sunmiyane · 1 year
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Jaebeom having that goofy af vibe, like he's ready to be the world's funniest and chillest bf while also having the most insane face card is wild to me
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kpopsickies · 2 years
Could you write a fic where the members of Got7 pass a cold around. Starting with Mark. (with lots of sneezes)
Sickie: got7
caretaker: got7
*set during Nanana era*
who else misses Got7?
Mark p.o.v
see you guys tomorrow I couldn't believe after nearly a year spent in America away from my bandmates I was finally able to say that. I was sitting in the back of a cab on the way to the airport, We were all going to meet up in Korea to film for our music video. I was feeling a bit off, but considering that it was 4:30 I kinda expected that.
I got to the airport and moved through security, a mask and sunglasses hiding most of my face. I made it through security, the airport was fairly empty, understandable with how early it was. I went to one of the cafes in the airport, wanting caffeine to wake me up. I thought for a few seconds, debating between getting coffee or tea, I decided on coffee because I at least wanted to be awake enough to somewhat function. After I ordered I sat in a corner by my boarding gate. I pulled my phone out and saw that the group chat was blowing up. I smiled at Bambam tormenting Yugyeom, as Yugyeom tried to deny missing Jinyoung. And Bambam exposing Yugyeom with a screenshot of Yugyeom complaining to him about how much he missed annoying Jinyoung. I laughed quietly to myself, as I got more awake I became a bit more aware that maybe I wasn't just feeling "off" because I was tired. I had a bit of a headache and my nose was stuffy. I silently cursed, knowing how awful flying is going to be with a stuffy nose.
My manager came over to me, "Mark, they're starting boarding"
"alright, coming" I quickly texted the group chat to tell them I was boarding the plane. They all wished me a safe flight and Jackson told me to tell him when I landed. I assured him I would. I followed my manager to the line of people to board. I noticed a few people pointing at me, one girl even waved at me. I smiled (not really thinking she'd be able to see with the mask) and waved back. She blushed and frantically told one of the girls next to her, who turned around and just stared at me. I laughed quietly. I had noticed that my nose was not just stuffy, but was getting itchy. "hhnnxktch- hhnkxtch hhnnktch-" I sniffled, the girls in front of me turned around, "bless you"
"thank you" I sniffled. They looked at each other, "are you Mark from got7?"
"no, I'm Chan from stray kids" they laughed, I couldn't help but smile, glad that they found me funny. "where are you flying to?" One of the girls asked, I didn't want to tell them, wanting Aghase to be surprised by the comeback, "home" I said, I mean, they probably assumed I meant LA. "have fun" one of the girls said with a smile, "thank you"
"c-can we get a picture with you?" one of the other girls asked, "sure" I smiled, the mask was still over my face, feeling quite thankful for it as my nose was running after sneezing. My manager offered to take the picture, "why don't you take your mask off?" he said quietly, so the girls wouldn't hear "there aren't a lot of people here" I shook my head, "why not?"
"because, I sneezed" he gave me a strange look, "I think I might be sick" I said, he looked worried, "like how sick?"
"just a cold" I said sniffling, he nodded. The girls and I stood together, right before the manager took the picture I held my hand out, and turned away from the others, "hhxktch- henxtch- nnxktch hhngxtch"
"bless you"
"thank you" I smiled and he got the picture. The girls thanked me multiple times, I smiled, "you're welcome" We boarded the plane, I sat in the window seat next to my manager, "you're sick?"
"I think so, I woke up this morning and felt just kinda off, I thought I was just tired, but now I have a headache and my nose is really stuffy. Plus my throat is kinda sore" I explained, "have you taken anything yet?" I shook my head, "I didn't realize I was sick" I explained, sniffling. My nose had been running basically non-stop. The plane began taxiing, "i'm going back to sleep" I said leaning against the window, "go ahead" I was actually surprised that I managed to fall asleep. I woke up to a horrible sharp pain in my eyes and nose. My ears were crackling and felt like my head was about to explode. I barely stifled the painful groan that escaped past my lips. "you alright Mark?"
"really hurts" I rubbed the bridge of my nose, "sinus pressure?" I nodded, he handed me some tissues, I took a few and blew my nose as quietly as I possibly could. "we're landing now" he said, I nodded, "how long was I asleep for?"
"six hours"
"six hours!?" he nodded, "your next flight is going to be long, It's LA to Korea" I groaned "how long?"
"about 15 hours" I nodded, I knew it would be long, but it would be miserable with how I was feeling. "Don't worry, we can find a shop in the airport and drug you" I smiled.
It seemed like forever before I finally landed in Korea. My head was definitely going to explode, I'm sure of it. It was about 4 when we landed in Korea. I was the last one to get here, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, Youngjae, and Jaebum were already in korea so it was easy for them, Jackson got in the morning from China and Bambam got in maybe two hours before me.
My manager and I took a taxi to Jaebum's house. He said as the leader he'd provide his house for us all to stay in when we were in Korea. The koreans said they could stay at their own houses, but we all agreed we wanted to be together. I arrived, before going inside I made sure to blow my nose a couple of times and drink some water, trying to sound as normal as possible. I left the car, thanking my manager for all him help. He was pulling out as I knocked on the front door. It flew open a second later and Bambam was standing there. "MARK HYUNG IS HERE!!!" He yelled into the house, I cringed at how loud his voice was, He pulled me inside and gave me a quick hug. Jackson came hurrying in, "HYUNG YOU DIDN'T TEXT ME WHEN YOU LANDED!" I winced at his loud voice, which was doing nothing for my headache. "sorry Jackson" I was so distracted by my headache and my sinuses deciding they hated me that I had forgotten. "You said you would" he looked upset, but I could hear the teasing in his voice. "sorry, I was up so early this morning" I noticed my voice sounded really congested. "you alright Mark?" Jaebum, who had just come into the living room, asked. I nodded, "I've got a little bit of a cold but no big deal" I sniffled, The others looked concerned, “flying with a stuffy nose is the worst” Yugyeom said as he handed me a box of tissues. I thanked the maknae and took a few tissues, finally feeling comfortable enough to fully blow my nose. 
“how long have you been sick for?” Jaebeom asked, “I’m not sure, I know I started feeling sick this morning. At first I thought I was just really tired but throughout the day I’ve started feeling worse” 
“have you taken anything?” Jinyoung asked. “yeah, but it was back in LA so like almost 20 hours ago.” I explained, “hhnxgtch- nnggxtch- hhh- hhxgtch-” 
“bless you” The others said, I sniffled and thanked them, “are you hungry? We were just about to eat” I nodded, sniffling and rubbing my nose with the back of my hand. “after we eat you should take medicine and get some rest, especially if you’re sick” I shook my head, “I slept on the flight so I’m not super tired.” I explained, coughing after, my throat had gotten annoyingly sore. “we can watch something, because you need to rest, especially as we’ll start filming soon, we can’t have you sick while filming” Jaebum explained. 
Jaebum p.o.v
The seven of us began eating, I kept a close eye on Mark, who had been periodically sniffling and sneezing throughout the meal. He didn’t seem to have a fever, but I made a mental note to check, just in case. After dinner Mark volunteered to help do dishes, but Yugyeom and Bambam both turned him away, “no hyung, you need to rest” Yugyeom said, Bambam nodded in agreement. “c’mon hyung, let’s drug you and get you resting” Jinyoung said. Mark nodded, he followed us to the living room, pausing to sneeze. He winced after, rubbing his throat. “maybe if you didn’t stifle it wouldn’t hurt as much” Jackson said, gently patting Mark’s shoulder. “it’s a habit” Mark explained with a wet sniffle. He sat down on the couch, Jackson sat next to him, Mark leaned against him. I knew neither of them would admit it, but you could see how excited they were to see each other. Jinyoung came in with a bottle of pills, he handed it to Mark, who thanked him, he took a few out and swallowed them without water, Youngjae cringed, “I still don’t get how you can do that!” Mark laughed, “I’m amazing” Jackson and Jinyoung both rolled their eyes, Youngjae just shook his head, I laughed. The maknaes both came into the room together, loudly bickering about something. “It was in 2019!”
“no it wasn’t! It was 2018!”
“What are you guys arguing about?” Mark asked, coughing a bit after. “Itzy debuted in 2019, but someone-” Yugyeom said jabbing Bambam’s side with his elbow- “thinks they debuted in 2018.” Jinyoung pulled out his phone, “I actually think Yugyeom is right” a second later he nodded, “yep, 2019.” 
“HA! I was right!” Yugyeom yelled, Bambam rolled his eyes, “okay fine, you were right, just this once. But I was right about stray kids” They must have noticed the questioning look given because Bambam was quick to explain, “he thought stray kids was a 9 member group, but I was right, they had 9, but they’re 8 now” (😭) Jinyoung rolled his eyes, Mark laughed, coughing a bit after. “what are we watching?” Yugyeom asked sitting down next to Mark
“*insert show here*” 
“oh, that’s good” Bambam sat down on Yugyeom’s other side. The seven of us watched for nearly 4 hours, getting through 6 full episodes, Mark fell asleep about halfway through the third episode. Jackson informed us that Mark felt really warm, and after taking his temperature, (somehow without waking him up) we discovered he had a low fever. At the end of the night we all retreated to our rooms to sleep, except Jackson who stayed on the couch with Mark laying asleep across his lap, explaining to us he didn’t want to wake him up. 
Jackson p.o.v 
The next morning I woke up and still felt a weight over my legs, signifying Mark was still asleep. I was stiff and sore from sleeping sitting up the night before. I also was thankful that I didn’t feel sick, which Jaebum hyung has warned me about, saying that with how much Mark was all over me I’d likely get sick. I explained that I have the best immune system out of all the members, and that I wasn’t worried. I moved Mark off of me as carefully as I could as went to the kitchen and found that Yugyeom, Jaebum, and Youngjae were already awake. “morning” I said as I walked into the kitchen, “good morning” 
“Is Mark still asleep?” Jb asked, I nodded, “hhnggtCHU- nnggtCHU- hh- hhngtcHU- HNngtCHU” I was startled at the outburst from the makane. 
“bless you” The rest of us said, “thanks” he took a napkin from the center of the table. “Did Mark  give you his cold?” Yugyeom shook his head, “it’s just allergies hyungs” the maknae explained, “you sure? you were sitting next to Mark hyung last night” Yugyeom nodded, “I’m sure. It feels different when it’s a cold vs allergies” he explained smiling. 
We were distracted when a fit of coughing sounded from the kitchen door, we looked towards it and saw Mark standing there, “good morning” we said, Mark smiled, “how’re you feeling hyung?” 
“somewhat more alive” he said with a slight laugh. He looked at me, “did you stay with me all night last night? when I woke up at 3 you were still there” I nodded, “you’ll get sick” I shrugged, “i have a strong immune system”
“that doesn’t mean you’re invincible” Mark said with a tired smile. he sat down next to me and pressed a hand to my forehead, “I’m not sick hyung” I said laughing as i gently pushed his hand off my forehead. Mark gave me a look and nodded his head towards the living room, signaling he wanted to talk to me. I shrugged and followed him. “What’s up hyung?” 
“you have a fever” I was surprised, “I do?” 
“i think so, you felt really warm” 
“I don’t feel sick though” I said feeling confused, I mean yeah i was a bit sore, but that’s probably from being on a plane for so long, or so I thought. Once he pointed it out I did notice a bit of pain behind my eyes, that hadn’t really seemed like anything before, now I was really feeling it. I frowned, “how could I have gotten sick so fast?”
“well besides the fact you and I were sleeping right next to each other, you were also really tired from flying all day, and typically- hhktchh- nngxtch- sorry, typically people who are tired are more susceptible to getting sick because their immune system is weakened.” I nodded at the explanation, “bless you by the way” He sniffled and thanked me. The two of us went back to the kitchen where the rest of the members had gathered. “everything okay?” Jinyoung asked as Mark and I sat down. Before I could say anything Mark jumped in, “Jackson’s sick” the others all groaned, “how long do you guys think it will be until we’re all sick?” Bambam asked, Jaebum stood up, “I’ll call the manager and let him know that Mark and Jackson are sick” He left the room, Jinyoung turned to the rest of us, “is anyone else feeling sick?” Youngjae and Bambam both shook their heads, but the maknae half raised his hand, “I thought it was just allergies but now I’m not so sure” he admitted. “okay, I’ll go tell Jaebum” he stood up, Yugyeom lay his head down on the table. Bambam, who was sitting next to him, placed his hand on his forehead, “shit bro, you’re burning up” Yugyeom nodded, “I feel like it” the maknae’s eyes were glassy with fever. 
Jaebum came in and noticed Yugyeom with his head on the table. Concern evident on his face. “Does Yugyeom have a fever?” 
“yeah, so does Jackson” Mark explained, “do you?” he shrugged, I placed my hand on his forehead but quickly discovered my own fever was making it hard to get an accurate reading. Jaebum came over and placed his hand on the oldest’s forehead. “Yeah, he’s got a fever” he then placed his hand on my forehead, “I think Jackson’s is a little bit higher though” He walked towards the cupboard and took out a thermometer. He went to Mark first and handed it to him. Mark placed it under his tongue, a few seconds later it beeped, “100.5″ (38.1) Jaebum nodded, he cleaned off the thermometer and handed it to me. “100.7″ (38.2) he cleaned it off and placed it under his own tongue, “98.5, normal.” (36.9) “do you feel sick hyung?” Bambam asked, Jaebum shook his head, “I just wanted to check. I think we all should” He explained passing it to Jinyoung. A few seconds later Jinyoung announced “Same as Jb, Normal”  
“that’s good” the leader said, before cleaning it and handing it to Youngjae. “I feel fine hyung” Youngjae explained, “I know. We just want to check” Youngjae nodded and slipped it under his tongue. A second later it beeped and Youngjae took it out. He stared at it for a few seconds. “what is it?” I asked, Youngjae looked confused. “99.9 but i feel fine” (37.7) 
“were you drinking hot coffee?” Jinyoung asked. Youngjae half nodded, “yeah, but it was like 20 minutes ago. Jinyoung placed his hand on Youngjae’s forehead, “you do feel a little bit warm” Youngjae’s forehead was creased with a frown, “I feel fine though” 
“let’s not stress about it. We’ll just keep an eye on you and-”
“hIAhtchu” Jackson interrupted, “sorry”
“It’s fine, bless you- But, we’ll just see how you’re feeling at the end of the day” Jaebum addressed Youngjae, “okay” He nodded, he didn’t look sick, he wasn’t even pale. Youngjae handed the thermometer to Bambam, who wiped it off on his tshirt and stuck it under his tongue. “I don’t think that is really going to do anything” Jinyoung said with a not well hidden eye roll. Bambam half glared at him. Looking slightly ridiculous with a thermometer in his mouth. A second later it beeped. “97.9″ (36.6) 
“I forgot you’re a penguin” Youngjae said rolling his eyes. bambam laughed, “at least it’s normal. I hate being sick” He glanced at Yugyeom who was still lying on the table. “you alright bro?” Yugyeom nodded, he sat up, he took the thermometer from Bambam. A second later it beeped, he looked at it, frowning, he handed it to Bambam. “101.9″ (38.8) Bambam read looking concerned. He gently rubbed the maknae’s back. “geez kid.” Jaebum said, looking worried, “always run warm” Yugyeom said, trying to reassure us. He sat up, and it was clear he was sick, his skin was a pasty white, his eyes glazed over with fever. “how about we have a movie and resting day” Jinyoung said, his eyes lingered over the maknae. “I second that” Mark said, his voice was congested and cracked. The seven of us slowly made our way to the living room, Yugyeom heavily relied on Bambam while they walked. It was concerning to see. 
We all settled down, Yugyeom was leaning against Bambam on the couch, he looked half-asleep already. Mark and I sat together at the other end, Jinyoung sat between us and the maknaes. Jaebum and Youngjae sat on the floor in front of the couch. 
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Two JayB sneezes
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multifanhoe99 · 1 year
Kinktober Day 3- Lingerie
This is gonna be self-indulgent as hell and I am not sorry but also I hope you enjoy it!
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Pairing: non-idol!JB x afab!Reader
Warnings: Pet names (Daddy, Princess, Baby), mentions of panty stealing, mentions of masturbation, oral (fem. receiving), PIV intercourse, creampie (fem. receiving), no condom (be safe out there y'all), spanking, hair pulling
=Please let me know if I missed any.=
~18+ MDNI ~
It was not often that you wanted to buy fancy things. Even less often the fancy stuff you happen to buy turns out to be something sexy to wear for your husband. This time you couldn't help it. One day in your boredom you decided to do some online shopping and found a gorgeous lacey emerald green set that you knew would look amazing against your skin tone. Even better it was on sale! One night's bored purchase is another night's fun. Honestly, you had almost completely forgotten you bought it until it came in the mail today. It was a pleasant surprise, a gift from your past self and you couldn't help but be thrilled. Just then you got another idea. You were going to make an event of it. You had the day off to relax anyway why not make it worthwhile. With that determination in mind, you went to take a shower to get ready for what you had planned. After your shower, you applied some light makeup and fixed your hair into neat french braids that finished off as low pigtails. He liked your hair like that for very obvious reasons. Then you put on the new lingerie set you bought. On top of it, you put on the dress you know he loves seeing you in the most. It's a long red sundress with flowers on it and a slit that goes up the middle rather than down the side. Once you were all dolled up and ready you decided to head to the kitchen to fix up his favorite meal and to set the table like they would in a restaurant.
When you were finally done you sent a quick text to your husband, -I have a surprise for you when you get home! I hope you like it I love you. See you soon!- You knew he should be on his way home by now and the notification would come up on the dash screen of his car. A few minutes later you get his reply, - I can't wait! I am almost home. I love you too!- It was exciting waiting in anticipation for him to come home. Not even five minutes later while you were putting the finishing touches on the meal you heard the front door open and close. You went out to greet him, "Hello my love how was work?"
"Ah, you know same old-," he pauses when he finally looks up from taking off his shoes to switch to his house slippers, "Wow, what's the special occasion that my beautiful wife feels the need to make my knees weak."
"There is no special occasion I just felt like pampering my handsome husband because he's been working extra hard lately," you replied moving closer to give him a kiss. He instantly returned the kiss and placed his hands on your hips. Before the kiss could get any more heated you pulled away, "Dinner is ready in the kitchen. I made your favorite."
"Have I ever told you that I love you," he asks following you into the kitchen/dining room.
"Only every single day Jae," you respond with a giggle at his affection. No matter how long you two have been together Im Jaebum gives you butterflies like it's still the very first date. Upon seeing the spread you had laid out on the table he came up to hug you from behind and whispered in your ear, "So you did all of this just because I have been working extra hard? I feel like you are planning something, Princess."
"What I can't just want to do something nice for you," you ask trying not to give your true intentions away.
"Okay, I will believe you for now. Let's eat then," he says giving you one more kiss on the head before going to sit down. You both enjoy your meal together and he helps you clean up. When everything was cleaned and put away you went up to JB and wrapped your arms around his neck. He placed his hands back on your hips. You lean closer to whisper in his ear again, "There is more to your surprise. Join me in the bedroom will you?"
"See I knew you were up to something," he says with a smile but follows you to the bedroom anyway. You sit him down on the edge of the bed and tell him to close his eyes. Once you are sure he isn't peeking you remove the dress you were wearing and throw it into the hamper in the corner of the room. You let him know that he can open his eyes and when he does you don't fail to notice the way his eyes darken when they look at you. His expression shifts from one of pure admiration to something darker and full of lust. You can hear it in the timber of his voice when he says, "Come here princess let daddy get a closer look at you."
You can't help but do what he asks this was your plan after all and you couldn't be more glad that it worked. As you step closer he places his hands on your thighs. It is gentle at first and then he moves up higher. Wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you closer so he can see as he moves his hands up to your ass and giving it a firm squeeze. Then he lands a sharp spank on your left cheek and soothes it by rubbing his hand softly over the spot. "Look at you, baby. You look so good for me all wrapped in lace like this. I will try not to ruin it while I am busy fucking you into oblivion," he growls from his position below you. From that same position, he lifts you up with no issues and tosses you gently onto the bed so that you're lying on your back.
He takes his sweet time kissing and nipping at your inner thighs. He makes his way so slowly to the place you need him most. You can feel how wet you are just from this and he hasn't even properly started yet. You know that he is doing this on purpose and are sure this was his own plan ever since he became suspicious of you planning something. He was moving so slowly and so gently and you knew that he could see how much it affected you from the ever-growing wet patch on your new panties. "Da-daddy please don't tease me anymore I c-can't take it. I need you please," you beg gasping when he nips just a little bit harder at your most sensitive parts.
"That's it, baby beg for me. Beg for me to use this pretty little pussy however I want," he replies finally giving you some type of relief by rubbing a thumb up and down your covered folds. He continued that for a little while longer and then gave in at the sound of your desperate moans. He pulled the panties down your legs and once they were fully off he shoved them into the pocket of his slacks. You already struggled to think and he was only getting started. It only got worse when he finally gave your pussy the attention you wanted him to. He licked a long stripe up your glistening folds humming in satisfaction at your taste.
"What do you think princess should I take my time eating you out until you cum again and again on my face or would you just like me to get you ready enough to take my cock," he asks. It was getting hard to form words. The combination of his tongue and his two fingers that joined shortly after his question was blurring your mind with pleasure. He stops all movement to say, "Come on baby use your words. Already so fucked dumb and I have barely even done anything yet. What do you want you can say it."
"I w- I want to-to-to- wanna get ready for daddy's cock," you say barely able to string the sentence together. Jaebum had a way of doing that to you and you loved it. You loved being able to give yourself over to the pleasure he brought you and he loved it too. Hearing your answer JB dove in like a man starved. After so many years he knew your body like nobody else and he knew exactly what to do to bring you over the edge. His mouth licking your sensitive clit and his middle and ring fingers plunging deep into you. Every time you'd touch yourself when he wasn't around you could never get your fingers to go as deep as his. He brought you ecstasy like nothing else. You could feel yourself getting closer.
"Daddy I am so close please can I cum I really wanna cum on your face please please, please," you begged almost crying.
"Cum baby cum all over my face and then again one more time on my cock after," he said temporarily removing his mouth from your clit and then going right back. When he replaces his mouth you feel yourself let go coming all over his face and fingers. It feels so good but you know you aren't done yet. He wastes no time moving away to remove his own clothes and then flipping you over. He pulls your hips up and once he has the right position he slides right in. He gives you enough time to adjust to him and as soon as he's sure you're okay he sets a fast pace. At first, his hands are on your hips giving your ass harsh slaps every so often that make you yelp and moan at the painful pleasure. Then his hands move to your hair each hand taking one of the pigtails and then pulling back making your back arch and he is able to hit a new deeper angle. He can feel you tightening around him and he knows you're close again which is good because so is he. He leans down into your ear, "That's it, baby just a little more, and then let's cum together yeah?"
He keeps up this pace and it is only a matter of time before you're falling off the edge cumming all over his cock and he follows seconds after. Cum spurting out in thick ropes into you. It takes a moment for you both to calm down but when you finally do he goes to the bathroom to get a warm rag to clean you up. "That was amazing and you should online shop more often if this is what it leads to," he jokes.
"Yeah I will get right on that," you respond with a laugh. He helps you clean up, take your make-up off, and let your hair down. You both fall asleep in each other's arms after exchanging a sincere 'I love you' and you couldn't be happier to end your day with him.
A/N: HOLY COW!!! I am so sorry for being so late on this one but like I said it was really self-indulgent and I definitely got super carried away. Luckily day 3 is done and day 4 will be out later today so as a bonus for this one being late you technically get two in one day! HOORAY!
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smileysuh · 10 months
Smiley Suh's Numbered Fic Collection con't
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the main masterlist has too many links so this is the elongated version, these are my earliest fics :)
NCT directory
SVT directory
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2020 [wc] 152.9
#22: Switch pt 3 : johnny & jaehyun & hyuck ›[wc] 4.1k [18+] smut; 4some, vouyerism, etc. ›[au] ceo & sugar baby [series] ceo
#21: New : doyoung & taeyong ›[wc] 12.5k [18+] smut; 3some, bdsm, spitroasting, etc. ›[au] ceo & poly [series] ceo
#20: break - haechan ›[wc] 8.5k [18+] smut; degradation, oral, etc. ›[au] demon
#19: Switch pt 2 : johnny & jaehyun & hyuck ›[wc] 5.6k [18+] smut; 4some, spitroasting, etc. ›[au] ceo & sugar baby [series] ceo
#18: TheJinyoung : got7 jinyoung ›[wc] 4.7k [18+] smut; bdsm, toys, vouyerism, etc. ›[au] camgirl & idol [series] cam baby
#17: Lucas99 & Hendery99 : lucas & hendery ›[wc] 3.6k [18+] smut; 3some, spitroasting, etc. ›[au] camgirl & idol [series] cam baby
#16: Switch pt 1 : johnny & jaehyun & hyuck ›[wc] 6.4k [18+] smut; 4some, bdsm, vouyerism, etc. ›[au] ceo & sugar baby [series] ceo
#15: Beommie : got7 jaebum ›[wc] 3.7k [18+] smut; anal, squirting, vouyerism, etc. ›[au] camgirl & idol [series] cam baby
#14: PubGMarkT : got7 mark tuan ›[wc] 2.6k [18+] smut; video game sex, vouyerism, etc. ›[au] camgirl & idol [series] cam baby
#13: NiceGuyJohnny : nct johnny ›[wc] 2.9k [18+] smut; oral, fingering, vouyerism, etc. ›[au] camgirl & idol [series] cam baby
#12: the dragon : lucas ›[wc] 6k [18+] smut; car sex, exhibitionism, etc. ›[au] boxer
#11: whist pt 2 : Taeyong & Lucas ›[wc] 2.7k [18+] smut; 3some, spit roasting, etc. ›[au] yandere & poly [part 1] here
#10: hyungs : hwajoong & san ›[wc] 4.7k [18+] smut; 4some, spitroasting, etc. ›[au] tattooist & poly
#9: fallen : lucas ›[wc] 6k [18+] smut; fingering, praise, oral, etc. ›[au] angel
#8: invidious : Johnny & Jaehyun ›[wc] 4.1k [18+] smut; 3some, spitroasting, oral, etc. ›[au] friends with benefits & idol
#7: a lil flipper : mark tuan ›[wc] 3k [18+] smut; impreg kink, fingering, etc. ›[au] idol & breeding
#6: whist pt 1 : taeyong & lucas ›[wc] 4.5k [18+] smut; 3some, overstim, etc. ›[au] yandere & poly [part 2] here
#5: mine : hongjoong & seonghwa  ›[wc] 3.4k [18+] smut; 3some, oral, impreg kink, etc. ›[au] idol & friends with benefits
#4: open season 2 : jaebum & jinyoung & jackson & mark ›[wc] 8.2k [18+] smut; 5some, orgy, anal, etc. ›[au] non idol & poly
#3: open season 1 : jinyoung & jackson & mark ›[wc] 5.3k [18+] smut; 4some, spitroasting, oral, etc. ›[au] non idol & poly
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2019 [wc] 12.2k
#2: four days : namjoon & suga ›[wc] 4.8k [18+] smut; 3some, d.p, anal, etc. ›[au] uni & poly
#1: nefarious : taehyung & j.k ›[wc] 7.4k [18+] smut; 3some, d.p, anal, etc. ›[au] yandere & poly 
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Find the rest of my masterlist here
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astroyongie · 9 months
Idols that Irene would be attracted to?
3rd gen: Yuta, doyoung, Kihyun, Hyungwon, Vernon, Seungkwan, Jhope, Suho, Chnayeol, Kyungsoo, Jaebum, Song, Jinjin
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kgyeomiex · 9 months
Distraction (M)
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“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking towards me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
JYP has announced a new girl group in the company and you happened to be one of the members. The moment you signed in, that was the moment you were hoping to just focus on music and your career, but something gets in the way. A massive love triangle is what causes a bumpy road for you and your future.
Previous Parts:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 //
Part 9 is here~
Regardless of what you say, you will always get distracted by these boys. Jaebum and Mark tend to show up out of nowhere when you try your hardest to focus on your music...
A normal person would stand by their group and show their devotion and full attention to the music however in your case it’s different...
“Y/N, I was hoping I would bump into you,” Mark says, smiling right at you.
Right now, your brain was telling you to get away and focus on the big day but for some reason, your feet weren't moving.
“M-mark, what’s up?” Why did you just stutter... Great not only is your body ignoring your command, but now you can’t even speak to the boy.
“I don’t know if you’re busy, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get lunch with me... Just me,” Mark wanted to go eat with you? How on earth can you say no to that?
Even though you knew you should reject his kind gesture you just spoke without really thinking about your answer.
“Sure,” as soon as you said that you realized what you said, and you tried your hardest to smile instead of showing your shocked face.
“Perfect... I just need to return this to Yugyeom but if you’d like you can meet me in the front,” Mark suggests, and instead of saying anything you nodded your head and continued to smile.
Okay clearly speaking wasn’t helping you out... Instead, it was making things more complicated for you.
“Great, I’ll see you soon,” Mark smiles and takes off.
Instead of even moving you stood there frozen trying to figure out what your plan was... Just a second ago you were talking about devoting all your attention to your career and not on boys. Crazy how your mindset was so quick to change...
Okay... Look at the situation this way. Mark and you were probably just going to eat and then from there split off in your directions.
Hopefully after spending some time with Mark, you can then focus on your music and less on boys....
Yeah... That sounds like a good idea. Will it work? To be honest I have no idea, but a girl can hope and dream.
“Jackson did what?” You couldn't help but laugh as Mark was trying to explain how Jackson ended up kissing Jaebum on the lips.
“It was by accident though... Just know that in interviews they will make you do unexpected things like where you have to pass papers around to other members by only using your lips...” You’ve always seen other idols do that and to be honest you always wanted to try it but at the same time no...
“Have you had an incident where you accidentally kissed one of your members?” You asked Mark as you reached in for your drink. He silently thought to himself and then looked at you.
“Okay maybe once or twice... But the whole purpose of the game is to prevent the paper from falling... The paper that these people write is horrible material and always ends up falling at the end,” you smiled, and then a question popped into your head.
“So, Mark tells me, who’s a better kisser?” You asked Mark teasing him and he laughed.
“It’s not like that,” the two of you suddenly began to laugh.
“Even if I did accidentally kiss one of the boys, I didn’t enjoy any of them,” Mark defended himself and you just smiled.
Sitting in front of Mark and having lunch with him wasn’t bad. The two of you were just spending time with one another and laughing, you know what friends do.
“Hey Y/N... I know this is random, but I have a question,” Mark says, and before you could answer you grabbed a napkin and wiped your mouth before replying.
“What’s up?” You asked as soon as you finished chewing.
“I know I probably shouldn't ask a question like this, but I can’t help but be curious...” At first, you were confused. What kind of question was Mark planning to ask you but then you had an idea... It’s probably going to involve what happened back at the studio when you were being put on the spot in front of everyone.
“Ask away,” you had an idea of what this question was going to be, and even though you weren’t ready to answer you had to face it eventually.
“Do Jaebum and you possibly have a secret relationship?” Mark asks, looking directly at you.
Well, that was straightforward... There is nothing to hide because Jaebum and you aren’t even dating or anything. When you told the boys back at the studio that you don’t have a relationship with Jaebum or Mark you were serious about it.
The answer would be beyond different if the boys were to ask what your feelings towards them but since they didn’t you are fine.
“No Jaebum and I are just friends,” you said as you looked into Mark’s eyes, so he knew you were telling the truth.
“That’s good to hear,” you were about to ask him why but then suddenly a memory replayed in your head...
For a second you almost forgot that Mark confessed he liked you... You looked down at your plate of food and tried your hardest to contain your smile.
Eventually, silence appeared and the two of you were now sitting there eating not saying a single word to one another...
So were you two planning to stay quiet now...
The both of you stopped talking and just smiled.
Things were starting to become complicated... After talking to Sana and hearing her advice you looked at Mark and then back at your food. You came to JYP to live your dreams, not look for boys...
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You remember reading an article where DAY6 had 6 members in the beginning, but someone was kicked out after JYP found out he had a girlfriend.
If you continue to allow your feelings to get in the way you will get kicked out of the company before you can live your dreams.
“What do your plans consist of tomorrow?” Marks asks and you suddenly begin to move your food around not wanting to eat.
“Um well, tomorrow we will have our debut showcase. Then we have photoshoots and interviews so tomorrow will be a very busy day.” In the past couple of days, you have had a chance to spend time with the boys which led you to catch feelings for them... But after today you were going to be busy.
Maybe being busy was going to be a good thing. You weren’t going to have the urge to want to spend time with Jaebum and Mark... Maybe you’ll even get over this crush of yours.
“So will I not be able to see you?” Mark suddenly asks and at that moment the both of you make eye contact.
“I’m not sure....”
Comments like this made it hard to forget why you liked him.
“Well... I enjoyed this lunch, but I think it’s time for me to head back and practice until my feet fall off,” you said dramatically, and Mark smiled.
“Don’t overwork yourself, you do have a busy day head,”
You got up from your seat, grabbed your tray, and left while you could...
Comments like this make it hard for you to just “forget” you have a crush on Mark. He was sweet and considerate.
But sometimes you must sacrifice something for something else... When you look at things it's either you choose your dreams or some boy...
Dance practice was going well; however, you would be lying if you were to say you were distracted even if it was the slightest. What was worse about all of this was that you couldn’t talk to your members about it.
You were trying everything you could to ignore your thinking about Mark and focus on what was important... Tomorrow and your busy schedule.
“Okay everyone let’s take 5,” your leader says as she tries to catch her breath.
You all agreed. You walked over to a wall and instantly sat down.
“Y/N!” You looked over and noticed your bandmate Daeun sitting beside you.
“You know although we live together and practice, I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in forever,” it was true but so much has been going on. . .
“I know. But I mean with this debut coming up we’ve all been tired and busy,” you said, and she nodded her head.
She grabs her water bottle and looks at you.
“I know it’s none of my business but lately I noticed you’ve been looking pretty distracted, is everything alright?” You looked at her and began to contemplate with yourself.
Should you open up to Daeun about your situation or keep it to yourself?
You didn’t mean to keep secrets to any of your bandmates, but to be fair you weren’t close to them. Also, this included something that could involve a scandal if you don’t play your cards right and this can affect everyone.
You wouldn’t know how Daeun would feel if you told her about both Mark and Jaebum and how you may like them. . .
“I have been distracted, but it’s nothing concerning. . . Just worried about failing and disappointing everyone around me,” you decided to keep it vague and simple with your explanation.
“Well, girl you have nothing to worry about. Honestly, one thing I always tell myself and I will share with you is that there is no need to stress about the small things. Life has a way of figuring things out, everything happens for a reason.” Daeun says and you nod your head.
“But what if. . .You know something you want to do can affect others around you . . .”
After blurting that out, Daeun looked slightly concerned but instead of asking me what was up, she shrugged.
“Well, only you know what’s best for you. Sometimes you must be selfish and take the risk to make yourself happy before others.” You were surprised to hear advice like this from Daeun, but she was right.
Min-Seo suddenly called everyone back up and we continued to practice. . . After speaking to Daeun, you felt a little less distracted. . .
Everything happens for a reason, right?
You weren’t expecting any of this to take place. You were stuck in a weird position.
When you auditioned to become an idol and even got ACCEPTED you were so happy words could not describe the feeling you felt. You felt speechless, you felt like this was either a mistake or they were probably confusing you with someone else or you felt like you were dreaming...
You remember before your auditions you slept so little to make sure that your routine for your audition went well.
Now here you are about to debut but now you are distracting yourself.
Instead, you are here suddenly getting swayed by boys in this company.
It wouldn’t be much of an issue if JYP didn’t have the dating ban... But if you want to continue being an idol you have to literally push off your feelings and maybe even stop talking to them.
You have worked way too hard to get where you are now. On top of that, you began to recall all the stressful moments you had to endure while training. The harsh criticism you would receive, the whiplash attitude your coaches would give, and the overwhelming feeling you had to deal with...
Honestly, training was probably one of the hardest times you have ever experienced. Back in the dorm, you remember calling your mom and breaking down. You remember the number of times you considered quitting and going to a new root, but you didn’t allow yourself to quit.
Instead, you put on your big girl pants and knew you were going to debut sooner or later.
You worked too hard to suddenly throw all of this away.
Usually, dilemmas like this were a no-brainer but as you began to think.... What if you never feel this way with anyone else you ever meet?
You knew that this was probably just an excuse to avoid letting go of the person you were starting to like...
Were you really going to throw away something you worked so hard for over a guy?
Thinking of Mark was not helping... And weirdly enough you caught yourself even thinking about Jaebum.
You got back on your feet and shook your head.
Now it’s time to focus on what’s important.
After rehearsing the rest of the members were ready to call it a night to head back to the dorm and relax before the big day. However, due to all the distractions you have been experiencing, you decided to stay back to rehearse for an hour or two to make sure you got everything set for tomorrow.
After practicing the main track dance, you felt yourself out of breath. You sat on the floor and looked at yourself in the mirror.
“You got this!” you told yourself trying to tell yourself words of encouragement.
You can’t keep distracting yourself with the thought of these beautiful men. You worked way too hard to be where you are now... How are you going to let that escape through your fingers with just one minor mistake?
You got up and you heard your phone make a noise.
You walked over to your phone and picked it up.
To be honest you were expecting it to be one of your members telling you to head home and rest up for the big day but no...
The person who was texting you at 11 pm was Jaebum.
I heard you were still in the company, so I decided to come by and take you home :)
This text brought mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to receive a text from one of the boys themselves because, to be honest, you enjoyed having a conversation with them. HOWEVER, this is the type of distraction you were trying to avoid.
You brushed your fingers through your hair removing the hair from your face and took a deep breath.
Okay. . . What if you agree for Jaebum to walk you back to the dorm for one last time? That way once you debut you can forget about your friendship with the boys and look at the bigger picture. YEAH!
You texted Jaebum agreeing to his gesture and then put our phone to the side.
Let’s just practice one more time before you call it quits.
As you were dancing the last chorus you suddenly noticed a shadow creeping up by the dance studio door. You were going to stop to look back, but you couldn’t afford distraction. You assumed it was Jaebum so instead of looking back you continued to dance and lip sync not trying to miss a beat.
As you were on the floor doing a dance move, you noticed Jaebum walking in and then looked away looking at yourself in the mirror instead.
Look at the bigger picture.
You continued to perform as if you were standing on stage in front of a big crowd, but you were tempted to look over and look at Jaebum.
Fortunately, the song was coming to an end.
As you were finishing the last set of dance moves, you posed as the music came to an end and you could hear Jaebum cheering.
You looked over and smiled.
You wanted to say something, but you needed to catch your breath.
Jaebum noticed how tired you were after that last dance, and he noticed your water bottle close by the dance studio window. He grabbed the water bottle, walked over to you and you looked at him.
“Thank you,” you grabbed onto the water bottle and then took a sip before you continued to talk to Jaebum.
After taking a sip, you looked at him.
“What brings you to the studio, shouldn’t you be home?” You asked him and he shrugged.
“We finished early with recordings, and I was told that you were still in the dance studio so I came to make an appearance.” you couldn’t lie you felt your heart warm up a little at the thought of Jaebum staying here to see you.
No.... You don’t like him. . . You think.
As you walked over to your bag you said “You didn’t have to stay, you could have gone home and rested. I’m sure you had a busy day,”
Jaebum shrugged and smiled.
“Waiting for you was no problem. . . I was hoping I had a chance to see you today,” as those words came out of Jaebum's mouth you looked over at him and couldn’t help but smile.
Comments like this are not helping whatsoever.
Sometimes you get curious and wonder if Jaebum was interested in you as a woman but then again maybe it’s better if you don’t know the answer to that.
Your brain and your feelings are in a complete battle. What the hell are you supposed to do?
You realized you were so lost in your thoughts you haven’t responded to Jaebum.
“Ah so you just wanted me to bug you more, well your wish is my command,” you teased Jaebum, and he laughed.
You couldn’t risk being flirtatious with Jaebum. You don’t know what kind of outcome comes with and right about now you didn’t want to put yourself in any kind of predicament. Now that you were trying your hardest to stay on the right path you knew you just had to friend-zone the man.
“What can I say, life becomes a little bit more exciting when I am with you,” Jaebum blurts out, and after hearing that you instantly avoid eye contact.
Oh no... He is making it harder and harder to not like.
“Sometimes I wonder if becoming an idol is worth all this trouble,” you confessed to Jaebum as you two strolled along the street side by side. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean the restriction we have when becoming an idol. We have to put up this facade to keep fans happy. We have to give them this illusion that we are perfect and happy all the time when in reality we are human like the rest of them. . .” You weren’t even an idol yet, but you already started to feel like the fame life was going to be harder than most people realize. 
Right now, you seemed conflicted just because tomorrow was the big day. Although you haven’t been friends with Jaebum and Mark for that long, it’s felt like so much has been going on and you haven’t been keeping your eyes on the prize. 
“I know what you mean, I think it’s normal for anyone to have that kind of thought. But in the end, you always think and look at the bigger picture. What do you want?”Jaebum asks you and you look at him. 
“I really want to make sure tomorrow is a complete success. I didn’t go through blood sweat and tears getting criticized left and right just not to debut at the end. You know?”After getting advice from different people, you suddenly decided to make a decision. 
It was now time to put your foot down. Although the past couple of days you have enjoyed the presence of both Jaebum and Mark, you knew it had to come to an end. 
Well, you didn’t have to cut them off completely, but boundaries had to be made and you knew that you had to avoid ever letting things get deeper for example your feelings for each of them.
You opened your eyes, and you looked up at the ceiling.
For some reason, it felt like you didn’t sleep at all. The moment you got home you had a hard time falling asleep. You were so nervous yet excited about your showcase today. . .
The day had officially arrived. You were finally going to debut and make a name for yourself.
You sat up and felt a mix of emotions.
Today is going to be a good day. You weren’t going to let anything get in your way.
Just as you were planning to get up from the bed you suddenly heard a knock on the door. Min-See opens the door and peeks her head through the door.
“Y/N are you awake?” she must have heard your alarm but hasn’t seen you step out of your room.
“I’m awake,” you told her, and she smiled.
You could see how worried she appeared to be. You couldn’t blame her; the feeling was mutual. Although to be fair you all should be confident for today’s showcase, especially with the amount of practice you guys had.
Day’s like today you couldn’t afford any kind of distraction. You walked over to your mirror and took one look at yourself. Right about now it was time for a pep talk.
Today is the big day. After all the rejections, all the struggles, and all of the hard work you put in, today was the day you were going to finally show what you have been working hard on. Today was the day you could finally show your mom that all those tears you shed during the process were worth it at the end of the day.
However, it seemed like in the back of your head you had a slight fear appearing making you think about the what if. What if your debut isn’t as successful as you were hoping? What if people don’t find interest in your group? What if this love triangle you seem to be in becomes far harder than it has been?
You could feel your mind filled with so many different thoughts, but you were trying your hardest to keep yourself together. This is fear talking.
Today was a big day for your group and you and you weren’t going to let anyone take that away from you.
As you were in the dressing room getting your makeup done, you were thinking about the lyrics to your own song and the choreography over and over. Today was the day you couldn’t afford any kind of mistake.
The makeup artist instructs you to close your eyes and begins to apply eyeshadow. Suddenly you hear the door open and the staff in your room saying hello to whoever came through the doors. Without thinking twice, you opened your eyes and there you see Mark walking in with a basket in his hand.
Seeing Mark gave you mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to see the fact that Mark cleared his busy schedule just to come down here and wish you luck. . . Like, let’s be honest what kind of guy does that? And then the other side of you isn’t very happy to see Mark just because you knew he could be a big distraction... Can you see the dilemma?
“Mark?” Your makeup artist pulled away from doing your makeup and smiled.
“I’ll give you a few minutes to talk to your friend,”
You thanked your makeup artist and then continued to look at Mark.
“Surprise,” he says as he approaches you with the basket in his hand.
“Surprise is right. . . What brings you down here?” You asked him and just as Mark was about to speak up, he was cut off when someone else walked through the door.
Another person you weren’t expecting to see was right there in front of you. Of course... Jaebum also made an appearance.
What the hell do you do now?
To Be Continued...
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sadienita · 2 years
Extras Masterlist
I no longer write for or take requests for these groups.
One Shots
2k Song Blurb Masterlist
BTS Married Life Drabbles Day to day life married to BTS
House Hunters (Seokjin) Sunny Side Up (Yoongi) Have You Met My Wife? (Hoseok) Babysitting Duty (Namjoon) A Dog Is A Practice Baby (Jimin) DIY (Taehyung) Grocery Day (Jeongguk)
Song Drabbles BTS Fluff
Stay Stay Stay (Seokjin) You Got Me (Yoongi) If I Could Fly (Hoseok) Moonlight in Atlanta (Namjoon) Animal (Jimin) Absolutely Smitten (Taehyung) YOUTH (Jeongguk)
The Four Seasons Season themed drabbles
Let It Snow (Namjoon)
Deck the Halls (Hoseok)
Sleigh Ride (Yoongi)
April Showers (Jimin)
To Market, To Market (Seokjin)
How To Beat The Heat (Jeongguk)
Apple Crumble (Taehyung)
Miscellaneous One Shots Should Have Deleted That (Hoseok)
BTS Babies Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
Boyfriend BTS Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
BTS Cuddles Seokjin / Yoongi / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jeongguk
GOT7 Cuddles Mark / Jaebum / Jackson / Jinyoung / Youngjae / Bambam / Yugyeom
Mamamoo Cuddles Yongsun / Byulyi / Wheein / Hyejin
Pentagon Cuddles Jinho / Hoetaek / Hongseok / Shinwon / Changgu / Yanan / Yuto / Hyunggu / Wooseok
Twice Cuddles Nayeon / Jeongyeon / Momo / Sana / Jihyo / Mina / Dahyun / Chaeyoung / Tzuyu
BTS on a Road Trip
My Friends as an Idol Group
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little-lazuli · 1 year
𝚃𝚊𝚐 & 𝚆𝚒𝚙 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎
rules: post the name of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
tagged by: the amazing @thelargefrye , mahalo nui loa for the tag 🫶🏽🫶🏽
just a warning, somewhat long with little snippets and summaries for almost all of them, hope y’all enjoy 🤗
tagging: idk that many people 💀 so here’s some of their majesties, @jacksons-goddess-gaia @atiny-piratequeen @spooo00oky and anyone else wishing to play :)
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K-pop wips
As I Told You: A whole class of college students and their professors who are meant to be returning home from a field trip finds themselves missing. No one knows where they went. Only to wake up one morning to find the missing folk returned and something off about them (manifest inspired au)
Box: Donghyuck reaches his limit and explodes, unloading like Pandora’s Box
What Do You See? Someone is kidnapping idols. It takes six months and five kidnappings to realize the pattern, as well as who just might be kidnapped next
Out: Jongho is the tenth victim and finds himself surrounded amongst his fellow kidnapped chingus
Outgrown: Donghyuck feels like his members have outgrown him. So why does he find it so hard to do the same?
Fairytale Extended Universe
Sister: Wicked-Witch!Seulgi wants to know where her sisters are, only to find out they are imprisoned in the Emerald City by the Wizard
Theater: Werewolf!Seungcheol and Vampire!Taeyong make common cause in an effort to defeat the Evil Queen
Consolation: Werewolf!Chan (Dino) spends his last minutes imprisoned in the Evil Queen’s castle alongside miner-dwarf!Donghyck and lost-boy!Jeongin before he set to be executed
Poison & Medicine alternate ending
Goodbye Light: Changkyun is unintentionally left at the mercy of foes and villains after a disagreement with his fellow superhero/heroine members
Magical Society Extended Universe: Jongho wakes up in the Joseon Dynasty with magical powers. However, he quickly learns that he isn’t the only one who came from the future, nor is he alone in having magic
Drunk serenade: You drunkenly serenade your bf/gf [insert idol name]
Expire: guard!Jackson hates that he fell in love with the dirty prisoner set to be executed… you (royal au)
Reign: king!namjoon, your husband has been away at war for a while now. Long enough for his political enemies to make a move on you and your/his families. Are you able to protect his reign without him by your side? (Iliad au)
Whirlwind: Assassin!Jisoo’s next target is you
High Tide: Serial-killer!Jennie makes a mistake when she forgets to get rid of the body in yalls trunk, revealing her…. bloody hobby to you once and for all
Acrimonious Garden: You and Rosé have very different perspectives on what it means to save the world
Pain: It wasn’t her fault she was labeled a horrible queen, a cruel queen, an evil queen. Nobody understood Lisa like you did, and that was the problem
starry night: Solar is the captain of her makeshift pirate crew… granted the title pirate is very loose considering it’s the twenty-first century and it’s not royal navies she has to avoid, but rather zombies
The prices we pay: werewolf!chan + werewolf-hunter!you = bad combination
Breathing Melatonin: Chanyeol has sleeping issues. You have a high libido. Do what you want, as you will
Honey Mango: Beekeeper!Mingi cuts a deal with you for some of your best products from your mango farm
Leave Me Lonely: today was supposed to be the day you and Jaebum said I do. Yet all you could do before closing your eyes forever was say, I love you (mafia au)
stay: what was harder, having a secret relationship or having some of [insert idol’s name] members dislike you?
Red Bottoms: Tonight was supposed to be a fun night out with friends. Yet here you are having to call spouse!idol to come and bail you out of jail
Made in the shade: you and hongjoong come from two entirely different worlds (grease au)
convicted: runaway-convicts!exo-sc find refuge with you. A lowly, quiet neighbor in your small town (inspired by the movie Labor Day)
Four Horsemen au (BTS hyung line)
Deranged: the tale of pestilence, a year has gone by since the armies of heaven and hell waged war upon earth. Though demons struck fear in the hearts of humans with easy, the true threat to humanity was those of white wings (jin)
Decimation: the tale of famine, three years into the human genocide, humanity sits on the brink of extinction. Yet aid comes in the most unlikely of forms (suga)
Dominion: the tale of war, the fifth year of the apocalypse is waning. The demons of hell have scurried away, whilst the angels make their final move towards human extermination. Yet, a rude awakening awaits them as the wrath of war awakes (j hope)
Descent: the tale of death, the seventh year of the apocalypse greeted humanity with a kiss. Heaven has fallen and hell has closed their gates, humanity make a resurgence. However, all good things come to the end, death has awoken, and awaits to feast upon all three realms of existence (rm)
Starships: "This foreign exchange program better be worth it" you thought as you signed into your Starship account. All you had to do was spend four hours of your day teaching english to your assigned foreigner whilst you learned a new language from them in return. It would have been easier if you could do this face to face, but N00000o, Ms. Rona decided to have everyone be put into quarantine. Now you had to waste away four hours, everyday, for the next semester, talking on a screen to some guy or gal you'll probably never meet. How ridiculous (college au)
Midnight Misfits: sugar spouse au
Three’s a cloud: jaehyun was flirty and single. johnny was angry and horny. you had an idea aka you and johnny sandwich jaehyun as a way to teach him a lesson
Lunar Kiss: werewolf!Jaebum is reluctant and in rut. You are a human. His human though so…
Luxury: Your whirlwind relationship with up and coming CEO Wonho was sudden, perfect and immaculate. That is until you find out he’s the heifer trying to buy out your entire childhood neighborhood, your home and your job (ceo au)
She’s a monster: You’re trapped reliving the same horrible day again and again. Watching Jackson draw his last breath in horrific and terrifying ways over and over. You didn’t know what the problem was. Until you did. And it broke your heart when you did (Groundhog Day au)
$200 Pizza: you and Changbin rack up a debt you can’t pay, luckily the auntie who runs the shop is willing to let y’all work the debt off for the whole day in exchange
Deep Patience: kyungsoo’s goal in life was your happiness. As such, hearing that you desire to have a kid, he has a plan to surprise you with such wonderful news for your birthday. One problem though… according to his calculations, he only had one day left to enact his plan
Oopsie: Wonho saves the day after you slip in the tub
Twisted dreams: Taeyong notices you acting different after a series of nightmares (ghost au)
Push & pull: Pirate!Mingi is washed ashore a beach village and taken in by you and yours. He looked forward to the day he could repay you for your kindness and seek your hand in that of love. Yet the universe spits in his face as it seeks to exact vengeance for his past in the worst possible way (pirate au)
Haunting: the spirits haunting your house works hard, but Ghost-hunter!Johnny works even harder (ghost harder au)
Well damn: you and soobin, besties who have been tip toeing around some unspoken emotions find yourselves stuck at the tippy top of a unmoving rollercoaster
Walker: Geumhyuck had one job. Watch the kids. You thought he had the job taken cared of. Well if that included him getting stuck in your baby’s walker, then he greatly succeeded
Asoiaf wips
Shades of a Man: Shady Shin, the waterbending gangster of the Republic Triads makes wakes as Dorne’s first ever ice merchant (Lok crossover)
Divine Affliction: Princess Eska of the Northern Water Tribe becomes the High Chiefess of Hardhome (Lok crossover)
Perpetual Storm: Jason Grace, demigod son of Jupiter falls in love in his second life, to a woman named Argella Durrandon. And then Aegon made his landing in Westeros (PJO crossover)
The Apothecary: Lee Fletcher awakes in Westeros and founds a citadel of revolutionary healing (PJO crossover)
The Knight of Floods: Percy awakes in Westeros and rises in ranks of nobility following his defiance of the Lannisters in the War of the Five Kings (PJO crossover)
Webbed Fingers & Cheese: Percy wakes up on the shores of the Three Sisters and works his way into becoming the Lord of the isles (PJO crossover)
Westeros On Earth: the continent of Westeros finds itself attached to Greenland and facing a potential religious persecution and invasion from the superpowers of 1400s Europe
The Lady of Dragonstone: OC Female Baratheon twin sister of Stannis Baratheon who is sentenced to rule Dragonstone following her aid in getting Queen Rhaella and her retinue to escape before her brother’s assault on the island
A Tale of Two Heirs: The love story of Brandon Stark and Shireen Baratheon
From The Depths: Ursula the Sea Witch arrives in Westeros (ouat crossover)
Bitter Work: An earthbender creates a refuge/oasis in Dorne (atla crossover)
Trial At Heart: Drogon burns Jon after he kills Daenerys and takes Jon back in time (time travel fix it)
A Wine A Day: Male OC Redwyne defends the Reach from Euron Greyjoy
Lost Lion: Jaime saves Aegon and Rhaenys, escaping with them to Essos and taking refuge in the Ruins of Valyria itself
The Witch of Harrenhal: Medea of Colchis conquers the Riverlands and learns what it means to be human (PJO crossover)
What if Viserys was competent? No golden crowns for this clown
What if the Rhoynar kept their magic? Waterbending in Dorne?????
What if Jon Snow never joined the Nights Watch Part 2?
Frozen Fires au: Jon Snow, the bastard son of Brandon Stark & Ashara Dayne
Harry Potter wips
Something Blue: Harry gets Fred something blue as a wedding gift
Crossover Idea: Ron and Tonks are blasted out of the sky during the Battle of 7 Potters… the blast has Ron waking up in [insert new world name].
Regards: In retaliation for Ruldolphus Lestrange’s death during the Battle at the Department of Mysteries, Rabastan & Bellatrix attack the Burrow and kidnap Ron
The Black Bastard: An illegitimate child of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black makes his mark on the Wizarding World
The Story of Celesta Prewett: Fabian Prewett’s daughter finally meets her paternal relatives
The Story of Yo Jinwoo: Part fairy-wizard male oc who falls in love with Ginny Weasley, not knowing she’s already in love with the one and only Harry Potter
Vanishing Series
Outtakes: Witch Weekly Issue #6799
Hiraeth Series
Outtakes: The Silver Grimoire - The private grimoire of the silver quartet
Alone: Ron’s sorting
War: Muriel Prewett meets her match in Astoria Greengrass
War Part 2: Ron and Daphne leave the Prewett estate to join the war
Thief: Ron and the quartet are caught by Bill Weasley ditching school to sell the items of the Room of Requirement
Pink: Ron saves Daphne from boiling solution in year two
M.A.D: Tracey explains nukes to the silver quartet
Accident: Theo uses sectumsempra on Ron
Scared: Ron temporarily disappears in the chaos of the 1994 Quidditch World Cup
Lady: Daphne becomes the lady of Greengrass following her parents’ murders
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que William “Wonsik” Han-McGowan, mais conhecido como BILL$, entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ele parece tanto com o Lim Jaebum/JayB! Ele nasceu em 03/03/1991 na cidade de Glasgow, Escócia e atualmente tem 32 anos. Ele trabalha como vocalista, rapper e dançarino líder do 2U na VENTURA Music, deve ser muito talentoso… Ah, você quer seguir ele? Procura por @bills_uv e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreano-escocês.
Personalidade: William é um cara muito low profile. Por sempre ter tido tudo do bom e do melhor é um tanto (mimado), mas também é muito (sociável) e gosta de juntar as pessoas. Hoje em dia é muito (responsável), porém muitas vezes (impulsivo)
Conceito: No início da carreira sua imagem era a de um rapaz rebelde, intenso e um pouco desequilibrado. Até seus visuais vendiam essa imagem. Hoje ele exagera um pouco menos nesse conceito, mas ainda é conhecido por ser excêntrico e por gostar de experimentar coisas diferentes em suas canções e performances.
Dizem que William costumava morar em um castelo em Glasgow.
Alguns anos atrás circularam boatos de que ele fechava boates para realizar festas secretas apenas para outros idols e trainees, onde nada era proibido.
Teve um boato muito forte de namoro com Jade Kwon porque os dois eram vistos saindo juntos com muita frequência.
Durante o hiatus do 2U, Billy fez faculdade de terapia ocupacional e exerce a profissão voluntariamente em casas de recuperação.
BILLY P$YCHO - CROOKED (G-Dragon) BILLY P$YCHO - COUP D’ETAT (G-Dragon) BILLY P$YCHO - U MAD? (Bobby) BILLY P$YCHO - give it to me (August D) BILLY P$YCHO - One and Only (B.I, ikon) BILL$ - Pretty Please (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - TITANIC (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - LOVE KILLA (Monsta X) BILL$ ft. ???? - Alone (Coogie ft. Lee Hi) BILL$ ft. Jade - Rich Kids Anthem (Epik High ft. Lee Hi) BILL$ - Papillon (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - Blow (Jackson Wang) BILL$ - DADDY (Bloo) BILL$ ft. ???, ??? e ???- XINDOSHI (GroovyRoom, Keem Hyoeun, Sik-K, Loopy) BILL$ ft. Winnie - Black (G-Dragon, Jennie) BILL$ - 100 Ways (Jackson Wang) BILL$ ft. Ciara - Slow (Jackson Wang ft. Ciara) BILL$ - Aqua Man (Beenzino) BILL$ - Boogie On & On (Beenzino)
TW: Uso de drogas, capacitismo, citação a depressão.
William Han-McGowan nasceu em berço de ouro, mas queria muito mais do que dinheiro. Sempre gostou de chamar atenção e sonhava em ser cantor desde criança, quando via sua mãe ser fã de boybands como Backstreet Boys e N’Sync. No início da adolescência pensava que precisava aprender a disfarçar seu sotaque escocês e ir para os Estados Unidos tentar a sorte, mas mudou de ideia quando a segunda geração do k-pop começou a surgir. Era aquilo que ele queria: a estética exagerada, as músicas barulhentas, os clipes super produzidos.
Se mudou para a Coreia aos treze anos, para estudar em escolas privadas conceituadas, estudar música e dança e tentar entrar em uma agência. Sua irmã também foi com ele e os dois moravam juntos numa casa grande e luxuosa, sendo criados por uma governanta enquanto os pais continuavam seus negócios em Glasgow.
Chamou atenção da Starship Entertainment em uma audição e aos 15 anos se tornou trainee da empresa. Debutou no 2U aos 17 anos, logo sendo engolido pela fama avassaladora que chegou tão rápido. Seu primeiro stage name foi BILLY P$YCHO, acompanhado por um conceito que o mostrava como um rapaz bastante desequilibrado. Com a queda do grupo, ele ficou perdido e sem saber o que fazer. Vivia de desperdiçar dinheiro e se entorpecer, até a quebra de contrato. Sob a empresa formada pelos membros do grupo, ele debutou como solo, usando o mesmo stage name, e alcançou algum sucesso principalmente na comunidade do K Hip-Hop. Sua música remetia muito à imagem de desequilíbrio, vícios e rebeldia.
Foi nessa época que decidiu fazer uma faculdade de terapia ocupacional, em parte para se livrar dos próprios vícios. Formou-se em 2017, bem em meio à época da crise financeira de sua label. Ainda lançou algumas coisas, mas com a falência veio um longo período de depressão. Billy tentou se dedicar mais à carreira na saúde, deu um pause nas festas que costumava dar, entrou secretamente numa clínica de reabilitação, onde abandonou as bebidas e drogas recreativas.
Com a assinatura do contrato com a VENTURA, ele redebutou com o stage name BILL$, com um conceito um pouco mais diversificado. Gosta de experimentar em suas canções e já falou algumas vezes sobre como hoje em dia considera seu antigo nome problemático. Continua festeiro, porém agora dá as festas em sua casa, uma mansão discreta e afastada do centro de Seoul. Mesmo com ele estando limpo, as festas às vezes passam dos limites. Como preza por sua imagem, é muito importante para ele que essas festas fiquem em segredo, afinal, para a mídia ele abandonou aquela fase tão rebelde.
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proudahgase-exol · 2 years
Kpop tag game
Anyone can participate in this tag game.
Tagging: @blizzardfluffykpop @flurrys-creativity @certainuncertainty11 @dazz-linglight @prettywordsyouleft
Answer the question below. Have fun 🤩
3 favorite soloist
Jay park
Lee hi
5 favorite boy/girl groups
Stray kids
Top 5 favorite MV’s
Got7 “poison” (Jeebum’s butt looks nice in this mv )
Seventeen “hot”
Exo “kokobop”
Stray kids “maniac”
Txt “blue hour”
Top 3 favorite leaders
Got7 Jaebum
Exo $uho
Stray kids Bang Chan
How many albums you have / what album(s) do you want to get.
45 albums and I want seventeen’s album face the sun
Do you share a birthday date with an idol or have a birthday close to an idol?
Yes I do is EXO’s Xiumin and got7 Jackson
Fancy date with bias or at home date with bias wrecker?
At home date with my bias wrecker ($uho)
MV’s or live performance?
Live performance, I love how their voices sound live
Favorite album and song of your ult group
Okay this is hard 🤔🤔 I love got7 breath of love last piece album but I’m recently obsessed with EXO’s playboy song. Can’t choose
3 favorite maknae’s
Rap line or vocal line?
It depends. If it’s stray kids than it will be rap line but if it’s got7 than vocal line. It really just depends what group 🫤
What song got you into K-pop?
BTS- dynamite
Album you will put on reply?
Yugyeom- Point of view: U
If you are to be on a K-pop group what would be your position?
I feel like I did be the vocalist not sure but that what I think
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Bts is leaving to the military……………
( now I’m sad because jaebum will too) 😫😭
Listen to me bestie…
Just enjoy the time that you have left with him/them. I know it’s going to be hard for some people and that’s okay. I feel like everyone is doing so much with their free time and working so hard to make that time away wen they aren’t with us fly by.
Watch mv’s, read fics, drawl…soak up everything with a smile and know that the time will pass in the blink of an eye. It isn’t forever (trust me when I say it goes by fast), so be strong. We are all here for each other and I know personally for myself, I’m not going anywhere. So reach out and talk when you feel alone or just need to vent.
I cried when Taemin and Shownu went in…that really helped prepared me for everyone else. Plus I’m ex military myself, so I completely understand their time being mandatory. It changes you (some for the better and some for the worst), it gives you a new outlook on things and the friendships you make are insane.
I don’t know how it will be for any of the guys, but keep rooting for them and show that endless support. Remember, they’ve had our backs in the darkest of times, so it’s only fair that we support them fully.
On a lighter note, Jay B already cut his hair short, so we know how he’ll look 😂 like a lil kid with that baby face AND it seems that a lot of the idols gain weight, so look out for his bread cheeks!!
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I love you and I’m here,
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dollydaisies · 8 months
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"hey zumi, what do you like?" that is a wonderful question! i suddenly forgot everything i have ever liked in my life.
૮꒰˶˃ ^ ˂̵˵꒱ა
anime. bungou stray dogs, blue lock, tokyo revengers, my hero academia, saiki k, ouran high school host club, a3!, jujutsu kaisen, soul eater, assassination classroom.
characters. osamu dazai, nagi seishiro, mikey sano, denki kaminari, denji, makima, chifuyu matsuno, takashi mitsuya.
kpop groups. seventeen, monsta x, shinee, btob, exo, stray kids, got7, txt, dean, kinda ateez | nmixx, twice, le sserafim, gi-dle, red velvet, mamamoo, billlie. completely unrelated and is jpop, but i love yoasobi a lot. :)
kpop idols. lee jihoon (woozi), kwon soonyoung (hoshi), lee yongbok (felix), byun baekhyun, lim jaebum (jay b), park jinyoung, jung ilhoon :(, kim hongjoong, jung wooyoung, kim kibum (key), choi soobin. | chaeyoung, sana, momo, seulgi, yeri, solar, chaewon, yunjin.
i'll eventually add tv characters and things like that, im just incredibly lazy...
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minamoto-misaki · 1 year
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Relationship with Got7
Mark and Misaki formed a tight-knit friendship reminiscent of sibling camaraderie. Their initial bond sprouted from a shared passion for music and performance. In the whirlwind of their K-pop journey, they became each other's steadfast support, sharing the highs and lows of fame. Their communication was genuine and open, sprinkled with playful teasing and insider jokes only they could understand. Celebrating triumphs and consoling each other during challenges, they created a genuine, sibling-like bond founded on shared dreams and unconditional encouragement, making their K-pop journey all the more fulfilling.
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Jaebum and Misaki share a unique and endearing bond akin to that of a father and daughter. Jaebum, as a seasoned member of the group, took Misaki under his wing, guiding her through the intricate world of K-pop with wisdom and care. He offered advice, nurtured her talents, and provided a comforting presence, much like a father figure. Misaki, on the other hand, admired Jaebum's experience and looked up to him for both professional and personal guidance. Their interactions were marked by a gentle yet firm mentorship, overflowing with love, trust, and paternal protectiveness, enriching both their careers and personal lives within the vibrant K-pop community.
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Jackson and Misaki cultivated a beautiful relationship akin to that of an elder brother and sister from different parents. Jackson, the charismatic and caring older brother, embraced Misaki with warmth and support, embodying a protective figure in the demanding K-pop industry. He provided guidance, cheered her on during tough times, and celebrated her successes, instilling a sense of comfort and assurance. Misaki, appreciative of Jackson's unwavering care and sibling-like love, turned to him for advice and camaraderie, sharing an unbreakable bond that mirrored the dynamics of a close-knit, blended family. Their relationship thrived on mutual respect, trust, and a genuine sibling connection, contributing to their success as a dynamic duo within the group.
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Jinyoung and Misaki found themselves at the center of a delightful fandom fantasy that shipped them as a romantic couple. Their on-stage chemistry, marked by electrifying performances and seamless harmonies, fueled the imaginations of adoring fans who envisioned a love story beyond the stage lights. Their interactions were filled with playful banter, lingering glances, and a magnetic closeness, igniting rumors and fan fiction that fueled the "miyoung" ship. Their friendship was the canvas upon which fans painted their romantic ideals, embellishing the narrative with hope and admiration for a love story that, in the realm of their imaginations, mirrored the magic they created together on stage.
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Youngjae and Misaki, the lovable K-pop idols within the same group, became endearing subjects of a charming fandom ship known as the "puppy-cat duo." Their contrasting yet complementary personalities and energies sparked this delightful concept. Youngjae, affectionately seen as the playful and energetic "puppy," was charismatic and full of boundless enthusiasm. Misaki, on the other hand, embodied the graceful and enigmatic "cat," exuding a sense of elegance and poise. Fans adored the way their dynamics mirrored these qualities, creating a visual and emotional appeal much like a playful puppy and a graceful cat playing together. Their onstage performances and offstage interactions only fueled the imaginations of fans, turning this ship into a delightful representation of their harmonious partnership within the group.
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Bambam and Misaki, showcased a dynamic that often teetered between friendship and rivalry, earning them the playful moniker of "frenemies." Their spirited camaraderie was characterized by a blend of competition and genuine camaraderie. They would playfully challenge each other during dance practices, striving to outdo one another in a lighthearted yet spirited manner. The rivalry served as a motivational force, pushing them to refine their skills and reach new heights within the group. Despite the friendly competition, a strong foundation of mutual respect and genuine care existed, allowing their friendship to thrive outside of the playful rivalry, ultimately enhancing their chemistry and success within the group.
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Yugyeom and Misaki, the adorable K-pop idols embodied the essence of "cute babies" within the vibrant world of K-pop. Their endearing personas, marked by innocence, charm, and unbridled enthusiasm, made them fan favorites and earned them the delightful nickname of "cute babies." Their interactions were characterized by playful antics, infectious laughter, and a shared excitement for the music they created. Whether it was their playful teasing, affectionate hugs, or the way they effortlessly lit up a room with their infectious smiles, fans couldn't help but be drawn to their sweet and lovable dynamic. Their friendship, grounded in genuine affection and a shared passion for their craft, epitomized the innocent joy and enchanting spirit of youth that endeared them to fans across the globe.
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astroyongie · 2 years
hii! happy to see you on my dash again. my big six: sun in pisces, moon in pisces, mercury in aries, venus in aries, mars in scorpio and gemini rising. i'd like to be paired with male idols thank uu
DK ikon
Seunghun CIX
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cyberpunkhwx · 1 year
You can call me Kimi🍒 I like nicknames too!
she/her | Gemini | infj
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I ult exo
I also stan ateez, Nct 127/dream/wayv, seventeen, enhypen, txt, superM, got7, monsta x, shinee, bigbang,
Fujii kaze, Kard
GIdle, red velvet, twice, blackpink, mamamoo,
Biases yunho/hongjoong, johnny/yuta/mark/kun, scoups, jay, ot11 exo, jaebum/jinyoung, kihyun/shownu/I.m, ot5 shinee/txt, BM
Jihyo, jennie/rosé, soyeon
What I dont write nor want to discuss about
Extreme violence, knives, blood(unless its period duh),
What I won't be writing about, but don't mind talking about
Sub!idol, girl groups
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