#idk if thats nature or nurture but it is what it is. and im doing spirituality on my own terms now
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pariahdogpark · 18 days ago
did I mention I'm a witch now. and that I worship Hermes as my deity of choice
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freakinator · 10 months ago
some disjointed and kinda incoherent thoughts about the s5ers + jepexx:
4c - nature vs nurture, his nature of being a somewhat peaceful generous guy with a somewhat solid sense of justice who wants to be friends with everyone thats the closest thing lifesteal can have to a hermitcrafter vs the way lifesteal itself bends and corrupts those very qualities: seeking vengeance against the abyss after they kept taking advantage of him only to kill him to the point of helping with the orbital cannons, reviving wemmbu over and over again cause he felt bad for him, his own builds being used (or at least attempted to be used in the case of sanctuary) as both slaughterhouse and grave as they eventually turn into rubble
jumper - love that corrupts, holding on so dearly to her teammates (both former and current) and her vision of what lifesteal is supposed to be that shes willing to enact extreme and even horrific measures towards others (particularly zam) to protect them and their memories, limiting herself only for the sole purpose of making said measures hurt even more
minute - good ol' Lifesteal TraumaTM babyyyyy!!!!!! how fitting that the most fanboy-y of the new guys is the one that gets to have the most traditional form of Lifesteal TraumaTM, although idk if its better or worse that he basically speedran almost all forms of it courtesy of the PlayersTM, Wemmbu, and the PMC (all he needs now is to keep failing and dying against an impossible enemy and he'd have a complete set)
pentar - yeah i can see why the PlayersTM love him, he's adapted very well to how lifesteal is although that might just be because he seems to be a very chill guy (of particular mention is when zam did his restaurant bit he just went along with it), that being said he still very much has a lot of hallmarks of being a new guy, one being that hes very reactive which im hoping will change soon since the wemmbu election + the advancement race may have possibly flipped a switch in him
wemmbu - props to this guy for trying so hard to exploit at every opportunity, although i do wonder how differently he would act if he was here for s4 or if he would stay exactly the same as he is now
squiddo - when will they return from the war, has the opposite problem to jepexx wherein she keeps getting dragged into plotlines and essentially forced into adapting to how lifesteal is despite her aversion simply because everyone likes her, she knew basically nothing about its culture and yet shes blended in perfectly, technically nothing is their fault and yet still theyve got blood on her hands
jepexx - when will he return from the war, has the opposite problem to squiddo wherein nobody likes him (ingame) so he keeps being pushed away from plotlines, since hes been here before everyone expects him to behave accordingly and yet the lifesteal he knows of is in s1 and therefore he acts according to that culture even tho the server gone long past that, asserting his will even tho its entirely unwelcomed such as looting corpses right in front of everyone, technically everything thats happened to him is his fault and yet still hes one of the more innocent players simply because of circumstance and skill issues
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jaffre · 11 months ago
catdad backstory rambles
so lonzo's dad, i'll just call him moroko, thats his original name and i haven't found anything better so far
born and raised in the weird ass welcome to my twisted mind cat themed blood cult or some shit that is the kuroda family. still unsure on the details, but what i do know is that the name kuroda is (for obvious reasons) infamous among magic knowers (takes place in a world where knowledge of magic is regulated)
he was born with natural magical abilities as anyone from the kuroda family does, but i imagine they're not at full power unless you actively nurture them (thus, the blood cult vibes mentioned above) so while he does have a long lifespan and ages slower (which is going to be weird for his wife) he's not quasi immortal like the rest of his family
which also explains why his own kids barely display any magical abilities and didn't get the cat genes (altho im considering one of the siblings did get it, just for fun) because he hasnt been taking care of his magical side at all
so between the 60s-70s, moroko leaves his family after stealing a considerable amount of money and flees japan. i imagine he just wants to get as far away as possible from there, so that's why he lands in europe. im too brain dead to do research on the geopolitical environment for japanese immigrants in europe in the 70s for my silly cat oc that takes place in a world that's basically just ours but magic is real, so idk how and when he finds his italian wife.
likely, he was traveling across europe and met her in italy. they fell in love and he was probably going to settle there, but then they decided to move to france instead
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rainswept · 9 months ago
spreading my fuckass "what is wrong with these orphans" agenda IM GLAD YOU GET IT. alsp i realise i forgot to . Sign my post umm can i be 🦕 anon. if you do those
anyways. i've seen like a couple fics or like. Twt art and they go crazy imo this can go one of two ways. either kakavasha is found by arlecchino and hijinks ensure maybe even life is okay%.?.?. OR . hijinks do not ensue it's still angst land forever. Life Is Bad. also lyney might get usurped as the next father who knows /sar )
HI 🦕 YES OFC I DO THOSE!! i will add it to the last post too
oh my godddd i KNOW you’re SO RIGHT i’ve seen some of the fanart too and i lose my mind every time. watch me make a whole series I;M GONNA DO IT i’m gonna do it ppssst rainswpt on ao3. u heard nothing. ANYWAY i think a healthy mix of angst and not angst is good 🤞🤞🤞 i think lyney and aventurine should be best friends and share in their delight of cards. i could use that as symbolism,,, maybe i’ll do one of those things w like “similar upbringing different outcomes” . nature vs nurture yk. they both use cards to defend themselves/their lives hinge upon the outcome of using them (magic/diversion vs gambling), but one is skill and one is luck (and a curse/blessing.) they both take the saying “if i play my cards right” literally. throws up. and and and lyney still havjng his sister while aventurine doesnt . thats a nice parallel. ALSO ALSO UM PINKISH RED VS BLUEISH GREEN. THEY HAVE OPPOSITE COLOR PALETTES. they’re both fairly careless with their lives and would very easily lay them down for those they’re close to. ON ANOTHER NOTE we could make this less angsty by giving aventurine an opportunity to be close to others and explore how that changes him/how he acts now. !!1! SCRESKING CYRING . UMMMM idk what i’m talking about anymore. sorry anon u opened up a whole can of worms that has been fermenting in my brain for ages
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 3 years ago
thinking about the “and we both know i dont have one” line. the obvious first meaning is like,,, i was never good i could never be good it was never for anything etc all that.
but im just thinking about like. idk. no nature but you know the debate. and thats what this is all about right? not our nature but our nurture? not who we were made but who we choose to be? i dont even think thats what nurture means it means like, how your environment shapes you idk
all these ordinary people stepping up, making choices, taking action, to do good. to make good.
like the first thing you think he means is like “i dont have a good nature” but what im hearing now is “i dont have a good nature”
maybe comes down to the same point of Evil Again but it changes a LOT about his agency. or the agency he ascribes himself. idk. am i making sense?
she doesnt have one either. he doesnt have an evil nature either. idk maybe that was the point all along and im just slow
it’s just like. a slight shift in perspective idk
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garbagequeer · 3 years ago
Also weird that they never mention or imply Astrid and Cody in new blood like???? He has two other kids he straight up left??
I think we need showtime to stop milking this but new blood was clearly set up for a spin-off . So I think we should get Harrison and Cody/Astor interaction . What happened to them?? I want to know
Idk dexter is a weird show because on one hand it tries so hard to validate the idea of non-biological family being real— Ie that’s at least part of the Debra vs Brian conflict and he picks Debra . Validating that she’s his real sister
And then at the same time they have him completely abandon and forget about his two other kids because they’re not ‘biologically’ his so it’s like. What’s the message here folks what r u trying to say
i think w cody and astor they just found it easier to not have them around but it did bother me that harrison could track down dexter who was supposedly dead and live under a fake identity but never even mentioned his siblings who would probably be much easier to find + it would make sense for him to do that after hannah died (like they could know each other but have harrison decide to be on his own to find dexter still and him deciding to not tell them about it and this could be like a couple of lines said in passing in an episode). or even that dexter himself doesnt keep tabs on them like it's 2022 can't you catfish your children on instagram like any good dead beat serial killer stepfather living under a false identity after faking his death following his suicide attempt obviously would?
personally i have no issue if showtime wants to keep making more content like to me beating a dead horse is essential to how tv works but id like to think harrison is for real just a normal kid with issues (im rita stan and dark passenger denier. i cant pick a struggle) so idk if that would pan out like it'd be a dexter teen drama spin-off which is silly (even though id personally watch it if they did it. but i think tv shows should be silly so im probably not representative of the target audience). though i'd also watch if they decided to stick to the dark passenger with him. what can i say i love stupid bullshit
and yes exactly i think an issue w dexter is it tries to kind of be this nature vs nurture thing but a lot of the time it doesnt work because the concept behind the dark passenger is so stupid like betty cooper serial killer genes but for boys (which i guess is bc theyre adapting from source material where it's demonic or something which is extremely funny to me like the summaries of the dexter books are deranged. also on those apparently astor and cody also have murderous tendencies bc of paul and dexter is like oh my children i will teach you the code <3).
like idk if they so much have a message or if it's just concepts audiences are familiar with that we can arrange differently because theyre ambiguous enough and audiences are diverse (like theres fans out there who think dexter was a heroic vigilante no matter how much the show evidently shows thats not what it's about so) like it's about family (the one he's born in? the one that raised him? the one he made for himself?) and cycles which you must break (harrison kills dexter)? but you can't break (harrison kills dexter)? and theyre choices (dexter didnt kill for 10 years)? but they're not (the dark passenger will always be with him)?
i mean i think this ambiguity is good in the sense that it accompanies dexter's own push and pull between facets of his own self so maybe the point is that nebulousness of a person's place in the world as a complex thing like is he a monster-brian's brother-not rita's family or is he a person-deb's brother-stepfather? he is both so he is harry's son (harry himself was also defined by duality) as harry unites all of it and he is more defined by that point of connection than by any of the rest so he often neglects one part of his life (thats why he's a fail dad to all his kids and also a fail serial killer multiple times during the show but he does honestly care) which he kind of points out in s1-s2 like he has a little inner monologue about how he's dexter but he thinks this means he is beyond harry... and yet who does he keep talking to in his head? and his perspective on his own life and self is always limited by this being the point where he stands so he cant overcome harry teaching him he was always going to be a killer because he sort of always looks at himself through the eyes of his father even as he redefines some of the non-murderous parts of his identity. i think in a way it's a lot about patterns and addictions but idk he's mostly my friend the silly serial killer from my shows
but as it is a tv show a lot of plotlines and elements simply get dropped and forgotten because something else was more compelling or more popular with fans (which i think is the case with astor and cody. like iirc people back in the day thought rita and the kids were pretty boring so they kind of exit the show which from a trying-to-build-dexter-as-a-person point of view IS frustrating but i do think that's why it happens although from the narrative pov it paints him as more uncaring or self-absorbed by his own issues of being dangerous and unable to connect/always hiding bc of what harry taught him). but i mean you cant really get much more in the sense of social commentary bc most of the things in the show consistently ignore social context and are extremely made up problems that can be reduced to a couple of generations of one person's personal biography for funsies (all while consistently ignoring most of the women of course <3 misogyny)
also the validation of dexter's family being his adoptive family through killing his biological brother was so hilarious to me like brian was a grown man who straight up did not understand adoption and dexter killed him over it instead of like talking to him about it to see if he can maybe get him not to kill his sister and also keep him and then he's like oh no my brother :( i loved my brother :( as if he didnt choose to do that i mean he's so funny
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miaxeu · 4 years ago
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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fairycosmos · 4 years ago
chloe im experiencing romantic feelings for the first time in like years and they are for.....my manager. in my defence she's only 3 years older than me? like on the one hand im having fun with these feelings but on the other hand i don't want anything to accidentally get serious. but she's so pretty 😩 and i respect her so much and i feel like there's a solid 5% chance that she's gay. im really just telling you this because im too embarrassed to tell anyone irl
omggg why are you embarrassed !! it's so cute n also normal like when you spend a lot of time w someone cool it's not weird to develop feelings for them esp if you admire them a lot......but i know it can feel really strange and vulnerable 😬 the five percent chance is killing me thats really what it's like to be a wlw.......honestly it might just be a small crush that will pass, but it just feels super intense to you bc it's your first time. and idk if it might complicate things to mix pleasure n work cause like obviously there's a power imbalance there but.......idk if i was you i would just see where it goes n see how you feel in like a few months. unless you're really like dead set on telling her then i honestly feel like that's fine too it's just, whatever choice you make has to be organic cause that's how you know it's right for u :) but until you figure it out try not to get super in your head about it OR judge yourself for it bc it's actually really exciting n adorable 🥺 so just let the feelings wash over u nd recede nd follow their natural course. and no matter where it goes from here, know that you will be able to cope with the outcome one step at a time, even if there are moments of confusion or hurt along the way. if you don't want things to get serious they likely won't!! a spark has to be nurtured and encouraged to really grow into something more, so if you keep the relationship casual n work based until you know what you truly want to do then you'll be okay. you'll be okay anyway ! just listen to music n think about her n enjoy how flustered she makes you lol. it's fun to be young and infatuated 🤭 w your boss too!!! the fantasy of it all
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ohcnnes · 5 years ago
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☢      —     ( LILI REINHART, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER )     Trading in their scrunchies for gauze bandage rolls might not come easy for ANNE MILTON. This twenty six year old midwife brings medical knowledge, quick thinking and ex-gymnast fitness to the table … but their softness and unwillingness to kill could drag the group down. And while their nurturing nature might raise group morale, their over-thinking might give them a few enemies. That’s the last thing anyone needs right now. Hopefully, in the apocalypse movie that’s now their life, this BLEEDING HEART will make it to the end credits.     ( SAM, 23, SHE/HER, AEST )
hello m’ladies, m’gents, and m’neithers my name is sam and this is written at either 1am or 5:30am because im australian and an idiot so pls forgive if there are any super dooper obvious spelling mistakes. anyways some fun facts: i’m an ex film student that now works in a pet store. i’m a whore for ari aster but i hope he goes to therapy or else i think he desperately needs to. 
i’ve played a few iterations of anne before but never something like this and i am so, so, so excited. i will probably never speak in the group chat because i have Social Anxiety(TM) and i am Intimidated By All Of You(TM) but i swear i am friendly pls come talk to me lmao
full name: anne marie milton
best known as: anne
age: twenty six
occupation: midwife/registered nurse at a public hospital
star sign: virgo
trope: the bleeding heart
traits: diligent, nurturing, loyal, kind, intelligent, empathetic, meticulous, critical, over-thinking, jealous, anxious, clingy, secretive, overly trusting
drink / smoke / drugs: yes / no / no
born and raised in fort elm, she’s the middle child of three with an older sister and a younger brother. the three were raised mainly by their mother after their father passed fighting in the vietnam war when all the children were relatively young
as a result anne has a mother complex. idk if thats a thing but im making it one. she mothers everyone and feels like needs to look after everyone she knows, protect them, help them. hence the obvious move into the nursing/midwifing career
growing up she was pretty popular, like she’s friendly and charming and then on top of that a hot blonde that did gymnastics and cheerleading what do u want from me. was also an over achiever and perfectionist– has severely calmed down since she was in high school but i think she is still a perfectionist at heart like come on she’s a virgo
she sometimes comes off as fake but istg she is that much of a people pleaser. will try to be friends with everyone and obv has huge mom friend/big sister energy
believes in giving everyone a shot and it takes a lot of fucking her over for her to decide she doesn’t like you but even then if u came to her and said u had changed once she’d be like OK HERE U GO ANOTHER CHANCE LUV U 
a big romantic/emotional whore. loves love but always feels like she’s letting people down/not doing enough in relationships so ends up breaking them off before they go too far. and then gets in another relationship fairly quickly bc she just be like that
also giving her a labrador and u cant stop me xx
friends: dear god please be her friend she will do anything for u. would love friends from high school, maybe people that didn’t like her/the people she hung out with in high school and they have since become friends, bad influence friends (anne will mother extra hard but also get drunk around), ex-romances turned friends, toxic friendships that should have ended by now but havent, anne would legit try and make friends with rocks if she could so literally anyone could be her friend
romance ended ugly: ok i want one angsty thing sue me im human. the relationship that went too far before anne ended things so when she eventually did it hurt more and seemed more out of no where and anne prob got defensive and mean solely so they wouldn’t fight for it but still prob has so much love for them bc idk yall she got some issues anyways gimme 🤲
hook ups, ex-romances, roommates, people who dislike her (maybe someone she dislikes back but we would truly have to talk about it and figure out a juicy plot bc it takes a lot), party friends, dead ass anything lets go girls 
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nahalism · 5 years ago
How are we ‘fundamentally untouchable’?
people can touch physically and maybe even connect mentally, spiritually.. but ultimately were each localised expressions of whatever intelligence allows for that communication. by default of being an individual there is always something in us, or of us, that is self contained or beyond anothers grasp / comprehension. there are times where no matter how universal an experience is, there appears to be no combination of words available to convey or express the nature of the experience, or of the feeling that it evoked. we also cant take for granted that we can assume what another feels, because in most cases its just projection (some more fine tuned than others). so theres always a blind spot because most of the time we make meaning from mirrors, not reality.. what is real anyway? and it cant b helped because our perceptions of events are always, on some level, solitary. whether, due to nature or nurture, circumstance has made it that we filter the world in a way thats unique to our history. — if we accept that, it can bring us closer to that which we percieve as ‘not us’, and if we decide to look into another hoping to find anything other than ourselves it may be full of intrigue, lust, passion, risk, reward, lots of metaphorical birth & death.. hence ‘Romantic’.
idk. maybe im right maybe im wrong. what i think is of little consequence. what do you think
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4-pork-maggot · 4 years ago
Galaxy, silk, and film for the ask game!
So did you want me to ramble? cause this is how you get me to ramble! 
Ok, let’s just start
Silk: UUUh this outfit like kills my brain in both ways because it SHOULDNT make me confident but it does, like i have a tiny black tank top shirt that has spaghetti straps and its really short and its like this like kinda fluffy texture? and it has lace on the chest area and its really cute, and i usually pair that with some high cut jeans and boots or black shoes with platform and look i dont like my arms but that outfit makes me feel like a BAD bitch 
Film!  mmmmh my favorite movie or my favorite tv show?? mmmh well my favorite TV show is Dark, its a german series and its reeeeallly good you should watch it. My favorite movie? Hocus pocus (i think thats what its called in english) i was in lovee with that movie as a kid
Galaxy: This is a difficult one, ive always been fascinated by a lot of things, mostly its been hyperfixations like growing up i was OBSESSED with dinasours, also i really like bartending?? like i want to do a course on it or something. But two topics that really fascinate me and i can never get enough of its: The ocean, and the human mind 
I guess the ocean its self explanatory, like its SO MUCH WATER like how does it all stay there??? how deep does it go??? how did it get there?? how is it so much??? i love swimming and i love the beach and i love swimming where my feet dont touch the ground and even though drowning is scary as fuck i never seem to be afraid of it when im in the ocean and i feel kind off, like i want to swim further??? idk how to explain it rlly i just really like it and enjoy being around all type of water bodies 
and well the human mind is soooo interesting like how do we work? how much does our upbringing affect how we interact with people and view the world like obviously a lot but HOW much like how much do the little off-hand comments that we dont even remember affect us on our day to day basis, like does nature even exist or is it all nurture? does NURTURE even exist? it most likely does. But how much of our behavior is shaped by whats around us? how is the mind of someone who grew up in poverty compared to the mind of someone who was born rich? i want to know EVERYTHING about the human mind!!! 
i also like animals a lot, especially farm animals but ive never actually been to a farm??? maybe thats just city girl dreaming of me lmao 
but yea im between being a psychologist and a veterinarian,,,, maybe if life allows it ill study both!!! but well have to see
i hope you enjoyed my ramblings
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targent · 5 years ago
14, 15, 16
14: are you a musician?
well i havent played that much in the past 4 years, but after playing cello for abouttt 9 years id still consider myself a musician!! i was at least good enough to be my school’s soloist lol....i miss it terribly but also i still have orchestra nightmares so...
anyways only music i consistently do these days is singing much to the chagrin of my friends lol
15.  five most influential books over your lifetime.
ohh thats hard um. p sure i chose all kids books lol but “Love you Forever” is a kids book that meant a lot/still means a lot to me....
or “The Kissing Hand” bc my mom still does that when i fly 2000 miles away for school/now work
probs the “Hank the Cowdog” kids books too bc my mom would read em to us in funny voices lol idk that came to mind reading this question
the Bartimaeus trilogy was dope as a tween too but maybe im also biased bc the main human dudes named nathaniel so i was like “o shit that me” idk the characters felt real to me in a way thats stuck w me 
ummm i cant think of more right now theres certainly a lot of books ive loved but as for which are most INFLUENTIAL idk...does the research paper im publishing soon count taht shits long enough to be a book
16. if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
well probably not after all it is nature AND nurture,,,even if i was like. in the same family/same upbringing but different physical environment i woulda turned out different im sure...in what ways who knows. maybe w less anxiety lol
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hybridequalist · 6 years ago
If you dont want to do this or if its not clear im sorry, but could you please do an eddy brock x sister reader where she broke into the lab and got her own symbiote (thats female? Granted idk how gender works for symbiotes just know most people refer to venom as male) and while eddy is freaking out shes totally calm + like "haha lol so this is happening now thats fun" and calls hers darling, sweetheart, love, etc. And is a major pacifist so they made a deal of no killing at day one, just fluff?
So I know this isn’t really what you asked for…but my brain just ran away with this. It’s looking to be 3 parts as it stands right now, so let me know if you’re interested in the rest or if you want me to try again.
My first request…*SQUEE*
    “When you asked me to help you with a ‘work thing’, I didn’t think we’d be breaking and entering.”
“It’s just to gather evidence. We’ll be in and out.”
    You rolled your eyes.
    “Edward Charles Allan Brock, that is a load of bull and you know it.”
    “It is not!” Eddie hissed at you, glancing worriedly at Doctor Skirth in the driver’s seat. “I just wanna expose Drake and that’s all.”
    “Like how you ‘just wanted’ to do a piece on Wilson Fisk’s paper trail back in New York?”
    “That was different!’
“As if!”
“We’ll be pulling up in a few minutes,” Doctor Skirth interrupted, glancing back at you and Eddie with undisguised anxiety. “Try ducking out of sight when we pass through the checkpoint, okay?”
You shot Eddie a look before jerking your head towards the trunk and unbuckling your seatbelt to roll under the backseat, willing yourself to become invisible.
This was not your first rodeo handling your brother and his many misadventures: you had grown up playing attorney for him whenever he got in trouble and honestly should have been paid for the number of close scrapes you’d gotten him out of. He’d promised when he moved in with you after the New York thing that he’d behave and for a while you’d believed him–especially after Anne hit the scene. But you should have known better: Eddie’s overwhelming sense of justice was his fatal flaw and was always bound to get him in trouble–and hurt those he loved in the process.
By some miracle, you all made it past the security checkpoint and into the main building without being spotted. You even got some nice backstory about alien creatures and a comet as the doctor lead you both from the parking lot and through the main building. But as the doctor was badging you and Eddie into the lab, someone called her name and you felt a spike of panic in your gut.
“Don’t touch anything!” were Doctor Skirth’s last words to the pair of you as you hurried into the laboratory.You hated that the second she said it, you immediately knew that your brother would be touching all the wrong things.
The lab was lit eerily blue, making it hard to see much aside from shadows of various unrecognizable scientific instruments. Eddie immediately took out his phone and began snapping pictures, leaving you to watch his back. You hardly breathed as you both walked past a wall of glass cages, some containing human figures. One of them caught your eye and you paused, looking at what seemed to be a mass of white, slimy tentacles. Somehow, you couldn’t take your eyes off it. It looked dead, but something about it–perhaps its alien shape or apparent lack of a real body–made you unable to cease staring. You felt at any moment it might twitch or give some sign of life…
A sudden thud jolted you from your trance and you whirled around to see that Eddie was as the far end of the hall, looking in horror as something clawed at the glass. He immediately reached towards the access panel on the door and you felt your heart drop into your shoes.
The alarms were immediate and the shift from the dark blue lights to vibrant reds left you covering your eyes instinctively. You faintly heard glass break and squinted just in time to see your brother tackled to the ground by a screeching figure with long, tangled hair.
“Eddie!” you screamed, sprinting towards him.
“Maria! Maria, stop!” you heard him crying out. You were only a few paces away when something large and black shot out from the attacker’s back, whipping around and launching you away. You felt your back slam against something initially solid that shattered out from behind you, the air driven from your body as you hit the floor. Something writhed underneath you and you lurched just enough to roll onto your side, finding yourself staring at the white-tentacled thing again. Except this time it was definitely moving.
You couldn’t scream–you were still trying to restart your lungs after crashing through the glass door. All you could do was watch as the slimy thing lashed out its tentacles, coiling around your wrist. The panic gave you enough adrenaline to push up onto your hands and knees, crawling away without a care as to how much glass laid around you. Most of the tendrils slipped off you as you flailed, but a few broke off the creature and coiled tighter, clinging desperately.
You heard footsteps through the screaming alarm and froze, whipping around to see shadowy figures rush into the lab.
You instinctively curled into a ball, hands clasping together behind your head. There was some shouting and then just as quickly as you’d heard them come in, you heard them leave, shouting something about “the asset” getting away.
You jumped to your feet and ran back out the way you’d come in, moving at top speed. Through the parking lot and straight out to the road, you didn’t let up on your wild sprint until you dropped to your knees, out of breath on the sidewalk.
In a minute. When I’m not going to vomit.
Remembering all your PE lessons from High School, you put your hands behind your head and shakily got to your feet, trying to focus on inhaling through your nose. When your heartbeat settled and the taste of bile retreated you heaved a heavy sigh. And then panic seized you.
“Eddie,” you breathed. “Oh no. Oh please…don’t be dead…”
You whirled around, looking for whoever had spoken, but aside from distant headlights there were no signs of anyone.
Same voice. Slight echo. Feminine. And it definitely wasn’t coming from somewhere around you.
“…who are you?” you whispered. “Are you inside my head?”
“Then what are you?”
You frowned. There was an alien inside you. Or some part of one. So far, though, you weren’t getting any bad vibes off this…being. All it had done so far was get you out of the Life Foundation’s labs and nothing in its voice and mannerisms. Wait, was it an “it”?
Okay. She.
She could hear your thoughts?!
Huh. Convenient.
Wait, so if you’re “new”, then how do you know all this?
That’s really sad, actually.
Not after my mother died. My father no longer really cared…Eddie got the worst of it, though. I think our father blames him for mom dying…
That last thought jolted you out of the mental conversation. Eddie. Where was he? Did he make it out? Frantically, you scrambled for your phone and pressed the speed-dial for your brother. Every ring made your tension mount higher until finally you heard him pick up.
“Eddie! Where are you?! Are you okay?!”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Just feelin’ a little funny is all.”
He was slurring a little. Had he hit his head?
“I got home a bit ago. Called Doctor Skirth, but she didn’t answer. Been kinda woozy too. Maybe I’m gettin’ sick, I dunno.”
“But where…where are you at?” Eddie asked, still sounding almost drunk. “You’re not home, but you gotta be safe if you’re calling.”
You were about to answer when you heard the phone clatter onto some surface.
“Eddie?” you ask. No response. You tried again, but still no response. You could hear some rustling and what you recognized as the freezer being opened.
Reluctantly, you followed the symbiote’s advice. Glancing out at the horizon, you noticed that the sky was getting lighter. Morning was probably only an hour away and you were beginning to feel the exhaustion of staying up as well as running all the way here.
It was time to go home.
You thanked your Uber driver as you stepped out from her car, suppressing a yawn as you climbed the steps to your apartment complex. Your symbiote had been fairly quiet throughout the drive, occasionally asking a question about the people and shops outside the window and you had tiredly tried to satisfy her curiosity. Now as you came to your door, you braced yourself for some kind of destruction on the other side. Your symbiote’s genetic memories had been full of violent scenes of her kind on the hunt and you didn’t know what to expect.
It turned out to be not nearly as bad as you’d feared: the fridge and freezer both stood open and a bag’s worth of half-defrosted tater tots were scattered near the kitchen island. There was no sign of your brother until you peered into the bathroom.
You weren’t sure what to make of his situation: he was passed out in the bathtub, toothpaste foam smeared on his bottom lip and the fallen shower curtain draped over his shoulders.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, trying not to imagine the gruesome scene as you stepped forward, reaching out your hand to shake your fool of a little brother awake.
It happened so fast you almost missed it: a black tentacle shot out from Eddie’s body, aimed straight for your head. Just as swiftly, you felt control of your body wrenched away from you, jerking your arm forward to catch the goopy tendril before it could connect.
Well, it was definitely a symbiote’s voice, but this one was masculine-sounding and carried a far more predatory snarl. Yours sounded more…well, not necessarily human, but certainly more articulate.
YOURS, your symbiote agreed. NEST-MATE OF MINE. NO THREAT.
Her words seemed to calm the black alien down because the tentacle retreated and Eddie slumped further down in the tub, letting out a sleepy grunt.
You couldn’t disagree. While the shock of the black symbiote lashing out had jolted you into alertness for a short time, you were already feeling the exhaustion returning.
Promise you’ll wake me if you hear Eddie get up, you thought, meandering towards the bedroom.
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Young & Beautiful
i took a break and went to sleep last night, and listened to daylight and little freak and keep driving a few times before opening this. also i'm extra emotional today, sooo
• im smiling so big right now!!! he went to study at harry's and harry was nice!!!
• maybe Louis really does need to get a hobby and stop obsessing over Harry. i relate so hard honestly-
• oh harry....
• captain niall being a larrie
• missing for days again???
• red suit and strawberries asdahakalslslw i can almost envision this
• no question, lou is in love. i would absolutely not go out in freezing cold, while it's raining, even if it makes my "mate"'s face light up like a christmas tree or whatever
• THE PROGRESS. louis can keep up with harry's stupid banter, but also louis can keep up with his deep thoughts. soulmates indeed
• And then Harry grins, procuring enough light for the entire universe and momentarily causing Louis to forget that the sun isn’t even out at all. It's sort of wondrous. yea no babe, you're so so in love
• he giggled!!!
• And maybe it’s because the day was so good, or maybe it’s because of the way Harry says his name, but Louis decides that, maybe, Harry really is a bit charming when he’s not spewing rehearsed lines or words of fleeting pleasure. Maybe he is, naturally, a bit endearing. And maybe there’s a lot more genuine life in him than Louis thought. Life that just needs to be nurtured, cared for, paid attention to. And that maybe Harry isn’t so far away, maybe isn’t lost in the dark corners.
• niall, niall, niall
• why am i so happy about two fictional characters getting along. harry keeps on smiling, and how can i not do the same?
• this is one of my favorite tropes, piano teaching... the romanticism of it all...
• my heart and soul are happy. i can die peacefully right now.
• bruh.
• the quote!!!
• i want to kill jo
• oh harry... this poor boy... i can't be annoyed at him, he's genuinely upset about louis leaving and he's been pretending for so long that be doesn't know what to do in public
• i want to punch the fucker too- "it's not your turn" go fuck yourself you fucking asshole
• oh no. oh fuck no
• louis is in love, and he doesn't know, and harry is in a bad mental state and i want to kill des
• lou, baby..
• i. want. to. murder. des. with. my. bare. hands.
• can i hug harry? i really need to hug harry.
• waving thats so cute
• stan ships it
• um, that's definitely a depressing text. poem. whatever.
• jealousrry my beloved. i love this. talking on the phone, making jokes, opening up.
• 'Bluebirds are the most beautiful bird in the world and they were made for the morning' IF I WAS A BLUEBIRD I WOULD FLY TO YOU, YOU BE THE SPOON, DIP YOU IN HONEY SO I CAN BE STICKING TO YOU-
• i'm so happy
• I adore you, Harry Styles! same.
• wait, did harry write des' new song? idk, i feel so
• they're mates :D
• now i'm worried about liam too, hope it doesn't go south for him with his tendency to party and party hard... niall, i absolutely love his sappy shit.
• harry and fruits, now that's very him
• i love seeing louis fall in love with harry being in love with life
• these motherfuckers are making sun and moon analogies about themselves-
• Harry’s eyes are on the film, silent and watchful. Louis’ eyes are on Harry’s wrist, intense and burning. has he realized that he's in love with h yet, or..? there's a lot going on...
• i swear to fucking god, if zayn still has feelings for harry
• drunk louis is always so poetic with harry
• “Stay?” kill me already
• everytime things get good between them, something happens with harry, which i understand, really, but poor louis
•jealousy jealousyyyy
• fuck fuck fuck
• i'm actually crying wtf
• oh louis. don't do this to yourself, goddamnit
• harry, my dude, my man... what. that was very cute, but what
• Wondering just how the fuck he managed to fall in love with Harry fucking Styles. finally he realizes
• fucking charles
• “Not when he’s everything.” bro??? i'm crying??
• this is not the time to listen to if i could fly on repeat
• Harry nods immediately. “He did.” And it’s almost as if something is dawning, a light clicking on behind his eyes.
“You make me…want to be. Like. You give me, like, hope, almost? You know?”
moment of realization???
`°~Chapters 21 to 30~•`
holy fuck these 10 chapters were such a rollercoaster. things look up, things go shit, louis tries, things look up, things go shit, and. wow.
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luna--negra · 7 years ago
I have this love/hate relationship with myself and it affects my social life and it sucks. Idk what else to do anymore... have gone through something like this or have met someone with this ? It’s really hard .
Hi! Well I think that all people has gone through bad relationships with themselves. But I also think that loving yourself and letting go that negativity/hate, it's a decision and it's something you have to work on everyday. You can start letting go of people and situations that are toxic for you, and doesn't give you any personal gratification or growth. Letting go for real. You can do things that nurture you and let you express yourself. For example you can try doing exercise as an habit, and also find something that make you passionate. It could be art or science o anything. Yo have to MOVE. Doing the same things and doing nothing it's just hell. Movement makes us flow and focus energy on different things that let us grow. If you tend to make bad choices, then stop doing them. I'm not saying that you should be perfect cause that impossible in human nature. We all make mistakes again and again, and it's ok. We don't have to be too hard on ourselves, at the end of the day those mistakes are what makes us learn. But don't repeat the same mistakes, that's just been stubborn and stucked. Let yourself feel, for real. Cry, scream, laugh, think about why you feel that, feel it and embrace it. And if it's a negative feeling, then let it go. Touch yourself. Let yourself feel pleasure. Having an orgasm it's actually healing. An orgasm by yourself is liberating. And you can share experiences with other people as long as it's a pact of respect, good energy/intention, and actual good pleasure. Look yourself in the mirror and smile to yourself. It may look "stupid" but if you recognize yourself, know yourself and smile to yourself constantly, you will start loving yourself. Don't victimize yourself nor blame others for what happens. You have the decision to be ok, to love and feel loved, to fall in love with life and all it's beautiful and strange details. But you have to choose that and work for it everyday. I hope this big text (sorry haha) helps you in someway. And believe me, I used to be a person that didn't love myself and constantly destroyed myself. But I overcome that and know Im ok and dancing with life. Doesn't mean that I don't feel bad sometimes, of course I do but thats okay. We are human and we feel all kinds of things. We all have things that we don't like about ourselves and we all make mistakes, but don't get stucked on that. Hugs for you 🌹
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yeoldontknow · 7 years ago
Surprise! Your bias asked you out on a date! The only thing is, he wants you to match 8 of your mutuals with the rest of exo for a group date. @ the mutuals you're choosing for each member (not your bias) and explain why you chose them.
so this came in ages ago and just...i love seeing this? idk why lmao they make me laugh and theyre so much fun. i also take shipping and biasing so seriously because im that hoe. im 200% soft tonight after my dys update and im about 2/3 bottle of red deep so i figure now, at 1 in the morning - slightly tipsy and soft af - is the perfect time to answer this. 
i also love these cause yeol is just arriving all the time to ask me out on dates. chanyeol, i love you but maybe ask me for my number? call me? text me? this is cute but like do all your friends REALLY need dates? its ok i love your cute knees and years and neck and butt and hands and everything so ill be matchmaker all night
@kpopandlock - jongin is DUMB excited for his date with kara. lowkey this my greatest otp for a lot of reasons. they both have this crazy intense energy where they connect deeply with those around them and have this strong desire to see justice fulfilled. like, this a couple who roots for the underdog and wants to fix and mend the world. spreading love and good will, not in a cheery santa way (tho they for sure are the type to wear reindeer headbands from december 1 to like...jan 27 just because, and maybe even on a random day in june), but in a charity work/political activism way. and then, after theyve saved 2/10 of the world, they nap. their date is a pajama party filled with wine (for kara), popcorn, and movies about dogs...like airbud. 
@yehet-me-up - junmyeon spends 10 hours fretting over his date with sarah because dating is weird and hard, and intimacy doesnt really come naturally to him. the minute yeol and i say were hooking him up, he instantly starts trying to run before he walks, but as soon as theyre together its literal fireworks. these two need each other so much. theyre both halfway to being nervous wrecks about something, but they balance each other out so well its crazy. this the mom and dad couple who know where everyone is at any given moment, but also are SO INTENSE and devoted to one another it causes most people in the room physical pain. also, this couple looks and acts like royalty. bow down, kids, pledge allegiance to the real otp. 
@from-dae-do-dae - when jongdae hears hes going on a date with fei, he immediately becomes the noisest, happiest man in the room. fei and dae have the most amazing dynamic in which they are every couple at once. loud and noisy? sure bet. jazz hoes who sip bourbon and study art? friday night at the feidae household. the quiet serious couple who spend too much time focusing on work? always. the couple that will kick your ass at scattergories and not even feel badly? for sure. i love them. hes liberated and wild enough to make sure fei cuts loose when shes getting too withdrawn and fei is a rock on which dae feels supported and grounded. im getting so emo thinking about this. one date turns into 300 years of marriage. iconic. 
@nunchiwrites - kyungsoo is relatively quiet when he hears about a date with nunchi, but he does that cute, tiny soft smile because BOYYYYY is he excited. its not that nunchi is innocent, its just that she radiates goodness at every turn. shes funny and sassy enough to keep him laughing, incredibly well read and intelligent to fuel conversation, and warm enough to draw him out of his shell. their dynamic starts pretty shy, but by the end of the date neither of them want it to end. they go on a date for pizza because they both live on cheese and carbs, and neither of them want to go home because why go home when there are stars they could watch together AND MORE CONVERSATIONS TO HAVE? date ends with date numbers 2-8 already planned. 
@co-kai-ne - yixing blushes only slightly when he hears he gets to take sofi out on a date. few people on this earth are worthy of yixing and sofi is one of them, for sure. the purity and softness radiating out of this couple will heal the world, im already picturing the way their dynamic makes the sun rise. both of them need each other in various ways - the reassurance that will grow naturally between them is unreal. it will never be question because it just is. instinctively, theyd understand each others needs. sofi would feel like a home for yixing and therefore would be the only one who could convince to rest when he needs it. yixing is fixed and stable enough in his energy to ensure sofi feels safe, nurtured, and adored. date is at an arcade in which yixing wins her 3 stuffed animals and walks here home where he kisses her cheek. second date only happens after he gets permission from the family and promises to take good care of her. 
@queenoftheimpala - baek is already on date 17 with ali so this is run of the mill for him. hes obsessed with my bffs quirky and playful energy. on every level, they match each other. this the couple that never stops laughing or coming for others - either in jokes or pranks or in simple teasing phrases. alternatively, this the couple that never stops HYPING one another. ali the type to watch baek make an ass of himself and smile like ‘thats my guy.’ baek the type to see ali trip over nothing yell ‘GODDESS’ in the middle of a crowded street. also the nurturing mother hen vibe from them is just perpetual and constant. also hes the only man i would ever let take my best friend out because his heart radiates angelic goodness and she deserves NO LESS THAN PERFECTION OKAY.
@pebble-xo - sehun giggles with joy that he gets to take jade out on their, what, 100th date? theyre basically a canon, official couple at this point. this my fashion otp, my youth otp, my real otp. theyre SO INCREDIBLY soft for their friends, like more devoted than most, but still so mature. this the couple that are young af but like...22 going on 76. so mature in all of their actions and choices, and intensely dedicated to their passions. their encouragement of one another is silent yet totally profound. also, they the brunch couple we are all secretly jealous of. 
@yeol-stole-my-soul - minseok is utterly thrilled when he hears he and maria are going on a date. its their first one and even though this energy never really makes it to romance, these two become fast, rude af, hilarious friends. their dynamic is SUPER playful and they devote themselves to teasing the living shit out of their friends. also, soft kids who love their friends too much. also, fun kids who like...are so the type to go to an amusement park and ride everything 4 times. also, BOTH are wildly intelligent and achieving the literal most in school. and whenever minnie starts kicking off being a lil too beautiful, maria will be there to tell him to stop. KING AND QUEEN OF DORK SOFT I LIVE
omg i love doing these so much why am i like this
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