#if I could I would make modded screenshots or fanfic of their meeting
maschinen-mensch · 11 months
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the message Mr. Hands sends to V when you pick Jago as the new BARGHEST leader
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dandylovesturtles · 9 months
Top Ten Posts of 2023
I decided, why not? ^^
I'm limiting this to fics/analysis/headcanon/etc posts I made during the year and skipping over anything that isn't my actual creative work. That said, if you're curious, my actual top post was this funky screenshot from episode 2.
10. Everyone's just fine with Donnie modding the moon buggy? (362 notes)
It occurred to me that despite being MASSIVE nerds for the Jupiter Jim franchise, the bros seemed awfully chill with Donnie taking an actual on-set moon buggy and modding the hell out of it.
A few people argued with me in the notes that the Turtle Tank is so cool no one could possibly be mad about it and I do think that's fair. The Turtle Tank is easily my favorite thing Donnie made in the show.
9. Splinter and Leo talk post movie (443 notes)
And then his dad walks in and says, “I would like to talk to Blue, please. Alone.” And suddenly Leo doesn’t feel so good anymore.
This is the most recent tumblr fic I've done (I think lol), so seeing it make it this high felt pretty good. I love Splinter and his boys... they make me emotional.
8. A headcanon about the Disaster Twins (445 notes)
I have a headcanon that the twins are lowkey always trying to get each other to laugh.
This is still true.
7. A showcase of Donnie's injuries in End Game (462 notes)
So everyone talks about Donnie getting his shell shredded by the Shredder in Many Unhappy Returns but I feel like it’s underappreciated that that happened to him coming off of getting his ass beat in End Game like
One of the first posts I made when I made this blog haha. Poor Donnie |'D
6. Donnie records everything (617 notes)
broke: Donnie listening to what happened in the prison dimension woke: Donnie showing Raph Leo’s big damn hero speech since he wasn’t there the first time
The main reason why this has so many notes is because @roseverdict wrote a great fic down in the notes that you should all go read.
5. Leo asks Donnie a favor (829 notes)
“You might as well tell me what you need,” he says, turning to his computer and pulling up his list. “I’ll assess it and prioritize.” “No, no, that’s okay. It’s nothing,” Leo insists. “Nardo.” Donnie levels his best stare at him. “What is it?”
I love writing the Disaster Twins being soft and you guys love it when I write it too.
4. Present Donnie and Future Donnie have a little disagreement (CAS AU fic) (1,242 notes)
“What was I supposed to do, tie him to a chair?” “Yes!?” says Mini-him like he’s stupid, which warrants a scoff.
Shoutout to @skcirthinq who doodled a comic version of their conversation.
3. Casey Jr. and Uncle Tello troll Present Donnie (CAS AU fic) (1,701 notes)
Casey Jr, says Uncle Tello’s voice. Uncle Tello? Do you want to see something really funny?
This is my actual fic with the most notes! I'm glad you all enjoyed this silly little take on what was actually an incredibly intense moment in Cass's original comic.
2. Mikey contacts the Hamato ancestors (2,054 notes)
future Mikey: *trying to contact the spirits of the Hamato for advice and guidance in the apocalypse* Donnie’s spirit: Hello, you are now communing with Donatello.
I can't believe you guys gave over 2K notes to the stupidest joke I've ever made. Shoutout to @nonymous06 for this artist's rendition.
and finally, drum roll please.....
My top post of 2023:
1. A very silly idea for a separated AU (4,283 notes)
non-angsty ROTTMNT separated AU where the boys meet online and bond over their shared love of Jupiter Jim and skateboarding and Lou Jitsu. Then one day they agree to meet irl for the first time at a con and decide to dress as turtle aliens.
This post spawned an adorable fanart by @thatsmutbean , this hilarious fanart by @onionninjasstuff , and an entire fanfic called new phone who dis by @rbtlvr
This has been an incredible year! My love for ROTTMNT has not diminished in the slightest and I still have lots of ideas, so I hope you guys stick with me for 2024. Thanks again! Happy New Year!!
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autumnslance · 3 years
About Plagiarism
I left a long, planned essay on Twitter tonight. I will copy the meat of it here for y’all, as recently a friend was copied (a rarer ship in the fandom, so very noticeable by the writer and their regular beta reader) and it seems we need a Talk, kids. Links and screenshots and my rambling underway.
Apparently we need to discuss what is and isn’t plagiarism. Especially in FanFic where we're interacting with the same characters, settings, ideas. Let’s start with the dictionary and continue the thread from there (I like the word origin/history personally):
Definition of plagiarize
transitive verb  : to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
intransitive verb : to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
The Kidnapping Roots of Plagiarize
If schools wish to impress upon their students how serious an offense plagiarism is, they might start with an explanation of the word’s history. Plagiarize (and plagiarism) comes from the Latin plagiarius “kidnapper.” This word, derived from the Latin plaga (“a net used by hunters to catch game”), extended its meaning in Latin to include a person who stole the words, rather than the children, of another. When plagiarius first entered English in the form plagiary, it kept its original reference to kidnapping, a sense that is now quite obsolete.
“Ideas” is fuzzy in the Merriam-Webster definition. There are story archetypes that exist in many forms. Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth/Hero's Journey outlines many famous stories. And it's popular to say that “Avatar” is “Dances with Wolves” is “Pocahontas” is “The Last Samurai” etc.
But note how while those films have similar plotlines--”Military Guy falls for Native woman, learns to appreciate her Culture, stands up to Evil Bosses”--none of them execute those ideas in the same way. Sully’s story is different from Dunbar’s not just cuz one’s a Science Fiction epic and the other a Western. Disney's “Pocahontas” Very Loosely takes history and uses the same story beats. The Last Samurai uses the Meiji era Westernization. Same ideas, different executions, even beyond settings.
None of these are plagiarizing each other though the ideas are similar. They’re told in their own ways, own language; both in the genres they belong to (Western, Pseudo-History, SciFi, Animated) and how characters interact with each other and settings. Original dialogues (variable quality).
We also see this in books as similar novel plots get published in waves so we end up with bunches of post-apocalypse teen revolutionaries or various vampires or lots of young wizard stories all at once. Sometimes ideas just happen like this; multiple discovery, simultaneous invention, concurrent inspiration, cognitive emergence are all phrases I’ve seen for it. So it happens in original content as well, and legality gets fuzzy (Also why you don't send authors your fanfic ideas).
In existing properties, this gets trickier but even “Elementary”’s Holmes and Watson are nothing like the BBC’s “Sherlock” characters. Who are nothing like other versions of the Detective and his Doctor pal over the decades in various media properties.
FanFic's in a similar position where like Sherlock Holmes we play with the same characters, setting, and storyarcs but give our own spin to them. People can and will have similar ideas about plots. Trick is to use your own words. Take the characters and make the story your own.
I have a good example courtesy of @raelly-writing​. We both ship Wolcred. We both wrote soft post-Paglth’an scenes with Thancred and our WoLs. Both features the couples helping each other undress, examining injuries, bathing, bantering. My fic was written soon after 5.5 part 1 came out. Dara’s is much more recent. Yet at no point reading hers did I feel she was copying my words. The PoVs differ. Our characters focus on different things. Mine has a mini-arc concerning the Nutkin.
The links for comparison’s sake (and maybe leave kudos/comments if so inclined please and thanks). Note while the scenes are very similar no phrases are written in the same way. Mine: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25417882/chapters/76059467 Dara’s: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26067565/chapters/81832915
Dara and I both hang out in certain Discords and I know conversations about Thancred and WoL caring for each other post-battle has come up in those channels and we've both participated. It’s a stock FanFic scene to boot. Cuz it's soft and feels warm and snuggly.
I HAVE been copied before, back in WoW. My case is pretty clear cut so here are the images of my old RP Haven profile (1st, old RP website) and the plagiarist’s RSP (2nd, an in game mod to share descriptions and basic info). 
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This was a decade ago on Shadow Council and I think the character deleted so any Availa’s in WoW now aren’t the same person. I left the names to point out what changed. Just the names and a word or 2 to make sense for the class changes as well. Otherwise lifted directly from my RP profile.
The funny part is how the person got caught. Literally walked into our weekly RP Guild meeting that I was running and asked to join. Folks noticed right away the similar backstory; after all there may have been more Outland-born Azerothians. My initial excitement at a character I could weave into our story turned to gut-twisting rage and grief as I recognized my own exact words though. Words I’d carefully crafted and constantly iterated on to improve over time (before and after this incident, until the site died).
When caught they tried to claim their significant other had leveled the character for them and made up the backstory based on Skyrim. If you know WoW’s Outland story and Skyrim’s plot you know how ridiculous that is. Also tried to lie about other drama I knew about thanks to roommate's characters but hey. I had to be blunt that I’d shared the info with Haven mods and other guild officers Alliance and Horde. That we would not “laugh about this” one day though lucky this was “just” RP not original or academic work. Cuz if it'd been monetized or academic I would've raked them through the coals.
I felt violated. Hurt. Had anxiety attacks. They took MY WORDS and tried to claim them as theirs. Have another character born in Outland trained by Draenei; Awesome! Our characters have an instant connect in similarities and differences of that experience. Don’t steal my characters wholesale!
Then the audacity of trying to come into my guild as if no one would notice. ShC wasn’t a large server by then, still active but not nearly Wyrmrest Accord or Moon Guard big. My character was well known due to my writing and RP. Speaking of how easy it is to get caught in specific spaces...A case of a self-published novelist getting noticed for plagiarizing fanfic was discovered recently (explicit erotica examples through the thread).
One way they got noticed was how much content they put out in only a year, lifted from fandom. The examples in Kokom’s threads show how the material was altered but still recognizable. In some cases, just the names are changed as in my experience. In other passages more has changed but you can still see the bones of the original fic poking through in the descriptions and character interactions, even with adjustments made.
Similar ideas happen. Similar plots exist. Same 'ships with friends are fun! In FanFic we’re working with the same material. It’s possible to write a similar scene differently. To make that scene and characters your own. All we’re asking is not to copy others' words. Others' characters. Others' specific phrases and descriptions used to bring those words, those characters, to life. Use your own. In the end you’ll be happier.
I get wanting to have what the perceived “popular people” have. I get seeing concepts others succeed with and wanting some of that too. We all get a bit jealous now and then for various reasons. Sometimes we don't even realize it, consciously. But do it in your own way. Maybe check to see if you’re getting a bit too close to the “inspiration” you admired, maybe reread often. Don’t hurt your fellow creatives. If you do and get caught don’t try to double down. Have the grace to be abashed at least and work to do better. Eventually you WILL get caught. All it takes is once to throw all else you've done into question. Ao3 doesn’t take kindly to plagiarists. Nor do a lot of fan communities focused on writing and RP. Getting back that trust is hard. The internet doesn’t forget easily, for good or ill.
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jorvach · 3 years
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Been using the Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn mod for Skyrim to, well, take notes in an ingame journal for a kinda-sorta fanfic. Here’s what I have so far, plus some screenshots to set the mood.
---1. Some Life Experience--- Master Drogolf has sent me all the way to Riften to pick up some kind of magic crystal! He wouldn't tell me what it's for, but I'm sure it's important... though not important enough for him to go in person. When I asked about that, he said it'll be a chance for me to explore the real world a bit, rather than just sitting around in the tower in Helgen and reading about it.
I can't argue with that, so I'm off! First stop, Riverwood!
---2. City on a Hill--- Riverwood was a pleasant little village, and the people were friendly, but I didn't stay long, being excited about seeing the big city for the first time! Whiterun sits atop a great hill rising up from the plains, painting a breathtaking picture! The Jarl's palace, Dragonsreach is at the very top, looking down on the city. The stories say the dragon Numinex was held captive in that very building... How I wish he was still there, I've always wanted to speak to a dragon! Sadly, they're all extinct. And then there's Jorrvaskr, mead hall of the legendary companions warrior band. This city is truly steeped in history! But before learning all about it, I should head to the local inn and get a hot meal!
---3. Journey to the East--- During my stay in Whiterun, I did some odd jobs for some of the citizens, earning me enough coin to prepare for the journey through Eastmarch, which is supposed to be far more dangerous than the area between Helgen and Whiterun. That much is true, for on the border between Whiterun Hold and Eastmarch stands Valtheim Towers, home to a small gang of bandits. Or I should say, -was- home to bandits. As soon as my spells felled their leader, the rest of them fled into the hills, leaving the main road to the east a safer route... for now.
It's getting late, so I should find a place to rest. Perhaps that ruined tower set into the mountainside.
---4. Kaidan--- The tower turned out to be some kind of hideout for the Thalmor! Fortunately, it seems to have been almost abandoned, as there were only two of them inside. Good thing, as I'm not sure I would've fared well against a full garrison of Justiciars! They also had a prisoner, a man named Kaidan. I freed him and helped him get his equipment back from the Thalmor, including a large Akaviri sword inscribed with some strangely familiar runes. For aiding him, Kaidan has offered to become my bodyguard to repay the debt. I tried to tell him he didn't owe me anything, but he wouldn't hear of it, and so I've earned myself a travelling companion! I shall have to ask him about the runes, but for now, I really need some rest!
---5. Inigo--- We've arrived in Riften at last! While renting a room at the nearest inn, the innkeeper said that she'd been asked to watch out for someone matching my description, then handed me a strange note asking to meet in Riften Jail... Weird. I'll look into it later, for now, I should meet with the court wizard and collect Master Drogolf's crystal. --- Terrible news! Wylandriah, Riften's court wizard, tells me that Drogolf's crystal has been stolen! I'd rather not return from my first real adventure having failed, so I'll try to find some clues as to who stole it, and where I might find them. Following up on the mysterious note from the inn seems as good a place to start as any. --- I met with the one who left the note, A Khajiit named Inigo. He seems to think he tried to murder me, which is why he turned himself in to the guards and has been wallowing in guilt ever since. I tried to tell him he was mistaken, but he wouldn't hear of it, and begged me to kill him. I refused, of course, but still, I couldn't find it in me to just leave the poor fellow to his despair, so I offered to let him join us in our travels, to make up for what he thinks he did. Kaidan didn't like it, but something tells me Inigo can be trusted. Time will tell if I'm right.
Unfortunately, he didn't know anything about the crystal. Back to square one.
---6. Lucien--- A priestess of Mara, Dinya, said she saw a shifty-looking man handing over something that "looked like a soul gem, but green" to a figure in a black cloak! From what Dinya overheard of their conversation, the cloaked person might be going to Falkreath! It's not much to go on, and I don't even know for sure if it's the right crystal, but it's all I have. Luckily, a merchant is leaving for Falkreath very soon, so we could hire on as guards and get to Falkreath quickly! --- We asked around at Falkreath's inn, but apparently, strangers clad in black are common here. No surprise, considering the famous graveyards in these parts. After a fruitless, day-long search, we took a room at the inn. The next morning, as we were having breakfast, we were approached by a pretty fancy-looking young man in even fancier clothes, who asked us if we could take him to Helgen. He wants to meet with my master, apparently. After finding out about my apprenticeship, he became very enthusiastic, and offered a large sum of gold to escort him there. Having no further clues, I suppose I'll have to return home empty-handed... hope the crystal wasn't too important.
---7. Black Wings--- Something horrible has happened! As we approached Helgen, we saw great plumes of smoke rising from the town, and then heard a terrible roar! And then, taking wing from within the walls, a massive beast with wings black as night! A Dragon! Helgen is ruined, burned to ash and razed by the might of the dragon. We couldn't find anyone left alive, and Master Drogolf's tower, the only home I've ever known, is nothing but rubble. We didn't even have time for a proper search, as the dragon flew off toward Riverwood. Inigo insists we must follow, to warn the townspeople of the danger, provided they haven't already been slaughtered too. As much as I would like to stay and mourn for my home, I knew he was right. --- We've each been dealing with the events at Helgen in our own way. Lucien has been borderline panicked ever since, and talks incessantly about anything and nothing to keep calm. Kaidan is even more silent and brooding than usual, and is constantly grasping his bow, watching the skies for any sign of the dragon. Inigo, bless him, has been trying to keep our spirits up with jokes and encouragement, but I can tell he's shaken up bad. And as for me, I alternate between grim determination and feeling like I'm a daze, like I'm only having a terrible nightmare.
---8. A favor for a Jarl--- Riverwood was, fortunately, not burned down. We continued on to Whiterun to warn the Jarl of the danger. Jarl Balgruuf seems a sensible man. When he heard our news about Helgen, he quickly commanded his Housecarl to send men to protect the other settlements in his hold. He also introduced us to his court wizard, a somewhat abrasive man named Farengar, who has been studying the history of dragons. He's asked us to delve into a ruin in the mountains above Riverwood, named Bleak Falls Barrow, in search of something called a Dragonstone, supposedly a map of ancient dragon burial sites. --- As people say, Bleak Falls Barrow is full of Draugr, undead monstrosities who patrol the halls and strike down intruders. Their eyes glowing in the dark chill my spine. What with that, and the destruction of Helgen, it'll be a miracle if I ever get a peaceful night's rest again! Unexpectedly, Inigo is also terrified of these undead, despite being an adventurer of great experience. Perhaps I'll ask him about it sometime. For now, we will continue into the dephts of the Barrow, to find the Dragonstone.
---9. The Word Wall--- We've found the Dragonstone! In a sealed tomb deep in the barrow, it rested in a sarcophagus with a powerful Draugr, perhaps their leader or something - if Draugr have any kind of hierarchy... Something weird happened when we approached the back of the tomb however. There's a wall with a bunch of ancient writing - a Word Wall, Kaidan called it. When I got closer, I heard strange chanting and saw some of writing glowing? And then it was as if the world went dark, save for that noise and light. When I came to, the Draugr had risen from it's sarcophagus and was fighting my friends! Fortunately, they slew it just as my eyes cleared, and they seem no worse for wear. I'm very confused about what happened to me, and the others are clearly concerned about it as well. Still, I feel fine for now, and we need to return the Dragonstone to Farengar. If I'm lucky, maybe he'll know something about the Word Wall too.
---10. Success Story--- We got the Dragonstone back to Whiterun, and were well rewarded. Farengar even promised to look into the incident at the Word Wall! I suppose I'll return to Dragonsreach and ask him about it later. For now though, Inigo's suggested we celebrate our success with a hot meal and a bottle of mead or two, so it's off to the Bannered Mare for that - and a good room for the night afterward! It feels like ages since I've slept in a warm bed! ---
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kirikamibang · 4 years
What is the KiriKami Mini Bang?
The KiriKami Mini Bang is a fan event dedicated to sweet rarepair of Kirishima Eijirou and Kaminari Denki from My Hero Academia! Writers who join will create a never-been-published fanfiction that is at least 3k words in length. Each writer will be paired with an artist, who will create at least one (1) full piece for their fic.
How does the pairing process work?
At the first check in, each writer will provide a title, summary, list of tags and content warnings, and a short excerpt of their fic. This information is kept secret, to make sure the claims process is totally anonymous. The mods will take this information provided by the writers and put it in an anonymous document for all the artists to read through. Artists will pick five (5) stories they would like to work on, based on the information provided by the writers. From there, the mods will do their best to match every writer with an artist. From there, they will work as a team to create content together!
How is a Bang different from a Zine?
Zines are an anthology of fanworks compiled into one PDF or bound into a physical book, that are then sold for profit or charity, and distributed to consumers. They are exclusive in nature, because printing costs require they only take a small number of contributors to fill a small number of pages with a limited number of pieces. Bangs, on the other hand, are free fandom events that anyone and everyone can participate in! We encourage everyone who believes they can create a fanwork that meets the requirements in the scheduled time-frame to join and participate. Bangs are all about community, and content creation. The heart and soul of a Bang is the love content creators have for their chosen ship, or trope, or fandom. You strive to meet a minimum word count, or a minimum art piece count, and can go above and beyond if you want to! You and your event partners get to decide what and how much you make, with no rejection emails in sight!
What is a Mini Bang? How is it different from a normal Big Bang?
Mini Bangs have a lower minimum word count than a Big Bang! Artists are also required to create a lower number of art pieces. So, while a Big Bang might require somewhere between 15k or 40k minimum words and 2-3 fully rendered art pieces, we only require a minimum of 3k and 1 fully rendered art piece. However, much like a Big Bang, there is no maximum word count or limit on the number of illustrations. We encourage our participants to have fun and get as creative as possible during the creation period! Mini Bangs are an excellent low-stress event for content creators, because the only requirements are to hit the minimum word/art count and finish a piece before the posting period begins. They're also a lot of fun!
How do beta readers fit into this?
If we have enough beta readers sign up, we will set up a separate claims document with all of the anonymous info from writers who indicated they would like to work with a beta. Betas will claim fics the same way the artists do, and will work with their writers to polish the fanfics up and make them shine before posting!
Does this Bang have a theme?
Nope! All content should focus on KiriKami, but other than that, content creators are free to create for any AU, trope, or plotline they want! We want you to be able to have fun and create something you and your partner can enjoy!
Does that mean there will be NSFW content?
Yes! However, it will be separated out from the SFW content during claims. We request that all participants provide their age (18+/-18) upon sign up. Anyone over the age of 18 will be free to create NSFW content. NSFW pitches from adult writers will be placed on an 18+ claims list with all relevant tags and warnings, and will only be available to 18+ artists and betas. Anyone who is caught lying about their age to access the NSFW claims list will be let go from the event.
How do I participate?
Once sign-ups open, fill out the appropriate Writer/Artist/Beta sign-up form, and you’re in! There is no application process, no acceptance or rejection, no limit on skill or ability. If you are passionate about KiriKami and join during the sign-up window, you are in! Once you’re in, Discord will be our primary method of contact with participants, but we will send out emails for all major deadlines. Please ensure your provided email is accurate and up to date!
Do I need Discord to participate?
While it is not absolutely mandatory, we strongly suggest you join the KiriKami Bang discord to keep on top of the deadlines and keep in touch with the mods. We will send out emails to all participants regarding all important information and deadlines, however there is always the risk that an email will be caught in a spam filter. Discord is also the fastest and easiest way to get in contact with your event partners. Your partner information will be provided via email, but it is the participant's responsibility to reach out to their teammates and begin collaborating.
Can I apply for more than one role?
As long as you are capable of handling the workload and agree to respect the anonymity of the claims process, we will be allowing participants to take a maximum of two (2) roles. For example, you could participate as a Writer and a Beta, or a Writer and an Artist, but not all three.
Why is it so important that claims are anonymous and the fanfiction is unpublished?
One of the most important (and most fun!) parts of a Bang event is the fact participants are paired based on the fic premise alone. Keeping the fic ideas a secret ensures everyone gets a fair chance at getting picked, without follower count or hits or kudos or likes factoring into the equation. Once claims have ended, some teams can choose to share small hints about their WIPs, but we discourage the sharing of snippets, screenshots, and excerpts on social media. When content creation teams choose to keep the fic and art a secret during the entire event, it also means that the people following along with the event get a wonderful surprise flood of art and fanfic during the posting period!
What’s a pinch hitter?
Should a creator drop from the project during the creation period, we will call in a pinch hitter to fill that content creator’s spot. This might mean an artist or beta will take on another fic, or it might mean a writer steps up to create a second piece with an unpartnered artist.
My question wasn’t answered here, where can I contact you?
You can contact us in a number of ways! Please feel free to DM us on Twitter or on CuriousCat! Our email is also linked in this carrd. If you are a member of the KiriKami discord server, please ask in a mod-contact channel or DM one of the mods! We will answer your question as quickly as possible!
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famder-news · 5 years
More News Monday
Hey guys!!! I’m back and ready for Monday, and I’ve got some Juicy Stuff for y’all uvu
Mod: Wheat ( @land-of-dragons-and-frogs) Date: Monday, July 15th, 2019 Topic: Vidcon, Remus In General, and Virgil!!! Warnings: Remus Mentions, RemRom Mentions
1. Thomas Updates
Thomas is at Vidcon!!! He made a post on his twitter about meeting theodd1sout with a hand-drawn piece of art by him, which I thought was really cool!!! I haven’t kept up with theodd1sout, but I’m glad to see the guy is doing well :D
2. Fandom Updates
So!!! Fandom Updates!!!
As far as I’m aware, the RemRom shenanigans have calmed down--the people who don’t like it have, for the most part, calmed down about it, and the guys that DO ship it have mainly stayed in their own piece of the fandom. Now, if you guys follow my blog, you know my stance on RemRom (the tl;dr is I don’t ship it and never will, but ship and let ship: you can find my post about it HERE) and that it isn’t the same as my other mods’ viewpoints, but I’m happy to see the drama involving it has died down.This fandom is super great, so I’d like to keep it that way!!!
On top of this, I’ve seen TONS of fanwork involving Remus!!! I’ve seen him shipped with the others, seen angst written for him, seen fantastic fanarts of him being his goblin self, and overall I’m overjoyed to see the fandom finally embracing the stinky garbage man! If you are one of the folks who hasn’t seen Remus’s episode still because of triggers, HERE is a visual trigger-free version of the episode! If someone wants to hit me up with some quality Remus fanfic that’ll rip my heart out, send it my way!!!
Finally, I’ve seen a whole bunch of people thinking about what the next episode will be. I’ve heard Remus Backstory, I’ve heard an episode with Remus AND Deceit, I’ve heard final side reveal, AND I’ve heard people saying that the next ep is gonna be about Roman’s side of the mind! I, personally, think the next ep will be the follow-up to Selfishness Vs Selflessness, solely because I hate the resolution from that episode. It needs a part 2, Thomas & Co know it needs a Part 2, and a Part 2 is coming. I wonder if the Part 2 will introduce our final side, though... THAT would be interesting!
3. Theory Discussion
So, the theory I’d like to discuss today is who the newest side will be... Or I WAS, except that Remi beat me to it!!! So, instead, we’re gonna look at an oldie but a goodie... The theory that Virgil is Paranoia.
Now, for this to work, you do have to keep in mind that Virgil used to be a Dark Side; he very well could have changed his role in the mind to be less about pure fear and more about fear CAUSED by arguably more concrete information. An evolution, if you will, from straight fear to Fear With A Purpose (which is not to say that fear doesn’t have a purpose, just that with Virgil it’d have MORE of a purpose). So, when the sides avoid calling Virgil Paranoid, it can be theorized that its a respect for who he is NOW and not who he USED to be, and not just because Virgil looks like he’s going to remove heads from shoulders when it gets said.
My personal views on it? Well, I think it’d be really cool if it were true! I can’t speak for everyone, but my anxieties (about everything really, but more specifically about things like ghosts and stuff) stems from paranoia; I’d like to think that anxiety encompasses Paranoia, rather than replaces it. So Virgil gained more things to be in control of, rather than JUST being Paranoia.
5. Other Things That Happened This Week
Alright!!! The Amazon Strike is happening today and tomorrow, so if you can avoid it then don’t use Amazon or amazon-affiliated websites on those days! I’ve sent out my collection of Remus pictures (113 of them total) to a couple of friends who wanted some screenshots, and all of our mods have seen the newest episode! Remi started a Receipt (Remus X Deceit; and yes, I know the ship name isn’t receipt, but it works xD) fic, and it’s really good!!! They’re gonna get me shipping Receipt at this rate, but read it HERE!!! For the folks who knew me a LONG time ago, you’ll know that I got SUPER into Undertale and am the author of one of the larger fanfics, House of Papyrus. Well, good news for y’all: I’ve updated the fic and added new content; right now, I’m working on the next fully new content chapter. Read it HERE if you want to read it.
Last but not least, we do want to let those of you who have sent us suggestions know that we’ve seen them!!! We’re planning what we want to implement, since we’ve heard a fanart day as well as a cosplay day; we′ll keep you guys posted on that, so keep your eyes peeled!!!
If you guys have any thoughts/opinions on what I’ve said, feel free to let us know!!! We always love to hear what you guys have to say, it makes our day!!! Remember, if you want your fic reviewed on a Fanfic Friday, feel free to send it to us--we finally put Anon Asks on this blog, since Tumblr accidentally turned ‘em off.
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This Week in Gundam Wing Aug 27-Sep 01, 2018
Here’s the roundup for this week!
Lots of discussions, photosets and arts!
Remember to give your creators some love!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Stand Still http://gundamwing-ellesmith.tumblr.com/post/177596516304/standstill-a-gundam-wing-fanfic-by-elle-smith
Pairing: 1xR
Summary: Heero isn’t really the type of guy a girl would take home to her mother, but when they’re invited them to spend Labor Day Weekend at her mother’s Hampton’s beach house, Relena must find a way to make it work.
WIP Snippet https://lemontrash.tumblr.com/post/177426135714/wip-snippet
WuFei Chang, Trowa Barton
Snippet Saturday https://lifeaftermeteor.tumblr.com/post/177637774880/cirque-ste-croix-minsk-belarus-29-december-209
Catherine Bloom, Trowa Barton
Cocktail Friday https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/177596742739/cocktail-friday
Prompt: Soup of the Day: Whiskey.
Sick Noin, WuFei takes care of her.
Story of Wrong (Ch. 7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/13849020/chapters/36794199
Relationship: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Summary: Duo recounts his experiences during the war in order to explain… well, why he was wrong.
New Edwards. I do not relish revisiting this event, but revisit it I must. My story cannot be complete without it.
I said before that it was the beginning of the end… But it was also the beginning of something new. The end was of my illusions, my delusions, but also my will, conviction, and determination. The beginning was of my enlightenment, of my understanding, and of my despair. I did my damnedest to deny it, to prevent it, but it was inevitable, and also for the best, when all was said and done. Maybe not for me, but certainly for all else. Everything—and everyone—else.
Before I tell you why, let me tell you how. You should experience it if you really want to understand.
Waves and a Wedding (Ch. 4) https://archiveofourown.org/works/15639375/chapters/36921249
Relationship: Duo Maxwell/Relena Peacecraft
Characters: Relena Peacecraft, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Dorothy Catalonia, Trowa Barton, Catherine Bloom
Summary: Relena’s mother is pressuring her to get married, so when she meets a handsome and charming man on a cruise, she can’t help but think that he could be the solution to all her problems.
“What do you think, Trowa? The blue tie or the purple?” Duo asked, holding up one, then the other in front of him as he studied his reflection in the mirror.
“Whichever one you’re not wearing for the wedding.”
“Very helpful,” Duo scowled.
“Wear the blue,” Catherine interjected from her perch on the end of the bed. “The purple brings out your eyes; you should save that for the wedding.”
WuFei Chang, Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell
Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
Duobat is hungry!
Dorothy is having none of it.
High School Year Book
OZ Cell scene
Ep. 46
Head Canons:
Quatre Winner
@lbro009, @gwkimmy, @cynfinnegan
Silencer nickname
@gundamwing-ellesmith, @gw-ficrecfriday, @travellemon, @mariale-stuff, @stolenchilde, @sugirandom, @seitoue, @cylinanightshade, @helmistress, @mrtuxedo3, @peachandbetty
Character discussion: Heero Yuy, Relena Darlian
@duoordie, @cheyanne-moved (original gif poster)
Heero Trips Guards scene
@gundamwing-ellesmith, @simulacraryn, @gwkimmy, @relenaforpresident, @when-will-mail-come
WuFei’s Sword
@lbro009, @lemontrash
No Idea What To Put This Under:
Autocorrect for The Preventers, Sally Po and Noin
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, between 3 & 5 pm EST.
Here’s the prompt for Friday September 7th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/177621465378/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday
Idea Generator 2 https://gwoc-october.tumblr.com/post/177537944075/idea-generator-2
Come throw out ideas for this OC October!
Diamonds in Stars Challenge https://terrablaze514.tumblr.com/post/173450296307/calling-all-gundam-wing-fans
I'm reopening this fun challenge for the Fanbase! OT5 (platonic, friendship, romantic, etc.).
Oneshot fics and poems welcome.
Have fun!
*Ends September 23rd*
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taonsil · 7 years
end of year fic summary \o/
this is copied over from dw so isn’t a tagging thing, but please do take it if you want~ it was in shareable format originally.
dhjfd I set my w/c goal at half of what my actual output was last year because I hoped to do more art, I didn’t realise it was gonna be because of the block from hell. but! the last minute burst of enthusiasm at the end of the year got me there, just makes for a pretty repetitive summary orz
Tumblr media
january: - february: autochoris yeol, chansoo drabble march: april: may: june: round trip july: watch the time cause no one's watchin' august: september: october: suyeol drabble november: sparkle dust, unbeleafable december: useless husbands wip!
total number of fics (edited and reuploaded drabbles included): 7
total word count: 61k
favorite: gonna have a lot of same-y answers this year as there's less to pick from OTL but favourite, definitely unbeleafable. I really had a love-hate relationship with creating it, but I'm so pleased with the final result. It's a 'verse I'd happily have continued writing if there hadn't been a deadline
the best: unbeleafable. maybe it was due to lack of practice or coming out the other side of a massive writers block, but my style changed a little and I think it really benefited this fic! but also it was my first real attempt at writing explicitly nd characters and a plot that revolved around those themes. I'm the first to hold my hands up to my first attempts at other subjects having been clumsy, so I feel like I spent months just tweaking and editing it;; I really bonded with the characters in this (and the sideplots/supporting characters) n, yeah, it's just something I'm really proud of
most underappreciated by the universe: round trip! it's probably the only true gen fic I've ever written, and pokemon au. I found it very fun and cutesy to work on and (again, probably bc of the block that was getting me down most of the year) I was pretty happy with how the details worked into it. it's not super interesting, but I did hope it would be enjoyed ;u;
most fun to write: sparkle dust and unbeleafable. sparkle dust was ripped from a draft I created around march, and it was awful. it was when I could barely string a sentence together. it got real fun rewriting it once I felt back on my feet and feeling more confident of the direction it was going in, and that it's on a subject I enjoy, as well as knowing it was a gift for cat :'D unbeleafable was much the same - I started it in may, dusted it off in october and basically rewrote the entire thing at a personal best speed once I felt connected to it and comfortable with how the writing was going (and I enjoyed adding in little details so much, I was honestly laughing like a loser at some scenes while I was working on them). also the gross husbands wip I’m working on rn, it’s 6k in and I’m enjoying it a lotttt
sexiest: I mean..it's sparkle dust bc its the only one with actual sex in lol (if it could go to a character it would be tao in watch the time though, before he knows that yeol isn't up for anything his dialogue and actions are pretty sexual). and the wip but I can’t really talk about it cause it’s not up yet D:
“holy crap that’s wrong even for you”: everything was just standard Me this year imo.. it's not /wrong/ in any way, but writing an explicitly autochoris fic was pushing my own boundaries wrt comfort writing a subject. I mean I guess a sloppy blowjob wasn’t very Me but
fic that shifted my own perception of the characters: unbeleafable and watch the time. watch the time because that was also lifted from an old (2015) work, and writing the 'verse in more detail changed the character's attitudes. it's the first time I've written a tao who is so charming, mature and relationship driven, while cy is softer and more anxious (where as previously he was usually my filler character when I needed someone loud). and unbeleafable was just uh..honestly jm's depression was an afterthought. it wasn't in the original outline (which in fairness was only aiming for a 4k meet-cute, not the extensive slow burn it turned into). that his depression started to become detailed and was then a major plot point basically developed as I wrote, and I was backtracking to adjust earlier details to fit it. that jm really defined himself and I had to catch up;;
hardest to do: watch the time, god. I think I spent four months on it. I can't even words how terrible my block was this year, it really got me down. even when I was writing stuff that I can look back at now and see was ok, it was like I couldn't even tell if what I was reading made sense. it's the slowest I've ever worked on something and it was a really painful process, but I loved the idea of it so it felt like something good to work on when I was in a bad spot. (unbeleafable caught some of that too - I was poking around the same 5k of it for several months and considered dumping it so many times orz)
biggest disappointment: sparkle dust..a bit..bc I'm still terrible at smut lmao even with the context of the scene I just feel I could have done it better
most telling: I mean, everything. watch the time is chantao, ace themes, gender themes, (there's even a mention of tao's tattoo) it's a very very Me fic. a few people guessed unbeleafable was me. in a different sense that was telling, because I wanted yeol to be so loveable and worked hard to portray issues that matter to me in good lights
a thing I’m surprised at: that my w/c is as high as it is all considered djhf but no like, really the biggest surprise I've ever had in all my time writing fic was how positive the response to unbeleafable was. I was so genuinely shocked, I was even saving screenshots of some of the comments in case they were deleted or something. I still am surprised tbh.
what pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you never would have predicted in January? chantao and chansoo were probably the only thing I did expect tbh. pokemon au, subaek smut, suyeol..none of that was exactly what I anticipated, considering last year and previous was mostly focal around suchen and sutaohun
story with single sweetest moment? hnnn the lil chansoo drabble about yeol cutting his hair is overall entirely affection based. and there's two scenes in unbeleafable - when cy hugs jm after their sort-of-date and jm buries into it, and when cy offers jm his sleeve to hold while they're talking. (djhfd also this marrieds wip. they’re Very married, there’s a lot of gross husband-ing)
the story that made you cry: unbeleafable 🌿 the entire theme of it is personal to me, both yeol's autism and jm's depression. at times I was letting it write itself, and I got quite upset when they reached the point of being unsure if their communication issue would resolve. it was hard writing those scenes, because I absolutely couldn't change yeol's character to make it easier, but at the same time I really felt for how desperate and hurt jm was. (also in a nice-cry kinda way when they resolved things I was just, YES ; A;) (hmm also watch the time a lil bit when they had the confrontation and yeol was sure they’d have to break up)
easiest story to write: round trip was kind of a breakthrough wrt the block, after a lot of struggling it came pretty easy and got done in a day or two~
most overdue story: watch the time. I've wanted to write about sex repulsion for a long time but always skirted around it. also literally, seeing as it took me months longer to complete than intended :'D
did you take any writing risks this year? what did you learn from them? mmm kind of, in the subjects I chose. writing about an autochoris experience and writing a repulsed ace wasn't uncharacteristic for me but my confidence was very low at the time and I felt very uncomfortable about it. and unbeleafable honestly terrified me, I felt so vulnerable waiting for that to post and probably wouldn't have done it if it weren't for the fact it was anon initially. for me it felt like a big risk posting something that I felt could get a bad reception to an fest. I nearly contacted the mods at one point to ask them if it was even a good idea orz (also I feel my style just..changed somewhere, idk, but I decided to go with it instead of trying to change it back. its going ok ??)
in regards to writing, what did you learn this year: dghfd that blocks do end and that forcing yourself to produce has varied success. most importantly, I learned that sometimes bad things /dont/ happen :P
do you have any fanfic goals for the new year? I'm gradually working through my list! from last year I've achieved 4k+ averages for smaller fics and also writing 15k+ longer ones. and even managed something rated :P hmm idk though. I've always said 'more plot and a chaptered fic', but I wonder if I even want to do that anymore? it was more just something to tick off than a personal goal. I kinda would still like to write something plot driven but I'm accepting that my niche is what it is and it's probably what I'm best at/won't get bored doing. it feels like it's taken me until now to really decide and gain the confidence to write about the kind of people I want. so a very gentle goal for the new year would just be regaining my confidence, getting around to making that inspiration/techniques page I've always meant to have, continuing to polish up my style, and enjoying! writing!! again so I can get back to having fun !! upping suyeol’s page count also sweats
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king-of-space · 8 years
101 Dragon Age Questions
Going to answer it because I’m waiting for dinner
How did you get into Dragon Age? A friend of mine got a Bioware bundle I think, and gave me Origins.
Have you finished all three games? Nope, Currently starting Trespasser and at the beginning of DA2 (finished Origins)
How long did it take you to finish the series? I can say it took me around 50-ish hours to finish Origins and I’m currently at 105h on Inquisition.
What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)? Curiously enough, it was a female mage elf. But since you can’t marry Alistair with that warden, I started a new game with a Warrior Female Human, Ellyah Cousland. Personality wise, I usually go for the dork sarcastic and maybe a tiny violent dialog. I can’t really remember, it was 2 years ago :T
What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)? First Hawke was a male mage, I actually forgot his name, with the sarcastic temperament. Best.Hawke.Ever
First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)? Mage \female (my headcanon, they are agender but we have to choose one so YEH)\, again with the sarcasm violent dork. Also another headcanon, they aren’t a Lavellan, but a Mahariel (dalish origin from Origins), but that’s another story.
Favorite DA:O backstory? I only played the dalish mage and the noble warrior, so I’m going with the second one.
Preferred class overall? Mage. I wish they were stronger ;_;
Do you tend to play male or female characters most? Good question. I’d say it’s 50/50. Right now I have 2 male inquisitors created, and 1 female (let’s make it 2 then). on Origins I’ve only played female, on DA2 I’ve only played with males.
Share a pic of your favorite OC from any DA game. My “Lavellan”
Best Hawke quote? I have no idea, he’s a fun ball, all of them???
Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most? DA:O for nostalgia, DA:I for gameplay, DA2 for Handers
Favorite mission from DA:O? not the fade
Favorite DA:O party combo? Alistair, Morrigan and Zevran
Favorite DA:O companion overall? Alistair ;3c
DA:O: Did your Warden survive? She sure did
What did you name your Mabari? ...............I CAN’T REMEMBER???? 
Who did you choose to rule Fereldan? Alistair and Cousland duh 
Favorite mission from DA2? can’t say yet 
Was everyone loyal at the end? ladada da da dididada 
Did Hawke side with the Mages or Templars? Mages
Favorite DA2 party combo? Anders, Fenris and Isabella 
Did you give Fenris back to Danarius? I doubt I will 
Favorite main-story quest from DA:I? ooooOOOOOOOOH LET’S SEE, anything about the elves makes my heart pound faster. I LOVED the Here Lies the Abyss!!! 
Favorite DA:I place? Anything elf-like. Really. It’s where I was happy
Did your Inquisitor choose the Mages or the Templars? Mages
Which did you leave behind (Abyss)? Hawke. Here’s why: Anders died and I wanted him to join him in Andraste’s bosom. Besides, Strout had to restore the Wardens. 
Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste? They don’t believe in it, but if the people want to, then what can they do? (aside from denying it every time)
What are your feelings on the Chantry? I’m going to skip this one sorry
What are your feelings on the Circle? Needs retirement tbh
DLC for the first 2 games: All of it, some of it, or none of it? All of them I guess? 
Favorite DLC mission overall? from the first game? I’ve only played the Shale one so I’ll go with that one, besides I love her  from da:I I loved the last part of JoH, but I’m sure Trespasser will kill me 
Favorite DA character overall? wHY.  DA:O - Alistair, Morrigan, Shale, Zevran, Barkspawn  DA2 - Anders, Merril, Isabella, Varric, Sebastian for the looks (I’m sorry I don’t know him yet), sometimes Fenris DA:I - Cullen, Samson, Solas, Bull, Sera, Harding, Cassandra, Ameridan, Dorian, Nug King, I’m pretty sure I’m forgetting someone 
Least favorite character? DA:O - Howe DA2 - hmm?  DA:I - eh
Who do you want to see return in the next game? Zevran. For sure. 
What kind of DLC do you hope for for DA4 (heh)? something about the return of the Warden?
Bloodmagic: yes or no? it’s a yay for me, my Mahariel is a bloodmage.  Again, it’s a type of magic that depends on how you use it. 
Funniest moment in the games? for starters, when you go talk to your companions on Trespasser? I cry.  The avvar-goat-situation.  The Bull x Quizzy x companions moment (yes, that one) I...can’t remember anything else
Creepiest moment in the games? BROODMOTHER 
A moment/action you regret in-game? Sentencing that stupid dude to tranquility in Inquisition. KINDA goes against what Mahariel is, BUT it’s still in character but eeh 
Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game? DA:O - Alistair DA2 - was going for Fenris but ended up Anders DA:I - Cullen
Who do you wish you could romance that you can’t? SAMSON AND KREM 
Favorite romance overall so far? Alistair and Cullen. Dorian and Bull next. 
One romance you just can’t stand/doesn’t make sense/etc? none. Everything makes sense so shush
Which 3 DA characters would you want as your best friends? Krem, hmmmm I guess Bull and I DUNNO Anders because we could talk about cats 
A character you’d love to drop in a volcano and forget about? Solas (I kid, I love you my egg nug) the BROODMOTHER 
Best antagonist in the series? Coryphallus
Worst antagonist in the series? Howe. Annoying prick 
Something you do in EVERY DA playthrough, no matter what? ............romance the cute dork????????????
Describe your perfect playthrough for any DA game. Ay mate, I don’t know, I like the way things are eXCEPT, give us poly romances plz
Favorite Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor headcanons (any or all)? oH BOY HERE WE GO My Lavellan\Mahariel is in a poly relationship with Cullen and Samson :B  My Lavellan\Mahariel actually started on Origins, as a fake warden, went to DA2 and ended up helping Anders blow up the chantry and then went to the inquisition to help with Corypoopalus
Favorite non-Player Character headcanons? Samson redeems himself and continues to help mages in a legal safe way ;U; 
That One Headcanon that hurts to think about? @weirdsal ‘s Qunari dying
Fluffiest headcanon ever? OK SO HEAR ME OUT, Cullen is dozing off on a bed and Samson goes in for the cuddles and after Mahariel goes for the extra cuddles and it ends up in a pile of limbs and love and everyone is happy and they have a Mabari called Pepper
Your non-Player Character OTPs? Krem x anyone that makes him feel happy
Your absolutely NOTP? I don’t know? 
Who would you date if you could (as you, not your OC)? bweheheheh I DON’T REALLY KNOW??? Cullen
Who has the best character arc overall? hmMMM Samson
Who was written really poorly? good question, I have no idea 
Who do you wish had been given more story? Samson :B 
Favorite NPC? ..........guess
A character you think deserves more fan love? SAMSON 
Best story moment? I’ll come back to this one 
Favorite achievement? FIRST KNIGHT 
Any epic game play moments in any DA game? the end of Here Lies the Abyss 0:
Something you hate about any/all of the games? why are mages so much weaker than the others! 
Best non-OC quote? “I myself never had the pleeeaaaasssaaah”
Have you cosplayed any DA characters? I wish 
Who would you cosplay if you could (no holds barred)? Cullen, any Warden, Samson? 
Did you read the comics? nope
Did you read the novels? trying to get my hands on those 
Did you see Dawn of the Seeker? nap
Favorite OST song(s)? The themes and Tavern songs 
Do you take screenshots in any DA games? fuck yes? 
Do you edit images/gifs or make videos about DA? sometimes I put flower crowns on them yes
Have you ever made a DA Let’s Play? nay
What moment/memory still gives you chills/feels? that Warden Killing the dragon while reciting the Warden’s motto thing 
What are you hoping for from DA4? SAMSON, also some body-mod and maybe better hair. ZEVRAN 
What are you worried about for DA4? my laptop not running it? 
Favorite fanmix? ay mate
Favorite fanfic? I’ve only read one AND IT DESTROYED ME SO I’LL NEVER READ ANYMORE 
Favorite fanart/fanartist? @nipuni that’s for sure , @janearts 
Favorite fan musician/music? labadiii labadaaaa
Favorite cosplay(er)? :B
Favorite Let’s Play? :BBBBBBBBBB
Do you create anything in the fandom (write, draw, craft, gif, etc)? I draw
Do you participate in or run a DA RP? nope
Are you on any DA forums, chats, reddit subs, etc? nay nay 
Do you run an DA-themed blog/page/website? my blog is 95% DA, does that count? 
Do you have any friends who love DA too? I sure do
Did you get someone into DA? Yes
Do you own any DA merchandise? the artbooks and the playing cards
Have you ever made any DA-themed crafts (clothes, toys, etc)? no but I want ;_; 
Which actors would you cast for a movie of your fav DA game? DUD ok, Cate Blanchett as Morrigan, I’m sorry
Do you use game mods? nay
What’s your favorite DA mod? that Cullen with stubble and messy hair makes my pants drop
If you could be any non-Human DA species, which and why? Elves, because they are amazing and I love everything elf related 
Where would you live (Fereldan, Orlais, Free Marches etc?) eish, I have no idea mate 
Circle, Templar, Chantry, Guard, Seeker, Inquisition, or none? Inquisition
If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say? Warden: Marry me Hawke: Marry me Inquisitor: Marry me
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