#idk what this set is but I LOVE this mv
hrts4lisa · 30 days
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LISA New Woman ft. Rosalía, 2024
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Alright. In the q&a viv said some of the fan theories were spot on and I think we know which ones. Lilith is suspicious as fuck, the hotel finally has proof that sinners can go to heaven, we lost sir pentious kind of, Al and Vox used to have somewhat cordial relations, and tons of other shit. So what can we expect for season 2?
Well, let’s look at what plot points and characters are left open.
1. First thing that comes to mind is that Cherri Bomb is gonna join the main cast to fill the hole Sir Pentious created. Despite what she says, I don’t think she’s doing “just fine” so we’ll get to see some development for her. The Addict MV says it all but who knows if that’s still canon so idk.
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2. And what about Alastor? He’s the big mystery of the show. The Aaravos of Hazbin Hotel, for my TDP followers. Well I think we will see who’s controlling him. Furthermore, I think at some point he could be forced to choose between the hotel and his freedom. It’s a bit specific but if I’m right that would be wild. Calling it now! 🗣️‼️ I don’t think we are gonna see anything about his human life yet in s2 though but who knows.
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3. Emily is definitely gonna try and help Charlie from a distance and I think there might be a heaven sideplot with her and Sir Pentious and shit
4. Lute is gonna be out for vengeance yall. Brace yourselves.
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5. The deals Vaggie and Charlie both made with Alastor are absolutely gonna come back to bite them in the ass. They will probably need Alastor to do television shit and Al will probably make Charlie do something bad.
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6. The plot between Vox and Al thickens? Right now it’s just kind of a pathetic rivalry and a onesided boycrush (/j) with the best song in the show keeping it going. I’m loving it though.
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7. We finally get to see Molly and Baxter and Arakniss hopefully lmao
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8. We get to see Lucifer’s backstory a little more perhaps
9. Angel breaks free from Val’s clutches? It will probably involve a deal with Al honestly.
10. And finally, Alastor has spent this season setting the board and now it’s time to play. We need to see his plans in action, we need the payoff. What’s he gonna do with the power and assets he’s gained?
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I also REALLY hope season 2 gets more episodes. The pacing in season 1 was fucked.
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withjaejae · 5 months
Monster under the bed | Jung Hoseok
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Pair: sadist!hoseok x fem!reader
Warnings: smut, psychotic smut, stalker vibe, stalker x stalker, just its fucked up. Sadist, Masochist, mentions of blood and killing, physical violence, unprotected sex (know better), really rough sex, if sadistic things scare you, DNI.
Summary: Hoseok calls himself loving and caring person, he worried too much about the people he loved that he would go certain lengths to keep them by his side, he always made en effort until you fell into his hands.
A/N: idk, i had read too much and watch to much that I had to write my thought down and it gave birth to this.
Song: Monster Under the Bed by Emily Mei - go watch the MV!!!
"Suki!" Hoseok called out for his Russian Blue cat as he was emptying a can of cat food into its plate. "Suki!" He calls again.
He frowns and goes around his apartment calling for it when he finally notices the front door open. Fuck. He should've fixed the door knob this morning.
Just as he was about to bolt outside he's met with you, you were standing with a trashbag by your foot and Suki in your arms, cuddling her like a baby.
"You must be Hoseok." You point at the collar with his name and address on it.
"Suki, you stupid cat." Hoseok sighs and takes it from you and gently puts it down inside his apartment. "Did she scratch you? She has a temper." Hoseok tries to check your hands and arms but was distracted with the way your nipples can be seen through your white shirt.
"No, she's actually kinda sweet." You smile at him. "I'm YN. I just moved in next door." You stretched out an arm to shake his hand and he takes it.
"I'm Hoseok." He smiles and nods before you both slowly walk away from each other.
He closes the door to his apartment and makes sure to double lock it before he let's go of the breath he was holding in.
You were perfect.
Suki wasn't Hoseok's. It was his ex's cat but she had to leave the country so she put Suki up for adoption which Hoseok took as an opportunity to keep a piece of her with him.
He didn't look at other women since her but with you next door, his life had just shifted.
He looks up your name in the tenants list and finds you easily, he looks you up on every platform possible.
What he finds makes you even more perfect, you had a breakup a month ago, your family lived across the country, you worked from home and you love the beach.
For the next few days, Hoseok finds a way for you and him to meet each other, when he hears your room door shut, he sprints hoping to catch you in the elevator.
With the right timing and Hoseok's efforts, you two have grown closer since. He would pretend to go to the grocery whenever you did, or even let Suki out when he knows you're down the hall.
He's working the night shift as a senior nurse and on days like these is when he misses you the most since he gets home late. A knock on Hoseok's door comes in the middle of the night just as he arrives from work.
He was surprised to see a woman drenched in sweat and ruined makeup standing in front of his door.
"Sorry to bother you, I couldn't find her key and she mentioned a Hoseok, her neighbor to the right, I'm hoping that's you." Hoseok steps out of his apartment to see you sitting in front of your door.
"Yeah, I got it from here. Thanks." He's eyes are fixed on you, the woman leaves after seeing that Hoseok had you.
He picks you up like you weighed nothing and brings you into his apartment.
You stir in your sleep as he sets you down on his bed, taking your shoes and jacket off. His breath hitched when he finds you wearing a leather skirt and corset top that shows how pretty your tits are. Fuck. If he was your boyfriend you would have never gone out like this, not without him.
You stir in your sleep and open your eyes a bit, Hoseok was sitting on the floor to level with your face, you giggle and reach out to touch his nose.
"Hoseokie." Was all you said before drifting back to sleep.
His heart literally skipped a beat. He could hear it ramming against his ribcage because all his efforts didn't go in vain.
If you were thinking about him while you were drunk then how much more when you were sober. Hoseok is tempted to kiss you but he didn't want to be too much of a creep when you and him are just about to break barriers.
Hoseok couldn't really fall asleep knowing you're on his bed but he couldn't really touch you. He swirls the whiskey in his glass, even from the living room he could hear you breathe, he knows when you toss or turn. When he heard you grunt and whimper, he had to check on you.
He sees you sitting up, looking around when you finally see Hoseok standing by the door and you smile.
"Fuck, I must be dreaming." You snicker and stand up to reach for the zipper of your top behind you.
Hoseok should stop you, but he wants to see all of you and with the little whiskey he has in him, he wants to touch you.
You start to strip until all that's left is your thong. Fuck he was hard, what he would give to fuck you from behind right now.
You plop back into bed and start snoring again. Hoseok's jaw clenches he's itching to touch himself but decided that he'd save it for when he finally fucks you.
He rummages through your clothes to fish out your key, he takes it into his study and uses some plaster to take a mold of it.
He goes and explores your apartment, now is his chance. It's a mirrored setting with his, he knew their beds were parallel to each other but confirming it makes him grin.
What should be an extra room is locked. He tries to rummage in the nearby shelves to see if he can find the key but he had no luck.
Before the sun came up, Hoseok takes your blanket from your apartment and wraps you in it before picking you up and putting you in your own bed. He makes it look like you actually came home last night to save you the embarrasment.
Hoseok sleeps better with your scent on his bed that he wakes up past noon with a good mood.
A knock comes into his door, he opens it to see you looking better. You showered and dressed in a simple dress.
"Hey." You bite your lip and look away, Hoseok knows what that him being shirtless makes you blush. "My friend told me you helped me last night."
"It's no big deal. I was awake anyway." He leans closer on the door frame making you blush even deeper.
"Well, if you're not busy. Maybe we could grab lunch? As a thank you." Hoseok smirks, he's feeling ecstatic.
"Give me 15 minutes." Was all he could say and give him a wide smile while rushing back to your apartment.
Hoseok revels in success. You've finally asked him out, sure it wasn't a date but it could be.
He takes a quick shower and dresses in a white button up top and khaki pants, you complemented him when he dressed like this.
He steps out of his apartment around the same time as you, exactly 15 minutes later.
You changed into a casual white dress and brown shoes, matching with Hoseok and it makes you giggle.
Fuck you're too cute. Hoseok just wants to wrap his arms around you, tie you up and kiss you. He wants to show you off to the world and then fuck you senseless when it was just you two.
"Where to?" He asks while you both walk towards the elevators.
You tell him about the Vineyard called V near the outskirts of the city. He told you that he knows the owner, a friend from college which made you ecstatic.
Hoseok offers that you use his car and you agree without hesitation.
"This was my dream car." You casually mention as you buckle yourself in. "I'm still saving up for it."
"You can use mine anytime." Hoseok offers and you smile again.
"Don't tempt me." But you felt that he was serious. "Can I be honest?" Hoseok nods since he was focused on driving.
"I had a weird dream last night." Fuck. He's caught. "You kept appearing in my dreams, took it as a sign that I owed you a lot for all the little favors I ask." He just nods. "And in a way, I hope this pays off some of my debt."
"And here I was thinking you asked me out just because you liked me." Hoseok dryly chuckles.
"Well that too..." He turns to look at you blushing. You just admitted that you liked him. Now he thinks he's dreaming but he bites back a smile.
You're a bit chatty when you're nervous so the entire drive to the Vineyard you and Hoseok exchanged stories, you both hated the same neighbor, work habits, friends and favorite food.
You've already invited him to go clubbing this weekend, no friends just the both of you.
You reach the Vineyard long after the lunch rush so there were just a few old couple who were enjoying their afternoon tea when you arrived.
Hoseok opens your car door for you and helps you out. He places his hand on your back, when you didn't complain he just kept it there until you reached the inside.
"Are my eyes deceiving me or is Jung Hoseok in my restaurant?" A man from behind the counter shouts and rushes to hug Hoseok. "Oh, and on a date?"
Hoseok smiled proudly when Taehyung acknowledges that you're on a date and you can't help but feel giddy as well.
"YN, this is Taehyung." You shake hands with the man. He's handsome too but you turn to Hoseok and smile again.
"YN. Never thought I'd get to see Hoseok again, thank you for coming. Please, have a seat, I'll take care of everything." Taehyung ushers you to the corner of the room where you get a view of the entire vineyard.
"Do you think you could get lost in there?" You wonder out lout.
"Harvest season is over so I think it'll be easy to navigate." Hoseok watches your features.
"Hmm... It would be a good place to dump a body." Hoseok starts to laugh and so do you.
"You're right." No, it wasn't weird that the two of you were talking about dumping bodies in Vineyards.
You laugh at the random conversations you have, Hoseok finds your imagination amusing but he's weirdly turned on.
Given how he was creeping around you all the time, you're still a mystery. He knows you on the surface but deep down, nothing. He's only seen one friend from last night but she didn't seem really close given how she just abandoned you with a stranger. You worked from home so he doesn't see you in a uniform, your always quiet even if he tries to listen through the walls.
"What do you do?" Hoseok finally asks justs as Taehyung serves one of his finest wines.
"I'm a graphic designer." That would make sense give how your home office is locked. "I know you're a nurse. I've seen you in your scrubs."
"This is one of my favorite wines." Hoseok raises the glass and clinks it with you.
The sweer fruity taste fills your mouth and your eyes widen.
"Oh wow. I could drink this all day." Taehyung serves the steak and the rest of the food he's prepared for you. "This is a lot."
"Only the best for the man who saved my life." Taehyung pats Hoseok's shoulder. "I almost overdosed in college, thankfully Hoseok was my roommate and kept me conscious until the EMTs arrived."
Hoseok smiles. What Tae didn't know if that Hoseok also beat up the guy who sold him the drugs to the brink of death and didn't bother calling the EMTs. Until today, Hoseok doesn't know if he survived.
Hoseok was always the protective type, Taehyung even used to tease him as obsessive. He would fuss about anything that bothered the person that mattered to him the most at the moment, when Taehyung left to study culinary in Italy, Hoseok had to shift his focus again.
"You don't say?" You admired how Taehyung spoke so highly of Hoseok. Knowing damn well he'd be the caring type.
When dinner was over you showered Taehyung with compliments which he reveled in. Just as the sun was about to set Hoseok asks if you wanted to go for walk in the Vineyard.
He offered you his hand, you take it without hesitation. There were a few people sweeping around while you both walked in silence.
"Hey, Hoseok." You stop on your tracks and he turns to look at you. "How come you never asked me out?"
You expected him to give excuses but he steps closer and places a hand on your cheek.
"I was building up some trust before I jump the gun, you just beat me to it." You giggle but he seemed serious. He swiped his thumb on your lower lip.
But just as you leaned in to kiss him an old man warned you about the bugs that crawled around you, jump as you notice them.
Hoseok bursts out laughing as you both run back to the car. Taehyung waves you goodbye before you both drove away.
"Fuck. Thank God he has a girlfriend." Taehyung's legs felt like jelly. When he saw Hoseok, he thought he was having a nightmare.
Taehyung knew what Hoseok did to the guy who sold him drugs, he was Tae's friend. Before him, when Taehyung's ex humiliated him at a party, the next day she came apologizing like crazy and even avoided looking at Hoseok.
Taehyung heard the stories surrounding the man he once called his bestfriend. He never believed them until that night, he flew to Italy to get away not because he was offered a scholarship. He even registered the business under his sister's name yet Hoseok knew he was the one running it and even teased him for not getting an invitation during the opening.
Hoseok wasn't protective, he was obsessed with a perfect life. One were the people around him shouldn't have worries to think about too. One might call him a lunatic.
The drive was silent, but Hoseok's hand was wrapped in yours the entire half hour. He hummed and you watched as the city came into view.
When you reached the apartment, you only let go of his hand when you exited the car but continued to hold hands as you went up the elevator.
You paused for a while when you reached your door... Contemplating on your next move but Hoseok spoke first.
"As much as I liked spending the afternoon with you, I have a shift in two hours." He steps closer again, you went up on your tiptoes and captured his lips in yours for a short kiss before rushing to get into your apartment.
Hoseok bit his lip and walked into his.
The next days, you'd spend your afternoons with Hoseok. He woke up at noon, you would have lunch outside, go somewhere then back before his next shift.
But he's off for the weekend and tonight you promised you'd go clubbing. So you dresed in a tight but classy black dress, your hair curled over your shoulders and heels high enough so you won't have to tip-toe when kissing Hoseok, or Hobi when he told you his nickname.
He knocks on your door and you let him in just as you started spraying your cologne. He made a mental note on the bottle's name.
"Fuck, you're stunning." He was no different, chest open, pants tight, sleeves rolled up. He was a sin. "Can't we just stay and drink here?"
This was Hoseok's first official time inside your apartment. After he got a copy of your key, he made sure you were home every time after his shifts, he'd check the fridge or trashbin if you ate, he'd leave a small peck on your forehead whenever he'd leave.
But in between, he was itching to know what was behind the other door. Its not like you have people often over that you kept that room locked.
You decided on a very boujee club. Where the city's finest hangout and because the music was better here.
With your hand intertwined with Hoseok's you make your way to the bar. You order three shots each to kickstart the night.
"Are you planning on getting me drunk?" Hoseok whispers in your ear.
"No, more than that." You giggle as you finish your first shot with him. He didn't expect you to drink all three in a row.
You drag him in the middle of the dance flor and start moving your hips to the music while your arms are around his neck.
You looked surprised when Hoseok moved sexier and hotter than you expected. Alcohol clearly taking over the both of you.
You grab shots that were passing by as you start grinding on each other. The music moves to a sexier RnB song and your bodies moved as one, his crotch pressed to your ass and his hands traveling from your tits to the side of your thighs, teasing you a little as he inches your dress up.
You step away a little to show him some moves but a woman was quick enough to pull Hoseok's collars towards her and smashes he lips onto his, before he could push her away you were already grabbing her hair.
"What the fuck!" She screetches as you raise your hand to fuck up her face and Hoseok was quick not quick enough to catch your wrist.
A solid smack on her jaw and she's out like a light. The bouncers start making their way towards you and Hoseok moved fast as he pulls you away from the crowd, he tosses the bartended more cash than what's on your tab before bolting for the door.
He helps you into the car and he jogs to the driver's seat. He makes you duck as the bouncers step out trying to loon for you but they barely put an effort since this was a usual club occurence.
When you both peek to see them back to their posts Hoseok laughs but you didn't.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I was caught off guard." His smile dies on his lips. "It was her fault, she ruined the moment."
"Exactly the reason why you shouldn't have stopped me from beating her up." You balled your fists, anger surging through you.
Hoseok feels your frustration and offers that you head home and continue to drink there.
You were silent the entire time. Hoseok was genuinely worried. He kept trying to remember the woman's face so he could hunt her down tomorrow but the lights were flashing different colors that he could barely picture her.
The moment the both of you step inside you take out some drinks from the shelf and pour Hoseok's drink from an unfamiliar bottle but he was too stunned at your actions to question it.
"Fucking ruined it!" You audibly mumble before pouring yourself a different drink from a different bottle.
Hoseok drinks his cup before you get any more frustrated but when he tries taking a step towards you he felt dizzy, he didn't drink enough to be like this but the next thing he knew he was on the floor watching your feet walk to his face.
"I should be the only one who gets kiss you like that." Though the words are muffled, its the last thing he hears before passing out.
He wakes up strapped to a chair, his arms tied behind him, his legs were free though, he tries to speak but the tape on his lips won't let him.
"Oh, you're up!" He looks up at you and you smile at his restrained figure. "I hope you're comfy." You say as you plop on the couch in front of him still in the dress from earlier.
The room was dim and was not helping his disoriented brain. When he finally regains focus he looks at you, you get up and run a thumb over the tape that covers his lips.
"I didn't want to have to do it this way, Hobi. But that bitch made me snap, stealing my Hoseokie is a very bad thing to do." You sounded so sweet and sexy, his brain couldn't keep up. "You're strong, normally people would wake up from the drink in like two hours but you did it in half an hour."
Normally? Does that mean you've done this before?
His breathing becomes ragged as you kneel down in front of him. Something on the wall captures his attention.
Photos of him, at work, with his ex, with Suki, hell you even have photos of him on his couch, even when he's asleep. A red string connecting photo after photo.
"You see, your ex had hired me to get rid of you, Jung Hoseok." You expected him to start begging but he just looks down at you. "I was going to have fun before I do so but you were such a treat now I just want to keep you for myself." You take a deep inhale of his scent and moan, Hoseok couldn't help but get hard at the sight.
"She wanted me to torment you, but as I studied you I realized that you just deserve better." You slowly unzip his pants. "You just needed someone to give you your needs." His breathing becomes shallow as you take out his semi from his pants.
"I genuinely like you, but why did you have to go kissing bitches in the club." You almost yelled but didn't want to bother the neighbors.
Hoseok didn't explain, he knew it was useless. What you saw vs what happned is no longer an issue.
"This is your punishment." You drop down to your knees and take him in your mouth.
Hoseok groans through his gag. Fuck, your mouth feels so good around him. If he could just free himself from the ropes he'd fuck your throat raw.
Just as he was about to cum, you stop. Hoseok looks at you angrily. But instead you start stripping before him, leaving nothing but a thong which you pull aside. You kiss him through the duct tape and slowly descend on his dick. He throws his head back in pleasure giving you access to his neck as you nip at it while you ride him.
You're fucking insane. He hates that his attention is split, as much as he loved you around his dick, he was also slowly untying his arms.
You were a moaning mess, you know sex with Hoseok would be mind blowing. And you love that you're right.
From the beginning, Hoseok's door was never broken. You had broken it days prior when you thought about killing him in his sleep. But that damn cat meowed so loud that it woke him. So you went for the friendly way, you knew Hoseok had the hots for you from the moment he saw you with Suki.
You closed your door louder even often greeted imaginary neighbors in hopes that he would hear you leave. Even drunk, you had ask your friend to drop you off because you were "completely drunk" and look for your neighbor, you were sure he had already come home from work.
"Fuck." You couldn't stop bouncing on his dick, it was addictive. You look at Hoseok and it seemed like he was enjoy this more. "Do you like that?" And he nods. "God, you're so big." You whimper as he holds himself back from cumming.
His hands were already free without you realizing it. All he needed was the right moment to get his revenge.
"Are you cumming?" You ask and he nods again.
You abruptly stop and laugh. But Hoseok didn't complain. He took you buy surprise by his hands wrapping around your ass and picking you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck, the blood drained from your face.
Nobody has ever escaped your ropes before. So when he slams you on the wall and fucks you even deeper, you can't help but fear for your own life for the first time ever.
"How?" Was all you managed to squeak out as he fucks you deeper and you moan louder.
With the tape still over his mouth, he can't speak but you can tell he was smiling by his eyes.
Then suddenly he drops you. You landed right on your tailbone paralyzing you for a second, you hissed in pain as you look up at Hoseok who slowly peeled the tape off his mouth.
"Don't bite off more than you can chew, sweetheart." Hoseok wraps his hands into your hair dragging you to the next room and your heart starts beating louder and faster.
He pulls you up and slams your face into the wall you're sure your nose is bleeding. Even so, you can't help but get turned on by his force.
"Such a needy slut." He rams himself back in your pussy and you moan out in complete pleasure. He smacks your ass with all his might while keeping your body in place.
"Fuck, harder." The moment he hears that, his heartrate spiked.
The reason his ex left him was because, like what Tae said, he was obsessed. And over that the sex was too much, even though Hoseok told her that he was a sadist she wanted to try him but it became too much. She left, but he followed her wherever she went. Broke into her apartment tried to beg for her to come back
Now, as he fucked you for the first time, he feels like you'll love everything he has to offer. He throws you on the bed, as you laid there spread eagle for him you wiped the blood off your nose and you fucking laughed.
You really are insane, but so was he.
He takes off his pants and shirt and finally captures your lips in his as he hovers over you. You moan into the kiss, Hoseok grabs your neck, choking you as he enters you again.
He thrusts deeper and harder into you. The lack of oxygen has pushed you to the edge, but he told you to hold it in as he fucked you harder and you're not even protesting as your face turned blue.
Tonight had endless surprises, you complained when he released you and even begged him to go harder than he is. His dick twitches at every word that came out of you. Begging for him to go harder, barely even getting the words out clear.
You both came together but you were still insatiable, he left you to go smoke in the living room. You followed him and with the ropes that you used to tie him and offered it to him on both palms and bowed down.
"What are you doing, sweetheart?" Hoseok takes a drag of the cigarette and blows it in your direction.
"Own me. Use me. Please." You your face was starting to bruise from when he pushed you on the wall, you ass turned red, his finger tips made a mark on your neck, yet here you are begging for him.
You meant to kill him but you'll never come across anyone else like him in your lifetime. Hoseok takes the rope and smacks your tits with it, you didn't complain. He slaps you so strong your lip bled, still no complaint.
Instead, you smiled and begged for more.
If Hoseok was fucked up, you were twice as bad as him. He smiles down at you and kisses you again, biting your lip and sucking on the blood that was dripping.
"Get on the bed, ass up and arms above your head." He whispers. You quickly scramble to your feet to followed his order.
He may need to marry you sooner than he planned if he wants to keep you for himself.
Hoseok didn't expect everything tonight, but it sped up his plans of keeping you. He was going to ask you out one of these days, then make it serious, after a year or two, he'd propose, by then he thought he could've broken you to be at his beck and call but now, seeing you on on the bed following his commands.
He now knows you were broken to begin with. And when a masochist such as yourself falls into his hands, they either stay or die. You will not, cannot, leave him.
As he closes the door, Hoseok knows that will never happen. You will never leave him, you smile from a bleeding lip and a bruised face, he's found you. He owns you now, there's no turning back.
A/N: My soul needs cleansing, I know
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duckchu · 11 months
If your asks are still open can I request the Heartsteel boys reactions to their S/O overworking themselves? How would they react if reader suddenly faints, gets a nosebleed, covered in bruises cos they keep bumping into stuff half asleep? I just want to see how they would care for someone hehehehehehe Thank you once again, I LOVE READING YOUR STUFF (IonianSunsets here btw teehee)
Omg thanks for the request :3
Idk when you requested so sorry if it was a long time ago (I didn't get a notification and it doesn't show the date of the ask)
Reader is a soloist here since I like writing idol reader lol. If you don't like it, I can redo it
It was just another day, you and Hearsteel were set to have a photoshoot together for a magazine, promoting your collaboration single.
He started noticing you were growing restless, drinking way more coffe and energy drinks than usual, but didn't say anything
I mean he wasn't better
Though he did it for different reasons
But today he noticied you were especially clumsy
You kept on bumping into stuff or people. He was getting really worried
Then when you were getting the photos taken, you started swaying lightly.
He quickly rushed to you as you fell
While you woke up quickly, he was still worried, heart racing so hard he was sure he would have a heart attack.
After that the shoot was postponed as Kayn got you home. Surprisingly he didn't speed too hard, not wanting to give you any additional stress.
After that he forced your manager at knife point to give you a well deserved break
And then begged Alune to let him stay with you
She did
He became really soft for a few days, cuddling with you and touching you almost all the time
Don't tell anyone tho
It was just a normal award show
Nothing big
Ezreal and you were the hosts
Honestly you in that pretty dress was the only thing which made him pay attention
Untill he noticed you were slowly starting to stumble with your words and your legs were getting shaky
He wanted to go to you and make sure you were okay but he couldn't just go up on stage
You were just to announce the song of the year category, but the it happened.
You lost your consciousness
The ceremony was put on hold, everyone in the audience shocked.
You were given medical attention and announced a hiatus to rest
After that Aphelios always made sure you were well rested and fed
Would litteraly force you to lay down if he noticied you overworking yourself
Would learn to cook just so he could be sure you ate
You were just recording the mv for your collab
It was all good, you just finished filming your solo shots when you collapsed on set
Yone quickly got up and ran to you, making sure you were breathing
After you woke up, you thought he was mad at you
He was just so...quiet..almost as if he wasn't here
You didn't know, but he just needed time to process what happened
He takes better care of you after that
To the point of being overbearing
He just wants to make sure you feel well
But if it bothers you, a simple talk with him will solve it
You were meant to have a special stage with him on a music show
Nothing hard, just cover an old song
But before it began he stopped you
- Y/N, are you sure you want to do this? You don't...look good-
Well that was nice.
He held your arm, looking at the bruises you got from bumping into furniture when you came back home at crazy hours after a tiring day
Then you got a nosebleed. Great.
He didn't want you overworking yourself.
He made you go back to the rest area and get some sleep
He was at a photoshoot when he learned that you have landed yourself in the hospital
He kept on bitching to the other guys about how he had to go visit you and that he can't finish the shoot
Finally they were done with his shit and made Kayn drive him there
He went into your room, worried sick
After you were discharged next day he was with you all the time
Making sure you're not overworking yourself
The rest of the band has to beg you to get him to stop worrying so much about you
When you do, he still texts you all the time to make sure you're ok
You were just chilling at his place when he noticied bruises on your arm
He questioned you throughly
After you confessed to overworking yourself severely
He made you stay the next night and prepared you some body care
Massage, relaxing bath, all that
He understands your job is really demanding, but does want to make sure you take breaks
Hope I didn't disappoint you, love you
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eoieopda · 1 year
[visual content blog recommendations]
we see fic recs all the time, but i don’t think i’ve ever seen rec lists for visual content (gif/art/gfx/etc.) creators! they’ve been dealing with a bunch of shit lately between reposts, tumblr garbage, etc., so i wanna shout-out some favorites. thank you for keeping us fed!!
disclaimer: this is not an exhaustive list!! if you have recommendations of your own, please feel free to expand on this yourself and/or drop some of your faves in the replies for others to see. self-promo is always welcome here, too ✨ p.s. some of these are recent finds for me, so pls expect to see more of them on my blog. eta: i will be adding more as i go!!
@yooboobies — réka’s gif sets are *chef’s kiss* and the ART? omg. the talent!!! 😭 we simply have to simp.
@cordiallyfuturedwight — apart from being one of the coolest/funniest people i’ve found on army tumblr, i am a kayla stan because the niche themes for her gif sets (ex. bangtan turtlenecks series) feel like they’re made 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 even though they absolutely aren’t, lmao.
@hopeinthebox — the bts as reductress headline + incorrect bangtan series are probably my favorite pieces of content on the entire internet??? also, lizzy is absolutely gd hilarious. tags are 11/10. a blessing upon my dash.
@kimtaegis — i’m not visually artistic enough to say this in a way that makes sense, but annie’s gifs are just… stunning? like, the colors? idk about the process that goes into that, but i imagine it takes a lot of time/finesse to be this vivid.
@kithtaehyung — ryen is the renaissance man of army tumblr, fr. not only can she write (like!!!) but she’s multi-faceted and insanely creative with her graphic design. i want her to tutor me, lmao.
@raplinenthusiasts — ooohhhhh my god. the coloring of their gifs makes my brain go brrrrtttt. this bts x the office set is on my “always reblog” list; i’ll share it every time i come across it.
@heybaetae — this set in particular is on my “always reblog” list, no matter how many times i’ve done so already. also, idk how to describe this, but kelli’s gifs are just…. crispy 🤌🏻 like, so satisfying with the…. texture? filtering? contrast? i’m an idiot re: editing terms, but go peep them and you’ll know what i’m trying to say.
@kth1 — literally who could ever forget maggie’s 100 days of (member) series??? the amount of work that had to go into that? unfathomable.
@jeurias — i want to wallpaper my house and office with their gfx. i’m deadass.
@jinstronaut — emmeline has been doing her “a jin a day while he’s away” series for OVER 250 DAYS NOW. i have never been nor will i ever be able to commit to anything to this level.
@starryoong — do not get me started on starry’s paintings, sketches, etc. because i will never shut up. ever. j’adore 🫠 is also a five-star human being.
@irlvernon — my queue is probably 80% max gifs at any given time. god-tier, fr. a must-follow for carats, as far as i’m concerned.
@vcrnons — incredible gifs, lovely human, and also the writer of some of my favorite svt fics??? we stan.
@yelhsaart — i don’t have any words for how much i love their art so please imagine guttural screaming instead. asdfghjkl!!!
@hizuillu — ……breathtaking. legitimately stunning skz art. like…… i have heart palpitations.
@snug-gyu — THE USE OF COLORS. i’m always a simp for pantone-inspired sets; they just scratch an itch in the back of my brain, and BOY HOWDY, is my brain satisfied 😵‍💫
@yunwooz — again, i have no idea what i’m talking about when it comes to the gif-making process, but the colors!!! the COLORS!!! like, taking a mv that’s not super vivid/is fairly greyscale and bringing it to life? ya know????
@booskwan — you want incredible gifs? they’ve got em. you want stunning gfx? they’ve got em. seriously, idk what to tell you except “pause right here and go follow immediately”.
@haechannabelle — listen……. annabelle’s art style is 😗🤌🏻 (that’s a chef’s kiss). the use of color, and the technique, and and and — ! ALSO, i must mention that she took, like, 50 hours to compile a boycott-friendly k-pop playlist. their vibes are simply impeccable.
rev. 4/10/24
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bangtanfanfiction · 8 months
love at first squat? → k. sunwoo
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Listen I'm a whore for Sunwoo this comeback. I will use every opportunity to praise that beautiful man.
♢ Pairing: Sunwoo x Gym rat!Reader → Idol AU
♢ Word count: 2.2k
♢ Genre: Fluff, suggestive, established relationship
⌲ Description: Inviting you to join him at the gym with his members was supposed to be a cute outing. Instead Sunwoo is left speechless and probably more in love than he thought possible. ↳ Warnings: Cursing, horny thoughts, mentions of sex, Sunwoo is ready to call you mommy (jk. maybe not. idk)
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Sunwoo wasn’t stupid, okay. 
Besides his obvious talent for being annoyingly witty, he considered himself to be fairly intelligent.
Which is why he was quite certain there were very few situations these days that would make him feel like an idiot. 
But here he was. Feeling like a complete, flustered idiot. 
All because of you. 
Okay fair enough, it was his fault this situation happened at all. But still. 
Being a twenty-three-year-old man, Sunwoo doubted there was much in the world that could turn him back into a speechless, bubbling idiot after being in the entertainment industry as long as he had. 
He’s seen it all. Over-the-top performances, beautiful idols, arenas filled to the brim as well as anything negative to follow those specific areas. 
And so Sunwoo had the brilliant idea of wanting to spend some time with you today that didn’t just include laying around and eating a bunch of snacks. 
Something cute, y’know. Wholesome. Instagram worthy without the posting etc, etc. You get the idea.
Since it’s only been six months since the two of you started dating officially, after all. He had to keep the fun going somehow.
He was also confident that he knew most of your likes and dislikes at this point. 
For instance, Sunwoo knew you loved the gym. You were 110% a gym girl with nearly all stereotypes to follow. 
He rarely saw you outside of comfy hoodies and sweats. He knew about your strict five-day workout routine you kept to almost religiously. He knew you struggled with fulfilling your needed protein count every day because you always complained to him about it. 
In all honesty, Sunwoo shouldn’t have been as surprised to actually see you in a gym environment. He knew you were fit and healthy - Of course he did. He‘s seen your naked body more times than he could count at this point. 
But all those times had also been in a private relaxed space. Often after eating takeout with a bloated stomach each.
So when some of his very avid gym-going members asked if he wanted to join them, he further stretched that invitation to you. Hoping to get a day spent together out of it. 
He had never seen you reply to something as quick as that.
You had met him in front of the private gym their personal trainer owned a walking distance away from the company. Dressed in a comfortable loose set of white sweats and matching hoodie, a black gym bag swung over your shoulder as you skipped the last distance towards him, launching into a tight hug.
“Hi.” Sunwoo smiled down at you, brushed away some stray hair falling into your face.
“Hi.” You returned it with a wide grin, leaning up on your toes to press a series of pecks on his irresistible lips, like an overbearing mother without the maternal instinct obviously.
“Missed me?” It had been a little over a week since you last managed to meet up in the midst of their recent comeback. 
And God, what a comeback that was.
“I always do.” You were never shy of your affection towards him, even to the point of making him shy in front of his members. “It’s unfair how perfect this comeback fits you.”
Your fingers flicked his parted hair with a wink.
Sunwoo only kept grinning - you had already shared your very enthusiastic opinion of him five minutes after the MV had dropped, texting a whole paragraph on how beautiful he looked and how your possessive nature might just turn deadly. (Jokingly, that is)
You had been in his shared dorm with Chanhee, Changmin and Younghoon spread throughout the living room and kitchen, tucked into the corner of their L-formed couch as you watched their most recent live performance - Sunwoo right beside you, waiting for your reaction.
He had paid careful attention, especially when his part had come on. You had watched the entire video silently with a completely straight face.
Chanhee would forever hold his trauma over your heads having been a witness to see you dragging Sunwoo to his room by the front of his shirt, locking the door audibly with a click before the sounds of thumping music came on to hide the sounds of your very obvious antics.
They didn't need to listen to know what the two of you were up to. Not with how Sunwoo seemed to be on cloud nine the rest of the week.
("Best fucking blowjob ever.")
Your screen saver was later a picture of his iconic part in 'Watch it'.
His hand slid a little lower at the memory, against the visible dip of your lower back and perky ass. One of his favourite physical traits on you, and Sunwoo would never be ashamed of being an ass man.
Shaking his head, he gave your butt a fond tap as you both made your way inside the building. The other members were already inside; Sangyeon, Jaehyun, Kevin, and Eric were in various positions stretching their bodies. 
You greeted them all cheerily with a wave and grin, before thanking their PT for allowing you to use the gym. 
Sunwoo was half listening to their workouts planned out while also glancing at you through his peripheral vision - curiosity driving him to see you for the first time in a gym together. 
You were obviously in the zone, within a corner of the private gym, not wanting to get in their way. 
He saw you tipping back a dry scoop of pre-workout and washing it down, before stretching just like them. You were still patiently at it as he began his first workout, falling into the same concentration with his members scattered around him doing their own things; their PT walking around and fixing any details. 
Sunwoo had just finished all his sets of a lat pulldown when the praise came from Sangyeon in a disbelieving mutter, stopping in his DB shoulder presses. 
“Whoa, that’s insane.”
Turning around, Sunwoo’s cough mid-water sip was not subtle. 
You were on whatever set of your hip thrusts, 200kg worth of plates on the bar as you breathed in concentration, not even aware of how much attention you had drawn. Your soundproof headphones made sure of it. 
You had shed the hoodie and sweats, only a pair of navy blue shorts and an oversized t-shirt he recognized as his, tucked into the band of your sports bra behind as you pushed through. The bar clattered slightly as you dropped back down. With a relieved sigh, you stood up only to flinch in shock to see him and his members still staring. 
Pushing back the headphones, you gave an awkward smile. “Hi?”
Sangyeon walked forward with an admiring grin. “Y/N that’s crazy! How long did it take you to get you that weight?” The two of you easily fell into conversation with Sunwoo still on mute. 
You had always clicked quickly with his oldest member, being such big gym goers to the point of obsession. Where Sunwoo also enjoyed going to the gym, he didn’t see it as his priority besides aesthetic pleasure. 
Not that he didn’t appreciate those who did. 
Speaking of...His eyes started to trail down your body. 
How the shorts were clinging to your quads, muscles shifting as your feet moved on the spot while talking, to your damn impressive round ass - frankly looking huge with the pump it had just gone through. He could see a sliver of skin from where your t-shirt was tucked up, showing off the lean lines of your strong back. 
God, Sunwoo was certain your quads were bigger than his head (They were).
Despite your makeup-free face, flushed skin, and sweat coating it - you had never looked hotter to him. 
“Give us a warning if you’re planning to go crazy.” Kevin’s voice snickering next to him snapped Sunwoo out of his stupor.
His hyung didn’t stop smirking knowingly. “You’re drooling. So if you’re planning to drag her away, at least warn us of the trauma of witnessing something we don’t want to.”
A blush spread across his face and the tip of his ears as Sunwoo complained. “Ah, hyung! I’m not going to do that.”
He had more decency than that. (Not really.)
Glancing over again, he watched as Sangyeon was helping you rerack the weights and moving the bar to a squat position -your next workout - the two of you moving with surety in every move around the equipment. 
You gave him a perfect view of your ass again as you bent to pick up the last plate, the muscles of your hamstrings tightening impressively, his head tilting to follow the movement.
Sunwoo wondered how he had never noticed that detail before. 
He would have to appreciate your body again (very) carefully once he got the chance. 
If it weren’t for the rough push Kevin put on his shoulder to continue with his workout, Sunwoo would have probably just stood there staring to his own embarrassment. 
“Baby, can you spot me?” 
You waited in patient amusement for his double take at the weights resting on the squat rack before his brows furrowed.
“I’m pretty sure you’ll have to save me if anything happens.”
You snorted out a laugh, his deadpan sense of humour was always a weakness of yours. Making you laugh with a simple sentence even if said in complete seriousness. 
“I’m not hitting over my max today, so you’re good.” You only chuckled, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards you slowly, as if coaxing a frightened animal. Only this one kept his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Nothing is gonna happen, I just need a little bit of support on the last rep.”
“What support am I supposed to give?” Sunwoo eyed the plates carefully, voice flat. “That’s more than my body weight.”
Giving him a quick look up and down; dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants with a fitting tank top, you gave the vision of absolute innocence. “Visual support.” 
Kevin, who was quick to get your innuendo from the bench next to you, laughed out loud. Before Sunwoo could comprehend what you meant, you had already moved into position for the squat. 
Sunwoo could only shake his head as he carefully shifted into a supporting position behind you, knees bending alongside your form but never touching.
"Fine, but if I break something you're taking my place in promotions."
"I'm sure Deobi's will love me more than you anyways." You stuck out your tongue in retort before starting with a huff.
He could see your strain by the seventh rep, thighs shaking and face scrunching up in concentration. 
But he saw the determination. And despite the risk of his demise, Sunwoo moved closer.
“You got it, come on.” He encouraged you, gently tapping your hip as you let out a large breath and pushed up, succeeding without him having to risk his life. 
“Okay, you two, enough of the lovey-dovey, back to work Sunwoo.” Their PT called out lightly. 
About an hour later, you were resting after finishing stretching, casually leaning against the wall with a hip popped out and scrolling through your phone when Sunwoo snuck up behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling your body flush against his chest. 
“Hi.” You only smiled up over your shoulder. “All finished?”
“You’re being unfair,” Was all he said, burying his nose into the crook of your neck and shoulder, tickling you as you squirmed. 
“About what?” You laughed. 
“Distracting me…” He mumbled with a pout. “I could hardly concentrate this entire session. I think I fell in love all over again."
"If I knew my legs were so powerful I would have squatted in front of you on our first meeting."
Sunwoo bit his lower lip to hide a smile. "Love at first squat, you say?"
“Unless you're just jealous of my thighs, that is.” Despite the flutter of your heart, you continued to tease him lightly, stretching out a leg and tightening your muscles still pumped out from your session. “I’ll teach you how to get them.”
Sunwoo hummed lowly against your ear, and you knew he was plotting something.
“I’d rather be buried between them.”
Your scandalous gasp was loud as you whirled around to slap his chest, catching the attention of the rest of the guys who were cleaning up. 
“Kim Sunwoo, we are in public!” You whisper-shouted in mortification. It was his turn to smirk at you in satisfaction, only giving an innocent shrug. 
“Ugh, Sunwoo is being indecent, hyung. Scold him.” Eric called out with an exaggerated shudder, turning to Sangyeon. The leader only sighed exasperated. Already far too used to you and Sunwoo's shows of PDA.
“You didn’t even hear what I said,” Sunwoo called out. 
“I didn’t have to! Y/N proved it.”
“Well maybe I offered her ice scream and she got overjoyed.” He retorted, their usual bickering starting up again. 
“Suuuure, if ice cream meant fu-”
“OKAY!” Sangyeon exclaimed loudly before Eric could finish that sentence, causing a fit of snickers from the others watching, as well as your furious blush spreading as you hid behind the palm of your hand. “Let’s not finish that, Youngjae-ah.”
Eric sucked in his lips with a mischievous glint, shoulders shaking in muted laughter. 
Just as everyone finished cleaning up and you put your outer layers back on - Kevin sidled up to you casually, slinging a friendly arm around your shoulders as you walked out of the building and down the street. 
You both watched Sunwoo take a running start before jumping on Eric’s unsuspecting back as they both stumbled with the maknae’s dramatic complaint of his sore legs echoing.
“You should probably cross out working out together.” Kevin had a shit-eating grin on his face. “You know, for public decency.”
“Oh shut up.”
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Thank you for reading!
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
i have been doing cpn posts here and there about wyb’s alleged song list and here is another one. i’m just gonna name it wyb’s playlist cpn from now on. so the explanation is, some people know wyb’s personal qq music account so if you follow him you can see what he has been listening to. i am not really familiar with the app so idk how the settings work if he can hide some. no one is saying how they found out about the account, which makes sense for privacy. in a similar way that some fans know zz/wyb’s gaming account till now. feel free to not believe it cause i understand that things like this can be sus & people on the internet tend to lie.
for me personally tho, i love this cause i think music really speaks of what someone is feeling. and you have wyb who is not exactly big on social media so we rarely know anything. aside from his now extensive movie list, his playlist is something that is interesting too. not necessarily cpn-wise all the time.
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this post will cover golden hour & some recent eason chan tracks added. 🎶🎵
The first one is GOLDEN HOUR which was used in ZZ’s vlog in Milan. It was a pretty popular song back then but it became more know because of ZZ’s post and even the singer reacted to it. Since then, it’s been a favorite among BXGs considering the meaning of it too.
This is what WYB’s playlist looked like on 3/28/23 People who follow said he hasn’t updated it for a week and then suddenly this track is added in. A piano version of Golden Hour. They say WYB usually adds relaxing music like piano tracks and some of nature, but not often. So it’s interesting how this one was added. At the time, they just don’t know the relevance. ( this screenshot was taken 00:38 3/29 but it has been this way since 3/28 )
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and um hello to the rihanna songs! he is such a fanboy! as he should. and also kendrick! 👋🏼
then XZS posts the vlog with that BGM the next day.
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dude, what are the chances. these vlogs are edited real time, we know that xzs team were working hard to feed content so the song must have been decided then and there. wyb listening to that the day before, next day it’s the BGM for ZZ’s vlog? i’m just thinking about ZZ sending it to him first to watch then WYB decided to add the song to his playlist. Or maybe they have already been lovin it and decided to use it on ZZ’s vlog.
so sweet!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
the most recent one is this updated 2/13 ( the 3rd track i blurred sung by faye wong, i already talked about here ) :
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The first one is this song ⬇️⬇️⬇️ which is about accompanying someone as a form of love. and isn’t that so them? it’s a known message that they both believe in, accompanying that person is a way of showing your love. screenshot 1 is from YT of a native speaker translating the title and that’s the one i’m going with.
also, sorry but i’m linking R1SE’s cover of the song cause it’s beautiful. 🫶🏼
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AND THESE LINES! WYB is such a romantic! I cannot! It’s so him! Someone who will like and love this one thing and will stick to it till the end. 🥹
Accompanying you to turn loneliness into bravery
I lost again and again, I didn’t leave
Accompanying is the longest love confession
How long is the future
Stay with you until the story is finished
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This is the second one, cloudy day. Which he was also allegedly listening to back in 3/2022 when he was filming and they haven’t seen each other for month.
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What does the sky look like
What is love like
Several clouds forgot where to go on a cloudy day
Missing and loneliness
Blowed into the left ear
Maybe I can’t remember, but I can’t forget the time
That secret happiness
What to say to the cloudy day
From what i can gather, it’s about thinking of love and the good things even if it’s a cloudy day. Usually it must feel sad, but this person still chooses to see the good in it. Again, this is so WYB. He sees it and does not mope, he remembers the blue sky and white clouds instead.
Eason Chan is a famous singer that a lot of people listen to so i know that WYB is not the only person in China who probably has one of his songs on his playlist. Compared to Golden Hour which was unusual and the timing being sus. However for this, the fact that it’s added close to Valentines Day? Is this what he is feeling? So freakin in love! ♥️🥹
Anyway, I hope they had fun with the time they had together last CNY break ( allegedly ) and that their love endures & flourishes in the years to come! 🫶🏼
sources: one // two
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l0uterstella · 7 months
YOUR MELODY: Analysis, Merold's Manipulation
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(Parts are still incomplete like the flower language) full english lyrics, Ever Red theory (MUST READ TO UNDERSTAND THIS POST) Updated: Feb 25 2024
Flower Language
(thanks to my friend Lux for finding most of them)
Rimicha - sunflower, birds of paradise Sunflower: Symbols of joy, adoration, and loyalty. There's a story in Greek Mythology of a nymph who turns into the flower after losing her lover Birds of paradise:  Symbols of joy, paradise, freedom, and a sense of exploration
Hallritt - red periwinkle - symbol of purity, everlasting love, loyalty to friends, and hope
Merold - white and pink easter lily, white chrysanthemum, baby's breath, white spider lily, white and pink rose, hyacinth - together as a bouquet, all these flowers symbolize devoted love and loyalty, feelings of strong familial love and homesickness, positivity, happiness and admiration for the receiver, along with "seeking forgiveness/deep regret" with the hyacinths
Mirror flowers: lily, daisy, carnation, 4th still unknown - Together as a bouquet, these flowers represent celebration/hope for happiness, love and connection. Some flowers also share a meaning of rebirth or missing someone
Broken Mirror
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Broken mirrors typically symbolize a shattered self-image, fractured identity, and a sense of loss. I'll most likely be covering the voice drama in another post, but in the first episode, Hallritt is seen easily defeating a seed in one hit. Maybe Merold feels like his role as the strongest knight is being challenged? Which is why he accuses Hallritt of being a failure as a knight in the teaser for episode 2. In another scene, these two frames are right next to each other. Instead of the diamond flipping around like it did before, Merold just completely replaces Hallritt.
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The MV also had multiple "waves"/glitches, which recently has been a recurring theme of Seed's presence.
Hallritt also feels a bit "off" in the MV. It's possible that it's Eldritch Hallritt/Eldritt/The "original Hallritt" currently present. It's a bit confusing to tell which timeline the MV is set in, but it might make more sense with the System Hallritt headcanon. Eldritt formed as a protector and gatekeeper who used to hide the truth from the "current Hallritt", before deciding it'd be beneficial if he knew the truth and did something about it. Following this, the MV is in the 2nd timeline as my timeline theory suggests (with the voice dramas being the 1st timeline), and Eldritt is simply fronting instead of Hallritt.
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There's also this scene where Hallritt sings: "As if two hearts are on top of each other, I want to be connected by the same rhythm"
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Merold seems to know about the 1st timeline. He holds a ribbon, which is what represents the memories of that timeline in Ever Red. He is also seen multiple times with a corrupted version, possibly hinting at him having an Eldritch (seed corruption) form as well.
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The lyrics seem to have him hinting at the 1st timeline to Hallritt. If you corrupt the future, you echo its dark history.
To summarize: Merold is threathened by Hallritt's strength, yet he also knows the truth of what he did/will do. He wants to get rid of him somehow, or at least keep him in his place. He put up a face to seem trustworthy, but someday, that facade will shatter like the mirror.
1. Merold losing his vision? Really not much proof here aside from this quick frame
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2. blob people. idk who or what they are yet
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3. there's one transiton where something that look like vines turn into (angel? dove?) feathers and another one with a broken crystal. could it be referencing cielomort's death? is it his crystal strawberry from aozora?
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(Why? Why?) This heart (Why? Why?) It's fragile (Why? Why?) No matter what, I love you most (Why? Why?) It's overflowing (Why? Why?) These desires A melody just for you
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sillystappen · 18 days
i was wondering if you can do max as a singer and not a driver
i wonder if he can be MARINA and he interested in f1 and goes there to watch the races
Singer!Max huh? Ok I see you.
And mother of god did figuring the logistics of this AU hurt my brain :')
Ofc Max would retain his interest in F1 heck I might even make him kart when he was a kid but drop out for angsty lore reasons. Naturally this would make his relationship with his father very strained and almost nonexistent if it weren't for the fact Max still hasn't blocked his number. He spent most of his kid/teenage life with his mum and sister in belgium and thrived in music classes, having a natural sense of rhythm and being able to hear the layers in a song. He still watches F1 on tv and becomes a Daniel fan after Spain 2014 - Daniel's first podium, though he also is team Rosberg when brocedes happens (no reason other than I like Nico Rosberg)
As for his music type honest to god I can see why you would say MARINA as those lyrics can definitely be Max coded but genre wise and looking at her performing idk if that fits the Max vibes bc I wanna keep him from going too OOC. But not in a total stray from the idea of MARINA, I propose... Conan Gray. Still kinda indie vibes (and I love indie) and there's a lot of desiderium songs as well as full on pop bops and hopeless romantic stuff which give people some good emotional rollercoaster concerts. However these songs and albums release date will be manipulated to it my narrative because trying to align a calendar with an interesting plot and those songs just was too much...
For Daniel and any race settings, I am thinking of using the 2021 season. Which I'm sure you all are thinking: Silly, what would be the 2021 season without Max in it? Wouldn't it just go to Lewis without a fight? And I thought long and hard about it, looking through the grid and reserves to see who if anyone should take the seat that Max originally had and... it's Daniel. You heard it here first folks this baby is a Daniel never left Red Bull fic too. Using this Mr V's Garage's video, I borrowed the simulated 2021 season between Norris and Sainz and made it Lewis and Daniel (who will ofc win) with 3rd place going to Checo (because i like checo) and 4th Bottas. As for Abu Dhabi... there's no way it won't be controversial come on.
I imagine a meeting between Daniel and Max would be him getting paddock passes after saving up and ends up being recognised by Daniel at the Belgian Grand Prix. At this point he has he has had Kid Krow out for nearly 2 years after saving a crap load of money from royalties and a birthday gift from his sister he finally had enough money for a paddock pass over a grandstand ticket (but holy fuck those things are expensive). He meets Daniel who is like "holy shit you're Max Verstappen! Wearing my DR3 hat?" and Max feels like holy shit is very much correct because Daniel knows who he is?!?! Queue both of them having a fanboy moment and Daniel admitting he cried when he heard heather for the first time. But Daniel has to be pulled away so he gives Max his number and invites him to the garage (much to christian's chagrin but hey, number one golden driver championship contender privileges). Max totally nerds and Daniel thinks its cute and the mechanics are surprised by Max's knowledge.
They go on "friend-dates" to get to know each other properly and surprisingly (to them not to us) they click really well. Daniel invites him to GPs and Max invites Daniel to music video sets (they sneak Daniel into an MV and if you look close enough you can see him in the background) and a lot of trips to the recording studio. The internet being the internet picks up on this and are like AIN'T NO WAY OMG WORLDS COLLIDING all dramatic like that. There's even TikTok edits and a small tumblr community (hi) about them.
Then one day Max goes on an interview and is asked about Daniel. "He's probably the best person in my life right now, outside of work and family. Gosh, I've been a fan since 2014, and my sister will tell you I yelled pretty loudly when he won in Canada that year. But the Daniel you guys see in media is only half the story. He's kind and considerate and generous and a really comfortable person to be around and I am glad I bumped into him in Spa. He's been my rock as I work on my newest album."
Hashtag maxiel starts popping off a lot more mainstream and Daniel calls Max after the interview to tell him how sweet and lovely he is and as he gushes Daniel has the 'oh I love him' moment, like actually in love and not just a how a fan would. He doesn't say it, of course, but the penny has dropped.
For Max, the 'oh I love him' would be when they're back in Daniel's hotel room post race (that Daniel won ofc) and they're sat on a sofa in front of a quiet TV playing some sort of movie when Daniel falls asleep on Max's shoulder. Max looks down at him and just knows 'i love him' then and there. It's a quiet realisation, and one he is content with.
As for how they get together, it's one of the times Daniel is in Max's recording studio listening as Max sings, completely entrapped. When Max finishes and sits down next to him, he asks what Daniel thinks Daniel doesn't hesitate to say he thinks Max is amazing and that the song will be a hit, but suggests a few tweaks to the instrumental. Max takes this seriously and appreciates the honesty, kissing Daniel's cheek as thanks. It was the way Max looked at him and gently held his face that has Daniel sitting there for a moment before going fuck it and properly kissing Max.
They don't announce their relationship until Daniel after wins his second championship in 2022 but spend the rest of 2021 and the entirety of 2022 soft launching it and teasing. Daniel posts photos of Max hugging him in Abu Dhabi 2021 and lots of photos of them hanging out in winter and summer break. The F1 media catches Max in the paddock and Red Bull garage a lot and Daniel at the Superache tour in late 2022 (what about the tour? what tour? the early 2022 world tour? yh that didnt happen I'm just adding a couple songs from there into the superache setlist). Max also posts a video of Daniel lipsyncing to Overdrive whilst holding a deodorant can and standing on a bed.
The actual announcement spooks the F1 world more than the music one and at first it's a lot for them, the questions and the prying, the demand to know it all and of course the homophobia but they get through it all fine and dandy.
Oh and Jimmy and Sassy? They give Daniel the seal of approval the moment he shows up offering pets. And that was the only outside opinion that ever mattered.
{I may flesh this into a full on fic, but I also might not but I liked your idea anyway and wanted to put the concept I created into the world! I hope you like it.}
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fuutaprotectionsquad · 4 months
What scenes the Milgram instrumentals would be for if they were video game soundtracks.
Except I make an entire game layout with it, including three mini boss fights and a final boss. They're in order of when they appear in the game, and color coded based on the area.
This took so long why did i do this-
[If you want me to design these bosses based on like. mvs and the character designs. i will.]
Parasite - The music at the starting area, before you've began your expedition. Like the home village. Possibly shows up at the epilogue too, when you return to the village, if you enter certain buildings.
Tear Drop - The salon that acts as an equipment shop. Except the shop keep has intense lore. Is maybe evil. We dont know. It pops up all through the game, or theres a way to get back to it and its in a neutral area.
Delusion Tax - You begin your journey into the first area! It looks very rocky and lava filled, with the stone buildings melded with the rocky mountains.
I Love You - Investigation scene. For what, I have no idea. Probably something related to your mission. The beginning of ILY is like. you find something very shocking and kinda scary, but then the rest is like. you + ur group(?) using it as a cataylst to keep looking and journeying. (its giving danganronpa udg honestly)
[Possibly more Delusion Tax after]
Backdraft - The 1st mini boss fight. A very overconfident, fiery kind of boss, despite being the weakest. This is the first part of the fight, where you're chasing them while they effortlessly hop through/set off many traps you have to dodge.
Salamander - Second part of the 1st boss fight where the boss actually stops to fight you. They fight with fire (...wow who would have guessed)
Purge March - When you get to the second area, and you're. continuing with your journey. Or something idk. I'm thinking this area is circus themed. Many animals.
Vampire - You first meet the boss. You think they're just a friendly child. They're so cheery and happy and childish and innocent. And then 1:19 in Vampire, you realize they're a little fucked up. But thats okay, because they're just a kid and they could never hurt anyone-
INMF - Now they're trying to murder you, so you're running away as they chase you and throw shit at you. Like uh. A million gruesome ways to die from billie bust up.
[More Purge March]
Animal - The second boss fight, filled with many circus props used as weapons. The softer parts of the song are when you're fighting different animals this boss sends after you, like lions and other circus animals.
Android Girl - Adventuring theme for the 3rd area. This area has a glitchy, techy hallucination theme. Like the boss is hacking the area to make illusions. Everything looks very glitchy, and has a kinda cyberpunk city look.
MKDR (DSCF) - Some part of the journey through the 3rd area where you've been completely absorbed into a hallucination, likely before you know that there are hallucinations here. When this happens it becomes a lot less glitchy looking and more real.
[Android Girl part 2]
Reversible Campaign - Phase one of the 3rd mini boss fight. They have a very techy theme. Like ig spamton.
Double - Phase two of the 3rd mini boss. You've pissed them off now, and theyve switched forms. The parts of the song that are softer (when mikoto's singing) are when you're deep in a hallucination. Then when you break free, it goes back to the glitchy harsh vibe.
Neo-Neon - You've defeated the three mini bosses and are filled with a newfound sense of determination. Now you go through the final area (likely a castle?) to get to the final boss. This area is a lot shorter.
Deep Cover - The final boss fight begins ! This is the first phase, which is very long distance and not quite near the boss yet. I imagine this one has a very celestial, crystal / star theme.
Streaming Heart - You weaken the boss via long distance, and they become more enraged. They haven't given up though, and fight with even more determination. This is where you can finally get face to face with them and have an all out battle.
AKAA - This is where their tough exterior cracks. You have a brief conversation, in an attempt to persuade them to stand down. But they put the broken pieces of their form together, for one last stand.
Cat - You've defeated the boss!! Roll end credits. Yeah thats it cat's just end credits. I. could not think of anything else </3
Triage - Epilogue after the boss fight when you're talking with everyone. Everything is happy and good, but there's also those very sentimental convo scenes.
[Some Parasite sprinkled in]
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nayeonline · 5 months
check out last months installment here :)
Bubble Gum - NewJeans
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With HYBE collapsing in on itself and ADOR being the epicentre of the explosion, a part of me was a little afraid that NewJeans' comeback would take a hit in the quality department. From the first bars of 'Bubblegum' I knew I had been worried for no reason.
'Bubblegum' is an early 2000s synth fueled record with an edge of 80s Japanese citypop. It's groovy, simplistic, and effortless in execution, and while it isn't necessarily an innovation in NewJeans' notoriously trend-setting discography, it's still a welcome addition that capitalizes on the members vocal tones and the group's style beautifully.
The music video is gorgeous, as usual, with it taking notes from the raw, realistic nature of 'Ditto' and the colour-pop confidence of 'Hype Boy'. Danielle looked especially gorgeous in her natural curls, and Hanni's sharp bob is so striking - she looks like an anime heroine, and I love it.
I know we've all heard the phrase 'I think I just made the song of the summer' a little too much these past few years, but I am of the opinion that NewJeans has successfully achieved it with 'Bubblegum' - it's been a whirlwind year so far for me, and something easygoing and chill like this is exactly the energy I will be bringing into the hotter months.
Even though they have made ripples in the kpop industry, it seems nobody can do it quite like NewJeans.
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note: i will be covering the rest of the mini album when the m/v for 'accendio' is released next month, so stay tuned :)
Coming off of the mildly contrived 'Baddie' and the shockingly beautiful 'Off The Record' from 2023's 'I'VE MINE' EP, I wasn't sure where I was going to stand with IVE's comeback. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised.
'Heya' is a track with a chorus melody that makes such perfect sense that you are left amazed that nobody has thought of it before - its so easily catchy, and being 100% real, it's been stuck in my head since the m/v teaser. The construction of this song is honestly very impressive (Dem Jointz is the arranger so this is unsurprising), every vocal or instrumental motif pokes it's head in and reappears in an effortlessly perfect way, even the raps aren't jarring, a pitfall many a kpop track have fallen down before.
Functionally, this song is the perfect response to 'Baddie': that playful edge they centred in on in that track is still present here, but IVE have returned back to home base a little more and drawn from that elegant, untouchable concept they built in their iconic debut trilogy. 'Heya' understands the elements that saved 'Baddie' from succumbing to unlistenability, and knows how to use them redirect back to the right track without discarding the lessons learnt entirely.
While I don't think this song has reached 'After LIKE' or 'Love Dive' levels of perfection for me, it's still a super fun song for IVE, and absolutely a step in the right direction.
(final note: does anyone else feel like this song samples 'flashing lights' by kanye west?? does anyone else hear this? like at 45 seconds?? maybe im slowly going insane idk)
Midas Touch - KISS OF LIFE
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(check out my breakdown of the historical allusions in the mv here)
Kiss Of Life seems to just know exactly what they are doing, and the music is just getting better and better. The Britney edge and old SNSD flair on this track is right up my street, and all the members just give their all on this song, their talent is so consistently clear.
Their seemingly exponential growth in popularity and success from debut is so well deserved, they are truly setting the standard for the quality of music of the 5th generation; they are proving with every release that kpop does have more to offer, there is more innovation to be made.
My grievances at this release being a single album aside, this was a perfect comeback in my opinion. Congratulations Kiof for graduating nugudom, I can't wait to see what you do next.
Impossible + 9 Days + One Kiss - RIIZE
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And just when I thought I would never enjoy a boy group release again, RIIZE dropped 'Impossible'. The audacity to release something as fucking amazing as this like 3 months after 'Love 119' (which i controversially loved)??? Insane.
This track marks SM's latest addition to their arsenal of iconic house bangers, 'Impossible' revitalizes everything that made Shinee's 'View' and f(x)'s '4 Walls' so good for the 2024 music scene. It has that late night BBC Radio 1/love island pop edge to it that I have been yapping about for months, and I am so obsessed. This is how to compete with Somi's 'Fast Forward' for the most british sounding kpop song.
'One Kiss' is a sonic sequel to 'Love 119' - I am just so obsessed with how much they sound like an early 2000s western boy group on tracks like this, they just exude NSYNC energy. '9 Days' is another laidback pop hit, with a little more energy and longevity than 'One Kiss'. The sound of 2024's summer in kpop has clearly been established, and I for one am in favour.
RIIZE being the first boy group to last more than two comebacks on my stan list is really something I didn't see coming, but it's a welcome change.
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I think babymonster may start to be delegated to the mini review section of these monthly reviews, because I am genuinely struggling to find something likeable within this song. 'Batter Up' at least had a danceability to it, even if it was highly derivative, but 'Sheesh' is just so predictable to me. Even the switch up from the standard YG party final chorus felt formulaic somehow, and the mini album wasn't much better.
Ahyeon is back though, and she proved once and for all that she is absolutely a necessary part of the group - her rap was easily the song's highlight. The performances from this era were genuinely excellent considering what they were working with.
I don't like being a stuck record with groups I just will never enjoy, so I apologize, but discussions around their future releases will be limited going forward, unless they drop something that I actually enjoy.
Pre2: Flower Rhythm + Pre3: Candy Crush- ARTMS (Dall)
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There is something about modhaus production that just works for me, and the interpolation of Heejin's 'Algorithm' on 'Flower Rhythm' is a really exciting choice. The verses, post-chorus and bridge are very strong in my opinion, but the chorus itself seems to get a little lost in the sauce. I can see that chorus growing on me however, and the rest of the song is highly enjoyable, very evocative of the yyxy sub-unit.
Haseul's 'Plastic Candy' is one of my favourites from the ARTMS girls' releases, and with it's interpolation in 'Candy Crush' means I am predisposed to be obsessed with this song. It's a little jazzy, a little citypop, and it's the perfect late night summer vibe. This is easily my favourite of the pre releases so far, but the sheer array of styles the girls have demonstrated makes me very excited to see where they go for the title track.
Girls' Night - Loossemble (One Of A Kind)
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Loossemble's 'Sensitive' was pure pop perfection, and the album was just as impressive, so going into 'One Of A Kind' and its title 'Girls' Night' I just knew they were going to deliver.
'Girls' Night' is a classic LOONA type track, a total kaleidoscope of sonic innovation, and it stuns throughout its 3:24 runtime (we love long songs). My girl Yeojin got PINK HAIR, Vivi got a lore update, and Gowon unlocked her irish ancestry - overall a 10/10 in the visuals department. The rest of the album is an actual masterpiece; 'Moonlight' is a banger that caught me off guard by how good it is, 'Boomerang' has an addictive almost hyperpop edge - it's very evocative of Yeppi Yeppi by aespa, or even Paradisin' by Rina Sawayama. 'He Said I Said' plays it a little too safe in the production department in my opinion, and it comes off a slightly childish for them - it's a perfectly enjoyable song, but probably the weakest on the album. 'Truman Show' brings in a more acoustic sound, which builds with the synth to create a truly cinematic feel - it has a ballad vibe, but keeps it on the upbeat side, so if kpop ballads aren't your thing, you still might enjoy this one. 'Starlight' is a perfect album closer, and although it will never be my favourite LOONA song with 'Star' in the title, it's a really beautiful song. This was a really successful album for them, and I can't wait to see what else they bring to the industry.
SPOT! - ZICO feat. JENNIE: I was fully prepared to lie and act like this was a masterpiece before I listened because it has my queen jennie in it, but when I actually heard it I was pleasantly surprised with an absolute certified banger. This has that TripleH - 365 Fresh energy that I love, and Jennie's amazing vocals have made me so excited for what shes going to do with her solo work at odd atelier :)
Could It Be + Freak - YUQI ((G)-IDLE): I've never been a huge (G)-IDLE fan, so 'Freak' really wasn't my vibe, but 'Could It Be' had a Sunmi-esque edge that draws me in somehow. Having heard a snippet on TikTok, I also listened to the b-side 'Red Rover', and it's a real standout, make sure to give this one a listen if you only heard 'Freak'.
Blush - woo!ah!: i am in denial thay the official group name is now WOOAH, why are we erasing herstory?? Anyway, 'Blush' really blew me away - this song is so fun, every second is packed with memorable melodies and beautiful production, and that post chorus??? a killer!! SO underrated, if you haven't checked out this song yet this month, be sure to, it's an underrated song that I can see making it high in my yearly ranking.
고민중독 - QWER: Sapphic themes?? in a kpop music video??? with a girl BAND??? yoasobi vibes??? of course i was going to love it! I had never really heard of QWER before this month, but this song is such a banger and the pop rock sound is immaculate - ( @a-moth-to-the-light this feels very much up your street) I will 100% be checking out their discography, and I can easily see these girls making a home on my stan list, this track is truly amazing.
Final Love Song - I-LAND2 Contestants with ROSÉ: This is the kind of kpop song that makes me understand why this genre is so bullied. What are we doing. Rosé sounded good I guess. Moving on.
IMMM - ILY:1: Such an unexpected groovy sound - big Momoland energy. Pretty much everyone is eating up these April releases, even the nugu girlies are bringing it more than usual. I'm slightly worried about the lack of music video or promotions, but this song is really fun, so please go stream and show ILY:1 some love :)
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I'm still not over Taylor's Fortnight MV... to say it's my favorite visual work she's done would be an understatement. As with all things on this album, she did her research. Her incredible DP - Rodrigo Prieto - who has shot The Man, Cardigan, and Willow MVs. As well as, Brokeback Mountain, The Barbie Movie, Killer of the Flower Moon, etc.
There are so many ways to parse the story of the Fortnight video, but I will mostly focus on Taylor's use of mirroring to make some of the video's larger points.
I am a queer former film student so I wanna note that that's the bias I'll be writing from. If that disinterests you, no worries! This just may not be for you.
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Love that we start with silent film era titles. One is black, one is white, perhaps a ying yang visual or simply representing the original album + the anthology. Could also be the light + dark of her two sides represented by Taylor and Post Malone.
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The vertical alignment shift in the word Fortnight is interesting because the other time i noticed her doing this was in the closing poem for TTP with, "Some stars never align." Would be cute to have it like a nod to screenplay scene heading: INT. FORT - NIGHT
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We start with Taylor, virtually still, but singing. She's handcuffed to an askew bed frame - sans mattress - with bars resembling a prison/cage.
The mirroring she's doing here is reminding us of "real life" Taylor's outfit at the 2024 Grammy's, but with the addition of white gauzy gloves + garter belt (like on tour), it reads more bridal, more bed sheet. That similar clock necklace is set to, best as I can tell, 9pm.
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And she's got enough hairpins to... idk... make me spin out? Her make up evokes a little Clara Bow, Greta Garbo, legends of the silver screen, etc.
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Taylor stops lip-syncing. Breaking the fourth wall, with direct eye contact, she's forced a "Forget Him" pill and unshackled from her bed prison. Unlike the next instance we get this match shot, it feels like she's telling the audience she knows we're watching and her look has a "this is what I'm forced to do" anger charged to it.
Also, the pill itself seems to break Taylor's reality from here on out. She "forgets him," but perhaps also becomes a different him herself.
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She walks over, in her wacky funhouse of a prison room - skewed angles, upside down doors (those who enter from the left walk on the "ceiling" - to an actual mirror. But this mirror looks more like a one-way mirror. Meaning that the subject can see themselves, but so can others they can't see on the other side. Usually so the subject can be observed.
Still appropriate to break the fourth wall as though we are watching her in a way she can't return.
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She wipes her face to reveal Post Malone's tattoos under the veneer of her prerfect facade. Once done, she utters the first "I want to kill her." She wants to "kill" Taylor TM?
I'll basically be going forward assuming that Post Malone is established in this mirror shot as a representation of Taylor, perhaps her True Taylor underneath the engineered perfection. This door/portal splits her in two on entry. From one white-clad figure to two black-clad ones. Kind of like the splitting of a prism.
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Instead of exiting this upside down asylum, she goes deep into a department - perhaps the Tortured Poets kind. We get an awesome match cut/panning transition where Grammy dress referential Taylor morphs into a Victorian mourning dress. One very similar to the dresses on stage during Folklore during Eras (at the bottom of post). Perhaps also a nod to Emily Dickinson herself.
The way they design the set to make it so her asylum and office are connected feels like a not so subtle call out on how she feels about her chosen industry. Not quite a cheery take on the Lover House for ex. Time also becomes a little bendy, irrelevant when she does this portal walk.
When she enters she sits at a mirrored desk, morphing into Post Malone's silhouette. To the side we have faceless writers, also dressed in black older fashions, that seem to go on for infinity like a mirror trick.
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Taylor sits down to start writing, Post Malone is already typing. They're both in black with embellished collars. We see that she has a top sheet with typed words, but under they're blank. Post has a pile next to him, along with his fountain pen, which perhaps are fully done b/c placement on the other side of him. Their desks are also arranged ever so slightly different. So Post-Taylor is a typing machine, Taylor needs to catch up...
But then Post Malone looks up to create this awesome mirrored match cut.
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Taylor and Post-Taylor get to work, singing the chorus, camera cutting on their lines in mirror shots respectively.
We see a typewriter jam the same lines from the song, but specifically "I LOVE YOU." Granted, we can't be 100% sure whose typewriter it is, but we see Taylor type "Love You." Perhaps they're mirroring each other in even this task.
Eventually their stories starts leaking blue and orange/gold ether which prisms out to reveal "The Story of Us."
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Really great shot of the infinity vanishing point effect from the unidentified crowd, how they're positioned makes them look like they're mirroring all of us watching/sharing our opinions.
This is where I'll stop for Part 1 because it's not ok how late this album has been keeping me up.
But a couple of things to start:
Taylor using very strong, very consistent mirroring techniques to create distinctions from narrator, character, and audience. Even the music is mirrored in the chorus with Post Malone's repetition.
By both wearing the face tattoos under a perfect exterior (the face we know her by), and immediately separating into two characters - one with her face/gender expression as we know it and Post-Taylor who now wears the face tattoos we just saw/is also sporting the face and gender expression we are familiar with him. It's Taylor TM the Brand vs Hidden (in plain sight) Identity Taylor.
Her typewriter emits an orange/golden glow from all of her repeated "I LOVE YOU'S," while his emits blue. Together they're creating the next story vignette: "The Story of Us."
One basic read for this is that Taylor could be owning her male POVs that come up in her songs (Folklore we're looking at you). Another read I have is that Taylor TM is writing the love song framework expected from her as an artist while Post-Taylor injects the devastation, anger, emotion, the heavy blues we often unearth from a song we originally thought was upbeat, romantic, unassuming. And considering these mirrored halves, I think that aligns with her own messages about her music, that people will always going looking for paternity tests - the publicized romance pulled from what we think we know about her. But perhaps the assumed truths of a song could be, and often are, driven by your gendered expectations - "Girl loves boy, sings about that." The hidden in plain sight Taylor subverts what the surface level shows.
The True Taylor is an unrecognizable author. And that writer is producing the meat of the work.
Additionally, I love that she's wearing a dress that feels taken off the Era's stage.
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Folklore in particular was a really different writing era for her. She presented the characters and stories as fiction and all the sudden an unknown male collaborator — William Bowery — gets credited on it. I'd love if the message, in part, was hey I'm actually my own male writing partner. Regardless, her other half/POV was able to allow her to write truths so long as they remained unrecognizable.
But she's wearing the mourning dress, looking over at her hidden true half, looking over anxiously. And then begins to write. They're half the story that makes up the whole, one needing the other to tell the story they want to tell. Perhaps it's a call out to Folklore in particular as a solution to being limited by expectations of her signature diaristic-like songs' perspectives. Using it as a way to tell a version of the truth from a POV society or the powers that be in her life would accept it from — not Taylor TM as she is/who she's known to be.
More generally, the "male pov" and the male pronouns, just seem to be called irrelevant smoking guns in the game of knowing the unknowable - what her work, a lot of her work, is referencing specifically. These two writers, as presented, are still both Taylor. Them's the rules here. Ok, see you in PT. 2!
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0509-brainrot · 11 months
First of all just some General Visual Parallels (ones that while I don't have any particular Thoughts or Deep Analysis on they're Neat :) (also they fit more into the overarching smoking trio parallels since Kazui has a matching one too) I'm sorry Kazui my blog is so biased orz)
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Mfs when they hold the left side of their face while forcing out a pained smile (Although with Mikoto it's just his general lying/trying to brush off his own suffering while with Shidou we're looking at him at his most painfully honest) ((Also they both have phone calls in their songs which I think is Great))
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Cool eye shots :) (Am I the only one who thinks Mikoto's eyes are very pretty :sob: ((Also now the entire smoking trio has one of these close up eye shots, I also love that Mikoto and Orekoto both get individual shots nobody gets left out (Ignoring the fact that they Disbanded)))
Okay but time for. My Actual Shitty Parallels Analysis bear with me guys here this is gonna get Messy,
Idk if I talked about this Before but Shidou and John (I'm sorry guys I Need to adjust to it I'm gonna call him John here) are both obviously extremely tied to their "purpose" of protecting people, specifically their loved ones (Shidou's Family/Mikoto). However they obviously go at it very Differently, John's method Is harmful (violence/killing) while Shidou's is supposed to be the complete Opposite (treating/healing).
There's also something interesting about their victims. I can't say for sure from Double if Multiple people were Actually murdered, but it seems to be portrayed that way by John at least; he and Shidou both portray themselves as having multiple victims, and they're also portrayed completely differently than their loved ones (Flowers/Tags, Mannequins, they're not entirely portrayed as people and have little to no identity, their lives were set aside to protect/save the ones they cared about)
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(The environment in Shidou's MV is also very sterile and clean looking while John's is covered in blood. They're both surrounded by their representations of the lives they took)
From what we've seen this purpose is currently what basically makes or breaks their will/reason to live, these people are their entire worlds, if they can't even save the ones they care about they may as well have nothing, and what happened with that purpose of protecting?
Well. They failed.
Shidou's fails to protect/save his family and John fails to protect/save Mikoto, and their arcs with how they go Forward with this failure completely Kills Me
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I fucking. Hrmghsdflbds these shots at the ends of their respective mvs are the shots that pretty much prompted this post. Shidou reaches out and, despite his failures, tries to push past his self-hatred and resolves to continue living and protecting others. Meanwhile, John closes in on himself with renewed self-hatred, and decides that it would be better off if he disappeared/went dormant.
Just. Aheem aheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
GOD, GOD (while the shots themselves don't exactly parallel, the lyrics. Oh The Lyrics)
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"So hey, prolong my life" / "If only I were never born, if only"
"I'm Dispensable" / "I'm So Sorry"
Minus the "Why, why" in Double, these are the Last Two Lines for both of their songs and,
We see John with the most Openly Distressed expression we've seen on him meanwhile Shidou has almost Cold Resolve
Shidou and John's arcs are going in completely opposite directions and that Breaks my Fucking Heart Man oh my God get me Out of here Get Me Out (I hope these shots also helps articulate that parallel I tried to make earlier about the different ways they go at protecting people? Shidou puts on new white, clean gloves meanwhile John's hands are completely coated in blood and just. Man,).
Just. Yeah. Yeah,
God I hope this makes sense to Someone I'm going Insane
Most miserable guys ever I love them so much </333
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bananaproved · 8 months
Top 6 shelved dramas that I would still really like to see
Ranked in no particular order, selection based on my personal tastes.
1) The Prisoner of Beauty
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Plot : Adapted from the novel "Zhe Yao" by Peng Lai Ke, it tells the story of the arranged marriage between Wei Shao (Liu Yuning) and Qiao Man (Song Zuer). The fun thing about this marriage is that they both hate each other for complicated family reasons (in the novel Qiao Man's family is directly responsible for the death of Wei Shao's father), so they start they relationship by trying to make the life of the other a living hell. Ultimately, their relationship will develop as they are impressed by each other's ingenuity and discover common interests. There is also an important "let's protect the empire and the common people" plot behind the romance.
Why I wish I could see it : It looks good !! The main duo of actors are both really good looking, but the production in general looks really high budget, with good costumes and sets. I would love to see that. Just look at this trailer !
Why I am not seeing it any time soon : Song Zuer :/ bestie :/ tax evasion is bad !!
Can we have some hope ? : Not really, at this point of time, no c-actors caught for tax evasion managed to make an actual comeback in the industry (even really popular ones like Deng Lun or Fan Bing Bing). Song Zuer is still being investigated, so maybe we can hope to see her name cleared but it's a little unlikely because they don't investigate people just for fun. However Song Zuer was involved in a lot of high budget projects so I am sure a lot of people are really motivated to try to airdrop at least some of her projects if they have the possibility.
2) The Fated General
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Plot : Classic high-budget historical drama telling the story of real life historical figure Huo Qubing (Zhang Ruoyun) during the Western Han Dynasty. It follows his military feats that got him the reputation of being one of the best military generals in the history of China.
Why I wish I could see it : First, the cast is incredible. We have Zhang Ruoyun (famous for being really good at choosing his scripts), Mao Xiao Tong, Bai Yu, Li Hongyi, Xu Yue, and others. It's really an all star cast except the drama was shot in 2016, before some of them became really famous, so it can be really interesting to watch ! Plus it's a really high budget drama, most of the outdoor scenes are shot in real landscape and not in a studio and it globally looks really good. For a better impression, look at this nice looking MV based on the different trailers of the show :
Why I am not seeing it any time soon : In 2019 (I think ?) the censorship rules changed concerning historical dramas and established the fact that dramas were forbidden to "distort" certain historical facts. This kind of put an end to traditional historical dramas as they became a way more risky investments, and stopped this one from airing as it already took some liberties in terms of storytelling. Huo Qubing is also a semi-controversial historical figure so it is not helping.
Can we have some hope ? : It's been 7 or 8 years and the regulations concerning historical fiction only got more restrictives in China so I would say no.
3) Immortality
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Plot : I'm sure everybody knows the plot of Erha so I don't need to write it but just in case the important tags are : xianxia, dangai, shizunfuckers, reincarnation, blood spitting, stairs, ...
Why I wish I could see it : Outside of the obvious reasons (gay people on my screen, Luo Yunxi spitting blood), it's also produced by the same people involved in the production of Till the End of the Moon and Shui Long Yin, so I have I hopes for the artistic direction of the drama. Also for dmbj fans : did you know Liu Chang played a guest role in this drama ? Idk what he is doing here but I would love to see it.
Why I am not seeing it any time soon : We are all aware of the famous 2021 dangai ban, but in general the chinese government is not a big fan of massive and really agitated fandoms (in the way The Untamed fandom was), so Immortality is in a pretty bad position.
Can we have some hope ? : Yeah !!!!! Hyx TOMORROW !!! Believe in your dreams !!!
For real : Two options. 1) On a random morning of the year 20XX you wake up to danmei fans in your tl losing their marbles bc the 6 first episodes of hyx were randomly airdropped during the night with no promotion and no warnings. You cry some tears of joy and immediately go watch Luo Yunxi spit some blood on screen. 2) After many years hyx is still not out but there were so many leaks that the fans managed to recreate the entire series from scraps and now you can watch it in full. Look, they already started :
4) Night Wanderer
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Plot : Zong Yin (Ni Ni) is a forensic expert living in Shanghai in 2021. She met, in her own apartment, a man, called Sheng Qing Rang (Deng Lun), claiming to be the owner of this apartment but in 1937. Together they discover that they can travel to their respective time periods through their shared apartment and start to develop a strong relationship, first as confidence and progressively as lovers. However, the situation get complicated as the Battle of Shanghai broke out in 1937 putting both of their lives in danger.
Why I wish I could see it : First, for lesbian reasons as I would never miss an occasion to stare at Ni Ni for 36 episodes (Wang Yuwen also has a supporting role here and I really like her ! Double win !). Second, it's actually a really nice and original plot for a CDrama and I have full confidence in both actors' capacity to pull off a really good performance to go with it. Look at this trailer ! It looks so promising !
Why I am not seeing it any time soon : Deng Lun !!! Tax evasion is bad !!
Can we have some hope ? : Even less than for The Prisoner of Beauty as Deng Lun is 100% proved to have committed tax evasion. There is often rumors about him coming back to acting but it's unlikely.
5) Winner is King
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Plot : Based on the novel "Sha Po Lang" by Priest, set in a steampunk version of the Liang Dynasty. It tells the story of Chang Geng (Chen Zhe Yuan), a young man living in a random countryside village, who discovers after a raid on their village that the closest people around him were hiding a big secret about his identity. He also discovers that the people around him are not who they pretend to be, especially his yifu (adoptive father, played by Tan Jianci), and realizes that his life will never be the same.
Why I wish I could see it : Outside of the reasons already mentioned in hyx's case, Winner is King is also directed by the same director as Guardian and a Journey to Love. I really like his work and he proved that he was able to do really good things even with a really low budget, so now imagine with a decent amount of money ? It could be great. Also I really like the idea of an ancient china steampunk but I am too lazy to read the book.
Why I am not seeing it any time soon : Same reason as hyx and all the other dangais </3 Also I am not sure of how advanced the production was when it was stopped, because I feel like there are not as many content leaks.
Can we have some hope ? : If we can manifest hard enough the end of the ban, it is possible.
6) The Love of Hypnosis
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Plot : During the end of Qing Dynasty, a (patriotic) young man named Yen Shen (Jing Boran) meets a fragrance shop owner named Lu Man Sheng (Liu Yifei). Man Sheng has the special ability/ mission to relieve the hearts of people suffering because of love, but it does not mean that her own romantic life is easier to deal with. Together they fall in love and have to navigate the really troubled times of the end of Qing Dynasty.
Why I wish I could see it : If you are familiar with Liu Yifei and Jing Boran acting I'm sure you can see the potential of this pairing ??? Just the poster has more on screen chemistry than some pairings have in 40 episodes. At this point the plot could be written by a cat walking on a keyboard and I would still have hope for a good chemistry. Also the drama has Liu Mintao in a supporting role and I am in love with her so it's a plus.
Why I am not seeing it any time soon : First, there are some copyright issues with the original manhwa author. Second, the second male lead, Zhao Lixin, got more or less canceled a few years back for political reasons (sorry I don't have the details).
Can we have some hope ? : I would say maybe a little. Copyright issues can be solved and I've heard that Zhao Lixin is still shooting in dramas, meaning that there is hope for some of his stuff still being released.
That's all <3
Sorry for depressing information maybe ? Next time I promise I will make a post about dramas I am looking forward to and that are likely to be released sooner or later. 
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moonxmagix · 1 year
MCR Songs & their vibes
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MCR songs and whether I think they’re day, night, sunrise, or sunset songs.  Also adding seasons.  If you get it, you get it. If you don’t then idk what to tell  you homie. I do get carried away & include scenarios I personally picture with the songs. It took me a couple hours to write this so please read. This might make more sense for my fellow autistics though:  
First album: Bullets
As an overall album I don’t have a set season for it BUT if I had to pick it would be a transition from Summer to Fall. It’s also more of a Day album for me but not ever sunny. With exception of sunsets. 
Romance - Sunset but when the sun is almost down, Summer but transitioning into Fall 
HTMIBHFTBOU - Night but just after Sunset, still that Summer to Fall transition  
Vampires - Night, but sometimes fits a cloudy rainy day, Fall
Drowning Lessons - Night, probably around 9pm, then again I get rain vibes, Fall but  exceptionally chilly this day
Our Lady of  Sorrows -  Night, Fall, i imagine being aggressively drunk to this song in  some small shitty venue 
Headfirst for Halos - Day but slowly transitions into sunset, nice fall day
Skylines and Turnstiles - Day but super rainy/cloudy to where it looks night,  Fall
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville  - Day and night because it starts  off nice then progressively gets darker, winter
TITBDE - Sunset/night but  like right after the sunset, i imagine being at the fairground & setting the firewheel ablaze, Summer transition into Fall
Cubicles - Day but cloudy, Fall but getting close to winter, being miserable at a shitty  corporate office job, coffee & cigarettes 
Demolition Lovers - Day into night, Winter, blood in the snow
Second Album: Revenge  
Easily a Fall album with SOME Winter exceptions. From the story we know I get lots of vibes of murder and suicide. I get lots of screaming and yelling between a couple vibes too. Definitely a Night time album overall.  
Helena - Day but rainy & cloudy, funeral vibes but that’s so obvious, peak Fall
Give ‘em Hell Kid - Day but very cloudy it’s almost night, Fall,  definitely ‘just got out of school 4 the day’ vibes
To The End - Night,  a very eerie night somewhere in the woods bc you & your friends found a vampires mansion and the lore to the house is that a husband & wife lived there but they killed each other, Fall
YKWTDTGLUIP - Night but you're in prison so you don’t care what time of the day it is, Fall but it’s a bit chillier because it’s ALMOST winter 
I’m Not Okay (I promise) - Day, cloudy school day with light drizzle, Fall but a bit warmer but it feels like summer because the gym teacher made you run laps outside & you threw up on the side
The Ghost of You - Day/night but cloudy (Kinda going  off MV), Winter probably 
TJLIGKY -  Late Night, downtown somewhere sketchy in a hotel, missing person vibes tbh, rain, Fall transition into Winter 
Venom -  Night but early on, I imagine fighting for something you want/to keep living/fighting for love even if it’s not necessarily romantic love
Hang ‘Em High -  Day, Sunny fall day, emo cowboy vibes idc!, Sunset later on in the song though, very sinister & hungry eyes, possession comes to mind here
Fashion Statement - Night but just turned, graveyard, crawling out of coffin in ground, Fall but foggy
Cemetery Drive -  Day but cloudy and rainy, when you were found on the bathroom floor though it was night, staring out the window like a movie, Fall
INTYWIDFAL - Dead of the Night, lots of mania & killing, Staring at the mirror with blood on your hands, Fall
Third Album: Black Parade
This album is Winter through and through! Definitely a transition into Day from  Night. Themes of death obvi  and incompletion and self hatred. Lots of fire and potentially setting stuff ablaze, so arson! Memories on memories. 
The End - Day but you’re in an auditorium watching a play/musical until Night, lots of screaming & agony, Fall but just about Winter
Dead! - Day but it’s cloudy, lots of dreaming & being taunted by death, Winter
TIHID - Night, being in the woods late at night, walking in snow barefoot & blood trailing behind, seeing ghost, Winter 
The Sharpest Lives - Night but it’s  2am, drunk, cigarettes, trying to comes to term w/ your career & how you won't achieve anything, Winter
WTTBP - Day into Night, cloudy, dead of Winter but lot’s of fire to keep warm, seeing death finally 
I Don’t  Love You - Day but cloudy & rainy, Fall transition into winter, painful breakup but we knew that
House of Wolves - Night but downtown vibes so the lights keep everything alive, running  from cops vibes, personal rebellion against church & religion, reminiscing on running the streets with friends when young, the memories are Summer but song is Winter
Cancer - Right after Sunrise, patient dies early in the cloudy morning, body stays in bed until Night though so family can visit, lots of flashback of memories, Winter
Mama - Night, arguing with family, lots of anger, war flashbacks, rainy Winter
Sleep - 4am Night,  nightmares, sleeping in shitty hotel, haunted hotel,  creaky floorboards, sleep paralysis, Winter
Teenagers - Day, Fall, zombie like & judgy teenagers, reminiscing on teenage years, violence  
Disenchanted  - Night, drinking yourself away, disappointment, feeling like you didn’t do enough, Winter, around Christmas
Famous Last Words - Night 12am, realizing your memory will forever live on, coming to terms w/ death, Winter but the fire is enough to keep you warm
Fourth Album: Danger Days
If you say anything else but Summer you're just wrong. Blazing summer heat & just sweaty musty & dusty mf’s.  Themes of fighting for what’s right, the power of friendship & love. Partying in the desert. Obviously a Day time album. 
Na Na Na - Day,  blazing hot in the desert, partying at some underground rave, hanging head out window to shoot the corporation ppl, robbery, Summer
Bulletproof Heart - Sunset, lots of smiling & laughing w/ crush, trying to runaway with crush to somewhere better, one of the lovers dies because of Korse, Summer but it’s very breezy 
SING - Night, “I’m gonna save the world” vibes, sneaking  around,  cool Summer night
Planetary (GO!) - Sunset but it’s just about to be night, partying, lots of colorful lazerbeams and strobe, very sweaty,  Summer 
TOHFMIY - Sunset, fighting for friends & showing them love, taking pictures with friends on a desert cliff, Summer
Party Poison - Day, pompous ass character, fighting for what’s right, protest, Summer
SYIHTB - Day into Night, fighting off the Exterminators, stealing cars & sneaking off, sneaky make out session, helping friends get away from Exterminators, Summer 
Scarecrow - Day almost Sunset, feeling safe, finding a place to rest & collect thoughts, maybe mourn the people you lost, being found &  have to keep moving, Summer but it’s not humid
Summertime - Day into Night, so much love, finally got with crush, telling story of them, sappy,  laying in the desert/on-top of car & staring at the stars, hot Summer day but chilly night
Destroya - Day, horny, so hot you had to get almost naked, fighting against corporation  by holding a concert of sorts to raise awareness, borderline dehydration, blazing Summer heat
The Kids From Yesterday - Sunset, reminiscing hard, missing childhood/younger self, living in the moment, hand holding w/ friends, realizing you’re not actually alone, Summer into Fall
Vampire Money - Day, causing chaos with friends, so many crimes, more crimes,  scary teenagers, selling soul for fame, Summer in Los Angeles 
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sophaeros · 7 days
love your blog, if possible could I get an Albert and Jules lore dump? I read your other post but I am hungry for more context (and sources)
omg hii glad u like it here !! 😋 umm ok i can try to do like a rough little timeline w notable moments maybe? whatever comes to mind lol
in err 1991 i believe when julian was 13 he got sent to that one swiss boarding school to curb his alcoholism (did not work clearly) and a while later 11 year-old albert also arrived. julian stayed for two years and albert stayed for six months. julian had this to say about their meeting SNIFFLES. theyre never beating the soulmate allegations i fear
How did you become friends at first? Julian: Two of us arrived in a private school in Switzerland. I felt I had nothing in common with the others. They were so different from people I knew in New York, they were obsessed by clothes Haut Couture. I missed New York so much, it’s really a part of my soul. Meeting Albert was a relief. At last, someone with whom I could talk. There was immediately something, a feeling of complementarity. We talked a lot of music, of our band plans. We gave ourselves 2 years to create a band or to bury this dream. After 2 years, we gave ourselves 2 more years, (laugh).
— the strokes for les inrockuptibles, march 2002 (x)
after albert moved back to la he and julian lost touch until 1998 when albert moved to new york at 18 to go to film school and find himself or whatever. and of course they have the most red string of fate ass second meeting oh my god it makes my stomach hurt. I COULD LITERALLY SEE HIM FROM MY WINDOW. why arent they in a stupid hallmark movie romcom COME ON
“When I first came to New York,” marvels Hammond, resplendent in red and black winklepickers, “the way things happened to me, it was like there was someone… doing it. I moved into my apartment, it was directly across the street from where Julian worked. Like, what are the odds? I could literally see him from my window.”
— albert hammond jr for q magazine, april 2002 (x)
and so albert becomes the final member of the band, completing the set ❤️ (the talk, 2013)
Albert, did you have to try out to be in The Strokes? Yeah. I remember when I met everyone. I met Julian first, then Nikolai, got really drunk one night, and then I went to go try out, even though Julian told me later that in his mind I was already in the band. How come? I was an okay player, I could play chords and stuff, but I looked awesome. (Laughs) I just looked like there was only one thing I could do: be in a band.
albert and julian lived together for seven years from 1998 to 2005 when julian got married, they had two apartments together and the first one is the most well known, it's the dumbbell shaped one. idk about the layout of the second unforch
ehhh scrubbing ahead a bit. julian wasn't there for albert's intervention in 2009 because he was on his solo tour
but happily in 2013 we get albert releasing his comeback ep through julian's label cult records (and then he leaves cult records in 2015. c'est la vie.) (nme september 2013)
“I’d been talking to Julian about wanting to release something on his label since he started it,” Hammond Jr explains. “He was like, ‘Let’s put out a song’. So I went, ‘Alright, I’ll start working with Gus [Oberg] and maybe after we do a few songs there’ll be one that’s fun in there.’ I sent him the first, ‘Cooker Ship’, and he was floored. I got an email back with a million ‘yes’-es on it!”
speaking of which. i've posted this before but SIGHHHH (the talk 2013) that song is for his fucking then-gf justyna. (well, most likely. i dont think hes ever outright stated who he wrote it for but the mv is pretty domestic (for the most part......) and theres a bit where theyre kinda dancing in the living room which is one of the things albert told an interviewer he and justyna did a lot → vice june 2015 but of course i suppose you never know)
Kind of like The Strokes’ song “You Only Live Once”… Julian wrote that. I’m in the band, but I still take his lyrics like a fan would. You always relate lyrics to yourself, and I even do that with him even though he is one of my friends and we lived together when he was writing it. God knows what they were truly about. But it came full circle when he was over listening to “St. Justice” from my new solo EP. It was really cute, he was like, “Is this lyric about me?” And I was like, “…no, man.” It really wasn’t, but it was a good circle because I’ve felt that way about so many of his lyrics. When we got in the band, Julian had such a vision, he was just a strong writer, so the first three records are all his.
and then there's. whatever the fuck is up with one way trigger. i'll make a post about that swear
ending this post here i think bc otherwise i'm never gonna post this SORRY. i'll try to think of more but the tragedy of julian/albert is that it's actually really hard to find fuel for them. unlike milex where they're apparently physically incapable of not being all over and waxing poetic about each other. but then what you Do get is kinda crazy. such is life
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