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tidedicocoez · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
Coez nelle cuffiette.
Coez alla radio, in macchina, immersa nel traffico.
Coez cantato di domenica in pigiama.
Ritrovarsi nelle canzoni di Coez.
Amarsi con le frasi di Coez.
E tatuarsele.
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paradoxical-scribbler · 1 year ago
IDOLOMANIA: obsession or devotion to idols
IKHLAAS: sincerity; great affection
IKIGAI: a reason for being; a reason for getting up in the morning
ILLECEBROUS: alluring; enticing
INAAYAT: kindness; courtesy; favour
INDURATIZE: to resist or harden one's own heart to the idea of love
IRUSU: the act of pretending to not be home when someone knocks at the door
WORDS STARTING WITH: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I
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cpunk-strabismus · 4 months ago
A list of manias, links to more info, and a one/two word descriptor of them.
[PT: A list of manias, links to more info, and a one/two word descriptor of them. End PT]
Please for the love of God read up on these more, and don't take my teeny tiny two-word descriptions as fact.
And most of all, remember: If I get something wrong, you can tell me while being nice. :)
Under the cut because it's long! Here's the TWs, in order:
mentions of sex, "bedrotting," poop, murder, demons, body picking (hair/skin/etc), alcohol,worship, sins, drugs, gambling, self hate, disease, genitalia, war, politics, lying, the aversion to food, porn, STDs, surgery, death, and poison.
Ablutomania - Washing
Aboulomania - Indecisiveness
Agromania - Open Spaces
Andromania - Hypersexuality
Anglomania - England Obsessed
Anthomania - Flowers
Aphrodisiomania - Hypersexuality
Arithmomania - Numbers
Balletomania - Ballet
Bibliomania - Books
Bruxomania - Teeth Grinding
Catapedamania - Jumping down
Chinamania - Collecting china
Choreomania - Dancing
Clinomania - "bedrotting"
Copromania - Poop/Feces
Cytheromania - Hypersexuality
Dacnomania - Killing
Demonomania - Demon Possession
Dermatillomania - Skin Picking
Dinomania - Dancing (See Choreomania)
Dipsomania - Alcohol (See Potomania)
Discomania - Disco
Doramania - Furs
Doromania - Gift giving
Drapetomania - Running Away
Dromomania - Travel
Ecdemomania - Wandering (See Poriomania)
Egomania - Self Worship
Eleutheromania - Freedom
Empleomania - Holding Office
Enosimania - Self's sins
Entheomania - Divine inspiration
Epomania - Writing
Ergomania - Workaholic
Erotomania - Sexual Desire
Etheromania - Ether
Ethnomania - Self's 'people'
Eulogomania - Eulogies
Flagellomania - Flogging
Florimania - Flowers (see Anthomania)
Francomania - France
Gallomania - France
Gamomania - Odd proposals
Graecomania - Greece/Greeks
Graphomania - Writing (see Epomania)
Gigantomania - Large Works
Graphomania - Lists
Hagiomania - Sainthood
Hippomania - Horses
Hydromania - Water
Hylomania - Materialism
Hypermania - LOTSA mania
Hypomania - Less mania
Iconomania - Icons/portraits
Idolomania - Idols
Infomania - Information
Islomania - Islands
Italomania - Italians/Italy
Klazomania - Screaming
Kleptomania - Stealing (See Klopemania)
Klopemania - Stealing (See Kleptomania)
Logomania - Wordy/Talkative
Ludomania - Gambling
Lypemania - Mourning
Macromania - Larger
Megalomania - Wealth/Power
Melomania - Music
Methomania - Alcohol
Metromania - Writing
Micromania - Self Deprecation
Micromania - Being small
Monomania - Single Object/Idea
Morphinomania - Morphine
Musomania - Music
Mythomania - Lying
Narcomania - Narcotics
Nosomania - Disease
Nostomania - Familiar places
Nymphomania - Female Hypersexuality (AN: this gendering is dumb)
Oenomania - Wine
Oligomania - Ideas
Oniomania - Shopping
Onomamania - Names
Onomatomania - Word repetition
Onychotillomania - Fingernail Picking
Opiomania - Opium
Opsomania - Specific food
Orchidomania - Orchids
Parousiamania - Second Coming
Pathomania - Moral Insanity
Peotillomania - Penis pulling
Phagomania - Food
Phaneromania - Nail Biting
Pharmacomania - Trying drugs
Phonomania - Murder
Photomania - Light
Phytomania - Plant Collecting
Planomania - Social norms
Plutomania - Money/Wealth
Polemomania - War
Politicomania - Politics
Polkamania - Polka (dance)
Polymania - Multiple manias
Poriomania - Wandering (See Ecdemomania)
Pornomania - Porn
Potomania - Alcohol (see Dipsomania)
Pseudomania - Lying
Pteridomania - Ferns
Pyromania - Fire!
Rhinotillexomania - Nose Picking
Rinkomania - Skating
Satyromania - Male Hypersexuality (AN: gendering is still dumb)
Scribbleomania - Scribbling/Doodling
Sitiomania - Food aversion
Sophomania - Intelligence
Squandermania - Money wasting
Stampomania - Stamps (See Timbromania)
Syphilomania - Syphilis
Technomania - Technology
Teutomania - Germany/Germans
Thanatomania - Death magic
Theatromania - Theater
Theomania - Self's Divinity
Timbromania - Stamps (See Stampomania)
Tomomania - Surgery
Toxicomania - Poisons
Trichotillomania - Pulling hair
Tulipomania - Tulips
Typomania - Publishing
Uranomania - Divinity
Verbomania - Words
Xenomania - Foreign Things
Zoomania - Animals
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