#idk what to say about the trailer. its a very 5-6/10 for me. the only thing i liked is the new qunari woman
kelean · 20 days
ohhh my god of course v//rric of all people is the first one we see in the trailer being hashtag badass and hashtag nonchalant. pretends to be surprised
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author-main · 2 years
A Huge Post about Wild Fun Facts
I write Ask-LU-Wild, so I look up a lot of stuff about BotW in particular. So I thought it’d be fun to put some things I’ve learned about this game during my time in the fandom. I put some links so you can see what I’m talking about. By the way, if you see me switching from Wild to Link, it’s probably because I’m leaning more into the game than talking about LU.
1. Starting off with a not-necessarily-wild fact. Kass’s instrument is most similar to a bandoneon, which is a type of concertina, not an accordion. That’s why I thought it’d be nice to give Wild an anglo concertina (I have a 20 key anglo concertina because of this...).
2. Apparently the ancient Sheikah technology takes heavy inspiration from art made in the Jomon period (14500-300 BCE)
3. Some of the food in Breath of the Wild caught my eye, based on their descriptions and their game sprites.
   -Goron spice starts off as spicy, but then gets sweet. It reminds me of what I’ve learned about Japanese curry, which is sweet. I’ve only had Guyanese curry so I wouldn’t know first hand. But it’s possible that the curries made in BotW are based on Japanese curry.
  -Egg Tarts are pasteis de natas, which are from Portugal. They’re popular in Japan and other Asian countries.
  -Fish Pies are similar to Taiyaki in appearance. Taiyaki is actually a sweet cake, not made with actual fish. These are actually street food and are made with a certain type of pan (it reminds me of a waffle pan). Even though BotW fish pies are probably... dough wrapped around the fish to get its shape (idk I don’t cook), what if Wild did get his hands on one of these pans and made actual Taiyaki?
4. Paya, in Creating a Champion, is stated to be around Link’s age. Specifically 18-20. It’s possible that Wild is Nintendo-canonically around 17-21. This is gonna be one of the only images I put in this post just so you can see the dev notes from CaC
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5. After spending enough time looking at HEMA videos for reference, I’ve come here to say, either the swords in Breath of the Wild are WAY too heavy, or Link really doesn’t know how to handle a zweihander. I know it’s pretty much the same animation used for certain weapon classes and that it’s a game so things are gonna be a little slow, and he does have amnesia, but god damn. I personally think the swords are just too heavy or something. Maybe Hyrule is ass at making swords.
  -Eightfolod longblades look like Odachi
 6. The outfit Link wears in the BotW 2 Trailer reminds me of a Greek chiton and chlamys. The sword also gave off gladius or xiphos vibes. I’d like to say xiphos, that way it matches more with the Ancient Hellenic vibes. Gladius swords are Roman.
7. Idk how much LoZ people care about Xenoblade, but I do. I hear a total number of 0 people talk about the fact that Link/Wild has Rex’s salvager outfit (DLC) and it’s a disservice. 
8. Again, not necessarily Wild, but Mipha's jewelry has a Minish Cap Water Element on it.
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9. According to Zeltik, Link can parrey whole Lynels and Taluses (Tali?). I’m aware it’s a video just for fun but he can still do it! Link also, and I can not stress this enough, pushes boulders twice-three times his height. He lifts big rocks and barrels above his head! What I’m saying is he’s STRONG.
10. The earrings you get from the Gerudo jeweler are all clip-ons.
11. Nintendo... on the same page... noted that Link was born from a line of knights, very well trained and experienced... but is not nobility.
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I call bullshit every day of the week but I'll leave that for another day.
12. This is specifically LU point. Just a little food for thought, IDK if anybody else has talked about it or used it. I usually see people blaming Wild’s amnesia on the shrine, which is possible. I also saw a post saying that maybe Wild has dissociative amnesia, which is also possible! I never saw anybody bring up the concept art for Wild though.
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Explosive damage from a guardian, probably, directly to the head? It’s a surprise that it’s still on at all.
I don’t wanna go into too much detail, because what I’m thinking is quite gruesome. If you’d like me to elaborate on this, or any other note feel free to ask. And if there is anything you noticed that you would like to add, then please do. As you can see, I like this funky little dude!
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
1-20 for Ash since he's your groovy boy.
I'M CRYING THE TERM "YOUR GROOVY BOY" MADE MY HEART MELT TO A PUDDLE (i've had a real shit day this is the only think keeping me sane) 
In other news i wasn't sure if you meant like 1 through 20 or like just 1 & 20 so i went with the first option just so i could talk about him more(1 through 19 cause two where pretty much the same) I also made sure to make sure this was as gender natural as possible so
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1: Cuddling
Ok firstly Ash?
Biggest cuddlier ever
He just loves the close contact
Spoon wise
He is the big spoon cause he feels like even when sleeping hes protecting you
He also likes two other ways
A: His head on your chest with your arms around him
Because lets face it he also deserves to feel safe and protected
B: facing you with yout limbs in a tangle
Cause he likes to look at/ admire you
You look so peaceful its one of his favorite sights
2: kissing + Favorite kiss
Ash can be a pretty rough kisser
Almost kinda like a "we might die and or never see eachother again so this is my last chance to do this" type of kiss
Sometimes you have to remind him slow down and that everything is ok and as it should be
When he remembers that hes a very passionate kisser
Like he kisses you slowly but just rough enough to be perfection
She said sighing wistfully
They can also be really playful
He'll dip you while kissing you
But also he peppers kisses all over your face while tickling you
his favorite kisses are french and neck kisses
3: Injured
He likes to make jokes about it
To lighten the mood
Just cause seeing you worried about him breaks his heart
But also to make himself feel better and help to not worry bout it to much
He secretly likes getting injured
You're always so sweet and gentel with him
And you give him special treatments ( ;) ya know what i mean?)
He also pretends he doesn't like it when you kiss his injuries cause its "childish"
But he loves it
When you are injured however its a completely diffrent story
Hes not as calm and collected as you can be
Hes angry, worried and very guilty
You can tell he blames himself because he doesn't crack any jokes like usual and hes always very quiet while he's trying to patch you up
"Kiss me better?" You ask
That makes him smile and he kisses your injuries softly just like you would
You don't blame him and you tell him that much
4:First Date
Ashely J. Williams is not
A fancy man
Or a rich man
He's not one for flashy/fancy dinner dates
Your first date was some sort of take out
In his trailer
You actually really enjoyed it
Only because he made it enjoyable
After dinner the two of you kinda just laied on the floor and talked
Which was weird for ash cause he was more of a
Take someone on a date and get down to bussnies type of guy
But he actually felt connected enough to just sit and chat
5: First kiss
It happens on the hood of the delta on your second date
You where sitting there star gazing
Just talking again and when you looked over you saw him staring at you
"Nothing...it's just...your so amazing.."
You only laugh at him
Before suddenly you felt his lips on yours stopping you
That was one of the first and only times hes ever taken his time kissing you
It was one of those gentel kisses that you just melted into
He cupped your cheek with his hand and his other pulled you closer
It was one where when he pulled away you chased after it not wanting it to end
*cheifs kiss* twas perfection
Ash really did his best to keep you out of that part of his life
He didn't want any one else he cared about dying on him because of it
He loved you to much
But it came to a point where he decided it was better to be safe then sorry
He taught you how to use the boom stick
And you quickly became pretty handy with it
That along with teaching yourself how to use a series of other tools
Like knifes and axes
He found it really attractive to watch you work like that
7: akward moment
The first really akward moment between you was probably the use of "i love you" too soon
To be fair though everyone thought they where about to die
So when ash blurted "I love you!"
And found that you where still intact
It was slightly uncomfortable in the room for everyone when you responded with
"You've never said that to me before."
And nothing else
Not that you didn't love him back
You where just unprepared for it to happen like that
After avoiding eachother him mainly trying to play it off as if he didn't say that
And acting as if Ash williams never told prople he loved them
Once you finally git fed up enough with it you had to basically yell it back to him
He was very relieved and happy to hear it
8: Fighting
Fights can go one of two ways usually
One being no one gets anywhere ever in the argument
Your both so stuborn
And ash being ash who hates to admit when he's wrong and never owns up to his own actions
Just makes you more angry
Making the argument get heated further
This type of fight usually ends in an angry make out session where your both apologizing like crazy
The other way is again ash being ash
But instead making you cry
This ends the argument pretty quickly because the only thing that can make him own up to any thing is you crying
You tend to use this strategy a lot in order to keep him quite
But sometimes it can really make you cry
He always apologizes right away and pulls you in for a tight hug where he kisses the top of your head
And wipes away your tears
You both actually hate fighting and hate that it ever (though rarely) gets to that point
Like I've mentioned before
Ash cannot stand the sight of his baby in pain of any type
Crying is one of the worst things hes ever had to deal with in his life
And hes delt with a lot
His only goal in life is to make sure you are happy, healthy and safe
He's also kinda shit when it comes to dealing with emotions
He won't ask whats wrong right away
Just kinda stand there awkwardly attempting to make you laugh
When and if that doesn't work he'll finally sit down next to you and put a protective arm around you and ask whats wrong
If you don't wanna talk?
Thats ok hes there when you're ready to
Hes not leaving any time soon until your happy again
He'll hold you close to him
Pulling you into his lap to hold you properly
And just lets you cry
When you do tell him whats the matter
Bet your ass that its taken care of right away
Cause anything that makes his perfect partner cry? Dosen't even get the right to exsist anymore
10: sleeping
You better believe ash has nightmares
And feels bad for waking you because of them
But you're very well aware it can be hard for him to sleep
So you are more than happy to stay awake with him for as long as it takes
Even if that means until the sun rises
Or you fall asleep in his lap hes ok with that its the thought that counted
Nights like that are nights when he likes to cuddle you with his head on your chest
You'll kiss his head, smooth his hair
And even sometimes talk or hum to him to calm him down
That usually does the trick of getting him back to sleep for a little while
Sometimes he'll wake up gently and find you peacefully asleep beside him
And he'll kiss your cheek, cover you up and lay back down
Cause knowing your still safe is enough to help him sleep too!
11: bathing/ showering
I don't think ash would get or understand the want and need for a bath
But if you can convince him to take at least one with you
Thats all he'll ever wanna do
Man has never once in his life had time to sit and relax
But this is something else
To have you with him to
Either sitting across him
Or laying against him makes it Much more enjoyable
Baths are very rare very special occasion things though
Showering is a more often occurance and also a spontaneous thing
And its a plus cause its not Always a sex thing with him
It can be a nice and romantic thing as well
Especially on rough days when he wants to relax in the shower but also talk
Your there to keep him company
12: First time
Honestly the first time was well into your relationship with each other
And it happened in the Delta
It wasn't like rough, extremely passionate or even a serious matter
It was More fun and... vanilla with lots of laughter
It was sweet
The purest form of sex honestly is when you can laugh and or talk during it
And you two being the two people you are
Plus car sex being a horrible idea to begin with
Made it all the funnier but better
I don't think ash ever knew you could actually have like legitamie fun doing it
Just another thing you helped him realize
His heart like seriously skipped a beat hearing you laugh the way you had that night
Yet another reason he knew he loved you
13: soft spot/ weakness
Ash's soft spots include
And that lil spot behind the ear but just under it
Kiss him there and hes Tapped out
Ashes weaknesses are
His partner just in general
If you've been with him this long
He warships you
Definitely an ass/leg guy though
Wear something reveling enough tonshow case both ass and leg
14:Pregnancy/ Birth
You wouldn't ever have to worry about ash not wanti g to be a dad or not
So you'd tell him almost right away
Ash is gonna get teary eyed
He'll make some jokes
But he will get watery eyes
And you know how happy new dads get when they find out they are gonna be a dad?
That whole "I'm gonna be a dad!? I'M GONNA BE A DAD!"
Yea 100% ash
Hes lifting you off the floor and spinning you around cheering
About how theres gonna be a lilttle Ash jr. Running around
Hes definitely the kinda guy who likes to talk to the mommy tummy all the time
Bump or not
Everything is suddenly about the baby
Hes always on the look out for baby things
Buys everything
Hes probably the dad who wants to mix the parents names together and name the baby that
Which is kinda gid awful and you tell him that
If its a girl you agree to name her Cheryl after his sister
Which lowkey makes him teary eyes again
You agree to let him pick the boy name though
He jokes about picking names like...idk hulk or something
But you picked a meaningful name he wants to do the same
You can trust him with that much
When the baby is born
He almost refuses to let it go
Hes got that new dad worry/ slash haze
"Where are they taking them?"
"Are they ok!?"
Loses his shit when the baby does grabby hands and holds his prosthetic finger
Hes so proud of his new kick ass family
When ash touches you its usually soft, slow and gentle
No matter what
That’s it
He lets his fingers gently run across your skin
Mainly because 👏he 👏worships👏you👏
And you deserve to be treated like the holy entity he sees you as
He hold your hand firmly though as not to lose you
16 : Undressing:
Its either slowly piece by piece
Taking his time to do so
Or extremely fast
17 what “turns them on” :
ash is horny by nature 
do anything around him when hes in the right mood easy enough 
but other than that ash likes being in control of situations 
makes him feel powerful 
so give that man even the slightest bit of power and hes ready 
he also finds it supper attractive when you are in charge and calling all the shots 
18 domestic life 
once everything with deadits is finally over and is at peace 
the first thing ash does is marry you 
then moves you to Jacksonville Florida likes hes always wanted 
then thats where you would have your baby 
the both of you get good jobs 
send your kid(s) to good schools 
all of yours childrens friends love being around ash and hearing him tell stories 
19 farewell/ how they say goodbye 
he always gives you a good solid kiss 
before softly telling you to have a good day and to not miss him to much 
hes always extra careful to throw in one last quick peck on the lips or cheek before you leave 
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iiasha-archived · 3 years
genshin anon! finally lol. i keep meaning to respond - tab has been open with your last response for two weeks now... lol. oh i put a lot of work into my weapons. especially if i use them a lot. oo the 20k+ is nice though! apparently i have hu tao built semi decently so when she gets a vaporize crit it goes quite well for me haha. yeah agree. and they have updates every 6 weeks. yeah not every update is the biggest thing ever but like... its okay. no need to rush. game development takes time.
hihihi lmao again no worries!
(2/5) oh oops I spend several hours a day on the game (when i have time). to be fair, i genuinely enjoy going into coop and finding lower ar people to help with bosses and world exploration and stuff. so i can spend a long time doing that. i know i appreciated the help when i was low. plus its fun to get to chat with others occasionally. oh yeah genshin def ripped off of botw very well lol. they took botw's complaints and went yeah i can fix that. but then made it gacha.
(3/5) i saw you say you have c6 noelle now lol. i am so so sorry ): you did get keqing though? was that on the banner? so are you guaranteed the banner character next beCAUSE ZHONGLI RERUN YES. oh yeah it was so cool seeing everyone! bennett and razor were just adorable i love that friendship. loved getting to see albedo again. hes like.. my fav and of course i missed him :/ rerun plz.. ahh yeah a lot of the claymores are more for their skills i guess. except razor. so i get that.
(4/5) i also tend to use the elemental stuff a bit more but just idk claymores are SO SLOW and im just not overly fond. oh yeah polearms do less damage ahha. i like their fighting styles though. theyre faster and just idk it just -works- for me. oh that is SO CUTE they wear friendship tassels )': ooo yeah the rosaria/kaeya/diluc trio is quite fun. would def love to see more of them! rosaria grew a lot on me over 1.4 and seeing her... not be so rude all the time... lol.
(5/5) also im super excited, i did end up pulling childe! IT WAS SO CRAZY. I DID THE MAGICAL TWO 5*S IN A ROW. mona decided to give me c1 because i can never win the 50/50 and then childe was like its okay i know youve been working your butt off getting everything ready for me so here you go <3 and like )': i love him lol his playstyle is so fun and he works great with hu tao. also got rosaria and fischl (who i didnt have) which is great! were you pulling on childes banner at all or just saving?
ALSO thoughts on the 1.5 stuff??? I haven't gotten to watch completely everything yet but it all sounds so good! Zhongli rerun!!! And the housing thing seems super cool? And lower resin for weekly bosses! New world boss too! All the events seem pretty interesting as well so I'm pretty excited! -genshin anon (pretty sure tumblr still only lets you send 5 anon asks an hour or else i would've added this earlier lol)
genshin anon. lol it's okay! everyone is free to like whatever characters they want! yeah diona is.. not involved at all. although she is getting a hangout in 1.5! might be the first one i actually do. her story is pretty sad though from reading all of her profile. yeah you with noelle was me with diona. i was so mad at her at first since i pulled her like... 10 times on xiaos banner. after i got over it i tried her out and now i love her. also its okay! i took like two weeks to respond :P
but omg how do you have tabs open for two weeks.... i get stressed if i don’t leave my computer with everything closed LMAO. i mean yeah it definitely makes sense to put a lot of work into weapons bc they can be used by multiple characters so they’re a good investment!! i should start thinking about that as well......
nice!!! i’m guessing you’re having a good time with hu tao then eh :D my xiao is. okay lmao probably not doing the damage as expected of him but eh whatever <3 
if i’m like really in the mood i can invest a couple hours but most days it takes some self-convincing to even log in asfjdkldsaj like once i’m in the game it’s fine but for some reason the action of opening and loading it up is like hmm.... also most days by the time i do get to play i’m so exhausted from work </3 
omg that sounds fun!! personally i don’t like... playing with strangers that much afjdklasj so i tend to avoid co-op... but one of my friends might start playing genshin so i totally get what you mean about helping lower AR people with bosses and stuff because i wanna do that with her lmao :D 
lmao traded botw faults for the gacha system... you really can’t have it all unfortunately </3 speaking of botw my friend got my the expansion past like. literally last year lmao i’ve been meaning to play it. ugh i’m just so behind in general on all video games unless it’s genshin lmao
i wouldn’t have minded c6 noelle if i had GOTTEN ANYBODY ELSE WHEN I WAS PULLING ON THAT BANNER ;_____; like at least they could have given me a sucrose who i don’t have!!! but i did get keqing on my pity from that banner!! wait omg i didn’t realize that was how it works... i have a vague idea but if that’s true YES ZHONGLI PLEASE COME HOME GOD PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i’m 100% skipping childe’s banner for zhongli sorry dude ajkdlfaj
ahhh yes getting to see albedo was nice too!!! even if only for a bit hehe it’s nice how they tried to rope in all the mondstadt characters somehow (except. diona jaklsdfja) 
okay mood. i love chongyun to bits but i admit after maining xiao for a while i’m definitely like why is chongyun so... slow asjfkldj but that’s literally just how it works </3 and same about rosaria!!!! she was still pretty like.... moody idk but she’s definitely better when she’s not just being straight up mean lmao
OMG CONGRATS!!!!! you seem to have much better gacha luck than me LMAOOO i envy that but i’m so glad you got everyone you wanted!!! and nah now that zhongli is definitely confirmed i’m DEFINITELY saving for him like actually the last time it was childe than zhongli’s banner was when i just started playing and i wasted all my beginner primogems on childe not knowing who was coming next........ i’m not making that mistake again LMAO
i didn’t watch the livestream but i did see the trailer and AHHHHHHH SO EXCITED omg with the housing i thought we were just getting a house but no it looks like they’re giving us a WHOLE FUCKING VILLAGE like as if i didn’t spend enough time in this game they’re introducing this like you KNOWWWW the hours about to be put into customizing our little house/villages.... 
ohhh i didn’t see the thing about resin!!! wow they really are giving it all. the previews for inazuma were also super pretty!!! and while the new characters have been known for a while this teaser definitely made me more excited for them hehe eula is so prettyyy
and yayyyy diona hangout! is she the only one coming in this version? but i’m glad to see they’ll probably add hangouts for all the characters (or at least the less story-critical ones like zhongli already has his story quest so idk if he’d get a hangout). it’s just nice to see more love given to those characters hehe <3
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amphtaminedreams · 4 years
Film Tier Ranking 2019: A Bad Year for Bird Films
Hi to anyone reading,
I’ve finally put it together: my 2019 film tier ranking! I know tier rankings are a bit 6 months ago but seeing British crisps sorted into god, good, mid and shit tier all over Twitter, the format really resonated with me and I was like I MUST USE THIS AT SOME POINT! And I guess since there probably isn’t much of an audience for crisp tier rankings on Tumblr, it makes more sense for me to do it with films instead, especially as doing a 2019 year in film review was something I previously claimed I would do; here’s to 2020 and following through on my proposals.
I think 2019 in general was an okay year for film, with the end of the year definitely outselling the beginning. One thing to bear in mind is that a lot of films that I would’ve been able to see in 2019, I.E Little Women and Parasite, didn’t come out until 2020 in the UK so they won’t make it onto this year’s list. It’s not a snub by any means. I more fall in line with the Elsie Fisher Film Awards school of thought than the Oscars, which have yet again disregarded several incredible performances this year: Florence Pugh in Midsommar, Taron Egerton in Rocketman, Lupita Nyongo in Us, and of course, Greta Gerwig’s direction of Little Women. I’m sure there are many more but those are the first few that come to mind. Oh to be in 2017 when nominations made fractionally more sense.
This list also includes films that weren’t necessarily released this year, but that I just got around to watching; there were a couple of disappointments but also a lot of films I can’t believe it took me this long to finally watch and have definitely made their way into my favourites. My goal for this year is to get through even more of the films on my verrrry long Letterboxd watchlist, and more specifically, watch said films without going on my phone, which is a really bad habit of mine. I find it hard to sit still! Let me live! 
I also want to try and put aside my prejudices about visual quality and watch more pre-2000s movies this year; it’s really bad but I never managed to get more than half an hour into Psycho, of all films, solely because I couldn’t deal with the black and white. In 2020, I am going to stop being a whiney Gen Z/cusp millenial-er and give older films the chance they deserve.
So, without further ado, here is my film tier ranking of everything I watched in 2019! If you make it til the end and have any thoughts or disagreements, let me know. I love to hear other’s opinions and get new perspectives on things and am totally open to any criticism. Happy reading:-)
God Tier
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Knives Out (Rian Johnson, 2019)
Knives Out. What a film.
I feel like I waited forever to see this at the cinema. They must have started showing trailers for it in, like, August, and I had to wait til mid-November to see it. How are you gonna just dangle a film with Toni Colette and Lakeith Stanfield in my face and then make me wait 3 months? Totally unethical.
But that being said, when it finally came around and I did see it, as much as I love Toni and Lakeith, there was one stand out and it wasn’t either of them: ANA DE ARMAS. I have to admit I’d never heard of her before but she acted the shit out of a role I feel I’d ordinarily find irritating and gimmicky. Daniel Craig, whose character seemed annoying as fuck in the trailer, was actually surprisingly funny.
Stylistically, it was a very cool film and I liked the subtle commentary on class that was running throughout. Also, I thought the ending was very clever. My issue with a lot of whodunnits is that they just pick someone who doesn’t make sense for shock factor *cough, Bobby Beale in Eastenders, cough* but the shocks here were more in the details. 
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Hustlers (Lorene Scafaria, 2019)
There wasn’t one single moment of Hustlers I didn’t enjoy and it’s quite amazing that there wasn’t one single point in this film about strippers that I felt gratuitously sexualised women. THAT is why you fund female directors. It made the whole thing look like a calculated art form, which I think the unsexy amongst us can all agree that it is. Constance Wu was a fantastic lead, J-Lo was kind of robbed for a supporting actress nom, and Keke Palmer and Lili Reinhart were hilarious too. 
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Midsommar (Ari Aster, 2019)
Midsommar was such an experience that it took me a good few days afterwards to decide whether I actually liked it. I saw it the day it came out because I loved Hereditary so much and I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I kind of had an idea of the way it was going to go, we could all kind of guess evil cult was the route that was being taken from the trailer, but I just didn’t realise quite how weird it’d get. 
The gore was great, the visuals were stunning and the character arcs were surprising and for that reason, I think this is another game changer for horror from Ari Aster. I didn’t love it like I loved Hereditary but it continues to play on my mind and 7 months later I still can’t resist a good “Things you Missed in Hereditary” or “Hereditary Themes Explained” Youtube video essay. That’s how you know a film fucked with you and that’s the ultimate goal of going into a horror for me. Put that on my headstone after I inevitably get myself into some mortally dangerous conflict because I want to “get fucked with” a little bit.
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Booksmart (Olivia Wilde, 2019)
So here’s the thing with Booksmart: I was getting progressively more and more drunk throughout it so I might be a little biased when I say I loved it. That being said, worth revere seems to be a commonly held opinion so I’ll stick to my guns. Plus, movies like this, which just focus on girls living their lives, are few and far between. Why have we had to wait THIS long for the female Superbad?
IDK. But Kaitlyn Dever, Beanie Feldstein and Billie Lourd proved it’s definitely a genre worth investing in so hopefully we see more lighthearted female-led coming of age comedies. One Ladybird per year isn’t enough for me.
The Favourite (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2018)
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I included The Favourite in my 50 Films You’ve Got to Watch that I made earlier this year so I don’t have all that much to say about it that I haven’t said already. To summarise, it’s an instant classic: the cinematography, the cast, the lines, it’s all perfection. 
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Suspiria (Luca Guadagnino, 2018)
I also included Suspiria in my 50 Films You’ve Got to Watch list so sorry if I’m repeating myself, but I adored everything about it. If I had to sum it up in one sentence I’d say divine feminine energy, but inverted. Plus ballet. That dancing scene in the mirrored room will probably never leave my mind (if you’ve watched it, trust me, you’ll know the one I'm talking about), and if there were awards given out for creepy montages in horror, this would win all of them. It still blows my mind that Tilda Swinton played 3 characters in this film; 2 of them are so distinctly different, if anyone put two and two together without prior knowledge of this fact then I’ll blow my own head up too. This is why I got so mad when there was all that discussion around her being the new female Doctor Who and there were people asking who she was. How can you not know who Tilda fucking Swinton is!? She’s a legend! 
Sorry, is the wannabe film snob in me showing?
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Annihilation (Alex Garland, 2018)
Though I initially watched it because it’s branded as a horror, Annihilation ended up being a surprisingly introspective take on human nature and our self-destructive tendencies. Nothing really went the way I expected it to, even though I was constantly trying to guess that trajectory from beginning to end. 
Visually, Annihilation is magnificent. Like, it’s tense, and where exactly the plot is going is shrouded in mystery, but most importantly, it’s super fucking pretty. Sure, the only thing that was mildly horrifying was the *SPOILER* end result of that bear scene but I didn’t mind too much because there was always that edge-of-your-seat possibility something like that would happen again. 
Also I realised that Gina Roduriguez is really hot in this! I would just say in general but that video of her saying the n-word kind of took away shot at real world magnetism. WHY SUCH A SHITTY APOLOGY VIDEO!? WHY?!
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Assassination Nation (Sam Levinson, 2018)
So I didn’t clock until I was looking up directors that Sam Levinson, Euphoria director, also directed this, and suddenly everything makes sense in the world. They both have that dreamlike, exaggerated feel that perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster that is being a teenager, only in Assassination Nation obviously the threats are a bit more...tangible. As in its actually other people trying to kill our protagonists this time round, not just angst. 
Not gonna lie, it’s not a patch on Euphoria because that show is probably the best thing I watched all year, but I did thoroughly enjoy it, even if I did feel the social commentary, despite how in your face it was, got a bit lost in translation at times. I think it’s the kind of film that, once again, would’ve felt more genuine coming from a female director, however that’s not to take away from how witty, modern, and completely relevant it still is as we move into 2020.
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Sorry To Bother You (Boots Riley, 2018)
Why don’t more people talk about this film? Like it has Tessa Thompson and the world’s best earrings! Lakeith Stanfield getting more than 10 cumulative minutes of screen time! Armie Hammer being that bitch we all knew he was irl (probably)! Scathing critiques of late stage capitalism! It’s insane, in the absolute best way.
SPOILERS AHEAD: I had a mini paragraph written about the last hour of the film and the descent into pure unadulterated chaos, and how it’s like, the internet’s best kept secret, because ordinarily you lot can’t keep your mouths shut about a film or TV’s shows most crucial reveals for more than 5 minutes and THEN...My FBI agent must be feeling real cheeky because THIS tweet pops up on my Twitter timeline. 
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Fuck this shit, I’m out. Onto the next film. MI5 stop peeping my drafts. 
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Eighth Grade (Bo Burnham, 2018)
I don’t want to repeat what I said about Eighth Grade in my 50 Films you Should Watch list but Elsie Fisher’s performance in this is why I wish the Oscars also had some kind of rising star award category à la the BAFTAs. Honestly, every 13/14 year old should watch this; it’s a reminder that although feeling like an outsider is by its nature quite isolating, it’s prolific enough that a 29 year old man, 10 years out of “high school”, gets it.
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American Animals (Bart Layton, 2018)
My sister and I absolutely loved this film so you can image our disappointment when we turned round to our parents at the end and our enthusiasm wasn’t matched...as in, I’m pretty sure they were both asleep for a lot of it. WHICH I DON’T GET. Because to me, there wasn’t a dull moment. American Animals is what happens when a group of university age boys with the finesse of the American Vandal Turd Burglar try and apply that to an Evil Genius stye heist, part Netflix, talking head abundant documentary, part live-action film. Splicing a stylistic reenactment with interview footage of the men who really attempted to commit the crime elevated what I probably would have put in the Good Tier™ to the God Tier™; seeing the guy Evan Peters is playing alongside Evan Peters playing him, now only the remnants of the arrogance we see in the reenactment left behind, sharply reminds you of the fall from grace these boys deservedly went through. Plus Barry Keoghan from The Killing of a Sacred Deer is in it, proving that unsettlingly stiff is NOT in fact his natural state. 
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Gerald’s Game (Mike Flanagan, 2017)
I wish there was a shorthand way to say I wrote about this in my 50 Films You Should Watch list so I’m gonna keep it short but here we are! This was great! If The Haunting of Hill House isn’t proof enough, Gerald’s Game (not to take away any credit from Stephen King) is a reminder that Mike Flanagan is the king of subtle, niggling sensation in your stomach that something is about to go very wrong horror. I hear he and Ari Aster have a timeshare situation going on with the crown.
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The Ritual (David Bruckner, 2017)
Okay, so this is the film that made me realise we should all be very scared of forests. Nope, all the documentaries into the Aokigahara Forest weren’t enough, apparently. I subjected myself to this too, as if my unfit, cold-blooded, bug-fearing, scared of the dark ass doesn’t already have enough concerns about my survival odds in the great outdoors. 
Really though, setting aside, this film maintains the sense of dread throughout and keeps you guessing what’s going on until the very end. Much like The Descent, the group dynamic and characters are realistic enough that it adds to the believability of a scenario I, in principle, know would never happen to the extent that I might keep away from vast, wooded spaces for a while just in case.
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Dumbo (Tim Burton, 2019)
If film Twitter came across this post and saw I’d placed Dumbo in a higher tier than If Beale Street Could Talk I can only imagine the outrage. And sure, the latter is probably a much higher quality film. But sometimes a movie, for reasons you can’t quite put your finger on, gets you right in the sweet spot, and Dumbo did that for me. Maybe it was that the CGI elephant reminded me of my cat (I know, leave me alone), maybe I was emotional that day, I don’t know, all I know is that I cried like 5 times and was smiling for the rest of it-to be fair, the exploitation of animals for our entertainment is something that is still very much going on and that was something that was playing on my mind a lot whilst I was watching it. IRL Dumbos should be free too. Dumbo rights.
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The VVitch (Robert Eggers, 2016)
This film taught me that there’s nothing wrong with joining a coven of young witches and getting naked and levitating around a fire. And that’s an important life lesson. Plus it gave us the quote “wouldst thou like to live deliciously?”, which is not only so perfectly creepy and simultaneously empowering that I had to get it tattooed but also, created ASMR. I just made that last bit up obviously but Black Philip getting his own ASMR Youtube channel?
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The Descent (Neil Marshall, 2006)
For me, much like The Ritual, The Descent is a perfect horror film: it’s got the ghouls but the situation the characters find themselves in is also terrifying by its own merit. The reason The Descent made it onto my 50 Films list and the Ritual didn’t is because, let’s be honest, it’s 2020 and you can get mobile signal in most places. You could probably at least make a 999 call if you got lost in a forest. If you DID get stuck in an underground cave and it collapsed in on itself, you’d be pretty fucked; the idea of it makes me shudder and I will never set foot in an underground tunnel at any point in my life for any amount of money EVER after seeing this. Also, the women in this are great and the creatures in this are genuinely quite terrifying, especially the first time you see them. 
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Chicago (Rob Marshall, 2003)
Ah, Chicago, the last film on the God Tier™, proving that this list is in no particular order. Because WHAT A FIM. WHY DON’T PEOPLE TALK ABOUT THIS MORE?! Like don’t get me wrong, I know it deservedly won Best Picture in 2003 but I’m talking about right now! I mean, fucking Titanic is still out here getting referenced left, right and centre and yet Chicago gets paid dust! Can you tell I’m mad and that I think Titanic is hugely overrated?! Is that maybe coming across?!
ALL the songs are bops, Catherine Zeta-Jones is hot (I saw someone on Letterboxd say that Catherine Zeta-Jones in this film was their bisexual awakening and honestly, if I hadn’t already known I was a raging bisexual, same, because I FELT things in that All That Jazz opening) and Cell Block Tango is the revenge fantasy anthem I never knew I needed. Smart, tongue in cheek, beautifully shot and makes men look like little bitches which is probably why my dad hated it but what did I expect.
Good Tier
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Zombieland: Double Tap (Ruben Fleischer, 2019)
Onto the first film of the good tier, Zombieland: Double Tap definitely exceeded my expectations. I was super worried about the prospect of a sequel as I love the first one so much and assumed it would be crap. Obviously, it doesn’t match up to the original because the original WAS so original, but it was still a fun, easy, witty ride. And I was SO glad they didn’t *SPOILERS AHEAD* kill off Tallahassee at the end because I really thought that was coming and it seemed so predictable and unnecessary. Highlight was the introduction of the lookalikes at Graceland.
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Judy (Rupert Goold, 2019)
So, this is the first of two consecutive rants I’m about to go on about Oscar nominations and people’s reactions online. Prepare yourself.
I’ll start with the underlying message: just because you think something else deserves the praise more, doesn’t mean the film/album/*insert whatever artistic medium you wish here* that IS getting the praise is shit. 
Like people are angry that Lupita Nyongo wasn’t nominated for best actress for her performance in Us which is COMPLETELY valid as she carried that film on her back. In the same vein, people are also angry that more women of colour haven’t been nominated for best actress. Also valid; I’ve yet to see The Farewell but I’ve heard great things about Akwafina’s performance and I love her so even though I haven’t seen it, I’m gonna take the general consensus that she should’ve been nominated too. The Oscars definitely has a problem with recognising the work of POC. BUT, because of this, people are angry that Renee Zellweger has been nominated for her performance in Judy, saying that it’s typical “Oscar bait”. I agree, it is typical Oscar bait. However, a lot of the people saying this will in the same breath say (or tweet rather) that they haven’t actually SEEN Judy. 
How can you possibly say that Renee Zellweger doesn’t deserve any of the praise she’s getting when you haven’t even seen the film? Don’t get me wrong, the film itself is good but not outstanding (hence its place in this tier), but you can see Renee genuinely put her heart and soul into this film; it was powerful, and it was sympathetic but it was also nuanced and subtle where they could’ve just capitalised on all the sensationalised stories of the actions of a woman clearly deeply suffering in her final years and had it be full of shouting and screaming. The Wizard of Oz has always kind of felt like home to me because of the childhood nostalgia factor and so I’ve always been interested in Judy and I think Renee captured her heart and her spirit in a way she would be deeply honoured by. Maybe the film itself doesn’t deserve the acclaim it’s getting but I think Zellweger definitely deserves the nom and I think most people who’ve actually seen it wouldn’t contest that. 
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Joker (Todd Philipps, 2019)
Okay so second rant. I’m sorry. I have a lot of feelings. Most of them aimed at the annoying tendency of internet users, Film Twitter™ and Letterboxd users I’m looking at you in particular, to be wildly exaggerative. 
There just seems to be no nuance online. It’s not just yeah, I didn’t like the film personally and the message could be perceived in a certain way by certain individuals, it’s I HATE THIS FILM AND IT’S DANGEROUS AND THE DIRECTOR FUCKING SUCKS. I noticed this trend when La La Land came out (which if I had watched last year would certainly be in God tier for me). It’s like, if a film initially receives a lot of praise and buzz, there’s almost this wave of compensatory vehement criticism in response that’s usually disproportionate to how controversial the film actually is. People didn’t like that Joker was popular because they didn’t like Joker so suddenly it’s the worst film ever and the possibility of it getting any critical acclaim is wrong. I even saw people berating Todd Philipps for channelling Martin Scorsese as he’s the only person to ever be influenced and take direction from one of the most dominant figures in film of the 20th and 21st century. I mean, what’s wrong with that?! If it was any other director, it’d be called homage. But because everything has to be seen through this malicious lens, its copying. 
I think one of the few very valid criticisms about Joker was that it further perpetuates the idea that psychotic people are dangerous, and I can totally see where they’re coming from. At the same time, we have to accept that whilst the majority of people who are psychotic aren’t a danger to anyone apart from themselves, most “dangerous” people don’t just become dangerous because they thought, fuck it, why not? A lot of people in the prison system ARE suffering with some kind of mental illness. The character’s psychosis doesn’t make him dangerous, it’s his underlying resentment and sense of entitlement that grows throughout the film that makes him dangerous, and I think a lot of people seem to miss this point. They say that the way the film ends implies Philipps is justifying the actions of the films protagonist. However, we KNOW the Joker is an unreliable narrator, he’s one of pop culture’s most infamous villains and that being said, both in film and in the real world, few villains see themselves as the villain. Joker is about why HE thinks he’s justified in doing what he does, not why he IS justified in doing what he does because he’s not, and that’s pretty clear from the moment he shoots someone in the head on live TV. Honestly, I think there’s a bit of wilful misinterpretation going on because people don’t like that film
I liked Joker. It was gritty, it was interesting, and sufficiently dark. I didn’t think it was the best film of the year but I understand why it got the praise it did. Obviously, it’s okay that people disagree and DON’T like it. But can we please get a bit more well-acquainted with the middle ground?
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It: Chapter Two (Andres Muschietti, 2019)
Okay, essays over. Back to regular scheduled programming of less impassioned reviews. Though I will say I deserved better than my Letterboxd comment of “so you can just fucking roast Pennwyise to death?” getting absolutely 0 traction. One day my grand total of 5 followers, one of which is my sister, will recognise my brilliance (lol).
It’s hard to say how much I really liked this as I think my perspective of how much I did enjoy it is warped by how much I disliked the first one. Child actors really aren’t my thing and the only cast members I warmed to in the first one were Finn Wolfhard and Jack Dylan Grazer whereas the cast here were a lot more likeable, imo. Bill Hader, Jessica Chastain and James Ransone were all great, with the only let down being James Mcavoy; I love him, don’t get me wrong, but I just think he was really miscast in this role. 
Another thing I enjoyed a lot more about this instalment was that due to the more episodic/anthology-like/Creepshow-esque structure with each character conquering different monsters from their past individually, the narrative felt like it had a lot more direction, and it didn’t drag as much despite it having a significantly longer runtime. I haven’t read the Stephen King novels and I don’t know much of the pacing issues are down to them so this is me coming at it from a screenwriting angle but it felt as if the climax of the first film just kept going on and on. Every time I thought it had finished there’d be another confrontation between the kids and Pennywise whereas Chapter 2 seemed to have a more definitive third act and I appreciated that.
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Rocketman (Dexter Fletcher, 2019)
So, here’s one where I WILL agree with the general online consensus: if Rami Malek got nominated for playing Freddie Mercury last year and Renee got nominated for playing Judy Garland, why the fuck didn’t Taron Egerton get one for playing Elton John? Why didn’t Rocketman itself get a nomination when Judy did? Though I personally preferred Judy because I’m more interested in her story, technically and narratively Rocketman is the better film in my opinion.  This was so cleverly edited and sequenced and told with such a brutal honesty on Elton John’s part (it was co-produced by his husband David Furnish and he was heavily involved in everything from the set to the script), that I can only come to the conclusion that the obligatory biopic nomination only comes when the focus of said biopic is no longer with us as a kind of honorary thing. Whilst something like Bohemian Rhapsody was much more of an easy watch (which just goes to show how glossed over Freddie Mercury’s life was in the film), the way the story was told, by the time we got to I’m Still Standing that happy ending felt so earned.
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Aladdin (Guy Ritchie, 2019)
You can hate all you want, Prince Ali and Never Had a Friend Like Me are fucking bops and somehow they were even better in this incarnation of the film. I was initially hesitant about Will Smith being cast but rather than trying to impersonate Robin Williams he went his own route and it really worked. He was the highlight of the film. It was undeniably visually stunning too. Madonna’s ex did good.
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Us (Jordan Peele, 2019)
Ah, I feel so conflicted when it comes to Us. Like, there were some really strong points and it’s definitely a good standalone horror movie. It’s just you can’t help but compare it to Get Out, and with that unsatisfactory exposition dump ending, I left feeling so disappointed. It seemed to me that Jordan Peele got in a bit over his head here with trying to tie such a vague social metaphor and the actual in-universe plot together, and so ended up leaving both a bit half-baked. He tried to OutPeele himself and for me, it didn’t work. 
The doppelgängers were so scary as this ambiguous, vaguely threatening presence that if you are gonna give us a full blown, sit down explanation of why they exist it needs to be really bloody good. And this explanation didn’t make much sense. For example, *SPOILERS AHEAD* I imagine that the tethered just not being able to walk up the escalator into the “real world” was supposed to be some kind of metaphor for social mobility but it’s not fleshed out enough to work. In our world, there are REASONS why the idea of social mobility is flawed. In the film, it’s just like gee, if they chose to just walk up the escalator and go on this murderous rampage now, why couldn't they have decided to do it years ago back before they all lost their fucking minds? Why were they just copying the originals for all those years? HOW did they know what they were doing? See, the metaphor as I understand it is supposed to be that we depend on the oppression of others like us in order to maintain our social status, but not only is this kind of too general a statement to try and use a feature length film to make, I don’t really understand how this dynamic works within the narrative of the film. Technically, there's nothing to stop the tethered and the originals co-existing apart from the tethered deciding not to walk up the fucking escalator. We’re not talking a bourgeoisie-proletariat relationship here. The explanation of it all just being a “government project gone wrong” was too vague seeing as the plot working seemed prior to this to hinge onto something vaguely supernatural and the eventual plan of the doppelgängers seemingly had no purpose or application to the real world like the climax of Get Out did. It just left me feeling kind of like...why? Why did this all happen? When the ending and the twist was that predictable (the old Pretty Little Liars finale style twin switcheroo was blatantly obvious from the mother’s “it’s like she’s a different person” line near the beginning, let’s be real), I was expecting some final revelation that flipped my expectation on its head or at least felt helped things click into place. Instead, it seemed a bit hamfisted and like I was supposed to feel things were deeper and more significant than they actually were.
All that being said, I appreciate that if anyone other than the writer of Get Out had come out with this movie, I probably wouldn’t have these issues. Us was funny, it was fresh, and the concept of doppelgängers is something I’m so glad to see brought back into our modern pop culture database. The people are right, Lupita was incredible in this and it is a travesty that she didn’t get nominated. My sister, who was so creeped out by her vocal performance that she had her fingers in her ears every time Red spoke, still won’t let me attempt an impression of it. And that Fuck the Police sequence? Iconic. 
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On the Basis of Sex (Mimi Leder, 2019)
I apologise in advance for the shittiest “review” I’ll ever write, but honestly I can’t remember all too much about this film other than it being good. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I’m sorry. You’re a cool lady.
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If Beale Street Could Talk (Barry Jenkins, 2019)
EURGH, THIS WAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL FIM. The score, the shots, the rawness. I imagine it’s devastatingly real. Like, *SPOILERS AHEAD* you think there’s going to be a happy ending but there’s not. It should be disappointing but it’s an honest choice. And side note: fuck those annoying middle aged white ladies in the seats behind me and my friend who lost their shit and started giggling every time the N-word was used, JFC. I hate living in a Tory stronghold. 
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Cam (Daniel Goldhaber, 2018)
So, as I said, I’m a fan of the whole doppelgänger thing. It freaks me out. The point in this film where the protagonist is approaching her bedroom door whilst she watches HERSELF livestreaming from inside that same bedroom had my heart in my mouth wondering what she was going to encounter on the other side. And you see, the ending of this was a lot more ambiguous than the ending of Us, so I should’ve had less questions. Whilst I’ve seen other people saying it WAS unsatisfactory and that they felt like we were owed more of an explanation, I liked the simplicity of the answer we got and the wiggle room it leaves for our own interpretation. The way I see it, given that we were told by the fan the protagonist meets with in the motel room that *SPOILERS AHEAD* it was a case of some kind of software copying these women’s likenesses to steal their viewers and thus their profits, is that Cam is a kind of a commentary on the capitalist exploitation of women’s bodies and the demand for (and desensitisation towards) sexually violent content; we don't necessarily need to know who is behind the virtual cloning, which is terrifyingly believable given how realistic some of the deepfakes I’ve seen are, because it doesn’t matter. We're basically told money is the motive and we know the kind of lengths some people will go, and someone DID go to in Cam, to in order to make a shitload of money and that’s as true in real life as it is scary. On the other hand, if you want to believe there’s a more supernatural presence behind the events of the film, there’s enough left to the imagination that you can go down that route too. Some films are better left un-exposition dumped and this is the proof. My one criticism, is that, like many films, it would be even better if directed by a woman; I’ve seen people say that its portrayal of online sex work isn’t entirely accurate and though I can’t say with certainty that women working in this industry weren’t consulted in the first place, I imagine a female director would not only be more likely to listen to their concerns but could translate the confusion and fear that comes with being expected to makes oneself sexually desirable to get ahead in the world but then shamed and used for doing so even more viscerally. A few tweaks and it’d be God Tier.
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Colette (Wash Westmoreland, 2019)
The costumes, sets, and Keira were so, so stunning. Also it was just an inspiring, beautiful story. The navigation of womanhood, so called “deviant” sexuality and self-expression against the backdrop of early 20th century Paris with a load of Edwardian era tailoring thrown in, it’s everything I could possibly want and more; 10/10 moodboard content. 
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The Boy (William Brent Bell, 2016)
I can’t believe this film was made in 2016, and it almost makes me move it down to mid tier based on the fact that a lot of the allowances I made for cheese factor I made on the assumption it came out earlier in the decade. BUT, that being said, I was creeped out for a good portion of this film. Most horrors I watch and I’m probably a bit too chilled (a head comes off or some witchy ass ghost screams into the camera and my only thought is some kind of judgement of the SFX), and yet I felt like watching this behind my hands. I don’t know what it is about dolls and puppets, Chucky was my childhood fear even though I never actually watched the film, but something about the uncanny valley of it all makes me just spend the whole time they’re on screen silently praying they don’t start moving or talking. So in a way, given the resolution of the film *SPOILERS AHEAD*, the premise of The Boy was actually a lot scarier to me than the reveal of what was really going on. Someone hiding in my walls? NBD. That demons are real and that they live inside creepy old dolls? Terrifying. Why does everybody I debate this with disagree!? You can't call the police on a demon! At least with a human being you can stick them with the pointy ending of something! Regardless, I enjoyed the journey and trying to work out how things would end and if there IS anybody secretly living inside my house right now, even if you are a supposedly dead murderous family member (last time I checked I didn’t have any of those so I should be all good), kindly vacate. Thanks.
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Oprhan (Jaume Collet-Serra, 2009)
So the fact that this film is based on a real life case makes this all the more terrifying. It was a bit campy and tacky at times but the shot of *SPOILERS AHEAD* Esther taking off her makeup in the mirror and revealing her true age will always be iconic. Plus I love Vera Farmiga, even though I did struggle to see her as anyone other than Norma Bates. 
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First Reformed (Paul Schrader, 2018)
A hauntingly beautiful film with a lot of room for interpretation. There were so many gorgeous shots and so much subtext, this is proper 10/10 media studies essay material.
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The Invitation (Karyn Kusama, 2015)
I would say the concept and implications of this film, which don’t fully hit you til the final shots, are a lot better than the film itself. It feels very realistic though and is definitely tense.
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As Above, So Below (John Erick Dowdle, 2014)
I was so stoned when I watched this that a lot of the allegory and Dante’s inferno references went straight over my head, and it just seemed absolutely balls to the wall wild. I couldn’t buy that the characters would just KEEP GOING either when things began to get terrifying, like people in horror films really out here making the most nonsensical decisions and it drives me mad. But anyway, it was definitely entertaining and there’s a lot more to it in terms of plot and mythology than most similar quality horrors and I appreciate that 
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Climax (Gaspar Noe, 2018)
Climax is an interesting one that I think I’ll have to watch again to judge how much I truly like it. As with Us, I know it’s a good film, but I think my expectations of what it was going to be left me slightly disappointed. See, when I read about the premise I assumed that the horror was going to come from seeing the perspective of the characters on said acid trip and that leaves so much room for any kind of terrifying visuals you want whether that be something based in realism or fucked up creatures of the imagination. Buuuuut, it wasn’t that at all; at no point does Climax take place from the first person perspective of any of the characters. Similar to Darren Aronofsky’s Mother, the horror comes from not being able to do anything but watch as everyone starts losing their minds and the situation gets increasingly more dire. It’s pure stress; the acting is so unnervingly good that you really do feel like you’re watching some unintentionally horrific incident take place. That’s not a bad thing-I like it when films make me feel something intense, whether that emotion be positive or negative. It was just a different viewing experience to the one I had precipitated. 
Mid Tier
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Nativity (Debbie Isitt, 2009)
I find Mr.Poppy hilarious. Does that make me a child? Probably. I’m not really one for Christmas movies but this one’s alright.
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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (André Øvredal, 2019)
I get that it’s based off a book so it’s not exactly like the “monsters” were a secret in the first place, but for those of us who didn’t read the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books as a kid, my main beef with this film was that they basically revealed all of said monsters in the trailer. Like how It: Chapter 2 spoiled the scene with Beverly in the old lady’s apartment but with EVERY. SINGLE. CREATURE. The only one that wasn’t was the “jangly man” and the only takeaway I have from him is the “jangly in the streets, but is he jangly in the sheets?” Letterboxd comment I read afterwards. Like the creature designs are the selling point of this film and by showing us them all before we’ve even seen it, any anticipation that would’ve built up from their reveal was kind of gone. Plus, it definitely felt like the writers were trying to ride on the hype train of “It” when they wrote this-only they made it even more childish. I mean, I know it was classed as PG-13 in the US which is maybe part of the reason it was so tame but the Woman in Black was a 12 when it was released here and it could be the bias of my 13 year old brain but I remember that being terrifying to watch in the cinema.
Also, I found it weird how *SPOILERS AHEAD* a couple of the main characters died and there didn’t really seem to be any consequences? Idk, maybe that’s because I found them all a bit one dimensional but I’ve seen others make the same criticism so I don’t think so. 
Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t a BAD film. It just wasn’t super good.
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Charlie’s Angels (Elizabeth Banks, 2019)
I’ve never seen the 2000s Charlie’s Angels so I really don’t have anything to compare to, but I don’t think this was THAT bad. I was fairly entertained throughout and I enjoyed Naomi Scott and Kristen Stewart’s characters. My main issue was the unnecessary inclusion of Noah Centineo, and that weird ass montage at the beginning of stock video shots of girls just...doing miscellaneous things. Why, Elizabeth Banks, why!?
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Toy Story 4 (Josh Cooley, 2019)
In some ways, I see why Toy Story 4 was narratively necessary: co-dependency had been a running theme throughout and we needed to see Woody (I feel stupid saying this considering he’s a fucking toy but allow it) realise that he can exist independently of Andy, and that there’s more to life than pleasing somebody else. The way Toy Story 4 ended felt like a satisfying conclusion to his character arc, and as well as the animation being top tier, Forky was a hilarious addition to the cast. However, I don’t think it carried the emotional weight of the 3rd Toy Story, which I think people had accepted as the last instalment and had used to say goodbye to the franchise, and therefore the sceptic in me thinks that the obvious purpose of this addition was a cash grab. I don’t doubt that a lot of people worked incredibly hard on it-I’m just saying that the propelling force behind the film probably wasn’t “the people need to see Woody’s character growth” and that was quite apparent throughout.
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Doctor Sleep (Mike Flanagan, 2019)
There were some really beautiful scenes in Doctor Sleep; the astral projection sequences in particular were magnificent and I loved Rebecca Ferguson as the villain. Stylistically, though I didn’t find out he was the director until I was writing this up, you can definitely tell it’s Mike Flanagan, and like I’ve said, he does horror very tastefully. Unfortunately, I just wasn’t all that interested in the premise and I wasn’t hugely invested in grown up Danny Torrance either. The execution was great and the return to the Overlook was brilliant, of course, but the story just wasn’t for me and nothing much sticks out as being a particularly intriguing plot point.
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Mary Queen of Scots (Josie Rourke, 2019)
What to say about Mary Queen of Scots other than...yeah, it was alright. I mean, I really should’ve liked it more than I did, because these specific events were part of the Edexcel A-Level history curriculum (Can I get some Rebellion and Disorder Under the Tudors students representation up in here!?) and I usually love seeing history translated onto screen, plus it centred around Margot Robbie and Saoirse Ronan. It was just very...meh. I feel like there’s so much more complex a story here than was told. Both women were undoubtedly a lot more complicated than this film made them out to be and I think to reduce Mary Queen of Scots to a Mary Sue-ish heroine was a disappointing choice. Plus, if we’re gonna talk historical accuracy (which all the racists came out of their caves to discuss at the time), Mary and Elizabeth never actually met; I’m sure there was a more creative way to explore their dynamic than by forcing an interaction that never actually happened.
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Apostle (Gareth Evans, 2018)
There were elements of this film I really liked; the mythology behind the cult, I.E what the townsfolk actually worshipped when you stripped away all the secrecy was pretty interesting. However, I felt it depended too much on atmosphere and not enough on plot, and I didn’t warm to any of the characters.
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Searching (Aneesh Chaganty, 2018)
It’s difficult because technically, Searching is obviously an ingenious film. My issue is the way it ended, which was imo, super anti-climatic, and honestly pretty predictable in that it seemed like the writers just went out of their way *SPOILERS AHEAD* to make the culprit the person viewers would’ve ruled out by default for shock value, and then work out WHY that person was the culprit from there. I was expecting something a lot darker to be behind the protagonist’s daughter’s disappearance-irl, these situations usually are-and so maybe it’s just me being a bit of a sadist but I was disappointed by how things resolved themselves.
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Deliver Us from Evil (Scott Derrickson, 2014)
So, this isn’t boring. It’s interesting to have a horror navigated through the lens of something as procedural as a police investigation. But ultimately, the acting isn’t great, there’s very few scary moments, and it’s a little cheesy. As horrors go, it’s pretty shallow-it is what it says on the tin.
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Dumplin’ (Anne Fletcher, 2018)
I watched this right at the beginning of the year and I can’t remember all too much about it, but I remember not hating it? See, looking at the cast, Odeya Rush and Dove Cameron are both in it which would suggest I’d come away hating MYSELF instead but yeah...I got nothing. 
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Lights Out (David F.Sandberg, 2016)
The concept is very scary, the execution not so much, and the actual storyline is a little cheesy. I found myself just being like OH MY GOD, IT’S BELLA’S DAD FROM TWILIGHT! And then *SPOILERS AHEAD* getting mad that they did Charlie Swan dirty like that by killing him off in the first 10/15 minutes.
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The Goldfinch (John Crowley, 2019)
So I LOVED the book of The Goldfinch. I read it after the Secret History and even though most people seem to prefer the latter, the former hit me right in the sweet spot. The length was almost one of my favourite things about it; I felt by the end that I came to know the character so well he felt like someone I knew in real life. When I heard Ansel Elgort was cast as Theo, I was really happy; I’m not necessarily a huge fan of him as an actor, I've only ever seen him in shitty teen-y dramas which I forced myself to like at the time E.G. The Fault in Our Stars and Divergent, but he looks kind of exactly how I pictured Theo looking. Almost like an Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood situation. And then honestly, the actual film came around, and I found myself much preferring the young Theo sections. I get that Theo is quite a muted character and I hate to properly slate anyone’s performance, but Ansel as him felt a bit flat. The casting in general was pretty whack; I love Nicole Kidman but she didn’t feel right as Mrs.Barbour and it seemed that they added a lot to her character to the detriment of Hobie’s character who was a much bigger part of Theo’s life in the book. Also, can we talk about Finn Wolfhard as Boris? I’m sorry, but that accent was godawful. Really bad. Boris’ accent was always supposed to be kind of ambiguous but this was just butchered Russian. Another gripe that my friend and I, who also read the book, had with the Vegas section of the film (which was otherwise probably the best part) was that they never properly explored the complexity of Boris and Theo’s relationship. Obviously I’m not saying that I want 2 minors to shoot a sex scene but it could have been referenced when they reunite as adults because the kiss on the head when they part in Vegas seemed misleadingly platonic. It was heavily implied in the book that there was some kind of love that went beyond friendship between the two and I didn’t get that in the film at all. 
Ultimately, when you try and adapt a book as long as the Goldfinch, you’re always going to have some pacing issues and people complaining that things were left out or that X or Y character didn’t have enough screen time. But in ways, I think the fault here was trying to stay TOO faithful in the limited time available. They definitely could have focussed less on certain relationships and more on others, and when it comes down to it, I think we lost a lot of the grittiness of the original book for the sake of pretty visuals. 
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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Quentin Tarantino, 2019)
Don’t get me wrong, this would 100% be in shit tier if it wasn’t for the last hour or so of the film and all the Manson lore which is so disappointing because I love Tarantino films and I love that era. As for the first couple of hours, I loved the vibe and I love Margot Robbie, and I think it was very respectful towards the Tate family (if anything radiated through the screen more than anything else it was Sharon Tate’s sweetness), but I just wasn’t that invested in Leo or Brad’s characters-it all just felt a bit pointless. I really like Brad Pitt and even that couldn’t really save it for me. Maybe if you took away the remaining 2 hours and 20 minutes of Leo DiCaprio making vague allusions to his own career to a girl only slightly younger than the combined age of all girlfriends past I’d enjoy it more but then I don’t think there’d be much footage left. I guess we should just be grateful that Tarantino managed to refrain from unnecessarily sprinkling the N-word into every other line of his script this time, right?
But then again, this did result in Brad publicly mocking Tarantino’s foot fetish during his speech at the SAG awards so...I’ll allow it. Sometimes kink shaming is okay. Especially when it’s this guy:
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Isn’t it Romantic (Todd Strauss-Schulson, 2019)
I guess as romantic comedies go it wasn’t AWFUL because it was self-aware but still just not my cup of tea and it didn’t really make me laugh. Plus, I feel like it did just follow the plot of a conventional rom-com in the end so...what was it all for, you know?
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Green Room (Jeremy Saulnier, 2016)
I think my disappointment with this film was a case of too high expectations. It wasn’t as gory as I hoped, in fact, there was very little on screen gore at all. I was just expecting something very messed up and I didn’t get that. But then again we did get Maeby from Arrested Development singing a fuck Nazis song so I guess that was a nice surprise?
Shit Tier
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Birdbox (Susanne Bier, 2018)
First the disappointment of the Goldfinch, and now Birdbox (although they were chronologically the other way round but for the sake of this review, let’s just ignore that). It really is a bad year for bird films. 
It’s weird because when this first came out I remember everyone hyping it up and making memes about it and stuff and then I actually watched it and dear god, it was boring. Honestly, who paid you lot to pretend you cared enough about it enough to make content? And where can I get in on this action?
I mean it didn’t start off terribly but then they killed off SARAH FUCKING PAULSON and somehow managed to make SANDRA FUCKING BULLOCK unlikeable. How does one do that? The mind baffles.
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Pet Sematary (Kevin Kolsch & Dennis Widmyer, 2019)
The kid acting was bad, the leads were meh and there wasn’t one creepy moment. This should be SO MUCH MORE hard hitting than it actually was given the subject matter and it just fell completely flat. I will say, though, *SPOILERS AHEAD* that the ending was appropriately doom and gloom and even though I’ve seen lots of others say they hate it it was probably the only thing I actually liked.
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The Lion King (Jon Favreau, 2019)
Seth Rogen and Billie Eichner were the only good things about this which is sad because I fucking love Donald Glover and I was so excited when he was cast as Simba. Like, it was pretty but empty and unnecessary and I’m not one of these people who think CGI remakes always have to be this way-I loved Dumbo and I liked the live-action Jungle Book too! I just think the people who made this cared too much about good CGI and realism and less about heart. There was no personality whatsoever and it’s such a waste when you think about the fact that they had Donald and Beyonce on board. 
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Red Sparrow (Francis Lawrence, 2018)
Eurgh, I hated this. I think Jennifer Lawrence is stunning and I usually love her films but every shot of her in this felt so male-gaze oriented, even the ones which were sexually violent, which I found to be completely unnecessary in the first place. At times it felt almost torture-porn-y which was not what I expected at all seeing as the marketing made it seem like some kind of female empowerment movie.
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It Comes at Night (Trey Edward Shults, 2017)
I literally can’t remember fucking anything from this film. Clearly there is a very, very fine line between atmospheric and boring.
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Warm Bodies (Jonathan Levine, 2013)
Maybe it’s because I watched this about 6 years too late and the whole human-girl-falls-in-love-with-supernatural-creature hype train has long since left the station but I couldn’t even finish it. Cutesy necrophilia ain’t for me, sorry Nicholas Hoult. Still love ya. You’ll always be Tony Stonem to me xoxo
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Million Dollar Baby (Clint Eastwood, 2005)
I’m pretty sure this movie won a lot of awards so I’m sure this is a very unpopular opinion but the way this film ended was so...depressing. SO depressing. Did it have to be THAT depressing? The Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode outsold.
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This is the range Oscar winning actress Hilary Swank wishes she had.
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Would You Rather (David Guy Levy, 2013)
Started off well but became cheesy and predictable as it went on. The acting wasn’t great either plus there was another unnecessary attempted rape scene here too. 
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Christmas with the Kranks (Joe Roth, 2004)
So I watched this movie in the run up to Christmas because my best friend and her mum were referencing it like it was this cult classic (which I guess for some reason it is?) and I’m sorry to her and her mum but what the hell is this shit?! It’s not even so bad it’s good. It’s just bad.
The plot, the characters, EVERYTHING, it’s ridiculous on every level. I wasn’t into it enough to suspend my disbelief that anyone’s neighbours would actually care THAT much that they weren’t celebrating Christmas. Go on your damn cruise, take me with you whilst you're at it, ease my seasonal depression! I wouldn’t mind so much if it was funny or if the protagonists were likeable but it wasn’t and they’re not. Nobody’s actions made any sense. It didn’t put me in the Christmas spirit at all it just made me angry that Jamie Lee Curtis’ agent made her do this shit. She’s a scream queen goddess and she deserves better.
I’m now realising that I should have started on shit tier and worked my way up to god tier because now this post has ended on the rather sour note of me getting worked up over Christmas with the Kranks, lol. As always, these are just my opinions and I love to hear other people’s; when it comes to something like this, it’s all a matter of preference and there really isn’t a right or wrong answer, so I’m open to discussion!
With the Oscars less than a week away now I rushed a little to get this out on time, so apologies in advance if anything doesn’t make any sense or there’s any typos, I will look back over it at some point over the next couple of days to check. 
But if you read to the end thank you! And stay tuned for my overview of Paris Haute Couture Week S/S 2020 if that’s something you’re interested in as that will most likely be next post!
Lauren x
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bookishbea · 4 years
Black Friday Reaction
Okay so I’ll be live tweeting Black Friday but none of it will have any sense to it but it’ll just be my reactions
1. The Paul thing is really bothering me
2. I really love the mention of the other characters
3. If Jane is mention is the story about the mom mentioned some more
4. Is the delivery man ted (cause he’s also a sleazeball
5. It’s weird seeing Cory not play a pure bean
6. I love California MIA
7. The little sister (Im sorry I’m bad at names) I self project as autistic and she something else idk
8. Did anyone else noticed Robert’s Australian accent come out?
9. Like I said this is out of order so yeah but I personally think the second song in the show was very shocking as I’m not used to very serious starkid songs
10. When Robert gestures smoking i think its lowkey a refrence to the smoke club
11. I have a crush on lex
12. I love Lauren’s charecter so much
13. I love the name linda becuase it could be like a karen without using that name
14. Not to get poltical but i choose to belive they made an antivax joke
15. Also the marvel nerd in me loves the name becky barnes
16. I know its probaly not on purpose but joeys charecters costume in line looks like the homeless guy’s one
17. Jaimey is great as always
18. The conversation is so cringe i love it
19. I kinda hope torture porn is a fanfic refrence (i know most people would want me to say spies are forever but nope)
20. I love Lauren but shouldnt her accent be included when she sings
21. I love Jeff’s reaction
22. I may get some hate for this but what was bothering me in tgwdlm and i notice in starkid is lack of fan comments in the captions
23. As a theatre fan i love the toy zone song (i am not sure if thats the right name) espcially the do wop becuase it reminds me of older musicals
24. Also since i watched tgwdlm and black friday a day apart its weird to come from songs happening because they are infected to songs happening cause its a musical
25. i love the love the line we are not relaibly to anyone who dies becuase they clearly show in the trailer that someone will die (this is not a spoiler if you watch the trailer for Black Friday)
26. I love Corey but when he dances i notice a bulge (i am not a perv he makes it very obvious)
27. So i rewinded it to make sure i wanst going crazy and realized something as lex says the pepper spray line. She would be good as janis ian
28. I love the touch money part its so cute even if its not supposed to be
29. Jaime plays a perv really well
30. I love Jon’s charecter its hilarious
31. Also i love jon and lauren interactions so it was cool seeing them together not as paul and emma
32. I love seeing more of Jon because although hes reaally good at playing paul paul doesnt have any flavor and its cool seeing jon do something diffrent
33. Jeff’s fuck you
34. Okay I was right it was the homeless guy and i bet the money is paul’s money
35. And this is not a sterotpye as i am jewish myself but i bet Laurens charecter is jewish
36. Its sad that the price thing is true
37. So i am a theatre fan and do not watch got but that music kinda reminds me of got
38. Cant tell if jeff’s charecter is gay and a perv or just a perv (i realzie this could be mmisinterpreted as homophobic i just mean to say that jamie’s charecter just seems like a full out perv where as i cant tell with jeff’s)
39. Obviously you shouldnt be that insane but i do like the lines about how you are in charge of life and dont care about what others think. its goood life advice
39. Looks like Paul’s boss got his wish
40. They are all idiots for holding up the doll when everyone wants to get it
41. Corey’s charecter is like shit, money isnt that imporant
42. Becky why are you a part of this you have moral high ground (yes i am ignorning the fact that cast usually join in dance numbers even if their charecter isnt a part of it)
43. Shouldnt tom get ptsd (see above)
44. Lex you already have one (see above)
45. So i may be overthinking things but how curt says never should settle is in the tune of spies are forever
46. Is it just me or did anyone else notice when the security guard comes in the tune of show me your hands comes in
47. I dont know why but i do love soft bullies because hes like hey im punching you but only for the kid
48. Some may say its schizo or something hannah has but its anxiery or something from how shes expressing it
49. I feel like hannah has a superpower and can tell whats happening
50. Maybe webby is actually wiggly
51. Baby (both hannah and robert)
52. Please tell me my babies not dead
53. Jon’s eee is adorable and silly
54. Wait hes alive
55. Wait no hes dead, im sad liek starkid is supposed to be fun and happy this is the darkest star kid yet. Even oregon deaths were silly
56. I love starkid but this is making me anxious i cant tell if its good anxious or bad anxious
57. Also i relate to the black and white thing not fully but liek whenever i dont feel well sometimes my brain is overstimulating but only in my head its very hard to explain 
58. Also i think sometimes kids on the spectrum and im not an expert but i do have it kind of make a friend in their head and i do that too sometimes just to give me advice
59. Also i hope they dont get rid of the black and white as sometimes people go more crazy without the figurative voice in their head
60. Like i said this is going to be random order so i like that emma adopted paul;s Okay and no im not making a tfios refrence
61. Poor Tim
62. Poor becky but even less
63. i thought they were supposed to be mad at g-d but in this and tgwdlm they like g-d
64. I cant tell the other pins on joey’s jacket but the first two i notice are mr wiggly and paul
65. I love Lauren’s acting you can see the very sublte sadness in her
66. Lauren and Joey together ahhhh
67. I know its probaly not a big deal but they should give a seziure warning before the tv scene
68. Did they reuse curts spies are forever outfit
69. Really starkid the obama refrence seriously, i cant tell if im mad or laughing 
70. How did Bob get one
71. I do realize they are talking irl but i cant help but wonder if the nazis were a spies are forever refrence
72. Does wiggly have a special power or something 
73. I think its similar to the metero the closer you are the more power it has over you
74. The starkid special effects we all know and love
75. Also is that mcnamara
76. Also maybe shooting it (the doll) does the same thing that shooting the affceted does. Give them no power
77. I cant tell what the music reminds me of exactly but the tune does kinda refrence a diffrent star kid song
78. Jeff looks so proud of himself for the peeps line
79. I love the purposeful i presume reuse of lines
80. Is peip like men in black
81. Also hatchetfield kind of reminds me of night vale
82. Is the black and white like the upside down?
83. I wonder if the point was purposeful since someone was filming or just choreographed
84. Yes Jon Singing!!!!!
85. I love the act two opener
86. Did his parents really name him christmas?!?
87. Oh hes literally related to santa
88. I love lauren and joey as eleves
89. Noel another christmas name
90. Isnt the little dance move like a genie move or something
91. Its so cute that she insitincitvely went to their seats
92. Also carving is goals
93. Even though its a penis its still goals
94. I know what you are, say it, santa clause
95. Tom dont yell at your girl
96. Poor Tom
97. But also dont make this about you
98. They probaly werent the head of the school since they were nice, i am sorry but thats true
99. Yass girl fight his ass
100. Also the theatre kid in me is picturing all that jazz
101. he ran into my knife he ran into my knife ten times
102. Yes Becky’s husband (i forget the name sue me) is bad but i feel like becky is more sinister then we realize
103. Becky’s line even if it isnt meant to be is so funny
104. The girl who plays Becky could play Barbara
105. I love how Joey and Lauren look into the camera
106. Jamie saying santa awww such a pure bean
107. The person in the wiggly onsie is goals
108. Matrix glasses for the win
109. Is wilbur a refrence to Charelots Web?
110. Its a cult a cult of wiggly
111. I feel like Sherman young is around 30-40
112. I love how its mommy to sound less pervy
113. Oh wait never mind Linda is mom
114. Shit thats fucked up they killed him
115. I am right a jew no non jew says mensch
116. To quote jared klienman kinky (shoe kiss scene)
117. Also i love this song the adore song
118. Why does them picking up Lauren give me Draco vibes
119. Wait he isnt dead?? im so confused
120. Wait he is dead???
121. Also ethan is creepy now
122. But Roberts expressions are goals
123. Robert your proffesor hidgens is showing
124. What the how does he know her name
125. Savage Wiggly
126. Wiggly is more funny than scary
127. But my poor baby dont be scared
128. What the fuck tom
129. Also poor baby number two
130. At first you think becky is made about him hurting a child but no its about the doll
131. What the fuck Becky
132. Also I wonder if thats the same serum that Hidgens used
133. Tom yelling at the audince is hilarious
134. Also Becky singing is giving me little shop vibes
135. Becky are you drunk or something you so stupid
136. But yayy my baby doesnt get hurt
137. More starkid special effects
138. Also the lighting nod to tgwdlm
139. Also why did they take my baby (see i told you random)
140. So the perv is wiggly
141. Also if he can appear in regular formation on earth why does he need to be the doll
142. Oh wait never mind he explains it
143. Joey talking to the audience and making them hold the apple is goals
144. I love Joey’s song
145. MIA = Missing in Action = Made in America
146. Wait im wrong Joey cant be Wiggly unless he has super powers he cant be in two places at once
147. I know they dont mean sex but still wtf
148. Lauren looks so done i cant
149. Seziure warning after mr presidnet leaves the black and white
150. Unless it was purposeful they should have hidden the dolls better backstage
151. Wait didnt hannah say something about two doors earlier?
152. Seriously Sherman ponies
153. I love the going back line
154. My poor baby lex
155. No Lex dont die not you too
156. Haha throwback to tgwdlm
157. Yes baby you got the gun
158. Also die perv die
159. Eagle screeching is goals
160. Yes lex use that logic
161. Also it makes sense only the adults can be brainwashed
162. There were only adults no children, scary (not sarcastic i promise)
163. Seriously starkid Fortnight
164. Thats why you should never fully grow up
165. Woah what Lex says is deep
166. Yessss Tom
167. Wait Tom dont hold the gun
168. Wait is Charolette alive or just a reuse of costume, if so why would they have jaimie wear it
169. No dont take her magic hat
170. Haha stupid hats cant be magic only dolls obviously
171. Does lauren say something like fucking knife in another show too?
172. Lauren screaming gives me my father will hear about this vibes
173. Also give my baby her hat back
174. Yass Lauren get it girl (i do realize shes playing the villian but still)
175. Yass Robert get it
176. Even though shes a viilain i dont like seeing Lauren get killed
177. But also how did they get the bullet wound on her so quick im impressed
178. Haha the way Gary stops everything to talk to gerald is goals
179. Like hes like oh shit money
180. And then hes like oh wait i have to pretend to care
181. I love how exagerated their dying is
182. Thats an impressive quick change
183. Yess Emma Hidgens
184. But also no hell fuck up again
185. Also Paul interupting is goals
186. Haha hannah you go girl
187. First off I love the song
188. Song off Hannah’s voice
189. Is paul scared normal or because of the hive
190. Wait all the tgwdlm charecters are back like nothing happened im confused
191. Haha the Hatchfield band is back
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aftermoviethings · 5 years
My thoughts on the After movie.
Warning, this post contains spoilers.
So like many of you I was very excited when they announced, that they were making a movie based off the After book. Although I wasn't 100% happy with the casting, the movie convinced me with every person that was casted.
Like Inanna as Molly, Khadijha as Steph everyone did a great job on portraying the characters.
The chemistry between the two main characters Hardin and Tessa was amazing. It wasn't awkward or cringe to watch these two fall in love. They were very cute. Jo has done a phenomenal job on playing Tessa. Her acting was spot on, she was 1000% Tessa. Unbelievable.
I know people always say, that you can't/shouldn't compare a movie to the book. That's right, because in this case you can't fit every single detail in a 1h 46 min. long movie. It is impossible.
Anna said from the beginning, that they had to change a few things in order to focus more on the love story of Hardin and Tessa. And that was done. The whole movie was concentrating on their love story.
Tessa is like the Tessa we know from the books. A good girl, doing what her mother says (to a certain point in the movie) is good in school and has good grades. Her behaviour around Hardin and his friends was exactly portrayed like from the book. Very good. I really liked that.
Hardin on the other side has undergone some changes. Throughout the trailers and teasers we could see, that he was a lot more softer and calmer than we know him from the books. Which is kinda good, I mean at some points in the books he was too aggressive or too moody. Idk.
But they toned him down too much. Like that wasn't Hardin from the books at all.
Due to the pg13 rating, swearing wasn't allowed. Which for me is such a big part. That's Hardin. It's okay if he is not as aggressive as in the book, but let him swear at some points. It just fits with his character.
Another thing that annoyed me was, that the movie was very rushed. They were so many scenes. But then the scenes were so short and sometimes really unnecessary. Like at the beginning, where Tessa is sitting in the cafe a studying. Hardin, Molly and Zed come in and order something. Tessa and Hardin look at each other for a little bit and that's the scene. That's wasted time for me. I hoped, that there would be more scenes at the beginning where they would talk, simply just getting to know each other. The frat party was like the third time they had seen each other. The first two times were very short and they didn't speak that much. How can you already feel so much for someone if you don't know them. And for us, as the audience it was like I blinked and they were already almost kissing. For me that was too rushed. I get it, they don't have that much time to develop their story but they could've made some changes to make that happen.
Also I feel like some of the scenes,that we have seen in the trailer or teasers were missing in the movie.
Just a side note.
What also bothered me is that Zed had such a small role in the movie. I know the movie is focusing on Tessa and Hardins love story but for those who have read the books, you know that Zed has a big part in Tessas life. If you could say that. Well movie Zed had what, 3 lines? Not more. He seemed very unnecessary. I mean Jace had a bigger part in the movie than Zed. Even a bigger part than Karen and Ken.
I was sad that we didn't see them much. Only at their wedding.
As we all know, there are a few scenes that aren't in the book, like the library scene or the aquarium scene.
I liked those scenes. They were cute. It was a nice touch.
Overall the love story seemed a little rushed, they were some montages of the two of them which were funny but they could've used that time for them to show us more of their story. To show us the depth of their love and love story.
What was also missing were the erotic scenes if you can say that.
A big part of the book is Tessa discovering her sexuality. The sexual side of a relationship. I thought, because It was a big part of the books it would be a big part of the movie too.
Well it wasn't. I don't know if they cut it out, or if they didn't want to do it from the beginning. But they weren't many hot scenes. For example the lake scene. Where Hardin is pleasuring Tessa. Well that was done in 5 seconds. I didn't realise at first if he was doing what I thought he was doing. Because it wasn't clear. I know it is a pg13 movie, but again I wonder if they knew it from the beginning. Meaning if they wanted it to be that way. Because that's not it. It was poorly done and not really sexy or anything like that.
Also their first time at the wedding wasn't filmed that great. The making out and undressing part was done good. But then they showed they faces for a few seconds and done. Like they could've left that out. To leave it to us, to imagine it or whatever. That aspect overall was really missing.
I hope if they do a second movie, that they will change that.
The movie should've been more mature and in depth. It was too much of a teenage romance movie.
What I disliked the most was the bet. I mean if you can even call it like that.
We all know, that in the books Hardin makes a bet on taking Tessas virginity. We know its cruel,m but we have read it. It isn't as shocking if it would've happened in the movie.
They changed the freaking bet. At the frat party when they were playing truth or dare (when Tessa left) Hardin said that his dare is, to make Tessa fall in love with him and then break up with her. Therefore breaking her heart.
Wtf. That isn't it.
I felt so disappointed. Cheated.
It seemed like Anna was ashamed of what she wrote and wanted to make up for it.
Or maybe like I said before, they wanted a pg13 movie from the beginning so they changed a lot of things. So that many more people could watch it and therefore earn more money. At the end it's all about the money.
For me they didn't stay true to the books. I know you can't have everything in a movie, but these big parts like the bet, their character overall the story. It shouldn't be changed.
For me it looked like a different movie. Meaning it had almost nothing to do with the book.
It wasn't the Hessa love story that we fell in love with.
I was, am disappointed. Maybe I had high hopes. But I didn't think, that they would change such important parts which are the "soul of the book".
Ahh what I forgot to say, Hardins nightmares weren't included. But that's something we knew beforehand. What I didn't like at all was when and how Hardin told Tessa what happened to his mother(which he also explained very vaguely). They were at the wedding sitting at a table and everyone was listening to Ken's speech.
I thought that this was the worst way possible how and when he told her. And as he told her idk it didn't seem like it would have a big deal in their story or his life.
It was weirdly done sadly. Another important part not done right in my opinion.
I would rate it a 6/10
So these are my thoughts, if you have seen the movie tell me your thoughts! Or tell me after you see it in the next few days. I am very curious to hear your guys thoughts.
Thanks for reading all of this, excuse me for any mistakes, english is my third language.
Love you. 🥰
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ivycrossing0101010 · 4 years
100 Days to Animal Crossing Challenge!
In the spirit of the countdown to New Leaf (remember when? :’) ), and to help  wile away the days, here’s 100 questions for every day until New Horizons is here! Enjoy!
1. Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name? I always name my villager after myself. I go for the immersion!
2. Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts? I used to reset for layouts, until I started hacking. In New Horizons, I'll just be resetting for fruit!
3. Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite? I would look for guides. Even with hacking, it's easier to just start with the face you want.
4. Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island? My favorite town name that I've seen so far is Lunaire. I don't want to share my town name just yet. It's nothing revolutionary or anything but its personal I guess?
5. Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own? I will be having my own island! My husband will have his own island as well. He says we'll spend most of our time in my island though lol
6. What’s a new feature you’re excited about? T E R R A F O R M
7. Favourite fruit? Peaches!
8. Least favourite fruit? Pears!
9. Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.) My favorite place was the wishing well in ACPG. So cute and sweet. As much as I loved the plaza in ACNL, it's got nothing on the original!
10. Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries? I like to put my house near waterfalls, its relaxing and good for fishing! I could never get my house near the water in older games, so it was a nice change in ACNL.
11. Favourite grass pattern? Personally, I never really notice the grass patterns!
12. Least favourite grass pattern? See #11 :v
13. Favourite villager/s? My fav villagers are Skye and Punchy 💕
14. Least favourite villager/s? I hate Elise the Monkey
15. Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain? I used to find them a pain as a kid but I miss them now. It was so much more engaging!
16. Favourite NPC/s? My fav would have to be KK. He's such a cool dude, he's just full of nostalgia for me.
17. Least favourite NPC/s? I don't really have a least favorite? I guess Katie's mom, her lipstick is tacky imo
18. Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool? With hacking, I use clover paths so they're easier to see on the editor. I can't wait to have real paths, though!
19. Favourite feature from an older entry? The festivities! The neighbors were so much more engaged in ACPG, ACNL is sorta boring in comparison.
20. What was your first Animal Crossing game? My first was ACPG, the gamecube one!
21. Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)? Fishing was always exciting AND relaxing for me
22. Least favourite activity? Fossil hunting, but only because I don't get immediately results and I'm impatient lol
23. Favourite bug? Even though I don't like these irl, snails hehe
24. Least favourite bug? Scorpions and tarantulas, only because I've almost never encountered them in ANY game
25. A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait? Agonizing
26. Favourite fish? It's not actually a fish, but I like the softshell turtle!
27. Least favourite fish? The napoleon fish, that big blue one -.-
28. Favourite fossil? The ammonite!
29. Least favourite fossil? Don't really have one lol
30. Favourite furniture series? I've always liked the flower set you get from Leif and the mush set, so cute!
31. Least favourite furniture series? The holiday specific ones, they're so tacky and boring!
32. Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc) Gamecube for sure
33. Least favourite soundtrack? Honestly, ACNL. Don't dig the steel drum
34. Favourite wallpaper? The ivy wall hehe
35. Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share? I didn't really have too much interaction with the community until recently! I just gained a bunch of followers and it's super flattering lol I want to become more involved!
36. Least favourite wallpaper? Cheese...
37. Favourite carpet? I personally love the old board flooring, so simple and rustic!
38. Least favourite carpet? CHEESE
39. Favourite furniture item? The fairy bottle from the Welcome Amiibo update!
40. Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one? I'm trading in my old switch for the slick new Animal Crossing Switch!
41. Least favourite furniture item? The ultra things that you can get from Redd, so useless!
42. Favourite flower? Carnations!
43. Least favourite flower? Cosmos!
44. Favourite hybrid? Blue roses for sure
45. Least favourite hybrid? Any cosmos
46. Favourite shirt? The denim shirt, long sleeve
47. Favourite dress? I like the raincoat
48. Favourite accessory? Silver frames!
49. Favourite hat/helmet? The keroppi pins
50. Halfway there! How’s the wait going? Pretty numb!
51. Favourite shop? Dream Suite! So much fun visiting towns!
52. Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game? I have all the amiibo cards are all my fav neighbors, and about have of the total amiibo cards that exist. Idk if I'll use them right away and get all my favs or if I'll let my town naturally fill up and then switch folks out yet
53. Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off? Fishing Tourney, I like fishing more
54. Do you like making your own clothing patterns? I used to, but ACPC made me appreciate the already made in game clothes
55. Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of? I don't get much use out of it nowadays but I would always come back from conventions with a full showcase when I was younger
56. Favourite villager species? Cats!
57. Least favourite villager species? Monkeys
58. Favourite nickname from a villager? I don't really remember the nicknames I got
59. Least favourite nickname from a villager? I also always hated them!
60. Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces? Bits and pieces for sure
61. Favourite villager personality? Normal and lazy
62. Least favourite villager personality? Jock
63. Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want? During my first playthrough of ACNL, I didn't. Then I started doing it when I learned about it. Then I started hacking!
64. Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)? ACPC sorta spoiled that stuff for me, they're still very much appreciated though
65. What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons? Spring!! 🌸🌸🌸
66. What’s your favourite season? Spring again hehe
67. Least favourite season? Summer, kinda boring
68. Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most? Ones that are actually engaging with you and the neighbors
69. Which game’s events/holidays do you like least? Days like solstices, which just served as "Isabelle is unavailable" Days
70. Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)? When ACPG came out, I was about 6. I had a DVD with those lame live action commercials and I was ENAMORED with them! Obsessed! I begged my parents for the game and they would hem and haw "well there's a lot of reading... you'll have to get better at reading... we won't always be able to help you read it..." and I swore up and down that I'd learn and practice reading. Obviously, nearly 20 years later, I'm still completely obsessed
71. Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks? I like both but for different reasons. The live versions are nice and nostalgic and the air checks are closer to the aesthetic that they're actually trying to portray
72. An NPC you’d like to see more of? Farley and Serena!
73. An NPC you’d like to see less of? None in particular, everyone is pretty well designed imo
74. If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be? I once saw a cute bento box with pics from the movie, my soul died knowing I may never find it to buy anywhere
75. Only 25 days left to go! How’s the wait? Still numb!
76. Will you be downloading the game, or getting a physical copy? I'm getting a physical copy and my husband is getting a digital, so he can't be tempted to sell it!
77. Do you like coming up with your own town tune/flag, or using what the game gives you/something from a book/tv show/other game, etc? I like doing a sort of japanese "end of school" bell for my town tune, only for the town clock. Idk how I'm gonna do it in this game though...
78. Do you play every day, or every other day/when you feel like it/other? I used to play ACNL everyday, then it got a bit boring. I'm gonna play ACNH literally everyday forever lol
79. Are you the kind of person who starts over after leaving their town for a really long time, or do you try to get right back to it? I tend to restart a lot, but I recently decided to leave my ACNL town with no regrets so I hacked the crap out of it without feeling tacky or cringy
80. Do you remember how you got into the Animal Crossing series? It immediately caught my eye as a 6 year old and its had its grasp on me since
81. Do you like to make up a story for the town/character when you play, or do you just play as yourself? I play as myself but I sorta make a bunch of headcanons for myself and my neighbors and stuff to make it more interesting for me. Sometimes its embarrassing and sometimes I need to tell the people!
82. Favourite dream address / “theme” for a town (pastel, fairytale, forest, horror, etc)? My favorite town has always been Pastelia, although the mayor's name is escaping me atm >m<"
83. Do you like to have your house fully upgraded/paid off, or do you like keeping it smaller/having fewer rooms? I used to fully upgrade my house all the time but my current ACNL house only have 4 rooms and that's IT
84. Favourite hairstyle? The one with the middle split and it goes behind the ears
85. Least favourite hairstyle? The three ponytails, rip ACWW me
86. Favourite hair colour? I go either pink or my natural brown
87. Least favourite hair colour? That bright green...
88. Do you prefer wearing in-game clothes, or custom designs? In game clothes!
89. Favourite hourly track? 2 pm from ACPG
90. Just ten more days! How’re you feeling? Half paid off my new switch, so ready!
91. Least favourite hourly track? I don't think I have one!
92. Do you prefer to know all about the game before designing your town/island/house, or do you like to wing it? Bro, I've been glued to my phone since the direct came out
93.  Another nice Animal Crossing memory? ACNL came out around the time my husband and I started dating, almost exactly at the same time. Now its 8 years later, we're married, and we're gonna play another animal crossing game together finally!
94. Are you excited about same-system multiplayer? Its gonna be great for a lot of people, kinda useless for me though
95. Five more days! Are you going to trade/use amiibo to get your favourite villager, or wait for them to move in themselves/make a new favourite? I think I'll put in my 2 top favs, and then see what comes. Maybe after a few months I'll put everyone in
96.  Favourite emotion/Shrunk joke? I don't really like his jokes, but my fav emotions to use are the bashful ones
97.  Least favourite emotion/Shrunk joke? Not a fan of his dopey dance
98.  Is there a feature you’d like to add to Animal Crossing? I wanna be able to decorate for my neighbors so badly!
99.  Is there a feature you’d take away? It kinda seems like a lot of issues were solved in ACNH, I guess we'll see what's leftover as an annoying feature
100. Final day! Any more thoughts? Midnight release at my local gamestop! Gonna be there with a bunch of DOOM fans too! Can't wait!!
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teamnick · 5 years
Couple Tag Game
I was tagged by @hugunderthestars thx girl 💗
Rules: answer this 20 questions about the couple below and then tag other people
Couple: Incantava
1. When did you start to ship them? okay so this might sound weird, but as I already knew they gonna be the Italian Noorhelm, I shipped them since the very 1st scene they appeared (1x01 and 1x04). I didnt even need to see them in the same frame to do that haha. Thats my attitude towards every Noorhelm, till the show doesnt make them unlikeable *cough* Marles *cough*
2. How much do you ship them 1-10? 100000 would be still a small nr to express this.
3. Why do you ship them? Apart from what I said in the 1st point, I just looove that they bring out the best from each other! S1 fuckboy Edo in S3 just turned into this soft, caring, considerate boyfriend, while Ele, who clearly had issues with getting close to anyone, opened his heart to him, trusted him, and its visible that they are the happiest when they are together. They just radiate this pure soulmate energy.
4. My opinion: I don’t like them / they’re meh / they’re okay / I like them / I love them / I’m obssesed / They own my heart / they’re my otp / I’d sell my left kidney for them / I’d die for them
5. Favorite scene? Ugh kill me now, I cannot choose only 1...jfc....ok I’d say the reunion is my favourite. (I reblogged that gifset like 50 times, what has my life become?!!)
6. Favorite quote? "Ti prometto che non ti faró mai del male.”  That was a beautiful moment. 💗
7. Favorite social media post? the 2 pics that Ele posted abt her and Edo by the river...I literally screamed when I saw those on insta.
8. An underrated moment of them? Haha is there any moment we didnt appreciate enough so far? Hmm...maybe in S1 when they bump into each other in that party...and then Edo looks back at her and he kinda already knows...
9. The most hartbreaking moment? Their scene in the end of 3x09...seeing both of them crying AND that Cigarettes After Sex song just broke my heart into a million pieces.
10. Funniest moment? "Do you like how my feet taste?” is still iconic. 😂
11. The song that reminds you the most of them? Spectrum by Florence + The Machine
12. Favorite change they made from the og? They just made the whole relationship deeper, more mature with all those conversations, which I absolutely adore.
13. Something you wish to see from them? Domestic Incantava!!! Also I wanna see their whole life together, simple as that haha.
14. Favorite moment in s1? Edo interrupting Ele’s singing, then trying his best fuckboyish charm to win her over and realizing that this wont work with Ele. At all. 😂
15. Favorite moment in s2? The lantern scene, omg...amazing, beautifully shot scene. And that Edo look was...wow. Just wow.
16. Favorite moment in s3? The whole sleepover tbh - Ele apologizing + Edo serenading? Excellence.
17. What do you love the most about them? Their big soulmate energy. They just read each other so well, it always blows my mind.
18. What do you miss the most about them? I miss THEM as a whole. 😥 Their softness, their banter, their love, everything.
19. Any headcanons? Chicco Rodi shed some tears in the car after the reunion. That man had a tough year, ok?
20. Random thought about them? I love how powerful they are - everyone that I know from other fandoms and started watching skamit, did it because of them. Either because they saw the trailer, a random gif or just a Gianca pic.
Idk who to tag as I think most of you has done this already...anyway, tagging @soon--soon @eleincanti @savaincantis​  @eleonorasplants @air-bison-yip-yip @nooraiskind @kachoobu @there-will-be--light @pani98 @wolvesandferns
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wahbegan · 5 years
Blah Blah Trailer Things Blah I’m So Weary
All right w/e you’d think i was getting paid for this the way i crank them out even when I have no desire to but fuck it as all the ones before, under a read more so you don’t have to scroll and shit and so that if someone makes a super obvious correction in the first few notes i can change it and nobody will be the wiser tee hee hee I am gonna stick to things that haven’t been confirmed so shit we already know like “There are additional flashbacks to when they were kids, Mike still lives in Derry and has been tryna figure out how to kill It through...tripping, apparently? They meet at Jade of the Orient like in the book,” etc. I won’t touch for the sake of brevity. I also won’t go over things I did in the last one
1. The flood of water in the sewer COULD be right after they actually kill It, in the book they kill It in the early morning, and Its death coincides with a massive storm destroying the town, starting with the sewers flooding and backing up
2. Adrian Mellon, post beating and being thrown off a bridge by homophobes, as Pennywise mockingly offers him help before eating him. This is STRAIGHT out of the book, right down to the silver eyes Pennywise is sporting i’m very excited
3. Bev walking in the rain looking shaken up seems to be her right after having her fight her way out of her abusive boyfriend’s place, we know they’re keeping that intact courtesy of the bruises on her arms in the Mrs Kersh trailer
4. Not sure where Eddie’s standing in this child-to-adult montage, i can only guess that maybe Ben is outside that bar he gets shitfaced in before he goes back to Derry? But that’s a shot in the dark. I know Bill’s standing at the storm drain where Georgie got dragged in, which we saw It taunting him in Georgie form briefly in the last trailer, and Mike due to the area and the police lights on his face, seems to be investigating child murders like he was in the book. It’s what prompts him to call the other Losers. Richie is at the Paul Bunyan statue
5. So yeah the carnival seems to play a bigger role than just the backdrop where Adrian first has trouble with the homophobes like in the book, Bill probably follows a lead there, possibly investigating what happened to Adrian aaaaand finds Pennywise chewing down on some kid right behind a glass he can’t get to him from in a mirror maze, ostensibly just to fuck with him. Brutal and sadistic, i gotta say i love it even though it’s hard to analyze further than that since there isn’t anything even remotely analogous to this in the book. Oh, the little swinging punch clowns are done up like Tim Curry’s Pennywise, that’s a fun easter egg. Also Pennywise’s long tongue on the glass is reminiscent of The Leper’s tongue from the book, probably did that on purpose. 
6. Oh yeah confirmation Bowers is alive and in a mental hospital, and Pennywise is calling him back, apparently via red balloon instead of the moon which BOOOOOO but whatever
7. Since they changed it from the book a bit to revolve more heavily around Neibolt Street, that seems to have more prominence in this half of the movie as well, with lots of shots of them going into it, whereas I don’t think they touch it as adults in the book. I do like the fridge shaking like It’s about to come out of it like It did in the first movie to eat Eddie. Clearly lots of call backs so that’s fun. Actually, you know what? It could be Stan’s severed head with a bunch of balloons in there cause there’s a scene like that involving a (different) fridge in the adult half of the book/miniseries
EDIT: Okay, according to someone on youtube who saw Comic-Con footage, that IS the case damn i’m right once in a while except in this case Stan’s head...the youtube source didn’t say whose head it was but i’m...there’s no way it’s not Stan’s goes on to sprout spider legs and crawl at them a la The Thing so that’s pretty awesome
8. “I’ve seen all of us die” is an interesting line. Now, in the book, fUCKING STAN YOU FUCKING BASTARD ANDRES MUSCHIETTI YOU LITERALLY TOOK EVERYTHING FROM STAN AND GAVE IT TO A DIFF-ahem. Forgive that little outburst. In the book,...SSsss.....hrng. Stanley Uris is the one who seems to have visions or at least a sense of the future, not, Bev, as well as some vaguely defined psychic somethinerother. Obviously, her kidnapping slash Deadlighting slash empty eyes slash floating thing never happens in the book, so once again, no real way of knowing if it’s a Dr. Strange circa Infinity War thing where she saw a possible or a bunch of possible futures or just Pennywise fucking with her to make her feel hopeless thing. I mean obviously we know they don’t all die so i’m just curious about the nature of her vision she had in Its lair. Obviously some of it came to pass, but...i just don’t know if it was a vision from The Turtle or a trick from It, or possibly a little of both. But it’s one of those
9. Oh yeah right that....that’s definitely Stan’s death scene. Not that there was any question, really, but this is solid confirmation he takes a one way ticket out of Clowntown on the Razorblade-in-a-Bathtub Express
10. Oh I forgot to say about the alien-looking spikes i think that’s the blasted-up exploded remains of whatever it landed in just btw
11. Okay so Bill as an adult back in the basement with a screaming ghost Georgie confronting him in a very similar way to when he was a kid, Bev back in the bathroom where she got bullied and it seems like her childhood bathroom? Filling up with blood and...trying to help someone out of the blood lake? Okay.
I have a theory about all this.
I think it’s them interacting with their younger selves. I think.....
I think The Ritual of Chud is going to manifest differently for every single one of them, and it’s basically going to be them going to some mindscape where they go to their kid selves, to their worst and darkest moments, and are either trapped there in despair or have to save their younger selves. Think of The Haunting of Hill House’s Red Room. I THINK that’s what’s going on here. Judging by...I’m almost positive Bev is reaching out her hand to pull her younger self out of the blood, and you can see young Bill behind adult Bill in the background while Georgie’s going “what the FUCK you’re the worst brother EVER” at him so look i think i’m right, okay? 
12. When Bev smashes the mirror, it looks like, you know how in the first one Henry goes to carve his face on Ben’s stomach but only gets the H? In the book that scar disappears when he grows up but then comes back after Mike calls him and it looks here like not only has the scar come back but It has either actually cut the entire name down there or at least made him hallucinate that the entire name has appeared on his stomach. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s the latter, some kind of hallucination Bev’s trying to break by shattering the mirror.
13. Yeah so if you hadn’t read the book, that’s pretty much definitely Eddie Richie’s holding, and he’s pretty much definitely dying and his final words are pretty much definitely gonna be “Don’t call me Eds. You know I hate it when you...”
14. Oh yeah right I’m pretty sure the underwater monster is a more decayed Ms Kersh and it looks like instead of turning to candy, her house floods for some reason? And here she is being all spooky and underwater with Bev i do not know why the flooding is a thing but w/e uhhh look it’s not in the first trailer i don’t know where i think i saw this or how I got this impression but i think somewhere there was a brief shot implying the water like came out of a painting or something. Possibly a 1408 reference, actually
15. Gotta be Its lair disintegrating after the completed Ritual of Chud which yeah when they were all holding hands a few shots earlier and looking up at orange light i forgot to say that’s def the Ritual starting
17. Whoever this is, Bill i’m assuming flying through that tunnel to the rectangle of light is pretty close to straight out of the book Ritual of Chud
18. Mike tripping, as per mentioned
19. Given the shit all over them and how emotional Richie is, it seems like this would be at the end after they leave the sewers? Idk his scream could be about several things, but it’s just the kind of scream that says “my best friend in the whole wide world and completely hetero lifemate just got his arm bitten off by a weird giant spider alien thing and bled to death”
20. Andres Muschietti mentioned the underground clubhouse would be part of this movie, as well as the “tripping and coming dangerously close to dying via carbon monoxide poisoning so we can hallucinate about where It came from” part of the book but at the end Pennywise is clearly slamming the door which wasn’t part of that sequence unless i mean they may have just added it in for a scare or it could be one of the adults going back to said clubhouse and having a flashback leading into Pennywise fucking with them, either is a possibility
21. Okay so unfortunately i have egg on my face and this clearly is It (not Henry Bowers like i theorized) previously not in Pennywise form, putting on Its Pennywise form, possibly for the first time in a flashback.
22. Okay i am almost 100% sure Pennywise, Devourer of Worlds and Children, The Spider, The Deadlights, The Eternal Consumption, ends this trailer by saying “Hewwo”
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Thanks for tagging me @theragamuffininitiative ! 
I tag @hurtbyintensejourneys @thylovelylionheart @falconhawk9​ 
— what was your last…
1. drink: tea!
2. phone call: my mom.
3. text message: to a group chat with friends 
4. song you listened to: “Meltdown” by Lorde, Q-Tip, Push, HAIM, Stromae
5. time you cried: uuuhhh I think it was a couple of days ago, when I was just trying to get out of some pretty bad states and actually felt OK enough to cry so it was a good thing! 
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: No.
7. kissed someone and regretted it: No.
8. been cheated on: No.
9. lost someone special: Sorta....if the term is used quite broadly.
10. been depressed: Haha. Yes. Ofc. 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Niet. 
— fave colours
12. Purple, or gray/black scale probably. 
13. I actually quite like brown....so maybe that? 
14. Hm. Probably a deep navy? Like a sailor outfit blue? 
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yes. Absolutely. 
16. fallen out of love: No. 
17. laughed until you cried: lol yes (thank you to theinsanereader for your book wedding video)
18. found out someone was talking about you: Yes! 
19. met someone who changed you: Hahahahah...yeeeesss. Helped me a lot tbh. 
20. found out who your friends are: In a way. Like it’s not that I didn’t know before, it’s more like now I understand it better in terms of human leanings etc. 
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: Uuuhhhhh....no, not on the lips.
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: Nearly everyone, there are a few I only know via the internet somehow, but I still know them from everyday things, or I have already met them.
23. do you have any pets: Nope!
24. do you want to change your name: No. 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Oh boy. It was a weird day but good. I spent time with a cute lil kiddo, went on a walk and saw lots of flowers, watched an episode of doctor who, went out for starbucks with a friend, and got to hold a baby amongst some other more ritualistic things. 
26. what time did you wake up today: like, 10:30 or so. 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Probably just listening to music and...um...maybe writing down in my diary or something?? idek.
28. what is something you can’t wait for: Hmm...this is gonna sound lame but fr I have very little social life so seeing a couple of friends once their schooltime frees up a bit more or whatever....oh! and also my little sister is competing this weekend o I can’t wait to go and watch her and her team :)
30. what are you listening to right now: Static, for the most part, and in the muffled background, my family just doing everyday things (lil screeches, telling offs, whAT?! etc.) lol. 
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: For sure. 
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: HA. The government, and some approaches that the American Evangelical Church seems to be oblivious to or non-sympathetic smh. 
33. most visited website: “Youtube and Tumblr are probably about equal.” (lol same)
34. hair colour: Brown. 
35. long or short hair: Long..
36. do you have a crush on someone: No... at least I don’t think so. Idek if I get crushes or whatever idek it’s confusing moving on
37. what do you like about yourself: Ooh. I like that the single most re-occuring obstacle in my life is that I’m so confusing to both myself (im still learning its ok to be me) and the entire world that it’s very, VERY conflicting in odd ways and that that is what makes everything mean things to me.....it’s like my essence etc. and I now know my main passion etc......tl;dr I like that I’ve figured out what the single epitome of most of what I am is and how its path has severely been distraught, and that though it’s going to take a lot of work to get back, it’s also just going to be the most incredible thing. 
38. want any piercings: nope.
39. blood type: sis, if y’all think I’m gonna put out vip information like that on this already crackhead-justice owned website by same-type  company like yahoo, y’all are w r o n g.  
40. nicknames: Uuuuhhhh. idk. @hurtbyintensejourneys​ , you should give me one. 
41. relationship status: Single. And probably most definitely not ready to mingle (but it’s ok! I’ll be someday, sometime soon...ish)
42. sign: Taurus. But I don’t follow horoscopes. 
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: Idek anymore....I love Lie to me, and like rags said, Fringe (tho I am still on like s2 aahh), and maybe Doctor who? I actually love Granite flats and GMW/BMW as well tho. 
45. tattoos: Nope.
46. right or left handed: Right-handed. 
47. ever had surgery: Nope. 
48. piercings: No.
49. sport: Alrighty; look, I will watch just about anything even though I’m bad at it....I think it has something to do with an interest in developing my recognizing of stuff/talent???? also it’s v cool. 
50. vacation: uuuhhh????? Probably my last “”vacation”” was in California? idek. 
51. trainers: I think they’re Nike. 
— more general
52. eating: I just want some sushi right now. The good stuff tho. NOt the *shudders* doobly-tasting kind. I love Asian food that’s not spicy tho. That’s some real bod-foodspiration right there for me.
53. drinking: Water, tea, juice that’s actually juice...... fresh smoothies. 
54. I’m about to watch: probably just safe-feeling trailers for me, so like, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl or something. 
55. waiting for: My mental health/processing desire to buffen up a little so I can actually start doing things again maybe (that’d be nice). Perseverance, basically, I guess.
56. want: Soundproof area maybe, to record //things//? A small local group of friends. 
57. get married: At some point, maybe. I’d not be surprised if I end up single tho. BUt I feel like I won’t which is....honestly.....sorta scarier for me rn dfhbjdhsbjdf
58. career: lol. idk. God’s plan? 
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs
60. lips or eyes: eyes, I think.
61. shorter or taller: taller
62. older or younger: depends
63. nice arms or stomach: niCe ArmS oR SToMacH? (bruh idk)
64. hookup or relationships: relationships is the only way to go, and not only in romance my friends. 
65. troublemaker or hesitant: Uuuhhh....hesitant. but you know what...imma pretend I come off as, like, a fine brand so. Hésitante. 
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: No lol. 
67. drank hard liquor: No. Thank GOD. 
68. turned someone down: Only one (1) time. Sorta. 
69. sex on first date: N o. 
70: broken someone’s heart: I actually don’t know. I don’t think so. I hope not. 
71. had your heart broken: Not like that, but also yes. At least a little. It’s sorta like having to go back and unstitch a stitch of yourself that’s all messed up; you thought you’d be ok with moving on from it, except ways further along you realise that you can’t and then having to go undo everything and start back up but even then your thread is all folded up and a little extra rugged. 
72. been arrested: No. 
73. cried when someone died: I want to say yes. But I actually am not sure. For sure, in fictional chracters so....(dad from my big fat greek wedding voice) there you go
74. fallen for a friend: No....I don’t think so. 
— do you believe in
75. yourself: Sorta. But inherently? yes. 
76. miracles: !!!! yes! If y’all knew some of the stories I’ve known....I love God so much I can’t even. It’s so marvelous. I just....Ah!
77. love at first sight: Yes, but only because I think it’s like some weird intuitive thing that’s legitimate for some people. Or maybe even a spiritual thing sometimes? 
78. santa claus: “He exists in every way that counts.” 😂 looolll
79. angels: Yes. Again, if y’all knew...
— misc
80. eye colour: brown
81. best friend’s name: I don’t have a best friend rn. 
82. favourite movie: Idk. 
83. favourite actor: Idk!
84. favourite cartoon: *Idk intensifies*
85. favourite teacher’s name: Not gonna say any specific names, but probably my German teacher in middle school, or 5th grade teacher. Also, non-official teacher friend man who taught me abstract concepts way beyond my grade level. I love them so much and they continue to have a very important impact in my life voyage. 
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kira-7 · 6 years
🎉 Tag game! 😍 YAY! 🎉
I was tagged by @fruk-de-lys ! Thank you!!! 😚😚
The rules are answer 30 questions and tag 20 other blogs that you what to know better.
1. Nicknames: friends call me Giògiò (its pronunciation is similar to Jojo, more or less); and my choirmaster use to call me Gioia (Joy, in English), idk why 😅
2. Gender: female
3. ⭐ Sign: Leo
4. Height: 1.66
5. Time: now it’s 7:21 pm
6. 🎂: August 13th, Friday 😆😆
7. Favorite bands: Led Zeppelin (when I was in high school, my best friend had challenged me saying “You haven’t got the courage to put Whole lotta love as ringtone on your phone”… Not only I did it, but I added the part… The most sensual sexual… Once, the phone rang in a shop for pregnant women… I’m not saying how they looked at me 😂 “My dear ladies, if you’re about to become mothers, it means that you had sex, c'mon,” I wanted to answer… it happened again, during art history’s lesson, my classmates laughed, the professor made a joke and I wanted to strangle my friend… My evil plan wasn’t successful, but in return we became a couple 😅), Queen, ACDC, Kiss and so on…
8. Favorite Solo Artist:
national: Nek, Zucchero (Sugar), Max Pezzali
international: Michael Jackson, Robbie Williams
9. Last Movie I Saw: The Leisure Seeker, I love it, it’s wonderful
10. Last show I saw: In this moment, I’m watching Two and a Half Men on tv
11. Birth of Blog: more or less, two years ago
12. What I like to reblog: everything from fandoms I follow (Hetalia, One Piece, 19 days, boueibu etc) and lately, some funny videos, trivia… It depends on what I see on my dashboard
13. Last thing I googled: what’s The Leisure Seeker’s original title (in italian trailer, it’s called Ella & John, the original title is written very small that you can not read)
14: Any other blogs: 2: one is a RP, where I play as an Italian region, while the other is a personal blog, almost a diary, where I write in Italian, during the periods when I’m sad… In short, I could say that it’s the exact opposite of my main xD
15: Asks? I’m not an ask blog, but if anyone wants to talk, I’m very willing to do it, I’ll answer as soon as I can
16: Why did I choose my URL: I love Death Note, it was my first anime I saw in years when I no longer saw one of them (I still remember when he laughs and says “Souda! Boku ga Kira da!” … awww, i still love Mamoru Miyano’s voice 😍😂) for the number -> look at 21 😉
17: Following Blogs: 237 (I just checked, but I’d like to follow many more blogs)
18: Followed by: amazing people!
19: Favorite colors: blue and black
20: Average hours of 💤: 6/7 hours
21. Lucky numbers: 7 and 13, everything in my life is connected to these two numbers
22. Instruments: I can’t play any of them, I prefer to sing, but i love piano and drums and bass and guitar and harp and so on… Could i have an orchestra, please?
23. What am I wearing: a panda’s kigurumi 😅
24. How many blankets do I use: One during summer, two or three during winter
25. Dream job: writer, but i’m studying for become an italian teacher
26: Dream trip: Japan in primis, but i really like to travel the world
27: Favorite food: 😂 i’m italian, how can I not answer Italian food? 😂 Jokes apart, I love Italian cuisine, but I like to try and taste the others too…
28: Nationality: uhm… look above, please⬆
29: Favorite song: I love so many, i can’t answer this
30: Song stuck in my head: Perfect, Ed Sheeran, i listened on the radio this morning and i really like it
Ok, let’s tag @kyuhu @wherearemyglassesbro @aizer-universe @arreloi @zjephyr @ask-merman-francis (you’re not forced to do it) and whoever wants to do this!
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sometipsygnostalgic · 7 years
Hiveswap Act 1 OST Review
Ok, I’ve been listening to it for some time. I should really review the OST! 
I’m a musical ameteur so this is a bad idea. Hope you enjoy it! 
1. Definitely Safe Forever -  good. 3 out of 5. nothing else to say on the matter
2. Snake Escape - great. very funky, nice bass tones. iconic hiveswap tone... 4 out of 5.
3. Joey Claire, Extraordinaire - Nice slow buildup, gentle theme. Feels welcoming and safe, yet a bit more curious than your average Pokemon hometown theme. The wind instrument gets extremely loud at times, maybe too loud. But this track is so different from what Homestuck usually offers that it paints a new identity for Hiveswap. It’s repetitive enough to not distract you, but interesting enough to not bore you. I like how it gets a bit more mellow and bittersweet over time, which is something you can say for a lot of tracks. 4/5.
4. Half-Harley Manor - I have always liked  the leitmotif for this house. It’s... not quite spooky, but not warm and welcoming either. I love how this track starts loud and spooky, then you have quiet percussion, then it gets back to the original theme with a bit more windiness... very satsifying. Then the part where it gets VERY sparkly and happy. Idk what intrument that is. Keyboard? It’s the only part of the song that makes this feel like home, ut then it loops back into the original alienating theme. 4 out of 5..... 
5. Relatively Visible Darkness - I don’t like the trumpets in this much but I enjoy everything else about this theme. Serves its job. Relatively unspectacular... until the chorus in the second half,  then it gets great. for a little bit. 3 out of 5.
6. Bedroom for an Annoying Dog - Love the final fantasy joke. Love how scary they made the fucking basement sound. Love how this builds up with the, uhh, organ pipes? 5 out of 5.
7. That’s How I Beat Snake - hmmm... Very nice intro but the main theme is a bit shit, until it hits the chorus, then it gets catchy. Its soundfont is... odd. I think it serves well as a fight theme but is the weakest battle music in the game. I do like the drop at the second part a lot! 3 out of 5. or 6 out of 10. yes. lets start doing them out of 10 from now on because fuck consistency.  
8. Jude Harley, Bizarrely - Nice character theme but terrible music. I think that’s the intention. You do however lose points for it being a remix of Joey’s theme and Harleyhouse Manor because it means the only sort of leitmotif Jude has is how fucking bad his music is . 6 out of 10 get this CANMT shit out of here.
9. Table for Tooth - NICE INTRO! This was used in the trailer, right? I love the initial drop. The main theme’s instrument is... garbage, yes. But then it plays the Harleyhouse theme and it’s SO GOOD.  Wish that part was longer. 7 out of 10. 
10. Final Spice - if you think this sounds like an Undertale track it’s cos this one had the least touching up by James. It reminds me of Toriel’s theme. Nice and catchy but not quite good enough for me to enjoy. 7 out of 10. 
11. Living Legend - The final and best battle theme on tis track. Another Final Fantasy joke. I love this theme and what James and Toby did with it. 9 out of 10.... not quite the best track on the album, but very close. 
12. Singular Peril - nice and perilous. Also nice coming off of the Final Fantasy track cos this reminds me  of when you escape the nuclear plant in FF7. 8 out of 10. Would work better if it wasnt heard for just 3 seconds.
13. A More Defensible Position  - I, think this is the tied second-best track on the album because of its second part. So magical, so ominous. You feel shit building up here.  9 out of 10. 
14. Open the Door - Majestic buildup, dark, intense, spooky......... then it becomes nothing shot of an anticlimax. It needs to be LOUDER on the piano part! Then it could have been the best track easily! 7 out of 10. 
15. Keep Your Head Down - I’m annoyed at how far forward this track is cos you only hear it after Xefros gets flattened. I love it though, very 80s, fitting remix of Xefros’s theme to represent the path he and Joey have ahead of them. 1980 out of 2000.
16. Oh Whoah, What’s This - The theme’s fine. A nice intro to Dammek’s hive, gentle and empty after the dramatic teleportation. The name however is unacceptable. 0 out of 10. 
17. Some Kind Of Alien - WHOAHHHH the transition between these two themes is nuts. I love how LOUD this track is! I love the waltzy beat, the flute, how it represents Dammek’s conspiring nature. It gets much more cheerful as it goes on,perhaps indicating this boy isn’t entirely a weird jerk.  And it ends on Karkat! 8 out of 10. Probably deserves a 9. 
18. Rustblood - When people play through this game, this tune really catches them. And I enjoy it, because this is the part of the game that starts feeling like homestuck, yknow? Anyway Xefros has by far the most distinguished theme out of any of his mates. This is very Toby Fox. Very solid 7 out of 10. 
19. Filthy Nuclear Bunker - you know how HYPE this track is? You just want to click on everything and read all the text, because it has hit you that you’re playing the HOMESTUCK VIDEOGAME  and youre REALLY ENJOYING IT. 9 out of 10 for the variety of instruments, the upbeat mood. Despite the weird soundfont. I’m feeling generous. This music is relatively long though, compared to the others. It should end before I change my mind.
20. SPORTS! Personally I Love Them - this is the third time ive listened to this track today. 7.8 out of 10 too much Superbowl. Liked the Dark Souls reference in this room. I wish the music that played during the puzzle was in this OST.
21. Lofted Gunpile - A more “meh” version of Dammek’s theme. I prefer what they eventually went with. Why did James want it to be so.... low? Same complaint as the anticlimactic portal theme. Do like when the instruments start blending together near the end. 6 out of 10. 
22. Serpent Genesis Better, original version of the snake fight with better soundfont. 8 out of 10. 
23. We Shall Go Together - Beautiful ending to the game. Nothing spectacular about it though. 6 out of 10. 
24. Wish You Were Here - Our first taste of Trizza’s theme and by jegus it’s amazing. Very little can make you more hyped for act 2 than an intimidating introduction to the antagonist, a selfie over a burning village. WHOAHHH its actually playing now and I like it even more. That DROP. 9 out of 10 easily. 
25. Intermission 1 - Welcome to the best track on the fucking album. I think the credits should always be the best. Starts off with continuing Trizza’s theme, letting us absorb what we just witnessed, as drawings of the game we just played appear. Then you get hints of the theme from Dammek’s hive. Quieter during this part.... funkier again... THEN IT GETS REALLY INTENSE.  That’s easily my favourite part. Anyway, 10 out of 10. This track alone has me ready to wait for act 2. 
26. Alternate Recipe - 8bit mix of the spice theme. Louder, which is good. 7.5 out of 10. Catchy.
27. Heavy Snaking - I... prefer the original snake theme in the context of a fight. This is ok to listen to by itself though. Oh gosh that bass! 8 out of 10 great music, wrong atmosphere for the extremely brief battle. This’d be great as a boss encounter theme though. If it was used in the right place, then it’d possibly score even a 9 or 10.
28. “How It Could Have Gone” - seems to be about the portal? A ot louder than what they went with. I wouldnt have minded this being merged with the actual theme, but I still think it could be better. 7 out of 10.I love the spookiness of the original and would be sad if that was gone.
29. Old steps - Dance, Joey, Dance! Not really a song. 
30. UNDERTALE. 10/10. Sincerely. I love it. 
Total musical rating -  8 out of 10. Does its job very well of being good but not distracting. Good background music, rather than the energetic music of Homestuck itself.
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midnightliar · 7 years
the beautiful, luminous, inimitable @violaeade​ tagged me for 50 book questions!
1. What is your favourite book and/or book series of all time?
oh maybe everything leads to you by nina lacour! it just really gets to me
2. What is the longest book you have ever read? How many pages?
uhh idk what’s the longest harry potter book bc probably that? i dont... read books that long usually
3. What is the oldest book you have ever read? (Based on its written date)
ummm i think and then there were none by agatha christie? i dont keep track by time tbh but i dont read that many old books bc i tend to have trouble reading them
4. What is a book series that everyone else loves but you do not?
the raven cycle lol
5. What book or book series would you like to see turned into a film/ TV series?
oh god most of them? 99% of the lesbian ones for sure. percy jackson would make an excellent animated movie series imo. i’m clearly biased but tasu/teota would be great on screen. 
6. What is your favourite stand-alone book?
most of the gay ones i read are standalones and theres so many good ones... i already said everything leads to you but we are okay and you know me well are also extremely good! of fire and stars killed me as well. 
7. What is a book that you feel glad for not reading?
god. straight ones? ones that i heard are racist or homo/lesbo/bi/transphobic, but in general i’m picky abt what i read bc i don’t read that many books.
8. What is a book that you feel guilty for not reading?
i was gonna say i don’t feel guilty about not reading books i don’t like/don’t want to but that’s a lie- babe if ur reading this i am SO sorry i never finished the last chaos walking book
9. What is a book you have read that is set in your country of birth?
most of them lol that’s what i get for living in america. i read we are okay pretty recently which takes place in new york, the state i was born in, so that’s a bit more specific.
10. What is a book that you own more than one copy of?
i have 2 copies of redwall for no reason other than my high school library was selling one for a dollar so i bought it even tho i had it already. i have a couple copies of some of the a wrinkle in time books bc i got some of them as gifts a bunch. 
11. What horror book made you really scared?
omg i don’t read horror but that one skulduggery pleasant short story about bubba moon or whatever freaked me the fuck out tbh
12. What book do you passionately hate?
um i haven’t read enough terrible books to say i hate them that passionately? but i rly kinda hated trc. oh yeah i read the first c*aptive pr*nce book in hs on the recommendation of a friend and it just made me so uncomfortable the entire time i really. did not have a good time with that one and i wish i hadn’t read it
13. What is the biggest book series you have read? How many books are in it?
skulduggery pleasant! theres 9 books plus short stories i still can’t believe i read all those
14. What book gives you happy memories?
aw sabrina answered this with the flywheel by erin gough and i have to say the same bc she sent it to me for my birthday, full of annotations of thoughts and jokes she made herself AND got it signed by the author, and i’ve uhhhh never felt so loved in my life
15. What book made you cry?
oh the book thief for sure. everything leads to you made me cry a bunch while rereading it even tho its not sad? thos were love tears. that happens a lot actually.
16. What book made you laugh?
skulduggery pleasant! there’s so many good lines in that one. my dad used to always hand me a book he’d just read and tell me to read a certain chapter he found hilarious but i never read the whole book but he always found hilarious memoirs too.
17. What is your favourite book that contains an LGBTQ+ character?
lmaoo like all the books i read are gay? the abyss surrounds us/the edge of the abyss have really unique lesbian characters because they’re so angry and vindictive and dumb and interesting and DRAMATIC so that one gets a shout out
18. Have you read a book with a male protagonist? What is it?
what the fuck is that (ok i legit just finished reading when the moon was ours by anna marie mclemore tho bc my gf rec’d it and it was p good)
19. Have you read a book set on another planet? What is it?
does fantasy count? bc then of fire and stars. uhh chaos walking is on a new planet. a wrinkle in time involves other planets too! wow i’m crushing this one
20. Have you ever been glad to not finish a series? Which?
the raven cycle lol i thought it was a finished trilogy when i started the first book so i just never read the last one and i am so relieved
21. Have you ever read a book series because you were pressured?
not really? i don’t really feel pressure, i value recommendations from my girlfriend friends way more than things that are trending or popular. i’ve read a couple that i blindly picked from internet lists that i didn’t care for tho but that was really a while ago
22. What famous author have you not read any books by?
pretty much any author we were supposed to read in high school. any classic or even modern famous author i probably haven’t read. i’ve read like a dozen books ever
23. Who is your favourite author of all time?
tbh nina lacour is really up there. when i was really young it was definitely gail carson levine. i rly loved anne ursu’s books as well.
24. How many bookshelves do you own?
only one! and a bunch of boxes that i never unpacked after we moved like 3 years ago. my mom wants to put a big wall bookshelf in our house somewhere bc this one didn’t come with any like our last house did but who knows if that’ll happen.
25. How many books do you own?
are u trying to make me count?
26. What is your favourite non-fiction book?
ohhh i don’t read much of this genre. i always avoided it as a kid and i’ve been meaning to get into it more but i haven’t yet. i’m really looking forward to reading a sally ride biography tho
27. What is your favourite children’s/middle-grade book?
the chronus chronicles by anne ursu were my JAM in elementary/middle school omg. i also really loved the may bird series which i didn’t read until high school.
28. What is your next book on your TBR?
i’m about to start georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit finally! my gf bought me 10 things i can see from here and i love her so whenever that arrive i’m probably gonna devour that. i want to reread a wrinkle in time soon since the trailer comes out this weekend! plus a million others
29. What book are you currently reading?
i literally just finished when the moon was ours which felt like it took me ten years to read and i haven’t started another yet but it’ll be georgia peaches bc thats the other one i got from the library and i already had to renew them haha
30. What book are you planning on buying next?
um this old west lesbian novel called backwards to oregon! i’ve been craving westerns lately but as always i’m also craving gay content
31. What was the cheapest book you bought?
i used to buy a ton of old paperbacks, usually goofy looking sf or fantasy novels from library sales for dollars or quarters so definitely those.
32. What was the most expensive book you bought?
i can tell u the most expensive book i got for free was a beautiful bound collection of hg wells stories that i just got from some book at bea before it was bookcon lol
ones i actually paid for... do art books count??
33. What is a book you read after seeing the movie/ TV series?
nah i usually have no intention of reading the book if i watched the show/movie first
34. What is the newest book you have bought?
akdjghksjgh a lesbian western novella called from the boots up for a few bucks on kindle
35. What three books are you most looking forward to reading this year?
the rest of the gay books i’ve bought but haven’t read yet! not your sidekick and labyrinth lost, i’m VERY excited to reread a wrinkle in time and i also really want to read stone butch blues
36. What is a book you love that has a terrible trope? (Love triangle, etc)
crush by sr silcox has the cutest lesbian teen summer romance AND one them is secretly a rock star avoiding her fame bc her controlling dad was turning into HIS dream instead of HERS akdjghksdjgh its fantastic i adored it
37. Have you read a book in a different language? What was it?
oh no i’m dumb as hell
38. What is a book you’ve read that is set in a time period before you were born?
for some reason dave at night by gail carson levine popped into my head first? that was my favorite as a kid and i reread it all the time and i think it took place in the 20s or 30s with all that good good jazz shit
39. What book offended you?
hm not sure how to answer this one
40. What is the weirdest book you have read?
idk the may bird series was pretty weird. gone by michael grant? i read the first for a high school book club and i just could not get into it or understand it even a little
41. What is your favourite duology?
ditty the abyss surrounds us & the edge of the abyss !!
42. What is your favourite trilogy?
wow i really haven’t read that many trilogies esp ones i loved. i guess may bird or the chronus chronicles then!
43. What book did you buy because of its cover?
the maze runner! also bc i heard it was good but i hated that book so
44. What is a book that you love, but has a terrible cover?
honestly i can’t think of one rn
45. Do you own a poetry anthology? What is your favourite poem from it?
nope! i also hated poetry as a kid and have only tried to get into it recently. i have a book of sappho’s fragments and i want to get tracy k smith from the library but thats about it
46. Do you own any colouring books based off other books?
47. Do you own any historical fiction?
thats possible
48. What book made you angry?
the maze runner really did?? for some reason and i don’t get mad that much but it just really had me steamin. sabrina also said grasshopper jungle and i’m inclined to say same lmao. i haven’t read it but seeing all the lesbophobia in not otherwise specified recently made me really mad and also upset
49. What book has inspired you?
aw inspired is a serious word to throw around. the miseducation of cameron post, idk if it “inspired” me but it was my first lesbian novel and that really did a lot for me.
50. What book got you into reading?
i think it was a wrinkle in time! or maybe roald dahl books before that, but a wrinkle in time was definitely up there, and maybe the shadow thieves by anne ursu
i’m tagging @reading-takes-you-places and @mywomensworld and anyone who wants to! i don’t talk to many people here but if you follow me and want to, go for it!
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rawberry101 · 5 years
2018 Movie Odyssey Best Original Song Ballot
Here’s my ballot for @dweemeister‘s Best Original Song. List and explanation in the link.
1. Hooray for Hollywood – Hollywood Hotel Oh man, I haven’t seen this in its original context before. What a classic.
2. You’re the One I Want – Grease I’ve also never seen this one in context, but I just have to say it’s just iconic
3. Falling in Love Again – The Blue Angel Yeah this one screams old Hollywood showstopper
4. Chaar Kadam – PK I do like this one a lot, it’s very cute
5. Charade – Charade I really like the mood of this one, very spellbinding
6. Candle on the Water – Pete’s Dragon Alright perhaps I misjudged the movie based on the other song, this one was pretty beautiful
7. Love is a Many Splendored Thing – Love is a Many Splendored Thing  Well you gave us the Nat King Cole version so of course I have to rate it pretty high
8. Rain – Mary and the Witch’s Flower It’s a sweet little piano ballad, I like it a lot
9. Mystery of Love – Call Me By Your Name I don’t listen to a lot of modern pop music, so I don’t think I know any Sufjan Stevens despite hearing about him often. I can see why people like him
10. This Is Me – The Greatest Showman I was pleasantly surprised by this one. The movie didn’t really look that good when the trailers came out, but the song is good
11. Gunfight at the O.K. Corral – Gunfight at the O.K. Corral  I like that old western feel
12. Shallow – A Star is Born Pretty good for modern country style music, but that really isn’t saying a whole lot
13. ‘Bout Time – The One, the only, Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band That was kinda cute
14. Hum Aap Ki Aankhon Mein – Pyaasa It was ok
15. Bless Your Beautiful Hide – Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Idk man it’s just hokey and not interesting imo
16. It’s Not Easy – Pete’s Dragon I don’t want to be mean but this feels the music in a bad after school special. I don’t like a lot of musicals and having a kid sing in one just has to put it in the basement.
I’m bummed that I didn’t get to vote on the Popeye or Godzilla songs in the final round. Oh well. Either way, some interesting stuff here. Thanks for extending the deadline!
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wahbegan · 7 years
Gather ‘round, children, while i begrudgingly hyper-analyze everything in the THIRD IT (2017) trailer
You know the drill by now i’m putting a read more here because even if i try to be brief which i’m going to try it always ends up failing soooo yeah
1. So it opens with something very similar to the MTV first look, with Stan’s frankly fucking depressing Bar Mitzvah speech that should really concern any adults present, and several similar shots to that trailer. The one thing is we see Bill and Bev engage in a bit of flirty pre-teen eye contact at the watering hole, and Stan’s bit about “you think the universe revolves around you....but that isn’t true” COULD be foreshadowing some of the more cosmic themes in the story
2. This looks like probably The Losers making their blood oath? Idk when else they stand in a circle and join hands like that and it’s definitely after the bullies have broken Eddie’s arm due to his cast. Now the LOSER with a V scrawled over the S isn’t from the book i don’t think but i assume the LOSER was put there by the same bullies who gave him the cast in the first place and someone i’m guessing Bev probably put the V over it
3. The red balloon floating out from behind the Warner Bros logo is a nice touch
4. The couple in the car is just a random couple illustrating ITs control over the people of the town, making them apathetic to the ghastly shit going on actually i think they were in the book too, they just drive past when Henry’s trying to carve his name into Ben’s stomach and a red balloon floats up in the backseat minus the red balloon i think that is a pull straight out of the novel
5. I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT ABOUT PENNYWISE’S EYES A HA!!! They in my first breakdown i said i thought it looked like they were doing the thing where Georgie sees his eyes as yellow at first and then It changes them to blue to gain his trust and this basically confirms it. Also first sample of Pennywise’s voice and it sounds pretty durn spooky
6. The shot of the empty storm drain makes me think that rather than pulling his arm off which would be extremely gruesome even for a hard R horror movie and more importantly hard to do without showing ITs transformation, which is only hinted at in the book as something soul-shatteringly horrifying, they’re probably gonna like It grabs Georgie’s arm, he looks in fear and starts screaming his head off, his screams cut off, and it’s implied that It dragged him bodily down into the sewers. That’s also later in the trailer Bill says something about “another Georgie going missing”, which seems to confirm that. That would also explain why Georgie’s “ghost” in later scenes has both arms intact
7. So Mike’s talking about his grandfather (Mike is the like town historian of the group and i’m glad they’re keeping that intact cause they totally ditched it in Fukunaga’s script), which is interesting cause it’s actually Mike’s Dad in the original that passes on the lore of It and talks about the Black Spot burning down but since the setting’s been updated to the ‘80s, it makes sense that they’d change it to his grandfather. Anyway, while Mike’s talking about that, you can see the Bangor Maine statue of Paul Bunyan that later comes to life and attacks Richie Tozier in the novel, which is a nice touch
8. Ben in the library, now i earlier talked about how Ben it’s weird that It makes Its presence known here, because in the book it’s just kind of there’s a little bit of foreshadowing with the librarian reading the Billy Goats Gruff to the children, but for the most part it’s just like Ben being a kid and writing the poem for Bev. Now this kind of explains why, apparently he’s actually doing some research on It, which i mean makes sense they’re gonna have to cut out some of the longer just like character establishing scenes or mix them with scare scenes to make it into a 2 hour movie, even if they are only doing half. Anyway, the articles he’s looking at reference the Kitchener Ironworks explosion, the event that sent It back into hibernation in 1906, and the Silver Dollar Massacre, the event that woke It up in 1904. 
9. Woodcutting of It, which seems to....in going back to what i said before True Detective and Beasts of No Nation’s Cary Fukunaga wrote a script treatment for It a couple years ago and it fell apart due to him trying to shoehorn in really bizarre and fucked-up scenes of sexual violence involving children but they are taking elements of that and inspiration from it, it looks like and anyway in that script (which you can find online with a bit of digging) Ben is the town historian instead of Mike, so especially since the projector coming to life scene seems to have taken the place of the old picture book from Mike’s Dad coming to life scene this is probably where the book with the history of Derry is introduced in the plot is instead of being from Mike’s Dad, it’s just a book Ben finds in the library. I personally don’t like it cause i really, REALLY want like Mike to basically be 100% the Haunted House Historian of the group because otherwise his role is like.....y’know Token Black Kid(TM) but anyway no opinions yet just analysis moving right along
10. Georgie’s “ghost” with a red balloon leading Bill down into the basement it looks like i was right and first of all this does confirm it’s in the Denbroughs’ basement, but it looks like i was right and this is how he first encounters It, rather than a picture of Georgie leering and winking at him and then bleeding all over the place which i mean from a cinematic perspective makes sense it’s more dramatic leaves more room for tension to be built. Then again, they could also be doing both, with the picture being sort of a lead-up scare to the basement, i mean it looks at the beginning like Bill is in Georgie’s room i’m just guessing based on the wallpaper when he notices the wet tracks leading downstairs
ALSO i didn’t catch this until now but Bill is holding and subsequently drops a lego turtle which is a nice reference to the novel, although apparently according to Muschietti, that’s about the only reference we’re getting to The Turtle which....hrrrngggg
11. Pennywise attacking Bev in her bathroom. Now, she is wearing the same shirt as she is in the blood/black liquid geyser scene, so i assume it’s right after that she doesn’t appear to have anything on her but it wouldn’t very well be....see i’m having trouble with the chronology here because it doesn’t really make sense for It to grab her and THEN she hears voices in the sink, but...all i can think of is after in the book after she hears the voices and the geyser comes out and she sends her dad away, she cleans up the bathroom and sticks a tape measure down the drain trying to see how far it goes, and then It grabs it and starts running with it and laughing and then lets go and it snaps back and the end’s covered in blood and It talks to her again. This could be right after that or instead of that, that’s the only place i can think of it fitting in. Like the tape measure snaps back and she goes to leave and Pennywise is right there OR fake-out, she sticks the tape measure down nothing happens....nothing happens....nothing happens....and it looks like you’re in the clear and then Pennywise is right there which could work
12. If you pause at the shot of the gang in the street, you can still see a huge gash on Ben’s stomach, and Bev’s face looks a bit fucked up too. Now Ben’s in a different shirt than he is when Henry cuts him, and it’s not an H, plus Henry lifted his shirt up, it’s just a huge gash, which makes me think this is right after the werewolf scene at 29 Neibolt Street. Okay yeah i just looked and they’re all in the same outfits they’re in in that scene, so. Now what’s weird is Eddie doesn’t...appear to be with them in this shot? Unless he’s just off-screen, idk what that’s about cause we clearly see him going in with them and inside, maybe he just left the gang to go home first cause of his mom, i dunno.
13. Betty Ripsom’s sneaker, as seen in the MTV first look, one of Its first victims
14. Henry Bowers flicking open a switchblade standing next to his mailbox pretty much confirms my theory that that’s what him walking towards the red balloon was about. His face is a bit fucked up, probably his Dad’s doing. Now in the book there’s no one incident with his abusive father that pushes him over the edge, it’s just told in backstory that he’s a war vet with PTSD and possible brain damage who’s been abusive to Henry his whole life and only shows him approval when he’s doing terrible, horrible things, but they really don’t have room to fit that in the movie, so they’ll probably just have one scene of his Dad going apeshit on him and this’ll be right after that (also kinda like Fukunaga’s script)
15. Couple shots of It in the sewers, what’s weird here is that in what appears to be the basement to the house on 29 Neibolt Street, there’s a well entrance? Which isn’t exactly present in the novel i don’t think but would explain how It gets from the sewers up into that house and why It likes to haunt it so much
16. The woman right between the shot of the well and the shot of the pharmacist, i believe is Eddie’s emotionally abusive Munchausen by Proxy-afflicted mother based on her description in the book but idk i’d have to look at the cast
17. Gotta be honest, right about here the trailer starts moving too fast for me to follow effectively and there’s some stuff that i can’t really place, even if i pause, but i’ll do my best. No idea what the red glow is. I don’t think The Deadlights given that they’d all be shrieking and insane or dead
18. It seems to be standing behind plastic curtains like they have in slaughterhouses here? I have no idea why, nothing like that in the novel, although Mike’s Dad owns a slaughterhouse in Fukunaga’s script, so idk that could be it. I hope not honestly and it doesn’t really look like anything real, It just looks like some bizarre dreamscape It’s conjured up. It is worth noting i forgot until just now, but one of Its forms the actor credited as playing it is credited as “The Butcher”, so that could be right before It transforms into that form to hunt....someone at some time, idk when or who. Also Its eyes seem to be going full Deadlights here so i’m guessing whoever It’s hunting doesn’t make it out alive
19. I’ve been racking my brain since i first watched the trailer like two hours ago and i have no earthly idea why the hell Bev’s floating. I can’t even....begin to guess. I mean floating could be....it could be this movie’s way of visualizing someone partaking in The Ritual of Chud, which Bev never does in the novel in either Ritual so this would be a radical departure but idk i wouldn’t mind somehow i don’t think that’s what it is though, especially since the spider’s nowhere to be seen. I have no idea what it is, but...one thing that does come to mind is it could be...ugh in Fukunaga’s script which it really looks like they’re sticking with in large part more and more at least the first draft of it which is...look it’s mainly the subsequent draft that’s weird and gross and shitty but i wasn’t crazy about the first draft either and one of the reasons i wasn’t is because in Its lair, rather than a giant spider, they go into this weird room where physics stops applying and they float up these waterfalls that go up to the ceiling and there’s this upside-down pool with a big one-eyed starfish monster at the bottom/top of it that’s supposed to be Its true form and i.....really, REALLY didn’t like that and her floating up like this could be something similar to that and they’re all gonna float up to wherever Its true form resides which once again i’m hoping is not the case
20. Looks like Mike’s being attacked by several pairs of burnt hands here, it looks like down in the sewer, so i think it’s safe to assume that’ll be Its preferred form when trying to terrorize him, which makes sense seeing as how his Dad (or i guess Grandfather in this) is the one who tells the story of the people who burned in the Black Spot
21. The Losers screaming and trying to pull, who is that? Eddie? Out of the sewer idk not much to go on
22. Probably how Pennywise first shows himself in the house on 29 Neibolt rather than jumping out of an exploded toilet drain, which is fine. WHAT I LOVE is that his upside-down contorted position, besides being creepy as fuck, seems to imply he’s gonna do some kind of Exorcist spider-walk out of the closet, which would be awesome foreshadowing
23. The long, creepy female arm reaching out behind Bill doesn’t correspond to any of Its known forms, but is probably this mysterious “Judith” we’ve heard teased at in production who’s said to be absolutely horrifying.
24. Andres Muschietti has said in no uncertain terms that It’s not going to turn into any “classic” monsters in this movie, including the werewolf, but It’s definitely turning into something Werewolf-esque here. I mean, well to be fair It specifically turns into The Teenage Werewolf in the novel/mini-series, and It could just be that he meant It wasn’t going to turn into that, It still turns into some kind of werewolf. Or it could be that Muschietti was straight-up lying WHO KNOWS
25. I have....no idea what the hell is around Ben’s neck here. I’ve paused and been staring at it, but....I was thinking maybe spiderwebs but it doesn’t really look like it? And also they’re so thick and sticky in the book that if you touch one when you try to pull away you leave flesh behind, so that would be...problematic to be wrapped around his neck. It also doesn’t really look like spiderwebs? More like ragged material from Pennywise’s clown costume? Actually, it could also i mean The Werewolf and The Mummy were the two forms Muschietti explicitly stated It would NOT be taking in this movie, but this definitely looks like those could be mummy wrappings around his neck so idk maybe explicitly saying “he’s not gonna turn into a werewolf or a mummy” was a deliberate misdirect and this is some kind of version of the mummy encounter
26. Stan getting grabbed by Pennywise. The background is pitch black and he’s in the same shirt he’s in in that shot in the MTV first look where he looks terrified that i theorized was the standpipe, so this is i mean i’m pretty much 100% sure it’s the same scene, the question is whether i was right about it being in The Standpipe. But seeing as how it’s pitch-black and all and drowned kids are still scary, it probably is, i don’t see why they’d change that scene
27. I think this is Patrick Hockstetter at the end with the fire? Idk in Fukunaga’s script he’s a pyromaniac and his most notable scene from the book has him lighting farts on fire in the junkyard, so it’d make sense and it looks like Owen Teague more than anyone from what i can tell. Anyway, he looks completely terrified, but he also looks like he’s down in the sewers, which means they’ve definitely changed at least some aspects of his death from the book which i’m a bit upset about because that scene was....infamous and revolting and genuinely disturbing. Oh well
28. Finally, the scene with Richie Tozier in the room full of clown dolls. Not sure where this would fit in, as it’s an entirely new scene, nothing like it in the novel, the mini-series, or Fukunaga’s scrapped script. I thought maybe it would be Richie’s encounter with It instead of getting attacked by the statue since that could definitely come across as camp, but they definitely still have the statue and idk why if they plan on ditching that scene, unless it’s just as a little nod or they plan on doing something more subtle with it. Then again, when Richie runs into the statue, he’s running from Henry Bowers and his gang, who chase him through a toy store so actually yeah it definitely could be during that part and the statue will be put to different use, maybe giving him a subtle little taunt or wink after he’s escaped the clown doll room.
I know there are things i didn’t talk about, but it’s because they’re shots from the other trailers which i’d already discussed
Oh yeah, speaking of which, if you want, you can check out
My first trailer breakdown My second trailer breakdown And my crash course in Pennywisology 101
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