Do I wanna know?
If Shiko pressed her fingers deeper into her eyes, she’d go blind. She felt the awkward prickling of tears at the corner of her eyes, stress getting the best of her yet again. They didn’t fall though, she didn’t let them, rather they evaporated on her skin, never managing to ruin her makeup. Her fingers were doing a good job of that on their own.
Another paper was pushed on the desk between her elbows. She glanced down, eyes blinking back into focus, and fished a pen to sign it. Niko fished it, and put another one in its place. 
They were well into a week of meetings at Republic City already, and it seemed as if they weren’t going to end any time soon, and with them, her arguments with her husband. Today, they had stretched beyond usual, and the tension within the room- amidst the whole of the Fire Nation party- could be cutted with a knife. It was her fault, she knew it, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. Or to stop it.
“Shiko.” Her husband’s voice was heavy through the silence. She felt her shoulders tense further.
“What do you want me to tell you, Jiro?” Her voice betrayed her of course, it wavered, and told everyone in the room just how she was not keeping it together.
“All I’m saying is that the Northern Chief’s proposal is worth revisiting, Shiko.” The room was suddenly too silent. She didn’t have to look up to know Niko had stopped moving, and the two ministers accompanying them had probably stopped breathing as well.
Her gaze moved up to find him, standing by the tall hotel window. How she wished she could see something other than his lips pressed into a scowl she was far too familiar with already. That she could look beyond his choice in robes; heavy, and adorned beyond reason for their meetings of the day. Shiko wished she could tell the difference between her husband and the other two men in the room.
“My Lord-” Niko’s voice was low by her ear, a hesitant inquiry to leave them alone, but no. She raised a hand to stop anyone from moving, anyone but her.
She’d been almost out of the room, when Jiro’s hand closed around her wrist. “Shiko-” She looked up at him. His voice sounded worried, but his eyes were hard, the same as her jaw. He let go, and she left.
Distinctive clothes, crown and makeup discarded back at her suite, Shiko took to the streets of the bay city. She wasn’t too familiar with them, but had a pretty good idea of where she’d turned, to be able to return. Somewhere at the back of her mind, she was aware that people were probably looking for her, Niko at least was going to be worried. Something sat uncomfortably at her stomach; she wasn’t sure if it was guilt of worrying her friend and assistant, or sadness of knowing she’d be the only one to care. She pushed it away regardless.
Shiko didn’t know how long she’d been walking, when the smell of coffee made her stop, and sit at a table at the back of the small shop. It looked cozy, and the girl behind the counter smiled politely at her. No one knew her here, and that was so relieving, she almost breaks down right on the spot. 
It was okay, she’d rest for a moment, breathe, order something maybe, did she even have money on her? She wasn’t sure. With her hair shielding her from the world, she finally let frustrated tears fall.
| closed starter - @idonthaveabackstory |
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Struck down
For as long as she could remember, they’d been after him, the leader of the Triple Threat Triad.
When Lin was a kid, she’d heard her mother talk about him, curse at his person, while she smashed a thing or the other out of frustration. Then, once in the Force, Lin herself had been tasked endlessly with raids to catch him, that always came out empty handed. And her own frustrations, later as Chief, had only grown after Lightning Bolt Zolt was found dead.
She didn’t smash things in her failure, rather retorted to amber liquid in a glass, a Detective or two to accompany her in her bitching about it, and if she was lucky, no hangover the next day.
And now they had him. And he was but a kid. And she truly felt like smashing things now.
It had all come down far too quickly, and a part of her couldn’t escape the feeling that there had to be a catch to it. That she’d been tricked into buying lies. But she’d interrogated the snitch herself- after the team of pulse readers had had their shot at him- she’d even gone back to the rat right now. To verify, to find a single nick in his telling, to make sure they hadn’t got just a random firebender.
But he’d been as honest as before, the raid had gone exactly as planned- minus several injured that were truly unavoidable- and the leader of the bigger Triad in the city was now sitting on a cell in her Police Department. Her men were happy, some celebrating even. She was cautious.
In the wake of a toast by one of her Detectives, her feet took her down to the cell, waving the officers posted at the end of the hallway away. He had nothing to burn down here, and was surrounded by her every element. Much as the thought didn’t particularly please her, have him try something, and she’d enlighten him on how he was in her house now.
And still- the fact remained that he was just a kid. Lin watched him through the bars, back supporting her against the opposite wall of the hall. Aside from the evident distress, that oozed from him in awfully disquieting waves, he looked every bit the part though.
The clothes, layered in the form of what was surely a silk shirt, vest, coat, were fine enough to put him at least second in command. That he was in fact a firebender, that they had confirmation by the snitch, and that none of the rest of the incarcerated men were speaking, that put him as the undoubtable leader. The scarf looked tattered though, it didn’t match the rest of the look, which probably meant there was value to it. She kept that information safe for future use.
His muscles were tense, he was dirty, and battered, and when he looked up, his eyes were a swirling tangerine of emotions, it was startling. She held her face impassive though, mind working out every detail she could of him, and trying to come to terms with the fact that he had to be in his twenties at the most.
“Your men are pretty loyal, you should probably be thankful for that.” She shifted, squared her shoulders, and took just a step forward. “Not that we need their confessions really. Evidence of the Triad’s activity is well plastered all over the city, and that’s more than I need to keep you all here, for more years than you’d care for.
“But how about this- You speak to me now, you tell me every detail of the places you run, and the people I didn’t manage to catch, and I see what I can do for you?” It was a speech she’d said many times now, and it was good at making people talk, although she wasn’t sure with this one. He looked messy, frantic even. “Let’s start with something easy, name and age, kid.”
| closed starter - @idonthaveabackstory |
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royalbrooch-blog · 5 years
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i am enjoying @idonthaveabackstory ‘s and i’s thread.
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wildmanbumi · 6 years
Continued with @idonthaveabackstory
“Thank you, lad, it’s certainly good to see you too.” Bumi squeezed Mako’s shoulder and slipped back into his booth. 
“Oh, those things, yeah, you know-” The neck of his beer quick between his fingers, he took a swig of the bottle, before pointing to the boy. “Whoever thought Tenzin should design outfits, was severely mistaken.” He shook his head, Spirits those were some interesting uniforms if he’d ever worn some.
Bumi leaned back into the seat, an arm tossed over the back, eyes travelling over the crowd, before resting on Mako. “So tell me Mako, how’s everything going?” He let a knowing grin stretch on his lips. “Met any lovely girls lately?”
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City Streets
On a hard wooden bench in the 14th district police department building, Pansy sat shivering in her barely there outfit, clutching her faux leather satchel to her chest. She’d been picked up for solicitation, which was incredibly ironic because for the first time since she’d fled to the Muggle world, she’d done her damndest to put an end to that particularly smarmy part of her personal history. 
Several months ago, she’d managed to secretly Portkey out of Europe and landed herself in America’s west coast, in a city called, San Francisco. It was the right amount of eccentric to retain her anonymity. Her accent fell in easily with those of the tourists who frequented the wharf and downtown shopping areas. Who knew Europeans especially liked the popup apothecaries that dotted a small alleyway between the Financial District and Chinatown. 
Within the first week of arriving, Pansy’s smarts about fashion and potion making helped her land a job in a bohemian shoppe that reminded her of Prof. Trelawney's classroom. In it were swathes of richly colored fabric, glass vials and exotic scents, crystal balls and Pansy’s favorite part of the mystical shoppe was the back room reserved for the fashion conscious mystic.
She’d been on her way to her second job on Broadway St, near the Tenderloin where she was an exotic dancer. Pansy had unexpectedly met with some territorial prostitutes on a corner near the wharf who thought she was invading their assigned streets. A brawl ensued... and that was how she’d landed herself in the district’s police office glaring at the detective behind the glass wall who refused to acknowledge her existence for the better part of two hours. 
Pansy silently cursed him in her head, knowing that this little stay would cost her a well-paying moonlighting job, the very one that kept her in the black and paying rent on time.
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zaofumatriarch · 6 years
 (I don't know if you got this kinda ask but what...
Would also sell soul for a Bolin
[ you heard it here folks we have two souls on the market for the low low price of one single Bolin Legend Of Korra blog ]
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twinchief · 6 years
@idonthaveabackstory said to twinchief:
“I’m in my own hell.”
        “You say that as if we aren’t miserable being here too.” Eska remarked. There was irritation in her voice but it wasn’t very different from the voice she normally spoke in. “Either get over it or leave.”
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bitofthisandthat · 6 years
🗡️ for Asami.
Send  🗡️ if your muse would kill for mine.  
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The heiress pulled an amused, red-lipped smile at the dashing ‘businessman’s’ promise. Sure, she knew who he ran with. Of course she knew this opiate den was FILLED with skeevy people, the underbelly of Republic City. And yes, she was out at night WELL past her father’s rigid observation. But banning your spoiled, rotten daughter from the underworld and its ruffian, master-bender snake-heads, was just a double dare…Rules were made to be broken, especially when your adrenaline junkie daughter was constantly pushing her boundaries further out to sea.
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“That’s sweet, but I don’t need anyone to kill for me. I can take care of myself. Though…it’s duly noted.”
And expected.
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nevcrperfect · 5 years
What’s your sense of humor?
Azula Inazuma, you have a mostly affiliative sense of humor.
Everyone’s sense of humor is a mix of all four styles, but yours leans most heavily toward affiliative, meaning you’re good at cracking jokes and trading banter to build connections with other people. Affiliative humor is linked to extraversion and openness to new experiences. It is also generally adaptive and correlated with greater mental well-being.
Tagged by: @amaarok Tagging: @argentcus, @akaikouen, @bitofthisandthat, @idonthaveabackstory
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treesandmorgana · 5 years
Rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people
tagged by @loveoflin
Nickname: Husband and only few close friends use short versions of my real name. 
Zodiac: Capricorn, escalating Scorpio. A poisonous mixture. 
Height: 1.62
Last movie: Us by Jordan Peele. 
Last thing googled: Lyrics of the song Ain’t Nobody by Chaka Khan
Favourite music artist:  Björk & Tori Amos
Song stuck in my head: Depends on the mood
Other blogs: None, I love being a one single dedicated stalker. 
Followers: 32 
Following: 42 
Language: Turkish, English, Persian and some German. Can read Russian. Can swear in Spanish. :D
Amount of sleep: A decent 7-8 hours of sleep would make wonders. 
Lucky numbers: 7
Current outfit: A sweat & yoga pants. 
Favourite food: Turkish dumplings & doner
Instrument: side flute but only a little. 
Favourite song: Can’t say, I have more than a 100 favourite songs. 
Random fact: Love makeup, don’t like wearing lipstick. But  if I do, I always wear red. 
I don’t know 21 people but people I am interested in are below 
@kilo-charlie7  @goddess-of-congeniality @idonthaveabackstory @ultrapaleandrad @halliwelluchihabeifongindustry @admirablebeifong @danny-theagateonfire 
and @shemalfoy13, because she would be mad if I didn’t. :D 
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kidncpped · 5 years
BOLD  ALL  THAT  APPLY.  &  REPOST. ( Italics: Conditionally apply )
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you love hoodies.  you love shorts.  dogs are better than cats.  it’s hilarious when people get hurt.  shopping is torture.  sad movies suck.  you own a car racing game.  you played with hot wheels cars as a kid. at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.  you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega.  you used to be obsessed with power rangers.  you have watched sports on tv ( radio ).  gory movies are cool.  you go to your dad for advice.  you own like a trillion baseball caps.  you used to collect hockey or baseball cards.  baggy sweats are cool to wear.  it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.  green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. you love to go crazy and not care what people think.  sports are fun.  you talk with food in your mouth.  you sleep with your socks on at night.  you have fished at least once. you took martial arts classes.
you love to shop.  you wear eyeliner.  you wear the color pink.  you go to your mom to talk.  you consider cheerleading a sport.  you hate wearing the color black.  you like going to the mall. you like getting manicures and/or pedicures.  you like wearing jewelry.  you cried watching the notebook.  dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.  shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.  you don’t like the movie star wars.  you are/were in gymnastics.  it takes you around more than one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.  you smile a lot more than you should. you have more than 10 pairs of shoes.  you care about what you look like.  you like wearing dresses when you can.  you like wearing high heel shoes.  you used to play with dolls as little kid.  you like putting make-up on others.  you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”.  i have scars.  i tan easily.  i wish my hair was a different color.  i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.  i have a tattoo branding. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces.  i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger.  i have more than two piercings.  i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city.  i’ve seen a shooting star.  i’ve wished on a shooting star.  i’ve seen a meteor shower.  i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas.  i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.  i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts.  i’ve been to a casino.  i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.  i’ve crashed a car.  i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical.  i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights.  i’ve sat on a rooftop at night. i’ve played a prank on someone.  i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show.  i’ve eaten sushi.  i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out.  i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.  i’ve cheated while playing a game.  i’ve ran a red light.  i’ve witnessed a crime.  i’ve been in a fist fight.  i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying.  i hate funerals.  i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well.  stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news ( listen on the radio ).  i don’t kill bugs.  i sing in the shower.  i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone.  i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair.  i care about grammar.  i have “?”’s in my screen name.  i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day.  i bake well.  my favorite color is either white, yellow, or pink.  i would wear pajamas to school.  i like martha stewart.  i know how to shoot a gun.  i laugh at my own jokes.  i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class.  i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room.  i am ticklish.  i love white chocolate.  i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces.  i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
tagged by: @bitofthisandthat​
tagging: @towercursed, @idonthaveabackstory, @hattrickery, @melliwell, @pinkestaura, and @ you if you want to do this! 
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Chasing unicorns
Somehow, whenever she was at a party with her friends- a party for one of her friends in this case- Shiko ended up alone. Jie would “take just a moment to mingle”, and disappear all night, draping herself to the arm of the richest boy in the room, until the next one came along, and Wen- she just, had a thing for Chefs. Shiko wouldn’t doubt for a second that the girl was now at Jie’s kitchens, playing coy to whoever was wearing the top, white hat; asking questions about the dishes, what type of olive oil was best, and which garnish was their favourite.
Shiko sighed, and her eyes moved around the room, but she was not really looking. She knew people here, of course she did, but had next to no interest in playing the part today, being polite. She’d had little interest when she arrived- her week had been a disastrous one- and she had even less now, after her run in with an idiot she knew from a college party, that had gotten touchy.
She moved around the room, watching the people, playing with her mobile, stopping for a moment on the gifts table, letting her fingers caress the shimmery wrapping papers, and trying to guess what each of them could hide; a new gold iphone- or three, several designer bags, small boxes that surely had diamonds or some other jewelry, a couple of bigger boxes that were likely to hold dresses worth what a small apartment did. She let out a sigh, eyes moving over the obscene car in the middle of the room, and landing- rather unfortunately- on the guy from earlier.
Turning on her heels, Shiko traced back her steps, looking for an out, the guy- evidently drunk by now- following her. It just had to be her luck, to meet this imbecile here, the douchebag to be 'interested', completely wasted, and have no respect whatsoever.
The party was already a mess, the dancefloor impossible to maneuver through, and most of the wings closed off by security. For a moment Shiko considered going to the kitchens, Wen would be there, and she was sure her friend would not let the idiot get away with one word, of the colorful array he had to say to her. God, she hated being useless like this.
Shiko reached the end of the only corridor she found unguarded, and turned right, she frowned, looking around. She was not familiar with this side of the manor, she figured it had to be Jie’s parents’ wing, but it had probably been redone. Suddenly a tipsy couple was ushered away from one of the rooms, and her shoulders dropped, she knew it futile to try and get past the guard. If there was one condition for this insanity of a party, was that the private wings of the manor remained untouched.
But as Shiko began to retrace her steps once more, the guy caught up with her, his lips twisting to a lewd grin that made her shiver, and she turned back to the guard, eyes pleading that he helped her.
| starter - @idonthaveabackstory |
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"Can I come in?"
Lin kept her eyes shut tight for a moment longer. She’d heard the door, and the Detective’s voice, but she needed to asses her state. Or stall. Maybe both.
Her back hurt like shit, but she wasn’t surprised by it, it usually happened when you’d been tossing massive rocks around, and receiving a few as well. There was a throbbing pain on the side of her head, and when she took a deep breath, something pulled funny at her ribs. Other than that, the rest was more of the usual; scratches, soreness, a sister who refused to acknowledge her past mistakes…
“Sure Detective, come in.” She answered, not even caring to pretend as if she’d not gotten into a massive fight a few hours ago, and everything in her body was mauled.
Lin tried to sit up in bed, at the very least, to keep some semblance of dignity in front of the firebender. Instead, she hissed in pain, and turned her head to watch him. “Is everything alright?”
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royalbrooch-blog · 5 years
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i forgot to post this; fanart of @idonthaveabackstory ‘s the deep end au
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wildmanbumi · 5 years
What’s your sense of humor?
Bumi Kaitiaki, you have a mostly affiliative sense of humor.
Everyone’s sense of humor is a mix of all four styles, but yours leans most heavily toward affiliative, meaning you’re good at cracking jokes and trading banter to build connections with other people. Affiliative humor is linked to extraversion and openness to new experiences. It is also generally adaptive and correlated with greater mental well-being.
Tagged by: @amaarok Tagging: @chiefbaefong, @firelxrdsdaughter, @idonthaveabackstory, @aiirboy
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NAME. Pandora Parkinson NICKNAME. Pansy, Pans, Parkinson AGE.  Pansy is 16-28 in various verses GENDER.  Female. RACE.  Pureblood Witch
MORALITY.  / chaotic / / neutral / / true RELIGION.  spiritual no formal religion. SINS.  pride / greed / envy VIRTUES. kindness / justice KNOWN LANGUAGES. English SECRETS. loves unicorns, treasures  selflessness in others
BUILD.  scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average HEIGHT. 5.0 SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS. scars: too many to count  ABILITIES  /  POWERS. verbal and non-verbal RESTRICTIONS. has a mysterious magical malady from repressing her magic while in the muggle world
FOOD.  vanilla cream puffs; strawberry ice cream; coq au van; ham & cheese sandwiches DRINK. hibiscus tea; champagne; coffee; firewhisky PIZZA TOPPING. mushrooms and olives COLOR. violet, all shades of purple and emerald green MUSIC GENRE. eclectic BOOK GENRE. suspense MOVIE GENRE. romance CURSE WORD. shite SCENTS. lilac / pikkake / gardenias/ freesia
tagged by: @idonthaveabackstory tagging: just do it if you want to!
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