#ieytd radio host au
wyvchard · 2 months
Static and Radio Waves (Part Two)
Link to Part One
Reginald loses contact with his agent during heavy rainfall; Phoenix is unaware how worried he was when he couldn't contact them.
'Come on. Come on. Work.' I pressed down my lips onto the flashlight as I checked the fuel level on generator. 'You were able to reconnect to the Agency. How hard would it be to run a generator for civilians?'
The radio station was fortunately on the higher part of town, so there aren't any worries that we'll be wading through floodwater any time soon.
Unfortunately, the electrical substation cut off power in the area, fearing that it would lead to deadly consequences.
"Sorry you had to do this. We'd ask-"
"We make do with what we have. Don't worry about it. They're making sure people don't get stuck on roofs. Last I heard, the water is already up to the knees in some areas. Let's just leave them to focus on getting the generator working."
I gave a thumbs up to my favorite sound tech as I try to recall how to use a generator and not the-
-dust on my arms and hat when I came to Babadag, with the smell of damp clothes despite the place not having any indication of moisture.
-desolate sight of my van, with the single light intact as I grabbed a flashlight to turn on the engine just so I can see.
-dreadful silence in the realization I could forever be alone as everyone was gone, with the single wish I could hear my handler from an earpiece again.
The motor whirred to life as the indicator blinked, gathering a series of relieved sighs.
I grabbed the flashlight from my mouth, shivering from the bitter taste of rubbing alcohol that I used to wipe it down.
"... You guys go ahead. I'll just take a few minutes to breathe." My body was gently pulled up from my posture as we shuffled our way back to the sound booth.
"And we're back! Sorry about that, folks. The weather was particularly chilly that our generators decided to take a nap."
I snuck into the other room in order to hear what search and rescue have to say, leaving as I know I'll be next after a few hours.
"It got worse. Some areas already had waist high levels. They haven't opened the dams yet. The pumping stations also sounded rather stressed."
"Pretty sure no one can sleep soundly tonight. Hand me the microphone. I'll talk to them," I said while approaching the swivel chair. The sound of rain hitting the metal mingled with the static of the radio.
The notepad and map were sprawled in front of me, the lamp providing enough visual to see what the notes left by the previous person.
The sky was dark, clouds a grey that seemed to mourn the mess they left on the ground. The wind howled as the metal on the roofs shook, shaking the hearts of people little by little as the reminder of how fragile things can be despite getting used to it reared its ugly head.
"Go ahead?" I pressed the button on the side I repeated what pa says on this device.
"And what are you doing here, you lil' mischief?" He rubbed my hair as he pried the radio off my tiny hands.
"Was that your kid?"
"Yes. Go ahead."
"Come on. Let the little one talk. It's boring to hear you over and over again."
Pa just sighed as he beckoned me to come closer. "Would you like to learn how to use a radio with me?"
"Yes please!"
I was gripping my pen as the one whose place I took over arrived, waiting for me to get up. My mind was tossing through my memories of the other times I helped with coordinating several individuals over the radio, years of muscle memory trying to take dominance over the agency training drilled into my mind.
If this rain keeps up, the pumping stations won't be able to get rid of water since the river's water level would be too high and it will only cause more disaster.
And with that, I grew up with the voices of people who are within and fighting against a rebellion, people who are looking for someone to talk to in the middle of calamity, people who are... part of the agency.
My voice caught up in my throat as I turned to one of the volunteer radio operators. Our eyes met as he looked to be in shock at my accusation.
The agency's search and rescue department is dealing with the floodwater. Who else is in the area? Who... They're not looking for just me, right? I hope not.
"Do you recognize this frequency?"
"Yes. They're my friends. I'll talk to them to introduce you."
"... No need. I just remembered I haven't messaged my folks." I used my thumb to point at the door. "I'll be contacting them right now."
"Wait. Hold on-"
I pretended not to hear the panic in his voice as I locked myself inside the writer's room, away from everyone.
"A-agent? Is that you?!" My hand was trembling when I put on the earpiece, his voice was unsteady, wracked with worry.
"I'm sorry." I cupped my mouth as the words slipped out.
"Come again, agent?"
I bit my lip as I fought the urge to repeat it. He still doesn't know and I don't think now's the right time to reveal it.
"Phoenix, are you safe? Tap twice if you are."
I tapped the desk twice, hearing him sigh in relief. A part of my heart sunk like lead as the sight of the darkness with a desk overlapped with the last time we lost communication.
"In case you're wondering, I'm safe as well." I can't hear rain from where he is. "I should inform search and rescue that you've been found." However, I can hear the clicks of his keyboard as he took a hold of my coordinates. "Agent? Can you explain why on earth you are in a radio station?
"Nevermind. One of our operatives from search and rescue is in the same building to look for the other agents." He paused as a beep interrupted his thoughts. "Contact reestablished. Were you in the middle of that while we were looking for you?
"You are the legendary Agent Phoenix for a reason."
... I'm the reason contact was delayed but I'll take it.
"Just sit tight, Agent. The storm will pass soon. You'll be alright. I'll be here. But knowing you, you're probably getting your hands full."
If I remember agency protocol correctly, he should be checking on me every once in a while. I have a few hours before the next update, giving me time to take over for the other announcers.
I walked towards the sound booth, noting the dreary halls on my way there as two lights were the only places with power to conserve electricity.
"Ready to take over?"
I gave another thumbs up as I took my seat in front of the microphone. I gave my fellow announcer an apologetic look as I looked at the script and the information brought to us from the other room.
Once the cue light turns green again, it will be my turn to speak.
Hopefully, they'd be comforted by the sound of my voice... and that they'll be able to hear it again when the flood recedes.
The brain worms are back. Not sure if I should make this canon to the fic but eh.
... Uhhh...
@agent-calivide, hope you don't mind me writing a part two.
@sml8180, here's another contribution while I sit in the classroom. /j
@ellascreams, we're both standing awkwardly right now. XD
@phoenix-and-found-family, I wrote a thing.
@the-one-and-only-043, I wrote another thing.
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wyvchard · 1 month
Static and Radio Waves (Part Three): Yes, No, Maybe
Link to Part One and Part Two
There is a disadvantage of going undercover in familiar territory no one seems to talk about: Your Handler will know certain things about you that you'd rather keep private.
Small Note: Phoenix uses she/they in this fic. They are called "Fe" as a nickname.
"Anak ng- That was so close! How dare you forget about that?!"
"Well, it seems like things are lively at the station today." My handler spoke up in my earpiece as I lingered outside the break room. "How about you go check it out?"
I shook my head slightly. I know what game they're playing and I don't want to participate. My voice is currently more scratchy than sandpaper and the game will lead to several rounds of yelling.
"Agent, I understand crowds may be intimidating but I believe you'd do well. Didn't you say in your correspondence that you knew some of the staff? I'm sure it will be a pleasant reunion."
The door opened and revealed a cat that clung to my leg. I picked her up without a word and held her in my arms as I walked inside.
"Lette! Oh, hey Fe. I got your text. Lost your voice, huh?"
I nodded at Terry with the most apologetic look I can muster before setting down Lette, who seemed more content to climb on my leg as I rummaged through my bag.
"That bribe won't work on me. Hey, everyone! Fe's back!"
The ones playing the game turned to look at me, causing me to carry the cat once again to cover my face.
The break room's comforting off-white walls were littered with photographs of some adventures over the years, candid images on how warm this place is. A table was left without its chairs as two were placed in the center of the room for the game.
Manny, my favorite sound tech, was fiddling with wires in the corner, giving me a wave before resuming his task. He's not going to help me out. That traitor.
Terry guided me to the crowd, mischief on her face as I was practically forced to sit on one of the chairs as soon as it was vacated. Lette followed to sit on my lap moments after.
My disapproval is clearly on my face as they practically buwwied me into accepting the role of the answerer.
"Agent, what game is this?"
A game of yelling. And questions. Mostly yelling.
"Alright! Here's the word." Terry gave me a grin as she showed me the word on a piece of paper before taping it onto my partner's hat. "Since you can't talk right now, hand gestures will be alright."
She's evil. Out of all the words you can make him guess, it's that one.
"I see the agency got another agent here. I don't think it would be difficult word to guess. Good luck, Agent. Wait. I don't think the word matches the category."
"Are they in the room with us?" Yes.
"Agent, how on earth is-"
"That removes quite a bit. So none of the directors... Female?" Another yes.
"Agent, I think that word is more appropriate to refer to food, don't you think?"
I ignored Reggie's confused mumblings as I gave a "maybe" to "can you see them where you're looking at?". She's on my lap, after all. I can kinda see her tail.
Laughter was ringing around us as he continued to drop names, with me giving a thumbs down to every single one.
"... Lette?" I gave a thumbs up, watching as indignation filled his eyes.
"... Who would name a cat 'Omelette' of all things?" He sounded so resigned as the commotion of arguments echoed in the background. I paid no heed as I petted the cat with enthusiasm.
Me. I named her Omelette.
"I'll be honest, if I told you what I named my cat, you're going to look at me funny." I stifled a laugh as the memory came back with a vengeance when Reggie played a recording of an obscure interview I had in the early days of my career.
"I do wonder what she named her. Do you have any guesses?" He looked at me as we made our way back to headquarters after we lost Dr. Prism, right robot in the backseat of the van.
I shook my head, trying to keep a professional face as I recalled what exactly I named her. Best to keep my mouth shut.
"It could be something like Furniture Destroyer."
I fought back a snort as I focused on driving. She did ruin a chair or two.
Lette jumped from my lap to run to the door, prompting me to run after her to escape the chaos that is "Is Omelette considered an employee?".
"Agent, please be careful."
I gave him a nod as I made my way in the familiar halls that was filled with the plants I gave the program director or, as I would affectionately call him, Ninong.
"Fe, in my office." His deep voice made me pause in my tracks as I watched him carry Lette in his arms.
"Agent, did you do something?"
I gave a subtle shake as I made my way up to Ninong and put the back of his hand onto my forehead, causing him to raise a brow.
"God bless you as well. Lost your voice again, iha? What did I tell you about eating sweets and ruining your voice?"
I signed a polite apology while Lette came into my arms.
"I suppose I can deal well without you trying to quibble with my comments for a few minutes." He gave me a slight smile as we headed inside.
When we took our seats, his eyes shifted to something more severe.
"I'd reviewed your latest scripts. While I have to say your story is compelling, there are some things that stick out to me." He slid a folder that was marked with multiple sticky notes onto the table. "I have no problem with the antagonists. I find their personality to be... unforgettable. However, I may be reading too much into it but..." He opened it to the revelant pages. "Hazel eyes. Please don't tell me that this character is based off Mr. John Juniper."
I sighed, giving a noncomittal shrug that garnered him his own sigh.
"I know you didn't have a pleasant experience with him during that phone call but if this gets on the air, some people may catch on. The public's sensitive to these kinds of things at the moment. While I'm not asking you to scrap this, you should either change this part or make a new script entirely. And... Are you doing alright? I can't help but notice how your recent additions seem to be getting... dark lately."
"... Agent..."
I gave a weak thumbs up, only for both men to give me sounds of exasperation.
"Still reserved as always." Ninong shook his head as he handed me a different folder. "I still have no idea why I was chosen to be your godfather but I'll take it."
I looked inside and saw several contacts and a schedule planned for me.
"Since you did lose your voice, I'll be giving you a different task." He took back the sticky noted filled folder to focus on me. "Zoraxis Presents is currently having a difficult time lately. While I am sympathetic, I don't take kindly to them trying to poach our talents."
The glint in his eyes was enough to tell me what he wanted done. "Please get them to stop. They haven't stopped lately and I think a more direct approach is needed. Do you need me to assign someone to accompany you?"
"Wait. Zoraxis... Agent, you didn't tell me you know the station's PD."
I shook my head no, refusing to answer to any of my handler's comments.
"I suppose I can leave this matter to your hands. Don't do anything illegal. I am not dealing with any communication standards violations this time. Just rejecting them is enough."
The short meeting ended shortly after, with me holding the folder in my arm and a cat in the other.
"Agent, remember the mission. You're to find out about the identity of the radio host. Although I am inclined to believe that she's no threat to the agency. You need to establish contact."
"There's no need to, Mr. Crane. Please tell the agency our assignment will shift to the task the PD gave us. Maybe we'll find the remaining Zoraxis operatives that could lead us to Zor during this."
The pause was palpable, causing me to enter in one of the unoccupied store rooms to collect my thoughts.
"... Agent? Was that your voice?"
I gave him a nod, fighting the urge to cough since it will make my already sore throat worse.
The silence from his end was uncomfortable, leading me to enter the break room once again. Terry and the others were still playing the game, prompting me to sit beside Manny with ease.
"He gave you a different assignment, didn't he?" He didn't look at me to focus on the task he'd been doing. "I told you to pace yourself better."
"Fe, you stubborn kid. So, who are you taking this time? Still deciding?"
I gave him a nod. The agency will not like what they've recently found out. However, as my pa always said "They didn't ask for details".
We'll cross the bridge when we get there. But for now, I'll enjoy this moment.
In case anyone gets confused, the Program Director's raised brow is due to the fact Fe / Phoenix didn't say "mano po", which is a sign of showing respect.
The game Terry and the others are playing is a reference to an actual game. Not gonna say what. :33 But here's the rules as best as I can remember:
A category may be given or not. It depends on the agreement.
A timer will usually be given. Usually around 3 to 5 minutes.
There are two players: a guesser and an answerer. The guesser asks a question and the answerer can only answer "yes", "no", or "maybe / can be". Sometimes, there is a time deduction for any other words used. (Occasionally, the answerer may be replaced by a crowd.)
The team or person with the fastest possible time wins.
And yes, Phoenix did name the cat Omelette. Mostly because they picked Lette up in "the place with the best omelettes" and it was shortened to "Omelette cat" to "Omelette" until it changed to "Lette". It felt too weird to change it now.
Tag List:
@agent-calivide, the brain bees got to me. Again.
@sml8180, here's another addition to my radio host Phoenix.
@ellascreams, Now it's Phoenix awkwardly standing while their coworkers dig up some parts they don't want the agency to find out because it's embarrassing. XD
@phoenix-and-found-family, will Wy play the game with Flor? They know the rules quite well.
@the-one-and-only-043, I'm curious on what 043 will think about the cat's name. XD
@agentwraith, do you wanna play that game too?
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wyvchard · 2 months
Static and Radio waves
(Hi, @agent-calivide... 😅 I saw the post. Please do excuse my attempt in writing the fic idea. Additonal ideas by @ellascreams and @sml8180. The brain rot spread to me.
Quick Disclaimer: I haven't a clue on how radio shows work in the 1960s so expect a ton of inaccuracies and a lot of vagueness.)
Phoenix is a radio host despite both Zoraxis and the Agency never hearing their voice.
I sighed as I saw the light turn off. "Okay. That's another batch done. My back is killing me." I leaned back on my chair as I massaged my temple.
"Why are you so insistent on leaving no show unfinished? It's like you're always preparing to retire all of a sudden." The sound tech looked at me with concern. "You can't retire, you're our most popular host. It's already bad enough you're not as present as before but-"
"Look. I like doing my own thing and I told you I have family to take care of. Besides, I don't want to pull a Juniper and leave a lot of productions half-finished." I winced at the memory. "... Too soon?"
"... Yeah. Do you still believe he could actually do that?"
"We'll never know. I mean, he did work for Zoraxis." I reached for my cup of tea to soothe my voice. My handler's slowly converting me from my beloved coffee and I have no idea how to feel.
"That stupid station... I get that Zoraxis Presents is bigger but-"
"Nothing we can really do about that. Besides, I'm thankful we don't have Juniper tied to us." It really would've been troublesome if he saw my face back then. Although I would have been in a different booth, he could have gotten a glimpse any time between recordings.
I looked over my script once again. "... I think it would have hurt us more if we did." I'm thinking about him again.
"How long until you'll be back?"
"I don't know. Things back home are unpredictable. I'll try to get ideas in the mean time. It's getting late."
I waved with every staff I met as I headed down to the street outside. My keys were held closely as I made it to my car and decided to start the drive to my apartment.
"Agent, it's good you're finally back," Reginald said with his typical jovial tune as soon as my earpiece connected. "I take it that you're blending in well?
"Perfect. Well, I'll tell you about the mission in the morning as it is getting quite late. I'm in the area and I was wondering if you'd like to eat dinner with me."
I opened my glovebox with my TK and grabbed the soundboard I'd... borrowed from Dr. Prism's home and pressed the button that said "fire".
He just sighed at my mischief. "I'll assume that means yes."
I fought a smile as I kept pressing the button to annoy him.
"Ah. There you are." Reginald smiled when I reached his table. "I was wondering if you'd run late."
I crossed my arms as I brought in the notepad and wrote something down.
"I jest, Phoenix. I'd rather not ask about work right now since we'd get busy tomorrow. I just wanted to-"
I tugged on his sleeve as we started to move to a more hidden spot in the establishment.
"I find this a bit unnecessary."
I gave him a grin while I leaned my head towards the unfolding drama.
He just sighed as a blush painted his cheeks when he seemed to recall something. He didn't really say anything but I will find my way to ruin the Fabricator's day soon.
Also because I wrote his character in my stories to get dumped by a woman or two because of that window washing fiasco. I feel responsible for that.
"... Agent, I appreciate the thought but I do not like prying into other people's love lives as much as possible."
An awkward silence envelopes us as we watch the melodramatic exchange in the diner. I passed him candy from my pockets as we watched.
We were served a few moments after, the fight between lovers still going on. I passed the notepad to him when things started to die down.
" 'Do you think something like this will appear in-' I can see this becoming part of that. Actually, that is what your mission is about. But we'll handle the details in the morning."
Aha. Yay. They're going to find out my side job. Well, this is not going to be fun.
"I hope I can join you this time. Although I doubt it, considering what happened with John Juniper."
Things quieted down as he spent most of the time talking about tea and his hobby of corn husking.
And I managed to pay back the five dollars by the end of it. So it's a win.
I'm quite grateful he's quite talkative as my voice would be destroyed if I talked any more.
"With Zoraxis going underground, it has been difficult to find traces of their activity. However, we've previously received reports of Zoraxis activity in one of the smaller radio stations. There is an elusive radio host who seems to know just how Zoraxis works. The agency wants you to look into them and see how they know so much and how they manage to remain faceless to this day. You are to go undercover as a stage hand. You did well back at the theater. Surely a recording booth wouldn't be a problem."
It wouldn't be a problem... if it wasn't the recording booth I was just in yesterday.
(I ran out of ideas on how to continue the story. I hope you enjoyed the read. 😅)
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wyvchard · 3 months
Master List and Blog Intro
So, hi. I prefer not to talk about myself too much. However, I tend to write for fun and write when I feel like it.
Currently, my main stuff is fanfics for I Expect You To Die. However, I do write one shots when it comes to writing prompts.
This blog is mostly filled with reblogs of stuff I find interesting. However, if you came for the writings, please refer to the list below.
(Text is the category. Don't expect plot threads as most are usually one off.)
This is the master post of my writings, if anyone is interested:
I Expect You to Die Stories
Full List over at @eod-agent-13-12 (my IEYTD side blog)
Fanfic Idea
Hardcore Timeline
Phoenixes can't be warm, can they?
Fire Safety
The mourning after (Takes place after an RP)
All these hoops for a vacation
Avert your eyes from the nest
Warmth in a Bowl of Noodles
From the Same Nest
Candlelight and Phoenix
A Late Night Visit
A Phoenix's Serenade (Roxanix)
Expectations and Attention (Phoenix X Juniper fic)
What Someone thinks is best
"Dr. Pr, do we have a blanket?"
I can't see what they see (Angst warning)
The Guilt in Smiling
A Few Steps Out of the Darkness
Static and Radio Waves (Phoenix as a radio host)
Static and Radio Waves Part Two
Static and Radio Waves Part Three
A Crane in a Phoenix's Nest (Heavy Angst)
Night Classes and Spiral Platforms
Safe and Sound Simon Says (Mind Control AU)
You'd Expect They'd be Used to This, But They Aren't.
I Just Hope It's a False Alarm
Birds of a Feather
Random Prompt Stories (These are not connected to each other. Feel free to pick any as they're all one shots.)
Make a Wish Villain Request
Ancient Lich Magic
Retired Lich Teacher
Attacking mid-transformation is a bad idea
Watching as your body lives
Hero and Villain but Villain has finals
Not a chosen one, but a farmer
Forced apathy misunderstood as hatred
Staying in a time loop
Hero and Villain: Tell them
Ruling is too bothersome
"Is it over?"
The Princess is restless
I don't look like a witch but she does
If only they realized...
Staying for the apprentice
Hero Dad, Villain Child
The assignment
Anyone but me
Backed out because it feels like a horror movie
Worst Part of Immortality
Honeyed words in Ink
Whom I work for
We're different now
Pieces of Others and Me
What I do regret
I take offense at that.
Someone could have helped
Magic Drain
A twisted form of love
Power and Weakness
Would you have wanted this? (Villain X Hero)
So Now You Want to be Back
Mother Supervillainess and Daughter Heroine
I don't want to see you
OC Lore Stories (Writing prompts with my own Original Characters in mind. Currently disconnected one shots.)
You found this place / The interview
I remember them
The passionate anger in love
You won't be here for me.
I'm only doing this for me
It seems you got the wrong idea
Silus, Titus, and Skywynne's turmoils
Mistakes of Youth
Maybe it's a trick of my mind (Takes place in the IEYTD universe but it's mostly them.)
Comfort Plushie (Short moment with Kae and Ghost / @ghostlystarwanderer)
Power Reveals, Not Corrupts
Something so InHuman (This is darker than my usual stuff. Please head the warnings.)
Cry, But Will They Answer? No.
I Saw and I Know
Other Stories
It Should've been you, if you didn't stay quiet. (The Stanley Parable angst)
Whumperless Whump Event (2024)
Augusnippets (2024)
Tagging System:
#Wyvie Writes, Wvyie Writes (I accidentally misspelled it), My Writings - My writing tag/s #Wyvie Arts - My art and doodles
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