My hobbies?
Oh, I love triggering myself to past trauma and purposely digging myself deeper into a mental black hole that inevitably will end in a terrible relapse and take days to recover from.
Wbu? :)
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im-barely-even-here · 1 month
When they found out I hurt myself, they yelled at me.
When they found out I hurt myself, they grounded me.
They took my phone away, and pulled me out of school.
When they found out I hurt myself, they got mad at me, because how could I ever feel sad enough to do that when all they’ve given me is a good life.
I must’ve just wanted attention.
They called me an attention seeker.
When they found out I hurt myself, they called me every name under the sun, isolated me from what little grounded me, and did everything but try and help me recover.
This was when I was 15. 11 years ago.
Not much to my own surprise,
I still hurt myself.
But this time around, no one knows. No one will know.
Guess I’m not an attention seeker after all, huh?
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im-barely-even-here · 16 days
Nothing happened
Nothing even happened
Nothing happened nothing happened nothing happened
So why the fuck am I bleeding on the floor in my dark room again
F u c k
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im-barely-even-here · 24 days
All it takes is one small
minuscule thing,
And I’m thinking about slicing my skin open
Hoping I bleed crimson all over myself
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im-barely-even-here · 29 days
To 15 year old me,
Should’ve tried a little harder to die, babes. You don’t get any better.
PS. you just act like you love yourself. Make yourself look cocky, and full of yourself. Because if you act like it, people will believe it. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. You loathe everything about yourself. Always have, always will.
26 year old you.
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im-barely-even-here · 16 days
I need to take a nap
But not like a
I’m tired and sleepy nap
More of a
If I don’t go unconscious for a while
I will hurt myself really badly
Kinda nap
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im-barely-even-here · 28 days
I haven’t hurt myself in 3 days
But I don’t consider myself ‘clean’
Because I’m not trying to recover
I don’t give a fuck about being ‘clean’
I want to cut my arms and legs bloody
But I know the aftermath of cutting
Is having to spend time and effort cleaning myself
And my surroundings
Bandaging myself up
And wiping away blood
And I can’t find the energy to do the cleaning
I’m just so tired
Too tired to clean up after myself
Too tired to hurt myself
Too tired to keep going
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im-barely-even-here · 29 days
You can take away my blades,
I’ll just pop some pills.
You can take away my pills,
I’ll scratch my skin raw.
You can take away my privacy,
I’ll starve myself.
Because no matter what you take away from me,
You’ll never be able to take away
The hate I have for myself.
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im-barely-even-here · 10 days
I feel like I’m only desirable when I’m half naked in the bedroom. That’s the only time I’m seen as something worth looking at. And, I know it’s self destructive, because I have all the attention I want during s3x, but then as soon it’s over, it’s like I’m not even there.
I’ve done things I don’t feel comfortable doing. I’ve said yes to s3x plenty of times when I wasn’t in the mood. All because
That’s the only time I get complimented. Noticed. Felt beautiful to someone.
While giving them my body.
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im-barely-even-here · 10 days
I bought a blade today.
Like, with my own money,
I searched in a store,
Found a blade,
Chose one,
Bought it,
Now it’s sitting in my desk.
Idk it hurts a little that I went out and got one.
No one really batted an eye.
I didn’t expect them to,
But I usually scrounge around
And find a blade.
Break apart a razor,
Or a sharpener,
Or an exacto knife.
Now I went out and bought it.
Now it feels like it’s an
Actual addiction.
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im-barely-even-here · 16 days
My brain just feels kinda
Like there’s a cloud over my thoughts
And I can’t think straight.
Cutting cleared the clouds for a second
The fuzz just comes back.
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im-barely-even-here · 28 days
When you’re breaking down,
But you don’t even know why.
So all you can do is just sob
While shaking your head
And just
‘I don’t know
I don’t know I don’t know
I don’t know’
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