#idk it just feels like ppl used to be a lot nicer??
spagheddiesquash · 3 months
me in 2019: yeah no i wouldn’t call myself an “old soul” i think my interests are fairly relevant. i don’t think i’d ever be one. me in 2024: .do yuo guys remember flappy bird and rainbow loom and minecraft letsplays and the dab and those shirts with the sequins and the cold shoulders on them and nightcore and animation memes and fidget spinners and vine and the area 51 raid and the day everyone posted chimneys and those memes where it was a character surrounded by heart emojis with some kind of motion blur around it and the magic card memes and funny reaction images and that thing everybody did where they put their arms in their sweaters and it made them look like little chickens or that one person with the hoodie who pulled the string things in all the way so it only showed their lips and then put sunglasses on over it so it looked like a funny face and. and. do you wanna see my cd collection or my books. can i have a physical copy of that book. i prefer my headphones to have wires thank u very much. yeah man i really want a flip phone or like. a refurbished older cell.
#sorry for getting really sentimental about the 2010s (and mentioning some 2000s stuff)#it will probably happen again#look man#i get some of these things are still around#but they dont feel the same#idk it just feels like ppl used to be a lot nicer??#like i think ppl have gotten too comfortable with just being cynical and mean all the time#i havent met one person my age who gets excited about the new year anymore. not even people my parents’ age or my cousins’ ages#the future seemed really bright but now it feels like nobody sees it that way anymore??#and i get it#shit happens#its fine to be upset with the world! ive been there a lot#but i feel like we as a society can benefit from being a little less doom and gloom all the time#like. covid really caused a huge cultural shift#earlier today i saw a video that was talking about how we dont really have any good comedy movies to have come out in the past couple of yr#which are dedicated comedies. and how people are leaning more towards drama with some funny bits#and like. thats the main reason why ive been thinking about all this stuff#that and the fact that youtube is recommending me videos from my 5+ year old ‘watch later’ playlist#like no thanks youtube i dont wanna watch ‘morgz’s mom went bankrupt’#anyway maybe im just uncomfortable with the passage of time and how things change#buildings get renovated trees get cut down playgrounds get replaced mall stores close sites shut down etc etc#it makes me sad and mad about the fact that i cant do anything about it and dont know what to do about how i feel#sorry for the random rant i just have a lot of feels rn
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
I'VE GOT YOU 🦊!! Sorry it took so long to upload, I thought of something else so I added and then had to edit that part :) I hope you enjoy!
Everything's Just Fine
You get sick and Emily is away with the team on a case. You were frustrated that you weren't able to help, so instead of resting you decided to do all of the paperwork that you could find. A great decision, right?
Word Count: 3k
You sniffled and rubbed your bleary eyes, trying to focus on the pile of paperwork you were trying desperately to get through. Hotch had deemed you ‘too sick’ to go with them on the case, but he wasn’t there, leaving you to your own devices. You’d helped solve it by working through Garcia, who you had threatened into silence (in reality, you’d begged her to let you help and flashed the best puppy dog eyes you had) and your team would be home in three hours. 
Penelope had agreed to stay silent, but only if you drank the gallons of tea she shoved down your throat. You were sure that she’d laced it with some sort of medication, so you just pretended to drink. It wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate her attempts to coddle you, it was just that you didn’t want her to see you so vulnerable. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this, it was embarrassing. 
Your nose was running practically nonstop, your chest ached, you couldn’t stop shivering and every five seconds was filled with painful coughs or gross, wet sneezes. Every cough and sneeze tore through your already sore throat, making it feel like you had swallowed glass. The pressure in your sinuses made it feel like your head was about to burst. There was a good chance that the next fit of coughing would send your brain exploding out of your buzzing ears. 
“Sweetie, that really doesn't sound good.” Penelope said, startling you after a particularly rough coughing fit that brought up a wad of mucus and left you seeing stars. You swallowed hard, a little disgusted with yourself, and forced a little smile onto your dry, cracked lips. Judging by her raised eyebrow, she didn’t believe whatever you were about to say next. 
“I’m fine Garcia, just a little cold. Plus, they’ll be back soon.” You rasped, not realizing just how far gone your voice was until you had started to speak. It was a minor miracle that you had even gotten those two sentences out. You sniffed hard and coughed, turning your head into your elbow to avoid spreading your germs all over the innocent tech analyst. 
“Uh-uh, no way. Come on, come lay in my office for a little while. I’ve got everything nice and cozy for when Reid has a migraine, it’ll be much nicer than sitting out here in the cold.” The blonde coaxed, her voice like butter. She was lulling you into a false sense of security, smiling kindly and offering you a space in her Batcave. 
All you wanted to do was curl up and let out all of your stupid pent up emotions, you wanted to cry into the plethora of pillows that you knew she had and just fall asleep to escape all of the pain raging through your body. Every movement sent needles of agony through your bones, even your eyes hurt. You had forgotten that fevers could do that to a person. 
“I’m almost done here, I’ll put my head down when I finish.” You ducked into your elbow with a barely stifled sneeze and lifted your head with flushed cheeks. This whole thing was humiliating, no one was supposed to see you sick. You weren’t supposed to be sick. You were a fucking FBI agent, FBI agent’s didn’t succumb to simple colds.
Penelope frowned and reached out to touch your cheek, rolling her eyes slightly when you slapped her hand away. 
“I’m telling Emily. How do you think she’ll feel about all of this?” She gestured to your sickly appearance as if she hadn’t just threatened you as one would a toddler. You clenched your jaw, but parted your lips when you realized that your nose was too stuffed to breathe, and decided to just glare at her instead. 
“Penelope Garcia. I am not a toddler, you are not my mother, you are not my girlfriend and my physical wellbeing is none of your fucking business. Leave. Me. Alone.” The hurt expression that flashed across her face made you feel guilty, but you just wanted her to go away. Everything about this was wrong, her being able to see you at your weakest point was ever worse. 
“Alright, I’m going back to my office. Come find me if you need anything.” She murmured, bowing her head in understanding. You looked away, resurfacing to meet her gaze, you knew that if she said one more nice thing you’d probably break down. It would be so easy to just start crying. Or it would be if you had enough fluids left in your body to cry out.  
Sniffling back tears you went back to your work, the words blurring through your tears and the general haze that came from what had to be a fever over 102 degrees. You could practically see the look on Emily’s face when she’d come back, the disappointment and concern written in the worry lines across her forehead. She worried too much, especially about you. 
You scribbled your name at the bottom of the page inquiring about who was interrogated, accidentally scrawling your signature into the place where Hotch was supposed to sign. That was it. You were done. That was the straw that broke the exhausted, sick, miserable camel's back. You were absolutely done.
You stumbled up the stairs and into the first office you could find, intending to fall onto the couch where you would sleep until your girlfriend got home. She would be so disappointed in you. You made it halfway into what you assumed in your hazy mind was JJ’s office before falling to the floor, too dizzy to stay upright anymore. 
Part of you thought to call out for Garcia as you lay on the uncomfortable tile, your cheek pressed on the rug. The world went black with one final gasping cough as you slipped into unconsciousness. That was nicer than being awake with the pain. 
Unfortunately, unconsciousness was not exactly better. It was uncomfortable, too hot, sometimes too cold, like someone had dunked you in an ice bath which was then set on fire. Your disturbing, terrifying fever dreams were interrupted by a distant sound and the feather light touch of a hand on your shoulder. Both felt a mile away, but they saved you from the nightmares of being drowned in an icy ocean with no one to hear your screams. 
“Y/n! Fuck, EMLIY! Get in here!” You clung to the voice, whimpering as you struggled to pull yourself out of the void. She must’ve noticed your struggle because the owner of the voice combed fingers through your hair, coaxing you into the real world. 
“Hey, hey you. Can you open your eyes?” Sudden panic flooded over you and you shoved yourself away, ignoring the stars brewing in your eyes. For a moment you were pretty sure that you’d throw up, but you managed to curl yourself into the corner, cowering away from the touch. 
Your breaths were harsh and painful, they probably sounded that way to the blonde as well. The world was blurring around you and standing wasn’t probably the best idea, but you were already halfway to your feet. 
“Woah, Y/n,” JJ rushed toward you, raising her arms as you swayed, prepared to catch you. You pulled away again, trying to force out some semblance of words. 
“Go!” You yelped, tears filling your eyes. Everything was spinning, the woman’s face warping and bending in your vision. Something slammed and you looked up to find another blurry faced woman rushing into the room, wearing the same expression. 
“Y/L/N!” The second woman, Emily, barked, making you freeze. In different circumstances that tone would’ve sparked a flutter in your chest, but this was just scary. She raced to your side and grabbed your elbows, managing to keep you upright. You sniffled and met her chocolate brown eyes, searching for anything that could be construed as anger or unhappiness. All you saw was loving concern. 
“Shit, you’re burning up. Honey, why?” The brunette breathed, cupping your cheeks with strong, soft hands. You whimpered in response, doing everything you could not to just fall into her arms. 
“C-can you make t-the room stop s-spinning?” You managed, stumbling forward until your head bounced against her shoulder. Emily wrapped an arm around your waist and helped you over to the couch, murmuring gentle words that you couldn’t quite make out. Everything was fuzzy, you weren’t sure how much longer you could stay conscious. 
You didn’t realize you were crying until you were sitting up against her and she was brushing the tears off of your cheeks. You didn’t fully understand what was happening, but you knew that she was holding you, providing you with the love that you had so desperately needed. 
“Morgan, we’re going to need some help getting her to the car.” Emily murmured, stroking your hair as you leaned against her chest. Part of you was a bit concerned, the deal was no displays of romantic affection at work and here she was, holding you close, cuddling you like she would at home. This was bad. You were going to get fired. 
You pushed her away, little whimpers building in your throat. You slid back onto the floor, confusion and anxiety flowing through your mind. She was by your side in an instant, grabbing your hands as she tried to fix whatever was happening in your mind. 
“No, no no. No, They’ll be mad. They’ll be so mad.” You shook your head and pulled back, a harsh cough wracking your body. Your lungs were beginning to sound like crinkling wax paper, worrying everyone. 
“Come on honey, please get off the floor. No ones mad, we just want to help.” She soothed, inching back so as not to startle you further. Not even you understood the back and forth of your mind, it was scary just how many things were happening and all you wanted was to be somewhere dark and quiet. 
“Everything hurts…make it stop, please make it stop.” You begged, covering your ears, hiding from everything. It was odd, you were just so damn overwhelmed. 
“Okay sweetie, alright. Breathe for me. It’s all going to be okay. Does it hurt when I do this?” She asked gently, probing at your arm. You had apparently bruised it when you’d fallen and it had quickly turned a dark purplish black color. You nodded slightly, removing yourself from your shell so that you could talk to her. 
“We’re going to get you home and all cozy, but you’ve got to trust me. Will you let me?” Morgan and Hotch were in the room now, with Rossi hovering in the doorway. Penelope was attached to Morgan's arm, a panicked expression on her face. This was all because of you. It was both humiliating beyond belief and…almost wholesome? 
“M’kay.” You finally whispered, your voice basically gone at this point. She gave you a small, caring smile and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Can Morgan carry you?” You were too tired to even consider fighting it. You wanted to be home and if that's what it took, that's what it took. Emily moved to the side and the man stepped forward, nearly blocking your view of her. 
“Don’t leave me!” You yelped, grabbing for her hand. You refused to be away from her, no fucking way would she leave you alone again, it wasn’t happening. She clasped your fingers in hers and shushed you softly. 
“I’m right here, he’s just going to pick you up and everything will be okay.” She was being so understanding, so wonderful. You loved her so damn much. You nodded again and allowed Morgan to hoist you into a bridal carry, your head falling on his chest; you were just too physically weak to hold it up anymore. 
“Shit, Princess, your fever’s really high. Emily, you’ve gotta get that down.” He said, concern radiating in his words. She nodded quickly, still holding onto your hand. You glanced at Hotch as Morgan carried you out, disappointment shining in his eyes. Garcia looked mildly betrayed and you hated that you’d made her feel that way. You opened your mouth to say something, but she shut you up with a shake of her head. 
“Just get better, lovely. I’ll be by with some soup and Disney movies tomorrow.” You smiled at her, your eyes slipping closed as exhaustion took over. You heard a murmur of ‘goodbyes’ and ‘feel better soons’ as you were whisked away by your friend and girlfriend, falling asleep with your head bouncing against Morgan’s chest. 
When you woke up you were laying in your own bed, Emily grumbling softly as she tried to peel the sweat covered clothes off of your body. You whined softly at the touch, curling away from her icy hands. You sniffled thickly and pulled your knees to your chest, well aware that you were no longer wearing a shirt. 
“Look who's up.” The brunette cooed, reaching up to stroke your fevered cheek. You squirmed again, utterly unhappy with how much being touched hurt you. All you wanted was cuddles from the woman you loved but her gentle touch caused you so much pain. 
“My skin hurts.” You rasped, giving her a watery pout. Tears were rolling down your cheeks again, for what felt like the 10th time that day you were crying. You hated it, you hated your damn body and you wanted a hug. 
“Okay love, we can get that taken care of. If you sit up for me I can get some medicine in you and get something much more comfortable on.” She smiled, tucking a strand of hair back behind your ear. You shrugged, fully intending not to do anything. She rolled her eyes at your uncooperative behavior and lifted you into a sitting position, making you yelp in pain. She reared back at your pained sound, concern flooding her expression. 
“I can’t it, it hurts too much!” You sobbed, wrapping your arms around your knees and pulling them to your chest. You held that position for probably fifteen minutes until you finally managed to cry yourself out and looked back up at Emily who had a broken expression on her face. 
“How do I help?” She whispered, sounding as desperate as you felt. Your beautiful strong girlfriend was breaking just because you felt sick. You took a shaky, chest squeezing breath and forced yourself to calm down. 
“Um…will y-you help me change…and then maybe hold me?” The profiler gave you a kind smile and nodded, reaching out to stroke your cheek again. This time it didn’t hurt so much, the contact actually felt quite nice. 
It took a bit longer than either of you expected to get you changed, you were practically incapable of moving any of your limbs, meaning that she had to do all of the work. She did it without complaint, checking in every few moments to make sure that she wasn’t hurting you. 
“Okay baby, take this really fast and we’ll get you some sleep.” You didn’t fight when she handed you the cap of blue medicine, well aware that the Nyquil and fever would take you out in minutes. The goop tasted absolutely awful, so bad that even with your poor sense of taste and smell it burned the back of your throat. 
You coughed heavily into your blanket, a sound which made Emily’s face contort in worry. She patted your back as you hacked, helping you to release some of the mucus from your lungs. 
“We’re going to the doctor tomorrow if that doesn’t sound better.” She determined after a few minutes of listening to your exhaustive breathing. You nodded in agreement, well aware that the cough was worse than it should be for a simple cold or mild flu. 
“Stay with me until I fall asleep?” You asked, your body sagging as the medication sunk in. Emily slipped into the bed beside you, sitting a few feet away so as not to invade your personal space in a way that you weren't comfortable with. You hesitated a moment and looked over, feeling suddenly shy. 
“Um…will you hold me? Maybe? P-please…” She smiled kindly and pulled you into her arms, cradling your head against her chest as the two of you snuggled under the covers. You stifled a sneeze, but she just made a worried sound and kissed the top of your head 
“Don’t worry about that. Just sleep, okay? I’m right here, you’re safe. I’ve got you.” You sniffled quietly and grabbed the fabric of her shirt, grateful for her saying that. Fevers always made you edgy, but she had this way of fixing it every single time. She was your rock. She never failed to make you feel better, even at your worst times. 
“Love you Em.” You mumbled, your words slurred by sleep. 
“I love you too Y/n/n. Now hush, sleeping time.” Never one to disobey an order from your girlfriend, you closed your eyes, falling into a warm void of unconsciousness in the arms of the woman you were in love with.
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honestly sometimes just think about how there was a whole episode dedicated to cleo and frankie hanging out having fun together, with the two playing off in all sorts of cute ways,
but the point WASN'T "oooh giggle giggle awkward crush"
and how nice that was? Refreshing??
the ep was like "hey these ghouls are real comfy together, watch them be silly and admit their admiration out loud, but not in a tense way, just in Blurt It Out Like It's The Most Normal Thing And Then Go Back To Laughing Together way, bc they ARE friends actually"
crushes or no crushes, the vibe between them is Good. Good Vibes. Happy Supportive Slightly Ridiculous Vibes
and yeah frankie's thing for cleo is pretty clear to us, the watchers, the whole time, what with the bushing and the *looks at cleo* "pretty!" comment and the mumble mumbling cleo makes everything nicer other comment
still, it's not until the Very End Of The Ep that the actual vibes get Romantical, with the Looking and cleo's narration and frankie's little hand touch spark and the More Looking Hmmm
a lot of the other cute stuff was Normal Cute Stuff. not trying too hard stuff or acting out of character to impress cleo stuff
frankie IS the kind of monster who'd hum a tune and dance with a friend to cheer her up! that's just them being themselves around cleo, and cleo smiling to see it!
(the spin tho, the twirl, THAT was GAY)
likewise cleo is just being her over-dramatic and very specific party planning self all over the place, again not Trying to be cool or pretty or fun or anything,
instead she's this super fangirl dork, so excited about this Thing she loves, and frankie's just following her around with hearts eyes the whole time- or slight panic, while trying to keep cleo's phone alive for her
like, cleo's into this ocean-themed jewelry designing influencer, and frankie looks at that and is like I Shall Create A Coral Themed Jewelry Stand For For Fav Influencer- they having fun joining in on what CLEO'S having fun with! cleo also just gets to be herself and frankie's so into it!
what im saying is
we got to see cleo and frankie as they would be AFTER dealing with all the feels
sweet and settled and relaxed w/ each other
normal with each other
sometimes in media, the moment Feels come up, it all goes to tension and awkward and trying to be the person they think other other will like most (we'll see if that happens here too),
but usually, a lot of times, especially if the relationship isn't the Main Part of the Story, there isn't much build up for the ppl involved, how they'd interact when not silently freaking out all the time, so you're left wondering What WOULD They Be Like Together Even?
and that can be really fun! To imagine or look forward to!
problem is often there's not much time spent on showing the After, or any at all, if the Getting Together is saved for the very end
so with clankie, im just... really glad there was an ep of them being friends
yes yes, friends where one is clearly Gay for the other and the other later goes Wait Oh My Ra They're So Cute Send Help, you CANNOT ignore the gay in this ep it is Glorious
but from a non-meta view, from cleo and frankie's perspective, it really just was a fun night of shenanigans together
together, with someone they really really like
and CLEARLY get along with Very Well
idk. it tickles me. i smile as i think about it. they're sweet and we got to see it in a very natural sort of way. it's Nice
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broodsys · 2 months
thinking about regret tonight. not my regret(s), just the concept of regret in general, the pressure to avoid things one will regret, etc
this is rly rambly lmao i'm just having thoughts
i feel like there's just smth very inherently distorted about "don't do things you'll regret!" or to aim for a life without regrets - because you will do stuff you regret! you just will!
some of it will be by accident, with the best of intentions, and only obvious in retrospect. some of it will be stuff you're doing to survive in the moment, the results of which you'll feel later in life and may regret, but was necessary at the time. some of it is just plain and simple you knew it was bad, you didn't Need to do it, but you did it anyway!
that last category is the only one you can really stop before it starts. and people want to put more in that category than actually goes there - "oh, i should have known better" okay but did you? did you know better?
and there are so many factors. were you scared to say no? did you think not doing the thing would result in social ostracization? did you know how to set healthy boundaries at the time? were you dissociating? like none of these questions are meant to remove the individual's agency, but reflecting on an event 10 years past where you were in highschool or smth during it, you were such a fundamentally different person at that time. are you remembering that person accurately, or putting your present self in their shoes?
ik a lot of the time it's stuff like "don't get a tattoo you'll regret" or "don't start smoking, you'll regret it!" and in either case, that might be true! but it just... doesn't feel like a very effective way for society to frame these things, at least not to me. regret is par for the course. besides, concepts of future regret are not always that effective at navigating present situations. telling someone in their 30's to stop drinking so heavily or they'll regret it is like... okay, they probably already know that. but why are they drinking so heavily? what's the underlying cause? are they self-medicating? for what?
or for a less intense example... say that same 30 year old wanted to get a tattoo. whatever might be regrettable about it down the line, the person they are today wants that tattoo, and will probably want it for at least a good amount of time after. maybe eventually they'll come to regret it, but what use it is trying to anticipate their entire future self, holding their present self back from exercising their own autonomy? what's the point of encouraging people to base their decision-making on a hypothetical future self?
i'm not saying everyone should throw caution to the wind and live impulsively in the moment, but a 30 y/o shouldn't be pressured to not make decisions bc their 60 y/o self might regret those decisions and it's a weird way to frame things
have you given this sufficient thought? are you making an informed decision? are you aware of the risks? <- these are more useful questions to ask oneself vs. "will i regret this?"
also: did you know better then? did you have all the info? if not, were you aware that you did not have it? were you scared to say no? were you trying to survive? <- good questions to ask oneself when you are experiencing regret from a past decision
idk. i just want ppl - myself included - to be nicer to our past selves, and less concerned about our future selves. obviously pay attention to both, and to the present self, but yeah, the emphasis being on the future self and on criticizing the past self just gets to me
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ofmdee · 5 months
foof. typing this out on tumblr because it feels easier to collect my thoughts here rather than twitter, lmfao, but MAN my creative well is bone dry rn, i feel like i have zero energy and motivation to work on projects and i just. it's driving me crazy lmfao, and in the back of my mind i know i'm burnt out and need a break, but it's so hard to take a break, because like, i don't have much else going on in my life rn, or ever, like fandom has always been a huge, important part of my life and i don't rly know what to do or who i am if im not obsessed over SOMETHING lmfao. my gf said last night something like, i guess it's hard to take a break when it's related to a hyperfixation/special interest and like!! yeah!! it's rly hard to untangle all of that!
but. idk. i don't feel happy rn with a lot of things irl and online, and i know i need to rest and do nothing and let the well fill up again but that also scares me? so i am just going to try to ease up on myself a little bit, try to go more than a day without feeling compelled to post something new just because i'm afraid ppl will leave or forget me or something if i don't constantly pump out Content. and i know i did this to myself, lmfao, i rly don't know how to do things in moderation and this is a constant cycle of going too hard and then abruptly losing all interest
my gf sent me this last night and even the first paragraph got me!!! like, that's ME!!!
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i am in the reluctant admission stage rn lmfao.
i am not going to say i am completely going to stop creating during this time, because that would be a lie, but i am rly going to try and chill tf out, stop worrying about getting fics done in time for mermay, and just kinda try to recharge. and i don't wanna say this is a firm break or whatever because when i inevitably fail at taking a break, i will end up beating up on myself, so im just gonna say i am gonna try to be like...... idk, creative Lite or something for a little bit.
im still gonna be around every day lmfao, but probably for less time than usual. i'm still gonna reblog/retweet things, and i'll probably have some original stuff as well, but i am not gonna keep holding myself to the impossible standard of having something new every day. and i know no one else expects that of me!!! but i have somehow put that expectation on myself. i can use this time to share some old favorites again instead!!
i just started a new game+ in coral island, so ive got that going for me, lmfao, and it's getting nicer outside finally and i rly truly need to touch grass more often!! idk why i always feel like i need a huge explanation for what i do, and it probably wont even be super noticeable to most ppl lol, but!! idk. sometimes i just need to work things out this way.
so, i am releasing myself of the burden of having some fics done for mermay, and posting daily, and feeling like i have to make tangible progress on creative projects on the regular. or, that is my goal, at any rate. i think i'll just focus on gifs/still shots for mermay, my fics will be ready when they are ready 😤 but even if i don't do that much, it's okay!!! mermaids are good any time of the year imho.
i just need to get to a point where i actually Enjoy the process of creating again, because it feels like a chore rn and i hate that :((((
idk, anyway if u read all this thank u, thank u for following me and liking what i do, here is an old gif for ur troubles
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visionthefox · 1 year
So yeah nice eclipse lived.
Eclipse is dead he really sounded tired and Solar Flare was like " let it go and let's move on" or something along those lines (notice I'm not that good at remembering the correct words but it get the idea through) but still Eclipse was trying to explain to moon what is going to happen if he didn't kill Lunar but didn't listen he was being sassy towards him, moon also mentioned that if he wasn't the cause of everything he could still have his memories and magic. Eclipse proceeded to tell moon like "you need to understand if sun dies it's on you" idk if he was trying to make him feel bad in that aspect but moon didn't budge in. Once dead Solar Flare told him that "He was just like old moon he cared in his own way, and that if he was nicer or tried to change people might've listened to him" also the star is destroyed and like nice eclipse said he can literally build a new one to which moon replied with a no.
Now Eclipse mentioned that Lunar was going to be screwing things up with moon, sun and others, my question is what did he see?
mmh honestly, I feel like I would have a hard time paying any attention as my braid gets fried hahah but when you guys explain it, it make it sound way cooler than may really be! sdsads so .. Eclipse is gone - part of me think he will come back. other thinks they will use Ruin as the new bad guy.. in any case.. I feel like, even IF - Eclipse saw a terrible future.. he cant be stupid enough to think anyone will trust him, no matter how desperate or scare he sounds - he should know better.. maybe use a puppet, a shadow, a forced vision into Moon's mind to make HIm see what will happend.. but nah- also, I undertand if Solar think that way - but also, ppl seem to forget Eclipse was also infected by the Kill code, that and lots of reason more as to why Eclipse was that mess up (then again, what he did is terrible, but not out of the blue- the dude is mess up no matter what sad BG he had - but the BG is important to understang what he did) expecting a bad person to one day - change - is not that smart..if anything, being left alone - with no one to be there for him - maybe in pain from the star -slowly dying- maybe alone with guilt, and just seeying how even if he Won. . he is not a winner.. maybe that finally took Eclipse to think "maybe... I can do things better" as for Lunar.. all I know is that Puppet put him back together.. now.. who is Puppet in this universe? is Lunar the real one? or someone made to trick ppl? I feel like whatever Eclipse saw.. may not be actually that bad - but the VA need to hype things up haha I really hope they get rid of the magic too.. is never used in a natural way.. or logical way.. anyways, thanks you for your ask and time!! <3
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softpaladin · 9 months
tw: SA mention, kink discussion, r word (nothing graphic im just complaining about bloggers)
a while back i went to a blog i saw a fun post from and their bio was like. "i like noncon/cnc"
and in the Same Bio they were like "i unfollow ppl who post the word rape a lot"
like. wtf do you think you are roleplaying??? the call is coming from inside the house?? how tf are graphic depictions hot to you but the moment someone brings up the word its suddenly upsetting
its wild to me how many ppl into like roleplay rape and rape fanfic will write these horrible graphic descriptions and then suddenly get scared of saying what it's actually about
imo these ppl just dont wanna like, acknowledge it lol, i think "cnc" n "noncon" and such are just nicer sounding placeholder words.
some ppl are like "we should be allowed to be open and honest about what we're into!!" and then Are Not
it just feels like those placeholder words are minimizing/trivializing the topic idk. its roleplay rape and its rapefic regardless of what terms you use n it seems sketchy to avoid saying what it is
plus all the alternate words make it harder to blacklist lmao
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ghostycore · 1 year
hi hello!! i’m blue ( 21+, s/h ) & this is sunset's very own losergirl mu danyi! she's a recent addition to sunset, running the listening elle kiosk where she doles out questionable horoscope predictions & untrue fortunes. i’ve only got her profile up, but below the cut is a tldr on her & some plots ♡ pls like to plot or add me on dc ( pomelos. ) & i'll be there, u know it!
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bgm to set the vibes while u read ♡ let's go!!
all u need to know about danyi is that she's a psychic who doesn't believe in any of it lol
her mum is an actual shaman ( like somebody / the glory, powers are as ‘real’ as u believe them to be ). she is not but the tiktok girlies are popping off so she’s making bank by using her family’s actual temple in her videos for that special touch of authenticity
she gives fake divinations & charges a whole lot. just reads the fortune slips & lets confirmation bias do the rest, sometimes good at reading people to help her out with this. her business started on tiktok but she had an in with sunset through the lamest nepo connections ever to set up a kiosk when she's really not qualified for it!
has been known to lie about what the bones say. #bonegate or something ready to go tbh
her tiktok user & kiosk are both @ listening elle, goes by elle online bc she's pretending she has overseas cred to appeal to the hoity toits but she's never stepped foot outside of korea. the kiosk in sunset runs on her time, danyi sets up whenever she finally wakes up & goes home when she wants to. boss can't catch her slacking if she's the boss!
personality wise she's a liar but a bad liar, lies as easily as she breathes, never keeps track of them so she alw gets caught. florida girl energy, occasionally w a streak of weakness ( feeling bad 4 ppl so she ends up being nicer to them than she planned. immediate regret bc she overcompensates ). loves fooling around & not being serious, would d word if she tried introspection. also loves herself too much, spills over to people she cares for too
in danyi fashion idk horoscopes but here's my attempt: she's a libra sun ( indecisive, flighty, full of shit but charming enough to hide it ) scorpio moon ( sneaky, ambitious ) aries rising ( paris hilton )
outwardly the calm to her chaos, but secretly crazier than anyone expects. you think danyi could mastermind half the pranks she pulls? no she can’t!!
a jason & eleanor (tgp) type of friendship.. just two dumbasses with 12yo boy humor
cutie she hooks up with, except it's for ur working hot water & impossibly soft bed. also she might have sticky fingers so ur stuff keeps going missing </3
she scammed u / ur friend / ur mom :p with her fake fortunes i’m so sorry
or she threw out a rando prophecy at u & it turned out to be true & now ur in awe & believe in every word she says
accomplice in scamming who helps her set up extra spooky vibes around her kiosk
someone who's been skiving off by chilling at the always empty stall, it's a great place to hide from bosses B)
if u work at a food related establishment she has a suspiciously high rate of cockroach in food incidents pls don't investigate
someone's gotten into ur stash of weed / drinks / xpixel tokens, who could it be!?
she’s a luver of trash & charity she’ll sleep with anyone who looks sad & pathetic!
can’t keep a relationship to save her life so maybe she broke ur heart & has no remorse ( or maybe so much remorse she’s naruto running away if she sees u... you broke her heart )
u hire her as ur fake gf to scare ur parents for $$$ but hey, now they'll be happy to see ur future s/os that aren't danyi
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
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Today's mood was 'procrastinate on the mortuary temple by doing the oasis room' so. :D It was a bit tricky to work the entrance in around the pillar but I think I managed it. It's kinda hidden away, like you can't easily see it. Which is why I added all the cherry leaves so it stood out a lil more. :D Also, particles. I wanted the pretty particles. <3
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I wanted to expand on the theme from the flower corridor on the other side of the pyramid. I didn't want to make it look too stylistically different from the rest of the pyramid, so I borrowed the same pillar design from there but used it on the edges of the room instead of down the middle. It's been adapted a little bit to fit but it's essentially the same design.
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The room has a lot - and I mean A LOT - of vertical space while also being quite narrow, so I decided to make these little walkways around the edge of the room to still make it feel Big and Grand even though it's not that big. I got two floors of this and there was STILL ROOM above that. A LOT of room.
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This is the rest of the room that leads to a balcony outside like the front has. It's simple, and maybe I could add more on the carpeted area, but I'm not sure I will. Also I think the biome blending really gives the trees a much nicer look than if they were all the same colour.
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This is what I built (VERY CAREFULLY D:) around the door Cub put in, just to make it feel like it fit in a bit more. I wanted to keep with the colour palette, to keep it ornate, but not decorated like the front. No colour, just shapes and textures. And I think it looks much better. I'll probably put in something similar on the balcony as there is on the front, but that's for later. And it might change a bit still but that's the basic design.
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What I want to do is take this idea of sand having piled up around the door and extend that around the entrance here, and perhaps around the base of the pyramid. Maybe there's some strong winds coming in from the mesa behind it that's pushed all the sand up against the walls. That kind of thing. I also want to tidy up the terracotta on the side to the left of this one that's all just starkly cut out, and make that look more natural.
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This is the space I had above once I was done with the pillars and flowers and such. I haven't quite decided what to do with it, but I might do some more oasis-like gardens and pools. Make it like a healing space maybe. I had thought about making little ponds or hills of dirt, little spots of more organic landscaping up here as opposed to the formality below. But we'll see. It definitely needs a pool or pond or some kind of water thing tho.
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I'm thinking this might be a small chapel or shrine area, or perhaps some kind of storage idk yet. It's really too small to do anything useful with but I don't want to leave it empty. So we'll see what I come up with when I tackle this floor.
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Also finally I, uh, got myself a Pharaoh head. >_> bc it didn't feel right to just have old man Cub up there. It needed to be the Pharaoh. And, Cub, dammit, didn't have any Pharaoh heads in his storage, just Old Man Cub heads. XD So I had to do it myself.
honestly my java skin history is A Mess bc I don't have a default skin at all like I do when I play Bedrock so it's just a whole pile of random skins, Hermit skins, and whatever else takes my fancy lol. XD I think my player character on java must be some sort of void eldritch creature the way they have no known form and take on other ppl's instead.
...it's not bc i refuse to learn how to edit skins it's just my vibes i swear XD
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everglowz · 2 years
Hiii I just saw your recent gifset and I was wondering if you could share some colouring/quality tips for gifs?? I've been having some issues lately and I'm trying to collect knowledge from people with great skills, thanks in advance!
hiii!! <3 first of all, thanks omg :(( i feel absolutely underqualified to be giving advice but i'll try to tell u some stuff that i think makes gifs look nicer (i'll do it after a read more so that i don't clog up the dash)
idk how much experience you have in making gifs so i'm gonna be all over the place probably lmao sorry!!
first all, in connection to quality, using anything other than photoshop to gif (like websites or stuff like that) is gonna make your gifs look much less hq no matter how nice the actual footage is. sadly no website can beat ps :( also, using 4k/1080p clips is going to make your job much easier. I use 4kdownloader to get videos from youtube and it works great most of the times.
in terms of processing, once i get my video i use vapoursynth but i don't sharpen/denoise there. i think the vs sharpening is a bit too harsh sometimes and the denoising can be too extreme. (i know ppl get great results w sharpening/denoising there tho!! i've never got it to work like that lol) after the clip is opened in ps, i sharpen there. my settings are very basic (amount 500% and radius 0.4px and then i do that again but with amount 10% and radius 10px) if the original clip is too lq and i'm not satisfied with how the gif looks i might use topaz clean / denoise a little bit. but i try to keep that light. in my personal opinion, i think gifs that are too smooth (so much so that their hair gets blurry and stuff) just don't look as nice. i'd rather have a slightly grainy gif over a very very smooth gif where ppl don't look like ppl.
a lil trick i do when i'm not as pleased with the quality and the gifs are from mvs is to add a little bit of grain using the smart filter. so then the grain looks like it's there on purpose and not bc the og clip is bad (other times i just add noise for aesthetics like with my keppie gifset)
another tool some ccs use is high pass. i feel like high pass needs to be used lightly because sometimes it just makes people look like dolls :(( it's like it takes away all texture and it just looks... slightly odd? i tried to use it a few times but in the end i went back to my own sharpening. i just think it's a tool that needs to be used v carefully.
ok, coloring time!! coloring can literally fix a gif sometimes hahah. like a gif that looks kinda grainy suddenly u color it and it becomes ten times better. when i color, i start by messing with the curves and i tend to do this (this pic is just me messing with a random gif hahah)
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i obviously play around with that but i love doing this because it makes my blacks darker. i also play around with exposure and i tend to bring the exposure up a little, bring the offset down a little and the gamma correction up (again, me messing around randomly just so u can see how my settings might end up looking visually. the numbers change all the time because it's not that i do it exactly like this all the time)
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i've been told (and i can attest to it myself) that having gifs with a lot of contrast is good for quality so i feel like doing these prev things (and also messing with the blacks in selective color) allows me to bring out that contrast and also make gifs that i enjoy (i'm a high contrast gif lover) but you also have to be mindful not to make your subjects too white by upping the exposure or messing with curves too much. whitewashing is a no no, even if whitewashed gifs always end up looking less grainy >:( for skintone i play around with color balance and selective color mostly. if the whitewashing in the original video is too much, i might go to color lookup, use the preset 3strip, set the layer as 'darken' and mess with the opacity and then if it ends up looking too red i might do the same with a 'fall color' layer and lower the opacity even more for that one (or else the gifs looks too yellow). i also play around with the reds and the yellows in hue/saturation
finally, when i export the gifs, i make sure that i pick the saving mode (i'm sure this is not the proper way to call this but anyways sdfasd) that makes the gif looks better. like sometimes i find that with green gifs some settings make the gif look atrocious so i have to use adaptable for those but anyways i usually mess around w that hahah
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idk if this was useful in any sort of way??? if u have a question about something that i mentioned here or i want to ask me more u can totally dm me or come back and ask me 'hey girl wtf?' because i'm so so bad at explaining things by text!! also i wrote this under the idea that u are sort of knowledgable on how to gif but idk !!
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4shfur · 2 years
not really a vent im just talking about stuff so uhh no one feel obligated to look at this im just talking and its probably going to b extremely long and make no sense (because its late)
2022 is over honestly 2023 feels like its out of a dystopian film 😐 not very cool. i wish it was the 2010s anybody remember that? i loved that. stuff is changing a lot and idk if im ready for it. my new year resolution to do more stuff. like hang out with my friends more and do more things. idk about anything else. i want to do better in track but im not sure if i can. all my cousins are in track/cross country but theyre all better than me. my brother's only done cross country once but even hes better than me. its kind of petty to complain about it, idk i also wanna do better in school but i also hate school. its frustrating, i used to be really good at it but now im just average, it feels like. thats dumb to complain about too though because i know people who really struggle with school and im being sad because my brother got a better grade on the sat than me when he was my age. i think im a weirdo but not in a good way (transitioning topics) that sounds dumb but idk im not sure ive been thinking about it lately and i think maybe im actually really unlikeable. this isnt a weird internalized thing i think i might just be super annoying and idk how to fix it. its not on purpose. and idk how to ask my friends if they like me or not because thats super wierd????? and obv theyd say yes right bcs you cant just tell someone you dont like them. and im worriwd i come off as insensitive or pushy to ppl and they secretly hate but like?????? idk i dont ever know bcs i cant tell with people and i really dont mean to i really do like these people. i really dont wanna be that one annoying kid who keeps hanging out with people even though they clearly dont like them, but its not clear, and idk how to tell. also my new years resolution is to be nicer to people. bcs im kinda judgy about people (usually in my head but sometimes i talk mean about people) and i dont want to do that bcs usually im wrong and i dont have the whole picture and i just want to be nicer. (transitjon again) im actually doing better mentally i think, i guess i was just going through that whole "i hate my parents phase" everyone always talks about but i feel like i should be worrying about things more. idk its hard to explain but i wish i was worse. that sounds super fucked up 🤷 but im nostalgic for when i felt terrible all the time and hated myself, i guess. thats as simply as i can put it and idk whats up. i know people who are struggling and i want to help them but i dont know how and i hate that. ik this makes me sound super gross. but who knows. maybe ill get my wish and this year will be terrible or something. 21 days till for the future comes out though ✌️✌️✌️
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logosbot-tm · 1 month
Funnily enough, I've experienced more people being weirded out about me happily reacting to the band on their shirt, than I've ever experienced anyone questioning me when wearing a Nirvana or Ghost shirt (which have been the only two of my band tees to receive a reaction)
When I've worn Nirvana or Ghost ppl have gone "Oh! You listen to that band? Me too!" (BTW, this has been random ppl on the street)
Whilst when I've done that, the conversations have gone:
Me: Oh! You listen to that band! So do I! :)
The person: ...no???
Me: Oh. Uh...
The person: Why are you asking?
Me: Because you're wearing that shirt???
The person: * Looks at me like I'm being weird *
Those times have always felt very disappointing, and those ppl haven't even been strangers! They've been my classmates, and well, they have been those ppl who I've later realised doesn't like alt ppl, but I've just been happy about the fact that they're wearing a shirt w a band I like. Idk, it has made me feel really stupid lmao
That and the fact that the republican trump supporter I had in my class (he also spoke about how much he wanted to buy a gun) used to wear a Nirvana hoodie is why I feel iffy about ppl wearing band tees that have bands they don't listen to on them.
Sure, do what you want, wear what you want, but don't treat me like I'm the weird one for reacting the way you do when someone wears band merch. Also, maybe be a bit nicer to alr ppl if you're wearing a fucking mcr hoodie without listening to the band (that scenario was really weird actually.)
Also, do those men who supposedly say, "Name five songs?" Actually, exist? Are they actually common?
My sister listens a lot to Metallica, and she looks like any basic girl ever, with blonde hair and blue eyes.
And occasion she wears one of her mant Metallica t-shirts.
To my knowledge, I might be wrong, no one has ever questioned her. Instead, they've done the same thing I've experienced, asked if she likes the band and/or if she's been to their concert.
My friend tend to often wear a t-shirt of a band she doesn't listen to, but no one has questioned her either.
Like majority of ppl genuinely don't care if you listen to the band on the t-shirt or nah, but if they do listen to the band as well, there's a chance that they're going to react, so idk, be kind to them?
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1d1195 · 4 months
okay long story short I got locked out of my tumblr account bc i don't know what happened?? anyways i just got access about half an hour ago so I went to see your blog and girl... WTF PART 6 WAS SO GOOD!
I was LIVING for the angst at the beginning! I don't think it felt forced at all if anything they both have met their match in terms of stubbornness and as a stubborn girly this aspect was very familiar for me lol Harry calling her out on not opening up and not accepting help? he kinda went off lol But dare I say I enjoyed it a bit simply because then angst lol BUT did i feel attacked? YES!
Anywaysss her breakdown later on... bestie :( it broke my heart how much guilt she carries with her! And as someone who deal with having too much guilt it is HELL going through life and thinking everything wrong with yourself and the ppl around you is your fault! and the situation with her dad?!?!?! HELLO?!?! 💔 and her MOM💔 I am a hater :)
But so glad that it got resolved and having them talk it out and just Harry not giving up on her and her not trying to distance herself again! and Harry talking with her dad😭 I cant! I really enjoyed their little moment together!
NOW THAT FUCKING BOXING MATCH I KNEW SHIT HAD TO GO DOWN BUT FUCK ASS JACK COMING BACK??!?😭😭😭😭 SAM WHY?!?!? heart DROPPED when I read that! I felt like grabbing towels was not gonna end good but HIM ew i cant! I AM FREAKING OUT FOR HER!!!!
You did so great bestie!!! I never doubt you!
also I missed you this week! I hope you are starting to feel a bit better now! May is almost over so you will be free soon! Hope you are treating yourself, love you lots!-💜
The Government name SENDS me every time 🤣 I know I've been waiting to hear what you think I assumed classes and such were overwhelming (and I'm sure they still are!) but LOCKED OUT OF TUMBLR??? I would pass away. Soooooo glad you're back 💕
Oh twin, I get you. I like to make Harry call out my MCs every once in a while just because I need someone to call me out every now and again. I think if I were dating Harry and he told me off I might HAVE to listen. (But no other man, thank you.)
Thank you for saying it didn't feel forced I really appreciate that! I was def nervous and thought it was just kind of rushed/it came out of nowhere, but again I'm the only one in my head coming up with 1000 different scenarios a minute to continue the story so you all don't get to see the montage of changes in half a second.
Idk what possessed me to come up with such a scenario. I suppose the AP Literature girl in me would probs say a really tragic backstory is symbolic in some way of how I'm feeling and allow me to vent my own frustrations/guilt in an outlet like this. I also don't have the best dad-daughter relationship and I wanted to make this one nicer but still kinda sad. Idk. I'm REALLY glad you liked it 💕
I did try to warn you all that the cliffhangers prior in the story were nothing in comparison to this part hehehehehe 🤭 I didn't really know how to end this series tbh so this seemed... the most plausible/best way? I'm already starting to think about
I'm glad you liked it even if you had to use my full name 💕
My week is slightly better I suppose. I'm still pretty tired, but with no work on Monday I'm hopeful I can read a trashy book and do something enjoyable. Thank you for being so sweet, I hope your week has been well. I missed you SO much! 💕
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namuneulbo · 10 months
week one hundred and eight
its december already.
l joined mikumåndag on monday. thats so fun!! he seemed excited ab it and thought a lot ab what song to add and it ended up being a winner. ns started picking winners each week so im sure it feels good to be the first one. it was reflection by balance and composure. my pick for the week was the clay pigeons cover by michael cera and although it wasnt one of the winners, n said she thought it was cute and added it to a pl so i still feel like a winner hihi.
the local high school was hosting a little second-hand evening so me and l went to that. we didnt find anything but i tried on a ragged sweater that a was selling but it was a tad bit tight around the neck and also just too expensive for me to just casually get it, yk?
on tuesday i had class and afterwards i went to go look for a top. ive been wanting just like, a basic white and a basic black top to serve slutty 2000s emo in. i got a push-up bra as well so im serving hard. l was helping me in picking a top bc i didnt know whether i should get it or not bc of how long it was so when i wore it cropped it was so scrunched up. i ended up getting them and im loving them so far. it was so funny as well bc the dressing room was so dark so like i had to take pics with my front camera w front camera flash on and it had to be a proper close-up so hed even be able to tell that it was scrunched up so it ended up being a super seductive pic TT i did tell him before hand like "yea uh i could take a pic but just so yk the angles gonna be a bit,,, interesting," and his immediate reaction was "send a pic," "now," "NOW," ":)." it was funny. hes so cute. he does that quite a lot like just repeating words in that way when he wants something. its cute.
wednesday was quiz. i got there before everyone else which was a bit humiliating but it didnt take too long for a and v to arrive. alsoalso wrapped released on wednesday so i was having a lot of fun watching everyones wrapped. my top artists were paramore, fob, the police, the 1975 and mcr.
on thursday i watched superbad. it was a fun time.
the police cover band was playing on friday so ofc i went. it was fun as usual and theyre so talented! afterwards me and l got food and l slept over.
saturday morning me and l went to a café for breakfast! i just had coffee and then when i got home i had a sandwich with my mom and her friend, m, who had slept over as well. before me and l had gone to the café, mom told us she had talked w s and d and another guy she didnt remember the name of (it was i) which is so funny. my moms first words were "i talked to the singer of the cover band, he was really attractive!" i mean he is but i was so caught off-guard. she then followed w "s was quite handsome as well!"
i was so bored on the saturday though — after everyone left then. i played some guitar and the usual stuff. did some coloring. ive almost finished my coloring book so i should get a new one soon. i think ill just get one once ive moved bc im sure they have nicer ones in stockholm.
ill end this entry w a thought, to all the people that dont read these entries, i feel like i should change my anonymous naming system. the letters get confusing since ik so many ppl w names starting w the same letter. maybe i should just do like,,, code names of some sort? or maybe just something more simple like bff l and boyf l (although hes not my boyf YET but idk like,,, id prefer boyf l over talking stage l). ill see what i do next week :)
sotw: spiritbox - hurt you
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visionthefox · 1 year
Hi love your art!
I agree with you SAMS was a really fun show, the gameplay used to have a little bit of lore or sometimes it was connected to the previous the episode.
But now what do we have? We have a lot of plot holes like for example:
-How did Bloodmoon got out of Sun's mind? Connected to a computer? Did he turn into goo and walked out? (If that's the case wouldn't sun notice it?).
-What happened to Eclipse's feelings? (From the October episode that i don't remember the name but basically he said something along the lines of "why do i care?" Or idk)
-What was Lunar's original plan? (Like we know he was plotting something from when he said something along the lines of "everything is going according to plan").
-What the hell happened in the first episode we saw Moon's mind (i don't remember the name of the episode but it's a recent one, but a lot of Persona references in that episode).
And those are some of them that I can think right now i know there's more out there.
I really was hoping something more interesting with KC, Bloodmoon, and Eclipse i mean i don't know why but i felt like it was going to be an amazing plot, but i think it got scrapped because they had to rush the arrival of the MOST AMAZING SISTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD (notice the sarcasm) Earth. Including the video where the creator basically tells sun about the arrival of this sister felt really really rushed (I'm no video editor/actor so i don't know).
I wish they could've expanded more on what's going on Moon's mind not just the episode where the files got corrupted and we only got to see the Computer's side and the first meeting of them, like more inner thoughts, I mean if they were going off persona 5 with the palaces, you really got to see the person who they were and it physically represent how they view the world and it would've been a great idea to keep KC as a code and have Moon confront himself (a physical manifestation of KC) just like in Persona 4, or have Sun along side Lunar or someone else to battle against Shadow Moon (in this case KC) because maybe after the battle he will have his treasure stolen and wake up feeling better and maybe just maybe apologize to sun. But the way the executed that it wasn't good, i think they just forgot about it and prioritized Sun effing up the runes to bring back the magic and have a touchy moment with the sister.
KC going to Kmart and seeing Glamrock Freddy which was supposed to be his "redemption" felt more like a joke. I thought that KC taking over Moon's body would've triggered something within moon because he doesn't like being trapped inside his head (or so he screamed in the episodes prior of Eclipse and Lunar taking over) also with KC taking over him I thought he was going to be mischievous.
I don't know why but i have a gut feeling that now that Eclipse has the star, he is going to be convinced either by Earth (because power of words and friendship (sarcasm)) or someone else would be like "please we need to get moon back to his original form" and Eclipse will give the star to help the cause.
I don't know, but sorry for this long ask. Yeah sorry.
HI!! thanks you!! and oh boy! a long ask <3 !!!
Blood moon coming back as a ghost was maybe to make the fans shut up over Sun being an "evil asshole like Eclipse" for killing a literal murder animatronic.. since there is no way.. NO WAY he can be a ghost.. its a damn robot!! but I do gotta say.. I do hope he may be fully back, he is wasted potential for a comic villain..
-Eclipse going back to his "wanna rule the world" type of mind its trully annoying.. some ppl managed to guess when that ep was posted that maybe Eclipse pushed Lunar away because he didnt knew how to feel loved, Lunar was so caring so nicer to him! , something too new for Eclipse, who was pushed away, treated like trash and talked down by Moon, (plus, his egocentric, manipulator minset had to come from someone.. dont ya think?) but any change for a developent was trashed when KC showed up again..there was so many ways his character could have develop, but he didnt..
I guess lunar plan was to just free Moon, and then.. leave? as he sounded very suprised Moon allowed him to stay.. him being a more "silly but still mature" was great, he had the early mindset of Sun, but the determination of Moon.. then for some reason he lost his smart and now is "bean baby".. ugh
-Moon mind its just a lot of nonsense..wasted potential again..
KC being another face for Moon could have been soo much better.. since KC its just a code line , who affected him , it could have been a perfect way to show the two sides of Moon ! one that wanted to change and be better and other who wanted to do as told, kill and rule! two desires wearing two faces!
KC being a dad was odd, I thought it would be just a joke.. since Moon was always the more grounded, the more "mature" it made sence KC took a more "im your dad" type of mind set..as a joke..
the chances for a dymanic of good vs evil! in the most dumb , hilarious and silly drama way was there but nooo they had to be soo "edgy" too "dark"..it stupid..
and totally, that video was so many errors.. Sun model doesnt even move!
we know they can not do battles but I SEE your point.. its sound WAAAY better to what we got.. a more serious aproach to Moon mental state.. the brother coming along to help one of them.. a more meanful bonding time..
since its no surprise, Moon is not an angel. he is an asshole, liar who often put his problems first, then looks at the rest.. maybe by accident? but he is somewhat toxic, but that could have been fixed so much better..
I honestly see Eclipe trying to get rid of any other universe, do a thanos snap , but then , by some DUMB ASS reason, be defeated
someone gets the star, save Moon ass, he gets to learn NOTHING, Earth gets to stay , Lunar comes back and Sun gets even more ignored.. and .. honestly.. I dont hate the show.. I just wish they took the drama way and was focused on a actually well written story,, its clearly they make up things as they go.. and .. I dont like it.. at the end of the day, its a silly channel.. I rather see other thing to have fun.. have you hear of murder drones?~
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183idfk10-24 · 2 years
Random ass vent that Lowkey is all over the place and I shouldn’t post this publicly but idgf maybe someone will read it and relate or be like “this bitch stupid idk”
Today my family is celebrating thanksgiving. I just weighed myself and turns out Im at my starting weight again. Starting tomorrow I’m going to watch what I’m eating. I don’t necessarily want to go hard core 500 cals just yet, but I want to eat healthy foods and count calories. I also wanna exercise. I just wanna make healthy habits and be healthy. I mean yeah I will probably eat a less amount of calories to keep me healthy but once I reach at least 120 pounds , that’s when I will starting eating a healthy amount of cals cuz I look like a cow. Even my cousins are getting smaller than me. I think that’s my problem. I mean I compare myself to a lot of people but I compare myself a lot to my cousin. Maybe because my mom compares her to me a lot. Or maybe because we where close in age. Or maybe because we use to be friends but then she turned into a fake bitch and now I feel like I need to be better than her to just prove something. Like today I’m at her house and I noticed she wrote “permit test” on her calendar. And that really makes me annoyed and stressed out because I am a year older (16) and I should already have it but I can’t take it yet because I’m still waiting for my birth certificate to come in the mail. It’s stresses me out because what if I fail? I mean I could retake it. I don’t know. I don’t need to be better than anyone. I just want to be skinny. I wanna have good grades. I wanna be able to drive. I want good friends. I wanna be closer to God. I just want inner peace. I know it sounds corny but meh idk . I just wanna go home to my cat and be alone in my room. What’s wrong with me. Am I even normal lmao? Am I just overthinking… overreacting? I know I can be so much better than this what the actual fuck is wrong with me. I’m such a btich. I always complain abt my mom yelling at me but then I treat my brother the same way. Am I gonna treat my kids like this in the future? Tf hopefully no. I need to change. I need to just be nicer and more positive. Not just in a mental form but also physically I need to be healthy. Like I have such good genes! I have a very curvy body and small bones and waist. It’s just covered in 60 each pounds of tucking fat. I have nice hair, a pretty face (I mean some ppl will think it’s normal not like supermodel, western beauty standard type of pretty) I mean I kinda got a non defined nose and uneven eyebrows but it’s alright bc it makes my features look softer and my eye shape is pretty. And my mouth reminds me of a pourcil doll (idk how to spell it lol) but anyways I’m just saying I like how my face looks, I like my hair and body (if I was skinny) and I like my skin color. I use to be embarrassed of how pale I am but idc anymore. Everyone should be happy with themselves and their skin bc everyone is different. Yk how boring earth would be if we all looked the same. Anyways I just needa loose weight and be nicer and stop overthinking so much. I’ll be alright I just need to make the changes.
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