#idk what fun things i can offer to y'all other than art requests but we will definitely celebrate somehow :v
willczek-art · 2 years
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~* Late Happy Holidays and early Happy New Year! :D *~
Y'know, last year when I complained about not getting to animate I really didn't think I would end up with A Full-On Animation Assignment, even two if you count my current project!
Also two more zines this year, including first merch ever! :DD I really enjoy these and hope I'll get to contribute to more next year! :P
Thank you everyone for sticking around! I wont be super active for the next 2-3 months, finishing school and all~ But when that's over we'll definitely celebrate with a round of requests or whatever fun thing I can do for y'all ;P Until then, see you in messy sketchdumps~
[I edited last year's template, which doesn't seem to be available anymore ;-;]
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP x Reader - McDonald's Sprite (REQUESTED)
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Requested by: @katnotmore123
Bro y'all be simping for Sprite and I'm here simping for 7Up...
I mean I like them both but I just prefer 7up over Sprite... It's like comparing Pepsi and Coke ngl but with a more subtle difference
SCP 073 (Cain)
You came back to the foundation one day with a cup of iced drink and Cain had asked what you were drinking and you showed him
He was mildly confused but soon understood the beverage since he had seen them somewhere on the web (no, not the hub, an advert from McDonald's)
You asked if he wanted to try some and he did, so you gave him a sip
You were slightly annoyed and surprised since you drove over an hour and hadn't had anything to drink and the last thing you wanted was someone taking your drink
But since it was 073, you made it an exception since you hadn't expected him to have any food or beverages outside of site 17
You figured that he had enjoyed it as he reminisced his past about being able to eat plant-based food but no longer could
You felt bad and agreed to get more when you next go back
The researchers had wondered if the drink had ever rotted in his mouth but realise moments later that it's mainly made out of artificial ingredients aside from the natural flavourings
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
I have high doubts that you would be able to persuade Abel to drink such a plain beverage, so you had devised a plan to get him to try
You made a bet with Abel in which the loser has to finish off the drink, not that you'd complain (you unhealthy mf), but you really wanted him to give it a try
Abel accepted and had very much lost the bet
He had taken a sip and you noticed that he's enjoying the drink and teased him
He spat it out and flat out denied it (like the tsundere he is) but continued drinking it anyways
Some of the researchers monitoring Abel's cell found it rather amusing that he enjoyed such a "plain beverage" and did try to tease him about it
Let's just say it didn't end very well as it resulted in somebody's head being chopped off
You both had agreed that if Abel stops trying to breach his containment and be more cooperative, you or somebody else in your team would buy him more Sprite from McDonald's (and by 'buy', I mean kidnapping the whole chain's Sprite dispenser)
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
999 would most definitely take the drink out of your hand since his little tingles tell him that whatever you were drinking was sweet
And he was very much right
You were slightly shocked but wasn't surprised since he does have quite a sweet tooth
Every now and again, SCP 999 would ask if you had any more of those drinks and would even ask what they were
You had explained to him that it's a lemon and line flavoured soft drink created by the Coca-Cola company (the more you know right?)
He was intrigued and sweetly requested if you could buy him more and you obliged
You would use your time off to buy a dozen of Sprites from McDonald's and would sometimes buy other soft drinks like Coke and Fanta for 999
Needless to say, you had an orange blob as your personal pet who would give you unlimited hugs since you spoiled him with so many drinks
SCP 682 (Hard to Destroy Reptile)
This mf of a lizard right here is just as stubborn, if not even more than Abel, and would reject trying that beverage at all for the whole entire week
You had to bribe him and the researchers were laughing their socks off from this interaction you both got going
He did give in but was rather hesitant at first
Once you poured some into his mouth, he seemed slightly disgusted from the taste
He would just sit still for a moment as to contemplate then stuck his tongue out as a sign of disgust
But bring the cheeky person you were, you spilt more into his mouth which led to him farting for the next few hours to which everyone laughed
Dr Bright heard the commotion and came to see what was happening
Let's just say he encouraged you to carry on if you want your head cut off but found it amusing regardless
In short, don't ever give him Sprite unless you want to torture him
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
Does this bird doctor even drink?!
You mention multiple times about human food and how delicious they are
Mainly McDonald's Sprite and their food since its rather popular
OMG they've released the garlic ones but I preferred the normal Mozzarella sticks and cheesy bites though
Anyways, back to Sprite, our side chick
049 would be intrigued about this 'Sprite' since you spoke so passionately about it like your life depended on it and requested you to get him one for a try and so you did
When he drank it he was surprised at the foreign taste
He asked if there were more beverages like it and you answered honestly, carrying on with your love for McDonald's and offered to buy him some for a try
Basically, 049 would give it a try since you spoke so passionately for them
He wouldn't necessarily hate it, but he wouldn't love the drink as much
I'd say he would be intrigued to try something new outside of his role in curing the pestilence
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
I am so sorry guys, I'll have to make 035 hella short since I can't think of anything interesting for him
The closest thing for him to try the drink is if you gave his now possessed body some beforehand so 035 could telepathically understand the taste
Like if you just straight up gave him the drink I don't think he would be able to drink it even if he wanted to
If the now dead body never had Sprite, then you ould just describe the tase to him in form of arts (I like to imagine 035 would be into arts, especially performing arts since he's basically a theatre mask)
SCP 105 (Iris)
Our girl here has a high chance that she might have tried McDonald's Sprite
But she just prefers healthier foods (this healthy mf knows that y'all can't keep healthy, that's why she's here to start your New Year's Resolution which is to stay healthy)
You both would recommend food which is healthy or unhealthy and would try them
Iris is more than capable of controlling her diet, but you, on the other hand, have a hard time doing so (don't lie, we all know y'all like junk food)
So, you both compromised in which you can have junk food as a reward, namely your favourite beverage, Sprite
You just love the citrus flavoured, colourless beverage so much that Iris would have to hide the drink from you (ah yes great promotion from me XD)
What would you do without our girl, Iris, eh? (Die from overeating unhealthy food which causes heart attacks and strokes, of course, fun!)
Anyways, sometimes when you're the one going out, you would be the one to buy a few dozen bottles of Sprite from McDonald's (bro do they even sell bottled drinks? Ik they do in KFC from where I live OwO)
Iris would drop dead from the sight of you bringing in so many Sprites into the foundation
She would most likely drink some with you, not because she likes them, god no
It's because there's no more room to store them and she's just a little bit thirsty
SCP 106 (Old Man)
This old man would be so confused by all this food and drinks from the outside world
His first impression of McDonald's was that of a circus since you've shown him the older advertisement for McDonald's since it fits his age (love you 106!!! Not)
And then you gave him a menu, and god did he not have any glasses (boi he do be needing to go to Specsavers fr)
He read Mozzarella Sticks as mosasaurs pricks, the Spicy Veggie One as spicy vag- and what's worse is that he read Double Quater Pounder as double quantum pounding (he even read Coke wrong!)
You and the foundation staff burst out of laughter at his 20/20 eyesight
So one day, you returned to the foundation with some Sprite in your hands in hopes that 106 would give it a go and so he did
He found the flavour somewhat new and strange but still enjoyed it nevertheless (this boi here do be a man of culture, am I right?)
Anyways, 106 loved it so much to the point that during one of the breaches, he disappeared from the foundation and reappeared with 10 boxes of Sprite
The researchers then realised afterwards that 106 had used his pocket dimension to teleport to the nearest McDonald's and stole the boxes of Sprite without even paying
They were even more surprised to find that the workers there were ordinary humans and weren't even fazed about 106 teleporting to their business (Sames here bro! If anyone stole my food/drinks I'd be pissed too regardless of who it is!!! Food is food!!!)
You basically made him addicted to Sprite
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
(Imma be honest here, idk if this guy eats since he's facing the wall and covering his face like 99% of the time unless some guy saw his face)
You were sat in 096's cell and was debating on what food to get from McDonald's
096 was curious about what you're talking about since he heard you mumbling bout food from this so-called "McDonald's"
So you explained to him the concept of food and that generally speaking, unhealthy foods are tastier and typically served quicker in at places like McDonald's
Imma be real here, I like Burger King's chilli cheese bites a tiny bit more since the McDonald's at my place is stuck with garlic cheese bites atm
It's not like I hate them, but I just prefer the old ones, but it's nice that McDonald's changes up their food every now and then
Anyways, back onto our side chick
You bought your favourite Sprite along with the double quantum pou- quarter pounder
096 was upon curious and so you let him have a bite of your quarter pounder and your Sprite
Let's just say that 096 found it weird and didn't ask about human food again
Dr Jack bright
Jack Bright is very much aware of McDonald's and other fast-food chains since he does have a fair share of memories of eating them with his family and because the bodies he possesses do be unhealthy af (just like you)
You were talking about food with one of your co-workers and Bright just so happened to be nearby and butted his head into the conversation
Your co-worker also just happened to leave for a meeting so you're both stuck together talking about McDonald's
Sometime later, you bought to the foundation some food, including Jack's favourites as he had mentioned not long ago
You both tried each other's food and he was mesmerised by the Sprite since it's been a while since he had it
So whenever you went back, you would buy a larger bottle of Sprite for Jack since he wouldn't have much free time and needed to drink more anyways
Sometimes, when you're both talking about food, you'd make up puns for them or just laugh at your misinterpretations since you're just as blind as a bat (btw I've read somewhere that bats have good vision, they just use echolocation a lot)
Some of the things you both would say would be "Did you hear that McDonald's gave all their employees large laptops for Christmas? They were Big Macs" and "Hey, Ronald McDonald - been watching any good clown movies? Ronald: I'm loving it"
One time, he smacked your bum and casually said to you "Girl, this quarter-pounder will take you to a whole different level of experience" and then left
Dr Simon Glass
Another doctor who has knowledge of fast foods
He's similar to Bright in a way as he doesn't leave the facility as often as he likes since he's constantly busy
Also, he would make terrible jokes and puns using wordplay
When you told him about your favourite drink, Sprite, Glass immediately said "I went to the store to get eight cans of Sprite. When I got home, I realized I’d only picked seven up"
You just looked dumbfounded at his puns and laughed as he continued
He did manage to take a sip and drank the whole can of Sprite instead
You even bought some wrap with extra mayo and told Simon about your friendly chat with the waitress/cashier and mentioned her former co-workers
And you died on the inside because his only reply was "She should go back sometime to ketchup with her old co-workers or she mayo not want to"
To shut him up, you have decided that buying him Sprite would work and it kinda did
Only for a short while though
Dr Alto Clef
Clef is well aware of the fast-food chain called McDonald's
It was hard to ignore it as a lot of people younger than him had kept talking about it, even you
Even worse if it was you talking about McDonald's since you have an obsession with their Sprite
Poor Clef was confused as he assumed that all lemon/lime flavoured drinks were the same
Oh boy was he wrong
You came back with your lunch from you know where and 2 bottles of Sprite
One was from McDonald's and the other from Lidl along with some of your favourite pastries, like croissants and toffee yum yums
You had him try all the foods and both Sprites and he finally gave in to the fact that McDonald's Sprite tastes more superior than the other
Not only that, he made dirty jokes and puns about the food in McDonald's
Like "Baby, you got more legs than a bucket of McDonald's", "Come over to my house and I’ll give ya a happy meal", "Do you work here? Because I’d like to order some fries with that shake" and "Girl when I am done with you, you won't be looking for no toys in this happy meal"
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Benjamin Kondraki would be the type of person who would be reluctant to try but would anyways since you asked so kindly and gave them those eyes
And by that, I mean a death glare
NGL he doesn't seem like the type of fella to be eating a ton of unhealthy food
I mean he doesn't necessarily eat salad or anything overly healthy, but he does have a balanced diet for the most part and does treat himself sometimes, but not too often
You magically crept up behind Kondraki and scared him unintentionally but you still laughed anyway because you're evil
He looked down and realised that the packaging was from McDonald's and you were holding a familiar clear bottle in your other hand
You were kind enough to share your food with him and he thoroughly enjoyed it
Then after that, you forced him to drink some Sprite since he has PTSD from your unhealthy obsession with it
And yes, he did end up drinking it
And no, he didn't like it nor did he hate it
You were upset that you thought he shot you down about Sprite but quickly regained your happiness since he did tell you about the drink being just above average
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