#idk what scene 14 it’s like burning means
foxglovecove · 7 months
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Meme redraw anyone? Saw this one going around IG so the hyperfixation on the k-sci lads compelled me. Hermann sees an ad for Black Velvet Rabbits featuring Newt
OG meme under the cut
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50 Random Character Asks: Lin
may be some repeats in here BUT its done lmao
1. Canon I outright reject
The 16hour nap and suddenly shes okay with Su like thats not how that workssss 
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
HC i will die on is her scars going up to her eyebrow and shes blind in that eye, i loveeeee her surviving easily off the seismic sense and then when shes in the south without her bending people realize they can sneak up on that side and quietly adjust how they approach her so they stop scaring her.
3. Obscure headcanon
She paints! Shes been painting since before she could bend and it’s something she had that was all hers and no one else in her family could compare it to Toph. 
4. Favorite line
“I am a detective you know.” 
5. Best personality trait
I love that shes that ‘good is not nice’ its so in line with her being the beifong of the LoK series and seeing how much she genuinely cares under that tough armor is endearing
6. Worst personality trait
Dude she jumped at every chance for a suicide mission. Thats gotta be some deep seeded issues lmao
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Shes like 50-53/54 in the show 
5ft 4inch (she is SMOL and ANGY and you cannot stop me)
Again probably the appropriate weight for being her size and muscular. After book one tho she has a hard time remembering to eat and i hc in the south she lost a ton of weight in the recovery.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
idk if i have a wholly unpopular opinion. I know the fandom can be a bit divided on things. 
I have gotten a lot of backlash for my height hc in the past tho lmao 
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
The first scene MY HEART i love her soo much. I saw her in screen and went, that ones mine! 
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
I love the scene where bumi is trying to talk in code names and lins like “WTF are you saying???” 
11. Faceclaim for the role
I love @mgthejerkbender ‘s FC of Joan Chen 
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12. Crack headcanon
She and Noatak were involved shortly after the breakup with tenzin but it didn’t last long. 
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
In canon she brings an RCPD skyship into Ba Sing Se and aids Korra and Tenzin in stealing the EQ’s air bender army. All in uniform.
14. Most heroic moment
Oh god pretty much every time she’s on the screen lmao, but I hc she goes down for good protecting Korra not long after canon. 
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Hmmm I’m so caught up on this question because does it mean  A) thing they did with Bad Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  B) thing they did with Good Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  C) something they perceive as a failure / personal sin they’ll be forgiven for?  There’s so many ways to take thissss 
I’m gonna say during one of the first undercover operations with Saikhan she had to kill a man to keep her cover and he’s a cold case file in her office. 
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
that through all her good intentions and desperate attempts to keep people she loved and the city she loved safe, she’s always left defeated and broken with a new scar on her somewhere and blood on her hands. 
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Pluto by Sleeping at Last this song was fucking made for Lin i swear
Blame it on the Kids by AViVA 
I have a whole Spotify playlist and more linked in the pinned post lmao
The Void calls in sweet tones and false promises, by WolfSkullJack /FaceBook plink/ This is just sooooooo Linmon I’m writhing in agony 
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
She wouldn’t. But there’s a MIGHTY NEED for her to see one lmao 
19. Vices/bad habits
Smoking, drinking, burying herself in work. 
20. Scars
Burn to her left shoulder - house fire she was first responder to 
Three large gashes on her back - criminal animal 
Burn left hip - firebender (Zolt possibly) on her second patrol 
Right hip back and front - rebar puncture from building fire/explosion 
A handful of Cigarette burns across her shoulders, collarbones and one on her neck - her bio father was upset she wasn’t a firebender 
Facial scars from su are higher and damaged her eyesight. 
Then a smattering of lines and smudges from her time on the force 
(if where in my dark timeline she’s got tally marks across her shoulders and down her back from amon 👀)
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Jasmine tea 
22. Best physical feature
I really love her face lmao 
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
You know that smell when a heating vent just turns on in the winter? That “oh god something has gone wrong and it’s burning” but it’s not actually gone wrong. And mint. 
24. Most annoying habit
She picks at the skin around her nails when she’s nervoussss Kya’s constantly healing up scabs where she’s pulled the skin off too far. 
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Her uniform, a jeep, and rations. She’ll make her way home left with nothing but those will make it easier lol. (She is a detective you know) 
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
she would probably just metal bend the elevator to open, most likely leaving it more broken than it was but still. At least they’re out safe. 
27. Their guilty pleasure
She has the entire collection of the in universe equivalent of Nora Roberts or Jane Austin novels. 
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
probably neutral to slightly annoyed. 
29. Eating habits
you guys ever hear about Snake Meal? 
30. Sleeping habits
She can sleep when she’s dead. 
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
it would be a mostly dead blog that she made because asami and mako Insisted she did so they could send her memes. 
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Bumi, always. Hes always had a way of getting through the armor and helping her loosen up a little and smile. 
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
People reinforcing the idea that she’s alone and not worthy. 
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
No emotions. 
Only action. 
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Up for a run at 3am. 
Make Kya coffee and breakfast 
At work by 5am 
Moving cases along, no losses.
Back home for dinner at about 7-8pm 
Relaxing with Kya until bedtime. 
36. Their favorite season
Fall, before the air gets too cold. 
37. What they really think about themselves
she’s worried everyone is right honestly. Sometimes the letters from Kya dwindle as responsibilities emerge, dinner with Saikhan and Akira and the kids get put on hold, tenzin not allowing her back to the island she grew up on because of the bitter words shared between them. Maybe she will be a stubborn old woman left alone with her wounds.  
38. Favorite holiday
Probably a new years holiday 
39. Favorite game
Card game for sure like solitaire or trash 
40. Favorite book
She read a book in school for a study hall about the history of the arts and historical pigment making. She has a few copies and one dedicated to her notes and swatches from trying out the methods. 
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Aang, 10000%%% she would want to see Aang again and update him on all the crazy shit korra was doing and about Tenzin’s kids. 
42. 3 comfort items
The bison whistle Aang gave her. (Bumi has his original one but he had more made for the other kids) 
The stuffed badgermole she’s had since she was like 4 
Then they were preteens Tenzin had made her a bracelet with a small thumb sized stone pendant that he carved for her to rub/pick at instead of her fingers. She used it for a while but ended up putting it away when she started the junior league ProBending. 
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Fav - mochi, that seal jerky she’s always loved it, a chicken curry type dish Akira makes. 
Des - eggs if they’re alone like fried or scrambled she won’t eat it unless it’s mixed in with a bigger dish. Milk and cheese, She's not a fan of them. 
44. Their happiest memory
It was her 4th birthday before her element showed and shes sitting in the gardens with aang and tenzin and some of the other kids on the island for her birthday. Her uncle aang gives her a stuffed badgermole toy and a warm and very soft blanket bumi and kya made with katara from Appa’s shedding fur and she still has both items on her bed with her to this day.
45. Their favorite celebrity
And old old singer from when she would listen to the radio at night. 
46. The person they most admire
Oh gosh probably Suki, she was a strong warrior and led her life how she wanted to. 
47. Their dream job
she would love to be a sculptor/artist full time, she makes the most gorgeous sculptures. And paints some amazing landscapes. 
48. Scariest moment of their life
Oooof there’s a few. If day the times where she KNEW she was going to die without help. When she fell under the ice when she was like five or six. Then again when she landed on the rebar in the building explosion. The agony of being in pain and the realization that she was too hurt. She couldn’t get herself out of there. At least when she was tortured by Amon she chose to put herself in the situation. Even if she didn’t know the extent. The others though, it was random. She couldn’t control that. She didn’t have a choice. 
49. Favorite toy as a child
Her stuffed bagermole toy for sure 
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Basically the entirety of Suyin's father living with them. 
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
i know csweekly is on hold now, but I still have to catch up on The Luchadora Tango Caper, so here it is!!
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Season 3 is maybe my least favorite season out of any of them, but I still love it, so I'm really excited to get into this!
Notes under the cut as always and please ignore the fact that I'm a month late on this thx
sometimes I think this whole series is Maelstrom just talking about shit for like 14 hours
cleo sympathizing with guys in skirts <3 she knows ur struggle boys
love how they slapped up a giant glowing green world map and copper sulfate burning chandeliers before they put in insulation or heat
brunt, girl, calm down. they were just doing their evil minion bagpipe job
british on british violence
that was such a cute nod when this season first dropped. haha theres been no sign of her all summer because of the hiatus you are so clever
they rlly thought they had something with the turn them against each other thing. i cant believe they thought they tvy7 rating would let shadowsan and carmen kill each other 🙄
"carmen is DEAD" (cheery tango music)
i mean it works because we know hes wrong and stupid but like
no offense but the tango dancers are animated in a way that is reminiscent of a kid manually moving their barbie dolls legs to make them walk
our girl <3
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tell me why dropping 200 feet onto the top of the metal detector was more sneaky than literally anything else she could have done
ok. yes. but the fact she is robbing it does not negate the fact that she will be on the news for breaking into a bank dsjfsdghfkdsa
1021 is the number on the box- could it mean something? in a strictly doylist sense. october 21st doesn't seem to have any significant holidays...I can't find anything, might just be a random number set.
good god the "i...have his eyes." hits me like a truck every time
gina pulled it out with the voice acting in this one
she WAS a very cute baby
"another" link girl what else has there been you should be ecstatic
ayyy its the character literally everyone except spintrap-stan and amaryllis solely remember for being voiced by dante basco
i love how snarky carmen immediately gets. if he knows her name and what she looks like, obviously he's an operative, so she gets to have a little fun in immediately declining him while still gaining valuable information, almost immediately, about who he is and what his talent will be
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everyone is very stretched today
this is not my favorite fight scene honestly (at least until flytrap gets here. dont even get me started on her fighting style im in love with it) because its literally just like ooh. he kicks. she dodges. wow. they really do try with the tango parallels but idk
wow!! other people can kick too??? who knew
she protected the face
cutely runs into oncoming traffic
those cars were not even slowing down girl they were just like HONK MOVE OR DIE
okay mini rant incoming i already did a post on this like a billion years ago but flytrap is one of my favorites because in my opinion she and paper star are the most dangerous villains we ever see in the show. let me. try to find that post actually
yeah here it is
flytrap is also so hot and has the same va as luz so she's just top tier. idk if the team put half the episode budget into celebrity voice actors and thats why we only got 5 episodes but you know what
love how carmen is literally stopping her attempts to get free to banter. girl. stop
shadowsan <3
love how they do not even bother showing the fight they just get their asses handed to them
why didnt they start in veracruz just asking
not the table
ok guys. you can stop with the tango thing now. its okay
that little conversation between ivy and shadowsan is so good
comrades??? sir its not the cold war
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article from 17 years ago, thank you for that easy to understand slang
carmen plot armored her way out of getting her skull smashed in on that train so hard that she made maelstrom stupid
its canon both in and outside of the show that color theory is so prevalent that any sort of red at all immediately signals carmen
the colors are so beautiful in this scene. carmen doesnt have her coat or jacket on, everythings just a little desaturated as she searches
not the finger guns and glasses wheeze hes such a loser i love him
love how all we get of julia this season is her being pissed off and then leaving
he was such an asshole for closing her laptop why did he do that 😭
has carmen just been ignoring vile missions for the last season of the year to research her mom or
girlie is so sad about everything
ah yes, the door, the thing you wish to have opened, the best place to lean your full body against after you knock,
i'M SOrry. did you NOT attend a school for THIEVES
HSDGGDG HEY. just broke into your house. im your long lost daughter
i love how she goes DONT TOUCH ANYTHING and then immediately drags her whole arm across the wall and cabinet
also her face when she sees the masks is perfect
okay be honest how many of you have replayed carmen saying maybe mommy at least once. who. raise your hands
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shes sooo buff
love how everyone is taking this so seriously and then carmen is just completely apathetic about anything thats going on
dont deadname lupe, carmen
her hair catching a gust of indoor wind for the sole purpose of making her look sick as hell in her intro card is so iconic
as ivy absolutely obliterating zack in the foreground is so fucking funny
she got that "EH EH EH." titter of "HEY NO. DONT YOU DO THAT" down scary well
devineaux strutting im sobbing. julia was doing SO well and then she got paired with devineaux AGAIN
that cab driver looks so concerned about the hulking texan in his backseat
remember when the trailer dropped and we thought those roses were for julia. good times
everyone narrowly avoiding each other as they pull in
you just know ivy smacked zack when he protested to decoy time hdsafhadsg
gotta say the "EH?" while getsuring to the trophies is fucking hilarious. obviously julia knows she wouldnt go after those but its so funny
i do love the way carmen just shrinks any time brunt appears. she is soooo traumatized
devineaux showcasing his braincells for a spilt second this episode
ah, so begins the not a good time mantra
devineaux getting absolutely decimated because he thinks coach brunt thinks hes handsome is so funny
the referee watching two apparent civilians enter the ring: 🙂
carmen is so funny here. she uncuffs herself and then just leaves devineaux to die like fuck his ass he can get smooshed
carmen getting increasingly mad at devineaux while she drags him places is my favorite part of the episode
also, either carmen got stronger or devineaux had a few bouts of crazed research where he didnt eat, but she can drag him easily now as opposed to when she was struggling back at the trap in poitiers
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they put this shot in the trailer and without context it just looked like carmen was standing there glaring at brunt menacingly
the cat burglar <3
worst fucking ref on the planet i love him
was carmen stopping to listen to julia's voice i would like to think so
ah the devineaux and cars gag. i mean, to be fair, it wasnt his fault this time
starts beatboxing
carmen really just dumped her whole life story on lupe thats so funny. girlie started the day preparing for a match, got her house broken into, and then ended the day learning about a global crime syndicate
they really ended s2 going THE NEXT SEASON WILL FOCUS ON CARMENS MOM and then started s3 going well actually um okay so
theres our transition sentence
lupe's yellow and blue palette btw!! cs color theory i love you
lupe is more of a mom than carlotta ever gets to be thats sad honestly
carmens little smile ough
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here is a shot that very succinctly illustrates the dynamics in the coming seasons. the three at the table stand strong- always have. roundy is basically a footnote no one cares about him and then brunt...brunt is sort of on the edge. this carries over all the way into s4 when malestrom tries to drown her
oh my god i forgot about the weird halloween thing the faculty has going on this season i love it
my analysis is right in time for spooky season >:) halloween IS nearly upon us!!!
OKAY well my thoughts on the luchadora tango caper...pretty good. honestly its kind of net zero information because we introduce the premise of finding carmens mom and then immediately abandon it but it sets up um....well....it sets up....what does it set up
anyway- not my favorite episode, even though lupe is fucking awesome. i think it suffers a little from deviating from that classic caper structure and jumping around, but it does its job as an introductory episode.
until we return, sayonara, mon amigos!
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risebto · 1 year
So I saw someone else just ask if anyone will ever see the silly side of purple and I was wondering if you had any personal headcanons for purple in this fic that you have yet to share? Totes fine if not I’m just really curious (I love BTO sm 😭🫶)
YES okay so this is off the top of my head so i can’t remember if they’ve been mentioned before or not but i just wanna share
Purple was a kid who was really invested in space. he wanted to be an astronaut, had the little star protection light in his room, etc. part of this fascination is definitely from the fact that he never had the ability to see the sky as a kid, since he was underground. (this reminds me of a scene that i had an idea for… but idk if i’ll add it!)
Purple did actually attend a Yokai public school when he was younger. he does have documentation, and he is a legal citizen (of the Hidden City). draxum pulled him out of school after bullying due to his scars (thought mostly it was because the Council of Heads was getting on his ass and he didn’t want to put Purple at risk of being targeted.) He had private tutors and at least some formal education. He a smart boy!
Purple has a tendency to over apologize. I feel awkward adding this in dialogue because (even though you cannot talk to me without hearing me say “i’m sorry” at least 15 times) i think it breaks the flow and would be a little annoying to read.
Dude gets so excited when he knows the answer to a question. someone will be like “ugh why does x have to be this way” and he’ll push up his glasses and say “WELL ACTUALLY”. not because he’s mean or anything, but because he genuinely likes to divulge information.
Purple will burn the ends of his mask off. Yes, he knows there are scissors. No, he doesn’t need them. also he’s an edgy 14 year old so he absolutely will draw a slit in his drawn on eyebrows.
Purple likes to fuck with Leo. I said this in the Discord but I absolutely think Leo would say some mundane saying like, “I’m so hungry i could eat a horse!” and purple would whip around in horror and respond, “You would WHAT? Do you KNOW how offensive that is to horse yōkai?!”
i don’t remember the context for this but i think it’s still funny:
"I could use my bombs."
"Tsk. Youve clearly never blown anything up before."
purple has moments of over/under stimulation where he will just bang his hands on a table. i think this would be so funny to hear in the middle of the night and leo just walks in and is like “jesus what are you doing??”
purple is very sensitive to sound. he relies on sound to ground him, to keep him calm, but it can also be his worst nightmare.
purple watched black butler. idk when or why but he did. oh and undertale.
he grew up in Game Theory. i don’t care if he doesn’t like humans, it’s entertaining and he’s a fucking nerd.
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skibasyndrome · 6 months
Hey Simon 💜,
I was wondering about 8, 9, 14, 24, 31, 33, 38 and 40 for the fanfic asks.
Please just pick the ones you want to answer :)
Hiiii, thank you so much for the ask, dear Sophia 🥰💜
8. How slow is a slow burn?
God do I love a slow burn. But at the same time! With Wilmon slow burn just feels near impossible. I feel like there's always already this spark of intense interest with them, at least when I write them.
But tbh, my definition of a slow burn is very wide. Do they long and pine for two chapters? Slow burn. Do they long and pine for 20 chapters? Slow burn. Whatever feels like it's right for the story.
But yeah, idk if I could ever do the more general definition of a slow burn justice, lol, I mean I had Wilmon hooking up in a club and Wille is already plotting their future together 😭😅
9. Thoughts on cliffhangers.
LOVE. They PAIN me, but fuck, do I love cliffhangers. I haven't really had a chance to use them because I haven't posted any longer fics but let me tell youuuu cliffhangers are coming!
14. Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
Simon hurries along the path towards the lecture hall, backpack slung over one shoulder and camera in his hand.
(iykyk 👀)
24. Thoughts on flashbacks/flashforwards.
Hmmm, I've personally never used them a lot because I can never quite manage to weave them in organically imo. If I so have to refer to something in the past I generally try to keep it short and as vague as possible.
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
Hmmm... I mean I gotta say that back in the day I simply never finished fics that seemed too difficult 💀 But for my new writing "era" or whatever you wanna call it I reeeeaaaally struggled with Never Letting You Go because I somehow had all these doubts and all these fears and was convinced that everybody would hate it 🙃 But you know that best, Sophia, thanks for helping me get through that low 💜
33. Give your writing a compliment.
I like to think that my explicit scenes are realistic 👀
38. "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
Ohhhh, I love when people find a way to fix things while keeping the problem in there. That's just super impressive. Idk if I could do that though, I like to just ignore inconvenient parts of canon with no reason other than "because I said so".
40. Write a 9-word fic.
this is so fun but so difficult every time
They collided, setting fire to the air around them.
Please send me writing asks <3
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ga-yuu · 1 year
Hi! I just wanna ask if you're from India? Just wanna make sure cause I saw it once on the blog description. The reason I ask is actually for a stupid reason. And feel free to ignore.
Lately, I've been coming across Indian tv scenes meme where people die by getting strangled ridiculously by the scarf getting caught in a fan of them getting slapped and pushed into it. Or one where a girl rescued a guy who fell and did many backflips in the air, by riding a large kite. Are these really what's in Indian tv show? I wanna know who their target audience is. And what they think about it?😅 I find it quite humourous and it gives me a good laugh.
OMG. Lol. Okay. I'm gonna rant okay! I'm also gonna be referring some tv shows and use show hindi terms that are very popular among these shows.
Indian tv serials or Indian tv dramas are EMBARRASSING AS HELL and I'm not proud to say that. If I could describe it in one sentence I would say---"It will give you a brain tumor, so please don't watch it."
About 90% or more, Indian tv serials are like that. I'm not joking. Let me tell you why?
Ekta Kapoor. Ekta Kapoor or Ekta didi (we'll call her like that!) is a very infamous name in India. She's basically a producer and has produced more than 100 tv serials. Apart from two or three good ones, the rest are dog shit. Also, all of them are soap operas. The problem with her tv serials is that, they don't have an identity. For example, let's take K-dramas or C-dramas. They have shows for different genres like romance, mystery, thriller, horror, historical etc. But when you take a look at most of the Indian shows, almost all of them have 'saas-bahu' melodrama ('saas' in hindi means 'mother-in-law' and 'bahu' in hindi means 'daughter-in-law') and nothing else. There is no actual plot or goal or even an ending. They don't even have a genre. For example, there is a tv serial called 'Sasural Simar Ka'. It started a normal soap opera melodramatic show, but then out of nowhere it ventured into supernatural stuff. Yeah, I'm not joking. Simar is the name of the main protagonist and is a normal human being who got married into a rich family (like every other ekta kpoor tv shows) and then after IDK 1000 episodes later, she turns in a fly. .....yep, I wish I was joking. You can check that on youtube if you don't believe me.
Seriously, the writers don't know what they're writing. They're just doing whatever to milk-out each episodes. Another problem with these shows is that, they just never want to end. Some shows starts with a good message but then after like 50 episodes when the message is conveyed and the goal is achieved, the best thing we must do for the show for it to remain as good as it is, is to end the fucking show, right? But Nope! They just keep going and going and going and going and going...I remember when I was nine years old, my mom used to watch this one serial called 'Yeh rishta kya kehla tha hain'. I finished my school and started college and the show was still going on. After reading your question, I simply googled to see if the serial was still on going but thankfully they ended it after 14 YEARS! WITH 4000+ EPISODES! 4 FUCKING THOUND EPISODES!!? WTF IS THIS EVEN ABOUT? One piece could never. Oh before I forget, 'Yeh rishta kya kehla tha hain' is also a soap opera. So as you see, unlike k-dramas that ends with about 20 to 22 episodes per season, Indian tv serials doesn't end. This also burdens the writers because they have to keep churning out new drama for each episode and after some time, its clear that they are running out of ideas. Writers are also human beings. If they are ordered to writer each episode everyday, they would obviously feel burned out and run out ideas, which would lead them writing shit like this:
and also the funny clips you saw on youtube. Unlike K-drama, whose episodes are once or twice a week, indian tv shows are daily (except for sat and sun) and there would be a watch party in my house which starts right after 6pm. 6pm is when my family pray and the tv would be on around that time, because my family members don't wanna miss a single scene. It starts at 6pm and ends at around 9 or 10pm on avg. depending on the number of serials they watch.
Now earlier when I said about Indian tv shows having no identity, well, almost all tv serials are centered around 'saas-bahu' drama. No matter what the story is, everything ends up being a story about a rich family wearing heavy makeup and saris and their boring household affairs where the daughter in laws and mother in laws try to conspire against each other for no reason and the men in these serials are nothing but props. Also there is always this grandma character who for some reason never dies despite having grandkids and those grandkids having grandkids and even if one of those grandkids die, this old lady never does.
Another thing, which I'm quite embarrassed to say is that, Ekta didi had been trying so hard to remake many popular american shows like the Vampire dairies and the Game of thrones. Now personally, I have not watched either of them. Ekta didi has tried remaking Vampire diaries and Twilight 3 times! The first one is called 'pyaar ki yeh ek kahaani' was something my sister used to watch. It was fine at first but soon becomes boring as hell. There is no story or setup or mythology, nothing. She just made it because she wanted to copy Twilight, because it was a blockbuster around that time. Her second attempt was 'Fanaah' and I don't remember it at all despite it having well known actors, it flopped so hard. Her third attempt and the most embarrassing one is the recent remake of the Vampire diaries who's name I don't even remember and I don't care to look it up, because I'm so embarrassed to even talk about it. Yeah, that's why.
You what's the best and worst thing about India? India is a country that has people speaking many languages. I come from the South and I speak Malayalam. There are other languages like Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati etc. Although I don't speak most of them, I do understand them. That's great. But you know what is not great? The tv shows that I mentioned above, they are all in Hindi. Which means....THERE ARE TV SHOWS LIKE THAT FOR OTHER LANGUAGES AROUND INDIA! Like I said, I come from the south, so my family watches Malayalam tv shows and although they are not as cancerous as the hindi ones, they are still shit and the writers doesn't know when to end it. I swear to god, if my grandma understood every languages in this world, she would watch every tv serials like this forever.
Now the audience. Basically all ages can watch these. But, not everyone wants to. Especially we young teenagers and people with brains, don't wanna watch these kinds of serials because we know it's not worth our time. Instead of watching that, we'd rather waste our time watching a normal anime or manga or play games or even study. The only people who watch these are kids (as in babies) who don't know what the fuck is going on but watches them because others are watching it, grandparents because they don't have anything to do in life so they just watch for entertainment, and people who have no job irl and watch these shows just to taste that spicy drama that we don't get to taste irl. I mean, I won't blame them, who the hell would wash laptops in real life with a dish soap? They all gather and form a watch party and once this starts, no one is allowed to disturb them. My grandpa was bedridden, so my grandma would feed him dinner before 6pm every night so that he won't disturb her during her shows. My dad told me that the watch party is so intense that they won't even be conscious about their surroundings. He said "Even if a robber enters the house, steals the things around the house, makes coffee and leave, these idiots still won't know." and he's not exaggerating.
Also let me tell you, its not always been like this. In the earlier days, before Ekta didi became a producer, Indian tv serials were not like this. There used to be good tv serials with good messages and not to forget the epics 'Mahabarath' and 'Ramayana' these are literal gold even to this day. But now, Ekta didi is the Queen to indian television, so we can't do anything about it. :(
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drottni · 1 year
LBFAD Rewatch Part 10
1. When your cheap ass friend starts becoming generous and your immediate thought is "is she broken? Is she possessed ?"
2. Okay can we just talk about the creativity of the "shes deeply in love with me and thats why the Bone Orchid is killing her" arch. Like the way they stitched that in there so we could have the whole "I have to get her to hate me " angst. *chef kisses*
3. Xunfeng: Wait so the Moon Queen is not going to live long?
DFQC: Over my dead body >:(
Xunfeng: Or....hear me out. Over HER dead body! Eh? Eh!
DFQC: *jail for Xunfeng*
4. Xunfeng: I cannot give you the sword. You will destroy it. You are the last hope for the Moon tribe
DFQC: *angry exasperated face* If one more person says that to me---
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5. Xunfeng kicking DFQC while he is down:
Me: You little menace.
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6. Idk how many times I will gush over his acting, but ya'll. Wang Hedi looked soooo genuinely torn. Like his facial muscles rippling with checked anger. His tight grip loosening as Xunfeng's words start to hit home. The rippling anguish in his eyes as he realizes just what he is doing and how much of a risk he is taking. God.
7. Omg the absolute hell ish pressure cooker my poor baby DFQC is in. Like ya'll imagine everyone relying on you and just trusting in you to handle the enemy cuz you got mad crazy powers and you have to sit there and not have a panic attack because you no longer have the mad crazy powers and you will most likely lose either your people or the person you love. OOOH GOD. Get him out of there! I got second hand panic attacks watching this
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8. XLH: Im gonna make the Phoenix Crown out of the flowers Big Blockhead planted for me when I came to Cangyan sea.
Jieli: You're such a romantic you dweeb. Loser -_- (I love you, you beautiful innocent soul)
9. XLH: I dont care who I was. All that matters now is I will be his wife *blush*
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10. DFQC giving her an out. Telling her she still has time to save herself before the war. Hoping that she does leave but also that she doesn't. Her barely holding back tears as she continues to discuss the wedding. Both of them losing their shit as the reality sets in. AAAHHHHHH 😭😭 Reminding each other of their promise. "Whatever happens, we face it together". (him also realizing at this point the absolute betrayal hes going to have to put her through) omg.
11. If your demon hubby doesn't sit by your bedside while you sleep despite having 1001 and other things to look after, namely a whole ass war...drop him. DFQC supremacy.
12. "In this world what is real and what is fake? I only know that I love DFQC, that is real. It is more than enough" >>>>>>>>> any other love confession
13. DFQC: Because I know them well. One was my bestfriend. The other was the woman I wanted to marry.
Me on my first watch: was? WAS?? WAASSS?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
15. XLH: this food is the one I hate. THIS RIGHT HERE is going too far.
she's just like me fr. dont mess with food.
16. DFQC about to sacrifice his body, soul and spirit to save his people.
XLH: *in danger*
DFQC: Sacrifice is canceled. We are saving the love my of life. Again.
17. I dont even have words for that scene. Never getting over that. (actually i have words and they are too many.)
18. I just wanna say that in my first watch, I did not process that she actually died for the longest time. Despite the whole setup and slow mo. I just kept thinking nahhh DFQC going to think of something and save her. Aint no way he letting her die.
With this thought in my mind, I just imagine how it must have felt for him. How absolutely helpless and devastated. 😭
19. My mans out here straight up suicidal and burning his primordial spirit faster and faster, getting irritated with all his bros for trying to give him their primordial spirit 🥲🥲
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scyllas-revenge · 1 year
For the writer ask game 11, 14 and 76 (Burn Like Cold Iron but you can do it for any other fic you'd like)
Thank you anon!!
#11. Link your three favorite fics right now
My three favorite fics??? You ask too much! But I'll do my best to pick a few of my many many favorites:
Taken, an ongoing Eomer/reader fic with some truly wonderful amounts of yearning, by @sotwk
Black Shroud, White Feathers, a criminally underrated gen fic with Boromir, Merry, Pippin, and a lot of angst, by Icarus_is_flying
Anything But This, a Boromir/reader fic with- you guessed it- more yearning, by @minaturefics
I haven't read any long multichapter fics in way too long so this list is just short stuff. But ask again when I've defeated my executive dysfunction and can focus on longer stuff again!!
#14. how do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I do try to feel a bit of what the characters are feeling so I can visualize the right body language and tone of voice to describe. I can't always draw from personal experiences, but when I wrote a scene involving claustrophobia-induced panic, I thought back to the times I've experienced that (not often, but still memorable). Same with all the scenes of yearning I've written XD I've had a lot of unrequited crushes in my life and that can fuel some pretty emotional scenes
#76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of Burn Like Cold Iron? 
Oh LOTS. I had no idea where this fic was going to go until I was ten chapters in (note: do NOT start a fic like this) so there were a lot of weird places it could have gone, including having other people from the modern world brought to Middle Earth by Saruman, some really egregious and unrealistic use of walkie talkies, and a lot more glimpses into Bee's life in Dallas.
The only one I regret not including was a flashback from Bee's teenage years where she runs into one of the Blue Wizards- Saruman sent him to the modern world once the Blue Wizard realized that Saruman was trying to reach other worlds using the palantir. There wasn't much of a point to this scene, and Bee certainly never learned who this crazy guy all dressed in blue and yelling in a foreign language was or where he came from, so I cut it from the fic.
But I'm still fond of the idea of Bee having three encounters with Middle Earth in her life: one with the Ent-wives, one with the Blue Wizard, and one with her abduction by Saruman. The name Beatrice has a couple of meanings, one of which is thrice-blessed (beata-trice), and I liked the idea of her having three magical encounters with another world (although I doubt she'd call all of them blessings).
I might post that scene as a bonus once the whole fic is done, but again there wasn't much to it. It was more of a fun idea than a cool scene in itself, idk
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islemeadow · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I was tagged by the lovely @suspendingtime - thank you, this was so much fun! 🥰
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Only two so far! But they are quite massive and there will be at least two more in order to finish the entire "ABCD-series of Kanthony and their offspring", as I call it. All of it is written already, but I'm a bit neurotic and want to hone them into perfection before releasing anything, so therefore the "one chapter a week" publishing pace...
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Bridgerton. The first fanfic I ever wrote was for Game of Thrones, several years ago, but it kind of blew out of proportion and I never finished it, so therefore did not publish it either. Maybe I will, one day...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Like I said earlier, I only have two works published of my gigantic series so far! The first one is finished but the second one is not and has been out for only a couple of weeks, so here we are:
Aspire - Kanthony's continuation story (365)
Burn - Edmund Bridgerton II's story (35)
Covet - Miles Bridgerton's story
Dare - Lily Bridgerton's story
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes - obviously. I have to quote @suspendingtime on this one, because they phrased it so well:
"Why... I sort of have a need? Idk, when I see a comment it's hard to just leave it hanging there and not to reply. Like irl if someone looked at something I made and verbally commented on it... and I just stared back blankly not saying anything. 😐 This is how it feels to me on the receiving end at least haha. And my replies saying various forms of 'Thank you!' is probably quite repetitive, but hey ho."
And every time I say "thank you", I really mean it. I'm honestly so tremendously grateful for every comment I have ever got, I did not even think anyone would care about my scribblings...! 🙏
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, I'm trying to write very bridgertonesque happy endings, but I guess "Covet - Miles Bridgerton's story" will be the angstiest one as a whole.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, happy endings are what I strive for, but perhaps "Dare - Lily Bridgerton's story" since it'll be the last one of the entire series and you've got to end on a high note!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far no, fortunately.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, although that too has not YET been published! But there will be some, soooon... And what kind? I try to be as true as possible to the source material of my fics, in other words the Bridgerton TV-series, so I guess I have kind of gone with that smut-wise. So I would describe it in the same manner as the intimate scenes in the series. It's not pornography, but neither is it a "rom com fade out and cut to the next morning" immediately when two people collapse on a bed, so you'll definitely know what's going on between the characters even though it's not described in super explicit detail.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, at least. Normally I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, but I'm still open for it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!! Not that I'm aware of. I don't really understand why anyone would steal something that is already out there for free?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not. Apart from English, which is not my mother tongue, I speak Swedish and Finnish, plus very little German and Spanish, but it would feel strange to write fanfiction in any other language than English, I think.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but it could be fun if we're on the same page! (stupid writer pun intended)
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Clearly and undoubtedly Kate & Anthony, since they have inspired me to write approximately a thousand pages of fanfic... 😅 But I'm in general a very passionate shipper and I'll get a lot more interested in a series or a novel if there's a couple whose (possible) story I fall in love with and begin to root for. Last ones I got mildly obsessed with were Bonnet and Blackbeard in Our Flag Means Death.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
It has to be the Game of Thrones one I mentioned earlier. Somehow I got blown away by the character of the wildling woman Karsi who was VERY briefly part of season 5 (and is not even in the books), so I began to write an entire background story for her and how she became the chieftain of her clan, but never got to the (sad canon-compliant) ending of it all.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Um... I guess I'm very productive at least, haha. If I get into a nice flow I can write for hours and hours. Dialogue comes very easy and usually I only plan a little ahead, like what the premise of a scene is, but most of the time it feels like the characters surprise myself as well and take it somewhere more or less unexpected - but better.
That probably describes my writing in general, it doesn't feel like I actively have to imagine these stories happening, rather simply document everything that pours out of my mind onto my laptop. If I don't get to write I get peevish, as if suffering from withdrawals...
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably sometimes forgetting to describe the setting around the character/s, or at least that is something I have to often remind myself of and maybe add on later. For example describing how a specific room or someone's clothes look (maybe fanfic is quite forgiving in this sense, since everyone already knows e.g. what Aubrey Hall or Bridgerton House looks like).
Another thing I seem to forget is the fact that the sun can't always be shining, although if you look at the Bridgerton TV-series is actually does, EXCEPT for when something dramatic is happening, then it's POURING. So, perhaps that's just being true to the source material, as with the smut...? 😅
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Well, the languages I know aren't especially useful considering a Bridgerton fic, unless I one day come up with some Swedish prince or princess etc, but Kanthony's children are in fact speaking Hindi in my series. Being raised as bilingual myself I definitely wanted that for them too and I thought that Kate would want it as well, but unfortunately I'm solely relying on translation websites and would love it if someone who actually knows Hindi would check the text...!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Unpublished: Game of Thrones, but actually published: Bridgerton.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Tough question...! But I have to say... The previously mentioned "Covet - Miles Bridgerton's story". And not because it's the angstiest one, but because I kind of feel like I can't even take credit for the story of Miles and his love interest to work out so well. I had planned an entirely different thing for Miles, a lot more boring one, but in the middle of "Burn - Edmund Bridgerton's story" I had this huge epiphany when one of the characters went rogue on me and I sat there writing and suddenly had to pause like "ah, damn... You're in love with Miles, aren't you, you poor thing?" and then I gladly went on with that, because it simply made so much sense.
You'll see soon what I'm talking about, I think we're still a few chapters away from that when I have only four chapters of "Burn" published at the moment...!
I tried to find some writers who had not been tagged to this yet, so please ignore this if you already have replied to these questions earlier or if you just don't want to, which is perfectly alright! ❤️ But I'm sending this onwards to: @fitrahgolden , @silverhallow and @waterlilyrose
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dramacorazon · 2 years
i’ve not really had time to fully flesh out how i feel about alchemy of souls 2 just yet, but i have some thoughts and i want to release them from my brain into the world. 
i’m definitely enjoying season 2. i really like yeong too, however i absolutely agree with the criticisms that she’s kind of become the “damsel in distress” trope. at the same time, i think completely losing all your memories would have a significant impact on your personality, so her acting different to mudeok is understandable. and because she doesn’t remember any of naksu’s past, perhaps this is a more true authentic naksu we’re seeing? without the baggage? and maybe this more delicate version of naksu is a lead up to a better payoff for when she has her powers again. when she does, she’ll have both buyeon’s and naksu’s powers combined which will hopefully give us the badass scenes we’ve all been waiting for.
all of that aside, she is slowly but surely getting her memories back. however, that’s an issue for me: she’s finding out too slowly. 
from what we’ve seen so far, pacing is definitely my main issue with aos 2. part of what made aos 1 so great that everything had room to breathe. for example, the slow burn between mudeok and uk was so excellent. their first kiss wasn’t until ep 14 then their first real kiss was in ep 18. so this season being shorter feels a bit odd. yeong and uk are still having a slow burn of sorts but i can’t fully enjoy it because there’s always a reminder in the back of my mind that there’s only a few episodes left so they’ll get together soon. almost like there’s less anticipation? 
from the preview it looks like yeong is gonna regain her memories in ep 7, which only gives us 3 episodes with a fully conscious buyeon/naksu. this also means uk probably won’t find out until ep 8, maybe even ep 9, and i don’t love that. 
maybe that’s for a selfish reason. we then only get 2 episodes left for them to be back together. personally, my fav thing about mudeok and uk’s relationship in season 1 was their playfulness. in eps 5-6 of aos 2 it seems that’s finally making a comeback. but again, there’s only 4 episodes left to see that. i also loved in aos 1 how they worked together and helped each other, which they’re not really doing this season. i think season 1 uk would have tried to help yeong regain her memories?? it seems a bit out of character that he’s not doing that?? i get uk is in his angsty era (valid tbh) but idk...... 
we’re 6 episodes deep (over halfway) and not much has really happened yet. this would be fine if this season was 20 episodes long, maybe even 16 or 12 if we’re being generous. but it’s not; there’s only 10. we have 4 episodes left to tie up loose ends. it doesn’t seem like they’re gonna be able to do that without it either a. being rushed or b. having a huge cliffhanger (or c. both). 
so there’ll probably be a season 3 with another 10 episodes. tbh there needs to be. but a part of me wishes that they’d just waited and made a season 2 with 20 episodes. i obviously can’t really make a full judgement until the rest of the episodes come out. maybe it’ll all make sense. we’ll see. 
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emulation-0 · 8 months
@cursedvibes ty for tagging me ik it was a while ago 😭
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
on my profile 32, i think? (but actually 35)
2. Whats your total word count?
59,890 tho i do have like 56000 more words in orphaned works
3. What fandoms do you write for?
primarily Jujutsu Kaisen, i had some ideas for other fandoms but those remain as wips... honestly after this tsumiki one im not sure i will be writing for a while siebjfneofneod
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
there's a fire in my brain and im burning up (itadori)
this tired old machine is a-rumbling (higuruma)
the devil's after both of us (itafushi)
oh, lay my curses out to rest (tokyo students + shoko)
oh, ashes ashes dust to dust (nobamaki)
(this makes me upset im not gonna lie cuz looking back and reading these im struck by how mid they are but sjdbdkneodks its whatever)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i do for the most part !! i love receiving comments and i want people to know how much i appreciate it :) i also love when ppl reply to comments i leave on their fics so i want to do the same
6. what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ummm my Curses series was more one-shots without actual plot.. and as many of those were shibuya or post shibuya they were all pretty angsty beifbekdjeodk. i wouldnt say any have this kind of ending because then there would have to be a story. but i would say the saddest one ive written is 'keep running for the sink but the well is dry'
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
'light of a new morning' for sure. this one actually had some kind of development i would say. also i have bias because this is one of the only three ive written that dont totally suck. though the tsumiki wip im working on for sure will have an even happier ending
8. do you get hate on fic?
im not popular enough for that lol
9. do you write smut?
10. do you write crossovers?
i had one in mind a while ago but it escaped me... i never have before but that doesnt mean i never will, even if it is unlikely
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i dont think so
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no but id be honored if so. especially if it was one im proud of
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, but im open to the idea
14. whats your all-time favorite ship?
i go through phases so i cant really answer this lol. my interest waxes and wanes. rn though im really obsessed with uroyuki and in a satosugu phase
15. whats a wip you want to finish but probably won't?
there is a shokohime wip i started two or so years ago about shoko's backstory and the developing of their relationship up until the present but at some point there was a research aspect to it and i thought 'ill do it later'. and then i never did 💀 id like to continue it but i still lowk think it will sit there.. i dont have enough motivation to do research ekdbfkenfkdk
there is also a trigun one i started, it was kind of plotless, just vibes, but i wasnt able to get their dialogue right and idk. maybe when i get into a trigun phase again ill find inspiration and continue
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think im good at describing a scene and emotions. im good at making this kind of poetry
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
im soooo shit at dialogue and even when im not shit at it i keep overthinking it and ruin it anyway lol
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i mean ive done it (but i orphaned those... lol) and im doing it now for the tsumiki wip so its fine i guess. but id only do it for languages that i know and if not, after profuse grammar checking. also ofc it has to make sense within the context of the story
19. first fandom you wrote for?
septimus heap eiebdkwbdkebd it was so bad
20. favorite fic you've written?
ill do you one better and say three... and these are the not-mid ones
light of a new morning (tsumiki and itadori)
after hours (mob and reigen)
before-the-storm bloom (uroyuki)
my writing style changed a lot and i think these ones emulate the way it is now the best
idk 20 writers but tagging @that-was-anticlimactic @zukkaoru @blackhallow and anyone else who wants !!
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blueiight · 2 years
i never really understood the pearl clutching wrt to claudia wanting to have sex. louis was experimenting with boys but he's scandalised that claudia at over 18 is interested in sex. did he really think they froze everything when they turned her? like the minute she asked about love between two men, louis should have known she was growing up.
also lestat knew exactly what he was triggering taking her to lover's lane. and i think he knew what would follow with claudia's sexuality awakening.
i think clauds asking lou about love between two men wasnt so much about her tryna understand her own sexuality but moreso the fact that lxl were prolly the first gay relationship shes ever seen in her life beforehand. cuz before that scene shes writing ‘they have a funny way of being nice with eachother’ and shes looking at lestat’s hand on louis shoulder. louis is pretty clear about wanting claudia bc he couldnt have children, bc he lost his family, whereas lestat sees claudia as a means to keep louis but grows to see her as his child too. mutual babytrap gone terribly wrong. but ur definitely onto something with how lestat takes claudia to hunt at lover’s lane..
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les is giving “back in my day, when u reached 14 u understood sexual innuendos” here lol. lestat & louis engorge claudia with luxurious items on their terms: giving her a diary, clothing, scraps of sentiment, and the knowledge of the hunt. an adolescent vampire possesses a reduced level of impulse control, and she shows such, her reactions are beyond control of what lestat + louis terms are even when shes mentally closer to a child in the beginning of her arc. she ends up gorging herself on flesh, to where lestat & louis come under heightened scrutiny bc of it.
now whether u mean fans or lxl characters ‘pearl clutching’, idk but it serves well to why lestat and louis have different reasons for wanting claudia to remain their child, even at the expense of her wants and desires.. if u mean fans i think its bc the costuming/acting on bass’s end suggest claudia in ep4 occupies far more of a childlike role bc she is still mentally young for some parts of the episode. her childish perspective girds our viewpoint in some parts, with the camera at lower angles, fantastical scenes of bones and flesh sticking out when the police inspect the townhouse that logically, could not have been there, the soundtrack even sounds childish if that makes sense. even tho she ages from 14-21 years old in this ep, she is living her second [or first, really] act of childhood. but at some point the ‘child’ wants to be free of their ‘parents’ terms and conditions.
u have a p clear violation of her boundaries when lestat and louis read thru her diary in an attempt to ascertain where she kept the bodies, but theyre also trying to read ‘their’ creation bc shes starting to explore a sense of self outside of being ‘their’ child.
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and that sense of ‘self’ includes also, a sexual self. charlie even says he cant believe claudia is a young woman [19 is the age she is at the time they meet?] bc of how young she looks. her killing charlie in a lust filled craze, lestat making her watch him burn, leads claudia to asking what her lot in life will be. why cant she have her lestat, her louis? she fails to make companions bc of her incomplete physical maturation as an adolescent and her weakness at the time as a vampire, killing any companion she tries to make. and its truly a sad lot in life to where creeps & freaks interested in perpetual adolescence/youth r what claudia feels is her only chance at a romantic, much less, sex life.
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fkevin073 · 1 year
Alicent's daughter Alysanne 1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? 2: Which scene did you put on first? 3: What is your favorite plot? 4: What's your favorite line of dialogue? 5: Which part was hardest to write? 6: What is your fic special or different from all your other fics? 7: Where did the title come from? 8: Did any real person or event inspire any part of this? 9: Was there an alternate version of this fic? 10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story? 11: What do you like most about this fic? 12: What do you like least about this fic? 13: What song did you hear that made you want to write this story? Or if you haven't heard anything yet, what do you think readers should hear to keep us reading? 14: Is there anything you would like readers to learn from reading this fic? 15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
thanks for the asks anon! again I'm gonna switch out Alysanne with Valaena and not delve too deeply into spoiler territory!
I really wanted to write an in depth story where a) Jace is the main love interest and b) alicent has another daughter. I've written stuff for helaena x Jace before, but tbh I really wanted to explore a different version of alicent's daughter - very heavy on the religious trauma and repression, which helaena kind of lacks I think. just exploring how either side compliments each other.
I mean for bury my heart next to yours it was the opening prologue incident, where valaena accidentally knocks viserys unconscious. for the IKYLAO AU I don't remember anymore :/
that is yet to come! but there's definitely some stuff I'm gonna explore with valaena that I didn't really get to explore with alysanne I'm excited for!
... that is also yet to come! but there's a confrontation scene that's gonna happen way ahead in the story that I'm psyched for
um... there's gonna be a scene in bury my heart next to yours that's gonna be highly traumatic for both Jace and valaena that's going to tear me apart to write so.. that :/
hmm. I think making Valaena genuinely religious makes her different from my other OC's, because in real life I'm not a religious person either so I've kind of given that to all my other OC's. but I think for this story it's more of a slow burn romance? valaena is very emotionally repressed
from a song called ghosts that we knew by Mumford and sons!
um not really? idk I think valaena mirrors a lot of stereotypically 'dutiful" noble ladies from before
yes! from sacred prayer and we'd swear. but bury my heart next to yours is going to be different in a lot of ways
I fell in love with alysanne x Jace in IKYLAO and desperately wanted to write a story where he is the main choice and not aemond
hmm the slow burn nature of it all
I think how much I want to cover? with IKYLAO I felt like I glossed over a lot of their childhood and the lost years where aemond and alysanne weren't together and I want to highlight how much valaena and Jace change and why before they meet up again
ouu the ghosts that we knew by Mumford and sons is a main one and tiebreaker by head and the heart. maybe even cinnamon girl by Lana del rey
hmm not really? idk about that one
to pace myself a bit!
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zalrb · 2 years
A couple of anons have asked about my reviews so I did one :)
1. I don’t think you guys realize how 00s this whole look is
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2. They’re really playing up this whole fire thing. That’s OTH, man, subtlety like a fucking brick.
3. I like that Anna is on Peyton’s side of the wall, that could’ve been interesting to explore.
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 That also would’ve been interesting.
5. “Are we friends?” “Tell you what, I’ll play you for it. Game to 11.” Jesus christ.
7. Yo, Haley comes back to town SO indignant and I’m just like, what did you EXPECT?
8. “What the heck?” LOL really? Haley can’t say ‘hell’?
9. Peyton exhausts me.
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10. I am forwarding through this Peyton/Ellie scene, I can’t do it.
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Like, I’m tired.
12. I was also tired when it was Elena’s storyline
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Do boys ever get this storyline?
13. This is a really long scene to look at Hilarie struggling to cry
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14. That looks like a pretty uncomfortable couch, Brooke.
15. omg their chemistry totally disappeared.
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16. “Oh, by the way, I think I found a pair of your black gloves, leather right?” This dialogue is killing me.
17. This is such a long episode. Jesus.
18. Ugh, Keith and Karen, I just never got into them.
19. The pacing is SO slow. It’s like season 1.
20. “You’ve changed.” I mean, not really, he just isn’t talking to you, Haley. You kissed a guy, went on a tour, didn’t correct Chris when he said you two were dating on live TV, said that you thought they made a mistake when he drove across the country to see you, didn’t visit him in the hospital when he crashed a car, and called him twice throughout the entire ordeal. He doesn’t have much to say to you.
21. Shiftiest fucking drug dealer.
22. “Oh, look, it’s Tim, I had a dream you died.” The delivery.
23. Brooke dragging Peyton to the party to be a DJ is like OK respect your friend’s headspace but Peyton purposefully putting on depressing music because everyone has to suffer for her bad mood is also super petty.
24. Dan is a terrible detective.
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26. Hilarie and Chad don’t even really have chemistry as friends, they’re just kind of around each other.
27. Lmao Brooke, Peyton’s biological mother just showed up out of the blue, she’s going through some shit. It’s annoying but you can’t be surprised that shes in a weird headspace right now and you can’t force her to be out of it.
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He’s just not talking to her! Did we forget that he got into a car crash over her like 2 seconds ago? Lmao.
31. Nathan showing up, not even talking to Haley but burning Tim’s guitar is lol. idk maybe I’m just petty but I respect this Nathan.
32. The height difference tho
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35. It would’ve also been cool if Brooke and Nathan developed a kind of friendship this year while Haley and Lucas were trying to win their affections
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36. “It used to be my cocaine vial.” You did coke once, Peyton, relax. I feel like Dina in Superstore
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37. Oh yeah, don’t mind me, I’m just a grown ass adult walking into a teen party. Fucking Dan.
38. DAN SAW LUCAS’ FACE IN THE FIRE. GUYS, OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. SHIT’S ABOUT TO GET REAL. Lmao, I don’t think I cared for that storyline even when watching it live.
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digisurvive · 1 year
Uh Kaito! 11/18/21/27! Choose any!
11 What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
That he kinda gets the short end of the stick, writing wise, despite being the focus of Harmony lol He doesn't get an adult Evo cut scene, and since the game didn't make perfect and ultimates part of the narrative, it just means Kaito gets less material, and he doesn't get a cutscene establishing the themes for his arc. He also doesn't get an item in the sewers that's meaningful to him and even that mid gazimon side quests retrieving lost items for the others doesn't give us anything that adds flavor to his character lol We already knew he's very Miu focused, so I don't think we needed more of that, but oh well lol
18 How do you think they were as a kid? (Like, were they shy, noisy, wild, etc)
Troublemaker, but not in a dramatic way. He just seems like the kind of kid who liked to explore + test things on his own + know the why behind rules, like if you told him not to touch the iron, he'd do it anyway and burn his fingies lol But then he'd understand the why behind the instruction. Or if he decided he wanted to go somewhere, he'd not wait for his parents or anyone to take him, Miu and him would just go out and figure out themselves how to get there (or most likely get lost for hours and eventually return home.) I don't think he was ever a social butterfly, but he probably did get along with 3-4 kids enough to be friends with, he seems like the kind that'd be relied on for things like "we sent our balloon flying to the neighbors' balcony, can you go get it." And Kaito would have enough kiddy temerity to be the one to be the face for them in such situations lol
21 When do you think they were at their happiest?
Hmm since he's so tortured about The Incident and also just. How badly Miu does socially with the bullying and so, maybe when he was a kid and he felt things were simpler? When both he and Miu were in elementary school and he could be there for her (and also they got along better and such). He just seems like the type who'd be a sucker for childhood nostalgia even tho he's 14 lol
27 If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
It puzzles me that this question is so popular, do I give crossover enjoyer aura? 😂 Kaito is specially tricky with how much it takes him to warm up to people... He's considerate of others to a degree but he isn't the kind of guy who goes other out of his way to befriend others or is easy to get along with.... Again, keeping it Digimon constrained, it'd probably be Masaru. Idk that they'd get along but it'd be funny to me, especially if it were early Masaru, they'd punch each other's lights out.
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emergency blanket
prompt: emergency blanket (alt no.14)
whumpee: sakari nurmi
fandom: karppi/deadwind
hi this fic is a little different from other stuff in an undefined kinda way...it's set pre-series by a few years at a time in which i imagine sakari has recently moved to helsinki and doesn't work with the police. i enjoyed messing around with this but it is a bit different to my usual stuff idk. hope you like it anyway!
He’s ripped violently out of a deep sleep by the sound of an explosion. The building shakes. Things rattle. Plaster is falling from the ceiling. He knows this because it’s falling on him. 
He leaps out of bed, heart pounding. He knows perfectly well what to do in the event of an explosion, but he’s never actually had to act before - it was always just drills and being ready, but he’d escaped any actual explosions. 
Until now. Plaster is still raining down from the ceiling, which means he should get under a table, but he lives on the third floor. If the floor collapses, the table isn’t going to do him much good. 
He needs to get out. 
He slowly walks across the room and to the door. The floor creaks underneath him but holds steady. The fire alarms - those that work, anyway - are ringing. People are screaming. He feels the door, which isn’t hot, then opens it. 
He’s met with chaos. People are pushing down the hallway towards the stairs and only one of the lightbulbs in the ceiling is working so it’s sort of dark but the fire alarm is flashing and there’s debris scattered over the floor and at the other end of the hall there’s just a hole where there should be a floor. 
He joins his neighbors in the journey to the stairwell and has the brief thought that he should have put on shoes, or a jacket. Once he gets outside, he’s going to be freezing. 
At least you’ll be alive, he reminds himself. This thought is punctuated by a loud crashing noise behind him. Everyone collectively turns around. Something unidentifiable but very much on fire has fallen through the ceiling. People start screaming again, assuming they ever stopped. He nearly gets knocked to the ground as everyone suddenly starts shoving wildly in a now truly desperate attempt to get to the stairs. 
The heat of the fire is steadily growing, though it’s still a good distance away down the hall. Eventually, Sakari makes it into the stairwell. It’s crowded with people coming down from higher floors, but someone grabs his arm and pulls him into the throng and then he’s moving down, down, down, surrounded by people in various states of undress. Some of them are bleeding, burned. He guesses the explosion happened on an upper floor. 
The procession downwards is slow-going, but it is going. He makes it to the second floor, where a few more people push into the group. He supposes most of the people from this floor have already made it down. 
Finally, the exit is in sight. It’s a door marked ‘fire exit, use only in case of emergency.’ It’s been propped open and there’s a blinking light above it. Outside he can hear sirens mixing with the echo of the fire alarm. 
He steps outside. The sidewalk is cold beneath his bare feet, but at least it isn’t snowing. He moves along with a crowd of people. He has no idea where they’re going besides away, which is more than good enough for him. 
He turns back briefly and looks at the building. Part of it, starting on the fifth floor and extending down through the third, is simply gone. Flames lick out of the gaping hole where this part of the building used to be. Here and there he can see fires behind windows, smoke rising into the dark sky. As he looks, part of the fourth floor breaks free from the building and crashes to the ground. People scream. Someone runs into him from behind and he nearly loses his balance. 
“Hey, keep moving!”
He turns away from the horrible scene and keeps walking. At last he figures out what everyone has been walking towards: there’s a barrier being set up by police, who are shouting for people to get behind it. He passes the barrier, at which point the people around him begin to disperse. Some of those who are bleeding are being treated by paramedics. Groups of people huddle together, calling out for people they’ve gotten separated from. He doesn’t know what to do. He doesn’t have anyone here to join, doesn’t really know his neighbors. He’s not hurt, either, so he can’t go to the medics. Can he just leave? He feels like he can’t. And anyway, where would he go? His car’s broken. He doesn’t have shoes on. He’s kind of trapped. 
He briefly wonders whether any of his things will be salvageable. Whether the firefighters will extinguish the flames before they reach his apartment. He hopes so. He doesn’t have a lot of stuff, and what little he does have is all in there. 
But there’s nothing he can do about that. He forces his thoughts away from his apartment and decides to just walk around. After a few minutes of this aimless walking, he comes to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to simply sit down. 
He finds an empty section of the curb that has a view of the activity and sinks down. On his right is a mailbox, and on his left is a family with two small children. Neither one of them is crying, but their mother is. Something twists inside him. He stands back up, not willing to intrude. 
He walks around a bit more. Tents are being set up next to ambulances, and people are gathering under them, he supposes for medical treatment. There is one tent that has sides as well as a roof. He stares at it and wonders how many people have died. Wonders what exactly had happened. 
He finds himself walking over towards the tents without really thinking about it. He looks in on the scenes beneath them, half imagining that he’ll see someone he knows, but everyone is a stranger. 
“Hey!” someone shouts. He’s been hearing people shout “hey!” for however long it’s been (and really, he realizes, he has absolutely no idea whether it’s been seconds or hours), and only one of those shouts had been directed at him. He isn’t doing anything wrong, to his knowledge, so he figures whoever’s shouting isn’t shouting at him. 
“Hey, come here!” the person shouts again. He looks around, curious to see what’s happening, and makes eye contact with a paramedic. He figures she’ll just wave him along, but instead she nods and calls, “come here!”
“Yes, you.”
He looks down at himself, suddenly wondering whether he’s somehow been bleeding this whole time and had failed to notice. But he’s fine, he thinks. 
“What’s the matter?” he asks, approaching the paramedic. 
“You’re shaking.”
He is? He hadn’t noticed. Now, though, he does. He’s cold. Really cold. And afraid, he realizes, even though the most imminent danger has already passed. 
He exhales sharply. His chest feels tight. He wraps his arms around himself as this whole barrage of previously-unrecognized sensations suddenly hits him all at once. 
Something touches him. He jolts in surprise, and the paramedic gently puts a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay,” she says. “It’s only a blanket.”
It is a blanket. One of those silvery, reflective ones. He’s seen them a few times before, though he’s never actually had one to himself. He had always assumed that people had been stretching the truth, calling the things thermal blankets when to him they had resembled nothing so much as sheets of tinfoil. 
To his surprise, however, the blanket really is quite warm. He pulls it tightly around himself, tucking his arms in underneath it and holding onto it as though it might be taken away from him at any second. 
And then the paramedic gives him another blanket. This one is more normal. It’s thick and not terribly soft but it’s warm, too, and actually feels like a blanket. He draws this one tightly around his body as well, burrowing into the warmth of the layered blankets as much as possible.
“Please come find me or someone else if you don’t stop shivering soon,” the paramedic tells him, and he nods and watches her hurry off to help another paramedic with a man whose whole torso is covered in blood. 
Still shivering and overwhelmed, Sakari again finds himself a place to sit, this time beneath the tent, near the back of an open ambulance. 
The ground is frigid beneath him, and even when he adjusts the blankets so he can sit on them, he can still feel it. He tucks himself into as tight a ball as he can manage and wraps the blankets around himself again, trying especially hard to cover both his feet and his arms. Again he wishes that he had brought his shoes, or that at least he had gone to bed wearing socks. 
But he hadn’t, and now he’s here, sitting on the freezing, hard ground and shaking so hard he almost feels sick. He tries to focus on getting warm, tries not to think about the explosion. Tries not to imagine getting caught in the flames, trapped by the rubble. He’s lucky, he supposes. Bad things always seem to happen to the people around him, and not to him. 
It doesn’t feel like luck. It feels like a horrible mixture of fear and guilt squeezing him from the inside out. He pulls the blankets still tighter around his body and wonders if the shaking will ever stop.
thanks for reading! i hope you enjoyed this even though it was a bit weird. i just love exploring his backstory and making shit up :) see you tomorrow!!
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