#idk what else to tagggggg
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deadxeyez · 2 months ago
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mikey my beautiful princess with a disorder 🔪
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namekian-productions · 5 months ago
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pointpilot · 5 months ago
hmmmm going thru ur oc tagggggg shan for these -> 💍 🖊️🚫🌈
💍 RING — does your oc have any piercings? do they want any (more) piercings?
shan has red snake bites. she also has red fang piercings on her upper lip! she really wants a septum but is scared of getting it caught on something (shes really clumsy like that)
🖊️ BALLPOINT PEN — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
here she has a three times dope tattoo, it isn't canon though because it was just a one off thing i thought would add to the drawing! but yeah she'd totally get a tattoo, either a sleeve on both arms of thorn roses or some random shit in chinese, she has no clue what it says but it looks cool ig
also this drawing is old, u can tell cuz she's skinny here lol
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🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
shes a straight pothead idk how else to put it HAHA as for drinking it's a hard no for her
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
asexual and cis, uses she/her pronouns but doesn't care how people perceive her ^u^
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subtlesmile · 4 years ago
Get to know me/20 questions tag yaaaaaaas thanks for tagging meeee Cande @quickpauseinconversations!!
what do you prefer to be called name-wise? Audge! Or Audrey it's interchangeable also... Dont mind all the variations either but only if we are close Ve gotten audgey audgerry audgery audgie audgee audey etc etc
when is your birthday? February 20th :D
where do you live? New Jersey
three things you’re doing right now? Listening to Beyonce. Doing this and thinking about the schoolwork I have to do tonight
four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now? Ok other than HL ... I am listening to an abundance of Lady gaga so I am a little monster now. Rihanna as always but obvi i'm her biggest fan cuz we're married going on 5 years. Hmm what else?? I'm rereading Carol again so that is one.
how is the pandemic treating you? N/a just the same weird feeling as everyone else LOL I've been lucky enough and young and still dependent enough that I haven't gotten hurt as badly as many others but. Whatevs
song you can’t stop listening to right now? Everything on this playlist hunnayyy
recommend a movie THE KING OF STATEN ISLAND w pete davidson omg watched it the other night for the first time and it's so genuinely good like. Omg
how old are you? 17
school, university, occupation, other? I work in a French bakery and go to high school. I also have my own print shop that I run independently
do you prefer hot or cold? Cold mamaaaa
name one fact others may not know about you. I love music with violins in it specifically old jazz from the 1920s-30s with artists like Al Bowlly and Eddie Lang! Also ever since I went through my music phases I am in love with folk music :)
are you shy? Yeahhh its weird like I'll be open when I meet someone new but if I get a vibe that they don't want to reciprocate I shut down and get all whoasdfasjhfaksjdfh idk I get weird around ppl unless they're friendly to me idk. I'm very passive too so that might be one and the same
do you have any preferred pronouns? they/she/he interchangeably!
any pet peeves? When people pronounce "syrup" like sir-up instead of how I pronounce it seer-up. Thats just me though. On a more serious note I hate narcissism and when people talk and talk at someone without asking questions or caring about an answer I find it disrespectful.
rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be. 7-8 I don't like to complain about my life
what’s your main blog? this one
list your side blogs and what they’re used for. @jerkseyshore used to use this for memes and funny stuff and such but kinda stopped
is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you? In fandom I really don't like hyper-sexualization of my favs (esp Harry bc hes my favorite and I am not attracted to him) idk when i entered this fandom I realized how strange the dynamics are like. the way that people treat their favs and I just like to keep a distance from people who wont shut up about someone's genitals or hole or sex life or very personal private details.
Anywhere else: More active on twitter @ subtle_smile I am kinda strange and I get that my humor turns ppl off cuz of how strange it can be D: No worriessss
I tagggggg Mehar @littlespoongf and Jay @tv-c15 and @swimmingleo and @anotherjupiter ONLY IF U WANT TO LOL no pressure
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taketwo-orthree · 4 years ago
Tag Game: Get To Know ME
tagged by: @hidekomoon olala i love being tagged by you, and therefore learning more about you!  and HAPPY NEW YEARRRRR
named after someone? Nope, but they did want my first name to start with the fist letter of my moms middle name, so there’s a fact you didnt ask for lol
last time you cried? hmmmmmm i think November 2019 im not much of a crier
do you have any kids? Nope
do you use sarcasm a lot? Not at all
what’s the first thing you notice about people? Eyes
eye color? Brown
scary movie or happy ending? Happy Ending always
any special talent? I know how to play the cello, oo and i was inspired by the first and only circus ive ever been to, to learned how to flip a chair with my feet while laying on my back (havent put either talent to the test in years but Im gonna sport mad confidence and say i could still do both)
what country were you born in? United States
what are your hobbies? consuming music, and Diamond Dotz, shit is so calming, i jus got a new on and i am so stoked!
do you have any pets? yes a family dog
what sports do you play/ have you played? i was in my beginners volleyball camp (really one week during winter break years ago) and I did cheerleading when i was in the first grade
how tall are you? i just hit 5′3 this year, i think that like 163cm? dont quote me
favorite subject at school?  Humanities, the only class in all my educational career ive ever loved
dream job? Rich Housewife with no kids! lol tbh idk,um college professor but idk of what they just seem to live cool lives, and actress mayperhas idk
tagggggg: @rozegolden @death-of-astar  @lachicasexi and @brittaahknee and whoever else wants to, cause this was fun
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catgirlkirigiri · 5 years ago
7, 11, 25, 26, 30, 35, 40, and 48 For The “Be Nosy” asks
7. Who are you jealous of?
Oh god uh. That’s a good questionnnnnn how am I supposed to pick one person?????? Literally anyone that can like. Draw humans. That look human....God I wish that were me. Oh also people with literally any social skills?? Ugh goals
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Iowa :p I have an internet friend there I’d love to meet in person
25. Describe your ideal Friday night.
P much just like... me alone at home w/ my cats lmao,, either drawing n blaring music or goofing off on tiktok, idk both are nice :) just like. Nobody else home. Cause it’s nicer to be alone :p
26. What’s your favorite season?
Winter! I love the cold, and although I don’t like the early nights, it’s nice to have so much nighttime! Night is the best time :)
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
Oooh god.... bold of you to assume I can pick one person.... p much if we’re mutuals assume I want to talk but my social anxiety ass cannot start a conversation and also thinks that everyone hates me which y’all probably do and have valid reasons to but that’s not the point and uhhhh I’m gonna tagggggg @komaeda-nagayto cause you seem really cool and I’d love to talk to you sorry to bother you hhhh
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Hell yes gaymers
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
Ok so I just checked and... yep I’m mutuals with her :p I didn’t even know she had a tumblr but she uses the same username a lot of places so hhh yeah it’s her
48. Describe your ideal partner.
Oh fuck. Uhhhhh..... fuck uhhhhh I dontttt know hhhhhhhhh. Short hair is hot. Idkk
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sunshinesteviee · 7 years ago
tag game !!
I was tagged by @spideymood​ thanks babes !!!
Go to your current work in progress and share the following:
The first line of the work.
The first line of your current chapter (or if it’s a one-shot the first line of the tenth paragraph).
The last line you wrote.
A line for a chapter/part you haven’t written yet.
The first line of the work: There was seldom a quiet moment in the Holland household.
First Line of the tenth paragraph (it’s a oneshot): “Hey, baby, I’m back,” he announced as he leaned against the doorway to the bathroom, setting her cup of coffee down on the bathroom counter.
The Last Line: When he came to a stop, he paused for a moment to hug her close and press a kiss to her cheek, which she promptly returned as a sloppy kiss. 
A Line I Haven’t Written Yet: “shhh stop fussing. i’m just braiding your hair.”
surprisingly, i don’t think this gives away what it’s about!! i actually quite like this one, and i can’t wait to post it omg. 
i’m gonna tagggggg (you don’t gotta do it if ya don’t want to !!!)
@hollandandi @tommybaholland @kilieria (for part 2 of the other quackson 😩) idk man, anyone else who wants to do it !!!!!
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gudriin · 7 years ago
Tagged by: @osmiasis .. binch
Name: Maria Rae
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5′6″... i checked my height in CM last month but i don’t remember.
Languages Spoken: English only rip
Nationality: Canadiannnn.
Favourite Fruit: granny smith apples!!
Favourite Season: Spring!
Favourite Scent: trash. it’s trash. the smell of trash brings me some good nostalgia. not a joke lmao, it’s the only scent i can name rn
Favourite Colour: green & brown
Favourite Animal: jellyfish!
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?: hot cocoa
Average Hours of Sleep: 7-9 hours - good sleep, just ... the wrong time frame, lmao.
Favourite Fictional Character: Yona from AkaYona, definitely. Kirishima. Jirou. ...Elias Ainsworth
Dream Trip: road trip across the US and canada ... road trip thru europe... road trips in general with the ppl i loveee
When Blog Was Created: sometime in early 2014, i dunno.
Last Movie You’ve Seen and Opinion On It: deadpool 2 and it was fucking great
Song You’ve Had on Repeat: No Place Like Home by Marianas Trench (their ballads are fucking amazing what the fuck)
Favourite Candy:  ring pops
Favourite Holiday: christmas! december is full of family gatherings and tbh it’s always the funnest and least-boring time of year
i tagggggg
@ok-but-why-tho @imma-just-sleep @asarielenightengail @herrbismuth idk mia u fuckn tagged everybody else that i would tag
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heartofthemachine · 2 years ago
YIPPEE thakns for the tagggggg
17 questions, 17 people (except i think we lost some questions along the way and i don’t know 17 people on here)
nicknames: cay and sammy i guess most of my names arent very nickable
sign: gemini slay!!!!!!
height: 5'3 or 5'4 supposedly
last thing I googled: god forbid women do anything
last song stuck in my head: desolation row mcr.........
number of followers: 59... only 10 away from funny ha ha number
amount of sleep: it fluctuates but recently its been from about 5 - 7 hours
lucky number: 23 babey!!!!!!!
dream job: play in a band or whatever job lets you hang out with big reptiles
favourite song: ohhh evil question i love so many songs...... tho currently ive been listening to hit the floor by linkin park a lot teehee
favourite instrument: ELECTRIC GUITAR SEXIEST BEAST EVAR!!!!
aesthetic: silly but with combat boots
favorite author: shrug emoji idk but one time i tried to take home some sort of gay cowboy romance novel from an art fair thing and my dad made me leave it so tbh the person who wrote it probably slays
random fact: ⬇ this is a puppy ⬇
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tagging @thethingything @mg549 @crtastrophic umm whoever else whats to do it #slay #yas
17 questions, 17 people (except i think we lost some questions along the way and i don’t know 17 people on here)
nickname: not really a nickname since it’s longer than stella, but my mum will say ‘stella for star’ cos it’s a streetcar named desire reference
sign: scorpio, i know nothing about star signs but i always thought scorpio sounded the coolest
height: 5’7
last thing i googled: intensive language courses near me (i rlly want to practice my french)
last song stuck in your head: about you by the 1975, matty healy is haunting me
number of followers: 1196, shoutout to anyone who’s still here from when i was a death note blog
amount of sleep: my average over the last 7 days is 4 hours a night 👍🏼
lucky number: 29
dream job: clinical psychologist, just need to get into a clinical doctorate programme (v unlikely as they’re so so competitive)
favourite song: pink lemonade by the wombats (could never pick one but this is my default answer for this question cos it was my favourite when i was 15)
favourite instrument: piano
aesthetic: 90s grunge always
favourite author: i don’t rlly read many books by the same author just random ones, but i really like michel bussi’s books
random fun fact: i know every single word to we didn’t start the fire by billie joel, that’s fun
thanks u sm for @scilessweetheart for tagging me n sorry this took so long!
tagging @junkyardromeo @lemonfloatz (no pressure) n anyone else who wants to join!!
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The A-Z Tag!
Okay SO I’ve been tagged to do this THREE times by three A M A Z I N G people. So, I guess I’ll go ahead and do it. Huge thanks to the aforementioned amazing people @jaimetons , @toglidethroughlife , and @shadza359 for tagging me!!!
A: Age - 17
B: Birthplace - Louisiana, United States
C: Current time - 12:03 am
D: Drink you last had - Iced tea.
E: Easiest person to talk to - My best friends Kat, Sydney, and Zineb.
G: Grossest Memory - Uhm honestly I can’t remember (I’ve probably blocked them out of my memory lol). BUT a semi gross thing that legit just happened 5 minutes ago was that my cat came to sit in my lap and he had some poop on his butt which got on my clothes. So like not super gross bc I only had to change but still. Not fun.
H: Hogwarts House - Hufflepuff!
I: In Love - Unrequited. In love with famous people. In love with fictional characters.
J: Jealous of People - Yeah :/ sometimes it happens super easily, sometimes not.
K: Killed Someone - No!!! Never!!!
L: Love at First Sight or Should I Walk By Again - Both? Idk fam.
M: Middle Name - Lillian
N: Number of Siblings - One older sister!
O: One Wish - That I can impact people with my writing one day!
P: Person I Last Called: My mom. On Tuesday. I’m not super popular, lmao.
Q: Question You Are Always Asked - “Are you the older sibling? No? But you’re so tall!”
R: Reason to Smile - Friends! Family! Fandom! The three F’s!
S: Song You Last Sang - Uhm. Every Little Thing by Carly Pearce I think?
T: Time You Woke Up - 8:30 am. Couldn’t sleep.
U: Underwear Color - Pink ok y’all calm yourselves
V: Vacation Destination - Everywhere!!!
W: Worst Habit - Uhm. I’m probably super annoying. And needy. Idk tho.
X: X-Rays - What exactly does this mean? Yes I’ve had x-rays done. Mostly on my feet/ankles.
Y: Your Favorite Food - I don’t really have a favorite food food tbh!!! But I really love Italian and Mexican food!!!
I’m gonna tagggggg @atlaslopes and @everlastingchoices ! And anybody else who wants to do it! Go ahead guys!
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zombiewerewolfqueen · 8 years ago
Tag game
I was tagged by the lovely @addictionmarvel thank you babe!
Rules: Answer thirty questions, then tag twenty blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nicknames? Brit, Britney boo, Queen
Gender? Female
Star sign? Scorpio
Height? 5'5/6 idk which one lol
Time? 5:01 pm
Birthday? November 2
Favorite band? Rascal Flatts
Favorite solo artist? Melanie Martinez/ Carrie Underwood
Song stuck in my head? Mrs Potato head
Last movie you watched? Dracula Untold
Last show you watched? iZombie
When did I crate my blog? Tbh I don't even remember
What do I post? Mainly stuff on all my fandoms listed in my description and sometimes I make edits
Last thing I googled? Dominic Cooper, Henry Sturges
Do you have other blogs? Nope
Do you get asks? Occasionally
Why did you choose your URL? I love zombies, werewolves, and I'm a mother f*cking queen
Following? Like 2824 ik it's a lot whoops
Followers? 210
Favorite colors? Wine red & Black
Average hours of sleep? Normally 6
Lucky number? Idfk I guess 17
Instruments? Like ONE song on the guitar
What am I wearing? A Braves shirt that swallows me & SHORT gray shorts
How many blankets do I sleep with? Just one bc I overheat easily
Dream Job? Special effects makeup
Dream trip? Romania, or Ireland
Favorite food? How DARE you try to force me to choose one! Lol
Nationality? American, mainly Native American and Irish tho
Favorite song now? Dollhouse- Melanie Martinez
I tagggggg @addictivewriter @kingslayers-angel @shieldlovereve @bladebarnes @siren-songx @romanempressfics @papi-chulo-bucky @buckybarneswintersoldier @sebseyesandbuckysthighs @unicornsxfandoms @soldatbarnes @wrestlingbabe @thestonedsoldier @sebastian-stans-thighs @saxxxology @buckykingofmemes @theawkwardfangirlwithavengeance @caplanbuckybarnes @katymacsupernatural @ilostmyshoe-79 and whoever else wants to do it
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namekian-productions · 6 months ago
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the-real-nekoma-kenma · 5 years ago
Thanks bro
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafes // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparkles // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // brunchs or happy hours // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // degus or seurat (idk what these are) // aquarium or plantarium // road trips or camping // colouring books or water colours // fairy lights or candles
I tagggggg @nothinglikehotchocolate @donttelltheteacher @x-frnksfrthmmrs-x @kindanicodiangelobutnotreally and anyone else who I forgot
Thank you so much for tagging me @vinylmendes I love this!!
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafes // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparkles // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // brunchs or happy hours // sweet or sour // Rome or and Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // degus or seurat // aquarium or plantarium // road trips or camping // colouring books or water colours // fairy lights ot candles
I'll tag: @geeksmashh, @outcastedangel, @beebo-at-the-church and @klanceprincess
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lisalisapark · 8 years ago
i was tagged in this thing by the super cool @guromilkhotel!!! thanks sugar omg
Rules: copy this into a new text post and remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done, tag up to 10 people and also the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
A) age: 23! B) biggest fears: see every time im like “ah im not afraid of heights” i go and do something high up and then i have to sit down and have a panic attack so C) current time: 8:36!! pm D) drink I last had: i run on a steady diet of water, coffee and cranberry juice but iirc it was water E) every day starts with: refusal of allowing the day to start, and many alarms F) favorite song at the moment: silver springs by fleetwood mac prolly atm G) gayest moment I ever had: ??? b. being gay id say is th??? prolly when i realized i was bi when i was 7 watching chicago and pushing off dealing with that until i was much older, id say that sums up the Gay Experience does it not H) hometown: a cluster of towns in southern new jersey I) in love with: my cats J) jealous of: i dont really get jealous, if im in a scenario where it would be appropriate to get jealous id most likely just freak the fuck out and shut down K) killed someone: i have played many video games in which i had to kill people L) last time I cried: i cried earlier bc i love my friends so much M) middle name: uh i guess i havent come up with one yet hit me back on this N) number of siblings: 2 O) one wish: this quiz is asking too much of me how am i supposed to answer this shit it wants me to dig deep and i try to avoid that on a daily basis. ahh i guess?? uh. oH i know i wish everything i loved didnt have my allergens in them :^) P) person you last called/texted: waylon, he had to know about some pet sematary bullshit i thought of Q) question you’re always asked: “what’s wrong with you woman”  R) reason to smile: anti-depressants, also my friends, also this cat here right next to me S) song last sung: lucky ones by lana del ray :> T) time you woke up: 8 something?? i was having an allergic reaction bc i got high last night and ate a bunch of shit i shouldnt have X) x-ray i’ve had: mAN i havent had an xray in literal years, last was prolly of my lil ol’ noggin when they were tryna determine if i was like dead or not Y) your favourite food: ummmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! idk i really like chili OH NO NOPE ITS im a slut for melons and berries Z) zodiac sign: capricorn-aquarius cusp!!
I TAGGGGGG my boys @anywaylon & @misterfontaine!!! and no one else bc i dont know anyone on this site and i care about these fellas mostly
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namekian-productions · 6 months ago
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