#if Sora gets to dance even in his reaction commands then they can dance together
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pkrockinon · 7 days ago
If we get the Disney Princess twirl with Soriku, it is so joeover, I can ascend happy. Please see the vision..
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guidingkey · 6 years ago
i have a lot of thoughts about KH3 so i’m going to put them below. it’s pretty long and obviously, spoiler-ish, so it’s under a cut in case anyone hasn’t played / finished it yet
okay, i have ... a lot of disappointment with KH3. when i first finished the game i was heart broken and hurt but i thought the journey had been incredible, but the more and more i thought about it, and the more hours and days started to pass and i started to really think on it, the more disappointed i became. i was just trying my best not to admit or recognize that i was disappointed because this is a game i, that all of us, have been waiting over a decade for, and to admit that it was anything less than what we’d hoped and imagined it to be is heartbreaking. but it wasn’t what i imagined it would be like, it didn’t feel like a proper end to a 16 year saga. 
that isn’t to say i hate the game or that i even dislike it, i loved playing it, and the journey was incredible. there were so many things that KH3 did right and did amazing, a lot of amazing moments and the way they pulled everything together, convoluted plotline and dozens of characters and all, was interesting to see. it had a very different feel to the other games, especially the title games KH1 and KH2. it was far more poignant, more mature and serious. throughout the game you got the sense that this was the end to things, because everything was coming together and sora was reflecting on his journey so far. 
so i feel like between that, and between nomura’s comments on how the end of the game would be hard to accept / how some friendships would change, i should have seen things coming, and i thought i did, but i didn’t. and i wish i could say that i was only disappointed in the ending of the game, but there’s far more to it than that. the ending however definitely felt a bit like a slap to the face, especially when you put it together with everything else that kind of fell flat.
to start off on the technical side: i feel very bad for any new players, because right off the bat square enix throws a whole lot at them, game mechanic wise, and it was a little tough even for me to keep up with all the controls at first. all the shortcuts and command switching in the middle of combat can be difficult sometimes. that being said, the way they incorporated all of the game mechanics from previous games and morphed into something more streamline, sleek, and uniform was fucking great. they really did well on that, and on making combat fun, exciting, and dynamic. all the links, the spells, the attacks, the combos, the team attacks and summons were great! the keyblade upgrading was a fun aspect too and i had fun maxing out starseeker and wheel of fate. 
speaking of wheel of fate, aside from ultima which will always be the fuckin best keyblade to ever grace the goddamn planet, i LOVED wheel of fate so much!! it was so fucking badass and very powerful and along with starseeker, once i got it i don’t think i ever unequipped it lol. 
also, one BIG THING that i absolute loved and could not stop talking about to anyone who would listen: THE NPCS!!! THE WORLD POPULATION!!! the fact that there were PEOPLE in the worlds! actual PEOPLE who walked, talked, laughed! people you could interact with and who reacted to you! It was so much fun just walking around the world and hearing all the conversations, seeing all the different NPC models. It really, really REALLY helped make the game feel more real. Like the worlds were actual worlds, and not just empty sets like in the other games. It really added another layer to the game, making it much more immersive, and I think the devs did a fucking AMAZING job and a fantastic decision on including them. :-)
and speaking of NPCS, the developers who scripted them and were in charge of them, i would like to thank them a whole lot. especially when it comes to the companions / teammates. because holy FUCK. CAN I TALK ABOUT THAT? BECAUSE I CAN’T GET OVER IT. in KH1 and KH2, it was always fun having your world companions with you, but there was never really much of anything to them apart from the fact that they fought beside you in combat and that they interacted with sora during cutscenes. but that was all there was to them. in between, while traveling, walking running breaking things or jumping on / off things, going different places, there was no reaction from them. teammates were silent companions and that was always kind of sad, always felt a little lacking.
and kh3 changed that. the scripts for your NPC teammates, having them interact with you during the actual game, point things out to you or comment on stuff you did. like flynn whenever you showboated tricks in the town, or the little games you could play with them while journeying through the world with them like in corona, when you slid down the meadow with rapunzel and flynn or danced in the town square with them. even whenever you took a selfie with them or a photo of them and they would look at the camera, comment on it, react, pose maybe. it’s those little things, the little reactions and the interactions between sora and his teammates / companions that made the journey seem much more ... real? it made the friendships more believable, that you actually did have someone traveling with you because they had personalities that shone and were shown outside of cutscenes or battle. but the cutscenes helped, too. there was much more interaction between everyone in the cutscenes this time around, and the dialogue -- while still cheesy at times (its kh and disney, of course, why wouldn’t it be?) was much more believable and natural as compared to the past few games. it felt more polished, more like conversations between actual friends, there was more emotion being displayed. in how they reacted verbally and also in the minute micro-expressions. the micro-expressions!!! god!! watching a brow twitch or an eye twitch or someone’s eyes crinkle or their hair move with the wind and the little subtle facial changes and scrunches !!! i loved it!!!
also, obviously ... the fucking graphics. the level of detail in the game. was fucking. GORGEOUS. the entire time i played i could understand why the game took so long, with everything that went into it, and how the gameplay graphics blended in so seamlessly with the in-game cutscenes. it was amazing. absolutely beautiful. all the models, all the textures, the lighting, the style --- so fucking gorgeous. and THE VIBRANCY OF THE WORLDS! the EXPANSIVENESS of them! they were HUGE! the fact that you could go so many places and weren’t bound to a small box room for the most part, no fading to black as you entered a new area. you just keep going for the most part and it doesn’t break you out of the illusion of actually being there. the maps were so expansive and the work that went into each of them was so clear...it was absolutely gorgeous and so much fun exploring them all and testing the limits and boundaries of them all.
HOWEVER, one of my main gripes with KH3, was the level of difficulty in the game. which is to say ... it had absolutely zero challenge in it. and it was extremely disappointing. in the other games you at least had to strategize on what items to equip and more importantly, what ABILITIES, but here they just hand you everything on a silver platter and let you go wild and yes, that can be fun, but not if it makes the game so unchallenging. even the boss fights were disappointing because they weren’t tough at all. the final fight against master xehanort wasn’t difficult, just time consuming. the boss battle of all boss battles in kingdom hearts 3, and he wasn’t even as difficult as riku or ansem from KH1. like. what? how does that make sense? they gave you kupo tokens in case you die but i literally never had to use it once. maybe it’s different on pride mode, but i’ve talked to people who have played it in pride mode, including my brother, and they say it’s not challenging at all either.
which, i don’t want to be eternally frustrated and never be able to beat a game because it’s so hard, but damn. at least some level of difficulty would have been nice. the enemies had a lot more HP this game but as far as their attack style went and how much damage you took, with all the accessories you were given and could equip, it didn’t matter how much HP they had, you’d cut through them easily and never be in any real danger of losing.
the worlds were also so short. like, incredibly short. unbelievably so. to the point where i really thought, for over half the game, that there would be a second go at them and you’d come back to them until i found out that that wasn’t the case, and you only go there once. the stories in so many of the worlds, toy story, mount olympus, twilight town and tangled especially, felt so ... incomplete. not only that, but so many of the worlds were just cut and dry repeats of what had happened in the original movies. it wasn’t like the other games where there were new plots and stories introduced that you could go through. the cutscenes were all basically just the movie repeated but with sora somewhere in the background. which, they looked absolutely beautiful! no joke. i won’t lie about that. it’s amazing how faithful to the disney movie art styles they stayed and how they recreated them. that’s amazing. but as far as actual content and story? they felt lacking. especially since so much of the worlds were made up of cutscenes. not even gameplay or battles but cutscenes. 
there was eleven hours worth of cutscenes in the game. eleven! on average it takes around 20-29 hours to beat KH3. that’s practically half the game. that’s insane. and i hesitate to complain about this because i love cutscenes, i love seeing the characters and seeing them interact, but unlike the other games KH3 felt less like a game you played and more like a movie you watched where you could on occasion participate. 
okay. now to the worlds:
Mount Olympus: so gorgeous....what a big ass fuckin world too. mount olympus had the most GORGEOUS lighting and colors and i probably spent a good hour just. turning every which way and staring for a couple of minutes at how beautiful and scenic everything was. the friendly back and forth between herc and sora was so cute too, really felt like they were good friends, it felt very natural and i adored it. sora’s instagram post on herc’s dad was hilarious too, oh my god. 
Twilight Town: SO BEAUTIFUL! i love how they expanding on Twilight Town’s world, made it so much more open, made it so populated! the sunset was gorgeous and i took way too many selfies in front of it on the rooftops than necessary. hayner pence and olette were adorable and i adore them and how much they wanted to learn about roxas and get him back, and how they juped xemnas LMAO. ratatouille’s bistro was a lot of fun as well but cracking the damn eggs are devil’s work and i never fuckin got to five stars BECAUSE I COULDN’T GET EXCELLENT ON ANY EGG RECIPE BFBFRJFESJSAB 
Toy Story: VERY VERY CUTE VERY NOSTALGIC GOD HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LOVE TOY STORY’S WORLD??? they did an amazing job in every world recreating the movie art styles but MAN ... TOY STORY FELT JUST LIKE THE MOVIE. fighting in the mechs was a lot of fun, the doll heartless was creepy, i had way too much trouble finding the stores i needed to go to and spent far too much time getting everyone’s voice high on helium LOL. woody was MVP of the world and he kicked ass, loved the sass he gave ymx. and speaking of ymx, how he kept subtly fucking with sora’s head, really fucked with me and left me so fuckin worried and anxious. also did we ever get an explanation on how they got home?? like we left them in a world split in two and we were just like okay bye now g2g laterrrr and its like, WELL ... OKAY THEN ... im glad it seemed their world was repaired at the end in the credits but, also, that means they forgot about sora and that makes me );
Tangled: My second fav world!! i admit ... i wasn’t looking forward to rapunzel’s world. i thought it would be my least favorite cuz tangled is my least favorite disney movie. i thought it was too boring and bland. but her world was anything but! and rapunzel and flynn themselves were very dynamic and active and interactive too. :-) it sucked that her world, like many of the other worlds, was just cut and paste of her movie with no difference, but her world was so beautiful --- full of vibrant colors, so expansive, and the movie cutscenes were gorgeously recreated. the festival where you dance with the townspeople was the CUTEST FUCKING THING EVER AND I MUST HAVE DONE IT LIKE TEN TIMES. 
Frozen: i was very tired at the end of it after being thrown off the mountain like 5 times LOL BJSKDBA. the fact that they had sora poke fun at their plot after the last time he gets thrown off is funny too haha. other than that, frozen was cute. too cold and the colors too muted / the same in every direction for my tastes, and i had the most trouble finding one of the mickey lucky marks here too. all that fucking snow man. GAH. hearing idina menzel sing though was surprising but a blessing and while frozen has never been one of my favorite movies, i adore how much emotion idina delivers in let it go. the fact that sora was so clearly in awe of her voice and powers and his instragram post on it just makes it even better fbksba. 
Monstropolis: this was fun! boo was adorable. sully and mike caring for boo and their back and forth banter, the way they just yeeted vanitas through one of the doors was fucking hilarious. sora’s reaction to being monster-ified was funny as well, and it was nice that there was a somewhat different plot to this world from the original movie.
POTC: MY FAVORITE WORLD HANDS DOWN ... nothing compares imo bjsakdbsa. the fucking hours i spent grinding to get my leviathan ship to max level and finding all the treasures and all the ingredients AND THE GIANT TREASURE COVE FULL OF ORICHALCUM AND PRECIOUS MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES. WHOOOOOO! sora’s enthusiasm for being a pirate was cute as always, and the fact that he finally became captain of his own ship!!! the sailing of the seas and ship combat was so much fun too and unexpected, and the undersea combat was very fun as well. diving down and seeing all the fish and coves and caves!! man. it was so much fun. easily my favorite world by far.
San Fransokyo: i think my favorite part about this world was the fact that it was modern day, and so phones and cars and television were a thing, and the fact that we SAW! HEARTLESS! ON NATIONAL TV! ON THE NEWS! PEOPLE WERE TALKING ABOUT HEARTLESS ATTACKING AND IT FELT SO MUCH LIKE TWO WORLDS COLLIDING AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH. and i know the BH6 world was the movie version of the world but i like to think it’s still connected to earth-616 like in the comics anyway and therefore marvel and therefore sora in the same world as the avengers and the x-men. as for the actual world itself...i was really excited at first, but it felt a little ... anti-climactic? it felt very short compared to the other worlds, and san fransokyo itself was probably the smallest out of every other one. so that was a little disappointing, but BH6 team was adorable, and i loved all their interactions with one another and with sora donald and goofy. :-)
Pooh’s World: pooh’s world probably gave me the world’s biggest heart attack, with sora reassuring pooh and having us think everything was fine and innocent and carefree like the other times and then BAM you hear sora’s thoughts and he’s like ‘he’s right something’s pulling us apart, what’s happening to me?’ and you’re just left like HUH WHAT ? THE FUCK, EXPLAIN. other than that, it was very cute. very short, but cute.
now onto the actualy story of the game. i was kind of shocked about how serious, how dark and much more intense the story was in this game. the tone and the emotion in KH3 was so vastly different compared to the other games. it’s partly due to the dialogue but also, i think there was much more of an emphasis on realistic emotions and reactions as well. in the other games, whenever something bad happened, it sucked, but it was never really a big deal. the characters would never really react like it was something world ending or horrible, they’d just move past it like it wasn’t grave or like it weighed on them. there were times where things were more serious, sure, but even then, it was usually resolved with a smile or a laugh or a joke or some motivational speech or saying.
KH3 on the other hand? totally different. everything felt like it had so much more gravitas, because the situations that the characters were put into, the battles they faced, the people they met or fought against --- they weren’t resolved with a laugh or a speech, they weren’t moved on from after a few seconds of deciding everything was alright. there were some moments like that, but there were far more weighty situations where the characters really took everything in, really reacted to it. showed negative emotions -- fear, sadness, confusion, doubt, anger. there wasn’t just symbolic talk of death in some abstract form, where you could interpret the loss of a heart for someone dying but still vague enough it could be said it wasn’t really death. there were far more realistic and understandable forms of death: flynn getting stabbed with a knife, will getting stabbed with a sword, xigbar purposely letting himself fall off the ledge down a cliffside. sora going to ‘heaven’, and chirithy telling him -- and us, the audience -- that when the heart and body perish together someone is dead, and that that’s what happened to sora and the others. and the reactions to those deaths were far more real as well. in the other games death, when it happened, was never given much weight, apart from a few -- the main characters in each of the game mainly. but for the most part, the organization members, the NPCS who lost their hearts? 
they were given moments but sora and the others all just kind of. moved on very quickly, and that was that. but for this game the reactions to seeing someone die were so much more intense. they were more real. when someone was dying, like flynn or will, people cried, sora got angry and violent and lashed out. for the organization members, they all had their own moments, there were conversations that were had, emotions displayed and truths told, and when all of the trios reunited there were tears and joy and breakdowns of relief. you could feel all of those emotions and you could see it in them and just how much this journey had cost each and every single one of them. there was no moving on right away, there was surprise but blink and they’re over it moments. each reunion and each goodbye held so much real, raw emotion, where the pain and the exhaustion and the sadness and joy were able to be felt.
in general, there was much more of a range of emotion and personality for all of the characters during moments of duress or conflict, but especially when it came to sora. and i absolutely adored it, even though it gave me so many heart attacks lol and a lot of pain and worry. he was showing such a mature side of him that we haven’t been able to get in other games. the closest one is DDD, where we saw sides to him that were serious, had more weight, but even then his faith was never broken, never shaken, and he had unwavering faith and radiated positivity. this game pushed sora to his limits. we saw him at his weakest, and his strongest, and every moment in between. we were able to hear his thoughts --- hear all the directions his mind takes that he doesn’t speak out loud. we were able to see that yes, sora is smart, and no, when things happen to him, he doesn’t just brush them off. he feels them - the pain, the hurt, the anger, the sadness, the doubt - just as much as anyone else. and the doubt. i’ve been saying this for YEARS that sora, while his strength lies in his friends, he relies on his friends too much, in the sense that he attributes all his success and all his strength and his worth from them. that he believes he’s ordinary and unextraordinary without them. this game fucking confirmed that. the moments where he doubted himself, where he lost hope in himself, where he admitted that he didn’t think anything of his abilities without his friends. it was heartbreaking to see but it showed us that sora isn’t just happy - go - lucky all the time like some people like to believe.
and riku ... RIKU! i’m SO PROUD OF RIKU. so proud of who he’s become. his empathy, his kindness, his thoughtfulness was so beautiful and so sweet. especially when it came to aqua. that first time we saw him and mickey in the realm of darkness, and riku was hesitant to leave, and he voiced how lonely and sad aqua must feel trapped there, it really showed how empathetic he is towards people, how caring he is. his conversations with repliku, his reassurance towards sora, how he picked up on what mickey had been planning to use stopga, the way he protects everyone. he’s warm and kind and he has a strong heart and while his moments were sadly quite few in the game, he really shined bright in a couple of scenes.
for kairi, i couldn’t shake the feeling all game that they were shafting her, pushing her to the side again. more so really in the first half of the game because, wow, while riku didn’t get much screen time (and i’ll talk about that in the next paragraph), kairi had even less. i’m pretty sure hayner, pence, and olette had double her screentime in the first half of the game which ... i love them, but really? c’mon. i was hoping we’d see more of her and lea training, or their conversations, or something. the moments they had were lovely and cute and so scenic and very deep, but i was hoping for more, especially for kairi. ): they also really fucked her over fighting wise. despite stressing that she and lea have been training together to become keyblade wielders and despite both of them being told in the game that they were ready to fight xehanort and organization xiii, they only showed kairi needing to be rescued. we saw lea fighting, but kairi? maybe one or two seconds. and that ... sucks. they still didn’t do her justice in that sense. she’s prepared - she’s capable. why not show that? that being said, i’m happy she had more focus on the second half of the game, and i absolutely ADORE her being determined to be the one to save sora this time and not the other way around, and making good on that promise, and being sora’s light to guide him back to the world of the living. 
that being said i am very disappointed we weren’t able to play as her, or even as RIKU apart from those two short battles in the realm of darkness. i thought we’d be able to play more as him or kairi or even aqua, seeing how this is the third and final game in the saga, and we were able to play as riku for half of DDD and aqua had her own prequel to KH3 but it seems not. :/
not only that, but the characterization for riku, while i definitely think it started off strong, felt like it fell flat after that first fight in the realm of darkness. the fact that sora and riku were in the same room together, twice, at yen sid’s tower, and yet hardly even acknowledged one another, felt so odd. especially considering the fact that in every other game, their friendship and bond was stressed heavily, implying how close they were and how much they cared for one another. the fact that this was the end to the saga, the third game in the series, and they had only two significant moments with each other, both which lasted only about a minute or two, was so weird. it was so so weird. 
i know nomura said that he wanted to keep the friendships realistic, that friends can grow distant over time as goals change, and fine, that’s fine, but it doesn’t make sense when you look at literally every other game and see how close sora and riku are, and then they hardly even look each other’s direction out of nowhere. it was just so ... disjointed. not just sora and riku either, but riku and kairi. we never ONCE saw them interact or even TALK. not once! sora and kairi were the only ones who got any real screen time and development together in the game, which i’m happy for, because that was long overdue, and kairi was a STAR in the second half of the game and that moment between them where they FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY share the paopu fruit with each other and make a promise to protect each other was so ... fucking long overdue ... and so gratifying and sweet and romantic. 
but it’s just incredibly disappointing how all the other trios were able to get their reunion EXCEPT for sora, kairi, and riku. every other trio. literally every other trio was close, were friends, had a reunion scene. were able to relax, to find peace and rest after this long journey they’ve all been on. everyone except sora kairi and riku. we were all expecting for them to finish their journeys the way they started it: together on the island. after years of searching for one another, chasing each other, fighting, being apart. they were constantly looking out for each other and looking for each other and in the end? we never got that. we never got them together on destiny islands at last, after everything. never even got them together, period. it felt like such a slap in the face, alongside the fact that sora is dead. 
and i know sora will remain the protagonist of the kingdom hearts series, and that the secret ending set up KH4 and sora’s next adventure, where possibly riku stars in it like DDD as well, but ... FUCK. it doesn’t take away the disappointment and the bitter feeling of knowing that everyone else is able to be at peace and find happiness and be among their friends, together with everyone at last, while he’s dead and gone and alone. and i try to justify it, because sora was fine with sacrificing himself for kairi. his journey started when he looked for her. he loves her. he loves his friends. he doesn’t want them to be dead. and if they’re happy, if they found peace, he’s happy. 
but it also just hurts to think that after all that, after all of the sacrifices he made, after all the people he brought together and saved, he doesn’t get that happy ending for himself. doesn’t get to relax after everything. that he doesn’t get to be with his friends, that he’s alone. 
it’s a very bitter ending and i know nomura intended for it to be that way, but understanding and knowing that the ending was meant to be like this doesn’t mean that the ending is any good, or satisfying in any way. it’s just disappointing and a little insulting. 
in the end, i’m very mixed on kh3. i’m trying very hard to focus on what i enjoyed and take it for what it is and accept it, because there were a lot of good moments, but i can’t help but feel like the game could have been better in many ways.
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akingdomtheorist · 6 years ago
"I forgot how to play this game."
-fleeing enemies- "Because why deal with your problems when you can just nyoom."
"So how does it feel to be pewpewpew'd back?" "Is this what I do to people?"
"I give these Heartless a 3/10. Not a fan."
He went Wisdom Form had no pewpewers remorse after that.
"Is this way to the I/O Tower?" "Well if you walk up to the entryway it'll tell you. You may have to go through a few maps." "Well okay that's great but which way is the I/O Tower?" -literally walks up to the entrance- "I'm sorry."
"Why don't they just reformat the computer?" "That's what the disc is for." "You don't need a program to do that!" "You do when they're sentient!" "Why don't they just CTRL+Alt+DELETE the MCP then?" "He's Win10." "Even Win10 lets you do that! He's Win11."
"Wait, did Leon not put the fuckin' disc in the computer? Aerith put it in the drive?! Leons from a futuristic setting!"
-walks into boss fight- "I didn't save."
"Man, he did deresolution him, he's at 144P now. He's like a JPEG."
Poor guy has hit the Limit Break instead of Delete so many times.
"We just deleted System32."
I force him to try Assault of the Dreadnought with the ships I have.
And then we realized where the Full-Auto setting was after all this time and he laughed at my agony.
"This is the most StarFox this game has been." "You don't even KNOW."
"This isn't bad. I've played StarFox Assault and that's not bad."
"Sorry I'm gonna disappoint you with the panic." "Oh we're not there yet."
I got to Mission Level 3 for him to try. Just waiting for the moment... He died BUT MY ENGINEERING WORKED SO WELL! We created Code Rave and our new Teeny Ship 'MAXIMUM PEW' to take on this break in the story. After finding out we need the power of Neon Orb all day all the time, we go back to Atlantica.
"We kind of destroyed her (Ursula) last game. Right, that's a thing we did?"
"Did we just have a fight off screen?" "Nah."
"She's plagarizing her!"
"Way to go Eric, you really... really leaped into action there."
"Just kill her, you have a trident, stab her."
"Really? We're having a dance-off to save the universe?"
"Why didn't Triton just impale her? Like Eric just did? When his daughter was in danger?"
Now we need to come back later with Thundaga. Except we don't the game just kicked us out anyway.
There was some trouble that totally didn't happen  with the last song.
"Wait we didn't use Thundaga once."
"Oh it literally won't let me go anywhere else. Well at least they could give me a skateboard."
"Hey Mickey-wait guys stop everything I gotta restart Share Play."
"Well since that's the obvious direction of the plot, let's go the other way."
"Touch. The beam..."
"That's my data. That's me!"
Then he spent 5 minutes theorizing the name because clearly Xehanort is a Nobody name.
"Hi Axel. Why should we leave?"
"Ohh... it's just me..."
"Axel's just like 'don't mind me I'm just casually dying here'."
"Oh stop making puns while you're dying motherfucker."
"Aw he just wanted to bring his boyfriend back."
"Alright fuckin' wannabe Sephiroth." He's upset at Saix.
"I'm betting it's Riku."
"Oh it's Roxas!"
"What's my dodge button? That's not the button-THAT'S NOT THE BUTTON!"
"You gotta dodge my dude." "Yes-thank you."
He died. Take 2.
He died. Take 3.
He died. Take 4.
Through the power of technical use of Limiting for more magic and drives, the lock on+dodgeroll tactic, FIVE TIMES THE CHARM.
The Two Become One has been obtained. I await the moment
"Alright these mother fucker's got a giant flyin' saucer..."
"Namine's like, 'I'm bustin you out!'"
"Is this to the final boss?" "Nah."
"He's disguised! He's disguised, that's Riku. He's disguised right?" "Not exactly."
"Kairi's just like no, we're not- no, it's not happenin'."
"Is that DiZ? I mean I knew he was Ansem the Wise but I called that like ages ago."
"Is he gonna Luigi's Mansion all the Heartless into that thing?" "No." "But it looks like it does!"
"Organization XIII is real sassy for people without emotions."
"What are his weapons? How is he supposed to use them? Oh they're guns! I didn't think they'd give him actual guns."
"He doesn't have just a gun it's a fuckin' Halo Needler!" "Does this upset you?" "No, I just think it's a little cheap." "Oh it will though."
He died.
The second time around he abused the speed of Anti-Form to avoid ALL THE BULLETS and ended with a "FUCK YOU" to Xigbar.
"Did he (Berserker Nobody) just Minimize- did he just fuckin' minimize? No more of that."
"Oh Kairi just- cats outta the bag!"
"Riku took hair tips from Axel."
"Oh he's gonna Luigi's Mansion Kingdom Hearts!" "No he's gonna reverse ReBoot it."
"Ohh these are all the Organization Members I've killed? What's Marluxia the- oh of COURSE he's the Graceful Assassin."
Now it's time to play a game with Luxord. It was fairly easy though late on learning all the games was fun to watch in failure.
"Of course your weapon is called Soul Eater you edgy bastard..."
Time to go beat up angry moon barbarian.
"Oh what happened did you lose your weapon buddy?"
He did it first try.
"Yeah no Roxas didn't spend eight hours fighting this fucker."
"Too bad it's impossible [For Roxas to meet Sora] but I'm not gonna say it's 100% impossible, because this is Kingdom Hearts."
"Calling it now this is gonna change Riku back into Riku. I CALLED IT HIS HAIR IS BACK TO NORMAL. Back to his Axel hair."
"Riku get your bangs out of your face."
"Riku is a tol."
"We're finally working together! WE ARE GONNA FIGHT SOMEONE TOGETHER!" "Yeah, you are." "YES, YES-I can't shout because people are sleeping-BUT YES."
"He's- oh my god I'm basically playing as two people. I love this."
"Oh his sword- look it has an angel wing! I just noticed that! Riku dah best."
We are joined by one more friendo who has completed the game. They will be F2 in conversation quotes.
"Oh that's a lot of Heartless."
"You murdered people. You had a choice to not murder people."
"Okay, is this round one? Yeaaaahh..."
"Okay first round done. I've played the first game I know how this is gonna fuckin' end."
"Well he's dead, we can go home!"
It’s victory, or oblivion. "Well I have Oblivion so, it's just victory then."
"Is the castle fucking alive?"
"Oh we Dr. Strange now."
-uses slicer reaction command- "ALRIGHT Sora just, slice a building in half."
He thinks this is the best part, and he's only just begun.
"We're destroying the engines now? Oh no they're giant Death Star lasers."
"Of course this wouldn't be a Kingdom Hearts game if it didn't have you fighting an old man on a spaceship."
"Mickey uses his powers of darkness! No."
"Is Namine about to Cortana us--OH GOD OH GOD ROXAS JUST WALKED OUT OF ME."
"Roxas and Namine shipping Sora and Kairi together just because they wanna hang out."
"Riku, why do we always lose Kairi? Can we put a tracker on her so when we inevitably lose her again we can just find her?"
"Hey Riku do you wanna pick me up? This seems incredibly unsafe, I'm just standing on a platform."
"Did we do it? At least this phase? Are we onto the next phase?" F2 "-laughs- Oh ho ho we're only just getting started buddy."
"That looks bad. Hey Riku I don't like what's happenin' right now. This is a solid 3/10 experience for me."
"Okay Lich King wannabe round 2."
"Is it safe to use my drives? Is it? What if- OHHH FUCK." "Remember when I said what if you got knocked off the edge?"
"Oh whaaaaaat oh no."
"Let's just throw buildings at him, that seems to work."
"Hey remember how you have that reaction command that's a shield?" "Shhhhhhhhhhh."
"Buddy... buddy... you are not the Aztec concept of nothing!"
"I can Limit Form!"
"Nope, nope nope, NOPE. STOP IT!" He isn't a fan of the lasers.
"Was he actually damaging me during that?? Let's just heal up!"
"You're gonna wanna spam Reversal." F2 "The DBZ fight continues!"
"Press the button as fast as you can." "Oh, OH IT'S A LIMIT OHHH."
"Oh hey we Roxas now."
"I think I did it?"
"I know you're in Kingdom Hearts 3 Riku, you won't die. Or at least you'll come back."
The final cutscene.
"Awww, Riku's a sap now."
"Sora how does your hair stay like that, you were underwater."
"Mickey just, Pikachu'd Riku." F2 "That's just how things work in this world, don't judge." "I didn't know Riku was Mickey's Pokemon Trainer."
"Riku get your hair out of your face. Don't you have a mom that can cut your hair?"
"Who are you? Some Anubis motherfucker-WHO ARE YOU? Why are we in Destiny now?!"
"Those are our keyblades..."
"Oh my god... that's a lot of Keyblades."
KH2FM has been beaten! At least, the main game anyway. I have a few more things I'm going to make him do first.
"Why is there a black hole in our castle?" F2 "I think we should go into that black hole."
F2 "Remember that place you saw thirty seconds ago? That is not this place."
"I don't like this."
"I'm not Xehanot, I'm not-I'm not-I'M NOT!"
He died in about thirty seconds. His second attempt was in two seconds!
"Well that's it for that boss!"
-sees the car heartless- "Nope we're not dealing with these fuckers nope."
-takes look around the second room- "Help."
"Help. Help. Hlep."
Yes I helped him, I'm not a demon. No that third one is not a typo.
"That might have been the one time you wouldn't have wanted to revert." "Oh really? Whatever."
"Wait, is this the longest hallway?" "WELCOME TO THE LONGEST HALWAAAAAAY."
-beats first quarter- "Am I done now?" "Oh you sweet summer child." "You know you could just say no." "Yeah but that's boring."
Nothing says the longest hallway like eleventeen uses of Final Form!
"Fuck that place, fuck that hallway."
"Garden of Assemblage? Oh it's a place to redo all the boss fights!" "You're missing some because you need to do the absent silhouettes." "Aaaand we're done with this game!"
I made him to attempt Sephiroth.
"So a tip. When you fight Sephiroth, spam triangle." "Okay?" "While the cutscene is loading, spam triangle."
"Why do you have knee wings Sephiroth?"
He tried twice and gave up.
Well that's it, it's now 358/2 Days watch next! That’ll be all one part
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years ago
Oprah must of bought Yugioh!, because the feels level was too damn high!
Credit to :DMC3444
Last Time’s Egao Count: 292
Himika: The real fun is just getting started?
Yusho: Yeah. It’s pretty enjoyable, right?
Yusho: The way he can command his monsters as he desires, No matter how ferocious they are…
JACK: A true Duelist is one who guides himself to victory!
Yusho: This is a trial to determine whether Yuya really has what it takes to be a Pro Duelist.
JACK: Now! Show me, Yuya!
Yusho: Your resolve!
JACK: Your power!
Yusho/JACK: Show me the entertainment you believe in!
Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement.
(Opening Sequence)
Yuya: I know. You guys want to become the Supreme Dragon King! You feel that you’ll be powerless once again when Ray revives, right?
Yuya: Even so, I can’t allow you guys to become the Supreme Dragon King! I won’t let Zarc’s soul awaken inside Reira!
Yuya: I want you to fight without fusing!
Yuya: I won’t let your powers be used to hurt other people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smiles! (Egao Count: 292+1=293)
Yuya: I activate Starve Venom Fusion Dragon’s effect!
Yuya: It can steal all of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight’s Monster Effects until the end of this turn!
Crow: Stealing all of its effects?
Sora: That’s not all.
Yuya: I activate its other effect! Starve Venom can add the ATKs of all Special Summoned monsters on my opponent’s Field to its own ATK!
Crow: It stole Scarlight’s 3000 ATK and Tyrant’s 3500 ATK as well!?
Sora: Yeah. This is Starve Venom’s… Yuri’s dragon’s power.
Asuka: Yuri uses its power to turn many Duelists into cards… But…
Yuya: I activate the effect that Starve Venom took from Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! All Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than Starve Venom’s 9300 ATK will be destroyed. And you will receive 500 damage for each destroyed monster!
Melissa: Wow! Yuya is destroying both his own monsters and Jack’s in order to inflict heavy damage! Isn’t that a bit excessive, though?
Crow: Jack probably already saw that one coming.
JACK: That won’t be enough, Yuya!
JACK: Continuous Trap, Invalid Insensitive! During this turn, monsters on the Field can’t be destroyed by effects!
Sora: See?
JACK: Using an effect you stole from your opponent to obtain victory is simply preposterous! Go all out! Show me the four dragons’ powers by battling!
Melissa: As expected of the City’s pride, Jack Atlas! As if being able to read Yuya’s mind, he activated his Trap at the right moment and splendidly evaded the effect!
Yuya: I knew that he’d have a counter for it. And also… I can’t afford to lose and let those three down.
Yuya: Let’s do this! I will now join the powers of our dragons together! I detach all of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon’s Overlay Units, and activate its effect! Treason Discharge!
Yuya: Until the End Phase, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant’s ATKs will be halved, And Dark Rebellion will gain ATK equal to the lost amount!
Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!
Melissa: If this attack succeeds, Jack will…
JACK: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated!
Melissa: Whoa! It’s the card Yuya set with Stargazer Magician’s effect!
Yuya: But can you survive the next one? I use the 5750 ATK Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to attack Tyrant! Rebellious Lightning Disobey!
Melissa: If this goes through, it’ll be the end for Jack!
JACK: Action Magic, Miracle! Tyrant won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved!
Melissa: Jack protected Tyrant once again with an Action Card! But Yuya still have two monsters left! What will Jack do to evade them?
Yuya: I’ll take down Tyrant this time and cut down Jack’s Life! I attack with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Whirlwind Hell Dive Slasher!
JACK: Not yet! I send the Continuous Trap Invalid Insensitive into the Graveyard, And halve the battle damage! You’re commanding those dragons pretty well. However!
Himika: Reira!
Reiji: Zarc is experiencing Yuya’s Duel through the dragons?
Yuya: All right, it’s your turn! Let’s settle this, Odd-Eyes! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst!
JACK: Action Magic, Rejuvenation! A battling monster won’t be destroyed in battle, and it will gain 800 ATK!
Yuya: Action Magic, Assault! When a monster battles, it will gain 600 ATK during that battle!
JACK: The dragon helped him!?
Yuya: Odd-Eyes’s effect! When it battles a Level-5 or above monster, the battle damage will be doubled! Reaction Force!
Shuzo: All right!
Ayu/Tatsuya: He won!
Futoshi: I’m shivering!
Melissa: Finally…It’s finally over!
Melissa: It was an intense battle that transcended the boundaries of the dimensions! The winner is… Sakaki Yuya!
Melissa: He defeated the former King once again, And delivered an exciting and thrilling experience to the residents of every dimension! Thank you, Jack! Thank you, Yuya!
Yoko: See? You can do it if you actually try.
JACK: I’ll acknowledge it, Yuya. You are the master of those four dragons. However… I still can’t hear it. I can’t hear the roar of your soul!
Yuya: Huh?
JACK: Farewell!
Yuya: What does Jack mean?
Yuya: Reiji?
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
Yuya: Did Reira…Did Reira smile? (Egao Count: 293+1=294)
Reiji: It’s just as you can see.
Reiji: When you summoned the four dragons, Zarc’s evil spirit was awakened but…
Himika: She’s back to normal for now.
Yuya: But she still didn’t smile. (294+1=295) Then Zarc’s evil spirit is still…
Reiji: It’s still inside Reira.
Yuya: Jack told me… That I still lack something. But what am I supposed to do now!?
Reiji: As you have cleared all the tasks I assigned you, I’ll approve your promotion from Junior Youth to Youth.
Reiji: A Youth Duelist is qualified to take the Pro Test.
Yuya: Pro Test?
Yuya: Can I take it right now?
Yuya: No! I can’t just sit around and wait! Let me take the Test right now, Reiji!
Reiji: Hmph. I thought you’d say that.
Reiji: Sakaki Yuya’s Pro Test shall now commence! His opponent… …Will be me!
SAW/GON: Reiji is his opponent!?
Yoko: There’s no one more fitting!
Shuzo: Oh yeah! Get fired up, Yuya!
Kids: Be hot-blooded!
Reiji: Since I’m the examiner, I’ll choose the Action Field. You’re fine with that?
Yuya: Of course.
Reiji: Well then… Action Field, Entertainment Colosseum, activate!
Tatsuya: Isn’t this…
Futoshi: The Field used in Big Bro Yuya and Akaba Reiji’s first Duel!?
Ayu: They didn’t finish that Duel, though…
Shuzo: Is Reiji-kun planning to continue that match on this big stage!?
Yuya: Back then… I still thought that Pendulum Summon is mine alone… I didn’t even think about why I’m the only one who can use it…
Yuya: But I know now. The reason behind Pendulum’s birth… And why I’m the first one to use it…
Reiji: A Pro is someone who is perfect in every aspect. If you can’t get me to see why you’re worthy of the title, You won’t be able to pass. In order to save Reira and the world… You must surpass me!
Reiji: The Duelists have gathered in the hall of battle!
Yuya: They will kick against the earth and dance in the air alongside their monsters…
Reiji: …as they storm…
Yuya: …through the Field!
Reiji/Yuya: Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling! Action…
Reiji: Since you’re the challenger, I’ll let you have the first turn.
Reiji: Take your time and set up your Field as perfectly as possible.
Reiji: I will tear all of it down in an instance!
Yuya: We’ll see about that. It’s my turn! I summon Entermate Duck Dealer from my hand!
SAWATARI-SAN: Why didn’t he start with Pendulum!?
GONGENZAKA: Are you trying to play it safe, Yuya?
Yuya: When there is an Entermate on my Field, I can Special Summon Entermate Card Bird from my hand!
Yuya: Duck Dealer’s effect. When an Entermate Pendulum Monster besides this card is summoned or Special Summoned, I can draw one card from the deck!
Yuya: I activate the Magic Card, Pendulum Card Burst! I destroy two Pendulum Monsters on my Field, And draw two cards!
Yuya: Using the Scale-3 Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest and the Scale-10 Entermate Ignition Eagle, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 9!
SAWATARI-SAN: Is he going to use Pendulum now!?
GONGENZAKA: Do it, Yuya!
Yuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters!
Yuya: First off, the one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Next up, Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver! The Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron! Now, be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Duck Dealer and Entermate Card Bird!
Tatsuya/Ayu: He summoned five monsters at the same time!
Yuya: There’s more! The fun has just begun!
Yuya: As long as I’m with you guys, I can do it. The Duel that will make Reira smile! (295+1=296)
Yuya: I activate Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect! I can use this card and the Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest in the Pendulum Zone as Materials for a Fusion Summon! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the other pair of dual-colored eyes, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!
Yuya: Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use it and another card in the Pendulum Zone as Materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Ignition Eagle with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron!  Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!
Yuya: Finally, I overlay the Level-4 Duck Dealer and Card Bird! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!
Allen: You did it, Yuya! You summoned four powerful dragons on the first turn!
Yuya: Using the effect of the Entermate Card Bird that was destroyed on this turn, I can draw one card during the End Phase. I end my turn.
Reiji: You gained enough confidence to use the four dragons during your battle against Jack. And now, you’re using them to fight me? I’ll test whether that confidence is the real deal or not.
Reiji: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 D/D Savant Copernicus and the Scale-10 D/D Savant Newton, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 9! Immense power that shakes my very soul! Become the light that rends the darkness residing within me! Pendulum Summon! Reveal yourselves, my monsters! The three transcendental deities who rule over all kings! D/D/D Doom King Hell Armageddon!
Shuzo: Those monsters are…!
Tatsuya: That was when Akaba Reiji first Pendulum Summoned…
Futoshi: He summoned those three at the same time!
Ayu: They’re just as creepy as before!
Reiji: Battle! I attack Starve Venom Fusion Dragon with the first Hell Armageddon!
Allen: Get an Action Card! Use the skates to run around, Yuya!
Yuya: Over there, Starve Venom!
Allen: EH!?
Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated!
Reiji: Then, I attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon with the second Hell Armageddon!
Yuya: Over here, Clear Wing!
Yuya: I activated the Action Magic, Miracle! Due to its effect, Clear Wing won’t be destroyed, And the damage is halved.
Yoko: Well done, Yuya!
Reiji: It’s not over yet!
Reiji: Then, I attack Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with the third Hell Armageddon!
Yuya: Action Magic, High Dive! Dark Rebellion gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase! Rebellious Lightning Disobey!
SAWATARI-SAN: Awesome! He retaliated!
GONGENZAKA:  The dragons and him are acting as one! It’s like he can communicate with the monsters!
Yuya: Thank you, Starve Venom. Clear Wing. Dark Rebellion.
Yuya: Yeah. I’m happy as well. We’re able to understand each other…
Yuya: Sorry, sorry. Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you, Odd-Eyes.
Yuya: This feeling… It seems familiar… That’s right… I’m… Zarc wanted to entertain people with Dueling! Not just the spectators, but his opponents and the monsters as well! But the spectators wanted our Duels to be more intense. They cheered even when people were getting hurt… That’s why we Dueled more violently than before. And then… we turned into a demon.
Himika: Reira is crying…
Yuya: I… Zarc didn’t really want to destroy the world. He wanted to entertain the spectators, the monsters, and his opponents with Dueling. He wanted to make people smile with Dueling! (Egao Count: 296+1=297)
Reiji: Then, why don’t you try it? Try and make me smile! (Egao Count :297+1=298)
Yuya: Reiji!
Reiji: But don’t think that it’ll be easy!
Reiji: I activate the Magic Card, Contract with Underworld Insurance! I can draw as many cards as the number of opposing monsters that were targeted for attacks but weren’t destroyed during this turn!
Tatsuya: He drew three cards in one go!?
Reiji: Behold! This is the ultimate portfolio I have prepared! I activate the Magic Card D/D/D Fusion! I can use this card and one Hell Armageddon as Materials to Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Purplish Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Next, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Synchro! I can treat this card as a Level-2 Tuner Monster, And tune it with the Level-8 Hell Armageddon! Synchro Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Whitest Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Then, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Xyz! I can Special Summon two Hell Armageddons from the Extra Deck! Then, I overlay the two Level-8 Hell Armageddons! Xyz Summon! Reveal yourself! Rank-8! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Darkness Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Then, I activate that monster’s effect! The Hell Armageddon in my Extra Deck will be attached to Darkness Armageddon as an Overlay Unit!
Reiji: If you want to make me smile, (Egao Count: 298+1=299) Then try and break through this impenetrable formation that I’ve planned!
(Preview for Episode 148)
Yuya: I’ve made up my mind! I’ll definitely make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 299+1=300) So, lend me your powers one more time! Yuri! Yugo! Yuto!
Yuri: Our powers are already yours.
Yugo: We were originally one person, after all.
Yuto: If you have fun, I’m sure everyone will have fun too!
Yuya: I won’t let you guys down!
Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum The fun has just begun!
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authoratmidnight · 8 years ago
Arc V Episode 147 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Debut of Doomy-Doom-Doom Doom King
Last Time’s Egao Count: 292
Himika: The real fun is just getting started? Yusho: Yeah. It’s pretty enjoyable, right? Yusho: The way he can command his monsters as he desires, No matter how ferocious they are… JACK: A true Duelist is one who guides himself to victory! Yusho: This is a trial to determine whether Yuya really has what it takes to be a Pro Duelist. JACK: Now! Show me, Yuya! Yusho: Your resolve! JACK: Your power! Yusho/JACK: Show me the entertainment you believe in! Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement. (Opening Sequence) Yuya: I know. You guys want to become the Supreme Dragon King! You feel that you’ll be powerless once again when Ray revives, right? Yuya: Even so, I can’t allow you guys to become the Supreme Dragon King! I won’t let Zarc’s soul awaken inside Reira! Yuya: I want you to fight without fusing! Yuya: I won’t let your powers be used to hurt other people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smiles! (Egao Count: 292+1=293) Yuya: I activate Starve Venom Fusion Dragon’s effect! Yuya: It can steal all of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight’s Monster Effects until the end of this turn! Crow: Stealing all of its effects? Sora: That’s not all. Yuya: I activate its other effect! Starve Venom can add the ATKs of all Special Summoned monsters on my opponent’s Field to its own ATK! Crow: It stole Scarlight’s 3000 ATK and Tyrant’s 3500 ATK as well!? Sora: Yeah. This is Starve Venom’s… Yuri’s dragon’s power. Asuka: Yuri uses its power to turn many Duelists into cards… But… Yuya: I activate the effect that Starve Venom took from Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! All Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than Starve Venom’s 9300 ATK will be destroyed. And you will receive 500 damage for each destroyed monster! Melissa: Wow! Yuya is destroying both his own monsters and Jack’s in order to inflict heavy damage! Isn’t that a bit excessive, though? Crow: Jack probably already saw that one coming. JACK: That won’t be enough, Yuya! JACK: Continuous Trap, Invalid Insensitive! During this turn, monsters on the Field can’t be destroyed by effects! Sora: See? JACK: Using an effect you stole from your opponent to obtain victory is simply preposterous! Go all out! Show me the four dragons’ powers by battling! Melissa: As expected of the City’s pride, Jack Atlas! As if being able to read Yuya’s mind, he activated his Trap at the right moment and splendidly evaded the effect! Yuya: I knew that he’d have a counter for it. And also… I can’t afford to lose and let those three down. Yuya: Let’s do this! I will now join the powers of our dragons together! I detach all of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon’s Overlay Units, and activate its effect! Treason Discharge! Yuya: Until the End Phase, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant’s ATKs will be halved, And Dark Rebellion will gain ATK equal to the lost amount! Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon! Melissa: If this attack succeeds, Jack will… JACK: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated! Melissa: Whoa! It’s the card Yuya set with Stargazer Magician’s effect! Yuya: But can you survive the next one? I use the 5750 ATK Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to attack Tyrant! Rebellious Lightning Disobey! Melissa: If this goes through, it’ll be the end for Jack! JACK: Action Magic, Miracle! Tyrant won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved! Melissa: Jack protected Tyrant once again with an Action Card! But Yuya still have two monsters left! What will Jack do to evade them? Yuya: I’ll take down Tyrant this time and cut down Jack’s Life! I attack with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Whirlwind Hell Dive Slasher! JACK: Not yet! I send the Continuous Trap Invalid Insensitive into the Graveyard, And halve the battle damage! You’re commanding those dragons pretty well. However! Himika: Reira! Reiji: Zarc is experiencing Yuya’s Duel through the dragons? Yuya: All right, it’s your turn! Let’s settle this, Odd-Eyes! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst! JACK: Action Magic, Rejuvenation! A battling monster won’t be destroyed in battle, and it will gain 800 ATK! Yuya: Action Magic, Assault! When a monster battles, it will gain 600 ATK during that battle! JACK: The dragon helped him!? Yuya: Odd-Eyes’s effect! When it battles a Level-5 or above monster, the battle damage will be doubled! Reaction Force! Shuzo: All right! Ayu/Tatsuya: He won! Futoshi: I’m shivering! Melissa: Finally…It’s finally over! Melissa: It was an intense battle that transcended the boundaries of the dimensions! The winner is… Sakaki Yuya! Melissa: He defeated the former King once again, And delivered an exciting and thrilling experience to the residents of every dimension! Thank you, Jack! Thank you, Yuya! Yoko: See? You can do it if you actually try. JACK: I’ll acknowledge it, Yuya. You are the master of those four dragons. However… I still can’t hear it. I can’t hear the roar of your soul! Yuya: Huh? JACK: Farewell! Yuya: What does Jack mean? Yuya: Reiji? (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) Yuya: Did Reira…Did Reira smile? (Egao Count: 293+1=294) Reiji: It’s just as you can see. Reiji: When you summoned the four dragons, Zarc’s evil spirit was awakened but… Himika: She’s back to normal for now. Yuya: But she still didn’t smile. (294+1=295) Then Zarc’s evil spirit is still… Reiji: It’s still inside Reira. Yuya: Jack told me… That I still lack something. But what am I supposed to do now!? Reiji: As you have cleared all the tasks I assigned you, I’ll approve your promotion from Junior Youth to Youth. Reiji: A Youth Duelist is qualified to take the Pro Test. Yuya: Pro Test? Yuya: Can I take it right now? Yuya: No! I can’t just sit around and wait! Let me take the Test right now, Reiji! Reiji: Hmph. I thought you’d say that. Reiji: Sakaki Yuya’s Pro Test shall now commence! His opponent… …Will be me! SAW/GON: Reiji is his opponent!? Yoko: There’s no one more fitting! Shuzo: Oh yeah! Get fired up, Yuya! Kids: Be hot-blooded! Reiji: Since I’m the examiner, I’ll choose the Action Field. You’re fine with that? Yuya: Of course. Reiji: Well then… Action Field, Entertainment Colosseum, activate! Tatsuya: Isn’t this… Futoshi: The Field used in Big Bro Yuya and Akaba Reiji’s first Duel!? Ayu: They didn’t finish that Duel, though… Shuzo: Is Reiji-kun planning to continue that match on this big stage!? Yuya: Back then… I still thought that Pendulum Summon is mine alone... I didn’t even think about why I’m the only one who can use it… Yuya: But I know now. The reason behind Pendulum’s birth… And why I’m the first one to use it… Reiji: A Pro is someone who is perfect in every aspect. If you can’t get me to see why you’re worthy of the title, You won’t be able to pass. In order to save Reira and the world… You must surpass me! Reiji: The Duelists have gathered in the hall of battle! Yuya: They will kick against the earth and dance in the air alongside their monsters... Reiji: ...as they storm… Yuya: …through the Field! Reiji/Yuya: Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling! Action… DUEL! Reiji: Since you’re the challenger, I’ll let you have the first turn. Reiji: Take your time and set up your Field as perfectly as possible. Reiji: I will tear all of it down in an instance! Yuya: We’ll see about that. It’s my turn! I summon Entermate Duck Dealer from my hand! SAWATARI-SAN: Why didn’t he start with Pendulum!? GONGENZAKA: Are you trying to play it safe, Yuya? Yuya: When there is an Entermate on my Field, I can Special Summon Entermate Card Bird from my hand! Yuya: Duck Dealer’s effect. When an Entermate Pendulum Monster besides this card is summoned or Special Summoned, I can draw one card from the deck! Yuya: I activate the Magic Card, Pendulum Card Burst! I destroy two Pendulum Monsters on my Field, And draw two cards! Yuya: Using the Scale-3 Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest and the Scale-10 Entermate Ignition Eagle, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 9! SAWATARI-SAN: Is he going to use Pendulum now!? GONGENZAKA: Do it, Yuya! Yuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters! Yuya: First off, the one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Next up, Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver! The Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron! Now, be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Duck Dealer and Entermate Card Bird! Tatsuya/Ayu: He summoned five monsters at the same time! Futoshi: SHIVEEERRRRS! Yuya: There’s more! The fun has just begun! Yuya: As long as I’m with you guys, I can do it. The Duel that will make Reira smile! (295+1=296) Yuya: I activate Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect! I can use this card and the Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest in the Pendulum Zone as Materials for a Fusion Summon! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the other pair of dual-colored eyes, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon! Yuya: Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use it and another card in the Pendulum Zone as Materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Ignition Eagle with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron! Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Yuya: Finally, I overlay the Level-4 Duck Dealer and Card Bird! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Allen: You did it, Yuya! You summoned four powerful dragons on the first turn! Yuya: Using the effect of the Entermate Card Bird that was destroyed on this turn, I can draw one card during the End Phase. I end my turn. Reiji: You gained enough confidence to use the four dragons during your battle against Jack. And now, you’re using them to fight me? I’ll test whether that confidence is the real deal or not. Reiji: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 D/D Savant Copernicus and the Scale-10 D/D Savant Newton, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 9! Immense power that shakes my very soul! Become the light that rends the darkness residing within me! Pendulum Summon! Reveal yourselves, my monsters! The three transcendental deities who rule over all kings! D/D/D Doom King Hell Armageddon! Shuzo: Those monsters are…! Tatsuya: That was when Akaba Reiji first Pendulum Summoned… Futoshi: He summoned those three at the same time! Ayu: They’re just as creepy as before! Reiji: Battle! I attack Starve Venom Fusion Dragon with the first Hell Armageddon! Allen: Get an Action Card! Use the skates to run around, Yuya! Yuya: Over there, Starve Venom! Allen: EH!? Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated! Reiji: Then, I attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon with the second Hell Armageddon! Yuya: Over here, Clear Wing! Yuya: I activated the Action Magic, Miracle! Due to its effect, Clear Wing won’t be destroyed, And the damage is halved. Yoko: Well done, Yuya! Futoshi: SHHHHIIVERRRS! Reiji: It’s not over yet! Reiji: Then, I attack Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with the third Hell Armageddon! Yuya: Action Magic, High Dive! Dark Rebellion gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase! Rebellious Lightning Disobey! SAWATARI-SAN: Awesome! He retaliated! GONGENZAKA:  The dragons and him are acting as one! It’s like he can communicate with the monsters! Yuya: Thank you, Starve Venom. Clear Wing. Dark Rebellion. Yuya: Yeah. I’m happy as well. We’re able to understand each other… Yuya: Sorry, sorry. Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you, Odd-Eyes. Yuya: This feeling… It seems familiar… That’s right… I’m… Zarc wanted to entertain people with Dueling! Not just the spectators, but his opponents and the monsters as well! But the spectators wanted our Duels to be more intense. They cheered even when people were getting hurt… That’s why we Dueled more violently than before. And then… we turned into a demon. Himika: Reira is crying… Yuya: I… Zarc didn’t really want to destroy the world. He wanted to entertain the spectators, the monsters, and his opponents with Dueling. He wanted to make people smile with Dueling! (Egao Count: 296+1=297) Reiji: Then, why don’t you try it? Try and make me smile! (Egao Count :297+1=298) Yuya: Reiji! Reiji: But don’t think that it’ll be easy! Reiji: I activate the Magic Card, Contract with Underworld Insurance! I can draw as many cards as the number of opposing monsters that were targeted for attacks but weren’t destroyed during this turn! Tatsuya: He drew three cards in one go!? Reiji: Behold! This is the ultimate portfolio I have prepared! I activate the Magic Card D/D/D Fusion! I can use this card and one Hell Armageddon as Materials to Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Purplish Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Next, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Synchro! I can treat this card as a Level-2 Tuner Monster, And tune it with the Level-8 Hell Armageddon! Synchro Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Whitest Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Then, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Xyz! I can Special Summon two Hell Armageddons from the Extra Deck! Then, I overlay the two Level-8 Hell Armageddons! Xyz Summon! Reveal yourself! Rank-8! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Darkness Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Then, I activate that monster’s effect! The Hell Armageddon in my Extra Deck will be attached to Darkness Armageddon as an Overlay Unit! Reiji: If you want to make me smile, (Egao Count: 298+1=299) Then try and break through this impenetrable formation that I’ve planned! (Preview for Episode 148) Yuya: I’ve made up my mind! I’ll definitely make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 299+1=300) So, lend me your powers one more time! Yuri! Yugo! Yuto! Yuri: Our powers are already yours. Yugo: We were originally one person, after all. Yuto: If you have fun, I’m sure everyone will have fun too! Yuya: I won’t let you guys down! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum The fun has just begun!
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