#idk why there's a weird yellow filter I just used what I could find to make a gif without it taking 300 years-
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Oh Dear...
*Hears the emergency rifle goes off in rhythm, from the sky*
That's too peaceful.
*Gently waves Blue fairy's wand replica on rook & yuu*
🪄 ✨
What I imagine happened somewhere in pomefiore
Which yuu though ?? surely not the one partially responsible for the invasion right ??
#rook is fried now#idk why there's a weird yellow filter I just used what I could find to make a gif without it taking 300 years-#mini rollo on rook's hat fried too#probably not what happenned if blue fairy wand is the one from sleeping beauty though I don't recall her exploding stuff with magic#but who knows#more chaos
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jasonette but like siblings but like angst- like that whole trope where they are blood related and got separated, or they didnt get separated idk thats cool too i just want some sibling jasonette😅
Wow. ok. uhmmmm. this is a lot i think?? I got a little jk a lot carried away and this past week was super busy so i’ll finish the second part later??
Again... a lot...
Jason is walking home after another night at the bar when he sees a small woman, teenager? Slip into a dark alleyway and two men follow in after her a few moments later.
Jason curses and bolts across the street, what was this girl thinking? How stupid do you have to be to go into a dark alley where no one will hear you or care to help?
He jumps into the alley to find one man already slumped on himself on the floor and the other getting kicked in the teeth by army boots then falling limply.
Jason curses again, impressed this time. He scans over the men noting that they probably had pretty good concussions judging from the dent in the garbage can the first man was laying next to and the way the second guy’s head smacked onto the concrete when he fell. He lands his eyes back on the woman, no, definitely a teenager, with a smile on his face that instantly falters. The girl is in a fighting stance and waiting for him to attack so he quickly raises his hands to placate her.
“I’m not here to fight you, I saw you get followed and I was coming to help.”
“Nobody helps in Gotham,” she states, a dangerous edge to her voice that held a carefully hidden accent.
“Not from around here, are you?”
The girl narrows her eyes, “I was born and raised here, take a step further and you won’t be waking up tomorrow.”
Jason pockets his hands and smirks. He likes her, she’s a fighter, she reminds him of himself when he was younger.
“Ok. Just make sure you make it home safe. A girl’s going to get some unwanted attention at a time and place like this.” He turns around and crosses the street but as soon as he’s out of her sight he turns back and hides in the shadows to track her and make sure no one else tries to catch her alone. Just because she could handle herself the first time doesn’t mean she’s necessarily safe from the next attempt.
The girl exits the alley and starts toward the direction of Jason’s apartment calmly as if she didn’t just get attacked. At least that means less walking for him. After a few minutes she slips into another dark alley, of course she does, and Jason crosses the street again going into his own empty alley before pulling his helmet on and scaling the building. As he peers over the side of the building his helmet scans the area giving him feedback he would normally miss due to the horrible lighting and telling him that the alley was empty. He figured she had somehow gotten into one of the buildings and decided to go home by rooftops since he was already up there.
However, as he landed on the opposite rooftop his feet slipped from underneath him. Jason managed to roll out of it but before he could get his footing his hip was kicked into and he stumbled, tripped over a seemingly perfectly placed rock and smashed his head on the side of the stair house. Then, just as quickly as this all transpired, there was a body behind him, they hooked their fingers under his helmet and lifted it to expose his neck and press a knife with jagged points onto his neck. How did he know the knife had jagged points? Good question, it was, as previously mentioned, against his neck and piercing into his skin, drawing blood.
“Why are you following me?” a girl’s voice filters through his mask and he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His mask let him know through the constant visuals that the voice belonged to a female in their late teens, not that he didn’t already know that.
“Making sure you got home safe,” he says carefully, weighing his options and trying to decide if he should let her feel like she got him or escape with a slight nick on his neck.
Eh. Jason preferred to not have a bleeding neck no matter how small the cut.
“Lies,” she hisses, digging the knife a bit deeper as a warning, maybe getting out sooner was a better idea. “What do you want?”
“Knife off my throat first,” he manages without pushing his neck further onto the blade.
A second later the girl releases him and jumps back with enough space between them to react if he ended up deciding to attack her.
Jason gives her a quick glance as he stands up, a hand to his throat to check for blood.
“I wasn’t lying-”
“You’re not fooling anyone you Red Hood wannabe,” she snaps. Jason just laughs in surprise, no one has ever accused him of being a Red Hood wannabe. He's the one who made the mantle into something to respect, something to fear. He stops laughing and levels a glare at the girl, his helmet telling him unhelpfully there was no match of facial recognition in any database.
“I am Red Hood-” he started to growl out but she cut him off again. The audacity.
“Red Hood wouldn’t have been caught by the person he was trailing, Red Hood wouldn’t have been caught off guard, Red Hood doesn’t have a stupid streak of white hair on his head. He may have been a theatre nerd but he wouldn’t do that.”
Wait what.
“What are you talking about?” But it was more of a demand than a question.
“You’re not…” she trailed off waving her hand in the air trying to find a word, “slick. Same jacket, same shoes, same build, yeah. You’re not fooling anyone.”
“Ok. Whatever, I’m going home.” He turns and starts jogging across the rooftop towards home. So much for helping out.
“Where is he?” she calls out after him.
“Right here, princess,” he spat before jumping to the other rooftop.
But as soon as his feet leave the building a big dark blue warbly hole appears and swallows him before he can react. Unfortunately for him the other side of that weird black hole was a face full of concrete.
“Prove you’re him.”
Oh this girl was something else. Jason shakes his disorientation away, he didn’t know how she did that, nor did he care but he was pissed. He swings his foot around and connects with her ankle, she falls as expected but easily bounces right back up and hops out of his range.
“Do that again and I’ll have to break my no killing kids rule,” he growls out, staring her down for a moment. Her face was finally lit by the dim yellow street lamps and he could see the entirety of her face and all the raw emotions she was trying to hide. For a split second familiarity passed through him, like when you see someone at the library then at the store a few weeks later or you see an old school friend ten years later and can’t quite place them. Jason dismisses the feeling and turns to go.
“Wait.” She says it so vulnerably that Jason gives her a chance, when he turns she pulls up her sleeve and shows off her forearm.
In the center of her arm is a faded black tattoo that was a writing symbol, but because of its name and one of its uses it was used to brand child soldiers in Gotham from a particular gang that Red Hood obliterated as soon as his first order of business in Gotham.
It was the double dagger, or better known in Gotham as the death dagger. The children were expendable although highly trained and dangerous, they could give Damian a run for his money in the child assassin department. The tattoo was a reminder to the children and to the people they came across that they were soulless, emotionless, their lives and actions were not their own and they would give their lives willingly for the mission
Meaning who they were before was dead. No family, no connections, no one would notice if they went missing and no one would be able to identify their bodies if and when the time came. Sometimes poor families would sell one of their children and promise to forget them and to never contact them.
Jason was led to assume that this was another child soldier looking to thank him, or kill him. It was 50/50 these days, some of those kids just never recovered.
“So what is it that you want? You want my autograph across your head?” Jason asks dryly.
The girl just huffs and pulls her sleeve back down.
“I want to know if my brother is underneath that mask.”
I want to know if my brother is underneath that mask.
The words struck Jason deep in his chest but it only fueled his anger. He didn’t know why that hit so deep but he was not in the mood for this nor would he be at any time.
“Just because I ended that gang doesn’t mean we’re family. Go find your other assassin siblings to play house with.”
“Annette,” she calls after as he turns his back again. A strike of familiarity pulses through him and when he hesitates she continues, “that was my name before I was initiated. I was one of the first. Daddy’s little girl,” she was still talking louder than necessary since he hadn’t turned back around. “I’m the only one left from The 13.”
Right. The 13. That’s what everyone called the first batch even as they were killed off, they were the most ruthless being the oldest and were also the most aggressive in proving their worth. It was common to find a number from 1-13 placed strategically behind at the crime scene, whoever had the most successful missions would be highly rewarded, or so he was told.
“Do you remember?”
“I remember destroying that gang and their stupid leader and having to kill some of your little friends and I also remember The 13 died within the first year and a half and were easily replaced by their younger friends.”
“Do you remember me?”
“Look, kid,” he finally turns to look at her, “I don’t care, ok? Yay whoopdeedoo I saved you, get in line. It’s what I do, kill bad people and let the rest walk away. You’re not special.”
“Annette Marie Todd,” she says hurriedly, like it’s a last resort. “Jason Peter Todd,” she continues, “just you. Me. And a blitzed out Mom.”
Jason did not like this, he knew the Dagger Children were ruthless and expert manipulators but this was pushing it. He spun around to face her, ripping off his helmet, she already knew what he looked like and it was in the way of his death glare.
“You don’t know who you are messing with. If you really were a Dagger you’d know that I am not one to be fucked with.” He slides his helmet back on and without a backward glance he runs off to the next roof and continues home. Thankfully not another portal thing opens up in front of him.
Jason didn’t have a sister. He did not have a sister. He would remember having a sister. He would remember having a Dagger for a sister. But Annette was such a familiar name. And she had said her name was Annette Marie Todd. Todd.
No that’s stupid. Impossible. She was just messing with him, for all he knew she could have been subtly showing her face in random places for him to react to the familiarity of her face and she could have said the name sometime in the last few months for him to vaguely recognize the sound of her name but not place it.
But the Lazarus pit did alter his memories from childhood, it was like looking through a fog of red anger, or maybe it was always like that even before the pit, and it also completely wiped out other parts of his memory. But a sister? No. No way.
Hours of this, circling around the possibilities and shifting around on his bed trying to get comfortable until he finally drifted off in a very restless sleep.
Jason found himself in a familiar apartment, the one he lived in before his “mother” died. He looked around and it was more of the feeling of familiarity that convinced him where he was than anything else. He steps aside for a younger version of himself to run by him and turns to the window that led out to the fire escape and watches him climb out of it and close the window. Jason turns back around to see what Young Jason was hiding from. A man hands a thick envelope to his mother, Catherine Todd who had wrapped herself in a thin silk robe, her bony frame visible as well as her happy focus on the money inside that envelope. Jason couldn’t make out the man’s face but he turned around and grabbed the small hand of a little girl in pigtails. She turned her head and faced the window sending a smile but he couldn’t quite make out her face so he instead turned to himself sitting outside.
As he turned his surroundings changed but in his dreamstate he paid no mind to it. This time he was standing in an aisle of a store as a child. He looked around and found his mother dressed embarrassingly in a thin tank top and ragged jeans and flip flops. He feels a squeeze of his hand and looks down, his little sister is looking up at him and pointing to a rack of stuffed animals of Clifford the Big Red Dog that were suddenly there. He sends her a smile and looks up, intent on catching up with his mother and asking her to buy one but as he chases her his intent slips from his mind and instead he wants to taste the cupcakes he just saw. He opens a case and takes a bite but yelling makes him turn around and there is Batman towering over him. Instead of a tasty cupcake he is holding something thick and metal, a crowbar. He throws it at the man and turns to run away and jumps out of the parking garage and jumps into the air flying up. But he’s too slow, he tries kicking and swimming in the air to propel himself further away from Batman but a hand wraps around his foot.
Jason jerks awake, breathing heavy and feeling uncomfortably hot. This was much more mild than his usual nightmares, if it could even be called a nightmare, but it was bad in a different way. It wasn’t unusual for Jason to be getting chased in his dreams by one thing or another and it always ended before whatever or whoever was chasing him got him but it was getting a little old honestly.
His head was pounding so he slipped out of bed and poured himself a glass of water from the kitchen. As he takes a sip he recalls his dream and how he had looked down at his sister. But that couldn’t be right.
A searing pain in his head forces him to tighten his grip on his cup before it goes away again. Stupid head. Stupid dream. Stupid girl trying to get in his head.
As he lays back down a memory of clear grey eyes flashes across his mind’s eye.
Throughout the next few days Jason tries to ignore the headaches and his dreams of the young black haired girl with grey eyes and of getting chased which was more frequent and more urgent than he remembered them being. It was just all a big waste of time. At least the Dagger girl wasn’t trying to find him anymore, he didn’t know how he would react if she showed up again.
After another dream of getting chased, this time he was just so tired of it he got a few good punches in on the Bane/Joker demon that was chasing him when his phone buzzes, startling him awake. He ignores it in favor of a cup of coffee and checks the time on the oven that he never uses, it’s almost two o’clock.
His phone buzzes again several more times in quick succession. He finally heads over and clicks his phone on to see five messages from Stephanie.
Replacement’s replacement🤰
so u have a little sister and u never told me???
anyways shes at the big house and getting interrogated by bruce and i think hes ready to adopt her
so rude
i mean it looks to me shes tellin the truth but like seems sus for obvious reasons and ur the only one that'll actually know so… hurry up??
Jason curses and rushes to grab his things before running outside and zooming to the Wayne Manor on his motorcycle.
welp i’ll add with another part soon that i havent finished yet but anywho let me know if jason is too ooc or something😁😁
#sibling jasonette#maribat#this is real late#sorry about it#is it angsty??#im not that great at angst#also tumblr was not letting me use the cool version of that symbol#just rude#btw I edited this feb.23 just so you know but not very big changes#i dont know if you care or not
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Team Gojo as flowers
Summary: Gojo, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara and Sukuna as types of flowers
Characters: stated above
Content warning: mild manga spoilers
Word count: -
A/N: I’d appreciate feedback here (and in general) because I’m not sure whether to do this kind of hc for other JJK characters or not. I am thinking of Toge in particular because I love my salmon boy. Also fyi, this was some time after 135 but before 140 for sure.
Gojo Satoru - Nemophila
I just saw these and immediately thought about how good they would suit him???
another name for them would be baby blue eyes (no, I had no idea beforehand)
they symbolize prosperity, victory, success or triumph over an enemy
flashback to Gojo beating Jogo tf up... but add a nemophila field in the background <3
That being said, his profile literally states that he is perfect in every way (except for his personality but we still love that, right?), so if this isn't success in every way then idk
This flower's essence is also said to be helpful for those who put up a mask over their painful sensitivity
Gojo also displays characteristics of cynism and mistrust towards the higher-ups
Furthermore, I think he is a little anti-social - doesn't have a lot of friends. As someone from the secret Jujutsu World, he's bound to be hidden in a way. This is enforced by the fact that he is the strongest, so a lot of people and curses are out to get his head. I'd think he doesn't keep anyone too close to him so that they do not become a target for anyone. Must be traumatizing to be him.
This flower helps soothen the soul's conflict, healing it slowly, which is exactly what Gojo needs imo
it really is the perfect flower for him
but it's native to North America
Yeah, watch him teleport there to bring back a bouquet of them for his s/o
Itadori Yuji - Protea (orange)
This kind of flower comes in many different shapes, which is why it's a symbol of transformation, which is exactly what Yuji embodies by going from a regular human being to being a Jujutsu sorcerer
Diversity: Yuji is open to anything, Gojo even described him as "having a few screws loose up there". I don't even think he questions how he is being taught by Gojo or anything for that matter?
Yuji also embodies courage and is known to be daring and i don't think i need to explain this one further
I mean, the boy literally jumped right into a curse to rescue Sasaki and Iguchi and help Megumi while not even knowing what a curse is
Orange proteas represent cheerfulness, joy and happiness - if that isn't our sunshine boy, then idk. After what happened to Junpei, he seemed a little down at first but recent episodes have shown that he will not slow down because of that and will keep on being the energetic fluffball of joy that he is.
moreover, they also symbolize unlimited possibilities as his cursed technique so far probably isn't even his final technique yet - compared to Nobara's hammer and Megumi's shikigami. All we know is that Sukuna's techniques are going to be his over time but we don't even know the full extent of the said curse's power yet
If anyone ever mentioned all this to him and showed him the flower, he would think it looks weird at first but will grow to find it interesting (especially the shape). It's not like the flower is native to Japan, so he most likely wouldn't have seen it anywhere.
Gets really excited if you were to give this baby one of these flowers
Fushiguro Megumi - Anemone (purple)
hear me out
The most common symbol for the purple Anemone is 'protection against evil'. While it's Megumi's primary focus in his line of work as a professional, you ought to know he became a sorcerer in the first place because of his sister, Tsukimi.
Fragility: While Megumi shows a lot of potential for growth, it's also said that he will most likely stagnate due to the mental aspect. He's pretty insecure about his own abilities and doesn't think much of himself but that doesn't mean he won't use his powers in order to protect someone.
Anticipation: As previously stated, Megumi shows a lot of potential as a sorcerer, even to the point that Sukuna (mind you, the creature that only cares about himself) has praised him and will not hesitate to make Megumi a pawn to whatever his big, mysterious plans may be. With that being said, if Sukuna himself is interested in our blue-haired boy, we can anticipate great things from Megumi in the foreseeable future.
This specific flower seems to be a double-edged sword in terms of symbolism. In some cultural circles, it is believed to be a symbol of bad luck, whereas in other areas it's seen as a lucky charm (in which we hope this is the one for our boy). I see the same principle applying to Megumi's descent and his mysterious technique - not gonna elaborate further though (feel free to ask though)
a rather dark symbol for this particular flower: "death of a loved one". In this case, I am referring to Tsukimi, his step-sister. She may not be dead but it is indicated that she is in a comatose state due to being cursed. It seems that Megumi does not know when - or rather whether - she will wake up or not. Knowing this boy, he probably has tried anything and everything in his power to wake her up (hell, he probably even consulted Gojo) but nothing worked so far. This poor boy is anxious about it all the time.
he's surprised anyone would even associate him with flowers but wouldn't mind it
Kugisaki Nobara - Orchid (mainly orange)
I had some trouble finding something for her but orchids seem to suit her best
couldn't really pick a particular color though but I am leaning towards orange
orange orchids represent: pride, enthusiasm and boldness
Nobara is very proud of who she is. She strikes me as a person who is not afraid to tell her story, even though she despices the countryside where she is from. She also takes pride in staying true to herself all the time, to the point of admitting that she only enrolled in Jujutsu High so that she could move to Tokyo to Yuji, who was basically a stranger at that time
She is also very enthusiastic about her own future. She knows she won't ever like having to exorcise curses but somehow, being a Jujutsu sorcerer excites her.
plus points for her being enthusiastic about winning in the Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc and just beating up the Kyoto students
I don't need to mention her being enthusiastic about shopping and sightseeing in big cities, do I?
Bold? Oh, she is bold. She has no filter when it comes to speaking her mind and would never hesitate to put anyone in their place. I see her going places in Gojo's revolution... and cussing at the superiors.
Yellow symbolizes new beginnings and friendships. Nobara does not have any problems making new friends, she adapts fairly well in new environments. There's also the way she mourned for Yuji, despite "only knowing him for two weeks" and I don't even doubt for a second that it was her making him hold the black funeral picture frame when he came back lol
Pink: grace, femininity, joy + purple: royalty and admiration
There is no doubt that Nobara tries to enjoy her life to the fullest *cough* moving to Tokyo
Moreover, there is something about her that just screams "queen behavior" to me and I don't even mean that in the slang sense. Have you all seen how graceful this girl moves? (I would like to thank MAPPA at this point)
Nobara shows respect where it's due - I'm just gonna mention Maki here - but is a very admirable girl herself
probably has an orchid plant in her room, ngl
Ryomen Sukuna - Snapdragon
please, the name already sounds a little dangerous
This flower shares a certain character trait with him: being unique
Snapdragons are usually associated with strength due to the way they even grow in rocky areas and if that's not screaming Sukuna's name, who is all about strength, then correct me
Deviousness is practically Sukuna's second name, so this symbol isn't exactly off the track either. Let me remind you about the way Sukuna and Mahito laughed at Yuji??
Graciousness: just like Nobara, he possesses some sort of grace that makes me percept him as a majestic being
but maybe that's just his throne of bones and title as King of Curses contributing
and him owning a shrine???
or maybe that is just the way he majestetically killed that special grade lol
"Only large insects like bumblebees can pollinate snapdragons because the petals are too heavy for smaller insects to push apart." I read this and if you reverse it a little, it somehow reminded me of the fact that Sukuna's fingers need to have a powerful vessel aka small fry won't do because they will simply die away.
Deception: despite being given the minimum amount of information about Sukuna in general, I just don't see him being anything but egoistic and evil. I just cannot picture it. So yeah, put everything evil in a pot, stir a little and don't be surprised if your result is not the Powerpuff girls but a four-eyed multi-talented and deceptive curse that is out to kill you for fun
#gojo satoru#fushiguro megumi#itadori yuji#kugisaki nobara#ryomen sukuna#gojo satoru headcanons#fushiguro megumi headcanons#itadori yuji headcanons#kugisaki nobara headcanons#ryomen sukuna headcanons#jujutsu headcanons#as flowers
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1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 15, 18, 21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 34, 40, 42, 43 about your love interests for the yandere asks!
1. how do you know when someone becomes your obsession?
Aaa that's a tough question I'm very bad at figuring that out. BASICALLY if I'm constantly like, hyped up to talk to them, want to spend time with them, and tell them about special things that happen??? It's an obsession.
2. what is the most taxing thing you’ve done for your obsession? (or ex obsession!)
Done this MULTIPLE TIMES for two (three?) ex obsessions, but putting off other relationships or my own mental health just to please them. Sick of doing things for people only to have them turn on me, or use my mental illnesses against me, but they're not held accountable for their own issues : /
3. what is your favorite gift you’ve given to the person you adore?
uhhhh I'm horrible at giving gifts!!!! I did help my darling little Bovine design his cowsona and he LOVES IT
5. how would you like to be treated in your relationship?
I just want someone who is as excited to talk to me and be with me as I am with them, AND also is totally okay like not interacting 24/7!! Cause i'm big like, I love my loved ones but I also like doing stuff on my own a lot, so my loved ones gotta be okay with that too!
7. without actually condoning violent actions towards others, if you could get away with it without repercussions, what would you do to a potential rival?
Oh god, just make them disappear like not even hurting them, I just want them to vanish and not effect my loved ones ;;w;;
8. what is the most “yandere”-like thing you’ve done?
Uhhhhhh I mean ((SELF HARM WARNING)) I did in fact self harm for an ex, but also I do for my Bovine too so uwu
15. what aesthetic do you associate with your obsession?
I have a few obsessions! So Bovine: Anything with storms, most animals, BATS LOTS OF BATS, and dark red!! Canine: Yellows and blues, sometimes storms, lightning!! Corvidae: Corvids lmao, purple???, also like rolling hills for some reason like big huge hills and such idk why Ursa: BEARS strawberries, hearts, red and pink and white, and also black, neopolitan colors I think too??
18. what weapon would you use to defend your partner in a life or death situation?
A knife >:3c
21. ideal meal to cook for your obsession?
ANYTHING THEY WANT!!!!! I'm a pretty decent cook ^w^
25. what defines love for you?
Love is a choice, but it's not always your choice. Less vaguely, I think it's when you feel so comfortable with someone, that you can be entirely yourself without and filters, and still feel loved and respected in return.
28. do you kin any yanderes?
Himiko Toga? ^^ I think she counts lmao, other than that not really?
29. if you could have an entire day with your obsession, no interruptions, what would you do with them?
Honestly I just like going to the movies and eating some food together, either at a restaurant or like going home.
30. what’s your favorite quality about your obsession? (if you don’t currently have one, what would be your ideal qualities about them?)
Aaaaaa I have so many about them all I'll true and be easy
Bovine: HES SO SWEET AND LOVING AND GIVING FOR ME he'll move heaven and earth just to make me happy for like a minute Canine: GENEROUS he'd also do a lot for me, including giving me any amount of money just to help me out he's so sweet aaa Corvidae: SO FUCKING SMART like she's just so incredibly smart and talented in so many creative ways, even if she won't admit it, and she's so FUNNY too Ursa: THEY'RE A BAD BITCH they're so bold and like, headstrong it makes me so proud aaaa
34. if money wasn’t an issue, what would be your dream trip with the person you love?
JAPAN JAPAN JAPAN I wanna go to Japan so badly, but also I really wanna go to Scotland, the landscape looks so beautiful too aaaa
40. what makes you happy when you’re alone?
So stupid but... Playing Minecraft. I love it so much it's so easy to find SOMETHING to do in it.
42. how often do you talk to your darling during quarantine?
eVERY DAY or I try at the very least ;;w;; Things happen!
43. how did you know that they were the one?
Aaa so like, it's weird, for each one I reached the point of "God my heart drops when I can't talk to them" like BIG RSD kicks in, and that's my sign like, oh no, it's too late, they Matter to me.
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Sunflower, Volume Two
Heyyyy this is the second part of the Sunflower Series! This is a little less than 3k words with no warnings I can think of besides a teeny bit of bad language and... some implied drug usage? idk hope you like it lol
part one
Harry stared at the sky, watching the clouds go by.
He saw one that looked like a duck. He laughed. It was very funny. He liked ducks. They were yellow. He liked yellow. Olivia was wearing yellow sunglasses. She was smoking a cigar. He wondered why. Adam was humming something next to him. He liked it. He wondered if he’d heard it before. Maybe it was new. Maybe it’d go on the album.
Ah, the album…
He started humming, too. It was a bit off-key.
Olivia laughed at him.
Harry tried to sit up. The world spun around him. He fell back down. That was okay. He liked grass. It was soft. Kind of. Not really. It was hot. The sun was kind of bright. He kind of wished he had sunglasses.
Oh, he could steal Olivia’s. That would be good.
He tried to sit up again.
He’d forgotten how spinny everything was.
“Write this down,” Harry said suddenly.
Olivia laughed again. It sounded like music. Harry wondered if he could record it and sell it as a song. People would probably buy it. He certainly would. He opened his mouth again. He probably didn’t have a filter. That was okay.
“What am I writing?” Olivia asked.
“Yellow ducky,” Harry said.
“Right,” Olivia said.
A pause.
Harry tried to think.
It didn’t really work.
That was okay.
Olivia’s song was in his head.
Woke up alone in my be-edroom… Talked to - nobody… where were you…
He sang.
“Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon. I’ve never felt more -”
Another pause.
He couldn’t think of anything else.
She didn’t say anything.
What were they talking about, again?
Harry tried to look up.
She was sitting in a beach chair, yellow sunglasses pushed up against her hair. She looked thoughtful. “Amazing!” Adam blurted. He burst out laughing. Harry laughed, too. It really was very funny.
“Well,” Olivia said. She cleared her throat. “How ‘bout - I’ve never felt less… good?” Harry thought it was amazing. But she paused. Sighed. “No. Ew.” Another pause, another sigh. “What do you feel right now, boys?”
“Amazing,” Adam said.
“Wonderful,” Harry said.
“One syllable, idiots.”
“Good,” Adam said.
“Not good, Adam.”
Harry grinned. “High.”
Olivia laughed again. “Well.”
“I feel… cool,” Adam said.
A pause.
“Woke up alone in my be-edroom - that needs to change - Talked to… nobody - that too - where were… you… Fell back to sleep… I got drunk by… noon... I’ve never felt less… cool.” She paused. “Yeah,” she said. “Yeah, that’s good.”
Harry heard her pen scratching on the paper. He wondered what her handwriting looked like. Was it loopy? He guessed it was loopy. Maybe she dotted her is with hearts. Maybe she crossed her zs like -
“I love it,” Adam declared.
“Me too,” Harry agreed, and he laughed.
Because it really was just very funny.
A few days later.
They’d gone to the beach, ate at a few more restaurants, seen some pretty sights.
Sarah was making pancakes.
Charlotte was chopping fruit.
Harry was drinking coffee.
Olivia looked excited. She kept looking at Adam.
Finally, she said, “Okay, we have a proposal.”
Harry frowned. “Hm?”
“Chaos,” Olivia said.
Adam nodded. “Charlotte, Harry, Adam, Olivia, Sarah. Chaos.”
A pause.
“Well, thanks,” Sarah said.
Olivia gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry, Sar.” She blew her a kiss. “Love you.”
Despite himself, Harry wondered when they’d come up with it.
It was about nine in the morning. When did they get up and meet?
Or… did they get up… together…?
Wait a minute. Adam was married.
He frowned. “Chaos,” he echoed.
“M-hmm. Brilliant, innit?” Adam said. “Liva thought of it.”
Olivia grinned, glancing around. “Thoughts?”
Sarah smiled. “Yeah.” She flipped a pancake. “I mean, obviously I should be first, but…”
Adam grinned. “So we’re agreed?” he asked.
“I love it,” Charlotte said.
Sarah laughed. “You only like it ‘cause you’re first.”
She shrugged, grinning. “Well…”
“Right, well, despite the unjust placement of my initial… I like it,” Sarah agreed.
Olivia glanced at Harry. “Harold?”
Harry shrugged. Took a pancake.
They went to the beach.
They were there almost all day, messing about and wrecking havoc.
Harry should have been exhausted.
But he couldn’t sleep.
So he walked out into the hallway.
He looked left, expecting to see Olivia.
The porch was empty.
He frowned. Paused.
A bit of piano sounded from his right.
He smelled smoke, to his right.
He walked to the right.
She was sitting at the piano.
Smoking a cigar.
She looked up. Didn’t say anything. Put the cigar on the sheet music tray and played something, slow and soft. Her bare feet were pressed against two of the pedals; soft so she wouldn’t wake up the others and sustain so the notes rang out for just a few more beats.
She was just using her left. A low chord, four times. A lower chord, four more times.
She added in her right. High up. F. Kept going with the left.
Same thing on her right a couple times, and then up, and down.
She stopped. Took off sustain, kept soft on. Did a little riff. Looked up. “Thoughts?”
Harry smiled. Didn’t hesitate. “I love it.”
She smiled back. “Thanks,” she said. She stared at the keys, messing around a bit. Harry walked over, leaned on the piano, took the cigar. Inhale… exhale. “Citrus,” he said. She looked up. Grinned. “I know. I love it.” She leaned in, looked left and right conspiratorially. “Might even like it better than chocolate,” she whispered.
Harry gasped. “Scandalous.”
She giggled. Closed the piano and took the cigar back. “You wanna know just how much I like it?” Harry raised an eyebrow. “Hmm?” She shrugged, dodging as he tried to slip it from her fingers. “I like this cigar so much that I’m not gonna let you bum it.”
“Liv!” Harry gasped. He darted forward, trying to grab it again, and she spun away.
“Come on,” she laughed. “You can have another one.”
Harry followed her through the hallway to her room. Her yellow guitar was in the corner, next leant against the wall beside another in a case covered in stickers. She knelt down, balancing the cigar between her lips, and slid a wooden box from under her bed. “Come here,” she said, leaning against the bed frame.
Harry sat down next to her, and she opened the box.
“Jesus,” Harry muttered. There had to be a hundred cigars inside, each with a different wrapping and brand. “Where’d you get all of these?” he asked, and she shrugged, digging through to the bottom.
“I dunno,” she replied. “I just find them. I mean, at different stores and stuff, you know? And I don’t usually smoke ‘em, but… I dunno, I thought this - retreat - or whatever is as good an occasion as any…” She paused, handing him one. “I’ve been having one, like, every night.”
He took the cigar. She grabbed a lighter from the bedside table. Lit it.
She watched him, her head cocked a bit. She looked a tad sleepy, her eyes tired and soft.
Inhale… exhale.
“Tastes like… coffee.”
He opened his eyes.
She was smiling, watching him almost fondly.
Harry had the sudden urge to kiss her.
But then she blinked, and the smile faded, and she looked away, biting her lip. She stretched a tad bit, and settled down next to him. She lay her head on his shoulder, curling up against him.
“G’night, Harry,” she murmured.
Harry took another puff of the cigar.
“Night, Liv,” he said.
Harry woke up with a crick in his neck and the taste of coffee but no caffeine.
And no Olivia, either.
He cracked his neck and threw the half-smoked cigar in the bin.
“You’re in hotels a lot, right?” Her voice was muffled. She was talking weird.
He looked up. “Huh?”
She came out of the bathroom, mouth full of toothpaste and yellow toothbrush in her hand. “You stay in a lot of hotels, right?” she asked, and Harry nodded. “Yeah. Why?” She held up a finger. Disappeared into the bathroom, came out minus the toothpaste and brush.
She grabbed her guitar.
She picked out the notes. Mouthed out the counts and sang, “Woke up alone in this hotel room… Talked to nobody, where were… you… Fell back asleep, I got drunk by noon… I’ve never felt less cool.”
She clapped her hand against the strings to stop them and looked up. “Thoughts?”
Harry grinned. “Brilliant,” he said.
Harry sighed, rifling through his notebooks yet again.
He really needed to come up with some sort of system for all of this.
“What’re you looking for?” Olivia asked from the doorway.
“I need… I did a - there’s this song,” Harry muttered. “That I - I started…” He looked up. “The one I gave you when you auditioned, remember? I can’t - I can’t remember where I put the bloody thing…”
“It was in a red one,” Olivia said.
Harry sighed again. Picked out four red notebooks. Handed her two.
“See if you can find it. Was in the back, wasn’t it?”
She nodded. Flipped through.
Harry did the same.
Nothing in the first one…
Ah. The second one. “Got it,” he said. He stood up, and Olivia tossed the two notebooks back into the pile. “I’ll clean it up later,” he murmured. Olivia shrugged, and they walked to the other room.
“It’s nonsense,” Harry repeated.
“It’s brilliant!” Sarah exclaimed. She started the beat, and Olivia did the openings, and Adam plucked out a few notes, and Harry sighed. “There aren’t any bloody lyrics!” he shouted over the noise.
“I’m kinda into it!” Olivia laughed.
“For fuck’s - you lot are driving me crazy.”
“What do you have?” Charlotte yelled. “It’s none of your business?”
Olivia grinned. “It’s none of your, it’s none of your -”
“It’s none of your business!” she chorused with Sarah and Charlotte.
“We’re driving you crazy,” Olivia yelled, “but I’m in to it, but I’m in to it -”
Sarah did a little riff, and they all quieted down.
“Thank you,” Harry breathed. “Right, so tell me what you think.” He cleared his throat.
“She smoked away a little pack of cigarettes” - Olivia did the two chords - “hard whiskey paired with a bit of craziness” - the other two chords - “and all the boys they were saying they were into it - such a pretty face - on a pretty neck...”
“She’s driving me crazy,” Olivia sang, strumming randomly, but Harry frowned. “Well… that actually works.” He picked up a pencil. “Such a pretty face - on a pretty neck - she’s driving me crazy… Yeah. Right, and then… It's New York, baby, always packed up - Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always packed up - After hours, she goes home to a cactus - in a black dress, she's such a bad bitch -”
“She’s driving me crazy,” they all sang. “But I’m into it, but I’m into it.”
“She sits beside me like a silhouette - hard candy dripping on me ‘til my feet are wet… And now she's all over me, it's like I paid for it” - Olivia grinned, added a, “Cha-ching” - “It's like I paid for it, I'm gonna pay for this… And… that’s it.”
Adam picked a few notes. “I don’t like a little pack of cigarettes.”
“Why not?”
“I dunno. It just doesn’t…”
Olivia played the chords. “She worked her way through a - a cheap pack of cigarettes.”
“It’s smoked away,” Harry said, and Olivia shrugged. “I know. But - cheap pack?”
“Gotta be two syllables.”
“Seemed to fit there,” Sarah said.
“Right,” Harry murmured, erasing smoked away. “‘Cause you added her. Yeah, she worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes - such a pretty face - yeah. Yeah, that works.” He looked up. “Anything else?”
“Bad bitch?” Charlotte asked.
Harry shrugged. “I dunno.”
“Actress,” Adam said.
Olivia played it again. “In a black dress, she's such an actress - I like that better. And… uh… hard whiskey’s awkward.” Harry frowned. “What’dya mean, awkward?” She shrugged. “Too specific. And paired doesn’t work, either.”
“Christ, woman.”
She grinned. “She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes - hard liquor mixed with a bit of -” She made a face. “Craziness,” she murmured. “Intellect,” Sarah suggested. Olivia nodded. “Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect. Yeah, that’s good.”
“What does packed up mean?” Charlotte asked.
Harry used the pencil rubber to scratch his neck. “Well… I needed something to rhyme with backed up.” Sarah did a drum roll. “Jacked up,” she said. “New York’s bloody expensive.” Olivia laughed and Harry cracked a grin and wrote it down.
Olivia strummed a few notes and asked, “Uhhh… What was that beginning part? After hours?” Harry nodded. “Right, yeah I’m… not too sure on that one.” Olivia bit her lip. “You need another syllable in there. After hours she goes home to a cactus - it’s just a little awkward. How ‘bout…” She faded off.
Harry cleared his throat. “When she goes home -”
“She goes home to a cactus?” Adam finished for him.
“When she’s… alone,” Charlotte said.
“When she’s alone she goes home to a cactus - in a black dress -” Olivia nodded. “Nice.”
Harry wrote it down. “Wonderful.”
Sarah started the beat again. Everybody came in.
Harry cleared his throat and sang.
“She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes…”
They went through without a hitch.
He clapped his hands as Olivia played the last couple of chords.
“Kiwi!” he shouted.
A few days later.
Harry couldn’t sleep.
If he strained, he could hear soft piano music coming from the other room.
So he stood up. Stretched. Walked to the music.
Olivia was sitting at the piano. Her eyes were closed, a cigar between her lips.
“Hullo,” he said.
She opened her eyes. “Heya,” she said.
He leaned on the piano. “Can’t sleep,” he said.
“Me neither.”
“What’s this?” Harry asked, tapping the top of the piano. “Sounds familiar.”
“Moonlight Sonata.”
“‘S pretty.”
She stopped playing abruptly, stood up, handed him the cigar. “What d’you taste?” she asked, walking away. Harry followed her into the kitchen and leant against the counter. Inhale… exhale. He frowned. “I dunno. Caramel, kind of. Not really.”
“Maple syrup,” she said.
Inhale… exhale.
Harry smiled. “Yeah,” he said. “Maple syrup.”
Olivia opened the fridge doors. Sighed. It was empty. “I’m hungry,” she murmured. Harry waved the cigar in the general direction of the cupboards. “There’re skittles in there,” he said, and she perked up. Shut the fridge, rooted through the cabinet.
“Gotcha,” she said, and she leaned against the opposite counter.
“So,” she said, studying him as she popped a few skittles into her mouth. “Mr. Styles.”
Harry smiled. Breathed a puff of smoke. “Miss Robinson.”
She kept serious for about a second before she giggled, stepping over to stand next to him and holding the bag of skittles towards him. “I’m kidding,” she said, stealing the cigar as he took a few skittles. “I’m bored. Tell me something.”
“I dunno, Liv.”
“How boring of you, Harold.” She exhaled strangely, trying to make a smoke ring.
“You tell me something, Liv.”
“Like what?”
Harry took another skittle and held it up, inspecting it. It was green. “Favorite color?”
“Yellow. Yours?”
“I dunno,” Harry hummed, popping the skittle in his mouth. “Blue? Orange?”
Olivia’s nose wrinkled. “Orange?” she echoed incredulously, and Harry scoffed. “What, got something against orange, have you?” Olivia laughed, shaking her head. “It’s just… obnoxious.”
Harry raised a brow. “So is yellow!
“Yeah, but it’s a happy obnoxious. Orange is just obnoxious.”
“Happy obnoxious,” Harry echoed in a laugh. “Ridiculous.”
Olivia grinned. “You know it’s true.”
“Alright, alright. Agree to disagree. Movie?”
“The Little Mermaid.”
Harry smiled.
“And yours?” she asked.
“Love Actually.”
She laughed, like music, and shook her head. “You sap.”
“Hey, the movie’s bloody brilliant. You ever see it?”
Olivia shook her head again. Looked up. Her eyes seemed a bit sleepy, more brown than green or blue in the dark. She looked soft, haloed just a bit by the moonlight through the window, and Harry had the sudden urge to kiss her.
She smiled. “No, I haven’t. Maybe we should watch it sometime.”
Harry raised an eyebrow. “Think so?”
“Mhm,” she murmured, her eyes flicking to his lips.
Harry felt himself lean in, and he was so close, so, so close, almost touching, and then -
“I should sleep,” Olivia whispered.
She stood up, the bag of Skittles forgotten on the counter, and left the room.
tell me:
1. if you like skittles or m&ms better 2. your favorite movie 3. if you can tell what song Olivia was playing on the piano or! tell me anything!!! feedback is always much appreciated!!!
oh and here’s the link to Sunflower’s masterlist, Fine Line: Side A, and my full masterlist :)
part three
#skittles#harry styles#harry styles fanfic#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles story#love actually#idk#sunflower#sunflower vol 6#kiwi
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Dlkhcjka i know I'm late, but more Spideypool
Warnings: language and some angst at the start. It's just sad peter :'(
Word count: idk??? Enough?
As soon as the door to the apartment creaked shut, Peter let a droplet escape his eye. The room was dark, the only light was formed by the half-full moon in the sky. The silver bled through the blinds and scored the ground with its dim light.
“You’re home late…” the gruff, Canadian accented voice came from the couch. Peter’s roommate let his voice trail off when he saw the dim figure leaning against the door. He got up from his place on the couch to wrap his arms around his friend. “Hey, hey, baby boy? What’s goin on?”
Peter leaned on the other man’s shoulder. His hands gilded their way up to squeeze the others shoulder blades together. More tears found their way out of Peter’s eyes. “Wade, what do i do?” Peter’s whisper barely audible with his mouth hidden in the material of the other man’s outfit.
Wade was wearing his suit. His Deadpool suit, just without the mask. Peter could tell, one, because he saw it in the faint light of the moon, and two, because of the worn leather material that Peter’s fingertips brushed up against.
“here,” Wade slightly pulled away from Peter’s grip, just to scoop him up in his warm arms. He walked into Peter’s room and laid him on the bed. “Mind if i join you?” His scared lips had more words that they wanted to say, but he held his tongue. Wade did have a foul mouth, and ruined most moments with his awful jokes, but he did know how to restrain himself when he really needed to. Peter grunted in agreement to wade’s question. Soon enough, Wade was right by his side, spooning him.
There was silence. A long pause. Peter listened to Wade’s breath, felt it on his neck and the rising and falling of his chest against his back. The quiet was nice. Well, not completely silent. It was New York, after all, but this night seemed much quieter than others. Usually the cold air would be full of yelps and laughter of teenagers out late, or cars honking, or motor engines. Quiet was nice. Their lives were full of violence and crime fighting. It was nice to get a rest. To just take it slow for a bit.
Peter whimpered and pressed his back closer to Wade. The other man snuck his arms around Peter’s waist, and pulled him in tight. Wade’s body was warm. Peter could feel his heat very intensely creeping up his spine.
“I…” peter croaked. He sighed and buried his head in his hands. Hair poked out from between his fingers. “I-sh…”
Wade moved his hands to trail down peter’s neck. They soon went down the side of his body. “Take your time, baby boy. We’ve got as much time as you need.” His scared fingers ever so slightly brushed up against Peter’s abdomen. Little goosebumps formed on Peter’s arms, and he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.
Peter took a breath. “I went to see MJ again…” he sighed. It was always the worst ideas when it involved Peter and MJ. “She-she looks good… I thought, ya know, i kinda changed my mind about kids. i-i really wanted to start again. Maybe start a family, or adopt… but, uh, she’s got… she’s got a new boyfriend. She looks so happy with him, and I'm happy for them. She looks really good, but… well, yeah.” More splashes of salt slipped down his cheeks. This time, they rolled sideways, down his face, and onto the bed sheets. They glistened because of the moon’s light filtering into the room.
Wade buried his head in the material of Peter’s shirt. His warm arms stayed firm around peter, and honestly he didn’t mind. Peter missed being held. Some days he would wake to find that his roommate had snuck in his room at night and fallen asleep on his bed. It was usually Peter being the big spoon, though he was shorter. He hated how, one, wade would sneak into his room, and two, how he was always holding someone else. This, having a tight grip around him, knowing that someone cares about him, felt good. He felt safe.
They didn’t move from their spots the whole night. The two fell asleep, holding each other tight. Never wanting to let go.
* * *
Wade was confused. Peter was a LOT more tactile with him now. He was positive it had something to do with him finding out that MJ had moved on, but why wade? Not that he didn’t like it, but it was pretty out of the blue for Peter.
Examples of Peter’s new interactions with Wade: peter liked to sit closer to Wade when they watched tv/movies on the couch, he didn't get angry at Wade for sleeping in his bed anymore(what was that about?? Like what??), peter’s head just *plop* on Wade’s shoulder. Yeah, it was a very sudden change. It was weird.
[you’re an idiot, Wade]
{hey, don’t say that to him, white. That's very rude!}
[it’s the truth]
“Shut up, you two.” Wade grumbled to the voices that constantly bickered inside his head. He was trying to keep quiet because peter had dozed off after their fight with Vulture. He hadn't slept much last night, working on some documents and stuff for his job.
[do you really not understand?] the question was directed towards Wade, who didn’t answer. [does he really not understand?]
{don’t be mean to him! Just let him be oblivious about something for once in his life} wade could tell that if yellow had hands they would be slapping them over their mouth.
“Oblivious to what?” Wade’s voice was low. When neither yellow nor white spoke(honestly, a blessing. Most of the time the two are at each other's throats. Do you know how good it feels to get some peace and quiet for just a couple seconds when they don’t speak?) wade growled. “Tell me, assholes.”
[how about we leave that job for Peter to explain?]
Wade sighed. “God, you really can be a prick sometimes, White.”
[so can you]
“Wipe that smug grin off your non existent face!”
{hey, hey, lets not yell. Peter’s sleeping!}
[not anymore.]
“Aw great, ass hole! You made me wake him up!” Wade’s whisky brown eyes shot over to where Peter’s body started to shift slowly. He rose up and stretched his arms into the sky. It was just starting to become sunset, so little by little indigo took over the sky. Peter’s back arched as he stretched, then swiveled as he turned to look at Wade.
“The boxes keep you company while i was out?” He chuckled.
Wade hopped up on his feet. He walked over to where his partner-in-crime was setting and held out a hand. “Yeah. Not sure if I particularly like their company, but yeah.” Peter took his scarred hand, and was pulled up on his feet as well. “I’d take your voice over their bickering any day, though!”
“They argue? And there’s two?”
“Yeah, yellow and white. Yellow shows up in between these things {}, and white shows up in these [].”
“How did you just make that noise with your mouth?” Peter pulled on his mask as they hopped down the fire escape to their window. When they landed on the metal perched on the side of the building, it rattled. They both had to use their combined strength to pull up the window.
“Don’t ask questions that you don’t want the answer to,” Wade smiled over his shoulder as he crawled in through the opening. Peter followed close behind.
The two crashed on Peter’s bed. It creaked underneath them as they flopped on. The man in the webbed suit pulled his mask off. His dark chocolate eyes glittered when he looked at wade. Wade soon followed his lead. The golden light from the sunset made his skin glow. Wow, he looked good, but awful. He looked like a mess. Hadn't shaved in almost a week, bags under his eyes, messy hair, but god were his eyes vibrant. He looked like a kid going to Disney for the first time.
All of a sudden, Wade felt a little peck on his cheek. Peter had reached his head out to press his lips against the other man’s cheek. He went chilli pepper red(oh god, oh fuck).
“Oh god, oh fuck,” Wade managed to croak out, looking over at the other man whose face was basically the same. What little part of his neck that wade could see was also bright red. “Uhhh… w-whaaaatt?”
[idiot. He’s been in love with you for almost a year now]
{hey, he’s not an idiot! I only put the pieces together about half a year ago}
“Shut up, boxes,” Peter whispered, reaching out a hand to place on wade’s face. It was burning hot from all the blood rushing there. “Don’t ruin this for us.”
Wade swallowed. His stomach was turning. He didn’t feel like he was gonna be sick. No, he felt amazing. This was amazing. But he was just so nervous.
“Ho-how did you know they were talking?” Wade shivered at peter’s touch. His cold hand on wade’s warm cheek.
“That look in your eye that you get when they argue.”
Wade nodded. His stomach did a thing again when Peter pulled wade in. He was hugging the scarred man. Holding him close. Ohh god. This was all he wanted in life. Wade did the same and hugged him close.
“I thought it was obvious that i liked you,” peter whispered. “Ya’know? That's why i started to get more… uh, what would you call it?”
Wade pondered a second, furrowing the skin where his eyebrows would be, but weren't. “Touchy-feely?”
“Eh, sure?” The other man sighed. “I… i didn’t know you were kind of not picking up on my hints. I wish i would have just told you…”
“No, no. I, uh, i don’t mind you… kissing my cheek?”
“Yeah, eh?”(ugghhh, really? You couldn’t help slipping in the fact that I'm Canadian even though you already said it earlier, and you don't use it anywhere else?)“You think i haven’t liked you for years?”
“I thought that was all just a running joke!” Peter’s adorable, flustered laugh came. Peter shrunk up as he tried to hide it, but couldn’t. He laughed so hard sometimes, and his face would light up so much. That’s what happen now. It only lasted a couple seconds, but they were the best god damn seconds of Wade’s life. “I-i didn’t know you actually… you know, like-d me?”
Wade sighed, his arms still wrapped tightly around Peter. The brown haired man laid his head in the crook of wade’s scarred neck.
“Could, uh… could we do this more often?” Wade was too scared to say it too loud. Maybe peter would hear and would say yes. Maybe he wouldn’t. Maybe he would get angry and storm off. Maybe he just wanted this to be a one time thing. That was a running theme for wade. One night stands with people he actually liked, then he never saw them again. Was he tricking wade? Was this a trick? Oh god, no. If it was a trick wade would actually try to kill himself. His stomach dropped thinking about how this could be a trick. Peter was so sweet, but maybe it was all a trick to let wade in. Maybe peter was using him. Was peter using him? Would peter turn him in to the cops because of all the people he’s killed? Oh god no. Peter? Would peter do that-
“Yeah,” peter kissed the other man’s neck. Everything wade was ever scared of melted away with that one word. “I’d like that.”
#aw6dang writes#spider man#peter parker#wade wilson#deadpool#spideypool#my peter is NOT holland's spider man btw#i would never do that#this is like a mixture of comic team-up and peter b#dkckasj#i love this#just some fluff and angst#i love writing angst#but i also love writing fluff#akhs.dkcj#i spent 4 days on this#please like it :')#uh#anyways#this is lave for valentines day#:'))))#oh well#pls enjoy#i spent a lot of time on it#ahh i actually like this one#soo?#yay!#okay i shut up now
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Another weird vivid dream with some sleep paralysis thrown in halfway through the dream. In the dream, it jumps to several different scenes which I find really weird because there’s only ever maybe one or two scene jump in any of my dreams.
Scene 1
Information: I’m in a haunted residence with my team of paranormal investigators - there’s four of us total: two guys, a girl, and me (I don’t know if I’m male or female). We’re all adults in our late twenties. The residence is three stories + basement and it’s a castle-like residence made of stone (it actually appears later on). There’s a green filter over my eyesight as though my eyes are like night-vision cameras.
We’re just doing our normal investigation thing when some weird shit starts happening - growling, voices, dark shadow, one guy gets scratched. We run down the three levels of stairs, this being spiral at the time, because the one dude is freaking out and telling us to run.
I enter the basement and the scene shifts suddenly.
Scene 2
Information: My eyesight has a kind of black and white grainy filter except some things are in color. I feel younger than before, like I’m a teenager. The basement is filled with a bunch of cages either stacked on top of each other in the center of the room or on tables lining the walls. Some cages have critters in them: one a raccoon, another a cat, a couple rabbits, and several birds that are crosses between cockatiels and parrots.
I walk through the room in a funk and for some reason my only thought is about where my laundry basket is because I need to wash my clothes. I see a man near the cages on the right side of the room that is supposed to be my uncle but he looks...off (I can’t say what about him looks weird, it was more his aura or something? idk, he’s just...off...somehow).
I ask him if he’s seen my laundry basket while staring at a raccoon in a cage nearby. He looks at me and starts speaking in tongues, then he opens a cage and takes out a dark calico-ish cat with glowing golden eyes (like in BBC’s Merlin) (the cat is in color instead of black and white).
Uncle: Watch over this beast.
Me: *unsure, taking the cat* oh...kay?
*the cat squirms a bit in my hands*
Uncle: It’s important. Watch over it. Treat it well. Promise me. *stares me down and his eyes are pitch black like demon’s eyes, this doesn’t seem to bother me*
Me: Okay, I’ll watch over it.
The cat settles in my arms and starts sucking my thumb when I tell my uncle that I’ll watch over it. I ask him again about my laundry while follow him to the left side of the room, this is where I see the bird cages.
I look into the four bird cages there while my uncle rambles in tongues in the background. There’s five smaller birds in one, three small/medium-sized birds in another, two medium/large-sized birds in a third, and another small/medium-sized birds in a fourth cage. The birds (cockatiel-parrot hybrids) are all in color instead of black and white.
My uncle enters my field of vision, he mentions rats and the scene shifts.
Scene 3
Information: The world around me is in normal colors. I am a younger teen, maybe 13-15, and I’m in a pet store with a man who’s supposed to be my father but he looks odd too (again, can’t say exactly how he looks odd, but he does; and again, I think it’s his aura or something)
I follow my father around while he talks about pets, he’s going to buy me any pet I want. I tell him that I want two rats and he says okay, but we look at some other animals first. In an open section of the store are two older teen girls wanting to get married (they look like the girls from Hayley Kiyoko’s “Girls Like Girls” music video). They’re talking about how the priest nor their guests would ever show because they’re two girls in love and everyone’s homophobic.
I talk to my father about the different kinds of rats and he nods along - he doesn’t really understand. We run into an employee - a young black woman in an orange-yellow uniform with red suspenders and khakis. I tell her what I want for my pet rats - I want something like a double rex rat, two of the same gender so they won’t breed.
She leads us right over to the rodent section - there’s three whole rows of ten tanks/cages with rats and mice, on the ends are bigger pens for a few giant guinea pigs (and by giant, I mean like the size of a Yorkshire terrier). She shows us the rats and I see two curly-haired ones that I like, both young. One is a toasted marshmallow color and the other is a silvery-grey color with a white belly.
I decide these are the two that I want, the lady says she nicknamed them [demonic scramble] and [demonic scramble] (the scramble means that whatever is said is in another language, the demonic part means that it sounds demonic).
She packages the rats up for me. My father pays for everything: rats, cage, food, bedding, and supplies. We start to leave and I can hear a commotion in the background that involves the two girls, the scene shifts as I’m looking back.
Scene 4
Information: I’m maybe 13-14 years old and I’m with my family: my father (looks a bit like Zak Baggins but with a mustache), my mother (who’s face is blurred out), and my older sister. There’s supposed to be one other, my eldest sister, but she’s missing. My middle sister is a popular YouTuber who goes by the name “Jim”.
We’re sitting in the stands of a ballpark, my father is angry and yelling about something (it may have to do with gay/lesbian relationships) while my mother tries to calm him down. He storms off.
My middle sister walks down the stairs (she had gone to the bathroom and missed dad’s outburst), people are screaming around her about “Jim!” because they recognize her from her YouTube channel. Her hair is short with a few long thin braids (I think she cut her hair while in the bathroom but it could have been before, idk) and she’s wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a dark brown-grey t-shirt, and cargo shorts.
She smiles at her fans as she passes then stops in front of me and mom.
Sibling: I’m sorry, Mama, but this is who I really am. My name is Jim and I’m your son. If you can’t accept that, well -
*Mom hugs him, cutting him off*
Mom: It’s okay, honey. I love you whether you’re a boy or girl. I’m just glad that’s you’re finally on the path to finding out who you truly are.
The scene shifts after our mother says this.
Scene 5
Information: I’m a child of 6-7 years old and I’m sitting in the backseat of a small car between my older sisters (this is before the middle one joins YouTube). Dad is driving and Mom is in the front passenger seat.
Mom and Dad are talking about having to leave because of some guy. I tune them out as I look back at our house - it’s a big three-story stone house. When I look at it, it looks abandoned and decrepit, there’s vines going up the sides, windows are boarded, and there’s a couple doors missing.
The house isn’t supposed to look like that yet (it’s the same house from the first scene that me and my team are investigating). I turn to my parents to tell them this and the scene changes.
Scene 6
Information: I’m an older kid of 11-12 years old. The family has stopped to stretch for a moment before we continue our journey to wherever we’re going - Mom and Dad are near the car, my eldest sister is missing, my middle sister is on the train station platform, and I’m standing near her on the ground. The area in front of me has an old train station platform and a small white stone building with a caving roof, one window hole on the side, and a doorway with no door.
Me and my middle sister are arguing but the words are scrambled to my ears. I do have the feeling that it’s about having to move again because she did something that she wasn’t supposed to do. (it feels like we move around a lot)
The scene quickly changes. (this is weird because it’s such a quick scene, like it was played in fast-forward)
Scene 7
(I wake up briefly here but immediately slip back into unconsciousness, this is also where I believe the sleep paralysis begins though I’m unsure of that)
Information: I’m 9-10 years old and I’m standing behind a white stone building. Up a small grassy hill is a store called femmel duol (it’s supposed to be all-lowercase. it’s sign is: a yellow and red half-flower on top of a shield). Outside femmel duol, in the parking lot, is a black guy in a sequined maroon suit (like Elvis’ white suit but maroon), he has a microphone and he’s singing about “Baby Sugar Ray”.
I’m scared of the guy singing so I run around the building behind me to get away. I quickly find myself in front of a mechanic shop called “Chuck’s Wood Stock Chop Shop” I’m all alone and I know that I’m not supposed to be here - I’m supposed to be with my friends, my paranormal investigation team, and I’m supposed to be an adult.
I’m starting to freak out because I’m a child in an unknown area. I find a cellphone, a flip phone that I was given in case of emergencies, and I call my dad on instinct.
Dad: Sweetie? Honey, where are you?
Me: I don’t know, Daddy, I don’t know where I’m at. Where’s Mom? I have to speak to Mom. Where is she?
Dad: It’s okay, Honey, Mama’s here. She’s a bit preoccupied, she went into one of her [scrambled words] and is speaking in tongues. Can you see a sign or any marker of where you are?
*I look around and see a homemade sign: there’s two guys on a motorcycle holding up something - the something is missing; there’s a name above them*
Me: W-Wood Stock, Chuck’s Wood, Stop Shop, Stock Wood *I’m struggling with the words and getting them turned around even though the words on the sign clearly say: Chuck’s Wood Stock Chop Shop*
Dad: Describe it. Does it have Chris Angel with Death on it? (idk why he says this but he does)
Me: It has two guys on a motorcycle.
Dad: Are they holding a scythe with Death’s Skull on it?
Me: I...I don’t know. Part of the sign is missing. Where’s mom?
Dad: Is it called “Chuck’s Wood Stock Chop Shop”?
Me: *I nod then remember we’re on the phone* uh-huh
Dad: We’re on our way. Just wait there, sweetie.
Me: Okay, Daddy
I hang up the phone and wait inside in a little hallway. In the next room are four biker guys (one may actually be a female but it’s hard to tell) and they’re arguing about thieves - someone stole part of their sign.
Suddenly my father is there and so is my eldest sister. The middle sister is still in the car with our mother (this is before my middle sister becomes famous on YouTube and before she realizes she’s trans). I tell my eldest sister that I need to speak to mom but she doesn’t listen.
Me: Where’s Mom? I need to talk to her.
Sister: She’s a little busy right now. She’s [scramble]. You can’t talk to her.
Me: It’s important.
Dad: [scrambled sister’s name] Go check on your Mother, see if she’s okay.
Sister: All right, Dad. *she leaves the small hallway and I follow her* Just stay back, okay? Stay out of my way. *the “stay out of my way” is said in a gentle tone, not menacing like one would normally say it*
Me: Okay
*We go out behind the building and find Mom standing there looking odd and staring at the sky. She’s speaking in tongues*
Sister: Just stay right here, I’m gonna talk to her.
Me: But I need to talk to Mom. It’s important.
Sister: *insistent* Stay right here. You can talk to her in a minute.
Me: *sighs* Fine
*Sister walks up to Mom*
The scene is abruptly cut off and I wake up because of my phone alarm. It takes me a minute to move because I’m still in that paralysis state. It’s a lot easier to get my body to move this time which is odd because it normally takes me awhile to get out of the state, but this time it only took a minute or so for me to be able to move.
I just found the dream really odd because of all the scene jumps. As I said above, there’s usually/maybe only one or two jumps in a dream, but this had seven scenes total which I don’t think has ever happened in my dreams before.
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This was odd
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? -More milk 2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? -Yes ☺️ 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? -junkmail haha 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? -cold coffee cold tea 5: are you self-conscious of your smile? -Yes! 6: do you keep plants? -alive? No. 7: do you name your plants? -nope 8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? -🤷🏼♀️ 9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? -kinda yes 10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? -all of the above 11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? -"Prob won't" 12: what's your favorite planet? -Earth.. haha 13: what's something that made you smile today? -New job! 14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? -A mansion haha 15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! -nah 16: what's your favorite pasta dish? -ALL PASTA! 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? -Nothing, Love where it's at! 18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. -Eating cheese in my sleep 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? -nope never have 20: what's your favorite eye color? -My husbands 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. -Don't think I have one 22: are you a morning person? -Yes ❤️ 23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? -binge watch Netflix duh 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? -Hubs 25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? -An abandoned trailer house, found a bunch of creeepy stuff 26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? -flip flops 🙈 27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? -super minty! 28: sunrise or sunset? -sunrise! 29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? -Hmm 30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? -Yes 31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. -I actually hate wearing socks 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. -Went on the rooftop of an old building downtown and looked at the stars 33: what's your fave pastry? -cheese danish 34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? -a build a bear and idk where it's at 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? -I do! And no :( 36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? -Keith urban always 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? -clean 38: tell us about your pet peeves! -lying!!!! Ignoring me, not listening, having to repeat myself.. I have a few 39: what color do you wear the most? -black or blue 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? -wedding ring, has more meaning than I have room to type 41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? -the choice by Nicholas sparks 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! -iced coffee from Starbucks is unbeatable 43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? -KRK 44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? -now 45: do you trust your instincts a lot? -50/50 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. -no. 47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? -seafood minus shrimp 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? -snakes, kinda but I've got bigger fears now 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? -not anymore 50: what's an odd thing you collect? -cards from people haha 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? -"My everything" 52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? -baby memes 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? -beetle juice, pulp fiction 54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? -mom 55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? -idk 56: what are some things you find endearing in people? -ability to forgive and forget so easily 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? -no 58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? -kynzi-keeley 59: what's your favorite myth? -you can't get pregnant when on top.. haha 60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? -no 61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? - 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? -if I do it's apple juice 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? -no 64: what color is the sky where you are right now? -black 65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? -my niece 66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? -look @ snapchat filter 67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? -chill 68: what's winter like where you live? -not good enough 69: what are your favorite board games? -monopoly and life 70: have you ever used a ouija board? -nope 71: what's your favorite kind of tea? -sweet 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? -YES 73: what are some of your worst habits? -biting my nails 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. -sassy 75: tell us about your pets! -English bulldog, lab mix, French bulldog! All bratty :) 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? -sleeping 77: pink or yellow lemonade? -strawberry* 78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? -no 79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? -he's done a ton of cute things 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? -tan, no 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. -ocean haha 82: are/were you good in school? -yes 83: what's some of your favorite album art? -idk 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? -none yet 85: do you read comics? what are your faves? -nope 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? -nope 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? -war room 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? -no 89: are you close to your parents? -yes 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. -I love love love fayetteville 91: where do you plan on traveling this year? -punta cana! 92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? -drowns 93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? -up :( 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? -keeley 95: what are your plans for this weekend? -not shit haha 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? -procrastinate 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? -huh 98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? -a month ago, yes 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. -song for dad, many many more 100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? -past, only if I could keep the knowledge I have now
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