#idk what I’m trying to say here just… haunted houses
wildgeesedotpdf · 1 year
There’s indications that there’s something wrong with our new house i trip over a wire twice daily. Still waters go stagnant bodies bloat and the cellar door is an open throat. The ghosts that haunt your building have been learning how to breathe they scan the hallways nightly vainly searching for a sign. Here on southwood plantation road where the dead will walk again. I dreamt of a house haunted by all you tweakers with your hands out. Etc.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
Hidden In The Shadows Pt. 4(Final Chapter)
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Waking up dazed and confused, Y/N is taken by surprise when certain events seem to take place. Unsure of how to feel Y/N battles with the decisions of staying or leaving for good
Warnings⚠️: SADDDDD NGL😭, but like not really but also IDK??? I wasn’t sure how to end this installment, but I know I didn’t want to make it some fairytale type shit LMAOOO
Songs for imagine: Blue Moon- Elvis Presley, Bang Bang(My Baby Shot Me Down)- Nancy Sinatra
Tags: @lacysturniolo @gamermattsgf @nicksmainbitch @s7urnfilms @sturnssmuts @vickyzloserz @mayhem-72 @sturn3g1rl @mattsturniolowifey
Blue Moon
You knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for
If my mother could see the position I was currently in she’d be so ashamed….disappointed even. She’s always taught me stranger danger and leave it to her daughter to sleep with the stranger and the danger….
I can’t remember much, but I can remember the emptiness….the cold darkness of my mind. My physical body slumps somewhere while my conscious fights to wake me up.
Who knows what’s going on in the real world right now. I could be tied to a pole and slow roasting like a pig, or maybe even locked in someone’s dungeon. Or what if this is all some crazy bad dream and I’m actually back home in my comfortable bed….
My thoughts were slowly coming to a halt as my eyes began to open slowly. Squinting at the sensitivity they were facing I groaned and cleared my throat. The throbbing in my head and the burning of my nose leads me to believe Matt used an awful lot of chloroform to knock me out. He’s lucky he didn’t kill because I’d haunt his ass.
Opening my eyes fully I realized I was tied to a chair in a basement? Oh actually my basement? Looking around I realized I was in the same place I was when Matt caught me.
I began to move against the ropes, pulling and yanking as I groaned in anger.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” I heard from behind me, causing me to stop and jump
“Who’s there” I asked trying to look over my shoulders
“Why’d you have to be so nosy? Making everything so complicated” I heard him say
“You fucking psycho….Matt let me fucking go” I said pulling harder against the ropes
“You see I just can’t do that” he replied to me walking from behind me
“You fucking weirdo….oh god….oh my god I had sex with a fucking psycho… please just kill me that would be less embarrassing” I say shaking my head and tapping my feet on the ground
Coming from behind me Matt stands in front of me. Except he doesn’t look angry…. He looked concerned and scared. Which made me a bit scared and anxious
“What are you doing?” I yelled at him yanking myself around
“sit still” he said in a firm whisper
“Fuck off” I said in annoyance to him
Grabbing my face to have me look at him I attempted to yank away.
“GET OFF OF ME” I yelled at him trying to bite him
“STOP IT AND LOOK AT ME” he says with wide eyes
Letting go of me he steps back. Looking over his shoulder he turns back to me. Placing his pointer finger over his mouth he motions for me to stay quiet and then with the same finger points behind himself and then points to his ear.
“Listen here darling you’re going to do as I say” he says sternly and loudly
Digging in his back pocket he takes out a piece of paper, unraveling it he faces it to me so I can read.
They’ve been on you this whole time and they used me to get to you. At first I was going to do it, but I like you too much. They’ve been in your house multiple times and have found all the information you have on this town. I’m so sorry for who I am and what my family has done; but I don’t want to hurt you. They are having me watch you while they put all your stuff in your car. They’re planning to kill you and make it seem like it was an accident. However I won’t let that happen. I’m going to get you out of here and I have a plan! But they don’t fully trust me and are listening to me and watching my every move. So please just do as I say. I’m sorry.
After reading the note a tear slipped down my face and I looked up at Matt. His eyes softened and his lip trembled, swallowing thickly he nodded his head. Folding the paper back up he put it in his back pocket.
“You will listen to me and me only! Make any stupid moves and I will kill you myself” he says loudly with a sincere look
“Go to hell” I spat at him
Listening above he heard the two men walk away from the basement door. Ushering over to me quickly he got down and began to whisper
“Okay so here’s the plan. There is only one way out and only one chance to get this right so please do as I say. They’re loading up your car and they’re planning on having me drive you to a secluded area a little outside of this town. They want me to set your car on fire” he says shaking his head and looking down
“What?” I say shocked and beginning to panic
“My getaway car was planted in the area and they will be checking tonight to see that your car is completely burnt. However it won’t be there because you’ll be on your way back to Vegas. You’ll be out of their hair which will give you time to leave Vegas” he says grabbing my hand
“But what about you Matt? They’ll kill you….” I say as my voice shakes
“Exactly” he says nodding his head
“No….no you can’t do that! Come with me” I say to him looking at him in the eyes
“I can’t…they’ll catch up before we leave and we’ll both be dead instantly. Suzie and I tried it when we were 14. Thought we could leave and be young lovers together. They shot her dead in front of me… told me I’d be next if I ever stepped out of line again. You remind me so much of her I can’t see that happen again” he replied wiping tears from his eyes
“Matthew no…. I can’t leave you to die” I say sobbing
“Maybe it’s been my destiny all along” he says to me
“Maybe you can escape right before they come looking for my car. You’d get a good head start on them! Meet me in Vegas. We can run away together” I say nodding my head and licking my tear stained lips
He chuckled lightly and shook his head, opting not to answer as he stood up.
“I need you to walk outside with me when it’s time. Pretend to mouth me off, kick, scream holler! I’ll stuff you in the car and we’ll be on our way” He says to me
“Okay yeah yeah” I respond nodding my head
“But for now we wait” he states, backing up and leaning against the pole.
About thirty minutes passed before we heard anything. Barely mumbling a few words to each other. My throat had run dry from the anxiety. The fact that I could die if one thing goes wrong but mainly the fact that the last moments I’ll be sharing with Matt is him helping me escape my death that will then become his death….. my heart couldn’t take letting him die
He was destined for more. The way his eyes would light up anytime he asked me about what Vegas is like or what any other place I’ve ever visited was like. What stuck with me the most was the way his face would change when he’d realized the life he was living and what he’d have to go back to. The twinkle always disappearing. It made my heart heavy.
I wouldn’t let him die. It’s not happening and I don’t care what I have to do to prevent it. He’s had such a painful life and he’s going to honor it by dying….
My thoughts were interrupted by Matt, my eyes slowly shifting from the basement window over to his face.
“They called us up, I’m going to grab you by the back of your head and I need to just start lashing out immediately, got it?” He asked me
“Got it” I said to him
Quickly helping me out of the rope that held me to the chair he grabbed the back of my head as my arms were tied behind my back.
Gripping my hair harder I knew it was time to give it my all. Taking a shaky breath I began to yell
“LET GO OF ME, YOU AND THIS TOWN A BUNCH OF CRAZIES” I yelled as I thrashed against his grip
“Quit it” he yelled back as he pulled me up the stairs with him
“You think you can get rid of me huh? MY WHOLE FAMILY WILL COME HERE LOOKING FOR YOU” I said firmly
“LET GO LET GOOO” I kept yelling as I pulled against him, tears streaming down my face
He walked us towards the front door and that’s where Beaufort stopped us.
“Such a fiery little lady! I knew from the moment you called you’d be a problem. But one thing about me is I make my problems go away” he says sucking his tobacco and grinning at me
“You won’t get away with this you sick son of a bitch” I spat at him
“Watch me” he said smiling and opening the front door for me
“NOOO STOP NO PLEASEEE” I yelled as I kicked and thrashed against Matt. My legs swinging as I tried to “escape” his grip
“Should’ve stood in your home town. So sad you’ll be having a little accident” Beaufort says to me as he steps onto my porch
“I’ll kill you all just you watch” I yelled as Matt shoved me into the back seats as I continued to kick and hit things
Beaufort smiled an evil smile as he waved goodbye. Matt hopped in the front seat as we began to back out of my gravel driveway.
Driving down the road Matt looked in his rear view mirror before looking at me
“Okay we’re in the clear” he says to me
Sitting up I looked at him opening my mouth to talk but stopping once I saw him shaking his head no at me.
“You can’t get me to change my mind” he says
“Matt this is not okay. I basically just signed your death wish” I said to him
“And I told you maybe it’s what’s best for me” he replied shrugging his shoulder
“Okay and maybe it isn’t! Maybe it isn’t” I said sternly to him as I began to lose my patience
“Matt we’ve had such an amazing connection this past month, a connection I’ve never had with anyone else before and you can’t just leave me” I said pleading with him
“Don’t you get it? I can’t have them coming after you. I care for you lot sweetheart and if I had to live with another love of mine being hurt I couldn’t live with myself.” He replied gripping the steering wheel harder
I huffedd out a breath of annoyance and sat back in the seat, letting a few tears fall from my face. This is pure insanity! I couldn’t live with myself if Matt got hurt or even killed. I felt confused, one hand I’d be safe but on the other hand Matt would potentially be….. dead.
I hadn’t even realized how long I was in thought until the car came to a halt and I heard Matt put the car in park.
Hopping out of the car I followed suit
“Take the car and run like hell outta here darlin” he said handing the keys to me
“Please come with” I begged as I chewed my bottom lip
“I can’t little lady” he responded shaking his head and wiping his nose
“Ditch your getaway car and come with me burn your car and let’s go, we can run like hell out of here together” I said gripping onto his arms
“I can’t, I have to go back” he says looking me in my eyes
“Can you at least attempt to leave town? Maybe tonight before they come looking for my car, leave before them” I said basically begging
“I can try, but I can’t make any promises darlin” he states swallowing thickly
“Please Matt…. For me” I say wiping my eyes
“The best I can do is try, this is for you. Whether I make it out alive or not just know I want you to be safe and I will always be with you” he says to me pulling me in for a hug
“I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done” he says to me as he pulls away
“I’m going to miss you” I say to him
“I’m still here” he says smiling at me
I shook my head and hugged him once again
“I better head on back” he says pulling away
Turning on his heels he walks over to his car as I follow behind. Hopping in his car he rolls down his window as I lean on it.
“Now darlin you have to promise me that you’ll listen and you’ll get out of here. Don’t try and save me” he says smiling as he bats tears from his eyes
“I promise” I responded in a whisper
“And you have to promise to never forget about me” I told him as I smiled
“I could never! I swear I’ll try and contact you if I can pretty girl” he says back as he nods his head
“Thank you Matt for getting me out of here” I say one last time
Looking into his eyes I lean over and plant my lips on his. The kiss was needy and sad. It was a goodbye kiss…. A goodbye that meant forever. There was no see you later with Matt….
We hugged and shared one last final kiss. Parting ways I got in my car and we both drove off. I was numb the whole way home. I mean how does one process all of this? My life felt so unreal?
There were many hours of crying, sitting in silence and contemplations of turning back around. I just felt so confused, I didn’t want to leave Matt and I also didn’t want to die…. I didn’t have many options
Arriving home was the most bittersweet moment. I couldn’t really tell anyone what I really went through. What that town and what those people are truly like
I spent many days in and out of therapy really trying to understand what happened to me and how to process it. What really ate at me was the fear of being found, the fear of dying and especially the fear of never seeing Matt again.
One year later
If I knew that that day I hugged and kissed Matt goodbye would be the last time I’d ever see him, I’d hold on tighter. When I finally realized Matt wasn’t coming back it hurt bad… I mean I’d hid away blaming myself for all of this.
Wondering well maybe I didn’t push hard enough because if I did he would’ve caved and came with me. Not knowing if he was dead or alive really ate at my soul. Many days went by where I wanted to call his landline, but that would be a one way ticket to my grave.
It was hard moving. After experiencing something so intense with someone and needing them by your side to never seeing them again will always sting the most.
I was angry because I felt he didn’t try hard enough. Because if he did then he’d be here right now. And then that was filled with sadness and worry. I wasn’t sure if he was okay and I had to live with the fact that I would never know.
It’s so crazy how you’ll be living your life one way and then it flips upside down so randomly.
As I finished typing my chapter on my computer I let out a sigh. Writing a book about what I went through and losing Matt was the only way I could seem to cope.
It was actually Professor Wayne who convinced me to write this. He was actually helping me a lot through all this and he truly saw how it changed me. But everytime he saw the excitement in my eyes once I finished a chapter he knew it was genuinely helping me mentally.
Pressing save I closed my laptop and looked out my window. The rain is pattering against the glass. Such a bittersweet feeling. A year ago today I was about to sleep with my weird neighbor and friend and now I’m here in my empty apartment staring out the glass and reminiscing.
It’s still an open wound that I’m working on daily to stitch close. No one prepares you for traumatic events, especially ones that chemically alter your brain. I watched the rain trickle down the warm glass as I blink slowly. Racking my brain for answers…. I mean hell I’m just looking for one simple answer
I just want to know is Matt truly dead, or is he just
Hidden in the shadows….
The End
Yallll I hope you enjoyed the finale cause I hated it🤭 this is why I don’t write series because I’m so shit at ending things. But anywho I hope you liked it and I can’t wait to write some more for yall 🥹🖤
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babiebom · 8 months
apologies for my absence- holiday periods are tiring lmao how were they for you? unfortunately we have yet to watch the fnaf movie, as our group is one that is exceedingly difficult to make plans around because we're all busy 💀 but then there's the one guy who doesn't want to leave his house lmao luckily, iv'e been pretty good at staying away from spoilers, so i've got that going for me. on the other hand, i'm planning to go see Trolls 3, and my mother and sister recently went to see the new Wonka movie. Though from what i've heard from a friend, Wonka's no good :// Yeahhh, if i actually commit to the mod, i'd have to learn pixel art and reteach myself code and programming 😭... i used to be somewhat decent at it. oooo yes i love a good choose your own adventure! they're so much fun and i've actually coded 1 of my own :,) it was through Visual Basics though, so the formatting was a bit weird for me lmao if you're going for a visual novel type of look and playability, I'd probably recommend Unity or itch.io? in my experience, Unity is probably easier to use.. theres another website/app i used but i can't recall the name sadly :( if i do i'll get back to you though! i don't have that much of a detailed request this time, but perhaps some fluff and love languages between rasmodius and the reader? or like hcs of rasmodius's evolving interest/thoughts arund the reader before finally getting together? i'd perhaps request nsfw/smut stuff too but tbh i just don't have any ideas 💛 tysmm :D -🔮
A/N: I’m glad you’re okay!! Honestly I’ve been sick these past couple of weeks (I caught pneumonia and had it for a month before going to the hospital. I thought it was a cold oopsies) I haven’t watched anything new recently but I am watching the third season of singles inferno with some friends. And I guess until I can figure out how to make a visual novel I have to write the fic out lmao sucks for me because I think a game would be better but oh well. What can I do? And like always I’ll try to do both!! Check back for the second one!!
Tw: cursing, slight nsfw but no full on smut. Let me know if there’s something I missed!!
Wc: I have no idea! But these are headcanons so 10+ is the goal!!
Sdv Masterlist
Okay so there are five main types of love languages.
Physical touch, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Quality Time.
I would also like anyone reading this to remember that these love languages are how you want to be loved/receive love not how you show love to others.
I do think that Rasmodius is very connected to himself
And by that I mean I think he knows himself very well, or at least he thinks he knows himself very well.
And for a long time I think he probably thought that Quality Time and Physical Touch were his main two love languages.
I mean idk if it’s canon but in my opinion I do think he cheated on the witch with Caroline
And I’m not gonna go into it here because this isn’t about them, but I think it might’ve had to do with that and his own struggles with temptations.
And I also think gift giving is canon for literally every single character in stardew because that’s the main way to befriend someone.
But I think that after marrying you/beginning to date you he realizes that his actual love language is words of affirmation.
While Physical touch and quality time are still very important to him, being with you makes him see that he really does like being praised.
Like whenever you say that he has done something well, or that you like something he has done his heart flutters as if he were a teenager again.
Especially when it comes to his magic
Like I feel like the townspeople aren’t really fond of him
And they never thank him for the things that he does whenever they actually need him for stuff
Like the haunted maze
Like they’re just talking about how weird he is and how he got it done
But they never stop and say anything that’s positive like WTF
So I think he would appreciate whenever you thank him or praise him and it would go straight to his head (which one idk 👀)
With quality time I feel like you get a lot of it after he moves to the farm
Like unless he’s working in his tower, or you’re off somewhere like in the mines
That you’re like together even if it’s spent in silence
And he loves that
Like he was super lonely before even if he doesn’t want to admit it
So just being in the same room as you counts as quality time for him.
And if you’re doing an activity that’s particularly domestic
He’s in heaven like he doesn’t wanna make it a big deal
But baking and helping you around the farm makes his heart soar.
I think in terms of how he shows love i think he would show it in acts of service and gift giving
Like oh you don’t feel well?
Don’t bother going to the clinic he’s just going to create a potion that stops you from getting sick
You’re afab and you’re having bad cramps during your period?
Consider them gone
Look at this thing he got for you
And while yeah this might seem like either a lot of insincere
In his mind and heart this is how he shows that he appreciates you and wants you to live a good and easy life.
If he can make things easier and less stressful for you
That’s exactly what he’s going to do
He loves you and while he loves receiving attention and love he’s kinda crap at giving it in the same way because he just doesn’t really know how
So this is how he does
He’s VERY romantic sometimes and shows it through gifts and services.
Very cute and a good significant other when you get past his rough exterior.
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meowmeowriley · 7 months
Hi costume anon here!
How dare you so accurately call out my daddy issues and socially awkward arse 😖 (/j)! I would make a terrible Fire Lord but it’s good to know all those years of projection paid off, though now I’m head canoning Zuko as autistic (what have you done to me is this revenge?)
I personally want a Bloodborne tattoo oneday ngl though the outsiders mark is cool as fuck
I love your brain you have changed my view on the logistics (?) of how it would all go down!
Just imagine Ghost returning to systematically tear apart and destroy Dunwall like it was the Zaragoza cartel after he escapes to Karnaca and his family ended up paying the price for his “Treason”.
He becomes “the Outsiders Ghost” fully devoted to and for him people start whispering about what happened in Dunwall about how a dead man got revenge and how Rats and whale song swallowed an entire nation. Never anger the Outsiders lest his Ghost starts haunting you. (I love Spooky shit.)
Oh no! I made my friend rewatch DP That’s rough buddy (I regret nothing)
Speaking of DP, Gaz is a walking wifi modem and Soap is a portable power bank for his devices 😂 they stick to Ghost like glue on hot days you can not change my mind. The 141 would have the most terrifying reputation even though they’re all idiots.
Soap %100 has caused a black out and Gaz “accidentally” locked a general he didn’t like out of his house after he made Laswell and price mad.
Do you think Ghost would have to deal with the actual ghosts of soldiers would Soap and Gaz pick up on them too?
I can’t remember who said it but they head canoned Soap as lightning and ghost as rain and it changed something in my brain chemistry, good apart awe inspiring together (They were so right) and now I can’t get Sparky boom boom man out of my head I may need to rewatch atla.
Have a great day while I go off and try to regain my lost honour!
Hiiiiii Costume Anon! Thank you for gracing us with your presence!
Autistic!Zuko headcanon drop when friend? I wanna hear all his lil quirks and habits.
Thinking of FromSoft games, I've been thinking about an Ellen Ring AU. Idk if people would want it, but I just keep thinking about it. Ghost as the Tarnished, Soap as Ranni, Gaz as Melina. And it'd loosely follow my own playthrough of the games. Outside of Elden Ring, Bloodborn is my favorite of their games. It's so gooooodddd.
Even long after a believable lifespan has passed, rumors of The Outsider's Ghost doing his bidding circulate. Some believe it's an actual Ghost, others say he's The Outsider's lover that was granted eternity to be by his side. Either way, The Outsider and his Ghost are only mentioned in hushed whispers for fear of invoking their wrath.
DP AU, the 141 has a reputation for shit going sideways for their enemies before they're even on the base. Terrorists start resorting to defenses that don't rely on power or the internet because they see how effectively the 141 shuts that shit down. It doesn't help, their guerilla tactics don't effect Ghost. The team absolutely deals with the ghosts of fallen soldiers, but not as often as you'd think. They tend to stay where they died, or cross over, or go back to their families. Some though, will use their newfound deadness to be menaces, and those are the ones our boys deal with. Think Skulker or the Box Ghost, those types of problematic guys.
Duuuuude Sparky Boom Boom Man had such a cool bending ability. Personally I'd want to be a water bender, but fire bending is still the coolest form.
Good luck with your honor my (non gendered) Prince! Thanks again for humoring me 😁
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piss-pumpkin · 4 months
ok i’m very curious - can i ask abt spatial horror? 👀
Omg hi I’m gonna go off about it now
Spacial horror describes how the physical space/setting in a piece of media is used to enhance/convey the horror. And idk I’m a huge slut for it here are some of my fav examples of things that have great use of spatial horror below the cut (my ass did not proofread)
House of leaves:
one of the main ways this book creates horror and conveys its main theme is through the house. The house reacts and responds to the characters deep rooted trauma and insecurities and warps around them. The horror builds from the idea that it’s wrong. At first, the house expands by like 1/4 of an inch, and it’s like bait, just a little taste because the house knows that Navidson is easily tempted, and once it has him, it creates a physical abyss that parallels the mental one he’s trapped in.
The labyrinth spaces of house are constantly described as cold, vast and dark and used to create an oppressive and foreign feeling, turning the image of a suburban home into an alien entity. That turning of normal into alien starts in the 5 and a half minute hallway, but it quickly spreads through even the unaffected areas of the house as the characters both desperately try and make it normal, or chase the abnormal to a dangerous degree. Their whole lives become dangerous and alien within the confines of the house.
The way the house creates space and danger runs alongside the way space and distance and conflict is created between the characters. Caution and exploration create expanses and voids, confidence creates clearer paths, confusion creates winding mazes, and when Navidson decides to venture in for his last time, the house envelopes him and destroys him. (But love creates doors and openings)
There is no monster in House of Leaves, no Minotaur in the labyrinth, just the characters and the things that a cruel place brings out of them.
“Gods a house. Which is not to say that our house is Gods house, or even a house of God. What I mean to say is that our house is God.”
Honestly my read of this movie is different then a lot of what I’ve seen on Tumblr,,, like the idea that it’s about like the liminal feeling of being awake at a time you aren’t suppose to as a child never rlly connected w/ me, so I interpreted it different.
I read Skinamarink as a commentary on horror as a genre. Most of the shots of this movie are of the house, whether a wall, window (or lack thereof) or corner, the house is the star of the film. The movie makes us hyperaware of the space the kids occupy.
Since it’s a horror movie, we go in with the expectation that there is a monster, ghost, supernatural something, whatever, and the film uses out expectations against us. It’s like the camera, in its obscure focus on dark corners, invites us to look for a monster. Like that’s what horror fans are trained to do when we see shit like that.
Skinamarink utilizes the expectations of a haunted house to make us want to see a monster. It’s a slow burn, but my thesis on this movie ultimately comes to how the direction makes the audience the monster, and it ends up as a commentary on horror as a genre. And the use of expectations for the house makes that possible. In the beginning, the windows and doors vanish, trapping the kids inside, so we’re primed to think there’s some sort of ghost or smth, and we carry that expectation throughout the film. I come to the conclusion that we create the monster with those expectations.
“Put the knife in your eye”
Fear and hunger:
This game has one of the most oppressive atmospheres ever it’s so crazy. The dungeons of feta and hunger are a crushing and evil place that’s been transformed and mutated, and change the people who venture into it.
There is no good end to fear and hunger. Even the best ending for the characters, where they achieve their goals. If cahara escapes with all the money, he’s forever haunted by the dungeons. If d’arce revives l’garde he has forever changed for the worse and they will wreak mayhem until death. By playing the game, you’ve already doomed the characters.
There are monsters inside, but the true horror is the dungeon itself. The creatures inside have been trapped, allured, tormented, and they fight you, but the true enemy is the space itself, and is inescapable even when you get out.
The dungeons of fear and hunger are the scariest part of that game and story. And you have to watch the character grapple and try their best under the crushing weight of an evil place.
“A terrifying presence has entered the room…”
I love when physical space is used for horror. Like there’s so many ways, whether by warping around the characters, twisting something familiar into something foreign, forcing the viewer into it, playing with expectations, or just being a crushing and evil place.
When a place is an entity in itself, whether literally or metaphorically, it’s really juicy for me idfk. Everyone should read house of leaves it made me cry like 4 times in my first read.
Spatial horror I find far more inescapable, too. You can run from a killer, or fight back, but can you fight against your own home? You’re one person, can you tear down the dungeons of fear and hunger? The camera forces you into the Skinamarink house, there nothing you can do. And the house traps the kids real good.
Idk man spatial horror just scratches that itch for me
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scorpius-major · 2 years
#Just sign here
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Ft: Childe and gn!reader
Synopsis: in which you summon a demon to stop your family from nagging you about your dating life
Contains: mentions of demons, contracts, and small amounts of blood (nothing graphic). Reader is genderlly ambiguous, but family members ask when you will get a boyfriend. Slight suggestive gestures but not explicit or forward at all (flirty behavior, physical touches, romantic advances)
wc: 1.7k
Final notes: this was really inspired by the book Sign Here by Claudia Lux. It’s a really good book yall should consider reading it! This is my first time is a while writing a full narrative fanfiction, so chill on me y’all if it’s not that good lmaoo. Depending if I like this I might make it into a full series! I’m experimenting with different povs so idk if this is gonna be my default one or not we’ll see as time goes on!
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Family events are never fun. Especially when the hot topic always comes back to your dating life. You wish that for once they would talk about sometime other than when you’ll be bringing a boyfriend home. That one uncle doesn’t even talk about politics anymore.
“So when are you getting a boyfriend?”
“Yknow all your other cousins are engaged right?”
If only they knew a majority of marriages end in divorce. It’s not like you don’t want to be in a relationship, waiting for the right person is a solid move. What happens if you “find the one” prematurely and something terrible happens? Like breaking your heart or cheating on you. So whenever it comes up you just try and change the subject as best you can. The most effective way usually is asking your dad dumb sports questions. Questions that are obvious on the surface, but will get him talking for 10 minutes so you can leave.
You wonder how they haven't caught on yet, but then again your personal love life is none of their business. Getting an actual boyfriend seems like too much work. Paying one of your friends seems like a solid option, but your family already knows all of your friends. There has to be some way to get someone to pretend to be your boyfriend.
Then it clicked. 
You remember having seen a really old book in your grandmom’s attic about the occult. Why not just summon a random demon to dupe your extended family into thinking you finally found love? There are many things wrong with that, but running the options through your head it seemed like the simplest. Making a simple blood contract will beat having to meet new people any day.
The instructions were quite clear. Recite a simple incantation after writing your intentions on a blank parchment paper in red ink. All of which had to be performed in a dark room with a mirror on a full moon. The only problem is the only room in your house with a mirror big enough is the bathroom. Hopefully, the demon doesn't mind being summoned into a bathroom. 
The only real negative here would be accidentally summoning a malicious spirit that would haunt the house. But then you remembered you live alone. So what if a spirit inhabits your house? It can’t be that hard to ignore it. That was the last piece of encouragement you needed. That demon is getting summoned.
You shoot your mom a text saying how you can’t wait to introduce your boyfriend to the family.
“I think I’m finally ready to introduce him to the family, we’ll be there for the next family dinner.”
The look on her face would have been priceless. Everybody thinks that you don’t have a boyfriend, and while that is correct soon it will be partially correct. The full moon is tonight and dinner is in two days. There was one thought that lingered in the back of your head.
What if the demon doesn’t cooperate with you?
What if it doesn’t want to enter a contract with you? That can’t happen, right? 
Worst case scenario you’ll just hire somebody. You make your way to the bathroom, holding the supplies in hand. Candles litter around the sink and you light them before the lights are turned off. 
The dull glow illuminates the room just enough so you can see what you’re doing. You pick up the piece of parchment to write down what you want from the demon.
“Allow me to summon a demon here to pretend to be my boyfriend” it’s very straightforward, but it gets the job done. The red ink drips on the paper looking akin to blood. “I hope this works” you murmur to yourself. 
The incantation falls from your lips like it’s second nature. A sudden chill drifts through the air. Your bathroom has no windows, so you conclude that something must be going on. 
The candles suddenly went out, leaving the room engulfed in darkness. Feeling the temperature drop heavily, you lightly shiver to try to acclimate to the chilly room.
A faint glow can be made out from the corner of the bathroom mirror. Two small blue circles standing directly behind you. The candles flickered on again, leaving you wondering what you just got yourself into. “Startled by candles love? Please, that's the oldest trick in the book” a voice calls out to you. You turn around, facing where the blue light is coming from. The figure gives a slight chuckle, seeing your exasperated state. Warm ginger hair and freckled skin can be made out on the being. 
You grasp around the room trying to find the light switch, but before you can find it the lights are turned on already. A slender hand grasps yours, shaking it lightly. “I am the demon Known as Tartaglia, but you can just call me Ajax, sweetie” he shoots you a small wink, giving you just enough time to analyze his figure. 
He’s a little taller than you and has to look down slightly. However, he does have this sort of attractive air to him with a small smile present. “So I heard you wanted a demon to pretend to be your boyfriend. It takes guts to summon one of us.” You’re unable to say anything, so you stay silent. You don’t wanna start stuttering and embarrassing yourself. “What’s your name hun?” Ajax breaks the silence, startling you a bit. You didn’t even notice that he had moved you into your living room, sitting you both on the couch. Are you that entranced by him? Sure he was conventionally attractive, but could you fall in love with a demon? 
“Are you gonna answer me? I don’t have all day sweetheart” his voice snapping you out of some thoughts. “Oh sorry, my name is-“ he suddenly cuts you off by pressing his finger lightly to your lips. “Never mind honey, I’ll just keep using these cute little names” Ajax’s hand goes to cup your cheek as his other hand you a small tablet. “We stopped using blood contracts years ago. We do everything digitally now” gesturing you to go ahead and sign your name, his hand leaves your cheek and goes to hold around your lower back. 
Maybe it’s the touch-starved part of you talking, but part of you wants to lean into his touch more. His hair framed his as he leans into you, frowning slightly at the sight of the unsigned contract. “Just sign here and I’ll give you whatever you want” did they send a flirty demon by accident or did he read your intent?
“I have a quick question.” He hums in response. You place your finger on the tablet getting ready to sign it. “Did you know my intent, or are you just flirty 24/7?” He laughs, not sure if you were serious. You give him a confused look and put the tablet down. “No, we can’t. When we’re being summoned we have no idea what the summoner will ask for” 
Ajax’s Demeanor changes into a slightly darker one as he grins. “Well, what did you have in mind sweetheart?” He leans into your ear, using his taller figure as an advantage. You shake your head feeling embarrassed. “It’s a silly reason really” he looks curious now, and his interest peaked.
“I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend so my family will stop bothering me” 
“Well that’s not what I was expecting, but I’m interested.
You had a feeling that’s what he was going to say. From his actions and suggestive way of speaking, you speculated he wasn’t gonna say no. You pick up the tablet and don’t bother reading any of the fine print. Normally that’s not a very good idea, but you were desperate. With that, you sign your name at the bottom and hand it back to Ajax.
He takes it from your hands and smiles. “Thanks, hun, now I hope you know you can’t get rid of me now. It says in the fine print” Yup, you should have read it. Now you’re stuck with him for presumably all eternity. 
“Any particular reason you resulted to summoning demons to fix this problem?” He was amused, demons probably don’t get many requests like this. “It seemed easy” you replied without a second thought. “Any boyfriendly duties I have to perform for you?” His hand was back around your waist, gripping it lightly. The tablet was gone, and the sun had started to come up. “Well, I do need you to attend this family dinner with me.” 
“Seems easy enough, how hard can that be?”
You stand in front of your parent’s door, splitting headache due to the chaos you’re sure is about to ensue. “You remember the story right?” Ajax squeezes your hand lightly as reassurance and gives you a small smile. “Of course, you’ve said it to me a hundred times sweetie” you take a deep breath in and knock on the door with your free hand. 
“Oh look who it is! The boyfriend is here too!” Your mom exclaims, and the rest of the family crowds the door. Maybe you should have warned him how large your family is. “Mama stop, that’s embarrassing.” You swat your hand at her and your dad interjects. “Oh nonsense, your mom is just proud of you that’s all!” He laughs. Ajax doesn’t really do much except smile and nod with occasional answers. He left most of the talking to you. 
Perhaps he likes the sound of your voice. He does subtle romantic things like resting his hand on your thigh and playing with your hair. You’re getting quite used to him and this dinner is going great. On the plus side your parents seem satisfied, and let you two leave without any quarrels.
“So what do you think?” You turn to him after you leave the house. Ajax grabs both of your hands and holds them tightly in his, smiling. 
“I think I’m gonna enjoy being your boyfriend”
“What part of fake did you not understand?”
“Do you want this to be fake?”
Ajax presses a small kiss to your cheek. “I didn’t think so either.”
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velvetfoxgames · 11 months
Only if it’s not too much trouble- would it be possible to know what the Halloween emails said? Looking forward to the game!
The photo edits of their costumes are a little too cursed to share, but here's the emails in the order they were sent:
Halloween is just around the corner. I will be attending a Hallow's Eve ball. It will require masquerade attire, rather than costumes, which is a bit boring. But I’ve coordinated an outfit with a black, gold and white mask. It’s an authentic Italian mask I had delivered from Rome. Besides that, unfortunately I don’t think any of my associates will be dressing up this month for meetings. I’ve decided to wear Halloween-themed ties, and I’ve also designed a few boutonnieres that will use darker colored flowers from the garden. This way I’ll still be keeping with some of the Halloween spirit.
I hope you’ll be engaging in Halloween activities this year. If you’d ever like any costume advice, please feel free to message me. I can recommend some historical ideas. I’d imagine you’d look rather nice in a 1910s Victorian outfit.
Be well and enjoy this month’s festivities.
Yours truly, Brooklyn Hayes
Hi. It’s almost Halloween. People at my work are dressing up and having a work party. I’ll be wearing a plaid shirt and jeans. So I’ll be a lumberjack.
I’ve never done much on Halloween before. And I haven't been trick or treating. If there’s anything you think I should try to do this year…I might listen. You usually have good suggestions for things. And a corn maze or something wouldn’t be too bad.
At the very least, I hope you do something fun in place of me.
Talk to you later.
Hi. Halloween is in a few days.
I don’t usually do much for it, but someone is making me go trick-or-treating with them at a mall, even though we’re way too old for that
I’m also being forced to dress up. So I’m going as Eddie Munson from Stranger Things. I even have a wig. But don’t expect any pictures, because I don’t want that immortalized.
If it was up to me, I’d go to this haunted house nearby. It’s supposed to be really good. I’m actually not sure if you like scary things…? I don’t know. But maybe someday…we could go.
Whatever you’re up to, hope you have fun. Be careful.
Halloween is only a few days away now. I was doing some research on it the other day. Did you know that Irish immigrants helped bring Halloween to the US? And that jack-o-lanterns were originally hollowed turnips with lights in them to ward off spirits? Halloween is a celebration with a very interesting history. I don’t usually do much for it, but someone I work with decided to get me a costume this year. He thought it would be funny if he dressed me up as Chucky from the movie. I’m not sure why he thinks it’s funny. I have not seen that movie. I know a wig will be required.
I’ll be working on Halloween, but maybe I’ll send you a picture of myself, otherwise I don’t think too many people will see me dressed up.
I hope you have a good Halloween and do a lot more than me. I’d maybe like to see a picture of your costume as well.
Talk to you later and take care, Alexei
Happy Halloween B)
Well almost Halloween
I’ll be heading out to one of those celebrity costume parties tomorrow. You’ll probably see what I’m dressing up as in the press but maybe I can tell ya now ;)
I’m goin as a cowboy C):)  and let’s just say the vest I’ll be wearing won’t have anything underneath. Are u picturing it? Good B)
I'd like to know what ur going to be. Bet it’s cute. If you were coming with me to the party we could dress in matching outfits. Don’t know if you’d have much fun tho. Those celebrity parties are actually kinda boring. I think Id rather join with whatever ur doing
Don’t get into too much trouble tomorrow. Message me later. If ya can
Adios partner B)
HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👻
Hey hey I hope you have a great day today!! Idk if you’re planning to go out or not but either way I hope you dress up or eat lots of candy or watch some scary movies!!! Do something fun because I want you to have the best day possible ^^
My friends and I are having a dnd night at one of their houses. Halloween campaign! We’re dressing up as video game characters lol I’m Link :D
Since we’ll be at a house we can hand out candy. Someday maybe next year I'd like to do something with you? We could go to a pumpkin patch or check out fall colors…just been thinking about it.
Anyway have a good Halloween!!!!!!!!!! Hope I can talk to you later ^^
-Link (Leoooo)
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iheartyouyou · 2 years
Haunted Houses | Eddie Munson
Summary: Eddie is totally not scared of Haunted Houses.
Word count: 780
Warnings: Fake blood? Clowns? Fake Knives? Idk
Authors note: Just a quick blurb I wrote! Sorry I haven’t been posting as much, I’ve been busy and just haven’t been feeling very motivated. I have been working on older requests and the next chapter of Outloud so be ready for those :) Also, feel free to send in any requests for Halloween/fall or just normal requests, I’m trying to get back to writing! (P.S. Not proofread, so bear my mistakes)
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Eddie nudged your forward, grinning at your stubbornness.
“I’m not going first.” You mumbled, making your way behind Eddie to nudge him forward. He steps into the puddle of fake blood that was in front of the dark, spooky house, cringing. “I’m not either!”
“Well then… we can just stay here then.” You suggest, staring at the lights flickering from the inside of the house.
“No way!” Eddie complained. “I paid 20 dollars for this, that would just be wasting money.”
Hawkins held a Haunted House yearly, Nancy and Jonathan helped out with it this year and they suggested that you guys go. You guys were just planning to rent a few horror movies and buy a whole bunch of candy and spend the rest of the night cuddling and what not. But, on the way to the candy store, Eddie spotted the Haunted House and decided to stop.
It’s not that scary. He told you, wrapping his arm around you as he handed the lady at the front 20 dollars.
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms. You’ve always heard about how scary the Haunted House was from students at school, people saying it traumatized them. You highly doubted it, but still.
“You’re the guy. You should go first.” You defended.
“And you’re the lady. Ladies first.” He spoke, motioning towards the house with his hands.
“Fine.” You huffed, skipping over the puddle of fake blood. He follows behind, curling his finger into the belt loop on the back of your jeans so he won’t lose you.
Making your way up the doors, you enter the house preparing yourself for a jumpscare. There was nothing— just flickering lights and clown laughter, followed by a pathway.
You couldn’t really see anything, too dark to make out any of the decorations. You could see some fake cobwebs, well you hoped they were fake. There was fake blood splattered on the walls and the word “HELP” written in the blood.
The door suddenly slammed shutbehind you, making the two of you jump as Eddie pulled you closer. “Are you scared?” You whispered, trying to cover up the fact that you were the one scared.
“N-no. You?”
You hesitantly took a few steps forward, entering the hallway and letting out a small screech as a clown popped out with a fake knife. Another clown followed, this time with two knifes. They both circled you and Eddie, their laughter echoing throughout the house. Eddie laughed with them, uncurling his finger from your belt loop.
“This isn’t even scary. I’ll go first.” He said confidently, pushing you behind him and grabbing your hand as he bravely traveled through the hallway. More clowns popped out, but he was just getting a kick out of your reaction.
It wasn’t until he felt a dull claw move up and down his shoulder, Eddie just scoffed thinking it was you but when he turned around, you weren’t there. It was a very realistic Freddy Krueger instead that appeared behind him, his razor-claw hand reaching out to grab Eddie. Eddie yelped, making his way outside the Haunted House as fast as he could— his heart beating in his ears. He ignored all the scary people that popped out, escaping the Haunted House and gasping.
“What the hell—“ You burst out into a fit of laughter, watching as Eddie’s horrified facial expression turn into a very annoyed one at your figure. You hold your stomach, throwing your head back, you couldn’t help yourself.
“Oh… my… god!” You pointed at Eddie, his pale face going back to it’s normal color. He lightly slapped your hand away, readjusting himself.
“H-how’d you get out here?” He asked, catching his breath as he clutched his chest. He looked back at the house, squinting at all the people coming out with either horrified or terrified looks on their faces.
“Nancy told me about this shortcut that lead outside.” You spoke, pointing to the door that you could barely see by the bushes. “What happened to you?”
“What? Nothing. Wasn’t even scary.” He lied, fixing his hair. “Let’s just get some candy and go home. Maybe we can watch Thirteen Candles or Pretty in Pink?”
“Pretty in Pink? Thirteen Candles? Why would you want to watch those, isn’t it Halloween? Didn’t we rent Nightmare on El—“
“No! No Freddy Krueger.” He exasperated, shaking his head as he looked back at the house.
“Nightmare on Elm Street.” You corrected him, intertwining your guys’ hands as you dragged him to his van.
“I don’t care what it’s called! No Freddy Krueger!”
“Okay, fine. Thirteen Candles it is.” You smirked, “Or we can watch your buddy, Freddy Krueger—“
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jenyifer · 6 months
23.5 ep 2 initial reaction
Yes yes I know I’m late but I think that’s my brand now. Idk how I reacted in time to only friends me doing anything reliably is impossible.
Moving!!! On!!! As your internet lesbian big sister I’m here to react to this gl. So far I’m really enjoying it. Yes it’s slice of life, but it’s beautiful. It’s innocent. It’s so gay.
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How many relationships have I had in my head with my friends who are girls? Idk a million. While I’ve never impersonated a man. I have felt getting in too deep and having to quit because A. Their feelings for me got weird B. My feelings for them got weird C. One or both of us started dating real human people. The statement “if you were only a guy we could” haunts me to this day. So Ongsa trying to ghost Sun then staring at her phone was intensely real to me.
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Sun is so precious when it comes to her feelings for Ongsa. She’s seeking a real connection something that goes beyond into another world and someone be more accurate? She loves earth because he’s there and funny. She feels safe with him. And that’s exactly what she shows us is how she feels about Ongsa as well it’s so cute.
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YES!!! I am so excited for the space obsession!! Was a little worried we’d only get metaphorical references to space and nerdy things. Luna is ready to get some younger students into the cult of science and reason. Did someone see my skeptic and space phase when I was 17-18? Luna is really 20/10 I love her so much. Also I love her name Luna… She has a connection with the earth and sun. The moon reflects the sun and Luna is beautiful, charming like Sun. The moon is part of the earth and has gravitational pull on the earth, Luna is someone Ongsa will look up to and Luna creates a reason for Ongsa and Sun to spend more time together. Idk I just love it.
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I love these two besties on a mission to help their fellow outcast succeed it’s the best trope. I screamed when they both bought good luck charms for Ongsa.
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Okay Ongsa is definitely living the Teenage dream with Luna and Sun on her arm. Look at June pout if melt and give her all my money immediately. I just want to hug her to pieces.
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Send help immediately this side ship has stolen my heart. Luna is so determined for her club and Aylin was made for this club!!!! GAH!!! Would you explore the universe with me? SMOOTH. I would follow Luna into a black hole. Aylin has no chance.
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NOOOO I CANT TAKE THAT THE EX BOYFRIEND IS CRINGE!!!!!! Also his name is Ton? I’m just going to be thinking about the man the myth the legend Boston from only friends.
(Side note I love Neo but I did see him shit the bed on live house. While I forgive him cause men are disappointing anyways I do feel like I’m gonna need to see something special for me to say I’m his fan again So I’m a fan of Boston and Up.)
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bi-buck-coded · 7 months
Fuck It Friday (but make it Teen Wolf)
I've been rewriting my sterek fic where Stiles is the one who's bit instead of Scott in season 1 (also they're seniors so stiles is 18 do not judge me) and idk ive loved this idea for a while now and I know it's probably already been written a thousand times but I'd like to write my take. I'll put it under the cut so people that don't like teen wolf don't have to scroll past some huge post but ya.
"I was umm- Well I- No okay.” Stiles sighs and rubs his hand over his face giving up. “I definitely would like to answer that question, you seem like a great guy and I'm terribly sorry to inconvenience you, but I don't actually know why I’m here.” Again a growl and another step towards Stiles. Stepping back he tries to explain, “No, wait! I'm not lying! See, me and my friend Scott were trying to find a dead body in the woods- which may have been my idea- and possibly my dad caught me, but I went back in the woods to find Scott when I heard a howl and-” Stiles stops, worried he may have underestimated this headache. “Wait, no that couldn’t have been right. There haven't been wolves in California for like 60 years-" 
"Really don't need a history lesson, just why you’re in my house.” Stiles scrunches his brows and looks around at the burnt down house before turning back to the man with an incredulous look.
“You live like this?” The stranger rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. He says nothing else, though, so Stiles powers on. "Okay, sourpuss, I couldn't find Scott so I was headed back to my car when I found the dead body! I ran to get someone, my dad or any deputies if they were still out there, when I fell. Must've hit my head because I don’t remember anything past that and it’s killing me now.”
"So you're saying that breaking into someone’s house is okay as long as you can’t remember it?” 
"To be fair, man, this is barely a house, it could be a haunted mansion maybe? Definitely doesn't look livable to me-" the man clears his throat. "I mean some throw pillows would be nice, but other than that its a very fine house! Actually, are you looking to sell?" Stiles stumbles over his words. The stranger nods looking insanely unamused. “You know what, I can see that you’re gonna be a hard bargain on the selling front so I’ll just show myself out.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Stiles walks past the man and turns to go down the hallway, but is stopped by a hand on his shoulder turning him so he’s facing a door.
“Right, sorry.” The door slams behind him as he looks out to the woods. "I don't suppose you have a map? Or GPS?"
"Yeah no it's- I'll just walk this way,” Stiles says loud enough for the stranger to hear. “It’s not like there was just a murder in these woods,” he mumbles to himself.
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emeraldbabygirl · 8 days
I feel like we need a shaman, not a priest but a shaman to come out here and bless the property. Not everyone around us even tho the land around us belonged to my mum’s relatives but those relatives are either dead and an assholes lives on their land or they’re moving or have moved. Like this land was ours, so many of the properties were given to my mum and her siblings or cousins as gifts on their 21st birthday and it’s all since been sold. We were the first once out here, we were out here when it was all just trees except my mum’s uncle’s house which got torn down and all the debris was pushed into our yard and what is now Bob’s yard and no I don’t care about privacy for assholes I will call them by their name as they deserve to be called out idc but then they built a house and the past two neighbors that have lived in the house behind us are putting us through hell. I believe the spirit of my mum’s uncle or the land was haunted and it’s possessed the bitch out back. I am being serious cause she was nice to us for 13 years but Bob fed her lies about who knows what and she believed them and faked being nice to us which pisses me off. Anyway I feel like the property, the last one in the family needs to be cleansed while we still have it like Bob is threatening to cut my bedroom out to put up his fence after he already took our yard the first time and now he’s threatening to do it again as if it was our fault the contractor fucked up the property lines and now we are suffering from all around us. Literally the whole neighborhood the whole street and down the block are on Suzy q’s side and it’s fucked up cause she started it and now she’s dragging neighbors into it when it ain’t none of their damn business. I just want the negative energy in the house on property to go away and cleanse out 10 feet of the drive that is our property but because of the idiots that lived behind us before they tricked my mum into a stupid easement and this bitch is telling everyone the whole shared driveway is hers so her and all her stupid friends go 80 down it and they park on our property and do what they want cause she said they could because she thinks she can do whatever she wants and say whatever and everyone around here believes her a backs her up. I think she’s evil and possessed by the Lawson’s the people that moved in behind us after us. We were here first and our property and home is being threatened by people who came way after us. Bob will never understand how expensive it would be to move the house, which is a mobile home on a concrete foundation, and the property line. We’d have to uproot the septic and all kinds of shit. He wants to move but “can’t because of the property line” which is bullshit he could literally pack up his shit and leave and I wish him and Suzanne fucking would but everyone loves her cause she’s the cake lady who poisons people’s food and can’t cook or do anything for herself and blah blah blah I hate our neighbors. Who the fuck threatens someone over something we had nothing to do with and Bob is still holding a grudge against shit my father caused when he hasn’t even been here for 10 fucking years like touchy much?
Long story short I want someone to come bless and cleanse the house and property. If we were rich I’d buy them both out and tear down the houses and have it be all land and surround by one big fence all around the three properties. Or just keep the houses and cleanse the properties and my siblings could live in the houses, there’s a lot of possibilities but we are poor and we might, I might lose my bedroom “if we can’t be nice to suzannne” which is bullshit cause she’s not nice to us. I’m still so pissed off about this whole situation I just want her and Bob gone and we can get some real neighbors who act neighborly.
Anyway just a rant cause idk I can’t sleep and I want to go outside when they sleep and bang pots and pans together cause they make noises when my siblings and I try to sleep. They’re so disgusting and disrespectful and mean and ugh and UGH I HATE THEM. At least my father fucked off and left us alone after awhile, she can’t even do that she keeps harassing us and always films us when we’re on our own property like she literally sent us this nasty text after she yelled at us cause we told her her friends can’t park on our property and she needs to stop feeding my dogs
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She also pried the wires in the fence open so she could feed my dogs and that’s why they never ate and I couldn’t put them in the pen at night cause they were all riled up and shit. And the driveway again is literally 30 feet hers and 10 feet ours and if she wants to do anything to it like putting gravel like she just did she HAS to ask us first and she fucking didn’t cause she thinks the whole driveway is hers. All because we told her no twice she’s been an absolute cunt because she’s so used to everyone kissing her ass. Bob’s so far up her ass he’s kissing the back of her tongue. I just hate that she thinks she can be mean and and cunt to us and then everyone else believes she’s wouldn’t hurt and fly. She would literally shoot a fly she’s crazy and now she’s got everyone in the neighborhood on her side even tho she’s fucking wrong ugh. Sorry for the rant this has been bothering me for a week. I think she needs an exorcism or the looney bin tbh
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call-me-tk · 1 year
Beetlejuice the Musical - an Analysis/My Favorite Parts
Prologue: Invisible
“Grown-ups wanna fix things. When they can't it only fills them with shame, so they just look away." 
The Whole “Being Dead" Thing
“Rodgers, Hart, and Hammerstein”
"How you doin'? Oh, not good! *scats*"
“If you die while listening to this album, it’s still gonna keep playing”
“Blah blah Bible Jesus Magic”
Ready Set, Not Yet
When Adam waits a beat after his fast bit before saying “ready set” because he’s not as confident as Barbara ahhhhhhhh
When Barbara sings the word "terror" like "terra" 
“Hiding away so you don’t have to face being a bad mom” whoever wrote these lyrics is so mean
“Oh… NO”
The Whole "Being Dead" Thing: Reprise
The pause after “Hi!”
“Jesus I can’t spell”
“Eh, worth a try”
“I’m the bio-exorcist, giving houses enemas”
Dead Mom
“Daddy’s moving forward, daddy didn’t lose a mom”
“A plague of mice, a lightning strike, or drop a nuclear bomb”
Fright of their Lives
“Drop your panties”
“No. What fills you with RAGE”
“Being mean to a pet” MOOD BARBARA
BJ’s soliloquy, he’s so over it, so DRAMATIC
“Uch, these dopes are both hopeless”
Ready, Set (Reprise)
You can just SEE the shoulder bump with “I’m sure we can haunt our own halls”
“I gotta get right outside my comfort zone” 😬
No Reason
“What’s happening, GURL”
“Buy more crystals”
The windchime during “put a little alright in the world”
“Where good people die” “NO”
“Cuz you’re bored” FLUTE SOLO
“Meaninglessness and alone” “NONONONONOOOOOOoooooo~” the talent it takes to pull off that vocal riff is ridiculous
“Is this still about me?”
The harmonies in the last note
Invisible (Reprise)/On the Roof
“Somebody’s on the roof” always has me cackling
“I, Lydia Deetz” *BIG SIGH* “will be gone”
Say My Name
The musical style?!?!?!?
This is my favorite song in the entire show. And it was not an easy choice.
“What?” “Nothing”
Nice Moana reference
“Beetlejuice?” she says, like “what a dumb fuckin name”
Including the music change
BJ being like WHAT and SO frustrated every time she psychs him out
In the production I saw Lydia said “I just metcha” and I like that better
“I may be suicidal but Beetlejuice it’s not as if I’ve lost my mind” OOF
“That was possession” lol he’s so proud of himself
Love love love the rhyme: “Pretty much, any ghost’ll do, sure” “Then Beetlejuice, what do I need you for?” and the subsequent WOAH WOAH WOAH
The instrumental hit right after she sings “Yeah I got game” is my favorite 
This whole song just slaps idk what else to tell you
“I’d have to… check my pay stubs”
“Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy” as he pops up out of the table he had to hide in the whole scene
Dad finally saying Lydia’s name as he’s swept away
“It’s our house now, kid”
Girl Scout
The piano during “my heart is defective” A+ score writing
*dramatic music* JAMBOREES
*nervous laughter after meeting Lydia*
“By selling cookies *BIG BREATH* four dollars a box”
Also. FOUR DOLLARS A BOX?!??!?!?! Jealous.
“Pedophiles” 😇
That Beautiful Sound
“He is so weird”
Love the smooth jazzy style
“Time for a few OH MY GOD”
“How many… people… live here?”
Lydia’s laugh after “nice moves Lydia” is so pure
“Pfah, holy moly, lotta people come to this house”
“Yes, I hear that sooooooooooound” he’s so happy
“No more condescending adults hanging around”
“Daddy’s leaving me the hell alone”
Barbara 2.0
“It’s the stuff of our lives, and all of it’s shit.”
“Okay, that wasn’t as much fun as I thought it would be.”
“Buhreak it”
“The new Adam is wiserrrrrrr”
What I Know Now
“I went to parties a lot…” *sniff* “You know?”
“Niche was right, you know? To live is to suffer, bro”
“Life is short but death is super long”
I really like this song because if you ruminate on it long enough it’s a good song to talk you into living life to its fullest even if things suck.
I love that this is a reprise but also the whole theme of Lydia’s character - that her mom is home. But then she finds out that she can have a home with a (very dysfunctional) family and not forget her mom either.
Her little laugh when she says Delia’s name
Creepy Old Guy
“I’m a creepy old guy!!” 
“Girls may seem disgusted, but we’re actually just shy”
In the show I saw, Lydia goes: “Even on the inside, he- he’s disgusting” which I liked better than the recording
“A dance break on an album? Amazing.”
“L’chaim” is pronounced correctly, thank you Alex
“God be glorified” in a fucked up key
The whole company going “I can’t believe some cultures think this kind of thing’s alright” in unison
Jump in the Line/Dead Mom - Reprise
A perfect song to end a perfect show.
“I adore huh”
“Mama if you’re listening, doesn’t this just blow your mind?”
Shake shake shake senora in the background UGH MY HEART
She’s home (I’m not crying you’re crying)
Overall thoughts:
Alex doing the Beetlejuice voice throughout THE WHOLE SHOW
The rhyming throughout the whole musical is just. A+
Lydia’s songsssssss
Honestly all the vocal parts are real hard
And so is the book for the pit
There’s like 8 different genres of music throughout the show and it just WORKS
I had no idea this show existed until the start of this year and now it’s in my top 3 favorite musicals. 10/10 amazing incredible perfect
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blazethecheeto · 1 year
Just read your “folklore was made for the sara oliver and laurel situation” post and OH MY GOD YOUR SO FUCKING RIGHT!???? I hadn’t thought of half of the songs like that before. It’s so them coded. (I’m too lazy to type out everything/everyone)
thank you so much it's literally what i thought of immediately- betty augustine and james were fr inspired by sara laurel and oliver
thank you for now motivating me to continue where i left off and not just in a big paragraph at the end.
mad woman? sara lance's THEMEE
"And you'll poke that bear 'til her claws come out"
"And you find something to wrap your noose around"
(when they tried to burn her at the stake in salem)
betty? oliver trying to get laurel back in s1.
"Betty, I'm here on your doorstep"
"And I planned it out for weeks now"
"But it's finally sinkin' in"
"But if I just showed up at your party"
"Would you have me?"
"Would you want me?"
epiphany? any huge fight in arrow, very oliver and diggle coded. can also be laurel's death coded but we don't talk about that.
"With you, I serve"
"With you, I fall down"
"Holds your hand through plastic now"
"Doc, I think she's crashing out"
"And some things you just can't speak about"
oh fuck the last lyrics are incredibly laurel death coded im gonna cry let's move on
seven? laurel, oliver, tommy, and sara's childhood.
"And I've been meaning to tell you"
"I think your house is haunted"
"Your dad is always mad and that must be why"
"Before I learned civility"
"I used to scream ferociously"
first lyric is about tommy and m*lcolm (we hate him in this house) and the second is such good foreshadowing to black siren hello?
peace? oliver and sara saying they can never give their respective partners' peace because of how messed up their lives are.
"As long as danger is near"
"And it's just around the corner, darling"
"'Cause it lives in me"
hoax? idk bro it's just arrow coded in general.
"You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for?"
"You knew it still hurts underneath my scars"
"From when they pulled me apart"
finally, the lakes? nysara coded i don't take criticism.
"I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you"
thanks for listening to my ted talk pt2
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praecurokat · 1 year
Ted Lasso Finale Thoughts- So Long, Farewell... (I do not know what to think!)
this episode being an hour and 15 minutes..after being released at midnight... that's just cruel.. my brain cannot operate properly under such conditions..
congrats Tedbecca shippers! oop watched more.. sorry Tedbecca shippers...
most normal Beard and Jane appearance in the series at Rebecca’s house in the beginning
writers were bringing the dramatic flair in this episode! first that thing with Isaac dressed as a judge in the beginning, and then a musical number! idk how i feel about that..
speaking of the musical number, i must regretfully inform the masses that idk what the song is from.. pls lmk in the comments.. i see that it relates to the episode title
ah yes Jane acting totally normal by shredding Beard's passport.. total ✨ marriage material ✨
Trent's shirt says sat 17 may.. could this be significant?? everything in this show is..
"You know, that might be a tasty little treat for the diamond dogs.” “No. No. No. No!”-Roy, soon to become a Diamond Dog in a moment of desperation
wait did Trent name his manuscript the lasso way awww
“I only got into this to ruin Rupert's life, and he seems to be doing a pretty good job of that himself.”- Rebecca
So. Many. Throwbacks. Keeley saying “Is everybody decent?”, Jamie using lots of axe body spray like S1, the cleaner walking in on everyone, and way more i can’t think of
the complicated web that is royjamiekeeley is still being spun.. in the last episode..
“Must be awful for them, lying awake at night, haunted by how fucking easy they’ve had it!”- Mae, to Rebecca’s mom
Trent watching Ted read his book.. heart eyes emoji
the way Ted looks at him.. i meannn is this even subtext anymore?
“So you do laugh, but you don't do it until page.. 43?! And it wasn't even a big laugh!”- Trent, while Ted is reading his manuscript
"Whatever happens on Sunday, I want you to know I’m proud of you. All the work you’ve put in this year."- Roy to Jamie, before proceeding to fistfight with him later
Both Roy and Jamie seem very contemplative this ep. What are they thinking??
i am so concerned about the current royjamie feud over Keeley... what is gonna happen here???
“Would you please stay?” and “I know, I just had to try.”- Rebecca, about Ted
lmao Keeley kicking both Roy and Jamie out after they asked her to choose
“You stay put, Trenthouse magazine. You’re part of the squad now.”- Ted, to Trent
“Yeah. Someone better. Can people change?”- Roy, also this is a central tenet of this damn show
“I don’t think we change per se, as much as we just learn to accept who we’ve always been, you know?” -Trent’s most beautiful quote thus far
aww Nate finally got his diamond dogs reaction to Jade
George being Rupert’s coach sent me.. like you Really couldn’t find anyone else?
I hate Rupert but I love his dramatic slay coat swish moments.. again reminds me of Uther’s drama queen antics
“I prefer rugby, there’s just more grown men throwing other grown men into the air like children. And blood. Which is nice." - Barbara
Bloodthirsty and mysterious? Barbara is a serial killer or vampire confirmed.
“Never forget, I am always inside you.” -Zava’s note, which also came with a giant avocado
Zorro has truly entered his superhero arc and Dani Rojas is his genius creator
the fourth thing has to be 'Believe'.. aand it was? Right?
AFC Richmond Women’s club.. i sense a spinoff show opportunity…. or they could just do a show about Trent
George has begun a redemption arc!! (Telling Rupert to fuck off)
Rupert's desperation and misery at the end is not entirely unreminiscent of Rebecca at the start of S1
yesss Colin got his kiss on the pitch!!
haha the same? person from S1E1 taking pics w Ted in the airport
damn so Beard’s going home too, thought Jane would've locked him away in a safe or smth… nvm
omg Amsterdam man has a child.. hmmm Rebecca’s prophecy may still be fulfilled
Roy becoming manager feels natural
Ofc Trent renamed his book ‘The Richmond Way’… never let them know your next move
that montage at the end…so much to process....
beardjane wedding marking the end of the series.. good or bad omen for the future? i think bad
seems very fitting the series ending the opposite of how it began.. Rupert's life ruined, Rebecca in love and not owner of the club, Roy and Jamie healing and bonding w others around them, and Ted back in America with family.
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phantomfirefly · 3 months
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I’m painting the very large spider thing that has haunted me the entire time leading up to it; ff14 art (and art sent to me by my buddies) is keeping me duct taped together. On a soul level. I don’t post much anymore because it feels like screaming into a void rather than connecting with people. I did this class for like three years (with a group i started doing classes on and off again a decade ago. I never went to art school so it is my formal education) and I could NOT manage to connect with people. I don’t know if it’s just how quiet I am (weird maybe?) but, except for one burgeoning friendship (fingers crossed it does not fade into the sunset) I just didn’t interest people and neither did my work. I mean that my art, for everyone, was always just… strangely constructed or at best “ambitious” (which is the nice way of saying it’s way beyond what I can pull off). Other people were making comics or animation bibles or picture books and I was just stuck making another portfolio piece that was too weird. The hard part here is that they were right… idk I try to embrace some of the off the wall elements and let my art directors tell me to cool my jets and and put things more normally on the thirds or not turn dragons into pugs. I couldn’t bring in my work work for games because i can’t do all the stuff that my teacher wants if the client wants me to do something different. Anyway with the kids home I wrapped up my year, which ended at the same time my kids were home from summer and stopped going to class to keep the kids from demolishing the house. This isn’t going well. BUT they thought I was supposed to go for longer. At first I think they mean my year didn’t end in may, that I have some semester left; no they wanted me to go on for a whole entire new year, which apparently is 1000 dollars and they send me another subscription link. It’s a whole back and forth and they are super mad because they reserved this spot for a whole year just for me, and said they refused students for me an everything— so now these almost friends, and my mentor, and everyone involved in my formal art education has turned into a timeshare? With a harsher penalty than adobe has of canceling Photoshop? Anyway the spider has grounded Grim in this picture and she’s going to need her healer who has a macro that yells about an UwU fuzzy paw to rez her. I’m pretty sure that one is Doc or maybe Irene.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
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thanks to @rnmbingo for throwing together such a fun event every year <3 I had wanted to fill out the entire board but alas life happens, but I did however find a lot of wonderful fic to enjoy for the last month
F/F ship: Rivalry Series by @haloud (General Audiences, 1.6k, Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
A Hockey AU, where Isobel and Anatsa are on rival teams. It captures the characters competitive nature’s perfectly while showing Isobel’s more awkward side.
Include a gif/image/emoji: in a little while by @jule1122 (Teen, 1.2k, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
An AU in which Michael and Alex are happily together, and Michael gets to reflect on what their relationship means to him (there’s a bit of angst but also a dog!!!)
A work you’ve commented on before: With These Hands by @impalachick (Explicit, 1.6k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho/Kyle Valenti)
Au, post 3x05, what’s more to say then the three way handprint connection is still intact and Max starts a train of orgasms??? It’s a really amazing concept that’s executed perfectly, all three characters allowing themselves to indulge in fantasies of each other
PODFIC: [podfic] Stay With Me by shmaylor (Teen, 0-10 minutes, Maria DeLuca/Liz Ortecho)
an AU where Maria chases after Liz when she leaves for her road trip post graduation (post Rosa), and she asks her not to leave (warnings: slight Max slander but like- *whispers* he deserves it)
Mature or Explicit work: a gentleman’s guide to getting pegged by your girl by georgiehensley (Explicit, 1.1k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
really well structured smut, where Max agrees to try pegging (WARNING: a real trigger this time, so there’s a line in here that assumes a point of view on the act of pegging that’s derogatory towards the concept of penetration, and has undercurrents of misandry)
A WIP: Surreal Estate by @beautifulcheat (Teen, 13.3k, Rosa Ortecho/Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
AU, haunted houses (sorry stigmatized properties)! The vibes are spectacular, and the characters are beautifully conveyed in this setting. Not to mention there’s mystery and intrigue.
AU (Alternate Universe) Work: Love The Very Blood of You by soldierwitch (Teen, 13.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
an AU where Max was adopted separate of his siblings, and instead of becoming a Deputy to help him sleep at night he becomes a priest, in walks Liz Ortecho an agnostic scientist who changes his world (warning: it’s a wee bit blasphemous, but as a person who subscribes to the religion in discussion it’s not actually upsetting, like I’m very personally picky about religious themes, idk if that makes sense)
“This Work Made Me___”: Charity Case With Benefits by @maeglinthebold (Mature, 1.5k, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
delightfully fun, there’s only one bed and they’re all just so perfect, every single beat is timed to perfection creating a fun and heart warming scene
Author’s First RNM Work: The Powers of Flowers by incandescentchampagneproblems (Teen, 2.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
a cute little au with a flower shop, and Liz being dead certain the last thing she’ll be doing is getting caught in a rom com (but the jokes on her cause she’s in a rom com)
A Poly Work (3+ People): The Consequences of Being a Tease by tv_obsessions (Explicit, 1.7k, Maria DeLuca/Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
pure smut, in which Max and Maria enter a friendly competition to see who can make their girl feel good (in other words Liz Ortecho deserves all the orgasms) and like Max calls Maria ma’am
“I Loved ‘Quote from Work’”: I Z Z Y by @ajna-eye-cogitations (General Audiences, 0.3k, no pairings)
this fic was amazing as always (this is an author rec too guys <3) literally every single word was beautifully constructed, and like the fire and snake symbolism, truly captured Iz’s spirit in this fic
Free Space (Any Time of Comment): [fanvid] The Way - Max/Liz by @impalachick (roughly a minute each, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Beautiful! Their 3x09 road trip to the music Max canonically selected for their highschool trip
Rare Pair of New To You Ship: I like my girls just like I like my honey by milzilla (Teen, 1k, Jenna Cameron/Maria DeLuca)
Fake dating! One bed! Must I go on? They’re also going to a fancy event, and the emotions are captured so wonderfully
Fanart: Every Night I Save You by @viaomens (Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
A stunning Echo edit, that makes me wanna cry, it’s beautiful in the way visuals are but also conceptually and emotionally
“I Loved the Scene Where__”: Vision of Love by anonymous (General Audiences, 2.8k, Maria DeLuca/Liz Ortecho)
AU, Maria and Liz have a chance meeting after Liz gets an amazing job offer, their connection is flawless and the imagery is gorgeous
>50K FIC: The Truth is Right Here by @ladynox @beautifulcheat (Mature, 377.8k, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
flawless, perfection, the reason I ship malexa, the world is so great, the characters so well translated (and fleshed out in beautiful ways canon could only have dreamed of). A must read IMO, joining a short list of fic I’d rec to someone unaware of the source material
Be The First to Comment on a Work: This Smile is a Loaded Gun by Limestone_and_Hemlock (Teen, 0.6k, Liz Ortecho/Isobel Evans)
AU, they’re assassins in a Charlie’s Angels esque scenario, and the tension is gorgeous (there’s also an edit)
Gen or Teen Work: what an imbecile! what an ultramoron! by @maeglinthebold (Teen, 0.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho/Kyle Valenti)
hilarious! Also, just so many good little pieces of who the three of them are and how they naturally come together
Comment on a Work with <10 kudos: it’s the best thing that I’ll ever do by @thesquidkid (General Audiences, 1.1k, Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
the seamlessness of it! It’s an anatsobel wedding full of so many feelings and history, completely incapsulating why I adore them as a ship
<1000 Word FIC: Kiss of Hope by creatureofhobbit (General Audiences, 0.4K, no pairings)
a simultaneously heartbreaking as heartwarming look at Max and Bonnie’s views of their abilities
A Comment That is 1000+ Characters: State of Love and Trust by @wunderlass (Mature, 18.1k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Canon Divergent 2x05, in which Max’s Darkness is a little more difficult to shake, it’s sexy and heartbreaking, and there’s Jones parallels galore
3+ Chapters of a Multichapter Work: Heart of Lightning: A Roswellian Tale by @suzteel (Teen, 20k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Knight Liz! King Max! Sorcerers and Seers, it’s all perfection, and the way it weaves canon flawlessly into the setting is stunning
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