#idk wut to tag this
moopbox · 4 months
guys guys guys
I stole another idea from @a-rand0m-bl0g
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Gimme a character and a face and I might draw it in my free time
(If yall don't want to reveal yourself just go to my askbox )
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rainbowcatz123 · 4 months
Asks r closed for now
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yzur02 · 7 days
*The 501st is boarding the gunships after a battle*
Anakin: *sees something moving inside Fives's backpack*
Anakin: hey Fives, whatcha got there?
Fives, panicking: a smoothie, sir!
Gizka in the backpack: *happy gizka noises*
Ahsoka: what?
Anakin: I'm sorry Fives, but you can't keep pets, it's against the regulations
Fives: *sigh* I understand, sir, I will give it back
Gizka: *pokes head outside the backpack*
Ahsoka: aaw, it's so cute! can we keep it?
Anakin: pets are against the rules and, if I let Fives keep it, everyone will want one too, besides Obi-wan will have my head if I keep ignoring the rules, so no, sorry snips
Ahsoka: *sad puppy eyes*
Anakin: no is no, I'm sorry
Ahsoka: *elbows Fives*
Fives: *sad puppy eyes*
Anakin: *struggling* I will not yield
Every other clone in the gunship: *sad puppy eyes*
Anakin: no, I am a Jedi knight, I am stronger than this
Gizka: *copies everyone else*
Anakin: we can't keep pets
Everyone: *sad noises*
Anakin: however!
Everyone: *looks up*
Anakin: as the General, I CAN recruit republican citizens as officers in my legion
Everyone: *gasp*
Anakin: *looking at the gizka* congratulations on your promotion, lieutenant!
Everyone: *cheers*
Obi-wan in the Resolute's briefing room: Anakin, what is that?
Anakin: what is what, master?
Obi-wan: *points at the chair labeled 'Liutenant Cazul' where a gizka is sitting*
Anakin: that's Lieutenant Cazul, master
Obi-wan: *annoyed mom look* Anakin
Anakin: so... fun story, actually...
To this day Marshall Commander Cazul remains one of the most decorated veterans of the Clone Wars, and the most mysterious individual in the Imperial databases, nobody knows for sure who was Cazul before joining the 501st, how he looked, or where he went after his retirement, when the war ended, but his legacy lives on every Imperial cadet who grows up dreaming of being just like him.
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mourninglamby · 6 months
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fit was cute today :3
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moonlit-dreamers · 7 months
“put urself in their shoes”
bro we do not have the same sized feet im just gonna be uncomfortable as hell and not understand how the fuck they do anything
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nina-x-toby-insanity · 5 months
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shrimpnurse · 7 months
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random ass scene gurl
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driedlemonz · 1 year
swaggy bug/spider/critters!!
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Close ups
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Saw these guys on some puzzle sets in an online shop and aaaaa barely know them but they are beloved!! Only knew about Captain Flying Fox but MORE CHARACTERS?!? absolutely stellar
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randokatz · 2 months
Found some old drawings of aph!
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livinqdeadboy · 3 months
what's that?? i haven't posted anything yet?? well fuck you. art fart
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follow me RIGHT NOW!!
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littleshapeshifter · 8 months
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Angry Pomni go brrrr~
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Here is a color version on digital because I'm too much of a coward to outline and color it irl 🥲
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myplushheart · 2 months
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all of my self inserts have to be furry-fied SOMEHOW or how will we know it’s me??? /j
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sea-sick-fish · 11 months
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fuvkin animal jam art
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pineconeidiot · 11 months
Yo something’s up with this Character.AI bot bro wut is this
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rose-png · 9 months
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!! i can't believe it's 2014 already 🥰🥰
this is my first post of 2004! 1!! 1! 1! i can't believe it!!!! anyways!!
i tried to do a more dynamic piece for once (i haven't done something like this in a few whiles) so i drew rhys but!! like!! edgy!! i think!!
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i like how this came out honestly! 1! 1!! 1! 1!! 1 ive been getting kinda bored of drawing characters just kinda posing so this is a nice change of pace :D
heress the alt (and some how more edgy) version!! (EYE STRAIN WARNING!! i think yah)
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thats all folks!!
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worldwidewebzy · 2 years
Sumthing old i half assed i decided 2 finish :333
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