to do whatever it takes to get you to be his. Forever.
Warnings: Dark Themes, Language, Angst, Smut (DubCon,) Manipulation, Anxiety
Word Count: 3.4K
A/n: Boom part two! I wanna hear what y’all think’s gonna happen with this series
Madness Masterlist
Bad Dream Masterlist
“Good morning, Darling.” Chapped lips press a kiss to your cheek, strong arms winding around your figure and a sharp chin digging into your shoulder.
“Breakfast smells delicious.” You only hum, trying to get your hands to stop shaking.
“Is it eggs?!” Sarah bounds down the stairs excitedly, running straight for your legs.
Steve intercepts her, tossing her up in the air then catching her in his arms again.
She erupts in a fit of giggles and squeals as he starts tickling her, and you find yourself biting your tongue to stop yourself from saying anything to him.
“Eggs and bacon and pancakes only for you, Princess!” He exclaims, kissing her cheek then setting her back on her feet.
“Do I still go to school?” Sarah asks, climbing up onto one of the barstools and kicking her legs.
“Yes, sweetie, you still have to go to school. We’re gonna get you back to school soon, there’s just some things that... your dad... and I need to discuss first, okay? But today, you can relax at home, eat your breakfast and explore the house if you want.” She nods her head eagerly, little hands holding her fork as you slide a plate of food over to her.
You portion some out for Steve too, grinding your teeth together in distaste.
You scoured the house for anything that could be used against him but came up completely empty-handed. Rat poison, bleach, Lysol. Nothing.
He takes his plate with a smile, his free hand gripping your waist and turning you to him slightly.
He leans down, lips pressed against yours for a brief gentle moment before pulling away and sticking his tongue out at a snickering Sarah.
He sits down beside Sarah and starts eating, his eyes boring holes into your back as you gather some food for yourself. As you’re getting ready to sit down, he stands up, unlocking a drawer by the sink and grabbing a bottle of something.
Your heart races in your chest and you hold your fork just the tiniest bit tighter, prepared to use it as a weapon if you need to.
He turns back to you with a smile, setting two small pills on your napkin, away from Sarah’s curious gaze.
“Take them with your food,” he instructs, kissing your forehead then sitting back down between you and your daughter.
"Morgan’s gonna get dropped off for a little while, Sarah. She’s around your age and I think you two will get along great. You guys can play while your mother and I talk, okay?” She bobs her head up and down, shovelling the eggs into her mouth.
“They’re really hitting it off,” Steve says with a smile, watching as his daughter and her new friend play in the backyard.
You hesitantly come up beside him, a small smile spreading on your lips.
“I-I’m always nervous about her making friends. She’s never really had problems with it but...” You trail off, taking a step back as he turns around to face you.
“Tony’s got Morgan enrolled in a private school, says it’s really good. I was thinking we could send Sarah there too.” You bite your bottom lip and shrug. “I-I don’t know how I feel about private schools. What are the reviews like? And are they strict? I don’t want her... all I want is for her to have a normal childhood. That’s all I want.” Steve’s face softens and he nods, taking your hand and ushering you to the living room.
“It’s all gonna be okay. I know it’s gonna take some getting used to, but it’ll all work out in the end, you’ll see.”
You take a couple of deep breaths, wanting so desperately to believe him but you know better.
“Tony says the school’s really good, and it’s not super strict. The kids still get to have fun and make friends while learning. I think we should give it a shot and if she doesn’t like it we’ll find another school for her to go to.” You nod, eyes fluttering over to the window looking over the backyard.
“Now, I think you and I need to set down some ground rules, okay?” You turn to him, your guard up in an instant.
His face is calm, but you still don’t trust him.
“Sarah’s going to be at school all day, I’ve gotta go to work, which means you’re going to be here to look after the house. My beautiful housewife.” You furrow your brows, “What am I supposed to do here all day?” He looks around with pursed lips.
“Cook and clean? Keep the house looking nice, maybe you could start a garden if you want. But soon you’ll have less time for moving around and more time for...” he trails off, his hand coming to rest on your stomach.
“You’re gonna give me another baby, gonna carry it in that beautiful body of yours. And when the baby gets here you’ll have your hands full so you may want to start planning for that now.”
You’ve got no choice in this.
“D-did you keep any of Sarah’s old baby furniture?” You ask softly, fighting back tears.
“No, I gave it to Nat and Bucky cause they were talking about adopting. But you can buy more. I’ll give you my card and that can be your task. When Sarah’s at school and you’re done with cleaning, you can start setting up the new baby’s room.” He says it like it’s the most prestigious task he could give and you should be thanking him for the opportunity.
“Now, one last thing...” He eyes you for a moment then shakes his head.
“Your old wardrobe is going to be gotten rid of. I don’t want to see you in these leggings or jeans. I’ll have Nat bring over some clothes that are more acceptable, but until then, there should be a few decent dresses still in the closet from... before.” His eyes dark the tiniest bit at the mention of how things were.
“I want you to go change, then gather up all your old clothes. Once that’s done, you can start making lunch. I’m going to run out to grab a few things for dinner, we’re having guests over tonight, so I expect you to be on your best behaviour, okay?”
You say nothing, eyes focused on the floor.
He grabs your chin roughly and forces you to look at him, his eyes blazing.
“I asked you a fucking question, dear. You’d better answer me before I get angry.”
You swallow hard then nod, “o-okay. I will.”
He nods and lets go of your face with a smile, rising to his feet and fixing the sleeves of his shirt.
“Good. I’m thinking pasta for dinner.”
You’re wearing a yellow sundress that comes just past your knees. It flows with every step you take and you’ve gotta admit that it’s quite pretty. You hate that he chose it, though.
You set the dining room table silently, mind racing. You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t notice you’re not alone until a hand is grabbing the bottom of your dress.
“Mommy, did you hear me?” You gasp, jumping in surprise then shaking your head.
“No, Sarah, I didn’t. Mommy was just thinking. Sorry, what did you say?” She huffs a breath.
“Daddy said that Aunty Nat is coming over for dinner! Do you think she’ll bring ice cream?” Your heart clenches and you sigh.
“I uh... I don’t know. You’ll have to go ask... your father.”
“Ask me what?” Sarah turns to him and lifts her arms, giggling happily when he scoops her up in his arms.
“When Aunty Nat comes is she gonna bring ice cream?”
“Well, I don’t know if she’ll bring ice cream, but maybe after dinner we can all go out and get an ice cream cone. How does that sound?” She claps her hands together in excitement, squealing when she hears the front door open.
“Knock knock!” A female voice calls.
You swallow hard, trying not to let your anger get the better of you as Sarah shimmies out of her father’s grip and rushes to the door.
“Aunty Nat!” The redhead picks her up and spins her around.
“Hey, pumpkin! How’s my favourite girl doing?”
You walk back to the stove, stirring the noodles and imagining how satisfying it would be to dump the boiling water on the traitorous redhead.
“How’s dinner coming along?” Steve asks, his hands finding your hips.
“Just about done. Everyone can sit down, it’ll only be a minute more.” He nods, kissing your temple and opening the fridge to grab drinks.
“Hey, pal.” You stiffen, too many memories filling you at the voice.
“Hey, Buck. Glad you could make it.” You keep your back to the brunet, not wanting to see him, to remember what happened any more than you already have to.
“Aren’t you going to greet our guests, dear?” Steve asks, one hand grabbing the waistline of your dress and tugging. You reluctantly turn around to face the brunet just as the redhead walks into the room.
“Well?” Steve asks, looking at you expectantly. You say nothing, glaring daggers at Natasha. She meets your gaze for a moment then looks away, knowing full well what she’s done.
“Dinner’s ready.” Is all you say, yanking out of Steve’s grip and turning back to the stove.
“It’s nice to see you again too, (Y/n),” Bucky says, walking past you and into the dining room.
Natasha brings Sarah after him, leaving you and Steve alone.
“You and I will need to have a long conversation once they leave,” he hisses. “If your attitude doesn’t improve, then you’re going to need to be punished for it.”
You turn and look up at him with defiant eyes.
“I’m wearing your stupid dress and I’m playing your stupid game. What more do you want from me? You’ve got me and my daughter held hostage in your goddamn dollhouse and-” He grabs you by the throat, shaking his head at you.
“Fine. I’ll fucking teach you now then.”
He shoves you aside and walks into the dining room, a smile on his face.
“She’s just gonna bring dinner out. Then she and I need to have a little chat before we join you.” You reluctantly bring the food out, if only so Sarah can eat. You’ve hardly set the steaming dishes down before Steve’s grabbing your hand and yanking you through the house and up the stairs.
Your heart races in your chest, fear coursing through your veins at what he may have planned for you.
Flashes of different ways he’s punished you run through your mind and you feel your eyes fill with tears as he shoves you onto his bed.
His chest is heaving, with anger or exertion, you can’t tell.
“S-Steve I’m sorry. P-please don’t hurt me.” He watches you for a moment then shakes his head.
“You know I can’t tolerate that kind of behaviour.” You crawl back, tears dripping down your cheeks.
“I-I’m just, please! I’m scared and tired a-and I don’t have any friends and m-my dad is-is...” You shake your head, hoping he has a shred of decency left inside of himself.
“Please!” He stares at you long and hard then sighs. “You know I love you, and I love Sarah with my entire heart. But I can’t tolerate this rude behaviour. I know it’s a big transition for you, and I’m willing to be patient, but you can’t treat our guests that way. Rudeness directed at me is different, but you have no right to treat Bucky and Natasha the way you did. That’s why you’re being punished. I’ll forgive the snappy behaviour towards me, but not them.”
You shake your head and shove your face in your hands, sobs bubbling free from your chest.
“Please don’t hurt me. I’m sorry.” He nods, turning to the dresser and pulling out a familiar box.
It’s the box he keeps his torture toys in, you realize.
“Lay down on your stomach. If you listen, your punishment won’t be nearly as severe.” You sniffle and nod, rolling over and laying down on your tummy.
He flips your dress up and yanks your panties down your legs, eyeing your ass for a moment.
“Bucky and Nat are important members of this family, and you will treat them as such, do you understand?” You nod, crying out in pain and thrashing away from him as a leather paddle comes down hard on your ass.
“Am I going to have to tie you to the bed?” You can’t answer, you’re too busy trying not to choke on your own snot.
He grabs your wrists roughly and ties them to a hoop on the headboard, successfully leaving you at his mercy.
He smacks you again, and again, then a fourth time, and you squirm away as much as you can.
“When you’re good, you don’t get punished.”
He delivers sixteen more impossibly hard hits, then tosses the paddle onto the ground and climbs onto the bed, cock raging in his pants.
His knees push your legs apart and you shake your head, tugging against your restraints desperately as he lines himself up with your entrance.
“Huh, would ya look at that?” You press your face into the mattress, humiliation filling you as he rubs his cock through your wet folds.
“Feels like somebody enjoyed that a bit more than they were letting on, huh?” You shake your head, crying out as he sheaths himself fully with only one thrust.
Your walls burn at the intrusion, body instinctively creating more moisture to lubricate the violation, but that’s not how Steve sees it.
“Fuck, your body misses me, huh? Hates it when my cock isn’t fucking you.” He grabs your hips and hoists them up, then starts a punishing pace, forcing you to take every painful inch of him.
“Fuck, feel how tight you are... squeezin’ me so nice...” Every hit of his hips against your ass makes you cry out in pain, your entire lower half on fire.
“M’gonna fill you with my cum then lock it in. You’re gonna give me another fucking baby. Gonna grow nice and big.” He picks up the pace, eyebrows furrowed and face screwed up with pleasure.
His hips still, warmth exploding within you as he reaches his climax.
He stays inside you for a long while, catching his breath while his cock softens, then he slowly pulls out.
“You know,” he begins, rooting around in the box for something, “it’s much more effective if you orgasm too. Really sucks it all up in you and improves the chances of fertilization.” A switch flips and then there’s a constant buzzing noise filling your ears.
Right as you realize what it is, he’s got the vibrator pressed against your clit.
You jolt away from it, hips wiggling at the stimulation.
“N-no,” you whisper uselessly, inhaling sharply when he grabs your waist with one hand to keep you steady, forcing the vibrator against you.
“Look at that... feels good, huh?” You don’t reply, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as the coil in your belly tightens, your toes curling and your back arching, forcing the device against you even more.
Your mouth drops open and your eyes roll back as your body starts to convulse, a powerful orgasm tearing through your entire being.
“There it is,” Steve whispers, watching with dark eyes as he forces an orgasm out of you.
Your pussy flutters and clenches, clit swollen and aching when he finally removes the vibrator.
You’re still recovering from the intensity of your climax when he presses something cool to your entrance.
He forces the plug inside of you, despite your protests, then yanks your underwear back up your legs.
“Now c’mon. We’ve got guests to entertain.” He unties your wrists then helps you to your feet, watching in satisfaction as you struggle to walk down the stairs.
You rub your raw wrists, heart racing in your chest as you slowly walk into the dining room.
Bucky and Nat each look up at you, the redhead turning away while the brunet eyes you, a dark look in his eyes.
Steve’s hand remains possessively on the small of your back, and you carefully sit down, wincing at the burn in your backside and the throbbing of your core.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Steve says, a smile on his face as you portion out some food for him and yourself.
“It’s alright. Things happen,” Bucky replies, eyes stuck on your face.
“It’s been a while since we... since I last saw you, (Y/n). How have you been?” You swallow hard, eyes focused on your plate as you answer Bucky’s question.
“I’ve been fine. How have you been?” He takes a moment to answer, and in the thick silence of the room you can hear the metal plates in his arm whirring.
“I’ve been good. Happy that Steve has you back now.” You nod, forcing yourself to chew and swallow a mouthful of pasta.
“Mommy I’m full! Can we go for ice cream now? Aunty Nat and Uncle Bucky said we could!” You nod, pushing your almost untouched food away and standing up quickly.
“J-just let me clean up, then we can go for ice cream.” You start gathering the dishes, eager to leave the room and put some distance between yourself and the people at the table.
“I’ll give you a hand,” Nat says, rising to her feet and gathering the other half of the dishes.
You ignore her, grabbing the remainder of the food and starting to pack it up in containers in the kitchen.
“(Y/n), I’m sorry.” You shove the food into the fridge and turn to face her, tears welling up in your eyes.
“You’re sorry? That’s it? You’re fucking sorry?! I’m right back where I fought tooth and fucking nail to escape because of you! You’re the reason I’m back here with him, why Sarah’s back here and why he’s hurting me all over again and all you have to say for yourself is ‘I’m sorry’?!” Your voice is whispered, but the words may as well be shouted.
She shakes her head, hating the truth behind your words.
“Y-you don’t understand, (Y/n). I had to.” You sniffle and scrub a fallen tear off of your cheek.
“Or what? Would he kill that rapist boyfriend of yours? You swore you’d keep it a secret and now, because of you, my father’s dead and I’m stuck with a man who’s going to torture me and possibly my daughter as well. So don’t you fucking dare tell me you had to or that you’re sorry because those are both lies.”
You take a few deep breaths, walking to the sink and starting to wash the dishes.
“I trusted you. And you led him straight to us. I don’t care what you say or what you do, I’ll never fucking forgive you. If it were up to me, you’d be left at that cabin to bleed out. It’s what you fucking deserve after what you’ve done.”
She’s silent, standing there behind you for a long moment before turning and leaving the kitchen.
Your hands shake with the intensity of your outburst and you have to stop yourself from crying, chest rising and falling rapidly as your emotions get the better of you.
Your vision starts to blur, soapy hands gripping the edge of the counter tight enough to hurt. You lean over slightly, trying desperately to suck in more air as anxiety fills and overwhelms you.
“(Y/n)?” You don’t notice his hands on you until he’s pulling your hands off of the counter.
“I-I can’t.”
His hands find your waist, trying to usher you away from the sink, and your ears begin to ring.
Your knees give out and you crumble in his arms, him easily supporting your weight as you lose consciousness.
“Buck, take Sarah out for ice cream now.” His voice holds the same type of authority as it does when they go on missions, and the brunet pops his head into the kitchen to investigate for a moment before nodding.
“C’mon Sarah. Do you know what you want?” Bucky asks, taking Sarah’s hand and leading her to the front door.
“Do you?” She sasses.
“Well missy, I’m gonna get two scoops of chocolate, and Aunty Nat's getting mint chocolate chip.”
“I want cookie dough!”
The front door closes with a soft click and Steve sighs, scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to the bedroom.
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magicxc · 3 years
Pairings: Soft!Dark!Steve x Black!FemReader
Summary: New to the neighbourhood, reader gets a special welcome from Steve.
Word Count: 5078
Warnings: Explicit 18+, Dub-Con, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Hand Job, Cum Eating, Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex
A/N: This fic has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time and I was finally able to articulate my thoughts long enough to see this through. *does happy dance* This steamy piece is every bit inspired by @queenoftheworldisdead​ and her Home for the holidays fic, so I recommend y’all give that a read. Enjoy and lemme know whatcha think!!
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Moving always sucked for me. When I was eight years old, I moved during the middle of the school year because my parents got a new house. New district, new school, new friends. I guess that wasn’t too bad. Children are fickle as is. Up next was highschool. The eldest of three gave me privacy privileges that allowed me to move downstairs into our basement. It seemed cool until I had to drag damn near my entire bedroom down the steps by myself. Bitches, all of them. A little help would’ve been nice, but what also made things worse was the fact that I cracked my bedframe on the way down. The only good thing about that incident was that it made for a really cool, not so true, story about me getting some action. It’s safe to say my highschool life became a little lively afterwards. Then came college. Yes, my dorm came partially furnished, but it didn’t make the setup any easier. I- I guess when I think about it, all accidents aside, it really all just boils down to laziness. There’s so much lifting, and sweating, and exerted energy. It’s tiring. But at least I own up to it. I genuinely hate unnecessary labour. 
And that brings me to now. Four years later and a degree in hand, I think it’s time to leave the nest, so to speak. Although late night cramming, frat parties, and shitty cafeteria food was a vibe, I think I’m ready to have my own space where I don’t wake up to my roommate getting her guts rearranged. I mean, get it in where you can but preferably when I’m not there. Shortly before graduating, I spent my final days on campus house hunting. My ultimate preference was to find something in a nice area, have ideal yard space, with close proximity to the city, and for the love of God, have a big kitchen; because ya girl likes to eat. Which is why I felt like I landed my dream home in Hillwood. 
Thankfully my family was a great help to me moving in, this time around. Three days and two sore muscles later I was, for the most part, good to go. There was still a lot of setting up to do and rearranging of the general area, but the only thing I was missing was my vanity table. It took a little longer to ship but the large counter space and the IG ready lights made the wait oh so worth it. And now here I am, leaning out onto the railing of my porch as I patiently wait for my delivery because according to my email, it’s been shipped. Yeah, I’m one of those. Standing outside I feel the chill, autumn breeze caressing my warm skin as I gaze out into the open air, my heart swelling with pride as I reflect on my life’s journey. 
Too into my thoughts, I barely register this random man approaching my steps. It puts me a bit on edge, and I was all too ready to tell him how he was getting just a little too comfortable until I eyed his friendly grin. Fuck, why is pretty privilege such a thing. 
“Howdy neighbour” he says as he comes to a slow stop just beneath the steps. “I’m Steve and I thought I’d come on by and welcome you to the neighbourhood”
Steve? As in Rogers? Didn't they leave his ass on the moon? I mean, it does sorta look like him. Minus the fluffy looking beard and the extra muscle mass and those big, veiny, han- hold up. I’m staring and it’s safe to say he’s noticed; not that I care. Fuck, I wonder if any other moon men live in the neighbourhood. I wouldn’t mind some eye candy. 
“Steve” I like the way that rolls off my tongue. I wonder what else I’d like to roll off my tong- and there it is again. Dammit, I'm not gonna last long like this.
“Nice to meet you. This where you been hiding out?” 
“Yeah, let's go with that,” he said chuckling. “So, what brings you to Hillwood?” Steve asks. 
“Cheap prices” I said shrugging. “Thought you were on the moon?” I questioned. 
“And I thought it was courtesy to exchange names after an introduction,” Steve countered. 
“Touché Steven” Standing up straight, I gesture for him to climb up the steps and offer him my name as I slip my hand inside his. 
There’s a roughness to his palm, his thick fingers the size of sausages and I can’t help but imagine where else I’d like to feel them. We shake on it, his squeezing a little firmer than necessary, but I welcome the grip; liking the feel of his strength. It soon dwindles down to a light swaying and some minor eye fucking, either of us unwilling to let go. Eventually our handshake comes to a gentle stop as he repeats my name back to me.
Caressing my knuckles with his thumb, Steve begins “you know, if -“
Easing my hand from his grip I make my way inside to answer the phone, shouting back a quick “one sec.”
I hear him mumble out how he was saved by the bell and I find it too cute that America's hero, who was out here fighting in literal wars, gets a little shy over me. 
I reach the phone and see that it's my sister, who’s probably calling to remind me of our family video session. And as much as I hate to tell the moon man goodbye, my family will kill me if I miss another gathering. The last time we scheduled to get on a call I completely forgot, finding myself drunk as hell at one of my college's local bars. I was ten shots in and a few licks shy from the lime wedged into the strangers mouth. Why in the fuck I answered my phone is beyond me, but my drunk mind thought it was cool. Tongue out and nipples in reach, it’s safe to say that my parents weren’t impressed and my siblings have since refused to let me live it down. So, unfortunately I can't ditch this meeting to oogle mr fine on my porch. But, I genuinely love our get togethers and the way that we make time for one another even when we can't be in each other's physical presence, so I don't mind. Hanging up the phone, I make my way to the door to see if I can put the moves on this beefcake of a man before I let him go. 
“It was very nice to meet you Steve, but I have to get going. Let's exchange numbers so that you can show me around the neighbourhood sometime?”
“Yeah, I can do that,” he smiled. “By the way, what’s your favorite pastry?”
“Ohhh you’re gonna get me food? You know the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach!” I exclaimed.”
“I thought it was through love and loyalty,” Steve challenged. 
“No, not even close. It’s through food. You’re in the twenty first century now, things are changing.”
“Clearly, I have a lot to learn.”
“Yeah, clearly. But I do like cheesecake,” I mused. 
All playfulness leaves Steve’s face and he gives me this blank expression. “Y/N,” he says slowly, “cheesecake isn't a pastry.”
“But it's sweet.”
An awkward silence follows and I’m point two seconds away from feeling slow, like damn just say what you’re thinking. 
“That doesn’t make it a pastry,” Steve protested. 
“My bad, is it a cake?”
“Actually, it’s a tart”
“Steve, get off my porch.” 
I didn’t actually want an answer. Not that I mind him putting me on, but people normally pick up on my sarcasm. And why the hell is it called a cheesecake, if it's not a cake. His laughter cuts through my poker face and I find myself in a fit of giggles at his boyish charm. Apparently there’s this whole subdivision of desserts which Steve spent the next several minutes delightfully explaining. And I loved his excitement which is why I held back on my next joke. Since we’ve only just met and he doesn’t understand my sense of humor, I don't want him to shut down on me. 
The incoming video call breaks our conversation and I shush him with a quick peck to his cheek and a door to his face. Running to the couch, I pause, realising what I’d done. And I just had to laugh because I didn’t regret it for a second. I plop down on the cushions just as I hear Steve's retreating footsteps and press answer. 
“Good to see you sober,” my sister teases. 
“Shut the fuck up Ashley.”
“Y/N,” my mother lectured. “Just cause you’ve moved out of the house doesn’t mean you’re exempted from whoopings. Watch your mouth.”
“Yes ma’am,” I apoligised. “My bad, but please tell Ashley shut up about that. I feel embarrassed as is.”
“I fEeL eMbArRaSsEd As Is,” Ashley mocks. “And you should be.”
“It’s always the last child that's the most chaotic,” my older sister chimes in. 
“Girls please, do not start this. We just started the damn call,” my dad criticized.
And that's how the next hour my evening went. Some bickering here, some gossiping there, and an overall update of everyone's daily life. And I fucking love these intimate times with my family because it makes being out here a touch less lonely. I do enjoy having my own space, but sometimes I miss being in the house with them. Fighting my sisters on who gets to take a shower first or bitching about who ate who else's leftovers. Another peak moment from our conversation was them agreeing to spend the weekend out here with me, to really break in the house. It also helps to have the extra hands here to help set up my vanity table, but they don't need to know that right now. 
Finally, the weekend rolls around and currently my family and I are littered around the front room television glued into Netflix’s most talked about series. I probably wouldn't have made it past the first round of the show, but that's a discussion for another day. Debates, assumptions, and even bets get thrown around with promises to finish off the series the following day. And it's safe to consider their money gone because I'm great at predictions. Sometime later we find ourselves in a heated game of taboo, in which I leave with a face full of tears and a sore ass loser. This night is for the books. Because if I thought the bar thing was bad, I haven’t seen nothing yet and knowing my family, they will never let me live this down. But in all fairness, I'm very competitive and my dad sucked as a game partner. Like straight up shitty with his hints. I think he should pay my cable bill to really make it up to me. You know, something light - nothing too crazy. 
I promised myself a shower, to cleanse the stench of loser, and as water trickles down my back, I take in a deep breath to inhale my essential oils in hopes of relaxing my achy muscles. Combined with the steam of the shower, the mist of the oils work deep into my pores and I feel my limbs droop in relaxation. Lathering up my towel, I swipe across my skin, scrubbing it spotless. Continuing to wash myself, I rinse off the excess soap and step out of the shower thirty minutes later; feeling clean and every bit of exhausted. Moisturizing my body, I slip into my night dress and make my way downstairs to the kitchen for some herbal tea to really set the mood of tranquility.
Stepping into the kitchen, I hear several knocks at my front door and according to my stove, it's 12:33. So whoever is on the other end clearly doesn’t respect my sleep. I think about ignoring it off the fact that they’re here unannounced, but my thoughts drift back to my family and I'd hate to disturb their slumber just because I'm awake. Walking over to the door, I take a look through the peephole and sigh in annoyance because clearly the moon man doesn’t care about the time. A second round of knocks pitches me out of my spot and I find myself unlocking the door to see a beaming Steve on the other end. 
“It’s midnight,” I stressed. “What is it that's so important that it couldn't wait until morning?
“Cheesecake,”  he muttered. “I’ve been busy these past couple of days and I finally had some free time so I whipped em up. I couldn't really sleep and I needed something to keep my mind busy. Plus they’re even better when fresh,” Steve stammered on. 
“Steve -“
“And I missed you. I know that we’ve spoken here and there, and texted back and forth, but I just wanted to see you again. You’re hilarious and I could use a laugh tonight,” he murmured. “And I see now that I didn’t think this through.”
“Steve enough,” I objected. “I'm awake now.”
I lied, I'm actually very much tired, but I felt bad for him. I know how it feels to have an overactive mind that prevents sleep, so I don't mind chatting him up for about ten minutes. Plus, he made me cheesecake. When my roommate used to wake me up, in the middle of the night, the only thing she had to offer was her problems. So this seems like a fair trade. Stepping aside, I open up the door a little wider to let him inside. 
“Y/N, I'm sorry for intruding,” Steve started. “Honestly, sometimes I forget that I dont keep the same hours as regular people, but you really don’t have to.”
“Steven, I'm awake now. Just come inside.”
“You literally look anything but,” he chided. “Luckily for you, I can fix that.”
“Oh yeah? How you gonna fix that?” I query. 
“With this,” he exclaimed, holding up the box of cheesecake. 
“Well fix away neighbour cause now you’re letting all my air out,” I gesture inside the house. 
“As you wish.”
After Steve steps inside, I close the door and direct him toward the kitchen, where he places the tArT on the counter and begins describing his baking process behind it. I zone out for a bit, hungrily staring at the dessert. It’s topped with a red, cherry glaze that he smothered on top, with chunks of cherries littered in between, and I cannot wait to taste it. But maybe tomorrow because I genuinely don't care to right now. I always used to joke that I wanted a man that was good in the kitchen, but I'm realising now that I may not want the consequences in the form of extra calories; especially if he plans on giving me midnight snacks. Damn him. 
“Where are your knives?”
His question throws me out of my trance and I have to remember to keep this short before I fall asleep at the counter. The last time I did that, I was in the middle of begging my professor to curve my grade after pulling an all nighter. Sometime between him denying me and my eyelids fluttering, the next thing I saw after I woke up was an empty chair and kindly worded post it note. Not to mention future awkward conversations between us for the remainder of the semester. I haven’t known peace since.
“In the drawer over there,” I pointed out. “But Steve, I really don’t have much of an appetite tonight.”
“Then we’ll share.”
Clearly I'm not winning this argument and neither do I care to. Besides, I'm way too tired to try. 
After plating the cheesecake, I take a seat and watch as Steve brings a small forkful to my lips as I reluctantly take a bite. The creamy goodness immediately melts into my mouth and the graham cracker crust adds a nice texture to top it all off. Not to mention the cherry glaze. It's a little on the sweet side, but a very nice combination overall. I moan out my delight and I swear my eyes roll all the way back. I hear laughter beside me and I send him a glare because I can already tell that this is the beginning of the end for my self indulgence. Taking the fork from his hands, I swoop in for another bite of the cake. With a mouthful, I murmur my praises as Steve deserves it.
“I see why you disturbed my peace now, this was so worth it,” I joked. 
“Thank you,” he laughs. “It makes me want to make you something else. I haven't had a lot of people to cook for these days.”
“Well you can cook for me anytime,” I raved. 
Taking the fork from my hands, Steve takes the final bite of cheesecake left on the plate and drags it across his tongue in a final sweeping motion. I hadn't realsied that I’d stop chewing until I heard a light chuckle from him and I whipped my head around to check the timer on the stove because it's about that time for him to go. 
Stepping closer to me, Steve cups my face in his hands and tilts my head back, ever so gently. And I know I was lying before, but I'm fully awake now and a tad bit confused on where this is going. 
“Y/N, I know we’ve just met, but I like you. There were many opportunities that I’ve missed in my love life by putting the superhero thing first. And I don't intend to do that again.” Steve admits. 
To say that I'm shocked would be an understatement. All I expected was a slice of cake tonight, not a confessional. He’s handsome and a little corny in that forties sense of humor kind of way. And I'm not against a relationship with Steve, but this is really throwing me off. Either that or maybe I’m still tired. I expected at least two more weeks worth of flirting before Steve popped the question honestly. 
“So, are you -“
“You don't need to answer right away,” Steve interrupts. “But I just want to make my intentions crystal clear with you.”
“I’m actually speechless,” I laughed out. There is some giggling between us which eventually dwindles into an intense stare off. And I find myself leaning into his palm as his thumb strokes my cheek and maybe it's because I'm drowsy, but his light touches lull me into comfort. 
Leaning forward, Steve presses a firm kiss to my lips and I let him as I snake my arms around his waist. His lips are soft and sweet from the cake while his gingery aftershave attacks my nose in the best way possible, making me hungry all over again. Steve darts his tongue out and I slowly ease away, with zero intentions to take this further. But of course my pussy has a mind of her own and who am I to turn down this fine man's advances. 
Grasping onto his shirt collar just a little too tightly, I pull his face back to mine and bring him in for another wet kiss. I drag my tongue across both his lips and he takes that as a sign to open his mouth and swallow mine whole. His tongue feels hot against me and my body starts to tingle. Raising my hand around his neck, I yank the hair on the back of his head, earning a low groan from Steve. Pushing my tongue up, I slide it alongside his, flicking it and stroking it as I relish in the warm, velvety feeling.
Eyes half closed in pleasure, I peel them open and draw back once more to see Steve’s face riddled with lust. Lips moist from our make out session, and his chest heaving heavily, his eyes are now a dark shade of blue and all of this spit swabbing has my pussy throbbing. 
Placing one hand on the counter and the other on my knee, I graze my fingertips up to my thigh, and stop just shy of my hips. My night dress has ridden up from the angle, enough for him to see that I’ve gone commando, and I raise my hips just enough to pull it up completely. Steve was once holding my stare, but now my pussy commands his attention and I'm ready to see just how well this captain follows orders. 
Spreading my thighs apart, I perch both feet on the legs of the stool and sink my fingers into my cunt. There’s a moist stickiness already there which makes it all the more easier for me to thrust in both fingers effortlessly. Arching my back for a better aim, I let out a low moan and suddenly Steve is on his knees before me. 
“How about you taste a dessert of mine,” I taunted. “It's not a tart per se, but it's definitely sweet.” 
Draping my legs over his shoulder, Steve needs no further instructions as he hooks his arms around my thighs and dives in; slowly sucking on my clit as I angle my arm underneath my thigh to continue my lazy thrusting. My head falls back and I allow quiet whimpers to tumble from my lips, careful not to wake my family. Speeding up in pace, my hips push forward in a pitiful attempt for more friction as I curl my fingers upward, hitting that sensitive spot inside me. 
Digging his fingers into my skin, Steve swirls his tongue around a little more frantically when he senses my climax nearing. Using my other hand, I run my fingers through his hair and a sharp nip on my bud causes a surprised shriek to follow. I didn’t quite like the sensation of pain, but looking down, I see that my body thinks otherwise. To my surprise, there's a small puddle that's trickling beneath me and while my orgasm wasn’t earth shattering, it did make me feel fuzzy. Drips of desire continue to add to that growing pool as Steven gently removes my fingers and licks them clean. Sucking onto them longer than necessary, he pointed out that, “I agree, you are sweet.”
“Have you ever known me to lie?” I quip. 
Smirking, he raises to his feet and pulls my dress up and over my head, tangling my hair in the process. A fluffy mess atop my head, it’s a bit of an indication of what's to come next. Grabbing my neck Steve then smashes his lips to mine, our noses brushing together softly, which is a stark contrast to the rough way he’s kissing me. Pulling back, he leans his forehead against mine, with a stare that’s determined. Almost a promise of sorts, a promise to ruin me, a promise I hope he fulfills. 
“Our first time’s really gonna be in the kitchen baby,” Steve speculated unbuckling his belt. “I think I love you already.”
“What's wrong with the kitchen? Is this not the place you come to eat,” I added, undoing the top button of his jeans. 
Tugging his shirt over his head, Steve flings it to the side saying, “and I’m ready to eat again.”
“So what’s stopping you?”
“The next time I find my face buried between your legs, I promise I ain’t letting up until your legs are shaking from all the pleasure I’m giving you,” Steve answered. Tracing his fingers across my jaw, he firmly grips it continuing, “and just when you think you can’t take much more, I'm gonna come up and massage those pretty tits of yours. Pulling, tweaking, sucking, and rubbing just right, until I bring you to the edge again; all but ready to dive into your next orgasm. But I’m not gonna give it to you,” Steve taunts, leaning in closer. Placing his mouth next to my ear, he whispers, “I’m not gonna give it to you because the next time you cum, it's gonna be on my dick and I ain’t stopping until you’re fucked out and pumped full of me,” he finished, nibbling on my earlobe. “But for now, for now princess, I just wanna hammer home.”
At some point throughout his little monologue, his jeans were on the floor and my fingers found themselves back inside my cunt, lazily thrusting. Slickly combining the mixtures of his spit and my juices together, I'm somehow more turned on than I was before. 
Looking down at his member for the first time I grow a little nervous because I wasn’t expecting the moon man to be packing like this. With a swollen mushroom tip, precum leaks to the side trailing the red veins that lines his dick. Swiping a streak of precum from the tip, I scoop it up and into my mouth, moaning at the taste. It's warm and salty, but nowhere near as sizzling as I feel right now. So I draw our mixed fluids from inside of me and smear it onto his dick, using the rest of his precum as extra lube as I slowly begin to pump him. His breath hitches, stomach sucking in from the friction and I drive my hands lower fisting up and down the entirety of his shaft, as my breathing picks up. 
Taking my other hand, I nestle them between my thighs once more, but this time they’re circling my fiery bundle of nerves. Steve tightens his hold on my jaw and my leg finds a place atop the counter, giving me more room to plunge my fingers deeper. My clit in one hand and Steve in the other, I pick up my pace - stroking him swiftly, delighting in the small whimpers falling from his mouth. Taking my thumb, I apply a slight pressure over the head of his dick, instructing him to, “tell me what you want daddy”
“I want to be inside you,” he answered. 
“We’ll come on home then,” I demanded, dropping both my hands. 
Steve wastes no time as he grabs his dick and drives it straight forward causing me to shriek a lot louder than I intended. Hand still placed on my jaw, the other grabs a hold of my hip and sets off on an ungodly pace. My arms wrap around his neck for dear life and it takes everything in me not to scream my pleasure, opting to bury my face into his neck instead. 
“Oh shit doll, I have my own little super soaker huh?” He grunts in my ear. “It's a wrap for you Y/N, cause you ain’t going nowhere after this,” he swore. “You hear me?”
Sinking my teeth into his skin, I frantically nod my head yes, way too scared to give him an actual answer. 
“Nah baby I need to hear you say it. You’re mine,” he growled with a particularly harsh thrust, causing my eyes to damn near roll out of their sockets. 
Raising up from between his neck, I press my lips firmly to his croaking out that I’m yours, with a disgustingly loud moan as the angle of his hips hits my g-spot just right. 
At that, I hear a door creak open and I notice a flash of light pour into the hallway; and if there was ever a time for the earth to swallow me whole, now would be the time. This doesn’t seem to deter Steve as his movements start to pick up in speed. 
There’s a lewd sloshing sound in the otherwise quiet house and I look up pleadingly toward Steve for him, to at the very least, slow down. He pays me no mind and I decide that maybe captain ass needs a verbal plea. 
“Steve, please stop. My family is asleep upstairs,” I beg. 
“Good. Maybe they’ll get a chance to see who you belong to,” he hisses back. 
I hate him so much. Unwrapping my hands from his neck, I use them to muffle my screams as Steve refuses to let up, thrusting into me with a vengeance. My breaths come out in short, heavy pants as I feel myself on the verge of cumming. Squeezing him tighter, he must feel it too because he drops his hands from my waist and begins to rub figure eights on my clit. Shifting away from him, he twists my face forward, his warm breath fanning my face, as he proclaimed, “ain’t no running from me doll.”
Begging and praying not to be heard, I find myself lying between that very fine line of pleasure and scared. But maybe that's what makes it feel so good. The thrill of getting caught. Meanwhile Steve is muttering in my ear, like a fly that buzzes during a barbecue. And as pissed as I am at him, I find myself reveling in the satisfaction he’s forcing on my body, almost forgetting all about my dilemma until I hear speaking from up the stairs.
“Who’s down there?” My dad asks. 
Tears swell up in my eyes as I silently beg him once more, but all I get is a toothy grin in response. 
Mustering up what little energy I have left, I manage to rasp out, “it- it’s me.”
“Y/N, I know you ain’t down there eating after one in the morning,” he sighs. “Just don’t be down there all night.” 
“O- okay,” I croak out. 
There’s a brief silence that follows and soon the light turns off and a door closes shut. The tears in my eyes overflow and run down my cheeks as I bite into my palms, muffling my scream, and I feel my orgasm hit me like a mack truck. Pounding steadily away, Steve follows not too far behind with his hot seed flooding my walls. Slumping my body, my hands drop to my lap and I feel every bit of tired, fucked out, and sore, but most importantly angry. 
Grimacing toward Steve, I push at his abdomen ready for him leave and he yanks on my jaw for the umpteenth time that night, at this point, surely leaving a bruise. Facing me toward him, he pins his pelvis to mine, dick still hard inside of me, as he reiterated, “I meant it when I said that you were mine.” 
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liliacvol6 · 3 years
POV: You’re The Hot Ex~ Bucky Barnes
This was inspired by a playlist I put together and I was full of “I’m hot as fuck, my ex is crying” vibes so I decided to write a lil something. 
No happy ending, unless someone wants a part 2?? I’d be down to write it, also if this is shit let me know because I want to improve my writing. Love y’all. 
“You sure you wanna go to Stark’s party tonight? Barnes and his new girl will be there.” Nat said, sitting on the bed next to Wanda. They both looked at each other, the break up was hard but what had been harder to deal with was when Bucky had a stream of females constantly coming in and out of the tower where you both lived. And then, one day, the sex parade stopped and only one of them continued to come and go. April, was her name. She thrived off of Bucky and his Avengers status, you hated her for obvious reasons and couldn’t understand why Bucky would want her. She seemed like a fine person, but your personal bias was too strong for you to ever be kind to her.
“It’s fine, I don’t need him to feel good about myself, who knows maybe I’ll hook up with Sam or Steve tonight to really rub it in that I’m over it.” You said opening your closet and trying to find a hot outfit. You couldn’t decide whether you actually wanted to seduce one of your friends to try and piss Bucky off or not, but you wanted to look sexy anyways. 
“Mhm, right. Well maybe you should wear red.” Wanda suggested, making you turn around 
“Why red?” You questioned, making Nat turn to Wanda as well, she shrugged and said, “Well I happen to know Bucky likes that color on you.” You rolled your eyes, but turned around and started looking for your favorite red dress. Not to impress Bucky of course, but to look sexy in a dress of his favorite color and have him die knowing he can’t take it off of you.
You were standing in the hallway waiting for Wanda to finish getting ready, Nat had already gone down saying she was going to grab drinks for the three of you, while you waited for Wanda. Wanda came out in a gorgeous black dress, you whistled at her 
“Get out, you’re the one who looks absolutely sexy.” You winked at her, looping your arms together you waltzed to the elevator to head down to the party. 
It took everything in you not to scan the room and look for Bucky, so instead you looked directly to the bar. Nat was behind it filling her own drinks, you guys made your way over to her and noticed Steve sitting there chatting. 
He turned when Nat yelled hello above the music. “Wow, you ladies look amazing.” He said handing glasses to you and Wanda. Nat’s expression faltered a little and you soon found out why when Bucky and April approached the bar and sat next to Steve. You didn’t even look at him, you just took a sip of your cocktail.
“Jesus Nat, this is strong” You exclaimed laughing a little.
“Oh my god, I love strong drinks, right James? When we went on our first date that was something we bonded over.” April said laughing. You could picture her hugging his arm and you wanted to roll your eyes. But you looked up at smiled at her, “that’s cute”. You made eye contact with Bucky and tried your best not to show any kind of emotion. The breakup had been incredibly difficult and your tried your best to not show how hurt you were whenever you were around Bucky. He said he couldn’t worry about hurting you physically so instead he just decided to dump you on a mission instead. 
Sam came over, already drunk, and wrapped his arms around your shoulders and gave you a kiss on the cheek. 
“D.A.M.N. (Y/N) you are the hot ex, for sure, Buck don’t even look over here you’ll just regret your decisions” He said, making you smile silently and Wanda slapping Sam. 
“Sam...” Steve started to say, but before he could lecture you turned to Sam.
“Thanks, I’d love it if you danced with me right now. Yanno, since I look so good, it would be a shame if I just sat around all night.” Sam nodded and you led him onto the dance floor.
In truth, your heart was ripped out of your chest every time you saw Bucky. Especially the times when it was in the hallway and he tried to smile at you, but you just couldn’t do it. You tried your best to dance with Sam but you weren’t feeling it. You had to try your hardest to get over Bucky, so you tried to let it go. Just forget the pain, let the alcohol flood through you and now your goal was to try and fuck Sam. Just to get over the man who broke your heart.
It was the end of the night, you spent a lot of time dancing sexily with Sam, only spotting Bucky and April once during your dancing. Bucky had made eye contact with you, you winked at him. At that point you had been wasted, it wasn’t an act anymore you were wanting Sam more and more, he was right. You were hot and ready to move on. Well, that’s what the alcohol haze was telling you.
Now you were sitting with Nat drinking water to make up for the mass amount of alcohol. 
“You and Sam are getting pretty friendly” She said taking a sip of her drink, you shrugged your shoulders.
“Yeah, well gotta move on eventually.” You stated as you looked up and scanned the room, she snorted
“Right, that’s why you keep scanning the room for your ex?” You immediately took your eyes off of the room and turned to her. “Oh, shit, neverm-” You interrupted her by spilling your inner thoughts out. You were with your best friend and couldn’t hold back your emotions. You had them locked up since the break up and they just came flooding out.
“I’m so fucking sad, I want Sam sure for a one night stand because I keep telling myself it’ll make me get over him. But I know it won’t. I love him, I never fucking told him I loved him. We fought the day we broke up and I was going to tell him and then I didn’t and now I want to get over him but I just don’t know if I can.” You spilled your feelings to Nat, something you normally would not do if you were sober. Nat wasn’t speaking, she had reached out while you were talking and grabbed your hands. In your drunken state you thought it had been a grab of endearment 
“Uh, hi” You heard a female voice, you turned thinking it was Wanda but it was April standing there, with a red face and Bucky behind her holding a plate of cookies. “We came to offer you cookies, Bucky said they were Natasha’s favorites.” She said grabbing the tray from Bucky and placing it on the table. Bucky was staring at the ground and you got up and faced April.
“I’m sorry, I’m drunk, I didn’t mean anything I said honest-” Before you could finish, April slapped you across the face. “What the fuck?” You yelled grabbing your face. Bucky grabbed April and pulled her away from you.
“What the fuck was that?” He asked her, Nat got up and came next to you.
“You broke his fucking heart and then have the audacity to say you love him? really? When he is finally happy and in love again? We exchanged I love you’s already. Clearly if you loved him you would have told him.” April spat at you from Bucky’s arm. He looked at you with a horrified expression, you gulped in air. You didn’t know what to say. They already said I love you to each other? You were heartbroken.
“We’re leaving.” She said, grabbing your hand and leading you out of the party. 
You got to the door and hit the elevator button when you started to cry. 
“Wait, (Y/N), Nat!” You turned and saw Bucky,
“Great, fucking great” you said looking up at the ceiling and trying to stop the tears.
“Please, can I walk you to your room?” He asked, you knew he was looking at you, but you had turned away and didn’t want him to see you cry.
“No, Buck, go back to April. Make sure she’s fine.” You said quietly. You got into the elevator and when the door was closing you finally looked up at him. He had silent tears in his eyes.
“(Y/N) please, I love you too” He pleaded, the elevator door closed and you turned into Nat and cried hysterically on her shoulder. 
Part 2 has been posted: https://liliacvol6.tumblr.com/post/653548607607275520/pov-youre-the-hot-ex-part-2 
Love you all xoxo
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Impossible - 18
Tumblr media
Pairing: Eric Northman x reader
Warnings: mentions of unwanted touching and assholes thinking of rape (no sexual assault takes place beyond groping)
A/N: This is longish. I'm lazy and didn't edit. If anything is glaring let me know.
It was decided that you and Sookie would present as friends looking for a new church. You intended to play quiet and if necessary you would pretend you were the puppet Stan thought you to be until you escaped from your horrible vampire boyfriend. You thought he loved you. Sob. So on and so forth.
Part of you wanted to go with Stan’s idea. Hell, if there was a way to be rid of the Fellowship without it pointing back to the vampires, you’d jump for it in a heartbeat. They were the epitome of everything wrong with so-called religions. Standing behind their gods to justify their hate and prejudices.
You sighed as you pulled into the parking lot. A perky blonde signaled for you to park and you frowned.
“Why does she look familiar?” Sookie asked.
“That’s Sarah Newlin, the reverend’s wife. I’m not happy that it appears we were expected, Sookie. I doubt she greets everyone that pulls in the parking lot.” You clenched your teeth together. Your gut was telling you to just pull right back out of the parking lot, but this was still your best bet to find Godric. “Just be on guard.”
Sookie nodded her head then slipped out of the car with a grin on her face, ready to greet the Mrs. You followed along behind her playing timid.
“Hi,” Sarah exclaimed. “I’m Sarah Newlin. I saw y’all pulling in and thought I’d come out and greet you myself.”
Sookie walked right up to her and shook her hand. “I can’t believe I’m actually getting to meet you. My name is Heidi Merlotte. This is my friend Sylvia North. We’ve recently moved to the area and are looking for a church.”
Sarah shifted that smile to you and held out her hand. You took it gingerly and kept your other arm wrapped around your waist. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sylvia.”
You just nodded in acknowledgement.
“Well, you’re a quiet thing aren’t you?”
Sookie wrapped her arm around you and leaned forward as if sharing a great secret. “We moved to get Sylvia out of a situation, so to speak. She’s still recovering.”
You could almost believe the look of sympathy Sarah directed your way. She turned and motioned for you to follow her. “Well, follow me and we’ll see if Steve’s available. I’m sure he’d just love to meet you.”
“The reverend himself?” Sookie enthused. “That would be amazing.”
The two of you followed Sarah to an office where Steve Newlin sat behind a large desk. “Honey, we’ve got a couple of friends here looking for a church. Heidi Merlotte and Sylvia North.” You shuffled in and took the offered hand, nodding at his greeting before looking around the office. Sarah bent over to whisper something in her husband’s ear that you weren’t meant to hear. “They insinuated they moved to escape some sort of trauma.”
Steve made a sound of agreement before gracing you with that megawatt smile he was so famous for. You settled into your chair, content to let Sookie do all the talking. She always chattered when she was nervous anyway.
“Sylvia and I met in church actually, but we left when we discovered that the pastor was…well he was…” Sookie trailed off dramatically and you managed to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Homosexual?” Steve suggested.
Ugh, just when you thought you couldn’t hate this guy more than you already did. What an ass. “A sympathizer. He was a sympathizer,” you said before he could say something else that made you want to punch him in the face.
“Now see, that really makes me mad. How can you claim to love God if you love something God hates?” Too late. You wanted to punch him.
“Well, given Sylvia’s history, we know just how horrible vampires are,” Sookie added after a pause and you wondered what she’d heard in the asshole’s head. “No one will ever convince us that they have any sort of control. They are just evil.”
The Newlins’ attention turned to you with her words. You’d curse her, but this was the plan. You unbuttoned the top button on your shirt and pulled it open to show Eric’s marks. Normally you just wore one, but he’d given you a couple of extra the night before to add to your story. Once they’d seen, you buttoned your shirt back up as if you were ashamed.
You cleared your throat. “He was my boss. He was nice enough at first but then he started catching me in the backroom and feeding. He glamoured me into thinking I enjoyed it. That he loved me. I didn’t know until he came to my house one night and Heidi caught him doing it. She told me everything and helped me escape.” You reached over and grabbed Sookie’s hand. “She saved my life. I truly believe that.”
When you finished with your fantasy, you bent your head forward and wiped away a non-existent tear.
“I am sorry that such a horrible thing happened to you. But that’s what we’re here for is to help people like you. None of this was your fault,” Sarah’s voice comes.
“Thank you. I appreciate that.” You kept your head down so you didn’t have to meet their gazes again. Frankly, you were tired of looking at them.
Steve clapped his hands together. “Well, let’s take a little tour, shall we?”
A tremor of unease crawled down your spine. You were pretty sure the Rev. Newlin’s job description didn’t include giving tours to the peons. You looked up at them, attempting to appear upset instead of untrusting. Sookie and you followed the couple out of the office to what you assumed was the door of the sanctuary.
Steve stopped before opening them and turned to face you. “Now, be careful when I open the doors.”
You arched a brow. “Careful?”
He grinned. “Sometimes when we open these doors, so much love comes flowing out it just knocks you right over.”
You were pretty sure that was the flood of bullshit actually.
“We’ll be sure and brace ourselves,” Sookie responds with a chipper smile.
When they opened the doors, you were actually impressed with the sight that greeted you. The large wall of windows at the back of the church allowed sunlight to flood the sanctuary. It was quite a stunning display. “It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it? I just love this room. It just seems to glow in the afternoon light,” Sarah said, obviously meaning every word.
“It’s just so inspiring,” Steve added.
Sookie fidgeted beside you and you knew whatever the reverend was thinking, it wasn’t pleasant. You reached over and hooked your arm with hers.
He looked between the two of you. “Say have you two ever been to a lock-in?”
“A l-lock-in?” Sookie stuttered out.
You gave your brightest, fakest smile and channeled your inner Sookie. “Not since I was a kid. Gosh, those were good times.”
“Well, we’d love to have you join us,” Steve offered.
Whatever he was up to, Sarah didn’t like it if her body language was anything to go by.
Sookie tugged at your arm. “We should go home and get our stuff so we can do the lock-down.”
You looked down to cover your smirk. They were definitely behind Godric’s disappearance then. You understood Sookie wanting to get out of here, if she’d confirmed that, but in all honesty you were the best option for getting Godric out of here without causing a scene.
“You have plenty of time. The lock-inisn’t until tomorrow. Besides, we haven’t finished the tour yet,” Steve said.
“You wanted to see me?” a voice interrupted and Sarah only looked more concerned. A large bald man came to stand by the Newlins. He was obviously their muscle.
“Oh good. Heidi, Sylvia, I’d like you to meet Gabe, one of my aides,” Steve introduced.
Gabe shook your hands while running his gaze over both of you. He licked his lips and you wanted to kick him in the nuts. Maybe later. It would give you something to look forward to.
“Gabe will be joining us for the rest of the tour,” Steve said, patting the other man on the back.
The tour continued far longer than necessary. “I’m sorry but we need to be going. I don’t like to be out after dark,” you said.
“Oh there’s just one more thing I want to show you. It’s a very special part of the tour. Most people don’t get to see it. My father’s tomb.” He sounded entirely too happy about that.
“Steve, are you sure?” Sarah asked.
“I just don’t see why we need to go down there.”
“Not to be rude but I really don’t want to see someone’s grave,” you said.
Steve looked at you. “You have to see it. You can really feel his spirit down there. It’s the cornerstone our church is built on.” He opened a door that led down a steep set of stairs. Creepy basement. Check. And probably no windows. Perfect place to keep a vampire.
Sookie grasped your arm. “Sylvia?”
“What’s the matter?” Steve asked.
“She’s a little claustrophobic,” you lied.
“Well, at least take a little looksee so you can say you saw everything and you can make an informed decision,” the reverend argued.
“But we’ve already decided to go here so I don’t think it’s necessary,” Sookie said, her voice shaking. “We should go, Sylvia.”
“No,” Steve said. “Gabe!” Steve dived for Sookie and Gabe came after you. He grabbed you from behind, crossing his arms over the front of you, copping a cheap feel as he did so. Fucker. Irritation and Anger flooded through you and you knew Eric would pick up on it. He wouldn’t give you long before he came in after the two of you.
It wouldn’t take much for you to get free and to free Sookie as well, but you wouldn’t get a better opportunity to explore the basement. You feigned fighting and let the asshole carry you down the stairs with a firm grip on your breast.
You heard Sookie fighting behind you. “A little help, Gabe. I think the fucking banger’s on V,” Steve yelled.
“Quit fighting, Heidi. You’ll only get hurt,” you called and heard the commotion die down. At least she trusted you enough to do what you said.
They carried the two of you into a storage cage and locked you in after taking Sookie’s purse and searching both of you. As soon as they were out of sight and you heard the door shut upstairs, Sookie turned to you. “I sure as hell hope you have a plan because that Gabe guy is a total asshole.”
You hummed in agreement and pulled your lockpicking tools from your hair. They looked like barrettes and bobby pins to the untrained eye. “My plan is to find Godric before Eric gets here to rescue us.”
“You seem sure he’ll come,” she said, sounding surprised.
“I am. And if he doesn’t, I’ll get us out. Don’t worry about it.” You moved over to the gate to see the best way to go about getting the two of you out. The chain link configuration complicated things a bit but you’d figure it out.
“You’re always so sure about things. I wish I was like that.”
“A little bit of uncertainty makes life exciting,” you said with a grin before grabbing the gate and shaking it to see how sturdy it was. Keeping your grip you leaned against it. “Little god, little god, it’s time to go home,” you said in a singsong voice. Godric would hear you if he was anywhere in the basement.
“Little god?”
“Long story,” you assured her and shook the gate again. “Good news, the gate is designed to keep people out, not in. Also good news, I’m not completely human.”
“What’s the bad news?” she asked.
“This will be loud.” Unfortunately, the only top to the cage was the ceiling so there was nothing above you to grab onto. Instead, you grabbed onto the chain link beside the gate and used it to swing your body at an angle so your feet hit right where the lock was. You repeated the action two more times before dropping down so you could check the lock.
“Little god, I’m not leaving without you. I know you like me too much to let me die,” you said distracted as your focus was on the gate. You’d definitely done some damage but you decided to keep your feet on the ground and see what kind of damage side kicks could do.
After the second kick, you heard the door upstairs open. “What’s going on down there?” Gabe. Good.
“Nothing,” you called back even as you kicked again and the lock gave way. You grabbed the gate and pulled it shut as his feet thundered down the stairs.
He glared at the two of you before finally settling on you. You had no idea what Sookie looked like behind you but you were giving your best evil grin. “What are you up to, you little bitch?”
“That’s no way to talk to a lady,” you taunted, waiting for him to get closer.
“You’re not a lady,” he said. “You’re just some vampire’s whore.” He licked his lips and looked you over again as he pulled keys from his pocket. When he caught sight of the lock, he frowned and moved forward, “What the hell?”
Once he was within striking distance, you slammed the gate forward so it cracked him in the head and shoved him back. You didn’t give him time to recover before you attacked with punches and kicks. He got a couple of hits in as he tried to take you down. To regain the upper hand. But you weren’t about to let that happen. Finally, you got in position to put your arm around his neck. You kept the hold up until he dropped to his knees. When you would have continued until he quit breathing, a hand dropped on your shoulder.
You looked to Godric. He wasn’t your sire. You had no loyalty to him, but he was a friend. You released Gabe and took a step back. Your gaze ran over the little god. Other than being paler than usual, he looked good. The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. That was all the invitation you needed to wrap your arms around him.
He returned the hug. He moved his nose near your neck and inhaled. “You smell like my child.”
He held you at arms length and looked at you in surprise. “He’ll come for you then. Not that he wouldn’t have anyway.”
“Oh, yeah. I figure we’re about out of time.” You gestured to the cage. “Godric, meet Sookie. Sookie, Godric.”
Sookie gave him a smile and a little wave. “Nice to meet you.”
His mouth set in a firm line and his gaze settled on you. “You brought a human with you to rescue me?”
“She’s a little something else, if that makes you feel any better.”
“Not particularly, no. Especially considering what this one would have done had you not been who you are,” he gestured at Gabe.
“Speaking of, you should let me kill him. He groped me.” Reminded of the earlier incident you moved over to the prone form and nudged him so he was laying on his back. Then you kicked him in the balls as hard as you could. “Asshole.”
Godric’s lips twitched. “Feel better?”
“Much.” Sounds of a fight came from upstairs. “Eric.”
“Yes. I am here, my child. Down here.”
In a flash Eric was there. He stopped in front of you first, holding your arms as he looked you over. “I’m fine.”
He nodded once before turning to his maker. “Godric,” he said almost reverently before kneeling in front of him.
The moment was interrupted by Sookie’s laughter. The three of you turned your attention to her. She had a hand over her mouth as she tried to quiet herself. She shook her head. “I’m sorry. It’s just Eric is all respectful and kneeling while you hugged him and called him little god. It’s just funny.”
Eric got to his feet and gave you a look. “Of course, you did.”
“What? Godric likes my hugs.”
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awesomerextyphoon · 3 years
Madripoor Musings
Summary: You’re undercover as Zemo’s Sugar Baby while you’re with the team in Madripoor. You seem to like the position a little too much and Sam gets jealous.
Parings: Sam Wilson x Black Female Reader, slight Zemo x Black Female Reader
Word Count: 1,685
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Warnings: FATWS Spoilers, Smut, Oral (f receiving), Light Choking, Angst, Semi-Public Smut,  Daddy Kink, and Slight Emotional Manipulation
A/N: Ran into another writer’s block so I’m using prompts from this list to get myself out of it. Enjoy!
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“So, are we good to go, everyone?”
The four of you were jet-setting in Zemo’s private plane to Madripoor to get info on this new version of super solider serums. Zemo came up with the idea of having Sam go undercover as the West African weapons dealer/smuggler, Smiling Tiger. Bucky returned to his ‘Winter Soldier’ mode and you were to become ‘Miss Erina’, Zemo’s new arm candy/Sugar Baby.
Your backstory was simple: you’ve been with Zemo since before he went to prison living in his many estates and luxurious apartments.
It took some time for everyone to get into character. Sam tried and failed to pull off a Nigerian accent while Bucky kept up his hard glare and glower routine. You and Zemo put on the perfect couple facade with the both of you placing semi-sensual touches on each other’s bodies and showering each other with (sometimes lewd) compliments.
“Oh, thank you for the necklace, Daddy!” you gushed loving the way Sam was fuming. Bucky almost broke his character trying not to snicker.
“Nothing’s too much for you, котёнок/kotyonok (kitten).” Zemo mused as he offered you a coy smirk and leaned in for a kiss.
You giggled as he placed kisses along your jawline, neck, and collarbone.
“We’ll continue this later, киса,” Zemo whispered while winking at Sam.
 Madripoor was amazing, to say the least. It was a cyberpunk wet dream with bright lights at various angles and two distinct levels giving off a Black Lagoon/Blade Runner/Ghost in Shell vibe.
It felt like your kind of town.
It’s been like this since the Snap. Your older sister died in a car crash right after Thanos’ victory. Your father and uncle were blipped into the ocean dying instantly. Nowadays, your mother could barely talk to you without crying.
Natasha was dead and Steve fucked off to the 1940s to crush English pussy. Sharon got branded an enemy of the US Government and was forced to run. Some dumbass cracker (you will NEVER acknowledge his name) was given Sam’s rightful shield and mantle of Captain America by the craven, racist US government and had the NERVE to tell you to stay out of his way.
To top it all off, you found out that the US military tortured a man for 30 YEARS in order to ‘make the perfect soldier’.
You were finally in a place that matched how you felt.
“We’re heading into Low Town. Be on your guard, everyone.” Zemo warned as he lifted your chin and kissed you again. He insisted on walking towards your escort.
“Why do I have to wear this again? I look like a pimp!” Sam whined while looking sexy AF in his Ankara (I’m saying it’s Ankara) suit.
“Don’t mind him, Daddy. Sam has no sense of style.” You joked snuggling closer to Zemo.
“We’re not at the club yet.” Sam pointed out, vexed at the way you were clinging onto Zemo.
“We cannot let our guard down, Wilson. Selby has eyes everywhere.”
Sam relented and tried not to look your way. It was tempting due to you wearing an amazing Burgundy Fashion Nova Sugar Free Mini Dress with Black Bow Whoa Pumps. Your curves were out, but not in a shameless manner.
You had class, yet you were a tease.
 The ride to Selby’s was nothing short of thrilling.
You were right about the overall aesthetic. Madripoor definitely has the ‘dystopian punk’ feel on lock.
“You look radiant, котёнок.” Zemo cooed as you kissed his neck liking how smiled at Sam and inwardly cackled at Sam’s glower.
 Several men and some women moved to make a pass at you on the way to the club. A few audacious men learned that you were Zemo’s the hard way, Bucky made sure of it.
You had to mask your displeasure at how many people were shooting appreciative glances at Sam.
You just hoped this escapade would end soon.
 Zemo advised everyone to aim straight for the bar wrapping his arm around your waist as he strode into the club. Sam and Bucky followed suit slipping into their Apex and Winter modes respectively.
The bartender licked his lips as he looked you over, “Thought Selby told ya you ain’t welcomed here, Zemo.”
Zemo raised an eyebrow, “I know, but this is important,” he eyed several bouncers making their way towards your group. Their moves did not faze the baron. He simply turned to Bucky and whispered in his ear.
It didn’t take long for Bucky to let loose. You could’ve sworn a couple of people were ready to shit themselves.
 Selby was...interesting. She/They gave off a pretentious ‘I’m always ten steps ahead’ aura with a bit of fake whimsy. She/They wanted to give you to one of her best clients and keep Bucky for herself/themselves (probably for sexual reasons, didn’t want to pry).
The conversation was going well...until Sam’s phone went off.
Insert facepalm.
You’ve told him time and time again to put his phone on silent and get rid of vibrate. Now he was gonna get y’all killed, but you said,” Fuck it!” and shot her/them and the #2.
The group had to book it and you cursed yourself for wearing non-running heels.
 Your asses were saved by a guardian sniper, Sharon. You were glad to see her again missing your bi-weekly movie nights and sporadic weekend brunches.
“It’s good to see you, Sharon.” You greeted as you hugged Sharon at the entrance of her High Town pad.
“It’s great to see you, too, even after you’ve destroyed my work.” Sharon lowered her voice while pressing her lips together in frustration and then lust at the sight of Sam’s deliciously thicc upper body.
You couldn’t blame her as you wanted to run your hands and tongue along his planes of muscle.
You listened in on the group’s conversation as you changed clothes seeing Sam’s distress at Sharon and Zemo’s words. They did have a point about how being a hero does ring hollow, but it still hurt to see Sam’s sadness and hurt.
 You found Zemo, bless his heart, dancing like a lost dad on the dance floor and started grinding against him while shooting Sam a sexy pout accentuating your sensually full lips.
Sam, for his part, was trying to look interested talking to a waitress with killer legs. He almost lost it when he put his arms around your waist.
“Let’s see if we can get a reaction out of him,” you whispered wrapping your arms around his neck. He knew that Sam hasn’t been giving it lately.
 Your little stunt lasted for about ten minutes before Sam stomped over grabbing your arm and dragging you into one of Sharon’s ‘private rooms’ after another man got too close to what was his.
“Why did you drag me away like that?!” you shouted secretly turned on by the raging fire in his eyes.
“So you like calling your men ‘Daddy’?” Sam demanded as he backed you into the wall.
“I’m your ‘daddy’ now, vixen.” Sam breathed while lightly dragging his finger up your thighs only to find no panties.
“No panties, huh?” he smirked as he twirled his forefinger around your clit causing you to moan.
“Fuck, I love hearing you moan. Say my name, vixen. Don’t care if Sharon finds out.” Sam murmured against your lips. He effortlessly lifted you in such a way to make you wonder if he got some SS serum. It didn’t hurt that you got to see his muscles bulge underneath his turtleneck as he landed your blessed backside onto one of the tables.
“Eyes on me, kitten,” Sam ordered as he forced open your legs and made his way your slit leaving open-mouthed kisses and love bites in his wake. “You're already soaking for me, baby.” he mused as he gave your slit a long lick.
You could barely keep yourself from moaning.
“Who's your daddy, baby?”
“You are!”
“I’m your ONLY daddy!” Sam shouted and dove in.
You were drowning in ecstasy.
Sam was hitting all the right notes with your pussy. He was always a G at eating you out. Sam swatted your hand away from your mouth, “I want everyone to know who your real daddy is,!”
He kept you on edge for nine excruciating minutes before he finally let you orgasm.
“No time for rest, vixen.” Sam chided as he flipped you on the table ass up with your dress bunched up around your chest,” Are you a good little vixen?” Sam breathed in your ear as he placed kisses along your ear, neck, and collarbone.
“Yes, daddy.”
“You’re damn right I am!” He sheaved himself into you in one swift motion. You moaned in delight at the sensation. He didn’t move no matter how much you begged him, “Tell the world who your daddy is,” he instructed as he slapped your plump ass.
You screamed out his name and Sam started thrusting. He gently wrapped his hand around your neck while demanding you to shout his name. Sam pounded into you at a relentless pace constantly hitting your ‘Cum Dizzy Sector’ turning you into a delightfully orgasmic mess.
Sam was reaching his limit so he played with your clit to make you finish first. You came with what felt like an earth-shattering orgasm with Sam coming with a primal roar not too long afterward.
Both of you were so wrapped up in orgasmic bliss that you didn’t notice Sharon, Zemo, Bucky, and a few other partygoers at the door.
“So, how did go?” Sharon teased as you tried to cover yourself up.
“How much did you see?”
“Hmm,” Sharon hummed while tapping her chin, “Enough for me to close a $19.8M art deal.”
“We’re getting a 10% cut.” Sam barked annoyed with the rest of the group reigning in on his smash time.
“Fine. Get dressed, I got a lead.” Sharon announced while smirking all the way to her quarters.
You smirked at Zemo as you made your way to the exit.
Worth it.
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captainpikeachu · 3 years
I’ve said this more than a few times before but I guess I have to say it once again: I am really sick and tired of the discourse and fanfic portrayals of John Walker as simply a mix of every single bigot stereotype there is.
The hate this character receives is honestly overblown and exaggerated to the point that I honestly don’t think fandom can even see the actual character anymore except for the fanon version that they’ve created in their heads that’s somehow just the worst monster ever. This version of Walker is dumb, violent, uncaring, disloyal, mean, cruel, selfish, nationalistic, white supremacist, domestic abuser, cheater, homophobic, transphobic, and every other type of bigot under the sun. 
I get that the show used the character to portray a symbolic message of “the bad side of America”, I get why fandom associates him with bad iconography, but it literally does not mean that every single aspect of this character is 100 percent bad/evil with no redeeming qualities. Hell, even the show itself took great pains to show that John is complex, nuanced, and that while he doesn’t always make the best decisions but his heart is still in the right place in wanting to protect people and do the right things. And I’m sorry, last time I checked, a whole bunch of MCU heroes are all just like that too, and some ones that people love have done worse than John Walker.
I don’t understand why fandom is so focused on erasing any complexity of the character just so that they can use him as a one-note bigot punching bag. And for all the talks about him being a horrible white dude who murdered a character of color, this same fandom practically ignores Lemar and Olivia, his best friend and his wife, two Black characters that I’ve barely seen anyone talk about or even write fics about, meanwhile characters like Zemo is practically elevated to likeable quirky funny hero status despite the fact that this white character murdered the Black king of a Black nation.   
Dislike and/or hate the character if you want, but the way this fandom has retconned this character into something he is not and then try to turn this into some moral war is just ridiculous and downright hypocritical. You can literally just dislike a character without having to make up some moral justification for it. Yes, the show used him to shine a light on systemic racism and white privilege and micro-aggressions, but it doesn’t make him some outright evil racist who wants to take the shield away from Sam just because Sam is Black, especially when we literally saw Episode 6 with John letting go of that shield and accepting Sam as Captain America with a nod. Just because he was emotionally and mentally unstable after watching his best friend being murdered in front of his eyes and reacted badly does not make him a domestic abuser who’s gonna hurt his wife, a woman that we literally never saw him do anything to but show his love toward. And just because he had animosity with Bucky does not mean he’s going to be a violent jealous rapist who “wants what Steve has” and hurt Bucky, when literally Episode 6 had them working together perfectly well and John being friendly as he’s consistently tried to do since the beginning.
I’m not saying everyone must fall in love with John Walker who is a perfect angel. He’s not perfect, he’s not an angel, and he is flawed. But he’s also not this “evil horrible unreasonable insane monster” that fandom seems all too happy to make him out to be and strip him of any nuance that the writers and Wyatt Russell worked hard to bring to the character. And quite honestly, some of y’all are fucking ableist in how you talk about (or or rather dismiss) his trauma and mental issues.
The fact that almost every new fic that pops up on the character’s ao3 tag is basically a “John Walker is a rapist” fic is honestly disturbing and alarming in its frequency, especially when many of them try to make John the monster versus Zemo who is practically a woobified victim, as if I’m supposed to have forgotten that Episode 6 ended with Zemo blowing up all the Flag Smashers??!!
And like I said, I’m not saying that the character is beyond criticism or that we can’t have discussions about what the show is trying to say with his character, but how about we judge him on the things that he actually did instead of the things people want him to have done, and his actual motivations instead of the ones people seem to want him to have. 
How about we give him back his complexity and treat him like a human being instead of just some one-note evil monster who can never have anything positive or good.
Sam literally gave a whole speech about empathy and stop using labels to dismiss people, so I don’t get why this fandom seems to have ignored that lesson and continue to only operate in a black or white view on John Walker as if he’s not allowed to have any humanity.
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