#idk what their ship name is but thats my best guess
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divorcedtom Ā· 1 month ago
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SEVERANCE 2.01 - "Hello, Ms. Cobel"
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zeropro Ā· 18 days ago
So Iā€™ve seen you draw and tag a couple of different ships, just wondering which are your favorite???
Love your art btw :D
Thank you!
I donā€™t have a specific ship i'm particularly loyal to, so I guess Iā€™ll rate them and also provide my own headcanons:
(disclaimer i dont know ship names so imma just try my best)
Trine-shipping: yes, put the three of them together, I donā€™t care. familial, sexual, romantic, platonic, its all good. I go crazy seeing them stand next to each other in the cartoon what do you want from me.
thunderwarp: I see this one a lot and I quite like it. these two being mates with starscream doing his own thing kinda makes sense considering starscream has a bunch of other ships. also makes it fun when something happens to one of them and starscream is left in the awkward position of having to deal with that.
thunderstar: been thinking about this one more lately. theyā€™re like foils to each other. thundercrackerā€™s a good boy to starscreamā€™s bad boy, and he does such a concern about all the morally dubious stuff starscream gets up to. but at the same time, he admires starscreamā€™s ambition and rizz and starscream the kinda bot that would pull you so high if you followed him. I think out of anyone, starscream is the closest to actually trusting thundercracker.Ā 
starwarp: i had this thought one time of what if skywarp is like the horniest asexual and starscream is the most traumatized aromantic, and how would that even work XD nothing solid in the works just an idea that I had. ive seen these two less often outside of trine shipping but it can be pretty hot. I like when they are being protective of each other. I always see skywarp as more emotionally open than his trinemates and starscream can use some of that open and honest emotional love and care. someone to forcfully make him accept being loved. someone who will actually push back when heā€™s being stupid. and with skywarp being loyal to megatron, so much angst potential for both of them.
starbee: im a sucker for the whole ghost bee starscream dynamic. I already made a post about these two, and after all this time I still really enjoy this ship. I think characters that donā€™t actually like each other at first but grow into a mutual respect is so tasty. I think some people donā€™t like the ship because they headcanon bee as too young? well, starscream is actually younger in my fic lmao, but also theyā€™re like 6 million years old and are born with full adult processing capabilities, I donā€™t think age matters here :P its less about intimacy for me anyway. I like them together because of how much it takes to get there.Ā 
starwavewave: okay this one is 100% fueled by tfone but guyssss guysss theyre married and megatron is their son and im just aaaagh dont seperate them! such a kookie dynamic, the cool headed soundwave, the emotionally volatile shockwave, the arrogant yet cowardly starscream, all being fail dads to their little scamp leader. hahaha. high command polyculeĀ 
megastar: gasp, rated above skystar. yes, I just find this dynamic more interesting. I like an abusive ship sometimes for the angst but I also enjoy seeing megatron when he isnt abusive? kinda catharsis maybe. I read a fic once where the war is over and starscream invites megatron to one of optimusā€™ high profile parties and is appalled at megatron showing up in robot equivalent of underdressed, meanwhile megatron the working class miner is like ā€œI washed, what else was I supposed to doā€ XD and I just love that haha. theres just so many ways to take it. I wont be doing any megastar in my au, I just tag anything that has megatron and starscream interacting with megastar cuz thats the dynamic to me
skystar/jetstar: iddkkkkk i know this is the most popular ship but itā€™s just!! idk! its not as interesting to me haha. I love this as a past ship, they were roommates in college, starscream opened himself to someone, chose to become close and then was hurt by it. just another wound on starscreamā€™s spark before he ever even meets megatron. I donā€™t think theyd get back together after the ice. idk how well I can write this so Iā€™ll just explain how it happens in my au here: skyfire died and starscream created this version of skyfire in his mind that was perfect, he memorialised him because he was dead! you just cant live up to how someone remembers you. I think that was part of the reason why starscream reacts so badly when skyfire ā€œbetrayedā€ him. unlike thundercracker, skyfire knows how to set healthy boundaries. not to mention heā€™d been on ice for four million years, lost his entire life, everyone he knows, and his entire civilisation, planet, and culture to a war he had no part in. botā€™s gonna be upset. pissed off even. skyfire shouldnt have to be some soft sparked punching bag for starscream, heā€™s kind and a pacifist but heā€™s also going to get upset and have feelings. I think starscreamā€™s betrayal would hit pretty hard, heā€™d gonna be upset about how much starscreamā€™s changed, how much damage starscream helped cause during the war, and also starscream shooting him in the back for wanting to protect the native wildlife! when they properly talk to each other again itā€™s going to be heated on both sides, and I think after some hard work from both sides they could end up in a place where they are willing to be friends again, but I donā€™t think theyā€™d conjunx. skystar isnt end game to me, but it is canon and an important part of the story
starop: I think ive read one fic where I really liked this ship. itā€™s just such a random pairing. my initial reaction is just noooo optimus prime?? but that guyā€™s everyoneā€™s dad! Ive been told a big part of it is theyā€™re both megatronā€™s exā€™s and thatā€™s pretty funny. not for me sadly haha (opxmegatronoldmanyaoiotpfrfr)
starjackā€¦wheelstar? whatever the starscream and wheeljack one is. Iā€™m not into this one. I see where people are coming from with it, but wheeljack isnt an interesting character to me. they can be science bros tho
starscream and windblade: ive seen this like once or twice. not for me. windblade is like, starscreamā€™s daughter or something idk XDĀ 
soundstar: uuuh i dont see it. sorry! i legit have no thoughts on soundstar. theyre coworkers XD. ive seen fics where the seekers are really young and soundwave moms them, and thatā€™s really cute. okay, I like soundwave as a caretaker if the seekers are young, but yeah I donā€™t think I understand this one.Ā 
shockstar: nooooooo. tho ironically theres more canon content there to fuel this one than soundstar (is this emotion?) but still no XD I donā€™t even hate shockwave! let him be sunstormā€™s dad, thatā€™s cute. but no, shockewave too creepy. no ship. they are also coworkers
what other ship is there even? oh yeah
starprowl: this is apparently a really popular ship?! I guess in a way prowl is sort of like the autobotā€™s starscream, undermining his leader, arrogant, willing to do the dubious play. theyā€™re both ruthless. I like this one better than starjacked, but its still an odd pairing to me.
oh! knockout and starscream, i can kinda see it? like, as a rebound after breakdown? I like knock out and breakdown, so Iā€™d only see these two as like friends or if something happened to breakdown. theyā€™re a LOT of fun when they interact tho heh heh, perfectly clashing personalities
on the topic of tfp, I guess starscream and arcee is a ship? I can see this similar to my enjoyment of starbee, theyā€™d have to work reeaally hard for this one to work but they have had potentially positive interactions in the show (before starscream screws it up) so its possible in a better world where starscream doesnt suck they could become friends. him killing cliffjumper is gonna be a huge hurdle tho!Ā 
dont talk to me about airachnid
do people ship starscream and ratchet? I donā€™t ship it, but I do really like interactions between them. starscream is so terrible but he also gets hurt a lot. ratchet is grumpy and prejudice but heā€™s the best doctor and heā€™ll fix him up! I like when something terrible happens to starscream and ratchet cant help but feel bad for the guy. thatā€™s the good stuff.
lastly i have been asked a few times on trinebee. im assuming this is bumblebee and the trine. i hadnt thought about it but it makes sense! if youre a starbee shipper, but you also support trine propaganda, then it only makes sense to bring bee into the trine. also bee and thundercracker are friends! the only ones who havent really had any interaction is bee and warp, and honestly idk if I see those two getting along but bumblebee is everybodyā€™s friend so XD Iā€™m sure itā€™ll work out!
and i think those are all the thoughts i have on the ships!Ā 
no hate on anyone who ships any of these!!! you all do what you do, these are just my opinions, and honestly Iā€™m just not a huge shipper to begin with haha. I amā€¦unsure if there will be any shipping content in my au, I write my scenarios very much ā€œcanon but to the leftā€ and so it comes out very sex-less because romance and intimacy is just not the type of content Iā€™m in the business of writing. but, idk, i think about it sometimes. sometimes I think about the end of chapter one of thundercrackerā€™s origin, the night starscream took thundercracker out on a not-date. i think, who knows, in some version of the story maybe they shared a kiss? maybe they went back to the apartment and things went further? maybe. but of course, in every version of the story, starscream is gone the next morning.Ā 
happy valentrineā€™s day!
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marioluigifan134 Ā· 4 months ago
The Voice of Skeeter/Henry about Nora/Starbitedreams/UmbreonDarkEdge
Hello, this is Nickolas of Miiblr writing for a brief moment here, I need to address what is really happening between us (more specifically, a user named @patti-mayonnaise A.K.A. Skeeter/Henry) and Nora/Starbitedreams, because I am getting really sick of watching people defend this person when they are not an innocent person at all. I will give this post to Skeeter's side now, here's his side of what is going on.
This is about Skeeter's relationship with Starbite.
Everything Skeeter/Henry writes will be in black text to avoid confusion (my text is in purple).
Also, there are some Trigger Warnings that I want to warn you all about, as this post contains sexually explicit and suggestive content and manipulation!
hey. im henry (starby's ex boyfriend, who came out about his actions to the mods.) fuck idk where to begin. maybe i should start with the harmless stuff because god i suck with my words starbys obsessive behavior always bothered me when i was with him. i felt like it'd be impossible for me to even speak to him because of how clingy he could get. this also came to play when i started to get f/os (i use self shipping as a coping mechanism which i guess.. pissed him off??)
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ah! speaking of his bpd! he would blame it on literally everything. especially his hypersexuality. hell, he even thought making porn of IRL ME, WHOS 15 (he drew it when i was 14) WOULD BE OK??? STARBY HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING THAT SHIT CAN GET YOU IN TROUBLE
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before you say "oh henry!! why didn't you stop him??" well with the given ss, i didn't have a choice. considering i was his bf at the time, i thought it'd be best to keep my mouth shut and let him do what he wants, but i was very uncomfy. considering im asexual
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starby, YOU. ARE. MY. BOYFRIEND. i should be having to ask you to comfort me, ffs!!
now here's the flat out racism. before september 8th hit and i was still 14, i was talking to starby about how my dad didn't give me a quince (for personal reasons, even tho its our tradition) and with one google search, heres what he had to say
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"pedophile ass shit" STARBY THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS??? AT LEAST THATS NOT HOW MY FAMILY DOES IT??? you're not even mexican yourself so how do you know???? insensitive ass
anyways moving on, going back to my self ship discussion, he would get very butthurt about my obsessions and f/os (mostly doug, my comfort character and bravoman, my f/o (who is portrayed without his suit and his mii form) which i find very ironic considering he would not stfu about wanting to fuck an old man (taizo hori)
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(context for the last two images) i was in a doug server with him (since he asked and i figured cuz hes OBSESSED) with me and idk i guess he got jealous that i wasnt in the same fandom as him so he found reasons for me to not like doug??? idk but the way he worded it was very rude and i was reached out by two mods and the server owner with how uncomfortable he made everyone felt. so eventually he got banned
..thats all i have to say. bottom line is that i hope he gets the help he needs.
henry out
Alright, Nickolas is back, and I want to mention that me and my friends also had our fair share of experiences with Nora. While it is not finished (as far as I know), I feel the need to share the doc explaining them here, because what it contains should tell you everything in our true experiences.
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tostilunch Ā· 24 days ago
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Hello esteemed mutual. I am stealing this format from @yuespropagandablog to tell you about my favourite game of all time, Outer Wilds. The first thing you will hear about this game online is that you should go in completely blind, and I do agree with that statement so I will be doing my absolute best to spoil as little as possible in this post. I won't talk about the story at all, but will be mentioning some things about how the game works and stuff, so be warned. If you want to be extra safe I suggest not reading this post I guess.
What is Outer Wilds?
Outer Wilds is... hard to describe. At least I don't know any games that are really similar in design. Outer Wilds could be described as a rustic space-exploration knowledge based Metroidvania. More on that later.
The game was released in 2020 by Mobius Digital, and published by Annapura Interactive. This was (and still is) Mobius's first game, which started out as a college project (source: I feel like I saw this somewhere but I'm too lazy to look it up). Outer Wilds was released around the same time as Outer Worlds, an Action RPG by Obsidian Entertainment, which caused some confusion due to the similar names. But I digress.
You play as a young Hearthian who is just about to leave their home village on their first day as an astronaut at Outer Wilds ventures, the Hearthian's space program. If you want to find out what happens go play the game. It's good and as said I am trying to reveal as little as possible.
Also, fun-fact that I don't know where to fit in to this post: The species you play as (Hearthians) are completely genderless!
So you play as an Astronaut?
Yup. The solar system in which the game takes place is different from our own in that it the entire things is no more that a few dozen kilometres big. This means you can easily reach your destination planet in no time. Some bodies are so small that you might accicentaly fly into space if you jump too high. The spaceship flying might take some getting used to, since there's no friction to slow you down in space of course. Luckily your spaceship has an autopilot feature to help you out if needed (the autopilot doesn't take into consideration if the sun is inbetween you and your destination, however).
What do you mean with knowledge based Metroidvania?
Outer Wilds is unique in that the only form of progression is the knowledge you gain. You progress by learning how the world around you works in many ingeneous ways. Thats also means that you truly can experience this game only once. A first playthrough might take 15-20 hours, but once you have solved the solar system's mysteries, you can beat the game in twenty minutes.
Apart from a very short introductory section, they entire game is completely open world (or, open solar system I suppose). Once you launch you are free to go wherever you want, and you are sure to find something to explore.
Do you have to remember everything that you learn?
Luckily, your ship comes equipped with a handy shiplog, which records any discoveries you find, and can point you in a direction if you are unsure where to go.
How's the Music?
Amazing. The soundtrack perfectly encapsulates the emotion of whatever situation you find yourself in, be it roasting marshmellows by a campfire or travelling the not-so-vast expance of interplanetary space. Different 'groups' are represented musically by their own motifs and instrumentation, which is really cool. Here's the main theme:
There's also a deluxe version of the DLC's coundtrack on Spotify, which contains six long, beautiful songs that are not found in game.
Where can I play this?
Outer Wilds can be played on PC (Steam and maybe other things idk), Xbox, Playstation 4/5 and Nintendo Switch. When you start up the game you are recommended to play with controller but in my experience keyboard and mouse works just fine.
Can we play together?
Outer Wilds is a single player experience, but if you have already beaten it then watching someone else play for the first time is probably the closest you can get to re-experiencing this game's magic. So if any of you are going to play let me know! I want to see!!
Is there DLC?
Yes! The DLC is called Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye and it has managed to be just as excellent as the main game. The DLC adds a new area that is pretty seperate from the rest of the game but still fits into the story beautifully. It's honestly an entire game by itself, so defenitantely worth to get.
The DLC contains some segments that are a bit more Horror-like, but they are executed in a way that is actually exilerating and terrifying, instead of just cheap jumpscares. But don't worry, you can turn on a reduced frights option in the setting to make it slightly less scary.
Are there German characters in Outer Wilds?
It is unlikely Germany exists in this Universe, and no german characters are featured in the game.
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rose022 Ā· 1 year ago
hi~ im rose! (among other names lol, ask for them or find them) welcome to my intro!
- dont feel bad about blocking or unfollowing me, just wanna say this. i may make posts abt being confused when i see people leave but curate ur own experience, be happy
- you can call me whatever you want idc, just lemme know. like genuinely any nickname. i do have others tbh but ehh
- yeah yeah im an adult so dont block me if i like ur post and u say mdni ight? also for any minors if that makes u uncomfortable u can leave. if i post some here, its likely jokes in some form. both nsfw and suggestive are tagged just like that
- pronouns are whatever is funniest in the moment. or just use your own. neos are ok
- asks and dms always open for anything. i won't really reach out first but i promise you can always talk to me about anything. if you don't have anyone else or just want to talk about a particular thing or want to vent, etc. like genuinely pretty please talk to me about your interests i will gladly listen!!! <3
- also you can always tag me in anything!! i love tag games (i may take a bit) and if theres anything you think id like or reminds you of me id love to see it!!
- don't really have a dni but like i will block you if you're a bigot. im a fag and autistic if you don't like that go away idc. also if you are pro cop or military stuff fuck off
- i post about whatever i want all the time. you may follow for one thing, but there is no consistency here other than what i like. i have too many things i like
- i am not mentally well. there will be vent posts that are on main sometimes. i tend to post them on my vent if theyre particularly bad but there will be some here. you never have to reply, i will be okay eventually.
- if we're mutuals please tag stuff with cw rose for anything with touya or akito being shipped with anyone else or TBHK nene and tsukasa as a ship, self harm images, stuff about spiders (or any bugs kinda) mostly pictures of them or them on someone (bees moths and butterflies exempt), needles if theyre detailed not cartoony, real life gore of animals or humans (not sfx or art just real stuff), sa, stuff about veins, and please use tone tags but mostly just for joking or sarcasm as i tend to assume everything is serious.
- MUTUALS PLEASE TELL ME STUFF TO TAG FOR YOU!!! i do my best to read carrds and intros and stuff but i might forget please remind me please. gore and sexual stuff will get tagged as gore and nsfw but it's mostly explicit stuff. things are tagged as what it is, not with cw or tw.
- !!current things i tag are homestuck, eye strain, saiouma, bsd, religion (marlo dont look), elie shoo (csm saiouma gore), suggestive (anything relating to anything nsfw like jokes or anything else), adrien no look (alcohol, crickets, girl interrupted, hospital innuendos clowns, child death, natural disasters), deco 27, emetophobia
- tags
#rose rambles - my posts
#rose tagged ramblings - i made a separate one for when i talk a lot in tags
#rose art - quite simply rose's art
#rose ocs - the sillies from my brain
#ask rose! - asks
#rose pics - look i don't get creative with naming these i think you can tell
#rose cosplay - ^^^ yeah
#helpful - things that could be helpful to anyone
#save - similar to above but more so personal things
#important - maybe not technically helpful but i think people should see
#favs - self explanatory, i believe
#sillies - similar to above but not really
#luv - mutual appreciation mostly
#heart! - things made by mutuals!
#liebe - things made for me!
#mecore - woah thats so me frfr
#rose writing - idk man take a guess
#fĆ¼r das rose - submissions aka post limit
#favfavs - fav art or fandom things
#wm - reminds me of ocs
(i wanna like fix all my posts to have tags but i reblog so much and itll take me a million years to get back to the start of my account atp. maybe one day.)
- commission info
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writing: $2 per 100 words (?)
i also take requests for these!! or other stuff but like it will almost definitely take me a bajillion years to finish so if you wanna make sure i do something, gimme money. but u dont gotta its ok ily anyways
i have a k-fi rose226 and dm for p-ypal
- sideblogs
@luka-spotted most active
@daily-akiyama-mizuki hiatus!
@daily-asahina-mafuyu hiatus!
@rosemusictime lol no followers
@oz-the-bird-official (to translate my Fischl)
@ako-udagawa-official this and above in progress (there will be no progress i died)
@daily-purple-character send reqs
@aoi-shirosaki-official pjsk oc rp blog
@hikari-itsuki-official ^
@yuki-jigoku-official ^
@kei-makura-official ^
@roseswonderland things i make
@engelgram oc gram, to hold the name
(i may remove u as a follower depending on if i trust you enough for these next few but if we're mutuals ur pretty much safe)
@moonlit-thoughts22 vent
@selfless-lvr selfship/kin
@softrosebud agere
@shhh-its-rose moots only ig. random idk
@eros-engel fuck it. nsfw blog.
(guys i think I have too many sideblogs help)
im not active on many other social media but if we're mutuals you can ask for like anything and ill probably have an account. somehow im most active here tho (and in one discord server but u guys cant join)
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dragon-queen21 Ā· 5 months ago
this is a spur of the moment, no plannings going into this one because im not doing very well but shhh!!!!
(first off, im sorry i didnt say something sooner, ive been seeing your concerning posts lately. are you okay? seriously? i dont know if this is a line im crossing but if you want i could drop my blog if you ever need to vent. im sorry if thats too much i donā€™t understand things like this sometimes, but i genuinely hope your okay.)
but i wanna speak about lil sanji real bad, because i had a dream i was little and ive been having a lot of ideas about him lately and i need to project. also in honor of the sanji fan zine thats coming out (and that im totally not considering buying for 85 dollars as a early birthday gift) (or late since it ships in march lol)
- um idk i feel like hes a quiet little, especially before the crew found out he was a regressor, he doesnt really wanna talk, he just wants to be around someone. like i can see him pre coming out finishing like lunch or something and coming out and just sitting with nami and robin and theyre like ā€œhello sanji kun do you need anything?ā€ only to be confused when he doesnt start twirling like a love sick school girl.
^ or him going up to zoro PEACEFULLY and just plopping down and zoros fighting DEMONS not to say something brash and ruin the moment because sanjis clearly not in the mood, or if he looked close enough, not in the right headspace to deal with a attitude
-or even post coming out i imagine him just making everyone take a turn in holding him, not like pick up holding just. in the aquarium or something sitting on someones lap holding him close. give my guy some comfort PLEASE
- has one specific stuffed animal he keeps with him all the time. like first thing he asks for when hes tiny, f pacis, f sippys, give him his STUFFIE!!!!!!!!! youll never guess what it is (its a fish)
- i know a lot of people say sanji woukd be scared of the bigger members of the crew, and i so agree with that, but BUT the bigger members of the crew holding sanji like a actual baby? proportionally hes closer to the size of one if their hands
- no thoughts in this guys head, its just straight static. when hes younger, he has to like actually try to force two coherent thoughts together. i dont know he regresses really little a lot of the time, id say he stays closer to babyspace/toddlerspace than anything on the older side (he has so much trauma to work through)
ok im done im really sad so im gonna go to something productive to not. be sad byeebywwbyewww
Thank you. I am justā€¦ having a time of it right now. People areā€¦ cruel, weā€™ll just leave it at that. And no your not crossing any line, if anything your words warmed my heart. Iā€™m doing alright. Not the best not the worst just, fine.
Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through things as well :< We can suffer and be sad together <3
~Iā€™ve seen talk about that zine floating around. 85 dollars is a lot but it would be fun to get.
Let me know if you do get it!
~ā€œtwirling like a love sick school girl.ā€
<- okay that made me chuckle. I can imgine there were so many alarm bells going off in their head. And maybe the just think that ā€œoh Sanjiā€™sā€¦ quietā€
~Zoro just aggressively chomping down on his sword and training to keep himself from saying something he knows will be stupud and unhelpful. And Sanji just seems soā€¦ soft and Zoro is like 95% sure this is some horrible mistake
~Attention starved. Heā€™s just attention starved. Give the baby cuddles
~Iā€™m quite partial towards the head canon of Zoro buying him a stuffed turtle. Sanji looking back and forth between Zoro and the plush before declaring ā€œmoss.ā€ With no other explanation. Is that the plushes name? Is he just saying Zoroā€™s name? Who knows, certainly not Zoro.
~See Iā€™m telling you. Caregiver Franky + babyspace Sanji. Just kdbjdbd best duo. (I just really really love cg Franky)
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misspickman Ā· 3 months ago
aoi and clover for the uhh character breakdown thing
How I feel about this character: normal
All the people I ship romantically with this character: im v fond of aoilight, i think aoi/junpei is really fucking funny but thats mostly all i think about it
My non-romantic OTP for this character: the kurashikis are everything to me. But also as britta said he and hazuki would be the bitchiest office coworkers ever and i would like to see it. I dont think he and clover get along on account of the kidnapings but i believe they could get there and itd be funny
My unpopular opinion about this character: his outfit rules and i do think thats just how he dresses. I keep seeing people go what if hes just doing it for the bit in the game and he usually wears normie business clothes and imo these people are just boring cowards. Every time i see aoi in a suit i go why would you do that to him. Its his company he can do what he wants!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he'd been mentioned more in the other two games... Specifically i would've liked more kurashiki siblings stuff. Akane tell me where your asshole brother is
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER shes my best friend. The fact that the game is constructed so that you cannot get the true ending until junpei befriends and is genuinely nice to clover is genius. Its very sweet in a subtle way i feel. And i will always support siblings killing for each other she won me over instantly with that one
All the people I ship romantically with this character: alice is an obvious answer, i wish i had more but i dont really.. i did like them more than i thought i would. the alice ending really pulled through
My non-romantic OTP for this character: her and junpei and obviously her and light. I would like to see more of her and akane tho.. I do just really think that as the four kids from the first nonary the two sibling pairs could have some insane and compelling dynamics
My unpopular opinion about this character: Apparently some parts of this fandom decided she and her brother are white on? Account of their names i guess? And this makes no sense to me. Like her name in the japanese version of the game is not spelled clover its yotsuba. Also shes a gyaru which is a japanese subculture afaik so idk i think its kinda weird. Or was it the international license comment that inspired this? Either way i think its weird
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i wish she'd been written better in vlr... Dont get me wrong i loved her, i took 10000 clover screenshots, her stupid puns were great, but i feel like she came across as a lot more idk ditzy and incompetent than she had in 999. Would have loved to see more of her being a secret agent that isnt just her messing up and telling people shes a secret agent (funny, and i do love that she consistently cannot keep a secret, but that being p much the only secret agent thing she does really paints her as just incompetent, and we know from the first game that shes not). And i know that seducing sigma was an act but we really could have done without it. Also! Would have loved if we'd gotten a clover update in ztd
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schattenmagier Ā· 5 months ago
šŸŒŒ Sci-fi AU?
[ Isi trying to make AU's // Accepting! ]
// Sci-fi isn't my favorite setting, and I don't really have much media to get ideas from that I actively watched. My knowledge of sci-fi comes mostly from big movies/series like Star Wars and Star Trek so it's gonna be a mix between the two of them I suppose ^^ Also I write these more like something like a prompt bc thats cool and gives some insight I guess? So please bear with my limited knowledge :')
Her ship is small. Nothing for a big crew. One, or at best two, people could live on it. Not a big crew. And that's how Lilli prefered it anyway. A small ship is more easily to miss, in battle as well as when escaping. And she was good enough of a pilot for it. Still, she had paid good money to have a device built in that made her small ship almost invisible. That's when she gave it it's name. 'Schatten'. Not creative, because it just meant 'Shadow' in her native language, but she found it fitting enough.
The woman set the course to the next space-station, before switching on the auto-pilot. The path she had choosen should not have any dangers on it, so it should be fine to take her eyes away for a moment. She still had to look for a job after all. While she did had some credits left, she still needed money to get fuel and supplies. Her next travel is gonna be a long one after all.
So the woman grabs her tablet, and opens up a site to check any kind of available job on the station she was heading to. She wasn't exactly picky when it came to how to earn money. At this point Lilli did any job from being a bounty hunter, to a bodyguard, smuggler, killer or even spy. And wasn't she made for some of these tasks? After a while she decides for a simple job on which she has to spy on some dude. Eh, should be fine.
Though her journey to the station will take a while still, so she had quite some time to kill. So, she switched away from the job site, after applying to the spy-task of course, and to the news from all over the galaxy. There were some articles about some big space-fight between offical goverment ships, and space pirates. Some smugglers who got caught. A new alien species has joined some union... Nothing what really interested her. But one article caught her attention. 'Another black hole has appeared! Is this the end of the universe?' Said the headline of said article. Quite the clickbait, given that, while there had been several black holes appeared recently, they had been rather small, and were able to be contained. They were right about it being strange though. Especially because they had appeared quite close to populated places. Stations, planets.
Lilli's eyes narrow as she reads the article. People only thought it was a strange natural incidence... She knows it isn't though. She has seen this before. The woman knows exactly who's doing it was. He was still on it. Trying to find a way to manipulate dark matter. And while she was sure he still hadn't found a save way to do so, he had made progress... It means she has to find him quickly, and finally end this. But he was hiding well...
She closes the pad then, and places it to the site, before staring at nothing for some time. Then she slowly raises her hand, with the palm facing up... Almost immediately a tiny version of a black hole floated just a few centimeters abover her palm. Lilli stares at it for a moment, before closing her fist around it, and suffocating it again.
He wanted to use dark matter to make the perfect weapon... Seems like he really thought that she was dead.
A sigh left her then, and the pilot went back to flying the ship after turning off the auto-pilot. She needs to get her mind off things for a big apparently...
Man idk if this is good. Her personality is a mix between main verse and vigilante AU tbh
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girl-of-stupidology Ā· 3 months ago
Hey there! My best friend (@emp-roar) and I have been playing Pentiment together and we got to the point where Andreas died, so we decided to scour tumblr for fanart (to cope). She was both shocked and delighted to see the Werner/Andreas fanarts you did and sent them to me immediately. WE ABSOLUTELY FUCKING LOVED THEM AND WE JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT! <3 we are kicking our feet giggling in call right now hahhahaha
Wow idk what to say,,,First of all thank you for being my first ever ask Lol and second, I legit also feel the same whenever I see super rare Werner/Andreas (Wer..dreas???) and also legit Pentiment fanart in general. The Kicking feet is too real.
Yeah. No. I really appreciate it you donā€™t know how happy I felt you two feel that way abt my silly sketches, I love my problematic faves. Now Im more motivated to draw more ā€¦Werdreasā€¦ Yeah. I guess thats the ship name ppfffttt. Also Lol you said that part so funny like ā€œAndreas diedšŸ˜€šŸ˜€šŸ˜€ā€
(Also on my second playthough I totally did not craft my own Werdreas storyline and somewhat messed up some persuasion checks because so through the game totally no)
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james-fun-in-the-sunderland Ā· 11 months ago
Mob Psycho 100 for fandom! And Amy from Sonic for character~
omg hello thank u niru c:
obligatory link back to the original ask game
Mob Psycho 100
sorry that alot of these repeat and probably arent like insane thoughts, i was only big into mp100 when i was like 16 and finished the anime like a year ago šŸ˜­
Favorite character: Serizawa c: hes a 6w5 so legally i must enjoy him but also i just like him ... he has curly hair and is cool OH AND TOME !!!! shes fun :) i dont fully remember my interesting thoughts on her but i enjoy her and how she works for reigen post canon. i think her weird girl charms get to me
Least Favorite character: uhhhh probably mogami or shous dad... theyre both just annoying like whateverrr stop being a dumb adult stop beefing with 15 year olds losers...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 1.... serirei?? is that the ship name. serizawa and reigen. basically canon ? 2. mobteru again basically canon 3. . um . theres not much ships i really have with this show so idk if i can do 5 but i can at least do three bc i think tome and mezato is cute :) i briefly became obsessed w them for a bit after season 2 .... i think the ship of the two claw guys . the like sword one and the other guy is pretty cool...
Character I find most attractive: serizawa. who would have guessed.
Character I would marry: nobody everyone here has many red flags also theyre 90% children
Character I would be best friends with: if i was a teenager there is a non zero chance i genuinely would be besties with tome but also maybe slightly find her annoying. but also maybe i would become besties with mob. in normal life none of them bc i would never talk to children or the adults in the show
A random thought: i think reigen is one of the last tumblr sexymen before that term really became used as meaning: character im sick of seeing so much of... but also i could be wrong. also can everyone stop drawing serizawa with straight hair ... i know they do in the manga/anime but if he had curly hair before they cut and washed him then it wouldnt go away. thats not how hair works and i should know as ive lived with it for like years.
An unpopular opinion: mogami arc wasnt that good, stop using it as an excuse to be weird abt child characters plsss
My canon OTP: nothing is canon :/ so
Non-canon OTP: serirei as i said above ā˜
Most badass character: mob :] hes cool and awesom... but also i do think
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk if its bc i dont remember much but i cant see shou and ritsu as much more than besties but also obvs im not at all a fan of the . weirdly large amount of reigen and mob stuff like whats wrong with you all im killing you . i also just dont care too too much about ships between teenage characters so many of the ships in the fandom are like yea thats alright, also can see them as just besties, u kno?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i didnt realize how little there was of serizawa in the manga or the anime .. i feel like he had more when i first read it ???? anyway he should be there more .
Favourite friendship: i think mob and reigen are fun as friends :) especially as they grow older, i think the dynamic would be fun. also teru and ritsu are fun when theyre together. worlds most dramatic 12 year olds.
amy will b under the cut
amy rose :)
How I feel about this character:Ā I like her !!! i feel like shes not talked about much outside of ships which is a shame because i feel like if people came together on her character (this includes people writing canon) then there could be a compelling character here that wouldnt deny her roots or just stay the same sort of trope she used to be. I cant deny i do enjoy that they occassionally dip into her little interest in tarot :) its nice to see that trait remembered.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:Ā sonic of course, shadow, blaze a bit?, metal sonic anddd... yea thats it
My non-romantic OTP for this character:Ā i think her with silver or knuckles is always fun :) idk why i think its because they bounce off of each other well. equal levels of no braincells happening here at least with silver. and with knuckles i feel like they could have a fun brother sister dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character:Ā what is the popular opinion on her .... idk ill just use this as more of me talking about her character in general. i wish people would use her abandonment issues more, or at least like integrate that into her character since i think its a trait that shows up a bit in the little visual novel and in sonic frontiers and i think that makes sense as a trait for her
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: if she was ever playable again . I HAVENT played the sonic frontiers dlc but i think giving her a little spin off game ala the princess peach games would be fun. maybe then her team from sonic heros can be used again and i could like care about big and cream outside of them being sparingly used in canon .. and big not just being a joke ... also i just want more development for herrr im always begging for development or character in this series i know its for children but plsss also i wish they would like actually like .. fully deal with her whole thing with sonic... it feels like they wanna pretend her obsession just never happened and wasnt like the main thing with her character before they basically turned her into sally acorn.
My OTP: honestly ive really come around on amy x metal sonic :) i think mainly bc i cant see her with sonic at all (<- sonadow truther) and also i think it could be interesting if i thought about it more deeply
My OT3: amy x sonic x blaze i know i just said i cant see her with sonic but this is the exception, if i had to have an ot3 it would be this .. otherwise idk if i would have one.
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convxction Ā· 6 months ago
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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whatā€™s your OTP for your muse(s)?
self love. jk. tbh i love all possible spouses for c.hrom because each of them is unique and adds to his personality and life. away from canons, i love my friends' ocs who are in relationship with him Rebecca, Takako, Lacie, Robin and Eira. My precious <3
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Almost everything? I don't mind exploring any situation and plotline. I love exploring things, especially if it makes things semi realistic, as possible, not the uwu boy meets girl and now kiss~ nah fam.
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
This is kind of question that gets you roll eyes no matter what you answer lmao. Personally, between 10 or 12 years as long as one of the parties are in the 20+. tbh i find some age gaps like 20 are cool to explore if the other is "old" and tired of life and suddenly upbeat and lively person be like hewo do you want to love life again? thats kind of cute the vibe of giving someone's life colors again. anyway yeah. as long as things make sense and legal lol
are you selective when shipping?
Honhon yeah. i no longer entertain everyone because I used to think everyone is fun and willing to write fun things and explore ideas and not just the 'imma book this muse ehe~' and bail out on me haha. we gotta have that telepathy moment lol. so yeah i want the good time not just booking muses so i can have their names in my relationship page like some sort of badge or achievement. dont get me wrong i understand what burnt out means. i dont want to control my partners' lives lmao. just be ...my friend too??? not just oh i lost interest in my muse, i will now proceed to ignore you. and yes it happened. a lot. and it is very annoying. ANYway, communication then communication then communication then just having fun. thats the key, yes.
how far do steamy moments have to go before theyā€™re considered NSFW?
asking the person who sucks at writing it but uuuuuuuuh. when someone starts sliding dem fingers down the other's clothes and proceed to undress them. yep.
does one have to ask to ship with you?
I mean thats the way? unless you can say all the dwarven rules lmao then ask permission haha. jk. or is it? yeah i think of myself as friendly as a moogle. you are welcome to state your wish and we'll see if things can work out or not~
how often do you like to ship?
idk what to say 'how often'??? whenever a spark happens im not gonna shy away from trying out the ship. if it works then yey if it doesnt then thats a new exp for the both of us. and lets be real sometimes they can become the best of friends and it warms my heart to see we can still make out something in the end. HEY! even if they turn out to be rivals or heck enemies! thats kiss chef too dont think i dont support these relationships. i looooooooooove them.
are you multiship?
I guess so. I tried one time to make it a single blog and it was a painful experience when you pour all your heart into this ship that you missed potentially fun and interesting ships because you want to be loyal and then you get abandoned on a drop of a hat ahahahaaha. But yeah, I am not though I want to keep it single ship per muse portrayal. I won't ship with the same muse UNLESS all parties are ok but first and foremost your portrayal is different and gives new meaning for their relationship. i'm not here to horde everyone. been there saw that happened i dont want to do the same to others. its not nice feeling.
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
im here begging on my knees for people to befriend chr.om and not just ship wise but any sort of relationship. i dont want my blog to be ship centric anymore. i want FUN AND INTERESTING AND ANGSTY AND FLUFFY AND MIND BLOWING THINGS TO HAPPEN IN HERE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
a couple years ago id yell c.hrobinnnnn! now im too old for this war so forever and always ... Chrom and Shepherd pie. ask alm about it. jk. currently?? i dont have a preferred ship over the other; as i said above, i love them all. they each add something interesting about chr.om. tho in general i'd say ultimate ship is krumb and becca <3 we have built a lot over the years so basically it is kind of main ship at this point haha. rebecca my beloved <3
finally, how does one ship with you?
100 PUSH UP, 100 KILOMETER RUN GO GO GO. talk to me, really. i dont read minds. if you want to try something go ahead come and say yo what do you think? and i'll tell you lets go. lets see where this can go. but sometimes i know it does not work right from the get go so don't be sad or dejected if i said nah fam it wont work. sankyu kupopopo
tagged by: @gamenu [sankyuuuuuuu <3]
tagging: @isaaccecilbryant , @wayward-sword , @pieman1112 , @toestalucia +akira and anyone else if you wanna rant mwah <3, @psychcdelica (your pick), @dcviated (your pick), @coolrpblog , and you ! i tag you!
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mooniladragon Ā· 6 months ago
1 for every time you reblogged that post
the signless
haha Uh Oh. this is gonna be long. putting it under a cut.
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this is the post in question. putting for reference (so i dont have to flip between this and my gallery a bunch)
also this post will be a formatting mess. be warned.
fave thing about them? idk really. dirk is my favorite character. actually? probably design. yeah i like his design :)
least favorite thing? uhhh hm. idk this question is gonna be tough every time. i have a hard time picking least favorites. wait no i got this one. hes kinda relatable :/
favorite line? also a tough question. theres a lot of good ones. i think "2024. The last free election the world would ever see." is up there though
idk what a brotp is. cant risk swapping apps and losing the whole post so this question will be skipped.
otp? i like dirkjake. they have such a Dynamic (most of the shipping ones are gonna have pretty milquetoast answers. i dont do a lot of shipping really)
notp? uhhh idk dude idrc
random headcanon? um. hmm. he would enjoy heathers the musical i think
unpopular opinion? i dont know whats popular really sorry guys :/// this is gonna be a common answer for this question.
song associated? oh no by marina. (unknown if diamonds are included. im dumb) it has the vibes i guess
fave picture?
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i turned it into an emoji on my discord server. extremely usable 10/10 would recommend
fave thing? i also like his design. favorites are reeeeally hard though so idk
least fave thing? uhm. difficult again. cant answer :/ ohhh wait hes kinda relatable too :///
favorite line? the jupiter thing from act 1. really funny and also referenceable
brotp skipped
otp? i like davekat. boring i know, but again, dynamics good :thumbsup: also its funny
notp skipped too
headcanon? he would like hamilton. lots of musical theater headcanons here but its like one of five things i think about so :/ sorry
opinon skipped
song? telekinesis by lemon demon. it just feels right
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good panel
fave thing? i like her design too
least fave thing? i dont like her. just in general. but i get why people do like her. i get it i just dont that much. she does have the Complex Character Appeal, however.
fave line? uhm uh uhh hm. i dunno guys
brotp skipped
otp? vrisrezi as a Fucked Up Messy Relationship. they are messed up
notp? idk again
headcanon? if she were a human highschooler shed be one of those asshole drama kids. as opposed to the normal ones. i think that makes sense? idk i can picture the type of person in my mind
song? world burn from mean girls i guess idk
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no caption necessary. its just funny
fave thing? at this point everyone knows im a sucker for a good design. which she has.
least fave thing? i still cannot answer these questions properly. i think i know the reason now too. i think most things that could qualify for like.. a "bad trait" to me just makes them more interesting, so i dont count it as a negative. huh. not really related to roxy though i just wanted to write that down
favorite line? the miss zuipperpips bit maybe? i dunno its late and my computer is dead and i cant risk swapping apps :( sorry :(
brotp skipped again :pensive:
otp? okay i like callierox. plus john. i think thats fun (not sure about what the ship name for the three of them is tho)
notp? time to say that i only kind of half knoe what a notp is anyway. anyway idk again
headcanon? she would enjoy wings of fire. terezi would too but this isnt about her
song? fine by lemon demon. its fun! it has roxy vibes to me. maybe not the best candidate, but i cant check my playlists rn either :(
opinion skipped so much that i put it in the wrong spot
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party hat roxy!!!! woo!!
the signless:
fave thing? idk i dont really think about the ancestors that much. design ig
least fave thing? again nothing to report.
fave line? does he have any????
brotp, otp, and notp skipped because i have no opinions
headcanon? idk if he read warriors i think he would have mixed feelings about moth flight.
song? idk i dont have a playlist for him
opinion skipped
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we are going to beat you to death
congrats on making it all the way through. you get a little gold star sticker. good job.
i love receiving asks! keep it up. this did take a long time to write though because: 1. i am Bad at Formatting and 2. Typing on Mobile is Hard. (also 3. It was Bedtime and I Couldn't Use my Computer)
thanks for the ask!!
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scalproie Ā· 2 years ago
omg plz do 13, 16, and 25 for the violence ask meme on tekken FWKJFK sorry for so much im just interested to hear ur thoughts!!!
13. worst blorboficiation
Objectively, Lee is the "least evil" mishima and congrats to him for leaving (tho forcefully) that fucked up family and yeah his childhood sucked big time and I have to respect the hustle of him rebranding himself into the funny "excellent" flamboyant guy but GOD he somehow successfully tricked everybody into forgetting that he is also very not a good person. I KNOW we are starving for positive relationships in tekken but he is very much as egoistical and self-interested as the rest of his family, kazuya is his brother only by name only and lee not only doesnt care about him nor their father and he would happily throw him or both of them under the bus to get ahead LIKE HE IS DOING NOW BY WORKING WITH LARS AND JIN AGAINST KAZUYA. Lee could not have inherited raw power from heihachi so he got his manipulativeness, sketchyness and charisma, and lets not talk about how the devil gene is alienating both kaz and jin so there is no way lee could even keep up with that. But if he could I really doubt he would still be regarded as the meme man that he is now. I love lee but I feel like the only person that can see smth sinister lurking under the surface thats funny and approachable and even has friends. Thats not a negative btw I love that about lee but the overly kindness I see from people's interpretation of him sometimes take me out. Hes better, but hes still not good, yknow?
(as for mk im just slipping it there bc its fresh in my head, johnny cage holds the really heavy burden of being the only somewhat comical main character in a sea of dramatic people so he is doomed to be mischaracterized I think. Either hes treated TOO seriously and it feels... wrong in a way I cant explain OR he is subject to comical whorification. But thats just me hating fun I guess.)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Heihachi has the worst fucking development in tekken 7 it genuinely makes me insane that some people would enjoy this botched attempt of sympathy toward him, all while making fun of his original reasonning like "haha lions dont push their cubs off cliffs" WE KNOW its a traditional asian misconception that even has a name and it makes sense bc heihachi is old school but also ITS NOOOT ABOUT THE LITERAL LION THING ITS A METAPHOR ITS ABOUT GENERATIONAL TRAUMA AND TOXIC MASCULINITY GNGNHGNH and its BETTER than a hypothetical witch trial that makes NO SENSE bc HEIHACHI YOU THREW THE KID SAYING THAT IF HE SURVIVED, HE HAD THE EVIL IN HIM. AND THEN YOU RAISED HIM??? WHAT??? Its stupid. I hope he stays dead goodbye forever funny cockroach grandpa.
(mk break again but you genuinely have to explain 80% of the mk ships to me. Maybe its me being idk, a shipping paladin or smth and took an oath to the One True Pairing or whatever and im now blind to the rest but yeah I dont see the majority of it.)
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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lokorum Ā· 1 year ago
Bg3 act 1 asks
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHONESTLY at this point everyone here knows that im loko-slowko, slowpokes great grandmother, so what can i say butĀ ā‚ŠĖšāŠ¹thank youā‚ŠĖšāŠ¹ for 1. being the sweetest bun in the world and taking your time to ask me about my silly oc!!! and 2. thank you for surviving this month or two while i was replying!!!!! I COULD SAY that i was thinking about my reply but i know better than to pretend to have a braaaaain ( oĖ˜ā—”Ė˜o)
so!!Ā questions!!!
Ā tell us about your tav! name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. do you have a headcanon for where they're from? their family? are they a dark urge? or did you choose an origin character? was it an easy decision? (1)
my tav's name - isa or ise!! (with the emphasis on a\e!)Ā 
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their main class is rogue-assassin (tho they're not above unorthodoxĀ usage of salami) (in a fight!!!!!) and im stillĀ yet to try to play with amazing blood hunter mod!! (ā€¢Ģ€į“—ā€¢Ģ )Łˆ
you can see that in game they are tiefling but thats just because for some reason this head??? this beautiful head??? can be used only on fem!tieflings!!!!!! but thankfully we're blessed with transmask top surgery modĀ so it just works. i think of them as of sooooomeeeekiiiind offfff elfff??? idk honestly!!! dnd races make me want to cry////////////but the vibe i was going for was "they look like they're 30 yo MAX when in actuality they like 150 ooops"Ā 
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their pronouns - they\he but! they're also mute (guess who grew up roleplaying silent-protagonists from early 2000 and cant get over it? CORVO SHOUDNT TALK BETHESDA OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE????) and not very communicative so i bet no one from the party knows their pronouns.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or name ??????????????????????( l|lāš†į—āš†)
hpphphph i heard people saying "you shouldn'tĀ take durge for your first playthrough" and āš ļøREVERSED PSYCHOLOGY ACTIVATEDāš ļø FLASHBACKS FROM VTM WHERE EVERYONE TELLS YOU NOT TO PLAY MALKAVIAN ON THE FIRST TRY BUT OFC I DID AND I LOVED IT so yeah no regrets, best decisionĀ of 2023 right after playing deltaruneĀ (spamton fanart incomiiiiiinnnngggg)Ā  Ā Ā 
in short - they are from skyrimĀ any snowy land im faerun, name of which im gonnaĀ learn when i'll finally start to gather info together phpphphphĀ sorry!! i 100000% adamant on them traveliong A LOT, but by that i dont mean `āœ¦ Ė‘ Ö“Ö¶ š“‚ƒāŠ¹"5 best luxury boat tours in faerun for you and your questionably looking butler"ā€§ā‚ŠĖšāœ©å½” i mean..............................."youre *unexpected gerard way voice:* RAT and youre eating RATS on the boat that looks like its gonna sink. the smell of fish and seaweed is so bad you know you not gonna be able to wash it from your frozen shiveringĀ bleeding body. you hide in the boxes, in sacks, in dead people clothes, in everyone's shadows and when you're finally out - your eyes sting from the light and you cry but your cheeks are so cold you cant feel it" kinda tours? šŸ˜³šŸ™„
17.Ā what does your character think of withers?Ā 
CURIOUS! isa are very curious about withers and like......they want to touch him?? to know whats up with their skin?? THEY SMELLED HIM HANNIBAL STYLE!!!! i bet they were suspiciously watching him talking with other party members in the camp, while hiding in a bush. PROBABLY WITH ASTARIONĀ THAT RAT OH MY GOSH
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honestly if we could have a platonic ship with withers isa would be first in line kissing him on a cheek and taking him on a date (just so this cold-heartedĀ sexy skeleton could dump them later saying "YOuR WheELs Of FaTe TurNEd EvEr tO thE DaRKnesS" or whatever......SO MEAN!!)
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misqnon Ā· 11 months ago
yeah i definitely liked sanuso more than i liked sanji. before... before i came to like sanji. i don't think i was rly an Actual Fan though. seeing fan content of sanji (shipping content included) is part of what made me grow to like him. so ur right that a ship i like with characters i dont like would make me grow to like the characters!!
tashigi and reiju is so insanely good.. theyre perfect for each other...
robin definitely would notice but it would have so much more impact to have luffy intervene imo?? he is probably the most important person to both of them (arguably true for all the crew) and also he just . idk hes emotionally intelligent. hes perceptive. people dont give him enough credit. luffy is not stupid!!!!
"he and robin can be similar and enies lobby is what made everyone love her moreā€¦" YEAH EXACTLY!!! there doesnt need to be a whole arc but just show us that he isnt JUST the cool guy. i need him to cry .... i need emotional vulnerability.. please oda ..... on my knees begging for this. PLEASE Oda...
"already there babes šŸ«” just doing my part" thank u
"DID. DID THEY ACTUALLY CALL HIM TRACE HEATFIST IN THE 4KIDS DUBā€¦ARE U SERIOUS RNā€¦IVE NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE PLEASE SAY SIKE." YES THEY ACTUALLY DID. its a stupid change but HIS VOICE IS SO COOL... theres a scene where he and luffy meet on alabasta n luffy is like: hey, trace?! and trace is like "yours truly šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜šŸ”„ hey luffy, whats up? šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ’ŖāœØ" and i fucking Fell In Love on first listen. i have the biggest . fattest crush on 4kids ace. why is he so suave. why is he so cool. pathetically showing my love for the worst dub's version of the best character
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i was so relieved that luffy sounded different that i can forgive anything else. i don't care if the acting is worse...
AT A CHRISTIAN GALLERY???? ur so brave
"i will share embarrassing stories like my life depends on it"
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(hoping i havent used this image before)
"BUT IM TOO BUSY READING ONE PIECE" good point... reading both would be hard.. /gen
"lionā€¦and wingsā€¦so u want to be a griffin šŸ‘ļø" i did not realize this. but yes i GUESS I DO?? i like manticores and unicorns the most out of any fantasy creature but i could never be a manticore bc it means i keep my face.. and unicorn.... doesnt have cool paws... oh and i love dragons... i WOULD be a dragon but i would like to be like. fluffy.. i want to be fluffy..
"DIDN THE BEAT OUT ZORO IN THE POPULARITY POLLS ONE TIME" YEAH HE DID... i dont know maybe i just missed it?? there were a lot of ppl there... and my memory is kinda hazy.. i will be on the lookout for law next time i go to a con
"WRONG bangs my sanji gavel." I FORGOT U WERW THE SANJI MAGISTRATE..... please forgive me....
that is so cool šŸ„¹
"also sanjiā€™s love for mice/rats makes me fucking insane bc its the cutest thing on earth." I KNOW RIGJT... like hes a cook.. he should hate them... but he doesnt!!! hes super fond of them!!! because he had mice friends at the lowest point in his life!!!! GOD.. i also used to love mice so . thank u sanji. representing rodent lovers. im having too many moments lately where i relate to sanji.... former sanji hater becomes sanji
"theyā€™re all expecting sanji to freak and kill them and then they walk in and heā€™s made them tiny stir fry and is calling them cutesy names." STOP THATS SUCH CUTE IMAGERY šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ sanji would never hit a woman mouse.
"also all the fan content ive seen where ratatouille is his favorite movie. ANYONE CAN COOK!!!!! šŸ˜­" IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
"we turn a sad into a frrAAANKKYYYYYYYY" HSJDHS
"should i send some on discord as well. is that how i break the ice. images of sanji with his ass up in the air (my collection)" YES..... YES DO IT.... in return i will sned... uhmm... law!??
ok but sanji in glasses. even at the peak of my sanji hatred i begrudgingly admit that he was very attractive in those glasses...
LOOK AT HIM SOB... whole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???
heres this loser
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i have this sanji saved bc he looks so pathetic and sad
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omg nooo how did choso get in here ...... noooo ...... that was a big accident.... completely an accident.... not on purpose at alll........
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usopp out here converting more ppl to sanji likers than i amā€¦smh. i do love the way sanji backs him up so often in canon tho, its very sweet
KNJKCDNA WAIT THE $5,000 A MONTH THING? I MEAN YES. BUT DO YOU KNOW THE YE OLDE TUMBLR JOKE IM REFERENCING? DO U REMEMBER COMMUNISMKILLSā€¦THAT AWFUL TUMBLR USER THAT THEN WAS LIKE ā€œiā€™ll shut up if u pay me $5000 a monthā€ actually deranged and iconic. hereā€™s a post about it
the entire crew IS important to both of them but arguably he is the only person on the crew they would listen to in a situation like that is luffy yea. heā€™s the mutual friend that they both love deeply and loves both of them deeply even tho they hate (ā€œhateā€) each other. AND heā€™s emotionally intelligent and wise!! yea!!
joining u in the begging for sad zoro. campaigning for abusing zoro in the next chapters. ready to make this meme real
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NOT TRACE HEATFISTā€¦his voice did seem cool tho ur right. i like to imagine he speaks with the emojis like you typed them. (ā€œhow are you saying that out loud-ā€) is the crush only on 4kids ace specifically..sorry sorry TRACE. IS IT ONLY FOR TRACE
dragons. [breathes in] dude i love dragons so fucking much. i watched that documentary animal planet or discovery made where they said dragons lived in the prehistoric time with t rex and shit and BELIEVED IT FOR SO LONG. also obsessively played httyd games on the internet and other Dragon Themed Things. and i had legend of spyro: a new beginning for the gamecube and it was like my first ever video game i owned myself that wasnt a hand me down and i beat it literally 9+ timesā€¦after 9 i stopped keeping track..i loved spyro and CYNDER so much. CYNDER WAS SO COOL. THAT WHOLE GAME WAS SO COOL. just last year i started playing flight rising (but i fell off lmao)
ā€œformer sanji hater becomes sanjiā€ KJSDBDNKJSN YEAH relating to sanji is half of why i love him. and the amount i relate to him is. way far more than i thought i would ever relate to. the pervert stereotype anime character of any given show. so madā€¦but also i love him a lot šŸ˜­ has become a bit of a comfort character for me UNFORTUNATELYā€¦but i relate to his passion and his low self esteem and his self sacrificial nature and his (percieved) gender issues and even his stupid easy-to-fall-in-love shtick. god. anyways
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MICE > WOMEN ā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøCONFIRMED
ā€œsanji would never hit a woman mouse.ā€ sanji vs. minnie mouse his hardest battle yet
dude. thank you for saying that bc. when sanji had those fucking glasses on as mr. prince in alabasta. i was simping just a little bit. and mad about it.
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this outfit was gay as hell by the way. like how am i supposed to believe that is a fuly straight man-
ā€œwhole cake island was kinda his enies lobby emotional depth moment???ā€ it 1000% was down to him leaving the crew and needing to be rescued and learn to love himself and live for himself. robin and sanji are my two favorite strawhats and GOD THE SIMILARITIES ARE BRUISING. have u seen that post where its drawings of each of the strawhat ā€œrescue teamsā€ of arlong park, enies lobby, and whole cake?
law 1: edgy. flipping u off. deranged. a bit evil looking. kinda hot
law 2: naptime. flourishing. in his lane. never done wrong in his life. thats just a guy
here are a couple more one piece memes i have collected. i will be sending u a discord message...soon
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poewritesgayshit Ā· 1 year ago
That's fine bestie I'm in my late 20's HAHAH. And omg mindbreak Fyolai is so good, I'll cry. I'm curious about the kin stuff and the rarepairs if you feel like sharing~! I love finding older fans here because most people out there are either antis or minors (or both, lol). How do you feel about Dazai ships? (Other than Sigzai,which I love but... With top Sigma -sobs- lmao). And, what got you into writing bsd stuff?
as for the rarepairs, the kin-related ones are mostly just poe and tachihara! i'm also not sure if this is a rarepair because i've never looked through the tags for it or anything, and idk what their ship name is or if they even have one? but i'm rewatching bsd (like most of the fandom is, apparently, although i did not realize that until later) and noticing a LOT of chemistry between dazai and akutagawa.
i know it's a lot more common to ship them with other people, but akutagawa spends the better half of the first couple seasons down bad for him and even JUMPS OFF THE RAILING OF THE MOBY DICK because atsushi says dazai is on the phone and wanted to talk to him, and then threw it over the edge. that man is OBSESSED and i will take no criticism.
i guess that answers your question about dazai ships LOL. as a side note, i mostly like soukoku's canon dynamic and try to steer clear of fandom skk stuff. i dont know if i could ever write any of the super popular ships, and i dont know if i could really do dazai justice. but if i get a request involving him, ill give it my best shot. i do have an idea (that i havent started writing yet) that heavily focuses on him, so ill have to write him eventually. thats one reason im rewatching the series honestly
(as a side note, i don't go by poe here just because it's a kin name, i just thought it might be easier to remember a piece of my URL than the name i usually go by onlineā€”also cause i thought poe's skill juxtaposed with the weird porn i write is a hilarious combo)
also, i'm pretty new to BSD, i got into it this year! ended up getting hyperfixated, and im thrilled about that because big fandom = a little more anonymity when it comes to writing darkfic. i'm always happy to meet older fans too, all of my mutuals who are around my age are super chill. if you ever make an account, feel free to DM me to chat abt stuff.
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