#jaebum x you
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kgyeomiex · 1 year ago
Distraction (M)
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“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking towards me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
JYP has announced a new girl group in the company and you happened to be one of the members. The moment you signed in, that was the moment you were hoping to just focus on music and your career, but something gets in the way. A massive love triangle is what causes a bumpy road for you and your future.
Previous Parts:
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 //
Part 9 is here~
Regardless of what you say, you will always get distracted by these boys. Jaebum and Mark tend to show up out of nowhere when you try your hardest to focus on your music...
A normal person would stand by their group and show their devotion and full attention to the music however in your case it’s different...
“Y/N, I was hoping I would bump into you,” Mark says, smiling right at you.
Right now, your brain was telling you to get away and focus on the big day but for some reason, your feet weren't moving.
“M-mark, what’s up?” Why did you just stutter... Great not only is your body ignoring your command, but now you can’t even speak to the boy.
“I don’t know if you’re busy, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get lunch with me... Just me,” Mark wanted to go eat with you? How on earth can you say no to that?
Even though you knew you should reject his kind gesture you just spoke without really thinking about your answer.
“Sure,” as soon as you said that you realized what you said, and you tried your hardest to smile instead of showing your shocked face.
“Perfect... I just need to return this to Yugyeom but if you’d like you can meet me in the front,” Mark suggests, and instead of saying anything you nodded your head and continued to smile.
Okay clearly speaking wasn’t helping you out... Instead, it was making things more complicated for you.
“Great, I’ll see you soon,” Mark smiles and takes off.
Instead of even moving you stood there frozen trying to figure out what your plan was... Just a second ago you were talking about devoting all your attention to your career and not on boys. Crazy how your mindset was so quick to change...
Okay... Look at the situation this way. Mark and you were probably just going to eat and then from there split off in your directions.
Hopefully after spending some time with Mark, you can then focus on your music and less on boys....
Yeah... That sounds like a good idea. Will it work? To be honest I have no idea, but a girl can hope and dream.
“Jackson did what?” You couldn't help but laugh as Mark was trying to explain how Jackson ended up kissing Jaebum on the lips.
“It was by accident though... Just know that in interviews they will make you do unexpected things like where you have to pass papers around to other members by only using your lips...” You’ve always seen other idols do that and to be honest you always wanted to try it but at the same time no...
“Have you had an incident where you accidentally kissed one of your members?” You asked Mark as you reached in for your drink. He silently thought to himself and then looked at you.
“Okay maybe once or twice... But the whole purpose of the game is to prevent the paper from falling... The paper that these people write is horrible material and always ends up falling at the end,” you smiled, and then a question popped into your head.
“So, Mark tells me, who’s a better kisser?” You asked Mark teasing him and he laughed.
“It’s not like that,” the two of you suddenly began to laugh.
“Even if I did accidentally kiss one of the boys, I didn’t enjoy any of them,” Mark defended himself and you just smiled.
Sitting in front of Mark and having lunch with him wasn’t bad. The two of you were just spending time with one another and laughing, you know what friends do.
“Hey Y/N... I know this is random, but I have a question,” Mark says, and before you could answer you grabbed a napkin and wiped your mouth before replying.
“What’s up?” You asked as soon as you finished chewing.
“I know I probably shouldn't ask a question like this, but I can’t help but be curious...” At first, you were confused. What kind of question was Mark planning to ask you but then you had an idea... It’s probably going to involve what happened back at the studio when you were being put on the spot in front of everyone.
“Ask away,” you had an idea of what this question was going to be, and even though you weren’t ready to answer you had to face it eventually.
“Do Jaebum and you possibly have a secret relationship?” Mark asks, looking directly at you.
Well, that was straightforward... There is nothing to hide because Jaebum and you aren’t even dating or anything. When you told the boys back at the studio that you don’t have a relationship with Jaebum or Mark you were serious about it.
The answer would be beyond different if the boys were to ask what your feelings towards them but since they didn’t you are fine.
“No Jaebum and I are just friends,” you said as you looked into Mark’s eyes, so he knew you were telling the truth.
“That’s good to hear,” you were about to ask him why but then suddenly a memory replayed in your head...
For a second you almost forgot that Mark confessed he liked you... You looked down at your plate of food and tried your hardest to contain your smile.
Eventually, silence appeared and the two of you were now sitting there eating not saying a single word to one another...
So were you two planning to stay quiet now...
The both of you stopped talking and just smiled.
Things were starting to become complicated... After talking to Sana and hearing her advice you looked at Mark and then back at your food. You came to JYP to live your dreams, not look for boys...
This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You remember reading an article where DAY6 had 6 members in the beginning, but someone was kicked out after JYP found out he had a girlfriend.
If you continue to allow your feelings to get in the way you will get kicked out of the company before you can live your dreams.
“What do your plans consist of tomorrow?” Marks asks and you suddenly begin to move your food around not wanting to eat.
“Um well, tomorrow we will have our debut showcase. Then we have photoshoots and interviews so tomorrow will be a very busy day.” In the past couple of days, you have had a chance to spend time with the boys which led you to catch feelings for them... But after today you were going to be busy.
Maybe being busy was going to be a good thing. You weren’t going to have the urge to want to spend time with Jaebum and Mark... Maybe you’ll even get over this crush of yours.
“So will I not be able to see you?” Mark suddenly asks and at that moment the both of you make eye contact.
“I’m not sure....”
Comments like this made it hard to forget why you liked him.
“Well... I enjoyed this lunch, but I think it’s time for me to head back and practice until my feet fall off,” you said dramatically, and Mark smiled.
“Don’t overwork yourself, you do have a busy day head,”
You got up from your seat, grabbed your tray, and left while you could...
Comments like this make it hard for you to just “forget” you have a crush on Mark. He was sweet and considerate.
But sometimes you must sacrifice something for something else... When you look at things it's either you choose your dreams or some boy...
Dance practice was going well; however, you would be lying if you were to say you were distracted even if it was the slightest. What was worse about all of this was that you couldn’t talk to your members about it.
You were trying everything you could to ignore your thinking about Mark and focus on what was important... Tomorrow and your busy schedule.
“Okay everyone let’s take 5,” your leader says as she tries to catch her breath.
You all agreed. You walked over to a wall and instantly sat down.
“Y/N!” You looked over and noticed your bandmate Daeun sitting beside you.
“You know although we live together and practice, I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in forever,” it was true but so much has been going on. . .
“I know. But I mean with this debut coming up we’ve all been tired and busy,” you said, and she nodded her head.
She grabs her water bottle and looks at you.
“I know it’s none of my business but lately I noticed you’ve been looking pretty distracted, is everything alright?” You looked at her and began to contemplate with yourself.
Should you open up to Daeun about your situation or keep it to yourself?
You didn’t mean to keep secrets to any of your bandmates, but to be fair you weren’t close to them. Also, this included something that could involve a scandal if you don’t play your cards right and this can affect everyone.
You wouldn’t know how Daeun would feel if you told her about both Mark and Jaebum and how you may like them. . .
“I have been distracted, but it’s nothing concerning. . . Just worried about failing and disappointing everyone around me,” you decided to keep it vague and simple with your explanation.
“Well, girl you have nothing to worry about. Honestly, one thing I always tell myself and I will share with you is that there is no need to stress about the small things. Life has a way of figuring things out, everything happens for a reason.” Daeun says and you nod your head.
“But what if. . .You know something you want to do can affect others around you . . .”
After blurting that out, Daeun looked slightly concerned but instead of asking me what was up, she shrugged.
“Well, only you know what’s best for you. Sometimes you must be selfish and take the risk to make yourself happy before others.” You were surprised to hear advice like this from Daeun, but she was right.
Min-Seo suddenly called everyone back up and we continued to practice. . . After speaking to Daeun, you felt a little less distracted. . .
Everything happens for a reason, right?
You weren’t expecting any of this to take place. You were stuck in a weird position.
When you auditioned to become an idol and even got ACCEPTED you were so happy words could not describe the feeling you felt. You felt speechless, you felt like this was either a mistake or they were probably confusing you with someone else or you felt like you were dreaming...
You remember before your auditions you slept so little to make sure that your routine for your audition went well.
Now here you are about to debut but now you are distracting yourself.
Instead, you are here suddenly getting swayed by boys in this company.
It wouldn’t be much of an issue if JYP didn’t have the dating ban... But if you want to continue being an idol you have to literally push off your feelings and maybe even stop talking to them.
You have worked way too hard to get where you are now. On top of that, you began to recall all the stressful moments you had to endure while training. The harsh criticism you would receive, the whiplash attitude your coaches would give, and the overwhelming feeling you had to deal with...
Honestly, training was probably one of the hardest times you have ever experienced. Back in the dorm, you remember calling your mom and breaking down. You remember the number of times you considered quitting and going to a new root, but you didn’t allow yourself to quit.
Instead, you put on your big girl pants and knew you were going to debut sooner or later.
You worked too hard to suddenly throw all of this away.
Usually, dilemmas like this were a no-brainer but as you began to think.... What if you never feel this way with anyone else you ever meet?
You knew that this was probably just an excuse to avoid letting go of the person you were starting to like...
Were you really going to throw away something you worked so hard for over a guy?
Thinking of Mark was not helping... And weirdly enough you caught yourself even thinking about Jaebum.
You got back on your feet and shook your head.
Now it’s time to focus on what’s important.
After rehearsing the rest of the members were ready to call it a night to head back to the dorm and relax before the big day. However, due to all the distractions you have been experiencing, you decided to stay back to rehearse for an hour or two to make sure you got everything set for tomorrow.
After practicing the main track dance, you felt yourself out of breath. You sat on the floor and looked at yourself in the mirror.
“You got this!” you told yourself trying to tell yourself words of encouragement.
You can’t keep distracting yourself with the thought of these beautiful men. You worked way too hard to be where you are now... How are you going to let that escape through your fingers with just one minor mistake?
You got up and you heard your phone make a noise.
You walked over to your phone and picked it up.
To be honest you were expecting it to be one of your members telling you to head home and rest up for the big day but no...
The person who was texting you at 11 pm was Jaebum.
I heard you were still in the company, so I decided to come by and take you home :)
This text brought mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to receive a text from one of the boys themselves because, to be honest, you enjoyed having a conversation with them. HOWEVER, this is the type of distraction you were trying to avoid.
You brushed your fingers through your hair removing the hair from your face and took a deep breath.
Okay. . . What if you agree for Jaebum to walk you back to the dorm for one last time? That way once you debut you can forget about your friendship with the boys and look at the bigger picture. YEAH!
You texted Jaebum agreeing to his gesture and then put our phone to the side.
Let’s just practice one more time before you call it quits.
As you were dancing the last chorus you suddenly noticed a shadow creeping up by the dance studio door. You were going to stop to look back, but you couldn’t afford distraction. You assumed it was Jaebum so instead of looking back you continued to dance and lip sync not trying to miss a beat.
As you were on the floor doing a dance move, you noticed Jaebum walking in and then looked away looking at yourself in the mirror instead.
Look at the bigger picture.
You continued to perform as if you were standing on stage in front of a big crowd, but you were tempted to look over and look at Jaebum.
Fortunately, the song was coming to an end.
As you were finishing the last set of dance moves, you posed as the music came to an end and you could hear Jaebum cheering.
You looked over and smiled.
You wanted to say something, but you needed to catch your breath.
Jaebum noticed how tired you were after that last dance, and he noticed your water bottle close by the dance studio window. He grabbed the water bottle, walked over to you and you looked at him.
“Thank you,” you grabbed onto the water bottle and then took a sip before you continued to talk to Jaebum.
After taking a sip, you looked at him.
“What brings you to the studio, shouldn’t you be home?” You asked him and he shrugged.
“We finished early with recordings, and I was told that you were still in the dance studio so I came to make an appearance.” you couldn’t lie you felt your heart warm up a little at the thought of Jaebum staying here to see you.
No.... You don’t like him. . . You think.
As you walked over to your bag you said “You didn’t have to stay, you could have gone home and rested. I’m sure you had a busy day,”
Jaebum shrugged and smiled.
“Waiting for you was no problem. . . I was hoping I had a chance to see you today,” as those words came out of Jaebum's mouth you looked over at him and couldn’t help but smile.
Comments like this are not helping whatsoever.
Sometimes you get curious and wonder if Jaebum was interested in you as a woman but then again maybe it’s better if you don’t know the answer to that.
Your brain and your feelings are in a complete battle. What the hell are you supposed to do?
You realized you were so lost in your thoughts you haven’t responded to Jaebum.
“Ah so you just wanted me to bug you more, well your wish is my command,” you teased Jaebum, and he laughed.
You couldn’t risk being flirtatious with Jaebum. You don’t know what kind of outcome comes with and right about now you didn’t want to put yourself in any kind of predicament. Now that you were trying your hardest to stay on the right path you knew you just had to friend-zone the man.
“What can I say, life becomes a little bit more exciting when I am with you,” Jaebum blurts out, and after hearing that you instantly avoid eye contact.
Oh no... He is making it harder and harder to not like.
“Sometimes I wonder if becoming an idol is worth all this trouble,” you confessed to Jaebum as you two strolled along the street side by side. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean the restriction we have when becoming an idol. We have to put up this facade to keep fans happy. We have to give them this illusion that we are perfect and happy all the time when in reality we are human like the rest of them. . .” You weren’t even an idol yet, but you already started to feel like the fame life was going to be harder than most people realize. 
Right now, you seemed conflicted just because tomorrow was the big day. Although you haven’t been friends with Jaebum and Mark for that long, it’s felt like so much has been going on and you haven’t been keeping your eyes on the prize. 
“I know what you mean, I think it’s normal for anyone to have that kind of thought. But in the end, you always think and look at the bigger picture. What do you want?”Jaebum asks you and you look at him. 
“I really want to make sure tomorrow is a complete success. I didn’t go through blood sweat and tears getting criticized left and right just not to debut at the end. You know?”After getting advice from different people, you suddenly decided to make a decision. 
It was now time to put your foot down. Although the past couple of days you have enjoyed the presence of both Jaebum and Mark, you knew it had to come to an end. 
Well, you didn’t have to cut them off completely, but boundaries had to be made and you knew that you had to avoid ever letting things get deeper for example your feelings for each of them.
You opened your eyes, and you looked up at the ceiling.
For some reason, it felt like you didn’t sleep at all. The moment you got home you had a hard time falling asleep. You were so nervous yet excited about your showcase today. . .
The day had officially arrived. You were finally going to debut and make a name for yourself.
You sat up and felt a mix of emotions.
Today is going to be a good day. You weren’t going to let anything get in your way.
Just as you were planning to get up from the bed you suddenly heard a knock on the door. Min-See opens the door and peeks her head through the door.
“Y/N are you awake?” she must have heard your alarm but hasn’t seen you step out of your room.
“I’m awake,” you told her, and she smiled.
You could see how worried she appeared to be. You couldn’t blame her; the feeling was mutual. Although to be fair you all should be confident for today’s showcase, especially with the amount of practice you guys had.
Day’s like today you couldn’t afford any kind of distraction. You walked over to your mirror and took one look at yourself. Right about now it was time for a pep talk.
Today is the big day. After all the rejections, all the struggles, and all of the hard work you put in, today was the day you were going to finally show what you have been working hard on. Today was the day you could finally show your mom that all those tears you shed during the process were worth it at the end of the day.
However, it seemed like in the back of your head you had a slight fear appearing making you think about the what if. What if your debut isn’t as successful as you were hoping? What if people don’t find interest in your group? What if this love triangle you seem to be in becomes far harder than it has been?
You could feel your mind filled with so many different thoughts, but you were trying your hardest to keep yourself together. This is fear talking.
Today was a big day for your group and you and you weren’t going to let anyone take that away from you.
As you were in the dressing room getting your makeup done, you were thinking about the lyrics to your own song and the choreography over and over. Today was the day you couldn’t afford any kind of mistake.
The makeup artist instructs you to close your eyes and begins to apply eyeshadow. Suddenly you hear the door open and the staff in your room saying hello to whoever came through the doors. Without thinking twice, you opened your eyes and there you see Mark walking in with a basket in his hand.
Seeing Mark gave you mixed feelings. One side of you was happy to see the fact that Mark cleared his busy schedule just to come down here and wish you luck. . . Like, let’s be honest what kind of guy does that? And then the other side of you isn’t very happy to see Mark just because you knew he could be a big distraction... Can you see the dilemma?
“Mark?” Your makeup artist pulled away from doing your makeup and smiled.
“I’ll give you a few minutes to talk to your friend,”
You thanked your makeup artist and then continued to look at Mark.
“Surprise,” he says as he approaches you with the basket in his hand.
“Surprise is right. . . What brings you down here?” You asked him and just as Mark was about to speak up, he was cut off when someone else walked through the door.
Another person you weren’t expecting to see was right there in front of you. Of course... Jaebum also made an appearance.
What the hell do you do now?
To Be Continued...
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prettywordsyouleft · 2 months ago
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Cr: poongpoong_jb / giftsterdef on X
"I don't have abs, I'm just a skinny guy."
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moonl1ghtmuse · 3 months ago
It's A Secret ✣ Im Jaebum
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Pairing: Im Jaebum X Reader
Scenario: Im Jaebum is the top of your academic class. You're the queen of the outcasts, who would've thought you two would be having secret relations?
Genre: cute, fluff
• • • • • •
          YOU WALK THROUGH the hallways in attempt to get to the lunch room where all your friends resided. You let out a small yelp as you are pulled into an empty classroom by your waist.
The panic leaves your system as soon as your eyes connect with familiar brown ones. "Jesus Christ, Jaebum you scared the heck out of me." You state a hand over your heart. Jaebum smile widens, "I'm sorry baby." Jaebum states before giving you a small kiss on the cheek.
"I just missed you." Jaebum says moving in to give you a peck on the lips his hands still on your waist. "Jaebum, anyone could come in any second." You state after dodging the kiss.
"Please, just one? And I won't ask for anymore kisses until the school day ends." Jaebum states before pulling a puppy dog face causing you to give in. "Okay." You state with a smile before you both lean in for a sweet small kiss.
His smooth soft lips move in sync with yours, his hands pulling you closer by the waist as the kiss continues. He smiles half way through the kiss seeming content with what he had just received.
"Gosh, if you kiss me like that all the time. I don't think I'll be able to handle myself seeing you in the hallways." Jaebum states causing you to laugh. "What time is it?" You question Jaebum, "it is currently twelve twenty-five." Jaebum states.
"You should go first, somebody will get suspicious if we walk into the Lunchroom together." Jaebum states, and you nod in agreement. You pick up your bag as well as your binder that you had been carrying in your hands from the floor and begin to head towards the door.
Only to be pulled back into Jaebum's arms and pulled in for another quick kiss. "Okay, now you can go." Jaebum says slowly letting go of you to let you exit the class.
"Gosh, I'm so in love with her." Jaebum says running his hands through his hair.
•´¯•. 🎀 𝓂𝒶𝓃𝒾 𝓎𝒶𝓅𝓈 🎀 .•¯´•
I wrote this so long ago, like over three years ago, but I would 100% like to start writing again, so I will be getting rid of my completed drafts! :p
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onewmin · 2 years ago
snow on the beach | jaebeom | knj | 18+
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Parings: Lim Jaebeom x fem!reader x Kim Namjoon
Summary: You reminisce on the memories about the most important men in your life after being caught in between them, your feelings put at stake.
Warnings: AU, SMUT (do not engage in my works if you’re a minor), non-graphic description of sex, mentions of oral (f receiving), friends to friends with benefits to friends to lovers (?), mentions of cheating, profanity, the reader doesn’t know what she feels (very elena gilbert of hers), a very cheesy thing in the end (pls I’m a sucker for such stupid clichés) and a cliffhanger of course; typos, a slight of angst
Author’s note: hope you enjoy this… whatever this is lmao. Let me know what you think!!
Pics are taken from Pinterest, if you know their owners, pls let me know!!
Disclaimer: My works are not for minors to read. All the appearances of real people are taken for inspiration purposes only. I do not own anything, except for my writing.
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A summer breeze blew through your hair, hugging your shoulders with its warmth. There’s something about beaches, something that has always drawn you to this place. Is it the ocean, the small waves of which washed over your feet in the early hours of the days; is it the sand, that was always collected in your shoes after you walked around? You don’t really know, to be honest. You just know that you love being on the beach, whether it’s winter or summer, whether you’re alone of with someone else.
Five years ago, Jaebeom took you to the beach to teach you how to swim. Back then, you’d been friends for over a year, and shared the benefits for several months. The beach was secluded, isolated almost; so after his successful lessons, the two of you ended up making out on the sand. You remember sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around him, hands in his hair, tugging. You remember his grips on your waist, fingers putting hair behind your ears, slow kisses with sweet nothings whispered in between them. None of you had ever opened up to the other party of the mess, coming clear with the mutual feelings the two of you had developed. He never spoke of, and neither did you. You two just continued making love and acting like a couple until some months later you met Namjoon.
“Joon asked me to be his girlfriend”, you said to Jaebeom, when the two of you were smoking outside the bar.
“What did you answer?”
You shrugged your shoulders and threw the cigarette in the bin. “Figured I’d talk to you first”.
Jaebeom peered right through you, and then took the second cigarette from the pack. “No need to. He’s a great guy. You should go for it”.
Deep inside your head, you were hoping he’d snap, take your hand and pull you in his arms, whispering about you being his girl, like he did when you’d have sex. But he never did. And so the two of you were only friends again.
You grew to love Kim Namjoon quite quickly; he was always tender with you, gentle touches left on your cheeks whenever the two of you kissed. He fell for you first, having spent months dancing around you, trying to approach you the best way possible. He’d bring you flowers, take you on long bike rides and meet you after work. You’d go on simple dates, like movies or walks, but you were mesmerized by every little thing he did for you. However, Jaebeom wasn’t the bad guy in the story either: he was still you close friend. And prior to Namjoon, he had also done everything to make you fall for him.
But Jaebeom never acknowledged that. Namjoon did.
For your first anniversary the two of you rode your bikes to the beach to have a picnic, while watching the sunset. There were plenty of people there too, but you only saw Joon, and his ever glowing love reflected in him holding your hand and smiling brightly at everything you said.
And while the time was passing, Jaebeom had gotten in and out multiple relationships, you and Namjoon stood strong, facing every challenge together. Him and Jaebeom grew to be friends too, and you never touched upon you and him being an item before Joon. Because, no matter how friendly they’d been to each other, Kim Namjoon was overly possessive whenever he saw you and Jaebeom together.
Something seems off, he’d think to himself, judging you male best friend silently, but I can’t grasp what. You had to reassure him a thousand times that there was nothing between the two of you, — at least, not anymore — and he’d cool down, coming back to that sweet persona of his.
And the time has passed almost invisibly, marking your fifth anniversary as lovers and second one as an engaged couple. Things were going pretty great, horrendously sweet the two of you are, your friends would say.
Jaebeom, on the other hand, four months prior to your anniversary, had broken up with his long-term girlfriend — probably, the first one in years that he had very serious intentions about. He called you in the middle of the night, his speech slurring, for you to find him in the alley, drunkenly unconscious. Having carried him to your car, you heard him mumbling to himself, lying in the backseat, while you were driving him home.
“Jaebeom, you’re heavy son of a bitch”, you huffed, after putting him in his bed, and taking his clothes off. You didn’t feel the wave of embarrassment seeing him in his boxers only; you only felt a tsunami of irritation growing inside of you.
“Stay”, he grabbed your wrist when you had put the blanket over his body.
“Jaebeom, you know I can’t stay”, your annoyance turned into softness the moment you heard his weak voice.
“I can’t sleep without you”, he looked you right in the eyes, “I think… I think about you a-all the time”, he stuttered.
“Oh god, you’re too drunk”, you replied and released yourself from his grip. He was obviously imagining his ex-girlfriend brought him home. That’s what you kept on telling yourself even when you heard him murmur your name when leaving.
The two of you never spoke of that. Not until two months ago.
Your friends would tell you about the most bizarre experiences of them finding out their partners were cheating: catching them red-handed was the most outdated one. Nevertheless, no matter how ‘boring’ it was, that what happened to you. Namjoon and the girl from his work, in your bed, in the bed the two of you have shared for the past three years.
“It’s not what you think!” Followed you as you flew out of the apartment, only to jump in your car and drive, drive, drive until you couldn’t feel your hands, which were gripping the wheel tightly. You stopped near the beach.
Sitting on the sand, you shivered from the cold spring wind as a harbinger of the heavy rain that followed shortly after you arrived. The raindrops fell on the water, creating ripples on its surface; and you didn’t know what really soaked the sand — the rain or your tears.
Soaked to the core, you tried to warm yourself in the car, bone-shaking sobs ripping your heart apart with every breath you took. You stayed in the car, in the parking lot of the supermarket outside the city, and fell asleep in the driver’s seat, head resting on your hands on the steering wheel.
You drove to Jaebeom’s house in the morning, just to cry more, being safe in his arms. He made you stay in his house even for longer, as you felt sick the next day, your beach experience being the fault. Namjoon was banned from visiting.
“She doesn’t want to see you”, you woke up to hear the words coming from the hall of Jaebeom’s house.
“Is that what she said?” You knew Namjoon’s voice all too well not to recognize him. “Or this are your words?”
“She’s my fiancée, not yours, Jaebeom”.
“Is she still?” Jaebeom chuckled. “Don’t remember her being ecstatic about your wedding since she caught you fucking someone else”.
1:0, Jaebeom won that round. Namjoon left but kept on bombarding your phone, texting and calling all the time. What could he possibly tell you? That it was a mistake? That him sleeping with his colleague was… What? What possible excuse could he ever given to make you forgive what he had done?
The anger has turned into resentment; you could no longer think of Namjoon without feeling sick to your stomach. Your engagement ring was in your bag, a lingering memory of the moments you were the happiest.
“Have you ever thought about it?” You and Jaebeom were sitting on the couch, watching TV in his house. You’ve just gotten better, but he insisted you stayed a little bit longer. You didn’t mind.
“About what?”
“About…” He hummed. “About us”.
He took a deep breath. “Like, if we… If you and me… Shit”. He ran his hand through the hair. “If I, uh…”. Jaebeom stopped for a moment again. “If I asked you to be my girlfriend back then, would you be mine?”
Gawking at him, you opened and closed your mouth, being unable to produce a sound or a thought. Just like that? Five years have passed!
“What are you… What are you talking about?” Your words came out as a whisper.
He moved closer to you, having taken your hands in his. “I-I just… I just want to know”. His brown eyes scanned you, pupils dilating every time his gaze stopped at your lips.
“It’s been too long for me to even remember-“
“I couldn’t forget”. His words firm, unlike the soft caressing of your hands by his fingers. “Because no matter how much time passed, I find myself still… Still drawn to you”. Your chest suddenly was heavy and the heartbeat was the only sound you could hear. “Don’t you ever think of… us?”
Your verbal answer came out as silence, but you quickly found yourself pulling him in for a kiss. Starting slowly, it escalated into a heavy one, tongues sloppily meeting in between moans. You never dreamt to be in his arms ever again, nevertheless, you were.
The couch was no longer enough as the two of you crawled to his bed, entangled in the sheets. His touches were the same, same as you remembered them: simply perfect for you. His head buried between your thighs, exploring your most sensitive spot once again, even more skillfully and satisfyingly this time.
And as you were riding him, head thrown back, both of you lost in pleasure, your personal Edem inside his bedroom. The way he tugged on your hair, gently and tenderly, when talking you from behind, open-mouthed kisses left on your back and shoulders. Every year spent suppressing your desire for each other turned into an erupting volcano; and there was no possibility to stop the disaster from happening.
You regretted it in the morning. You regretted it until Jaebeom woke up and grinned at you, lips touching your forehead in a soothing kiss, as if he’d felt the pain you were feeling. The said pain was relieved by the kiss, and then by another, turned into making out, turned into him slowly thrusting into you. For several hours you couldn’t even remember Namjoon’s name — as if the mere touch of Jaebeom’s erased your fiancé from your head.
However, not from your heart. No matter how good it was, no matter the suppressed feelings for Jaebeom coming back, you still had feelings for Namjoon as well. Torn apart, you were unable to leave Jaebeom, ‘cause doing it felt like leaving him forever. It seemed if you stepped out of his house, you’d lose him forever. But if you stayed? If you stayed, wouldn’t you lose Namjoon?
Did he think about that when cheating on you?
So you drove to the beach instead. Summer is in its full bloom, people walking around, swimming, laughing. Not many of them, but enough for you not to feel lonely. And as the weather seems perfect, you close your eyes to trust your faith to the only place you ever felt safe at.
“If it snows today, now, on the beach”, you speak to the ocean through your thoughts, eyes squeezed, “I’ll drive home to the man I love”. As if you knew. As if you had a clear vision of your future. As if you one whom to love.
And as you stand there, eyes still closed, several minutes pass. When you hear people’s voices suddenly getting louder, you lift your head to look at the sky. Opal colored just five minutes ago, now it was grey, clouds covering the sun.
Could it really snow on the beach in the middle of the summer?
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yoonia · 6 days ago
— love is banned ● teaser
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— title: Love Is Banned | pairings: Jaebum/Jay B x female reader| genre: pwp (porn with very little plot), post break-up!au, brother’s best friend!au
— summary | Heartbroken beyond repair, you escape to your brother’s place hours away from home, desperate to avoid the Valentine’s Day soiree happening around you—only to find yourself trapped in the middle of his love-filled house party. Seeking solitude, you are surprised to find the perfect source of comfort from the last person you had ever expected to meet tonight.
— ratings & full fic warnings | +18 / M for mature;involves swearing, alcohol consumption, explicit sex, teasing and drunk flirting, dirty talk, hand job, oral sex, fingering, edging, light spanking, exhibitionism kink, drunk sex (with consent), orgasm denial, multiple orgasms. 
— word count: 429 words | full fic word count: app. 6k words
— banner design: made by the lovely @lovetaroandtaemin | divider credit
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Outside, coming all the way from downstairs, the music is still blaring loudly the later it gets in the night. The sound of people dancing, chatting, and cheering over some sort of a drinking game can be heard through the thick walls. 
But here, the air is getting thick with tension, and it’s hard to focus on anything else when you are pressed down against the hard mattress beneath you, and you have your brother’s best friend hovering on top of you with a sick, teasing grin on his face. 
And oh, how much you struggle to keep your eyes away from those enticing lips. 
“So? What do you say?” he asks again while his gaze moves to your lips, lingering for a few seconds too long as he catches you licking your lips. “It’s a one time offer, and time is ticking. How much longer do you think before your brother comes in and catches us together?” 
You cannot help but grin at the mention of your brother. “Aren’t you afraid that he might just do that and break your nose again like he did years ago?” 
Jaebum laughs, and your heart skips a beat when you realise how much his voice has changed over the years. And how much you still love it. 
“I think it’ll worth the risk. As long as you’re in.” 
Worth the risk. 
Yeah, there’s nothing stopping your heart from trying to break free from your chest now that you hear such words. You shouldn’t believe it. But you want to believe it. You want to believe that he thinks you are worth risking your brother’s wrath. 
“Well? Are you in? Or are you going to walk out that door and forget everything we talked about?” 
You bite your lip as you consider your options. His offer is tempting, but are you brave enough to take the risk? 
One night. No attachment. No promises. And you get to leave this place free of your pent up frustrations and need. Maybe dare yourself to feel some pleasure from the one you are forbidden to touch.
Even if you might have to ignore the familiar flutters in your chest rising the more you look at him—the same way it used to happen all those years ago whenever you saw him when he was hanging out with your older brother. 
“Not a chance,” you answer him with a grin, before you lift your legs and wrap them around his waist, your arms coming around his neck as you pull him down to you. “Game on.”  
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Note: If you’re interested to be tagged in the full fic, leave your name/url in the replies down below!
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— ©Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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snwycde · 1 year ago
Connected (Bang Chan) part 2
Pairing: BangChan x fem reader
wc: 2.2k
warnings: none
summary: angsty - slow burn of Chan and fem reader. Chan runs into his past, how will it affect the present and his future?
This is NOT the first part!!! Here is part 1
“Hyung, what do you mean you’re going to make a new solo song?!” Han sits up from the couch, “Would the company even allow that? We’re supposed to release this album literally this year.”
Chan leans back into his chair and grabs at his hair, “I just don’t feel like my song is as…it just doesn’t fit the vibe that I want it to give.”
Han put his hands onto his face, clearly stressed. 
“Why don’t you like ‘Roads’?” Changbin swivels his chair around to look at Chan, “I think it’s good and the lyrics are good?”
‘Roads’ was Chan’s song that he wrote for stays, it’s his solo song in the SKZ-Replay album. 
“I just don’t feel like I spent as much time on the song as you guys did with yours. Literally everyone has deeper meaning to their own songs, even Lino!”
Han looks up and turns to Changbin, “He has a point there. Lee know hyung isn’t one to be emotional and then he literally wrote ��지막이 (limbo).“
“Besides, the company will probably allow me to change it, it’s only June and we’re releasing it in December.” Chan sits back up, “And I’ll just release ‘Roads’ if I don’t come up with anything.”
Han shrugs at Changbin. Now it’s Changbin’s turn to lean back into his chair, “Why not. It’s not like we’re going to be able to change your mind.”
Chan starts packing up his things, “Good.”
“Where are you going?” Han questions his sudden movements.
“We’re done here… so I’m going?” he says as he places his laptop into his bag.
Another shared glance between Han and Changbin, a state of confusement since their hyung is never first to leave. 
“Look I’ll meet you guys back at the dorm.” giving a peace sign before exiting the room, leaving Han and Changbin baffled.
You have arrived, announces the car’s GPS. 
Chan parks on the street outside of a building, Connections, a cafe. Chan looks at the outside before entering, he hasn’t been here in years. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna surprise him at the ice skating rink,” You say while getting in the car, “He doesn’t know that I came back during spring break.”
“I can’t believe you flew back for him, don’t you ever learn your lesson,” your friend announces after your phone connects to your car.
“Look it’s been rough between us for a while and I want to clear things up, I feel like we just need to see each other and things will go back to normal.” You turn on the car, “Jihyo, I know you’ve never liked him but you didn’t even give him a chance!”
You can hear a sigh on the end of the line, “Whatever babe, I love you. I’ll be back home later tonight.”
You return an I love you and end the call.
“How long do you want to pay for?” an employee asks.
You check your watch, 11:30am, “I’ll stay for 2 hours.” 
As you sit down and put on your skates you check your phone to see your boyfriend’s location, he’s been here for 30 minutes already.
You remember he said that he was planning on going ice skating with his friends today when you had called him last night, and since you didn’t know how to surprise him, why not here while he’s with his friends…?
The ice skating rink is filled with people, so you look before getting on the ice to see if you can see your boyfriend. You see him, wearing one of the jackets you had bought him, and warmth rushes to your cheeks. 
As you step onto the ice you start towards him, the rink is quite large so you decide to call out to him, “Jae-”
You stop yourself once you see someone slide into him. A girl. Maybe it’s just an accident, you tell yourself. Jaebum, your boyfriend, wraps his arms around her, hugging her. You stop skating towards him, watching from a distance as he laughs and kisses her forehead. 
Your heart stops, as your eyes follow the girl as she gets off the rink and walks towards the restroom. 
You don’t even realize you're following her until, “Your hair is so cute!”, you say. 
“Ah, thank you!” the girl blushes as she touches up her short black hair in the mirror, “I love your long hair, it's gorgeous!”
“You and your boyfriend look so cute together,” you take out your lip oil, what am I doing?
The girl notices your lip oil, “Omg I have that one too!” as she takes out the dior lip oil to show you, “yeah, he’s actually not my boyfriend…yet!”
You turn to her, heart breaking since she’s so sweet, “oh really?”, from your intuition, you know she doesn’t know you, she seems like a good girl.
“He’s taken me on a few dates here and there, but I haven’t decided if I want him to be my boyfriend,” she leans in to whisper, “he is just a bit older than me, haha.”
You pretend like you don’t know that and gasp, “Omg how old is he, how old are you?”
“He's only 3 years older than me, I’m 24.” she smiles.
“Me too!” you exclaim, suddenly all you want to do is scream at Jaebum.
“Well it was wonderful meeting you!” you say before waving bye and quickly exiting. 
You spot Jaebum on the ice talking to one of his friends. As you get on the ice, his friend spots you before he could, “Y-Y/n?”
Jaebum turns around, color slowly leaves his face, “Y-y/n! What are you doing here!” He pretends to act excited as he looks around. 
“Surprise!” you act, forcing your whole body to hug him back when he hugs you, it makes you want to throw up. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks again breathlessly, “shouldn’t you be overseas?”
“Wouldn’t you like that,” you say under your breath before looking up at him, “Jagi, you’re wearing the jacket I got you! It looks so good!”
As you pretend to check him out in his jacket he starts to panic, “Aren’t you tired? You’re probably tired, you should go home and rest. I’ll bring dinner tonight!”
You stop and hold his hand, “omg jagi, I was in the restroom and I met the sweetest girl! You have to meet her.”
At that moment whatever color was left on his face left, it looked like his soul left his body, “jagi,” he starts, you wince at the nickname.
“Jaebum?” The voice behind you makes you smile.
You turn and look at the girl, on her face is pure confusement, you see her look at you holding his hand. Jaebum quickly wiggles his hand out of yours, your heart breaks a little. 
“Miyeon-ah.” Jaebum takes place in between you both, “Look, I can explain.”
“Miyeon… what a cute name,” you sadly smile before looking at Jaebum, “I saw you hold her.”
“J-jagi, I didn’t mean it,” Jaebum puts his hands up.
“Jagi?” Miyeon questions, her face trying to put the pieces together, “Are you guys dating?”
You look at Jaebum waiting for him to answer her but he just stays silent, “Jaebum was my boyfriend.”
“Was?” Jaebum looks at you, but you’re still looking at Miyeon as she realizes the situation. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know he was in a relationship.” Miyeon’s face drops, “I should leave.”
“No don’t,” Jaebum then turns to her, “can I explain?”
“Please don’t, you have nothing to explain to me.”  Miyeon replies before she waves to you and skates off.
Jaebum just watches her leave, “Y/n, I didn’t mean it, we were just good friends.”
You scoff at his words. You see his friend Jackson turn away not even believing him because he’s clearly in the wrong.
“How long?” That's all you wanted to ask, that’s all you wanted to know, maybe.
“Y/n please.” Jaebum takes your hands into his.
“How long, Jaebum.”
“I only took her on 5 dates. It started in June. It’s only been a month.”
“Only?” you look at him slightly hurt, “we’ve been dating for almost year and you’re gonna throw it away to have some fling?”
“I didn’t plan on getting that close to her, Y/n. you have to believe me.” Jaebum waves Jackson off to go elsewhere, “It was just a little lonely for me, you’re all the way overseas doing your stuff and you’re always busy nowadays.”
You pull your hands from his, “you’re blaming you cheating on me being busy?”
“That’s not what I’m trying to say, Jagi. I just want to say I’m sorry and that we can move on from this and grow stronger.” Jaebum holds your shoulders, “I didn’t mean to kiss her, it was always out of stress and loneliness, I just really missed you.”
“Kis– Jaebum don’t touch me.” you step away from him.
Jaebum moves to try to hug you, but his bracelet on his wrist starts going off notifying that his time on the ice is over. 
“Look, do you want to go somewhere else and talk about this? Let’s try not to make a scene.” Jaebum sees Jackson getting off the ice, trying to move towards the exit.
“Make a scene? Seriously.” 
“You know that’s not what I meant.”
You look at Jaebum, then check the time, you still have 45 minutes left before your time is up, “You should go.”
Jaebum looks at you, then his bracelet, “text me whenever you’re ready okay? I love you.”
You cringe at those words, yet watch his back as he heads out to leave in sadness, not wanting him to go.
You’re in shock as you skate alone around and around the rink, trying to waste your time. You get a notification from your phone, Jihyo: 
I get off a little late today, so I’ll bring some food home ;P
You decide to text her and tell her what happened, when you hear a voice say, “Bin I’m actually gonna leave you, you’re embarrassing me.”
This wakes you up from your deluded thoughts, and you stare at the two people who happened to be in front of you, one gripping onto the wall and the other, slightly taller than the other, blonde hair peeking out under his beanie. 
“Chan?” you hear yourself whisper.
But you’re completely drowned out by another boy taller than them both coming by to completely push the one gripping onto the wall. As he’s desperately trying not to fall, that's when you hear it. 
Chan’s laugh. The sweetest and most contagious laugh you’ve ever heard, it makes your heart ache yet feel so warm. 
The laugh distracts you from your thoughts so well that it also distracts you from reality, you’re able to snap out of it, when you’re suddenly hit and falling to the ground. 
“Ouch,” you grab onto your wrist that you fell on.
Your nose is suddenly filled with the scent of his cologne, bringing back memories you did not want to feel right now. Feelings starting to worsen your current heartbreak with a past heartbreak.
He starts, as he rushes to get up and off of you, “I'm so sorry. I am truly so sorry.” He stretches out his hand for you, “are you okay?”
Does he not recognize me? You wonder as you start to get up using the wall, “You don’t have to apologize, it’s okay.”
Chan tries to make eye contact with you, “Do you need help or do you need anything?”
This is embarrassing, he’s the exact same as before. His actions start to irritate you, “”N-no, it’s really okay.” 
I’m done here. This is the worst day ever. You’re thinking as you skate off.
You walk and text Jihyo, Jaebum cheated on me and I just literally ran into Chan.
You find your shoes and start taking off your skates. Your phone’s notification starts to go off, thinking it’s from Jihyo you pick it up, instead it’s from Jackson. 
Hey y/n, look I know we’re not the closest, but I just wanted to say that I didn’t know you guys were even dating still. Jaebum told me and the guys that you guys broke up a little after you flew back to the States. I’m sorry that he’s been lying to you. - Jackson
This makes your eyes start to water, you’re not sure whether to be angry, hurt or –
“Hi I’m the guy who fell into you earlier”
5 years Chan, trust me I know you.
“I really am sorry about that, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
You scoff at his words, they’re so familiar, “You want to make sure I’m okay?”
“Um yes,” hesitation in his voice, “I just want to know if I hurt you badly and you’re just hiding it.”
Hearing this from your ex is not the best feeling. Especially when he doesn’t even remember you, or does he? So you decide to make eye contact with him, feeling pathetic yet angry as you still have tears in your eyes, “No Chan, don’t worry you didn’t hurt me at all.”
His face suddenly drops, from the nice guy act he was playing, as he steps back a little he questions, “Shit, Y/n?”
“Sorry you might’ve forgotten me, my bad.” You stand up and brush his shoulder as you walk out.
author's note: OKAY so I think I'll release every day until this story is done, around 10-11 pm PST time 👍 I'm not entirely sure honestly but I'll try to be active as long as people want more 🙏
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marvelous-llama · 2 years ago
GOT7 recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, so please reblog and comment under works you like. Show love to the authors and appreciate their hard work
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pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments
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The Mafia by @inyournightmares97
The Inevitability of You by @yehet-me-up
Soulmate series by @fantastic-bby (Mark, Jaebeom, Jackson, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Bambam, Yugyeom)
Firework by @inyournightmares97
fake dating to real dating by @taexual (part 1, part 2)
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Trust Issues by @jeonronwoo
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Yugyeom x reader (wc - 2.5k) roommates to lovers, mutual pining - fluff One night you couldn’t resist your roommate Yugyeom anymore and finally gave in.
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multifanhoe99 · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 3- Lingerie
This is gonna be self-indulgent as hell and I am not sorry but also I hope you enjoy it!
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Pairing: non-idol!JB x afab!Reader
Warnings: Pet names (Daddy, Princess, Baby), mentions of panty stealing, mentions of masturbation, oral (fem. receiving), PIV intercourse, creampie (fem. receiving), no condom (be safe out there y'all), spanking, hair pulling
=Please let me know if I missed any.=
~18+ MDNI ~
It was not often that you wanted to buy fancy things. Even less often the fancy stuff you happen to buy turns out to be something sexy to wear for your husband. This time you couldn't help it. One day in your boredom you decided to do some online shopping and found a gorgeous lacey emerald green set that you knew would look amazing against your skin tone. Even better it was on sale! One night's bored purchase is another night's fun. Honestly, you had almost completely forgotten you bought it until it came in the mail today. It was a pleasant surprise, a gift from your past self and you couldn't help but be thrilled. Just then you got another idea. You were going to make an event of it. You had the day off to relax anyway why not make it worthwhile. With that determination in mind, you went to take a shower to get ready for what you had planned. After your shower, you applied some light makeup and fixed your hair into neat french braids that finished off as low pigtails. He liked your hair like that for very obvious reasons. Then you put on the new lingerie set you bought. On top of it, you put on the dress you know he loves seeing you in the most. It's a long red sundress with flowers on it and a slit that goes up the middle rather than down the side. Once you were all dolled up and ready you decided to head to the kitchen to fix up his favorite meal and to set the table like they would in a restaurant.
When you were finally done you sent a quick text to your husband, -I have a surprise for you when you get home! I hope you like it I love you. See you soon!- You knew he should be on his way home by now and the notification would come up on the dash screen of his car. A few minutes later you get his reply, - I can't wait! I am almost home. I love you too!- It was exciting waiting in anticipation for him to come home. Not even five minutes later while you were putting the finishing touches on the meal you heard the front door open and close. You went out to greet him, "Hello my love how was work?"
"Ah, you know same old-," he pauses when he finally looks up from taking off his shoes to switch to his house slippers, "Wow, what's the special occasion that my beautiful wife feels the need to make my knees weak."
"There is no special occasion I just felt like pampering my handsome husband because he's been working extra hard lately," you replied moving closer to give him a kiss. He instantly returned the kiss and placed his hands on your hips. Before the kiss could get any more heated you pulled away, "Dinner is ready in the kitchen. I made your favorite."
"Have I ever told you that I love you," he asks following you into the kitchen/dining room.
"Only every single day Jae," you respond with a giggle at his affection. No matter how long you two have been together Im Jaebum gives you butterflies like it's still the very first date. Upon seeing the spread you had laid out on the table he came up to hug you from behind and whispered in your ear, "So you did all of this just because I have been working extra hard? I feel like you are planning something, Princess."
"What I can't just want to do something nice for you," you ask trying not to give your true intentions away.
"Okay, I will believe you for now. Let's eat then," he says giving you one more kiss on the head before going to sit down. You both enjoy your meal together and he helps you clean up. When everything was cleaned and put away you went up to JB and wrapped your arms around his neck. He placed his hands back on your hips. You lean closer to whisper in his ear again, "There is more to your surprise. Join me in the bedroom will you?"
"See I knew you were up to something," he says with a smile but follows you to the bedroom anyway. You sit him down on the edge of the bed and tell him to close his eyes. Once you are sure he isn't peeking you remove the dress you were wearing and throw it into the hamper in the corner of the room. You let him know that he can open his eyes and when he does you don't fail to notice the way his eyes darken when they look at you. His expression shifts from one of pure admiration to something darker and full of lust. You can hear it in the timber of his voice when he says, "Come here princess let daddy get a closer look at you."
You can't help but do what he asks this was your plan after all and you couldn't be more glad that it worked. As you step closer he places his hands on your thighs. It is gentle at first and then he moves up higher. Wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling you closer so he can see as he moves his hands up to your ass and giving it a firm squeeze. Then he lands a sharp spank on your left cheek and soothes it by rubbing his hand softly over the spot. "Look at you, baby. You look so good for me all wrapped in lace like this. I will try not to ruin it while I am busy fucking you into oblivion," he growls from his position below you. From that same position, he lifts you up with no issues and tosses you gently onto the bed so that you're lying on your back.
He takes his sweet time kissing and nipping at your inner thighs. He makes his way so slowly to the place you need him most. You can feel how wet you are just from this and he hasn't even properly started yet. You know that he is doing this on purpose and are sure this was his own plan ever since he became suspicious of you planning something. He was moving so slowly and so gently and you knew that he could see how much it affected you from the ever-growing wet patch on your new panties. "Da-daddy please don't tease me anymore I c-can't take it. I need you please," you beg gasping when he nips just a little bit harder at your most sensitive parts.
"That's it, baby beg for me. Beg for me to use this pretty little pussy however I want," he replies finally giving you some type of relief by rubbing a thumb up and down your covered folds. He continued that for a little while longer and then gave in at the sound of your desperate moans. He pulled the panties down your legs and once they were fully off he shoved them into the pocket of his slacks. You already struggled to think and he was only getting started. It only got worse when he finally gave your pussy the attention you wanted him to. He licked a long stripe up your glistening folds humming in satisfaction at your taste.
"What do you think princess should I take my time eating you out until you cum again and again on my face or would you just like me to get you ready enough to take my cock," he asks. It was getting hard to form words. The combination of his tongue and his two fingers that joined shortly after his question was blurring your mind with pleasure. He stops all movement to say, "Come on baby use your words. Already so fucked dumb and I have barely even done anything yet. What do you want you can say it."
"I w- I want to-to-to- wanna get ready for daddy's cock," you say barely able to string the sentence together. Jaebum had a way of doing that to you and you loved it. You loved being able to give yourself over to the pleasure he brought you and he loved it too. Hearing your answer JB dove in like a man starved. After so many years he knew your body like nobody else and he knew exactly what to do to bring you over the edge. His mouth licking your sensitive clit and his middle and ring fingers plunging deep into you. Every time you'd touch yourself when he wasn't around you could never get your fingers to go as deep as his. He brought you ecstasy like nothing else. You could feel yourself getting closer.
"Daddy I am so close please can I cum I really wanna cum on your face please please, please," you begged almost crying.
"Cum baby cum all over my face and then again one more time on my cock after," he said temporarily removing his mouth from your clit and then going right back. When he replaces his mouth you feel yourself let go coming all over his face and fingers. It feels so good but you know you aren't done yet. He wastes no time moving away to remove his own clothes and then flipping you over. He pulls your hips up and once he has the right position he slides right in. He gives you enough time to adjust to him and as soon as he's sure you're okay he sets a fast pace. At first, his hands are on your hips giving your ass harsh slaps every so often that make you yelp and moan at the painful pleasure. Then his hands move to your hair each hand taking one of the pigtails and then pulling back making your back arch and he is able to hit a new deeper angle. He can feel you tightening around him and he knows you're close again which is good because so is he. He leans down into your ear, "That's it, baby just a little more, and then let's cum together yeah?"
He keeps up this pace and it is only a matter of time before you're falling off the edge cumming all over his cock and he follows seconds after. Cum spurting out in thick ropes into you. It takes a moment for you both to calm down but when you finally do he goes to the bathroom to get a warm rag to clean you up. "That was amazing and you should online shop more often if this is what it leads to," he jokes.
"Yeah I will get right on that," you respond with a laugh. He helps you clean up, take your make-up off, and let your hair down. You both fall asleep in each other's arms after exchanging a sincere 'I love you' and you couldn't be happier to end your day with him.
A/N: HOLY COW!!! I am so sorry for being so late on this one but like I said it was really self-indulgent and I definitely got super carried away. Luckily day 3 is done and day 4 will be out later today so as a bonus for this one being late you technically get two in one day! HOORAY!
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cherryeol04 · 1 year ago
The Thing in the Lake (M)
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➻ Pairings: Mark x Jackson
➻ Genre: Horror au, Thriller au, Camping Au
➻ Additional: humor, romance, ghost story
➻ Word Count: 3.4K
➻ Warnings: graphic depictions of violence & gore
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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“So the plan is to get totally wasted.” Jackson said happily as he plopped down in one of the folding chairs, grinning as he held the bottle of vodka in his hands. The other’s looked at him with a raised brow and he frowned. “What?”
“If you wanted to get drunk, then why did you even suggest coming here?” Mark asked as he looked over at the other quizzically, laughing softly. “Jackson you could have stayed back in town and gone to Halloween parties with Amber like you planned.” he said.
Jackson snorted as he opened the bottle and sniffed it for a moment before looking back at Mark. “And miss spending time with you? What kind of boyfriend would I be?” he asked and quickly pointed to Yugyeom, whose mouth was open and ready for a snarky comment. “Quiet, no one asked you.” he said and snorted. “I would be a very bad boyfriend.” he replied and smiled. “Besides, it’s the holiday season. All holidays are spent with your lovers right?”
“Is that a rhetorical question?” Youngjae asked with a raised brow. “Or do you really want an answer to that?”
“I really want an answer to that. I don’t know these things.” Jackson said with a scoff. “Come on Youngjae, I’m new to this whole good boyfriend thing. I need a little guidance.” he pleaded. Mark laughed and reached over and took the bottle from Jackson’s hand and pressed the mouth to Jackson’s lips. 
“Shut up and drink.” he chuckled and looked around their little campfire that they had going. It was Jackson’s idea to come out to the campsite near the lake just outside the city. It wasn’t a remote area, but it felt like it was an excellent place for young lovers to go and spend romantic nights alone. Or for a group of friends, such as they were, to spend one night getting plastered as they told ghost stories and celebrated Halloween. 
“So booze, check.” BamBam said. “Friends...more or less check.” he said and laughed when Jinyoung smacked him with the plushie peach pillow he was holding. “Campfire, check. Time to enjoy ourselves on this fine spooky night. What should we do first? Get drunk? Make smores? Tell ghost stories or fuck?”
“We’re not fucking out here.” Youngjae said quickly with a wag of his finger.
“Why not? Brings you closer with nature.” Yugyeom laughed. “What? Didn’t bring the lube.” he teased.
“Shut up Yugyeom. Why would we have come all the way out here just to fuck?” Youngjae questioned.
“Good question. We didn’t. We came out here to have fun and be together.” Jaebum said. “So let’s have fun!”
“Alright, who brought mom?” Jackson asked and grinned as he passed the bottle of vodka over to BamBam who took a swig from it. “Don’t be a Debby Downer Jaebum. I plan to fuck Mark good in the tent later.” he said and threw a wink to his blushing boyfriend.
“Do you mean, Mark plans to fuck you good? We all know you don’t top.” BamBam teased, laughing as Jackson flicked him off.
“S’mores time yes?” Youngjae jumped in as he grabbed the bag with the marshmallows in it and held it up. “Come one, let’s make them and tell some ghost stories.” he said with an eager expression that had everyone stunned in silence.
“I mean…” Jaebum started and coughed to clear his throat. “I know I’m mom and all, but haven’t you fucked the prude out of him already Jinyoung?” he asked, staring at the younger male next to him who was just as in shock at his boyfriend’s words as Jaebum had been.
“Guess I didn’t do a good job.”
“Oh come on guys.” Youngjae whined. “Why is it so bad that I don’t want to talk or listen to talk of fucking and sex and relationships that I have no business knowing about? What you all do is all up to you. Why do I need to be a part of it?” he questioned.
“How did he get into our best friend club?” Yugyeom asked, pointing to Youngjae in question. “We’re men Jae, we talk about this stuff all the time. You need to get used to it. It doesn’t make you dirty or anything. If anything, it’s an expression of our love for our boyfriends and our trust in each other as friends.” 
“Someone remove him from Philosophy class.” Bambam laughed and took the bag of marshmallows from Youngjae and opened it. He pulled one out and tossed it at Yugyeom, laughing. Yugyeom stuck out at his tongue at the other and rolled his eyes.
“Just relax Youngjae, okay? The hyungs are here to watch over us. Tonight we get shit faced drunk and have a good time!” Yugyeom said happily.
“We’re not your babysitters.” Jaebum laughed as he stood and walked over to his tent and grabbed the back of supplies he had been told to bring. He pulled out the little dowels for everyone and passed them out before tossing a box of graham crackers to Mark. “You’ll be our designated graham boy.” he chuckled and then looked at Jinyoung who held up the chocolate bars.
“I’ve got the chocolate.” he said happily. 
“Good, let’s get cooking. All this talk about food is making me hungry.” Mark said and reached towards BamBam for a marshmallow.
“I thought we were talking about sex.” Jackson inquired. 
“That too.” Mark agreed with a laugh and stuck his marshmallow into the fire to warm. The others followed soon afterwards as they were given their marshmallow and they sat around in silence for a while. They didn’t need to talk or anything. Instead they just stared at the fire, or worked silently on crafting the best s’more, each trying to outdo each other. 
“So what kind of stories should we tell?” BamBam asked after about ten minutes of silence. He was fighting with his gooey marshmallow to stay on the cracker long enough to grab a few bars of the chocolate to put on it. “Like should it be true stories or shit we make up?” he asked. 
“True stories, duh.” Jackson grumbled through a mouthful of s’more. “You’re all crap at making up stuff.”
“I take offense to that.” Youngjae grumbled and glared at Jackson. The young literature major was very good at making up stories. He had to do so for many of his class assignments and his teachers always gave him high marks. So he had to be good, right?
“Who cares if we make it up or not?” Jinyoung asked and grinned. “Let’s just tell stories okay?” he said. Looking over at Youngjae, he grinned as he smeared chocolate over his nose, pulling a whine from him. 
“Alright, who’s first?” Yugyeom asked. With no one speaking up, a quick round of rock, paper, scissors was played until the order was decided. After a few failed stories from Bambam, Yugyeom and Jinyoung, it became Youngjae’s turn and the boys settled back in their chairs, eyes locked on the male as he prepared to tell his story.
“It better be good, Mr. Lit Major.” Jackson hummed as he sipped his cup. Youngjae rolled his eyes at him and cleared his throat.
“So I know a few of you aren’t natives of this province….or country.” he said and eyed Mark, Jackson and then BamBam. “Anyway, there is a legend in these parts that is really creepy.” 
“Ooh what? Mr. Slasher Killer?” Jackson taunted and grunted when Mark smacked his chest.
“Shut up.” he hissed at him. 
Youngjae threw a marshmallow at Jackson and shook his head. “Anyway, there is a legend about this lake.” Youngjae continued as he leaned in, hands folded over his lap. “About five years ago there was a string of murders that happened here. Young kids would come out here to party and fuck; what normal college kids would do. A group of friends ventured out here for a weekend getaway. They were here from Friday night and supposed to return home on Monday. When none came back they were reported missing. Police investigated and when they finally came out here to the campsites they found their mutilated bodies. Some parts were hanging in the trees.” He said and pointed to the large tree limb that hung over them. “Other parts strewn about, but there was a distinct way these body parts were left. They created a trail and the police followed it all the way down to the dock of the lake.”
“It was Jason!” Jackson announced.  Shaking his head, Mark reached out and covered Jackson’s mouth to keep him from talking again. 
“Now the police thought it was just some crazy killer, but when the body parts were examined it was said that it looked like their flesh had been ripped apart by jagged edges of something and then even found teeth lodged into a bone. And after further inspection, it was a tooth that didn't belong to any known animal in South Korea, k or the world.” 
“Really?” Bambam asked in shock. 
“Ah! That's not true.” Yugyeom shook his head. 
“It's true! Look it up.” Youngjae nodded and sat back, grinning. “You're turn hyung.” He called to Mark. 
“How about we just drink?” Jaebum asked. 
“What? Scared?” Youngjae teased and laughed at the other. 
“No, I'm bored. Look I brought my speakers. Let's just rock out and drink before passing out.”
“I second that motion!” Jinyoung chimed in.
“Third!” Jackson shouted through Mark’s hand. 
“Oh you big old party poopers.” Yugyeom huffed and glared at them. “Fine, let’s party.”  The others cheered. Setting up the speakers, Jaebum connected his phone to them and started the music, officially starting their Halloween bash out in the woods. Yugyeom, as always, was the first to be up and dancing, Bambam joining him shortly after. 
Youngjae spent the majority of the time laughing loudly at the two dancing, Jinyoung talking with Jaebum about who knows what. Jackson watched them all with a smile before glancing at Mark. The other seemed enraptured with what was going on, but he wanted to change that. He had come up with this idea because he knew Mark liked camping. He also knew that he wanted to try fucking outside. So what better way than to combine the two and Mark extremely happy?
Grinning, he stood and walked over and took Mark’s hand, pulling him out of his chair and tugging him away from the campsite. 
“Jackson, where are we going?” Mark asked as he stayed close to the other, following him down a well made path that eventually led them to the dock on the lake. “Oh Jackson come on.”
“What, scared of the monster lurking in?” Jackson teased, wiggling his fingers in Mark’s direction with a laugh. 
“Honestly, yes. I'm going back.” Mark said and turned to head back to the camp, but was stopped as Jackson grabbed his arm and pulled him back against his chest. 
“Oh come babe. That was just a story. There is no monster in the lake.” Jackson said, head dipping in to place gentle kisses along his neck. “Come on baby. Let's just have a little fun.” He cooed as he ran his hands over Mark’s chest and sides. “What do you say?”
Mark leaned back against him and whimpered softly as he enjoyed the touch of his boyfriend on his body. “Jackson.” Mark groaned.  “I hate you can make me feel this way and I can't fight back.”
“Don't fight it Mark.” Jackson encouraged as he grabbed the hem of Mark’s shirt and pulled it up slowly, teasingly. “Give in and let's play. I'll make you feel really good.” Jackson tried to tempt the other. 
“God I know you will.” Mark muttered, letting Jackson pull his shirt off and toss it to the ground. Turning, he pressed against the other and kissed him hard, hand cupping the back of Jackson’s head for a moment before it dropped and started tugging on the other’s clothes. 
In a matter of minutes they were both stripped bare and Jackson guided Mark into the water, shivering and laughing at first at how cold it was. Staying near the dock, Jackson pressed Mark against one of the support beams, his lips finding his once more. Soft moans left Mark as he returned the kiss, their hands running over each other's bodies and pressing into hotspots.
They were growing more needy and impatient. The last time they had sex was nearly two months ago when the new semester began. They needed more than anything at the moment and the tension between them was mounting the further they went. 
“Oh fuck Jackson.” Mark moaned, head falling back to rest against the hard wound. Long arms wrapped around Jackson’s neck as one leg wound around his waist. Jackson grabbed onto the deck behind him, using it as a balance and leverage as he thrusted into Mark slowly. “Shit just like that baby.” Mark groaned out, fingers raking through Jackson’s hair. 
“Fuck baby you feel so damn good around me.” Jackson groaned out in pleasure. “Always so tight and hot. Fuck, I love you so much Mark.” Mark panted softly and smiled widely as he leaned in and kissed him hard, lips parting as Jackson’s tongue pushed into his mouth. Their tongues danced around each other, fighting for dominance as Jackson’s pace grew faster and harder. 
Breaking the kiss, Mark whimpered as he rested his head on Jackson’s shoulder as his moans grew louder. “Yes Jackson. Jackson!” He trembled against the other, water lapping at their chests as they moved together, rocking frantically as they chased their orgasms. Jackson’s cock was hitting that spot inside of Mark so well that the other was clenching tightly around his cock, the heat coiling so tightly inside him. Mark could feel his end nearing and just as he reached his peak, he was yanked back from it quickly as searing hot pain ran through his body, starting in his left leg.
“Ow! Shit!” Mark jerked and pushed Jackson away from him. Tears were already welling as he tried to grab into the deck. “Oh my god!”
“Mark? What's wrong?” Jackson asked worriedly, watching as his boyfriend tried and failed many times to climb out of the water. 
“My leg! Fuck get me out of the water!” he said urgently. Chewing on his lower lip, Jackson moved behind Mark and helped the other out of the water and onto the deck. His eyes moved to Mark’s leg and widened as he stared at the large chunk of flesh that was missing from it. 
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” Mark shouted as he watched the blood pour from his wound. Jackson felt his heart race and he looked around the water. He thought he saw something appear before ducking back under to his left, but he didn't let himself stay and think about it. He grabbed onto the deck and hauled himself out of the water quickly. 
“Fuck, fuck.” Jackson panted and for a moment searched the deck for something to help Mark. He grabbed one of their shirts and the belt from his pants and dropped to his knees next to the other. 
“Jackson!” Mark cried out in pain. 
“It's okay baby. I'm here. I'm here.” Jackson assured him as he wrapped the shirt around the wound, knotting it in place. He took the belt next and wrapped it a few inches above the wound and tightened it around his leg as tight as he could to stop the blood flow. Mark’s pained screams only grew louder through the process and it was killing Jackson on the inside. 
“I'm so sorry baby.” Jackson apologized. He was going to say something else, but something hit the beams of the dock and he could hear the splintering crack of the wood and a sickening realization sunk in. “Okay Mark. Come on. Up we go.” He said and helped to pull Mark up onto his one foot. The other was unsteady and wobbled as pain continued to course through his body. Jackson doubted the other could walk even with his help and with doom looming over them, they couldn't spare a second. So bending, he slipped his arms around Mark and lifted the other up into his arms and started  running as the beams were struck by something again. 
His feet barely touched the dry ground when the dock gave and caved into the water behind him. Jackson didn't look back though. He clutched tightly to Mark as he ran with the other, heading back to the site.  “Jaebum! Jaebum Hyung, start the jeep!” he shouted, hoping the others could hear him over the music. It didn't seem like they could though, and they got a huge shock when the pair came running in naked. 
“Whoa. What the fuck happened?” Jinyoung asked as he stood and looked at the two. 
“Oh my god is he bleeding? What happened to Mark?” Jaebum asked as he stared at the dark and wet shirt around Mark’s leg. 
“No time, get in the fucking jeep!” Jackson shouted as he ran to the sitting vehicle and opened the back seat, helping Mark in before looking back. “Now!”
“But our stuff.” Youngjae protested.
“Fuck our stuff. There is something in the lake now let's go!” Jackson said urgently. The others looked at each other, trying to debate if they wanted to believe Jackson or maybe thought he was just too damn drunk, but in the end they all got up and piled into the jeep. Jaebum took to the wheel and started the car, turning the lights on as everyone got situated. 
“What happened to mark?” Yugyeom asked. 
“Something bit me in the water!” Mark sobbed and cried out in pain. 
“It took a fucking chunk out of his leg!” 
“What are you talking about?” Jaebum asked as he turned to look back at the other. “That sounds fucking crazy.”
“I know it does, but it's the truth!” Jackson insisted. The chaos of the jeep came to a screeching halt as Youngjae suddenly grabbed Jaebum’s arm. 
“Reverse. Reverse. Reverse!” he shouted and Jaebum turned around in time to see some creature heading straight for them, mouth open wide, rows of sharp teeth on display. Jaebum threw the jeep in reverse and stepped on the gas, tires squealing as they lurched backwards and to the side as the jeep moved. Throwing the jeep into drive, the tires skidded as they lurched forward and sped off, heading back onto the main. 
“Holy fuck! Holy fuck!” Bambam shouted as he turned and watched as they drove off the creature becoming nothing but a distant dot, quickly giving up on them. 
“Jesus christ.” Youngjae panted. 
“What the hell was that?!” Jinyoung shouted in shock. 
“I don't know, but whatever it was, it bit Mark and collapsed the dock!” Jackson said, his arms wound tightly around his boyfriend as he rocked the sobbing male gently. “Shhh, baby. It's okay. We're taking you to the hospital. It'll be okay baby.” Jackson tried to reassure him. 
“It's real.” Youngjae whispered. 
“What?” Yugyeom asked. 
“It's real. The story I told. It's really real and that was the fucking thing that killed those people.” Youngjae said, his heart racing. “We just escaped death.”
“Good. I don't plan to die anytime soon.” Jaebum said. “Don't worry Mark, we'll be at the hospital soon.”
The group didn't return to collect their stuff until the next morning with the help of a police escort. After reporting the incident and taking testimonies, the police went out to search the area but found no trace of whatever creature they had encountered the night before. Though the statements of the dock being broken and submerged into the lake were true. Their campsite had been left untouched, however, which baffled the police even more and added to the mystery. Not a single thing out of place, not even the cooler had been disturbed by the raccoons that would have undoubtedly come out to scavenge. 
Whatever happened at the lake would remain a mystery. The police report would read that it was a horrible camping accident committed by drunk college students. Mark, though missing some of his calf, would eventually heal and be released from the hospital a few months later with a clean bill of health. And while time slowly healed all physical wounds, nothing would be able to erase the memories of that night and the terrible creature that tried to kill them. 
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agust-june · 2 years ago
Hello welcome to my masterlist. I don't take requests unfortunately but if you have something you'd like to say or want to shoot an idea into my head my imbox is open. I hope you enjoy my fics and please give me feedback if you can!
Minors DNI
Fluff 💗 Smut😈 angst 😭
Decendants of the stars and of the Gods 💗😭
This multi fandom (well kinda?) but it's about after a war between the greek Gods and the zodiac and the constellations went to war. The children of the signs going to the school with the children of the Gods.
Kingdoms that can't be divided 😭💗
This was my first fanfic it's on wattpad I would upload it here but...it's too long and unfortunately I'm lazy to put all the chapters onto here.
Keep Her Satisfied for the Weekend 😈
Part 1 Part 2 (coming soon) 😈
Take My Breath 😈
Kiss you back (coming soon) 😭😈
Conflict of interest (coming soon) 😭😈
Let the ( games) flames begin! (Coming soon) 💗
If your girl only knew 😈
Creep 😈
The chair 😈
Three is better than two 😈
I hate you 😈
Three is better than two 😈
-Monsta x-
Cyber Sex 😈
It never rains 💗
I'm your baby tonight 😈
Is Got7 invited to the cook out? 💗
Do they belong to the streets?💗
Valentines day 💗
Invite to the cookout 💗
Teacher's assistant 😈
From time😭
The boss😈
Erotic city 😈
The boy is mine💗
Part Time Lover😈
-Dpr Live-
Hong Dabin
For the first time (coming soon)💗
Not by the moon
Songs I think...
Songs I think Haechan can sing
Songs I think DoJaeJung can sing
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kgyeomiex · 7 months ago
I did another adjustment to this story . . I'm just trying to improve my writing
Memories Back Then | JB
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“I don’t get how you could look me in the face and lie, knowing it’d hurt me a lot more than the truth,”
He was the last person you ever expected to break your trust. You were sure you found your soulmate and someone you planned on spending your life with but it all took a quick turn. Life went on. It was not the same. But it went on.
Someone you’ve expected to never hear from again makes a sudden appearance and gives you no choice but to confront the past… .
Will you allow him to be a part of your life yet again or finally let go?
Pairing. - Jaebum x reader
Word Count - 5.1k
(Y/N): your name
Part 1!
Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
Keep reading
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thevictoryofthepeople · 2 years ago
☆:**:. Hello ! Below you will find the most recent asks, drafts, and starters that have been written out since July 25, 2023. This is by no means a way to rush people. This is just a tracker for threads because we all know tumblr sucks at times so if you think I didn’t answer anything, let me know. It might be in the queue, my drafts, or I just never saw it. If anyone wants to interact, just let me know. Update on mental / physical health: I've been incredibly tired and sleepy, like falling asleep out of nowhere. Still fixing the blog. Will be here maybe.
I love you. Stay wonderful. Drink water and be safe. ~local smol bean, mc / victory &lt;3
✶✳ Asks/Starters Remaining: 15 || Drafts Remaining: 4 || Queue: 1 ✳✶
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Nicholas & Alycia - Post Source [ X ] ( Replied: July 27, 2023 )
Jaebum & Minsung - Post Source [ X ] ( Replied: August 1, 2023 )
Joohyuk & Chul - Post Source [ X ] ( Replied: August 1, 2023 )
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cielpurrple · 2 years ago
MAKE ME 20.2
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Word count:12351 (I am so sorry. I should end this chapter here because it might reach 20k words ;;;)
Summary: Jimin has returned after a few years.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader x Jaebum
Themes:  Angst, fluff, Sin 18+ please, I suck at themes but some parts are not for minors.
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You didn’t know exactly what happened. The next thing you knew, you were not embracing Jimin anymore and Jaebum’s attacking Jimin while he’s trying not to fight back. Quickly, you hugged Jaebum from behind just to stop him.
“Stop, Jaebum, please,” you said.
“Let go of me, Y/N” he replied, calmly but you’re sure he’s just controlling his temper.
“Please, let’s just go home, Jaebum!” he’s strong enough to remove your arms from him and successfully punch Jimin’s face, which falls into a somewhat sitting position on the bushes behind him.
“Jaebum, please, can you calm down?” You said this in a tone you use during difficult negotiations with difficult clients. You were about to approach him when you see several men in suits, followed by you, being taken by someone so swiftly away from the scene.
“Let the hyungs handle this,” Jungkook calmly replies.
“Put me down Kook,” you replied.
He did what you asked, but he placed an arm on your waist, and his grip was firm.
“I can’t let you go there, not yet.”
“It’s my fault Kookie, I’m so sorry” tears start to cloud your vision and he began rubbing circles on your shoulder and slowly, he hugged you.
You’re explaining to him what happened when your phone rang. You told him it was Jaebum and it was time for you to go.
He insisted on walking you back and you agreed because he promised he’ll keep a good distance.
When you saw Jaebum leaning on the hood of his car, you ignored him and went straight inside, he followed.
As he drives away, you looked out the window.
Silence fills the night as you pass the place where the commotion happened not even ten minutes ago.
You sighed. The stress, tension, and frustration mixed with your anger towards your boyfriend are now in a form of a migraine.
You closed your eyes for a minute and gently massaged the sides of your forehead.
“What’s wrong?” Jaebum broke the silence at last.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” You flatly replied, now looking at Jaebum.
He cleared his throat while you just stayed in your position, leaning towards the window.
“Can you explain to me what you just did there?”, you’re trying your best to keep your temper.
“I just had to do what I need to do” He replied, his tone cold.
“Do you really need to use violence, Jaebum?” you asked, again without looking at him.
“Based on what I saw, yes.” He replied flatly.
You closed your eyes. He’s starting to get on your nerves.
“I was just saying goodbye to a friend, Jae.” You explained.
“Doesn’t seem like it,” he replied.
“What does it look like to you then?” you returned.
“I saw my girlfriend embracing another man. What do you want me to do, applaud?” He replied bitterly.
“And so? Is that how you are supposed to react? You told me you trust me but yet, this happened.”
“Yes, I do trust you, but not those friends around you!” His tone starts to rise.
“It’s because you don’t know them. Now, how can I introduce you to them?” You shook your head in disappointment.
“Just so you know, before this happened, I was apologizing to him because of the way you acted at the bar prior to this encounter,” You confessed.
“I don’t understand why you’re acting this way. You’re not like this,” You whispered.
You heard him sigh. He stroked his hair to calm himself down.
“When I told you, I trust you, I have given you one hundred percent of it,” there’s no hint of anger in his words. It’s more of a serious one.
You just look at him, waiting for what’s next.
“But I don’t like what I have seen tonight,” he dismissed.
“Jaeb, he’s an old friend who just came back. What’s wrong with that?” You can’t believe the words that are coming out of you.
You must admit, some words you said sting.
“I don’t know what I’m gonna do with that temper of yours.”
He did not respond to your last comment.
As soon as he stopped in front of your house, you get out of the car without even glancing at him and went inside. You didn’t bother fixing your shoes as you took them off and went straight to your room.
You took your jacket off. You removed the makeup off of your face and changed into fresh, and more comfortable clothes. You lay in bed, ready to end the day.
You waited for sleep to come to you but every time you close your eyes, it replays the events earlier. And the what-ifs that followed.
You sighed who knows how many times already. You sat down and decided to grab some warm milk with the agreement with yourself that you’ll sleep after.
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The security arrived together with Namjoon. After all, he owns the establishment.
“Jaebum.” He called.
“We had an agreement, right?” he looked at the other with a poisoned gaze.
“Stay the fuck away from my woman.” He spat.
“She’s our friend, we can’t just do that,” Namjoon replied.
“Why don’t you ask her yourself, I dare ya?” Taehyung added.
Jaebum stood up and spat on the floor.
“I’m done with all of you for tonight,” he said while walking away.
The boys helped Jimin to stand up.
“Homeboy’s getting spicy,” Jungkook broke the silence, making the rest of them sigh.
Yoongi let a chuckle, agreeing with the previous statement.
“What has happened, really?” Jin looked at Jimin as he handed him a pack of frozen peas. They are now in LATE after the commotion happened, so they decided to just hang out at the café.
Jimin recalled the scenario before Jaebum appeared.
Taehyung and Jungkook worded an “oh” and then glanced at each other.
“So, lover boy’s jealous,” Namjoon commented, hiding a laugh.
“I can’t see why not,” Jin added.
“Y/N, has aged gracefully, and beautifully,” he continues as he attends to Jimin. He’s now placing some ointment on where the punch lands.
“Agree.” Taehyung said.
The others nodded.
“So, what are we going to do?” Jungkook changed the subject after agreeing about Jin’s comment.
“We watch, observe,” Namjoon responded.
“Can we protect Y/N by just watching?” Jungkook replied.
“At this point, given the situation, the safest thing that we could do is to observe.” Namjoon further explained, now sipping a cup of tea.
“It’s obvious that Y/N doesn’t know who Jaebum truly is, so I agree with what Namjoon here is saying,” Jin said, patting Jimin’s shoulder as he packed his first aid kit away, disappearing from the view.
“You okay?” Taehyung looked in Jimin’s direction, assessing the younger man’s reaction.
He let out that signature smirk whenever something reminds him of you.
“Never better,” as he leaned further on the chair.
His mind wanders at the thought of you.
The events of yesterday.
That embrace.
After a few pleas and unrealistic negotiations and promises between the five of them versus Jimin, they finally let him have your number.
When he hits the bed, that’s the time everything starts to engulf him all at once.
The tiring hours of traveling, meeting his least favorite people, but of course, there’s always the anticipation of seeing his grandmother and his favorite of all,
He couldn’t help it, he wanted to sleep but knowing your number is saved on his phone makes everything difficult.
So, he just sent a few messages knowing that there’s a great chance that you might not even open the message. But at the same time, he finds himself hoping that you’d read it. Even just read it, it was enough for him.
When he had pressed that send button, that was the time he could finally relax, and at long last, sleep slowly crept into his senses.
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You didn’t know which hurts the most: Your head due to lack of sleep, your body because of what happened last night, or your heart, because of what Jaebum did to Jimin or the fact that your mind wanders off to him as you try to calm your boyfriend’s unpredictable temper.
You slowly sit up, still processing what has happened, and how you’d react just in case you bump into anyone from your friends, especially Jimin.
You sighed, slowly shook your head, and slowly walked towards the bathroom to prepare for work.
As you stare at yourself, as much as you don’t want to do it, it seems like sighing is your new breathing. You tried concealing the effects of last night with minimal makeup.
When you’re done preparing, you checked your phone and quickly scanned the notifications.
There are a couple of texts from your friends, some photos, and emails from work. You noticed a couple of messages from an unregistered number, which you opened.
[From: 010xxxxxxxx
I got your number from Taehyung; I was just wondering if you got home safe?
Are you okay?
You don’t have to save my number or reply to me. I just hope you’re okay.
This is Jimin.]
You stared at the last message that was sent, you don’t know how many seconds you’d been doing so when a phone call made you jump, almost dropping your phone.
Your eyes widen as you sent a large heart emoji as a response to Jimin. You were about to delete it when another phone call prevents you from doing so.
It was from work so you have to take it. After a few minutes, you don’t know how you would respond when you saw the seen status of your emoji.
Immediately, you contemplated deleting the emoji,
It’s too late, isn’t it?
Whatever, I’ll do it, I don’t want to imply anything.
You indeed deleted the emoji, and continued typing, explaining, then erasing.
This cycle continued a couple of times until you finally sent a response.
[To 010xxxxxxxx
-sorry for the emoji, I almost dropped my phone
-I am okay, thanks.]
There’s a sudden urge for you to ask him if he’s okay. But it was suddenly forgotten when you saw your boyfriend’s name on the caller ID.
You just hit the answer button.
[Baby? Open up, I’m outside.]
You just went to the door, opened it and Jaebum is standing outside your gate, with a bouquet, and some paper bags.
You stared at him by the door.
“What are those for?” you respond, still through the call.
He looked flustered. A little frown can be seen on his forehead even though there’s some distance between the two of you.
“Babe, I just want to check if you’re okay,”
“I am fine. But I am still not okay with what happened yesterday,” You responded, your face still blank.
“I am sorry, could we please talk about it?” he sounds a little pleading.
You sigh.
“I am not in the mood to talk right now. I need to go to work,” you ended the call there and headed inside again to grab your bag.
He was still outside.
You tried walking past him, but of course, you were blocked.
“Let me just take you to work, please,” he said.
You checked your watch. You’ll be late if you would not accept his offer so you agreed.
This drive is the quietest one that you had with him. The faint hum of the engine and air conditioning was the only exception. You’re facing the window’s side, trying your best not to even glance in his direction.
As agreed, Jaebum dropped you off in front of the building entrance where your office is. Your brain seemed to be floating off of somewhere. You find yourself gazing away. You’re not daydreaming, it’s just that your mind’s in a haze.
You’re thankful that the project with the previous client has been launched prior to the incident that happened. If not, it would be a mess.
You half jumped when you felt your phone vibrate from your blazer’s pocket.
“Sir? Do you need anything?” You looked at his office when you found him standing by the door.
“I was supposed to ask you that, Y/N, you look pale, and you’re out of yourself since early this morning. Is there something going on?”
Hyungwon gestured for you to come to his office and you followed.
“I’m sorry, sir—”
“Tsk, Hyungwon,” he corrected you.
“Hyungwon, I’m sorry.” You said apologetically.
“I won’t press you for details but it looks really heavy, whatever’s bothering you.”
You looked down as quite embarrassed.
“What’s up?” he asked.
You just gave him an apologetic smile and shook your head.
“I see. It’s personal, I guess. That’s enough explanation. You should get some rest,” he gave a gentle and assuring smile.
“But,” he again interrupted you.
“No buts, or would you like an indefinite leave of absence?” he teased.
You sighed in defeat, giving him a quick smile.
“Thank you. I’d prefer to have a half day, sir,”
“Off you go. Take my car to drop you off straight home,” he ordered as he presses his speed dial for his driver’s number.
“There’s no need, I can hail a cab or get an Uber,” you argued.
He gestured a no, and you find yourself being escorted by your boss towards his car so you could get home safely.
When he returned to his office, he dialed another number.
[What?] greeted by the person he called on the other line.
“What did you do to my ever-bright secretary? She looks so glum, and a bit pale. Is she sick?” he probed.
[Where is she? I’ll pick her up.]
“It has been taken care of, Jaebum. And yeah, I’m saying this as a friend, I didn’t even know what happened, she didn’t even say a word when I asked but it’s obvious based on Y/N’s actions earlier.”
There’s a continuous silence from Jaebum’s line.
“Go easy on Y/N.”
With that, he ended the call.
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You thanked Hyungwon’s driver upon arriving to your house. As you entered the house, you triple-checked the locks and went straight to your bed.
You let your body fall into the soft mattress. You’re not sleepy, you’re exhausted in all aspects.
Probably that indefinite leave of absence is the better choice.
You let a bitter smile as you fish out your phone from the pocket of your blazer, sending an update to your boss, thanking him and that you safely arrived home.
Next, were updating your friends, and apologizing for what happened last night.
They assured you that everything’s okay and it’s you they’re worried about.
It’s your turn to assure them that you’re fine. You’re in the middle of typing when a call interrupted it.
It’s your boyfriend.
To be honest, you felt drained seeing his name popping up on your phone. You just let it ring until it turns into a missed call notification.
You finished what you’re typing and hit the send button. You scrolled now checked the pictures they sent and you smiled a bit seeing them in various poses.
Then your eyes landed on Jimin, who was slightly smiling.
You didn’t know how long you’d been staring at it, then your phone notified you again that your boyfriend is calling.
This time, you answered.
Silence greeted him.
[What are you doing right now?]
“I was sent home early, my boss said we’re done for the day,” you replied.
[Okay, you get some rest, you might be exhausted from last night.]
“Okay, I will.”
[I’ll call you later]
[I love you]
You let a low “ungh” as a response then you hang up.
This time, you didn’t have anything else to do, so you decided to take some rest and sleep.
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If thinking about someone else’s girlfriend is a punishable crime, Jimin’s probably locked in jail somewhere right now. His thoughts went straight to you as soon as consciousness broke his sleep.
Then he remembered he texted you.
That’s a dream, isn’t it?
He stared at the ceiling for a solid minute and grabbed his phone.
He let a satisfied yet heavy sigh upon seeing the confirmation that sending you a text message wasn’t a dream.
He slowly ticked your name and to his surprise, you have read it.
A smile crept on his face.
Is it selfish if he’ll ask for a response? Last night, he was contented with you reading it. But now, he’s hoping for a response coming from you.
He stared at the status for a few seconds when he noticed three dots moving.
Fucking shit, this couldn’t be real, you’re actually typing.
He let out a chuckle as he saw the response.
Of all the responses he’s thinking of, he’s more than satisfied with what he received.
A large heart emoji isn’t so bad.
He didn’t know how long he was staring at that digital heart when it suddenly disappeared.
Then came your response in word form.
He preferred the first one though.
So, to tease you a bit, he sent the exact heart emoji and decided to start his day.
It has just been a few days since his return, he wasn’t that really present during several welcome parties that were arranged for him. Most specifically the ones that his girlfriend had organized. He doesn’t feel the sincerity of the people around there. It’s mostly for building connections or business-related. Sometimes, or rather most of the time, it’s like a meeting for your girlfriend to brag about what you have achieved, telling everybody how supportive of a girlfriend she is.
He decided to meet his grandmother during lunch. It was quiet, the relaxing type of quiet until she let cleared her throat.
He knows she wanted to ask him something.
And he believes it’s about you.
“So…” she said then sips a little bit of tea, a move that you have observed whenever she is composing a question that she’s been itching to ask without crossing any boundaries.
He raised his head, looking in the old lady’s direction.
“Hm?” He replied.
“How are you and your girlfriend?” she’s really careful with her words.
“Fine,” he responded, with a lack of a better term to describe his relationship.
“Hmm, that’s great. Have you attended any of her welcome parties?”
Jimin shook his head as if he wasn’t aware.
“Dear, she’s been bugging me since your return.” She said flatly.
He let out a sigh, he has to deal with her and her actions yet again at some point, and this is the “again” part.
“I’ll call her, sorry Gram,” he said.
The old lady just gave a nod. And they continued to finish their meal.
Jimin stayed for a few more hours when he received a message from Taehyung.
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The sun was about to set when you woke up. You recalled the events this morning and tried processing them in your head. You grabbed your phone and checked for messages.
Well, you’re hoping for a message from a specific person.
You slowly scrolled on the notifications when your heart skipped a beat.
There it is.
You bite your lower lip, should you open it? Or shouldn’t?
Of course, your urge to open it wins.
Your eyebrows raised at the response.
It was the exact emoji you mistakenly sent.
Then a few flashbacks sent your head into memory lane.
You smiled bitterly when you remembered how Jimin annoys you with his remarks.
You sighed after, pressing the back button of your phone, exiting the conversation you had with him.
Again, the urge to ask him is bugging you.
Instead of asking him directly, you messaged the boys.
[To: Taehyung; Kookie
How’s Jimin?]           
Your phone received quick replies as if they were expecting you’d do what you’d done.
[From: Kookie
He’s got some stitches]
[From: Taehyung
Got pretty beaten up]
Your breathing automatically stopped when you saw Taehyung’s message.
You’re still contemplating if you’re gonna reply with a text or a phone call.  You chose the latter.
“How bad is it, Tae?”
[Uhm, he got bruised and he needs to be sewn,’] he really sounded serious.
“What? As far as I could remember, he can defend himself,” you replied, a tall wave of guilt engulfing you.
[Yeah, he can even fight back but he didn’t. He just took all of the blow. He doesn’t want to make the scene worse.]
You’re biting your lower lip as he spills the details. Your head is torn on whether you’ll call Jimin after this one or ask Taehyung to accompany you to meet him just to check if he’s really okay.
You sighed.
[Y/N? is there something wrong?]
“Well, no. I am fine. I’m just worried you know,” you replied, not knowing what to do.
“How many stitches and where?” you added.
You were not sure if you heard a slight chuckle or a cough on the other line.
[Oh, Y/N, if you’re that concerned about him, you can actually ask him, Like, directly.]
“Wha---” you heard the notification that someone joined your conversation and it’s now a conference.
You removed your phone from your ears and you frowned at an unregistered number that just made your call a conference. You pressed the loudspeaker and you almost jumped when you heard the voice coming from the unregistered number.
[What is this all about, Tae?]
It’s Jimin.
[Well, someone was asking about you so I invited you to join us.] Taehyung replied.
You can’t wait to see Taehyung; you’ll make sure to give him a beating.
“Ummm,” you started.
[Who—Y/N?] Jimin asked.
“Uh-yeah, hi.” You replied, almost face palming.
What the hell is wrong with you?
[You were asking something about me?]
“Umm, yeah, yeah, I was just asking if you’re okay. I am really, really sorry about what happened,” you tried to be as sincere as possible, hoping that he’ll feel it even through the phone.
[Well, got a few bruises here and there, got me some stitches too, but to answer your question, I am fine.]
You don’t know what’s going on with your heart, but your head is saying something to you. You felt so guilty.
“God, I am so sorry Jimin, um, you can send me the bill? I’ll pay.” You said in lack of any other appropriate response that your brain can process as of the moment.
You heard him chuckle, which for some reason made you feel things.
[Don’t worry about it, please. I got it covered. Thank you for asking, really. I appreciate it. I have to go now. I have something to do. Tae?]
[Yeah? Still here.]
[Gotta go. I’ll leave Y/N to you.]
You heard the notification of someone exiting the conference call. You stared at your phone’s screen once again.
[No offense, you sound like a teenager talking for the first time to her crush earlier.] you heard him laugh after.
You buried your face in your hand as if someone was watching you all this time.
“I swear, I am going to beat you up when is see you!”
He kept on imitating you then when it died down, you said your goodbyes.
You noticed that Jimin sent another message.
[From: 0910xxxxxxx
-thanks for checking up on me, I appreciate it. I am fine.
-don’t worry too much. And I didn’t get any stitches. 😉 ]
You slightly smiled at his message and this time, you sent a smiling emoji.
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You were watching TV when Sejeong returned. You greeted each other when she spoke.
By the way Y/N-nie, I just got a weird text message from the landlord. He’s thanking us for choosing this place to live in and that we don’t need to wire him payments anymore,” she announced.
Your head quickly looked in her direction and looked at your own phone. Indeed, there’s a message from your former landlord. You showed her the text and she nods, confirming the message.
“That’s weird, what does that mean?” You asked, still looking at the message.
“Should we call him?” Sejeong suggested.
“I think we should ask him for a meeting.” You replied.
Sejeong nodded and went to her room to get changed while you typed a response to the message from the landlord. He agreed to meet you tomorrow afternoon.
You bonded with Sejeong over a movie and when it ended, you called it a night. You reminded her about the meeting and she nods.
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You were ready to go to work when you noticed Jaebum’s car again outside. You sighed, trying to compose yourself, promising also that you’ll be calm. You watch him get out of the car, now leaning on the passenger’s side while scrolling on his phone. You watched him a few seconds more and decided to step outside.
After you’ve secured the house, he approached you.
“Baby,” he whispered.
“Yeah?” you replied.
“Can I take you to breakfast and then to work, please?” His tone is soft.
You pouted, weighing what he said.
“All right, let’s go,” you replied with a little smile.
He sighed in relief. He looked happy.
As he started to drive, you now scroll on your phone, replying to some queries and e-mails.
He took you to your usual go-to place when you wanted to eat breakfast. He asked about your schedule that day and he mentioned his.
You told him what’s on your schedule except the meeting with the landlord.
“Can I pick you up after work? I have something important to tell you.” His tone is more of an order than a question, his expression is unreadable as he sips his coffee while looking at you.
You looked at him as you slowly placed your phone screen down. “Sure,” then you gave him a small smile.
After that breakfast, he dropped you at work, you just gave him a peck on the cheek and entered the building.
You studied the papers that were on your desk and segregated them into different piles. When you’re done, you announced your presence by knocking and when you heard Hyugwon’s acknowledgment, you entered.
“Good morning,” he smiled at you.
“Good morning, here are some proposals, these are some budget releases, and this is for the upcoming convention, they want us to send an RSVP if we’ll be attending.
“Hmm, thank you, thank you.” He reached for the clipboards and placed them on his side as he scans one of them. You were about to leave when he spoke.
“How are you feeling right now?”
You looked at him as if he was asking you a difficult question.
“I am fine, don’t worry.” You assured him.
“Okay, I’ll take your word for it,” he smiled.
You smiled back at him and went back to your desk. You did your tasks as usual and then asked permission to be out of the office for a personal errand.
You met Sejeong at the nearest bus station and went to meet the previous landlord.
As the landlord explained to you, he revealed that the house you’re living in right now was bought and the transfer of ownership is already in the works. It wasn’t a secret to you and Sejeong that the house was up for sale a few years back but the previous owner is very picky and had a fixed price before he let the property go. He was quite proud of his achievement, saying that he received more than enough to purchase his own retirement house outside the city, which was his plan for quite some time now.
He assured you that you won’t be kicked out by the new owner, and was kind enough to let you live there for free.
You kept on pressing for any information on the said buyer but the landlord is very good at diverting the question by opening different topics. You felt defeated and stopped prying anymore. He ended your meeting by thanking both you and Sejeong for staying that long in that old apartment. You thanked him as well for not raising the rent.
You and Sejeong parted ways to return to your own jobs when Hyungwon called you.
[Oh Y/N, I just got a call. Because you made a great impression with LA Motors]
[Be prepared. We are going to a meeting for a very big company, we just got an invite for a concept reveal for an ad campaign. Who knows, we might come up with a great story for the ad, right?]
“That’s great news! Which company is this?”
[Park Group.]
You suddenly stopped in your tracks.
Did you hear it correctly or your head is playing tricks on you?
“Yeah? Okay, right, Park Group. Got it.”
[We can do this!]
“Yeah! See you later.”
He ended the call there.
When you returned to the office, your head is somewhere else, and you just pretend to do small tasks. You don’t know what’s going on but of all the advertising companies out there, what kind of weird coincidence happened that a big group wanted you to do something for them?
It’s not just big, it’s Park Group.
Which is owned by Jimin’s family.
You were pulled back to reality by a snap of a finger.
“I should’ve placed you on indefinite leave,” Hyungwon commented as he loosened his necktie.
You gave him an apologetic smile.
“Get some rest, I know you’re still tired. It’s nearly the end of your shift anyways,” he continued.
“Please, Y/N, do as you were told.” The concern is evident in his tone.
“Okay, I really appreciate this, Hyungwon.” You said as you place the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
“Take care, I’ll contact you when needed,” he smiled.
Before you leave, you told Jaebum where you will be staying while you wait for him.
You decided to stroll at the mall. There’s a newly opened shop that sells different household items. As you enter the shop, several store clerks greeted you which you politely returned.
“Fancy seeing you here,” the familiar voice came behind you.
You quickly turned around, seeing Jimin.
“Ditto,” you replied for lack of a better response.
He let out a small smile, the bruise on his right lip is evident.
Your gaze was fixed on his bruise, fighting the urge to reach for his face. You were taken back to reality when he cleared his throat.
Your eyes now landed on his, it’s the same sparkling ones that you remember.
“It looks painful, I’m really, really sorry.” You blurted.
He placed his thumb on the bruise and smiled a little.
“Yeah, no. don’t worry about it,” he assured.
“Would you get some coffee?” he continued.
You were quite surprised when you heard his invitation. Your head is now having a battle with whether to take it or not due to recent events.
“Let’s consider it as compensation for what happened,” he said.
“Um, okay, I guess.” You just replied.
He showed you a sincere smile, a wide one this time.
You don’t know what’s going on with you but another wave of nostalgia hits you as you witnessed that smile of his.
He started walking towards the nearest café and you followed.
When you’re settled, he went to order.
“I ordered mocha for you, is that okay?” he said as he placed the tray on the table.
“Yes,” you replied with a little smile on your lips.
Silence now envelopes you as you began sipping the coffee.
Your mind wanders to other what-ifs.
What if you’re still together after all these years? Then you’re casually dating right now?
Your chest began to tighten as your head feed you with different scenarios.
Then your phone vibrated.
It’s your signal to leave.
“I have to go,” you told him.
“Oh, okay, sure. Should I walk you out?”
“Oh, no, it’s not necessary,” you replied fast, thinking about the possibilities that might occur.
“All right, see you around then,” he responded cooly.
Your attention changed when you heard some noise outside.
“Oops, time for me to leave,” he said but before he does, he moved closer to you, enough for your skin to feel his breath on your ear.
“You owe me one more coffee date, Y/N,” he said as he walked past you.
You stood there as if you became frozen by the warmth of his breath and his voice. You just move when you felt your phone vibrates again.  You let a small crowd pass and went outside to meet your boyfriend.
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Jaebum was driving when he received a phone call.
“What?” he replied while he turns.
[Check my message]
The call ended there.
He stopped for a bit and pressed the message.
A picture was attached to it and it revealed you, sitting with Jimin in the coffee shop.
A rush of blood came into Jaebum’s senses.
Then, another message appeared, coming from the caller.
[-don’t blame your girlfriend, they just bumped into each other.]
He sped up while pressing some buttons to call you, announcing his arrival.
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[From: Taehyung
Accept my invitation. No questions.]
He frowned but still did what he was told.
He didn’t hear anything aside from a faint clacking of the keyboard so he spoke.
“What is this all about Tae?” He thought it was some kind of another trick they want to pull just to tease him.
[Well, someone was asking about you so I invited you to join us.] Taehyung said. Another faint clack of the keyboard fills the silence.
He looked at his screen and it shows the members of the conference.
His stared at your name.
And there it is, the voice that he was longing to hear for a very long time.
Upon hearing your voice, he closed his eyes, doing his best to control the bubbling excitement inside him.
He was more than happy when you asked how he’s been.
The bruise is totally worth it. 
As much as he wants to talk to you, even for a little bit more, he couldn’t. A notification of an incoming call from his father has been showing on his screen.
He just sent a few messages for your assurance.
He left the conversation with the thoughts of you in his head.
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You were patiently waiting when you saw Jaebum’s familiar car.
You walked close to it and entered swiftly.
You smiled a little at him when he cleared his throat.
“Had coffee before we met?” he started.
A shiver ran through your spine.
How did he know?
“Yeah, I bumped into a friend while I was looking at the newly opened shop,” you said casually.
“Hmm, and whose friend is this?”
You looked at him and sighed in response, then looked in the opposite direction.
Whether you answer or not, the outcome will be sour. The tension in the atmosphere is evident.
The car slowly halted. He pressed the hazard button.
“I asked a question,” his annoyance is evident.
Again, you let out a sigh.
He removed his phone from the holder and pressed a few buttons.
“Care to explain what this is? He said as he almost threw the phone in your direction which landed on your lap.
You turned the phone so the screen is facing you.
You became nervous as you saw a snapshot of you and Jimin in the coffee shop.
“A picture paints a thousand words, Y/N. What is this?” he now started to drive again.
“As I have said, I bumped into a friend,” you replied firmly.
There’s no need for you to lie. And there’s nothing to lie about anyway.
“Really? It doesn’t look like it!” snapped.
You jumped a bit and looked in his direction.
“What do you want me to say, a lie? That’s all there is to it. I will not repeat myself again,” you’re getting annoyed.
He sighed this time.
“Starting today, you’ll move in with me, in my house.” He announced.
You frowned at his last words and when he glanced at you, again, he cleared his throat to speak.
“It’s not the right time to joke Jaebum,” your patience is getting shorter.
“Do you think this is all a joke?” his tone laced with annoyance.
“What I mean is, you don’t have to worry about your best friend anymore, that house is mine now. She can live there without paying the rent as long as she wants,” he said as he drove.
You processed what he just said and when you think you fully understood what it is, you replied.
“What are you talking about?” you frowned, resting your gaze on him but all of his attention was on the road.
You let out a sigh.           
He glanced at you, showing his disbelief.
Again, silence.
 At this point, you don’t care which house he’d take you to. His or yours. You just want to end this day.
As your intuition’s correct, he chose to bring you to his.
You immediately texted Sejeong not to wait for you and where you’re heading at the moment.
When you finally reached his house and parked his car, you immediately got out of the house and went straight to the kitchen to grab some water.
You heard him enter the house and lock the door. You headed to the guest room where you usually sleep but Jaebum caught up with you quickly.
“We need to talk,” he said as he blocked the door towards your room.
“It seems like you’re not ready to talk about anything right now. Let’s talk when you’re ready,” you tried passing him so you can have better access to your room when he suddenly pinned you against the wall, and his lips started crushing into yours.
You tried pushing him but he even adjusted his body to cage you. You felt his tongue asking for access but you denied him, you tried pushing him gently but he insists. Instead, he pressed his body more to yours.
“Jaeb, please – “
He didn’t stop as he’s now kissing your neck.
“Jaebum, no—” you protested, but he suddenly scooped you and carried you away from your room.
He took you to his, slowly placing you in his bed, but aggressively climbed on top of you,
“Jaeb,” it let out as a whisper.
He kissed you again. This time, it’s the kind of kiss that you recognize – the slow, and gentle one that he always does.
You’re in no way in the mood to do any of this, especially with the way he behaved earlier. But he’s way stronger than you right now, despite your protests.
His lips parted from yours and started going down to your neck, then to the exposed parts of your chest.
“Jaebum” you tried pushing him away from you but instead, he tore your blouse, making the buttons pop out, exposing some more skin, and your bra.
He kissed you again.
This time, you responded to his advances, making him create sounds that you never heard before.
You feel his body become warmer too.
But while you kissed him, your mind wanders to a different person.
You tried gaining the upper hand by being on top of him, but he refused.
“Shit, baby,” he replied while panting, looking at your eyes, to your chest. His dark expression changed when he looked at you again.
You looked at him dead in the eyes.
“Is this what you want?” you asked while tears flow from your eyes.
“Y/N…” he was shocked as if he was a totally different person from before, and the Jaebum you knew came back.
You tried covering yourself with the rest of your clothes but still, you felt bare.
“I-I’m so sorry, I just—I’m so sorry,” he removed his shirt and put it on you, which you immediately wear, the warmth from the heated moment just a few seconds ago lingers on the soft fabric yet, you shivered.
“Baby,” he whispered.
You didn’t respond, but instead, you slowly curled into one side of the bed as you continued to cry. You heard him curse as he walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind him.
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It was already dark when you woke up, you fell asleep while you cried. You feel heavy and at the same time, nothing. As if some unknown force weighs your heart. You slowly crept towards the kitchen when you saw Jaebum coming from the living room.
“Babe,” he whispered, as he stopped in the middle of his tracks.
You just looked at him, not knowing what you’d say. You walked past him, reaching for the fridge’s door and grabbed a bottle of water.
“Baby please, let’s talk.” He said, his voice pleading.
You slowly gulped the remaining water and nod.
He guided you to the living room and let you sit on the plush couch, there was a noticeable distance between you.
“I’m waiting.”
“I mentioned that I’m gonna tell you something important, right?” he recalled.
You slowly nod.
“You told me that you’re worried if you move in with me, your best friend would have a hard time paying the rent so I took care of it,” he continued.
You frowned but leaned closer.
“Yeah, can you be more straight to the point?” you replied.
“I bought the apartment already so it’s mine now,” he revealed.
“It means it’s now up to me if I’ll ask for rent but, knowing it’s your best friend that lives there, she doesn’t need to.” He explained it so fast, you squint at his words.
“When and how did you get that property?”
“Yesterday before I pick you up. I bought it from the owner of course,” he replied with a proud tone.
You sighed.
“That’s not just some piece of cake. It’s a property, I don’t doubt you and your capabilities but where did you get the money from?” you sound concerned this time.
“I have some savings from my previous work and other jobs before, baby I don’t want to argue about this.”
“I don’t want to argue either. I’m just concerned that you might be putting yourself in some tight situation just because...” you stop before you drop the word.
“No, I am not, Y/N, trust me. Everything’s taken care of,” he said.
“Are you sure?” you searched for his eyes.
This time, he moved closer to reach your hands.
“Yes, baby, I am more than sure. Trust me on this?” he responded.
You sighed, but nods, giving him a small smile.
“About what happened earlier,” he continued as he now scooted closer to you, your knees touching his thigh.
“I am sorry, for what has happened Y/N, I really am.” He whispered.
There’s nothing but sincerity and regret on his words, knowing him for more than two years now, you’re still getting surprised as to what kind of a man he really is. From being quite possessive to being very jealous, his actions earlier it was all new. The Jaebum you knew is sweet, thoughtful, shy, and considerate.
“Can I hug you?”
You nodded.
He took your reaction as an affirmation, so he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, his chin lightly resting on your shoulder. You welcomed his frame by opening your arms and placing them on his shoulders.
Then again, your head wanders off, a thought that might be very illegal.
Wouldn’t it be cute if Jimin would react like that?
You closed your eyes, shutting your thoughts.
“I just can’t contain what I feel for you, I know it’s wrong, baby, I should’ve asked for your consent, I feel disgusted, I am sorry.” You heard his voice crack.
You’re surprised, and a gush of warmth enveloped your emotions.
You caressed his cheek, just in time to catch a couple of tears.
“It’s okay,” were the only words you can respond to what he said. You wrapped your arms at the back of his neck, giving him a hug.
“I’m really sorry, please forgive me,”
“Apology accepted,” you replied.
“I love you, Y/N,”
Your heart ached and stopped at the same time upon hearing his confession, you gasped for air.
You’re trying to respond, but your head is screaming, but still, you responded.
 “I love you too,” you muttered.
He slowly pulled away, searching for your eyes. When your gaze finally met, you knew, he was asking for permission.
You nod.
With that, he slowly kissed you, the type of kiss that wants to apologize, to make up for mistakes that have ever been made to you.
You give in, you give into the warmth he’s giving you.
You slowly kissed him back, and as you respond, he begins to let out some sounds again, you can feel his body getting warmer.
The gentle kiss is now getting messy, as his tongue asks for entrance to yours, and you let him.
He now adjusted his position by letting you sit on his lap.
It’s your turn to let out a faint moan, his taste is a mixture of mint and strawberry, probably he used one of your ChapSticks.
He slowly pulled away, both of you are panting, he looked at you, and you gave him a faint smile. He wiped your face and kissed your forehead.
“Sleep with me?” he said between pants.
“Okay,” you replied.
He didn’t let go of you but instead, he carried you toward his room.
He slowly put you on top of his bed and hovers over you.
His eyes didn’t leave yours until your lips were just a breath away. With one glance at your eyes once again, he kissed you.
The kiss was slow as if it was asking for assurance. You responded eventually. He quickens the pace, making him utter a moan.
He was panting when he pulled away, his gaze became dark.
You don’t know why panic starts to rise in your senses.
He leaned closer once again and kissed your forehead.
“Now can you move in with me? No more rent to think about for your best friend, baby.” He’s almost pleading.
“I’ll think about it, okay?” you whispered.
“All right.” He said and moved to the side so you can lie down properly.
You hummed in response and dozed off.
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You felt a limb on your waist. Slowly, you removed Jaebum’s arm that wrapped around you and stared at him for a little bit.
It’s still a big question as to how did he manage to have a lot of money.
you get out of bed, made yourself presentable, and made breakfast for him. You left a note for him saying you went home already.                                                                                                                            
When you came home, Sejeong just got up, still with messy hair and closed eyes.
When she looked at you, her eyes became wide.
“Are you wearing Jaebum’s shirt? Don’t tell me...”
You rolled your eyes at her.
“You just woke up and you already have dirty thoughts in your head? Stop reading too many steamy novels on the internet,” you replied.
“But you’re wearing your boyfriend’s shirt!” she teased.
You told her what happened last night and what led to you, wearing your boyfriend’s shirt. She bit her lip. And apologized. You accepted it right away.
You don’t feel like cooking right now so you prepared some cereals as your breakfast.
You’re in a daze as you recall the very first time you and Jaebum met.
It was one of the fancy masquerade balls that different companies agreed to be a part of. You were still under Namjoon’s company at that time.
You found each other “hiding” from the festivities and socialization and started talking with one another. According to him, he was a junior manager for HR in a hotel that’s under one of the major companies that were invited that night. You found each other has some things in common. That meeting ended with the two of you exchanging numbers. From there, he invites you for coffee, some visits to different museums, and finally asks permission to court you. This lasted for more than a year until you told your friends that you now have someone special after these years. They were more than happy with your announcement and they were willing to meet him and get to know him. But every time you try to invite Jaebum to go with your friends, he will always be in the middle of something very important or he is just busy.
After a lot of tries, you let go of the thought of seeing your dearest friends together with your boyfriend enjoying the company of each other on a Friday night.
He’s sweet, thoughtful, and caring. Usually, he’s quiet when he’s with you, most of the time, he’s reading a book or you’re enjoying movies in comfortable silence. He surprises you in a cute way and takes you to different places. He would ask for some kisses that turn into make-outs. Nothing beyond that.
That’s how you lasted until now.
Not until these recent events occur.
It’s really evident that he became possessive recently.
Does it have something to do with Jimin’s return?
But you didn’t mention anything about Jimin being your ex.
You dismissed the thought as it made you recall the events of last night.
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Jaebum’s mind was a mess as well.
What was he thinking?
His calm and collected manner around you crumbled at the sight of seeing you, hugging someone else.
But it wasn’t just a “someone”, it was actually the man he hated the most.
A realization struck him,
is he jealous?
Is he actually, really, jealous? He contemplated the thought. He kept on denying that he is.
If he’s not jealous, why did he punch Jimin?
He let a sigh, recalling the events of the previous night some more.
When he asked for your permission if he could embrace you. He was surprised when you let him.
Again, this is the first time he felt something different. Something light, he felt that he needed to apologize for what happened and explain himself.
Even he was surprised at the words that came from his mouth.
And fuck? He even cried.
When you whispered that “I love you too” to him, that’s when he lost it, the battle between distancing himself versus touching you more has made him lose control.
What the actual fuck is going on with him?
When you accepted his kisses, both the gentle and the passionate ones, it made his system crazy, good thing, he still has this sense of self-control.
Then, he recalled what he regretted the most.
How he tries to push himself on you.
Of all the experiences that he had with women, it’s not the first time he had done it, but the responses that he got from those women were different from yours.
Wait, he actually wanted to take it further? With you?
 That was the first time, and it made him regret it.
Seeing you cry was the worst.
He wanted to punch himself.
He was actually expecting you’d be gone before he woke up and indeed, you were.
He got ready and all, and a small smile was formed upon seeing the breakfast you prepared for him.
He stayed in his office basement checking some emails on his computer and he frowned as he read one of the recent ones.
He immediately dialed Hyungwon’s number
“What the actual fuck am I seeing on my email?” His annoyance evident to whoever’s on the other line.
[Which one? Ah, so you’ve read it then] Hyungwon’s voice reverberated through the speaker of his phone.
“What are you trying to accomplish here, Hyungwon?” Jaebum replied.
[What else? Money. I am doing business here.] He replied nonchalantly.
“I am gonna keep a closer eye on what’s going on.” His tone is firm.
[Suit yourself] the call ended there.
“Ah, shit,” he kicked the desk near him, making some papers fall. 
He couldn’t explain what was going on with him. He tried to get his mind off of you by burying himself in work and checking other papers he might oversee. He noticed that the sun has almost set.
He stared at the email again he received that was forwarded by Hyungwon related to Park Group. He picked up his blazer and exited his office.
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Jimin sighed after he had a talk with his father. He got an earful about how he hasn’t met his girlfriend since his return.
He explained that he has deadlines to meet and he prioritizes his work before anything else.
His father is not buying his excuses that’s why he ordered him to take his girlfriend out.
His head wanders to you.
This wouldn’t feel like a chore if it is you.
If you’re still his girlfriend.
He paced back and forth for quite some time. Not long after that, he bid his goodbye with his grandmother.
His day was so productive just because he heard your voice. Taehyung couldn’t stop teasing you whenever he could. Then when the news reached others, they always add something just to tease you even more.
He was about to meet his girlfriend when he entered a newly opened shop. He planned on picking up anything with glitter to give to his girlfriend when he noticed a familiar frame.
That frame never left his mind even for once.
Indeed, it was you. He was grinning but composed himself as he approached you.
He was more than glad when you agreed to have coffee with him. And a sense of nostalgia hit him.
You still like mocha.
What if you were still together? And this is one of the dates that you’re having just to make it up with each other after all those years of being apart from one another?
He didn’t know how he managed to swallow the hot liquid from his cup that quick.
Reality hits when you announced it is time for you to go.
Upon hearing the commotion outside, he knows it’s his cue for him to leave as well but he couldn’t resist the temptation of being close to you again.
So, he whispered whatever to your ear and left.
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You’re in the middle of watching a random movie when your phone notified you of a call.
[Baby? I am outside]
“Hmm?” you answered as you peeked through the curtains and true enough, he was there.
You opened the door and let him in, guiding him toward the living room.
When took off his coat, and made himself comfortable. He plopped the spot beside him as he looks at you and you did.
He enveloped his arm around you so you can be closer.
You leaned on his chest, his chin now resting on your head a little.
“How’s your work?” you asked.
“As usual, boring.” He replied.
He shared a few things and you listen attentively.
He invited you to go out for dinner and agreed.
He brought you to one of your favorite restaurants. He was very sweet and made sure he took care of you.
You strolled after some time when he held your hand.
“Y/N, let’s get you home,” he announced, matching your pace.  
“Okay,” you replied. And the two of you walked towards his car.
The drive was very nice, he just held your hands until you reached the apartment.
You grabbed your keys and opened the door while he followed suit.
You pushed the door further to welcome him and faced him.
“Well, welcome, you can check out the house if you like.” You invited him.
He let a nod and welcomed himself in.
He looked around, and asked for permission to peek at the closed doors.
Instead, you pointed him what’s what but you let the bathroom and Sejeong’s room untouched. 
“Can I see your room?” he stated.
“Hmm… okay. It’s nothing much, really,” you said as if it was a warning.
You guided him to the furthest door to the right side of the house and opened the lights.
“Here it is,” you let him peek.
He nods and moved back so you could close the door again.
You offered him something to drink but he declined since it was getting late.
You bid him goodbye while you freshen up yourself so you could check what’s on the TV at this hour.
You were mindlessly channel surfing when you landed on a movie that was familiar to you. You made it as white noise when you open your phone to check for notifications.
[From: Taehyung
[From Jungkook:
Are you hiding something from us? :P]
You frowned upon seeing these messages and you replied with a question mark. The response was an invitation from Taehyung to video chat.
“Hi, what are you talking about?”
[Hang on, let’s invite Kook] he seems to press several buttons and after a few seconds, Jungkook appeared.
[I’m overseas, business.] he announced as he showed you the city lights from his hotel window.
“Nice view,” you commented.
“Yes, Tae?” you looked at your lens.
[I want to sulk you’re not telling us something] he pouted.
You frowned.
[You had coffee with Jimin hyung didn’t you?] He replied
You almost laughed when you saw Jungkook turned his camera from the view towards his face.
[It might be a date?] Jungkook added.
“Guys, relax,” you recalled what happened and when you’re done explaining, you felt a little tug in your chest as you witness their disappointed faces.
[Well, okay, it’s still good to have a chat with you. See you next weekend!] Taehyung smiled.
“Yeah, you owe something,” you smiled.
[I’ll be present, don’t worry!] Jungkook replied.
You three bid your goodbyes when Taehyung followed up a message.
[From: Taehyung
Just in case you’re wondering how I know about it :D
-do not disclose to Jimin hyung, or to anyone. He just shared it with us boys]
As the picture loaded, it made you feel something.
It was a picture of your hands, holding the cup of coffee.
You let out a heavy sigh and turned off the TV.
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You were all over the place, from different department head meetings to team engagements, and other business–related things,
it has been almost a month since Hyungwon told you about the possible project with Park Group and you almost forgot about it. You don’t know why are you feeling so damn fidgety when you’re not the one who would be presenting, and the possibility of seeing Jimin is minimal since this is with the Marketing Department.
You were busy replying to Sejeong when Hyungwon called your attention.
“We are here to support our Marketing Team, you ready?” he asked with a smile and you nod in response.
You are welcomed by several members of the Marketing Team of Park Group. This is the first time you’d be stepping into Jimin’s company and you felt shivers down your spine.
Your eyes scanned every corner that they can reach while you are listening to the ones that’s showing you the places you’re passing.
When you arrived on the designated floor, you calmed yourself.
You sat beside the designated seat for Hyungwon as you prepare your laptop. Your company’s representative greeted you and you gave them some pep talk.
Other advertising companies came after yours and when it was about time for the discussion, you started focusing.
After a couple of hours, the presentations of each companies concluded. It’s time for you to leave.
As you were nearing the entrance, a few suited men were walking in between someone and it caught your attention since the people from the information were standing to greet whoever it is.
You lightly gasped as you spotted who it is.
He gave this leaderlike aura and nodded at his employees. He was walking straight towards the elevators and you realized that he was not alone.
Behind him is a woman whose long, light-colored hair was styled with curls in the middle up to the ends.
You saw her profile and you could not be mistaken.
It’s Sana.
You don’t know what’s going on with you, as if the air was cut off by something, and your eyes burned, you almost instantly looked away and walked faster than before.
You wanted to dash towards the car.
You let a sigh of relief when you finally entered the car.
“Based from the feedback we had earlier, I believe we have a good chance in securing this—Are you okay, Y/N? You look like a ghost,” Hyungwon commented.
“Yeah, yeah I am fine don’t worry,” you smiled.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you assured him.
“Rest. We have a lot of things to do starting today,” He nods at the driver and decided to drop you home first.
You find yourself standing in front of your gate.
You recalled what did you just see.
“It’s so hot, why are you standing there?!” Sejeong broke your wandering thoughts.
It was one of the rarest days when you find her home on a weekday. She’s on the night shift. She guided you inside, let you sit down. She disappeared to the kitchen.
“Lemme guess..” she said as she placed food on the center table.
“It’s either your past or your present.” She continued.
“Past,” you replied.
She let out a small sigh.
You told her what you saw. She was quiet. 
“What if it was for business? Don’t think about it too much, Y/N,” she tries to make you feel better as she pushed a slice of kimbap on you and you accepted it.
“Stop.thinking.” she ordered.
“You know what? Rest. Or maybe take a nap or watch whatever. Don’t dwell on those what-ifs in your head,” she pulled you slightly and guided you to your room.
You just followed what your best friend had told you. You changed into comfier clothes but you find yourself writing a letter once again.
As you sealed it, you pulled the bottom-most drawer and placed it on the box and locked it.
You just let the day pass and just like the usual weekends, A call from Taehyung inviting you to eat out was gladly accepted.
You were surprised when Jungkook was the one who’s waiting for you at the bus stop.
“Welcome back, Kookie!” you greeted as you hugged him.
“Thank you, just landed a few hours ago,” he shared.
The two of you shared some stories about work and him, a little bit of his trip overseas. You were welcomed by the rest of the boys and started to catch up with the others.
You notified Jaebum just for him to be reminded that you have a weekly dinner out.
When it was time for you to change the venue to relax, Namjoon decided to sit beside you.
“I heard from my team that you were in Park Group earlier, Y/N.” Namjoon said
You nod at him, explaining why.
Then your thoughts were pulled back from what you just saw earlier, but you didn’t dare ask about it.
Namjoon patted your shoulder, wishing your company the best of luck.
You decided to join Jungkook in a song and the boys cheered. It was one of the rarest things you do. This is to distract you from something.
Or for more accuracy, someone.
You were bowing as they clapped when someone entered your room.
“What did I miss?”
“A special performance from Y/N!” Jin said, with a big smile.
The others praised you and told them they were very honored to hear your voice which blends well with Jungkook.
You returned to your seat, and fished your phone.
Several missed calls and messages.
You sighed.
You excused yourself so you can call Jaebum back.
You told him that you’re going home after a few minutes and he announced that he’s around the area.
You told him which specific bar you are and you agreed to meet him in the entrance.
“Guys, I gotta go,”
The boys looked at your direction, as if they wanted to ask you to stay but of course, they couldn’t.
“Sure, take care,” Namjoon said as he raised his glass to you.
“I’ll walk you out,” Taehyung said and you agreed.
You were linking arms, his on your shoulders and yours is on his waist as you walk down from the VIP rooms.
You parted when you were approaching the door. You bid him goodbye and exited the establishment.
You were quietly waiting when you heard several female voices.
“I am sure he is here!”
“Let’s just have a girl’s night out, just the usual.” Another one said.
“Yeah, let’s just enjoy ourselves just like what he’s doing, Sana!” You suddenly froze as you heard the name.
You stepped back, until you reached what you think is a safe distance and you watched where you think the voices came from.
And there it bore Sana, and based from your memory were Dahyun and Nayeon. They entered the establishment that you just exited.
Great timing, you just saw Jaebum’s car approaching.
You welcomed him with a smile and when you entered the car, he was also smiling back at you.
He looked for your hand and kissed it and he drove away.
“Babe,” he said as you were approaching the intersection that either will take you to the apartment or to his house.
“Which house should I take you?” he inquired, as he slowed down.
“Could you take me home? I’ll just grab some things” you replied.
“You mean?”
You nodded at him.
You have been thinking about it for quite some time now. You and Sejeong had more than a couple of talks about this too and she’s more than supportive of you. She also said this might be the answer to lessen or to make the petty fights disappear. So you decided that today’s the day that you’ll be moving in with him.
 You reached the apartment in no time. And you let the gates and the door open for Jaebum. He followed you until the living area. When you returned with a travelling bag, he got it from you as you make sure everything’s secured.
“Shall we go home, babe?” he smiled at you as you get yourself comfortable on the seat beside him.
You nod and a sense of déjà vu hits you.
This scenario happened before.
When you moved in with Jimin.
You brushed the memory as you felt Jaebum’s hand on yours.
The drive to your new home is peaceful.
You got out of the car first and pressed the security code. You felt Jaebum behind you.
You have been in and out of this house numerous times now but this is the first time you’re taking your time observing it.
Lots of whites and grays, even the throw pillows are in those shades.
As usual, you went to the guest room and changed into comfier clothes, them being Jaebum’s shirt and your shorts.
After some time, you heard a soft knock and he invited you out for a drink.
You find him smiling as you approach him, handing you a cup of hot cocoa. He now changed his usual work clothes in a comfier one, which is almost identical as yours, it’s just he’s wearing pajama pants.
You couldn’t help but smile back. You find his smile, this specific smile adorable.
“You look happy,” you commented.
“Because you’re here,” he replied.
“Hmm? It’s not my first time coming here though,” you replied.
“Yeah, I know. But there’s something different,” he replied.
You just gave him a nod and you sat beside him.
“Yeah? What’s different?” you tried asking him for more answers.
“You know, you’re here, and you’re not gonna be in a rush to leave..” He said as he plopped the space he wants you to sit.
You just giggled at his answer.
He let you choose the movie that interests you. You both agreed to watch a superhero one.
You’re in the middle of the movie when you feel him move closer.
You let him close the distance by scooting towards him.
“Baby…” he whispered.
You don’t know what’s with the voice he let out, but it made you feel something.
“Hmm?” you replied as you face him. You just realized how close his face is to yours.
“Baby, can I?” he looked at your eyes, then at your lips, then back to your eyes.
You turned to his side, which is a signal for him.
Slowly, he kissed you. The kind of kiss that’s savoring every second.
You tasted the flowery tea that he was drinking as you gave him permission to kiss you deeply.
He holds onto your waist and supported the small of your back while you automatically locked your arms on his neck.
He adjusted himself now, he’s hovering on top of you.
You don’t know what’s going on but maybe, it’s the liquor’s effects. Or the effects the cocoa after the liquor.
You welcomed him again as he kissed you, his hands rubbing the exposed part of your thighs.
You let out a light moan. Upon hearing it, you saw his expression turned dark.
Which made you feel hot.
He pulled you towards the direction of his room, leaving the TV on.
When you’re inside the confines of his room, he pinned you to the door, kissing you again.
“Y/N,” he said in between his breaths.
You tried searching for his face when he suddenly carried you towards the bed.
He laid you down slowly, he turned on one of his lamps. And hovered above you again.
You waited for his next move, anticipating another kiss, even though you can feel yours throbbing.
As expected, he did kiss you again, you let out a moan as his hands now travels from your thigh towards your torso.
His lips now travelled from your lips to your neck, leaving a burning sensation in each place he planted kisses.
“Jaebum..” you let out a sigh when he’s now on your chest.
“If we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to control myself,” he confessed.
You don’t know what kicks in, the alcohol or cocoa.
You tugged on his shirt.
“I want this off,” you replied.
In one swift move, his top is gone, showing his beautiful skin, and toned torso.
He now asked to pull yours and you agreed.
You felt the cold temperature of the room, which was immediately burned by Jaebum’s hands as it travels from your stomach to the sides of your breasts.
He kissed your neck again, and you adjusted so he can remove your bra.
“Fuck,” he said as his hands landed on your bare chest.
He slowly cupped them, making you moan.
“Hngg, Jaeb,” you responded as he played with it.
Something ignites in you as you felt his mouth played with one of them while the other one is with his hands.
He continued doing that until both of your nipples are hard.
“This is the last time I’ll be asking you, if you want this to stop, say it now.”
He pulled your shorts, including your panties which earned a gasp from you.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, baby” his hand now travels from your stomach to your core.
“Shit, he slowly parted your folds, as he slowly rubbed your clit.
“You’re soaking baby,” he said as he sends electricity to your entire body.
“Ahhhh…” you moaned as you felt his fingers entered you.
He stayed like that for a moment then he slowly moved in an out until you became familiar with his fingers.
He detached himself completely. You watched him take off his pajamas. He climbed back on the bed, and guided your hands to his boxers.
You felt his hard member inside his underwear. You rubbed it with the guidance of his hands. When you stopped, he removed the remaining piece of clothing that he has and let him be exposed before your eyes.
You watched him place a condom on his member and adjust as he positioned himself on top of you again.
“Ahh shit, you’re so tight, babe” he said as he penetrates you.
You let out a light curse as you adjust to the unfamiliar yet delicious sensation you’re experiencing.
“Baby,” you sighed.
“Hmm?” he replied.
“Move please,” you muttered.
With that, he started slow. You felt pain but the pleasure it brings you makes you wanting for more so when you found the rhythm, you moved with him. This sent ecstasy to Jaebum’s senses which made the pace quick which made earned delicious sounds from you.
You felt something’s bubbling inside you, something that’s about to explode.
“Let go, baby,” he said.
You felt your release as he pounds into you as you ride your high.
“I’m cumming too,” he said, now he’s now moving faster.
You felt something warm inside you but he slowly pulled out as soon as he released his.
He disappeared towards the bathroom. You smelled something relaxing.
“Can you stand?” he asked and you moved. He guided you towards his personal bathroom.
You feel relaxed as you dip your body in the warm water. The scent is now enveloping your senses.
You feel him behind you, now holding a washcloth.
“What are you doing?” you whispered,
“Taking care of you,” he said as he rubs it gently on your body.
You stayed there for a few minutes, with heated make – outs in between.
When you’re both out of the shower, He insisted to dress you. So now you’re wearing one of his shirts that’s too large even for him, plus a one of his new boxers.
You relaxed yourself in one side of his bed and he joined you shortly after.
You feel him close and planted a kiss on your hair.
“Y/N..” he whispered.
“Hmm?” you said, in a tired way.
“I love you, welcome home.” He said as he adjusted himself so he can spoon you.
“I love you too,” you replied.
Within a few minutes, you succumbed to sleep.
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Hello! It has been around 5 years since Make Me 20.1 was posted AFAIK. To those who waited and lost hope, I am sorry for being in hiatus for such a long time. I stopped writing, I lost the spark. and reality hits.
If you're new here, hi! Welcome to the little blog that I made because I felt inspired to write because of these seven men as I made this.
But now, I am back to it! but no promises. I cannot commit to a fixed or scheduled timeline as to when I could post the remaining chapters of Make Me or other works that I have.
But rest assured, it has been plotted since 2018.
If you loved this chapter, do not hesitate to leave a comment, suggestions, or reblogs, are highly appreciated.
Please, do not copy/repost/transfer this on any other platform.
Thank you!
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dollydaisies · 1 year ago
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"hey zumi, what do you like?" that is a wonderful question! i suddenly forgot everything i have ever liked in my life.
૮꒰˶˃ ^ ˂̵˵꒱ა
anime. bungou stray dogs, blue lock, tokyo revengers, my hero academia, saiki k, ouran high school host club, a3!, jujutsu kaisen, soul eater, assassination classroom.
characters. osamu dazai, nagi seishiro, mikey sano, denki kaminari, denji, makima, chifuyu matsuno, takashi mitsuya.
kpop groups. seventeen, monsta x, shinee, btob, exo, stray kids, got7, txt, dean, kinda ateez | nmixx, twice, le sserafim, gi-dle, red velvet, mamamoo, billlie. completely unrelated and is jpop, but i love yoasobi a lot. :)
kpop idols. lee jihoon (woozi), kwon soonyoung (hoshi), lee yongbok (felix), byun baekhyun, lim jaebum (jay b), park jinyoung, jung ilhoon :(, kim hongjoong, jung wooyoung, kim kibum (key), choi soobin. | chaeyoung, sana, momo, seulgi, yeri, solar, chaewon, yunjin.
i'll eventually add tv characters and things like that, im just incredibly lazy...
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dvbkie099 · 2 years ago
four - whiskey-filled stories
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Seo Changbin x fem!oc
Tags: Gang!AU, TattooArtist!OC x GangMember!Changbin, smut, violence, drugs, swearing, death, characters are not morally good people
Minji didn’t expect much from sleeping with the hot muscle at her local bar. She left first, after all.
Changbin knows her face. She’s a regular of the bar that Hyunjin runs, loves a strong drink, and has some truly beautiful tattoos.
It should’ve been a one-time thing. That was until Minji inadvertently got herself caught in the middle of a gang war by somehow pissing off the wrong person.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
She turned her head slightly, looking at the man seated next to her.
“You wouldn’t have enough pennies, Chris.”
The man grinned at her, refilling her whiskey glass before snatching the cigarette from her hand and taking a drag from it.
It was surprising how quickly they became comfortable with one another, their banter reminiscent of their shared mutual friends. It was natural, she figured, for them to connect so deeply. While everyone, save for Jeongin, had trained under GOT7, none of them had as deep of a friendship with the older guys like Chan. He didn’t know the full scope of her relationship with the men he saw as older brothers, but he knew enough from mentions of her over the years to the fact that she seemed to know why, and even potentially where GOT7 was hiding. She didn’t have to wax poetics, he saw it all in her dark eyes.
“Is the decorating going well?” Chan asked, handing her cigarette back to her.
“Yeah. Thanks for everything, by the way.” 
“Well we did kinda cause your shop to get ruined, so it's the least I can do.” 
“I killed the guy, not you, don’t take my credit.” She snarked, “Also just learn to accept gratitude.”
Chan and the guys were godsends. With her parlour destroyed, she didn’t have the space to tattoo or train her apprentice. In their last consultation, she had mentioned searching for a new place for her parlour. Chan had then offered the empty retail space on the ground floor of the building, next to the club. She hadn’t realized that he owned the entire building, except for the Scarlet Lagoon, which Hyunjin owned. It made sense. It was an excellent base for the group and brought in significant legal money. She had been redecorating the space for the past few days, Hyunjin and Jisung often stopping by and aiding her, to the amazement of Wei, who very obviously had a crush on Hyunjin.
She was a relatively frugal person, tending to only splurge occasionally for special occasions. It came in handy in this case, having the extra funds for new equipment and supplies. They were expected to re-open in their new location in a few days, but there were a few things left.
“Having some trouble figuring out what to put on the walls, given that all the paintings are damaged,” Minji said, taking a long drag of her cigarette.
“What did you do with them?”
“They’re in my office in my apartment.” Minji said, “Can’t get rid of them.”
“Youngjae’s right? The paintings, that is?”
“How’d you know?” Minji said.
“Jisung mentioned seeing the one from Jaebum’s office. Thought you stole it at first.” Chan shrugged.
She snorted, “No, it was a gift to me, before y’know. The rest of the paintings are birthday presents from him as well.”
“Why don’t you frame some of your sketches? You’ve got quite the artistic talent.”
“I mean I could, but my sketches are always just… sketches. The finalized art is what goes on people.”
“The unfinishedness could be the look though. Your shop’s aesthetic was already kinda edgy.”
“The exact aesthetic is dark academia, but I suppose it could work.”
Chan made a face but didn’t retaliate further.
“The question is what to remake onto a standard-size canvas. Given the space, I want seven pieces of artwork up.” 
“Do you have your sketchbook?”
His eyes were on the sketchbook on the counter, yet he still asked that question with a stupid grin on his face.
He chuckled as she flipped the book open, thumbing through pages of sketches. 
“What about this one?”
His finger stopped her from flicking the page, pressing gently across the page that depicted a bouquet.
“The Death Bouquet itself, good choice.” Minji hummed, her manicured nail tracing the pattern of the sketch.
“The Death Bouquet is a real thing?”
“Well, it is an urban legend in my hometown.” She explained. “I drew it and it is the first tattoo I ever got.”
“What’s the legend?”
“Well, it starts with two brothers. It’s said that they were inseparable, even through their teenage and adult years. The younger brother moved away, seeking to find his way, leaving his brother behind. Several years later, he came back to town, with a fianceé. His brother was overjoyed at his return but found himself unable to connect with his brother, too in love with his soon-to-be wife. The older brother found himself resenting their relationship, as it was all his family talked about.”
Her hand stopped tracing, finger staying put on the ribbon of the bouquet.
“It was only until their wedding day, when he was helping his soon-to-be sister get ready, that he realized that he hated their relationship because he loved her. Her bouquet was full of baby’s breath, the flowers of purity and young love, her favourite flower. He was beside himself, torn by his grief and love for the one woman he couldn’t have.”
“When he went outside for a breather, he saw a pretty purple flower going in the gardens. When he came closer to the flowers, he recognized them as Wisteria flowers. When he saw the plants, his bitter heart turned to greed and jealousy, and he plucked a few flowers, making sure to gather a handful of seeds. When he returned to the bride, just before the ceremony was to begin, she wholly accepted the new addition to her bouquet, awed enough to not the seeds he placed in the ceremonial tea that the flower girl was to carry out.”
“However, as he stood by his brother's side, watching as the couples reached for the cups that contained the tea, he could only watch as they drank from the same cup, the bride and his brother ingesting poisonous tea. And when the couple went very still later that night, entangled in their wedding sheets, it was the brother they found, seated at the altar of the wedding church, the bouquet in his hands with tears in his eyes.”
It was silent within the empty Scarlet Lagoon, Minji nursing her whiskey and Chan staring off into existence.
“Is it true? The story?”
“The married couple were found dead, and wisteria toxin was found in their systems. It is assumed that it was the brother, but no one knows. The story is from a few decades before I was born.”
“If people assumed it was the brother, then why didn’t he get arrested for it?”
“He was found dead when the police came to question him. Alcohol poisoning.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Jesus Christ indeed.” Minji hummed, tipping her glass toward him as if she was toasting him. “That’s the world we live in.”
"So are you two going to fuck again or are you just going back to staring at her." 
Changbin smacked Minho on the arm, as he pulled his eyes away from Minji across the room. The Scarlet Lagoon was packed, but that was expected. One of the main reasons that the club was as popular as it was, is that it had a themed night once a month. And it wasn't cheesy themes, continuing with the luxe and glamourous interior and general vibe of the club.
It was one of those themed nights, and due to the level of people there, it was customary for all eight of them to attend. And now Minji was attending, no longer a regular of the club and now free to move around. Yet she had stayed at her regular spot at the bar until Hyunjin had weaved through the crowd and pulled her onto the dance floor.
The pair were easily the best looking on the dance floor, the red velvet of Hyunjin's suit pairing nicely with the blush pink satin of Minji's dress. 
As if they could sense people talking about them, the pair wormed their way out of the dance floor, coming over to the table. Hyunjin reached the table before them, Changbin noting the darker tint to his lips and the single red tear-drop-shaped jewel beneath his left eye. 
Minji approached them, the satin hugging her figure down to her hips before it draped loosely down the rest of her body, hiding her legs from view save for her heeled feet. A loose white sheer shawl hung loosely off her arms, upon which matching rose-gold arm cuffs sat. Her fingers had countless rings upon them, all in soft pastels and golds, mimicking her rose-gold jewelled nails. The pastels and rose gold theme continued, up to the cuffs and chains from her ears, which were unnaturally pointed. There were countless small braids littered throughout her hair, with jewels twisted into the braids. Her makeup was simplistic, but the attention still went to her eyes, now a bright purple.
"I see you are strikingly on theme," Chan said, as Minji accepted a drink from him as she sat down next to Jeongin.
"It's a supernatural theme, it's easy to be on theme."
"You wouldn't believe how many people we've had to turn down because they aren't on theme or are dressed like a corny dollar store supernatural," Hyunjin said, scoffing as he stole Seungmin's drink from him.
"You're an ass," Seungmin said, stealing the drink back.
Jeongin tapped her hand as she set her drink down, so she turned to look at the younger man, dressed nicely in a black suit with a scratch across his cheekbone. She noted the dark grey acrylics on his nails, long enough to dig into her hand slightly.
"How did you do the pointed ears? They look really cool." Jeongin gushed.
"They're prosthetics. Another time I could put a pair on you?"
"I'd like that."
"Stop trying to be cute to woo Minji, Jeong," Minho said.
"Stop being a mood killer and I'll consider." The youngest snapped back.
Minji grinned at their banter, taking another drink. As set her drink down, she noted his eyes on her again. She wasn't blind, she could feel the looks upon her from him but chose not to act upon it. Would it potentially get awkward when she started tattooing the guys tomorrow? Most likely, especially since she was going to be tattooing his pectoral.
But that was tomorrow's problem.
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cyberpunkhwx · 2 years ago
You can call me Kimi🍒 I like nicknames too!
she/her | Gemini | infj
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I ult exo
I also stan ateez, Nct 127/dream/wayv, seventeen, enhypen, txt, superM, got7, monsta x, shinee, bigbang,
Fujii kaze, Kard
GIdle, red velvet, twice, blackpink, mamamoo,
Biases yunho/hongjoong, johnny/yuta/mark/kun, scoups, jay, ot11 exo, jaebum/jinyoung, kihyun/shownu/I.m, ot5 shinee/txt, BM
Jihyo, jennie/rosé, soyeon
What I dont write nor want to discuss about
Extreme violence, knives, blood(unless its period duh),
What I won't be writing about, but don't mind talking about
Sub!idol, girl groups
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