#ieyasu storyboard
nad-zeta · 5 years
Ieyasu Relationship Storyboard
So here is our cute lil porcupine warlord’s storyboard! Hope you enjoy!
First meet:
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In a fight:
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First kiss:
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In love
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quinntamsin · 3 years
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*Nods slowly as she watches and leans against her Longbow.*
I finally watched it. After nearly a month since it released, I finally watched the latest movie from Anime geniuse Lasean Thomas. The man is probably one of the most astounding storyboard and cartoonists of the modern era. His pedigree includes work on multiple DC properties and includes his storyboard work for Studio Mir in Legend of Korra. The man was also a character designer for the Boondocks which explains the unique artstyle seen in the series. WIth voice talent including Lake Stanfield as Yasuke, aka Yassan, this is a series you watch to -fucking enjoy art-. If you liked Samurai Champloo and Afro-Samurai, this is a series you are going to eat up like those expensive OVAs you bought as a kid.
I've seen a lot of people either like or love this series. Honestly, I love it. This series apparently is ruined by it's fantasy, but fuck that, fuck that big time. Yasuke is a story about experiencing art in time with beautifully animated character scenes with sonic near perfection.
This series will fuck you up if you are remotely high. Let's be frank, there is a reason I put this as a OVA rather than a traditional anime. Let's be frank, if you've ben watching Shounen anime for years and you've never seen the OG major weird fantasy movies such as Escaflowne or the original Ghost in the Shell, this is NOT the series for you.
Yasuke is a story about trauma and redefining one's self. Yasuke a proud man of the Yao people is bought by the drunken Daimyo of the Oda clan, Nobunaga. Throughout the early story of Saki and the even mutant Priest Abraham we learn of his exploits against the Iga Clan of Ninja. Yasuke's skill is phenomenal as well as the animation that backs it up. If you are a sword fiend this series is great to watch as it's almost perfectly matched as the movements fit each beat of the music.
As we delve more into Saki's growing power, the story grows to show as Yassan (formerly Yasuke) redeems his loss of Lord Oda. Hunted by a demonic Daimyo (who has series Tsuchigumo vibes) and a racist "Dark General" he comes into his own. The world itself is weird, and I mean weird as you'd expect from any anime and that INCLUDES SCRAP PRINCESS!
The series ends on a high note, with possibility for more. Honestly, this is one that I really hopes falls into the story of the Ronin. I want to see more and learn more about the people of this strange futuristic Japan. Of how Yassan maybe encounters other important figures of the Sengoku Jidai, and perhaps will he meet Lord Ieyasu? How will he react to Lord Toyotomi. There is much to learn.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up 💎
Sooo I’ve been reading a bunch of your match ups (THEY’RE AMAZING BTW) And I wanted to request one if you are available    🥺👉🏻👈🏻❤️Alrighty, so I have a very introverted personality, but I am social when I have to be. I lowkey rather watch netflix and eat ice cream than go out. I really love to make people laugh and feel good about themselves. I really don’t like being the center of attention, I rather see others happy (Idk why I guess its just a better feeling for me.) I love to read anything romance, I’m a sucker for a good love story. I’m pretty sure I have an overactive imagination, leading me to play out at least 50 fictional scenarios in my head everyday loll. I am caring, and when I love someone, I tend to give everything I can to the other person, even if I don’t get anything in return (it gets me screwed over a buunch of times =_=) I’m extremely insecure and I try my best to work on my self-confidence even though nothing works for ya girl Even though I have to work on myself, that doesn’t stop me hyping up anyone in my life that is sad or feeling insecure as well. I don’t know who I would fit with from Ikesen, but I am excited to see what you think 🥺❤️❤️❤️ Thank you so much ^-^   
Awww thanx so much! You are such a sweetie pie! Thank you for the request @ikemenduo ! I hope you enjoy it <3And I hope you have the best day today! 
So I match you with........................... Ieyasu 
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Your first task given to you as the new princess of the Oda forces was to care for Azuchi's very own hedgehog. He had gotten injured a while back and didn’t take it seriously now; he was sick. TBH the Oda forces, were all too happy to pass off the problem to someone else, cause it is true what they say doctors truly make the worst patients. You walked into his palace, not knowing what to expect, you had been teased like mad by Masamune and Mitsuhide for being tasked with caring for the sour puss. You walked in to introduce yourself only to be met with Ieyasu running a massive fever and maid scurrying around. The maids pulled you into the room to help them. You knew how to care for sick people, you were by no means a doctor or anything, but you knew what to do from what your mom and dad would do when you were sick. You shooed out the maids as they were just pointlessly running around and sat beside Ieyasu’s bed with a bucket of cold water. You squeezed out the washcloth and placed it on his forehead. You couldn’t help but trace the contour of his face with the tips of your fingers. You introduced yourself and started chatting to this blond porcelain doll. You low key told him all about yourself cause you thought he wouldn't hear you, little did you know even though he was sleeping he listened to every word. He smiled inwardly to himself at the silly girl soothingly caressing his face and telling him, her whole life’s story.
Caring for Ieyasu was definitely not an easy task, the suborn man would constantly try and get up to work. Although through your many days of nursing, this baby duck back to health, the two of you had come to understand each other. You would scold him whenever he would overwork himself, and he would tease you in his own contrary way. Often the two of you would sit and have some tea together. Nothing softens this porcupine boy’s heart quite as much as an optimistic, sweet, caring person. At some point during your tea and chat sessions, Ieyasu revealed his whole back story to you and the reason why he is so adamite on being strong and wanting to get to work. Cue you now becoming Ieyasu’s personal cheerleader. You build up this softy boy so much, with your kind words and caring nature. You had also discovered that Ieyasu has the most beautiful smile, so you have made it your personal mission to bring that smile to his face as often as possible by cracking them jokes and being your cute, lovable self.
One night you got scared, it was a stormy night, and you were alone in your room. You have an incredibly overactive imagination, and your mind was now playing tricks on you. You saw a shadow cast by a tree on the floor of your room. Your logic mind said it was just the shadow of a tree, but your imagination was telling you it was a ghost coming from the depths of hell to terrorize you. Just as you had that thought, a flash of lightning struck followed but the loud rumble of thunder. You jumped up and screamed, you were freaking out. You threw the covers of your futon over your head when another flash of lightning blazed across the sky. The longer you were alone in your room, the crazier the stories would get. You were now convinced a lightening monster was after you. As the loud thunder rolled and another lightning bolt touched down to the ground, you ran your way to Ieyasu’s room. You didn't want to be alone anymore, and Ieyasu had such a calming presence, you thought. Plus, if there was a monster after you, Ieyasu was a warlord, so he should have no problem slaying the beast. You didn’t even announce yourself as you ran into his room. He was awake and sitting in his futon comforting wasabi when he saw you running towards him. “Don’t tell me you are afraid of a little thunder and lightning.” His voice was tender and soft, and as he spoke, he rolled his eyes and lifted up the covers of his futon to invite you in. You didn’t have to think twice; you basically dove into his arms. Ieyasu was low key so happy. He was now stoking the hair of his two favorite girls in the world, not that he would EVER admit that out loud. You fell asleep in his arm, and you couldn’t help noting how soft and comfy he was.
Part of your duties as Ieyasu’s caretaker was to care for his pet fawn as well. You have come to really love the sweet little guy, she was so freaken cute and playful. You loved watching her come into Ieyasu’s room in the morning and sneak up behind him while he was working. She would legit start nibbling on his hair as if it was a piece of soft cotton candy. You would legit break out in laughed at Ieyasu’s shook face. Wasabi was a mischievous little deer and would often get up to all sorts of mischief. You went to get some food for the adorable fawn and walked outside as if to coax her away from nibbling on Ieyasu as if he were a snack, her ears perked up when she heard you call her from outside. She sprinted out the room and almost rammed straight into you. Ieyasu watched the two of you with fond eyes. Wasabi being the mischievous fawn she was, grabbed your basket and started teasing you with it. The two of you played and ran all around the garden. You were having so much fun you didn’t pay attention to where you were running landing you straight in the pond in Ieyasu’s garden. Wasabi thought this was some new fun game, and joining you in the water splashing about. You couldn’t help but laugh at the whole scene. Ieyasu had been watching the two of you the whole time and couldn’t help but chuckle, as he walked closer to you in the pound his chuckle changed into full-blown laughter when he saw you “you look like a drowned rat. “ He walked up to you, offering you a hand to help you out, but you had other plans, you couldn’t help yourself, you pulled him to fall into the pond next to you. The two of you were now laughing and splashing each other in the pond. When the two of you were done playing and having fun, Ieyasu stood up and said: “Silly girl, let’s get dried off before you catch a cold.”
Ieyasu literally had you sit in front of him as he gently dries your silky hair for you. Gosh, he loved this silly woman so much. He had decided now was his perfect opportunity. As he dried your hair, he told you he needed to tell you something, as you turned around, you look at him. He took your head gently in his hands, turning it back away from him if you looked at him now he would lose his nerve. He took a deep breath and said that he loved you. You turned around, wearing the brightest smile. Hells, he loved that goofy grin of yours. You kissed his cheek and said, you loved him as well. You then stood up and stated that it was now your turn to dry his hair. This boy was blushing like mad the entire time. He was so happy. You had long ago fallen in love with this fluff ball. And you were but all too happy to finally confess your love for him as well. What made you even happier, however, was this golden opportunity to finally be able to touch his hair without looking like some creepo. You have always wanted the opportunity to see if his hair truly was as soft and fluffy as it seemed, and you were not disappointed cause OMW it was the softest and fluffies hair you had ever felt. Once you were done, you kissed his red cheeks. The two of you two cuties spent the rest of the night cuddling and chatting away. 
You found out your softi boy also is a secret romance novel fan. You were cleaning his room one day when you discovered his guilty pleasure. You had stolen a couple of his books to read for yourself, and damn were they the best romance stories you had ever read. Hehe, Ieyasu saw your reading one of his precious books the one day and all while red as a tomato asked you where you had found the book. You couldn’t help but tease him a little. A new favorite for the two of you is to read together. You will sit in Ieyasu arms while he reads the newest romance book to you. 
Often the two of you can be found nestled in each other’s arms; you loved hugging and cuddling Ieyasu. He was so freaken soft and cuddly, snuggling him was like cuddling the softest pillow in the world! And don’t even get me started on his sweet, sweet little kisses. 
Other potential Matches…………Yukimura 
I hope you enjoyed it love! and I hope you are staying safe and well! 
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