#idk if this is coherent or not but here is my rant u didn’t ask for
aegon · 5 years
The thing is, I'm open to talking about show!Daenerys being a white savior bc it's good to be aware of the media we consume and tbh the show (read: D&D) didn't handle a few scenes very well compared to the books. But when show!Sansa stans use that to complain about Daenerys and then turn around to say at least Sansa isn't a white savior...I'm always like "omg ur so right!! she can't be a white savior if there are no POC in her story to begin with!!" Ik that isn't Sansa's fault but still.
While I do agree that white saviourism is something we need to talk about more, the problem does not lie with Dany’s portrayal on the show, but with a clear misunderstanding of her decisions (show and books) and the way the slaves, slavers and Dothraki were written on the show. The arguments I’ve seen by antis focus on her being white and helping a bunch of brown slaves (oh no, the horror!!! she should have left them in chains like a good little girl!!! fucking idiots) when the reality is far more complex.
I especially take issue with white antis who have no real understanding of what white saviourism means seemingly warping the definition to suit their hatred of Dany. Just....no.
To me, white saviourism is never about true justice, it’s about exercising one’s privilege and controlling the narrative in their favour. It’s not just hurr durr white girl forces her culture on brown people hurr durr.
The selective narrative for personal gain is what’s most important. White saviours look down on the supposed ‘barbarism’ of a foreign culture and exploit it in their favour, while still coming across as the better person. It’s presenting morality as something a white person must teach a non-white person, because the latter inherently lacks it as a characteristic.
Antis’ arguments are that Dany exploits the slaves and Dothraki for her own army, and she believes she’s better than everyone around her which is why she forces her own beliefs on them.
Ignoring the fact that in the books, the slaves and Dothraki don’t all look Arab and hence the whole ‘white girl saves brown man’ schtick becomes obsolete, the truth in both the show and the books is that Dany doesn’t need to free anyone to help herself. She’s not exercising anything for personal gain, because Dany breaking the slave trade has brought her a thousand more problems than she needed.
Dany was literally handed the Unsullied army and could have walked away with 8000 new men under her control and sailed straight for Westeros. So this narrative that she exploited them really doesn’t hold up when she’d have been in a far better and stronger position had she not helped the slaves to begin with.
Also it’s not a “selective narrative” when her destroying the slave trade was OBJECTIVELY the RIGHT thing to do. In whatever light you see it as, the slave trade needed to be abolished. And violently. Antis can miss me with the whole “blah blah she could have been nice about it blah blah.” Read a history book. Systematic changes are inherently bloody and violent, such is human nature.
Secondly, D&D are at fault for these diverse cultures seemingly having no personality other than working for Dany. The books portray them with a myriad of characters of different moralities. They didn’t need Dany to show them what morality means, there were good eggs there already.
Compare that with the Wildlings who were given so much screen time to show how ‘good’ they were. The Wildlings were given names and feel-good characters like Tormund, the Dothraki were not. But god forbid the antis give her something as ridiculous as bad writing.
But despite all of this, the simple matter of fact is that Dany’s only crime was ending the slave trade. That’s her big “white saviour” nonsense moment, and it’s a tired argument because there are a thousand other examples in media (12 Years A Slave etc) that can be used in discussion. Dany can’t be, so I’d rather she isn’t brought up, either on the show or in the books, because it’s just too muddled to really help conversation in any way.
Also why they even bring Sansa into something that has nothing to do with her amazes me. Sansa has literally nothing to do with POC, they’re non-existant in her narrative. That’s like saying, “Sansa is so great because she never hunted baby elephants and enslaved giant badgermoles to terrorise kids with cancer :’) :’) my queen is such a good person ❤️ :’) :’).” lol ok susan.
What did happen was Sansa took one look at a non-white army coming to save her life and decided to hate them all, so take from that what you will.
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letsfluxshitup · 4 years
Okay I have slept and am signifcantly more coherent so! I do have more thoughts on the fic :] ik I should probably just comment these.... ON the fic.... but you know I’m already in this ask box so really I might as well just chill out here
I forgot to talk about it last night but I do like the mentioning of the whole Schlatt resurrection arc thing and the way it’s handled with these specific characters? Narratively you could have made Techno like ‘wait what no. don’t do that’ but in reality he WOULDN’T. It’s true that all everyone (w/ a couple exceptions) does is dictate what he’s supposed to do for them, or he gets manipulated into it, and I imagine that would be exhausting after awhile! And even IF resurrecting a dictator is, like, an objectively bad decision on Quacks’ part, it’s still his decision, isn’t it? Techno going off w/ Phil and not really siding with anyone else is a conscious decision on his part, and while it’s not like. Super explored in the fic I imagine Quackity has issues w/ his own level of control as well? Like, clearly he’s used to being bossed around for everything he does, and he wants Techno to be like Schlatt in the sense that he tells him exactly what he’s *supposed* to do, but the fact that Big Q is under the assumption that there’s an action he’s ‘supposed’ to take is flawed in the first place. This ramble got out of hand sorry I just LOVE how u portrayed this
‘“Oh? Quackity?” Philza paused, before whispering, “ The loud one with the messy wings? ”’ MDNDKDKD I LOVE U PHIL..... honestly the fact that Techno actively talks about Quackity to his dad is <3 but the fact that his biggest takeaway FROM Techno talking abt him is that he’s loud and his wings are a mess is even BIGGER <333 Techno why would you do Quackity like that
I’d LOVE to see more Philza and Quackity moments,, their dynamic is so fun (tho in a different way than Techno n Quackity’s) is and it makes me smile to read back over their stuff :] I love how Phil does get a significant amt of fun in fucking with Big Q (truly, like father like son) but still very clearly approves of him as a person? Like, I imagine Quackity isn’t really all that sure how Phil feels about him. ‘I’m pretty sure your dad hates me, dude.’ ‘What are you talking about?’ Techno asks, bewildered, ‘I’ve never seen him obviously like anyone this fast.’ Like, Phil would make it pretty obvious if he didn’t, I think? The man can be much scarier than what Quackers got rly it’s a blessing. I could probably rant abt their dynamic more but I’m a sane person I promise lol </3
Small thing but honestly with the way Techno clearly constantly takes care of Big Q’s wings for him bc he’d prefer to do it himself and then PHIL doing it I’m starting 2 think Quackity just. Doesn’t know how to groom his own wings. Like Techno he’s not a baby bird he should do it himself. But also... I care them :,] the fact that Techno can take care of Q’s wings and Quackity can braid Techno’s hair and they trust each other w/ that... I know the reasons for it are obvious bc Quackity trusts easily and Techno clearly doesn’t see Big Q as someone who could be a threat but it’s still making me soft,,
The little impromptu therapy make-up session was a rly good display of both of their characters :] Quackity’s awful at handling like, any tension whatsoever with anyone so him taking way less than a day to go ‘hhhrhdh can we talk it out’ even tho he hates talking about feelings? Like he’s making an attempt at maturity and Techno’s going w/ it even thi neither of them are really comfortable with all that :] they value their friendship sm no one talk to me
Also I agree w/ u on the Techno characterization thing! Techno can definitely do jokes and drop the serious murder man act every once in awhile but the way he plays his character is v like. Blunt in everything. He doesn’t rly lash out, his ideals are consistent, and even when he’s planning chaotic attacks on other people nothing abt the way he acts really changes it’s just,, Techno but you should probably run away rn. His personality rly should be given more kudos it’s lovely
This didn’t rly fit anywhere else in the ramble but I do love how clearly nervous the ppl in Techno’s family make Quackity. Like, it’s a little different w/ Tommy n Tubbo but they’re also? Literal children? And even Tommy has that ‘tall scary child’ vibe abt him whenever he gets worked up LMAO Like, you have Mr. Blade, who is very strong and could DEFINITELY kill you if he wanted to, Wilbur, who is a dramatic theatre kid but once he goes off the deep end it’s like. You might be able to take him in a fight but if he wants you dead he REALLY wants you dead, and Phil, who the other two clearly got the feral part of their personalities from and somehow manages to be even scarier despite the fact that he’s an all-around polite guy. Quackity is just a normal anxious dude can he please go five minutes w/o coming face-to-face with another generally terrifying figure in his life who could kill him easily but won’t bc he’s so small?? I love them :] u rly do have a good eye for dynamics!
Also I’m proud of u for sleeping the normal 8 hours!! But Xena :pensive: ma’am please get some rest it’s very important >:[
- Saturn 🪐
,mjxcnvm,vxnvfkdjf ilysm i love getting your thoughts heart FULL
- noone: -- Techno: is anyone gonna bully quackity-;; i didnt consider the implications of philza knowing quackity bc hes loud and needs his wings groomed but now that youve brought this to light im KDSFKJDSFDLSKFJDSLKJFDS
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xenas last comment was the nail in the coffin when it came to adding phil oh my god alsdjkflsdkjfslkdfj
- “ they value their friendship sm no one talk to me “ Y E S;;; idk im really into character dynamics thats like “listen we need to figure it out i cant live like this ok” also characters who are just Bad at talking about their feelings are Good and Important To Me LKDJFLSKJFDSLKJF
- “ his didn’t rly fit anywhere else in the ramble but I do love how clearly nervous the ppl in Techno’s family make Quackity. “ YOURE MAKING ME WANT TO WRITE MORE SBI FAMILY DYNAMICS WITH QUACKITY IM ALSKJFASLDKFSDLKFJSDFK IF YOU (or anyone) HAVE ANY THOUGHTS OR PROMPTS HIT ME THE FUCK UP
- “ u rly do have a good eye for dynamics! “
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I TRY REALLY HARD OK;;; character relationships are like . priority number one for me and it makes my heart so incredibly full when people point out that they like my dynamics ok i try so hard--
also im devastated to announce that for some reason last night me and xena apparently switched sleep schedules, she slept for a reasonable amount of time and i slept for like four hours lkajdflksjfdlksdfjsdlkjf sometimes i wake up at 5am and my brain refuses to let me sleep again </3
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lesbianightwing · 6 years
punskeepmealive replied to your post “jk rowling and cassandra clare are the embodiment of “should’ve quit...”
@lesbianightwing why is cassandra trash?? i never heard anything about her
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i’m so glad you asked
ok so obviously i don’t have all the deets and hashtag receipts because i don’t reaaally go here but uh here’s a summary (TW: mentions of incest, sexual assault, racism, and homophobia/biphobia):
plagiarism lawsuit (though someone told me it was dropped? so take it with a grain of salt i guess) and bullying
insults the showrunners for no reason but then acts like they’re attacking her or something when they’re just being decent human beings lmao
called one of the show characters a rapist just because someone liked him better than his book counterpart; used her personal trauma to justify her comment instead of apologizing when she got called out on it by sexual assault survivors and lgbt people
(side note on that one: the tv show acknowledged that lack of verbal consent in that scene made people uncomfortable so they apologized and fixed it...someone should learn something...)
(side note number 2: i’m pretty surE SHE SAID SHE HADN’T EVEN SEEN THAT EPISODE LMFAO)
she gets a lot of praise for her rep but it’s meh in my opinion. other people (who have read more than 2 of her books lmao) have written about her mistreatment of characters of colour, lgbtq characters (including only using malec for the $$$), and autistic characters but i don’t really read her books so idk
most recently (that i can remember) (twitter stans make some noise if u remember this one!) (it’s a little weird and convoluted and i honestly still can’t believe it happened but just bear with me here): she quoted a tweet from a show fan that didn’t mention her AT ALL with a rude reply, deleted it immediately (probably not before her rude ass fans started sending hate though but i can’t say for sure) and posted an “apology” where she played the victim while throwing irrelevant and completely unfounded accusations around
but hey, when she got called out for it, she apologized and moved on, right? WRONG. this bitch really went on a rant about how people only hate her because she’s ~a woman and how rick riordan gets to say he didn’t like the pjo movies so she’s allowed to be a dick to teenagers on the internet or it’s SEXISM!!!1
^ people bought that. well-respected authors bought that. i still can’t wrap my head around this.
(ps here’s my own twitter thread about this mess because i love attention uwu)
......she wrote a whole ass series about underage siblings wanting to fuck each other and aimed it at young girls....she literally conditioned a whole generation of teenagers into thinking incest was sexy and scandalous....HOW is she still allowed to write young adult?????????
i was really hoping this tweet was fake but nope. it’s real.
same with this one. this woman just loves incest! doesn’t she!
this doesn’t really make her problematique but...all her stories have carbon copies of the same 4 characters with varying degrees of incest she’s so overrated lol
TL;DR: she’s a bully who always finds a way to play the victim, possibly/probably a plagiarist, an incest fetishizer, an overrated author, and overall not a good person
sorry this got so long but i hope it helped! feel free to discuss this with me more & also check out the anti cc and anti cassandra clare tags for posts made by more coherent people
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seventeendeer · 6 years
{/[ //unusual asks: 3! (preferably about deltarune because i finally got into it and CAN SCREAM WITH YOU!) And/or also: 6, 11, 18, 23, 24? (i'll stop myself there. c: )
3: rant. just do it
YES CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, and I’m gonna rant in the most literal sense of the word, bc I’m very tired and this is not going to be coherent
I LOVE DELTARUNE SO MUCH, the art and environments are so gorgeous, and the music is wonderful and soft and gentle but also epic and cool, and I’m just so happy we got to have this long demo!! I also ADORE the new characters, at first I didn’t think I could possibly come to like them as much as the original undertale cast, but I was wrong!! even though we only got to spend 1 chapter with them, I already love ralsei, susie and lancer to death, and I also immediately came to adore all the other npc’s with smaller roles, especially rouxls kaard and the rudinns, they just have so much charm and personality!! and that jester fuck jevil is so intimidating and cool, even if he’s mostly just a boss and not so much a character with story impact (yet?), his boss fight is so awesome
but yes I lovelovelove deltarune, and I don’t even care much if we never get the full game, because this demo alone was such a wonderful experience and I’m thankful we even get to have that much! thank u toby, we have been blessed
6: how many pairs of shoes do you have?
four, I think? two pairs of tennis shoes, one pastel pink and purple with cloudy patterns, one black with white and hot pink details, and then my sandals from the men’s section bc heck knows sandals made for men last a hell of a lot longer than sandals made for women (plus, they’re comfier)
and then ofc my trusty pink crocs from 2013
gotta stay on-brand at all times
11: what unusual talent do you have?
idk if it’s unusual, but I’ve been known to be able to make friends with most cats
the key is to be quiet and not move much, and then completely ignore the other living creature sitting next to you, all of which are talents that I have honed for years and years being a chronically tired bitch who doesn’t want to verbally communicate with most living things on this planet we call home
18: rant about your favorite musician
here comes another incoherent rant
my favorite musician is!! the gorillaz team!! I absolutely adore gorillaz, ESPECIALLY their darker/more melancholy songs from the olden times! there are few songs I connect to more than Tomorrow Comes Today, El Mañana, Melancholy Hill, Broken, etc. they just hit a very special feeling in me that I can’t describe. their music videos are also so strange and magical, and the backstory for the characters is just weird enough to be somewhere between too funny to take seriously and too real to not relate to. the band is just super special to me and it makes me incredibly happy that they’re coming back to do more songs, even if the newer ones aren’t quite like the ones I used to love (anyone would change their sound after so many years, I’m happy that they’re doing new stuff they’re passionate about instead of trying to recreate the feel of their old works)
the feeling of their music and the visuals of their videos have inspired so many of my own stories and such drastic changes in my art style, we stan 4 lyfe
23: if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?
I wish I could eat less sugar?? bc of food-related trauma in the past, my body is convinced that starvation is right around the corner at every second of the day, so I get mad sugar cravings and it’s not exactly healthy
24: can you dance? sing?
I cannot dance to save my life, I am notoriously horrible at dancing
however, I’ve been told I’m a good singer? my voice is nothing out of the ordinary, but I hit most notes pretty dead on with a neutral inflection, which gets you pretty far I think
also I love singing, so I’ve had plenty of practice, even if I don’t actually know anything about vocal stuff or music
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