#idk they make sure she's fed and clean and clothed. and take her to the doctor when she needs. but they should be doing more than that no?
treesbian · 4 months
i know know know that i need medication and therapy to ever get to where i'm actually a bit of a self functionable person but i am kind of scared bc if i am too open about what's going on with me and my environment that will have terrible consequences for my baby sister 😔 cps would hurt more than help but my parents fucking suck dude. she's starting to realize that too. one day she told me and my big sister that we did more to raise her than our parents. lol. she's almost 13 and still doesn't know her times tables or basic history or most scientific theories or anything about language arts. bc mom legitimately sees nothing wrong with her method of "unschooling" (her method is to put zero effort into her kids education and let us just figure shit out for ourselves lol. and she acts like I'm crazy when I say "I don't feel prepared for college") like i get Why she pulled us out of public school but then it was like. me and my big sister had to cold turkey quit our medication bc the doctor thought we didn't need it if we were doing school at home :) which is so stupid. aaaanyway. we had a very hard time adjusting to like. idk traditional homeschooling and neither of my parents are patient ppl so they just kind of gave up i think. lol. i've tried doing the parentification thing (not good for Me! haha) but it doesn't work bc she really just doesn't respect me enough. which is whatever she's a kid but goddamn. i really really really want to help her more but. i am not her parent. she's the most important person to me in the whole world. i think she's kind of starting to resent me though bc sometimes someone in the rest of my family will do something fucked up and i'll go WTF That's Fucked Up!! and everyone starts yelling. i think that's the reason. everyone else resents me a bit for that too. they think i'm an extremist bc i believe in liberation as more than just a pretty word to say i guess. i don't know if i need to get out of here before i start pursuing treatment again or if i need to wait until she's an adult
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lil venty vent here
i have some sort of underlying resentment towards my mom, and it makes it really difficult to want to be near her.
and it sucks because i know she loves me and cares about be and she busted her ass to raise me and my brother as a single parent, but i still feel like she doesn't really care about me, she just cares about her daughter.
like she wants to do things with me and spend time with me, but only if it's something she wants to do. for example, she'll drag me around tjmaxx or whatever, and we'll go to all the stores she wants to go to, but if i wanna go to target or to hot topic or something, it's suddenly a huge inconvenience and she's tired and she wants to go home.
she asks me to come over to her house to spend time, and then she'll just sit in her room and read or be on her phone the whole time and get irritated when i ask if she wants to do something. and if i even breath like i'm bored she makes me clean the house (i live with my dad).
she'll spend thousands of dollars on a trip to Europe with her friends (several times) but she wont take me to a concert that she promised we could go to where tickets are like 40 bucks. or like the dnp tour for example, i asked if she'd take me since the date near us is only a few days after my 16th birthday and they really mean a lot to me. she said yes, she asked for the ticket information and signed up for presale and everything, and then she suddenly 'forgot' about it. or she'll say money is too tight to get them, maybe next week, i'll keep an eye out, when she just spent hundreds on furniture to redecorate her porch again.
what sucks the most is that every time i bring it up, every time i try to say how much it hurts, how it feels like she doesn't like me for me and that she just likes the idea of me, she'll pull the classic "Well I guess I'm just a horrible mother!" and make me feel like shit all over again, like it's somehow my fault for everything. because she spent money on clothes and things for us, she put a roof over out heads and made sure we were fed, and I'm just ungrateful for her.
idk. like maybe i'm being dramatic or whatever but it's difficult to have fun and do things with her when it always ends in her yelling at me.
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mixelation · 2 years
for the two characters ask: Konan and Tsunade
send me two characters
Who would win in a fight?
This one is sort of hard to assess because in my heart I want Konan to be a complete badass who is #2 in Akatsuki by her our skills and merit, but ALSO her one on-screen fight was against Obito and she lost for bullshit reasons. I guess in that one video game she wipes the floor with Sasori??
I think it could go either way tbh, but I'll pick Tsunade because of her mitotic regeneration being a pretty good asspull technique unlike whatever the fuck Obito did.
Who would be a better roommate?
Konan. Tsunade isn't a horrible roommate, but she gets snide when angry and would probably steal booze and get annoying-drunk when having a bad day. I'm sort of a messy person and I don't think Konan would like that, but I'm so terrified by the thought of annoying Konan that I'd just be really clean in communal areas as a defense mechanism and then we wouldn't have problems.
Who’s better in bed?
Hmmm I think Tsunade is probably more concerned with making sure her partner is ALSO having a good time, whereas Konan's sexual encounters are a lot of "this is a one night stand for my own needs, and I am only concerned with what I get out of this." So I guess Tsunade, unless you happen to be into Konan just taking what she wants from you. u_u
Who I’d pick to be my presidential running mate?
Both are competent with leadership skills, Konan is technically an international terrorist, so.... Tsunade.
Whose shoulder I’d cry on?
I don't think either would be particularly sympathetic to someone else's tears unless they were already pretty emotionally invested in them, and even then there's a large opportunity for a "why don't you stop crying and do something useful then" talk.
Who would make a better parent?
God. I think they'd both be competent at it in that they'd keep a kid fed, clothed, and bathed, and they'd enforce normal child-rearing rules like "you have to eat vegetables" and "you need to do homework." Tsunade is probably more likely to emotionally connect with a child, but she's ALSO more likely to just check out of society for days and ignore the kid in favor of her own depressed meltdown. I don't think Konan would be good at making sure a child felt ~loved~ or whatever, and there's certain aspects of her goals for ending war she might prioritize over a child's wellbeing. So IDK.
Who I’d rather date?
I..... hmm. I think Tsunade at I would have more to talk about/mutual interests.
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friedwangsss · 2 years
LET’S PLAY HOUSE. | austin!elvis x black!reader (part 4)
notes : “elvis wants to play house with you, if you know what he means.”
extra notes : idk why i thought i had the draft for this already made so yeah. this was also longer than i anticipated and it’s probably shitty but hey, i was trying my best to get this out on schedule, enjoy !
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“seems like she’s still awake, the kitchen light is still on.” you took elvis’ hand that he held for you to take and stepped out of the car. “oh, and thank you for dancing with me, i enjoyed myself.”
he looked down and smiled at you, “of course, i enjoyed you.”
you smiled back and walked up towards the walkway that lead to your home. it wasn’t big and fancy, just a couple of bedrooms, a family room, a nice kitchen, a couple of bathrooms, and staircase which led to the bedrooms.”
you had moved here with your mom when you were about 14 and have been here since. she was able to buy it in a rather nicer black neighborhood with the money she saved up so she was very proud of it.
you unlocked the door to the home and called out to your mom, “momma, i’m back! and i brought a guest!”
she yelled back, “girl, stop yelling. i told you better.” you shook your head and laughed.
“sorry.” you replied and turned to elvis, “you can take your shoes off and leave them by the door. no one will steal them.”
he chuckled at you. “wouldn’t worry about that, unless you wanted ‘em then, i’d be a little worried.”
“y/n, come help me with this cornbread, hurry.”
you walked towards the direction of the kitchen and gestured for elvis to follow. “momma, greet the guest.”
she turned around and looked taken back at the 6 foot white man with slicked back hair and a pink lace shirt standing in her kitchen. “y/n, who’s this?”
“elvis, momma. you remember him.”
she looked at you, “baby, i remember a shorter, scrawny white boy with blonde hair.”
elvis and you both chuckled. “hello, ma’am, it’s been a minute.” his voice was deeper so that made her widen her eyes. “you look as good as ever, ms. l/n.”
she took him in for a second before rushing over and giving elvis a big hug, “my, look at you. you’re so grown!”
you knew your mom secretly had love for elvis like he was her son or nephew: she was always making sure he was on his best behavior, making sure he had some nice sunday clothes, or was fed and his mom too. “okay, momma, don’t choke him.” you smiled.
they pulled back from their hug and she was smiling big. “goodness, your hair. i’m gonna miss the golden hair but you look just as good.”
“thank you, ma’am.” he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “do you need any help with anything?”
“well, i was just about to put everything away but you can help y/n with the cornbread, i know it was your favorite.” she smiled and turned back to the sink to clean whatever was in there.
you looked at the pan of already made cornbread and saw the bowl of glaze on the table beside it. “come on, elvis, you can spread it on.”
he picked the bowl up and the little food paintbrush and started to spread the glaze on. he had a content look on his face, he actually enjoyed things like this. domestic things. it reminded him that after all the fame washes away, he’ll still have little things like this with you—even if he won’t get to see you as often.
your mom told you to get the other pan of cornbread that just finished baking out of the oven so elvis could put the glaze on that one as well. “here, el.” you placed the pan cautiously down.
“el.. haven’t heard that one in a while, love.” he smiled and looked at you from the corner of his eye. “forgot how much i loved it.”
that statement made you blush, or rather your body heat up with the way he spoke.
when did his voice get so deep?
why does it make you feel a certain way? the way you felt when you were a little girl with a big crush on the pretty, skinny, golden hair boy.
you figured staying in your head wasn’t good and decided to come back to reality. your momma had finished prepping the food and put everything away. she even took a pan of the cornbread and wrapped it up so she could hand it to elvis on his way out.
“elvis, you did a great job. forgot how great of a helper you were.” your momma smiled up at him. “take this pan home to your momma whenever you leave and y/n,” she turned to you. “don’t keep him ‘ere too long. make sure he leaves at a reasonable time so his momma don’t get worried.”
you took a small glance at the clock above the stove and realized that it was only 11:33. “yes ma’am.”
she kissed you on your head and smiled and have elvis a hug one more time. “make sure you visit us more, baby. we’d love your company.”
he smiled and hugged her back just as tightly. “of course, ma’am. before i start going on the road more, i’ll be sure to come back. maybe bring momma too.”
your mom nodded and pulled back from the hug, bidding both of you goodnight and retired upstairs. you waited one more moment before you turned to elvis, “when did you start singing?” you asked, trying not to start an awkward conversation but you were sure you did.
he chuckled at you and walked over to stand in front of you. “i don’t know. it was like one day i was driving past a recording studio on my way to work, next thing you know i was singing in said studio, then, i was on stage scared out of my wits at the jamboree.”
“you preformed at a jamboree? when? i don’t remember hearing about this.” you had to raise your chin to look at him and another question flashed through your head: when did he get so tall?
you and elvis used to be the same height and when you were 14 you grew a lot more before you stopped when you turned a certain age. you weren���t super short but you were reaching that average to above average height. but elvis? oh god, his height made you almost want to drool.
“ah, it was the lousiana hayride. not the most welcoming folk at first, mainly the men.” when he stepped a little closer to you, he wrapped his hand around your waist. “the girls were different. just started hollerin’out of nowhere.
“hollerin’?” you raised an eyebrow. “what do you mean?”
“i’on know. but it was crazy. my buddies tol’ me it was because of the way i was movin’.”
now that you could understand. “have you seen the way you dance? it’s sexy so i think their reaction was reasonable.” you smiled.
“sexy, huh?” he smirked down at you and leaned a little closer. “i’m glad you find it sexy, baby, that’s what matters the most to me.”
a silence blanketed over the both of you and you were curious as to what was gonna happen next. it seemed like the only thing either of you wanted to do was just stare into each other’s eyes for as long as you could.
“i have a question,” elvis started. “and you can say no but, i’ve been waiting for a moment when i could kiss you. again, at least.”
you sucked in a quick breath, remembering the last time you kissed. it was a quick one, nothing special. you didn’t even think he’d remember it.
“can i kiss you again?”
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heyy! could you do something where your in a poly relationship with Remus and sirius, you’ve been teasing them all day and they just get fed up and they tie you up with a vibrator at the full setting? idk this might be to much detail lmao
Take it
I present to you: Angry hotheaded werewolf and eyeliner wearing dramatic rich boy teaching you a lesson. Pls step on me-
Hope you enjoy!!
Warning: 18+
If there is something you enjoy doing it would be teasing your boys. And today you woke up and chose violence.
Pulling out your skirt you rolled the waistband up to make it shorter, just barely covering your ass. You decided to not wear a bra, but a simple white blouse with your house stitched onto the fabric. Everytime you moved the shirt would ride up to expose some of your skin and your nipples would harden, noticeable if someone would look at your chest. You put on your knee high socks and shoes, grabbing your bag and left to get some breakfast in the great hall.
Arriving there you made your way over to your boys and Remus turned instantly when he smelled your scent, smile dropping into a gape the moment he saw your attire. Sirius followed his point of view and his eyes scanned you body, jaw clenching.
„Hi boys“ you said, voice overly cheerful. „Saved me some?“
„Sure love“ Remus cleared his throat „the plate‘s yours.“
„Great, thanks!“ You gave him a kiss, digging into your food.
Sirius nearly moaned when you held his gaze and licked marmalade off your fingers. He just wants to bend you over and fuck you, wanting to show everyone that you belong to them alone. 
You winked at him, turning your attention to Remus who had been staring as well, a flush on his pale skin.
“You have peanut butter right there” you pointed out at the dazed boy.
“Hm?” His eyes were a little unfocused, staring at your chest. You bit back a smile and leaned forward, kissing it off. “There, now it’s gone.”
“Merlins beard”, James said “keep your private life P-R-V-A-T-E”
“You forgot a letter”, Lily pointed out. 
“Oh really?” James said seductively “You might want to tutor me Evans...”
Lily rolled her eyes and James pouted.
“Even I got embarrassed by witnessing this. Honestly Prongs, step up your game.” Sirius teased, laughing at his friends discomfort.
“Shut your mouth Pads, at least I’m not drooling over someone licking their fingers-”
Sirius cleared his thoat and you made an amused sound when you saw him blush. 
“Oh and Remus, your cup is already empty. Are you trying to slurp the glass through your straw or what?”
Now it was Remus’ time to clear his throat and look away from your tits.
James winked at you and you smirked back, for once your boyfriends decided to stay silent. James had been right after all. Looking down you saw them adjusting their pants and you giggled silently. 
„Can you grab the book from my bag I need the instructions“, Remus told you, trying to get the potion right. Sirius was sitting there, blowing spit bubbles.
You smiled to yourself when you heared them gasp as you bend down to get his bag. Turning around you saw them staring at your face, not only flustered but angry as well.
„What the hell are you doing?“ Sirius hissed, pulling you to sit down.
„What?“ You asked innocently. „You don‘t like my panties?“
Sirius‘ eyes widened and he immediately corrected himself. „Nonono baby they‘re fine I just-“
Remus grabbed your jaw turning your head to him. „What he‘s trying to say is: Stop acting like a slut and we‘ll drop the punishment.“
You smirked and shook your head. „I‘m not doing anything. You‘re just horny.“
Remus rolled his eyes and gave you a strict look. „Behave.“
„Yes Daddy.“
James screamed as your boys groaned in embarrassment.
You and the girls were sitting by the lake, doing yoga. Fucking Lily and her ideas. It was fun, but way to hot to be doing moves like that. At least that‘s what you thought until you saw the marauders approach.
„What are you doing?“ James asked plopping down next to Lily on the grass.
Sirius and Remus took a seat next to you, sandwiching you in the middle.
„Yoga“ Lily said curtly. „Wouldn‘t expect you to know.“
James huffed. „Of course I know what yoga is. See?“
You were pleasantly surprised when you saw James doing the crow pose. That shit needed some real strength and apparently Lily was impressed as well. You smirked when she blushed a little at the muscles bulging in James‘ arms.
She chose to ignore him and turned back to you. „Right ladies, lets stretch our backs before we continue.“
You smirked when she threw you a wink, knowing about your plan of teasing the guys. You leaned forward, arching your back as you spread your knees a little. Your shorts were pulled taunt over your ass, thong peaking out from the waistband.
„Oh Jesus-“ Remus whispered, pulling his bag on his lap. Sirius‘ mouth fell open and he glared at you when you glanced over your shoulder to give him a coy smile.
„That fucking brat is doing it on purpose!“
Remus shot Sirius a bored look. „No fucking shit Pads.“
„God when I saw her this morning I wanted to bend her over and fuck her raw. Did you see how she sucked her fingers?“
Remus groaned. „I was too busy staring at her tits, Pads. Since when is she into yoga?“
Sirius snorted. „Not surprising to be honest, the way she bends when we put her into any position we want.“
„I just want to tie her up and-“
„-make her cum.“
They grinned at each other but quickly shut up when you sat down to eat your dinner. They did nothing more than press a kiss on each cheek and would not once glance your way. You were confused, why the sudden changevin attitude? Normally they would be all over you by now.
You decided to step up your game. You put your hands on their thighs after you finished eating and saw Sirius bite a little to aggressively into his meatballs. Remus stayed indifferent.
Your hands slowly crept higher, now directly over their crotches and Remus took your hand in his, squeezing painfully. You winced, but kept your hand on his lap, feeling him harden under you.
„Right we‘re done, Prongs and Wormtail, look for a place to sleep for tonight.“
James groaned „A-fucking-gain? What are you, 12?“
Remus stood up as well, grabbing your elbow to drag you to their dorm.
Remus shoved you on the bed, ripping your clothes off and kissed you hard. He pushed you back until your head was against the bedpost and straddled your belly, kissing his way down to your bare tits.
„I fantasized about these the entire..fucking..day“ Remus growled out, slapping your breast with every word. You cried out when he sucked your nipple into his mouth, teasing you with his sharp teeth. Sirius bend your knees and spread you open wide, blowing against your swollen clit.
„Ah fuck please!“
Sirius flicked your clit and you yelled in pain, trying to close your legs, not that you could match his strength.
Remus got off and went to his trunk, pulling out your vibrator just as Sirius gathered your wrists in his hand and tied them to the bed.
„Listen pup“ Remus said sharply „Since you think you can jus tease us all day by prancing around like a slut, we‘ll treat you like one.“
You were about to answer but Sirius took the chance to stuff your mouth with your panties.
„Noone asked for your input, puppy.“
Remus put the vibrator on the highest setting and pushed it in as far as he could. He fucked you with it for a few seconds until he found your sweet spot and pounded against it. You were crying out in pleasure, legs shaking and he let go.
Sirius and Remus knelt down on both sides of your legs to keep them open and played with your breasts.
„Look at her pretty tits Moony. I bet they‘re sore already.“
Remus smirked when your eyes teared up at his pinching. „Aw poor baby, must hurt really bad. Does it hurt pretty girl?“
You nodded, eyes glassy as you begged for your orgasm.
„If you cum“ Sirius drawled „we‘ll force more out of you. But if you can hold back, we‘ll give you only as much as you want.“
You glared at Sirius and he laughed as he saw your desperate expression. They knew how impossible that deal was.
You tried to hold back, you really did. But then they decided to make out right there, kissing and moaning into each others mouths so passionately, that you came at the sight. You screamed out your realse, the vibrator not only drilling against your sweet spot but clit as well.
Remus smirked and pulled the panties out as you continued to cry out, trying to get rid of the toy. Sirius pushed it back in and you came again, squirting a little as you nearly passed out from the force.
„Guess you made your choice slut, so you better be a brave little girl.“
You can‘t remeber how many orgasms you had as they ignored your pained cries and whimpers. Was it four? Five?
„Please!“ You wailed „Please enough! Please! Yellow! Yellow!“
Sirius didn‘t take the vibrator out, only lowered the setting and leaned over to pout. „What is it baby, can‘t cum anymore?“
You whined. „Siri please enough! I can‘t!“
Remus chuckled and leaned over as well, stroking your hair gently. „But baby, there is one more. I know there is. Don‘t you wanna make us proud, hm?“
You mewled softly, clenching your legs, but that made the soft hum of the vibrator press directly on your clit.
„Remus“ you whined as he took a hold of the toy, gliding it in and out. Sirius laid down between your legs, spreading them open and kissed you clit softly.
„Sirius“ you gasped „hurts!“
Sirius didn‘t respond, only sucking your clit in his mouth and lapped at it. Remus turned up the setting again and you let out high oitched moans, fucking back against the thrusts.
„Fuck you taste so good baby, c‘mon give me your cum.“
You trembled all over as Remus encouraged you to cum again.
„Let go pup, be our good girl“, Remus cooed, kissing you to keep you silent as you came for the last time, whimpering into his mouth.
„There we go puppy“ Sirius moaned, taking the toy out to lap at your hole. He hummed at the taste, licking everything clean and got up to kiss Remus, sharing your cum.
„I‘m never leaving without a bra again“, you said, panting hard.
The boys gave you mocking grins, prepping your face with kisses until you were breathless.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
I’m not sure if you’ve ever covered this before, but I’m very curious what your take is on the Archeron sisters’ relationships. Is one sister more “in the right” than the others? Did they all treat each other equally as badly? Should Elain and Nesta take responsibility for the way they treated Feyre in the cabin or should the responsibility lie fully on their father for not doing anything to help their situation and forcing Feyre to be the primary caretaker? How do you think Feyre and Nesta’s relationships will play out in Elain’s book? I know Nesta can be very overprotective of Elain which isn’t always good for her, but she was always incredibly loyal to Elain and had her best interests at heart, so I disliked the way Elain treated her in some of acosf. Nesta would’ve unconditionally had Elain’s back if Elain had been in that situation, but when Nesta needed her to stick up for her, she didn’t. Idk I have conflicting feelings on the sisters and wanted to hear your thoughts, since it seems like Nesta, Feyre, and Elain stans think their fav was always right and the other two were always wrong.
To preface this, I don't favor one of them over the others. I don't think any of them deserves the hate they get in the fandom. I'm gonna try to answer each of these separately because there's so much here, so sorry this got long!
Is one sister more “in the right” than the others?
Kinda related to what @aelin-godkiller was saying in a post earlier, it's hard to judge things that happened pre-the acotar timeline, because we just don't have that knowledge, and once we do get to know the Archerons in acotar, Nesta and Elain were very much the fairy tale archetypal "mean" sister and "nice but kinda clueless" sister. There wasn't much depth beyond that, and so it is easy to say that Feyre was always in the right and was the strongest one. We don't have a ton to work with about that time period except for the fact that, as of acotar, you had three (adult!) sisters of whom only one was trying to keep the family fed and clothed, and a father who was too busy wallowing in what he had lost to take charge.
However... I'm still going to say that Feyre objectively did more to help the family. That doesn't mean that she was necessarily "better" than either, but I do think that Feyre had more resilience and fortitude than her sisters. I don't think this is something we can even debate. Feyre was the one who hunted, who cleaned the animals, who cooked, who planned rations for the winter, who took care of the finances, who kept track of chores and had to harass Elain and Nesta to help. Nesta and Elain had their own reasons for not contributing, and now we know that for Nesta, it was related to her rage. I am very curious to see what Elain's "reasons" are, and I'm sure she has them. None of this makes Feyre "better" than anyone else, but it does make her more resourceful and more resilient. There are other types of strength, however.
Should Elain and Nesta take responsibility for the way they treated Feyre in the cabin or should the responsibility lie fully on their father for not doing anything to help their situation and forcing Feyre to be the primary caretaker?
Yes - their father absolutely should have worked harder to sustain the family. He was also disabled, and losing their fortune was not something he could have controlled, so I have some sympathy there. But he was also the adult, the one in charge of caring for them, and he should have done more. He's the one who had not only the authority as the parent, but the education, the practical experience of handling money and a household, and the responsibility. This does make me wonder about his role prior to losing the money. There are so many rich households in which raising children is the last thing on the father's mind, so when he's left with no money and three girls he probably only saw at dinner time across a huge table, it's no wonder he was lost in what to do. But ultimately, that was his responsibility. Like, the fact that Nesta and Elain were 22-23 and unmarried at that point. That's definitely something their mother was concerned with, and probably didn't even cross his mind because it wouldn't have been his responsibility, if their circumstances had remained the same.
They lost their money when Nesta was around 14, so she definitely was in no place to take charge, nor was that her responsibility. With Elain, she was about 13, which is also young to care for the family, but she had even less preparation for independence because of the way they both were raised. If their mother was in charge of their education, well then she clearly neglected Feyre's, and was primarily thinking of Elain in... not positive terms.
However - sorry I have a lot of caveats, and I also know this is going to be super unpopular to point out - Elain and Nesta were also whole ass adults in acotar. They were whole ass adults for a few years before acotar, and they did jack shit to help out unless Feyre forced them to. They were children when the money was lost, but when the money ran out Nesta was around 17 and Elain around 16, and unless we are supposed to assume they are idiots, which I don't, then they could have done... something, literally anything. Even with the background we got with Nesta in acosf, we know that she still spent 18-22 doing pretty much nothing to help. She hated herself for it, for the rage that basically immobilized her. And like I said above, I am interested in what we learn about Elain's own feelings during that time.
And yet! To return to my first point, we don't have enough information to actually say "well Nesta could have done X" or "Elain should have done Y" because they were intentionally created to be these lazy, horrible sisters. It's not until later that Nesta starts to get some depth, and even then it's not via a secret revelation that she really did help, it's an explanation for why she didn't.
How do you think Feyre and Nesta’s relationships will play out in Elain’s book?
This is such an interesting question. I think we will finally find out why Elain didn't take a more active role, since we learned that about Nesta already. We will find out what she really thinks of Feyre and Nesta, and what she thinks her role in the family is. I think that Elain will surprise her sisters (and possibly herself) when she learns to assert herself and they finally understand what has been on her mind all this time. “Still waters run deep” is a phrase I think works really well with Elain, and they will learn that. I think they will find peace with their past, even as they each gradually find their places in the world.
Nesta would’ve unconditionally had Elain’s back if Elain had been in that situation, but when Nesta needed her to stick up for her, she didn’t.
See this I don't totally agree with, because I think this was a problem with the writing, not with the sisters. Nesta didn't need an intervention, but she did need some tough love, absolutely. I think that's what Elain was unable to provide, and that's why she just wasn't there. I think that sjm should never have put Nesta in that situation, but she basically backed her into that plot corner just to get Nesta and Cassian alone together. Nesta absolutely needed a wake-up call, and so I'm not sure what "having Nesta's back" would even have looked like, since sjm made the situation so black and white (and it shouldn't have been). Like what would Elain have said? "No, Nesta can keep drinking and going out and hating herself, leave her alone"? sjm backed literally everyone into a corner. I do think it was a moment of weakness for Elain because she wasn’t able to be there. She could barely face Nesta later when she went to visit. I think she would have said things she regretted if she had gone.  And maybe her absence is something that will be explained more later. I have a ton of super complex thoughts about Nesta and substance abuse and that damn intervention, though.
Personally, I think that Nesta being protective of Elain wasn’t about protecting Elain, at its core. I think it was about Nesta finding purpose and control in a situation where she had neither. This is why I think that Elain’s statement about Feyre and Nesta being concerned with how her trauma affected them, rather than how it made Elain feel, is spot on. I’m getting super off topic now, though haha
tl;dr I don't think that pitting the sisters against one another in order to elevate one at the expense of the others is realistic because the deterioration of the Archeron family was a slow, drawn out process that began when the girls were children, and continued into adulthood. That they couldn't adjust and suddenly learn responsibility and independence isn't a surprise. Nesta and Elain were raised for a very different life, Feyre was asked by their mother to take care of the family, and their father was... right there. They all made mistakes at some point, though Feyre's actions were ultimately the ones that did the most good.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Volleyball Shorts (Akaashi Keiji x Reader)
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hello!! i have this fic idea for akaashi where he & reader are really good friends. reader is really quiet, shy, & adorable. she's also part of the girls volleyball team and is an extremely strong and vital member. akaashi & his teammates go to see her play in an huge official match for the first time and idk he gets really impressed, shocked, entranced, and attracted haha! only if u're taking requests tho! thank u!
OMFG I really hope I wrote this okay for you. I’m sorry it took so long, I’ve been dealing with some personal stuff in my life and got too busy to write. I hope you like it though @ chubby-bun-bun! I’ll be writing more for sure!
Word Count: 1,898
Summary: Akaashi and the rest of the team attend one of your volleyball matches and the quiet setter can’t seem to take his eyes off of you.
The smallest smile grazed Akaashi’s lips as he stared at you doing homework. Your face held nothing but concentration, a slight crease between your eyes as you scanned over the math questions. 
 It was currently lunch time right now, and both you and Akaashi had decided to spend it in the library together, finishing up some homework before the weekend.
 Well the real reason why you were trying to finish homework was because you didn’t want to have to worry about it after your volleyball matches.
 It was the Spring Interhigh Qualifiers, all the countless hours you spent training and practicing was for that very reason. Of course you didn’t want to worry about homework during the most important matches in your life.
 You were going to make it to the Spring Tournament. You just had to.
 “Y/n-san. Are you finished? Lunch is almost over.” Akaashi said, staring at the clock on the wall.
 You looked up, carefully pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose. “Oh. Yes I’m done now. Shall we go?”
 He nodded as you guys began gathering up your stuff and making your way back to your classroom.
 You flinched from the loud noise but immediately recognized the voice. Bokuto came barreling around the corner, his eyes locked on Akaashi who was sighing in annoyance next to you.
 You carefully moved away from the setter as the volleyball captain began shaking his shoulders dramatically. “Akaashi! Why didn’t you eat with me today!?”
 “Bokuto-san. You’re scaring Y/n-san. Please lower your voice and stop shaking me.” Akaashi said simply, putting a hand up to stop Bokuto’s antics.
 The third year immediately noticed you and smiled brightly. “Y/n-chan! Tomorrow is the Qualifiers right!?”
You flinched once more at his loud voice, your face turning incredibly red as both boys were now staring at you.
 “Um… y-yeah. The f-first ma-match is at t-t-ten o’clock.” you stuttered out, averting your gaze and fidgeting with the edges of your sweater.
 It wasn’t that you didn’t like Bokuto, you found him funny, and you admired his strength in volleyball, as well as how completely unapologetic he was about his personality.
 You wished that you could be the same way. 
 You were quiet and soft spoken, incredibly shy, so seeing someone as carefree as Bokuto, well, you couldn’t help but admire him.
 “Ne, ne Akaashi.” Bokuto said, his eyes wide and bright. “Let’s go watch Y/n-chan’s match!” 
 You could feel your body break out in a cold sweat. You definitely didn’t want those two to see your match. You knew how talented the boy’s volleyball club was, you had attended many matches. You also knew how incredibly talented Bokuto was, he was part of the top five aces in the country for heaven’s sake.
 But you also knew how incredibly talented Akaashi was as a setter. The same position as you. 
 There was no way you were going to let them see you play.
 “T-That’s not n-necesarry.” you said quietly, biting your bottom lip. “H-Honestly, i-i-it would make me m-more nervous.” 
 Bokuto looked entirely confused at your statement while Akaashi looked at you with a gentle blush on his face.
 The way you were fidgeting and the way you bit your lip, it was just way too cute. Akaashi had always found your quiet and nervous nature entirely adorable. He enjoyed your company immensely.
 “I don’t get it Y/n-chan,” Bokuto said scratching his head. But before he had a chance to continue the lunch bell ended, signaling that it was time to return back to class. 
You and Akaashi were seat mates, and that’s how your guys’ quiet friendship had started.
 “If you really don’t want us to come Y/n-san, we won’t.” Akaashi said gently, peering at you as you grabbed a notebook out of your bag. 
 “I-It’s okay, Akaashi-san. If you guys want to watch you can.” you said softly, giving him the sweetest smile. 
 He shifted his eyes away from you, not wanting you to see the blush that was now covering his cheeks. “Well we still have practice that morning, we’re still preparing for our Qualifiers too. But if we have the chance we’ll stop by.” he said.
 That was the end to your conversation, the rest of the day blurring by and before you knew you were finishing up with volleyball practice and heading home. 
 Good luck tomorrow. I know you guys will win.
 You weren’t sure if it was the text from Akaashi or the hot shower you had just taken, but your body felt incredibly hot at the moment.
 “You need to relax.” Your senpai said in amusement as she watched you bouncing on your feet. 
 Right now you guys were warming up, it was your first match of the day, and needless to say, you were incredibly antsy.
 “She always gets like this before a game. It’s like a ritual for her. Let her do her thing.” another teammate called out, sitting down in a split. “Y/n-chan is the best setter we’ve ever had. We’re going to the Spring Tournament.” She grinned, throwing up the peace sign.
 You were ignoring your senpais completely. Opting for complete concentration, adjusting your sports glasses and taking in a deep breath. 
 It was almost methodical, the way you prepared yourself for a game.
 You started off stretching out your arms and your neck, before stretching out your legs.
 Deep, concentrated breathes going through your nose and out through your mouth.
 This was how you prepared.
 You needed to be strong mentally for your team. Your underclassmen, and your upperclassmen, were relying on your skills as the setter.
 You got to control every aspect of this game for your team.
 This was important.
 You weren’t going to let anyone down.
 Unbeknownst to you, the boys volleyball team began taking their seats. Bokuto was in a temper tantrum for one reason or another and was refusing to talk to any of his teammates.
 Akaashi was fed up, needless to say.
 His eyes scanned across the court, immediately taking notice of the Fukurodani colors on the volleyball uniform.
 “You know this was a pretty good idea…” Komi mused, drinking in how tight and short the girl’s volleyball uniforms are.
 The first match was just starting, and surprisingly, you were the first one up to serve. 
 He could feel his face burn as his eyes scanned your figure. He wasn’t used to seeing you in clothes like this.
 The jersey hugged your body in all the right places and he couldn’t help but notice the number five on it, that was his number. The tight volleyball shorts you were wearing made your legs appear incredibly long and strong, and… Akaashi couldn’t help but let his eyes linger below. The fabric clung to your ass and quite frankly it was exquisite.
 But what really struck him was the look on your face, he had never seen you look so confident before, so calm, so strong.
It was… it was fucking hot.
 And then you did your jump serve, hitting the ball over the net with incredible force and speed.
 No that was fucking hot. That was fucking incredible.
 Akaashi’s lips parted in awe as he continued watching the game, completely captivated. You looked incredible out there, elegant almost, in every play that you did. He couldn’t help but notice how you were all over the court, working well with your team. But at one point he was worried about the toss you were about to throw to your wing spiker. He knew you were a setter, you had mentioned it quietly in passing the first time you had met Bokuto, and he had asked you what you thought about volleyball. 
 But he didn’t know that you were that good. For a moment he started doubting his own abilities, wondering if you ever thought that he wasn’t good from all the games you had gone to.
 The toss you had made towards your wing spiker was the kind of toss you knew she liked, high and fast. She spiked it down perfectly.
 You cheered loudly with your teammates.
 “Akaashi.” Bokuto called, he finally got out of his funk after the match had started, enjoying the heat of the game. “Does Y/n-chan seem different to you?”
The setter nodded, his eyes never leaving the court, or rather, his eyes never leaving your figure.
 “She’s really good. It’s like her personality is the complete opposite when she’s on the court.” He muttered, mostly to himself.
 “Right, right.” Bokuto mumbled, “did she always have such a nice butt?” he blurted out.
 Akaashi turned towards the third year, scowling deeply in annoyance and… was that jealousy?
  “Bokuto-san don’t say stuff like that about Y/n-san.”
 “Eh? But you were staring too Akaashi!” Bokuto pouted. 
 The team noticed the bright red color dusting the setters cheeks at Bokuto’s exclamation, and began snickering and laughing at the poor second year.
 His scowl deepened, and before he could scold his team, he heard you yelling.
 “Connect the ball!” you called out, watching as it went up in the air, your libero easily receiving it.
 You all were getting ready to do a synchronized attack, but you surprised the other team by doing a setter dump, or more like a spike because you slammed the ball down hard.
 The game had ended.
 You guys had won. You were still in the Qualifiers.
 You were immediately surrounded by your teammates, cheering and hugs being passed around before you guys cleaned up the court and left to gather your stuff for the ride home.
 You were switching out your sports glasses for your regular ones when you heard familiar voices.
 “Hey, hey, hey! Y/n-chan! You were great out there!” Bokuto praised. Behind him was the rest of the boy’s volleyball team, who were now conversing with the girls on your team.
 “Thank you.” you said softly, a sweet smile stretching across your lips. “I’m glad w-we won. I-It was pretty close.” 
 Bokuto frowned slightly, his eyes dropped. “Y/n-chan. Why are you acting shy now? You weren’t like that at all on the court! You were awesome!” 
 Akaashi smiled at the sweet flush that covered your cheeks as you waved Bokuto off frantically, voicing how you were just really concentrated on the game.
 Before Bokuto could pressure you even more he interrupted. “You did amazing Y/n-san. You’re an incredible setter.” 
 Your lips parted in surprise. But warmth started spreading throughout your entire being at his praise. “R-Really Akaashi-san?”
 He nodded, taking a step closer to you. He took in your blushing face and messy hair. 
 Why were you so fucking cute?
“Yeah.” he said, carefully reaching up and tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, smiling softly as your face turned more red.
 “Your uniform looks good on you too. I’ll have to go to more of your games. Maybe we can play a game of volleyball together soon.” he said softly. “Or we can do something else.”
 He would love to see you play up close and personal.
 Or maybe he’d rather just spend more time with you.
 You could feel your heart racing in your chest as you nodded your head rapidly. “I-I would like that a lot actually.”
 Akaashi’s smile grew more, and he couldn’t help himself but to reach down and grab your hand, squeezing it gently.
 “Me too.” 
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Just Jokes
Request: Would you write a Harry X Reader where she's staying with them for quarantine and the boys keep pranking her (idk like egging her or stealing her clothes) and they don't realise she's getting fed up so she ends up losing it and Harry feels bad that he didn't see how it was getting to his girlfriend?
A/n: Egging is so mean omg😂 I didn’t include the actual pranking part bc I’m really bad at it, not gonna lie
Gif is not mine, I got it from google bc tumblr doesn’t want to supply any freaking gifs of him
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“I’m gonna kill your brother,” you announce as you sit next to Harry. “And his dumb sidekick.” You wrapped the towel around your body a little tighter as a chill ran through you, wet hair dripping on the bed as he laughs softly.
“What for?”
“They’ve been messing with me all week. I couldn’t find any of my clothes, but I happen to look out the window and they’re in the freaking garden. And I just got out of the shower! What am I supposed to do, walk around naked?”
“Wouldn’t hurt my feelings,” he smirked. You looked at him, unamused. “I’m joking.” He rubbed your back, assuring that he understood your frustrations. “I’ll go talk to them. You can grab something of mine to wear, if you want.”
You watch as he walks through the door, a hand ruffling his hair before turning to look at you one more time. A small smile crossed his face as he grabbed the door knob and pulled the door closed, giving you some privacy. You huffed out a breath, trying to force some of the anger to leave your body, but it doesn’t seem to help. Standing up, you look through the closet and pull out a jumper, letting the cozy material warm you up. You slide on a pair of pants and make your way downstairs, ready to face the mischievous boys.
“Bro, we’re just having fun,” you hear Tom’s voice as you approach the kitchen, stopping short so they don’t notice you. “It’s been a month now, with nothing to do.”
“Yeah, we need something to pass the time,” Harrison laughs.
You roll your eyes, of course it’s just fun to them. “I don’t know,” Tuwaine spoke up. “You guys can be horrible some times.”
Thank you you mouth, raking you hands through your hair in frustration before crossing them across your chest again.
A scoff came from someone’s mouth before Tom’s voice came again. “She just needs to learn how to loosen up.”
“Loosen up?!” You yell, turning the corner to look at the boys. All four boys jump, eyes wide as you startle them. “You’ve been treating me like shit. My clothes are in the fucking dirt, what do you mean ‘loosen up’? Those stains aren’t coming out, some of those clothes have to be dry-cleaned. And that’s just today. Not everyone wants to do this stupid prank crap. Why not prank each other if you’re so bored? Why do you insist on taking it out on me?”
Harrison looked at you in sympathy. “Y/n, we did mean-“ he started to say before you cut him off.
“‘We didn’t mean to upset you, we didn’t mean for it to come off that way.’ You never mean anything, but you always do it because you’re assholes with nothing better to do than be fucking bullies to the one girl in this house.” You storm off, returning to Harry’s room to be by yourself.
You can’t help turning around to make one last dig. “That’s why you can’t get laid, you worthless dicks!” You stomp back to the room, slamming Harry’s bedroom door shut.
The group of boys stood in silence, not sure what to do or say. “Told you she was mad,” Harry said, not looking up from the table he sat at.
“Well, how were we supposed to know? She never said anything,” Harrison argued.
“You can’t keep blaming her for the things you do to her,” Tuwaine cut in. “She’s right. If you have to pass your time with pranks, do it against someone who wants to participate. Otherwise it’s just mean.”
“And she’s not one for confrontation, you know that,” Harry added. “She wouldn’t just walk up and tell you to stop.”
The boys sat at the table, thinking about how angry you sounded. “I guess we should go apologize,” Tom sighed. He looked to his younger brother wondering if it would be a good idea or not.
Harry shook his head, “give her to the morning to calm down. She’s probably rehearsed a million new things to yell at you for by now.”
“Yeah, I don’t care to hear her yelling about my dick being useless again,” Harrison muttered, his hand moving down unconsciously to adjust himself. The other three boys laughed.
“Well, I’m gonna go check on y/n,” Harry announced, standing up. “She likes pancakes if you’re planning a ‘forgive me’ present.”
“We’ll keep that in mind,” Harrison nodded.
Tom nodded in agreement, “yeah, Harrison will keep that in mind.”
“Whatever. Useless dicks,” Harry joked as he turned to walk away. Laughing, he heard the two boys shouting at him as Tuwaine laughed along with him.
Once he approached the bedroom door, he knocked softly to let you know he was there. He opened the door and found you on lying on the edge of the bed, under the covers. He made his way over, climbing on the bed next to you. “Any other words?” He asked, giving you the chance to rant some more.
“Nah,” you whispered. “I’m good.”
He nodded. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize they were doing much or that you were that angry with them.”
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t do it.”
“Yeah, but I probably could’ve prevented it. Or at least made it not as bad.”
You laughed quietly. “Don’t worry about it. They’ll get theirs.”
. . .
The smell of breakfast hit you as you made your way to the kitchen, finding Harrison cooking breakfast while Tom stood next to the counter chatting with him. You quietly make your way to the counter to start a cup of tea.
“Morning, y/n,” Tom said with a smile as he noticed you. Harrison followed suit, repeating after Tom. You smiled at them, but didn’t give more than a quiet morning back. “So, about last night. I’m sorry, me and Haz both, we were just trying to have fun- which isn’t an excuse, but we didn’t realize you were that upset.”
You listened as you moved to the seat behind Tom, placing your mug to steep as you continued walking, opening the pantry. Grabbing the peanut butter, you turn to make sure both the boys were facing away from you.
“Yeah,” Harrison cut in. “It was just stupid. We really thought you would find it funny, and you would start pranking us back.”
“It’s fine,” you told them, grabbing a handful of peanut butter in both hands. “Boys will be boys.” You walked to where they stood, simultaneously shoving the peanut butter in both their faces.
Tom and Harrison yell out in shock and confusion as they wipe their faces. “And if you mess with me again, I’m shaving your heads in your sleep,” you threaten, cleaning your hands with a towel then handing it to the closest boy. “Thanks for the pancakes though.”
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Hahaha sooo SOMEONE is experiencing really bad pms cramps and so I was wondering if you could by any chance write something with Pomma and Sooga? Like- Pomma is on her 🩸 too and Sooga is pampering her like the fucking simp he is? And maybe he’s into period sex too idk lol I’m just going off on a tangent here 😭
Fucking, period club my bitch. Let me see what I can do for you man.
"Pomma? I'm back, I hope you weren't waiting too long."
Kohga was out on some meeting with Rhoam, so it was up to Sooga to cheer up his other love in his life; Pomma. She was raked in pain and agony. Body acting and bloated and bleeding-Sooga could only imagine this awful this period was. He knew what to do, having grown up in a house full of women, but he could only partially understand her strife.
She looked up from her bed, groaning. Her hair was a mess, and she looked exhausted, but he still found her stunning. He set the tray down, and placed the hot rag on her lower stomach. He did research, and this was something that was supposed to help the cramps.
"Oof...thank you, Soogy. Did you-"
"Get what you requested? Absolutely. I apologize I couldn't make It, but I feel like you'd like some actually good seafood paella. I DID catch the fish myself though."
"Aw, how sweet of you. My big, strong Soogy, going out and fishing for his lady~"
She held onto his strong, pretty chin, and watched him melt into her touch. It wasn’t until she let him go, that he recalled what he was doing. Right, Sooga, focus. He cleared his throat, helping her sit up, before grabbing a spoonful of the fragrant looking rice. Despite her chuckling at it, he still spoon fed it to her, even going so far as to clean her face when she had just a small bit of mess on her pretty features. He could tell she wasn't savoring it though, and he knew exactly why.
"Come on! I've been begging for it all daaaay."
She whined. Sooga sighed, putting the bowl down, before reaching for the small box. Kohga liked having all sorts of expensive and fancy treats to himself, but Sooga was the only one to know the hiding spot. He wouldn't mind missing a few, surely. She sat there eagerly, finally having something that DIDN'T suck today. Caramels, fudge, nuts- all types of goodies, all for her. She cut out the middle man, and yoinked the box from his hands, helping herself blissfully. Sooga chuckled, taking a minute to watch her. 
"Uh huh. I mean, sucks for you, YOU have to explain what happened to Kohga’s candy."
"Oh he'll understand. Hopefully. Regardless, you let me worry about him. I want to cater to you in every way I can. You're precious and beautiful to me."
She groaned, laying back down in quite a grumpy way.
"Ugh, I don't FEEL beautiful. I feel gross and bloated. I'm like a hippo."
"...a pretty hippo?"
"I will show your balls what I'm going through."
Sooga held his hands up a bit in defense.
"Apologies, thought it'd be funny. But truly, I find you just as beautiful today as I did yesterday. Every single bit of you."
She licked what remained of the chocolate from her fingers, before looking in his direction.
"You're not just saying that, are you?"
He took her hand in his, nodding as he gave it a light squeeze.
"You look incredible. Truly. The only woman I can find myself attracted to."
She chuckled, running her fingers through her hair. He loved it when she did that. Always made her look so pretty.
"Wish I could feel that. Instead I just feel all bloated and in pain and just, MONSTER horny, it's bullshit."
Sooga cocked his head to the side.
"You...you feel aroused. While you're on your period?"
"Well not EVERY woman, obviously, but I do a huge chunk of the time, yeah."
"Would you like me to help?"
Pomma raised a brow at him, as if he just said something stupid.
"You know I'm bleeding, right? Like. A lot. You'd be putting your dick in that."
"I have no qualms,"
He puffed out his chest a bit, not at all wanting to disappoint his love. Even though the idea DID make him hesitate, just a bit.
"I mean, what man would I be, if I couldn't have you as you were?"
She looked him up and down, expecting some punchline. When she didn’t get any, she seemed just a bit hesitant. 
"I don't know, Sooga. I mean, I would LOVE that, really, but this isn't your speed, and-"
He cut her off when he pressed his lips against hers. It was just a simple enough of a distraction for him to slip his hands past her clothes, kneading and massaging at her chest. Oh, the way she moaned into his mouth. He pulled away, but kept his forehead pressed against hers.
"I will not force myself upon you. But I beg you to let me prove myself to you. I beg you let me soothe you in any way I can."
She let her hand glide up his chest slowly, as if she was just noticing his muscular form.
"I...okay. But if the blood grosses you out, I don't expect you to keep going, okay?"
He nodded. He peeled off her clothes, ever amazed by her body. Beautiful, full, abundant in stretch marks and soft flesh. He started off with her chest, tongue twirling the nipple in his mouth, his other hand pinching and pulling. She wasn't kidding when she said she was aroused. Her hands were on him in a second, feeling up his frame greedily, and legs were twitching oh so adorably. 
"Hmmm...you can't wait too much longer, can you?"
"Don't act so cocky-"
"But you like that. I can see it by the way you look at me. You want me to take care of you. And I VERY much enjoy doing just that."
He usually wasn't so coy, especially with Pomma, but he couldn’t help it. Her flushed cheeks left him unable to be so restrained. He sat up for a minute, and made quite the show of taking his clothes off (save for the mask), just to give her something nice to look at. Once nude, he pulled her closer by her big, pretty thighs, pressing his hard cock against her absolutely soaked pussy. She looked up at him, lightly smacking him at his core.
"You suck. What happened to my good boy? Not this. Cocky fuckhead."
"This 'cocky fuckhead' made you laugh though, didn't he?"
He leaned down to kiss her precious nose, before slipping inside of her. He watched her lips quiver as soon as he felt him inside of her. He pushed himself fully into her, until his balls pressed against her ass. He studied her face, not looking underneath them. All that mattered was that she was wet for him, and that her face oozed pleasure. She grabbed at his frame, and the sight of her melting around him; there wasn't a sight in all of Hyrule that looked as beautiful. 
"S-shit, mommy needed this."
"I can tell. You haven't smiled like this all day. And that, is by far, the MOST arousing thing about you. Now please, let me see how content I've made you."
Sooga always knew how to treat her. Knew her body needed a certain pace or a certain touch. 
He could read her like a battlefield. He gave her exactly what she wanted. He hoisted her feet over his shoulders, pushing his cock right into that perfect spot. Her head tossed itself back, her giant breasts bounced in time with his thrusts, and with the help of a firm hand on her ever sensitive clit, she came. He knew her cute little toes curled when she came, and it made his heart absolutely melt for her. He pulled himself out slowly.
"You're lovely. Radiant. Precious. Ganon himself would love to have the chance to touch-FUCKING HELL."
She snapped out of her lust fueled daze quickly, looking up at him in panic.
"Apologies, I uh. Just saw I'm covered in blood, and I panicked. Thought I hurt you. Or me."
"Did. Did you think you broke your dick??"
"I'm no medical expert, but I didn't rule that out."
"Oh my god I just got my g-spot hit by an absolute moron."
"A moron who loves you."
She laughed into her hand, shaking her head. Her body was sweaty, blood was at her thighs, and her heart was trying to calm the fuck down.
"Yeah. I love you too. Come here, give mommy some sugar~"
"Yes ma'am."
He leaned down to pepper her sweet lips in kisses, before she softly cupped his face in her hands.
"You take such good care of me."
"You deserve to be cared for. Now, how about I start you a nice, hot bath, and change the sheets for you?"
"Depends. Do I get the fancy bath salts?"
"Anything less would bring shame to my name, my darling."
How could he have been so lucky, to be able to help someone so incredible?
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kyunsies · 3 years
hello hello mädchen <3 i hope you're doing good today and it is lovely where you are
i am slowly feeling better thank you - i'm still have trouble with sleep but i hope that it gets better soon. 😢😢😢 your words. you are super amazing too and so kind. i feel we have very similar tendencies too and it's a really good thing sometimes but can also be a not so good thing. idk if you've tried this but i'm trying to try less hard? not that like i don't want to work hard but it feels like sometimes i cross that line where it's too much and it actually makes it worse? like to let go enough to be able to appreciate my work as opposed to try and kill myself over it? idk i don't know if it will work but i want to try? i've just moved to a new agent/rep that will hopefully be better for my mental health just cause they seem nicer and will stress me out less.
your job sounds really thorough though. do you enjoy it? i 100% agree with you though! i like to buy good quality clothes too, but that's probably because i really don't buy loads either so each piece feels like an investment? what did you get? is it warm where you are? or have you been investing in more wintry stuff? i so so rarely get multiple versions of albums! i always really to but then i wonder if i;m going overboard and if i end up looking at the photobooks? i got the comma and xiesta photobooks last year and now i'm not sure if i wanna sell them on to a monbebe that will appreciate them more? hmm just me overthinking probably? leather platform shoes sound AMAZING. hahah i do the same though if i know i want to spend some money so i usually wait for the following month sometimes even though i know i'm gonna get the thing anyway? haha.
i'm back to heaven as my fave now!! i'm so so so looking forward to mx eng2 but i agree with you. like these careers are so so so short i'm sure they're aware of this and just want to live their career to their full.
ahhhhh 😢😢😢i love you lots and honestly i was so scared my last year of uni too. i don't think older generations get how much harder it is for people our age when we leave uni and stuff to just start a live that is nice and happy and fulfilling. so you're not alone and honestly even now i feel the same way just after i left uni. BUT you know you have the ability and that means you'll always be able to find a way. i was gonna buy five versions of an album today so i am deffo not the most responsible haha XD but thank you and also know that being insecure means that you're human and not an asshole because honestly all the people that were so overconfident that i've ever known (and i don't mean like - putting it on to help them get through stuff or performing but legit thought they were all that) have all been assholes. so it means you have a good heart and you will always find a way. i don't deserve being looked up to honestly but i'm honored you think i am <3 i'll always keep working hard - i wish i could give you a hug in person and let you know that things will be okay! please always feel ok to tell me your troubles and anything as well. am always here for anything you need too <3
love you lots and lots and lots xxxxx 🦢
babe i am finallyyyyyyyyyy answering this now ;___; i'm so sorry i kept u waiting but i wanted to answer this with all of my attention and not when i was busy bc that wouldn't have been fair to u :( so i hope u have been well and thank u so much for being patient !!! also u used my full name ........ what if i loved u with my whole heart <3
have u finally been able to get the rest you need ? i know work can keep our anxieties on high alert, which makes us even more inclined to burn out :( i hope u are able to rest well soon and not worry too much about work in the future ;____; but like i always say i'm really proud of u for pushing thru anything bubbie like u could easily just give up or have a mental block but if there's one thing i know both of us pride ourselves in it's always finding a way to handle stress no matter what the cost it does to our mental heath etc ....... which could be a bad thing but also there's lots to be said about how our work ethic is right ?? also LDSKFJS not trying hard .......... i think u mean like not stressing myself over every little thing right? there's a saying "don't cry over spilled milk" like CHILL it's okay it's just a mistake just clean it up and move on :') i really wish i can learn this mentality in the future ...... i just don't have those types of ppl around me in nursing school bc all of us are always on edge so i think i'm missing ppl like that in my life (besides my family but to an extent they can be classified as type A personalities too skjflfj) but anyways; u said u moved onto a new agency?? i hope that works well for u and they are able to allow u to grow and create things freely <3 good luck !!!
my job is just okay !! i won't be doing this in the future but it's nice to know that for a fact i don't think i could work in an office setting like this for the rest of my life HHH but it's okay, i don't mind organizing things for other ppl esp if it will help the company in the long run !!! and about my clothes SLKDFJ i totally agree !!! like we said we don't like our bank account hitting below a certain number so everything i buy is like an "investment" like u said hehe so most of the things i buy for example jeans are over $70 for me but i know i'll probably go a whole year not buying another pair and wearing those most likely everyday lol u know ? it's very warm where i am (most days lol) so i've been buying some light weight clothing !!! i don't like wearing jean shorts or anything like that, my fav material to wear in the summer is linen and cotton so i've been buying a lot of flowy linen pants <3 i got a pair from the store madewell, and bc i was on holiday this week i went to this one swimsuit store called everything but water and they sell pricier swimwear but i get so fed up trying to go to cheaper stores to look for swim tops bc i have bigger boobs hhhh and nothing makes me feel comfortable in my own skin so i don't mind spending money on something i feel comfortable in !! anyways i bought a bathing suit from there and then i think that's it ?? i was going to buy some jo malone perfume but it's so expensive so i didn't ;____;
U ARE BACK ON THE HEAVEN TRAIN WOO HOO <3 lol it is such a good song ....... i told u it's in my top 3 comfort songs <3 and about the eng album !!! yes i totally agree, i think they're aware of how much they're doing and honestly i think they should take advantage at every opportunity that comes their way as long as they feel that have control of the situation :)
and ALL OF THIS LAST MESSAGE MADE ME CRY WHEN I READ THIS :((( i tell my mom about all my anons lololol and she knows about u and ur work and i read this last part to her and she thought it was so sweet of u to say ;_____; it's kinda comforting knowing i am not the only one who has these doubts about the last year of uni :( i don't get much feedback from my family (besides my mom and grandparents) about if they're proud of me or not , i don't think they really get how hard it is for me being a nursing student but i just want to do well at whatever i do :( i want to be able to look at myself and go "hey u know what ur doing and ur doing really well".... i just hope i get there someday ;____; i have so many anxieties and maybe i need to talk to someone about them bc i think they hinder my nursing performance rather than help me but just knowing someone like u cares out there ........ i mean u know me but we have never met and u are so sure about my abilities and i can't tell u how thankful i am for someone like u <3 truly brings tears to me eyes <3 i want to give u a hug too :( thank u for ur kind words always i could cry right now ;_____;
0 notes
zoadgo · 4 years
Memori +29. Sorry, I send you an ask with "memori +26" but I meant 29 lol.
so i just reinstalled xkit and uh, this ask is from four years ago, fun facts. this fill in canon compliant ish with s7
Disclaimer: I’m just going through my inbox to write some drabbles and try to get back into doing fan fic. I think I know which prompt lists most of these were from, but I might be wrong. All of these are several years old tho, so idk. All drabbles are unedited and prone to many typos, sorry my dudes
29. Cooking Together
Emori wakes up alone in the bed she shares with Murphy, which isn’t that strange these days. He’s woken up before her for as long as she’s known him, even though Emori doesn’t exactly sleep in. But it used to be that even though he was awake, he would spend indulgent hours curled up against her, and Emori would wake up with him stroking her hair, staring off into the distance, awake but still content to relax. 
Nowadays, he doesn’t seem to relax very much at all.
Emori sighs to herself, slowly rolling out of bed and throwing on some soft clothes to go track down her lover. Chances are, whatever he’s doing, he could use her help. Or, at the very least, her company. He never likes to ask for it, never wants to disturb her, but there’s honestly nowhere she’d rather be in their new world than by his side.
The farmhouse is quiet, the sun just barely having risen, most of their kru still asleep or just starting to rise. Emori passes a bleary eyed Raven, given her a brief nod and a smile that the mechanic vaguely grunts in response to. Hard to tell if she’s getting up early in order to work on a new project, or if she’s just heading to sleep after staying up all night. 
Indra is, of course, already awake and sitting sternly in the living room, looking out the window. Emori isn’t exactly sure when she sleeps, if she does at all. It certainly seems like she’s always around, hovering and ready to shut down any less that perfect ideas. Which Emori doesn’t mind, honestly. Sometimes it can be hard to remember, in their idyllic little oasis, how real the dangers of their new world are.
She doesn’t try to strike up a conversation with her, simply passing by without comment on her search. She hears vague noises of habitation coming from the kitchen, makes her way there with soft footsteps to investigate. 
The early morning sun streams through the windows, pale gold, painting everything like a fantasy. Emori pauses just inside the kitchen and drinks in the scene, storing it carefully in her mind. Because there’s Murphy, smiling softly to himself as he pours something in a pan, a pot of coffee sitting on the counter, the smell of breakfast weaving through the air. It’s beautiful, a balm on any unease she might have felt when waking up alone. 
She realizes, as she steps into the kitchen properly, it’s been a long time since she’s seen him cook. There were other priorities, of course, and when they were working with the Primes they were served truly delicious food, but watching him cook stirs memories of Earth within her. Of the first night he cooked for her, how he lit up when she complimented him, of her showing him more herbs than he had learned about on the Ark, how he took to it all and every time he fed her it was more delicious than the last. How she got to brag about him when Clarke was surprised at how good his cooking was. All those days, when they were on their own, and she would sit and sharpen their weapons while he roasted something over the fire, and there was laughter and smiles and peace.
Emori can’t help but smile, sneaking across the room as quietly as she can, spotting dishes he’s already finished cooking, set on towels and just waiting for people to eat them. There’s some kind of meat frying in thin strips, what looks like fresh baked bread in a basket, the aforementioned pot of coffee, along with a carafe of juice, and a few other covered bowls. Emori hums happily, announcing herself subtly right before she reaches Murphy, wrapping her arms around him in a gentle embrace.
“Good morning.” She hooks her chin over his shoulder to look down at what looks like an omelette he’s tending to. Murphy turns his head slightly to look at her, and his smile only grows. He doesn’t look as haunted today as he did yesterday, and while she knows that might not hold, it still blooms a warm joy in her chest.
“Morning,” he replies easily, pressing a soft kiss to her temple briefly. 
“Need any help?” Emori offers, even though her help is usually limited to moral support. She supposes she can also pass him ingredients, but they both agreed long ago that it’s better for everyone if she’s a more hands off kind of person when it comes to cooking.
“Set out plates and cutlery?” Murphy asks, and Emori can do that. She nods, kissing the back of his shoulder before releasing him to rummage through the cupboards. It only takes a minutes or two to set out stacks for everyone, and when that’s done she decides to clean some of the prep dishes Murphy used. 
It’s quiet, just the two of them, the sizzling of food in pans, and the soft sounds of water and scrubbing. Vaguely, Emori can hear doors elsewhere in the house open and close, and she can hear at least one shower running. But for the moment, as far as she’s concerned, it’s just her and Murphy, and she can’t stop stealing glances at him, watching him solemnly focusing on folding his omelette perfectly. 
This is it, this is what she’s always wanted with him. No matter what they’ve been through, what mistakes they - well, to be honest, far more Murphy than her - have made. Every battle fought at his side, every fight, every struggle, it’s all for this. For the smell of coffee and eggs, and the golden morning light, and him stretching slowly after he sets the last piece of the meal on the table.
Emori sets aside her washing for the moment to stand beside him as Murphy looks over his meal with obvious pride. He casually puts and arm around her shoulder, and it’s right. This is how it should be, and even though she knows it won’t last forever, Emori indulges in it for now.
There’s nothing that needs to be said, because she knows he feels it to. That they should have this forever, that this is the very the least the universe owes them for all they’ve been through. And even though it doesn’t need to be said, she says it anyway.
“I love you.” It’s a quiet statement, a breath into the perfect moment. The arm around her shoulders tightens, and Murphy rests his head against hers.
“I love you too.”
It goes without saying, but still, it’s nice to hear. And then Indra comes in to get her coffee, and Raven heaps a plate with food, becoming more animated as she devours it, and soon all of their family is there and it is all the more sweeter for it. Emori is happy, and next to her, for the first time in a long time, she’s pretty sure she feels Murphy relax.
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devintrinidad · 4 years
Now a modern CAW au because why not.
1146 is a rich kid from a rich family of world famous doctors. He’s naturally expected to become a doctor himself one day and is a total nerd for biology. He has a very… Strong appreciation for white blood cells (for some reason he just really loves learning about them). He goes to a bording school and shares his firm room with 2001. Their dorm neighbors are 2626, 2048 and 4989. They’ve all known each other their whole lives and the others come from, not as wealthy, but still prestiges families.
2001 and 2048 are from Euroasia (and some made up country, shrugs) and the rumours are they come from a line of nobility. They neither confirm or deny it but they are gifted in various languages and are excellent in all areas of study. 2001 particularly excels in business math and law and 2048 in history and anthropology. They’re the smart ones and study nerds of the group. 1146, 2626 and 4989 aren’t dumb. But they are joked as being the dumb jocks of the group because they’d rather play sports then study in all areas besides what they like most. 1146 loves philosophy and molecular biology. 2626 likes programming and english. 4989 loves trigonometry and physics. 
But yeah outside those things those 3 have no ability to put in the effort beyond just barely passing in other homework assignments. They often plead to 2001 before big tests to please have mercy on their dumb inferior minds. 2201 always says they have themselves to blame. Then he caves and spends the whole night before the big test to help them prepare. It’s a vicious cycle that 2048 always escapes because he always finds excuses. At least initially. 2001 quickly gets fed up even though 1146 points out he’s never seen him sleep once despite always complaining about being tired. 2048 is the one who always riles the other 4 up to doing stupid stuff before any big test (after he’s done studying) so 2048 is the one who should be responsible for them. 
They’re also all part of a mixed martial arts after school club. No one else will join because they’re likely too scared since these boys are INTENSE. 
The boys are around 14 or something (do I know how bording schools work? No). 
The boys, 1146 in particular, get easily misunderstood. Most kids see then as violent nutcases because at the start of school they got into a huge bloody confrontation with the bullies (yep, human versions of viruses) that landed all of them in the hospital for a couple of weeks. Despite good intentions that event and the rumours surrounding the darker side of their families dealings get blown out of proportion. The boys are popular and seen as cool in a sense. But people keep their distance from them as assign exaggerated stereotypes to them. Girls from another bording school across the lake from them send valentine gifts to them and secret admirers like sending them notes. But no one wants to date or get to know them. Essentially besides some cool teachers, the 5 boys only have each other. They choose to not let it bother them (too much) and let their sense of justice drive them into battling the sneaky bullies who are honestly psychos who shouldn’t be allowed in society. But they are smart and never get caught so the boys can’t get caught challenging them or stopping their plots against the student body (see what I did there, puns). 
The killer T’s are the hall monitors and the boys are constantly either having alliances with them or sneaking past them for various reasons (stopping bullies or just goofing off). It’s a complicated relationship. 
Commander T is the president of the school council. 2001 and 2048 are members of the council and Killer T thinks that’s the only reason Commander T won’t let him bust that group for their obvious crimes against their authority (he’s mad 2626, 4989 and 2048 have pranked him in the past. Nothing personal, but he can’t stand 1146 being popular despite having just a scary reputation as he does). 
The lactic bacteria exist as dogs in this setting. Technically they’re owned by the philosophy teacher Basophil (the one teacher 1146 idolizes so much his friends worry it’s a mental disease. Eosinophil idolizes him too. But she’s in the other school and can only see him when she visits 1146. They’re 2nd cousins or something. Before the bording school, Basophil used to be their tutor when they were much younger) and run loose around the school. But they end up spending a lot of their time with 1146. He takes care of them a lot and they listen to him as much as they do Basophil (they’re either very Dumb dogs or very disobedient ones as. They go back and forth about not understanding the simplest commands to figuring out complex problems like opening doors or the refrigerator by themselves). 
The bording school has recently decided to have girls start attending (some fire happened and they want more students. Idk). Despite female students not offically attending  until a year later. One exception gets made.
Enter 10 year old 3803.
Both 3803’s parents were war medics who later became agents to a secretive defense group who track down foreign spies and take them out. They retired when they had 3803 and made a living as a cleaning service. One day 3803 gets kidnapped and her dad dies saving her. Her mom decides it’s too dangerous to be with her and makes the hard choice, for the time being, to give 3803 to a friend until she can hunt down her enemies (momma us Macrophage). 
3803 is given a new identity and sent to the bording school for her own protection. The friend who is taking care of her is 1146’s dad. He’s 1110 (their teacher from canon. That’s his number right?). He’s been in love with Macrophage ever since they met and fought in a war together. Unfortunately he was in a arranged marriage set up by his parents and she fell in love with someone else. His own marriage didn’t work out since his wife left him to pursue her own stuff. 1146 was left with abandonment issues from that and because his mom was always cold to him and didn’t hide the fact she never wanted him.
1110 is a very warm and affectionate father to 1146. Wanting to make up for lack of love he received from his mother. 1110 is very supportive and happy to let 1146 experience life in matters his own strict distant parents never allowed him. But he worries because 1146 likes to act like he’s fine but he’s very closed off. 1110 worries 1146 will never open up to anyone besides the select few he grew up with. 
To 3803, 1110 quickly sees her as the daughter he never had with Macrophage. He becomes very overprotective and nurturing of her. Wanting her to feel safe and hopeful her mother will someday come back alive. He also hopes beyond hope that his son will one day fall in love with her (when they’re much older) because he really wants her to be his daughter. Pretty much why he refuses to adopt her despite Macrophage saying it would be a good idea (he thinks it’s too much like giving up on Macrophage surviving her ordeal. He wants to believe Macrophage will live and come home to 3803 again. Ecspecially after everything she’s doing to protect her daughter). 1110 spends 3 months helping 3803 recover enough and explaining her new situation. He chats with 1146 over a secret line (yes 1146 was taught by his military dad how to have secret phone calls) about 3803 and her situation. He doesn’t expect anyone to come after her or figure out she’s there (he’s doing a lot of work on his end too) but he still wants his son to look after her and be her friend.
When 1146 sees her, he thinks she’s younger then she actually is. She’s dulled eyed and looks ready to jump out of her own skin. Which he can imagine why after everything she’s been through and now, for the year, being the only girl in a all male school (1110 in a sweet tone threatened to take down the entire school of she wasn’t properly cares for). When he approaches her, she immediately perks up and asks if he’s Mr 1110’s son. After that 1146 isn’t sure how he ended up walking her to his club while she chatters faster then a hummingbird hums and latching on to his hand and swinging it back and forth.
1146 updated his friends on her situation so they know they’ll most likely be seeing her a lot and to be extra nice to her. Because he’s self aware enough to know he’s going to be bad at it. He already made her almost burst into tears when he replied with a maybe after Killer T laid down the laws and threatened to throw anyone who breaks them into confinement. He also knows he can trust his friends with such a big secret
She’s really clingy with 1146 initially. It’s weird and a new thing. But he doesn’t dislike it.
1146 and 3803 first really bond (after a few awkward weeks) when they’re alone and he’s studying for his anatomy class. She keeps asking him what the pictures are about. He explains what each cell does and gets more and more excited to talk about the topic when she gets more and more amazed. His friends tease him about his fascination with cells and think he should have been one instead. 3803 is the first to genuinely be very interested in listening and sharing his desire to talk about them. Afterwards 3803 declares she loves red blood cells and is going to be like them. A mailwoman who gets her packaged delivered no matter what. It’s the first time both really smile at each other and he feels a connection with her. 
After that he realizes he misses her a lot when she’s gone and almost gets jealous when she starts clinging to his friends too.
3803 loves to clean because She used to help her parents clean all the time. The boys mixed martial arts club is a pig pen to say the least. Completely dirty and just about unsanitary. Never been washed or dusted. Trash of junk food is littered everywhere. Dirty clothes just left hanging around. 3803 almost can’t believe what she’s seeing. She spends the next 3 days cleaning the entire club by herself and she won’t even let 1146 and the others come in. When they finally can it’s like a whole new room. They didn’t even know they had white wood floors. From then on 3803 becomes the club’s little cleaning lady. When 1146 tries to help her or tell her it’s not nessecary. She replies he’s not good at it and she likes to clean because it reminds her of mama and papa.
3803 ends up being a kindred spirit to the boys, 1146 in particular. She doesn’t have a bad reputation like they do. But for some reason she’s one of those people you expect to have a million friends but can’t even make one. She’s sweet and tries her best. But she gets overlooked easily for not standing out and she can’t find a way to connect with anyone her age. Even if her follow students are nice to her, no one invites her into their group. She’s also really bad at academics. She has to work twice as hard to be just average. This causes her a lot of stress. When 1146 comes by to check up on her after her math test (she studied really hard and holed herself up in her room so much she forgot to eat). He sees her dull eyed and unhappy, like she’s too sad to cry. A mean kid makes a snide comment she’s just naturally too dumb to change herself. Before he can intervene, 3803 determinedly says she can and she will and runs off to the library to study more. 1146 pats the kid on the shoulder and says nothing. Just stares until the kid pales in recognition of one of the Beserkers and flees like his life friends on it. From then on 1146 drags 2626 and 4989 to the library to be her study partners. If she’s determined to be good at everything she can be (and she says herself she’s not good at anything) then they can work harder to improve themselves on areas they’re weak in too. 2048 and 2001 will join them too (and be far more helpful at helping 3803 study then they will be with the other 3). 
3803 ends up becoming the club’s mascot. 4989 and 2626 dresses her up in a kendo outfit (then take the bokun sword away when she accidently hits 1146 in a… Sensitive area.  They don’t explain to her why it was so painful for him). 
3803 gets a pen pal from the other school. It’s 5100 and the two quickly establish a close connection. 5100 often sends seperate letters addressed to the boys, outraged 3803 isn’t getting the girl stuff she needs. 5100 proclaims not only is she going to be visiting her but she’s decided to transfer to their school next year so they better have 3803 involved in stuff she would be doing if she had girl friends who liked the same stuff.
She sends them a list of things 3803 told her she missed doing with her momma and wished she had 5100 here with her already. They are a bunch of dumb boys who don’t know a thing about girls. They do the best thing they can. They youtube how to do everything on the list. 
(In this au 3803 has longer hair for this scene alone). 2626 takes over hair stuff. Her momma used to make her hair pretty and put it in all sorts of styles and decorations. He nearly has a heart attack when she says Ow when he brushes her now messy hair too hard. He’s not brave enough to trim her hair and layer it. So he gives himself a pat on the back when he can put her hair into a ponytail. His next goal is pigtails. 
2001 takes her to cutesy maid cafes where where they drink tea and eat cookies. 2001 gets fawned over by the maids because they think he’s hanging out with his cute sister, who they take pictures with and give free samples to. 2001 isn’t sure what to do when the maids want his phone number for a tip so he leaves a gwnedous amount of cash and walks away really fast while while 3803 skips along holding his hand and begging to go back there again (he thought he got the easy one. Liitle 2001 isn’t as cool headed as adult 2001).  
2048 takes her clothes shopping. He first ends up picking out clothes he likes. But when she gets mistaken for a boy a few times he decides to let her go solo. She picks a onsie cat suit for pajamas. Cute but not exactly the clothes he was told to get. Eventually they wander into girl sports area and a worker has mercy on him and helps him pick out cute sports shorts, shoes and shorts for girls her age. 3803 is very energetic so she likes them a lot.
Both 1146 and 4989 are in charge of baking sweets. The most they know is throw a ramen cup into the microwave after adding water so their first attempt is kind of bad. She has to stop them from adding olive oil instead of vegetable oil to a cake mix. They can’t remember if the mix used to be a vanilla or chocolate cake after baking it. They find their groove when 4989 discovers youtube channels about making awesome designer cakes. One about a cake shaped like a boat and layered with Kit Kats charms all three of them. After that 4989 become a baking fiend! Except his food is never good because he focuses more on creative design then taste. 3803 has to be there to remind him what actually tastes good.
All of them engage in axe throwing (Macrophage would definitely make axe throwing a mother daughter thing). 3803 actually has really good aim. But she sadly says mama could throw a perfect aim backwards (that is a thing. It’s awesome). All of them compete to see who can learn that maneuver first in order to teach 3803 (3803 says mama’s rule is 3803 can’t learn a axe move unless it’s from someone else who’s mastered it).
They all treat 3803 like a little sister. Except 1146. He sees her as a kindred spirit he can relate to and see as his equal. He’s the only one who notices when she’s sad and that she stays up late at night, staring out the window in endless starry darkness. It reminds him a lot back when he used to wonder what he did wrong to ruin his family (it took him a long time to believe he wasn’t the cause of his family falling apart). He knows 3803 is feeling the same thing. At first he just watched her secretly. Then he moved to sit next to her and silently sat there together until she was ready to move. Eventually they both opened up about how they want to feel like they can be better again. 
One day 3803 gave them all salty treats. She said she wanted to give them something good for this day and she knows they prefer salty and bitter over sweet stuff. Months later they realize that day was Valentine’s day and she received NOTHING from anyone. They panic and start cooking up a grand present to give her in both thanks and apology. 3803 didn’t mind and wasn’t expecting anything from them. She actually got a ton of heart shaped chocolates from 1110 and 5100 so she felt good that day. 
When next year comes so do the female students. Among them are 5100 who instantly starts mothering 3803 and going big sister/best friend mode. Eosinophil who joins the Mixed martial arts club and, with 5100, joins the hall monitors for the female part of the dorms. Alongside her is NK. Who quickly butts heads with Killer T and establishes she’s the top hall monitor now and her people (5100 and Eosinophil) will be smarter then his (they have a history. Their families thought about a arranged marriage for them. But all it took was one meeting to nope out of that) in catching bad behavior. 
3803 always looks to NK for safety or help as far as the two lead hall monitors go. Even if Killer T is right there. He tries not to feel irritated (he fails) or bad that that’s probably because she’s scared of his rough attitude. NK at least acts competent and only yells at people who insult her first (unless it’s Killer T). 
When the girls go to a overseas trip somewhere. 1146 isn’t panicked at all and us perfectly confident she’ll be fine in the older girls care. That is until she’s gone and he syarts reading news reports on abduction or lost tourists and he calls his dad to bring up the helicopter. His dad is like sure son I was on my way to do this on my own. Lets make following her around a father son thing. Sure dad thanks for being on the same page! They spend the whole break trailing her and making sure she has a great time and doesn’t get lost or mugged. 
For while now 3803 has been trying to gain the reputation as a reliable delivery person. She always offers to take things for teachers and students from the council to other places and people. She gets lost in such a big school. But she slowly gains the cred she is willing and able to be trusted with jobs. It gets to the point she will be sent outside of school to deliver or pick up packages and it becomes a official student job. She has her own bicycle.
1146 secretly picked up sewing and knitting to make 3803 a beret hat (the one she has in canon) after she complained about how bright the sun is. He spends a long time on it. But he’s able to give it to her own her birthday. He even made it shaped like a red blood cell so she can be inspired. She loves it and never takes it off. She even sleeps with it.
Near Christmas the rivalry between the bullies and the squad gets more and more intense. It reaches it’s boiling point when they start picking on 3803. They see how she cleans up after the squad and treats them to baked goodies. They offer her payment of not bothering her 8f she does the same for them. But she refuses because the squad hates them and she’s scared of them too. They retaliate by grabbing her from her bedroom at night and locking her in a shack on the woods. Unfortunately for her It’s both a deadly blizzard that night and she starts freaking out because the last time she was abducted her dad died. She’s very afraid whoever got her (she knows it was the bullies. But they wore masks and she has no physical proof of them doing it) will hurt her friends. She breaks out if the shack and tries to find her way back as she can still see the school. However that’s when the blizzard starts and the school goes on lockdown mode. 5100 checks in on 3803 but finds her bed empty. Soon enough everyone is trying to find her. 1146 remembers the bullies messing with her earlier and, screwing consequences, corners the leader and starts wailing on him with his fists. Demanding to know where 3803 is. He tells 4989 to alert the teachers and and heads out into the dangerous snow storm to find her. Luckily for him Basophils dogs saw and followed her and one of them stayed with her while the other found 1146 and lead him to her. She’s not responsive to his calls. Her tears are frozen and she’s vshowing no signs of life. He carries her back by following the dogs and seeing the search lights ahead of him. She’s sent to the infirmary for the night and then taken to the hospital first chance they get in the morning.
Needless to say everyone goes berserk and the two groups really go at it. The teachers can’t even break them up at first. When things die down a bit and Killer T’s hall monitors help the teachers break up the fight. Everyone is sent to the infirmary to recover. Days later, after 5100 tells them about 3803’s descriptions of the masks, NK and Eosinophil show up with the masks matching 3803’s descriptions and having found them in the bullies club room. The bullies get expelled and are forced to fave the law.
From that moment 1146 decides to not become a doctor. He knows his true calling is a cop and tells his dad right away when he shows up to visit them. 1110 right away starts telling him he’ll research whatever he needs to fullfil his dream. 2001, 2626, 2048 and 4989 also decide to follow 1146. They all want to know how to protect people better (hey look I’m sneaking in the famous cop and mailwoman au!). 
When 3803 finally comes back everyone is excited! Then the boys realize in the time she was gone they let the club become twice as dirty then it was when she first cleaned it. They spend the entire time trying to clean the club to perfevtion because they know she’ll insist on cleaning. Eosinophil is the biggest slob of them all so she works extra hard to annihilate her filth. 
1146 makes it a habit to check on her every night and every morning. One morning she’s gone and he freaks out and nearly knocks 5100 down when he runs into her and tells her 3803’s missing! She calmly leads him to NK’s room and opens the door to reveal a snoring NK with a 3803 curled up like a kitten in bed with her. 3803 had a nightmare and went to the girls room to spend the night with one of them. 
When everyone but 3803 graduates years later, she promises to keep the club going and find people who will join it because she’s the mascot. To everyone’s shock, 2001 is the one who gets teary eyed first. She has to tell the boys not to cry only to start crying herself. They’re all going to miss each other.
3803 rooms with 4201 and the two end up running for school council,and recruiting people into the mixed martial arts club. 3803 and 1146 stay pen pals as he works hard to become a accomplished cop. They manage to meet later when 3803 is a young woman who’s graduated and about to attend her first job at the postal services. 1146 does a double take because 3803 is a woman. 2626 dryly points out duh obviously. But 1146 really sees her in a new light.
Yeah that’s it. I kind of plopped whatever thought came into my,mind all day so maybe there’s more. This ends the school life and morphs into the popular cop and mailwoman au. 1146 gets flustered by this new dynamic where he’s falling hard for her. She’s trying to sort out her adult life. Cancer probably shows up and there’s a murder mystery. Maybe 3803’s mom shows up or 3803 is confronted with the fact she’s probably dead. 1110 is a doting papa wolf who’s totally his son’s wingman. Shrugs. 
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buckthegrump · 5 years
Lifeline - 5
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Lifeline (n): a thing on which someone or something depends or which provides a means of escape from a difficult situation. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1777
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, angst, idk morgan being amazing
A/n: ya know i’m the worst at keeping to a schedule so
Three weeks later.
It was cold, too cold. And dark.
The air in the room was still, so still, it was stuffy. It was so hard to breathe in that room but she had to keep breathing. Just in and out.
For a while, she screamed, for help, at her captor, just to make noise but after a while, her throat hurt and there came a time when she opened her mouth to scream but the only thing that came out was a weak croak that was barely loud enough to reach her ears.
Y/n ran her tongue over the fake tooth that she knew held the tracking device. It had become her only source of comfort in the past. . .weeks? Months? She’d lost count of the days, thanks to the lack of windows and schedule. 
It didn’t help that she tried to stay awake as much as possible, but eventually, her body would give up and pass out so she’d lose track of time, not that she had a great grasp on that before.
The only thing that she knew for sure, was that every few hours a man she didn’t recognize would come in and depending on his mood would either just beat her or if he was in a good mood he would gently touch her arms or her cheeks. It was never anywhere else but it still sent a shiver down her spine and she wanted it to stop.
She wanted out. And if her tracker was still in, why was she still here?
Then she heard footsteps. There were just the tiniest bit of lights trickling through the cracks of the door, it was the only time she got any light at all. She looked down at her filthy clothes still in the outfit she’d planned on wearing on her date with Bucky.
Bucky. She wanted to cry at just the thought of him. She often wondered if he thought she’d stood him up, she would’ve. 
How long ago was that?
The only clue she ever got as to how much time had passed since she got here was the incessant grumbling of her stomach. 
The man walked over to where Y/n sat in a chair, arms and legs bound to it and sat down in the chair across from her. He fed her a piece of bread and gave her some water. She could already tell from the way he was feeding her that he wasn’t going to beat her, at least not this visit.
His hazel eyes and clean-shaven face would haunt Y/n for the rest of her days if she were to ever get out of here.
She’d tried asking him why he brought her here during those first few days but he only backhanded her and walked out of the room. Soon she realized that when she asked he wouldn’t feed her and if she was going to fight her way out she needed all the strength she could get, even if her only source of nutrition was a stale piece of white bread. 
She hadn’t asked in a while and she’d already finished her food and water, she could risk it and do it now while he was in a good mood. Or she could wait, but wait for what?
“Why did you take me?” Y/n’s voice was barely above a whisper and it didn’t sound like her, at least not to her own ears. She could feel her mouth moving but the voice the rung through her ears sounded hoarse and battered.
The unnamed man looked at her and tilted his head slightly. He cupped her cheek with his hand and it took everything in her not to flinch away.
“Because,” he said, “You saved me and it was my turn to save you.”
“From what?”
“It doesn’t matter, your safe now and once everything calms down upstairs, we can finally be together.” The smile on his face made Y/n want to puke but she held it together. He got up from his seat and walked back through the door closing it tight and locker her back into the darkness.
* * *
Bucky could tell that Tony was beating himself up about the chip not working. And after weeks of no new leads, Bucky was starting to lose hope. 
The longer it took to find her the less likely she would come back alive.
“Uncle Bucky?” Morgan asked while he was making her pancakes. Both Pepper was trying to coax Tony out of the lab telling him that there was nothing he could do if he didn’t take care of himself.
“Yeah, kiddo?”
“Is Aunt Y/n gonna come home?” Morgan looked up from her coloring book very briefly to gauge Bucky’s reaction, to his credit the question caught him off guard but he didn’t show it.
“I hope so.”
“Is that why my daddy’s been in the lab a lot lately?” Morgan had gone back to her coloring.
“Yes, he’s just taking it a little hard because the thing he built to make sure that we don’t get lost isn’t working for Y/n.” Bucky flipped the perfectly golden pancake onto a similar looking on that was on a plate and slid it over to Morgan, who abandoned her coloring all together for food.
“Why?” Morgan took the syrup and started drenching her pancakes in it before Bucky reached over and took it away.
“We think she might be too far underground.”
“She’s not in space?”
“If she is Aunt Carol will find her.”
“And destroy the person who took her,” Morgan said and slammed her fist on the counter.
“Ok kid, let's eat the pancakes please.”
Morgan gave him a stink eye, very similar to her fathers but after her pancakes nevertheless. She was over halfway done when she spoke again.
“Uncle Bucky?” 
Bucky had taken to cleaning up the mess and was in the middle of washing the dishes but paused and turned off the faucet to hear the girl.
“Yeah,” he looked at her. Her big brown eyes bore into his blue ones as if she was looking into her soul. He got the feeling that this kid was going to rule the world someday.
“Do you love Aunt Y/n?”
Bucky sighed and gave her a small sad smile. “Yeah, I think I do.”
* * *
Y/n was chastising herself because she was an idiot, well she was going to chalk this whole thing up to being malnourished and tired and not to mention so dirty. Because if she was at full brain capacity she would’ve realized sooner that the reason her tracker wasn’t working was because she was too far underground.
So now she just had to figure out how to get upstairs. How should she play this?
She was in no position to fight her way out and after studying her captor she realized just how built he was and normally she could take him but she was too weak for that right now.
But the least she could do is try to get up closer to the surface. 
Tapping her fingers against the metal of the chair she waited. Waited for the time to pass and prayed to whatever higher power there was that her abductor was in a good mood when he came back, not only because she needed to get out of this room but because he’d just beaten her the last time he was there.
Apparently, luck was on her side or she needed to start going to church because when he came back he was in a good mood. And she couldn’t be sure but it seemed like it was the best time to execute her plan.
“I know it’s a lot to ask,” she whispered in the stranger’s voice, “But can I use the bathroom?”
The man chewed on his bottom lip. Before he could give an answer Y/n continued.
“I promise I won’t try anything and you can even keep my hands tied I just-  I would like to use the bathroom and maybe wash my hands?”
The man let out a sigh and got down on his knees and started to undo her restraints. Y/n wanted to kick him in the face when one of her legs were finally free but that wasn’t the point of this. 
It was her unofficial superpower, reading people and being able to get what she wanted. Although Sam often joked that the only person she was never able to read was Bucky to which Steve would counter it was because she had emotional stakes in being wrong. But she couldn’t think about them right now, she needed to focus.
“I’m going to blindfold you though,” he told her before he released her hands.
“Ok,” Y/n agreed without hesitation. She didn’t need her hands all she needed was out of this goddamn space. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a rag and tied it around her eyes.
Her body was shaking when he undid her hand restraints and helped her to her feet. He guided her up the stairs and even though she was blindfolded, she could tell it got brighter. He only removed the blindfold when she was in the bathroom.
“Don’t try anything,” he warned and she nodded. After studying her a moment longer, he shut the door. 
Y/n looked at herself in the mirror and instantly wished she hadn’t. Her face looked lifeless and her eyes? Her eyes looked empty and void. She pushed herself away from the sink and looked out the very small window she would never be able to fit through. Outside. They were on the coastline. 
She must not have been as far underground as she thought but there was something about that room that blocked the signal but it didn’t matter. She’d been out of the room long enough now for the signal to go through. She hoped.
* * *
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Tony snapped his head up and looked at the computer screen. That alert meant that there was a signal from Y/n’s tracker. And sure as day there it was right there on the coast of Massachusetts, a dot where Y/n supposedly was.
“FRIDAY get a lock on that signal and send the coordinates to the jet,” Tony yelled afraid that the dot would disappear as quickly as it had appeared.
“Already done boss,” the AI responded.
Tony ran down as quickly as he could to the common room where Bucky and Sam were entertaining Morgan.
“I found her.” And for the first time in weeks, Bucky felt hope.
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polvillodecanela · 4 years
OC- Tober  Day 2: Mercy
Uh oh I really enyojed this one. At first I thought of making it mercy-less, with lots and lots of gore and soul sucking but… my character just… not? like Idk what happened. It ended being really mercy-ful  and I think that is beautiful.
I got to know my character more and more.. I think we are friends now that we understand each other more or less good. So enjoy as much as I did.
This, as the last one is in spanish and in english. 
The young man was hanging upside down. Oh well, Hong wasn’t quite sure if the hanged was young or not. Everything was deceptive with them. Everything worked against him. Until two minutes ago, Hong thought the hanged was human. He had been wrong and almost paid dearly for his indiscretion, if the boy had been more willing to fight. He wasn´t. That too could be misleading.
Hong was also deceptive himself. Walking through the crowded streets of the towns looking at jewelry and stealing emotions. Harvesting, rather, emotions. He particularly liked the taste of wonder. It was sweet but not overly sweet, like joy; It wasn’t sticky either, like adrenaline; it was warm without being hot, like shame; it wasn’t just lukewarm either, like desire - who would say ah? -. The hanging boy groaned and Hong lifted his head.
The young man was trying to loosen up, he saw the little rays coming from his hands. A new convert then. Hong hit the young boy’s head with a bat. Let him hung up lax again. Hong sat on the floor waiting for the boy’s “owner” to arrive. While he waited, he gave himself a second to ponder. How come such a simple mission had gone so wrong? It was supposed to be a relatively easy mission. Find the colony of yellows, extract the riches and eliminate them. But of course, the intelligence had been defective and they had ended up in that British camp heavily seized by soldiers.
They were idiots, those Westerners, with their firearms and their pretense of knowledge, with the arrogance that their stature probably gave them. Human beings are pathetic in many ways, he told himself. He had to lack any mercy and eliminate them all. Pride tasted like meat gone rotten, yet neither he nor his men were going to waste what they were given so freely. The soldiers now seemed like if they were asleep all in their beds. If someone came they would not know exactly what had happened. No, he corrected himself, if someone came and they had already left, otherwise it would be another unnecessary bloodbath.
Then there was the young man. He was dressed as a servant and appeared to be stunned. What was the two well-placed blows to the head doing. The young man was not yet very dexterous and he was a yellow - of that Hong was quite sure - because of the color of his eyes and the rays that came from his hands. If he was a recent convert perhaps his “lord” was looking for him. If he had escaped … well, he was going to give him 2 hours or so, if he didn’t show up he would get rid of him. Maybe the boy had answers.
Hong adjusted his long braid and addressed the young man’s face. He was a Chinese boy just like everyone else. Same as his own. He seemed little fed. It was more likely that he had escaped then. He slapped him twice on the face. The boy’s eyes widened.
“I’m going to speak only once. I don’t like being interrupted. I don’t like repeating what I say. Was I clear?”
The young man nodded.
“What is your name?”
“Zhan WuCheng.”
“Good, WuCheng. Who created you?”
The boy looked puzzled, or was his face hanging at a strange angle? Maybe, still, Hong wasn’t going to let him go.
“I don’t understand what you mean, sir.”
“Now, let’s see. Have you been in a lot of pain lately?”
The boy paled.
“N- No. No sir.”
“You are about to , so you better answer me. I already said, I don’t like to repeat myself. Who created you?”
“I don’t know him” then he added quickly  “sir.”
“Could you describe him?”
“More or less, sir.”
They stared at each other for a few seconds until the young man understood.
“He … calls himself >”
Qiannián! Finally, a lead.
“Keep going.”
The young man’s face was starting to turn an unhealthy reddish color. With a twist of his dagger the hanged fell to the ground. It sounded like a sack of rice.
“Good” the young man cleaned some dirt and sat on the floor “I… I-I escaped, sir. I overheard that they had done this to me” pointing to himself “because they wanted to feed a baby and I was scared. I ran and the soldiers found me.”
A baby. Twisted bastard. A baby. How? Qiannián’s special convert was a man. That was blacker magic than that was allowed. If you violate nature more than she allows it, she will take revenge. Hong and her men were nature’s revenge.  Hong Smiled.
“Okay” he said sitting down on the floor “tell me where they had you.”
He handed the boy a piece of parchment and a piece of granite. The boy did his best to make a fairly recognizable map of the mountains: ups, downs, a secret passageway to get behind the monster’s mansion. He also tried to explain to Hong about the unusual amount of things in that house, how the servants looked like puppets. Hong knew they were, a > without a soul is even worse than a human without one. Hong tried to smile as warmly as he could. He was feeling a cold feeling on his chest. He liked the boy.
“Well” Hong looked the boy in the eye “ I’ll have to tell you something. You will die”
“ Good Sir please, no, don’t kill me! Have mercy on me!”
“I am merciful, believe me. But the moment I finish with … that, with the one who did this to you” he touched the young’s shoulder solemnly “you are going to evaporate, it could be painful, we don’t know. I can’t do anything for you.”
“So… Is it better if I go on my terms?”
“It can be arranged, yes” he hesitated “How old are you?”
“Fourteen, sir.”
Misleading. Acid rose in his throat. The boy was thinking of leaving on his own and he wasn’t going to stop him. He took his dagger and blew some of his sadness into it. With emotions it hurts less, if Hong wanted to make it explode he would do it with his blood. He gave it to the boy.
“When you’re ready, WuCheng.”
“By the way, sir. They have peacocks. They are very pretty.”
Then, Hong turned his face away until he was sure the boy had done it. Only his clothes remained. He had – hopefully - peacefully vanished.
With the sour taste in his mouth Hong decided to take his men and, using the boy’s map, they climbed the mountains and found the house. It reeked of death.
Death, in case you want to know, tastes strangely… delicious, it varies from devourer to devourer, it varies even with the mood of the prey. To Hong, death tasted like an exquisite piece of pork tenderloin, slowly smoked and cooked underground in its juices with a glass of cool, cool liquor. The problem with drinking from someone until they died is that it is addictive and you end up - like Qiannián - renewing life to take it away again and again. It was monstrous.
Now, the taste of death was wonderful, but the smell was the same that humans could, if they tried, smell. They obviously didn’t, otherwise Qiannián wouldn’t have that much power. He couldn’t have created a baby. Hong had a strange and twisted curiosity to see the strange baby. Maybe he hadn’t been born, that was something he had to consider. He would not let it be born.
They entered right through the tunnel the boy had described. They eliminated three or four servants.
“Divide. You have to find the clan owners before they escape” then after a pause  “there are peacocks, very pretty, my mother will like them. Send the signal for those who are close by enough to come.”
He walked calmly through the corridors, stabbing some servants who exploded in colors and lights. Without making a single noise, by the way. They were more dead than alive.
Hong thought he was doing them a favor and he was probably right.
“Sir! The other knows we are here. He was going downstairs. He looked… round.”
Perfect. He grasped his sword, stained with his own blood, and ran like a madman through those alleys that wound further and further down. The yellow ones lightly illuminated the path with their multicolored explosions and the smell of burning meat grew stronger and stronger.
In front of him and his men: A huge, heavy door. However, the screams of a woman could be heard. She spoke english. She asked for mercy. Laughter was heard. Hong nodded his head once and his men entered like a flock of wild birds. With their swords they finished off the two monsters.
When Hong walked in he saw the milky little jars on the floor and up, up, suspended in two cages. There were two people.
“ Chandra” said one of them, the young man.
They were very badly dressed. The poor girl’s black curls were in an indefinite mass and her pretty green dress was in tatters. The young man was not so bad. They both had green eyes. With another nod of his head his men carefully dropped the cages.
The young woman could not remain standing. Hong held her very carefully. She was crying in silence. The poor thing smelled very bad.
“I have saved your life, human” he said, looking at the young man “ you owe me something.”
“If you’re going to milk me, I’m already broken,” He answered defiantly.
He wasn’t broken at all. Hong laughed. The young man was startled.
“No, no, no. A few years of your service would be enough for us.”
“Years you say” the other frowned.
The young lady was so tired that she had collapsed on the floor. One of hong’s men was offering her some water. She drank like she hadn’t in days. Perhaps that was the case.
“Yes, maybe fifteen”
To his surprise the other young man laughed out loud. No, he definitely wasn’t broken at all.
“ You are insane, buddy.”
When the girl reacted from her stupor, she got up and lunged at the other young man. It sucked the air out of his lungs.
“ God “V”, you’re going to kill me”
She was grinning. Her lips were chapped, her face looked like unpolished silver, and her dark circles were strongly marked. Nonetheless, she looked beautiful. Hong found himself staring at her more than he should. Hong extended his hand to the young man
“Hong” he said solemnly “my family’s name is Hong.”
“and yours?  Like… your name“ The young woman asked him. She was open with curiousity.
“It’s none of your business.”
“Bradley” the young man replied with a squeeze “my family name is Bradley, hers is Quincy. Thanks for saving us.”
“ It was nothing, actually, we were looking for the peacocks.”
El joven colgaba de cabeza. Oh bien, no era muy seguro si era joven o no. Todo era engañoso con ellos. Todo jugaba en contra. Hasta hacía dos minutos Hong pensaba que era humano. Se había equivocado y casi paga muy caro por su indiscreción, si el chico hubiera estado más dispuesto a pelear. No lo estaba. Eso también podía ser engañoso.  
Hong también era engañoso en sí mismo. Caminando por las atestadas calles de los pueblos mirando joyas y robando emociones. Cosechando, más bien, emociones. Le gustaba particularmente el sabor del asombro. Era dulce pero no hostigarte, como la alegría; tampoco era pegajoso, como la adrenalina; era cálido sin ser ardiente, como la vergüenza; tampoco era demasiado tibio, como el deseo - ¿Quién lo diría ah? -. El chico que colgaba soltó un gemido y Hong levantó la cabeza.
Estaba tratando de soltarse, veía los pequeños rayos de sus manos. Un recién convertido entonces. Le golpeó la cabeza con un bate.  Volvió a colgar laxo. Hong se sentó en el piso a esperar que llegara el “dueño” del chico. Mientras esperaba se dio un segundo para cavilar ¿Cómo es que una misión tan sencilla se había torcido tanto? Se suponía que era una misión relativamente fácil. Encontrar la colonia de amarillos, extraer las riquezas y eliminarlos. Pero claro, la inteligencia había sido defectuosa y habían terminado en ese campamento británico fuertemente apresados por soldados.
Eran imbéciles esos occidentales, con sus armas de fuego y sus ínfulas de conocimiento, con la arrogancia que su estatura probablemente les daba. Los seres humanos son patéticos de muchas formas, se dijo. Tuvo que carecer de piedad alguna y eliminarlos a todos. El orgullo sabía cómo una carne echada a perder, sin embargo, ni él ni sus hombres iban a desperdiciar aquello que se les daba con tanta libertad. Los soldados ahora parecían dormidos todos en sus camastros. Si alguien llegaba no sabría exactamente qué había ocurrido. No, se corrigió, si alguien llegaba y ellos ya se habían ido, de lo contrario sería otro baño de sangre innecesario.
Luego estaba el joven. Tenía vestimenta de sirviente y parecía estar aturdido. Lo que hacen dos golpes bien puestos en la cabeza. Aun no era muy diestro y era un amarillo – de eso estaba bien seguro – por el color de los ojos y de los rayos que salieron de sus manos. Si era un recién converso tal vez su “señor” lo estaba buscando. Si se había escapado… bueno, le iba a dar 2 horas más o menos, si no aparecía se desharía de él. Tal vez el chico tenía respuestas.
Hong se ajustó su larga trenza y se dirigió al rostro del joven. Era un chico chino igual que todos los demás. Igual que el propio. Parecía poco alimentado. Era más probable que se hubiera escapado entonces. Le dio dos palmadas en la cara. El chico abrió los ojos desubicado.
-          Voy a hablar una sola vez. No me gusta que me interrumpan. No me gusta repetir lo que digo ¿Entendido?
El joven asintió.
-          ¿Cómo te llamas?
-          Zhan WuCheng.
-          Bien, WuCheng. ¿Quién te creó?
El chico parecía perplejo, o era que la cara le colgaba en un ángulo extraño. Igual no iba a soltarlo.
-          No entiendo lo que me quiere decir, señor.
-          Ya, veamos. ¿Has sentido mucho dolor últimamente?
El chico palideció.
-          N- No. No señor.
-          Estas a punto de sentir mucho, así que más te vale que me respondas. Ya dije, no me gusta que me hagan repetir. ¿Quién te creó?
-          No le conozco – luego agregó rápidamente – señor.
-          ¿Podrías describirlo?
-          Más o menos, señor.
Se quedaron mirándose unos cuantos segundos hasta que el joven entendió.
-          Él… se hace llamar “el milenario”
¡Qiannián! Finalmente, una pista.
-          Continúa.
La cara del joven estaba empezando a ponerse de un color rojizo no muy saludable. Con un giro de su daga el convertido cayó al piso. Sonó como un saco de arroz.
-          Bien – el joven se limpió un poco de tierra y se quedó sentado en el piso – yo… y-yo escapé, señor. Oí, sin querer, que me habían hecho “esto”- señalándose a sí mismo – porque querían alimentar un bebé y me asusté. Hui y los soldados me encontraron.
Un bebé. Bastardo retorcido. Un bebé. ¿Cómo? El convertido especial de Qiannián era un hombre. Eso era magia más negra de la que se podía usar. Si violentas a la naturaleza más de lo que ella lo permite, se va a vengar. Hong y sus hombres eran la venganza de la naturaleza. Sonrió.
-          De acuerdo – le dijo sentándose en el piso – dime donde te tenían.
Le alcanzó al chico un pedazo de pergamino y un trozo de granito. El chico hizo lo posible para hacer un mapa medianamente reconocible de las montañas: subidas, bajadas, un pasadizo secreto para llegar por detrás de la mansión del monstruo. Trató también de explicarle sobre la cantidad inusitada de cosas en aquella casa, como los sirvientes parecían marionetas. Hong sabía que lo eran, un vacío sin alma es aún peor que un humano sin una. Hong se dedicó a sonreírle lo más cálido que podía. Tenía un frío en la espalda. El chico le agradaba.
-          Está Bien – Hong miró al chico a los ojos - Deberé decirte algo. Vas a morir.
-          ¡Señor por favor, no, no me mate! ¡Tenga piedad de mí!
-          La tengo. Pero en el momento en el que acabe con … eso, con el que te hizo esto – le tocó el hombro solemne – vas a evaporarte, podría ser doloroso, no lo sabemos. No puedo hacer nada por ti.
-          Entonces… ¿Es mejor que me vaya en mis términos?
-          Puede arreglarse, si – titubeó - ¿Qué edad tienes?
-          Catorce, señor.
Engañoso. Le subió acido por la garganta. El chico estaba pensando en irse por sus propios medios y no lo iba a detener. Tomó su daga y sopló un poco de su tristeza en ella. Con emociones duele menos, si quisiera hacerlo estallar lo haría con su sangre. Se la dio al chico.
-          Cuando estés listo, WuCheng.
-          Algo más, señor. Tienen pavos reales. Son muy bonitos.
Y volteó el rostro hasta que estuvo seguro que el chico lo había hecho. Quedaban solo sus ropas. Se había esfumado pacíficamente, o eso esperaba.
Con el sinsabor en la boca decidió tomar a sus hombres y, usando el mapa del chico, subieron las montañas y encontraron la casa. Olía a muerte.
La muerte, por si quieren saber, tiene un sabor extrañamente … delicioso, varía de devorador a devorador, varía incluso con el estado de animo de la presa. A Hong la muerte le sabía a un exquisito trozo de lomo de cerdo ahumado lentamente y cocinado bajo tierra en sus jugos con un vaso de licor frio y fresco. El problema con beber de alguien hasta que muere es que es adictivo y terminas – como Qiannián – renovando vida para quitarla una y otra vez.
Ahora, el sabor de la muerte era maravilloso pero el olor era el mismo que podían, si se esforzaban, percibir los humanos. Obviamente no lo hacían, de lo contrario Qiannián no tendría tanto poder. No hubiera podido crear un bebé. Hong tenía una extraña y retorcida curiosidad por ver al dichoso bebé. Tal vez no había nacido, eso era algo que debía considerar. No dejaría que naciera.
Entraron justo por el túnel que el chico había descrito. Eliminaron a tres o cuatro sirvientes.
-          Divídanse. Hay que encontrar a los dueños del clan antes que se escapen – luego, después de una pausa – hay pavos reales, muy bonitos, a mi madre le gustarán. Manden la señal para que los que estén cerca vengan.
Caminó tranquilo por los pasillos, acuchilló algunos sirvientes que explotaban en colores y luces. Sin hacer un solo ruido, por cierto. Estaban más muertos que vivos. Hong pensó que les estaba haciendo un favor y probablemente estaba en lo cierto.
-          ¡Señor! El otro sabe que estamos aquí, iba hacia la planta baja. Se veía… redondo.
Perfecto. Empuñó su espada, manchada con su propia sangre y corrió como un demente por aquellos callejones que serpenteaban más y más hacia abajo. Los amarillos iluminaban levemente el camino con sus explosiones multicolores y el olor a quemado se hacía cada vez mas fuerte.
Frente a él y sus hombres: Una puerta enorme, pesada. Se oían, sin embargo, los gritos de una mujer. Hablaba inglés. Pedía piedad. Se oían risas. Hong asintió una vez con su cabeza y sus hombres entraron como una bandada de pájaros salvajes. Con sus espadas terminaron con los dos monstruos.
Cuando Hong entró vio los frascos lechosos en el piso y arriba, muy arriba, suspendidos en dos jaulas. Había dos personas.
-          Chandra – le dijo el joven.
Estaban muy mal trajeados. La pobre joven tenía los rizos negros hechos una masa indefinida y el bonito vestido verde estaba hecho trizas. El joven no estaba tan mal. Ambos tenían ojos verdes. Con otro asentimiento de su cabeza sus hombres dejaron caer con cuidado las jaulas.
La joven no podía permanecer en pie. Hong la sostuvo con mucho cuidado. Lloraba en silencio. La pobre olía muy mal.
-          He salvado tu vida, humano –  les dijo, mirando al joven – me deben algo.
-           Si me vas a ordeñar pues ya estoy roto – le contestó, desafiante.
No estaba nada roto. Hong se rio. El otro joven se sobresaltó.
-           No, no, no. Con unos años de su servicio nos bastaría.
-           Años dices – el otro frunció el ceño.
La señorita estaba tan cansada que se había dejado caer en el piso. Uno de sus hombres estaba ofreciéndole algo de agua. Bebía como si no lo hubiera hecho en días. De pronto ese era el caso.
-           Si, unos quince tal vez.
Ante su sorpresa el otro joven rio fuertemente. No, no estaba nada roto.
-           Está demente.
Cuando la chica reaccionó de su estupor se levantó y embistió al otro joven. Le sacó el aire de los pulmones.
-           Por Dios “V”, vas a matarme.
Ella sonreía abiertamente. Tenía los labios partidos, la cara parecía de plata sin pulir y tenía unas ojeras fuertemente marcadas. No obstante, se veía hermosa. Hong se encontró mirándola más de lo que debía.  Le extendió la mano al joven
-           Hong – dijo solemne – el nombre de mi familia es Hong.
-           ¿y el tuyo? – La joven le preguntó. Desprendía curiosidad.
-           No es tu asunto.
-           Bradley – el otro joven respondió con un apretón – el nombre de mi familia es Bradley, el de ella es Quincy.  Gracias por salvarnos.
-           Bueno si, buscábamos los pavos reales.
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girlinthecorner19 · 4 years
Chapter 1: Zuko Alone
Heeeyyy so idk how to do a master list so if someone could help me with that, what would just swell. I am currently writing chapter 2 so you don't have to wait long for an update! It will probably be out by the end of the weekend. I start work again on the 13th so I won't update as often :,(
Words: 2161
Zuko was alone and starving. He could still smell the cooking meat from the fire if the family he passed. He once again clutched his grumbling stomach and sighed as he swayed with the movements of the ostrich horse. He felt weak sucking the last drop of water. His eyes drooped before me momentarily closed them. He shook his head awake once he saw the haunting images of his mother though. He needed to keep going.
"Hey you there!" A voice called out. He jumped slightly at the sudden noise and looked around for its source, sounded like a girl. The mystery girl jogged up to him, he squinted as she came forward. She was wearing tan clothes that covered almost her whole body so she blended in with the dry dirt surrounding. He wasn't able to see her face until she uncovered it as she approached.
"It's been a while since I've seen anyone out here, mind if I walk with you?" She flashed him an inocente smile, but Zuko internally groaned.
The last thing he needed was more distractions.
Picking up on Zuko's hesitant looks she held up her hands. "I carry no weapons." She looked at his dual sword, but her cheerful expression didn't change till she looked over him and his Ostrich. Her face changed to potty. "but I have some supplies. Your ostrich looks just as tired as you do." Zuko studied her up and down. Her hair was up in a loose bun, a few strands framed her tanned skin. She flashed a big smile trying to ease him. He looked into her eyes. Earth Kingdom, which made sense, he was in the Earth Kingdom. But they were suck a striking emerald color, dark flex of forest green sprinkled in. He took in her beauty, but quickly shook his thoughts away. He didn't have time for beautiful, mysterious girls who came up to him promising him food.
I'm fine, you should be on your way." The girl shook her head, looking into his ostrich's eyes. Much to his dismay she stroked the animals face. It let out a pitiful sign.
"He is exhausted, you would both do well to stop." She looked up at him no longer smiling, a much more serious look on her face. It felt like she was staring into his soul. He squirmed in his saddle. "I insist you at least stop by my camp for rest, please." The way she said please almost sounded like her life depended on it.
He signed, she looked stubborn but he didn't know who to trust so he unsheathes his swords. She took a step back, looking shocked.
"Please I mean no harm I—" she pleaded
"I'm just trying to keep myself safe, I'm not attacking." He inhaled "I've been traveling a while, I don't know who to trust." His expression stiffened in crontrast she flashed another smile and took the reins of his animal. He was tired, and he did need food. She looked harmless and he was sure he could beat her if it came down to it, so might as well accept her kindness.
"I understand. It's not too far away, so don't worry." She reached into her bag, Zuko was ready to strike, and took two apples tossing one to him and fed the other to his horse. "Does he have a name?"
"Do you?"
She nodded but didn't question him further. There was a pause, only the crunching sound of sand and dirt under feet and the ostrich's hooves.
"Do you have a name?" He asked
"Yes." She said in a husckly voice, Zuko assume she was mocking him. After a few snickers she continued "my name is Nya.
Nya, it fit her.
Zuko examined the campsite. It was nice he had to admit. A fast flowing stream of crystal clear water, lots of bush and trees for cover, she had a nice camp fire set up and a tent near it. It was like an oasis in the almost desert like area of the earth kingdom.
She led his horse to the stream where it drank eagerly. Taking a small cup from her bag, she filled it with the cool water and handed it to Zuko. He eagerly drank it. Nya eyed him as he gulped the water down. She blushed slightly, when he caught her staring.
"Can I have some more?" He asked politely
"Streams right there, I'm going to make us some tea."
Tea, it made him think of his uncle making him smile slightly. Once he filled his water he sat by the fire watching Nya with interest.
She looked skinny, which made sense with the amount of fashions she had. She is cute though. He huffed, causing Nya to look at him confused hold yourself together Zuko, you're on a mission. Honor is far more important than a cute girl.
They made conversation, mostly one sided by Nya as she cooked the fish and some sort of cabbage. But they sat in silence as they ate. She didn't have much food. He noted after their small meal she only had an apple, and a few berries left. She had offered the rest to him, but he felt pity, which was slightly unexpected.
She cleaned the tin dishes in the stream before sitting by the fire. She looked at the sunset then into Zuko's eyes.
"You are welcome to stay here for the night. I've got an extra sack and pillow if you need it." She offered.
He shook his head "I appreciate your generosity, I'm a stranger yet you gave me food and shelter, but I really should be getting on my way. I say a villiage just ahea—"
"They charge way too much for inns, you will never be able to afford it. They jacked up the prices since the war." Her eyes once again pleaded with him. "Please, stay." And once again she said please like her life depended on it.
Zuko felt confused, "why do you want me to stay so much, you don't know me." He asked.
Nya's face went red and she became flustered as she stumbled over her words. "I—um—"
"Spit it out!" Zuko barked. She sputtered, "come on!"
"I JUST DONT WANT TO BE ALONE!" Nya finally said. He was taken aback, inhaling sharply. She lowered her head. "I don't have very much food because people see me as weak and steal my food. Some... men..." she stopped and tears rolled down her face.
Zuko, not equipped to deal with crying girls, looked at her, eyes wide. He felt his heartened heart soften slightly. He wanted to protect her...maybe he'd just stay the night.
She cried softly to herself, and looked up. "Sorry, we just met and now I'm crying to you about my problems." She laughed slightly.
"I'll stay with you." He said looking up at the orange sky.
She gasped and lunged forward putting her arms around his neck. Zuko was ready to fire bend her right off of him, but the way it made him feel changed his mind. Her embrace, though was meant to comfort her, comforted him too.
What is it with this girl. He thought as he awkwardly patted her back.
"Thank you." She whispered before parting.
Zuko lied awake, unable to sleep for multiple reasons. One she had said she gets stolen from and also... he just couldn't see why anyone would want to hurt her. She's just a nice girl. Two he didn't like sleeping next to people he didn't know. And three this girl could potentially be a major set back. In the hours of knowing her she had managed to make him blush, and think of her as cute and beautiful.
She is... he thought as he rolled onto his side, watching her peaceful expression on her face and the steady rise and fall of her chest. Damn he thought angrily and rolled to his back.
He didn't know when he fell asleep but he was awoken by rustling in the bushes. He instantly got up and too his swords out of the sleeping sack.
He circled the camp site, but it was silent.
"Show yourself you coward." He whispered.
The tree above him shook, and he quickly drew back. "So the little girl got herself a bodyguard. I'll make quick work if you, kid" the slimy voice above him said.
"We will see about that." Zuko gritted his teeth. And debated whether he should firebend this bitch into next week make the first move.
The man jumped out of the tree. He wore a hood, but Zuko could tell from his build he was a grown man. Anger built inside of him at the thought of him taking advantage of a young girl who couldn't be older than 17.
"You're just a kid what are you going to do?" He taunted.
But his eyes widened with shock when Zuko rushed I'm with speed he didn't expect. Swords clashed. The thief backed away, but Zuko quickly advanced. And with one swift move he disarmed him.
"You are one of the most dispicable humans out there. You pray on the weak, and steal from the poor. Only picking a fight with those you know cannot defend themselves." He spat at him, holding both swords to his throat. "Give me one reason I shouldn't end your life."
"I—please have mercy I'll never bother her again I promise!" He sank to his knees and begged.
"Scum! Of course you won't because I'm going to—"
"Zuko STOP!" Nya rushed over to him grabbing his arm to lower the sword. He did but kept eye contact with the thief.
"He should pay for his crimes." He growled his left sword almost touching the thief's throat.
"Yes, but not by death he will be put in jail. Or maybe the soldiers in the city will rough him up a bit. But death in not for us to decide." She stepped in front of Zuko and lowered both of the swords.
He huffed "you would get along great with my sister." He said sarcastically. Zuko looked back down at the man who was shaking with fear then back to Nya. "Got any rope?"
It was morning by the time Zuko got back to Nya's campsite. He tossed her some gold pieces. She looked up confused.
"Turns our he was a wanted thief so, I got some bounty from it." Zuko said as he began packing up his things.
"You're leaving so soon?" She asked.
"Yeah." Zuko stopped packing and looked into her eyes, but they were angry. "You know," he drew his swords, Nya's heart dropped and she stepped back. "I realized something you said while I was traveling back."
She continued to step back, but panicked once she hit a tree. Sweat dripping down her face. "What is that?"
Zuko stepped forward his face inches away. "How do you know my name?"
She gasped, scared if she told the truth he would think she was lying and kill her. "You're Prince Zuko, everyone knows who you are!"
He shook his head. "No. People know my name, but not many out fo the fire nation would know what I look like." He was so close she could feel his breath on her face. And even though she feared for her life, a light rose tint painted itself on her cheeks. She stared into his golden eyes.
"I...I don't actually know..." she looked down, tear fell from her eyes which made Zuko hesitant and step back. "I can't explain it, but when I say you on the road... something inside me told me I needed to talk to you. And the more I was with you the more I felt I was connected to you. And then as I was sleeping I had a—a vision I guess." She looked back up, Zuko's mouth parted at the determination in her eyes. "And now I'm sure that I'm supposed to travel with you Zuko! I know I'm supposed to help you find the Avatar!"
Aaaah I can't tell if this is good XD. Let me know what you think and thank you so much for reading.
Writing this is actually more difficult than I thought. Writing for Zuko is challenging, but good practice for difficult characters. Like he's kinda an ass but also he's fighting with himself bc he secretly do want to be good. So writing his interactions with Nya is kinda tough. I'm also very thirsty for Zuko so I just wanna write some heavy make out scene. I'm going to write smut but I'm trying to go easy on it. But I want to but can't bc Zuko is not a slut so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  But also I'm like choke me you sexy son of a bitch. Wow I have no chill ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
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They have nannies and Jared at least I don’t think is with the kids full time. If he was home with G all holiday, I think she would make sure to shove a camera in his face before the Christmas family pic like she usually does. So I don’t think that they’re that exhausted. An aside annoying how the wives are treated like the average mom, when they have tons of help, money and don’t have a job. Most actual working moms can’t up and leave for vacation anytime they feel like to like G and D do.
I don’t think they took the nannies (or nanny idk if they have more than one) on this particular trip though they probably are taking advantage of the fact most ski resorts/lodges have daycare/day camp for kids where the kids spend the morning doing arts and crafts and the like and then in the afternoon they go back to their parents. I personally think Jared spends more one on one time with the kiddos than G does but that’s just me. 
He probably wasn’t home with G all holiday he was probably more with his kids, with Jensen, with his friends, with his family, but knowing G I wouldn’t be surprised if she did a whole day photo shoot and she’s just saving the pictures to use at a future time. 
But neither of that means that they can’t be- or at least Jared can’t be- absolutely exhausted because traveling is tiring, dealing with kids even for a short amount of time is tiring, and the holidays are tiring. And look, I won’t deny it I’m one of the first to roll her eyes whenever G complains about how tired she is (and good lord does that woman like to complain!) but during the holidays I’m more willing to give her a pass because the holidays can be draining even with help like just emotionally they can take so much out of someone that it makes them physically and mentally exhausted. So while she might not be outright ready to collapse I think she probably is tired and ready to just go home and back to her version of normal with all the comforts her life provides where she has her own space, and doesn’t have to deal with the kids (as much) and can come and go as she pleases. 
All that being said- I’m gonna say this ahead of time cause I’m about to go on a rant right now like anon you don’t know the door you have opened; the argument could be made that D does have a job because of the brewery, and some could argue that G also has a job though I personally wouldn’t cause I think she’s more the face of her blog...it’s sort of a gray area whether you consider her blog a job or not.
Moving on from that, warning wive rant ahead: 
I completely 100% agree with you about it being annoying that D and G are I would say not just treated as an average mom but seemingly put on a pedestal for acting as if they were hard working moms like all the others- some people act as if it was a personal offence to even suggest that those women have nannies, that G has a professional photographer take all the pictures for her blog and insta, that they most likely have someone who cleans or helps clean their house - as if they have to hustle and work hard to make sure their kids are fed and have clothes on their back and they were doing it all on their own when the reality is that Jared and Jensen have worked their asses off and can afford to make sure their kids are taken care off; most hard working moms can’t afford daycare much less 24/7 nannies.  
D and G have the privilege- cause it’s a fucking privilege - to have nannies and one of the things that gets the most under my skin about those two and in particular G - cause at least D has admitted it! D admitted that her kids have a nanny! But G has made the hard working I’ll say I’m not perfect even though I’m selling you the fucking opposite mom her whole entire brand, and I fucking hate that, it gets so under my skin that she acts like a wonder woman and as if she didn’t have any help, and let me be clear I don’t have a problem with them having nannies, if you can afford to have someone help you out with your kids there ain’t nothing wrong with that my fucking problem is with G (and on occasion D) acting as if she don’t have that help. And building her (G) whole entire brand on that idea! 
If they were just honest and acknowledged every once in a while that they have help, and can afford it because their husbands earn a nice salary it wouldn’t bother me so much. 
And anybody is even thinking of going ‘what about when jared and jensen praise the wives’ a) I’ve already stated in the past they’re gentlemen they’re not going to bad mouth D and G especially to fans and b) yeah, it annoys the fuck out of me then too every time they do it I roll my eyes and go ‘boys I love you but cut that shit out you know that we know you have help with the kids and the home’. 
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