#idk if it's obvious but designs are based off of
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
So I wanna work on more oneshots...
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So have a paragraph or two of each & do the poll if you want lol.
Mothman- He could hold onto the small (so small!) child easily with one pair of arms, and use another for his emergency grappling hook, but that would… maybe have the same issue as flying with them would have. Did he want to risk the trouble he’d no doubt be in?  Well, he was already going to be scolded for going out… 
Werebat- “Master Bruce.”  Bruce froze mid drying his fur at Alfred’s voice, a very clipped tone to it that instantly brought back every lecture he’d ever gotten as a pup. He tried to wipe any guilt from his body language as he looked up from his chair in front of the computer, the toddler in his lap grabbing at the towel, cooing around the binkie.  An eyebrow rose, a silent request to explain himself.
Owl Harpy- He hissed at the feeling of the blade digging into his limb- it had hit right in the opening of his armor, right in the fleshy part of his wing. Dick’s eyes were wide, terrified and with dawning recognition that he couldn’t look into due to more blades whistling through the air.  Leaping away- with Dick still in his wings- his head snapped towards where the knives had come from, a flicker of gold amidst the shadows confirming what the knives already told him. Talons. 
Ghost- Can you kill what has already died, many wonder as specters leap across the roofs, flitting in the shadows of the night as though mere flickers of the light. Mere hallucinations in the smog until they brush against your body, as real as the stone beneath your feet.   Many have tried, echoes of blood spilling across the cracked stone and forms writhing through shadows. Yet when one looked, there was no corpse to be found. For the ghosts of the city had no bodies to lose anymore. 
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evanture · 1 year
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idk why but ive been afflicted by mayor holiday disease and i cannot stop drawing her 😨
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yesyourstalker · 3 months
Neta: *sigh*....... .......
Ikkan: nervous?
Neta:......a little bit yeah.....
Ikkan: *hehehe*...... Don't be nervous, you have nothing to be nervous about I'll be right here.... And after this I'll be here forever
Neta: till death do us part
Ikkan: till death do us part...(Peck).... Fix your tie....and ..... perfect.....now.......let's get married
[wedding music]
officiant: Good evening everyone, friends family we are guided here today to celebrate life's greatest moments and to cherish the words which shall unite Neta Verns
Neta: *smiling*.....*sniff*.......hehe
Officiant: and Ikkan Kane
Ikkan: *smiling*.....*sigh*.....
Officiant: you would like to exchange your vows
Neta: I'd like to go..............*sigh*...... ikkan.... I always look back and remember the first time we first met.
Ikkan: heheh
Neta: you were very standoffish and quiet heh You're also a little bit mean just a little bit
Ikkan: heheh
Neta: If something told me that that really wasn't you. I'm so happy My hunch was right. Ikkan You're kind, You're soft-spoken, you're so patient ....*crying*... I'm sorry........ Getting to see you everyday. Your smile, hearing your laugh and listening to you speak ....*sniff*...about your interest. Your passionate rants about Arpeggio and crescendo I still don't know what that means but I love hearing you say it....
Ikkan: ehhehehehe
Neta: that's the smile I like to see.... I love you Ikkan you're my best friend and I am truly grateful I'm going to live the rest of my life with you I-
[Alright he's been in there long enough. Pull him up]
Neta: what!?......... what!?..... what's happening!!....*cough*.....….*cough*.....what the fuck!!... what's going on?!
Octoling Superior: alright Verns you've been in the pit long enough. Time to get back to training. All chargers are outside doing target practice. Take your weapon and go out with the rest of them.
Neta: what?
Octoling Superior: go outside and do tragic practice. Your punishment is over go
Neta: but-but-but I was getting married! *huff* Where's my husband?! My store?! I had a store and my family.....*huff*..*huff*.... Cirrina......my daughter ......what happened to my crab cakes?!!.*huff*.......
Octoling soldier: *hehe* what's he talking about?
Octoling Superior: I've heard if you stay in the ink pit long enough without interaction the brain starts to hallucinate and starts making things up......to keep it self sane. He'll be fine.
Neta:*huff*huff**huff**sobbing**huff**huff**huff**huffhuffhuffhufff......AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaah-HA!!.. what?…..huh?..................*huff*.........................*huff*...................*huff*............*huff*.........*huff*.......*huff*........ where is it? Where is it?... here.....*huff*...[squeeze]
Plushie recording: Hi! Demersal the grounding fish! I'm going to ask a few questions ok?... can you name 3 you can see?
Neta:... my dresser......*huff*...my bed....my bass
Recording:.............good job!.....can you tell 3 things you can feel?
Neta:...my bed sheets....my clothes....*huff*....cold floor.....
Recording:..........okay!!....can you tell me where you are?
Neta:......*sigh*....my apartment
Recording:...............good job! Do you know what time it is? The short hand is the hour and the long hand is the minute!
Neta: I know that.... it's...6:47a.m.
Recording:.............. wow! Now can tell me about yourself how old are you!
Neta: ......................35.......
Recording: .........wow! wow!you're so big!
Neta: fuckyou
Recording:what's your name?
Neta: Neta
Recording:.........that's a nice name! We're almost done let's count back to 10 together! Ready?!10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Neta 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1......uggghh
Recording: you're doing so well let's take a deep breath ok? Breath in.....
Neta: [inhale]
Recording: now Breath out
Neta: [exhale]
Recording: you are safe.... I'm so proud of you! It's ok to feel overwhelmed sometimes. I know it can be really hard.. just Remember your grounding technique and don't forget to self-sooth!...stay safe hehe bye bye
Neta: you're lucky Behi gifted you to me...if it wasn't for him you would've been sold decades ago.........[chuck] ..............[inhale] [exhale]................ nibbles come here......Did I scare you off the bed?....*kiss*.. . I'm sorry..............hm?...
Neta: heheh...*huff*...fish still here?.......heh makes sense...
Mahi: *yawn*..........ummm....uggg....... Neta you need to get a better couch this one sucks.....oh....
Neta: no.... I don't want you to come home... Not for something as dumb as a nightmare ..hehe....I'm fine.I know..i know I know babe I get that... You shouldn't have to drop everything for me..... I know you don't mind it but I do.... I hate that.... yeah I understand........ yeah........ yeah............................. You're right.......................*sigh*....no......I still don't want you to come home..... Can you at least stay on the phone with me for a while?....... Pancakes... I think I buried some hehehehe.....*sigh*... No.... it looks fine. A little dark in the middle..... It should be fine... You cook better than I do..... What are you doing?..... Why are you milking them by hand I thought you had a machine for that........ Oh she's scared of it? awwww poor manatee......... An hour? it takes an hour to get a full bucket of milk?....... Okay that's fair. They are big...I-(gasp).... Mahi!..[inhale exhale]........ How long have you been sitting there
Mahi: couple minutes..... Can I have a pancake
Neta:. .................... Yeah, I'm fine. No, it's just my employee, yeah fish still here......... I'll call you when I get to work..... I love you too...bye................... How many pancakes do you want?
Mahi: *eating*......
Mahi: *eating*.... pancakes are good
Neta: *eating* thank you
Mahi: how do to make them shape like little octopuses
Neta:...Cirrina bought cookie cutter sets years ago. sometimes use them for molds for pancakes..... I use it for eggs too...*sniff*...........*sigh*............ I have to get ready for work.....[stretch].......[POP]...mmmmm......fuck not today knee...ssssss
Mahi:...*eating*....you know you really should try investing in a knee brace I think my friend has a couple of them I can see if she can give you one
Neta: that's nice........
Mahi: so I know you have to go to work and everything in a couple minutes. Would it be too much to ask to drive me to campus I got to go to the library and do some studying
Neta: Alright..... We'll leave 15 minutes... Do you have clothes to get dressed in?
Mahi: no
Neta: we can just find something in the drawer.....
Mahi: can I borrow these jeans?
Neta: Yeah sure. I don't think they don't fit you tho
Mahi: they fit me just fine I just need to cut the pants legs
Neta: *sigh*. . You know you might as well just take the rest of my old clothes. I'm never going to fit em again anyway
Mahi: really?
Neta: yeah really I insist I really don't care. You can have them
Mahi: are you sure?....
Neta: you know what I'll just give them to my daughter she doesn't listen to 'Cyrus in the cyclones' but I think she'll like the Cool vintage look of it
Mahi: no gimme! Don't give it to her! She'll just ruin it and turn it into a jagged uneven crop top! _______________________________________________
Ikkan: I finished milking tulip
Koi-koi: That's good hun. We'll have it pasteurized tomorrow. Just keep it in the fridge in the shed
Ikkan: alright
Cirrina: I'm going out..
Koi-koi: and where do you think you're going?
Cirrina: I need to go into the city The ferry leaves in an hour
Koi-koi: I don't think so. You haven't finished your chores you were supposed to refill the Manatee feed today and You're supposed to mix up the compost in the back.
Cirrina: I know I'll get to when I get back
Koi-koi: noooo... You will do it now. Young lady, I'm not like your father or your grandfather when I say do something you do it now. You can take the next ferry
Cirrina: but I-
Koi-koi: no buts young lady
Cirrina: I'm meeting someone
Koi-koi: meeting who Exactly?
Cirrina:.............a friend
Koi-koi: ....a friend? What friend?
Cirrina: (blush)......he's a boy
Koi-koi: a boy?.....
Cirrina: ... yeah....
Koi-koi: where is he taking you?
Cirrina: a museum, around town
Koi-ko:........ A museum?........................................,........ Be home by 9:00......... Here get yourself some food maybe a souvenir.
Cirrina: you're cool grandma....
Koi-koi: uh-huh whatever...... When you get home you'll do the chores that you were supposed to do and..... You wash the dishes
Cirrina: alright
Baja: did you see the commercial mom?
Baja's mom: I saw the commercial... I am so proud of you sweetheart You're going to be on TV how exciting
Baja: I know ... I still can't believe it
Baja's mom: this is going to open up so many opportunities. The benefits will be nice. You have a nice paycheck and a lot of money, make sure you save some of it. You're going to make so many new friends!!
Baja: yeah hehe I hope I do...
Baja's mom: I know you have problems making friends.
Baja: mmmmm
Baja's mom: You're a sweet boy you really are
Baja: thank mom
Baja mom: you know this might be the perfect time for you to find someone
Baja: fine who?
Baja's mom: A partner! Ohhhhhh I'm so happy for you honey. You can go on dates. You can meet new people. You'll be married in no time?
Baja: uhhhhh I guess....... I'm going to be really honest Mom. I don't really think I want to do that right now
Baja's mom: Well I don't want to rush you but it's good to start... You know your brother is already married and your sister is on her fifth kid...
Baja: Mom
Hine (Baja's mom): I know. I know I shouldn't compare my kids but let me just finish. Your siblings are no older than you and they've already have their lives set up and I don't want you to fall behind
Baja:Mom, I'm not falling behind. I-I just...ugh....... I'm just....... I'm just not good at dating and seeing people
Hine: What on Earth do you mean baby?! you're not good at dating? Honey, you're the most talkative and social person in the family! How could you think you're not good at dating? You're a real catch
Hine: What about that fella you told me about? I looked him up, I didn't really like the images I saw .. what about him? I thought you liked him?
Baja: We broke up
Hine: you broke up?....*sigh*...... So you're single?........ So what are you just......... Are you just sleeping around?
Baja: (blush)..NO! I'M NOT
Hine:Sweetie, don't be embarrassed. A lot of young adults have casual sex ...I'm just saying you know eventually you need to settle down and-
Baja:I'm not.. I'm not..... I'm not having sex. I never had it
Hine:....…Well that's ok. Personally I waited to get married to-
Sibling: HA! VIRGIN!
Hine: Maui! What did I tell you about eavesdropping! Go!.............*sigh*....... Sweetheart..... I don't want to put pressure on you sweetie...... I just don't want you to be alone we're not good when we're alone... I want you to have a family
Baja: I'm not alone. I have a family. I have you and my siblings..........and Desmond I guess
Hine: we can't live forever honey you're going to need to find someone eventually.
Baja:................... alright..... I'll try to find someone...
Hine: I know you'll find someone there's someone out there for everyone including you sweetie....
Baja: ........ yeah.....l love you.... bye
Hine: I love you too
Hitch: we're filming in 15!
Bayou: this painting is a. Self-portrait of Joyce Veair she was our firat prime minister
Cirrina: wow... she's gorgeous she painted this herself
Bayou: Yes... She has so many paintings around the world. She even has one in Museum d'Alfonsino
Cirrina: really...... She's very talented.
Bayou: not only that, she was very intelligent and very outspoken....
Cirrina: what's this one
Bayou: this is a sculpture made entirely out of urchin spines it was made by tosh monui. Every month he'd shed his old spines. He would collect them and Stick them in a ball of wax until the ball was completely covered in spineies. After he'd take the rest to make a body, he would call them mace men because they look like maces with a body. He soon started to model them after cave drawings of primitive urchin
Cirrina: that's amazing....oh what's this one. This one is beautiful
Bayou: this one is called 'home'
Cirrina: it's a beautiful landscape....who is by?....... This piece was painted by One of the top students in krillarney School of arts and it's one of the youngest to be presented in This museum she has won several awards and has several nominations. We are privileged to have her in a museum This piece is called home by Bayou Ster..............wow same name as you
Bayou:.........ehehehehehe Cirrina. That's me this is my work.
Cirrina: oh..hehehe I'm stupid........ It's really nice. You're really talented....
Bayou: thank you.... This is one of my favorite paintings I used an old picture of my nan's old home.
Cirrina: I love the texture and the hills and trees. It's even in the river.... Do you have more paintings here?
Bayou: I have this big painting over here. This one took me a whole month to finish this one..... I rode the fairy everyday just to get the perfect reference for crashing waves
Cirrina: wow .. . it's amazing
Bayou: it's almost 6 do you want to get something to eat. We can go to Mrs Cuddles to get some fried cod and hush puppies
Mrs Cuddles: Harold, bring these pines to table 7!...
Bayou: hi Mrs Cuddles!
Mrs Cuddles: Bayou how are you darling, Cirrina! Ohhhh... You two hungry? Let me get you something Harold, drop two more cod in the fryer!!..... You to relax. I'll get you ladies some sodas while you wait
Bayou: thank you!
Cirrina: thanks............................................. So you're probably going to think I'm really dumb but for the past 3 days I thought you were a guy
Bayou:.............hehehehe Did you?.must be the tentacle cut huh?
Cirrina: hehehe... yeah...hehehe... I'm sorry.....
Bayou: If I'm being real here I don't identify with anything in particular...if you see me as a guy I don't mind it
Cirrina: if you don't identify as that I don't want to
Bayou: I see myself as everything and nothing, masculine and feminine and anything in-between. I really don't mind Cirrina
Cirrina: All right if you put it that way hehehe
Mrs Cuddles: here you go! Fresh cod and a large bag of hush puppies for the road!
Cirrina: thanks how much do I owe you?
Mrs Cuddles: nonsense it's on the house. Kiddies eat for free here. Once you reach the age to drink you have to pay
Cirrina: thanks Mrs Cuddles!....
Neta: *humming*...(Pat)..*humming*....(Pat)......
Candi: *snoring*........*snoring*.......
Baja:What is music at midnight? Well as the names in the title says we're going to be talking about music and it's going to be airing during midnight.
Announcer: music at midnight a new late night talk show! Premieres tonight only on O.E.T!
Neta:.....*sigh*....... ikkan would love this show. .........me and him cuddling watching TV at midnight. Under a blanket surrounded by pillows...................... I miss him....
Ona: [baby noises]
Neta: yeah? You would like the show too Ona?
Bowie: what are you watching?
Neta: Bowie go back to bed. It's past your bedtime, go back upstairs with your mom
Bowie: but she snores too loud!
Neta: Bowie.. .... okay
Bowie: what's in this room?
Neta: noooo that's my daughter's room you can't go in there....let's sit down on the couch..... come on........(click).....why don't we watch 'Ollie? ...you like Ollie
Bowie: alright
Bowie: hehe
Neta: you need to lay down. try to get some sleep before your dad picks you up. You start preschool soon, you need a proper sleep schedule.
Bowie: okay
Ona: [fussy baby noises]
Neta: you need to sleep too young lady ......
Ona [crying]
Neta: someone is hungry..... Come on baby girl. Let's get you something to eat and fresh dia-(gasp).....*sigh*..... I need to put a bell on you
Mahi: I need to finish my homework I won't be annoying I promise.
Neta: where's Baja should he be at home with you?
Mahi: He's at work... They're doing a test stream or something or whatever
Ona: [crying]
Neta:.......*sigh*... Alright ........ I have some left overs in the fridge if you want anything.... Can you watch Bowie? Just make sure he's sleeping or watching TV as long as he's quiet.....
Mahi: ......(typing) alright
Neta: come on Ona....
Cirrina: ..... that was pretty good
Bayou: Yes I go there every other Sunday....
Cirrina: I leave on Sunday.... Maybe I can get another one before I leave....... Is that a music store?
Bayou: The old music store? Ye.....you play an instrument?
Cirrina: I play the cello .... It's nothing impressive really..... Second chair trying to get first chair in high school
Bayou: wow I'd like to see you play
Cirrina: no...nooo I-I couldn't .... You were going to take me to the cafe
Bayou: come on... Let's go inside....... We have plenty of time
Cirrina: ehhhhhh ok..... ...
Bayou: excuse me do you have a Cello we can try out?
Employees: sure.....hol up...let meh jest.......unlock.....here ya are..... .
Bayou: here you go Cirrina
Cirrina: [playing Bach: Cello Suite No. 1]
Bayou: [clap]...[clap] ...wow brains and beauty
Cirrina: (blush)..........you don't mean that
Bayou: I do .... You really talented
Cirrina: hehehe.............
Cirrina: It's getting dark. I need to go home.
Bayou: Yeah why don't I take you to the cafe and get something to go and I can walk you to the ferry....{takes hand}
Cirrina: I'd like that.
Candi: mmmmmmm.....*yawn*........*huff*........(Squeak).....hm?
Recording: I believe in you and your strength to keep fighting
Candi: Demersal?....... Do they still give these out?.....(Squeeze)
Recording: sometimes bad things happen and they're out of our control. It wasn't your fault
Candi: Cod I hated this thing ........ alright where are my kids? .... I'm well rested and ready to go........hey Neta..(toss)...
Neta:...ow......... hey........(Pat).......(Pat)......(Pat)
Bowie: *sleeping*..........
Candi: thanks for watching the kids. Donn had to go back to work today...*yawn*...... just needed a break..
Neta: no problem
Candi: how's Ona doing?
Neta: she's fine......
Candi: .. That's good.. .... why do you still have this thing?
Neta: it was a gift... I got it when I was a kid...I just can't give it away
Neta: What! Ok what did you do with yours?
Candi: I ripped out the voice box and gave it to Bowie. He then threw up on it so I threw it away. Kids...
Neta: yeah... I had an old blanket I used to wrap her in. One blowout later and it was in the trash
Candi: hehehehe... Don't you just love being a parent sometimes?
Neta: heheheh.... Don't tell her I told you that she would kill me.. hehehdhe
Candi: hi mahi..........
Mahi: hey
Candi: ....... Donn's outside I got to get going.... Neta do you mind?
Neta: *scooping up Bowie*....yeeep let's go.....
Cirrina: I really enjoyed this.. I had fun.
Bayou: I had fun too Cirrina. I really like you
Cirrina: I like you too ..........................
Bayou:..........*leaning in*............[kiss].....
Cirrina: [kiss]........ Hehehe
Bayou: hehehehehe
Cirrina: (blush)..... I- I need to go....uh
Bayou: I'll text you.......[peck]
Cirrina: bye......
Neta: alright!! Drive safe!!!!.....*sigh*......... mahi go home.
Mahi: I just got here! And I'm not being annoying. Please can I stay just one more night please
Neta: No, I didn't sleep well last night and I just had to babysit two kids. Let me have my peace. You've been staying here for a week. You practically live here. I need to clean up, I need to do the dishes and vacuum the floor, laundry .. I need to clean out nibbles's box. I need to make this place look like I wasn't wallowing in my own loneliness. All right
Mahi: you can do that when I'm here. It's not going to bother you
Neta: mahi goooooo home.....
Mahi: please can I say one more night please? I won't complain about the couch
Neta: no..... good bye
Mahi: but my apartment is quiet. You complain about wallowing in your loneliness. What about me you don't think I'm wallowing
Neta: get a pet or something ... (SLAM)
Mahi: (bang).....(bang)...... Where do I get a pet
Neta:AAAAAAAAAHHHH........*sigh*.. . . You can stay. This is your last night here. Tomorrow I will take you to the pet store after work pick out whatever you want and leave me alone..
Mahi: thanks Neta!
@fish-at-fish-fish-resort mahi go home
#ok so demersal is based off this plush my grandma gave me.#i used to get really bad panic attacks so she gave this bear that had her voice recordings of grounding technique#she also put in corny things like it's ok to cry I have a very love-hate relationship with it so yeah#demersal the grounding fish was based off a teddy bear my grandma gave me#except this is more shallow and empty and is given to soldiers in military it's in all the hospital/ e-ward gifts shops#it's kida like a write of passage (inside joke) in the military to give fellow soldiers the fish plush#as a good job you passed training/ graduated/ survived a very traumatic event#behi gave it to Neta unironically#and ironically#mahi on the emo to punk pipe line and what's more punk then wearing clothes older than you given by your manager#koi-koi being a girls girl letting her granddaughter skipped chores to go on a date#she wants to know everything about the date of course#Baja's mom means well she's just with the times schooling fish used to rely on marriage and dating to be social#now they just stay in their bosses apartment for long periods of time so they won't be alone or share beds with their roommate#i could be wrong feel free to correct me#that moment when you have your first kiss and sapphic experience overseas but if you told your friends they'd think you're lying#bayou the he/him lesbian teenage heart throb yay#I'm being honest I think I might make Cirrina a separate character from the rest of the story#but she's still going to be here but there's also going to be another one outside of this. just a personally mine idk#i want to work on a y2k aesthetic queer girl hood shit and Cirrina and Bayou are perfect for that#neta being the designated babysitter when the parent is at work or too tired to function#he even stayed in the mall after closing because Phoebe's mom had to go to work for an emergency#Ollie is a very obvious ripoff of bluey but that's what the kids and adults with parental issues love so whatever#some Candi lore I guess she went to a military school but never went into the military she's just a jrotc kid but not insufferable#mahi is getting a pet yay#'the pit' is a vat of ink if you misbehave you are put in the pit to dissolve in the ink and left there for a long amount of time#think of it as solitary confinement#neta
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maigetheplatypus57 · 5 months
you know what's... crazy abt the ethoboo thing is that like not even two weeks before I was like. sketching out some oc ideas that were going to be heavily based on like. polyam c!benchtrio + michael in a modern setting bc i wanted to fuck around with being polyam and trans while also navigating parenthood at a young age but again I was making oc designs cause i didn't feel like dealing with mixed feelings over shipping (or just having no one take interest in them Because they dont like benchtrio shipping) but now like. idk I still want to make them ocs cause I love the idea of developing them into an original story but like. fuck it. fuck it the haters! if i can make ran flustered over a guy with a significant age gap then why the fuck should i feel any shame in doing whatever i want with the sillies do it cringe do it scared but most importantly do it in a way thats fun for me!
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okiidokii · 1 year
compilation of all the presentable WIPs (as well as the two actually finished) sticker and charm designs
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astrxealis · 2 years
sometimes . hmm. i remember doing research (that i crammed lol) like, 2 years ago, for school and it was for SOGIE stuff and honestly that was really really enlightening and i'm so glad for what my school makes us do with that sort of thing even if i stress so much
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#based off workspace inequality! tbh i think its kinda funny how if a student specifically researches that it is pretty obvious they are#part of the community LMAO >__< or an ally at the very least but yeah it is very telling#anyways! most i basically knew just using my braincells but it's really fucking appalling some people really don't. it's outright pisses me#off. education is important and i'm really sad either people don't have access to it or they don't properly learn or don't want to#hmm but yeah anyway it was about sogie based problems. i can't remember how it specifically was like but seeing p/4 discourse on twt#that is so ANNOYING but i don't partake it in thank god. but yeah#i think representation is incredibly important and i know firsthand how that is and headcanons are okay but the morals of the story are so#misunderstood and i haven't even actually played the game but i know which people are wrong. and it's sad to me#workspace inequality really fucking sucks and i'm glad i did extensive research on sogie and women based discrimination years back#it's interesting bcs the side of the argument i was first exposed to is now the one i don't agree on#and with that said i hate stubborn people! i am sort of one but in the end i yeah so. but yeah. it's so frustrating#when people don't just want to admit they're wrong. or when they don't want to learn. and i bloody despise it#hm. man i really care a lot about these kind of topics and honestly i despise people who don't#i want to make the world a better place!! and also make my mark on history hehe hashtag ambitious#but yeah :O interesting bcs im a stem person but man humss shit really gets me fr . its my heart#i want computer science / psych / game dev and things like that but i def want smth related to design / writing / social science there too#idk how i'll be able to manage my future but yeah <3#huh. my thoughts have quickly grown off topic but in a way that makes sense#+ i just went thru two webinars today abt overseas studying so >___< aka i'm getting more ready for the fact i want to leave this bullshit#country... but i have mixed feelings abt that too. not in the way i don't want to leave but the fact i hate my country but also No.#yeah. also ofc i know if ever i'll do ehat must be done but i'm scared too of the future and if i leave the ph bcs what does that mean for#me? but i believe in myself! tho ofc i'm still def a bit too young for sure ^^; uhh in any case#i will stop my rambles here but my third thought is that the ph annoys me sm w the people and the country#and the colonial mentality and all but. i want to help out so bad. the poor deserve better. anyways in any case FUCK the rich <333#i hate the rich sooooo much. i wish that the world could just be a better place for us all and i'd gladly let anyone who contributes to the#worse parts of society to just d*e but that can't happen so i'll do what i can to make the world a better place!#and i'm glad my friends sort of seem this way too. def not as yeah as me and lune. and tbh we both don't actually do as much as some other#people we know who really are Out There. but ik i have heart and i really want to make changes and improvements so <3
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god bless every artist who gives vivziepop characters noses in fanart - those designs are so flat and cartoonish it's almost impossible to imagine any nice way they could be drawn as a regular person and yet hh/HB artists manage it so often I'm so impressed 💗
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lovewireds · 3 months
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been meaning to post my designs for these little guys forever. insane splatoon rambling under cut to explain design choices and lore related things ... read my autism boy
btw this is a repost from our art side blog this was written and drawn like months ago <- minorly rewrote some things tho
thx splatoon users drfreeman & drcoolatta for fueling my splatvrai autism brainrot ... i hate u /J
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idk how to explain this but Theoretical Physicist is inkling coded . maybe its cuz splatoon species social hierarchy
Native ink color is Orange, but he has Dark Brown tentacle roots.
Uses custom weapons to attach in place of his prosthetic; It works best with Splatlings but can be adjusted to attach other weapons.
If the thing above didn't make it obvious, he's a Splatling main. He switches out depending on his mood though.
sighhhhh technically an Agent... stares at the ceiling...Main character...
His arm loss is like pretty much the same as in-canon but it's with the octarian army shrugs. don't ask me why he doesn't just regenerate it cuz hes a squid thats for me to know and you to find out. (get partially sanitized loser)
Born & Raised in Inkopolis pre-splashtags; He wasn't informed of the switch to Splashtags being expected when participating in most activities around Inkadia.
I forgot why i made him an inkling why did i do that. I think it was bc i didnt wanna make them all octolings but i was wrong srry we all make mistakes /hj I ALREADY REDREW HIM ONCE IM NTO DOING IT AGAINNN
Native ink color is orange-brown.
His hat has an eye guard for sensory reasons; He covers up as much of his skin as possible because he doesn't like the feeling of foreign ink on him.
He isn't a specific weapon main, he just uses any long-range weapon to minimize the possibility of getting ink on himself. If he has enough guarding, he prefers to use N-ZAP '89.
Makes his own gear for sensory reasons as well :) It's legal when ur dad's the G-Man.
Exclusively plays in Turf Wars, Anarchy Battles, etc with friends. He hates playing with people he doesn't know.
Born in Splatsville !! He feels like a Splatsville resident. His occupation is resident I cannot imagine him doing Anything
His dad is that creepy curtain in one of flounder heights windows /j
Octoling bc I wanted him to be sanitized :) Other than the visual part of being sanitized, I thought him being clinically dead fits /hj also lore reasons below
Pre-sanitization, his native ink color was blue.
Great Turf War veteran; He didn't do anything in the war itself, he was just enlisted lol. He was primarily security for the Octarian Domes in the years after the war. Yes, that also means he is over 100 years old.
"Raised" (debatably) in Octo Canyon.
E-liter main (4-star Base + 5-star Scope) and avid squidbagger. He also uses any heavyweight weapons (dynamo, tenta, etc)
Absolutely hates working at Grizzco, he only does Turf Wars and Anarchy Battles. He only works at Grizzco during Big Runs. The type of guy that does X battles.
Professional Anarchy / Ranked / X Battler btw. That's literally 90% of what he does.
Got on Gordon's azz over him not having a Splashtag; i wonder what that parallels.
Genuinely don't have a lot to say about his design. He gives off Splatoon 2 Octoling vibes (showoff /hj) also i wanted to make his hair wispy like it should be.
Native ink color is a light blue-gray gradient.
The drawing doesn't give it credit but I swear those are glasses not goggles .. they're opaque-colored slanted oval glasses !! ^_^ u can interpret them as spiked or just eyelashes, both are right.
oh also the text under bubby says "Is Best" in some splatoon font we downloaded awhile ago . i think it was ripped from splatnet
Blaster main. I don't know how to explain this one but it feels right.
helps with the practical Map props (ie ink rails) and with some weapon gear manufacturing ^_^ tech guy
Was going to make him an Octoling for the convenience of making his hair curly but i didn't want to make all of them octolings + i think his personality generally fits Inklings more.
Native ink color is an off white gradient.
Slosher main cuz he likes moving his arms. this makes sense to me. Also is a fan of Splatlings and other Shooters.
i felt ill trying to design coomer without making his eyes two lines with eyelids
War Veteran...Stole some octarian tech and got fucked up super limbs. Cyber Inkling stealing from octos !! [inkadia crowd goes wild] /j
anyways outside of the war™ he's a data researcher. just generally. he does shit with splatfests and eggstra work.
If you splashed him with ink he would stand unmoving. He would not shake it off.
Ok i'll be honest the Octoling choice is primarily bc Octolings have the afro style & inklings have no textured hair styles (i didnt have the energy to design smth that could work) . His personality fits octoling too though :3
Native ink color is red-orange.
The fucked up guy that makes those drink effects people never use ( i use them ... )
He doesn't participate in Turf Wars or Anarchy Battles, but he works some gigs at Grizzco for extra cash every once in awhile !
the type of guy that goes after flyfish cuz no one else will . god bles !!!
not a lot to say about his design & his place in inkadia , it kinda speak for itself . he just wants to get by and make his drinks in peace . #autism ... he is pretty much exactly the same as his canon self
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lyss-sketchbox · 8 months
Hot take from someone whos only played genshin as their gacha game but has been paying attention to the many rising gacha games after genshin.
I dont think ill be able to invest as deeply to other gacha games as much as i do genshin. That includes even hoyoverse's other similar games.
I think what genshin has above lots of other anime gacha games is both the character writing AND cultural representation. Idk its probably just me but i really like being able to look at a genshin character and see based solely on their looks their personality and cultural inspiration/home nation is. Unlike say Starrail where its almost indistinguishable where anyone is from (except for some obvious exceptions). Like idk look at Yunjin's opera song and Furina's performance. It fits THEIR character, it makes sense culturally why THEY were the ones performing it, and it represents the culture they came from beautifully. I dont think any other gacha games can pull that off without looking like forced pandering.
Its alot easier for me to invest into a story when the characters and environment has its own distinction and not just a bunch of random ass needlessly asymmetrical clothing and design traits with stats (extra points for being vaguely asian/modern/digital).
I know gacha games just do that they make you want characters. But good design motif and stories will make it so much easier and enjoyable to look at these characters as CHARACTERS and not just UNITS.
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azuphere · 4 months
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ten of pentacles: success, accomplishment, permanence, domestic bliss, wealth, financial stability, and solid foundations. despite any setbacks and challenges, everything will work out in the end. all your effort will eventually pay off and you will be proud of your accomplishments. your legacy will stand for a long way to come.  (sources: 1, 2, 3) 
my submission for @dnptarot, long explanation under the cut!
comparison with the original/most common design for the 'ten of pentacles' card [example on the left]:
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so bc the card centres around accomplishments and a sense of permanency, i rlly wanted to include the phouse somehow - especially the selfie they took when everything in the living room was already set up and they were no longer #boxboys
and in the 'original' tarot card design, the foreground in front of the archway includes a wealthy old man who's accomplishments provided financial security to his family + future generations, and there are family emblems and flags on the wall
so for my card, instead of showing literal generational wealth, the foreground is used to pay homage to a bunch of their old projects/accomplishments - like their tours, awards, radio show, etc. so i like to think of it as past!dnp setting the way for current!dnp to live comfortably and 'everything working out in the end'
and the 'original' card having two dogs was the Perfect reason to include a shiba inu and corgi. and i also had to include the golden pig, seal, and lion and lioness, cause they're literally part of the phamily
and the 'original' card also includes grapevines and moons as symbols, so i incorporated the grapevines on the walls and their clothes. and the moons are incorporated in the moon-inspired rug (which is also a throwback to dan's moon rug which looked dif), and in the pentacle design where each pentacle is a dif moon phase
and the pride over their accomplishments also being represented by them wearing their own merch - dan in the wad merch, and phil in the glitch hoodie. and the green pants were originally inspired by their dapg pyjamas, but i incorporated the grapes instead
and current!dnp being in the background means that i like to think of it as their 'journey' not being over yet. like there are still projects in the works, represented by the tablet/notebook on the sofa and phil's glitch merch originally saying 'to be continued'
and some extra details that are less obvious:
the blue box on the sofa represents the box from the tatinof/tabinof reveal trailer, as another way to represent dnp's relationship with their audience and how their legacy will continue to live on
in the wall mural, i wanted to incorporate truth bombs somehow, so i used ba-bomb (which they have a plushie/statue of in their gaming channel room) with a lil "T" on top. in the same panel, all the lil lines is meant to represent danandphilbeats cause the lines are based on the spotify code for their artist page
i wanted to incorporate their japan trips somehow, so instead of doing the bamboo painting (cause. i couldn't figure out how to draw it sdjfs), i did a pair of koi fish instead. and idk if this goes against standard tarot rules, but since the meaning of the tarot card is different when the card is pulled upside-down, the koi fish will still be upright regardless. so bc koi fish can represent good luck, perseverance, and balance, i like to think of it as a hopeful sign even when the card is upside-down <3
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overanalyzing (nitpicking) these pins (under the cut)
sun's hanging pin: printing error on the ribbon on sun's right hand (yellow instead of red)
this has since been fixed but it's really funny LMAOOOO how did that happen
moon's hanging pin: the ribbons and the hat are going different directions in the artwork (moon's hat falls down but the ribbons don't, most likely because this is essentially just an edited version of sun's artwork)
this one's a little hard to explain. the colors for The Sun and the stars on sun's hanging pin share the same color palette as sun, but the colors of The Moon and stars on moon's pin don't relate to moon's color palette as easily. the star's are the same color as their teeth, but The Moon itself has it's own unique color. it's actually the clouds surrounding The Moon that share a color with moon (same color as their face)
this makes me think that the clouds were added for the sake of sharing colors from moon's face so it's like sun's? but idk that's just a theory lol. imo it's an odd choice to add clouds to it but it's honestly the prettiest part of the pin so i shouldn't complain too much i guess..
"sun and moon" hanging pin: this is obviously based off of eclipse so why are they calling it "sun and moon"? is it because it's not technically ruin eclipse and therefore they can't call it that? that's odd to me. maybe it's for a legal reason. who knows? i certainly don't
the pants don't have any stars even though the hat has them. and this was a purposeful choice. is it because it'd overcomplicate the design? is it a restriction required to make the pin? it's just an odd choice considering it's such a noticeably empty space now
all the dark parts that are meant to represent moon are a weird grey color now and it looks really odd to me. i'm guessing this is just to differentiate them but it's kind of ugly HFJSJGJD
their button's are blue? even though moon's aren't? why
the crators on The Moon on this pin are positioned slightly differently than the ones on moon's. i thought the design was just copy pasted onto this pin but i guess i was wrong? i'm not sure if this even means anything JDJSJFKDG
the bobble head pins: i think their poses are the same as the other's but they've been flipped and edited to differentiate them. this is probably a really obvious observation. regardless i do think it's fun when they parallel each other so i guess i can't complain about how cheap it feels HFJZJGK
there's a weird space between their arm and their ruffles? for sun it's on the left and for moon it's on the right but i can't really figure out why it's there... my guess is that it might've too hard to cut out since it's enclosed in the design, but it's too large of a space to hide it by coloring it in so they had to leave it like that. there's a space like that on the ribbons too so that's probably it. oh well, nothing's perfect
speaking of the ribbons: they're drawn differently between sun and moon! i thought it was just the hands that were changed but i guess the ribbons were too
moon's bobble pin: according to the art for the pin moon's secondary body color is supposed to be a dark blue, however it's so dark that it just looks black on the pin... it's probably more of an oversight than anything but i honestly think it looks kind of cool. i wanna draw it
i think moon's primary body color on the pin is honestly kind of ugly. the color on the art is ok even if it's a little dark but the cyan tint on the pin combined with how dark it is makes it look ugly to me
sun's bobble pin: sun's colors are... a little too yellow for my tastes but are otherwise fine. the colors on the art itself look nicer but i'm aware that the physical coloring doesn't always line up with digital color codes so you can't be too picky about it i guess
sun's secondary body color is technically incorrect (it should be the same secondary color as the face) but it does look nicer like this so just consider this as an observation rather than a complaint lol
the candy shaker pins: i dont have much to say about these (i think theyre nice but a little boring) but i do like how the designs for the bags match the time of day for each of them. the moondrops have a moon with stars and the sunnydrops have a sun with rays of light. it's charming
overall: they're cute i guess... but the fact that there's an entire collection of dca pins makes it so obvious who they're marketing to lmaooooo
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confusedasever · 7 days
I love your human designs!! Did something inspire them? Especially Logans and Virgils
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How I made the human au designs!
All my designs are based off common fandom headcanons I’ve seen and enjoyed. I’m sure it’s pretty obvious lol. I loved taking inspiration from the other amazing human fander artists out there. It’s like a group project also isn’t it cute how the “light” sides hair goes one way and the “dark” sides hair goes the other? That was accidental.
(Fun fact a former dear friend helped with the designs of Patton and Virgil. So props to them. Thanks star!)
The designs:
🌩️Virgil: short, black hair, purple streak to look cool, (the eyes were my friends idea) really good fashion. He’s part of the freckle club. Plus he has pointy elf ears! Often wears earrings and is haunted by the ghosts of his past. My friend did the heavy lifting so if you like Virgil’s design thank them.
🪐Logan: tbh it’s just character designs I like + normal Logan, dark eyes, eye bags, freckles, ties, glasses, why change perfection any more than you have to right? I just draw him like first try every time too it’s scary lol he just appears
🍰Patton: (Another design I got help with) rounder body type, fluffy curly blonde hair, round glasses freckle club member. Manages to look like the worlds cutest man. He’s the only one with a fully rendered drawing. Logan steals his clothes.
🥇🥈Roman & Remus: these identical twins look like Alex and Alex’s evil twin from stardew valley ngl but they’re designs are inspired by Roman typically being coloured tanner than the others. Remus dresses like he wants attention, Roman dresses like he’s a cartoon character. They’re ahoge’s are crowns cause why not?
🐍Janus: first Janus appearance. Pale, angular and blonde. The scales are now a scar that covers most of his body. (Blind and dead on that side) Still managing to slay. Even if he dresses very oddly. Tries to look rich looks lame instead. Kinda a bad person. Sorry Janus at least you still have a hat. I hate drawing hats.
☕️🍬Remy&Emile both have designs but tbh they’re pretty much entirely just ocs me and my friend made very loosely based on sander sides so idk if I’ll ever share them.
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sunthyme · 7 months
Okay, now is technically the last one before my prefect design lol. OOPS I FORGOR fuck well here they finally are lol...
😭Other Side Characters😭
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I drew so many cutie patooties in this batch omg they're adorable. But first we'll kick off with the Royal Blade characters!
Because I'm not spelling out his whole damn name 💀
(he/she/they/it/ whatever pronouns you can think of lol) Genderqueer - Pansexual
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Teehee I forgot to colour in the damn hair clips... I'm gonna kms /j
- Genderqueer cat. Any character based on the Cheshire Cat is genderqueer to me istg. Chenya is no exception.
- I kept most of her design the same but added in some heterochromia for funsies and used those colours for the hair clips and earrings. Xe is also Hispanic, idk it just felt right.
- Totally has ADHD. The impulsive thoughts are obvious with this one and I think that Neige serves as its impulse control. They made like, a pact of sorts (after their Headmage yelled at Chenya for doing something) that Chenya tells Neige whatever the impulsive thought is and Neige either tell Chenya 'No, you can't do that' or 'We can do this instead'.
- Broke asf. I dunno but I feel like Chenya has like the worst habit of impulse buying you've ever seen so they never carry money on they to try and avoid it at Trey and Riddle's recommendation. It's mostly worked as Neige buys anything Chenya needs when they go out anyways.
Speaking so much of Neige,
🐦Neige LeBlanche🐦
(he/him) Transmasc - Biromantic Asexual
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God I love how Neige came out, look at him!!! He's such a cutie patootie omgomg I love him sm
- Anyways, I was fighting my demons to not make him black and I lost. I dunno, we don't have enough sweet, cute black boys in media and that is a crime.
- I gave him some hairclips with cute lil charms on them and some of those silly little acne patches. Idk if he actually has acne, he totally could, but I think he'd wear them either way to like normalise not be ashamed of it, y'know?
- I gave him some cute little apple earrings which were a gift that Rook gave him after a concert with one of his letters lol. He wears most of the jewelry gifted to him at one point or another but he really likes the apple earrings.
- Has a crush on Vil. Idk how popular of a headcanon that is but as soon as they interacted, I felt like it made sense. I love the one-sided rivalry lmao with Vil hating his ass and he's just like, 'Omg, she's so pretty and cool and smart. Wow, I'm so glad we get to work together so much!' It's really funny ngl.k
- Loves to crochet, knit, and sew. All are kinda skills he picked up while caring for the dwarves but they're his favourite to do. He's made Chenya a few sets of mittens (because for some super mysterious reason, they always go missing) and a quilt at some point.
- Likes anything with apples in it, pies, drinks, you name it. Fall is his favourite season because of apple cider alone (otherwise it'd be spring).
Onto the Kingscholars!
🦁Cheka Kingscholar🦁
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He's so cute!!! I love him omg I'd actually love to babysit him look at those eyes
- I kept his design also pretty on model, darken his skin a smidge and textured his hair to match Leona's. Smacked some dimples and birthmarks on as if he wasn't cute enough already.
- The gold eyeliner is like a royal thing, maybe be specific to the crown line or maybe Leona's just too fcking lazy, probably the later.
- He's actually really good at chess. He's played many games with Leona, even though he didn't get it at first, but now he can beat most people who play him (still not Leona lest he really screws up something). Most of his birthdays, he gets a new pretty chess set and he has a little display of them in his room.
Now for his dad! The only character here without a canon design (as far as I know... which I'm upset about).
👑Farena Kingscholar👑
(he/him) - Heterosexual
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I woulda also made a design for his wife but I don' think she even has a name?? So maybe in the future.
- I based him more on Leona, trying to make sure that Cheka didn't just get his trait lmao. I think that he got his piercing actually after Leona got his because the palace staff were criticising him for it so Farena went and got one.
- I dunno, he's giving bi wife energy. It helps that the women of Sunset Savannah are buff and cool and I'm so mad we never saw them 😭😭😭 I wanna see Leona's sister-in-law so bad ;^;.
- He's not as much into the intellectual side of things like Leona is, would rather defeat people with strength which is why the two really don't get along super well. Though I think it's only perceived on Leona's side, I don't think Farena realises how much hurt Leona's had throughout his life.
- Angst aside, he doesn't get much in the way of free time what with all his royal duties and such. His favourite activities are spoiling his family and getting used as a weight for his wife's daily exercise!
We got even more other family characters incoming...
🐍Najima Viper🐍
(she/her) - Bicurious
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Fair warning, I haven't encountered any of the last three characters lol.
- I didn't change much here either, just added some red streaks to her hair and matched her palette to Jamil's.
- I don't know if her age is ever implied but I think she'd be younger than him by like a year. She went to a different school with Kalim's cousin (who they're like besties).
- I feel like Najima didn't get the same set of exceptions set on her growing up and so her relationship with the Al-Asims, while still not necessarily healthy, was nowhere near as damaging. I think that while Jamil definitely envies that, he'd rather die than make her go through the same thing as him.
Up next,
🧢Mama Spade🧢
(she/her) - Bisexual
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Never met her either 😭😭😭
- I based her off my Deuce design and really just added some more piercings. I actually toned down the blonde streaks but I think they'd both have just a few.
- I believe she has a small business??? Or something? I didn't read the wiki but her hat had a delivery service me thinks but I stan her having a small business.
- She loves her son very much and was super excited when she saw his new piercings. Also, super accepting when he came out, obvi and thinks that while Ace is a bit of a rascal, they do click together.
I don't have a ton for her but I want that event to come back pleaseeee 🙏🙏🙏
🐉Meleanor Draconia🐉
(she/they) Agender - Aromantic Pansexual
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- I had so much fun with her horns. I made them more branchy and I think a full grown dragon (well, like an old one) would basically have a web of antlers. I added some purple to the tips for the 🌸aesthetic🌸.
- Also added some wave to her hair. Malleus looked in her spitting image so I figured I'd give Levan's genes a chance lmao. They're also super tall, probably even taller than Mal herself and especially with the horns.
- I think she'd have left some things that Malleus ended up growing up with not realising they were from her, like a hair clasp, some assorted jewelry, a couple toys and items that Lilia gave him when he was old enough. Pieces of her for him to grow up with, y'know?
Anyways, I'm so sorry for this posting without anything lmao I was real tired last night! Prefect is next on the chopping block!
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j3sterth1ngz · 2 months
Finally reworking/redrawing my very first AU ever made! My WoF/UTMV crossover AU, Dragonverse! :)
First starting off with the DoD!
The group bigwings, Classic Sans!
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The resident nightwing, Cross
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The one rescued by chance, Fresh
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The lost princess prince, Geno!
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The ray of sunshine, Dream
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and the one who shouldn't have been, Ink
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Rambles about tribe choices/design aspects below:
Classic: Mudwing just fits him so well imo. Giant cuddly teddy bear dragon. I decided to make Classic the hybrid instead of Sunny/Dream, and choose rainwing as it fits him very well personality wise. Classic is still fire resistant like Clay, however he is soft-scaled! As such, he gets colder faster than the average hard-scaled dragon, and wears a coat almost full time to combat this. The coat is held up by a metal wire that loops through a hole in his wings and connects on his back. Making is easy to unclip and remove if needed.
Cross: Idk what it is about Cross, but he just screams nightwing. I choose purple specifically because that's the OG's blush color. His is one of two DV protags that has a metal tail implant due to the OG's sword being a major part of his character! [The second being Reaper and his scythe]. Cross's eyesight is lil worse than average and I made his pupils dark grey instead of black to try and reflect this.
Fresh: Fresh was a weird one for sure. Given Ink was already a rainwing, I decided to make Fresh the only other colorful tribe, a silkwing. However halfway through the design process I decided to make Fresh albino. A decision decided based off the wingless white dragon in Burn's oddity collection that I theorized was a albino/leucistic silkwing dragonet. Fresh takes the place of that poor dragonet, but instead of being found by Burn's soldiers, he is found by the guardians who reluctantly take him in.
Geno: This was an interesting choice on my part. I feel like Geno fits a sky/mud a lil more however a needed a seawing and I felt that Tsunami's personality fit Geno's decently well for what I needed with a lil tweaks! I love the trope of seawings having words on their tail so I added his name in his glowscales :) Also because of OG Geno only have one eye I decided to have DV!Geno be blind in their right eye, as shown by the milky pupil.
Dream: Sunny and OG Dream are so similar it just felt right for him to be a sandwing. Dream originally didn't have brown splotches and that was added when I was redesigning him to make him a lil more unique design wise and because of his father being a brown sandwing. Dream has brown-blue heterochromia, a last minute thing because of Nightmare also having blue eyes.
Ink: Him being a rainwing is so obvious tbh. Colorful rainbow dragon that can change color just screams Ink. However instead of bright, colorful, cheerful, and obnoxious, I went with dull, battle-scarred, stern, and cynical. Glory was emotionally and possibly even physically abused in book, and by extension so is Ink, so I wanted to reflect this in his design and personality! [Maybe I'm wrong but I don't recall Glory's trauma being explored or even resolved at all? If anything she just gets better off page and this is something I want to change with Ink]
Sans by Toby Fox Cross by Jakei Fresh and Geno by LoverofPiggies Dream by Jokublog Ink by Comyet Dragonverse/Designs by Me :)
Geno's design and Fresh's body paint design were made by vapor-on-the-sunset and troztolkrii on DA, respectively
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Small thing: but I think the similarities between the Butterfly and Peacock also come from how they’re both brooches. Since the Miracle Box is so big, and there are more boxes besides that one, I can understand repeating jewelry types (necklaces and bracelets seem to be a common one), but since the Butterfly and Peacock are within the same “tier” (between the yin-yan and the zodiac) and being right next to each other in the box makes it way more obvious, not to mention that the villains got the only brooch jewels of the set.
For comparison, here are the other jewel match-ups:
Necklace: Fox, Mouse; collar/choker variant: Dragon, Dog (4 total)
Bracelet: Turtle, Snake; anklet: Pig (similar enough lol) (3 total)
And just so I don’t have to send a 2nd ask, here are the power similarities I’ve noticed beyond the Butterfly-Peacock one:
Ladybug - Goat
- Creation: “Lucky Charm”
- Passion: “Genesis”
Black Cat - Purple Tiger
- Destruction: “Cataclysm”
- Elation: “Clout” (it’s an explosion, so I actually have no idea how that relates to either word, but whatever…)
Horse - Rabbit
- Migration: “Voyage”
- Evolution: “Burrow”
- (Both transport you)
(no, not Rabbit and Snake, since the Snake is specifically loops)
Fox - Pig (here me out)
- Illusion: “Mirage”
- Jubilation: “Gift”
- (Both make you see things that aren’t there lol)
Turtle - Ox
- Protection: “Shell-ter”
- Determination: “Resistance”
- (Both are protective)
- Transmission
- Emotion
- Pretension: “Sublimation” (and actually that call word makes no sense for this bc sublimation means “conversion of a substance from the solid to the gaseous state without its becoming liquid”- I guess they were basing it on sublime? Idk)
So it’s not just the villain powers that are too similar. They just made 19 different magic jewels and couldn’t bother to actually make unique powers for all of them
(Post that spawned this ask for context)
I agree on all accounts! It really comes across like they made the powers up as they went. It's also super clear that the powers were designed based on what they wanted to do story wise and not around uniqueness. For example, an easy fix to the rabbit-horse problem is to make it so that the rabbit can't transport others, but then we can't do things like Chat Blanc and so the canon rabbit has to stay a better version of the horse. No wonder Kaalki is so obsessed with image! She must feel like she's always living in Fluff's shadow power-wise.
I'm also not surprised that there's some overlap with the miraculous' designs once we get to the zodiac miraculous (19 unique accessories is pretty hard to pull off and that's just the main box!), but you'd think that the original seven wouldn't have any overlap since they're clearly the starting point for it all design wise, meaning that they should have been given the most care. Then again, there's hard evidence that the peacock didn't exist as late as early drafts of Origins and it's the only one that feels derivative of the original set, so maybe it was just something that they threw together last minute.
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Thoughts below the cut, ID in alt!
SO: Caine is still the ringmaster, and the others may or may not be there, but for what I was specifically thinking, this is a sort of replace-the-cast thing. The most obvious two are Gordon as Pomni and Coomer as Kinger. I was thinking Bubby could be a Zooble equivalent, Benrey as Jax, and Tommy as Ragatha. Darnold would be left in Gangle's spot (though the two are nothing alike), and Forzen would have been Kaufmo.
I picked and chose names based on how weird they were GFDHJSAK
So, normal names like Gordon or Tommy got replaced, while unconventional ones like Benrey and Bubby are the same.
Leodoll is a play on Leo, meaning lion, and doll, which is. obvious.
Asher Blau literally means "happy blue." They're both Jewish names (from what I understand, PLEASE tell me if I'm wrong here), and of course Asher is a double play on Ash, like fire.
Beybend is a play on "Beyblade," while also suggesting Tommy's new flexibility
Benji Calzone is funny
Gotcher is a play on tamogotchi and Kinger's name (or, the last part of Coomer's original name)
The designs are also a play on their personalities, going off the theory for the show that that's the case (like Ragatha being a bit of a doormat and Jax being a jackass)
Gordon: Plush lion. Fierce, brave, and strong, but also a huge softie. Makes others feel better and/or safe.
Bubby: Mime action figure. Going off the idea of him being in the tube like how mimes usually start their routines pretending to be in boxes. Also his joints CAN detatch and re-attach, so something something symbolism somthing he was built instead of born something
Tommy: Heavily inspired by Betty Spaghetty. Literally really flexible, playing into the idea of him having really good instincts/adaptability.
Benrey: LEGO ass. Wanted to play into the idea of his shapeshifting, and also stepping on LEGOs sucks and you KNOW he'd find that funny. Moves like Queen Whatevawanabe (how do you spell her name?) from The Lego Movie 2. Also I liked the idea of he and Gordon being opposites: Gordon is soft, Benrey is hard. You cannot really change Gordon's appearance at all, Benrey's is MEANT to be changed, ect. I like stuff like that idk
Coomer: Tamogatchi. Easy. You ever seen Wreck-It Ralph? He moves like the Nicelanders from that movie, but with a lot more casual glitching. His speech pattern is basically identical to canon. My guy has ADHD and a terrible memory, so although he's kind, he's not super reliable. He's been here for a LONG time.
I do not know what Forzen and Darnold would look like.
Sunkist is one of those lil ducklings on wheels little kids play with, but ofc a dog instead of a duck.
If/when Joshua shows up, Gordon would be SO upset. Relieved as well, but mostly concerned. I was thinking he could either be a lion, too, cuz the idea of a lion cub is SO CUTE, but I think him being a horse makes more sense for his personality. Cowboy horsie!
Before anyone asks, yes, Gordon DOES run on all fours if he wants to be faster
I have zero idea as to where Gman fits into this. Maybe he MADE the program, I don't know.
Anyway, yeah! :)
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