#idk what Marlene x Lily ship name is
lukatheselkie · 2 years
Sneak Peek
Here’s a sneak peek of something I’m currently writing. I’m halfway finished with the first chapter, so it could go up tonight or it could go up in a week. Idk.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Ships: James x Severus, James x Lily, Lily x Marlene; yes all at once
Needed Information: This takes place in a world where witches and wizards commonly get Hanahaki Disease. It’s just part of life.
    James suspects Lily must love him back. He’s never had Hanahaki, despite being seventeen and having an adoration for the girl since he first laid eyes on her. Sirius has had it once, for Marlene. Remus has had it three times, but he refuses to tell anyone who he was in love with. If puppy love counted, Peter would have everyone defeated. As far as James is aware, Lily has only had it once, for a Muggle friend. And then there’s Snivelous. He’s been coughing up flowers since before their First Year. When they get removed, they’re gone for maybe a month before reappearing. Everyone knows they’re always for Lily. It’s part of what makes him such a tempting target. Once their friendship ended, the flowers became Forget-Me-Nots. Before that point, they were tulips of varying colours.
    There’s been a few rare cases of someone coughing up roses, the highest level of love. Remus is the first known case of having roses more than once; two of his three times, in fact. It had been a huge relief when that third time came and it was only Peonies. They didn’t come up with blood like the roses had. Nonetheless, Poppy had him stay in the Infirmary, just in case. He’d reluctantly agreed to have the flowers removed when the time came. Honestly, James is surprised he’s not had Hanahaki since then, as it was Fifth Year. Maybe the three times is all he has in him. Or maybe who he loves reciprocates now, without either of them knowing. Because Remus most definitely isn’t dating anyone. He’d know about it if he were!
    It’s maybe a month after returning to Hogwarts for his Seventh Year that James feels a tickle in his throat. He rolls his eyes, smiles at Sirius as he puts the conversation on hold, then forces a cough. Nothing happens, so he forces another. Then another. Sirius furrows his brows in concern, and Peter and Remus are now looking at him as well. “Do you think you might be sick?” Remus questions quietly. He’s always quiet. It’s part of what makes him so endearing. James shakes his head.
    “Must have just swallowed wrong,” he explains, focusing on clearing his throat now. Once it feels less blocked, he coughs again. Blood splatters onto his toast. Before he can react to the sight, he’s coughing and hacking against his will. He almost doesn’t notice the room slowly falling silent as the news ripples through the students. Almost. When he finally chokes out a thorn and a blood-soaked rose petal, all eyes are on him. An eerie sense of deja vu washes over him from when Remus coughed up a full rose onto his lunch once. There’s fewer people in the room to see him though. But that doesn’t mean anything. By the end of the day, everyone will know.
    “Jamesie?” Sirius’ voice cuts through the haze. He focuses all of his attention on his best mate, who looks incredibly worried about him. He parts his lips slightly to speak. Nothing comes out. “...Who is it?” He glances at Lily, who shakes her head. In that moment, he flees. He runs as hard and as fast as he can, trying to escape the reality of just who it is he’s in love with. He doesn’t stop until he’s at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, close to the Pitch. He pants heavily as he drops to the ground, sprawling out unceremoniously. He doesn’t dare close his eyes, though he desperately wants to. His mind is racing so fast with avoidance, he doesn’t hear the footsteps approach him a few minutes later.
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asmo-d3us · 4 months
Jarty - This happens first. James and Barty were childhood friends alongside Marlene, and let’s just say Barty and James had a little situationship going on. It was mostly like a friends-with-benefits thing because they were both in a bit of shock when discovering these feelings. (Marlene was repeatedly disgusted of them in the best way possible).
Bartylus - Barty meets Regulus (and all his future friends), and seems to fall in love with him. Unfortunately, James is falling in love with Regulus too. Because Reg is Sirius’ brother, James couldn’t do anything about it, so he let it be. Barty was in love with Reg (this was before he transitioned), and sadly the little black was NOT in love with him, this was just a friends-with-benefits thing in his POV.
Prongsfoot - James is still in love with Regulus, but he was fake dating Sirius to get over him and also Lily, and he started gaining feelings for Sirius and he didn’t know if it was because he looked like Regulus or because he just liked him. They began to seriously date, and Remus + Regulus began to get a bit jealous.
Regmus - Regulus and Remus fake date to also get revenge on James and Sirius (they didn’t know they used to fake date) and they don’t get feelings for each other but they were NOT afraid to make out in front of everyone. (Regulus has already transitioned here)
Wolfstar - James and Sirius break it up because it felt very uncomfortable for them, and they like other people. Sirius approaches Remus when he’s literally sitting with his brother and he confesses his feelings, and Remus immediately confesses too and Regulus is just like: yay? 😀
Jegulus - James and Regulus were pretty slow burn because Regulus was holding himself back and basically forcing James to fight hard and break his fucking BACK if he really wants Reg, and he goes to the moon and back for him, so they start dating happily. 😊
Rosekiller - Because Barty had been trying to lose his feelings for Reg, he had begun to hang out with his other friends more, especially Evan. He caught himself liking Ev, but he was kind of scared that the same thing would happen like with Regulus/James so he didn’t say anything. Evan eventually got pushed by Pandora to just say it! And he did. Barty was a bit shocked and took a moment to absorb what he just heard, and they started to take it slow (no they didn’t they immediately got rowdy in the bedsheets).
Remus x Barty x Evan (idk the ship name) - Sirius gets veritiserum chocolate from Snape and is forced to tell him what happens to Remus every full moon and where he goes. Blah blah blah, Remus finds out about what he did, and he of course breaks up with Sirius. He starts hanging out with The Slytherin Skittles more and because of this, he starts getting closer with Evan and Barty. Because he’s the Casanova of Gryffindor, Evan and Barty genuinely have crushes on him and they basically get together bc why tf not? They like each other.
They break up when Sirius keeps saying sorry and apologizing, and Barty + Evan realize that Remus still likes Sirius, so they tell him to go for it. Wolfstar ends up together, Jegulus ends up together, Rosekiller ends up together, etc.
The thing is, Regulus finds out that James and Barty used to date, and he gets this freaky asf idea for them to literally have a threesome or for Jarty to fuck and for him to just..watch. And that’s what happens. Barty is a little hesitant but Evan allows it (Regulus told Evan to come watch with him), and they just watch their boyfriends have sex and Barty plus James are just blushing and stuttering messes bc they literally used to like each other and Barty + James remember exactly how to make the other feel good and it’s so fucking adorable to watch.
There are times where Evan, James, Barty, and Regulus go at it all together too, and it’s funny because they don’t even like each other, other than Jegulus and Rosekiller yk? And sometimes whenever Regulus and/or Barty isn’t available, Evan will literally approach James and just tell him how desperate he is right in his ear and James would literally get so fucking hard and they’d just go at it.
Onlookers are fucking confused and they think it’s a foursome but it’s literally not it’s just an open relationship between four people who have a lot of trust in each other. Barty trusts James and Regulus because they used to date and were best friends, and he trusts Evan because they’re dating. Evan trusts James because Barty used to date him and he’s dating Regulus who’s his best friend, James trusts Barty because it’s Barty and he trusts Evan because he’s Barty’s Evan…it’s obvious why regulus trusts all of them.
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swag696942069 · 1 year
Had an idea for a fame/modern Marauders au
Sirius Black is an artist, like he paints, and sculpts, he also models sometimes. James Potter is a professional football player. Peter Pettigrew is a screen writer. Remus Lupin is a trophy husband/comedian. Mary Macdonalds is a fashion designer. Dorcas Meadows is a runway model. Marlene McKinnon is a bassist and tattoo artist. Lily Evans is an theater actress, like Broadway acting. Evan Rosier is just a nepo baby. So is Pandora Rosier if I'm being honest but she models sometimes. Barty Crouch Jr is a singer. Regulus Black is a model/works for his parents although hes trying to get away from them. Amelia Bones is a fashion designer for movies. Emmeline Vance is a model.
And I want Sybill Trelawney to be in it too but I don't know what to make her job.
I kinda wanna make her be a psychic, like one in Vegas but idk 😭😭
There'll obviously be Wolfstar and Jegulus, and past Jily bc baby Harry, and marylily or maybe marylilydora (don't know if that's their ship name 😭😭 I forget), and possibly past Bartylus, and Rosekiller, and Peter x Sybill (still don't know their ship name 😭😭), and Amelia x Emmeline (don't know their ship name either 😭)
I wanna write this but idk if I will 😭 I'll probably do what I always do and write like one chapter and then not know where to go with it and it'll stay a wip
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