#if France has no haters I have passed away
hetalia-club · 29 days
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If I were Alfred I would ban him from entering my home ever again. How you going to take your jacket off, take off your shirt and then put the jacket back on my multi million New York City pent house! He is too comfortable I would be sure to make him uncomfortable. And we know it’s cold/chilly in there, everyone else left their coats on and you know Alfred has it set to a temperate 68-73 year round in that house. The audacity.
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leblooky · 8 months
Basically, I didn't want to watch these series for certain reasons. But against all odds, I finally saw the four episodes of Hazbin Hotel and...
It's ok. Neither a great success but neither a great disappointment.
I explain.
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To begin with, I have a love for musicals when I was young even if my country, France, has never been a constant fashion for this genre. The music is cool and the Iyrics too, especially in the first episode.
The story is simple but the stakes remain wobbly and do not put forward to let the story of the episode pass.
The dialogues are... better than Helluva
Boss? I mean, of course there are insults but it's less balanced on the face for free every second (and fortunately).
This is how I can summarize the first three episodes... let's talk about the fourth episode and the one that is controversial...
In the end, I was in mode: 😬, so much so
that it was complicated how to summarize this situation correctly...
[TW: SA]
Before continuing, I wanted to go back to this message I made a few days ago.
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The two lines in the middle are still valid and I stand again. Because no, it is not because you are creator that you are legitimate to criticize the SA survivors with more than inhuman words.
All this in the end... is scene for 1-2 minutes where the boss (I don't remember his name anymore) physically attacks Angel Dust (not to mention the clip show "Poison" after this scene)
And yes, for SA survivors, it could be shocked by these scenes that are too intense for them.
Of course I hate this boss, I'm not like some fans who do fanart for the love of this piece of shit!
And... I think I understood how fan/hater are: I can understand some people who do not like this series because insults, dialogues etc.
And fans try to import certain characters, believe in the project and support it in return.
The problem is that both part are drifting away and people find arguments and examples absurd and biased
This is why I am lost, carried away by a wave of arguments whose almost everything is false or exaggerated...
And at some point, we have to calm this excessive crisis
I'm not a fan or a hater, just a person who draws and likes to look at things that interest me.
I'm just disgusted how the creators and fan/hater can destroy the reputation of a rather promising series in itself...
He might interest me with his ideas but the execution is either questionable or highly questionable.
So, express yourself, give your opinions, download the series and judge not on people too early...
I'm not an expert, nor fan/hater like I said, but I hope it will give a second chance (or not).
(P.S. If you hate the creator, you are quite right, seen as she was in the past... and with what says during the controversy of episode four... yikes...)
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carylismyboo · 2 years
The reason's why Melissa, Carol and Caryl fans are upset.
Seems the only ones that are supporting Melissa are fans. Well the fans that are not so far up Norman's ass are supporting her. So many things have happened to disrespect Melissa over the years.
Anti's calling her old, granny, drug addict and Daryl's mom. Treating her like she is just a waste of space on the show. Thinking B level characters are better than her. Lol give me a break.
Castmate's calling her Daryl's odd mom while getting a pass from the anti's off the fandom. Not one article writer or review defended or supported Mel on this. Hell one writer did an article on Lynn C having a little bit of grey hair saying how much of a breakthrough it was. Lol now that Lynn is off the show she already dyed her hair. Where was the article about Mel being a trailblazer for keeping her grey hair? I'll wait.
Then you have two actresses on the show that were apart of two Daryl ships. That not one time defended Mel or even told their fans to chill out about their so called friend. One keep supporting her icky ship even after she knew her character was dead. Just adding more fuel for her fans to be nasty idiots. Then the other actress said this " Well shipping! Oh, I will say that the Caryl-ers and Donnie shippers will continue to waging that war. I think they'll keep it going. And I love, I love seeing that I happen." Like are you kidding me her fans have been so hateful to Carol and Mel and she is going to say this. Very disappointed in her and will never be a supporter of hers.
Then we get to Norman. He has seen and heard the things said about Melissa and Carol. Not ONE DAMN TIME DID HE SUPPORT OR DEFEND HER. He just added more to the hate with saying mom and sister shit. When that was only how he got into the scene and not how Daryl felt about Carol. He is terrible for making her go through all of this when he knows how much it hurts her. Any other leading man would defend their scene partner and leading lady. Not him he is too childish and doesn't want to piss the fans off. Oh wait he doesn't want to piss the haters of Mel and Carol off. When they actually hate and don't support him. All while piss off and pushing the fans that have supported him for years away.
Then we get to the Spin Off. Rumors started going around about the SO being moved because Norman wanted to be close to his family. The news comes out that "McBride dropped out of the spinoff because relocating to Europe to shoot the show proved “logistically untenable” for her, AMC said in a statement. " Just so happens Norman's women comes out a week before saying he would be in France with her all summer. Years ago DK said if she ever had kids she would raise them in France. This was said many many times by her. She said this in April 2022 ' I really enjoyed living in Paris. I hope we live there again" Just so happens the SO was moved to France after her saying all of this. Oh wait there's more DK had a movie that was to be filmed in France when Covid hit. It was pushed back to last summer than they had to postpone it again. Finally in the first f two months of 2022 it is finally going to be filmed in France the summer of 2022. Around the same time the rumors of moving the spin off came about. So it isn't hard to put two and two together that Norman had a lot to do with the SO moving and Mel being let go. Oh and Norman and Jeffery saying Mel needed a break just makes them look like ageist jerks. Acting like Mel is two weak to hang with the boys. And they are the only two that have said this. Mel not making a statement through her people tells me she was not the one that wanted out of this SO.
Hope this helps with why some of us are mad and disappointed at Norman and also AMC
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ckneal · 4 years
Thanks, @sntmichael ! It’s really flattering to be included in one of these posts. Now, I’ve never really done one of these before. Let’s see. . .
[rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with!]  
3 ships: I wont date myself by mentioning how long exactly, but I’ve actually had the same three favorite Supernatural ship for years. Midam has recently taken the number one spot, followed by Naomi and Crowley, and (of course) Destiel. 
last song: I have been vibing Madilyn Bailey lately, over on Yutube. Las thing I listened to was her shoutout to the haters, part 2.
last movie: Empire Strikes Back (that makes me sound cooler than I am, it was for research)
currently watching: Downtown Abbey! Which I might be watching entirely because Gabriel named dropped it, ha.
currently reading: Oof, I tend to do a lot of reading. Right now I’m making my way through The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, by Casanova, and The English and Their History by Robert Tombs. However, when I read a passage about the Hundred Years War, about how the English once captured the king of France and ransomed him back to his people, but the French couldn’t pay the full amount in one go, so they worked out an agreement in which the king went back to France, but he left his son behind in the English court as collateral, I got an idea for a midam AU fic, which prompted spontaneous rereadings of specific passages from The Border Bride by Elizabeth English, in which a similar situation comes to pass but the one party decides to get smart and disguises their illuminate child as their heir, as well as The Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb, where royal bastards are secretly trained to be assassins. Because the idea just wouldn’t go away, and now I’m farming inspiration. I don’t know if anyone else wants a trashy fantasy romance novel AU that’s loosely based off European history, staring Michael and Adam, but I sure do. Though, you know, I already  have three WIPs as it is, so who knows if it’ll ever get written. . .
(Don’t worry; no one asked, but I will likely be typing up a rough outline of the story in post later for my own enjoyment.)
currently craving: Time to write for the sake of writing! I feel like I’ve been caught on the same scene for a week now, and it’s bummer because I initially had such a clear image of what I wanted to do with it, but the memory’s eroded.
Now, I know that I’m supposed to tag more people here, but I really do not know anyone in the community, and I’m not sure who would actually do it, or who has already done it. I’m going to second sntmichael’s picks of @michaelfromsupernatural and @susanoosama01 because they both seem cool. And I’ll add to that @threefoldman
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magicalgirllove92 · 3 years
You might to unfollow me because I wrote about the rant on Chris Pr*tt and Whitney way Thore. So here it is. I understand you guys like Whitney way Thore and hates Chris Pratt or loves Chris Pratt and hates Whitney Thore or whatever. But I'm gonna explore this similarly. Whitney Thore is born in spring 1984, Chris Pratt is born in summer 1979. Whitney has 2 elderly parents, Chris has a mom because his dad passed away due to MS in 2014. Whitney has a brother, an queer underground Rockstar, Chris has 2 brothers and a sister. Before she gained obese weight, Whitney is an slender dancer and most popular high school prom queen, Chris is an high school wrestler and prankster jock. Whitney's breakout moment when she post an viral video call "Fat Girl Dancing", Chris's breakout moment as misunderstood high school heartthrob Bright from The CW's classic drama "Everwood". Whitney earned legion of feminist, fat and gay fans on social media platforms, Chris earned legion of variety of fans from black people to Asian people on social media platforms. Whitney's breakout debut is the TLC show "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" with 9 seasons under its belt and 10 season is currently on its way, Chris's breakout is Guardians of the Galaxy and Jurassic World with both the 2017 and 18 sequels under its belt, 3 out of 4 pre-show rides at Universal Studios and Walt Disney World respectively and both 2022 and 2023 sequels and holiday special is coming soon. Whitney has female and flamboyant gay friends, Chris has variety of friends from normal high school buddies to Elizabeth Banks, to fellow Jurassic stars BD Wong and Bryce Dallas Howard to fellow Marvel stars Simu Liu and Zoe Saldana. Whitney has a job working at the radio station which unfortunately for her, she worked with racist, misogynistic radio hosts, Chris has an voice acting duties from playing Cooper for Ben 10: Alien Force and Ultimate Alien to Emmitt and Rex from The Lego Movie franchise and he likes it that way. Whitney Thore has attract normal haters from real life, Chris Pratt has attract cyber haters from online for ridiculous and horrible reasons. Whitney Thore is attracted bad ugly men including an wussy Iranian teenage Post Malone/Eminem wannabe rapper from France, Chris Pratt is attracted pretty good girls from former wife Anna Faris (she and Pratt remained friends) to current wife Katherine Schwarzenegger. Whitney Thore at least she has fur kids but she doesn't have children at all due to PCOS, Chris Pratt has 2 children (1 son and 1 daughter whom he loves them very much). Whitney Thore is an bad atheist and hating God and His son, Chris Pratt is an good C-word and loving God and His son. In conclusion... Whitney way Thore is an evil spoiled bratty rude-ass obese crybaby ugly bitch who hates God in heavenly above while Chris Pratt is an good father to his 2 kids (his son is with his former wife Anna Faris at the time), handsome, good dude. If you read the rant go ahead, cancel me, threatening me with digital death threats for all I care.
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hg47 · 4 years
47 Reasons Why I Fear Islam - (Reason 29)
-29-Hollywood Comedy Writers can write a TV show making fun of the Pope, making fun of the U.S. President Barack Obama, making fun of [our] God, making fun of [insert any name except the Islamic Prophet].  Free speech?  Nope.  Fear speech.  Muslims have us running away, scared of them. ++++------- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7326476.stm More evidence of how Muslim mob violence has squelched any jokes about Muslims from Western media, so that now Muslims are a privileged elite who may only be referred to in the most respectful of tones by the media.  Islam has won the first battle, the battle of the minds. ++++------- http://www.amazon.com/Myth-Islamic-Tolerance-Treats-Non-Muslims/dp/1591022495/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1380476667&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=MYTH+OF+ISLAMIC+TOLERANCE+%28THE%29+edited+by+Robert+Spencer In MYTH OF ISLAMIC TOLERANCE (THE) Robert Spencer argues that we in the West cannot allow Muslims to dictate what constitutes hate speech.  If we do, any and all legitimate criticism of Islam will be silenced, freedom of inquiry will be blocked, and the Muslim haters who call any criticism of themselves hatred will have won. ++++------- http://www.jpost.com/Magazine/Features/Think-Again-A-double-standard-for-Islam J. ROSENBLUM on how Western intellectuals are bending themselves to the will of Islam: 1) Earlier, when Khomeini made it the duty of every Muslim to kill Salman Rushdie, Western intellectuals everywhere defended him. 2) But recently, when Mollie Norris promoted DRAW MUHAMMAD DAY, even her own paper bowed down before the Muslim God.  Mollie Norris is now hiding for her life under a new name, and her story in the media was a flash in the pan. ++++------- tweet ~ On 12/10/2010 National Front leader Marine Le Pen compared Islam in France to the Nazi Occupation. 39% of the French approved of the analogy ++++------- http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/02/03/world/main1277068.shtml More about the 12 cartoons about the Muslim Prophet in the Danish media, and the Islamic anger that resulted. ++++------- http://www.jpost.com/Features/InThespotlight/Article.aspx?id=257520 DAVID ROSENBERG’s fascinating article about the young Muslim writer Kashgari in Saudi Arabia who tweeted about not bowing down to the Muslim Prophet, and the media firestorm that resulted.  30,000 tweets accusing him of blasphemy; 18,000 members joined a Facebook page demanding his death or severe punishment; clerics called for him to be tried for apostasy. ++++------- tweet ~ Maps sold in Saudi Arabia do not show Israel. It is illegal to mention Israel in Saudi Arabia. The existence of Israel is blasphemous. ++++------- http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/02/08/twitter-aflame-with-fatwa-against-saudi-writer-hamza-kashgari.html Mike Giglio on the Saudi writer Kashgari and his tweets about the Muslim Prophet which pissed off the Muslims more than the Danish cartoons in 2005. ++++------- http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/35133 Finally, someone who partially agrees with me that when some Western nut-job burns a Koran, this is not the ultimate cause of Muslim nut-jobs rioting and killing Infidels (the mobs under the incitement and direction of Muslim nut-job preachers, in my view, who aim the mob at a desired target they have long wanted to attack).  Joseph A. Klein calls out responsible Muslims and Ambassador Haroon for failing to marginalize the Muslim fanatics. My issue is that I’m not sure the Muslim fanatics can ever be marginalized, because I think the moderate Muslims are the cheerleaders for the fanatics. ++++------- http://www.bostonherald.com/news/opinion/op_ed/view/2011_0405fired_up_over_nothing_book_burning_neither_illegal_nor_interesting/ Michael Graham on the new American standard for freedom of expression.  We may burn any book, and also any flag, even the American flag, but there are Muslim exceptions: we may not burn the Koran, and also we may not burn any flag with an Islamic symbol on it. ++++------- A quote from Ibn Warraq: “In its unwillingness to pass judgment on other cultures, the West is far too eager to defer to the Muslim world’s shrillest spokesmen on matters of religious doctrine.” ++++------- http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2007/05/the-kingdom-in-the-closet/5774/ Closeted Gay Life in Saudi Arabia.  Actually, quite interesting. ++++------- http://townhall.com/columnists/CliffMay/2010/10/14/why_cant_we_criticize_whats_wrong_with_islam Cliff May on how we in the West camouflage our fears as principles. @hg47 says - Maybe if we are completely inoffensive to Muslims they will leave us alone long enough to live our lives out as we wish. We are not AFRAID of Islam, no, no, no, Islam is a religion of peace!  Just don’t think about al-Shabaab, don’t think about Saudi Arabia’s clerics who own and control the majority of mosques worldwide influencing the sermons, don’t think about Lashkar-e-Taiba, don’t think about Iran’s mullahs building an atomic bomb threatening the elimination of Israel daily, don’t think about the Muslim Brotherhood and that part of its mission statement about killing every last Jew on the Earth and destroying Western civilization, just don’t think about al-Qaeda or the Taliban, don’t think about Hezbollah or Hamas, both dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew in order to bring about Judgment Day. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Go-To-30+ +Go-To-Beginning-Of-47-REASONS-WHY-I-FEAR-ISLAM+
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delwray-blog · 5 years
“Christianity today is Anti-Christianity to that which existed in the 1st Century”
Scream as loud as you please but you’re going to read the truth in this document – Read and instant fear should enrage you!
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph. 6:12.
Just who are these “Powers of Darkness”?
Just who are these leaders of darkness? Jesus called them, “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH” Rev. 17:5; “…The Synagogue of Satan” Rev. 2:9, Rev. 3:9; “The Powers of Darkness” Eph. 6:12; and the “Mystery of Iniquity” 2 Thess. 2:7.
This treaty is penned to show who these are: the “rulers of the darkness of this world”,” the spiritual wickedness in high places”. It is my purpose to make known that the Pharisees of yesterday are the Leaders of Jewry today!
Hitler and the Nazi’s may have murdered 6,000,000 Jews in 1945, while in 1917 during the Bolshevik Revolution the Jews in Red Russia slaughtered more than 20,000,000 Christians, promising to do the same here in America. Under Stalin, married to a Jewish and his gulags, Lenin, Trotsky and Engels, all Jews, murdered more than 100,000,000, “million” I say, of their own people. Khruschev came over here and said, “They, the Communist Jews were going to bury America”.
Hillary Clinton who just ran on the Democratic ticket for President comes from a long line of Jewish ancestors and promised if elected she would do away with Christianity in America. Her husband Bill Clinton during his presidency his entire cabinet was all Jews. The Jews are running this country and our current President Donald Trump is under attack from the news media owned by the Jews.
I am NOT an Anti-Semitic I am an Anti-PHARISEE and an Anti-Talmudic Jew Christ hater. You can scream as loud as you please but you’re going to read the truth here.
The Conspiracy that turned Russia into the World Center of Atheism and is doing the same in America!
The Jewish Hatred for Christ and Christianity:
"And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy." Acts 23:12-13. The same forces which crucified Jesus Christ two-thousand years ago are today out to destroy Christianity in America and kill every single Christian living here. They’re out to crucify His body, the Church. Many Christian leaders have not yet realized it, but Christianity is in the grip of a life and death struggle at the present time. International Jewish Communism, which has already undermined all nations, firmly expects to exterminate all Christians. What the Cause of Christ has endured in Russia the past many years surpasses its suffering at the hands of bloody Nero. This exposition is to show that the present-day Jewish Pharisees are the greatest enemy facing the United States today.
The Jewish Assault on Christianity Christianity is passing through a crisis the like of which it has never faced before. Whether or not it possesses sufficient moral and spiritual resistance to survive remains to be seen. Paul said the Christian's instruments of battle were not physical: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." The same thought is emphasized in the supernaturally inspired words to Zerubbabel: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." The strength of the Church is in its ability to influence the hearts and lives of men by the demonstration and proclamation of divine truth. Questions like the following constantly haunt this writer: "Will the Church be able to demonstrate sufficient power to triumph over its foes in the present crisis? Or has it become so weakened by apostasy and pernicious teachings that it will have to be drenched in its own blood before it can be brought to its senses?" Persecution has always had a purifying effect upon the Church. Like the individual saints of which it is composed, its "strength is made perfect in weakness." Unless the Christian forces of the western nations come under a new baptism of old-time spiritual power, the Church will go down and Soviet Atheism will come up. The Russian Empire was destroyed by the Red hordes, many years ago, because it did not possess sufficient spiritual vitality to resist the onslaught.
The Greek Orthodox Church, which governed the religious life and thought of Russia, was a cold, dead, pagan institution. It lacked life, emotion, and creative energy. Consequently, it yielded to the first attack of organized Atheism. It’s gorgeous temples have been turned into museums, brothels, and centers of entertainment and vice. Its wealth has been confiscated. Its priests and other leaders have been put to death. Its members have been slaughtered by the millions. Church life is a memory of the past. Now let us turn our attention toward Germany. Next, to the British, the German people are the most religious people in Europe. Protestantism was cradled there. Out of a sixty-seven million population, sixty million Germans are today identified with some kind of a Christian Church. For several years, the Moscow conspirators focused their attacks upon Germany. It looked for a time as if the Country was doomed. But by degrees, the Church began to assert its moral and spiritual strength. Finally, the deep, underlying principles of Christian truth manifested on the surface with the result, that by a single stroke, Communism was destroyed. Vibrant soul-sustaining evangelism is the only dependable antidote for Soviet Atheism. The same underground organization which produced the French Revolution is responsible for the present wave of international Communism. The latter part of the eighteenth century witnessed the destruction of France and brought about the “Great Ejection”. The same sinister agencies were at work across the English Channel in Great Britain. It is a matter of historical record, admitted by the best historians, that the revival of John Wesley saved England from the fate of France. If the Church of America continues to lose its spiritual moorings, it requires no prophet to determine what the future will bring forth. An old philosopher once said, to know a thing well one must understand its first cause. It is unpleasant to realize that a certain element of apostate Jewry is behind the turmoil of this dark hour and the present Soviet persecution through which the Church of Jesus Christ is passing.
The Jews and the Church In the dialect of the street, the Jew is sometimes called a "Christ hater." The spirit of Judaism is one of direct antagonism to the principles of Christianity. It is not difficult to understand why an apostate people, who have rejected their Messiah, should continue in spiritual darkness and despise everything that bears His name. No sooner had the tomb of Christ been sealed than the tormenters set out to destroy His followers. This assault has continued straight through the centuries until now it has come into fruition in the form of international Jewish Communism. In the first twelve chapters of the book of Acts, five specific persecutions, sponsored by Jews against the infant Christian Church, are recorded. Failing to blot the new religious conception from the face of the earth by putting its Leader to death, they invented every conceivable scheme for torturing and murdering those who pledged allegiance to His plan for redeeming the world from the curse of sin. The Jews regarded Christianity as being an illegitimate child of Judaism. Therefore, in their hatred, they believed it to be their solemn duty to stamp it out. After the divine visitation at Pentecost, so many thousands of Jews were converted that the leaders became alarmed. One thing stood in their way, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Had His body remained in the tomb, they would have found it easy to combat the new Faith which had suddenly sprung into existence. But with the resurrection being discussed on every side, they found themselves confronted with an insurmountable difficulty. When first faced with the fact of the empty tomb they did not hesitate to resort to deliberate falsehoods.
"And when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, saying say His disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept. And if this comes to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day." The first few months of the Church's history witnessed five distinct persecutions. What the Cause of Christ has endured at the hands of Jews, through the centuries, far surpasses anything the Jewish people have suffered from Christians. The attitude of the Jews toward the early Church reminds us that there would be no Christianity in the world today had Paul and others not taken the Gospel message to the Gentiles. First persecution: Acts 4:1-22. A pitiful beggar, a man born a cripple, was placed near the gates of the Jerusalem temple every day to beg for alms. On a certain occasion, as Peter and John were about to enter, the poor, helpless creature stretched forth a dirty, bony arm and pleaded for a coin. "Silver and gold have I none," said Peter, "but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." Instantly the resurrection life of Christ smote the recipient of divine mercy and he jumped to his feet "walking, and leaping, and praising God." The man was more than forty years of age and had therefore been a familiar object on the streets of Jerusalem for years. This miracle caused a great stir throughout the city. Large crowds of curious people gathered around the apostles and the healed beggar. Peter was quick to take advantage of the opportunity and turned the occasion into a sermon. "Why marvel ye at this?" he asked, and then explained that a far more wonderful miracle had occurred a short time before in Jerusalem, namely the resurrection of Christ from the grave. When the report of this healing reached the treacherous Jews, their minds got busier than ever. They began devising new plans for putting an end to everything that was being done in the name of Christ. Their first thought was to deny that the miracle had been performed. Then they realized that this was useless because the man was so well known. At that moment he was rejoicing, praising God, testifying to his deliverance and telling everybody what had happened. "And we cannot deny it," mourned the Jews who would have lied to discredit the story if it would have advanced their selfish purposes. The members of the Sanhedrin came together and the little band of Christians was forced to appear before them. A torrent of abuse was turned loose upon the trembling group until finally Peter, "filled with the Holy Ghost," became bold. As spokesman for the group, he made it clear that the Christians proposed to obey God rather than man. Had it not been that the mobs were at that time favorable toward the apostles because of the miracle which had been performed, the Jewish leaders would have no doubt put the entire body of believers to death. Second persecution: Acts 5:17-42. "Many signs and wonders" were wrought among the people by the apostles. All manner of diseases were healed. But the Jews could see no good in any of this relief of human suffering because it did not come through the narrow, selfish channels of their bigoted nationalism. The leaders agreed to the use of physical weapons in their attempt to destroy spiritual power, the same as Communists are doing today in trying to exterminate Christianity by killing Christians. Repeated acts of supernatural intervention preserved the early Church. Without divine assistance, it would have perished. These early miracles confirmed the words of the Founder that the gates of hell would not be able to prevail against the Church.
The Jews "laid hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison. But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth." Next morning when the Jewish senate convened and messengers were sent to bring the apostles for trial, it was discovered that unknown to the jailors, they had escaped and were at that very hour preaching in the area of the temple. Jerusalem was in turmoil by this time. Had the officials dared, they would have killed the Christians without a legal trial. When the saints appeared before the tribunal they were told that they had been previously warned not to teach in the name of Jesus. "Ye have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us," said the high priest. From this, it is evident that the apostles had been denouncing the Jews and charging them with the responsibility for Christ's death. Here we find the leaders complaining about His blood being upon them, forgetting apparently their previous utterance: "His blood be on us, and on our children." It is to the credit of our spiritual ancestors that they were able to fill a whole city with the doctrines of Christianity in the face of such defiant opposition. Peter finally dared to shout: "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree." Next, he called upon his persecutors to repent of their sins. We read that this "cut them to the heart." Who was this upstart that he should have the audacity to rebuke them! When they were almost ready to demand the lives of the apostles, Gamaliel, a tolerant member of the Sanhedrin, lifted a warning voice. If the new cult was not of God, he declared that it would come to naught and fall by its own weight. "But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." At length, this line of common sense reasoning prevailed, and the passions of the leaders cooled a bit. The result was, instead of killing the apostles they were given another warning and a severe flogging. This form of punishment was cruel, brutal, cowardly and unjust. But even though bitter and painful to the flesh, it caused rejoicing to the spirits of the faithful few. As the wounds healed they "rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name." The only way the Jews had of striking at the Christ Whom they hated was to injure His followers; they availed themselves of this opportunity. Boldly and properly disregarding their illegal judges, the Christians kept on preaching Christ and reminding the Jews of their crimes against the government of God. Third persecution: Acts 7:54-60. The blood of martyrs began flowing in the same year that the Lord ascended into heaven. The Jews' first victim after Christ was a man named Stephen, whose primary crime was a belief in the deity of the Son of God. This was regarded as blasphemy. The story of the murder of Stephen is one of the saddest in all the history of the Church. It is significant that a Hellenist, rather than an apostle, should have become the first Christian martyr. Stephen was accused of three things: blaspheming God, setting aside the Old Testament, and belittling the Temple. Each of these charges was untrue. Even while lying witnesses were being introduced against him, the members of the Jewish council saw his countenance light up with a spiritual glow like "the face of an angel." After listening to the charges, the priests asked their helpless victim: "Are these things so?" But instead of devoting himself to an answer of questions which everyone knew to be based upon falsehoods, Stephen entered into a discussion of Israelites’ history and closed by rebuking his judges for their hypocrisy. He declared that their devotion to God, the Law, and the Temple, was hypocritical. Here are his words: "Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. Which of the prophets have not your father’s persecuted? And they have slain them which showed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers." Thus Stephen laid bare the full measure of their guilt. The blood of the Son of God was upon their heads; they had ignored the miracles which testified of His deity; they had rejected the Pentecostal program of the new Church; they had also spurned the wooing of the Holy Spirit. Before God, they stood condemned, and judgment was sure to overtake them! Taking no thought of his own safety, Stephen shot his words of truth, like barbed arrows, into the hard hearts of his merciless tormentors. As he spoke, the Jewish leaders yelled and screamed to drown his words. They stopped their ears with their fingers to avoid hearing the truth about themselves. Like serpents, they hissed their poison at the courageous Christian. They rushed upon him with one accord. In their madness they dragged him outside the city, removing their outer garments as they ran. With stones, they pelted the body of the first Christian martyr until his life ebbed away. This execution was illegal because the matter was not submitted to the Roman Governor. Emulating the blessed Saviour, Stephen cried with a loud voice: "Lord lay not this sin at their charge." "And when he had said this, he fell asleep." Fourth persecution: Acts 8:1-3. The first three persecutions were spontaneous and did not result from deliberate planning. There had been no coordination of effort. Events had transpired so rapidly that there had been no time to sit down and quietly work out a concerted plan of attack. But the spilling of Stephen's blood seemed to whet the Jewish appetite for more Christian suffering. From that hour, nothing but a terrible pogrom could possibly satisfy them. The sight of blood, the appearance of the first deadly wound in the flesh of a believer, seemed to stir all their criminal instincts. They came to the conclusion that an organized effort was imperative if the new Faith was to be put down. Up until that time, their attempts to suppress the truth had proved ineffective. In searching for a persecutor who would be both cunning and brutal they selected a brilliant young rabbi by the name of Saul from the city of Tarsus. It will be recalled that this was the young man who had guarded the coats of those who stoned Stephen. Saul stood grinning at the contortions of the martyr squirming and writhing in death agonies, under the barrage of rocks which were heaped upon him. Jesus told his followers to go everywhere proclaiming the glad tidings. This was done following the Pentecostal harvest feast which brought Jews to Jerusalem from all parts of the civilized world. Those who accepted the Gospel message, on that great occasion, returned to their various communities to kindle spiritual fires. Unwittingly, in the fourth persecution, the Jews contributed to the success of this very plan of evangelizing because when Saul began scattering believers, driving them from their homes, forcing them into exile, "persecuting them from city to city," every such Christian became an evangelist. Until this time, the activities of the Christians had been confined for the most part, to the city of Jerusalem and its immediate environs, although a skeleton of Church organization was set up reaching into other areas, resulting from the embers which blew in all directions after the experience Pentecost. "As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women, committed them to prison. Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word." The very name Saul became a terror to the early Christians because of the heartless methods which he used. He and his helpers were happiest when they could rush into a house and catch a little group of believers in the act of worshipping, they would kill and wound some, banish others, and torture still others in ways too numerous and terrible for words. The irony of this organized attempt on the part of the Jews to blot the cause of Christ out of existence was the fact that their own ringleader got gloriously converted on the road to Damascus and became the greatest missionary and evangelist the world has ever known. But, in later years, Paul never forgave himself, nor was he ever able to erase the memories of his early attacks upon the little Church, which he came to love so dearly and for which he finally sacrificed his life. Fifth persecution: Acts 12:1-19. The next spasm of Jewish terror, mentioned in the early part of the book of Acts, was directed against Peter. This persecution is of particular importance because it introduces a new element in the Jewish plan of destroying Christianity. It reveals the scheme, which was continued for hundreds of years, influencing Gentile rulers to do their dirty work for them. During the first few centuries of Church history, when the pagans slaughtered Christians by the tens of thousands, a careful study will show that time and again the pogroms were precipitated by powerful Jews who were able to maneuver things from behind the scenes. They simply used pagans to carry out their crimes against Christians in the same manner that the player moves chessmen on the board. St. Justin said in the middle of the second century: "The Jews were behind all the persecutions of the Christians. They wandered through the country, everywhere hating and undermining the Christian faith." Tertullian said about the same time: "The Jews formed the breeding ground of all anti-Christian action." A plain example of Jews causing unbelieving Gentiles to destroy Christians is to be seen in this, the fifth persecution. We read that Herod the king has James put to death by the sword because of Jewish influences being brought to bear upon his throne. This ruler was the grandson of Herod the Great who murdered the babes of Bethlehem after the birth of Christ. James was one of the three, with Peter and John, who enjoyed the sweetest possible fellowship with the Lord. No details are given in the Scriptures about the killing of James. And yet underneath the simple statement, deep anguish and sympathy may be felt. Then the next verse shows that the wicked king had planned to make away with Peter in the same way. "And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. And when he apprehended him, he put him in prison ... Peter, therefore, was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him." The Jews desired a public execution of Peter. They wanted his death to be viewed by all because he was one of the principal leaders of the despised Christians. This would give them a chance to gloat over their ability to wrap Gentile monarchs around their fingers. It was quite an achievement, in their estimation, to get a Roman king such as Herod, to do their bidding. But a strange thing happened during the night proceeding the day when Peter was to be put to death. Another miracle occurred. Although execution awaited him, the faithful apostle who spent the night chained between two soldiers, slept as sound as a babe. Suddenly a shaft of light shot into the darkened cell like a bolt of lightning and an angel smote Peter on the side. He dressed quickly and followed the heavenly visitor to the outer court, through the gate, and down the street. Not until then did he realize that his deliverance was real and not merely a dream. Making his way to the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, Peter found that an all-night prayer meeting was being held in his behalf. He came into the presence of the saints rejoicing "that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the Jews." The angel smote Peter and the result was life and liberty. A short time later the same angel smote Herod and the result was disease, death, and worms devouring his flesh. And this king was not the last to be cursed for allowing himself to come under the domination of Jews. So Herod having consented to an ignominious death for Peter, himself suffered one much more ignominious. Judgment! It is not a safe thing for non-Christians to persecute Christ's saints. God will not permanently excuse or condone such crimes. History is replete with judgments being visited fast and furiously upon individuals and nations who have made this mistake. Torturing Christians is a dangerous pastime. "Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him." "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap" "And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily." "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." The Jewish Bolshevik’s who are today digging a pit for Christianity in Russia are creating a future hell of judgment for themselves, exactly like the Jews of the first century sealed their destruction by torturing the saints at the dawn of this age. The same Romans, whom the vicious, designing and tricky Jews used as tools to destroy the Christian Church, later turned against them and added sorrow upon sorrow until the nation was at last drenched in its own blood.
Jesus said to the Jews: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." This pathetic prophecy was literally fulfilled in the middle of the first century when Titus, the Roman Emperor, brought his iron legions against the city of Jerusalem for one of the most terrible slaughters the world has ever known. Famine, disease, pestilence, and starvation on the inside of the city walls, and the Romans pushing fiercely against them from the outside brought upon the Jews such a wave of judgment and suffering as the human race has never before or since witnessed. A few pertinent snatches from the history of the Jews, written by Josephus, will be sufficient to illustrate this fact: "But the famine was too hard for all other passions, and it is destructive to nothing so much as to modesty; for what was otherwise worthy of reverence was in this case despised; insomuch that children pulled the very morsels that their fathers were eating out of their very mouths, and what was still more to be pitied, so did the mothers do as to their infants; and when those that were most dear were perishing under their hands, they were not ashamed to take from them the very last drops that might preserve their lives: and while they are after this manner, yet were they not concealed in so doing; but the seditious everywhere came upon them immediately, and snatched away from them what they had gotten from others; for when they saw any house shut up, this was to them a signal that the people within had gotten some food; whereupon they broke open the doors, and ran in, and took pieces of what they were eating almost up out of their throats, and this by force: the old men, who held their food fast, were beaten; and if the women hid what they had within their hands, their hair was torn for so doing; nor was there any commiseration shown either to the aged or to the infants, but they lifted up children from the ground as they hung upon the morsels they had gotten, and shook them down upon the floor. "This miserable procedure made Titus greatly to pity them, while they caught every day five hundred Jews; nay, some days they caught more: yet it did not appear to be safe for him to let those that were taken by force go their way, and to set a guard over so many he saw would be to make such as guarded them useless to him. The main reason why he did not forbid that cruelty was this that he hoped the Jews might perhaps yield at that sight, out of fear lest they might themselves afterward be liable to the same cruel treatment. So the soldiers, out of the wrath and hatred they bore the Jews, nailed those they caught, one after one way, and another after another, to the crosses, by way of jest, when their multitude was so great, that room was wanting for the crosses, and crosses wanting for the bodies. "Titus then went round about the enemy with some chosen troops, and fell upon their flanks himself; so the Jews, who had been before assaulted in their faces, wheeled about to Titus, and continued the fight. The armies also were now mixed one among another, and the dust that was raised so far hindered them from seeing one another, and the noise that was made so far hindered them from hearing one another, that neither side could discern an enemy from a friend. However, the Jews did not flinch, though not so much from their real strength, as from their despair of deliverance. The Romans also would not yield, by reason of the regard they had to glory, and to their reputation in war, and because Caesar himself went into the danger before them; insomuch that I cannot but think the Romans would in the seclusion have now taken even the whole multitude of the Jews, so very angry were they at them, had these not prevented the upshot of the battle and retired into the city. "Then did the famine widen its progress, and devoured the people by whole houses and families; the upper rooms were full of women and children that were dying by famine, and the houses of the city were full of the dead bodies of the aged; the children also and the young men wandered about the market-places like shadows, all swelled with the famine, and fell down dead, wheresoever’s their misery seized them. As for burying them, those that were sick themselves were not able to do it; and those that were hearty and well were deterred from doing it by the great multitude of those dead bodies, and by the uncertainty there was how soon they should die themselves; for many died as they were burying others, and many went to their coffins before that fatal hour was come. Nor was there any lamentations made under these calamities, nor were heard any mournful complaints, but the famine confounded all natural passions; for those who were just going to die looked upon those that were gone to rest before them with dry eyes and open mouths. A deep silence also, and a kind of deadly night, had seized upon the city; while yet the robbers were still more terrible than these miseries were themselves; for they break open those houses which were no other than graves of dead bodies, and plundered them of what they had; and carrying off the coverings of their bodies, went out laughing, and tried the points of their swords in their dead bodies; and, in order to prove what metal they were made of, they thrust some of those through that still lay alive upon the ground; but for those that entreated them to lend them their right hand and their sword to dispatch them, they were too proud to grant their requests, and left them to be consumed by the famine. "There was a certain woman that dwelt beyond Jordan, her name was Mary. She was eminent for her family and her wealth, and had fled away to Jerusalem with the rest of the multitude, and was with them besieged therein at this time. It now became impossible for her anyway to find any more food, while the famine pierced through her very bowels and marrow. She then attempted a most unnatural thing; and snatching up her son, who was a child sucking at her breast, she said, 'O thou miserable infant! For whom shall I preserve thee in this war, this famine, and this sedition? As to the war with the Romans, if they preserve our lives, we must be slaves. This famine also will destroy us, even before that slavery comes upon us. Yet are these Jewish rogues more terrible than both the other. Come on; be thou my food, and be thou a fury to these seditious varlets, and a byword to the world, which is all that is now wanting to complete the calamities of us Jews.' As soon as she had said this, she slew her son, and then roasted him, and ate the one half of him, and kept the other half by her concealed. Upon this the Jewish soldiers came in presently and smelling the horrid scent of this food, they threatened her that they would cut her throat immediately if she did not show them what food she had gotten ready. She replied that she had saved a very fine portion of it for them, and withal uncovered what was left of her son. Hereupon they were seized with a horror and amazement of mind, and stood astonished at the sight when she said to them, 'this is mine own son, and what hath been done was mine own doing! Come eat of this food; for I have eaten of it myself! Do not you pretend to be either more tender than a woman, or more compassionate than a mother; but if you be so scrupulous, and do abominate this my sacrifice, as I have eaten the one half, let the rest be reserved for me also'? After which those men went out trembling, being never so much affrighted at anything as they were at this, and with some difficulty, they left the rest of that meat to the mother. "This sad instance was quickly told to the Romans, some of whom could not believe it, and others pitied the distress which the Jews were under; but there were many of them who were thereby induced to a more bitter hatred than ordinary against our nation. But for Caesar, he excused himself before God as to this matter, and said that he had proposed peace and liberty to the Jews, as well as an oblivion of all their former insolent practices; but that they, instead of Concord, had chosen sedition; instead of peace, war; and before satiety and abundance, a famine." Josephus tells how this state of affairs continued for months until finally the Roman soldiers set fire to the gates and literally burned their way into the city. The siege of Titus continued until the sacred Temple was burned and razed to the ground. He continues: "While the holy house was on fire, everything was plundered that came to hand, and ten thousand of those that were caught were slain; nor was there a commiseration of any age or any reverence of gravity, but children, and old men, and profane persons, and priests were all slain in the same manner; so that this war went round all sorts of men and brought them to destruction, and as well those that made supplication for their lives, as those that defended themselves by fighting. The flame was also carried a long way, and made an echo, together with the groans of those that were slain; and because this hill was high, and the works at the temple were very great, one would have thought the whole city had been on fire." Again we are reminded of the Lord's reference to this terrible judgment which was predicted to come upon the Jews, "Your house is left unto you desolate." The Jews and the Prophets.
Even a casual reading of the Old and New Testaments will show that the Jews are a disobedient and rebellious people. Nowhere in Scripture are Christians required to excuse and condone their evil deeds simply because of their nationality. Jesus knew better than anyone else the unspeakable crimes of which these people are capable. It was to them that He addressed the following powerful polemic: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! And say, if we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?" In this indictment, Jesus lays the charge of persecuting the prophets at the door of the Jewish people. It is by far the most severe, denunciatory and withering blast of language which fell from His lips during the entire thirty-three years that He was in the flesh. The Jesus of this, the twenty-third chapter of Matthew, is not the quiet, reticent Jesus of modern literature and the fashionable pulpit. The Jesus, whose righteous indignation is here asserted, is a man of words and action, a man in the act of pronouncing eight woes upon the Jewish leaders and finally condemning them to the damnation of hell. In the next breath, Jesus affirms His Godhead and says that He will soon send other messengers of God to them. He then predicts that they will treat His coming servants exactly like their fathers treated the prophets. "Behold I send (or 'I am about to send') unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city; That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar." True to the Lord's promise, after His departure He sent the first group of messengers forth on the day of Pentecost. Others followed later. The book of Acts records the persecutions and deaths they suffered at the hands of the very Jews who declared they would not have been guilty of the similar conduct of their fathers. It is particularly significant to notice that Jesus blamed the Jews for the murder of Abel. But how could this have been in view of the fact Abel was a son of Adam and Eve, whereas the Jews date their origin from Abraham about nineteen hundred years before the birth of Christ? By way of parenthesis, it should be remarked that the name Jew did not originate until a few hundred years after Abraham. It was first used in the book of second Kings as a reference to the patriarch Judah in distinction from the other ten tribes of Israel. Later the term became the appellation of the whole nation. When Jesus accused them of killing Abel, He was seeing beyond their particular nationality. He was seeing beyond the garb of flesh which they were wearing. He was looking deep into their souls. He was seeing the demonic poison which was stored up in their lifestream. He knew that the same satanic hatred for the program of God which took the life of Abel was to reach its climax in the murder of the Messiah and His apostles. Hence the judgment which He pronounced upon them: "How can ye escape the damnation of hell?" To grasp the full meaning of the above reference to Abel, one needs to understand that from Eden to Bethlehem's manger there runs a perfect avenue of divine heredity. This path of the ages, carved straight through the human family, may be likened to the Gulf Stream which plows its way across the ocean. The conflict of the centuries is the fact that Satan tried repeatedly to break the royal line so the Redeemer of the world could not be born. Early in Genesis, after the fall of man, it was announced that the "seed of the woman" would bruise the serpent's head. This is the first reference in Scripture to the virgin birth of Christ. Eve was given to understand that a male child, a descendant of hers, would break Satan's power in the world. When Cain, the first child was born, it is evident that Eve thought he was the one who would destroy the serpent, then and there, because she said: "I have gotten a man from the Lord." This was a mistake for the reason that a study of Cain's life shows him to have been full of hereditary poison. He was guilty of six specific sins: he worshiped in self-will, was angry with God, refused to bring a sin-offering, lied to God, would not repent, and murdered his brother. Abel, the second son, was in the blood-line between Eden and the manger. It was for this reason that Satan inspired the killing of Abel so the line would be broken. Seth was born later to repair the damage. After that, the two lines ran in parallel until the deluge, the Sethites, and the Canaanites. Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and many others, were in the royal line from which the promised Redeemer was finally born. Now, in the twenty-third chapter of Matthew, we find Christ charging the Jews with the same sin which was laid against Cain, namely, that they had become the instruments of Satan for the destruction of the plan of human redemption. The poison of the serpent had been handed down until that hour; it was flowing in their veins; the blood of the righteous Abel was upon them; they were cooperating with Satan; they had permitted themselves to become a party to the same crime of which Cain was guilty; they were trying to destroy the Saviour of the world even as Cain tried to destroy the line from which the Redeemer was to be born. When these facts are understood, this chapter becomes truly pathetic. There Jesus stands in the temple dedicated to the worship of the true God. He is confronted by a crowd of blind and impure hypocrites. Sinless anger burns on His face as His eyes melt into anguish and misery. From the hill on which the temple is situated, he looks down upon the city spread before and beneath Him. He cries out: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killed the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!" Then once more addressing the Jews, He cried: "Behold your house is left unto you desolate." As Jesus walked down the steps that day, the people only saw a simple man leaving the temple, but the angels saw the God of Heaven forsaking it. As an example of how the Jews treated the prophets, Jesus cited the circumstance of Zacharias being slain between the temple and the altar. This takes us back to the twenty-fourth chapter of second Chronicles. Baal worship had invaded Israel. Athaliah, the daughter of Jezebel, exalted herself to the throne of David. She caused all the male members of the royal family to be put to death except Joash, the six-year-old son of King Asaziah, who was hidden away secretly by the good priest Johoiada. In this revolution which overtook his nation, Johoiada showed great tact and ability. He waited until public sentiment became ripe for a change, then on a certain day when a large crowd was assembled in the temple court he displayed the child and drove Athaliah from the throne. Soldiers had been previously concealed in the temple and were armed with weapons. At the proper moment, Johoiada released his private army from hiding and stationed warriors at the various places of entrance so no one could leave or enter the court. The power of idol worship was thus broken, with a single stroke, in Israel. Athaliah with Mattan, her chief prophet of Baal, were put to death. Johoiada died at the age of one hundred and thirty. As a signal honor, he was buried "in the city of David among the kings." Zechariah was the son of Johoiada and succeeded his father as the leading priest of Israel.
Because Zechariah dared to rebuke the Jewish leaders for their apostasy, King Joash had him put to death. "And the spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest, which stood above the people, and said unto them, “Thus saith God, Why transgress ye the commandments of the Lord that ye cannot prosper? Because ye have forsaken the Lord, he hath also forsaken you.” And they conspired against him and stoned him with stones at the commandment of the king in the court of the house of the Lord. Thus Joash the king remembered not the kindness which Jehoiada, his father, had done to him, but slew his son. And when he died, he said, The Lord look upon it, and require it." In less than a year from the time that Zachariah was killed, the Syrian armies overran Jerusalem and massacred the people. Joash was later put to death. On the eventful day, when Jesus stood before the Jews who thirsted for His blood, He reviewed this bit of Israelites’ history by reminding them of their crimes against the prophets of old. The Jews and the Christ Speaking to the sect known as the Pharisees, Jesus said: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh his own: for he is a liar and the father of it." The Pharisees wielded a satanic influence over their nation. They represented a system of occultism mingled with Jewish doctrines and beliefs. They poured a constant stream of poison into the thinking of Jewry which twisted and perverted the minds of the rank and file of people. Although the Sadducean high priests were the head of the Sanhedrin, the decisive influence upon public affairs was in the hands of the Pharisees. The People's Bible Encyclopedia says: "They had the greatest influence upon the congregations, so that all acts of public worship, prayers, and sacrifices were performed according to their injunctions. Their sway over the masses was so absolute that they could obtain a hearing even when they said anything against the king or the high priest. Hence the Sadducees, in their official acts, adhered to the demands of the Pharisees, because otherwise, the multitude would not have tolerated them." As a Jew avoided as far as possible all contact with a Gentile, lest he should thereby be defiled, so did the Pharisee avoid, as far as possible, contact with the non-Pharisee, because the latter was to him unclean even though a Jew. The egotism of the sect is at once evident. There is no way of calculating the demoralizing influence that this group of men had upon the people who looked to them for leadership. In tracing the origin of this organization we find that it began back in the occult demonism of the Chaldean soothsayers. General A. Netchvolodow says: "The Chaldean science acquired by many of the Jewish priests, during the captivity of Babylon, gave birth to the sect of the Pharisees whose name only appears in the Holy Scriptures and in the writings of the Jewish historians after the captivity (606 B.C.). The works of the celebrated scientist Monk leave no doubt on the point that the sect appeared during the period of the captivity.
"From then dates the Cabala or Tradition of the Pharisees: For a long time their precepts were only transmitted orally but later they formed the Talmud and received their final form in the book called the Sepher ha Zohar." When the leaders of Israel contacted the occultism of the Chaldeans they brought a satanic element into Jewry which was in a great measure responsible for all of the subsequent crimes of the nation. The Pharisees carried on constant subversive activities against the Gentile peoples around them. They were, in a sense, the Communists of their day. To them, a Gentile was no better than a dog. Josephus, the great Jewish historian, explains: "For there was a certain sect of men that were Jews, who valued themselves highly upon the exact skill they had in the law of their fathers and made men believe they were highly favored by God. These are those that are called the sect of the Pharisees, who were in a capacity of greatly opposing kings. A cunning sect they were, and soon elevated to a pitch of open fighting and doing mischief. Accordingly, when all the people of the Jews gave assurance of their good-will to Caesar, and to the king's government, these very men did not swear, being above six thousand; and when the king imposed a fine upon them, Pheroras's wife paid their fine for them. In order to requite this kindness of hers, since they were believed to have the foreknowledge of things to come by Divine inspiration, they foretold how God had decreed that Herod's government should cease, and his posterity should be deprived of it; but that the kingdom should come to her and Pheroras, and to their children. These predictions were not concealed from Salome, but were told the king; as also how they had perverted some persons about the palace itself; so the king slew such of the Pharisees as were principally accused, and Bagoas the eunuch, and one Carus, who exceeded all men of that time in comeliness, and one that was his catamite." Josephus also tells how the Pharisees were able to crowd their way into the lives of Gentile rulers to the point of gaining control of whole nations exactly as Jewish financiers and political leaders are doing today. The following historical statement by Josephus, describing ancient Alexander, at the time when Alexandra was ruling, sounds like it might have been written about some modern country:
"These are a certain sect of the Jews that appear more religious than others and seem to interpret the laws more accurately. Now Alexandra hearkened to them to an extraordinary degree, as being herself a woman of great piety towards God. But these Pharisees artfully insinuated themselves into her favor by little and little, and became themselves the real administrators of the public affairs: they banished and reduced whom they pleased; they bound and loosed (men) at their pleasure: and, to say all at once, they had the enjoyment of the royal authority, whilst the expenses and the difficulties of it belonged to Alexandra. She was a sagacious woman in the management of great affairs, and intent always upon gathering soldiers together; so that she increased the army the one half, and procured a great body of foreign troops, till her own nation became not only very powerful at home, but terrible also to foreign potentates, while she governed other people, and the Pharisees governed her." Thus we see how, back there, powerful Jews were able to rule from behind the scenes, pull wires and produce Gentile strife the same as they are doing today through their "Gentile fronts" among the various nations. We must always remember that it is natural for the Jewish people to have only contempt for Gentiles. They are possessed of a natural aversion for Christianity. When they gain control of a country, as in Russia at the present time, they never fail to vent their ill-will upon Christians. From the foregoing, we now understand that the Pharisees represented the secret, sinister organization which existed for the purpose of opposing God and overthrowing all law and order. Out of their evil, occult program, there eventually came two documents known as the Kabbalah and the Talmud. The Kabbalah governs the spiritual life of the Jews, while the Talmud regulates things material. Concerning the writings of the rabbis which were added to the Old Testament Scriptures by these leaders, Josephus says: "What I would now explain is this, that the Pharisees have delivered to the people a great many observances by succession from their fathers, which are not written in the laws of Moses; and for that reason it is that the Sadducees reject them, and say that we are to esteem those observances to be obligatory which are in the written word, but are not to observe what are derived from the tradition of our forefathers." It is believed by many that the Talmud and other writings of the Jewish leaders were directly responsible for the rejection of Christ. These "traditions" blinded the eyes of the people to a true understanding of the prophecies which related to the coming of the Messiah. They produced the hatred which finally resulted in the assassination of the Son of God. Hence the words of our Lord: "Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?" And again: "Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition."
A few quotations from the Talmud will give an insight into the mental processes of the rabbis of all ages and will show why these inhuman writings were objectionable to Jesus. Gentiles, realizing the sinister contents of these documents have sought at different times to destroy them. All copies were ordered burned by Philip IV, the Fair, King of France, in 1306, but the book survived the flames. The Jewish conception of God was that of a tyrant whose wrath had to be constantly appeased by the most rigid observances. He was confined, they believed, to the four walls of their own bigoted nationalism. Their contempt for other peoples is shown by quotations from the Talmud: "You (the Jews) are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts." "On the house of the Goy (non-Jew), one looks as on the fold of cattle." The following prayer from the Talmud is quoted to the present day: "We beg Thee, O Lord, indict Thy wrath on the nations not believing in Thee, and not calling on Thy name. Let down Thy wrath on them and inflict them with Thy wrath. Drive them away in Thy wrath and crush them to pieces. Take away, O Lord, all bone from them. In a moment indict all disbelievers. Destroy in a moment all foes of Thy nation. Draw out with the root, disperse and ruin unworthy nations. Destroy them! Destroy them immediately, at this very moment!" "It is wicked to protest the words of the rabbis than of Torah (Law of Moses)." "The decisions of the Talmud are words of the living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinion of earthly rabbis when there are difficult affairs in heaven." "Jehovah himself in heaven studies the Talmud, standing: he has such respect for that book." The Talmud teaches that the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful. That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without scruples. That an orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other nations, and on the contrary, he even ought to act against morality, if it is profitable for himself or for the interest of Jews in general. Continuing quotations from the Talmud: "A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonored." "It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere ... it is permitted to kill him before he has denounced ... though it is necessary to warn him and say, 'Do not denounce.' But should he say, 'I will denounce,' he must be killed, and he who accomplishes it first will have the greater merit." "How to interpret the word 'robbery'. A Goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a Goy or from a Jew, but he (a Jew) is not forbidden to do all this to a Goy." It would be a mistake to pass lightly over the satanic influence which the Chaldean priests wielded upon the Jewish leaders while they were in Babylon. This association of Jews with pagan magicians perverted the teaching of the Old Testament into murky materialism and brought the people under the despotism of demonism. In Scripture, the Chaldeans are classed with the magicians, astrologers, soothsayers, and sorcerers. Therefore, the inner circle of Jewish leaders in the days of Christ was nothing short of black magicians. Is it reasonable to suppose that this hereditary poison which was handed down in the life-stream of Jewry, from the time of the Old Testament prophets, has ceased to exist? The common-sense answer is No. We have with us today the same kind of human "vipers" that Christ had to contend with nineteen hundred years ago. They constituted the scheming, tricky group which stirred up the mobs that screeched for the destruction of the Son of God. They uttered the most vicious cry that ever fell from human lips: "Crucify him! Crucify him!" "Then Pilate said unto them. Why, what evil hath he done? And they cried out the more exceedingly, crucify him." Had Christ shown hatred toward the Gentiles, started a revolution, organized an army, marched on Rome and promised to give the Jews earthly power, they would have accepted Him as their Messiah and King. But they rejected Him because He said: "My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews." It was a tragic night when our Lord went into the garden of Gethsemane for His final season of prayer before facing Calvary. Three times He prayed: "O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." Prior to this time, certain Jewish leaders had approached one of the disciples with a financial offer if he would only lead the mob to the place where the Saviour had secluded Himself for the evening. The Jews possess the rare ability for stirring up strife among the Gentiles. They know exactly how to create confusion and unrest. They are experts in arousing human passions by producing mob psychology. They are able to stampede crowds into croaking special phrases like frogs. We see this today in the streets of the large cities of the world where throngs of unemployed men congregate, carrying banners, and repeating slogans. Little do these mobs know that behind their misery there are usually Jewish Capitalists who have deliberately planned the abnormal economic conditions which produced their suffering. Little do these mobs know that at the top of their Communist organizations there are powerful, but diseased, Jewish minds. Judas told the conspirators that the One Whom he should kiss would be Jesus. So, the deceiver drew near, sneaking like a serpent through the undergrowth and shrubbery of the garden. Reaching the Master, he greeted Him with a familiar oriental salutation consisting of a gentle embrace and a kiss on the cheek. In a few minutes, the Lord was entirely at the mercy of the savage pack of Jewish wolves. They were determined to do away with Him. This was the world's blackest night. First, the innocent Victim was taken to the home of Caiaphas, the high priest, then to the Sanhedrin. And finally to Pilate's Court. All three of these trials were illegal. Both Jewish and Roman laws were broken. Meanwhile, Judas had collected the thirty pieces of silver due him for his part in the crime. He hurried quickly away from the mob, into the semi-darkness, down the path, and vanished from sight. At first, he was inclined to congratulate himself on having made some easy money. This was before his conscience began lashing him. Is it too much to suppose that Judas soon discovered that he had blood on his lips? Yes, his mouth was moist. He found his lips were bloody. Only a few minutes ago, he had kissed the cheek of the Son of God. And the sweat which bathed the Lord's face had been great drops of blood. It was true that blood was oozing through the pores of the Lord's body at the time of the fatal kiss. Medical science declares that only one thing can produce a bloody sweat, namely, a broken heart. In the sad hour of the garden prayers, Jesus loved the world so much, so deeply, that the physical organ in His breast could not stand the strain; it actually collapsed. His heart could not stand the outburst of emotion. It was literally, physically ruptured. And this sad experience fulfilled Psalms 69:20: "Reproach hath broken my heart." When the heart collapsed from the deep emotional impact, blood naturally dripped through the pores of His flesh.
Let sinners remember that this was the way Jesus Christ loved them just before He went to Calvary to suffer for the sins of the world. Try to imagine the feelings of Judas when he discovered the blood of the Master on his lips, poor conscience-stricken creature! Back to the Jewish leaders, he ran. "I have sinned", he cried "in that I have betrayed innocent blood." "What is that to us?" The Jews replied scornfully. "See thou to that." Then the cringing betrayer literally threw the thirty pieces of silver on the floor of the temple and fled from the presence of the vicious priests. "I have betrayed innocent blood," he sobbed. Judas was found dead a few hours later, having committed suicide. Special notice should be taken of the word "innocent". The last thing the betrayer did before he died, was to declare that Jesus Christ was guilty of no wrong, that He had committed no sin, that He was living a clean, pure, innocent, sinless life. Had Jesus been guilty of one sin, Judas would have known about it and would have used it to justify his heinous crime in that tragic hour. The perfect life that the Master lived while in the flesh is an unanswerable argument for His perfect commencement and His Godhead. Yes, this innocent, sinless God-Man from heaven was subjected by Jews, to every conceivable indignity, and because of their demands was finally put to a horrible death on a disgraceful cross like a common criminal. The Jews and the Church (Continued) The destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in A.D. 70 was a direct fulfillment of the prophecy made by Jesus in Matthew 24:2, "See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down." Naturally, when Titus plowed down this gorgeous structure, Christians hailed the event as a confirmation of the Lord's ability to read the future. This aroused ever-increasing interest in prophetic subjects among the believers. The destruction of the Temple and the siege at Jerusalem resulted in the dispersion of the Jews. And wherever they went, they carried burning hatred in their hearts for the saints because they were constantly reminded that Christ had predicted their downfall. Now, coming to the middle of the fourth century we find another example of Jewish influence over Gentile rulers, which is equally as remarkable as their control of King Herod.
For three hundred years, powerful Jews dispersed to all parts of the Roman Empire, kindled ill-will against the Christians. Then came Emperor Constantine who reversed everything and made Christianity the official state religion of the nation. This was a rebuff to both the Jews and pagans who had used every conceivable scheme to destroy the Faith. After the departure of Constantine from this life, his three sons ruled the Empire. Meanwhile, the Jews bided their time, waiting for the right opportunity to place a Gentile in power that they could control. Their chance came, following the death of Constantine's last son, when Julian ascended to the throne. Contempt for Christianity filtered through Julian's mind and he resolved, as soon as an occasion might arise, to deal it a final, crushing blow. He swore that when the time was ripe he would throw off the religious cloak of Constantine. It remained for the Jews to produce a situation in which they could assist Julian in venting his spleen against the believers who were then growing strong both in numbers and spiritual strength, due to more than a half-century of religious freedom. Happily, for the Church, this Emperor reigned only two years, but those two years embodied a period of unspeakable agony. Julian gave the Christians the name "Galileans" which, in his day, was a word that carried a slur with it. As if actuated by the spirit of anti-Christ he adopted the curious means of attempting to nullify the Bible prophecies. His contact with the Jews was no doubt responsible for this novel idea. Early training had taught him how to gain favor with Jewish leaders by insulting and tormenting the followers of Christ. Neither, Jews or Christians had forgotten that the destruction of the Temple was a fulfillment of predictions made by the Lord. It was therefore decided that, as a slap at the Christians, Julian should rebuild the edifice in Jerusalem and turn it over to the Jews. From all quarters of the Empire, Jews came to assist in erecting the building and to offer their wealth. Julian personally made the preliminary arrangements and sent one of his chief officers to superintend the work. The Jews who were directing affairs from within the shadows, shaping the official policies of the Empire, saw in this a deadly rebuff which promised to ultimately threaten the very existence of the Christian religion in the world. Stirring scenes were enacted. Women brought their ornaments and jewels by the cartloads. So much precious metal was received that tools were even cast and forged of it. It looked to Jews and pagans as if the prophecies of the Bible relating to Palestine were going to be set aside. But God intervened at the last minute and when the Temple was partway built a violent earthquake and severe electrical storm took place which demolished the whole undertaking. Fear came upon the Jews and the workers so that all activities were suspended. Not only Christian writers but pagans as well, record this strange happening. Julian was mortally wounded on the field of battle with the Persians a few months later. He became known in history as "the Apostate." It has been related that just prior to his death, he cried: "Thou hast conquered, after all, O Galilean." Church leaders, through the age, have been alert to Satan's use of the Jewish people in thwarting the program of Christ in the world. Some Christians have been more outspoken than others, on the subject, but every generation has produced its watchmen who have known the truth and have dared to proclaim it. Among the more bold spokesmen on this question was Martin Luther who prepared a treatise entitled, The Jews and Their Lies. In it we read the following statements which are characteristic of the entire discussion: "How the Jews love the Book of Esther, which is so suitable to their bloodthirsty, revengeful, murderous appetite and hopes! The sun has never shone on such a bloodthirsty and revengeful people, who fancy themselves to be the chosen people so that they can murder and strangle the heathen. "No folk under the sun is greedier than they are than they have been and always will be, as one can see from their accursed usury. They console themselves that when their Messiah comes, he will collect all the gold and silver in the world and divide it amongst them. "The Princes and authorities sit and snore with open mouths and let the Jews take, steal and rob what they want out of their open purses and chests; they let themselves and their subjects be skinned and sucked dry by the Jews' usury, and make themselves, with their own money, beggars in their own State. The Jews have got our money and property, and are therefore our masters in our own land. "It all agrees with the judgment of Christ that they are poisonous, bitter, vindictive, and malicious serpents, assassins, and children of the devils who kill and inflict injuries by stealth because they cannot do so openly. "But if we fear that they may do us harm in body, wife, child, servant, beast, etc., etc. let us reckon up with them what they have taken from us by usury, and so share it amicably, but drive them forever into the fields. "Anyone might think I am saying too much. I am not saying too much, but rather far too little. If we do not want to partake in the Jews' blasphemies we must be separated and they must be driven out of the land. That is the best advice that secures both sides in such a case." The Jews and Communism.
No informed person who is truthful denies the Jewish character of Communism! The writer recently published in one of his magazines, the names and nationalities of every leader in the Moscow dictatorship as it was set up years ago. It was discovered that out of the 545 members of the bureaucracy, 454 were Jews and there were only 23 Russians in the group. In other words, the Russian people are governed by a gang of anti-Christian foreigners, many of whom are said to be unable to speak the language of the people they govern. Some of the principal officials of the Red government are reported to have come from the East Side of New York. It has been said on the floor of the United States Congress, and the charge has not been denied, that a certain Jewish banking concern in Wall Street sponsored Trotsky's mass meetings of rebellion in New York some years ago, sent him across the ocean secretly, and deposited millions of dollars in a Swedish bank to the credit of the destroyers, with which the Russian revolution was financed. In her remarkable book Waters Flowing Eastward, Mrs. L. Fry states that back in 1893 a Jewish secret order here in America appointed Jacob Schiff, a Wall Street Jew, chairman of its committee on Russian revolutionary activities. If this is true, it simply means that Mr. Schiff sat at his desk in New York and directed the destruction of the Czar's government thousands of miles away. It is impossible to separate Jewish Communism from Jewish Capitalism. Laboring men who think they can free themselves from the Money Power by embracing Communism are being betrayed by soap-box oratory. The Moscow leaders are the world's wealthiest Capitalists. They own one-sixth of the earth's surface. They control one hundred and sixty million Gentile slaves. The Russian people are not allowed to vote, own property, exercise free speech, enjoy the freedom of the press, or worship God. The masses are kept in their weakened, helpless condition by the most powerful system of secret police ever invented in the history of the world. The attitude of Communism toward Christianity was explained by Lunatcharski, one of the leading Jewish members of the Moscow dictatorship: "Why should we believe in God? We hate Christianity and Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies. They preach love of one's neighbor, and pity, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is a hindrance to the revolution. Down with love of one's neighbor; what we want is hatred. We must know how to hate, for only at this price can we conquer the universe. We have done with the kings of the earth; let us now deal with the kings of the skies. The anti-religious campaign must not be restricted to Soviet Russia: it should be carried on throughout the entire world. The fight should also be developed in the Moslem and Catholic countries, with the same ends in view and by the same means." There is no way of knowing how many millions of Russian Christians have been slain during the last 100 years because of their faith in Jesus Christ. A magazine recently carried an article entitled, "Men of Russia." It was the author's purpose to make a critical examination of the ringleaders of international Communism. He says: "Some of the businessmen are Russians, but most of them are of other blood, and practically all of them have prison records. In considering the men of Russia, it should be remembered that it isn't often that ex-prisoners get a crack at the society which punished them, but they did in Russia." The writer in the article then proceeds to discuss some of Moscow's principal Jewish fiends: "Joseph Stalin is a minor official of the Soviet Government. He is but one of the three hundred or so members of the Central Executive Committee, and yet, nevertheless, he is the first man of Russia. Although serving as secretary of the All-Russian Communist Party, Stalin is not a Russian. His every feature is commensurate with 'Stalin', the Russian word for steel." Parenthetically it should be remarked that Stalin is merely the customary "Gentile Front" for the Moscow Jewish leaders. His Gentile wife died a "mysterious" death recently and he immediately married a Jewess. The article continues: "Lazarus M. Kaganovitch is a member of the Politbureau or arbitrary 'Brain Trust', and chief organizer of the Second Five Year Plan. This Polish Jew is Stalin's Number One Boy, and his logical successor as a dictator. "Maxim Maximovich Litvinov is Commissar of Foreign Affairs. He is the super-traveling salesman of Bolshevism. This shrewd Polish Jew has fought diplomatic battles in every political arena where the gate receipts warranted his appearance. He returns from these victories from time to time to his spacious Moscow office to check up one more Red diplomatic triumph by sticking a new red glass tack in the huge map which covers the wall behind his desk. "Klementy Voroshilov (another Jew) is Commissar of War and Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy. He is the dashing yet modest cavalry officer who is charged with preparing the Russian forces for an anticipated war. "Mikhail Kalinin, (an Armenian Jew) is President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Like all big leaders, he served his term in prison, taking an important part in the revolution of 1905 as a member of the Council of Workers' Deputies. "Karl Radek, (another Jew) is Contributing Editor of Izvestia, official government newspaper. Radek has frequently been suppressed by radical organizations for being too radical. "Michael Borodin, Editor of the English-language Moscow Daily News. This Czechoslovakian Jew was educated at Valparaiso University in Indiana; and spent many years agitating for the International Communist Party, in Spain, in Mexico, in America, the British Isles, and China. “Just' Podolsky, master of the Foreign Office Press-Censorship Bureau He may have a first name, but it is doubtful that anyone in Russia, including his wife, knows it. He is a soft-spoken Jew in eight languages, not counting American slang, of which he has a thorough knowledge. Padolsky is a hundred percent Communist. "Jerry Lifschitz, Ex-Vice-Yankee Consul, ex-Second-in-Command of Moscow Amtorg. This Polish Jew had an American jail and prison record for I.W.W. activities; and an added palm for being twice tarred and feathered by irate Midwest American farmers. "Comrade Smirdovitch, (another Jew) is the 'Red Pope'. Smirdovitch, an atheist, is the official restrainer and regulator of religion in the U.S.S.R. He is a member of the important Central Executive Committee. As the official Anti-Christ of the Soviet Republics, he decides how far remaining priests of the church may go toward preaching the Word of God. Kindly, cultured, educated, tolerant in manner, Smirdovitch says religion will die out when divorced from superstitious ritual, pomp, and fear. His job is to help kill it." Toward the close of the article, this writer in the magazine says: "But the men who control Russia are not Russians. Members of the Jewish race from all over the world predominate. Every member of the foreign office press censor bureau is a Jew. Little men of Russia who help in responsible positions, heads of offices, trusts, are mostly Jews." Let Christians remember that the international Jewish Communists and Capitalists expect to eventually destroy all Gentile governments, rule the world, and establish throughout the earth the kind of conditions they have introduced in Soviet Russia. They expect to murder all Christian believers and blot Christianity out of existence. The struggle is between the philosophy of the Jew Karl Marx and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The manner in which the Moscow Jews have proceeded with their program of destruction is recorded in a quotation taken from the London Times dated November 14, 1919. The quotation is a letter written by a British army officer, who was stationed at the time in southern Russia, to his wife in England. It reads: "The Bolshevists are devils. I hope to send you copies of 64 official photos taken by British officers at Odessa when the town was taken by the Bolshevists.
I suggest you make them widely known. Their horror may make people realize. The victim gets crucified with nails through his elbows. The hands are treated with a solution which shrivels the skin. The skin is cut out with a razor, round the wrist, and peeled off, till it hangs by the fingernails. a human glove. The victim gets terrified and insane. Other photos are of women. Women with their breasts cut off to the bone. Passes issued to Bolshevists by commissaries authorize holders to arrest any girl they fancy for use of the soldiery. Sixty-two girls of all classes were arrested like this and thrown to the Bolshevist troops. Those who struggled were killed. The rest when used were mutilated and thrown dead or dying into the river. Slaughter-houses were choked with corpses. Hundreds of suspects, men, women, and children, were herded in these, doors and windows manned and the struggling mass fired into until most of them were dead or dying. The doors were then locked and they were left with veritable plague spots causing widespread epidemics. The Bible, to them, is a 'counter-revolutionary' book to be stamped out. Churches are used for anything from movie shows to 'slaughterhouses.'" Let no Christian be duped into believing that we are supposed to sit supinely by and permit the Reds to create a reign of terror in America simply because this menace happens to be a "Jewocracy." True, there is a stratum of Jewry that is indeed "Chosen" and has been a blessing to humanity through the centuries, but there is another stratum that is a "curse in all places" as Jeremiah said they would be. Speaking through the lips of the prophet in Ezekiel 38:3, God said: "I am against thee, O Gog" and this is a clear reference to Communism with its seat of government in "Meshech" (Moscow). It is possible that this invisible empire has existed as a self-propagating body ever since the Jewish leaders contacted the Chaldeans while in Babylonia. Persons holding to this view agree that the organization has almost completed its course, that the time for the consummation of the plot is near at hand, that the last great attack is now being launched for the purpose of setting up an international system of Jewish government. The existence of this secret sinister organization in New Testament times is implied in 1 John 4:3, "And this is that spirit of anti-Christ whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world." The entire cabal (plot) is so large and far-reaching, its motives so hellish, its plan of attack so contrary to Christian thinking, that it simply staggers the mind when it is first exposed to view. But the results of its devastating influence may be seen both in history and among the nations today. It breathes the spirit of the last great Beast-Emperor described in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation. It discloses the perverted Messianic theories of an apostate people. This anti-Christ force has apparently manifested itself from its underground sources in different ways at different periods of history, but never with the boldness and permanency that it has since it came to the surface about one-hundred years ago.
There have always been two kinds of Jews. One racial division represents all that is highest and best in Jewry and regards the Jews primarily as being a system of religion. The other has little inclination toward religion but regards Jewry as a political State, the purpose of which is to conduct world conquest until the nations are brought under one head with themselves in control and all the Gentiles changed into serfs. When the Romans turned against the designing and wicked political leaders of Israel, the Pharisees and Sadducees were driven undercover. With the dispersion that followed, their taint was taken to the ends of the earth and has grown up in every nation. No doubt Jesus had this in mind when he warned to: "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees." In all parts of the world, it appears that this poison "leaven" is "leavening" the whole lump of the nations. What used to be the Russian Empire is now completely "leavened." These are the subversive forces that have moved through the centuries, changing their form from time to time as governments have been made to heave, totter, cave in, and fall, but always with the same object in view, a final culmination when all nations will be leveled and a super-Jewish State set up, presided over by one man, their apostate Messiah. This is the genius behind Socialism and Communism.
The Church in America suffers from blindness, delusions have overwhelmed the Christian mind as has been in every age in every generation when men forsake the God of the Bible and the sin-cursed heart depraved as it is has caused vast numbers of Christians to swallowed the devil’s lie that the Jews are harmless when it is the Jew that leads the assault on Christianity. In the last analysis, there are only two remedies for Jewish Communism: The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and full stomachs. The Red Menace thrives only where there is spiritual apathy and physical hunger.
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kurenohikari · 7 years
Sweet Practice, Chapter 11: Sweet battle part 4.
"Ladies and gentlemen, people of the Sweets' Kingdom, I am here to announce the semi-finals' challenge!" Julian's mother announced "The ten remaining teams will be divided into two, the first five and the last five. Each team will have to create a sweet that represents your team, then it will be judge for it's originality, how much it fits the consign and it's taste. Any ingredients you need to use, are in the stuff you recollected on the last challenge. Everyone will have five hours before the next battle will begin, good luck everyone!" with that said she was gone.
"Any ideas?" Nicholas asked, once they had reached a secluded area. So, no one would try to steal their ideas or try to kidnap them... again- Ichigo learned that the hard way, both times.
"I believe that we have to make a wedding cake! That's Ichigo-senpai's thing, and then for Julian-san we can cover it and make some decorations with chocolate. To represent you, we can add some bombones filled with alcohol... or we can use the technique you just perfected- the one in which you can freeze alcohol so it will look like caramel. That can work for amazing decorations. And, lastly, for me, the cake can be of lemon base. That we are all representing our fields in the sweets' world!" Lemon-chan exclaimed excitedly, making all stop and look at her amazed at the incredible idea.
"That's perfect, love!" Her boyfriend praised, picking her up to spin her around and then peck her lips softly, after he had put her down.
"What's left is deciding what theme and design the wedding cake should be. Any ideas Ichigo?" Julian asked her, the one that always has a creative and charming idea "Ichigo?" He repeated, concerned when he noticed the thoughtful expression on her face.
"I might have one, but it's a gamble. We'll have to make the equations perfectly, otherwise the design won't hold on and everything on the cake will fall apart" she told her team, seriously.
They looked at each other worriedly, not knowing what to say at that. They just nodded, after all Ichigo never failed them- her plans always went through and she thrived to victory every time. Decided to win, and prove those who have tried to put them down, how wrong they are about them, they put their hands to work and made the best of the time they had left before the challenge.
When they heard the bell, signalling the end of their time, they looked at each other nervously, gulping hard and looking for strength on the other. If they didn't win this, they won't make it to the finals and they'll lose their Sweet Spirits... their best friends.
The first ones to go were the group A, the first five teams that finished the last challenge. All of them were very talented, but specially the one representing France. Even though, all of them made delicious sweets, the Frenchs pulverized the other four teams, taking the victory home. It made Julian's team afraid, because if they ended up passing to the finals they would be going against them. It specially scared Ichigo, who reminded her defeat against Tennouji-senpai's team- she didn't want to fail her team like that again.
Shortly, after the first group was over, group B gathered to face their challenge. The Sweets Spirits of Julian's team were in guard those hours, while the rest were preparing their cake design, making sure that no one would try to attack them... again. Luckily, no one tried to take their ingredients away.
It was hard, that's for sure. They had little time to prepare it, no time to practice it and the design was so complicated, that they were afraid it will end up in pieces and not holding up. But they had to stick with it, it was the only way to impress the judges- such a creative wedding cake will surely give them the victory.
Before they knew it, the cake was finished, just in time for the bell to ring- signalling the ending of the teams' times and the start of the judging process. One by one the teams presented their sweets, why they thought it matched the consign and the judges tasted them, before scoring each one of them. Until, it was Julian's team's time.
"We decided to create a wedding cake, in honor of Ichigo's specialization. Then the base of the cake was decided to be lemon, for Lemon-san, the chocolate couverture and chocolate roses were to symbolize me. Lastly, but not least, the heart bombones, with a heart of liquor were made by Nicholas. Also, he added a new ability he gained recently, he filled the mascarpone teapot figurine with a hot, caramelized alcohol mix. There's also the same mix on the mascarpone teacups, but instead of being hot and in a liquid form- as in the teapot-, it's frozen and in a gel texture" Julian explained, in representation of his team "We call it: 'The Wonders of Love'."
The public gasped at the creation. It looked as if the team tried to add so many things on the cake at the same time, something that looked chaotic and out of place. But at the same time so in order and good, as if it had always meant to be together. Using Alice in Wonderland as a theme for the wedding cake was a great idea! It represented the team perfectly, four people and didn't know each other, pushed down the rabbit hole and into a whole new world. Facing the adventures that come together. Even though they are very different from each other, they still made it look as if nothing should be changed.
The judges were able to see that, and for that they chose Ichigo and Lemon's idea as the winner of group B. Everyone cheered for the prince and his team, they had made it to the finals! However, things weren't over. They still had to face the French team and made look out for the haters that wanted to bring them down.
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oldguardaudio · 5 years
Joan Swirsky -> The groveling Jewish lefties
By Joan Swirsky
Joan Swirsky Paintings http://www.joanswirsky.com/art.htm
Joan Swirsky at HoaxAndChange.com
September 23, 2019 Not long ago, I received a lengthy e-mail – “Why We Must Renew Our Commitment to the Civil Rights Movement” – from a woman named Melanie Roth Gorelick, who identified herself as Senior Vice President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA).
Honestly, I thought it was one of the preposterous spoofs of that satirical publication, The Onion.
But no… it was the real thing.
In short, Ms. Gorelick recommended that Jews concentrate their attention not on the pandemic of anti-Semitism and violent acts against Jews throughout the world and in the United States of America, but instead on those poor oppressed blacks who have never had it better in the good ole U.S.A., thanks to President Trump!
While Ms. Gorelick briefly mentioned that there is an “increase in anti-Semitism and hate crimes” in America, her entire discourse was devoted to a plea for the Jewish community (2.8 percent of the U.S. population) to turn their impassioned efforts and energies to supporting the cause of blacks in the U.S. (14 percent of the U.S. population), who she claimed still experience grave discrimination.
This in spite of the fact that since President Trump was elected, blacks have never experienced a higher degree of employment, independence, wealth, homeownership, and freedom from discrimination in the history of our country!
Not to omit the president’s First Step Act that gives black prisoners serving lengthy sentences the first chance at freedom for relatively minor offenses that they’ve ever been offered in their lives – an opportunity never proposed by all those empathic and caring Democrats who would have kept them in prison for the rest of their lives!
Jews by the thousands are fleeing from France because of both violent physical and verbal attacks on them by Muslims that go unaddressed by the powers-that-be.
Jews have been relentlessly assaulted, raped, and terrorized in Sweden by Muslims who go unindicted.
Jews have been driven to hide in their basements in the United Kingdom as anti-Semitism is at an all-time high.
Jews have been vilified in Ireland, which passed a law to support the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement to strangle Israel economically.
In far-away New Zealand, the official government website published a fact sheet with a map of the Middle East that showed a fictional place called “Palestine” – but not the authentic, 71-year-old State of Israel.
Anti-Semitic attacks in Germany – yes, Hitler’s and now Angela Merkel’s Germany – have risen by a whopping 20 percent! The country is now what writer Dogan Akman calls an anti-Semitic terrorist state.
Jews in the United States have been mass-murdered in a synagogue, terrorized on college campuses, and spat on by the entire Democrat Party whose members supported the virulent anti-Semitic racism spewed forth from the Jew-and-Israel-hating Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), and Ayanna Pressley (MA). In fact, recently the execrable Ms. Omar mourned the death of the Muslim Brotherhood tyrant who called Jews “apes and pigs.”
Here, in repulsive detail, is just a small sample of the rancid hatred of these Sludge Sisters that Joel B. Pollak of Breitbart.com spells out.
And not long ago, Bernie Sanders, the Brooklyn-born Jewish senator from Vermont who is running for president again in 2020, told his Socialist/Communist followers: “Our policy cannot be pro-Israel.”
Then there is presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who recently said she would push to end the Israeli government’s “occupation” of the West Bank and Gaza (which it obtained in the course of defending itself during the 1967 x-day war). Not to omit that the senator’s “Director of Progressive Partnerships” is Max Berger, co-founder of the extreme Israel-hating group “If Not Now,” the goal of which is to “end support for the occupation” – meaning to get rid of the Jews and Israel itself.
And let’s not forget the Trenton, NJ, Democrat councilwoman Robin Vaughn, who defended a colleague’s use of the expression “Jew her down,” insisting that it’s a verb that refers to negotiating.
Or the non-stop assaults on Jews in Brooklyn. Or the relentless calls for Jewish genocide by U.S. imams.
Or, as writer Jonathan Tobin points out, that the Jewish community’s Reform movement – to its everlasting shame – launched a political war on President Trump right in time for the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Apparently, Ms. Gorelick and others at the Jewish Council for Public Affairs think the organization should ignore these dire facts and stick to its 1960’s retro agenda of helping the blacks who Regressives believe cannot help themselves.
This is clearly an admission that the people who are traditionally known to be the “best friends” of blacks – i.e., Democrat politicians who depend on Jewish votes and prostitute themselves for the money Jewish voters send them – have all utterly failed to improve the poverty, illiteracy, high crime rate, single-mother rate, and rat-infested cities they have controlled for the past 60 years.
The widespread Jew-hatred exists because in the back of the minds of all people who consider themselves oppressed is the question – Why are those damned Jews so tiny in number but so much better off than I am?
To me, the answer is simple: Too many have bought the sweetened – but toxic – Kool-Aid that Democrats have sold them that has proved to be their undoing.
Think about it: Why, as documented scrupulously by Robert B. Charles, a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell and teacher at Harvard University, are the 25 worst cities in the U.S. led by Democrats? And why do the top-ten “most dangerous cities” in America, according to Forbes, all have Democrat mayors?
For all her social-justice posturing, I wonder which black “leaders” Ms. Gorelick hopes to recruit to her mission. Let’s speculate on potential candidates.
“Reverend” Al Sharpton, famous for creating the gigantic race-based Tawana Brawley hoax, for which he was never indicted; fomenting antisemitic race riots in Brooklyn, NY; instigating the deadly boycott of the Jewish-owned Freddy’s Fashion Mart, in 1995 and his effusive praise of notorious anti-Semites like the former Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammed, as well as Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad. On and on, to this day! In fact, here is a mountain of evidence about other hateful acts of his to convince you never to enlist him in your ridiculous goal!
“Reverend” Jesse Jackson, who snidely called NY City “Hymietown,” then denied it, then admitted it, but still couldn’t bring himself to condemn the Nation of Islam’s radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite, and old Jackson ally.
Barack Obama, a heavyweight anti-Semite – see here and here and here and here, and that’s the shortlist as well.
“Reverend” Jeremiah Wright, in whose pew Mr. Obama sat for 20 years, who married Mr. Obama and his America-loathing wife Michelle, and who regularly spewed virulent anti-American and anti-Semitic “sermons” – which both Obamas mysteriously never heard!
How about the newly-elected congresswomen I referred to earlier:
Ilhan Omar (D-MN): says Israel has “hypnotized the world” and “I pray that Allah awaken the people and help them see [its] evil doings….”
Rashida Tlaib (D-MI): ardent supporter of the BDS movement who accuses American Jews of “dual loyalty” to both the U.S. and Israel and supports a global economic, academic and cultural boycott against Israel.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY): supports BDS and falsely and maliciously condemns Israel for committing a “massacre” against Gaza “protesters” when in fact the Arabs (who call themselves “Palestinians”) were violent rioters trying to infiltrate Israel to murder Jews.
Or maybe Ms. Gorelick would like to recruit the famous actor Danny Glover to her virtue-signaling mission – he who recently called for a cultural boycott of Israel.
And let’s not forget former President Jimmy Carter, 95 on Oct. 1st, a life member of the Hate the Jews and Israel Club – who endorsed Hamas and laid a wreath on Yasir Arafat’s tomb.
Or how about the people I listed in a 2008 Canada Free Press article who either staffed Barack Obama’s administration or acted as his advisors or fundraisers, Jew and Israel haters all: General Merrill “Tony” McPeak, Samantha Power, Robert Malley, John Kerry, Rashid Khalidi, Anthony “Tony” Lake, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lee Hamilton, James (“F… the Jews”) Baker, on and on.
What do all of the above candidates to help Ms. Gorelick have in common? They are all Democrats!
Aha…is that what her plan is really all about and why she launched it in this presidential campaign season––to convince the American public that Democrats are really not the racists they have been for their entire 190-year history?
Does she hope that Americans will forget that Democrats opposed the abolition of slavery, created the Ku Klux Klan and the Jim Crow laws, and steadfastly voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Acts of 1968, and the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972?
Does she believe that Americans will erase from their minds the ugly history of Democrat suppression of blacks, as documented so scrupulously by Bill Federer of American Minute?
Or is it because Ms. Gorelick wishes that Americans will strike from their memories the facts American Spectator’s Dan Flynn documents about Democrats’ oh-so-cozy and obsequious relationship to the Klan? This includes:
In the 1980s, Democrat Senator Joe Biden voted to elect Robert Byrd (D-WVA), a former Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, as the leader of their party in the Senate;
In the 1970s, a Democrat Congress named the Old Senate Office Building in honor of Richard Russell, a staunch segregationist from Georgia;
In the late 1930s, Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt nominated Hugo Black, also a former Klansman, to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he served for decades.
In 1924, Democrats rejected a measure to formally condemn the Ku Klux Klan at their national convention.
Liberal Jews – by and large raised in America and spared the 5,000-year history of searing hatred, slavery, oppression, and mass murder – have been drawn to leftist politics because it deludes them into thinking that if they are good enough and generous enough and even agree with their enemies enough, all their virtuous acts will somehow, magically, exempt them from the oppression and hatred their ancestors experienced.
And that by subscribing to and acting on the concept of Tikkun Olam – repair of the world – they will fit in and be appreciated, admired, liked, and accepted.
But as writer Jonathan Neumann explains in “Liberal Jews Are Destroying Their Own Religion,” the phrase Tikkun Olam was lifted “out of context” from a Jewish prayer before WWII to mean social justice and popularized in the 1970s and 1980s by radicals like Michael Lerner, who founded the extreme left-wing magazine, Tikkun.
“Since then,” Neumann continues, Jews “have been led to believe that the purpose of the Jews in the world is to campaign for higher taxes, sexual permissiveness, reduced military spending, illegal immigration, opposition to fracking, the banishment of religion from the public square and every other liberal cause under the sun – all in the name of God. But the truth is that Tikkun Olam and its leftist politics have no basis in Judaism.
“Tikkun Olam is not Judaism at all but a distinct religion [which] teaches that the Jewish People is an outdated and chauvinistic relic, with no need for a nation-state of its own in its ancient homeland. Consequently, Jewish social justice activists help to defame Israel and weaken America’s bond with the Jewish State.”
The alternative, says Neumann, author of “To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel, is “a new generation of traditionalist Jews, proud of their heritage and jealous to preserve it. These Jews know that their ancestors did not live to worship a political party nor die for faddish causes. It’s time American Jewry repaired itself instead of the world.”
To which I say, Here, Here!
But will the leftist Jews of the world wake up and smell the coffee? Realize that the people they’re fighting for loathing them? Reclaim their own glorious heritage and start to fight on behalf of their DNA brethren?
Where there’s life, there’s hope!
Joan Swirsky -> The groveling Jewish lefties Joan Swirsky -> The groveling Jewish lefties By Joan Swirsky September 23, 2019 Not long ago, I received a lengthy e-mail – "Why We Must Renew Our Commitment to the Civil Rights Movement" – from a woman named Melanie Roth Gorelick, who identified herself as Senior Vice President of the 
0 notes
wetrumpfeed · 6 years
Hope everyone is enjoying another glorious Saturday under President Donald J. Trump! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back to deliver all things dank and spicy from the past week! Before we get started if you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!
Now onto the show!
Sunday, December 30th:
Veterans on President Trump’s handling of Border Security - 62% Approval Rating. On being a strong leader - 59%. AP Poll. Thank you!
Great work by my Administration over the holidays to save Coast Guard pay during this #SchumerShutdown. No thanks to the Democrats who left town and are not concerned about the safety and security of Americans!
President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!
Anon explains why the smoke shop employee reverted to high-pitched screeching when the MAGA-hat wearing customer wouldn't leave.
King of Shitposters. Master of Trolls.
Pedes in Cali and other cucked states: life is short, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE before we are totally overrun with carpetbagging leftists and illegals
WHY TRUMP IS STICKING TO THE SHUTDOWN: Poll: 8-in-10 call illegal immigration a ‘problem,’ 58% say ‘serious.’
The world we live in....
Happy Sunday Gun day MAGA frens 😎🇺🇸
What if someone 20 years ago told you that these two people would solve the Korea conflict?
Monday, December 31st:
An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED, as has been reported by the media. Some areas will be all concrete but the experts at Border Patrol prefer a Wall that is see through (thereby making it possible to see what is happening on both sides). Makes sense to me!
If anybody but Donald Trump did what I did in Syria, which was an ISIS loaded mess when I became President, they would be a national hero. ISIS is mostly gone, we’re slowly sending our troops back home to be with their families, while at the same time fighting ISIS remnants..... ... ...I campaigned on getting out of Syria and other places. Now when I start getting out the Fake News Media, or some failed Generals who were unable to do the job before I arrived, like to complain about me & my tactics, which are working. Just doing what I said I was going to do! ... .....Except the results are FAR BETTER than I ever said they were going to be! I campaigned against the NEVER ENDING WARS, remember!
I campaigned on Border Security, which you cannot have without a strong and powerful Wall. Our Southern Border has long been an “Open Wound,” where drugs, criminals (including human traffickers) and illegals would pour into our Country. Dems should get back here an fix now!
I am the only person in America who could say that, “I’m bringing our great troops back home, with victory,” and get BAD press. It is Fake News and Pundits who have FAILED for years that are doing the complaining. If I stayed in Endless Wars forever, they would still be unhappy!
I’m in the Oval Office. Democrats, come back from vacation now and give us the votes necessary for Border Security, including the Wall. You voted yes in 2006 and 2013. One more yes, but with me in office, I’ll get it built, and Fast!
It’s incredible how Democrats can all use their ridiculous sound bite and say that a Wall doesn’t work. It does, and properly built, almost 100%! They say it’s old technology - but so is the wheel. They now say it is immoral- but it is far more immoral for people to be dying!
MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal, the USMCA, that will replace the horrendous NAFTA Trade Deal, which has so badly hurt our Country. Mexico & Canada will also thrive - good for all!
The Democrats will probably submit a Bill, being cute as always, which gives everything away but gives NOTHING to Border Security, namely the Wall. You see, without the Wall there can be no Border Security - the Tech “stuff” is just, by comparison, meaningless bells & whistles... ... ...Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!
(Retweeting The White House) 2018 has been a year of historic accomplishments!
Researchers discover that 54.5% of all plastic in the oceans comes from just five Asian countries; less than 1% comes from the United States.
Just the NY Times for what it's worth.....
Protesters in France today focused their anger against mainstream media, accusing it of lying about the movement to help Macron
Happy Birthday Don Jr
"It's ma'am!"
Wait , what ?
Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committee
Tuesday, January 1st:
Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a very good and talented guy, has a great new book just out, “Why We Fight.” Lots of insight - Enjoy!
Happy New Year!
The Democrats, much as I suspected, have allocated no money for a new Wall. So imaginative! The problem is, without a Wall there can be no real Border Security - and our Country must finally have a Strong and Secure Southern Border!
(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) Jobless claims fell last week to a 49-year low. Yet another sign that @realDonaldTrump’s economic policies are working and America’s workforce is thriving.
(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) .@realDonaldTrump made sure the men and women of the Coast Guard continue to get paid during the #SchumerShutdown.Meanwhile, Democrats refuse to work with our president to enhance border security.
Heads of countries are calling wanting to know why Senator Schumer is not approving their otherwise approved Ambassadors!? Likewise in Government lawyers and others are being delayed at a record pace! 360 great and hardworking people are waiting for approval from.... ... ....Senator Schumer, more than a year longer than any other Administration in history. These are people who have been approved by committees and all others, yet Schumer continues to hold them back from serving their Country! Very Unfair!
“General” McChrystal got fired like a dog by Obama. Last assignment a total bust. Known for big, dumb mouth. Hillary lover!
One thing has now been proven. The Democrats do not care about Open Borders and all of the crime and drugs that Open Borders bring!
Congratulations to President @JairBolsonaro who just made a great inauguration speech - the U.S.A. is with you!
Border Security and the Wall “thing” and Shutdown is not where Nancy Pelosi wanted to start her tenure as Speaker! Let’s make a deal?
Gas prices are low and expected to go down this year. This would be good!
Washington Examiner - “MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election.” True!
“Kim Jong Un says North Korea will not make or test nuclear weapons, or give them to others - & he is ready to meet President Trump anytime.” PBS News Hour. I also look forward to meeting with Chairman Kim who realizes so well that North Korea possesses great economic potential!
Do you think it’s just luck that gas prices are so low, and falling? Low gas prices are like another Tax Cut!
For FAR TOO LONG Senate Democrats have been Obstructing more than 350 Nominations. These great Americans left their jobs to serve our Country, but can’t because Dems are blocking them, some for two years-historic record. Passed committees, but Schumer putting them on hold. Bad!
Kanye is comming out swinging. Link to tweet in comments
Kathy Griffin whines about her fee for hosting NYE telecast on CNN, tries to claim gender pay gap, is firmly slapped down by Greg Gutfeld.
GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY! Native American soldier getting a hero's welcome in Billings, Montana
CNN,the enemy of America, at it again. South Korea story on Kim address and CNN’s Deep State lies.
Happy New Year fellow Russian operatives!
My favorite meme, updated for the New Year! Happy 2019, pedes
Everything in this comics is true
We cant stop winning
Never forget the bullet we dodged in 2016!
Wednesday, January 2nd:
President Trump Leads a Cabinet Meeting
Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question will be, is he a Flake? I hope not. Would much prefer that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he didn’t. He should be happy for all Republicans. Be a TEAM player & WIN!
Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!
Important meeting today on Border Security with Republican and Democrat Leaders in Congress. Both parties must work together to pass a Funding Bill that protects this Nation and its people – this is the first and most important duty of government... ... ...I remain ready and willing to work with Democrats to pass a bill that secures our borders, supports the agents and officers on the ground, and keeps America Safe. Let’s get it done!
Sadly, there can be no REAL Border Security without the Wall!
Does the madman really have a poster of his Sanctions are Coming meme on the table during a meeting? This timeline is unbelievable
President Trump: "I shouldn’t be popular in Europe. I don’t care about Europe. I’m not elected by Europeans. I’m elected by Americans"
Trump just sold rice to China.
RNC chair slams her uncle Mitt Romney for Trump criticism
Trump DESTROYS Jeff Flake "He Will Probably Go Work For CNN Now That He's Retired"
Thought y'all would appreciate this
Jake, from GameStop.
Liberals struggling with the prefix 'bi'.
I love Duckduckgo
Thursday, January 3rd:
December at the White House
Vice President Pence Visits Walter Reed
Seventeen Nominations Sent to the Senate
“MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election”
The Shutdown is only because of the 2020 Presidential Election. The Democrats know they can’t win based on all of the achievements of “Trump,” so they are going all out on the desperately needed Wall and Border Security - and Presidential Harassment. For them, strictly politics!
The United States Treasury has taken in MANY billions of dollars from the Tariffs we are charging China and other countries that have not treated us fairly. In the meantime we are doing well in various Trade Negotiations currently going on. At some point this had to be done!
The RNC has a great Chairwoman in Ronna McDaniel and the @GOP has never been stronger. We achieved historic wins with her help last year! #MAGA🇺🇸
Crisis On The Border
Michael Pillsbury interviewed by @cvpayne: “They have the motive of making the President look bad – instead of President Trump being portrayed as a HERO. The first President to take China on, it’s 20 years overdue.... ... ....President Trump deserves a lot of credit, but again, you have the anti-Trump people who are not going to give him a lot of credit.”
Citizens are NOT getting paid... so let me give my Salary to NON-Citizens...
Trump is on a roll today. He just posted this on Instagram
Lou Dobbs Rips ‘Treacherous Fool’ Romney: ‘I Can’t Believe The People Of Utah Elected This Creep’
Really Makes You Think
While Everyone's Been Distracted, Trump Reduced Muslim Refugees 93%
President Trump Delivers a Statement to the Press
that brave, brave, Pede
Parscale spending his birthday charging up for 2020
The left every time President Trump drops another tweet spicier than the last.
"I like beer"......Pocahontas drinks white man's firewater
Friday, January 4th:
President Trump Delivers Remarks
As I have stated many times, if the Democrats take over the House or Senate, there will be disruption to the Financial Markets. We won the Senate, they won the House. Things will settle down. They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!
How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?
“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December”
The story in the New York Times regarding Jim Webb being considered as the next Secretary of Defense is FAKE NEWS. I’m sure he is a fine man, but I don’t know Jim, and never met him. Patrick Shanahan, who is Acting Secretary of Defense, is doing a great job!
Great new book by Dr. Robert Jeffress, “Choosing the Extraordinary Life.” Get it and enjoy! @LouDobbs
Pence: 'No Wall, No Deal'
MAGA: First Real US Household Income Gain Since 2000
"I Can Build The Wall Without Democrats By Declaring It A National Emergency" Trump OWNS Reporter
Trump Open to Declaring a State of Emergency to Fund Border Wall
Dow Jones Has Fourth Best Day Ever Less Than 2 Weeks After Best Day Ever... Where's the News?
Cries in Communist
MRW venturing outside of T_D
My reaction when I hear Geotus say he will keep the government shut down for years if need be
Just like the old saying goes - those who live in glass houses probably shouldn't watch Hentai
Saturday, January 5th:
Thank you to Kanye West for your nice words. Criminal Justice Reform is now law - passed in a very bipartisan way!
Great support coming from all sides for Border Security (including Wall) on our very dangerous Southern Border. Teams negotiating this weekend! Washington Post and NBC reporting of events, including Fake sources, has been very inaccurate (to put it mildly)!
The Democrats could solve the Shutdown problem in a very short period of time. All they have to do is approve REAL Border Security (including a Wall), something which everyone, other than drug dealers, human traffickers and criminals, want very badly! This would be so easy to do!
Many people currently a part of my opposition, including President Obama & the Dems, have had campaign violations, in some cases for very large sums of money. These are civil cases. They paid a fine & settled. While no big deal, I did not commit a campaign violation!
Homeland Security blasts CNN, says TSA 'sick out' report 'grossly misrepresented' situation at airports
10 U.S. Code § 2808 - Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency
And we pay for foreign abortions because.......
A special moment between a little girl and POTUS
That's My Vice President!
Ted Cruz introduced a term limit bill that would end his own career in the Senate.
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
You Should See Me In A Crown
Knock Three Times
Build Me Up Buttercup
Why iii Love the Moon.
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
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robgrayofficial · 6 years
HAPPY SATURDAY DEPLORABLES!Hope everyone is enjoying another glorious Saturday under President Donald J. Trump! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here and I'm back to deliver all things dank and spicy from the past week! Before we get started if you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!Now onto the show!Sunday, December 30th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Veterans on President Trump’s handling of Border Security - 62% Approval Rating. On being a strong leader - 59%. AP Poll. Thank you!Great work by my Administration over the holidays to save Coast Guard pay during this #SchumerShutdown. No thanks to the Democrats who left town and are not concerned about the safety and security of Americans!President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall around their D.C. mansion/compound. I agree, totally necessary for their safety and security. The U.S. needs the same thing, slightly larger version!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Anon explains why the smoke shop employee reverted to high-pitched screeching when the MAGA-hat wearing customer wouldn't leave.King of Shitposters. Master of Trolls.Pedes in Cali and other cucked states: life is short, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE before we are totally overrun with carpetbagging leftists and illegalsWHY TRUMP IS STICKING TO THE SHUTDOWN: Poll: 8-in-10 call illegal immigration a ‘problem,’ 58% say ‘serious.’🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:The world we live in....Happy Sunday Gun day MAGA frens 😎🇺🇸What if someone 20 years ago told you that these two people would solve the Korea conflict?Truth!Monday, December 31st:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:An all concrete Wall was NEVER ABANDONED, as has been reported by the media. Some areas will be all concrete but the experts at Border Patrol prefer a Wall that is see through (thereby making it possible to see what is happening on both sides). Makes sense to me!If anybody but Donald Trump did what I did in Syria, which was an ISIS loaded mess when I became President, they would be a national hero. ISIS is mostly gone, we’re slowly sending our troops back home to be with their families, while at the same time fighting ISIS remnants..... ... ...I campaigned on getting out of Syria and other places. Now when I start getting out the Fake News Media, or some failed Generals who were unable to do the job before I arrived, like to complain about me & my tactics, which are working. Just doing what I said I was going to do! ... .....Except the results are FAR BETTER than I ever said they were going to be! I campaigned against the NEVER ENDING WARS, remember!I campaigned on Border Security, which you cannot have without a strong and powerful Wall. Our Southern Border has long been an “Open Wound,” where drugs, criminals (including human traffickers) and illegals would pour into our Country. Dems should get back here an fix now!I am the only person in America who could say that, “I’m bringing our great troops back home, with victory,” and get BAD press. It is Fake News and Pundits who have FAILED for years that are doing the complaining. If I stayed in Endless Wars forever, they would still be unhappy!I’m in the Oval Office. Democrats, come back from vacation now and give us the votes necessary for Border Security, including the Wall. You voted yes in 2006 and 2013. One more yes, but with me in office, I’ll get it built, and Fast!It’s incredible how Democrats can all use their ridiculous sound bite and say that a Wall doesn’t work. It does, and properly built, almost 100%! They say it’s old technology - but so is the wheel. They now say it is immoral- but it is far more immoral for people to be dying!HAPPY NEW YEAR!MEXICO IS PAYING FOR THE WALL through the many billions of dollars a year that the U.S.A. is saving through the new Trade Deal, the USMCA, that will replace the horrendous NAFTA Trade Deal, which has so badly hurt our Country. Mexico & Canada will also thrive - good for all!The Democrats will probably submit a Bill, being cute as always, which gives everything away but gives NOTHING to Border Security, namely the Wall. You see, without the Wall there can be no Border Security - the Tech “stuff” is just, by comparison, meaningless bells & whistles... ... ...Remember this. Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change. You have Walls and you have Wheels. It was ALWAYS that way and it will ALWAYS be that way! Please explain to the Democrats that there can NEVER be a replacement for a good old fashioned WALL!(Retweeting The White House) 2018 has been a year of historic accomplishments!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:#WinningResearchers discover that 54.5% of all plastic in the oceans comes from just five Asian countries; less than 1% comes from the United States.Just the NY Times for what it's worth.....Protesters in France today focused their anger against mainstream media, accusing it of lying about the movement to help Macron🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Sickening...Happy Birthday Don Jr"It's ma'am!"Wait , what ?Elizabeth Warren launches 2020 presidential exploratory committeeTuesday, January 1st:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a very good and talented guy, has a great new book just out, “Why We Fight.” Lots of insight - Enjoy!HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE, INCLUDING THE HATERS AND THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA! 2019 WILL BE A FANTASTIC YEAR FOR THOSE NOT SUFFERING FROM TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. JUST CALM DOWN AND ENJOY THE RIDE, GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING FOR OUR COUNTRY!Happy New Year!The Democrats, much as I suspected, have allocated no money for a new Wall. So imaginative! The problem is, without a Wall there can be no real Border Security - and our Country must finally have a Strong and Secure Southern Border!(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) Jobless claims fell last week to a 49-year low. Yet another sign that @realDonaldTrump’s economic policies are working and America’s workforce is thriving.(Retweeting GOP Chairwomen) .@realDonaldTrump made sure the men and women of the Coast Guard continue to get paid during the #SchumerShutdown.Meanwhile, Democrats refuse to work with our president to enhance border security.Heads of countries are calling wanting to know why Senator Schumer is not approving their otherwise approved Ambassadors!? Likewise in Government lawyers and others are being delayed at a record pace! 360 great and hardworking people are waiting for approval from.... ... ....Senator Schumer, more than a year longer than any other Administration in history. These are people who have been approved by committees and all others, yet Schumer continues to hold them back from serving their Country! Very Unfair!“General” McChrystal got fired like a dog by Obama. Last assignment a total bust. Known for big, dumb mouth. Hillary lover!One thing has now been proven. The Democrats do not care about Open Borders and all of the crime and drugs that Open Borders bring!Congratulations to President @JairBolsonaro who just made a great inauguration speech - the U.S.A. is with you!Border Security and the Wall “thing” and Shutdown is not where Nancy Pelosi wanted to start her tenure as Speaker! Let’s make a deal?Gas prices are low and expected to go down this year. This would be good!Washington Examiner - “MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election.” True!“Kim Jong Un says North Korea will not make or test nuclear weapons, or give them to others - & he is ready to meet President Trump anytime.” PBS News Hour. I also look forward to meeting with Chairman Kim who realizes so well that North Korea possesses great economic potential!Do you think it’s just luck that gas prices are so low, and falling? Low gas prices are like another Tax Cut!For FAR TOO LONG Senate Democrats have been Obstructing more than 350 Nominations. These great Americans left their jobs to serve our Country, but can’t because Dems are blocking them, some for two years-historic record. Passed committees, but Schumer putting them on hold. Bad!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Kanye is comming out swinging. Link to tweet in commentsKathy Griffin whines about her fee for hosting NYE telecast on CNN, tries to claim gender pay gap, is firmly slapped down by Greg Gutfeld.GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY! Native American soldier getting a hero's welcome in Billings, MontanaCNN,the enemy of America, at it again. South Korea story on Kim address and CNN’s Deep State lies.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Happy New Year fellow Russian operatives!My favorite meme, updated for the New Year! Happy 2019, pedesEverything in this comics is trueWe cant stop winningNever forget the bullet we dodged in 2016!Wednesday, January 2nd:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Leads a Cabinet Meeting🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Here we go with Mitt Romney, but so fast! Question will be, is he a Flake? I hope not. Would much prefer that Mitt focus on Border Security and so many other things where he can be helpful. I won big, and he didn’t. He should be happy for all Republicans. Be a TEAM player & WIN!Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal. Much of the Wall has already been fully renovated or built. We have done a lot of work. $5.6 Billion Dollars that House has approved is very little in comparison to the benefits of National Security. Quick payback!Important meeting today on Border Security with Republican and Democrat Leaders in Congress. Both parties must work together to pass a Funding Bill that protects this Nation and its people – this is the first and most important duty of government... ... ...I remain ready and willing to work with Democrats to pass a bill that secures our borders, supports the agents and officers on the ground, and keeps America Safe. Let’s get it done!Sadly, there can be no REAL Border Security without the Wall!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Does the madman really have a poster of his Sanctions are Coming meme on the table during a meeting? This timeline is unbelievablePresident Trump: "I shouldn’t be popular in Europe. I don’t care about Europe. I’m not elected by Europeans. I’m elected by Americans"Trump just sold rice to China.RNC chair slams her uncle Mitt Romney for Trump criticismTrump DESTROYS Jeff Flake "He Will Probably Go Work For CNN Now That He's Retired"🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Thought y'all would appreciate thisJake, from GameStop.Liberals struggling with the prefix 'bi'.I love DuckduckgoThursday, January 3rd:TODAY'S ACTION:December at the White HouseVice President Pence Visits Walter ReedSeventeen Nominations Sent to the Senate🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“MAGA list: 205 ‘historic results’ help Trump make case for 2020 re-election”The Shutdown is only because of the 2020 Presidential Election. The Democrats know they can’t win based on all of the achievements of “Trump,” so they are going all out on the desperately needed Wall and Border Security - and Presidential Harassment. For them, strictly politics!The United States Treasury has taken in MANY billions of dollars from the Tariffs we are charging China and other countries that have not treated us fairly. In the meantime we are doing well in various Trade Negotiations currently going on. At some point this had to be done!Memer-In-ChiefThe RNC has a great Chairwoman in Ronna McDaniel and the @GOP has never been stronger. We achieved historic wins with her help last year! #MAGA🇺🇸Crisis On The BorderMichael Pillsbury interviewed by @cvpayne: “They have the motive of making the President look bad – instead of President Trump being portrayed as a HERO. The first President to take China on, it’s 20 years overdue.... ... ....President Trump deserves a lot of credit, but again, you have the anti-Trump people who are not going to give him a lot of credit.”SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Citizens are NOT getting paid... so let me give my Salary to NON-Citizens...Trump is on a roll today. He just posted this on InstagramLou Dobbs Rips ‘Treacherous Fool’ Romney: ‘I Can’t Believe The People Of Utah Elected This Creep’Really Makes You ThinkWhile Everyone's Been Distracted, Trump Reduced Muslim Refugees 93%PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:President Trump Delivers a Statement to the Press🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:that brave, brave, PedeParscale spending his birthday charging up for 2020The left every time President Trump drops another tweet spicier than the last."I like beer"......Pocahontas drinks white man's firewaterFriday, January 4th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump Delivers Remarks🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:As I have stated many times, if the Democrats take over the House or Senate, there will be disruption to the Financial Markets. We won the Senate, they won the House. Things will settle down. They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?GREAT JOBS NUMBERS JUST ANNOUNCED!“Job growth surges by 312,000 in December”The story in the New York Times regarding Jim Webb being considered as the next Secretary of Defense is FAKE NEWS. I’m sure he is a fine man, but I don’t know Jim, and never met him. Patrick Shanahan, who is Acting Secretary of Defense, is doing a great job!Great new book by Dr. Robert Jeffress, “Choosing the Extraordinary Life.” Get it and enjoy! @LouDobbsSIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Pence: 'No Wall, No Deal'MAGA: First Real US Household Income Gain Since 2000"I Can Build The Wall Without Democrats By Declaring It A National Emergency" Trump OWNS ReporterTrump Open to Declaring a State of Emergency to Fund Border WallDow Jones Has Fourth Best Day Ever Less Than 2 Weeks After Best Day Ever... Where's the News?🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Cries in CommunistMRW venturing outside of T_DMy reaction when I hear Geotus say he will keep the government shut down for years if need beJust like the old saying goes - those who live in glass houses probably shouldn't watch HentaiSaturday, January 5th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Thank you to Kanye West for your nice words. Criminal Justice Reform is now law - passed in a very bipartisan way!Great support coming from all sides for Border Security (including Wall) on our very dangerous Southern Border. Teams negotiating this weekend! Washington Post and NBC reporting of events, including Fake sources, has been very inaccurate (to put it mildly)!The Democrats could solve the Shutdown problem in a very short period of time. All they have to do is approve REAL Border Security (including a Wall), something which everyone, other than drug dealers, human traffickers and criminals, want very badly! This would be so easy to do!Many people currently a part of my opposition, including President Obama & the Dems, have had campaign violations, in some cases for very large sums of money. These are civil cases. They paid a fine & settled. While no big deal, I did not commit a campaign violation!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Homeland Security blasts CNN, says TSA 'sick out' report 'grossly misrepresented' situation at airports10 U.S. Code § 2808 - Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergencyAnd we pay for foreign abortions because.......🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:A special moment between a little girl and POTUSThat's My Vice President!Ted Cruz introduced a term limit bill that would end his own career in the Senate.“PROMISES MADE! PROMISES KEPT!”MOTHER FUCKING WEEW LAD!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:You Should See Me In A CrownKnock Three TimesBuild Me Up ButtercupBellyacheWhy iii Love the Moon.MAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
0 notes
krogh39high-blog · 6 years
Lenovo ThinkPad W550s Review.
The Really good The Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet computer 2 is the best-looking Atom Windows 8 tablet but, as well as the extra key-board dock is outstanding. Seriously, TV/film individuals, if you are reading, this fascination along with folks of colour attempting to shag your ladies" has actually really reached go. When our experts think about extreme sporting activities, running isn't the 1st that enters your mind, although this could be right now our experts have actually experienced Grim Joggers Freestyle The activity's essentially Canabalt, yet as opposed to one man jumping all over gray roofs, you get a cord of joggers trying anxiously to endure in a surreal unusual world. This results in some enjoyable, yet that additionally results in all of them seeping all their techniques, knowing n Sarah Mlynowski's most recent novel, DO N'T ALSO DEAL WITH THIS, pulls off a very cool trick: that is actually written in 4th individual. Nowadays I am actually so much more rested around folks from various other ethnic cultures, but I envision it is going to still have an even though. The additional I think of this book, the even more enchanted using it I am. dunno why I was actually therefore stingy along with the stars. Another incredible truth concerning GooglePlay is actually that this has more than 1 billion energetic month-to-month individuals, that is a considerable amount of folks accessing an outlet that could house your application eventually. Yet I assume today's supervisors can handling and at times also thriving on all of them.
While what individuals prefer coming from work is situational, depending on the individual, his needs and the benefits that are actually meaningful to him, giving folks just what they yearn for off work is actually fairly simple. Regarding I may tell from individuals I have actually talked to, Poland is considerably thought about as 'culturally near' to Germany, nearer than France, Italy, and so on As an afterthought, Facebook is certainly not the only kind of social media sites that draws individuals in like a magnet. Which takes us beautifully to the ThinkPad X1 Doing yoga Ultrabook (not to be baffled along with the ThinkPad X1 Carbon dioxide or even the ThinkPad X1 Tablet computer ), a combination from the timeless ThinkPad DNA with Lenovo's own Yoga exercise, a selection that's just four-years-old yet has actually been one of one of the most well-liked in the business, and virtually singlehandedly rekindled the 2-in-1 type. Exactly what weblink reveal ourselves to regularly molds which we are actually, how our experts look at others, what choices our company create and exactly how our company act. People are actually claiming its not a negative keyboard as isle type computer keyboards go, I will certainly agree with that, however that is NOTHING on the outdated thinkpad key-board, mostly as a result of style issues. This manual possesses a way of creating you believe you recognize specifically just what you feel regarding every little thing and afterwards switching you completely inverted and creating you examine whether or not you feel anything at all about anything. In such a hectic world that is actually in some cases challenging to pull ourselves from the despotism of the currently as well as focus on even more strategic reasoning. Such a deficit, all the more specific provided the sturdy motivational and arousal worth that is actually commonly linked with this reward, would support the suggestion that in substance addiction, brain benefit circuits are 'pirated' by medicines, although the opportunity for a pre-existing shortage in reward processing additionally may certainly not be actually ruled out. I assume that it is actually the parents decision on wether they wish their children on social networking sites or otherwise. As much as we know, just one guy understands one thing mistakes and also not also he prepares to overcome for the change. After changing his method coming from control to facilitation, he observed sizable gains in the employee's external incentive and also efficiency, to the point where the employee came to be an important member of the staff. Perhaps I am actually skipping one thing in the content, but I think that folks feel Lyanna passed away in childbearing given that they initially rely on R+L= J, and also childbearing suits that theory. Accurate criminal offense frequently deals with women damage like the related activity, the regrettable consequence of what is actually otherwise an intriguing examination from human-- male-- motivation. Podiatric doctors give healthcare for people along with shoe, ankle, and also lesser leg complications. Stephen, like the thousands of youths which are actually embeded establishments, belongs in the area, along with his household and those who like him. Sociologists research study society as well as social behavior by analyzing the teams, cultures, institutions, social companies, and processes that cultivate when individuals connect as well as interact. Members could look for tasks, trade returns to, find brand new hires and keep up along with the competitors. I am actually battling with my kid activity obsession day-to-day his papa remove the activity from him he most likely to institution he borrow from his pals. Genuinely, I carry out certainly not think my divide will definitely fade away anytime quickly, yet Mr. Spinelli your bold story permitted me to find that not all folks differentiate. When you are dealing with kids, simply to understand what they look at mentally is an academic experience also. In this particular oft-referenced self-help classic, Napoleon Hill assures to discuss the secret of the richest folks of his time (this manual was actually published in 1937). If our team would like to succeed people to extra extreme national politics, our experts should learn how to make our disagreements while running in political fields that aren't merely our personal. Okay, fine, ha. Examine me, acquiring all thrilled regarding a feasible part two to a game I don't even think necessities one. If http://typesofbeauty.info was actually still having a hard time to agree with my manager's analysis and/or remedy to the concern, I would certainly happen and also examine the complication up along with a few other means to resolve the trouble. At that conference, IO Interactive artistic supervisor Christian Elverdam was claiming all the right things: the center was taking the design principles and flexible amounts of their treasured Hitman: Blood Cash and bolting on the strengthened controls as well as mechanical essentials of the rather less-beloved Hitman: Forgiveness to create an ur-Hitman. Since when people find significance in the job, they also really feel a feeling of possession. The solution is: No. I actually, really can not bear it. I'll leave this to folks who do not mind possessing their braincells sucked in to a great void from anti-feminist disinformation. There were actually the die-hards that were actually regularly there, the bandwagoners, the curious onlookers, and certainly, even a couple of haters, yet that appeared like professional athletes, politicians and stars were actually visiting of the openings to refer to the Cubs' first Globe Series victory in 108 years.
0 notes
shefa · 7 years
At last count, Tanya Gersh had received 700 threatening, hateful and anti-Semitic messages. Even now, one arrives every few days. That may seem like a lot, but it isn’t. Not compared to before, when they came day and night. Neo-Nazis intimidated the secretaries who answered the phone at her husband’s office. They even tried to contact her 12-year-old son. One message read: “You have no idea what you are doing, six million are only the beginning.” Another read: “You are surprisingly easy to find on the internet… and in real life.”
The Gersh family had be living in fear since The Daily Stormer, Neo-Nazi website, started its harassment campaign eight months ago calling on its followers to intimidate Tanya, publishing her photo and phone number, her husband’s work address and her son’s Twitter handle. The harassment climaxed with a call by The Daily Stormer for an armed march through Tanya Gersh’s town of Whitefish, Montana. Attached to the promoting materials for the march was a photo of Auschwitz, decorated with swastikas and a yellow star, superimposed with images of Tanya Gersh, her son, the local Conservative rabbi and the husband of the local reform rabbi who heads a human rights group.
The march, thank God never materialized in Whitefish. But eight months later, Whitefish’s most notorious resident Neo-Nazi, Richard Spencer helped organize and lead the night march and rally which took place in Charlottesville, NC not long ago. Spencer drew national attention, you may recall, last November when he led a pro-Trump rally in a Nazi salute just after the election. He was joined in Charlottesville by David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan as 250 white supremacists marched across the University of Virginia campus with tiki torches, deliberately evoking images of medieval mobs and of Klan cross burnings. Then an even larger number rallied the next day. Decades ago they would have marched with hoods to hide their identity, but this time they showed their faces proudly, unafraid, as they chanted, White Lives Matter, Go the F--- back to Africa, Blood and Soil, and The Jews Will Not replace Us.
Then, just last week, a synagogue in St. Louis gave shelter to African Americans protesting a police shooting. Jew-haters took to their social media accounts tweeting anti-Semitic attacks using the hashtag #gasthejews. The hashtag was used by so many people, tweeted and re-tweeted so many times on Twitter that it rose to be trending. Trending means it was one of the most used hashtags globally on the social media site: #gasthejews.
These three events stand out as among the most dramatic this year. But they do not stand in isolation. In 2016, according to the Anti-Defamation League, there was a 34% rise in anti-Semitic incidents. That’s one third more than the year before. In 2017 so far anti-Semitic incidents rose an astounding 86% over 2016. In just the first quarter of 2017 there were 386 incidents of harassment, 155 incidents of vandalism and six physical assaults, putting the year on pace to reach 2000 incidents by its end, here, in America.
For years we have been talking about the rise in anti-Semitism in Europe generally and especially in France and the UK. But at the same time, we have perhaps been in a bit of denial about the reality of the dramatic increase in Jew-hatred right here at home.
Many of us grew up in a time when we did not experience the same level of animosity as our parents. For us it is easy to forget stories we have heard from half a century ago about Father Coughlin’s hatred being spewed over the airwaves, or Henry Ford disseminating copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or the Nazi rally, complete with huge Nazi flags emblazoned with swastikas and ushers dressed as stormtroopers, that filled Madison Square Garden to overflowing in the 1930s. These events feel relegated to history. We live with the illusion that 21st century America has been freed of the fears and discrimination felt by previous generations of Jews.
But it has not. In a shocking article in Time Magazine after Charlottesville, Jon Meacham delineates a detailed history of white supremacist, Neo-Nazi and other hate groups in this country. I urge you to read it. It’s still available online. The upshot of his article is that the undercurrents of hatred in this country have never gone away and have remained a stronger and more pervasive force than we thought, just waiting for the right moment to surface.
So, the question is, now that it has indeed resurfaced, how do we respond to this new reality in which we live?
First, we must call out hatred wherever we see it. We can no longer afford to turn a blind eye. To do so is to risk being caught off guard when the moment comes that this hatred reaches a tipping point in this country.
Many of you will remember the bestselling book In the Garden of the Beasts, which recounts the experience of US Ambassador William Dodd and his family in Berlin in the years leading up to World War II. He came to Germany enamored of the glamor and excitement of Berlin’s social scene, and only slowly came to acknowledge and face the reality of a country descending into unbridled hate, discrimination and violence.
When he realized, he wrote missives back to his superiors in Washington warning them of what was happening, but they were not taken seriously. The West waited too long to get involved in the fight against the Nazis, and even then did too little too late to save Jewish lives.
Second, it is important that we recognize the extraordinary support that we do have from the majority of Americans. In Whitefish, Montana the town rallied around the Gersh family, placing pictures of a menorah in all their windows at Hanukkah time to express their Solidarity. In 2014 the city council passed an anti-discrimination ordinance. Many Whitefish businesses will not let Richard Spencer or his followers enter their doors. Following the events in Charlottesville 150 people gathered in Whitefish for a vigil to honor Charlottesville’s counter protesters. In Virginia, the Governor of Virginia made a statement that white supremacists should simply “leave this country.” As Rabbi Rosten of Whitefish said, “The world isn’t filled with hateful people.” This country is filled with a majority of good loving people who will stand with us. We need to reach out to them, to hold on to them, to support them, and to let them know how grateful we are for their support when we are in need.
Third, we must recognize that hatred is beyond politics. There is hatred and prejudice on both the right and the left. Some political leaders have found it expedient to look the other way when those who support their overall goals also spew hatred. Both conservatives and liberals, Democrats and Republicans have allowed the banners of free speech and academic freedom to serve as a fig leaf for the spewing of hatred. Too many of us are too busy pointing fingers across the aisle, delighting in examples of how much the other side has failed rather than actively targeting the hate within their own parties.
Conservatives need to tackle the white nationalist elements within their camp and Liberals need to tackle the Pro-BDS elements that nurture anti-Semitism in their camp. Both elements in American politics foment anti-Semitism. As Jews, we must learn to stand for the Jewish people and for Jewish values first, and for American political factions second.
You know that when the Jews left Egypt, they crossed the Sea. The rabbis teach that crossing the Sea was a great moment of revelation when we experienced God most intensely. The people were united in spirit as they sang a song of thanks to God at the Sea. And then immediately after, they complained that they had no food and no water. They became rancorous and divisive… and that is when Amalek attacked. Our enemies attack us when we are divided, when we separate from each other and attack each other.
In contrast, at Sinai the Torah says vayichan sham – that the whole people were one, united in heart and mind at Mount Sinai. It was because we were united that we merited the receiving of the Torah and God’s spirit. We have to stand together as Jews first before all else.
Finally, we must recognize that, as Martin Luther King famously wrote from the Birmingham Jail, Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. The battle against anti-Semitism cannot stand in isolation from the battles against hatred of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, homosexuals, transgender people, Muslims, immigrants, refugees, those of a different socio-economic class or any other group. Rallying cries of the white supremacists in Whitefish and Charlottesville should remind us that when any of us are in the cross-hairs of hate, we all are. If to the haters there is no distinction, then to us there can be no distinction either.
Pastor Martin Niemoller was a Lutheran pastor in Germany. He opposed the Weimar republic and welcomed Hitler’s rise to power. Even when persecutions first began he did not defend the Jews. On the contrary, he sheltered and protected baptized Christians who were persecuted by the Nazis because they were descended from Jews. But as for the Jews themselves? In one sermon in 1935, he remarked: "What is the reason for [their] obvious punishment, which has lasted for thousands of years? Dear brethren, the reason is easily given: the Jews brought the Christ of God to the cross."
It was only later, when Niemoller himself was pursued by the Nazis, that he understood the error of his ways. I know you recognize these words that he wrote:
First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out for me.
This morning we read the story of the near sacrifice of Isaac. There are many beautiful interpretations of the meaning of this story. On the one hand, it is at its most basic level a rejection of the ancient practice of child sacrifice. At the same time, we also see it as a demonstration of Abraham’s loyalty to God, of his willingness to sacrifice even that which is most precious to him. Abraham’s story is meant both to inspire our faith and sacrifice and to remind God of Abraham’s devotion. We pray that if we are unworthy of God’s forgiveness and blessings, God should look favorably upon us for Abraham’s sake, because we are his progeny.
But generations of Jews over thousands of years saw something else in this saga. Isaac became a literary stand-in for the Jewish people His near sacrifice was seen as a stand-in for the near decimation of the Jewish people who were martyred again and again by those who could not abide by our very existence.
Indeed, there is one particularly disturbing midrash in which Isaac is really, actually sacrificed. His life taken, he dies on the altar and then the angel resurrects him. Some scholars have seen in this a parallel to Christianity but they miss the point of this midrash in which Isaac is a symbol of the entire Jewish people which will descend from him. Time and again, we as a nation have faced utter destruction but like a phoenix we always rise again from the ashes. The author of this midrash was expressing his faith in the indestructible nature of the Jewish people.
I’ve often quoted Professor Jonathan Sarna who likes to talk about the cover of a 1966 issue of Look Magazine that featured a story titled, “The Vanishing Jew.” Dr. Sarna is fond of saying, “And look at that! Look Magazine has vanished, and the Jews are still here!”
We will always be here. That’s Gods promise to us. Like the moon that renews its cycle month after month, vanishing in the darkness and then reappearing, shining its light, God promises us that, no matter what difficulties we face, God will lift us up and restore us to our glory.
But we have to do our part too. We have to stand against hatred wherever we see it. We must stand against hatred of Jews and stand against hatred of others. We have to demonstrate to the world the meaning of true love of humanity, what it means that we are all children of one God, that we share together a common fate and destiny.
It’s because of that commitment that we are disliked by those who hate us. Let us hold that banner aloft proudly, standing for the values of Torah, the love of humanity and the service of God.
May we see the day when hatred will cease in our midst and the world can truly be filled with love, ad let us say: Amen.
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cepmurphy · 7 years
20 Elections - 20 Notes
During the general election, I wrote twenty different alternate history shorts. Here’s the thinking and points of diversion behind them: (SPOILERS) #1: You Won’t Get Me, I’m Part Of The Union This one, you can tell it was written when Le Pen was clearly going to make it Round 2 of the 2017 French elections. (Banks is in UKIP financier Aaron Banks) The title is from a hit song in the 70s about trade unions. Famously, a desperate French President Reynaud in 1940 proposed a vaguely defined “Anglo-French Union” in the hope of keeping his government going and France fighting. Any such union would, of course, stick together only in conflict. Of the other three union members, Ireland was secretly offered Northern Ireland back if it joined the war effort in 1943 and Gabon did hold a referendum on independence or remaining part of France. Britain was lucky in that it’s the only European empire to have escaped decolonisation without a long, bloody war (for us rather than the locals) to retain colonies that we then lost anyway. France fought two such wars in Algeria and Vietnam - if we were bonded to them, we wouldn’t be so lucky as real life. #2: A Popular Mandate The title is a mean dig at pro-Brexit’s talk of mandates but the story is based on Erdogan’s increasingly autocracy in Turkey. (And he too held a referendum) The POD is another famous one: the coup plots against Harold Wilson by a few idiots in MI5 and press magnate Cecil King, with Lord Mountbatten intended as the interim leader. In real life it was a damp squib but if it had happened, then the door would be opened for more coups - the spell that we call “peaceful exchange of power” would be shattered and, like a few other countries, we might never get it back. Dimbleby as in David Dimbleby, the BBC’s undying election night host. #3: These Colours Don’t Run IRON MAIDEN!!! One of their many songs about war and armies, of course. The Iraq War was a hugely defining event, the two of the one-two punch that started with September 11. It hangs over every foreign military engagement for a dozen countries and makes people leery of any big involvement. And the Iraq War happened solely because George Bush and his chums won, and were given an opening by 9/11 - so you just need the votes in Florida to change and then, we just have a string of successful, “cheap” interventions from Falklands on (or so we’d remember them). Is that notoriously gobby Jess Philips as Labour leader, battling against notoriously urg-not-HIM Liam Fox? I can’t possible comment. #4: Carry On As in “keep calm and”, written not so long after a terrorist attack. A statement had to be made. #5: Meet The New Bosses This one comes from two things: the unprecedented success of Macron in France and the collapse of the big parties that allowed it, and the many, many fluctuating polls in our election. Labour and the Tories seem like stable, unstoppable forces but such certainties can change - as seen by the obliteration of the Lib Dems and SNP eating all other parties in 2015, as well as France. All it would take is a bit of time and both parties screwing up - the wrong leaders at the wrong time, rather than the zeitgeist-nabbing Blair and Cameron. (Danzcuk was exposed as a creepy sexter after seeming like a righteous campaigner so imagine if he’d got power...) Cole from story #1 is back but in a different role due to the different timeline. That comes from Kim Newman’s Life’s Lottery, where the same cast appear over and over in different roles & personalities depending on what choice the reader makes. (Vince as in Cable, Abbott as in Diane) Why Dundee? Cos the Beano, home of Roger the Dodger, is from there. The Yorkshire Party is actually real but has never won a thing. The BNP hasn’t either, but here they benefit from UKIP never supplanting them and stand as the Front National standins. #6: Status Quo Statistically, it’s weird that we not only have had only two women PM’s who were the only two female party leaders at UK level and so few women seriously run for the job. I wonder what could ever be the reason for that. I wonder. All female leaders mentioned are real prominent politicians, some more than others. Davidson is Ruth Davidson, Scottish Tory leader and at the time of writing, I didn’t expect her to be the Tory’s shining light in 2017, the one gaining them seats without loss. Maybe she will be a potential PM soon.... #7: The Old Familiar Stain The title comes from the song Hurt, by NIN and then Johnny Cash. A recurring claim in Britain is the Empire wasn’t so bad and we brought civilisation to the heathens, even if we know not to say White Man’s Burden now - this even as we hear time and again about atrocities we glossed over at the time. (Kenyans who were tortured during the Mau Mau uprising did go to the High Court a few years ago) Surely we’d not think that if we’d been good socialists, right? Politicians mentioned are all key Labour people through history - including party founder Keir Hardie - with “Uncle Arthur” a nickname for Arthur Henderson. Only Ramsay Macdonald got to be PM in real life, and in difficult circumstances. #8: The Big Society Title is, of course, a mean dig at a Cameron slogan. A bunch of alternate history and sci-fi stories have multinational megastates and power blocks. Council elections are often meagre because they’re considered to not really be powerful - why wouldn’t that happen in a hypothetical ‘megastate’? The POD here is no American Revolution, leading to increasingly powerful dominions within empire, leading to here. Philadelphia was America’s prime city before the revolution and temporarily a capital. #9: A Sense of Proportion I was in a defiantly optimistic mood for this one. Back in 2011, we decided not to move to a different electoral system - alternative vote rather than this timeline’s single transferable - but stick with first-past-the-post instead. Voting models show this would prevent a majority Tory government and lead to UKIP's 4m voter surge giving them more than one seat. That would not have been sustainable, hence the early election after all. Ed Miliband really has had a change of reputation in certain circles: once he was no longer party leader, he started to be quite funny and play social media like a fiddle. That, it seems, was the real Ed all along and he was covering it up. Once you take fear away... #10: Special Relationships You can all tell what this one’s about. Ruth Davidson returns, this time with Louise Mensch, former MP and major Trump & Putin hater. Having her be in Cabinet is a stretch but hey, narrative. Operation Sea Lion is the famous Nazi plan to invade Britain - and in violation of alternate history, most historians are pretty sure Sea Lion would have failed. If that had happened, you alter the shape of World War Two. The barbed comments about America “being late” for the war are still made now, after we were allies together, and if America had never shown up at all (and without Pearl Harbor it may not have) then all we ‘know’ about transatlanic relations is out the window. #11: The Great Blue Hope Popularly, the Falklands was what saved Thatcher’s first term. A divisive government, high unemployment, and an eyecatching new opposition party in the SDP could have nobbled her without the war - and the war could have easily gone against us. And once you’re a failed party, you can be a failed party for a generation. The many annoying answers to door-knocking are all things that I’ve seen or heard canvassers & politicians mention. It’s a right slog.
#12: Clever, Clever, Clever I Don’t Like Michael Gove: The Novelisation. Gove really did backstab Boris Johnson in the real world’s 2016 party race. Now we know that’s what Mr “I Don’t Want To Be PM” would do. We also have allegations he was at dinners with Trump allies that Cambridge Analytica set up. He was a Brexiteer - and once the Prime Minister is taking a stance, that side can no longer claim to be the anti-establishment vote. Labour and the Lib Dems going into coalition in 2010 is a recurring ‘what if’ in political thought. It’s public record how many people in Labour didn’t want to, however, and if the Lib Dems were doomed for helping Tories imagine if they’re propping up a ‘failed’ government. It’df definitel;y be Tories winning next. Liz Kendall came nowhere near winning the Labour leadership in our time but she did get brief attention for playing the Young One card - after 17 years of power and looking tired in public, Labour would want young. #13: Frankenstein Must Vote The further we get from the 80s, the dafter the “video nasties” thing seems. A bunch of horror movies, many not that bad except in production value terms, being effectively banned in the UK, that far into the 20th century? The past is another country. Hammer Horror did not, in real life, survive the mid-70s but it could have, maybe, with a bit more effort. Zepellins vs Pterodactyls really was a planned film. There’s Cole again! (And Ansari from #5, in passing) Yeovil is a penname for Kim Newman. #14: Mission Control A Newquay spaceport is a controversial idea the Tories pitched this year. Could it even work? We may find out, we may not. British space agencies have never quite worked the way we dream about them. Black Knight was almost a real rocket system but, in the end, did not happen. Money was only going to pay for so much and realistically, any UK NASA would be limited. However, it could change us despite that - as Warren Ellis once argued for Ministry in Space, our space fiction is the cry of a declining Britain, hungry to believe there was something else to do. Another big nation involved in space flight would also transform the space race, even if it sucked at it. Charles Kennedy never became PM but could - maybe should - have. #15: And I Would Make Five Hundred K The SNP once helped keep Labour in power in the 70s and in exchange, they got a referendum on devolution - one that did not succeed. If it had, it is possible independence may have happened earlier, and (for the plot to work) we’re saying Scotland was less hit by Thatcher’s policies and instead turned them into Scotland’s own. With oil and financial dealings, an independent Scotland could prosper - and would be prey to large foreign sharks. We often think of an independent Scotland as mega-left because we assume the modern SNP will run it and start it off. It’s not a hard law. Oor Wully (”Our Willy” in phoenetic) is a long-running Scottish comic strip. Trump’s mother came out of Scotland and if this was blowing up at the time his businesses were doing bad in the States, I can see him shifting. #16: The Glorious Status Quo The Glorious Revolution - named by English people as for us, it was bloodless - saw parliament call in foreign Protestant monarchs to replace a more catholic-friendly one. This was a huge influence in our politics (and killed thousands upon thousands in Scotland and Ireland) as well as global, ending the Anglo-Dutch rivalry. Catholic-Protestant divides of the time mean even if it didn’t happen, something would at some point. Now this one was a toughie because with this far back a diversion, the world needed to be as different as I could get it without being incomprehensible. The tech, the landmarks, the ethnicities (Native American immigration) all get tweaks. For Tradesman Party, read Labour.
#17: Rock The Vote One thing that keeps going around is that Tony Blair - this is honestly the truth - wanted to get into music and was part of a student rock band. It would only take a bit more success on that front and Blair could have done that for a career instead of becoming an MP. I can’t say if he’d ever be that great a musician but in New Labour’s heyday he had the charisma, the drive, and ability to connect with the common man that, if he did have talent, would make him a star.
He used to be further left in his youth but got turned off by the hard left, as he says here. Blair was one of the main people pushing for action on Kosovo so sadly without him, that’s not stopped. #18: Heard Around The World Britain did not go fascist, unlike many other European nations. If we had, it would have eventually ended - but as with #2, once you’ve opened that bottle, the genie isn’t going back in. (You could also be sure America would back a right-wing post-fascist government over a socialist one) We’ve seen time and again that when certain governments get into power in certain countries, they may not last long.
Part of the inspiration was the Gambia, where the recent election had ended in the incumbent ignoring the result and the winning party have to flee abroad to get aid from the African Union.
Paisley as in the notorious Reverend Iain Paisley, Creasy as in Labour’s Stella Creasy, and Labour heavyweight Aneurin Bevan was from Wales.
#19: Big Boy’s Rules Britain is a big nation that’s not as big as it once was and ones to be bigger again. That compulsion to be big won’t go away. As noted before, Suez was what did us in as an imperial power - and made it clear Europe was out, the US and USSR were in. But militarily, it almost worked. A bit of extra time and we’d have won. And if we’d won, we wouldn’t care about the murkiness and the morality. #20: It’ll Be Alright On The Night Writtem very shortly before the vote. Simple diversion: Brexit does not happen. Everything follows on from there. To keep things as unclear as they seemed in our time, I arranged for both Tories and Labour to have weak, unpopular leaders - both seen as shifty. In hindsight, I’ve set up Labour to be stuffed unless it gets a coalition deal and I, like many, overestimated the third party vote collapse.
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Pamela Geller Report -> Meat-cleaver wielding attacker ‘storms two Jewish shops, shouting ‘you Jews run away’ at little Jewish girls
quran quotes and beheading at HoaxAndChange.com
ISIS Terror Allahs law – beheading
ISIS Head Syrian Refugee at HoaxAndChange.com
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Devout ‘DERADICALIZATION” Imam hailed by NY Times ARRESTED for ISIS jihad terror
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Forward writer: “I’m A Zionist And A Feminist. I Stand With Linda Sarsour.” #judenrat
Is anyone surprised? If you know the “Jewish” Forward, you wouldn’t be.
BREAKING: President Trump FIRES FBI Director Comey
Long overdue
Comey: Trump’s Initial Travel Ban Could Have Stopped Refugee Terrorism
The party that embraces a terror spox like Linda Sarsour will never allow let alone support policy(s) that would protect and defend Americans and oppose jihad and sharia. They would rather see Americans dead.
VIDEO: Muslim who SET MULTIPLE SYNAGOGUES ABLAZE arrested in Las Vegas
Islamic Jew-hatred – it’s in the Quran. This is the same virulent hatred of the Jews in the Muslim world which fuels the jihad against the tiny Jewish state of Israel.
Meat-cleaver wielding attacker ‘storms two Jewish shops, shouting ‘you Jews run away’ at litle Jewish girls
A man armed with a meat cleaver has been arrested after storming into two Jewish shops and threatening young Jewish girls.
BREAKING! MILO to Speak at AFDI #CancelSarsour Protest May 25 in NYC
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Photos/Video: Radicals for Linda Sarsour Presser NYC City Hall
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‘Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to kill us….’
“Moderate” Indonesia: Jakarta’s Christian governor Ahok found guilty in Islam blasphemy trial
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Turkish President/Caliph Erdoğan tells Muslims to flood Jerusalem
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This is what invasion looks like.
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This is what war looks like.
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17-Year-Old Gay Teen Pushed Off 9th Floor Balcony By Uncle After He Was Outed By Chechen Family
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