#idk why I named his brother Leroy
night-raven-dorms · 5 years
Leona Kingscholar/Reader
@yandere-wishes asked: Its totally alright if this story goes a fluffy route I don't really mind. Heres the request: Leona punishes his darling for some reason (both reason and punishment are up to you) and than tries to comfort her after.
Safe to say Leona doesn’t like sharing. Especially when his older brother in involved.
Warning (just in case): Spicy time is mentioned
I highly doubt I need the warning though
Leona had told you many stories about him and his brother from when they were younger. They intrigued you. How could they not? From them you learned a lot about your boyfriend; like how he got his scar from a fight with his brother, or how he and his brother used to be really close.
What you weren’t expecting to happen, was actually meeting his brother.
The two of them looked very much alike, yet not at all like each other. Leroy Kingscholar was almost like the prince charming version of his younger brother. He was bigger in stature, had broader shoulders, and was taller. His hair, while kept long like Leona’s, was smoother and more taken care of. It was also lighter and had more of a red tint to it. His ears were slightly larger and rounded, and his tail was longer too; both also being a lighter color when compared to Leona’s. The biggest contrast between the two brothers was their eyes. While Leona’s were a striking green that held power and dominance, Leroy’s was a softer and kinder brown.
You had met him one day when you were looking for Leona. They were together in the entrance hall having what seemed to be an intense conversation. Not wanting to see any fighting, you quickly made your way to them. Your sudden presence caught both of them off guard. “Oh? And who might you be?” Leroy asked.
His voice was deeper and richer, and it shocked you. When you were going to reply, Leona quickly stepped in, “Brother, this is my girlfriend (y/n).”
Despite his efforts at a ‘kind’ introduction, you clearly heard the growl that followed in his voice. He smiled at you and stuck his hand out for you to shake, “Well, it’s nice to meet you (y/n). I’m Leroy, his older brother. You can call me Roy.”
You shook his hand and replied, “It’s nice to meet you Roy.”
You could practically feel Leona’s burning gaze as he watched you interact with his brother. He was going to speak, but Ruggie came in to retrieve the dorm leader for a meeting. Before he left, he whispered to you to not trust his brother then went off with Ruggie in the direction of the headmaster’s office. You and Leroy stood there watching the lion leave. You turned to his older brother and gave an awkward smile. He looked around the building and sighed, “This place has changed since the last time I’ve seen it.”
“Really?” You asked, “How has it changed?”
He let out a deep chuckle, “It hasn’t changed much. Things just feel different. Say... could you be so kind to give me a tour?”
“Uh... sure?”
You weren’t in any position to say no. First off this is your boyfriend’s older brother. Not only that he was the first prince of his country. The future king.
Leading the way, you first made your way through the main building before going into the dorms. You first ran into Sam in the main hallway. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Leroy. Looks like you’re not so little anymore!”
He wasn’t wrong. When they both greeted each other with a hug, Leroy was about a head taller the the shop keeper. “So how have you been bud?” Sam asked.
“I’ve been well, thanks for asking. Although, training to become king hasn’t exactly been the easiest thing.”
Sam shrugged, “You’ll be a fine ruler Roy. If you did amazing here, no doubt you’ll do well as a king. Now if you would excuse me, I have to pick up some goods. So y’all around.”
Sam wasn’t the only person to greet the lion like this. Professor Crewel sang praises of back when Leroy was in his potions class, Professor Mozus talked to him with much respect and – hilariously – started ranting on about how Leona should be more like him, and even the headmaster greeted him like an son he never had (to be fair he treated all of the students like his children).
Then you went to each of the dormitories, but it wasn’t until Savanaclaw that things changed. Each student you passed by gave a bow to Leroy, and in all honesty, it was starting to feel awkward being next to him. Having noticed your discomfort, Leroy said, “Ah, the dormitories we’re just back the other way right? Why don’t we go back? I would like to see my old room again. Besides your feet are probably hurting from walking me around the campus. And if it’s alright with you, I’d love to hear more about my brother. What do you say?”
He put a gentle hand your shoulder. You stuttered trying to find the correct words to say when you were suddenly pulled back into someone’s chest, “Back off Leroy.”
The lion in front of you looked confused, “Leona, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all.”
Leona walked, more like dragged, you back in the direction of the dorms. Before he could get far, Leroy called out to him, “Don’t turn your back on me brother.”
Your boyfriend stopped and looked over his shoulder to the older lion, “No, perhaps you shouldn’t turn your back on me.”
Leroy walked up to Leona, turned him around and grabbed him by the collar of his leather vest, “Is that a challenge?”
Leona grabbed his hand and shoved it off of him. “I wouldn’t dream of challenging you. Now, excuse me, but I have to talk with my darling. In private.”
As you left, you felt the stares of the other Savanaclaw students watching your figures leaving the scene
When you made it back to Leona’s room, he shoved you in and locked the door behind him. “What we’re you doing with my brother? I thought I told you to be careful around him.”
You stared back at him, “He just wanted a tour around campus?”
You hadn’t meant for it to come out like a question. The look on Leona’s face told you he was only becoming more pissed off. “Leona, please, he was only trying to be friendly.”
He stalked closer to you. “Friendly? Is wanting to get you as far away as possible from me friendly? Is him wanting to lead you to his room friendly?”
He had backed you up into a wall of the master dorm room and slammed his hand next to your head. You flinched at the loud impact but continued to look straight at Leona in the eyes. “Leona please stop. What has gotten you like this?”
He laughed, “What’s gotten me like this is the fact that you’re mine, and only mine. Not my brother’s, not any one else’s but mine.”
He slammed his lips against yours. Unlike the passionate, hungry kisses he would give you, this kiss was pure carnal desire. From the way his lips moved against yours to his tongue exploring your mouth, it was starting to fog your head. Without disconnecting the kiss, he hooked his hands underneath your thighs and hoisted you up pinning you against the wall. When he noticed your struggle to breath, he moved from your lips to kiss and nip down your jaw to your neck. “Leo... Leona... wait.”
He ignored you as he sucked and bit at your collar bone. You could hear him mumbling against your neck, “Do you know why,”
A hickey.
“I’m like this?”
A bite.
“My brother took everything from me”
A lick
“And I’m not letting you go”
A kiss
“So I’m going to show him... no, I’m going to show everyone who you belong to.”
Another hickey.
While his words were kind of sweet and romantic, you couldn’t think straight as he captured your lips once more while grinding against you. Holding onto you, he carried you to his bed where you fell back and looked up at him. He was panting, his hair was a mess (due to your hands), and his pupils were dilated to slits. He licked his lips and smirked, “For your punishment, you’re not allowed to leave my room until I say so.”
He grabbed the front of your uniform and ripped it open, “Leona my uniform!”
“I can always get you a new one. Now, I have to make sure you won’t be able to leave.”
That night you lay on top of Leona’s chest as he played with your hair. He peeked down at your body which was covered in love bites and bite marks; your chest, neck, and shoulders having the most littered on them. On the other hand, he had his own bite marks and scratches that raked down his chest and back. “Babe... I’m sorry.”
You groggily looked up at him, “wha?”
“I’m sorry for being jealous. I shouldn’t have–“
You quickly cut him off, “Leona.”
He hummed to acknowledge you. You snuggled closer to his chest, “shudup.”
He laughed and kissed your head. You called his name once again. “Yes?” He asked.
In your half asleep state, you mumbled out, “I love you.”
He smiled, “I love you too.”
A/N: The duality of Leona. Btw ya girl tried and probably failed oof. I hope you enjoy the writing though!
Also is it just me, or when the spicy scene isn’t described, it’s spicier?
-a blushing GW
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suits-of-woe · 5 years
okay idk if i’m ever gonna write that whole essay about edmund being a legendary sub power dynamics in king lear but i need to at least break down the first part of act 4 scene 2 here cause i love it so much:
so. i love this scene. it’s so short, but i look forward to it in every production, and it’s honestly one of my favorite displays of power through language in the canon.
first off, just the line ratio alone tells you so much. in the short part of the scene where both edmund and goneril are onstage, she has 18 lines to his 1, which isn’t even a full line of verse. clearly she’s the one in control of this situation.
we see that at the start of the scene too -- there’s an emphasis on goneril’s power. she addresses edmund first --  “Welcome, my lord;” respecting his status, but very much on her terms which i’ll come back to -- but then immediately switches to the royal “we” indicating who’s really in charge here: “I marvel our mild husband / Not met us on the way.”
the first idea of this scene quickly becomes albany’s weakness, and goneril’s relative strength. there’s a sense of role reversal: “I must change names at home, and give the distaff / Into my husband’s hands.” goneril, despite her place as the woman in the relationship, is taking the commanding role.
she’s also instantly starting to tell edmund what to do: “Then shall you go no further.” “Back, Edmund, to my brother...” and there’s also the fun line: “Our wishes on the way / may prove effects.” whose wishes exactly? it could easily be hers and edmund’s, but considering she was using the royal “we” in the previous line, there’s a fun more dominant take too -- maybe the wishes are just hers.
and then we get to the fun part: “Ere long you are like to hear / (If you dare venture in your own behalf) / A mistress’s command.” a mistress’s command. mistress having the sexual meaning, of course, but also as in a female master. and she does start commanding him: “Wear this; spare speech. / Decline your head.” she is so clearly the one in control here, telling him to stop speaking, making him physically submit, and kissing him very clearly on her terms: “This kiss, if it durst speak, / Would stretch thy spirits up into the air.” i love her constant use of daring in this speech. first it’s albany and “the cowish terror of his spirit / That dares not undertake,” then it’s edmund daring to venture in his own behalf, and finally the kiss itself, daring to affect him as it does. and of course there’s the switch to thee here too. intimate? yes, of course, given the setting, but it still carries that second connotation, of how one would speak to an inferior.
then we get edmund’s reply -- his only line in this scene, which is so telling: “Yours in the ranks of death.” again, extremely intimate, you really can’t commit yourself to someone more than this, but note that he’s still using the formal pronoun. and goneril’s response emphasizes this even more: “My most dear Gloucester!” she’s styling him with his shiny new title, yes, but again, it’s on her terms, only after he’s seemingly totally committed himself to her. “i am yours,” he says, and she agrees, “yes, you (or thou, my subservient) are mine.”
this scene packs so much punch into so few lines, and imo it actually gets even more interesting and complicated with goneril’s line after he exits: “O, the difference of man and man! / To thee a woman’s services are due, / A fool usurps my body.” the idea of “a woman’s services” definitely suggests more normative relationship dynamics than we just saw, but at the same time, she associates the supposedly weak-willed albany with the forceful idea of usurpation, and edmund (the real usurper, whether she knows it or not) is the pleasant contrast to that idea.
anyway, this got real long, but basically i love this scene, and this is why i can’t stand anyone characterizing it as just edmund seducing goneril. it is so much more fun and interesting than that.
@harry-leroy @princess-of-france
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sisterwifeudaku · 6 years
Holla If You Need Me
Chadwick X Reader
Trigger: Miscarriage
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Chadwick pulled up to the local bar in his hometown and sat in the car for a moment to prepare himself. He had been filming Black Panther all week and on his off day he went ahead and drive from Atlanta to South Carolina to see his family and old friends.
Hopping out of the car he stretched as he locked the rental car. He walked into the bar and immediately saw the group of friends waiting on him.
"Ayyye my man Chad. How've you been brother?" His life long  friend Troy asked as they embraced one another in a hug. Once everyone had a chance to greet the star they all began to drink and talk.
"So how's filming going man" Jay, a friend he had since grade school spoke up.
"It's goin' man. I can't really say much about it tho" he said with a shrug.
"Ahh they got yo ass with that contract huh?" His loud friend Billy asked making them all laugh.
"Enough about work shit man let's get to talkin' 'bout what I been missin'. I know y'all got some shit to tell me" he asked not wanting to talk about work anymore.
"You remember that girl you claimed was never your lady but you were lying out ya ass? What was her name?" Travis spoke making Chadwick look at him. He knew who he was talking about but was confused as to why you would be the topic of discussion.
"Yeah man I know. She was a cutie. Iron Mike over here was about to throw some blows at me when I tried to holla that one time" Troy said making the group laugh.
"It wasn't like that man, and her name is Alexis." Chad said with a small smile trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Yeah well turns out she's back in town to stay" Travis said wiggling his eyebrows at Chadwick making his stomach do flips at the thought of seeing you again, you still had that affect on him.
"That's what's up" Chadwick said cooly. He couldn't hide his feelings for shit  back then but he could mask them just fine now, he'd been practicing for years. And he had done a mighty fine job at it, pretending he was happy and whole when in reality a piece of him was missing and would probably never return.
"So you gone hit her up? I know that she was like your ace or something before she left and everything" Billy said making everyone nod.
"I ain't spoke to her since she left" he stated downing the rest of his beverage and leaning back in his seat.
"Why did she leave anyway?" Someone threw out there making him tense up a little bit. He never really liked to put his business out there even if it was to his closest friends. Not to mention it wasn't any of their business.
"She said it was some family drama or something" he said back hoping they would drop it.
He woke up the next morning to the sun shining in his face. Squinting his eyes he sat up in his old bed and began his morning routine. He shuffled down the stairs of his parents home and smiled at the smell of his mother cooking breakfast.
"Glad to see you could make it to breakfast Chadwick with you coming in all late this morning" she spoke as he kissed her cheek.
"Good morning to you too momma...mornin' daddy" he spoke to his parents as he sat at the small kitchen table. As their children grew older and had their own lives to live they stopped visiting and coming home as much leading them to scale down on furniture until holidays.
His mother sat a plate in front of both him and his father before getting her own to sit with them.
"So you know Alexis is back in town right? I invited her and her family over to supper tonight at 7:30. I need you here at 6:30 to help clean up. Ya hear me?" He mother spoke before digging into her own plate.
"Yes ma'am." He said. He knew better than to complain about her inviting them to dinner. He wasn't for getting an earful today not with the way his head was feeling.
"Mama I'm a grown man if I want to dress comfortable for dinner then I will. I didn't even bring slacks" Chadwick said as he sat on the couch next to his father who dressed the way she had asked.
"Jesus...you're my only child to make things difficult. At least put on jeans don't wear those shorts at my table in front of guests" she said walking back into the kitchen.
Chadwick looked at his father who just shook his head and continued to watch the news. By the time he had changed and came back down the guest had arrived.
"Leroy, Carolyn such a pleasure to see you all again!" Your parents greeted.
"Tim, Hazel it's good to see you all as well. Alexis sweetie it's so good to see you hunny" Chadwick's mother spoke up. You smiled in response before speaking.
"It's good to see you too Mr and Mrs Boseman" you said before sinking back into the background hoping to get this dinner over with. You know why they set up this dinner and hopefully Chadwick did too. You almost stayed home but Mrs. Boseman could throw down and you weren't going to deny your tastebuds of whatever she prepared tonight.
Once your parents greeted Chadwick you all went into the dining room to began eating dinner. So far all Chadwick had done was look at you but not speak thus irritating you more than you already were. After saying prayer (idk if you do or not) the food began to make its way around the table making your mouth water.
Everyone engaged in conversation as you sat back quietly and enjoyed the meal. Of course they had to ask you a question causing all of the eyes in the room to turn to you, even Chad's.
"I asked how you've been sweetie. I haven't seen you since the incident" Mrs.Boseman asked sincerely in a kind voice. This made both you and Chadwick choke on air before glancing at each other. Neither of you had enjoyed this topic. You had lost someone dear to you and Chadwick had lost two people that he loved from the bottom of his heart.
"Uhm, I've been making it Mrs.Boseman. Thank you for asking" you said with a small smile. She gave a small nod and sad smile. You suddenly didn't feel like eating as you excused yourself from the table and out of the front door.
You had began to walk the road back to your parent's home in order to retrieve your car. You were in your own world when you felt a hand grab your shoulder. You instantly knew it was Chadwick from the tingling sensation that ran down your spine like it had when you two had first began to be friends, at the age or 8 which is right around the time that you began to think that people of the opposite sex didn't have cooties after all.
"Now you know better than to walk out here alone minnie" he stated with a small smile hoping to get you to crack your first for the night.
"Chad just let me go so I can get my car" you stated not wanting to talk to him, memories starting to resurface the longer you stood near him.
"Ok Lex damn, at least let me drive you to your car" he said pulling you towards his rental car.
Once he opened and closed your door he slid over the hood in order to get to the driver's side. As he sat in his seat and closed the door you began to laugh at him. He pulled off and smiled at you.
"I missed that laugh Minnie. Been almost 20 years since I heard it" he stated glancing at you before focusing back on the road.
"It has been that long hasn't it?" You spoke up slightly turning to him as he made his way towards your family home. After all these years he still remembered where it was.
"Hell yeah and I've missed you girl" he said grabbing your left hand and caressing it. You smiled at him feeling yourself relax. The remainder of the ride was silent until he pulled up to the house.
"So, you think you'd be up to talk? I haven't had the chance to really have a one on one with you in a while" Chadwick asked.
You didn't feel up to it but you shrugged it off. It was just as much his problem as it was yours so why not? Maybe you'd get some closure from it.
"You wanna do this here or what?" He spoke as he turned to give you all of his attention.
"We can stay here and talk. It really doesn't matter" you shrugged a little nervous.
"Awe ok so let's go to the dock then." He said turning the car on and driving.
Together they sat on a bench in silence. It stayed that way for a while before Chadwick spoke up.
"You know it hurt me a lot when you left right?" He said not looking at you.
"It hurts too much for me to be here and be reminded of what happened" you spoke looking at him.
"I mean that didn't just effect you Minnie. It hurt your family as well as mine. We all were going through something" he said.
"Well everyone has their own way to grieve the dead Chad if I felt that leaving would benefit me why would I stay?" You spat back.
"Well damn it's always about you! Me me me what about how I felt? You weren't the only one to deal with that pain. I carry that shot around in me too y/n!" He spoke as his voice started to raise.
" That was my child too! I didn't only lose my baby I lost my lady too. The one I needed the most. You were the only one that felt and understood my pain. And you just up and left" he repeated.
You sighed before speaking " Chad we were both children, two 15 year olds having a baby. It took me months to wrap my head around that. And when...when we lost the baby right before I was set to leave, I felt horrible. It felt like my heart had gotten ripped out of my body and I had to watch it get ripped to shreds."
"And you thought still leaving would make it better" he spoke up softly watching as tears brimmed your eyes.
You sighed trying to compose yourself before breaking down. Your sobs shook your body as you tried to answer.n
"I-I don't know" you managed to get out as he stood there feeling his heart break.
"Can I hold you?" he asked just wanting to comfort you.
You nodded and ran into his open arms. He wrapped his arms around you rubbing your back as he repeatedly kissed your forehead.
"I'm so sorry Minnie. I should've been there for you. Im so sorry you had to go through that without me". You looked up whipping the tears from your eyes and responded
"Im sorry too Mickey, I should have let you be there for me. I should've been there for you too" you used your finger to trace a pattern in his chest.
"Shiiit we both here now if you wanna continue get some more shit off ya chest" he said pulling you to arms length.
"I'd like that"
"if you like it I love it baby. I'll be right back imma get some blankets"
You watched his tall frame jog back to where you stood and set down two blankets. He plopped down with a grunt before summoning you to sit next to him. once you were near him he sat you between his legs kissing your cheek.
"Now lay it on me girl" he spoke opening the pandoras box of emotions you were holding back for so long.
He was still willing to lend you a helping hand, shoulder to cry on, and an ear to vent to. You could always count on him, he would always be a holla away.
@nyneebey @lady-love-and-glitter-roses @autumn242 @royallyprincesslilly @lalapalooza718  @wakandawinning @brianabreeze @noontownstudio @airis-paris14 @dramaqueenamby @kumkaniudaku @wonderwoman292 @jokerslittlemunster 
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surveystodestressme · 6 years
Is your birth year an odd or even number?:
Which one of your friends is the most outgoing?:
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today?:
When did you last find yourself in an awkward situation?:
almost every day lol idek
What did you have for lunch yesterday?:
guacamole salsa and chips lol
In school, which subject(s) do/did you find the most difficult?:
history because it’s so damn boring
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? What’s his/her star sign?:
it’s my group chat for my classmates and i, i have no idea what their star signs are
Who did you last say “thank you” to? Why?:
the check out lady at walmart
Name a band you like, that starts with the same letter as your surname.:
When was the last time you ignored, or went against, someone’s advice?:
i usually don’t ask people for advice sooo
What happened?:
How many different towns/cities have you lived in?:
only two places. 
Who is the 10th contact in your phone? What’s his/her favourite food?:
my aunt angie, i have no idea what her favorite food is
When was the last time you felt your heart racing?:
yesterday when i took my cat to the vet lol
Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity?:
How old were your parents when they met?:
my mom was 24 and my dad was 27
When was the last time you had Nutella?:
it’s been a really long time considering i don’t like nutella lol
Who is your favourite character in “The Simpsons”?:
i don’t watch the simpsons
How about “The Big Bang Theory”?:
What are your parents’ middle names?:
Leroy and Beth
Who is the 2nd contact in your phone? What colour are his/her eyes?:
Aiden and i think they’re brown
Name someone with a sexy sounding voice.:
liam neeson and morgan freeman
What genre(s) of music did you listen to 10 years ago?:
screamo lol
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s?:
my brother and i have the same colored eyes but my sisters is different
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more?:
one and yes
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks?:
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm?:
not really.
What colour are the eyes of the person you have feelings for?:
Is there a song that you’re fed up of hearing?:
the new ariana grande song
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night?:
i don’t remember
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you couldn’t say it back?:
yeah lol, i just said thanks
Name 3 things that are in your refrigerator atm.:
eggs, milk, broccoli
If your Facebook status doesn’t get any likes/comments, does it bother you?:
i don’t post on fb that much
Which friend do you confide in most?:
my boyfriend.
What does your 6th text message say?:
"sounds good dear”
What was your most recent reason for smiling?:
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flammenkobold · 7 years
Name meaning
I’m a firm believer that every fandom needs ridiculous over-analysation, especially over-analysation of character names.
Which is what I provided behind the cut with some commentary. Small thing first though: What really got me started on this was how similar the meanings for Gerard's and Gertrude's name are...
First Names
Gerard – Germanic origin, two-parts name, 'Spear' + 'hard/strong/brave'
Gertrude – Germanic origin, two-parts name, 'Spear' + 'strength'
Martin – Roman origin, derived from Mars, roman god of war. 'warlike'. But also there is this story which seems somewhat fitting when it comes to TMA Martin: Saint Martin of Tours was a 4th-century bishop who, according to legend, came across a cold beggar in the middle of winter so he ripped his cloak in two and gave half of it to the beggar.
Sasha – Russian/Greek origin, short form of Alexandra, 'defender or helper of mankind' (I'm not crying, you are)
Jonathan – Hebrew origin, 'Yahwe has given'
Timothy – Greek origin, 'honouring God', 'in God's honour', or 'honoured by God'
Elias – Hebrew origin, 'my God is Yahwe'
Simon – Hebrew/Greek origin, 'listen' or 'he has heard' (okayyyyy)
Jurgen – German/Greek,two parts name, 'earth worker' or 'farmer'
Jane – short form of Jehanne, derived from Johannes, greek/hebrew origins, 'Yahwe is merciful' (tbh cackling at this)
Mary – Greek/Hebrew origins, derived from Mariam/Miryam, 'bitterness' (well, then, that sounds fitting)
Last Names
Kaey (or Keay) – five possible origins (at this point I closed my browser and noped out on going into last name meanings as well, but you know...I came back). Anglo-Saxon: Occupational name, someone who makes keys. French: Topographical name, someone who lives near a/is employed at a wharf. Celtic: '"Key", borne by the boastful brother of King Arthur'. Norse: Jackdaw, resembling a jackdaw. Danish: left-handed person. (I have to admit I like the Anglo-Saxon adn Norse meaning)
Leitner – German (Bavaria, Austria)/ Jewish (Ashkenazic): topographic name for someone who lived by a mountain spur or on a slope of a mountain
Robinson – two part name, 'son of Robin', Robin is a short form for Robert. Robert is a two-part name, 'hrothi', and 'berhta', meaning "fame-bright" (can't argue with that).
Blackwood – Scottish origin, 'black wood' (what a surprise...look, okay, try convincing me there isn't any relation to the whole Schwarzwald thing.)
Stoker – different origins, English: someone from any place called Stoke, dutch: occupational name for a stoker or 'fire raiser', 'arsonist', Scottish: occupational name for a trumpeter, derivative of stoc 'Gaelic trumpet'.
James – Derived from Jacob (probably)...look when I thought Kaey has many meanings and origins, the last name James somewhat takes the cake in that, but there is one interesting tidbit I found: 'Traditionally the name is interpreted as coming from the word "akev", meaning a heel, but has also been interpreted as "he who supplanted".' idk why that sounds relevant to my mind, but it does
Prentiss – Middle English/Old French, 'apprentice'
Fairchild – _English, two-part name, 'fair/beautiful' + 'child' (Well that one is fairly self-explanatory as well). Interesting people with that name: LeRoy Fairchild, founded the Masonic order, the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm in 1889.
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ‘S’? Sarah
When was the last time you met someone who seemed very unpleasant? umm, i’m not sure.  probably a cutomer at work recently
Name everyone you’ve had an online conversation with today. just neeson
When/where did you meet your first love? i met him at school, i believe
How many people have you kissed, whose name started with ‘J’? as far as i remember, 3
When was the last time you turned down an invitation to go somewhere? Why? i do it all the time, honestly.  sometimes i just want to hang out at home.
Who was the last person to cry in front of you? probably my mum
Do you know why they were crying? a movie lol
If you’ve had a bad day, who is most likely to cheer you up? my boyfriend.
How many Facebook friends do you have? 300 ish maybe less
Is there anyone on your “friends” list that you dislike? oh i’m sure
Is there anyone you dislike, that you have to see/speak to regularly? i don’t think so
Does anyone have a romantic interest in you, that you don’t return? not that i’m aware of
When was the last time you ate a cookie? a week or so ago
Has either of your parents ever borrowed your computer? nah, they have their own
If someone makes a lot of spelling mistakes, does it annoy you? yes, it does.  my boyfriend and my sister can’t spell for shit
Have your parents met the person you’re currently interested in? yep
When you’re interested in someone, do you let them know? absolutely.  you’ve gotta take that chance, ya know? otherwise you may never know if they feel the same way
Or do you prefer to wait and see if they’ll come to you first? nope.  if they don’t make a move first, i’m going for it
Is there anything happening tomorrow, that you’re looking forward to? going home lol
Have you ever kissed anyone named Daniel or Danielle? i don’t think so
How many alcoholic drinks have you had in the last week? i don’t think i’ve had any at all
Who was the main actor/actress in the last film you watched? the kid from stranger things (the movie i watched was the new IT)
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!) i think my face is nice, i think i have nice eyes.  i think i’m pretty funny and i’m a kind person.
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ‘C’. carrots
Who is the 12th contact in your phone? How did you meet him/her? his name is ben and i met him through youth group.
Put your iPod on shuffle. What genre is the first song that’s chosen? metal
Does the person love/like have a car? What colour is it? yes, it’s red
Have you ever received a compliment on anything you’re wearing? i’ve gotten several on the heels i’m wearing
Have you had any caffeinated beverages today? i had 2 coffees this morning
In your phone, who is the first contact listed under ‘S’? shelby
What’s his/her favourite food? she’s a vegetarian so i honestly don’t know
What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? sake, and it was fucking disgusting
Did you like it? ^^^^
Have you eaten any chocolate today? What kind? nope
Think back to 6 months ago - how was your love life? still the same as it is now
Name something you like, that starts with the letter ‘L’. lizards
When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused? get out of the car to go to the gas station with my mother
What’s your favourite feature of the person you’re currently interested in? his beard or his smile
How many people have you hugged today? one
Do you have a favourite hair colour or eye colour on your preferred sex? i don’t really have a preference
Is there anyone on your mind atm? my boy
When was the last time you spoke to that person? a couple hours ago
The last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone? i don’t know what it was tbh
When was the last time you had Pop Tarts? What flavour were they? it’s been a couple months at least, and it was a smores poptart bc that’s the only poptart i like
What was the last compliment you received? my boyfriend called me beautiful
Is your birth year an odd or even number? even.
Which one of your friends is the most outgoing? my boyfriend
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? nada
When was the last time you ignored, or went against, someone’s advice? a while ago
Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? probably
When was the last time you had Nutella? a long time ago, i don’t really like it all that much
Who is your favourite character in “The Simpsons”? i don’t watch the simpsons
How about “The Big Bang Theory”? don’t watch it either
What are your parents’ middle names? beth and leroy
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? my brother’s, yes.  but my sister has hazel eyes
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? 7, and no i think we have enough right now lol
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? it doesn’t matter
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? idk
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? today man.  my period always makes my stomach hurt really bad
Have you received any compliments about your appearance today? i don’t think so
Do you have any ice-cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? there’s orange sherbet
Have you spoken to any of your neighbours today? nada
What food(s) have you eaten a lot of recently? junk
Have you recently bought a gift for anyone? not that i can think of
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