#idle needle
bill-needle · 2 months
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"Hello, I'm Bill Needle, and welcome to" - Mailbag
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lightningidle · 5 days
Celebrate spooky season with funky handmade wall hangings!! There's only one of each, so when they're gone, they're gone. Find 'em all here, along with a heaping helping of other Halloween goodies!
Music: Ghost Duet by Louie Zong
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commoninfected · 1 year
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A hairbrush fell into the sink while I was taking my injection- in the pure silence of relaxed muscle concentration is scared the hell outta me. If you've never felt a needle wiggle around in your thigh before I do not recommend it.
I'll be a bit slower to my desk today.
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epicdogymoment · 2 years
winding up yarn into a nice yarn cake is kinda a pain n it takes soooo long but like its fun :) and now i have 2 nice balls of yarn :)
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bones-n-bookles · 2 years
Got some new teas the other day. Really wanted the licorice one but there was a sale for both of them being close to the same price so nabbed the chai as well.
The chai is alright, it's more of a cinnamon black tea with some other underlying flavors than an even blend. Still nice for when i want some variety instead of just straight black tea.
The licorice tea is so good though. My old favorite licorice blend was Yogi's Egyptian Licorice Mint (the mint is important, the Egyptian Licorice flavor falls flat even when I tried adding mint myself). This is really similar, but has more of a bite to the flavor, which I love.
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protocolseben · 2 months
I wanted to make a page shrine for sbebby and then k looked down and it said 4am….
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anneapocalypse · 1 month
I cannot help feeling like the tendency to see Inquisition!Leliana in stark contrast to Origins!Leliana has led to some people forgetting what... Leliana is actually like in Origins.
In fairness, as in all Dragon Age games some very revealing character moments happen in party banter which makes it easy to miss. But the gentle-hearted mystic who desires only to draw others unto the love of the Maker has never been all that Leliana is, and it's always been in direct conflict with the side of her that is not only adept at intrigue and yes, violence, but enjoys those things. This is the central conflict of her whole character, and it's not a trivial conflict, because there is not one simple answer to who Leliana truly is. She is both of these things. She is deeply religious and finds comfort in her faith, and thinks it should bring comfort to others as well. She's also prone to gossip and pettiness and all the qualities that helped her thrive as a bard.
There's this one particularly revealing piece of banter with Alistair if the Warden is in a romance with Morrigan:
Alistair: So have you heard? Morrigan and him are... you know. Leliana: Have you nothing better to do than to spread idle gossip? And besides, he can probably hear us both. You're not being very discreet. Alistair: No, look, he's not even paying attention. Leliana: Hmmm. maybe. You don't... think that he's serious about it, do you? The woman is a vile fiend. Alistair: Well, look here, now who's an idle gossip? Me-ow! Leliana: You're the one who started this, I might remind you. And I'm... well, I'm ending it!
I once had the especially entertaining experience of getting this banter, and minutes later hearing Leliana turn to Morrigan to give her the "It's so nice that you're together, isn't love wonderful?" line. But whether or not you have the pleasure of hearing them back to back, I think this dialogue make it pretty clear that while Leliana would like not to think of herself as a gossip, it takes very little prompting from Alistair to get her to slip back into that mean girl persona. And Alistair (who is more perceptive than he often gets credit for), calls her on it immediately, clearly embarrassing Leliana--who realizes that her mask has slipped.
I don't think it follows from this that Leliana necessarily hates Morrigan unilaterally. There's something much more complex going on between them, in my opinion, because they are such distinct opposites in upbringing and personality. Both Leliana's faith and her life of courtly intrigue are nonsense to Morrigan, who neither believes in the Maker nor has much patience for intricate social graces (at least, not yet). Meanwhile, I think Morrigan's outward self-possession and the sense of power she exudes is a source of both fascination and frustration for Leliana, who thinks she understands power, both social and divine--but finds in Morrigan a kind she cannot fully comprehend. (I also think you can definitely feel some sexual tension into their banter, especially the much-beloved banter about the velvet dress.) Ultimately, both of them are very concerned with power, but approach that concept very differently. And Leliana responds to this clash of ideals in a particular way because her own self-image is so conflicted.
As all great Dragon Age foils do, Leliana and Morrigan needle one another, push each other's buttons, challenge one another's sense of self, and in doing so reveal one another in their complexity and sometimes in their ugliness. It is perhaps easy to write this off as the tired trope of women being unable to get along with one another, or conversely to claim that they get along just fine and fandom has fabricated the tensions between them; I think to do either of those things diminishes a genuinely complex and sticky relationship that serves to reveal a lot about both characters.
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etanow · 2 months
Do you have any showtime monster labs headcanons? 👉🏻👈🏻☺️
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Caine was the last to realize Pomni was in his residency (He was,, otherwise preoccupied), and was absolutely flabbergasted that Jax did such a thing as raising the dead. Caine has a strict policy on not letting humans(dead or alive) that far down in the C&A facility unaccompanied considering how many monsters reside there.It was one of the few times anyone had seen him properly upset at something Jax had done. Pomni was rightfully freaked the fuck out at a giant pair of floating teeth and eyes saying he's a long-forgotten God, needless to say, their first introductions were confusing on both ends LOL
Understandably, Pomni has a LOT of issues with herself appearance-wise. She avoided mirrors for weeks, and tried her best to keep distant from the others. Caine didn't walk on eggshells around her like the others did as she adjusted and that was something she appreciated, at least provided a little sense of normalcy. He was easy to talk to and remembered EVERY little detail.
Caine can change his form at will, but Pomni prefers his big ol' toothy head because he said he was most comfortable appearing that way.
Everyone has their own unique smells; Zooble smells like brimstone, musk, and campfire, Jax always smells like hand sanitizer and chemicals that make your nose burn, Kinger like old earth and soil, Ragatha smells comforting like your favorite old plushie, and Gangle didn't have much but she liked occasionally putting perfume on her ribbons. But Pomni always has a hint of the smell of death following her. She tried Gangle's perfumes and all sorts of scented soaps but nothing could truly mask or make it go away. It was only when Caine gifted her a bouquet of flowers that the smell was almost forgotten. Hell, maybe the plague doctors with their floral and herb-filled masks were on to something. Since then, Caine often surprised Pomni with fresh flowers, herbs, and plants to the point of her shelves overflowing with vases and pots of flowers in all states. Eventually, she gets to pressing flowers between books as a memento for every flower he's given her.
Pomni sometimes needs blood transfusions as her body doesn't make blood anymore but still needs it- she hates needles. Caine and Ragatha alternate sitting with her during it since it can take a few hours at a time and distract her with books or idle chatter until it's done. Caine is an amazing storyteller, he's existed a long time as both a noncorporeal and corporeal being and has countless stories of battles and moments long lost to time. He hasn't really had anyone to share these stories with, and the only other being who was around during all of it, well he doesn't get the chance to talk with him much these days...
Ragatha and Pomni got together first, they spent a lot more time together in the beginning since Caine only popped in once or twice a week usually. He started hanging around longer after a while and I'm getting sidetracked now I'm just imagining Pomni bursting into Ragatha's room sobbing with a "I'M SO SORRY I JUST KISSED CAINE PLEASE FORGIVE ME-" And Ragatha doesn't miss a beat, totally unphased and unbothered, "Ooh nice! Was he any good?" And Pomni's just standing there like "Wait What"
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They are all very bad at communication lmao but they're TRYING THEIR BEST OKAY
Caine is not used to the concept of resting, meanwhile, pretty much all Pomni does in her free time most days is nap or laze around- it took Caine a while to not see it as a waste of time and now loves it when Pomni rests her head in his lap. He likes playing with her hair and watching her sleep peacefully.
Pomni keeps her gloves on often because she doesn't like the sight of her skeletal fingers but absolutely MELTS with palm and backhand kisses.
Caine is very touchy-feely, he rubs backs when talking idly or loops arms together, floats a little closer, and matches their pace when walking together (even imitates walking itself with little bobs in time with whoever he's walking with). On some bad joint days, Pomni has a bit of a limp from her exposed bone leg and Pomni finds it absolutely hilarious when Caine unintentionally matches that movement.
Pomni misses facebook memes a lot :(
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goldenstring6123 · 2 months
Lnds: Them as human-dog hybrids!
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Author's notes: A bit more of a niche HC~
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Sylus as human-dog:
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General Personality:
Aggressive and territorial both in human form and in animal form.
Usually prefers to be directly beside you at all times, sometimes positioning himself in between your legs if you're doing something that requires you to be idle.
Almost always in guard dog mode.
Comfortably switches from human form to animal form any time, anywhere.
In animal form, there's always a leash attached to his collar, in human form, he removes the leash but keeps the collar on. He likes it.
Wards of any other dogs that come in your way with a simple stare and a snarl. Other dogs shiver at the sight of him—even the more bigger ones.
if you get mad at him or scold him for being naughty, he'll ignore you which you will always let him get away with— but if he goes too far, he sleeps on the balcony.
You like grabbing his tail and muse yourself at seeing his super quick and funny reactions.
Dislikes play time with other dogs. When he's at the park, he sits under a tree and inspects the place as if he's a watchdog. If other animals pester him, he will bully them.
Dislikes being touched by other people even stepping a tad bit close will turn him aggressive.
Absolutely hates the vet; he's a menace to everyone except you; No vet would accept him; he likes only two specific doctors in Linkon city and both of them were old veteran women.
Likes bath time but likes giving you a hard time as well, when he's wet and lathered with soap, you will be too.
like's agressive play and you coddling him with belly rubs, back ear scratches. In the midst of play time he'll suddenly turn human and want your affection in another way.
At midnight, he leaves his very expensive and comfortable dog bed and sneaks into yours, come morning, you're face to face with his bare chest.
He doesn't let you off easily in the morning and even if he did, you still have to deal with his groggy ness.
He makes a mess when he sees that you cleaned your side of the bed when you wake up earlier than him and he just likes watching you clean it for the second time, ignoring your yapping and scolding.
A Major incident:
You once got mauled by another guard dog, unfortunately he wasn't there to protect you because you left him at home—stating it will just be a quick errand. when too long of a time has passed and you entered the house, the putrid scent of another dog had him barking loud. He sees you covered in scratches and bandages with blotches of red. He looses it and you can't calm him down no matter what kind of coaxing you do.
He turns human and catches you in your exhausted state, seeing the needle marks on your arm (from the vaccination), he was a bit relieved to see you got yourself patched up; He was still angry though. He helped you with the things you need to do and he puts you to bed, resting on the foot of your bed until he could hear you snooze.
At night, he hunts for that awful scent, searching high and low. The scent lead him to an abandoned shed in the forest where a stray and formerly detained human-dog hybrid resided. Needless to say there were trails of blood leading to the toilet and he was there trying to get the blood off by the time you wake up.
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Zayne as human-dog:
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General Personality:
A Medical service dog who is also the former chief cardio surgeon.
Often alert and active on duty when you are in your work mode.
A very intelligent dog, even if you aren't in any trouble, he'll bring your stuff like a pillow, a bottle of water, a bag of chips and so on.
He's very particular to the scent you give; although he can't describe it, he can smell your emotions and your physical condition.
He rarely barks at anything random and has a designated spot for doing his business. he is a low maintenance, well trained and polite dog.
He dislikes any special cooked meals for him that has carrots in its ingredients. You can sneak in some when he eats in human form but when he's in his dog form, he can smell it no matter how well it's blended in the meat.
Also hates fast food, but likes the sugary sweet confections.
In human form he likes reading, and rather than go to the dog park or the pet supply store, you bring him to a cafe or a bookstore.
From time to time, he likes being in human form for longer periods. and while he does, he likes to service you, helping you clean around the house, and perform check ups. If not doing anything, he's reading a book or watching a classic film.
He likes to keeps his bed in the same spot and only has specific areas in the house where he stays. Preferably in elevated areas like on the table or on the couch.
He likes to visit the park, but never really plays around. Small puppies are attracted to him but he only paws their heads before tending to his own business.
He takes it upon himself to go to the doggy parlor and the vet; sometimes he doesn't need you to accompany him. He takes pride in being well groomed; he takes it a step further by also taking good care of his human form. the downside is: it gets really really expensive.
A Major incident/s:
Rarely do you ever get mad at him except for times when you order fast food on your nights off. Before managing to take a bite of that double cheeseburger, he snatches it from you and lunges it around. Stepping on it. He hates fast food and he knows its not good for you.
As punishment you didn't let him join you for work for the next three days and he's left all alone in the house waiting for you to get home. He eagerly waits for you at the door and all you do is pet him before falling asleep on the couch.
Despite knowing you were mad at him and he was under punishment, he still drapes a blanket over you making sure you weren't cold. He sleeps at the foot of your couch and when he comes to, you were sleeping on the floor with him, cuddling and sharing the same blanket he draped over you during the night.
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Xavier as human-dog:
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General Personality:
An immortal police dog working with the Hunter's association.
Has a keen sense of smell and hearing as well as agility and speed.
In office down-times he naps— a lot, yet he never fails to perfect physical test. Somehow always in great shape both in dog form and human form.
When he has nothing to do, or there's too many dogs in the vicinity, escapes and sleeps in the flowerbed of the rooftop garden or ontop of a slate rock. In human form, he sleeps in a hammock behind the storage room which was conveniently placed by a former staff. (or so he says)
He will play dead on the floor if he's too lazy to walk so you have to carry him in his.
In your home, he's mostly in his human form. He still likes snacks but mostly likes to stick to you wherever you are. In the sofa? Sitting and resting on your lap. in the bedroom? At the foot of your bed. Toilet? He's outside the door. There's no alone time with him. Dislikes
He hates baths but likes being groomed. He's a very patient boy in the doggy parlor especially if they offer treats. Doesn't bite but will push himself into a corner or face the wall as if he's being punished.
People pet him a lot and he avoids it like a cat, sometimes play biting to tell people to go away. If people still manage to pet him, He'll make loud, whining noises and hide under your table.
He like's winning plushies in the arcade yet coats them in saliva so you can't exactly have that plushie to yourself. 3 days in and that plushie would turn into shreds because of his aggressive playing habits.
He loves treats, be it dog treats or pastries. Can hear a crinkle of treats inside your bag from 5 feet away. He'll be raising his paw at you once he manages to get your attention.
A Major incident:
You once got mad at him for slobbering and chewing up all over the paperwork on your table because you weren't able to pay attention to him during the busy office hours.
As punishment, you had to work overtime to accomplish and remake those files; all while ignoring him. Afterwards, when he thought you were done, you asked Nero to exchange patrol dogs for the time being.
Xavier was devastated and suddenly turned human, apologizing and saying that it wont happen again.
You ignored him and went home— him trailing after you just a few meters away. He doesn't enter your house when you get there and just guards your front door. When morning comes, he realizes that there was a blanket on him an a brand new plushie. Your door was purposely left ajar for him to enter.
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Rafayel as human-dog:
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General Personality:
A high maintenance fashion dog.
He's a runway pet, often working alongside clothing companies.
Though he is a human-dog hybrid, he's frequently in his human form to sign contracts and make negotiations.
He models both as a dog and as a human. He's very picky though, he only chooses the best of the best companies, ones that you would wear.
He has his own penthouse near the beach but people complain about him because he barks a lot, seemingly out of boredom. As a solution, he moves in with you!
He chooses your outfit for you, and digs out of your wardrobe every now and then, especially when he needs you to accompany him to a show or a party. Dislikes
He is more dramatic than you anticipated. If he dislikes the film or show he's watching and you were ignoring him, he would bark annoyingly, or whine a lot most likely rolling around and jumping on the bed to relieve his boredom.
He has problems with cats and can sense if one steps in within the perimeter of his residence.
In his dog form, he dislikes being in places or rooms with extreme temperature. be it super cold or too hot. Although he likes the summer, sometimes the heat is unbearable so he needs to cool off as soon as he goes out. Likes
He likes to make sure you look the best because you are a reflection of him; But he knows he looks better than you.
He keeps a few toys around and particularly likes the plushies, but above all he likes the to play around with the scrunchies you wear.
From time to time, he likes play dates with other dogs— his breed in particular is very quick to get along with other dogs regardless of species. He's quite fond of frolicking in the indoor dog parks of Linkon city.
He has his own bedroom in your apartment but you always wake up with him next to you either in his dog form or in his naked human form.
He needs full maintenance every few days, these involve brushing, nail grooming, ear cleaning and so on; It gets very expensive but he always pays for it. In human form he likes to pamper you as well by giving you massages, treating you to spas and salons.
He is a nightmare to deal with as a dog mainly because he sheds so fast; even if you cleaned the kitchen before cooking there will always be fur in your cutlery.
A Major incident:
You were always scolding him for his childishness but once in a while, it gets endearing except for that one specific day where he decides to chew on all your heels and shoes because you were going to meet up with the manager of that Chihuahua model.
Needless to say, yours shoes, including slippers, which you had to pay money for, were all ruined. Barefoot and all, you drove him over to his penthouse and left him there for a solid few days. No one complained of any noise because his neighbors were out of town.
He was angry at you for leaving him alone so he wanted to give you a piece of his mind, but when he arrive at your apartment, the first thing he sees were those chewed up shoes.
Feeling apologetic at the sight of your broken shoes in the trash bin, he gathered his connections and used some IOUs to be given some of the best and beautiful shoes in the industry. Needless to say you were quite surprised when there are a bunch of pr boxes blocking your door. That and Rafayel patiently waiting at the foyer of your apartment.
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Author footnotes: Some of the text won't adhere to the format— Sorry about that! I'm still getting used to tumblr. Also, I wanna make a part two out of this. hehe~ Layout by me, using Canva premium | Do not repost | Dividers by @/cafekitsune
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ladythornofrivia · 6 months
Lady with Teal Eyes || Aemond x Aunt!Hightower Reader (Part Two)
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word count:
author’s note: writing more chapters of a sad dragon family series. I’ll be on a Norwegian cruise line for Italy and Greece for 2 weeks. I’m gonna be seasick, I already know it. So I’ll be writing this series before I leave. Please enjoy and have a good day.
warnings: incest, cockwarming, teasing, sucking, p in v, rough play, flirting, wholesome moment, jealous aemond, possessive, roughness, mild manhandling, mild degradation, unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex, second hand embarrassment, dark content, mentions of su*cide, Aemond being too touchy with his aunt, degradation, humiliation.
summary: Aemond meets his aunt for the first time, and there’s more than meets the eye. (there will be three parts).
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The preparations for the celebration of King Viserys has reached closer whilst you accompanied Alicent into the corridor, corridor after corridor of a long tour within the Red Keep. Servants bowed as you all passed. Cold bows and cold eyes lingered, despite their bare minimums of smiling graciously at your direction, as Alicent presented the halls with lavish decor. However, mostly it was green and gold. But others blended it with black and red.
As always, you’re marveled by the exquisite lace and embroidered patterns and a clear structure of its final design of artwork is invigorating. The stitching is what you’re most impressed of.
As all Targaryens and Hightowers strolling, Alicent parted ways with her children, unbeknownst to you, the one-eyed prince had his hands behind his back, violet shade of eye looming over your new gown designed by the seamstress, all soft-shaded periwinkle, strapped with gold embroidery and green and red, streaks of iridescent shun upon sunlight, your manes healthy and glowing, maintained through and through.
You knew he was watching. With his precious one violet eye gleaming at the back of your head, your body shivered in an alien sensation. As for Aemond, a dragon’s hunger is anything but stable or sane. A dragon’s hunger is like a breath of wild fire casted to the torch of the wondrous nature and life itself. The fire eats and leaves the bones of ash, dwindling in midair.
Aegon I altered the history and thus, House Targaryen must stand with unity and strength and blood.
Still parted aways after an idle chat, for Alicent to task with decorations, as her children were long gone, back into your large chambers, you were unpacking your materials for the completion on a quilt, a quilt with colorful dragons and mermaids and ships, various shades of sews and needles unpacked, as the back of your neck tingled with goosebumps as you felt a hot breath stroking.
Before you turned around, large and slender hands travelled over your clothed waist, nearly close to your chest above. A writhe of hot tingle rushing in your coils and chest. A quiet breath strained, lax down to a low hiss, a hiss nearly tickling your skin. No servants were around, no Alicent or Gwayne.
Aemond, a one-eyed prince has lurked and captured you. A princess sent by a Maiden herself. The fiery dragon must seize the princess.
You thought he has gone back to training yard with Ser Criston, as Alicent mentioned once at the entryway within a prolonged conversation.
His face inched close to yours, his supple and pretty lips touched your cheeks, trailed down to your jawline, whilst his left hand grasp your face to stay still. The pool between your legs gradually strengthened its warmth and slick, easily for the prince to prance and insert into your tight hole. Under the layers of silk dress, Aemond bunched the layered fabrics to your waist.
You never had a noble taken an interest in you. The only that interests them is the brightness of your teal eyes.
A mesmerizing glow of your hues has yanked his curiosities. His mother never mentioned him about you—not even once in a dubious talk.
Better late than never.
With his hand, fingers strapped, and his trimmed nails clutched the fabric of your corset, the laces loosener it in smooth motion, loosening around your frame, breasts ached as his hand—his cold hand—brushed and pinched your nipple while his other hand found his way your thigh, grasped as Aemond’s tongue flicked and his lips pressed a chaste kiss to your clit.
A moan escaped, your mouth shielded, you face drowned in flush, as Aemond’s heart leapt in satisfaction. Humming, he stood up and inserted his fingers into your cunt, thrusting the fingers in with doubled speed as your moans grew louder, but restrained the pleasure into your chest, holding it. The walls in the Red Keep are dire; servants and nobles and guards walked passed and patrolled through wall and doors. Even the highest nobles strolled by.
“Fuck,” is all he said, as if it was a prayer. “Your cunt might be as Holy as the Maiden herself.”
His lips sucked your swollen tit.
“My prince,” you cried softly. “Please. The guards, my brother and sister will see us.”
“I do not care of their pious thoughts.”
“I’m your aunt, my pri—”
“Don’t fight it, my sweet,” he said, giving a sensual flick on his warm tongue to your swollen flesh, “I might give you a reason to have bruise on you, ones that they’ll never find on your skin.” His hands grasped your waist, trailing with soft strokes. “You’re humiliated. Maybe there’s more than meets the eye.”
Based on his words, you never thought you found it attractive, considering the soft spoken voice, hoarse with arousal.
“Don’t fight it. If you fight against this, this subtle encounter between us, you’ll never forgive yourself,” he whispered, his wet lips brushed yours. “If you have been, you would shoved me away. Would you like that, princess? Shoving me away?”
His voice ragged dampened your cunt and clit twitched at his sound.
“Seems you enjoy it. You’re a good princess. But alas,” he pulled himself afar, the warmth on your body began to turn a chill.
“I shall see you at the feast. Enjoy your stay.” His neck went for a stiff bow, but his eye glued with plea for your consideration of his statement, whether you accept his offer or not, and departed your apartment—a once organized structure is now filled with clutter and oozing sex and the arousal groans you shared has imprinted in your head, you find yourself still with embarrassment.
In a way, a blessing in disguise when no one, not even Gwayne, saw or heard your affairs with a young dragon prince.
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You have seen the arrival of Rhaenyra and Daemon and the children, you had a short introduction to all Black faction.
The dinner celebration for Viserys’s nameday celebration has been all but cumbersome. You felt a subtle hostility, but to due your presence, it has lessened but somewhat guarding up—all due to pettiness.
As you, making a progression with your father, it was all but cold distance even you and Otto were near. Not once he looked at you with adoration like he shared his adoration with Princess Helaena, showing her teal beetle. The Green children are all strained; Aegon had his fair share of capable stupidity to throw down a nasty comment of his cousins and nephews.
Daeron was disappointed with Aegon’s perversions, but Daeron veered at you with a kind smile and made a polite conversation with you. Once again, Otto did not acknowledged of your accomplishments. You felt sick in the stomach, and it’s not your bright gold and yellow dress you have finished making. Tears behind your eyes was arising, and your throat budged with hot and parched sting.
Aemond clenched his fist, for his anger was directed at his grandsire for not noticing you. That damnable old fool—if only Otto sees how your talents. When Viserys disregarded Aemond, even his siblings, he wanted nothing more than to see him dead. But alas, with your existence, it’s almost as if Viserys’s existence just naturally died out.
You pardoned yourself, and Alicent thereby dismissed you, you bowed and left to your chambers, spent the rest of the night weeping, thinking what have you done wrong.
As you exited, the tensed feeling withdrew, and Otto was happy again. And so, without a doubt, Aemond gave a good jab on Otto, which caused a disastrous supper for everyone. The music stopped. As for Aegon and Daemon, they found it amusing while Alicent ordered the guards to escort Aemond way back to his chambers.
For Aegon, this was a win for him. He’s not in trouble for once.
In dreams, you have never seen your mother, what she appears like or what she sounds like or how her personality was. The only thing that is closest to being a mother to you is the wetnurse or the servants or the Septa who provided you with assistance on your daily appearances and wisdom. Whenever a servant brushes your hair, you often think of what it feels like to have a mother brushing your manes with care and doting manner, a soft voice to soothe your aching heart, where doubts and fears would go away.
In times of sleep, you often thinking of ending your life, just to see your biological mother on the other side. Or perhaps more than just seeing your mother. There are times where you hated your life, and you want nothing more but to end it.
People have often told stories of your mother, though it felt it was a grave mistake. Some say she fled away to Free Cities, some said she ended her life from the highest tower of Oldtown and fell down to the sea. There are rumors where Otto took you because you’re adopted, or perhaps he had a secret, illicit affairs.
The cold feeling rushed in you as your eyes pricked with tears. With somebody telling you stories of your late mother, it brought no peace. Only the enigma of your shadowed doubts and an endurance of chaotic insanity, to question whether your life is real, if you’re real in this world with purpose.
The servants have been kind to you more than the nobles, the more everyone pointed out your flaws and the insignificance of your existence, you lead to believe that you’ll never be loved.
And cried once more. Each night, your tears flooded in pillows and blanket, as you embraced the closest object, pretended that it’s your late mother. An endless of an anguish thought has been a hazard.
Only the echoes of the walls could hear you and the pillows has stained, under your hug squeezed the material as hard, wishing for the pain to go away.
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In his awake, he’s a perfect prince, but in his dreams, he’s a beast.
A beast kept within a shell of a noble man.
He has dreamt of your teal eyes basking in his dark dreamland, your voice, how it was yearning so much more. A dark dreamland filled with scornful memories of his nephews and Aegon, and the pink dread. He had kill all of them in his dreams, even the fat pig.
With a scolding from his mother, he couldn’t care less. He wanted your presence to be acknowledged by your father, but how can Otto be so cynically dimwitted and more offensively calculating against you?
When the servants spoke over how you’re not related to Alicent, chances are why Otto was pretending that your presence is nothing more than a useless and meaningless substance of meaning to exist.
Others said that they haven’t seen you gone out from your apartments—and that was recent.
Aemond visited you, presented you with a gift, but the word from you not leaving the apartments has concerned. Thus his mind came up an idea.
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You have several servants entering the room with stack of your favorite meals and drink—including lemon cakes and Dornish wine.
One knows someone’s best interest. Whoever did it, your heart is elated. As soon as Aemond came in, you hadn’t known whether he knew something that you don’t. Somehow, his intimidating presence softens your heart, prickled in relief.
For some reason, when Alicent paid you a visit, although shortened, she was concerned of your health, you hadn’t formed a proper conversation; Alicent hasted when the Council has called for her summon, but gave her regards.
Aemond accompanied you for a while in your apartments, and chat whatever discussion came up. Each minute and each hour, the two of you became close, became so close that you or him hadn’t open your hearts, despite what he did to you days ago. With your cunt coiled at his face, his voice and neck, his waist, you find yourself crossing your legs, aroused and squirming beside him. You wondered and imagined of Aemond’s tongue guiding and gliding your soaked cunt. At this moment, you wanted tackle him and suffocate him with your legs wrapped around him, taking in of your nectar.
“I’m glad you are doing well, princess,” Aemond said to you. “For I have been concerned of your well-being. A delicate flower such as you does not deserve the cruelty of my grandsire or anyone in the matter of your visit.”
“He’s always been difficult,” you explained. “No matter how much I’ve improved with my skill, he’ll never sees as his or my sister’s equal.”
“In ways my mother and grandsire are more intolerable. Though I respect my mother, I find myself with bore with my grandsire has to say. If anything, I’m glad your presence has casted a light into the dread.”
In Aemond’s case, however, found you as exquisite as gentle as the blooming flower. His one took a longer glimpse at you and notice the difference—how your eyes glinted in glee while your cheeks adorned with youthful flush and enamored smile. Oh so pure and harmless. He hasn’t seen his mother and his siblings. As for Otto, he hasn’t spoke to him since supper at Viserys’s nameday after sending a jab across the face—out of character for a self-assured prince.
Oh, to ruin you.
“Thank you for the meal, Prince Aemond. You don’t know how much I’m relieved to say this,” you said as you finished the embroidery on your unfinished dress you sewn.
Aemond found your gowns just as otherworldly as you.
Consequences won’t matter; Viserys nor anyone else in the room care for his presence. Perhaps it is a blessing, perhaps it is for the best for you to be settled here in King’s Landing, as long you’re in content, nothing else matters, but if harm does come, he shall smite the immoral act. Aemond is no perfect, but with you, he’d be at his best behavior.
“Then I shall relieve you,” he proclaimed.
You find yourself halted at his declaration and glimpsed at his resolved expression.
Something has stirred in your heart that you wanted more than the civil interactions, wanted more than having someone to converse with you.
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Tossing and turning onto your bed was all but a doozy. Dizzy from pivoting and switching positions, you had enough. Dreams had come again. This time it’s Aemond calling out to you, feasting on your wet folds and pumping his lithe and graceful rugged fingers in you. Ever since the day before Viserys’s nameday, with Aemond’s thirst, your legs ached.
For a Hightower, it’s a sin to self-pleasure one’s body—a selfish immoral act.
Somehow you found it odd. If a man does self-pleasure, no court would turn the eye, but a woman does self-pleasure with hasting fingers and naughtiness is considered dire.
Faith of the Seven had their own laws, but you knew that men and women had their fair share of illest secrets. Lucky for you, Alicent and everyone in the Red Keep does not know your impure thoughts. The room became hot, then cold, then all at once, the breath in your lips became ragged and desperate. You wanted someone to hold you, treasure you, seduce with sweet nothings and sweet promises with adore.
For your years of not having a partner, you have begun to fear of not having pleasure. In the heating moment, you thought of what’s like losing your maidenhood to someone with a big cock.
You wanted a cock.
His cock.
Oh, a dragon prince. If Aemond hears your thoughts, you’d run away and never to return Westeros and give yourself a new name and fashion.
Damn the consequences and the punishments from the Lord Hand and the Queen themselves! Damn the Faith of the Seven and their laws!
With your fingers circling your clit, no climax arrived. Thus, you casted your blankets aside with a huff, setting out to see him.
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Trudging through the dark halls, the guards were nowhere to be found, assuming the guards went elsewhere. As you made your way to the doors, you approached and entered the chambers where you have found Aemond on his bedside.
Your breath held back, taking in at the sight of Aemond. With his porcelain skin and his long silver-blond hair, it gleamed under moonlight, appearing paler compared to daylight. His eye had an old scar, and his eyepatch was placed elsewhere.
Watching his body rising and falling within breath, you approached him and kissed his back, planted your light kisses, feeling the smooth surface of his skin.
Aemond awoke and turned, found you kissing his back.
“My lady,” he whispered, one eye widened, as you stare at his sapphire. It was beautiful like him.
You placed your finger on his lips.
“Have you come to made a decision?” he asked.
Your lashes fluttered under his gaze. “What do you think, my prince?”
Then your lips collided with his. Aemond was taken aback of your sudden act. Eventually, his consciousness fell; with his lips shared an illicit chaste kiss, his hands uncloaked you, and roamed on your womanly body, caressing you, until you began to undo his trousers, his cock hardened.
“This won’t take long,” you promised, slowly pinning him down onto the pillows, unstrapped yourself naked and sat in between his legs. You didn’t expect for his cock to harden.
Your eyes darted to his, awaiting. And thus, you yanked his trousers downward, unveiling his hardened cock. You eyes widened at the sheer size. Your maidenhood hasn’t been taken yet. Your future prospects of marriage hasn’t arrived, but it feels as the more you wait, the more your chances of marriage dimmed. With your body descended, the maidenhood had met his engorged tip.
Aemond lay still, watching you. His sapphire eye gleamed at its victory.
Your voice moaned aloud; your maidenhood slammed down, his engorged cock tightened on your damped walls. Gradually, the pace on your hips sped. You have never felt anything as good. Prayers in the sept are insatiably helpful compare to the prince’s cock.
You have never felt so alive.
Aemond knew you’re a virgin; your hips bounced all thanks to the guidance of his hands.
He pleasured a woman in the brothel in the Street of Silk at the age of three-and-ten. As a young boy, he regretted making a decision by making himself a fool to go along with Aegon and his shenanigans. He was expecting Viserys to guide him gently into the world, but the Driftmark incident has left Aemond concluded that Viserys, his father, did not spare a single kindness or thought and only spared it Rhaenyra and her sons.
All hope was lost until he saw you—a radiant maiden.
You reached your high, as Aemond clutched your hips, spurring down the hot semen bursting the inner walls—a divine conclusion.
Gasping for air, your legs stood achingly, leaving white traces of his semen dripping down on his balls and thighs. When Aemond tried to assisted you, but instead his face met your open legs and slammed your went against his chiseled face and nose.
Fuck my maidenhood, you thought, desperate, as your hips gyrated, feeling his warm tongue and the sharp line of his nose encouraged your arousing sense to further the climax, as your right hand found its way at the back of Aemond’s hair.
Aemond find himself humming against the warmth of your cunt, mingling with his semen. It was a divination, nothing like the brothel. If only his virginity had taken by you instead of a woman who hasn’t live up to her beauty and standards of gentile and grace. Streets of Flea Bottom aren’t to be trusted. His lips kissed your inner thighs, gliding his tongue, and pumped it in between your walls.
Groaning, almost feral-like, your hips paced, your tits bouncing as your walls grew hot again.
“Relieve me,” you said to the prince, hoarse. A soft squeak caught into his ears.
I shall relieve you, my sweet. Just as I promised, he thought.
Your hips gyrated harder, until the spurring had come close; hot liquid squirted on his face as Aemond’s tongue lapped on your cunt faster than last. Your head threw back with his languid strokes on his warm tongue.
Gods it was a miracle.
He has taken your maidenhead.
“Good boy,” you cooed, your breath rasped, your hand still placed on the back of his long silver-blond hair, gyrating your tired hips against his face.
Both you and Aemond found yourselves in elation.
“Good boy.”
Taglist: @toodlesxcuddles @kittendoll05 @omgsuperstarg @xcharlottemikaelsonx @paninisstuff @danika1994 @angeljcca @marvelescvpe @kukulyarva @namelesslosers @heavenly1927 @snh96 @fandom-maniac-anime @httpsmenace @velunis @domithebomi @moonseye @faesspace @rxixo31 @tm-starr @xinthia19 @halsteadstyles @lothiriel9 @liannafae @ammo23 @blackswxnn @buccini555 @watercolorskyy @taangie @qardasngan @justyelena @jolixtreesunn @runekisses @thought--bubble @remuslupinwife1 @evergreen9083 @foggypeacestarlight @dixie-elocin @galactict3a @momowhoo @saturnssrings @dani5216 @kimsubin05 @mylosz0 @blackgaladriel @valeskafics @liannafae @theboleyngirlx @syraxnyra @lothiriel9
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arty-cakes · 10 months
most awful thing about this randomizer is that almost every enemy is hornet and because she is a boss fight she has no idle behavior. the minute i enter a room every single hornet a mile away senses my presence and is doing her very best to kill me instantly throwing her needles through the walls like 'DIE DIE DIE'
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lightningidle · 2 years
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Celebrate spooky season with some funky fuzzy wall hangings! Every piece is handmade, and there’s only one of each. Patrons get a 15% discount 🎃✨
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grandmother-goblin · 8 months
Just Watch the Fireworks
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Ao3 - Masterlist
Summary: It was supposed to be a sweet, innocent date. That was, until Astarion decided he wanted to have some fun with you while you were very much still in public.
Relationships: Astarion x Female!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+) for smut.
Word Count: 2.3k
Tags: Smut, exhibitionism, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, cuddling, kissing, post Astarion's personal quest, spawn!Astarion.
Firework shows over Grey Harbor happened only a couple of times a year in Baldur’s Gate. Bright, massive, loud displays that boomed over the whole city and illuminated the night sky in dazzling arrays of colors and lights. Usually they marked some sort of holiday or other celebration. Although you weren’t keen on the celebration for this particular occasion, Gortash’s coronation, you were still eager to see the show.
Plus, it was a nice way to end your impromptu date with Astarion. You two had gone out to get some supplies, but upon seeing the night market and posters for the firework show, you decided to stay a while.
Astarion had found a perfect spot for the two of you on a grassy, green hillside just on the outskirts of the city. It was one of the more popular places to watch the fireworks. People dotted the landscape, all sitting on their own little blankets as they looked out over the ocean, waiting for the show to begin.
It was kind of nice to be out with Astarion like this. 
Ever since Cazador had been defeated, Astarion had grown much more comfortable being out in the open at night. He seemed more relaxed overall, like a heavy weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Of course, there were several other factors on both of your minds: the tadpole, the Absolute, the fact that Astarion’s days walking in sunlight were numbered.
But you two would figure it out. 
For now, you wanted to enjoy the night with him and pretend none of your problems existed. Even if it was only for a couple of hours.
As you sat between his open legs, Astarion wrapped his arms around you along with a knitted blanket, cocooning you in pleasant warmth. You leaned your head back against his shoulder with a comfortable sigh, luxuriating in the silky soft material of his shirt. “I bet you’ve seen these shows a thousand times.”
“I have,” he replied matter-of-factly, his cool breath fanning across your neck. You felt him press a kiss to your shoulder, and you couldn’t help the smile that tugged on your lips. “One year, all the fireworks went off at the same time. It was hilarious and I almost hope it happens again.”
You gave a little snort of laughter. “That would cut this date really short.”
“We can find plenty more to do, my love.” Astarion’s fingers slipped under the hem of your shirt and gave your hip an affectionate squeeze. “Now that Cazador is gone, we can do whatever we want. The night is still young.”
“Oh no,” you replied lightly. “I’m turning in for the night after the show is over. I’m exhausted.”
Though Astarion seemed to have plenty of energy, the events of the day had been starting to weigh on you. All you wanted to do after the fireworks display was cozy up in some warm pajamas and snuggle into your bed at the Elfsong Tavern. 
Preferably, you would be cuddled up next to Astarion, but you wouldn’t stop him if he had other plans. 
Most nights since you had started sharing a room with him, Astarion had been perfectly capable of keeping himself occupied while you slept. Sometimes he would read a book or work on something with a needle and thread, but you almost always awoke to him meditating peacefully beside you.
Other nights, well, he had to hunt. While you were happy to be his donor when he really needed blood, it simply wasn’t practical to let him feed on you all the time. So long as he was discreet, you didn’t mind that he took his hunting to the streets.
With his thumb, he drew idle circles around your hip as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You closed your eyes and relaxed into his touch, enjoying the feel of the heavy blanket wrapped around you and the firmness of his chest against your back.
His lips brushed against the shell of your ear and with a low and husky voice, he said, “I keep thinking about our night in the graveyard.”
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. “Which part?”
“The part with you under me,” he muttered against your skin as he slipped one finger beneath the waistband of your pants, “moaning my name as you clawed my back.”
Heat rose to your cheeks. “Shh,” you said, your eyes darting around at the people sitting on neighboring blankets. “Not so loud.”
“They aren’t paying attention to us.” Astarion placed a reassuring kiss to the side of your head, but he didn’t move his hand. Then he cocked his chin to the starry sky above the harbor. “The show is about to start.”
Sure enough, the first of the fireworks burst into the sky. A splattering of reds and yellows against the inky night sky, the distant sounds of explosive crackling reaching your ears mixing with the sound of excited cheers from the people around you. You watched as the bursts of light shimmered away, blending into the night, just before more fireworks flowered above.
You couldn’t help but smile as you leaned back into Astarion’s touch. Squeezing his arms around you, he pulled your body flush against his. At first, you thought he was just cuddling closer. But then you felt it: a hard ridge nudged that up against your lower back.
You swallowed, but felt heat rising to your face even as you tried to ignore Astarion’s painfully obvious erection. He wasn’t doing anything inappropriate — he was just holding you. With his hard cock pressed against your back. 
Gods, was it always so hot at night? What did you even need a blanket for?
Just as you thought about shrugging the blanket from your shoulders, his fingers slipped further beneath the waistband of your pants. “I want to touch you,” he said, his lips brushing against your throat as he spoke. “Just a little bit.”
“Right now?” you asked, keeping your voice so low you could barely hear yourself over the fireworks. Uncertainty and anticipation tugged your mind in two different directions and you shifted slightly, unsure of what to do with yourself.
It had only been a couple of nights since your tryst in the cemetery, and you and Astarion hadn’t been intimate since. Not for any particular reason — there just wasn’t enough time in the day for intimacy with everything going on with the Absolute. 
Suddenly very aware of a subtle, yearning, ache between your legs that hadn’t been there a few moments ago, you pressed your thighs together hoping to give yourself some relief.
It was unfair, really, how quickly Astarion could turn you on. 
You were supposed to be on a sweet, innocent, date! And he—
“Spread your legs a bit for me, darling,” Astarion murmured, his dangerous teeth delicately nipping at sensitive flesh just below your jawbone.
He was absolutely going to be the death of you.
Glancing around, there were people in every direction you looked. No one was sitting too close, but they were close enough that they could easily hear your conversation had you not been trying to be quiet. But all of them faced straight ahead, their eyes entranced on the bursts of light blooming across the sky. 
“Astarion,” you whispered, your voice somewhere between a warning and a whine as Astarion’s fingers brushed over the soft fabric of your panties. “There are people around.”
His hand stilled, and you couldn’t help the tiny, involuntary, tilt of your hips. You could see the flash of his teasing, rakish smile from the corner of your eye. “Do you want me to stop?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you took one more look around. 
Astarion had been right earlier.
No one was paying attention to the two of you.
Shaking your head, you swallowed as nerves and excitement fluttered in your stomach. “But—”
“All you have to do is stay still for me,” Astarion said as he slipped his fingers beneath the waistband of your underwear, “and try not to moan my name too loudly.”
Carefully, and as subtly as you could, you let your legs fall open. 
A pleased hum rumbled in Astarion’s throat as he pulled your back flush against him. His hard cock was like a brand against your lower back. “Now just watch the fireworks, darling, and no one will know what I’m doing to you under this blanket.”
Kissing your neck, the tips of his fingers slowly, steadily, circled your clit. You let your head fall back against his shoulder with a sigh, your cheeks burning as he touched you. 
Gods, he was really going to do this, wasn’t he? He was going to finger you in public and…
You didn’t want him to stop. 
You breathed in deep, inhaling the sweet piney and citrusy scent of his cologne. A comforting scent, and one that turned you on like no other because it was uniquely Astarion’s. Slowly, your body relaxed into his touch.
For a moment, it was just the two of you and the sounds of fireworks.
“Good girl,” Astarion purred as his hand delved between your legs. You couldn’t help but bite your lip as he teased your entrance, gathering your slickness on his fingertips. Slowly, he slid one finger inside of you. “It’s just me and you right now.”
He touched you leisurely, unhurried strokes. The subtle curl of his fingers made you want to arch into him. It was all too easy to forget yourself when you were with him. When he was touching you like this. 
How you wanted to return the favor. You wanted to wrap your hand around that hard length behind you and give him some pleasure as well. 
But you couldn’t. 
At least, not without exposing you both.
When he pressed another finger inside you, a shaky exhale passed your lips. Your walls clenched around him, as if trying to draw him in deeper. “Astarion, please,” you whispered, not really sure what you were asking for.
But Astarion knew.
Astarion knew exactly how to touch you. 
He knew exactly what your body needed to be brought to the edge. Oh, he knew how to make you scream in ecstasy, but he also knew how to make you sigh with pure pleasure. Like how his dexterous hands picked locks, it was like they knew all of your intricacies and exactly how to make you fall apart.
You pressed your lips against the underside of his jaw, stifling your moans against his cool skin. The heel of his palm rocked over against your clit in a steady, consistent rhythm as he shallowly thrusted into you. Glancing down, you could see that the thick blanket around you masked his movements completely.
Sneaky, clever, man. 
Of course he knew exactly how to do something like this without being obvious. Although Astarion was far from subtle, he was excellent at not getting caught doing things he wasn’t supposed to.
The only one you had to worry about was yourself.
Your face heated as his movements grew more powerful. Your fingers gripped his thigh under the blanket as your core tightened around his fingers.
His tongue flicked the shell of your ear delicately. “Do you know what I want to do right now?” he asked, his voice low and husky.
Another gasp escaped your lip as he added a third finger, your body stretching to accommodate him. You felt so full, and you wanted nothing more than for him to go deeper. To fill you completely in a way only he could.
“What… what do you want to do?” you panted, fighting the urge to squirm in his arms.
Whatever you did, you would not let yourself get caught simply because you lacked self control.
The heel of his palm pressed more firmly against your clit, providing delicious friction as he fucked your so gently with his fingers. “I want to bend you over, darling,” he said as he picked up speed. “And I want to taste that pretty pussy of yours.”
Oh, by the gods. 
He would never. 
It was just dirty talk but — the idea of having an audience was so incredibly hot. Especially since there were so many people around, and you couldn’t indulge in such a fantasy here.
The forbidden nature of it just made you want it more.
“I would make you come on my tongue,” he murmured as the hard ridge between you pressed meaningfully against your back. “Only then, would I give you my cock. And I wouldn’t stop until you were screaming my name.”
You were so close. Your entire body was strung tight as your walls clenched around his fingers, wishing for something bigger. Thicker.
Why did you agree to this? You wanted nothing more than to climb on top of him and let him fill you up the way you wanted. 
“Gods. Astarion,” you whispered against the scars on his neck. “I’m—”  
Your mouth fell open on a sharp gasp as Astarion’s fingers returned to your clit. Astarion captured your lips with his own, drinking in your soft moans as you came undone. 
The lights from the fireworks burst behind your closed eyes. The booming display in the sky crescendoed into a deafening roar as the show reached its finale, drowning out your already muffled sighs.
Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through you as you rode out your orgasm. Your hips undulated lewdly against his hand as his lips moved against yours. He tasted like sweet wine as his tongue flicked against yours teasingly. 
It was only when your heart began to settle that you felt the delicate nip of his fangs on your lips. His fingers, still slick with your arousal, intertwined with yours as he gazed down at you. 
When you looked into those gorgeous vermillion eyes, his pupils were blown wide with lust.
Lust, and unmistakable love.
Then his eyes flickered toward the direction of the Elfsong Tavern. “You know,” he said, holding your chin in hand as his thumb swiped gently over your lower lip. “I think we should turn in early after all. What do you say?”
You were nodding before he even finished his sentence. “Oh gods, yes.”
Author's Note: This is my first foray into writing anything in second person or anything xReader, so I'm sorry for any mistakes and I hope you enjoyed!
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Hey, Brother
Armando Aretas
🎧- Story of My Life: One Direction
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summary: Armando’s your older brother, here’s how you meet, past and present.
themes: extreme angst and fluff. A bit of violence. But mostly found family and sibling love.
authors note: completely convinced he’d be an amazing older brother. There is a 8 year age gap between reader (20) and Armando (28). Also shout out to my older brother…I wuv you 💞😭 Also yes I know i switched a few things around. Just enjoy it. If you want a part two, lemme know!
Read Part two here
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Four Years Ago
Miami Florida University
The night on campus was quiet, the only things to be heard were the comforting trill of crickets and the soft waves of the ocean, only three miles out from the college.
Armando sat idle on his motorcycle, twelve beats away from where he’d been told you, their next victim, worked.
This entire time he’d been killing people in the name of the Aretas family, he couldn’t understand why Mike Lowery, some beat cop came last. And why his mother was resorting to taking his daughter as bait.
What made Mike so important that he deserved a fight for his life, for your life?
“Mamá, no entiendo, ¿por qué ella?” Armando says through his phone.
Isabel sighs on the other end. “Con el tiempo, hijo mío.”
“She’s just a kid.” Armando sighs, pulling out his ipad and looking at your photos again.
From what he gathered, your were a first year nursing student here at MFU, you got great grades, danced for a kpop club, and worked part time at the cafe he was currently parked out side of.
But most importantly, you were Mike Lowery’s daughter.
Which, in the grand scheme of things, shouldn’t matter.
But for some reason, to his mother, it did.
“She's a pawn,’ Isabel hisses. “Mike necesita conocer el dolor de la pérdida; this will show him.”
Armando nods, taking a deep breath, feeling the same incorrigible anger rising up in his pit again at the sound of Mikes name.
This man had stolen everything from him: his family, his dynasty…his father.
Though his didn’t understand his mother’s methods, he’d never question her madness.
This man took everything from them, it’s time he learned that same pain, and as much as he didn’t enjoy hurting innocent… you were the key to getting even.
“Lo haré mamá.” Armando said, watching you finally exit the cafe.
“Muy bien.” Isabel said, hanging up.
Armando pushed off on his bike, riding a bit down the narrow street before hanging a right and turning back around.
Out of his pocket, he pulled out a needle. Whatever was in there was strong enough to knock out a bear, so it should have no problems sending you, a small college freshman, into a deep sleep.
Swiftly, he drives forward, accelerating until he just passes you before he makes an abrupt stop, cutting your path off.
You fall back and onto your ass.
You help as you hit the pavement, lifting your small hands to access the damage that had been caused by you cradling your fall.
You hiss at your bleeding palms before looking up at Armando in sheer disgust.
The heat of your gaze causes Armando to flip up the visor on his helmet, something in your eyes giving him pause.
He wasn’t a vain person in the slightest, but something about your eyes, when he looked in the mirror, they were so similar to his own that it nearly startled him. They were the same shade of chocolate brown covered by thick, dark lashes.
His observation of you quickly dries as your curse at him. “What the hell, dude! You could have killed me!”
Armando doesn’t say anything, instead he offers you a hand.
Reluctantly, you take it.
Just as your nearly up, Armando pricks you with the needle.
Your face drops as you snatch your hand away from him.
You look down at your palm, a single trail of blood dribbling down your wrist from the spot he pricked you at.
“What the fuck,’ you wobble, turning to run down an ally.
Armando watches as you attempt to flee, he knew it wouldn’t be long before you passed out.
And as he predicted, ten steps in and you were slumped against the moist ally ground.
He picks you up, slinging you across his shoulders, carrying you towards his bike and driving off into the night.
When you awoke, you found yourself bound to a chair in a large, abandoned house. You wiggle against the binds, only scathing your wrist even more.
You scream out, panic rising in your chest as your breaths shorten.
"Help!" You scream. "Someone help me!"
"Help is on the way, princessa.' A slick voice says.
You turn and see a beautiful woman taking slow, slutry steps down the staircase towards you.
"Who the hell are you?" You croak, scooting away from her the best you can in this damn chair.
The woman, grips your chair with one hand, while running another through your curls. "Your fathers la venganza.” She hissed.
“Don’t touch me,’ you bite. “And my father did nothing wrong, you’re lying.”
Isabel grips your chin, hard. You try and wiggle free but it’s no use as she pulls you close.
She turns your head from side to side, the warm evening sun causing a glint in your eyes.
“Always the eyes,’ she mumbles. “He gives all of his children his eyes.”
“What?” You question, breathlessly.
Isabel forcefully lets you go, leaving a sore spot on your chin.
Your mind reels around her words and the weight of them.
She was your father’s revenge, why? And had she been the one to shoot him all those months ago?
And all of his children. Your father only had one child, you.
Looking around the wear house and seeing all the sage and candles burnt, the circles and alters, you could tell that whoever this woman was, she was crazy and you wanted no parts.
The thought was enough to make a few screams come out of you.
You stamp your foot against the ground, “Let me go! Let me the fuck go!”
Isabel rolls her eyes at you, mumbling something in Spanish before she shouts, “Armando, ven a llevarla antes de que la mate yo mismo.”
Quickly, the man for the other night emerges.
“No,’ you scoot back in your chair as far as you could. “No.”
The man, Armando, grabs you out of your chair and drags you up the staircase.
At the top of the staircase, he slices your binds loose but still has a good hold on you.
Now, you by no means are a good fighter, but with your dad being police, you know a few things.
So as Armando unlocks a door, presumably to put you in, you stamp on his foot as hard as you can.
Armando yelps at the sensation, doubling over, giving you enough time to kick him in the legs and send him down on the ground.
As soon as he hits the floor you take off, running down the steps as fast as you can.
In the foyer, you check for the exit in front of you, but the door is locked.
Your head is buzzing, you didn’t have much time as Armando would be up soon, probably ready to kill you, and that Isabel, who knew what she’d do if she caught you.
You had to move fast, and the window behind you, seemed like your best bet.
You scurried over me to it, working frantically as you tore wooden planks off the window.
You about all got your face out the window before strong arms wrap around your waist living and pushing your back.
You scream as you hit the ground, coming face to face with a less than pleased Armando.
“Enough games!” He shouts.
You crawl backwards, afraid he’ll hit you…or worse.
“Okay!’ You whimper. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” You squeak as he towers over your shaking body.
You fully expect him to return the blows you’d given him earlier, but to your surprise he doesn’t. He just grabs you up again and takes you back to that same room.
Shoving you inside he gives you a parting word.
“Do that shit again, and I won’t save you.” He slams the door, leaving you alone in a windowless room, wondering how you’ll end up dead.
In all the enemies your father has had, none of them had mad it a personal mission to kidnap you…so why had they?
Fingers toiling with the dirt around you, it finally clicked.
This was a set up.
You were bait.
And just as fate would have it, you could hear what sounded like your father and Marcus crowding in the foyer downstairs.
You stood up, running towards the door and banging on it like a madwoman.
“Help! Dad! Uncle Marcus!” You shout, slamming your fist against the door.
When the door flies open, you expect to see one or both of them there, but you see Armando.
“Come on.” He grabs you. “Nice and easy.” He places a gun to your temple.
“Stop, why are you doing this?” You whimper, taking careful steps down the stairs.
“Why did your father start it, hm, princesa?” He questions, pulling you in front of your family.
“Dad!” You shout, tears pooling from your eyes.
“Let her go, Armando!’ He shouts, turning to Isabel who stands elated. “She’s a kid.”
“We were all kids once, Mike. It’s why she must have her turn.” Isabel says.
Mike shakes his head, drawing his gun at her, Marcus doing the same to Armando.
“You kill me, he kills her.” Isabel shrugs.
Marcus adds, “then I’ll kill him.”
“Then it’ll be a blood bath.”
You whimper, “please don’t hurt me.”
Armando tightens his grip on you. “Cállate.”
“I just want to go home, daddy.” You cry.
Mikes hand shakes as he hears your pleas. “I know, baby, and we will.”
Isabel smacks her lips. “Liar!” She shouts, lunging at Mike.
Mike dodges the hit, but Marcus’s gun going off starts a cataclysmic event.
Everyone who wants present before suddenly emerging from the darkness and letting off their weapons.
You scream, falling back into Armando, who lifted you off the ground with one hand while shooting with the other, as the chaos erupts around you.
“Marcus!’ Mike yells. “Get Isabel, I’ll get my daughter!”
Marcus sprints, to the best of his ability, after Isabel, while Mike makes full way towards Armando.
In a dark room, Armando drops you, pushing you into a corner.
“Don’t make a fucking sound.” He threatens.
You whimper in a comply.
You hear your father, Mike, burst through the doors, calling your name.
You do as Armando says, though, keeping quiet, afraid anything you do or say will get you and Mike hurt…or worse.
You watch from the dark corner as your father searches the room, only seconds later Armando jumps him, landing a blow.
You watch from the sidelines as they traded blows back and forth.
And it hurt to watch your father in a fight, it did, but what hurt most? The words slipping from his mouth.
“Armando,’ he said. “I’m your father.”
Your head was buzzing, spinning.
What the fuck did he mean this man was his son? How was that even possible?
Your heart raced as you watched Armando’s face fall, confusion lacing every corner.
“You’re lying,’ he said lading another blow, bending down and dragging your father out of the room and into the burning hallway.
You weren’t sure if it was adrenaline or curiosity, but you needed to see this through, hear it for yourself.
You push to stand and creep after them.
Armando has your father at the ledge, his shirt balled up working his hands.
“Last chance,’ he croaks, eyes searching. “Who are you?”
“I just told you.”
“Lie again.” Armando growled, wrapping his hand around your fathers neck, applying pressure.
You gasped, stepping forward, but a hand cautioned you to stay hidden.
You turn, finding Marcus’s comforting eyes as he mouths, “Don’t do it.”
"He needs us," you whisper in protest, Marcus's arm staying firm on yours.
"They need this, just wait."
You relax, only a little watching the scene unfold.
"Ask your mother if you don't believe me." Mike croaks.
Armando turns, loosening his grip on Mike, and in a turn of lightning, Isabel appears, mumbling in Spanish.
"Es verdad lo que dice?" Armando questions his mother.
Isabel shrugs. "No es importante. Mátalo.' her eyes drag over to where you and Marcus stand. "Entonces ellos."
Armando shakes his head in frustration. "Es mi papá?"
Isabel's eyes darken, her words fleeing her mouth more rapidly. "
"Is he my father!" Armando shouts.
Something in the way your father laid limp in Armando's graps, the fire and smoke building around you all, and the life you once knew just yesterday crumpling around you had you desperate for the truth.
"Tell him!" You shout.
Isabel pays you no mind when she says, "yes."
Three letters.
One word.
That was all it took for your world to shatter.
You had a brother you hadn't known about, a brother who drugged and kidnapped you.
all of his children have his eyes.
A brother your father had behind you and your mother's back.
The realization made your mind splinter, picking up in your chest with each shortened breath you took.
Tears pooled in your eyes, making the scene in front of you blur and sharpen, wax and wane.
It's not until a shout and commotion caused you to dial back in, where you find Isabel pointing the barrel of her gun directly at your chest.
You're too frozen to move and put your hands up to brace yourself for the pain, for death.
But it never comes.
only the sounds of four shots ringing out and blaring in your ears, that's the only sensation you get.
You move your hands from your eyes and find Isabel falling over the balcony to her death and Armando on the floor, his shirt filling with blood as Mike, Marcus, and Rita crowd around him.
It clicks then for you, he took that bullet for you, he stepped in for you against his mother.
This family was dysfunctional as hell.
"Get over here!' your father calls out to you. "Now!"
You scurry over, tearing off your flannel and placing it on Armando's wound.
"We need to get the hell out of here!" Rita shouts.
"Go with Rita!" Mike shouts towards you.
You nod, locking hands with Rita and rushing out of the burning building.
Once outside, you look behind yourself to find Mike and Marcus dragging Armando's body and placing him on the ground, applying pressure to his wounds.
The rain clouds your vision as you draw closer to the van waiting to take you away and back home.
"Is he going to be okay?" You ask, holding your wet and naked arms.
Rita sighs, ushering you into the car. "I don't think that's something you should have to worry about.' She smiles softly. "Get some rest, kid. Okay?"
You nod and shut the door, feeling the car jerk before it pulls off and away from the chaos.
You fasten your seatbelt and lean your head back against the headrest.
Perhaps Rita was right, maybe worrying about Armando wasn't such a good idea. Maybe it was best for you to shove it down and let your dad deal with it, like he did everything.
Because you didn't think your heart could handle any more than what it was already going through. Thinking about Armando, your father, and Isabel...it would only weigh you down more.
So you decided to leave them all at that building that night, to burn up in the flames.
At least you tried to...
Four Years Later
Miami Florida University
"Please tell me you're coming to this party tonight?" Your friend, Kiesha, asked over the phone.
You chuckle, climbing the last flight of stairs to your apartment. Your father, Mike, had got it for you as gift for being in your last year of college.
“I can’t, sorry.’ You place the key code to your apartment and the door unlocks. “Lots of studying to do.” You half-lie.
“Girl, all you do is study. You know college is not actually for school.” You can practically feel her rolling her eyes.
You drop your bags on the counter, pulling out a pack of ramen noodles and starting a pot of boiling water.
“That’s easy to say for someone who’s only half majoring in, what is it, communications?” You comment.
The line goes silent for a minute before Keisha comes back.
“Wow,’ she scoffs. “I get that you’re stressing out with finals and you know, your dad being a fucking fugitive and all, but you don’t have to take it out on me.”
You run a hand through your hair, it getting tangled within your curls towards the end.
“Kiesh,’ you groan.
“Save it. Have fun studying.” She grumbles before hanging up.
“Fuck!’ You shout, turning and tossing your phone down the hallway.
Your grip at your hair and tug slightly, shutting your eyes you feel a hot tear slip out.
It had been a whole week since your father and uncle Marcus were deemed fugitives and accused of doing God knows what. It had been hard for you and Christine.
Knowing your father, you knew the allegations weren’t true, but another cover up, same as Captain Howard.
Still, you know it was bullshit meant nothing to the ���adults” in charge. They saw him as guilty, and that seemed to be the end of it.
You turn, wiping away your tears and placing your ramen into the boiling pot of water.
It wasn’t the best, but it was all you could stomach these days, the fear of your family's future causing your appetite to slim.
You twirling the noodles in the water with a pair of chopsticks, watching the five minute timer chime by. It all but captivated you into a trance until a creak against the floor caught your attention.
You turn your head, peering down the hallway you had just thrown your phone. Staring into the darkness, you see a figure moving towards you slowly.
You gasp, grabbing a large knife and holding it out in front of you with shaky hands.
You would call for help, but unfortunately your phone was in harms way.
“Don’t come any closer,’ you squeak.
The figure doesn’t respond, it just trudges closer and closer to you until it’s emerged into your kitchen lighting.
At first, you have to squint real hard to make out who it is, but then, when you catch a glimpse of his eyes, so hauntingly like your own, you know who exactly it is.
Your brother, Armando.
You don't drop the knife, keeping it held high as you slowly approach him. You'd seen how vicious he was, and you weren't taking any chances with him.
Closing the space between you two, you could see that he's in full tactical gear, covered in blood.
He takes another step towards you, you step back, before collapsing onto the ground and passing out.
You rush towards his side. “What the hell!” You rip open his vest, finding all kinds of stab wounds and lacerations littering his body. “Armando!” You shake him.
He doesn’t respond, you shake him again, harder this time, and a tiny black book falls out.
You open the book and find your address on one sheet and another sheet addressed to you.
Don’t hate me, babygirl. I’ll explain everything soon, until then, you two lay low.
Be strong for me.
Love, Dad.
You could scream, you could actually fucking scream right now.
No way this motherfucker sends this other motherfucker to your house for you to nurse back to health.
You crumple up your father’s note, chucking it across the room.
Looking down at Armando, you watch the slow rise and fall of his chest as he lay unconscious.
It was obvious he was loosing blood, and you could let him bleed out and pretend you tried everything.
But then again, he saved your life before…and he didn’t even know you.
Guilt tugged in your chest at the thought.
“Fuck.” You breathed, throwing your head back.
You knew what you had to do.
You figured lifting him would be hard, he was bigger than you by a long shot and was basically deadweight.
You tapped him, shook him, slapped him…hard, but nothing woke him up.
Looks like you’d be operating on the floor.
You stood, gathering your curls in a pineapple on your head, and headed to your bathroom.
You grabbed all the first aid kit supplies you could find, fresh clothes, a blanket and pillow, before heading back out to the main part of your apartment.
You slipped on some gloves, cut open his shirt, and began working on his wounds, dressing them and putting on bandages.
Thank God for nursing school and clinicals.
It took you two bowls of ramen, a Celsius, and a whole heck of a lot of bandages and gorilla glue, but you got Armando mostly patched up.
You wiped the sweat of your forehead grabbing the pillow and blankets you’d grabbed.
You gently lifted his head placing the pillow underneath and the blanket on top of him.
Next to his body you placed the fresh clothes, Gatorade, protein bars, and a bottle of water.
When you finally stood, you felt woozy and in need of a shower and sleep yourself.
But before you crept off to take your shower, you stood over Armando, taking in his features.
His dark hair, his smooth skin, his nose, and lips. He looked like a Spanish version of your father and it was freaking you the fuck out, sending a shiver down your spine.
You walked away hoping your father’s explanation was coming soon because, you may have just saved his life on the conscious fact that he’d done the same for you, but he was still dangerous…and who knows what would happen to you when he wakes up.
The next morning, when you wake up, you creep out of your bedroom, peaking to see if Armando had moved at all.
To your surprise, he hadn’t.
You release a heavy sigh, walking over towards his body.
You watch his chest rise and fall, faster than last night.
At least your dad couldn’t kill you for letting his son die.
You lean in a big closer to Armando, checking out his wounds from a far.
One wound had opened it seemed like.
You turn and grab the gorilla glue and a bandage of your counter.
Completely removing one bandage, you toss it to the side, pinching the skin of his chest while prepping the glue.
You’re just about to glue his would shut again, when his arm shoots up, gripping your wrist.
You scream, falling back on your ass.
Armando’s eyes shoot open and he sits up quick in a panic.
You crawl backwards, away from him, bumping into the cabinet .
Armando groans, rubbing his sore torso and arms.
His eyes skate across the room before they find yours.
He jumps back a little. “¿Qué diablos me hiciste?”
You swallow, holding your knees. “I don’t speak Spanish.”
Armandos eyes widen then narrow. “Did you do this to me?” He says, accessing his bandages.
You hesitate to tell him the truth…would he be mad and hurt you again?
Armando must sense the hesitation. “I’m not going to hurt you,’ he groans, slowly standing up. “It’s just a question.”
You nod, backing away from him. “Yes…I did.”
Armando swipes up the bottle of water, chugging it, tossing it aside, and then going for the Gatorade. “Gracias.” He grumbles, heading towards your bathroom.
You stand, slowly following after him, still keeping some distance between you two.
Armando peers over his should, eyebrow raised. “Mike sent me, if you’re wondering.”
“I know.”
“I don’t want to be here as much as you don’t want me here.”
“I never said that.” You clarify, even though he’s not wrong.
“Don’t need to.”
You frown. “Armand—,”
He slams the door shut.
“Great.” You roll your eyes. “Just fucking great.”
You slam your head against the wall, thinking off all the ways you would tell your dad off when you saw him next. But until then, it seemed you and Armando would be roommates.
So you should try and be cordial, right?
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Just thinking about Ghost and a crafty s/o.
 Like his masks are so obviously made by him and not mass manufactured by some Halloween store. What if he is on leave or at a craft store near base? Staring at a variety of different thread and needles and fabric…... it’s just so much for his little brain. Doesn’t know what’s the best or durable for his type of work. Has done it before, just not well enough to last long or well in the field. Tired of getting poked at by Soap for the little shitty sewing kit he keeps with him.
Lucky for him, you’re around the corner. Bubbly little thing dressed completely opposite of him, all rainbows and sparkly shit (anything with color is to this man. smh). You’re eyeing some multicolored embroidery floss for your latest cross stitch and happen to glance over at Ghost, with his personalized mask and black ensemble. Looming over you as you skitter around him like a lost kitten.
You peer at the variety of options with familiarity, moving to grab your chosen colors with grace. Ghost just watches as you peer out of the corner of your eye to see whether he’ll move to get his own. He doesn’t.
When you’re done, he hasn’t moved. You have what you need, but you’re unnerved by a massive man who has just stared at you. Quickly, you mutter something like “do you need some help?”
Ghost just stares, as you fidget and look anywhere but him. He thinks it’s endearing.
You move away from him just as he gives a little huff as confirmation, and motions with his hand to the display. You glance up at him.
“what color do you want?” begins a stilted conversation on recommendations for sewing or embroidery or whatever else Ghost’s little heart desires. By the end of it, he has two packs of sewing and embroidery needles (if only he actually knew the difference) and a good variety of different types of black thread.
He’s followed you to the register as you dump all your stuff out and listens to you ramble about a new cross stitch.  He sets his stuff beside yours and grabs your wrist as you go to pay for your things, sliding the cash across the counter to pay for your things.
Ghost looks over you contemplatively. Please, doll, you’ve given him enough interaction to play with for a few months. Let him do this for you. Of course, he only stares at you until you realize how futile this battle is.
Considerate little bird you are, thanking him as he carries your separate bags outside. A little hum of consideration as he follows you, tsking when you reach for your stuff. Don’t you understand he’s a feral dog coming home for the first time?
 Follows you to your door, listening to your idle chirps and nodding in confirmation or denial to your questions to him. Asks for his name when he gets you home. An odd crawl up his spine and a softly spoken “Simon” are his way of vows. Gets your number for future endeavors in the craft aisle before creeping back outside.
Sits on his bed later with the little needle and thread, mending a mask. Yeah. He’s keeping you.           
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