#idris rahman
burlveneer-music · 6 months
Speaking of UK jazz, the new Ill Considered album Precipice is out today as well, from New Soil
Ill considered are a band comprising of musicians interacting with each other to create freely improvised music, based loosely around simple pre-written themes or composed on the spot. Deep grooves and plaintive melodies ranging from whispered chants to monstrous climaxes, the group react to the mood of the audience and the sonics of the room to create music that is unique to the moment.
Ahead of its release check out an extended, improvised session featuring Ill Considered and a group of special guests recorded down at Total Refreshment Centre to kick off a new chapter their new musical journey. Precipice (Live) features improvisations from: Idris Rahman, Pete Wareham, Buster Woodruff-Bryant, Art Themen, James Mollison, Nathaniel Cross, Theon Cross, James Yglesias
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norimatsuaki · 2 years
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Wildflower - Leon Brichard (bass), Tom Skinner (drums), and Idris Rahman (saxophone)
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rhuslan08 · 1 year
S : Berapa jumlah Surah dlm al-Quran?
J : 114 Surah
S : Berapa jumlah Juz dlm al-Quran?
J : 30 Juz
S : Berapa jumlah Hizb dlm al-Quran?
J : 60 Hizb
S : Berapa jumlah Ayat dlm al-Quran?
J : 6236 Ayat
S : Berapa jumlah Kata dlm al-Quran?, dan Berapa Jumlah Hurufnya?
J : 77437 Kata, atau 77439 Kata dan 320670 Huruf
S : Siapa Malaikat yang disebut dlm al-Quran?,
J : Jibril, Mikail, Malik, Malakulmaut, Harut, Marut, Al-Hafazoh, Al-Kiromulkatibun HamalatulArsy, dll.
S : Berapa Jumlah Sajdah (ayat Sujud) dlm al-Quran?
J : 14 Sajdah
S : Berapa Jumlah para Nabi yg disebut dlm Al-Quran?
J : 25 Nabi
S : Berapa Jumlah Surah Madaniyah dlm al-Quran?, sebutkan.
J : 28 Surah, al-Baqoroh, al-Imron, al-Nisa" al-Maidah, al-Anfal, al-Tawbah, al-Ra’d, al-Haj, al-Nur, al-Ahzab, Muhammad, al-Fath, al-Hujurat, al-Rahman, al-Hadid, al-Mujadilah, al-Hasyr, al-Mumtahanah, al-Shaf, al-Jum'ah, al-Munafiqun, al-Taghabun, al-Thalaq, al-Tahrim, al-Insan, al-Bayinah, al-Zalzalah, al-Nashr.
S : Berapa Jumlah Surah Makiyah dlm al-Quran? sebutkan.
J : 86 Surat, selain surah tersebut di atas.
S : Berapa Jumlah Surah yg dimulai dgn huruf dlm al-Quran?
J : 29 Surah.
S : Apakah yg dimaksud dgn Surah Makiyyah?, sebutkan 10 saja.
J : Surah Makiyyah adalah Surah yg diturunkan di Makkah sebelum Hijrah, seperti: al-An'am, al-Araf, al-Shaffat, al-Isra’, al-Naml, al-Waqi'ah, al-Haqqah, al-Jin, al-Muzammil, al-Falaq.
S : Apakah yg dimaksud dgn Surah Madaniyyah? sebutkan lima saja?
J : Surah Madaniyah adalah Surah yg diturunkan di Madinah setelah Hijrah, seperti: al-Baqarah, al-Imran, al-Anfal, al-Tawbah, al-Haj.
S : Siapakah nama para Nabi yg disebut dlm Al-Quran?
J : Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Isma'il, Ishaq, Ya'qub, Musa, Isa, Ayub, Yunus, Harun, Dawud, Sulaiman, Yusuf, Zakaria, Yahya, Ilyas, Alyasa’, Luth, Hud, Saleh, ZulKifli, Syuaib, Idris, Muhammad Saw.
S : Siapakah satu-satunya nama wanita yg disebut namanya dlm al-Quran?
J : Maryam binti Imran.
S : Siapakah satu-satunya nama Sahabat yg disebut namanya dlm al-Quran?
J : Zaid bin Haritsah. Rujuk dlm surah Al Ahzab ayat 37.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg tanpa Basmalah?
J : Surah at-Tawbah.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg memiliki dua Basmalah?
J : Surah al-Naml.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg bernilai seperempat al-Quran?
J : Surah al-Kafirun.
S : Apakah nama Surah yg bernilai sepertiga al-Quran?
J : Surah al-Ikhlas
S : Apakah nama Surah yg menyelamatkan dari siksa Qubur?
J : Surah al-Mulk
S : Apakah nama Surah yg apabila dibaca pada hari Jum'at akan menerangi sepanjang pekan?
J : Surah al-Khafi
S : Apakah ayat yg paling Agung dan dlm Surah apa?
J : Ayat Kursi, dlm Surah al-Baqarah ayat No.255
S : Apakah nama Surah yg paling Agung dan berapa jumlah ayatnya?
J : Surah al-Fatihah, tujuh ayat.
S : Apakah ayat yg paling bijak dan dlm surah apa?
J : Firman Allah Swt :“ Barang siapa yg melakukan kebaikan sebesar biji sawi ia akan lihat, Barang siapa melakukan kejahatan sebesar biji sawi ia akan lihat.. (Surah al-Zalzalah ayat 7-8)
S : Apakah nama Surah yg ada dua sajdahnya?
J : Surah al-Haj ayat 18 dan ayat 77.
S : Pada Kata apakah pertengahan al-Quran itu di Surah apa? ayat no Berapa?
J : وليتلطف Surah al-Kahfi ayat No. 19.
S : Ayat apakah bila dibaca setiap habis Sholat Fardhu dpt mengantarkannya masuk ke dalam surga?
J : Ayat Kursi.
S : Ayat apakah yg diulang-ulang sbyk 31 kali dlm satu Surah dan di Surah apa?
J : Ayat فبأي آلاء ربكما تكذبانِ ) pada Surah al-Rahman.
S : Ayat apakah yg diulang-ulang sbyk 10 kali dlm satu Surah dan di surah apa? Apakah ayat ini ada juga disebut dlm surah lainnya? Di Surah apa?
J : Ayat (ويل يومئذ للمكذبين) pada Surah al-Mursalat, juga ada dlm Surah al-Muthaffifiin ayat No. 10.
S : Apakah Ayat terpanjang dlm al-Quran? pada Surah apa? Ayat berapa?
J : Ayat No 282 hSurah al-Baqarah…
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twistedsoulmusic · 1 year
Zel Zele Records release a 21-track benefit compilation with all proceeds going to local NGOs and friends’ grass-roots initiatives active in Turkey and Syria. With its eclectic mix of artists, Zel Zele has maintained its reputation for covering a wide range of genres – this new compilation is no exception. Encompassing everything from jazz, rock, new-wave, ambient, experimental, and dub. The comp features artists like Veronik, Berk Icli, Tamar Osborn, Idris Rahman, Ill Considered, Koltun and more: a worthy cause and some excellent music.
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aquariumdrunkard · 1 year
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Ill Considered ::  Ill Considered 3
Get lost in this, the self-contained world of the London based jazz outfit Ill Considered. Formed in 2017 by Emre Ramazanoglu and Idris Rahman, the project began as an experiment in improvisation utilizing drums, bass, saxophone and percussion. Now boasting over a dozen releases, for a taste, dig into the group’s 2018 full-length, Ill Considered 3. While no longer a strictly improvised excursion, the sentiment most definitely remains over the course of the LP’s eight tracks, culminating in a heady 35 minute brew.
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ramadhanseries · 6 months
15th Taraweeh :
16th Para:- from 9½ Ruku of Surah Khaf till end of 7 Ruku of Sura Tahaa.
Topics mentioned:
1. Moosa (Alayhis Salaam) broke the conditions of studentship on three occasions. Khidhr bore a hole in a boat, killed an innocent boy and erected a collapsing wall.
2. He was told to separate.
3. Zul Qarnain (the two-horned one) has all types of worldly belongings in his possession.
4. In spite of this he was not a rebel nor a devil and for this reason the Qur'aan mentions him in goodness.
5. The Mushrikeen (polytheists) are doomed to Jahannum (hell-fire).
6. All their actions will be fruitless and in vain.
19. Surah Maryam (Alayhis Salaam). Makkah – 98 Aayats
This Surah in brief:
The rectification of all erroneous thoughts concerning Nabi Esa (Alayhi Salaam).
Thus stated :
1.) Mention is made of the birth of Yahya (Alayhi Salaam) which occurred extraordinarily. The prayer of Zakariyya (Alayhi Salaam).
2.) The birth of Esa (Alayhi Salaam). Mirraculously.
3.) A summary of the teachings of Esa (Alayhi Salaam). ‘Servant of ALLAH, blessed with a Kitaab, a Nabi, pray, give alms, kind to mother, prophecy of death.
4.) Mention is made of some peculiarities regarding certain Nabis in two rukus, like Ibrahim, Musa, Ismail, Idris, Nuh and Ismail (ALAYHI SALAAM).
5.) The result of not understanding the occurrence of the Day of Recompense (i.e. Judgement Day) is due to their involvement in Shirk (polytheism).
6.) The conclusion of Surah Maryam by stating that the Quraan is easy and a glad tiding From ALLAH, conscious and a warning to the careless.
20. Surah Taa Haq. Makkah- 135 Aayats.
This Surah in brief:
The subject matter discussed here is the invitation to Tawheed (monotheism). The Surah which Umar (R.A) read and accepted Islaam.
It reads :-
1. It is a favour from the mercy of Ar-Rahman to send guidelines for the guidance of man, however only the right minded ones will take benefit.
2. Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) recommends that Haroon (Alayhi Salaam) to be a Nabi.
3. The favours upon Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) are mentioned.
4. Those people with distorted temperaments deny submission to the truth.
5. The sound minded people bow their heads in total submission.
6. After a fulfilment of a condition Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) leaves Egypt and the Antagonists of the truth are annihilated while chasing Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) and his people.
7. Haroon (Alayhi Salaam) is helpless in reforming the Bani Israel.
8. Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) reformed the Bani Israel on his return.
9. There is no type of intercession made for the rejectors of Haq (truth).
10. The incident of Adam (Alayhi Salaam) not observing the command of ALLAH.
11. The need of mentioning the reason of the mono/service.
12. Turning a blind eye from the remembrance of ALLAH will keep one spiritually blind.
15வது தாராவீஹ்:
16வது பாரா:- சூரா காஃப்பின் 9½ ருகூவிலிருந்து சூரா தஹாவின் 7 ருகூ முடியும் வரை.
குறிப்பிடப்பட்ட தலைப்புகள்:
1. மூஸா (அலை) அவர்கள் மூன்று தடவைகளில் கல்வி கற்கும் நிபந்தனைகளை உடைத்தார்கள். கிதர் ஒரு படகில் துளையிட்டு, ஒரு அப்பாவி சிறுவனைக் கொன்று, இடிந்து விழும் சுவரை எழுப்பினார்.
2. அவரைப் பிரிக்கச் சொன்னார்கள்.
3. ஜுல் கர்னைன் (இரண்டு கொம்புகள் உடையவர்) அனைத்து வகையான உலகப் பொருட்களையும் அவர் வசம் வைத்துள்ளார்.
4. இது இருந்தபோதிலும் அவர் ஒரு கலகக்காரரோ அல்லது பிசாசும் அல்ல, இதன் காரணமாக குர்ஆன் அவரை நன்மையில் குறிப்பிடுகிறது.
5. முஷ்ரிகீன்கள் (பலதெய்வவாதிகள்) ஜஹானும் (நரக நெருப்பு) க்கு அழிந்தனர்.
6. அவர்களின் செயல்கள் அனைத்தும் பலனற்றதாகவும், வீணாகவும் இருக்கும்.
19. சூரா மர்யம் (அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம்). மக்கா - 98 ஆயாத்துகள்
சுருக்கமாக இந்த சூரா:
நபி ஈஸா (அலை) பற்றிய அனைத்து தவறான எண்ணங்களையும் திருத்துதல்.
இவ்வாறு கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது:
1.) அசாதாரணமாக நிகழ்ந்த யஹ்யா (அலை) அவர்களின் பிறப்பு பற்றி குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஜகரிய்யா (அலை) அவர்களின் பிரார்த்தனை.
2.) ஈஸா (அலை) அவர்களின் பிறப்பு. அதிசயமாக.
3.) ஈஸா (அலை) அவர்களின் போதனைகளின் சுருக்கம். ‘அல்லாஹ்வின் அடியார், கிதாப், ஒரு நபி, பிரார்த்தனை, தானம், அன்னைக்கு கருணை, மரணம் பற்றிய தீர்க்கதரிசனம்.
4.) இப்ராஹீம், மூஸா, இஸ்மாயில், இத்ரீஸ், நூஹ் மற்றும் இஸ்மாயில் (அலைஹி ஸலாம்) போன்ற இரண்டு ருகூவுகளில் சில நபிகள் தொடர்பான சில தனித்தன்மைகள் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
5.) மறுமை நாள் (அதாவது தீர்ப்பு நாள்) ஏற்படுவதைப் புரிந்து கொள்ளாததன் விளைவு, அவர்கள் ஷிர்க்கில் (பல தெய்வ வழிபாடு) ஈடுபட்டதன் காரணமாகும்.
6.) குர்ஆன் எளிதானது மற்றும் அல்லாஹ்விடமிருந்து ஒரு மகிழ்ச்சியான செய்தி, விழிப்புணர்வு மற்றும் கவனக்குறைவானவர்களுக்கு எச்சரிக்கை என்று கூறி சூரா மரியத்தின் முடிவு.
20. சூரா தா ஹக். மக்கா - 135 ஆயாட்டுகள்.
சுருக்கமாக இந்த சூரா:
இங்கு விவாதிக்கப்படும் பொருள் தவ்ஹீத் (ஏகத்துவ) அழைப்பாகும். உமர் (ரலி) அவர்கள் படித்து இஸ்லாத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்ட சூரா. அதில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளதாவது:
1. மனிதனின் வழிகாட்டுதலுக்கான வழிகாட்டுதல்களை அனுப்புவது அர்-ரஹ்மானின் கருணையிலிருந்து ஒரு உதவியாகும், இருப்பினும் சரியான எண்ணம் கொண்டவர்கள் மட்டுமே பயனடைவார்கள்.
2. ஹாரூன் (அலை) ஒரு நபியாக இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று மூஸா (அலை) பரிந்துரைக்கிறார்.
3. மூஸா (அலை) மீதுள்ள நன்மைகள் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
4. சிதைந்த சுபாவம் கொண்டவர்கள் சத்தியத்திற்கு அடிபணிவதை மறுக்கிறார்கள்.
5. நல்ல எண்ணம் கொண்டவர்கள் முழு சமர்ப்பணத்தில் தலை வணங்குகிறார்கள்.
6. ஒரு நிபந்தனையை நிறைவேற்றிய பிறகு மூஸா (அலை) எகிப்தை விட்டு வெளியேறுகிறார், மேலும் மூஸா (அலை) மற்றும் அவரது மக்களைத் துரத்தும்போது சத்தியத்தின் எதிரிகள் அழிக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.
7. பானி இஸ்ரேலை சீர்திருத்துவதில் ஹாரூன் (அலை) உதவியற்றவர்.
8. மூஸா (அலை) அவர்கள் திரும்பி வந்ததும் பானி இஸ்ரேலை சீர்திருத்தினார்.
9. ஹக் (உண்மையை) நிராகரிப்பவர்களுக்காக எந்த வித பரிந்துரையும் செய்யப்படவில்லை.
10. ஆதம் (அலை) அவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் கட்டளையைக் கடைப்பிடிக்காத சம்பவம்.
11. மோனோ/சேவைக்கான காரணத்தைக் குறிப்பிட வேண்டிய அவசியம்.
12. அல்லாஹ்வின் நினைவிலிருந்து கண்ணை மூடிக் கொள்வது ஒருவரை ஆன்மீக ரீதியில் குருடனாக வைத்திருக்கும்.
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mbbsinvietnam · 9 months
Understanding the Opportunities of Higher Education: An Complete Guide for Studying in Malaysia
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Embarking on a journey of higher education is a significant decision that opens doors to a world of opportunities. As the landscape of global education evolves, Malaysia has emerged as a compelling destination for students seeking quality education in a vibrant and multicultural environment. In this blog post, we'll explore the myriad reasons why Studying in Malaysia is an attractive prospect for international students.
Academic Excellence and Accreditation:
Malaysia's rich cultural tapestry, influenced by Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous traditions, provides a unique and welcoming environment for international students. The multicultural setting fosters inclusivity, encouraging students to engage with a variety of perspectives and form lifelong connections with peers from around the world.
Affordable Tuition and Cost of Living:
Studying in Malaysia is a cost-effective option compared to many Western countries. The tuition fees are reasonable, and the overall cost of living is relatively lower, allowing students to pursue quality education without compromising on their financial well-being.
Globally Recognized Courses and Programs:
Malaysian universities offer a diverse array of courses and programs, many of which are globally recognized. Whether it's in the fields of engineering, business, arts, or technology, students can find a comprehensive range of options that cater to their academic interests and career aspirations.
 Strategic Location and Travel Opportunities:
Malaysia's strategic location in the heart of Asia makes it a gateway to travel and exploration. Students can easily explore neighboring countries, experiencing different cultures and broadening their perspectives. This geographical advantage adds a unique dimension to the overall educational experience.
Top Universities In Malaysia
University of Malaya
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Universiti Putra Malaysia
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)
Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR)
Universiti Kuala Lumpur
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crimechannels · 11 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Ignore terror alert instructions by US - Federal Government tells Nigerians Following travel advisory by the United States, the Federal Government yesterday said there is no cause for panic by Nigerians. It also said it will ensure the safety and well-being of all Nigerians and visitors. It said security and intelligence agencies have been constantly at work, foiling threats, and neutralizing bandits. It said the Nigerian Air Force has been busy with successful airstrikes against criminals and terrorists in the Northeast and Northwest. It allayed fears that the crisis in Niger Republic might fuel terrorism in Nigeria. The Minister of Information and National Orientation, Alh. Mohammed Idris, who spoke at a session with journalists, said President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was determined to secure the country. The interactive session was attended by the Special Adviser on Information and Strategy to the President, Mr. Bayo Onanuga; the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media, Mr. Tunde Rahman; the Director-General, National Orientation Agency(NOA), Alh. Lanre Issa-Onilu; the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Mr. Tope Ajayi and the Managing Director of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Alh. Ali. M. Ali. Others included the Director-General of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), Mr. Charles Ebuebu and the Director-General of the Voice of Nigeria (VON), Mallam Jibrin Baba Ndace. But the Minister said travel advisories do not achieve anything other than needless panic. He said: “We understand the concerns raised by the United States government in their recent travel advisory, but believe that it is imperative that we do not generalize isolated incidents across the entire hospitality industry. “What we have seen is that such advisories do not achieve anything other than needless panic, and they can have severe adverse economic impact, not to talk of what they do to undermine the government’s efforts to attract investment. “We have consistently prioritized the safety and well-being of all visitors to our country. We have implemented comprehensive security measures, both at the Federal and State levels, to ensure the safety of tourists and international guests. “These measures include intense intelligence gathering, acquisition and deployment of additional platforms, training and re-training of personnel, cooperation with international law enforcement agencies, among others, to maintain a secure environment.” Idris said security and intelligence agencies are constantly at work, foiling threats, and neutralizing bandits and terrorists. He listed the gains recorded by the agencies in the last one week, including successful airstrikes. He added: “The Nigeria government is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all Nigerians and visitors to our country and will continue to work towards maintaining a secure and hospitable environment for tourists and business travelers and the likes. “Our security agencies have been very busy, doing their best to keep us all safe. I will highlight just a few of those successes in recent days: In various parts of Kaduna State, seven bandits were neutralized, in various operations between the 1st and 3rd of November. "In Kano State, on November 3, a joint operation by troops of the Nigerian Army and the Department of State Services carried out a dawn raid operation on terrorists’ hideout in Gezawa Local Government Area, successfully averting an imminent attack on Kano by insurgents. The operation recovered AK 47 Rifles, AK 47 Rifle Magazines, a Rocket Propelled Gun (RPG), RPG Bombs, Hand Grenades, Improvised Explosive Device (IED)-making materials, among others. “In Katsina, two NYSC members abducted by bandits were successfully rescued. In the North-East and North-West of the country, the Nigerian Air Force has been very busy, with several successful airstrikes on bandits’ and terrorists’ camps and hideouts in Katsina, Zamfara and Borno States.
“The Air Force has also recently taken delivery of 4 new aircraft, to strengthen the fight against banditry and terrorism. In our maritime environment, on October 25, the Eastern and Central Naval Commands flagged off a Joint Sea Exercise, Exercise SEA GUARDIAN 2023. “I have taken some time to outline some of these efforts to make the point that our security and intelligence agencies are constantly at work, foiling threats, and neutralizing those who seek to undermine the security of the country. And for this reason, they deserve the full support of all Nigerians, the media included. Please pay attention to what they’re doing, and give amplified coverage to their successes and gains. “The bandits, terrorists, kidnappers, pirates and so on are waging not only a physical battle but also a psychological one. Idris dismissed insinuations that the political crisis in Niger Republic could fuel terrorism in the country. He said the President was balancing the needs of ECOWAS with the nation. On security yacht, he said: “It’s not as if the Yacht was bought for the comfort of the president but something that was procured for the Navy. “It is true that delivery has taken place since June. It is not as if the President is just putting in the request now. You can see what has happened in the National Assembly. The money put there has been taken out to the student loan arrangement. “This government is very sensitive, it is always responding to the yearnings of all Nigerians and therefore whenever there is any commentary or any observation about any government policy, it will continue to respond appropriately for the benefit of all Nigerians. “But I want to plead with the media that this is just one aspect…there are so many things out there in the budget…there are provisions for food security, additional funding for security forces so Nigerians can be safe. On post oil subsidy removal economic interventions, he said: “President Tinubu and the Administration have been taking all necessary measures to alleviate the pains being felt, and to cushion the impact of these foundational reforms being pursued. These interventions are designed to serve as palliatives in the short and medium-term, while we wait to reap the long-term benefits of the reforms,” he said.
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realita-lampung · 11 months
GP Ansor Kota Bandarlampung Bersholawat
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Pimpinan Cabang Gerakan Pemuda Ansor Kota Bandar Lampung, dalam rangka memperingati Hari Santri Nasional dan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 12 Rabiul Awal 1444 Hijriah bersholawat. Gerakan Pemuda Ansor kota Bandar Lampung meyelenggqrakan acara peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW, sekaligus Hari Santri Nasional, dengan bersholawat bersama yang dilangsungkan di Komplek Ruko Terminal Kemiling, Rabu (25/10/2023). Turut serta Banser yang terlibat aktif dalam mengawal acara secara langsung guru mursid tarekat Naqsabandiyah yang hadir secara langsung pada acara tersebut. Kegiatan bersholawat akbar tersebut menghadirkan Habib Umar Muhdhor Al Hadad sebagai pemimpin sekaligus pengasuh majelis shalawat Annur, turut diiringi do'a yang pembukanya diharapkan agar seluruh masyarakat Kota Bandar Lampung terhindar dari segala bencana dan musibah, serta dijadikannya generasi muda yang religius, soleh dan soleha, serta diberikan kesejahteraan dan keberkahan, dan menjadi penghuni Surga kelak, Aamiin. "Lanjut dalam Do'a tak lupa mengiringi secara khusus kepada para pemimpin-pemimpin kita yang turut hadir menyemarakan sholawat akbar agar selalu mendapatkan petunjuk dan bimbingan agar dapat memimpin masyarakat dalam hal-hal kebaikan, dan selalu diberikan kekuatan dan petunjuk serta rahmat sekaligus keberkahan dari Allah SWT, Semoga seluruh muhibin yang turut hadir senantiasa diberikan kesehatan, kesuksesan, kebahagiaan, serta diberikan keselamatan di dunia maupun akhirat kelak Aamiin. Dalam sambutannya ketua PC GP Ansor Agung ZA mengajak seluruh lapisan masyarakat Kota Bandar Lampung Khususnya para generasi muda untuk dapat berperan aktif dalam semua kegiatan ke Agamaan serta dapat berkontribusi dalam semua kegiatan dimasyarakat yang bernilai kebaikan dalam membangun semangat kebangsaan, tak lupa Sahabat Agung berpesan agar kita semua tetap dapat menjaga keutuhan dan kerukunan serta dapat merawat kultur tradisi dan budaya dimasyarakat. Hadir dalam acara Shalawat akbar tersebut, Ketua PW GP Ansor Provinsi, Lampung Hi. Hidir Ibrahim M. Si. Agung ZA Ketua PC. GP Ansor kota Bandar Lampung, Hi. Samsu Rahman M.Pd Sekretaris PC GP. Ansor Kota Bandar Lampung. Mamat Pribadi Komandan Satkorcab Banser, KH, Tahriruddin Ibrahim Pendiri "Pembina Yayasan Islam Kaffah Nusantara sekaligus Mursyid Thoriqoh Naqsabandiyah Aliyah kubro". Kepala Kemenag Kota Bandar Lampung, Drs. KH. Makmur, M.Ag, sekaligus Selaku Wakil Ketua, PWNU Provinsi Lampung. KH. Irmansyah Idris pimpinan Ponpes Darul Falah. KH. Khabibul Mutaqin Ponpes Nasikhuddin, Gus Oi/Dr KH. Rodi Nikmat Pimpinan Majelis Saimuri, Robiatul Adawiyah Anggota DPRD Kota Bandar Lampung. Untuk MC di bawakan oleh Khadimul Majelis Da'ar El-Rifai. Untuk seluruh peserta acara yang hadir, turut diramaikan oleh para santri dari luar daerah kota Bandar Lampung dan segenap Masyarakat kota Bandar Lampung, dengan tujuan serta harapan agar selalu mendapatkan keberkahan untuk kota Bandar Lampung agar menjadi kota yang Religius serta diberkahi. (SMSI) Read the full article
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khartoumnews · 1 year
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burlveneer-music · 13 days
Ill Considered quietly released another new album yesterday - Infrared
Ill considered are a band comprising of musicians interacting with each other to create freely improvised music, based loosely around simple pre-written themes or composed on the spot. Deep grooves and plaintive melodies ranging from whispered chants to monstrous climaxes, the group react to the mood of the audience and the sonics of the room to create music that is unique to the moment. 
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bittenfms · 2 years
mw poc fcs and canons ?
fcs : angel bismark , khadijha red thunder , laura harrier , michael b jordan , zendaya , tati gabrielle , jacob anderson , aldis hodge , savannah lee smith , john boyega , keiynan lonsdale , idris elba , aarif rahman , aditi rao hydari , alba flores , alex meraz , angela basset , anna diop , arjun gupta , ben levin , candice patton , carlos valdes , charles michael davis , david castaneda , dichen lachman , dominique jackson , gemma chan , gong yoo , gugu mbatha-raw , han seungyeon , hannah john-kamen , harry shum jr. , henry golding , ji chang wook , keanu reeves , kerem bürsin , kim min-gue , lesley-ann brandt , lupita nyong'o , michael trevino , nafessa williams , nathalie emmanuel , nathalie kelley , ok taecyeon , oscar isaac , rahul kholi , rami malek , raymond ablack , sandra oh , sendhill ramanurthy , taraji p. henson , viola davis , woo dohwan , zahn mcclarnon , zazie beetz , zion moreno , , lee do hyun , lizeth selene , medalion rahimi , melisa döngel , mena massoud , tommy martinez , o'shea jackson jr , oliver jackson-cohen.
canons : jasper hale , angela , carlisle , aro , marcus , maria , jane , chelsea , corin , heidi , renata , kachiri , zafrina , tanya , tia , kate , irina , carmen , bianca , valentina , victoria , afton , felix , eleazar , amun , benjamin , emmett , liam , stefan , alec , makenna , peter , garrett , henri , charles , luca , diego .
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cat368net · 2 years
Brunei tiếp đón Thái Lan trong trận đấu AFF Suzuki Cup, chắc chắn sẽ làm hài lòng tất cả những người hâm mộ Bóng đá. Sự kiện sẽ diễn ra vào ngày 20/12/2022 lúc 12:30 UTC. CAT368 cung cấp tỷ lệ cá cược cập nhật cho trận Brunei và Thái Lan từ 17 trang web cá cược trên 20 thị trường. Hiện tại, các nhà cái đặt Thái Lan là đội được yêu thích để giành chiến thắng trong trò chơi với tỉ lệ kèo @ 1,01. Nhận định trước trận Brunei Darussalam vs Thái Lan [caption id="attachment_54839" align="aligncenter" width="1620"] Nhận định trước trận Brunei Darussalam vs Thái Lan[/caption] Ngoài ra, hãy xem phong độ gần đây của Brunei và Thái Lan cùng với bảng xếp hạng và thống kê thành tích đối đầu trên trang này. Bên cạnh đó, toàn diện trước trận đấu và tỷ lệ cá cược trực tiếp. Oddspedia sẽ cung cấp cho bạn, đội hình, tỷ số trực tiếp khi chúng diễn ra và bình luận. Vì vậy, hãy tận hưởng trải nghiệm cá cược trực tuyến tốt nhất với chúng tôi. Tỷ Lệ Tốt Nhất Brunei - Thái Lan [caption id="attachment_54840" align="aligncenter" width="1440"] Tỷ Lệ Tốt Nhất Brunei - Thái Lan[/caption] Kết quả trận đấu Tỷ lệ cược tốt nhất BRU-NÂY THẮNG 46.00     HAI ĐỘI HOÀ 19.00     THÁI LAN THẮNG 1,05     BÀN THẮNG TRÊN 2,5 1,22     BÀN THẮNG DƯỚI 2,5 4,75     Chi tiết trận đấu Brunei vs Thái Lan AFF Suzuki Cup châu Á Ngày - 20/12/2022 Thời gian bắt đầu - 12:30 UTC ĐỘI HÌNH DỰ KIẾN BRUNEI VS THÁI LAN Brunei: Nyaring, Hassan, Tarif, Othman, Suhaimi, Aminuddin, Idris, Norsamri, Sulaiman, Ali Rahman, Sai. Thái Lan: Phatomakkakul, Aukkee, Praisuwan, Rueangthanarot, Dechmitr, Purisay, Chamratsamee, Wonggorn, Pomphan, Winothai, Poeiphimai. Mẹo cá cược Brunei - Thái Lan [caption id="attachment_54841" align="aligncenter" width="999"] Mẹo cá cược Brunei - Thái Lan[/caption] Mẹo cá cược sau đây được tạo bởi thuật toán CAT368 của chúng tôi, thuật toán này đã phân tích tất cả các số liệu thống kê về thành tích đối đầu của Brunei và Thái Lan cũng như phong độ gần đây của các đội: Người chiến thắng: Thái Lan CAT368 mong rằng bài viết trên cập nhật đầy đủ thông tin mới nhất cho bạn. Giúp bạn có thể đưa ra quyết định chính xác cho kết quả trận đấu này. #cat368 #soikeonhacai #keonhacaiVietnam #casinoonline
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headlinerportugal · 2 years
Mucho Flow 2022: 4 nomes a não perder
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No ano passado voltamos a um dos nossos festivais urbanos favoritos, o Mucho Flow numa das nossas cidades favoritas e históricas, a cidade de Guimarães. O festival contou com a presença de bandas como Giant Swan ou Anna B Savage. Podem reviver toda a edição aqui: Mucho Flow: A curta distância entre a histórica Guimarães e a modernidade sonora                                        
O Mucho Flow caracteriza-se por um festival que cria tendências, um festival que se encontra à frente de todos os outros e que marca a diferença por trazer diversas estreias a Portugal, e de nomes que darão que falar daqui a muitos poucos anos. Querem exemplos? Destacamos então nomes como Black Midi, Nite Jewel ou Iceage, só para mencionar alguns. Por essa razão, porque não queremos que percam nada, reunimos aqui 4 nomes que não devem (definitivamente) perder nesta edição.
Dia 1. - 4.11.22
George Riley
O festival vimaranense mostra-se sempre muito eclético, sem nunca se deixar definir por um grupo restrito de rótulos musicais, trazendo sempre grandes promessas dos mais variáveis espectros musicais - George Riley veio amplificar esse espectro.
A artista é uma das vozes em maior ascendência do R&B britânico, trazendo algumas influencias do seu país para o seu seio musical como o trip-hop, o pop ou o jazz, transformando a sua música em peças deliciosas de ouvir cheias de sensualidade.
'Running In Waves' é o novo disco acabado de ser editado pela artista que conta com músicas imprescindíveis como a contagiante "Jealousy", "Delusion", "Time" entre muitas outras.
dia 4, às 19:15 no Teatro Jordão, Guimarães
Slauson Malone 1
Slauson Malone 1 é o alter ego de Jasper Marsalis, artista visual e musical que leva muito das suas artes performativas para a sala de espetáculo, muito devido à sua veia artista bem vincada. Alias, Marsalis, pode ser encontrado na Contemporary Art Library como pintor, escultor, trazendo toda a criatividade para a sua música.
O artista de Los Angeles não é bem jazz nem é bem hip-hop. Marsalis é a sua própria arte que desde 2019 nos trouxe dois discos, o mais recente, de 2020, o brilhante ‘Vergangenheitsbewältigung (Crater Speak)’. Recomendamos a audição integra deste disco, destacando a emotiva "The Wake Pt. 3 & 2 (see page 87, 58, and 48)" com um dedilhar delicioso de uma guitarra como pano de fundo acompanhado ora por sintetizadores delicados ora por um lindo conjunto de sopros, fazendo-se acompanhar por um auto-tune fazendo lembrar a voz de Frank Ocean.
Slauson Malone 1 foi definitivamente uma das grandes e boas descobertas que o Mucho Flow nos irá trazer
dia 4, às 20:15 no Teatro Jordão, Guimarães
Dia 2. - 5.11.22
III Considered
Nos últimos anos temo-nos apaixonado pela cena jazz londrina, com nomes como Sons of Kemet, Nubya Garcia, Ezra Collective entre muitos outros. Pois bem, se estes nomes vos dizem alguma coisa, III Considered tem de começar a rodar nos vossos ouvidos.
O trio composto pelo baixista Liran Donin, pelo saxofonista Idris Rahman e pelo produtor e baterista Emre Ramazanoglu, começaram a todo o gás gravando mais de 10 discos desde a sua fundação, em 2017. Sim, 12 discos, para ser mais especifico, que este trio entre sessões ao vivo de improvisação, e outros nem tanto, conseguiram materializar num curto espaço de tempo. O mais recente intitula-se de 'Liminal Space'.
Tendo muitas vezes como personagem principal o saxofone, é ainda acompanhado por aquela tresloucada bateria jazzy e por linhas de baixo montando todo o esqueleto desta formação. Os III Considered oferecem assim uma dinâmica ao vivo com muito de punk, cheias de energia, suor e improviso.
dia 5, às 21:30 no Teatro Jordão, Guimarães
Quem se encontra por dentro da cena post-punk britânica pode talvez já ter ouvido falar desta banda, Jockstrap. Não propriamente pelo aspecto musical, até porque em pouco tocam uma na outra, mas porque metade da banda é integrante de uma das bandas do momento, os Black Country, New Road. Falamos da violinista, Georgia Ellery. A outra metade, Taylor Skye, conheceu na prestigiada, Guildhall School of Music & Drama.
A combinação da bonita voz de Georgia e do seu arranjo de cordas com a produção eletrónica de Taylor, trouxeram-nos este ano um dos disco do ano, 'I Love You Jennifer B'. Toca ao de leve no jazz, passando pelo grime, chegando mesmo a batidas de dubstep fazendo-se sempre ouvir um grupo de cordas bem lá no fundo oferendo uma dimensão musical brutal a este duo. Não parece fazer muito sentido? Pois bem, o melhor é mesmo decifrarem pelos vossos próprios ouvidos, o nascer de uma banda que dará que falar em muito pouco tempo. Mais uma vez, uma aposta do Mucho Flow, que sabemos nós que está ganha.
dia 5, às 22:45 no CC Vila Flor, Guimarães
Horários Completos
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Soothsayers Meets Victor Rice & Friends
Soothsayers Meets Victor Rice & Friends
Soothsayers Meets Victor Rice & Friends Album Cover Glass Fish is the third single from the forthcoming album, Soothsayers Meets Victor Rice & Friends Brixton Based Band, Soothsayers Left to Right: Victor Rice, Robin Hopcraft, Idris Rahman London Based Music Collective Soothsayers London collective Soothsayers release the third single from their forthcoming album with New York-born, São…
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ramadhanseries · 1 year
15th Taraweeh
16th Para:- from 9½ Ruku of Surah Khaf till end of 7 Ruku of Sura Tahaa.
Topics mentioned:-
1. Moosa (Alayhis Salaam) broke the conditions of studentship on three occasions. Khidhr bore a hole in a boat, killed an innocent boy and erected a collapsing wall.
2. He was told to separate.
3. Zul Qarnain (the two-horned one) has all types of worldly belongings in his possession.
4. In spite of this he was not a rebel nor a devil and for this reason the Qur'aan mentions him in goodness.
5. The Mushrikeen (polytheists) are doomed to Jahannum (hell-fire).
6. All their actions will be fruitless and in vain.
19. Surah Maryam (Alayhis Salaam).
Makkah – 98 Aayats
This Surah in brief:
The rectification of all erroneous thoughts concerning Nabi Esa (Alayhi Salaam).
Thus stated :
1.) Mention is made of the birth of Yahya (Alayhi Salaam) which occurred extraordinarily. The prayer of Zakariyya (Alayhi Salaam).
2.) The birth of Esa (Alayhi Salaam). Mirraculously.
3.) A summary of the teachings of Esa (Alayhi Salaam). ‘Servant of ALLAH, blessed with a Kitaab, a Nabi, pray, give alms, kind to mother, prophecy of death.
4.) Mention is made of some peculiarities regarding certain Nabis in two rukus, like Ibrahim, Musa, Ismail, Idris, Nuh and Ismail (Alayhis Salaam).
5.) The result of not understanding the occurrence of the Day of Recompense (i.e. Judgement Day) is due to their involvement in Shirk (polytheism).
6.) The conclusion of Surah Maryam by stating that the Quraan is easy and a glad tiding From ALLAH, conscious and a warning to the careless.
20. Surah Taa Haq.
Makkah- 135 Aayats.
This Surah in brief:
The subject matter discussed here is the invitation tobTawheed (monotheism). The Surah which Umar (R.A) read and accepted Islaam.
It reads :-
1. It is a favour from the mercy of Ar-Rahman to send guidelines for the guidance of man, however only the right minded ones will take benefit.
2. Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) recommends that Haroon (Alayhi Salaam) to be a Nabi.
3. The favours upon Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) are mentioned.
4. Those people with distorted temperaments deny submission to the truth.
5. The sound minded people bow their heads in total submission.
6. After a fulfilment of a condition Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) leaves Egypt and the Antagonists of the truth are annihilated while chasing Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) and his people.
7. Haroon (Alayhi Salaam) is helpless in reforming the Bani Israel.
8. Moosa (Alayhi Salaam) reformed the Bani Israel on his return.
9. There is no type of intercession made for the rejectors of Haq (truth).
10.The incident of Adam (Alayhi Salaam) not observing the command of ALLAH.
11.The need of mentioning the reason of the mono/service.
12.Turning a blind eye from the remembrance of ALLAH will keep one spiritually blind.
15வது தராவீஹ்
16வது பாரா:- சூரா காஃப்பின் 9½ ருகு முதல் சூரா தஹாவின் 7 ருகூ முடியும் வரை.
குறிப்பிடப்பட்ட தலைப்புகள்:-
1. மூஸா (அலை) அவர்கள் மூன்று தடவைகளில் கல்வி கற்கும் நிபந்தனைகளை உடைத்தார்கள். கிதர் ஒரு படகில் துளையிட்டு, ஒரு அப்பாவி சிறுவனைக் கொன்று, இடிந்து விழும் சுவரை எழுப்பினார்.
2. அவரைப் பிரிக்கச் சொன்னார்கள்.
3. ஜுல் கர்னைன் (இரண்டு கொம்புகள் உடையவர்) அனைத்து வகையான உலகப் பொருட்களையும் அவர் வசம் வைத்துள்ளார்.
4. இது இருந்தபோதிலும் அவர் ஒரு கலகக்காரரோ அல்லது பிசாசும் அல்ல, இதன் காரணமாக குர்ஆன் அவரை நன்மையில் குறிப்பிடுகிறது.
5. முஷ்ரிகீன்கள் (பலதெய்வவாதிகள்) ஜஹானும் (நரக நெருப்பு) க்கு அழிந்தனர்.
6. அவர்களின் செயல்கள் அனைத்தும் பலனற்றதாகவும், வீணாகவும் இருக்கும்.
19. சூரா மர்யம் (அலைஹிஸ்ஸலாம்).
மக்கா - 98 ஆயாத்துகள்
சுருக்கமாக இந்த சூரா:
நபி ஈஸா (அலை) பற்றிய அனைத்து தவறான எண்ணங்களையும் திருத்துதல்.
இவ்வாறு கூறப்பட்டுள்ளது:
1.) அசாதாரணமாக நிகழ்ந்த யஹ்யா (அலை) அவர்களின் பிறப்பு பற்றி குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. ஜகரிய்யா (அலை) அவர்களின் பிரார்த்தனை.
2.) ஈஸா (அலை) அவர்களின் பிறப்பு. அதிசயமாக.
3.) ஈஸா (அலை) அவர்களின் போதனைகளின் சுருக்கம். ‘அல்லாஹ்வின் அடியார், கிதாப், ஒரு நபி, பிரார்த்தனை, தானம், அன்னைக்கு கருணை, மரணம் பற்றிய தீர்க்கதரிசனம்.
4.) இப்ராஹீம், மூஸா, இஸ்மாயில், இத்ரீஸ், நூஹ் மற்றும் இஸ்மாயில் (அலை) போன்ற இரண்டு ருகூவுகளில் சில நபிகள் பற்றிய சில தனித்தன்மைகள் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
5.) மறுமை நாள் (அதாவது தீர்ப்பு நாள்) ஏற்படுவதைப் புரிந்து கொள்ளாததன் விளைவு, அவர்கள் ஷிர்க்கில் (பல தெய்வ வழிபாடு) ஈடுபட்டதன் காரணமாகும்.
6.) குர்ஆன் எளிதானது மற்றும் அல்லாஹ்விடமிருந்து ஒரு மகிழ்ச்சியான செய்தி, விழிப்புணர்வு மற்றும் கவனக்குறைவானவர்களுக்கு எச்சரிக்கை என்று கூறி சூரா மரியத்தின் முடிவு.
20. சூரா தா ஹக்.
மக்கா - 135 ஆயாத்துகள்.
இந்த சூரா சுருக்கமாக:
இங்கு விவாதிக்கப்படும் பொருள் தவ்ஹீத் (ஏகத்துவம்) அழைப்பாகும். உமர் (ரலி) அவர்கள் படித்து இஸ்லாத்தை ஏற்றுக்கொண்ட சூரா.
அதில் கூறப்பட்டுள்ளதாவது:-
1. மனிதனின் வழிகாட்டுதலுக்கான வழிகாட்டுதல்களை அனுப்புவது அர்-ரஹ்மானின் கருணையிலிருந்து ஒரு உதவியாகும், இருப்பினும் சரியான எண்ணம் கொண்டவர்கள் மட்டுமே பயனடைவார்கள்.
2. ஹாரூன் (அலை) ஒரு நபியாக இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று மூஸா (அலை) பரிந்துரைக்கிறார்.
3. மூஸா (அலை) மீதுள்ள நன்மைகள் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளன.
4. சிதைந்த சுபாவம் கொண்டவர்கள் சத்தியத்திற்கு அடிபணிவதை மறுக்கிறார்கள்.
5. நல்ல எண்ணம் கொண்டவர்கள் முழு சமர்ப்பணத்தில் தலை வணங்குகிறார்கள்.
6. ஒரு நிபந்தனையை நிறைவேற்றிய பிறகு மூஸா (அலை) எகிப்தை விட்டு வெளியேறுகிறார், மேலும் மூஸா (அலை) மற்றும் அவரது மக்களைத் துரத்தும்போது சத்தியத்தின் எதிரிகள் அழிக்கப்படுகிறார்கள்.
7. பானி இஸ்ரேலை சீர்திருத்துவதில் ஹாரூன் (அலை) உதவியற்றவர்.
8. மூஸா (அலை) அவர்கள் திரும்பி வந்ததும் பானி இஸ்ரேலை சீர்திருத்தினார்.
9. ஹக் (உண்மையை) நிராகரிப்பவர்களுக்காக எந்த வித பரிந்துரையும் செய்யப்படவில்லை.
10.ஆதம் (அலை) அவர்கள் அல்லாஹ்வின் கட்டளையைக் கடைப்பிடிக்காத சம்பவம்.
11. மோனோ/சேவைக்கான காரணத்தைக் குறிப்பிட வேண்டிய அவசியம்.
12.அல்லாஹ்வை நினைவுகூராமல் கண்ணை மூடிக்கொள்வது ஒருவரை ஆன்மீக ரீதியில் குருடனாக வைத்திருக்கும்.
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