iedunnoh · 7 years
The Iedunnoh horoscope is based on the gods found in the celestial realm, represented as stars in the sky as that is their domain. Based on how well the gods stars can be seen on the sky the horoscopes time is determined. The main horoscope is the Hiremyllian horoscope, but there is also a Plaetean horoscope as well, which mainly Arracheas and Hogskins use.
Horoscope list : Hanethas - The Wolf - 7th jan, 28th jan Lurel - The Cat - 29th jan, 20th feb Maelus - The Deer - 21th feb, 11th mar Aria - The Bird - 12th mar, 31th mar, Nemflux - The Sand - 1 apr, 20th apr Draphir - The Dreamer - 21th apr, 7th may Keln - The Guide - 8th may, 26th may Accodus - The Lost - 27th may, 13th jun Tethall - The Bear - 14th jun, 4th jul Jerra - The Child - 5th jul, 23th jul Ignis - The Flame - 24th jul, 17th aug Aquaran - The Pond - 18th aug, 6th sep No’threll - The Forest - 7th sep, 25th sep Sammen - The Spider - 26th sep, 14th oct Fanaar - The Traveler - 15th oct, 3th nov Eeraki - The Rat - 4th nov, 28th nov Yuko and Okou - The Lovers - 29th nov, 15th dec Pyaku - The Fey - 16th dec, 6th jan
The horoscopes are divided into Animal signs and Concept signs, 9 signs are animal signs and 9 are concept signs.
None of the horoscopes represent one of the main gods simply out of respect, to seek a closer connection to their existence a mere mortal need to do more than be born at a certain time out of luck. Meanwhile the horoscope do not actually affect one’s connection with a god or the person’s personality, people and monsters enjoy identifying with their horoscope as a talk piece or something small to share about themselves to someone new. Some take on the task of finding traits which fit the horoscope, but out of simple fun, as it is disrespectful to give personality to something related to a god without their approval.
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iedunnoh · 7 years
Fun Facts about Magic in Iedunnoh
Magic is a energy that resides within creatures and materials of certain kinds, but when injected into non magical things begin to grow and expand to fit and turn the material into something that can produce and manage it
Illumination magic and Tainted magic are not opposites, in fact no magic opposes each other, but rather can combine in harmony when equal amounts are present
Prolonged or extreme use of magic will eventually lead to magic infections in non magical creatures
Because it is so high in energy value, many magical creatures feed on magic in any form instead of other material like non magical beings
Raw magic which comes into contact with certain materials commonly creature living creatures, such as Sprites, Elementals and other beings made out of energy or nonliving material
Exposure to raw magic can be incredibly dangerous, because of its need to shape itself to its surroundings and volatile nature when not in a morphed state
Magic has been noted to affect not only creatures physically, but mentally as well, this effect happening at its fullest when a creature has a magic infection
Creatures which are immune to magic infections are usually either made out of magic or produce it naturally, such as creatures of Fey or Dragons
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iedunnoh · 8 years
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Updated full map of all Iedunnoh, containing the 8 major continents and bigger islands. Each continent has a number of countries and or regions. Here’s a list of the continents and islands, how many countries or regions they have and what they “are”. And some other things.
Sqoll - The land of frost and tundras. The whole continent is a country.
Hiremyll - The land of forests and mountains. 17 countries including islands.
Altheris - The land of marshes and wastes. 28 countries including islands.
Shattered Isles - The islands of winds and storms. 14 major islands.
Quellereth - The land of sand and fortune. 4 regions and 3 islands.
Plaetea - The land of spires and jungles. 24 countries including islands.
Tuwok - The land of oddities and volcanoes. 7 regions.
Mareef - The land and islands of reefs and relics. 15 countries including islands.
Evalla - The land of dragons and fear. The whole continent is a country.
Mainly human ruled continens: Altheris, Hiremyll, Quellereth, Shattered Isles, half of Tuwok and Mareef
Mainly monster ruled continents: Sqoll, Plaetea, the other half of Tuwok and Mareef
Dragon ruled continents: Evalla
The continent many forget because it isn’t a landmass, but a giant stable cloud and is also ruled by angels which are counted as myths by humans: Cloudscape
Bigger islands either part of a continent or not: Thunder Isle, Flock Island, Thill, Quellerte, Gifma
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iedunnoh · 8 years
Iedunnoh major historical events
PS. = Pre split, each year before the split
AS. = After split, each year after the split
The creation of the world, PS. 1500000 - The universe was once created long long long ago, everything was formed, the stars, the dust, space, worlds and everything needed for the mother of the gods and the universe was there for her to be formed. She was the one responsible for the birth of the gods and goddesses that created the planets, star systems and life.
The birth of the gods, PS. 1200000 - Through the mother of the universe the gods of the worlds were born, given all of space as their playground to create and make whatever they desired. Some gods worked together, keeping certain planets and systems of stars for them to rule and destine. The gods, Barreloth, Uremin and Lyzeril were the ones who made Iedunnoh and the star system it’s part of. Eventually making smaller gods of their own for different purposes and when the world was suitable for life they made the creatures inhabiting Iedunnoh, leaving it in their care mainly.
Monsters birth, PS. 5000 - Lyzeril was the first of the gods to create living beings for Iedunnoh, making tons and tons of creatures from their imagination that ended up living together and creating more strange beings. All kinds of monsters evolved and thrived on the different continents of Iedunnoh, pleased with herself the goddess showcased her creations to the other two gods, who became inspired to make their own beings as well.
Humans birth, /// - Uremin sought to create a creature that could be everything that Lyzeri’ls creations were, making them in his own image. Using one of Lyzeril’s creatures as a vessel for his creation, what we know today as humans evolved from the one carrying his creation. Capable of many things and feats, the humans adapted fast and grew to work together with the other beings around them, even being able to use some of the capabilities that the other’s possessed.
Angels birth, /// - Seeing potential in Uremin’s humans, Barreloth also noticed that they would never be able to unlock it being around Lyzeril’s beasts. Wanting to see what that potential could be, Barreloth copied Uremin’s current humans and made their own, isolating them on the cloudscape and giving them wings so they could live there without trouble. Keeping a steady eye on their humans, which they called angels, Barreloth ended up being the god which had the closest contact with their creations.
The gods teaches their creations, PS. 4200 - After allowing their creations to grow, the gods started to teach and give beliefs to the many creatures of Iedunnoh. Impressed by both Uremin and Barreloths beings, Lyzeril gave them along with her own creatures the ability to feel and have passion. As well as making culture and creativity able to grow. Feeling generous from Lyzeril’s gift to his creations, Uremin wanted to show himself as a good example as well and gave some of Lyzeril’s creatures intelligence and cleverness, which he had given to his humans. Along with the ability to work in a group and be united. Barreloth on the other hand wasn’t sure if the beings the other gods had made would be capable of handling the teachings they had given their angels, the sense of judgement, mercy and justice the angels had gotten might be too much for the lesser beings on the ground.
Life and order is born, PS. 4100 - Once everything was settled and the gods were pleased with their creations, they left Iedunnoh in their and the smaller god's care. Still watching over their planet and star system, but being less prominent in acting upon their creations needs.
The great peace PS. 4000 - 600 - When all races lived in peace with each other, it was then most of society was built and towns over Hiremyll and Altheris was places where technology made it’s quickest advances. The monsters and humans lived together, the dragons lived for themselves in their own societies away from everyone else and the angels lived up on the cloudscape. Very little to no conflict happened in these times.
War for the sun, PS. 600 - The major war between the inhabitants of the surface and those on the cloudscape, it started when the Seraphim of the clouds decided to shadow the world completely in their cloudlike veil, keeping out any light. To eradicate most of the “impure” beings below, this was found unacceptable by both humans, monsters and dragons alike. This started the war for the sun, where the residents of the surface grouped up to kidnap higher ranking angels to get them to fight with them on ground level. It eventually ended in a deadlock, with the two kingdoms settling to a compromise - the surface dwellers get their sunlight, meanwhile the cloudscapers get to spread their teachings and knowledge to those who have yet to hear their words and wisdom.
Horums fall, PS. 314 - During the years in which the angels were able to spread their knowledge and teachings to those on the surface, all the intelligent races of Iedunnoh were also united together after the war, which allowed for the angels to reach everyone with their wisdom and secrets. However, it was proven that these teachings, combined with the immense powers that the dragons already possessed, could turn into a disaster. For a dragon named Horum studied their teachings and became so enriched with power that they had passed their own potential and were able to transcend into the plain of the gods. Because the dragons couldn’t be trusted when it came to power, it was agreed on that the dragon had to be put down for the better of the world and the gods themselves. So on May 3, year 314 pre split, a band of great heroes, angels and even another dragon, went on to defeat Horum. The defeaters of Horum however died along in the process, and are honored each year on May 3rd.
Dragons abolished to Evalla, PS. 300 - After the disaster with Horum, both monsters, humans and angels became extremely suspicious of all the other dragons. To ensure that nothing like it would happen again, they all agreed on banishing all dragons to the mostly empty continent of Evalla, which was met with both acceptance and disagreement from the dragons. Some moved there without force, others had to be fended away and a very few amount of them couldn’t be removed. Like the dragons Iris, Lazmat and Karrath.
The Split, AS. 0 - Said to be the beginning of a new age, a renewal of traditions and order. It was during the split that the humans grew hostile towards the monsters and chased them out into the wilds. Leaving all the cities and towns for only humans to use, from then onwards the human race made sure that any history of the monsters living with them would be tossed to ensure that the age of human reign would last forever. The main power behind this sudden shift was queen Diane, the ruler of Hiremyll along with her husband Coroniel, who she executed in the capital in front of a human and monster audience. A few moments later every monster was on the run, or perished. It was also when the angels decided to return fully to the cloudscape, shielding themselves from the horrors on the surface, to never speak with humans nor beasts ever again.
Tgrek defeated AS. 200 - The first few hundred years after the split proved rough for the human populations, which now had to depend on their own power to keep everything running. Seeing an opportune moment to take advantage of this, a frost dragon named Tgrek decided to invade the center of Hiremyll to claim the Symphony mountain chain as their own. Hazardous hail and frost shortly followed and the people living in the region wasn’t sure how to handle it with their own wit, but in this moment of desperation they allowed themselves to be helped by a friendly soul. A inhabitant of the forest, the unicorn known as Honir, offered to aid in the fight against the dragon. The people were not sure to accept it, but one human accepted to fight with them to rid the dragon from their land, the human being an archer named Symphony. The two brave souls then went up the mountain and fought the dragon, which they defeated but at the loss of Symphony. The nearest town was then named in their honor.
Altheris conquered AS. 2000 - Because most monsters were on the run, in Hiremyll in particular, they fled to the continent of Altheris and other places with little to no humans to ensure their own safety. Years after the split the humans came across the idea to conquer Altheris for their own as well, driving out monsters from their homes and taking their fertile land. Thanks to the warrior and conqueror Monder, Altheris was successfully made into a human land. However many monsters still remain there today, despite now not living where they originally did.
Present day, AS. 5203
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iedunnoh · 8 years
An easy way to tell humans and monsters that either have human forms or faces apart is by looking at the ears. If the ears have a round tip it’s a human of pure human blood, if they are sharp it’s either a monster or a human who has monster blood in their heritage. Which is why monsters with human forms tend to hide their ears so they don’t get caught.
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iedunnoh · 8 years
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Made a new creature base for visual reference of the creatures found in the encyclopedia - just want your peeps’ opinion on it! The one on top is the new one and the one below is an example of what the old one used to look like! So, what do you think?
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iedunnoh · 8 years
Meanwhile the humans of Iedunnoh are good at identifying what’s a monster and what’s an animal they are often not as knowledged on what sort of monster they’re seeing. Which has lead to the common name giving of “dog” or “hound” to anything that they can’t identify completely. One prime example of this that is also sort of a joke that many find amusing is calling this creature,
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which is a magic harvester, a so called “dick-face dog”. Though it is not a canine in any sort of way, but many forget it’s actual name and find it more fun to make fun of its rather interesting looking head and face.
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iedunnoh · 8 years
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Siren concepts, probably the Iedunnoh creature i fiddled with the most design wise. It wasn’t until recent when i had the idea to make them look like manatees, since they’re known as “siren animals” in some languages, like Swedish! So i dropped the fish idea and ended up with the final design you see in the bottom pic on the right!
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iedunnoh · 8 years
Fun fact: The reason i started working on Iedunnoh in the first place was because i had two characters that i started thinking about them hanging out together, both fantasy themed, n i wanted a place in which they could plausibly live and meet each other. Thus Iedunnoh was born and has been in the works for over 2 years now. The project obviously took a turn in the world building direction and has more of a purpose now than back then!
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iedunnoh · 8 years
The encyclopedia on Iedunnoh creatures is currently 60 pages long and contains 22017 words. It is by far the longest piece of written work i’ve ever worked on and several parts of it have been rewritten after it has gotten outdated. Currently there are 148 creatures in total, half of their descriptions are not yet written or fully finished.
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iedunnoh · 8 years
Why is that one region of Tuwok so much bigger than the rest?
Good question! It is because the collection of smaller regions of Tuwok is the human dominated regions, meanwhile the large region is the monster dominated one - because people haven’t been able to colonize the monster rich areas they haven’t been able to divide it according to ownership. Thus the region is large and counted as monster ruled, it is also the more dangerous part of the continent, containing the most volcanoes and “mushroom” forests which the continent is infamous for.
So basically it’s because the humans are too afraid to go there and also see no point in ruling and dividing that land between each other because it’s so hostile both in terms of the environment and what lives there.
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iedunnoh · 8 years
The scientific name given to the angels by the humans is ‘Angelus Angal’. Which essentially means Angel Angel, which also shows how creative the humans of Iedunnoh are when it comes to naming things.
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iedunnoh · 8 years
In the old days when humans and monsters still lived together they shared both English ( known as common ) and Iedise, the latter being a language invented by monsters. Even in present Iedunnoh monsters still sometime use the language and humans sometimes use Iedise when it comes to numbers, months and food. Here’s the months and numbers in Iedise:
Kell ( January ), Hikell ( February ), Jekanell ( March ), Tanell ( April ), Horum ( May ), Merall ( June ), Virmall ( July ), Kekall ( August ), Femer ( September ), Gemer ( October ), Falumer ( November ), Lenaell ( December )
Nu ( 0 ), Te ( 1 ), Enzu ( 2 ), Kane ( 3 ), Iffu ( 4 ), Jekka ( 5 ), Fameer ( 6 ), Kamyr ( 7 ), Hameruc ( 8 ), Ynet ( 9 ), Tenu ( 10 ), Tete ( 11 ), Tenzu ( 12 ), Tane ( 13 ), Tiffu ( 14 ), Tejekka ( 15 ), Tefameer ( 16 ), Tekamyr ( 17 ), Temeruc ( 18 ), Tynet ( 19 ), Ennu ( 20 ), Entu ( 21 ), Enzuzu ( 22 ), Enkane ( 23 ), Eniffu ( 24 ), Enjekka ( 25 ), Enfameer ( 26 ), Enkamyr ( 27 ), Enameruc ( 28 ), Enynet ( 29 ), Kanu ( 30 ), Kante ( 31 ), Kanzu ( 32 ), Kanene ( 33 ), Kaniffu ( 34 ), Kanjekka ( 35 ), Kanfameer ( 36 ), Kanamyr ( 37 ), Kanemeruc ( 38 ), Kanynet ( 39 ), Iffunu ( 40 ), Iffute ( 41 ), Iffunzu ( 42 ), Iffune ( 43 ), Iffuffu ( 44 ), Iffujekka ( 45 ), Iffufamer ( 46 ), Iffukamyr ( 47 ), Iffumeruc ( 48 ), Iffynet ( 49 ), Jekkanu ( 50 ), Jekkate ( 51 ), Jekkenzu ( 52 ), Jekkane ( 53 ), Jekkiffu ( 54 ), Jekkakka ( 55 ), Jekkameer ( 56 ), Jekkamyr ( 57 ), Jekkameruc ( 58 ), Jekkynet ( 59 ), Fameenu ( 60 ), Fameete ( 61 ), Fameenzu ( 62 ), Fameekane ( 63 ), Fameeffu ( 64 ), Fameekka ( 65 ), Fameereer ( 66 ), Fameekyr ( 67 ), Fameeruc ( 68 ), Fameenet ( 69 ), Kamynu ( 70 ), Kamyrte ( 71 ), Kamyrzu ( 72 ) Kamyrane ( 73 ), Kamyriffu ( 74 ), Kamyrekka ( 75 ), Kamyreer ( 76 ), Kamyryr ( 77 ), Kamyruc ( 78 ), Kamynet ( 79 ), Hamernu ( 80 ), Hamerte ( 81 ), Hamernzu ( 82 ), Hamerucane ( 83 ), Hameruciffu ( 84 ), Hamerekka ( 85 ), Hamerfameer ( 86 ), Hamermyr ( 87 ), Hamerucuc ( 88 ), Hamerynet ( 89 ), Ynetnu ( 90 ), Ynete ( 91 ), Ynetzu ( 92 ), Ynetane ( 93 ), Ynetiffu ( 94 ), Ynetekka ( 95 ), Yneteer ( 96 ), Ynetamyr ( 97 ), Yneteruc ( 98 ) Ynetnet ( 99 ), Te tenuru ( 100 ), Enzu tenuru ( 200 ), Kane tenuru ( 300 )... Te temarru ( 1000 )
Most of the months got their names from various gods, for example the month of January, Kell, got it’s name in honor of the god of death Keln. Another example is May, Horum, which is named after a great dragon which reached god-hood and had to be put down or else the world would be in danger.
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iedunnoh · 8 years
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In most of Iedunnoh so called Ryc is used as the common currency, along with favors and tasks which serve as currency in the form of being rewarded in return with whatever the person is asking for. Ryc is made out of a metal called rycite, which a common metal that is easily enhancable and colorable, it’s normal base color is a soft brown color. It is found and collected from within mountains rich on metals, it is often found along side iron and marite - a type of reddish gemstone that is high in magic energy.
Ryc plates, pieces and discs are made in a square shape for efficiency’s sake, allowing for no leftover rycite to be wasted other than what is cut out when the patterns in the piece is made. Stars and comets are not as commonly seen as their lower worth counterparts, as they are only made for special occasions and are seen in the hands of royalty and the like. The star based patterns found on and in the various ryc pieces comes from beliefs of the space and stars being the realm of the gods, to honor them the currency was made the way they look. All the various pieces are also flat, like our real life coins.
1 ryc is worth around half a dollar, if to be compared to a real life currency.
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iedunnoh · 8 years
The most ideal person in general in Iedunnoh would be, according to the old poem - The Perfect Human:
A person who's strong and without fright Someone who can defeat a monster in a fight A person with a heart as pure as the sun's light Someone's who's nobility is as golden as the stars at night A person that will win every argument Someone that does not see life as a tournament A person who is all these things is a person who's perfect Someone we all should try and reflect In our own life and being
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