#idk what he is anymore XD
rpbloggg · 11 months
My OCs!!
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winter/fall outfit ^
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summer/spring outfit ^
nickname: Gadget
real name: He won't tell
Pronouns: He/they
age: Nobody knows.. though he might be close to his mid 20s.. though some people think he's closer to 17? he won't say.
personality: A very upbeat and talkative merchant! He sells everything some shells to clothing to magical items! Though he's mostly known for his endless supply of potions!
Likes: Meeting new people! shiny things, and birds! they also think that weird bottles are pretty cool. And then pretty much everything!
extra info: He usually steals clothes from the rich and sneaks into parties just to cause chaos, he is also allergic to certain plants such as rosemary, yarrow, ginger, chamomile, sage, basil, and other plants with healing remedies. Nobody knows why but he never gets sick so we are too worried! also he has this weird...vibe about him.. nobody can pinpoint it exactly though. people tend to only stay around him for at most 2 hours before the feeling puts them a little too off.
Inventory: Potions, lots of potions, weird bugs, rocks, gems, fabrics, seashells, jars filled with strange looking preserved animals.. you name it! He has a giant bag for a reason! bow and arrow too, he's a pretty good archer when necessary, though probably couldn't hit a bullseye
weaknesses: His allergies mostly, they're bad bad lol. He also isn't very skilled in hand to hand combat. mostly shooting arrows from afar when in danger. he's very sensitive about his childhood so best not bring that up!
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general outfit ^
Nickname: song
Name: sarai (SAR-I)
pronouns: she/her
age: 17
personality: A very quiet girl who keeps to herself, sometimes traveling along with her brother when bored, or has things she also wants to sell off. She can be very talkative when on the right subject though!
*LOCKED! I'll reveal it once i've interacted more with her :P*
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chibishortdeath · 6 months
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Drawing muscles is so fun :3. I wanna try to make more illustrations like this, but idk sometimes the vibes are just off and he ends up with way less detail than intended lol. But yeah, he’s standin.
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Hehe bonus: a little doodle based on a pinup I ran into >:3
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universestreasures · 4 months
Shadow Checkmate (Drabble)
For @shachou
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Chess. It was the first game Nii-sama ever taught me, the one that made me really love gaming. I'm not very good at it. Nowhere near as good as my brother. But...when I play it with him, it makes me so happy! It's a lot of fun to try and beat him, even if I always lose.
It used to be something we'd do every day, with other kids at the orphanage watching us. But...we don't play chess anymore. We haven't since we moved into this house.
Our stepfather says Nii-sama has more important things to do than to play with me, something about needing to work hard. That's why I don't see him most days. I only see him at dinner once in a while or at a fancy party I get to go to. Other times, I'm told he's too busy studying with his teachers, even if I ask nicely.
I miss him. I miss him a lot. I miss the days when he read me stories about dragons and wizards. I miss the days when he'd tuck me into bed. I miss the days when we played chess for fun all day. I miss the days we were together.
With him not around, I've gotten lonely and bored. That means I've had to make new ways to have fun, like Nii-sama and I always used to do. That's why I made a new game, a new game I can play that makes me feel like I'm playing it with him.
It's called Shadow Checkmate.
The rules are the same as regular chess, except you don't need a second person to play. All you need is yourself and your shadow. Though, I don't have any chess pieces. I've had to use things in my room, like buttons or pencils, instead. I drew the board out on a piece of paper, one side for the 'white' pieces and one side for the 'black'. I use the black ones like I always do, and my shadow uses the white.
I take my turns, and then I move my shadow's pieces for it. Though, when I play, I don't see or hear my shadow playing with me. I hear and see my brother. For he is always by my side, like a shadow, even if he isn't here.
"Good move, Mokie!" I'd hear him say, my brother's voice echoing in my head.
"Better luck next time, kiddo." He'd tell me after he'd win, like he always does.
"Let's play again!" That is what he'd say after each game, always wanting to play more.
I'd play Shadow Checkmate for hours and hours. I'd play so much to the point I'd fall asleep right there on the floor. It was fun and made me feel like, even just for a while, that I wasn't trapped in this stupid house. When I was back home with Nii-sama, smiling and playing together like we always did.
I find myself coming back to that little game I made rather recently, playing it wherever Nii-sama happens to be. In his hospital room. In his bedroom. Even outside in the mansion's garden when the doctors allow me to take him out. Wherever he is, and we'd have a moment, we'd play, just like we used to.
I'd set up the pieces, proper chess pieces his time. His were white, and mine were black. And since I long since memorized all of his moves, I gently guide his hands to the pieces, helping him move them into place. Of course, I always lose. But...unlike the last time I lost a game, I don't get yelled at or punished for losing, even if I somehow always get a little shaken when his voice in my mind echos "checkmate."
It was nice to have him here, not looking at me so coldly, at least physically. For he can't move or can't talk right now. Like this, he really had become my shadow, always there next to me, but unable to react to anything I say, outside of what I make up in my head. The real him was off rebuilding the puzzle of his heart, according to Yugi, whatever that meant.
But I promised to wait for him, and wait for him I did. Each and every day for over half a year. I played many games with him, maybe in hopes that by doing so he'd come back, but nothing had changed. And unlike when I was little, I wasn't smiling as much during these games. It didn't help ease my loneliness. If anything, it made me feel sadder. For my Nii-sama was right in front of me, and yet...it still wasn't who I was waiting for. It wasn't who I wanted to be with more than anything. It wasn't who I wanted to say "I love you, Mokuba" for real instead of in my head.
It wasn't my big brother, the person I wanted to play chess for real with.
I played a lot of chess with my friends while I've been at Tasuku's place. All four of them took turns playing with me, me winning against Gao and Akatsuki and me losing to Suzuha and Tasuku. I tried my best to put my all into these games, but...my heart just wasn't in. It was like I was zoning out most of the time, stuck in my own head and unable to focus on what was in front of me.
Whoever I played against, I would always see Nii-sama instead. Instead of their voices, I'd hear his, encouraging me or congratulating me on a win. It was no different than playing Shadow Checkmate all over again, except this time I didn't have to move the other pieces.
The more we played as the weeks went on, the more I kept thinking. Will I get to play chess with the real Nii-sama ever again? Will I get to ever see him again? Will he ever want to see me again? Will he...will he send me back to the orphanage, since I liked it there so much? Will I be forced to play with shadows of him made by my mind, something i did when I had no choice, forever?
My fears engulfed my shadows, transforming the images of my brother I saw during these games now, just like how he appeared in my nightmares. His voice changed too, encouraging words now distorted into the anger-filled rage he experienced that night that had been echoing in my mind since they happened as if they'd never shut up.
"I will not entertain this nonsense any longer!"
"You want no part of this ? Fine. Do as you wish."
" This conversation is over."
I put my hands over my ears as they get louder, dropping my chess pieces in the process as my eyes shut tight and tears start to flow. Tasuku and my friends come to my side to comfort me, but I can't hear them. All I can hear and see is my shadow growing into my brother, towering over me like his dragon, before detaching himself from me and leaving me alone.
All alone.
Here I am. Sitting alone inside a room in this mansion, this time my brother's room, playing Shadow Checkmate once again with the makeshift pieces I made when I was five. I know I don't have to play this anymore. I had friends I could play with. I had employees I could play with. Hell, if I wanted to, I could make an AI version of my brother to play with.
But...for some reason, I chose this way instead. Maybe it was because it felt nostalgic. Maybe it was because it had worked in the past into fooling myself he was actually here. For unlike all the other times before, my brother isn't here in this dimension. He's off somewhere I can't get to. Somewhere, I don't know if he'll ever return from.
As I move my pieces into place, following suit by moving my shadows, I try to not think so hard. I want to lose myself in my fantasies. I want to escape for even just a moment, to remind myself that everything is okay and that my brother is still with me!
And yet...this time, there was nothing. No voice. No sound. No image. It was just me. Me, myself, and I. The reality of it all was too real to suppress, for no trace of my brother was left in this world other than his cards, his possessions, and my memories and mementos. I wasn't a little kid anymore who could distract myself with self-made images of what I wanted to see.
I had grown up, meaning this game...was no longer what I needed it to be anymore.
I threw all of the game pieces to the side in a swipe, gritting my teeth in frustration as I huffed and puffed. I hate this! Why wasn't it working anymore? Can't I just have a moment, even just a second of peace? The peace I thought would always be there?!
We promised each other we wouldn't ever be separated. We promised we'd always stick together. We promised we'd always be a team. And yet, just like in my visions from the past, he's left my side, my shadow seemingly nonexistent as I turn my back to look.
For there was no light to guide me. No light to warm me. No light to guide me. Nii-sama is my light. He always has been, and without him...I feel...
I feel incomplete, like part of my soul is missing; a part I need to live lest I be cast down back into the sea of despair that had almost drowned me so many times again and again. I feel worthless, knowing I can never fill his shoes. I feel numb, knowing I might never get to play another game with him....ever again.
It was suffocating as I cried my eyes out over him, left in nothing but the rubble of my childhood escape that could no longer stop me from drowning...
It was a miracle. A miracle I thought one day might never come. But it did. The light that protects my brother's soul, his dragons, along with a priest who resembled him, led me back to my brother. We were together at last, his light returning my shadow to me after a painful two months of separation.
Naturally, everyone celebrated his return. Kaiba Corporation was glad to have him back, a weight being taken off my shoulders. Despite doing my best, no one ran the company quite like my brother. He had a light that lead everyone to doing their jobs well and to the best of their ability, a light I sadly don't have just yet but that I hope I one day will have!
However, that wasn't what I was concerned about. I was worried about one thing and one thing only: spending time with him, good quality time outside of work. I wasn't about to let him become a workaholic again. At least...not right away. For there was something important I just had to do, a thought that had been on my mind since he first left.
I come into his lab with a box under my arms, one I had to dig around in Seto's room for. My entrance gets his attention, him turning his chair to face me. I greet him with a smile, as I always do, before I do what I have been wanting to do for so long; finally putting a nail in the coffin to my old game
"Niisama...?" I ask, holding up a box containing his personal set of a certain game, a game we haven't played together in ages that I was ready to play with him for real this time.
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"Can we...play some chess? I think...I think I'm finally ready to beat you!"
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fragmentedblade · 9 months
Also, Ruan Mei was the one who lent the Phase Flame to Ratio, wasn't she?
#That Ratio and her were working together seemed to be the case since we first found him but idk#Ruan Mei plays dumb when we ask about him but I thought it was clear that she did know him#Herta also pretends she doesn't know him for some reason#cringefail acquaintance#Jokes aside I wonder why they did that. Is it because they both are ehm working behind each other's back#(Herta when it comes to the IPC‚ the SU and the bet‚ Ruan Mei kind of with everything)‚ or is it due to some other more complex reason?#Based on we've seen thus far I do think Ratio and Ruan Mei were working together in something#and that she was in the known of at least some things. Perhaps not everything#She seems to care about things beyond her research even less than Herta does#But given what we're told it seems fair to conclude the fire Ratio had was given to him by Ruan Mei#Herta said Ruan Mei needed it for some research. So either she didn't need it anymore and didn't mind giving it to Ratio afterwards#or maybe what Ratio was doing was something she was a part of. Or did Ratio steal it when he was around the seclusion zone?#I'm not inclined to think that tbh it seems to me Ruan Mei must have been knowingly implied. Yet now she owes Herta a favour#Which is more valuable according to Herta. This quest has left me very curious about the development of all this#Screwllum suspected Ratio since the beginning. I wonder if he suspects Ruan Mei too#Ruan Mei's line about Screwllum makes it seem like they don't get along too well I think. I have so many questions xD#I am very curious about all this‚ satisfied and potentially excited. Not yet excited but I sure have hopes for an exciting development haha#Maybe it will all end up being nothing but the relationships between the characters in the Genius Society (especially these three)#seems kind of messy and that intrigues me. The relationship the three of them have with Ratio seems intriguing too#Any iteration of these dynamics seems to be very interesting#Maybe it will all end up being nothing or I may be misreading or seeing more than there is but I am looking forwards to knowing more#I talk too much#Traces
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dxrkcorpse · 1 year
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Lil peck…
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scottstiles · 2 years
i feel like teen wolf is like if supernatural kept its season 1+2 aesthetic but just decided to not fight it and go completely dark side whereas spn spent the next 13+ years arguing with itself.
it’s like. scenes like this:
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vs scenes like this:
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redbullgirly · 8 months
The Dancer [FA14 smau]
Fernando Alonoso x dancer!reader
Summary: Few months after, everybody laughs when they remember the rumors about Fernando Alonso and Taylor Swift dating. Would they laugh though if they new it maybe wasn't so far from truth as it may seem? Well, one thing's for sure - Y/N and Fernando will laugh very much while soft launching their relationship... and confusing everyone with swiftie content thanks to her job.
Warnings: Maybe wrong dates and timeline of The Eras Tour, but whatever XD.
messages between Y/N and Fernando
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fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram
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liked by alex_albon, zhouguanyu24, pierregasly and 562,109 others
fernandoalo_oficial I was taken by the view like we were in Paris... romance is not dead.
view all 4001 comments
user1 i dont think my brain can comprehend so many things all at once😨
user2 right? I'M IN SHOCK
user3 fr fernando wants to give us a heart attack😭
lilymhe I see what you did here...
alex_albon I indeed see what he did here too...😏
user4 guys tell us what he did pls I'm begging youuuu
user5 Alonso soft launching was not on my 2024 bingo card
user6 him soft launching with TAYLOR SWIFT wasn't on MY bingo card 😭
user7 How he's suddenly so hot in the first pic? Like damn sir okay🫢
user8 girlfriend effect is real y'all
georgerussell63 Mate you can't do that to me, I just woke up 😧
user8 lmfao princess georgie is as confused as we are xd
fernandoalo_oficial sorry mate, don't get wrinkles🤞
gerogerussell63 What even is that choice of emoji?
fernandoalo_oficial well, someone is original with an emoji and someone is original with a pose... choice is yours 😃
georgerussell63 Stop it's been almost a year 😭
user9 not them bullying each other💀
user10 Yeah the duo we didn't know we needed
user11 I saw the first picture and almost spat out my drink in shock of such a hot photo of Nando. Then I swiped and literally choked on it because the last think I'd ever expect from his photo dump is a soft lunch of some baddie girl🫣
user12 I am delusional for thinking Taylonso could still have a chance, aren't I?
user13 well i mean you basically answered it yourself so... yeah XD
user15 oh no Fernando is not single anymore💔
user16 I think I accidentally teleported into some alternative universe... what is thiiiis?
user17 REAL
user18 fuck me this man seriously used lyrics from paris by ts💀
user19 Idk why but I kinda like this new side of Fernando😻
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by taylorswift, fernandoalo_oficial, carmenmmundt and 5,234 others
tagged: taylorswift and 9 others
yourusername crazy performance, even crazier night out and the most crazy training the day after... I call that the life of a dancer😻🎉 also my head and heart did go vroom vroom after the second pic
view all 218 comments
taylorswift I call that the eras tour life!💗
yourusername yes ma'am!
user1 damn she got our queen Taylor replying to her posts... how does it feel to live my dream?!😭
yourusername amazing! 🥰
user2 such a shame my mum didn't force me to try dancing when I was little... I could have been at podium next to Taylor Swift right now 😃
liked by the author
user3 You are such a good dancer, the shows wouldn't be the same without you Y/N!
yourusername omg thank u sm I really appreciate that!!🥹
user4 sooo... are we gonna just ignore Fernando in the likes or what???
user6 fr I need some crazy detective from twitter to figure this out😫
carmenmmundt Hey, could you give me and lilymhe vip tickets...?
yourusername I mean... everything can be done 😏 I'll just need to ask mother Taylor bc I just used my plus one at the last concert🫡
yourusername I love you girls as well, we have to finally meet sometimes!!!
carmenmmundt Yeah, I think we'll have chance at the end of February at the latest😉
user8 Omg are they hinting Y/N at the Bahrain GP?? F1 season starts at the end of February right?!
goergerussell63 Well hello there, nice to meet you Y/N... given the fact my dear girlfriend doesn't care about me, could you give me and alex_albon vip tickets as well?😊
alex_albon Yeah Y/N we are very big fans😊
yourusername everything for the guys that go vroom vroom🫡
alex_albon Like your heart
yourusername exactly!
twitter & messages between Y/N and Fernando
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yourusername posted on instagram
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liked by selenagomez, fernandoalo_oficial, francisca.cgomes, astonmartinf1 and 8,234 others
yourusername preparing for the next season🤞
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user1 y/n is literally living my dream life rn
georgerussell63 Oh no... he infected you with that emoji, didn't he?
yourusername we'll never know... maybe I infected HIM with it
gourgerussell63 I think higher of you and your taste in emojis
yourusername aww thanks princess georgie how sweet🥰
georgerussell63 I take it back
user2 HELLO?! what is happening💀
dancer1 excuse me little miss y/n... is that a man i'm seeing?🤨
yourusername well... maybe
dancer2 Be fr she's trying to soft launch him for like a month now😭
dancer1 okay i'm calling you rn STAY WHERE YOU ARE
user3 Guys why's nobody talking about the paddock pass in the 5th picture!!!!
user4 omg that's a PADDOCK PASS?😱
user5 yeah it is I noticed it thanks to this comment
user6 Wait... does that mean her and Fernando have been together longer? Because she already went to a race before the winter break??
user5 idk girl we don't even know for sure she's really dating him😓
user6 idgaf about who's dating her bc even without bf y/n's sooo hot like damn... mommy🥵
user7 I'm so confused... is this Alonso's girl or not?
user8 trust me user7 - we'd all like to know that😭
user9 😍
yourusername and fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram stories
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yourusername story has been seen by taylorswift, lance_stroll and 13,634 others
fernandoalo_oficial story has been seen by charles_leclerc, astonmartinf1 and 308,003 others
user1 replied to yourusername story: is that an f1 driver there y/n
dancer1 replied to yourusername story: Hope he'll not disappoint me in person when you talked about him sm 😒
yourusername ohhh trust me you'll love him just as I do🥰
dancer1 omg bleeeeh I hope not 🫣
user2 replied to yourusername story: your friends are so pretty😩
taylorswift replied to yourusername story: When you'll take him to get my approval??
yourusername soon taylor, soon... I'm just afraid it'll break the internet lol
taylorswift I think we're used to that already with Travis at this point😂
yourusername true😭
fernandoalo_official replied to yourusername story: 🔥
yourusername it's going to be okay, they'll love you 🫶
fernandoalo_oficial how did you know I was nervous amor?
yourusername I saw you literally shaking when you left to the bathroom love...😹
yourusername oh they're back come quickly!!💞
fernandoalo_oficial onmw
user3 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: IS THIS THE CONFIRMATION WE NEEDED?!
user4 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: I see what you're doing here old man 👀
user5 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: soft launch slowly turning into a hard launch and I'm here for it!!!!
dancer1 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: I guess you aren't that bad in person...
fernandoalo_oficial 😁
user6 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: screaming crying throwing up
taylorswift replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: You better treat my best dancer right Alonso!🤍
fernandoalo_oficial of course ma'am! 🫡
user7 replied to fernandoalo_oficial story: So cute!!😍
messages between Y/N and Fernando
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fernandoalo_oficial posted on instagram
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, f1, yourusername and 601,239 others
tagged: yourusername
fernandoalo_oficial All these people think love's for show but I would die for you in secret... #swiftie
view all 6,022 comments
yourusername I'd just like to make it clear to everybody that it's me who made him be swiftie... you're welcome💋
liked by the author
carmenmmundt Y/N is so pretty!😍
yourusername ohh carmen ilysm you're even prettier🥹
user2 No way Fernando just really har launched his gf😭
f1 We smell a new wag!
user4 LOL you're kinda late for that admin xd
user5 Congrats and wish you well world champ!💪
user6 can we talk about how gorgeous she is???
lilymhe double date when honey?
yourusername anytime babeee!!!
fernandoalo_oficial why do I have a feeling me and alex_albon will be third-wheeling on you two?🤨
alex_albon you'll eventually get used to third-wheeling your own girlfriend and her friends, trust me fernando...🤠
user7 This girl is like a goddess, I can't even blame him ❤️🔥
user8 mommy & daddy
georgerussell63 Finally! Congratulation on the hard launch mate👍
fernandoalo_oficial and look who's original with emojis now...😂
user9 from now on this is my fav couple
user10 mine to
lance_stroll 💚💚
user12 nah I don't know what he see in her🙄
user13 Go away we don't want the jealous haters here 🥱
kellypiquet Welcome to the F1 family yourusername!🤍
yourusername thx!💞
user14 i call this couple goals
user16 I can already feel he'll be so hot in his new era 😩
user17 lmao nando in his swiftie and stlutty era as someone on twitter said😹
yourusername swiftie and slutty era? i like the sound of it😏
user16 not y/n reading all the comments sipping over her bf 💀
liked by yourusername
Author's Note: Hello everyone, hope you liked it! I'm not sure you should get used to me posting so often, but let's say that after Lance's social media au and the great feedback I had so much motivation... plus I'm sick, so I actually have the time to write and create XD. Anyway, I'll be glad for likes, comments, reblog and every other way of showing support! Have a great day and let me know how you liked Nando and swiftie dancer together!
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
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Okay so I did some research on Seam and realized that it would be a crime to not add him to my AU in someway where him and Jevil reconcile and they escape to the multiverse together and are free and they're best friends and- 😭😭😭
I had a dark story all thought up for this but half way through drawing I changed the story so this isn't really canon anymore?? Or it might be idk- my Deltarune AU is only a few days into development so its constantly changing <XDD Sorry-
If anyone's interested in the story I've got it below the Keep reading :}} (Fair warning, its rather dark and disturbing..)
TLDR: This story is super dark and interesting to me but it might not be canon XD
ANYWAYS! The story behind this was Jevil and Seam come from a very dark and corrupt AU. Ruled by an even darker and wicked King (Lancers dad). In this AU they were Kings royal Magician and Jester as per usual. They were best friends though and preformed these beautiful displays of magic together. Side by side, hand in hand. They were best friends for years and always dreamed of one day running away together and finding a safe place to live.
Eventually Jevil met someone. Someone who spoke of a way to leave this place. They spoke of walking through your own reflection. And if done right, one could leave their AU entirely.. Jevil believed them out of desperation and tried to tell Seam about it. Seam thought Jevil was losing his mind. Walking through your own reflection? That makes no sense..
King caught wind of them plotting to escape. And as punishment to both of them he commanded Seam to lock Jevil away using his own magic.
In Seams eyes, Jevil was his best friend. His brother, the only thing in this world that he could trust. But he was more afraid of what King would do to him or Jevil for disobeying him, then he was willing to stand up against him. So while believing Jevil was sick in the head and needed help, he acted out of cowardice and sealed Jevil away..
I'm thinking that eventually sometime later, Jevil is able to escape through his own reflection. A mirror. And either he goes back and sees Seam dressed in these beautiful robes and thinks "well the king must be treating him well. Guess I'll just leave him to reap the benefits of betraying me.. >:(" And leaves with a bitter heart. THAT, or he just left. Never going back to check on Seam or see if King was treating him well or not.
So the AU continues. With Jevil traveling from world to world, meeting new people and learning new things.. When eventually he's with the whole gang and they're all sitting in a restaurant or something.
When Jevil suddenly feels this overwhelming sense of doom. Something horrible is about to happen to Seam. He just knows it, its in his bones. Deep within his soul he can feel it. He knows- he needs to save him.
He falls back out of his chair into a mirror and heads straight for his old AU. Showing up just in time to stop Seam from.. well..
They end up talking. Turns out that after Jevil was imprisoned, Seam tried to sneak down to the basement and visit him. He wanted to apologize for imprisoning him and explain himself- but he was caught by King.
"I just wanted to see him!"
"For that I will take your eye."
"NO! Please don't take my eye!!"
"For talking back, I will take your voice too."
King took Seams eye and stitched his mouth shut. He could still talk but not very well. To make things worse, when Jevil escaped? Seam thought he had died. Why wouldn't he? His magical barrier was never broken and Jevil was gone. Surly he must have died somehow.. Meanwhile everyone else was under the impression that Seam let Jevil escape because they were friends.
Seam then suffered greatly for years as punishment for "letting Jevil escape". He was bound by these magical chains made by King. He was abused for years and at this point he had enough. But before he could do anything rash.. Jevil returned.
Jevil then felt the sinking horror realizing that he left Seam alone in this world to be abused by King. He abandoned him. After all those years of promising to one day run away together..
Seam betrayed Jevil, and Jevil abandoned Seam.
After realizing all of this and having a long emotional talk. Seam and Jevil deeply apologized to the other, and forgave each other. Marking the beginning of their new friendship. And despite Seam feeling like he doesn't deserve freedom, he agreed to run away with Jevil and finally be free with him.
Now this story is super cool and morbid and all but now I'm questioning the story and wether or not I want it to be canon <XD
I have some other ideas that I really like too and this one is just a biiiiit dark... ish. I mean I've made worse- but idk I guess this one just has a bad taste to it..
I also like the idea that Seam has been with Jevil this whole time and was the first person he saved. Which motivated him to try and save other people and give them the same freedom that he gave to Seam. But then that would change the Grillby fight and Spamton situation a bit and also maybe effect the Goner kid situation- GAH!! I'll figure it out eventually- <XDD
I hope this wasn't too hard to stomach and if you read all the way through I thank you :}} 💖
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if-loves · 1 month
// Michael Kaiser
sum: it’s been a month since kaiser let you slip away from him. he thinks he knows what it feels like to lose everything.
wc: 1080
warnings: probably OOC kaiser idk it’s my first time writing him, kaiser backstory & manga spoilers
a/n: sorry if this is a mess i just had to get exes to lovers with kaiser out of my head xd
likes & reblogs are appreciated :)
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When Michael Kaiser was born, he had nothing. Not a family, not care, and most certainly not love. Michael Kaiser was born a mistake, and lived most of his life that way.
Everything changed when he was fifteen, when his life turned around and all of a sudden he meant something. All of a sudden he had a reason to care, a reason to continue living. No longer was he the mistake of a child that neither of his parents wanted, no longer was he a thief that had to steal to survive; he is Michael Kaiser, a member of the New Generation World XI, signed to Bastard Munchen with millions to his name.
He met you at twenty-one, a university student studying in one of the universities in the city, at some coffee shop he can’t seem to remember. He remembers the bored look on your face as you took his order at the register, and the way you didn’t even react when he said his name. If Kaiser was being honest, he was a little offended - but he also thought you were pretty even with your bored appearance.
He didn’t know that that fateful encounter would lead to perhaps the most meaningful years of his life.
Kaiser is not good with love. He was never given even a sliver of it, and he has never been in a relationship long enough to know what it feels like beyond the shallow like. Models and actresses alike all flock to him no doubt as a means of increasing their fame, and he could care less. It was fun to toy with them, and throw them aside when he got tired of them. They were all the same.
You, however, brought him down to earth; you showed him what it was like to be human. You showed him what it meant to enjoy the little things in life, to take a step back and relax for a moment, to enjoy the silence. If he knows how to appreciate the simple pleasures of life, it’s because of you.
Two years with you was more than enough time to get him addicted to the drug that is you. He’s not a passive person by any means, and he’s the kind of person to speak freely of his thoughts no matter the opinions of the people around him - yet he finds himself unsure of what to say when he’s with you. He finds himself wondering if he should say something, if he’ll offend you with his blunt words. So he softens himself the best he can, he tries to be gentler and kinder in his words and actions, all in an effort to keep you.
Yet, you still manage to slip through his fingers, until all he's left with are the bittersweet memories of you.
Kaiser doesn’t enjoy admitting he’s miserable. All that runs through his head are thoughts of you, how you’re doing, what you’re doing, where you could be. He yearns to feel your skin against his again, to hold you at night and let your breathing lull him to sleep, he yearns to hold your hand as you walk down the street, he yearns for you. You, who is just barely within reach, but the one thing he’ll never be able to reach.
Kaiser doesn’t cry. Kaiser gets angry, he gets frustrated, but he doesn’t cry. But when he thinks about you, and what was and what could’ve been, he can’t help when his face grows wet and the cascade of tears don’t stop. He waits for a moment, before he laughs bitterly, remembering that you’re not there anymore, and he’s back to wiping his own tears like all those years ago.
A month passes by, and you’ve never contacted him. His heart hurts in a way he’s never felt before. Maybe it’s an act of desperation, or maybe he’s drowning in his sorrows, but he finds himself at your apartment in the middle of the day looking and feeling like a wreck.
“I’m sorry.” The words slip out of his mouth on instinct. He’s not the kind of person to apologize, but if it’s for you, he’ll do it without hesitation.
You let him in and he almost feels like he’s breathing fresh air again. Your apartment is a familiar sight, and he remembers every inch of it like the back of his hand. The only things missing are the frames of you and him.
“I’m sorry.” He all but whispers when you sit down on your couch, his voice rough and raw. “I love you.”
“Michael…” Your voice, liquid gold to his ears, calls his name so tenderly he might just break down on the spot.
“I can’t live without you. I don’t know how to anymore. I’ll never love anyone as much as I love you, and I’ll never stop loving you. You… You’re my life. You taught me how to live, you taught me how to be human. If I know love, it’s because of you. How can I love another person while knowing you’re the only one for me?” Michael Kaiser has never begged. But for you, he’ll grovel a thousand times over and then some. His voice cracks and he wants nothing more than for you to love him again. “I… I know it’s selfish that I need you. You deserve better. I’m sorry that this is all I am, but I can’t let go of you.”
“Michael, please don’t say that.” Your voice is firm as you take his hands in yours and he swears he feels electricity shoot down his spine. “You are more than enough the way that you are, please never think otherwise. You’re the Michael Kaiser, any person would be lucky to have such a wonderful man by their side.”
He doesn’t realize he’s crying, not until you wipe away his tears with your thumb.
When you embrace him gently, lovingly, he completely breaks. The tears don’t stop and he can’t help his sniffling. He’s afraid to speak, to hear what may leave his fragile heart, but he’s never felt so warm, so loved. Is this what home feels like?
“I was born to love you.” He finally manages to whisper, buried in the comfort of your neck with your arms wrapped around him, his wrapped around you. Your hands tenderly stroke his hair, and he feels himself being lulled to sleep.
“We were born for each other, my love.”
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
I am obsessed with how you write for one piece characters (especially angst-fluff XD) I was wondering if I could request a Sanji x male!reader where they both barely got together yet sanji still fawns over nami and robin which causes reader to start feeling insecure, then later in private reader asks sanji if he’d love him more if he was a girl instead. Angst to fluff/comfort pls:))
Btw idk if you have any rules so sorry if this goes against them! Feel free to ignore/delete this!<3
Please and thank you :)
So love this idea! I'm splitting it into two however! So don't worry this will have a happy ending I promise!
Curiosity pt. 1
Sanji x MaleReader
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Support me on Ko-Fi! Enjoy!!
P.s the sanji quote I used was actually in the Japanese sub so don't @ me
You sat there as silent as stone eating your meal as the chaos and laughter of the ship sounded around you. Nami angrily yelling, Zoro drinking, Luffy yelling for more food while eating, Usopp spinning another story and your boyfriend fawning over Nami's tits openly- In most cases you would have been embarrassed but at this point... the disappointment was expected.
You'd only been together for a few months, starting out as flirting with each other- Him approaching you since he had felt conflicted in his attractions and you guided him through the maze of identity and attractions. Finding him in your arms and in your heart-
Sanji later admitting you were the first guy he has ever liked and the first person he dated. You thought it was sweet- a romance unfolding that you two would one day tell the world... but that didn't seem like the case anymore.
"Nami~ Can I see your panties! Wait let me get a camera!" Sanji laughed loidly as you could see the love in his eyes as Nami looked red in the face and angry.
"You're vile" Zoro hissed at the laughing Sanji, his nose bleeding as Nami gave him another hard punch to his head knocking him to the floor.
Zoro had been getting more aggressive against Sanji- mainly due to the fact he find his acts disrespectful towards you.
Lowering your gaze at this you took another sip of the mixed rum drink your boyfriend had served. However the sweet cocktail tasting bitter on your tongue now- not bothering to announce you were dismissing yourself from the joyous dinner.
Zoro gave you a sympathetic nod, watching you silently stand as you gave him a tight lipped small smile in return and left.
Stepping out you take a heavy sigh- Trying to keep the tears from falling and Biting your lip to swallow the pain once more.
That ache in your heart had faded letting a numbness settle instead. Taking a seat on the main deck you stare up at the sky, watching the stars above you as the fading sounds of laughter echoed behind you.
Sitting out looking over the open ocean you thought- Thinking about the pain and embarrassment that Sanji had brought you. He had been the one to approach you, asking you out on a night like this. Thinking of how he held you close and whispered that you were his one and only. Yet you felt like those moments were now just empty words- Maybe they had always been that way even after such a short amount of time....
"(Y/N)! What are you doing out here?" You heard a all too familiar voice call out, seeing a cherry checked Sanji smile brightly at you. His smile did freeze slightly at seeing the rather stoic look on your faze, his brow raising.
"Is something wrong?" He questioned, stepping closer in worry.
"No" You say calmly, looking back out on the water. Knowing you would kill the mood of you brought up how you felt- however it seemed you couldn't have your way... He sat next to you nudging his shoulder against yours.
"Come on- I know my boyfriend well enough to see you're sad" He said sincerely. You didn't meet his gaze however, sighing in defeat instead.
"Would you have preferred it if I was a girl?"
Sanji's eyes widened at this, confusion and shock going over his features.
"What kind of question is that?- Of course I"
"You still fawn over Nami and the others.. stare at their chest and droll over their figure.." You say softly, touching the thin fabric that covered your lack of breast.
The blondes face falling as he realized what he had been doing to you-
"(Y/N) dont be ma-" He started but cut him off again.
"I'm not mad at you... I'm not going to scream at you or yell if that's what you're expecting.. I'm just telling you my reasonings" You explain and you could practically feel the dread rolling off him.
You nod softly at this, not having the heart to elaborate further on that. You see the flash of panic.
"I don't want to ruin the night Sanji so I didn't want to have this conversation now"
"We are having it now- I don't want you to go.. I care for you" You heard the careful side stepping of his words, avoiding love or like with 'care' it made your chest ache all over again.
"Like how you care about my feelings?... It's okay to say you were just.. experimenting-" You say and he grabs your shoulders suddently so you were facing him, a flash of anger in his eyes as he stared at you, the sharp rum from his breath burning your nose.
"You aren't a experiment to me okay? It's not like that? I just- It's hard to explain okay?" He tried to reason as he released your shoulders and reached forward grabbing your hand to try to reassure you. But you pulled away calmly.
"Do you still like Nami?.." You finally ask and watch his face twisted up as he tried to answer.. but couldnt-
You close your eyes, almost greatful he didn't answer. Not knowing if his excuse would hurt you more then his actions, standing up from your seat you smooth out the invisible Imperfections in your trousers.
"It's okay Sanji... I can understand if I was a curiosity for you. Thank you for the meal, I'm going to bed. Goodnight" You say calmly and head below to get some sleep- you still heard the laughter from the kitchens as you faded into the belly of the ship to hopefully hide your tears.
Sanji sat there, dazed over what just happened. Pulling out a cigarette from his pockets however he just silently started at the stick of tobacco, a heavy weight settling on his shoulders as guilt tore through his chest. Closing his eyes tightly like he was force away the shame he felt.
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alchemicaladarna · 6 months
I don't want to be sad anymore, so personally, I don't think Pomme and Dapper are dead.
One, it doesn't really feel right to say they died after the admins left, for very valid reasons obviously. Like idk, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Two, there's so much potential you can do with their stories after the fact, than just say "oh their characters died. The end."
So here's what I think happened:
Dapper and Pomme found a very ancient and powerful spell they used to escape the island. How did they do it? That's up to interpretation, but Dapper is the son of a demon/fallen angel, the grim reaper himself. She's also a highly skilled occultist. I think between her and Pomme, they would find some powerful sorcery that helped them escape.
Also as a side note, Pomme has the most amount of non-human parents. I imagine she's very powerful herself.
So, they open a rift in the island's barrier and Dapper and Pomme break the tether that binds them to whatever is keeping everybody on Quesadilla Island and escape through some kind of portal that opens up to the other side of the world. Of course, they are still only children and the spell can only do so much. Unfortunately, only they manage to escape, so they can only hope that they'll see their dad and their family again someday.
Another sidenote: I don't think the capybaras are bound to the island, so when the rift opened, they noticed Pomme and Dapper leaving. Two capybaras, Alexandre and Dansir, went with the two kids and eventually found them- keeping them safe and guarding them from the dangers of the world during their travels.
Whether Bad knows about the spell and helped them escape is another thing that's up to interpretation. But you know, there's still the angst of him being alone in the house now. All he can hope for is that one day he'll see his kids again one day, and have faith that they're taking care of themselves, and are doing alright in the world.
Some ghosties followed them, so Pomme and Dapper can still communicate with Bad via Ghostie telepathy maybe? Ghostie telephone? Ghostie mind link?? In other words, Lumi and Shade appear in Bad's chat sometimes XD.
So yeah, my personal headcanon is that Dapper and Pomme are out there, exploring the world and researching everything about magic and science. Anything that can help them destroy the Federation and free their family from the evil clutches of those keeping them there, so that they may be with their loved ones once again.
It's not a goodbye. It's just the beginning of a new chapter for Dapper and Pomme. It's like when the main character of a movie or smth journeys out of their hometown to explore the world, become stronger, and defeat the great evil once and for all!!
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This is my canon now, and the photo that inspired this post lmao.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 11 months
Ok a weird request 😭
Imagine yan!Zhongli, abyss!Aether and Neuvillette with a darling that loves them back (they don't care they're a yandere (and no it's not Stockholm Syndrome)) but just asks their brother to be with them (bc they imprisoned her) and if they accept, they see that the supposed "brother" is a dog- like- darling considers her dog her own brother.
The reason is that I myself consider the dog my mom has my brother- Please I am normal I swear 😭
- Weird anon ✨ (idk if you do this honestly 😭)
so i actaully don't write for aether anymore (i'm so sorry about that ;v;), but i hope you still like the other two! and don't worry about being weird lol, my cat is my literal son, like i'm 99% sure i gave birth to him and just forgot (it's scary how alike we are) XD
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behavior, implied being held against will, that's about it this one is pretty tame, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Zhongli allows it, but that doesn’t mean he entirely understands it. Please don’t expect him to grasp the entire thing right away. He’ll ask if your ‘brother’ sits at the table for dinner and if Zhongli needs to prepare additional servings for him, etc. Despite having lived for many, many years and having seen many strange things, Zhongli still struggles to fully understand the situation. He allows it though, anything to make his beloved happy.
“Does he… does your brother sit at the table with us for dinner?” Zhongli looked at the dog sat by your feet, one eyebrow raised in confusion as he anxiously awaited your response. A dog at the dinner table wasn’t exactly good for sanitary eating but he supposed he could allow it to slide for your sake. You had been compliant with his wishes thus far, who would he be to deny you the one thing you had asked for. He at first thought that your ‘brother’ had once been human and turned animal, but when you explained the situation to him, he seemed to feel even more at odds. Regardless, you are his beloved, and he’d comply to your wishes so long as it was in reason. Not only did he want your love, but he wanted you to be happy, and if this silly wish of yours was what it meant, he’d gladly give in.
Yandere!Neuvillette is perturbed to say the least. He had known already that your family had a dog, but he didn’t think you’d be this attached to it. Nevertheless he does retrieve your ‘brother’ and makes accommodations inside the manor for him. He doesn’t much interact with him though, Neuvillette isn’t really a dog-person, he’s not really an animal person at all. This was your one ask thus far though and you’d been accepting of his love so he wouldn’t argue. The dog will not be allowed to eat dinner with you though, he will eat his food in a separate room, as proper etiquette calls for.
Neuvillette didn’t understand the attachment that humans developed with animals, but he also never really cared for animals. The melusines were different, they behaved much like humans and could converse with Neuvillette, animals could not. When you requested that you be allowed your brother, Neuvillette was skeptical at first. When you then explained that your ‘brother’ was a dog, he relented, retrieving the pet for you. While he makes a room for the dog and even prepares meals for him, do not expect him to love the dog. Neuvillette doesn’t much care for bonds with animals like that, he’ll greatly outlive them and simply isn’t fond of the type of companionship they provide, so your brother is all yours. Of course if you asked, he’d walk him or bathe him or do any other such task, but only if asked will he do it. His rule is that you asked for him to brought here and that he is now your responsibility.
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amethystina · 28 days
So my brain is at it again...
And this time it wanted to inform me that it would be very interesting with an amnesia fic where Ga On loses his memories but can still detect emotions related to those memories. Just imagine the possibilities.
Quick disclaimer: I'm sure there are several amnesia fics in the fandom already — maybe even one exactly like this — but I haven't read them so I'm just going to tell you all about it anyway because, to me, it's a new idea xD
Imagine him waking up at the hospital, sometime during the later half of the drama (maybe he got shot instead of Soo Hyun and complications led to him getting memory loss — idk, let's handwave it for the sake of the scenario), and he's met by Soo Hyun and Professor Min. And while Ga On can't say what their names are, he can tell that he knows them. He can't access the memories but he feels the affection and the trust and accepts that they must have been a part of his life previously. And, understandably, they become the rocks he clings to because everything is new and confusing. He can still remember how to do basic things — he could probably even drive if they put him inside a car — but not who he is.
And Soo Hyun and Professor Min are going to have a rough time explaining some of it, no doubt.
Like, imagine the pain when Ga On asks where his parents are and even before Soo Hyun or Professor Min say anything, Ga On feels a rush of grief and anger. Because he doesn't remember them dying, but his body remembers the anguish of that tragedy all the same.
Some things are more humourous, though. Like: "... why is my face plastered all over the city? Am I famous?" Ga On would be so confused because the emotions he feels as he sees billboards with his own face aren't necessarily good ones. He mostly feels embarrassed and self-conscious. But he is kind of proud when he hears that he's a judge. It must mean he's smart.
Anyhow. The real fun part begins when Soo Hyun brings Ga On back to his apartment and Ga On is like: "Yeah, this is familiar." But he can also tell that, no, it's not right. It's not home. It feels cold and stale, as if he's not really living there anymore. And he doesn't understand why. Because, according to Soo Hyun, he's been doing so since he was a kid. But Ga On just shrugs his confusion off because, all things considered, he trusts Soo Hyun more than his own memory.
Also, imagine when he asks Soo Hyun if he has a girlfriend and she looks stunned, then awkward, then shy, and starts giving some mumbled response that no, he doesn't — at least not that she knows of. And Ga On has an "oh" moment because her behaviour makes it very clear that she'd want to be that girlfriend. But then he'd get confused because what he feels when he looks at her is a lot of warmth and love, sure, but not that kind of love.
Because this Ga On doesn't have years of memories to confuse him and muddle their relationship — he just feels the emotions. And, from his currently pretty objective point of view, it doesn't seem like romantic love.
He may love Yoon Soo Hyun very much, but he's not in love with her.
He doesn't tell her that, of course, because that would be rude, but he definitely makes a mental note to be careful with how he acts around her because he doesn't want to accidentally lead her on.
And it continues like that, with Ga On trying to navigate the world with nothing but emotions to go on. Which, obviously, will sometimes become very overwhelming for him, but he's stubborn so he'd still try and, of course, do his best to recover his memories. And some start to trickle in eventually, but it mostly old ones that are very deeply ingrained in his psyche.
Eventually, Professor Min decides to bring Ga On to the Supreme Court. Not to make him go back to work or anything — that would probably be disastrous considering the state Ga On is in — but to see if any of it can jog Ga On's memory. And sure, Ga On can tell that he's been in his office before and he can tell that he's met Jin Joo before — he feels both intimidated and bewildered by her — but nothing really stands out. All of it is just like ghostly silhouettes of a former life he knows he must have had but can't see clearly.
And then he meets Yo Han.
Just sees him from afar at first — Yo Han isn't even looking in Ga On's direction — but the familiarity still hits Ga On like a freight train. That is someone he knows as instinctively as he knew Soo Hyun and Professor Min. And before Ga On can really think things through, he just walks up to Yo Han because, clearly, this man is important. Ga On can tell that this man is important because his heart starts racing, his breaths go shallow, and he's suddenly overwhelmed by such a myriad of confusing and conflicting emotions he can't even sort them out. Some are negative — even outright alarming — but there's also joy and fondness and longing.
Which just makes him even more confused when Professor Min catches up and explains that this is Ga On's boss. And said boss looks at Ga On with what he first thinks is bland indifference. But the longer he stands there — and listens to Professor Min tersely explaining what they're doing there to Yo Han with half an ear — Ga On realises that, no, that's not indifference. There's something underneath it — a spark of something else he can't name but can definitely tell means something. And he desperately wants to know what that something is. He wants to scratch at it until he can peel away the layer of indifference hiding it from sight.
He needs to know.
But then, not long after that thought has crossed his mind, Ga On is reminded of the fact that this is, apparently, his boss. His male boss. And Ga On really shouldn't be feeling any of the things he's feeling. But, at the same time, he can't just ignore it. Because this is what a connection should feel like.
He might not have a girlfriend but, clearly, he has someone he's in love with.
And that's a little daunting, not to mention disorienting. Because Yo Han doesn't look approachable at all, and there is also a lot of frustration and anger mixed in with the much happier emotions when Ga On looks at Yo Han. There's just so much. And Ga On is confused because he can't really see himself falling in love with the man in front of him. Yo Han doesn't look like a very kind man.
And then, suddenly, Ga On realises that he has no idea if Yo Han knows that Ga On is in love with him. Maybe they're even a couple? It sure seems like they could be considering the attachment Ga On feels. He gets impulses to be physical in a way he hasn't with anyone else he's met thus far. He felt comfort hugging Soo Hyun, sure, but this is something else entirely. This is a need burning inside of him, urging him to draw closer to Yo Han.
He kind of wants to kiss Yo Han, right there in the corridors of the Supreme Court.
But Ga On can't be sure because Yo Han isn't exactly easy to read and aside from that spark of something when he looks at Ga On, Yo Han is impenetrable. And, if they were a couple, wouldn't Yo Han have insisted on finding Ga On earlier? Even if they have some sort of secret relationship that Soo Hyun clearly isn't aware of? Shouldn't Yo Han look more worried?
So maybe they're not together? And Ga On is just hopelessly in love with his boss? A boss who, judging by the way he looks at Ga On, might not even like Ga On.
Whichever it might be, Ga On realises he has to find out. His old memories are already trickling in, slowly but surely, but they're all of Soo Hyun and Ga On's parents and stuff that happened ages ago. And Ga On wants to know more about his life now. He wants to know more about Yo Han.
And he desperately needs to know if his feelings are reciprocated.
Even if it will definitely break his heart if he finds out that they're not.
It would be quite fun, wouldn't it? If I can find a way to make the story relatively short, I might just write it. Because I'm really intrigued by the concept of Ga On still having the emotions attached to the memories, but not the memories themselves. So he'll remember being both frustrated by and attracted to Yo Han. But without all the memories and years of influence from Professor Min and Soo Hyun fresh in mind, he wouldn't understand the negative emotions as much, nor put as much weight on them.
And it would be interesting to see how that would change their dynamic.
Because some of Ga On's behaviour would still be the same — he'd still be stubborn, righteous, a bit awkward etc. — but he'd also be freer. And a lot freer to act.
So that would be interesting, I think?
And now my brain will hopefully let go of this story and let me focus on other things for a while
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domm1etae · 7 days
Whipped & Wild
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wooyoung x san
oneshot | mdni
When San wants to try something new, he grabs a whipped cream, turning a playful experiment into a steamy, flirty moment with Woo
tags under
m/m, oral, food kink, licking, nipple play, woo bottom, san top, kink exploration, handjob, idk anymore xD, kissing
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"I don't get it," Wooyoung mumbles, eyes tracking San’s every move as he carefully spreads dollops of whipped cream along his bare hip, tracing a sweet, sticky trail up his stomach and chest. The cool sensation on his skin sends a shiver down his spine. He tries to stay still, not wanting to mess up the whipped cream or cause it to smudge on his sheets.
San, focused and meticulous as ever, looks like he’s in his own world. Wooyoung can’t help but feel a mixture of confusion and anticipation bubbling inside him. Why whipped cream? What’s San’s endgame here? His chest feels tight with curiosity, and maybe something more as San’s fingers brush against his skin.
“You don’t have to get it,” San answers quietly, almost as if reading Wooyoung’s mind, his lips curling into the smallest smile as he continues to spread the cream. Wooyoung snorts softly at the simple answer, but his heart races faster. Something about the way San’s voice drops makes this feel… more intimate than he’d expected.
"Just trust me."
Wooyoung blinks, and the words take him by surprise. San hadn’t asked a question, but Wooyoung feels the weight of it hanging in the air between them anyway.
"I do," Wooyoung says immediately, his voice soft but firm, eyes locked on San’s face. His heart skips a beat as San glances up, and Wooyoung’s breath catches in his throat at the sight of San’s flushed ears. He knows his hyung well enough to recognize the shy, nervous energy beneath the teasing surface.
"I do trust you," Wooyoung repeats, trying to sound more confident than he feels. He isn’t used to this—being this vulnerable, being laid out so openly for San to see, to touch, to explore. His heart beats erratically, torn between excitement and nervousness.
San’s gaze flicks over Wooyoung’s bare skin, then returns to his face, a small, reassuring smile playing on his lips. The sight of it makes Wooyoung’s chest tighten with warmth. San always had a way of making him feel safe, even in moments like this.
"I just don’t know…" Wooyoung’s voice trails off as San places another swirl of whipped cream, this time directly on his nipple. Wooyoung shivers, feeling the coolness hit his sensitive skin, his body reacting involuntarily as his nipples harden under San’s touch. "I-I don’t know what you get out of it."
San chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he glances up at Wooyoung. "Whipped cream," he says with a deadpan expression, "Obviously."
Wooyoung lets out an exaggerated groan, rolling his eyes but unable to stop the amused smile creeping across his face. He knows San is just messing with him, but the ridiculousness of the situation only makes his heart flutter more. The intimacy between them, laced with humor and tenderness, feels so familiar yet so new all at once.
But then, as San lowers his head and Wooyoung watches with wide, expectant eyes, everything shifts. Wooyoung starts to get it.
San leans down and presses his lips to Wooyoung’s skin, softly kissing the whipped cream away, slow and deliberate. His lips, soft and warm, trail across Wooyoung’s stomach, leaving behind a mix of tingling sensations—cool whipped cream and San’s heated breath.
Wooyoung’s breath hitches, and his body stiffens, suddenly hyper-aware of every touch. Oh. Oh, this is why. The thought flickers through his mind as San’s lips graze his skin. This wasn’t just a silly, playful moment. No, this was something more. Something deeper.
San takes his time, his mouth brushing gently over each dollop of cream as if savoring every second, as if tasting Wooyoung’s skin along with the sweetness. Wooyoung’s muscles tighten under the attention, a quiet moan catching in his throat as San’s tongue flicks over his nipple, lingering there, swirling around the sensitive bud until Wooyoung is gasping for breath.
The heat spreads lower, pooling in his stomach and making his cock twitch. Wooyoung’s thoughts are a whirlwind of confusion, pleasure, and something bordering on desperation. How is this turning me on so much?
San moves with purpose, leaving a hot trail of kisses along Wooyoung’s chest, his tongue darting out to clean the cream as he works his way down. Wooyoung’s breathing turns ragged as he watches San inch lower and lower, his lips barely brushing the skin above his hips.
With every kiss, Wooyoung feels the knot of tension in his gut tightening, his cock stiffening beneath San’s soft touches. He struggles to keep still, the anticipation building, leaving him trembling beneath San’s teasing mouth.
“San…” Wooyoung’s voice cracks, a soft plea slipping out before he can stop himself. He feels so exposed, so vulnerable, and yet he’s never wanted anything more.
San glances up, eyes bright and mischievous, his lips plump and glistening. There’s something wicked in his gaze, but it’s tempered with affection, like he’s savoring every moment, every little reaction Wooyoung gives him.
"You’re starting to get it now, aren’t you?" San murmurs, his voice low, teasing.
Wooyoung swallows hard, nodding. He doesn’t trust his voice to respond, too overwhelmed by the heat flooding his body. He watches as San leans down, his lips hovering just above the base of his cock. Wooyoung’s breath catches, his entire body going still.
And then, without another word, San takes him into his mouth.
The sudden heat, the wetness of San’s mouth wrapping around him, makes Wooyoung cry out, his hips jerking involuntarily. His fingers dig into the sheets, trying to ground himself as the pleasure hits him in waves.
San’s tongue swirls around the tip of his cock, teasing, slow, dragging out every little sensation until Wooyoung’s toes curl and his chest tightens. He feels like he’s floating, the teasing, the whipped cream, San’s mouth—it’s all too much. His cock throbs in San’s mouth, the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter in his gut.
"Please," Wooyoung gasps, his voice barely above a whisper, trembling with desperation. "P-Please, hyung…"
San pulls off, lips wet and swollen, a satisfied smirk on his face. "Already?" he teases, his hand wrapping firmly around Wooyoung’s cock, stroking him slowly.
Wooyoung’s back arches off the bed, his body straining for release. He’s so close, so desperate, every muscle in his body taut with need.
“Please, San… I can’t… I—"
Before he can finish, San leans down again, his lips brushing against the head of Wooyoung’s cock, sending jolts of pleasure through him. That’s all it takes. Wooyoung comes with a hoarse cry, his hips bucking up as his cock pulses in San’s hand, pleasure overwhelming him.
San holds him down, his other hand gripping Wooyoung’s hip tightly, keeping him still as his lips tease the sensitive head of Wooyoung’s cock, dragging out his orgasm until Wooyoung is trembling, his entire body tingling with the aftershocks.
Panting heavily, Wooyoung lets his head fall back against the pillow, eyes glazed over, body spent. He barely has time to catch his breath before San reaches over to the bedside table, grabbing a cherry. With a grin, San gently presses the cherry to Wooyoung’s lips.
Wooyoung huffs out a weak laugh, his chest still heaving from the intensity of his orgasm. He opens his mouth, letting San place the cherry there, and bites down softly.
San leans in, his lips brushing against Wooyoung’s as he takes the cherry into his own mouth, grinning as he eats it. “Good?” he asks, eyes sparkling with mischief.
Wooyoung can only nod, still too dazed to form words.
San smirks, setting the cherry stem aside. "Ready for the chocolate sauce?"
Wooyoung groans, rolling his eyes but secretly loving every second of this playful teasing. "There’s no chocolate sauce, you liar," he mutters, tugging San down for a kiss.
Their lips meet, and Wooyoung sighs into the kiss, tasting the sweetness of the cherry mixed with San’s natural warmth.
"You taste sweet," Wooyoung whispers, smiling against San’s lips.
San chuckles, his arms wrapping around Wooyoung’s waist as he settles beside him, pulling Wooyoung close. "So do you."
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Thoughts on episode 2x01!
I'm so making a crack recap out of this. Idk if it's going to be this week, but I may have to skip all the other episodes up to this point XD
Ok for those of you who don't know, the bullet-in-butt date (which I can finally mention openly as it's not manga spoiler anymore!) was the only manga chapter that hadn't been adapted that I read from very early on, way before I decided to stay anime-only so I knew everything about it. So I expected the beginning. I actually like that we don't see Yor do her slaughter at that place. She's like a ghost, or a legend, as the short-lived survivor calls her.
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Look at her! So cute, covered in the blood of her victims 😌
I do have to say, I was surprised by the amount of blood they showed. I think they actually put the violence up a notch in comparison to the previous season, bringing it much closer to the manga levels of violence.
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It's also a bold choice to like, actually open the season with this. It's serious business and I appreciate that. I'm not too big on violence but I also don't like it when it's "purified" or whatever. We're watching a show where two of the main characters kill people left and right. Blood is a prerequisite at this point.
Anyway! GRANDE upgrade on the animation, oh my god! It's all in the little movements and additional "swerves" of the characters' forms. I don't have the time to make a gif now showing that but it's obvious they took the money they made the previous year and put a lot of it on animation budget! Love it!
Aaaaaaaand new music! Most of the new stuff is quirky and funny, perfect for Anya and Franky's shenanigans :D Looking forward to see what new pieces we'll get with this season!
I had some frail hope they would have titled the episode "Date with a Bullet in the Butt". Can you imagine. We were robbed. Robbed!
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Ever since I read that chapter I went like, Yor says she treated the wound... does that mean she got the bullet out? Or is she actually walking with the bullet in her buttcheek all this time? I mean... it is called the "bullet-in-butt date" after all...
The way all of this could have been solved by Yor going like "I tripped down the stairs and fell on my butt and now it hurts to walk and sit". But then we wouldn't have this! It's the funny miscommunication that makes them, really <3
The way Anya worries about her! I felt a little sad for her because this is the first time she sees her mama so beaten down by a job, I think?
One of the ways you see the upgraded animation: the way Yor trembles as she straightens up after reassuring Anya, and then the dizzy walk to her room as she goes to rest. Awesome.
Yor just walks it off and Anya is like "Mama is actually immortal, wow" meanwhile Loid is losing his absolute shit
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Oh, I adore the different colouring on the memory scene. I also love how the gossip trio just falls on Yor the moment she slips out that oh no they don't do all the conventional couple things!!
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Dude is genuinely confused. BestTM SpyTM of WestalisTM, flabbergasted by a woman with social skills in the negatives.
It was eight in the morning. On a weekend. Yor was way too excited for the date she ran to get ready and they were out all day. My god. When am I gonna get my learning date with my emotionally constipated fake husbando
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Twilight has a smug grin on his face as Franky accepts the cheque as payment to do chores. I love that addition!
As I love this
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Franky grabbing Anya's hand and waving to them for her. They really knew how to handle an already funny chapter and use animation to add more humor to it!
Look at him, starting off so smug but then
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He's truly an intelligence agent, trying to work with the information he has on hand. Since he doesn't have the information that Yor is injured, his plans are doomed to fail.
The way Franky is down with everything crazy Anya proposes. I love that duo.
I also liked the way they allowed Bond to sit this episode out, since that manga chapter takes place before the Doggy Crisis arc and Bond is not yet part of the family. I do have some thoughts about the timing of this episode but I'll get to that later.
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And here we have the angst punch in the gut, as others talked about it, it's a point in Twilight's character to not see anything fun about the spy work that it's not even fun to play spy. Since one of the moments adding to that is an anime only scene (from the part where Anya makes secret codes) and the dialogue here is just slightly different from the same scene in the manga, it looks like it's a deliberate choice to make anime Loid more sensitive about this specific thing. Interesting!
I gotta say, it would be so easy to objectify Yor and her body with where her wound was. But even though they showed her in a pants-tight-enough-to-hurt-your-butt-wound situation, it was still pretty clear what the focus was. I really appreciate that.
Yor says no to the tight pants and Loid apologizes??? Why wasn't that in the translated version of the manga??
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Like here especially, with the face they gave him and the way Eguchi delivered that line it was pretty clear that Yor's reaction made Loid feel like he crossed a line with what he told her. What happened in the manga translation???
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VERY interesting picture choice for the movie poster! Ostania gots propaganda to do, after all!
I love how Anya fell asleep during the film while Franky cried his eyes out. Poor sap XD
And LMAO Anya seeing her parents leaving from the spa and trying to get Franky to move but he's too busy getting a massage! And then some added wackiness with Yor being so tense from her wound that she made a murder glare enough to scare a bear!
And Loid is still like DAFUQ AM I DOING WRONG
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I like though, that he is not blaming Yor at all. He doesn't consider her irrational or ungrateful for the date, he just sees it as him not having done enough research... and in actual reality, he doesn't have all the data needed, specifically the whole "bullet-in-butt" thing. I'm sure he would have planned differently had he known that XD
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Poor Franky XD at least he's finding ways to vent XD
The way they animated Yor's reluctance to sit was great, lol. I'm not sure it was clear she was "hover-sitting" but it was funny in any case.
I loved the tension when we saw the surviving Red Circus member! It was handled so well dropped right in the middle of a funny episode.
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This had no right being this funny. But also. Anya is imagining a "default" kind of guy because even though she's reading the guy's mind she doesn't know how he looks like, so she's just making up a face to play out her imagination. Great detail from the manga already.
Anya imagines Loid saying he'll abandon her if he finds out about Yor being an assassin. That's another angsty punch in the gut but also for another post probably XD
The timing here feels a little weird. This chapter was supposedly long ago, when the family was still getting used to living together. Franky sees Anya worried and goes like "Even though they're a fake family, she worries so much?" and seeing that in the anime, practically two episodes before this one he went like "Hey do you love your dad and mom" and she said she does... idk maybe in the adaptation process some things could be left out so that they can make more sense.
How did neither Yor nor Loid suspect something wrong with the suddenly very thick and muddy cocktail she was offered?
Once again, upgraded animation as Yor drinks the pufferfish poison! I love it! Hopefully it'll keep being that good for the rest of the season :D
I remember the tension I felt when I first read the manga in that moment. I was like oh no! And then I was Anya
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Gremlin Anya is back and I love it
Anya goes ahead and Home-Alones too close to the sun and fucking makes a bomb. That's a whole other level. You really don't want this girl turning evil, she'll take over the world XD
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She should have seen her entrance as Thorn Princess' ally! She was epic!
There was some violence censorship there, as the bad guy in the manga is shown a little burned and bleeding after the explosion, but in the anime he's just... ruffled or whatever.
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Idk they probably decided it would be too much to show that a child caused such violence XD
So does Loid go on thinking that Yor was in a super bad mood and then everything went away as soon as she downed a glass of cocktail? I also just realized she just went bottoms up on it, lol.
The episode was great and the date was funny and cute at the end. But.
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The date ends well and with fun! Then the monster wakes up again the next day.
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Loid's got a lot to learn. Who knew humans can be complicated!
Overall, a great introduction to the second season! I'm happy we got the bullet-in-butt date and I'm so excited to venture into new stuff that I know next to nothing about :D
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luimagines · 4 months
Did I already send this? I’m sorry if I did. If I did it was a while ago lol. I just remembered this idea for no apparent reason lol and imagined a whole scenario. So here’s what I had a while back.
So here’s the story my idea came from:
And it was one of the best things I’ve ever read of the Linked Universe lol. And I had an idea: so what if Link wore his Gerudo outfit with the boys and they didn’t know it was him, like in this story, but we add x reader, and they’re dating him and so when he appears they start kissing him and being lovey dovey and whatnot, and the boys just go “?!?!?!”😂 and either they get protective of Wild and yell at reader about “How could you cheat on Wild?! How dare you?!” And others just stare dumbfounded at reader.😂
P.S. I understand I’m drawing from someone else’s story, so if you can figure out their tumblr and ask permission or tell me it or something please lmk. Because I couldn’t find their tumblr and idk how to use archive of our own at all. I’m new, sorry!
So I just imagined something like this:
Wild led them to the wall where a hidden switch was but none of them knew that yet. You ran up to Wild and hugged him.
“Thanks sweetie, you’re so helpful!”
Then you start playing with his hair and kiss his cheek. The rest of the chain is a mixture of anger, horrified, betrayal, and everything in between.
Legend runs up to you and rips you off Wild.
“What is wrong with you?! How dare you?!?!”
You try not to laugh but you can’t help but smile.
“No! You don’t hurt Wild and get away with it!”
Warriors is trying to pull Legend off of you as Sky comes up to you.
“Why…what did he ever do to you…”
He looks so broken. Behind all the chaos Wild stands silently seeing how it all plays out. He hears all his brothers defending him saying how amazing he is and doesn’t deserve you because you cheated on him. How even though he’s chaotic in battle he’s the most reliable person they’ve ever met. How he’s the best cook ever and without him they’d be starving. How much he brings to the family and without him it wouldn’t be complete…He starts shifting around and scratching the back of his head in awkwardness because of all the kind words his brothers have about him. How they’re protecting him. Eventually he puts you out of your misery and clears his throat.
“Guys…it’s ok. I’m right here. Though I’m very flattered.”
His cheeks are a little pink and he’s still in his Gerudo outfit. The chain looks at him and think he’s still some random girl.
“Huh? No we’re talking about our brother. I’m sure you didn’t know but this person has a boyfriend.”
Wild smiles softly and takes off the veil.
“I know they do.”
Now all the chain’s jaws drop. Wild chuckles and takes the rest of his outfit off.
“I’m very grateful that you guys would defend me, but it’s me. You don’t need to keep chewing them out anymore. Also, they knew it was me, so they weren’t cheating.”
omg XD
Poor Reader. I don't think I would have been to stay that silent while being chewed out.
To save my own skin I would have just yelled "THAT IS LINK!!"
I would probably also hold it over Wild's head for an undisclosed amount of time for standing there for who knows how long- leaving me to take the heat when I've done absolutely nothing wrong.
You better believe this becomes an inside joke between them.
"Yes, darling. I was cheating on you. I have bananas."
"Throw in some milk and we can have cheater milkshakes."
"Do you have the ice for that?"
Takes out ice rod. "Do you even have to ask?"
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