#idk why my brain slapped buzz lightyear aesthetics on it since the story has little to do with that at all
moltenhair · 2 years
So last night I had this weird and super vivid dream where my brain decided to do a Buzz lightyear spin off of its own. Plot and all. So I will share it with you.
A super long time in the future in a dystopian sci-fi future there’s this girl. So while lots of other folks live on big ships, in massive cities or on fancy space stations, this girl has never been allowed to leave the planet or the old run down shipping yard she was raised on. (I think it was a shipping yard. Or maybe she was a mechanic because one of the characters in this dream was a mechanic friend of hers). Her father refuses to talk about why he hates the idea of her ever leaving and going into space or to talk about the big war that happened waaaaay back in the day that gave them this future they’re in ruled by Emperor Zurg. Every time she asks he gets really mad and shuts her down. 
One day while she’s out wandering down dusty paths outside the yard (where she’s not supposed to be) she finds what looks like an action figure. Or a suit for one. It’s a little white purple and green space suit with a spherical helmet and wings. She’s a little old for toys but she takes it home anyway because maybe some kid will buy it. But on the way back she runs into a zurg robot that chases her down for what seems like no reason at all. She runs back to her house and assumes she loses it for a while when her dad confronts her about where she’s been. She doesn’t have time to tell him all the details or about the toy before the robot bursts through the wall, having followed her all the way home. It’s firing blasters, smashing furniture and walls. The dad tells the girl to get out and run but she says she’s not going to leave him. Sensing her courage and willingness to fight, the figure’s hyper advanced technology activates and it grows into a full suit of armor around her and she beats the robot... Unfortunately it looks like her dad is nowhere to be found and is likely buried and dead under the rubble. The suit deactivates and the girl and her friends have to figure out what to do next, what the heck is up with this armor and why the Emperor’s bots seem to suddenly want to kill her. 
Turns out the “action figure” is a super advanced suit of armor from a time before Zurg’s rule belonging to the Space Ranger Corp. A bunch of super soldiers whose suits gave them the strength and fire power to survive the peril’s of space and battle against nearly any adversary. Until Zurg came along. Seeming as invincible as them and knowing just how to get past their defenses, the Space Rangers were wiped out and he took over the galaxy with no one able to stop him. It just so happens that these suits shrink for storage and this one was hidde/lost a long time ago and Zurg never realized he missed one. 
Zurg catches wind from his robots about a suit resurfacing after so many years and orders it be found at any cost. To kill who has it if necessary. He won’t allow the Space Rangers to threaten his hold on the galaxy. (also his suit, while different in structure and form, does have noticeable similarities to the suit the girl finds. Almost as if he modified his own so that no one would know where he gets his incredible strength)
So the rest of the story before I woke up was a lot of running around, getting answers and trying to avoid/stop Zurg’s minions while not letting the girl get captured or killed. While laying down foreshadowing that maybe her dad knew more than he was letting on... And maybe it wasn’t for her protection that she not know what he knew about the time before the war... but for HIS protection. After all he’s not there to be the tragic backstory parental figure who never comes back. And if they don’t come back as a ghost or a last minute save, they come back as the villain. 
.... This is so unrecognizable from the source material that I may just repurpose it into a story of my own tbh. It was like my brain had a story to tell but without visuals to give me to tell it, it slapped on the aesthetic of a movie I recently watched. 
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