#idk maybe it used to be true 😭😭 maybe it still is idk anything abt rabies treatment other than if you show symptoms
oysterie · 2 years
when me and my brothers were little my dad told us that if we get rabies we have to get 21 shots in the stomach as his way of making sure we didn't mess w wild animals lol
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kindlespark · 7 months
this is gonna be SO long and rambly sorry anyway i saw a post abt how babel does queer characters and it got me thinking abt why the tropes it uses would usually turn me off other stories but didn’t here
i feel like i’d be more mad abt how robinramy ended up in babel if it marketed itself as queer lit at all or if its fans were going “WOW AMAZING QUEER REP” abt it. but no one told me any of that, so finding out they were gay was just a fun little bonus surprise to me. i get why ppl are eh abt robinramy not getting together/technically still being subtext (which i dont think is really true btw like the book literally says “robin was falling in love” but idk i guess if you were stupid you might’ve assumed that it was falling in love with oxford given how romantic some of the other language is (WHICH IS ALSO THE POINT bc i think robin’s friendship with ramy blurring into romance is why he romanticised like all his friendships/experiences in oxford BUT IM GETTING OFF-TOPIC)). i just think robin’s repression abt being gay was intrinsically tied to his attitudes on imperialism (wrt refusing to acknowledge anything that complicated his life until it was too late) and i don’t consider it a cop out or queerbait. like i genuinely don’t think robinramy could ever have gotten together without drastic alterations being made in terms of plot and character. plus i think it’s clear that kuang didn’t want to write a story with any kind of focus on romance at all, because it’s not that kind of book. there’s no successful het romance either, so it grates a lot less. the only reason romance is included at all is to show the ways in which white entitlement manifests. so the tragic way robinramy played out just made sense to me.
and i speak as someone who accidentally spoiled myself on You Know What in the middle of reading and i was like ugghh boooo dreading it the whole time expecting to roll my eyes when it happened but then when it did i was like. wow im actually not that mad LMFAO 😭😭😭 actually thematically the book sets it up so well that i believed that this was unfortunately the only way it could’ve gone. babel is about the loss and tragedy and grief that colonised people experience. it’s about the lengths people will go to to uphold empire and the lengths ppl will go to to tear it down like idk 😭 i guess it is bury your gays but it didnt bother me this time because i thought it fit thematically ❤️ i enjoy tragedy as a genre a lot and i would’ve made it gay anyway you know. thanks rf kuang for doing it for me so i didnt have to.
WHICH IS ALL TO SAY that i guess if you’re going into babel for the queer rep without appreciating that the story is fundamentally a tragedy it would feel like it’s just reusing tired tropes….. but i think the choices kuang made were rly deliberate and not in a way that feels like trauma porn or shock value. the book is fundamentally about the struggles of poc so the layer of queerness that was introduced felt like a subtle extension of the experiences of characters of colour in the book, and i enjoyed and related to it as a queer chinese person who kind of realised they had to prioritise their fight for the liberation of poc over queerness mainly because the idea of western queer liberation cannot be dissociated from imperialism and many aspects of homophobia as we know it was an export of christian european empire into our colonised countries in the first place and FUCK THIS IS A WHOLE OTHER TANGENT ABOUT HOW I THINK RAMY AS A CHARACTER IS EMBLEMATIC OF THE TENSION AND STRUGGLE THAT QUEER POC DIASPORA HAVE BETWEEN OUR IDENTITIES GODDAMNIT OK FORGET IT POST CANCELLED i just rly think babel’s handling of queer characters is fine and makes sense and i like it personally and maybe i will make a coherent analysis about it one day but that day is not today byeeeeeee
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liquidstar · 11 months
my big fat greek wedding is the realest greek rep in mainstream american media, not because its completely accurate- a lot is rooted in lighthearted sort of self-stereotypes, and is overall pretty shallow if youre looking for legitimate emotionally resonate representation of any kind. BUT thats also EXACTLY what makes it vibe w so many greeks anyway because we hardly ever see those very specific little eccentricities even mentioned, letalone be made the focal point, so we kind of love making fun of it in a way thats like "oh my god thats JUST like my thio maki!!! and thats just like thia calliope!!! oh fuck that ones just like me"
all things considered i dont think greek representation is like the most important ever or anything, but its so rare to see greece acknowledged beyond ancient stuff or mythology, or maybe the occasional jab at eastern europe, that its just... fun to see yourself and your family a little bit on the tv. it doesnt really get into the super deep parts of the culture or anything like that but its fine bc its fun. i think most greek families (esp of diaspora) have bonded to this movie because theyre just like us for real. before this, i think the closest thing id seen to actual greek rep on tv was from an episode of the suite life on deck where it was mainly just an eastern europe stereotype 😭 abt being hairy and playing with pig guts as balloons and shit idk. i mean also true but in a way that comes off as more mean spirited lol. but even then i was excited just to see our flag on tv and remember pointing at it to my mom so i cant say it was the worst. but hey!
anyway i like my big fat greek wedding a lot, wanna see the 3rd sometime too but never got around to it. it just vibes and is fun. and again like i said before, greek rep wasnt the most important thing ever growing up (even if it is super cool to see and does make me very happy to have our culture acknowledged outside of ancients!) but it does make me understand why representation is important in a more general way and why it means so much to people. and i also understand that it can mean a whole lot more to people whove been historically treated way worse by media. like, lack of acknowledgement is one thing, but outright malicious stereotypes are another. i do get this with lgbt+ rep too but since i was lucky enough to be born in a time where its becoming the norm i also cant imagine how it must have seen so much worse and then live in a world where every cartoon has 2 girls kissing. its not perfect and often corporate but... also a good sign
sorry this post is super stream of consciousness so its probably all over the place but i think my general thoughts are that ppl who shit on a series for having any kind of representation they dislike (being "too progressive" or something) is not only an awful unsympathetic person but also like. on the flip side will never know the joy of seeing yourself like that. but i do realize it also comes with the tradeoff of not being seen to begin with so its not like its a net positive but... those ppl still wont know! they will not understand the true joys of "[country] mentioned!!!!" when the country is The United States Of America. the end
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httpiastri · 5 months
okay i was wrong i had a lot to say so now its three vv long asks in your inbox
THE PEPE BLURB HAD ME ON MY KNEES I SAW THE TAGS AND LIKE I AGREE STUBBLE annoys me a bit but i don’t mind if it’s him 🤭🤭… and also this is so unrelated but i also read through the blurb about him helping you sleep and… i used to have a sam and colby phase and there was a video where colby was playing with his own hair to fall asleep (he basically has really obsessive fans and can’t really date for the partner’s safety… a bit like those fans who stalk the wags obsessively im so sorry 😭😭) but like
THAT WOULD BE PEPE imagine hanging out together and youre like sitting cross legged on the bed doing something (i crochet and do crafty stuff so maybe rhat but we could also just be folding origami idk) and he’s laying next to you watching you while getting sleepy and he just starts playing with his own hair to help himself fall asleep and you just notice and set aside your stuff and do it for him instead idk 😞😞 i just miss him so bad
and like you’re right?? idk why i feel like pepe would unintentionally be so strong or just have such a strong grip that sometimes you have to tell him to loosen up a bit when hes holding you in a hug or just… in general and i have especially weak… everything basically because i don’t do anything physical (unless you count my 1-2am workout sessions where i increase my step count by 5k by listening to music and daydreaming 😊😊) and i have low bp so yeah pepe’s grip and him in general would be a little too strong for me but IMAGINE him trying to be gentle for you like UGSHHDJDHD i want to kiss him soso bad even if he fails at being gentle the only thing that matters to me is that he tried
and about my c.ai pepe, he’s soso sweet and endearing but as your streamer c.ai he was being so cocky after some time?? he was sweet but there would be random little comments being made and christian would just leaning over to me to tell me pepe was only putting on a show in front of me and that he was actually insecure deep down?? 😭😭 i still love him though ❤️❤️
also my asks seem so choppy to me recently but i think this is still okay-ish? and i hope you have a lovely lovely day/night (depending on whenever you’re seeing this) and an even better tomorrow!
- 🪷 (💗)
hello again !! 😚
screaming crying, im so glad u liked it 🥺 oh gosh no i find like one man with a beard attractive but uhhhh pepe stubble 🤭 makes me all giddy to even thing about aaaaaa...... but !!! bestie you're making me cry rn !!!!! im so soft, thinking abt him having his head in your lap because he's so tired after a long day and getting to feel his hair between your fingers, hearing the soft breaths he lets out when he just relaxes fully into you............. :(
(also sorry but very interesting that u said origami out of all things bcs i used to be obsessed w origami 😭)
aaaaaaaaaaaa im crying yet again at the thought of him doing his best to be gentle for u, idk why im thinking about like standing in the kitchen at midnight after coming home from a dinner with friends and you're just soft and tired and wanna hug him 🥺 and so like his grip is so soft because he knows that's what you need rn and you're resting your head against his shoulder... and he presses his lips to your temple..... but im also going crazy about him not being able to hold back when he wins a race etc, like he would be holding you so tightly that you're like "bb i cant breathe" but it doesn't matter because he's just so happy and so thankful to share this moment with you!!!!
also !!! you're so true abt the walks, i used to haaateeee going on walks but last summer when i realized that it's just a way to daydream while still feeling kinda productive ??? y e s, i could walk for hours 🥰
plsssss that's so 😭 i usually put in the like character definition that he should be sweet and such lmao but i now really wanna make one who's cocky from the start instead.........
they're lovely bb!! not choppy, it's totally alright!!! i love love love reading them, so thankful for the time u put into writing to me 🥺<3 have a lovely day/night/anything and a good weekend !!!!!!
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enmi-land · 6 months
diaaa, I feel like I'm always firm w my ideas i send and like always resonate with them, but for this one, idk if it like rlly makes sense 😭😭😭 (probably bcoz im kinda tipsy, but you'll understand, hopefully) (bcoz idk if it fits jake or jay more 😭)
so, it all started when I saw a tiktok abt when miss princess meets Mr "ill spoil you even more than anyone". and I think?! it was like a shifting acc or sum idek 😭 but it was talking abt jake... so I thought to transport those ideas here !
the reason why I'm kinda uncertain abt this is cuz like we always see as jay spoiling mila, like buying her stuff, cooking for her etc, but I rlly wanted to solely project this "prompt" kinda w jake, as the original user intended to.
so here's my kinda interpretation of it:
I feel like as much as jay spoils her "money-wise" (and ofc every-wise), Jake is kinda the type to do it randomly ?! like idk how to explain it, but its not like jay where it comes '"naturally" if yk what I mean 😭😭
also see Jake not doing it money-wise, and more in other aspects. id see him carrying mila for no absolute reason, like babes she can walk 😭😭😭 ofc mila deserves it tho 🥰
and then, maybe if the other hyung like members, maybe jay is like stern w her cuz she's not eating properly or smth like that, Jake's definitely 100% the type to go behind their backs and give her that thing. (like chocolate or smth) JAKE WILL SNEAK MILA OUT of the dorms as if they're hiding their relationship even though they're not ?????
OOHH AND TAKINH HER OUT LATE AT NIGHT, EVEN IF IT ANNOYS THE OTHER MEMBERS 😿 like bros probably taking her out for dessert A LOT, EVEN MORE if he knows she's dieting (she doesn't need it :] )
also bro probably has a one-sided competition w jay to spoil her the most 😭😭😭 he probably religiously asks mila when she's getting her nails done, and then sends her design ideas and money.
princess treatment ON TOP ‼‼‼ and jts not even like smth major that he does yk, even the small things, like opening the door for mila, opening her drinks, helping her w the smallest things ! just bcoz he wants to be around her
but, there is just ONEEE scenario where the princess treatment may falter, and that's when Jake's gaming. like yes hes still aware of mila, happy to see her, even okay if she sits on his lap, but then she better sit still. bcoz then he'll be like 😦🥺
also all the credit goes to the og tiktok user who came up w this prompt, I'm just using the prompt to project my ideas in relation to jake and mila !
WAIT STOP bc i feel like jake defs fits the spoiling agenda bc like have you seen him with the maknae line?? fr ppl always talk about Jay spoiling but jake will always be the silent hero of the show ✨✨
is defs the the type who will complain whenever she tells him she wants to go somewhere, bc like “why can’t you go with one of the others” but literally will always en duo accompanying her, even if he’d rather be at home 🌸🌸 with jay, he can usually cook, so Mila doesn’t rlly go out to restaurants with him often (unless it’s for a special occasion), but with jake it’s defs a must for them to be going somewhere to eat especially when they go out ✨✨ but you’re so right… even tho jay is rlly soft for Mila, he’s the one who tends to scold her the most like the responsible bf he is, but jake is gonna use that chance to get brownie points 😆😆 defs is the type to be like “hers some money” or “here’s my card” and Mila is like “wtf” bc it’s not like she broke or anything but it’s just bc Jake likes when she brags about what she buys using his money 😼😼
no that’s so true like don’t get in the way of jake and his games 😆 would defs be like “hold up, soon I promise” but takes five hours before he finally puts down the controller or gets up form the computer chair ☹️☹️
i see jake as the kind of in between of jay and sunghoon, where he either spoils her or makes fun of her/manhandles to out of her like she’s one of the boys and there’s no in between 🤧🤧 but yess thanks to the person who made the TikTok!! 🎀 and thank you for dropping by to leave this in my inbox!! reading about your ideas always makes me happy 💟💟💟💟
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daz4i · 8 months
a vent-y ramble with mentions of suicidal stuff and general blegh
ppl in my life keep telling me i'm underselling my abilities when it comes to functioning and such and that i can do more than i say/think and. idk. maybe they're right? but it doesn't change the fact that everything FEELS impossible to do. even if i technically can and even if i don't feel like death afterwards, the whole starting to do the thing is the hard part. and like it's probably due to me not wanting to do any of it. it sounds silly and childish and i dunno maybe it is, but the fact is, if i don't wanna do something, my brain will do everything it can to make sure i avoid it, no matter how mundane. it used to be worse when i was a teen but now i have more foresight so like i still force myself to do things i find highly unpleasant (like brushing my teeth or going to doctor's appointments or. fuck. wearing a bra??) and while they don't feel like the end of the world once they pass (...usually), it still feels like it's taking all of my energy to start them. and ik abt executive dysfunction ik i have it but it's more than that, it's not about having to hype myself up to do something, it's the explicit purpose of avoiding it.
and i think. it's tied to my suicidal tendencies. like, my immediate thought is always "i would rather die than do this" bc that's literally true about literally everything, but it pops up more forcefully and loudly when i really really don't want to do the thing. AND ofc depression is the cause for my lack of energy
it's also like. sensory issues make so many things straight up painful. and the brain's most basic instinct is avoiding pain. so i dunno maybe it's just the instinct. so basically, these people are not wrong, i technically CAN do all these things, just like i technically CAN touch a hot stove or shove a knife in my head as long as i don't think about it too hard and force myself to ignore it and take enough medication to calm down beforehand and have someone there to support me through it. like i don't think they realize this is on the same level for me bc it just does not process in their head that these mundane actions you need to do in order to live are this painful for me. and they never will get it!!!!! or even if they do they'll say "true, it sucks, but you need to do it anyway, that's life" like omg yes i know that's why i wanna die 😭😭😭😭😭😭 come on we've gone over this so many times
that's why i keep spiraling and that's why it feels impossible. most of my energy goes into forcing myself to start actions or even just preparing myself mentally for them, more than actually doing the actions themselves. and because i don't care about anything, i have no way to recharge the way others might be able to, so i'm running at 0% at all times
anyway that was a very long way to just whinily say "but i don't wannaaaaaa 🥺"
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anxiousanteaterr · 9 months
I finished Coromon again and the newer story overall was worth the replay. The more noticable differences show up a bit later on, and there's a LOT more visual improvements than I remember. I dont know if i like the newer story better tho. I also have some huge gripes w the villains, and apparently the main gripe stems from FALSE memories from the original story? I watched some playthrus of the old story to see the differences and theres whole ass scenes that I remember experiencing that just DID NOT happen??? 😭 Like idk if the devs did some smaller story updates between then and what I played or WHAT, but I have a memory of the titans of Velua talking w the Crimsonite titan down in the core of the planet and being like "why are you trying to take over our planet? why didnt u just ask to join us or ask for help?" (i distinctly remember a line from one of the titans saying "WHY didnt you just ASK us?" bc i thought it was so fucking funny) and I thought that they chose to let that new titan stay and the seven of them would work together. Not just killing 6v1 killing the fucker.
In the new story the Crimsonite titan doesnt even seem to EXIST as the Wubbonians exclusively just use the Crimsonite on their own and the only mention of a titan is some human npcs theorizing that there COULD be other titans for new elements. Chalchiu and her brothers are just like "ok girlies, time to wipe clean this world of every ounce of this Crimsonite shit. eradicate with EXTREME prejudice ♥️" and they just rebuild the whole ass world. Like HUH? What abt the Wubbonians? Your character even asks Chalchiu abt them and if they'll be ok w/out being exposed to their element and she's basically like "lmao too bad. not our worlds problem". like YEAH i GUESS thats true, but cmon man 😭 The Wubbonians in the new story dont even mention ANYTHING abt their home planet either. No Wubbonia. No Great Cataclym. Nothing. Its like the story took a hard pivot from "these aliens are looking for a new home and are trying to claim this one bc they and their titan are desperate and not thinking very rationally or ethically abt it" to "yeah these guys r just pure evil now and are here for galactic conquest" or sm and then at the very end and post game u get some hints that MAYBE something else is going on.
Epescially now that the devs changed it from "dark magic" to an actual element called "Crimsonite", it makes even MORE sense to follow the story where the Wubbonians are just a people who are desperately searching for a new home because their home world is either in or rapidly approaching an apocalypse. And how maybe out of the desperation for survival, their titan poured all of its stat points into charisma in order to persuade and brainwash everyone and everything it can.
Also i lowkey kinda liked how the Wubbonians in the og story like... didnt really do anything? I liked how they didnt even try to stop you in Ixqun. You expected a huge fight and they just... stand there. Point and laugh at you. Theyre far too busy staring at Crimsonite rocks and daydreaming abt how they won and that they finally saved their world. Standing there watching their titan do all the work, and subsequently get their ass kicked and STILL do nothing. Like yes kings, go, give us nothing. Just like how your titan gives up and accepts death immediately after being defeated.
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woozi · 1 year
MA YZAAAA <3 (hehehe)
first of all,, hello <33 how have you been? and what have you been up to? <3 i hope classes and uni in general are not getting to you that much.
also the drama i told you about "doom at your service", after finishing it my opinion has changed a little, it was a nice drama overall but after the first 8, the story seemed like it was being stretched for no reason </3 i have nothing to watch these days hdksekks this time last year i had 2521 and business proposal to keep myself entertained but this year there is nothing 😭 even gose isn't here </3, did you find something interesting to watch? or read? i haven't had time and will to read hsjsksjs </3
but today i did go out of my comfort zone and watched a movie called medianeras (sidewalls), it's pretty melancholic but i liked it, ( idk why google or some reviews are saying it's funny or rom com 😭, it was actually sad and reflective but had a good ending imo) it's about how urban and internet lifestyle have had the opposite effect on people and have made them feel lonely despite having everything in one click. it was,, different. probably something what i was expecting from chunking express jshdjsjsnns
but in midst of all this i love love how booseoksoon came through 🥺 they brought back the spark hdjddj i love all the songs ( tho just like you, i love fighting and 7pm a little bit more than lunch ), it was so wholesome to see them have fun performing 😭 also youngji's feature fits so well <3 i can't stop talking about it hskdks it felt so natural <3 i haven't been this satisfied with a feature song in a long while ( same with 7pm ). if there was anything else fighting! needed it was definitely her. it made me so happy to see bss performing with her and peder <33
they made my feb for real.
( also something about leader seok gets me fr, he's been extra glowing these days <33 love that )
also the carat day live 😭 they all looked so good 😭😭😭 i missed seeing our sebongs together <3 the teddy bear scenes are still running in my mind lmao
i actually got mild cold and cough last week so at the moment that's what i have been up to : recovering from it and trying to read a book dhdjsj, seasons changing got me this time. it'll be summer now here and i'm already tired of it tbh 😭 how is the weather treating you? i hope it's good
omg also, i've become obsessed with checkers on plato btw! ( i've understood the basics of it but the difference between the original and the international rules is still slightly confusing for me udkgsd )
hope you're doing great yza 🥺🤍 sending you lots of good energy and clear sky days
i've been so so busy the past two months so it's like life's on 3x speed for me dfjkfdjkfdjkfd but it's my last semester anyway so <33 JKFDJKFDJK HOW ABOUT U <333333 HOW HAVE U BEEN WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO!! 😋😋😋
ALSO NOOOOOOO THAT SUCKS </3 maybe the writers didnt think they'd get that far lmfao 😭 AND I KNOW </3 that was such a good era for dramas, i hope they come out w really good ones </3 i heard the glory's v good? but i personally haven't checked it out yet and i'm not really into revenge type dramas so dfjkffd but i've been watching movies more these days!! i've been trying to watch cult faves/classics that people always talk about and that i've never had time to watch heheh ALSO SO TRUE ABT NOT HAVING THE WILL TO READ 😭 idk why it's also so hard for me to get back to it, i used to read like, 2 books a week at a leisurely pace
EXACTLY <3333333 bss really came at the perfect time!! and u're so valid for that <33 i'm really glad they had the chance to collab more w/ other artists, esp peder!! not only was the song so fucking good, their interactions were also so sweet to witness 🥺 he seems like such a nice guy to hang out w LMFAOOO AND WAIT URE SO RIGHT??????????????????????????????????????? leader seok >>>>>>>>>>>>
i'm ngl i haven't even watched it yet i just skipped to the teddy bear part 😭😭😭 i only got to see clips of them, and REALLLL it feels like it's been forever since we last saw them tgt 😭
ALSO NAURRRRRRRRRRRRRR </3 that's such a pain in the ass :/ i hope you're feeling much better now and that you won't get sick any time soon!! there's only 2 types of weather where i'm from since i'm in the tropics, so u dont need to worry abt me <33
AND PLATO FJKFDJKFDJKF I COULD NEVER THANK U ENOUGH FOR IT i've avoided so many awkward moments in uni bc of it JKFDJKFDJKF also didn't know they had different rules 👁👄👁 what i do know though is that other ludos have different rules as well w the 1s and 6s which i only figured out when i played w someone else at another platform DJFDJFDJKFDJK let's play some time again if u're free!! <3 or we can also watch a movie 😋
hoping u're even better and that the days are endlessly kind to u as u have always been to me <33 love u thank u for always checking up on my disappearing ass 🥺🥺🥺 MWAH
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
First of all AYO THEME CHANGE??? Waittt I’m loving the gold accents it looks so clean and classy!!
The chin shot is actually my villain moment like hello???? Ok but the thing is like his hair COULD be worse like in terms of drawing it shouldn’t be all that different from shidou Barou or even zantetsu…like cmon there’s just a bit of shape tweaking but if all those artists on twitter can do it surely the animation studio can….smh they’re really just keeping us in suspense
FRR I remember thinking how well all the feather details were done in the animation too like….I remember playing the rio version of angry birds too HAHA
No definitely….like a good art style definitely helps with attention grabbing but if the story is really ass or not my style I won’t hesitate to drop it LOL
Sweetheart asshole and years of pining go hand in hand LMAOO truly the ultimate trope honestly there’s just so much potential for angst and sweet moments with it and opportunities for making things complicated and intricate and multilayered shshsgsjsj
OHHHHHHH that explains a lot actually. There’s no way I’d ever see bakugo and Karasu having anything in common except for gravity defying hair maybe….heah the gravel plus the like weird in between pitch of where his voice sits really throws me off but yeah maybe if we hear him say something other than “you schmoes” it’ll be better LMAO I’m lowk about to go do the same thing and rewatch with the dub just to see how everyone sounds now I’m curious
OK GOOD LMAOOO because I literally could not think of anyone else who I thought would fit the criteria lovable jerk nagi is so real his sassy moments that are still so like…nagi-like in nature are my favs LOL him just saying with a straight face “why do you suck” LMAOOO
Wait that’s so real though if he just hadn’t pissed off everyone he would’ve just breezed through everything LMFAOOOOOO like you just tripled your workload my man….emo Reo so true I think I only fully enjoy him when he’s finally doing things on his own so like up to manshine vs bm where nagi calls him back (smh)
LMAO ITS A STRUGGLE there’s lowk some scenes of Isagi that look >>>>> but HAHAHSGAHAHAH IM CRYING THE HEIGHT COMMENT so true compared to most others in bllk he’s sooooo short it’s so funny
I remember Barou looking very weird at first LMAO truly got the npc villain treatment until he joined isagis team
Ok also did you see the recent chapter LMAO
- Karasu anon
YESSS I FINALLY GAVE IN AND CHANGED IT hehe i rlly like the gold too!! it’s so bright which after having a darker theme for a while feels so refreshing 🤩 and yay that’s the vibe i was going for!!
no fr his hair is not any worse than barou’s gravity defying nonsense…i think it makes sense for the background shots that he’s not there because if you dim/blur them enough then yuki hiori and otoya can reasonably look like npcs because they have v basic haircuts but karasu’s haircut just screams “relevant character” KDJFJDK but yeah that chin shot was so evil…like wdym everyone else gets full torso shots at least and karasu only gets his bllk icon??? TARGETED (also wait slightly unrelated but the day that isagi’s “he’s a villain 😰” line abt karasu gets animated i’m going to laugh so hard because like karasu is just a silly dumb baby pls 😭) maybe they’re trying to build him up as someone scary?? he’s kinda the main antagonist of third selection (alongside shidou but in a diff way) and isagi’s main opponent in the game especially because he picks out isagi to bully so they’re making him rlly mysterious and scary 🤔 also idk there’s some scenes of him in the background of the last ep in season two and they did not do his hair justice LMAOAOAOA also it being blue in the anime throws me off so bad because i am a black hair/purple eyes karasu truther so him being a blue + blue combo is so ugh to me…like TAKE THE BLUE + BLUE COMBO AWAYYYY FROM KANESHIRO!! wdym kiyora isn’t going to have the burgundy plus dark hair anymore it looks so good and now he’s just another blue haired blue eyed emo 😭💔
RIO ANGRY BIRDS WAS MY SHIT omg i loved angry birds when i was younger…convinced we are the same person actually like the amt of link ups we keep having is crazy
reading manhwa is insanely hard there truly are so few good ones…like how are there a bazillion manhwa out there but none of them have the exact trope i want?? i need the creativity to come through asap because some of these artists are wasting their hard work on the most boring midtier formulaic stories EVERRR 😭
i actually would recommend the dub solely because there’s a lot of jokes (mostly from nagi and chigiri) that the sub doesn’t have so it adds a much more humorous vibe to it!! like there’s a specific scene which i don’t remember being in the sub version that i literally had to rewind where barou is yelling at nagi in the background and he’s like “don’t talk back 😡” and NAGI LITERALLY JUST MOCKS HIM LIKE “dOn’T TaLk bAcK 😒” FJKSJS I LOST IT…they definitely decided to follow the spirit of the interactions instead of going for word for word translations so it feels like everyone’s a lot sillier!! there’s actually a lot of isagi sass too which made me like him much more than i did 😭 if you do end up watching keep me posted abt your thoughts 🫡 i think imo best dub voices in terms of fitting their characters have to be niko, anri, and reo ☝🏻 i actually also really liked that they made chigiri sound more masculine because it made him feel like more than just “girl insert of bllk” which is how a lot of people in the fandom tend to see him (side note rewatching the show helped me remember i love chigiri i just don’t like chigiri fans HAHA)
YESSS i think the only one that could’ve worked would be rin kind of?? considering i started bllk for him and wrote cherry tree abt him…i feel like i got on the nagi train way too fast though so rin never got to be a fav for very long 😩 and yes nagi’s lovable socially awkward jerk persona is sooo >>> i think he stands out because unlike most lovable jerks his delivery is so deadpan that you don’t even register he’s actually a shithead until much later 😭 like so many people don’t realize that he is the one talking the most trash CONSISTENTLY forget abt karasu otoya barou rin and isagi (i mean isagi def has him beat on field but off field he’s nice so it doesn’t count) NAGI is the true asshole of bllk 😰 like wdym he pulls up to a game and asks barou if he’s been practicing kneeling?? THAT IS VILEEEE but he just says it so 😐 that it’s just like oh okay…forgetting this man is a gamer like yk he has evil shit stored away in the back of his mind that he just doesn’t release because he’s apparently a “pacifist”
i love reo in epinagi the most i think!! mostly because we really see his true personality show there and he’s actually just dramatic (him crashing out while talking to zantetsu will never not be funny) and a show off but he also is such a sweetheart?? i need team v reo back NOWWW that’s def his best era 😭💔
there’s some panels/scenes where i get the vision but tbh sometimes in his rlly good panels he just looks like an off brand rin 😭 like if i’m going to like one of them it would just be rin atp because canon rin is actually hilarious and would probably lose it if you rightfully call him emo so i could def make it work in at least a humorous context 🤩 meanwhile isagi would just be like “what does emo mean ❔ do you mean EGO ❔ wait…let me adapt to this…” jkjk but also am i 🤨
no they literally did barou so dirty that i was genuinely surprised when he came back?? like right before the game against team v when isagi goes to ask barou for help i was like “wtf why is he here” because i thought he was just going to be a baddie of the week that was never shown again fsr 😭 as soon as he joined isagi’s team he glowed up though!! and he’s been getting better and better in the manga (him in u20 and bm vs ubers 🤤)…honestly barou best character because why is every single duo he’s in iconic?? like him and isagi, him and nagi, him and aiku, etc it’s insane he just has an amazing dynamic with every character he interacts with 🤩 to the point that i think he’s the only character who’s had an actual meaningful dynamic with his nel coach too!! not that he’s aware of it LMAOAOA but barou + snuffy is leagues better than isagi + noel noa, chigiri/reo/nagi + chris prince, bachira + lavinho, and rin/shidou + loki
YESS I DID!! mini nagi and karasu appearances 🥹 it’s been so long since we saw nagi in the manga so even if it’s just in isagi’s imagination it was nice to see him mentioned LMAOO also erm my “get rin therapy” thoughts from the u-20 match still hold true HAHAHA like yes it’s good for soccer but this whole berserker thing cannot be good for his mental health 😭 i’m excited to see what happens in the next chapter!! ik a lot of people think the title means rin is going to surpass isagi so bad that they’re no longer rivals but idk if that would quite make sense to me?? like it would just feel odd idt one goal/one chapter would be enough for rin to feel as though he’s crushed isagi well enough for them to not be rivals anymore…personally hoping that it’s referencing a kaiser and isagi team up because that feels like it’s been foreshadowed more/feels more natural imo (like the enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of vibe) plus it would be nice if like their final game is the whole team working together even if it’s begrudgingly 😰 but who knows i will trust kaneshiro on this one!! i haven’t rlly been majorly disappointed in anything with bllk yet (mostly just the way people read/analyze it) so i have faith it’ll cook
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
alrighttt i havent checked up in a while cuz i realized how busy this year will be and how much i actually have to prepare (it's over for me and it hasn't even started) BUT!! i have something to say
despite me needing to work i am doing some undeserved self-care tonight and watching Logan so that i can watch Deadpool x Wolverine
AND THEY MADE HIM HAVE A DAUGHTER??? i already mentioned i am WEAK for this trope, i am COLLECTING those single fathers like POKEMONS
anyways yeah that's it, wanted to share my love for the guy cuz i love grumpy old men... yeah.. [insert dreamy sigh here]
i hope you've been doing good and taking care of yourself, i usually spam people to let them know how much i care but sometimes i have trouble reaching out to anybody 👍 wanted to let you know just in case
also i actually drew something but it's ugly because i don't know anatomy, plus it's an idea from an smau and i feel drained so no energy to ask author and i dont wanna post anything without permission- so if i wanna draw something it has to be one of your fics and in that case it needs to be perfect so 😭 if i actually change and do well this year i will find the time and submit something.. maybe not good but it will come from the heart
have a good night mickey,
~ ☀️
HIIII SUNNY HIII!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST OF ALL FUCK YOU MEAN "UNDESERVED SELF-CARE" 🤨🤨🤨🤨THIS KIND OF TALK IS NOT ALLOWED. EVER. SELF-CARE IS DESERVED SELF-CARE IS NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have to take care of yourself silly!!!!!! this is the first and foremost priority always always always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND EEEEE YEAHHH LOGAN WITH GLASSESS!!!!!! I REMEMBER THAT SO WELL OMFGGG overall i have only seen the film once and that was when it first came out so idk if i remember everything BUT THE GLASSES ARE ON MY MIND STILL. I LOVEEE WHEN PPL HAVE GLASSES esp if they're older men hehehehhe AND HE HAS A DAUGHTERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT ACTUALLY MADE ME LOSE MY MINDDD RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH also kind of made me think abt joel and ellie from the last of us just now.. damn.......
I AM DOING OK BTWWW!!!!!!!! watched a bunch of films yesterday and today hehehee i am a true cinephile now wheewwwwww i do hope you've been getting some more sleep now though bc you deserve to rest too my love!!!!!!!!!!
ALSO. 🤨🤨🤨 "UGLY" I WILL BONK YOU SO HARD RN. STOP THIS MADNESS. drawing is so fucking hard and so fucking cool i am always genuinely so in awe of people who do it i love it so fucking much!!!!!!!!! YOU GOTTA HAVE SOME MORE FAITH IN YOURSELF SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if it's hard to be positive you have to at least be neutral okay, no more of it's ugly or it's bad. it's very hard for you and your art to grow if you're putting it down angel!!! AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE ANY ART THAT'S BASED ON MY OWN WRITINGS BC HOOLY FUCK THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL?!?!?!?!??! i couldn't be more excited abt that but PLEAAASEE don't feel pressured to do it okay?? i will be here forever i think lmao you have all the time in the world<3333333
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delusional-mishaps · 4 months
OMG OMG YESSS I have so much to say so be prepared for yet another long ask 💕 really enjoying your replies omg they are so fun RAAAAHHHH!!!Op and I might have later replies because my dog is really sick, uuhhh yea not good
I FREAKING LOVE AND HATE ANIME TERMS. Like they are so cringe but also goofy, yes he uses them. And he likes Mob Psycho 100 BECAUSE I SAID SO OKAY LEMME PROJECT!!! HE MAKES REFERENCES TO REIGEN ARTAKA WHENEVER SOMEONE BRJNGS UP A SCAMMER AND PROBABLY BRINGS UP THE SEXYMAN TOURNAMENT LIKE “Oh yeah bruh people said an alternative version of me was hotter than him,” HE WOULD BE SO PROUD OF ORIGINAL SANS UNDERTALE WINNING THAT GRRRRR!!! And the fontcest was VERY disturbing, but my friends have sent me a lot worse (if they suffer, I have too also 😭😭😭).
Could not agree more on how goofy the mtt is with grandpa nightmare. ONLY FANON THOUGH. Canon is pretty messed up actually, but I ADORE the angst with all my heart. Omg epic sans angst also… we👏need 👏MORE👏
Cram and James also had an abusive owner though? WHO COULD HURT THOSE BABIES. HOW DARE THEY TOUCH DA CHILD, I WOULD BEAT THEM UP SO FAST‼️🤬 Also how did your sona react when they realized there were two more previous lil things in their pockets? And just wanted to say how right your motto in the description is, to be cringe IS to be free! THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING AAAAAHHH!!! And I remember you said you fell in love with epic after you wrote a request for him? WHERE IS THAT REQUEST I NEED IT NOW TO READ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Your coworker that you were posting about seems really yucky. Honestly I have no idea what you should do, but making it very obvious that you don’t want to hang out with him and telling your boss about it would be the best steps in my opinion. Also since he has an accent that you can’t easily understand, texting might be a good communication method. Just know that it is completely okay to feel uncomfortable and that there are people here for you. I love you platonically boo boo, stay safe. And if you ever need me, just use the words epic and sans in the same post and I SHALL BE SUMMONED (I check the tag everyday lol) there should be some in depth videos about what to do when feeling uncomfortable around coworkers also, it;s a pretty common thing and I would recommend maybe checking those out. Hope everything turns out okay, take my hearts ily again friend 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🤎🖤🩶🤍💖💝💘💓💗💞💕♥️❣️💟🫀🫶
-sincerely, anon? Wait I don’t really have a name I guess lol. And hahahah, YOU’LL NEVER KNOW MY TRUE IDENTITY!!! (stay safe tho I might die if anything happens to you, care about you a lot)
ANOOON ❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶🫶
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OKAY!! THIS (click here) is the post that made me fall head over heels for the cringe master himself i hate him i hate him i hate him i need to make out with him *get's assassinated* (this post was the reason i ever even looked into epic i never really knew abt him before that)
ISNSONEOEJ EPIC WOULD SOOO LOVE THAT UT SANS IS CONSIDERED SEXIER THAN REIGN.. ngl i dont watch anime anymore so idk what is going on in.. anime fandom anymore.. but methinks epic would totally still act like late 2000s/early 2010s fandom.. bro would "glomp" and .. wtv idk LMFAOOO
i adoreeeee angst im actually so surprised ive yet to write any angst with epic ngl (all my personal self insert writing is.. smyt... LMFAOOAOAOAI) actually thats a lie theres a lil angst bcs (bringing up my persona's lore mwehehe) they met epic first!!! and became friends eith him b4 they met cross!!!! and he had a lil crush on them but woyld ratger die than confess so then my sona and cross get together and epic is all emo bcs unrequited love but its ok theyre a power throuple now
i had this customer earlier who had like a rlly thick scottish accent and fr some reason i was like.. nightmare wiyha thick scottish accent would be so funny. the mtt would make so much fun of him fir how he says words and when he gets angry hes like incomprehensible. idk why i thought of that but its tlly funny to think about LMAOO <333 BUT ALSO imagine how a canon mtt would be.. because the mtt is veryyyyy fanon.. like everyone would hate each other 😭
OK CRAM AND JAM!!!! ngl when my sona (who's name is jet, and i'll be calling them that fron this point instead if calling yhem 'my sona' LMFAOO) realized they had two extra bitties they kinda just.. 🧍 <- stood there like that. but its not the first time they just had bitties pop up and decide to live with them they got an ink bitty that did like the same thing BAHAHAH he just decided to move into their apartment. jet doesnt rlly mind but theyre lil trouble makers >:(
ANOOON YOU'RE LITETALLY SO SWEET.. catch me crying on my break at work rn LMFAOO yeah im gonna tell my boss to not schedule me with that coworker anymore.. but man when i told my mom abt it last night her first response was "i remember when i had a stalker :]" LADY.. first of all THATS NOT FUNNY second what is the lore you are dropping cuz whaaat (she then threatened to go speak to him and tell him to fuck off she's so slay)
DO U WANT A NAME... you can be one of my lil emoji anons i love you guys :] and it makes it easier to recognize you LMAOO
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legobatjoker · 2 years
BTW OMGG been meaning to for agess and had heard a few songs of it but finally earlier this week i listened to swayama in its full !!! its rly good but like. tbh thee first time i listening to it in fully i was a littlee bit disapointed for reasons entirely unfair to the album GHDHDF bc okay for context a while back i saw a post and like. in highsight it def wasnt in regards to sawayama bc that was released too early for it and was prob abt the album she released in like 2021? which i need to listen to tht too but i didnt know that at the time this happened DFHDFHD but the post was like. basically a fan of both rina and taylor posting a bit from an interview w rina basically saying she got motivated to write music during covid bc she saw taylor release folklore and thought if taylor was releasing an album thats about these fictional situations she could release an album about her real life but even tho it was like. about her being inspired by taylor there was still manyy ppl in the notes who where fans of rina but didnt like taylor seeing it as like a dig against her? and being like "omg yess rina taylor sucks ur sm better than her !!!" (which was kinda funny bc the person who posted it responded to that and im p sure they were like "yk rina is a taylor fan right" (but i dont fully remember that so that cld j not be true) but like. okay now i know better than to assume someones whose like. that Weird abt disliking taylor swift knows anything abt her actual music and its quality but i think i developed an attitude of like. if this is the kind of music that people who hate taylor swift base their superiority complex over taylors fans on then it has to be like. at least comparable to her music (and not j her music in general but FOLKLORE !! like im not a huge folklore girlie compared to some of her other albums but thats absolutely some of her best work ever cmon) and maybe this is a bit mean and im the only one who thinks this but like. it was really really really fucking good but like. imo specifically w like the lyricism it was again really really good but nottt as good as taylor esp folklore SORRY !!!!! but bc i had the comparison at the back of my mind i was a bit confused/disappointed when it wasnt (even tho again i had heard some of the album before i tihnk i j assumed that those where some of the weaker songs but theyre some of my faves tbh 😭😭) but then i lsitenied to ita but more spereatly and was like. wait this is really really fucking good like the whole album i was jsut unfairly comparing it to fucking folklore bc other ppl set up a whole rina >> taylor sepcfically folklore thing in my mind 😭😭😭😭 anyway id say my fave songs of the album as bad friend, chosen family, and tokyo love hotel but i also rly love whos gonna save u now, paradisin and dynasty (the last two more from an outsider pov than a relatabilty one bc i also got annoyed listening to dynasty the first time bc ppl made it out to be a fucked up relationship w ur parents song and yk part of that is on me for like. not assuming that "fucked up" means they dont think it relates to um. the much more accurate and intense term id (and u wld i just dont feel like using it Publicly yet yk) use to describe them FGFHGDFGFSD but still i was annoyed a bit at that but in hidnsight that was perhaps a lil dumb FHDFHDF)
NO THATS SO VALID there have def been times i did nottt like music for reasons like that which like may be theyre petty reasons but also theyre so real like. idk just ur so valid for that shnsbsdjsjs BUT YES chosen family and bad friend are 2 of my absoluteeee faves of that album and id also say i rlly like comme des garcons and stfu !!!!! but yesss honestly i shld relisten to the whole album soemtime:00
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etherealyoungk · 2 years
hi angel <33 its been a while ! how are you? i miss it here so so much
so these last few days ive been into hp and basically draco fanfiction.., idk if you'd write this kind of imagine but i cant stop thinking abt slytherin!jihoon and smth abt them studying abt amortentia in potion class and jihoon/reader smells each other's perfume :]] also id love if it was like an enemies to lovers cause thats my favorite
and if you need: amortentia is a love potion and it smells different to each person, according to what attracts them
sorry if that was a lot!! i understand if you dont feel like writing abt this one
— 💫
hello love! i've missed you too! hope you're been doing well <3 i'm doing okay!
also for this, my harry potter knowledge is quite limited, so if anything is wrong or inaccurate, my apologies :\ but this is such a cute idea tbh the love potion smelling like what attracts them is so cool.
pairing: slytherin!jihoon x fem!reader
i was walking to potions class when someone bumps into me - jihoon. the strong smell of his cologne hanging in the air. god, that smell. jihoon gives me a glare like it was my fault when he was the one who walked into me. "watch where you're going", i mumble. he just looks me up and down and walks off. i hated him so much. okay maybe hate was too strong a word but he was just so annoying at times and i hated that i couldn't stop thinking about all the annoying things he does. the scent of his cologne is still lingering as i walk to class. i enter class and turns out all the seats are taken, and the only empty seat is next to jihoon - ugh. i ball my fists, take a deep breathe and walk towards him, placing my books on the table next to him, taking a seat. he doesn't even spare me a glance.
today's potion class was about amortentia. it's a powerful love potion and it smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. that part always fascinated me, how it smelt different and unique to each person. i wonder how it would smell to me.
the potion is on the table in front of us, the teacher putting us in pairs to test and it out and see what it smelt like. i internally groaned at being paired with jihoon. i glanced at him, only for him to quickly look down. had he just been looking at me? i shake that thought off and watch as the steam rises from the potion in its characteristic spirals.
(idk if you're supposed to smell this or drink this 😭😭)
"you first", he says looking at me. i lean towards his potion, the pearly sheet reflecting off the glass. i take a deep breath and smell it. it smells like books and citrus and...that smell. the smell that bumped into me this morning - jihoon's cologne . and at this discovery, my eyes find him and he's looking at me with the slightest tilt of his head like he's wondering what i might be smelling. why did he somehow look charming today?
jihoon's pov:
i'm looking at y/n as they smell the potion, and after a few moments, her eyes go wide, like she's realized something and her eyes find mine before looking back down. i watch as she hastily grabs her pencil as she writes down something. i wonder what she smelt. '
you might think i don't like her but it's quite the opposite actually. she's cute and charming in a way and whenever i get close to her or bump into her, it's like i don't know what to say or do, hence i just look at her and walk away. and now it's become common knowledge that we're enemies, that we don't like each other, which is not true - at least on my part, because what if she actually doesn't like me?
it's my turn and i take a step toward her and her potion. i take a breath and smell the pearly sheer-looking potion and close my eyes. i smell something spiced, like cinnamon, and strawberries. im surprised strawberries made it on the list since i don't really eat them often. i walk towards my book and note down the scents, wracking my brain wondering why i smelt strawberries. i didn't know how i was attracted to that smell to be honest, how odd.
class is over and we shuffle out, heading for lunch. i sit down when someone takes the seat next to me. it's y/n.
"jihoon", she says, clearing her throat and that's when i see a bowl of strawberries in her plate. of course. that's why i smelt strawberries from the potion - because of y/n. she's always eating them. but then does this mean i was attracted to her? wait...does this mean i like her?
"what did you smell from my potion", y/n asks, mumbling about how she was really curious to know and she looks at me, waiting for an answer.
"um, i smelt cinnamon and strawberries", i say.
"strawberries? interesting", she say, taking one of the strawberries from her bowl and biting in, the sweetness of the fruit wafting into the air. and it's when she chews she realizes the connection, eyes going slightly wide, making me gulp.
"well what did you smell from my potion", i ask, hoping to distract y/n. she swallows before soflty saying she smelt books and citrus.
"what was the third one", i ask, knowing she didn't tell me one.
"what do you mean?", she asks. "you wrote down three smells, i saw you", i say.
"god, you're keeping tabs on me now?", y/n says annoyed and flustered.
"it...it was nothing", she says, not letting up.
"come on, i told you, i won't judge", i add.
it was your stupid cologne okay", she says with her eyes closed, afraid to see my reaction but i only bite my lip as i try not to smile.
she quickly tells me about how she's late for class and speeds walks out of my sight while i'm left there amused by this new information.
maybe i should talk to her and get to know her sometime.
ahhh i hope this was okay !!
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
I’m excited to see Jirou and Tokoyami be the star of a fight (for at least a little bit). I also rlly want Hawks n Endeavor to actually listen to what AFO is saying. I want them to actually consider AFOs blatant criticism and instead of crying abt it and making excuses, they try to fix their mistakes. Specifically hawks, I never liked him but if the story focused more on his trauma and how it affects his morals as a hero, he’d become much more interesting. AFO is similar to the hero commission in the sense that he uses children to make his ideal world come to life. They both believe it’s for the “greater good” too. Maybe this could trigger hawks to realize how corrupt the system hes fighting for is?? That’s sort of wishful thinking tho. I’d be happy with toga putting him outta commission or killin him too
Poor Jirou 😭 I'm sure Tokoyami's big moment is coming up next.
Endeavor IS already reflecting, thankfully. He's kinda there now. Now we just gotta see what he does with it.
Gotta hardcore disagree about Toga going after or killing him. Personally I don't want her arc to go that direction (and I don't see it going that direction) but that's just me. I've voiced my dislike for the revenge ploy theory before but I know some peeps wanna see it. I get it, the fun in it. Just not my personal hope for her.
Hawks, though yeah. Totally agreed. He definitely needs more inner focus if he's gonna feel like a legitimately relevant character again, cuz right now he doesn't, at all. I mean right now it's still just him focusing on Endeavor, talking BACK at AFO as if that's gonna help anything, because what AFO says to and about Endeavor is 100% true. No point in arguing lol.
You make a really good point about AFO and the HPSC. I think it's possible for Hawks to wake up and smell the roses, but also--idk..lol. Again, I agree we need more internal focus on Hawks to really get anywhere.
Hopefully tomorrow is more fun than the last chapter!
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