#scene; struck down
owl-with-a-pen · 3 months
From the second Brainy had turned up to the DEO that morning, he’d been in one hell of a bad mood. Confrontational didn’t even cut it – to Alex, it was like he was on a goddamn war path.
It had started out tame enough, maybe that was why she’d let it get as far as it had, but as well trained as her agents were against interrogation scenarios or an alien threat, no one was invulnerable to the inescapable pain of workplace microaggressions. Brainy had been subject to them himself in the past, but today he was the all-out perpetrator. It seemed he had something negative to say about everyone; mostly degrading remarks on their various intellects, going as far in some cases to mark them out on a scale from one to one-point-three. That was hardly news to Alex, although she hadn’t seen this kind of behaviour out of him in a very long time.
It had all come to a head not even a couple hours into Brainy’s shift. All it had taken was one too many poorly veiled insults targeted at one of her newer agents. By then, Alex could tell the difference between Brainy’s unintentional habit of being improperly blunt and whatever the hell he was seeking to achieve here.
It wasn’t like Brainy to act so purposely cruel, even on some of his darker days. He’d often experienced difficulties navigating his own intellect against his regular-minded co-workers, especially since the inhibitors had come off, but he’d never been openly hostile to them. Not like this. This was something else, like he was itching for a fight.
He got his wish when his goading finally hit the mark and the new hire stood from his chair. Alex knew the signs, but when their bickering exploded into a full-on argument, her voice was lost beyond the commotion.
Things escalated far too quickly, and she was much too late to stop the first punch from being thrown. Expectedly, Brainy dodged expertly out of the way, but the fire in his eyes was unmistakeably one of challenge, enough that Alex realised he had absolutely no intention of sticking to his usual evasive manoeuvres.
Shit. He wasn’t on the defence at all. And, when Brainy stepped into the agent’s space, ring-hand closed into a tight fist, she knew she couldn’t let it get any further.
Before Brainy could make his move, Alex shot into the fray, grabbing for his shoulder. The second she touched him, he tensed all over. Alex could feel the muscles in Brainy’s arm grow taut beneath her fingers, a strength building inside of him that scared her more than she would have ever admitted.
Kara’s powers had been a part of her life for so long that Alex often believed herself immune to the kind of fear seeing that sort of raw ability might inspire. Brainy wasn’t on a Kryptonian’s level by any means, but there was something unnerving about his strength that didn’t hit quite like Kara’s. It was a quiet sort of power, one he mostly kept hidden. A formidable ability that crept like a sleeper cell inside his implants and every shred of data that he had stored within his AI core.
She could feel all that and more brewing inside of him now, and when Alex tried to pull him back, he didn’t budge. She might as well have been trying to move a ten-ton statue.
Despite the panic pounding in her chest, Alex kept her cool. She waited a beat, measuring her movements, before trying again. This time, thankfully, Brainy relented. Although his body was still coiled tight, he let himself move with her momentum, stumbling a half step towards her.
Alex disguised her relief with anger, hissing into Brainy’s ear, “What the hell has gotten into you today?”
Brainy rolled his shoulder easily from her grip, righting himself in the process. “I’m fine,” he muttered tersely, his voice so rigid that she could barely see his jaw move.
Alex eyed him sharply. “I’ll be the judge of that,” she said, before raising her voice so that everyone could hear, “Agent Dox, with me!”
Any agent caught gawking at the scene quickly turned back to their work. Alex dismissed the string of apologies coming from her new hire, instead instructing him to cool off before returning to duty.
A senior agent like Brainy wouldn’t be getting off quite as lightly.
As Alex marched Brainy down the corridors of the new DEO building, she could feel him crackling at her heel like a storm cloud ready to strike. She bristled, preparing herself for the worst at every turn.
“Where are we going?” Brainy asked instead, his tone indifferent. As though he hadn’t tried to incite a war at 9 in the freaking morning.
“Somewhere private,” Alex returned, pushing open the door to one of the medical science labs. Today was her lucky day, it seemed, because the room was totally deserted.
She ushered Brainy in behind her before he could argue, directing him to the closest chair. He followed her instructions begrudgingly, taking the chair and swivelling it backwards before collapsing into it, folding his arms across the backrest with a scowl.
Now they were alone, Alex allowed herself to relax just a little, shedding some of the status that came with her rank. Her team had always been like a family to her, but Brainy was family, and now that she had him in a controlled environment, she could see his anger for what it really was. A tumultuous cover-up that was starting to crumble from the moment he’d sat down.
His frustration was plain in his body language, the way he wrung out his ring finger with his other hand like it was his only lifeline. She’d seen this behaviour before; it wasn’t hard to guess where it had come from. The why, though? That was a lot harder to pinpoint.
“What’s going on, Brainy?” Alex asked gently, folding her arms. When he glanced at the floor, twisting his ring even harder, she sighed. “You know you can’t just explode on your co-workers like that. I really thought we were past this.”
Brainy ruffled in affront, his mood souring even further. He glared up at her. “Past this?”
“You know what I mean,” Alex snapped, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. “The point is, I haven’t seen you this riled up since—well, since ever. Something’s going on with you.” She narrowed her eyes, pressing her hip against the workbench at her side. “How have your talks with Kelly been going?”
Brainy leaned back in his chair, folding his hands across one another with a definitively neutral expression. “Confidentially.”
Alex could already feel her jaw begin to tense. It was times like these she really wished Kelly wasn’t so damn good at her job. She took her clients’ privacy incredibly seriously, even when it came to her friends. Especially when it came to her friends. Even as her wife, Alex was none the wiser on what she and Brainy discussed behind closed doors, other than the few small updates like he did well this session or I think we went back more steps than we took forward today.
“Alright,” Alex decided, lifting her chin. “We’ll do this the hard way, then. Stand up. I need to perform a full body scan.”
Brainy’s mouth fell open in outrage. He scoffed indignantly. “I’m fine,” he repeated through clenched teeth, an air of superiority creeping into his voice. He held his shoulders high. “Do you really think I wouldn’t be aware if something was impairing me?”
“Stand up,” Alex repeated. “Now.”
Brainy rolled his eyes but stood on her instruction. He remained still while Alex ran her equipment over him; too still, she thought. Whatever he was trying to hide from her was starting to surface, they both knew it.   
Alex’s worry only grew stronger for him.
Once the tests were done, Alex watched the results roll through on her tablet. His temperature was fine – his implants checked out, too. In fact, according to her equipment, nothing was running abnormally where the techno aspect of his physiology was concerned at all.
When her focus shifted to organic functions, however, Alex’s eyes widened in surprise.
Brainy’s heart rate wasn’t just through the roof, it might as well have been hanging out in another galaxy.
Alex hefted the tablet in her arm, throwing it out for Brainy to see. “You call this fine?”
Brainy scanned the results, shying in on himself defensively as he absorbed their meaning. He shrugged, folding his arms. “Kelly tells me that fluctuations in heart rate are normal for the emotional stressors I have experienced.”
“Well, yeah,” Alex nearly laughed, “but not all the time, Brainy! Something triggered this.”
When he refused to meet her eye, Alex bit her lip, carefully placing the tablet back on the counter. “Brainy,” she tried again, hesitating before taking a step closer. “Paired with what I know about your biology, this has all the tells of an anxiety attack.” She smiled sadly. “I don’t need to be a therapist to know that’s why you lashed out today.”
Brainy scoffed again, but his fingers tightened around his biceps. Alex had a feeling that if he’d been squeezing anything else in the room, it might’ve just snapped in half.
She scanned his face again. He didn’t wear his image inducer as often since the installation of the new DEO, but Alex wondered if he sometimes used it covertly to alter certain smaller features. Like the tell-tale bruising of someone who’d been avoiding their bed one too many nights in a row.
She frowned. “Have you been sleeping?”
Brainy froze. “O-of course.”
For a twelfth-level intellect, his lying game was about on par with Kara’s. Alex tried not to smile at his expense. Instead, she not-so innocently tugged at her jacket pocket. “So, if I texted Nia right now, she’d tell me the same thing?”
“It’s not that,” Brainy hastened, straightening his back. “My functions are running within normal parameters; my sleep is… is fine. Nia would corroborate.”
“Right,” Alex said slowly, raising a brow. “So, just today, then?”
“Why is this so important to you?” Brainy muttered. He was clearly tiring of their little back and forth. Maybe that was her way in.
Alex took another step forward. “Because you’re important to me,” she said, before glancing at the ceiling, “and because you’ve kind of pissed everyone on the day shift off so far. And it’s not even ten o’clock. That might be a new record.” She took his arm again, smiling when he reluctantly met her eye. “This matters, Brainy. I can’t put you back on duty like this. In fact, I think I have enough justification from these readings alone to put you on a mental health day. Even if your sleep is fine, it might be a good idea to take it easy.”
Brainy practically baulked at the suggestion, staggering out from under her hand. He shook his head vigorously, turning away. “Alex, that isn’t necessary. I don’t need to take it easy. I-I can’t.”
His voice nearly broke on that last word, enough to make Alex’s heart twist. “Why not?”
Brainy ducked away from her, and though she could only see half of his face, she knew he was trying to shut her out. She reached for him again, catching his elbow. “Brainy—hey, please.”
Maybe she’d broken through, or maybe he’d run the calculations on the likelihood of being let out of this room without telling her something. Either way, he finally relented.
“I can’t take it easy,” he told her through his teeth, his voice dangerously low. “Because… because, today is difficult for me.”
Alex’s brows knitted together worriedly. She squeezed his arm without thinking, trying instead to remember what day it was today. Had she missed some kind of anniversary? Naturally, she thought of the first day Brainy had arrived in this century, but that date had been and gone with nothing close to this sort of an emotional upheaval.  
Worse, then.
Then, Alex caught it. Brainy’s free arm shifted as his hand passed across his forehead, knocking a few blond strands away from his eyes. His fingers lingered for just a second, agitating across invisible surface scars.
Alex’s heart plummeted into her stomach. She felt nauseous. “Brainy,” she asked slowly. “Is—is today the day your father…?”
Brainy’s eyes were far away, reviewing the lab’s floor tile by tile. He didn’t say anything for a while; his chest was locked tight, as though he’d forgone the need for oxygen at all. Alex held her breath along with him, long enough that her lungs started to burn.
“Time,” Brainy muttered eventually, “dates… they’re all different on this planet, in this century.” He bared his teeth into a pained smile, his arm winding around his centre. “And yet, no matter what changes, I always know that day. I can feel it.” He shrugged, biting the inside of his cheek. “Call it a burden of a Coluan’s physiology.”
Alex squeezed him again. “Oh—Brainy…”
“Don’t,” he said tersely, wrenching his arm from hers. His eyes were wide, his expression open. “Don’t treat me like I’m… wounded. I—I only wish to keep my mind busy. And-and ever since my inhibitors came off I-I find that there’s never enough to occupy it. There are always spaces that are left empty, where-where those memories, those emotions resurface.”
Alex sighed. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but that’s exactly why I can’t let you work today. You understand that, right?”
Brainy gritted his teeth, lowering his head into a tight nod.
“Have you told Nia about this?”
“She knows,” Brainy croaked, looking sheepish. “I told her I-I needed space.”
“And then you came here.” Alex’s smile felt strained. “She doesn’t know you went to work today, does she?”
“I thought it would be easier.” Brainy sniffed, swiping at his face. “To be somewhere that no one knew. But that doesn’t matter if I can’t control this—”
“Hey,” Alex said gently, taking his hand. “Anniversaries can be tough. You know, when we were kids, Kara could never stomach her Earth birthday, either.”
Brainy’s breath stuttered past his lips, and he looked at her in confusion, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. His hand clenched uneasily around hers, willing her to continue.
Alex smiled. “She hated it, actually – her words, not mine - because it reminded her of everything she’d lost. My mom… she tried to turn it into a sort of celebration, to make it a happy day, but focusing on it in any way just sent her over the edge.” She winced. “You should’ve heard the screaming matches.”
Brainy huffed out a surprised laugh.
Alex grinned. “So, one day, I told Kara, suck it up for a second, you’re coming with me. And…” she chuckled, the memory flooding back all too easily, “I made her walk. For hours. Through the woods. No flying allowed. And we kept going and going until eventually, we came across this little creek. I told her to listen to the water. Just— put every one of her senses into that one thing. The bubbling of the water, the fish whipping their little tails, the smell. It wasn’t a magic cure-all, but for that moment, it helped.” Alex wound her hand tighter around Brainy’s, drawing them closer together. “You don’t have to put your focus into work, Brainy, you can pick something simpler. One sound, or one thing that makes you feel at peace.”
Brainy narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “Yes…” he considered slowly, “that does sound pleasant.” He cleared his throat, shifting his tone. “Running water is one of numerous nature-specific sounds that are utilised for relaxation of the human mind. Nia has several of the ocean’s waves on her white noise app, although, I had never considered using it myself.” The furrow to his brow deepened. “But if I were to draw all of my processing power into one singular stimulus, it may be… beneficial.”
“What were you thinking?” Alex prompted.
Brainy glanced at her quickly before looking away again, a private smile twitching the corners of his mouth. “Flying… often clears my head. Perhaps I should try to find something up there. Above the noise, as Kara once put it.”
Alex nodded her encouragement. “That sounds like a really good place to start.”
Brainy returned her nod confidently, letting go of her hand as he made to leave. No hesitation, no debate. Just one direct thought leading onto the next action. Alex couldn’t help but smile.
Before he could make it out the door, she called out to him: “And, Brainy?”
Brainy paused, turning back to look at her.
“Thank you for sharing this with me.”
Something passed through Brainy’s expression before he lowered his head into a dutiful nod.
Fondly, Alex watched him go. He was certainly less tightly wound than he’d been before, though she knew he still had a way to go yet. At least this was a step in the right direction.
She supposed, in quite the literal sense, it was only up from here.
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ipleadbritney · 6 months
ipleadbritney f1 fanfic masterlist
check the title hashtags for more info!!!
🗣️ you know (it kinda makes me laugh)
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🥞 got love-struck, went straight to my head
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Maybe Lando will pull a Carlos in the future, crash into Oscar's new teammate every chance he gets. Lando has no idea how whipped he is for Oscar. Won't even admit he is whipped. Bear with him, please.
🧑🏻‍❤️‍🧑🏽 no proof, not much (but you saw enough)
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A soul bond is like any other type of magic; you can buy it in a bottle. Or, to be more precise, you can manufacture it. Oscar and Lando are accused of having an illegal soul bond.
💜 oscar piastri's guide to breaking the internet
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Featuring: a challenge on who will break the internet the fastest, Prema boys, Oscar's confusion, long-distance phone calls, being young, stealing hoodies, and Lando's weirdly helpful antics.
📱 love you, bye
Lando/Oscar, T, 1.7K social media au, relationship reveal
𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱 | 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗶𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗲 ‘𝟮𝟰 @quadrantnondriverau the video won't load for me i’m getting fomo please someone describe it for me what is happening > 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 @childofdivorce644 lando was streaming and someone called him. we don't know who's on the other line but lando ended the call with “i love you, bye” 
🏡for keeps
Lando/Oscar, T, 8.7K spy au, domestic, unreliable narrator
“I had some compelling evidence and you just laughed in my face.” “You can't call Seb wearing a turtleneck ‘compelling evidence’, Lando.” Lando and Oscar's neighbours are international spies, or so Lando tells Oscar. They're just two normal guys, though. Just Lando-and-Oscar.
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“Are you sure you're haunted?” A laugh rings out beside Lando. He didn't hear the joke, but he knows the punchline. “Yes,” Lando answers. Or, there's a ghost named Osc that haunts the halls of MTC. Only Lando can see him.
🚪 just to be mean
Max F/Oscar, Lando/Oscar, T, 2.1K max f pov, jealousy
From the outside looking in (which isn't the best perspective to judge from, Max admits), Lando and Oscar communicate exclusively via race data and high-pitched giggles. Oscar has this way of laughing that's funnier than the actual joke. Max would know because, well, because Max used to be the one who cracked the jokes.
📸 scenes from a social media admin
Lando/Oscar, T, 3.7k smau, pr!lando, crack
> 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘃𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺𝘀 @birthdaybars is your job hard? >> 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝗡𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘀 @lnorris Sure it is! But nothing compared to the work in the factory and at the track. I’m usually just at the side >>> 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝘃𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺𝘀 @birthdaybars ADMIN DON'T YOU DARE PUT YOURSELF DOWN FAN INTERACTIONS KEEP THE LIGHTS ON AT MTC >>>> 𝗟𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼 𝗡𝗼𝗿𝗿𝗶𝘀 @lnorris haha don't think that's how it works but appreciate it!
👀 jealousy⁴
Lando/Oscar, T, 3.9K jealousy lol
Oscar said something about Arthur, half-asleep. Oscar never said anything about Max. That can't be possible. Or, jealousy can take many forms. Lando Norris encounters four of them.
😘 three-sixteenths
Lando/Oscar, T, 4.3K magical realism, kiss curses
Lando's cursed and has to kiss someone Italian. Good thing Oscar Piastri is his teammate.
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mariocki · 2 months
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Play for Today: The Flipside of Dominick Hide (BBC, 1980)
"Complacent with your mission, Dominick? Amusing, the history of transport. We've made a modicum of progress: trips are regulated to microseconds, punctuality taken for granted."
"Why then were you two minutes late on your double return? Machine fault?"
"No. I'm sorry."
"I accept apology. Reason?"
"It was raining. Rain slows everything. I saw an old woman knocked down and I was checking how long before help reached her. The medi-car was blocked in progress, I think she died."
"I thought it might be interesting."
"People are not your conspectus, Dominick. If you wish to study people, watch old films."
#play for today#the flipside of dominick hide#classic tv#bbc#1980#alan gibson#jeremy paul#peter firth#caroline langrishe#pippa guard#patrick magee#trevor ray#sylvia coleridge#jean trend#timothy davies#denis lawson#bernadette shortt#tony melody#bill gavin#david griffin#karl howman#PfT is often discussed as if it only produced gritty social realism (which was perhaps its abiding impact) but the strand wasn't afraid to#dip its toes into genre waters: cue this‚ one of the most successful plays in PfT's run‚ spawning a sequel‚ a spin off series of plays#(short lived Play for Tomorrow) and ended up as probably the best received and reviewed bbc play of 1980. finally catching up to it and i#can see why it struck a chord maybe; it's a very charming piece‚ with a delightful central performance from Firth‚ and a greater emphasis#on romantic comedy than hard sci fi. but it's also a rewardingly detailed script (dialogue in all future scenes is stripped of anything#but necessary words‚ so that sentences are blunt and self contained‚ just one aspect of a streamlined future) and with oblique references#for the viewer to work out (unsettling mention of an elderly tourist breaking down at a visit to the 1936 Olympics‚ the significance lost#on Dominick and his future colleagues). the cast is stuffed with future stars in small roles (Phil Davis‚ Mark Wingett and Denis Lawson all#have small roles) but i was delighted to find Pat Magee onboard‚ having genuinely no idea he'd appeared in this. a fun time! sweet and soft
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superectojazzmage · 2 years
“Loki will go… Atreus will remain.”
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zukkaoru · 6 months
me: can i even successfully write a fic about this character/ship? because i feel like this is going to be a struggle
me, two days and 8k words later: ..huh
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spawksstuff · 11 months
The De Completionist Checklist Part 9
Note on the dates: I will mostly be going by when a show/movie was shot rather than its release date. Variety Magazine will be given first priority.
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My score: 14 15 / 19
Need To Find: Bold Venture, The Line Up, Special Agent 7, Man From Blackhawk thanks to @iamenits for the link!, Rogue for Hire
Favorite Movie: N/A
Favorite TV Show:  Mike Hammer – Bride and Doom (The wheelchair scene! More on that later)
Favorite Quotes: “I been dead a year. It’s lonely down there. I’m going to take some company back with me.” (Richard Diamond – The Adjustor)
Good roles and good stories this year.
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ilovefredjones · 9 months
i wish i had more collected and intellectual thoughts on jim and la’an. instead my brain just screams about them all the time
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fruityumbrella · 2 months
helloooo b-team has intrigued me... also if u wanna talk about your pacrim au 👁👃👁👂 i'm listening
i love a modern au bc i can be more informal and silly, and i love a fake dating au bc literally nothing matters when the premise is so stupid. for b-team, i really let sanji's dramatic flair run wild and let him be So Much, as seen below. the nonverbal convo between nami and usopp is so special to me<3
“Oi,” a voice says from above where he’s now splayed on the floor in abject misery. A foot knocks against his side when he doesn’t respond. “You dead?” He opens his eyes to get the most effect out of his scowl. “You wish. Don’t touch me with your rancid boots. Don’t walk around my house in your rancid boots! Zoro!”  The barbarian’s already stomped over to the couch. Sanji’s life is so difficult and plagued by horrors large and small. Now settled in the armchair with a cool glass of iced tea in her hand, Nami exchanges glances with Usopp, the two of them holding a quick conversation without the others. She furrows her brow, he widens his eyes. She tilts her head, he arches an eyebrow. She purses her lips, he stares back dead on. Eventually, he shrugs again. This time, it’s a your problem now gesture that Sanji is all too familiar with. Usopp makes it a lot around him.
god my pacrim au. it is 500 words long and has been gathering dust for months bc i need to rewatch pacrim, but it would also be a real slowburner and i dont have the patience for that. it starts with luffy being out of commission bc ace died while they were piloting a jaeger (which ace was only in bc zoro was out of commission from losing his eye, cue plague of guilt) which leaves zoro very reluctantly partnering with sanji.
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blackjackkent · 6 months
So, what Rakha really wants to do right now is go kill the people hunting Karlach, because they don't have anything else that would qualify as a direct plan other than the creche, and the "paladins" are closer. However, I happen to know that the paladins are level five and Rakha is level 2 and could be knocked over by a stiff breeze, so I think a better bet is a more full exploration of the Emerald Grove first.
I'm guessing that this is the result of a concerted effort on Wyll and Shadowheart's part, primarily - Wyll already knows the people of the grove and Shadowheart has fixated on Halsin as a useful lead. Gale doesn't seem to have any specific plan in mind and, left to their own devices, Lae'zel would already be heading for the creche and Rakha and Karlach would be after the paladins. But between them, Shadowheart and Wyll manage to convince everyone that at least TALKING to the healer in the grove would be a useful start before everyone goes off half-cocked.
Amused because I stopped in to talk to Zevlor and got a disapproval from Wyll purely for leaving the conversation without asking the question about whether the ritual could be stopped. XD Sorry, Wyll. I swear we'll get to a point where you like Rakha, somehow, but I doubt sincerely we're there yet.
Speaking of the ritual, down we go to the grove proper - with a quick stop to talk to the teeth-ling kids.
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"Whoa. Hey! Can't say I've ever seen someone like you before."
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Without preamble, he shows his hands to her, empty. Then a quick flick of the wrist, and suddenly he's holding out a tarnished gold ring between his fingers.
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"Go on," he says cheerfully. "Take this ring. It's lucky."
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Rakha, who has very little context for anything she experiences, has never seen slight-of-hand magic done before, nor is she familiar with the concept of a con man. So she watches this little display and is immediately fascinated. Magic - but with no surge of that visible tapestry around the boy, the network of power that Gale calls the Weave.
"That was a fancy trick," she says slowly.
His eyes narrow and something subtle shifts in his expression, a flash of interest. "You haven't seen anything yet, lady," he says dryly. "Go on - take the ring and watch your fortune change!"
Take the ring.
She takes it and looks at it carefully. There is no magic on the ring either, nothing that she can sense. But the boy looks up at her earnestly as he draws a coin from his pocket. "Call it! Heads or tails."
She blinks at him, puzzled by the question.
Pocket the ring.
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"Hey, hold on!" the boy cries at once. "You gotta pay for that!"
She does? She withdraws the ring out of her pocket again and squints at the boy, incredibly baffled by the entire situation.
("The boy seeks to deceive you," Lae'zel says impatiently under her breath. "His magic is mundanity. The ring likely the same."
Wyll sighs. "Be kind, the both of you. He wants to show you a trick, that's all. Let him flip the coin.")
Rakha's eyes narrow. She stands there with the ring sitting on her palm and feels foolish. "It's only a joke," she says slowly after a long silence and trying to sort through the words from her companions. "Go on... flip your coin." If anything, she is curious to learn what that means.
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"Real sweet sense of humor you got there, chum." The boy looks as if he's starting to regret his choice of mark, but he presses on gamely. "Anyway, you gotta call before the flip. Heads or tails."
A long pause. "Heads?" Rakha says cautiously.
The boy grins, tosses the coin in the air, catches it, and then shows her the side with the head facing up. "Heads it is!" he crows. "See? That's the kinda luck you get from just one of my lucky rings! I've got more where that came from. Real cheap, too. Interested?"
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Rakha is starting to understand the situation now that she has seen it play out, and her lips twitch with irritation. [SORCERER] "If there was magic in this ring, I'd have felt it," she says bluntly. "It's nothing but junk."
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The boy flinches and raises his hands defensively. "Not so loud!" he hisses. "You caught me, all right? They're not lucky rings." His eyes grow wide, his expression twisting with sudden, exaggerated pathos. "I'm just... trying to earn money for my family," he whimpers. "My father left and my mother... she's so sick. I wish I had better things to sell than... trinkets, but it's all I have!"
Rakha squints. The shift in tone is abrupt enough that she is certain it's disingenuous and that Lae'zel is right - the boy is making a fool of her. There is nothing of value here.
Wordlessly she shoves the ring back in the boy's face.
Return the ring and leave.
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misspoetree · 2 years
I finally watched Glass Onion and...
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...I'm not the only person with KinnPorsche brain rot who immediately got flashbacks to Vegas' sacrilegious pants-in-the-pool scene, right? 😂
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thewanderingzeppelin · 9 months
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hearteyedbunny · 9 months
love when I'm on the fence of making a character a f/o, like just deciding if I like them enough for that, but then they do something that makes my heart flutter and I'm like oh. godDAMMIT.
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pachyderm-matchmaker · 9 months
i am elated and overjoyed and so jazzed abt this tv show, do not get me wrong
that said: i am NOT enjoying this portrayal of sally jackson
#pjo tv adaptation#spoilers in tags#no shade to the actress!! the actress is great!!! a couple of the scenes with percy made me tear up!!!!!!#but....ugh i don't know#it's. hm.#it's making her the kind of whimsical to just like. sit in the rain on a fire escape and listen to olivia rodrigo(???)#instead of meeting her still in her work uniform#tired & exhausted but still ready to sit on the bed w percy#and ask him abt everything EXCEPT getting expelled#it's the way she talks to grover#when the book literally says that percy has NEVER heard her be stern before that moment#(also that she just like. argues back w gabe? the toning down of gabe is. hmmmmm. i think its doing her a disservice)#the fact that she doesn't get to say that she didn't want percy to go to camp half-blood?#& like. book sally has a core of steel that i feel like we just. haven't seen?#they made her argumentative but that's kinda the opposite?#also her conversation abt why she named percy perseus....#i LOVE that SHE thinks that but i hate that she says it to percy yknow???#at least in THAT moment#also. FASCINATED by the choice not to have the car get struck by lightning like. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm#also there's other things here in that like#i feel like they WAY toned down the class stuff w/ percy?#ugh now i'm just getting into other critiques. whatever#but i think those are the adaptational choices that are impacting her too!!#& casting just like. generic white woman#okay. no shade BUT#percy has always been latino to me so like.#generic white woman sally jackson is NOT doing it for me#i keep looking & her & saying who is that#& walker i can buy more bc the emotional resonances he's hitting more for me?#but sally is TRULY not the vibe
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i remember mockingjay the least out of the trilogy so seeing peeta's first interview is surprising, i remembered the gist of that interview but not the impact of it
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icyfox17 · 4 months
More random 911 snippets:
#foxieasks#spruce tag#literally couldve sworn i'd answered this but ALAS tumblr ate my reply bawling#anyways.#fun fact!! before i got into this show this was around the time that i started reading fics for it without knowing any context besides+#what my stepmom had told me#and so far she'd only told me about the ship buddie#but anyways so i started getting interested in it but not enough to actually decide to watch the show#but i was like hmm im curious as to what its like actually like#so i sat down to watch this ep but like the OPENING SCENE HAS SOMEONE GETTING JABBED IN THE NECK BY GLASS (long story) AND THAT WASTOO GORE#FOR ME SO I ENDED UP LEAVING TSKJDFKJDS like damn couldve seen this man get STRUCK BY LIGHTNING IVE SEEN THE GIF IT LOOKS SO COOL#anyways THE EP AFTER THOUGH#IS THE FIRST FULL EP I WATCHED OF THE SHOW LMAOOOO#it was wild coming in and having my stepmom be like “yeah so last week he got struck by lightning and now hes having a fever coma dream”#but spruce. spruce. THIS EP HAD SO MUCH FATHER SON CONTENT ITS ACTUALLY INSANE#ohgodimgonnarunoutoftagshelp#BUT YEAH SO IM WATCHING THIS AND I WASL IKE *STEPMOM U DID NOT TELL ME HOW MUCH FATHER SON CONTENT THERE IS*#and she was like “oh yeah lmao theyre really big actually u get a LOT of content in the show”#and i was like YOU SHOULDVE TOLD ME THAT SOONER NOW I NEED TO WATCH THE SHOW#anyways it still took like a year for me to actually start watching the show bc i was in the middle of a diff show and i was waiting to#finish that before starting a new one#but yeah. it sold me on the show bc of the father son duo skjadfhksafdkj crying i love them so much#but yeah speaking of that now i wanna rewatch the ep bc i am even MORE attached to this duo LIKE THAT EP TOOK ME OUT WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING T#CHARACTERS#NOW???#IM GONNA DIE SPRUCE IM GONNA DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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sayruq · 5 months
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In the early afternoon of 29 November last year, several Palestinian boys descended on to their street in the occupied West Bank, where they often played together.Minutes later, two of them lay dead from gunshots fired by Israeli soldiers - Basil, 15, and eight-year-old Adam. As part of an investigation into the conduct of Israel's security forces in the West Bank, which has been under military occupation for more than half a century, the BBC has pieced together what happened on the day the two boys were killed. Mobile phone and CCTV footage, information about the movements of Israel's military, witness testimony and detailed investigation of the scene, including taking measurements, combine to reveal evidence suggesting serious human rights violations. The evidence we found has prompted Ben Saul, UN special rapporteur on human rights and counter-terrorism, to say the death of Adam appears to be a "war crime".Another legal expert, Dr Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne, described the use of lethal force as “indiscriminate”. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said the circumstances of the deaths were “under review” but said “live fire is used only in order to remove immediate threats or for arrest purposes, following arrest protocols after exhausting other options”.
Video footage from 29 November shows Basil standing next to a hardware store, its shutters firmly locked down. When Israel's military arrives, shops close quickly in Jenin, a city in the West Bank - Palestinian territory which, unlike Gaza, is not run by Hamas. Witnesses said gunfire had been ringing out from a nearby operation by Israel's army in the Jenin refugee camp. Adam, a football fanatic and massive Lionel Messi fan, stood with his older brother Baha, 14. There were about nine boys on the street in total, all captured on CCTV cameras that provided a nearly 360-degree view of what happened next.
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A few hundred metres away, a convoy of at least six armoured Israeli military vehicles turned a corner and began heading towards the boys, who clearly became uneasy. Several of the boys started to move away. At this precise moment, mobile phone footage shows the front door of an armoured vehicle opened. The soldier inside had a direct view of the boys. Basil had darted into the middle of the road, while Adam was 12m further from the soldiers, running away. Then at least 11 gunshots rang out.
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Medical reports obtained by the BBC show that two shots hit Basil in the chest. Another bullet struck eight-year-old Adam in the back of the head as he ran away; his older brother Baha desperately tried to drag him to cover, leaving a trail of blood as he screamed for an ambulance.
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