#idk if it's just me but the attitude on here has shifted slightly?
edgepunk · 5 months
idk lately it seems like you constantly have to be energetic and upbeat online, screaming in caps in the tags and I'm not that kind of person. just cause I'm not yelling in the tags doesn't mean I'm in a bad mood or that I dislike someone. I don't have that kind of personality nor energy to constantly act like that, to me it's very exhausting to put up that kind of persona
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luvvictoria · 3 months
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𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣
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( ♡ ) pairing : kokushibo x fem!MoonHashira!reader
( ♡ ) warning : f!reader, NOT PROOF READ , kinda cringe , idk bro, suicide metion , reader kinda suicidal and fucking dumb
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An old shrine stands in disrepair, surrounded by a peaceful moat. Under the Sakura tree's gentle light, a bridge links the mainland to this holy site.
In the darkness, a silhouette emerges. With three pairs of eyes, or a total of six, the central pair displays the characters for "Upper Moon" and "One", casting an eerie glow as they gaze down at the pristine water.
The man seems to detect the entity's existence, yet remains unfazed by its presence.
As you were strolling towards the shrine, you abruptly halted in your path, your eyes widening slightly and your lips parting in astonishment at the sight of Upper Moon One. Your gaze shifted from Upper Moon One to the shrine, and you proceeded to walk towards it.
The Upper Moon One gazes into the water beneath, appearing deep in contemplation. His pale skin reflects the moonlight, creating an otherworldly radiance.
The stillness is tangible, with only the soft ripple of the water and the gentle fluttering of Sakura petals breaking the silence. Suddenly, the man breaks the quietude by asking, "Are you lost…or maybe, here to face me in a challenge?"
You swiveled your head to face the demon , you eyes looking over his figure " I'm here for the shrine . " You said as you turned to face the remnants of what had once been a beautiful place, you spoke " I am not to stir things up "
His eyes narrow as you speaks, seemingly surprised by your non-confrontational attitude. His gaze sweeps over your form, analyzing every detail. He studies the way you moves, the way you speak , the calmness of your demeanor . Then, a small chuckle escapes his lips, a sound that seems to come from the depth of his chest. He takes a few steps towards you "You're a Hashira, correct?"
You purred in approval, remaining perfectly still , your gaze sweeping over the remnants of the shrine . The moon's gentle glow illuminating the sacred grounds.
Kokushibo remains captivated by your presence as you gracefully survey the remnants of destruction. His gaze remains transfixed on the ethereal luminescence that delicately dances upon your serene countenance. A flicker of intrigue flickers within his eyes, for this Hashira, with her tranquil disposition and absence of hostility, defies his expectations "A Hashira who does not yearn for battle? How remarkably extraordinary you are."
You emitted a soft chuckle and gracefully turned your head to gaze upon the demon standing before you. "An Upper Moon that has no desire to devour me? How peculiarly extraordinary you are," you remarked, your voice laced with a hint of admiration. With a gentle smile, you then shifted your gaze upwards, allowing the moon's ethereal glow to envelop you, cherishing its celestial beauty. Kokushibo's expression remains stoic, but there is a flicker of amusement in his eyes. He had to admit, your retort was unexpected and somehow intriguing to him. "Touché." His gaze follows yours as it drifts towards the moon overhead. A brief moment of silence passes between you, filled only by the soft sound of the wind and the crickets in the grass. "You seem to cherish the moon, just as much as I do."
You crooned melodiously, your eyes never leaving the moon. The wind danced through your hair with a delicate touch. "Being the Moon Hashira, the moon holds the utmost value to me," you crooned, your hands playing with your haori.
Kokushibo scrutinizes you closely, his eyes focused on the way you gracefully fiddle with the hem of your haori, the material flowing smoothly under your caress. A glint of curiosity shimmers in his gaze, as he encounters a human unlike any other. One who regards him not with fear or malice, but with a gentle sense of peace. "A Moon Hashira? That clarifies the lack of aggression," he chuckles softly, his voice resonating with a low, melodic tone.
As you gazed upon the demon before you, your eyes shimmered with curiosity. A sharp intake of breath, you observed the intricate details of his katana. Your gaze then drifted towards his elegant haori, a silent acknowledgment of his presence. Yet, an innate intuition stirred within you, resonating with a sense of familiarity. With a composed demeanor, you uttered the words, "You're also using the Moon Breathing technique, aren't you ?"
Kokushibo raised a eyebrow as he heard your words. You were observant and sharp, he could give you that "Impressive." His voice is tinged with approval as he speaks, his gaze still fixed on you. The way you had figured out his breathing style so quickly was intriguing to him.
"Tell me, what is your name? I don't believe we've been formally introduced." The man's unwavering gaze remains fixated on you, curiosity evident in your eyes. As he asked you this question, he shifted his weight slightly, the movement causing the fabric of his kimono to ripple gently in the night air.
With a graceful demeanor, you gazed up at the demon before you, a faint smile playing on your lips as a soft chuckle slipped past them. "I am [name] [last name]," you purred, your voice smooth and confident as you met the demon's gaze with unwavering determination. " the Moon Hashira."
Kokushibo's eyebrows raise slightly in surprise upon hearing your name. The name "[last name]" seems familiar to him, but he cannot quite place it. His eyes dart to your face again, studying your features once more "[last name]…"
He repeats the last name slowly, the sound of the word rolling off his tongue. He pauses for a moment, the cogs in his mind turning as he tries to recall something "I don't recall an [last name] Hashira in the past records."
With a gentle smile, you gazed at the demons and let out a soft chuckle, "I am the inaugural Hashira in my lineage." Your laughter filled the night air as you lifted your eyes to the moon, feeling the cool breeze tousle your hair. Your gaze shifted from Kokushibo to the moon, and you inquired, "What is your name?"
Kokushibo watches as you laughs softly, the sound of your giggle catching him off guard. It's been a very long time since anyone had laughed like that in his presence, with such carefree ease. As you turns your gaze back to the moon, he watches the way the night breeze plays with your hair, the strands shifting gently in the soft wind.
"My name... it's Kokushibo." He responds, his voice a low rumble in the silence of the night.
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xalicitie · 7 months
Take Care of Me — Paul Maud’dib Atreides (smut)
Leila is Chani’s trusted crony. While Chani and Paul share a passionate and intimate love for one another, as Paul embraces his role as Lisan Al-Gaib, Chani encounters detrimental trouble in dealing with his new persona and thus turns to Leila as a channel for her frustration. Leila has been Paul’s own medic for a day, and returning to his chambers to treat an opened wound, she takes her frustration out on him. And yet, she finds out he’s frustrated, too.
The full story will be posted on AO3–HAHA. Just kidding. I have no fucking motivation anymore and it’s killing me. If I manage to fill in a few scenes on this story, then it will make it onto AO3. The full story starts a few scenes ahead of this.
Also, this is based on the movies. I’m reading book 1 now, but I wrote this pretty early on. A lot of the stuff probably won’t make sense in the Dune world. If u have a problem suck my cokkk
Isn’t it obvious I like medic smut scenarios
Also if u want the ending of this tell me! idk if the Dune fandom will welcome me here🙏
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I enter Paul Maud’Dib Atreides’ chambers for my second round—and yet within my circumstance, and the unfortunate display of events that have fallen into place, instead of knocking, I barge through.
I find Usul confined to his bed, blood gushing through his white garment.
“Leave.” I pronounce with an impatient tongue. The nurses at Usul’s side take a look at me, and with silent agreement, rush off and through his grand doors.
Usul dons a blank countenance, slightly embellished with the graze of concern. More prominently, however, I can see physical pain in his eyes. I try not to let him uncover that this deeply perturbs me.
“Now why in the fucking world would you do this to yourself?” I demand. My footsteps boom through the lifeless room, my lips stiff with inhibition.
He sits there for a second, gaping up at me slightly, plainly confused.
“Excuse me?”
I know this is the Messiah. And I understand that he could have me thrown off the planet for speaking to him in such a wretched way. But with this, I uncover in myself boiling rebellion.
“Damnit, don’t gape at me.” I snarl a bit. I can feel my indignation running wild, through a pounding chest and through my mindless mouth.
“Sit up.”
He does, silently. I’m grateful.
“Take this off.”
I gesture to his shirt. He does this, too.
I come around with a cloth. Staring down at him, I survey the image—he’s bleeding out. Quickly, at that. He messed up his stomach wound considerably. His toned stomach is scaled with blood, a red, filthy gash on his left side. My heartbeat chases a pounding rhythm. Holy shit: he might fucking die.
My inhibition snaps.
“Nevermind. Screw it. Lay against the headrest. Be careful, you damned fool.”
Usul groans as he backs into his bed. “I was told I was getting nursed, not chastised.” He seethes through a set of clamped teeth.
“Yes, well, you managed to ruin your binding. I can see it took an incredible amount of effort, too.” I climb into the bed. Barring off any uncomfortable undertones, I crawl towards him.
“Yet I also don’t need a fucking coach right now, Leila. I need a medic.” I feel his hot breath lingering in the air near; I snap my face towards his. His gaze is unwavering, and I can see his studying gaze, his brow twitching calculatingly.
I’m a frazzled mess—I can tell as my eyes twitch that’s it’s painfully obvious.
I flinch suddenly. My gaze wanders, and I find warm, masculine digits consuming mine.
“You need to stop shaking, damnit.”
His quiet yet pregnant words resonate with me and into my weak, distressed body. I fall still. With his palm against my aching fingers, I find the quickest respite.
“Focus. I will not die.”
“Did you prophesize that, hm?”
“No. I trust you.”
My eyes flutter shut. I inhale a tremulous breath. He’s right—I can’t work in my state right now. But if I want to do as much as merely stopping the bleeding, I’ll have to shift my attitude. Swiftly.
My mind doesn’t dare wander towards Chani. It would be custom for me to turn to her for strength, but the mental image of her mainly brings about animosity. Instead, I focus here, now—on Usul’s palpable heat, in his hands and in the heavy scent of his presence.
I take a moment. A moment, quietly finding my peace and my lost, inner instinct.
After many prolonged breaths, I sit up.
And I get to work.
“This is going to hurt. You might want to lay down.”
Silently, he obeys me.
My skills succumb to my mind. I work intensely—I dab the cloth into his thick blood, which stains his alabaster skin. As I work, a few meager thoughts roam my mind: I doubt no Fremen wouldn’t pay their wage for a touch of his blood, I ponder. Being so intimate with his mortality brings everything into scope; Usul has a power only rivaled by Emperors, Kings, and Queens, however any hit can be fatal. Without Paul, the Fremen lose their symbol and their incentive. But, well, no pressure.
On the other hand, I’m notably grateful for his compliance. And I’m even further impressed with his determination too, in refusing to speak a single word nor a mere sound. As I uncover my own tenets, and I come out of Chani’s shadow, I’m starting to realize.. my favor isn’t entirely for Chani.
A bowl of water arrives with a nurse. Thanking her and sending her off, I near Usul again.
“Does this have to do with Chani?”
As I begin to clean his wound, I talk pointedly, inquiry woven into my tone.
His voice comes eventually, but he groans when I pour the sacred water directly onto his gash. His bony fingers twitch and attach onto the mattress, grasping lightly.
“-Did she tell you anything?” He utters begrudgingly.
“Mhm.” I answer.
“Is that why you’re in a mood?”
Water pools onto his stomach, which is hard with muscles, rising and falling with his trained breaths. It slips onto the bed, wetting it gradually by the second.
“I questioned you first.” I demand.
I can smell his eyes rolling a mile away.
“Yes. I attempted .. reaching her. She’s more stubborn now than I recall.”
I nod involuntarily. Stubborn was a nice word.
“So, you’re not her minion anymore?”
My focused brows shoot up. I drive my mien into his.
“Do you want me to screw up your wound?”
Trickles and little indications of nerves meander through my body. I realize I’ve paused my work, and with a surge of purpose, I return.
“I don’t dislike the change. You’re finding yourself.”
I bite my gum. “So I have been a nobody until now?”
I draw a cloth, lathered with soap around the borders of his wound. He mumbles something, maybe a curse, before speaking again.
“It’s gratifying to see you.. not so impressionable.”
I really do hate being timid and gullible sometimes. Thus, the reason Chani’s been such a magnetic force of my life. She has stiff, ardent opinions, and a defensive stance. Her caution keeps her ready to strike.
But I know this persona is who I am. Even now, with a callous expression discoloring my soft features, I understand—this isn’t me.
“Well, I can’t take care of you forever.” I speak with disdain, brushing away my probing thoughts. “Whatever you do in your pastime isn’t my business, but if you manage to break through this dressing a second time, for whatever reason, I’m getting another nurse to manage your carelessness.”
I hear a smile. “Yes ma’am.”
“Do you know what it is to be a nurse?” I begin. “No. You fight, and you thrust your blade at any living thing. We clean up. We witness the rubble of war, and we tend to the malignant products of violence.” I set the now empty bowl aside, my eyes cast far into the monochrome walls.
“You can’t afford to be careless. You’re the Messiah, Usul. And I surely cannot, either. I mess up, and you’re blood’s on my hands.” I pause. “In this very moment, we’re linked—so I just want you to do your part, as I do mine.”
“So I’m the source of your ire.”
My face scrunches into a frazzled frustration. “Did you hear anything I just said?
“I won’t mess up again. You can trust me.” I rest there, sitting above his body as my fingers dress his wound with ointment, a stone-cold countenance on my face. “What bothers you?”
I bite my gum grimly. “Don’t provoke me.”
“But if you keep your anger confined, what else might invoke it?”
“This isn’t the time for this, Usul.”
My fingers halt, propped against his warm skin as I meet eyes with Usul.
“I would rather you call me Paul.”
I search my mind. Does anyone other than Chani call him Paul? His mother, of course. And Gurney, obviously. But the list drags to a stop there.
Is he marking the enhancement of our friendship? Maybe he’s egging me into transferring information. Altogether, it puzzles me.
Alas, I disregard my selfish thoughts. It’s foolish of me to pleasure myself with the thought that I might mean something special to the Lisan Al-Gaib. Sighing, I rise from my position.
“Okay, Paul.”
I turn to the table at my flank, taking up a pristine, fresh sheet of dressing into my hands. “Sit up against the headrest. ..Please.”
He does so without complaint once again. I approach him apprehensively. The silence is disarming. I can feel his gaze on me like a cool, unshakeable breeze.
As I begin my work, I succumb to his request.
“Counsel-Member Sarat has been my patient for the past week.” I swallow my shame while my fingers press into Paul’s stomach, attaching the covering gingerly. “He died today. Of infection. And .. and the counsel thought it fit for me to be demoted from my position as head nurse since, inherently, the war has ‘dulled my senses and muted my skills’. They’re rather unyielding in their blame, which they’ve..” I laugh dully. “..brutally pinned on me.”
“They’ve stripped you of your title as head nurse?”
“Mhm.” I confirm gently. It feels that, if I speak a decibel louder, I might crackle and fall apart.
“Give me an hour; I’ll give you your title back.”
“..Paul, it is not your place.” I tell him with warning eyes.
“What do you mean? Why not?”
“I-“ I grunt out an intermittent groan. “Do you really care if I’m head nurse or not?”
“You’re the best in your field. I’ve seen it, I witness it this very moment. Ignorance runs through the council, it’s rather obvious.”
If my complexion warrants it, I blush. I haven’t heard kudos of such high acclaim of late, or.. ever, perhaps. Hardness and disdain may have encrusted my heart, but his words seem to chip at the layers with ease.
“Just, don’t act yet.” I say carefully. “Today has been enough for me. A prolonged night of sleep might just be enough to relieve me of this stress.”
I apply one last morsel of pressure into his side with my palm, scrutinizing the dressing. Immediately, the strings of responsibility lay off of my shoulders. He’s alive, breathing, and his stomach is marked by white linen rather than the thick, maroon tints of his precious blood.
“And you. Our deal?”
I look for understanding in his face, yet I’m met with gentle confusion. I roll my eyes.
“Take care of yourself. Don’t fuck your wounds up, and I don’t have to stress about you.”
“Mmm, because you care so much about me?”
He says this blandly and with a husky tone. I chuckle, falling cocky. “You know what I mean-“
Something warming creeps up my waist. My eyes drawn to the sensation, I look down to see Paul’s hand at my side.
I lift my head. I’m met with his eyes—blue and slitted, brushed by the shadow of the dim light at the end of the spacious room. The cold throb of the air suddenly becomes terribly tangible.
Suddenly, I know. As he holds my gaze, as he holds me, I know. Every stalking thought of my intuition was valid—the prickles of tension were never figments of my wild imagination. That look, that look of his is polluted with infatuation.
I press myself away from him. “What is—what are you-”
“Just stop, Leila.”
His fingers dig a little into my skin. Suddenly, my walls are up. My shoulders surrender to stiffness; my breath refuses to release.
He leans in closer, stealing meager inches of the mattress.
“Isn’t it easier this way? We’re both stressed out of our minds, it hurts, I know. I can relieve you of your pressure, Leila-“
“You jest!”
I push him away with incredulous palms. This shocks me just as much as it does him.
“Chani. We both care for her—is this what you imply?! For two of her loved ones to betray her in one night?-”
“What is there to betray?!”
With a quickness I’m unable to fathom, we are then a mess of limbs; his legs have crawled forth and are propped onto mine, his arm bridging the distance, deft fingers bordering the brink of my neck and shoulder.
Not a wisp of breath sprouts from inside of me.
“She is frustrating. I know you’re angry with her, with how you so unabashedly project. You’re awfully transparent.”
“You are a cocky bastard.”
Paul tilts his head, as if saying ‘see?’. I stifle a curse from spilling out, off my flaring tongue.
Warmth spreads like wildfire at my hip, as his left hand claims its spot. The thumb of his right ventures over my jaw and to my cheek, while his remaining digits curl around my neck. I repress a shudder, as well as a susurration at my mouth—one that would surely betray me.
“Don’t you see?” He says it so low, his voice crackles in its sudden baritone as he speaks. “Let me take care of you.”
My eyes flutter shut. My mouth gapes slightly; he leans closer and closer.
“You are Chani’s. Chani is yours.”
“You know that's not true.”
My breath trembles audibly. I can hear it in the thick air.
“Why don’t you act on your own desires?”
“How arrogant do you have to be? I do not desire one morsel of you-“
“Ah, I’ve yet to see you pull back.”
My lashes flutter, opening my eyes so that I can witness a peek of the image in front of me: he breathes me in like oxygen, as if he might suffocate any moment. I can see two slits of blue, their light dawning on me and onto the amalgamation of our intimate shadows.
“I'm afraid I know you better than you know yourself, Leila..”
I breathe in, desperately attempting to sort out my visceral thoughts. Maybe a mere moment of preparation, maybe just a little time ..
Yet he denies it. I breathe in, and Paul Atreides has ensnared me with his lips.
The power he has over me is, in itself, terrifying. I mold underneath his touch, every contiguity setting my skin aflame. Paul kisses like a savage—as we sway, his tongue slithering hungrily between my lips, our mouths a battle of uncertainty and voracity, I see him in a different light. The stiff, self-controlled, solemn boy stripped of his armor is revealed to be an animal, just like any other man.
He must be stressed out of his mind. His movement is desperate, his lips feral. His body snakes over me as my hands brush against his skin—each finger passing a rib one by one, drinking in his warmth. Skin of the Messiah.
Even if I refuse to merge with the Fremens’ united belief, I understand well, with awe and terror, Paul’s title and his power. It chills me, through flesh and into the cavern of my soul: I contact the armor of a royally begotten warrior, and I am all the same groped by the hands of a mighty killer.
Chani. Chani. Chani.
I miserably try to redirect my focus. It shocks me how insanely hungry I am for him—it never occurred to me that I had affection for Paul, but my desire flows copiously. I think back on Chani. I attempt to meditate and recall their love and what strife I’m paving.
And yet my body betrays me, These thoughts, even further, backfire.
I am angry. I am tired, and worn from Chani’s groping. The circumstance is rousing something in me—a beast of a feeling, a pit of animosity. Without caution, I shove Paul into the headrest.
“Stay still.”
I climb onto him. I look down, and find his glimmering blue eyes consumed with startled shock.
“Don’t you care about your wounds at all?”
I kiss him. I trap him against the head of the mattress, letting my hands run wild. With his waist bearing my weight, I begin to steadily ride his crotch.
Paul isn’t mine. In a perverse way, this motivates me further—he could be using me as a channel of relief or as a source for his irate, and he might even be infatuated with me. Yet once I’m immersed in my drive, and I’ve established a tantalizing pace to bounce over and over on his hard-on, I realize: I don’t really care. I want this, and I’ll take my goddamn share.
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acti-veg · 8 months
do u feel like the attitude of antiveganism is shifting on tumblr? i feel like it is maybe becoming slightly less vocally antivegan here. it's always been the one website where i have to unfollow people for being so horrible about animal rights and idk what it is about this site (maybe the fact that other social medias that i use are largely not american?? idk). but lately maybe less? how do you feel about the antiveganism in tumblr in general?
Tumblr has a large group of users who have been here for ten years or more, and remain just as conservative on animal issues as they were back then because the nature of this place means they get a constant supply of misinformation, babying, back patting and confirmation bias from each other. That’s why we see the same six posts over and over, just slightly rephrased. They may as well just be screaming ‘please validate me.’
Newer users however, especially younger leftists who are used to real world leftist spaces where vegetarianism and veganism are just part of the fabric of progressive groups, seem to find the anti-vegan arguments here as bizarre as we do. I think that this is what you’re seeing, and I hope this continues.
Honestly, if any of the rampant anti-vegans here would just get off tumblr and try to do any activism among just about any leftist community they’ll find out that their views on animal rights and veganism are more in line with right wingers than anyone else. These views are generally just extremely regressive in 2024, it’s only on tumblr that they feel like a majority leftist opinion.
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Drunken Confessions
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note: Hello!1 I'm having brain rot and currently procrastinating on my research paper. and instead, I wrote this. This is the first fic I've ever written, so please be kind! Please excuse any grammatical mistakes (I wrote this at 2 am). I don't know if anyone will actually read the shit that I post here, but I'm just gonna use this blog as a creative outlet. Love ya'll and enjoy
SUMMARY: You are sad because of Jake Lockley. You are drunk. You tell him that you are sad in your drunk state. That's it.
Pairing: Jake Lockley x gn!Reader (Marc and Steven mentioned)
Rating: fluff! and angst?? Kissing. idk
Warnings: ***I DO NOT HAVE DID** Unrealistic depiction of DID. If I wrote something that is offense, please let me know and I'll fix it ASAP. mentions of alcohol. Established relationship. No use of y/n.
Word Count:900
♥ ♥ ♥
Drinking when sad is never a good idea. But when your friends drag you along their bar hopping adventures on a Saturday in London, you already knew that getting pissed drunk was inevitable even before the night began. 
Your shit attitude tonight didn’t arise from the fact that you were late to your work today or because your boss chewed you out for a mistake your co-worker made on a report, but rather something- or someone- else. Jake Lockley. 
It’s so stupid. You know Jake. He’s a night owl and your schedules don’t really match up. He didn’t mean for it to happen but you guys have just been out of sync lately. And before he knew it, it had almost been 2 weeks since you last saw each other. But as the days went on, you couldn’t help but feel that a piece of you was missing- like a black and empty void growing bigger and bigger everyday. 
You guessed that tonight (plus the alcohol) was the final straw, the tipping moment that sent you into a dizzy nightmare of paranoia. Or more realistically, your sobriety had left you along with your rationale and critical thinking skills, because by the end of the night, you had fallen into the deep conspiracy that Jake was avoiding you. He didn’t love you anymore and never wanted to see you again. 
And before you could clear your head of this catastrophe of a thought, you were at their doorstep. Still drunk and wobbly. 
Slowly, you give three knocks on the door and it opens almost immediately- it’s Jake. You figure (even in your drunken state) from his hat and tie that he is on his way out for the night shift as a cab driver. It’s Saturday night, so yeah. A lot of drunk strangers are probably looking for a ride back home at this hour. 
But right now, you see him. In his white shirt. A little scruff of a beard. You didn’t mean to cry, but you couldn’t help the tears that fell fervently at the beautiful sight of him. 
“Mi vida?! What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?”
Of course his mind would go to that. But instead of answering, you just look at him with glassy eyes and a slight frown. His eyes are blown open with concern and his brows in a furrow. His hands are readily reaching out in a desperate attempt to comfort you.
You subside the tears for a moment to gather the courage to ask him the impending question that has been bothering you for the past couple hours.
“Jake.. Where have you been? I missed you..”
His face relaxes and tilts slightly up in realization. He pulls you inside the flat by the waist and holds you close. 
“Lo siento mi alma… I’ve been so busy lately. I’ve neglected you.”
Your heart breaks silently at his words. Here’s Jake, busting his ass on his job. Dealing with annoying drunks every night and coming home at the crack of dawn. And you’re selfishly centering yourself in his problems. You look up at him with a face somehow sadder than before.
“No, no. Don’t be sorry. you didn’t do anything wrong. I- I just thought you didn’t want to see me anymore. I’m sorry.”
“That's insane mi corazón, you know that. But I'm so sorry for making you feel that way. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“It's just.. just sometimes I'm too sensitive I guess. And.. I feel like I'm not there for you when you need my support or anything else.”
You choke on your words as they come up. In an attempt to fight the tears that are on the verge of spilling, you bite your lower lip and bury your face into his chest, soaking up his white shirt.
Jake gently cups your face in his big hands and tilts it to meet your gaze. He looks at you with his puppy dog eyes that kind of remind you of Steven. But unlike Steven, his look carries a sternness behind them. It's a bittersweet look, but it tells you that he's here for you. And he is serious about you.
“No. You’re perfect for me. You don't owe me anything. And I’ve missed you too, angel. so much.”
“I care about you Jake. I wanna know what you’re up to, y’know? I wanna hear about your day..”
“I know love. I’ll come out more often I swear. I guess I didn’t want to bother when you spend time with Steven or Marc.” 
Your heart swoons at him concerning over your relationship with the other moonboys. You love them all equally so so much. 
And the truth is, of course Jake missed you. Everything about you. But for him, just seeing you through the eyes of Marc and Steven was enough. The mere sight of you gave him all the strength he needed to go on about his day. He just forgot for a second that you also need him as well. The thought makes his heart warm and he smiles. 
“I wanna spend time with you too, dumbass!” you reply.
You both start laughing and before you know it, you’re kissing him. It's a little sloppy, given your state, but it's with earnest conviction. You kiss him like he’s water and you’re dying of dehydration on a blazing desert. It’s a kiss that’s gentle yet powerful, both parties so needy but cautious. It’s crazy. You didn’t know you were capable of giving and receiving so much love before meeting these three. And you thank the stars for letting their paths cross with yours. 
To your disliking, you part from his lips. 
“When do you have to leave?” you ask.
He checks his phone for the time.
“In thirty or forty minutes? Why?”
At his response, you crash your lips back onto his face and push him to the bedroom. 
♥ ♥ ♥
THANK YOU FOR READING. Maybe ill write a part two if I can gather the courage to write smut.. As of now, I can't do it without getting into a laughing fit all alone in my dorm, making me look like the JokerTM. (I think my roommates are worried).
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I came back for you
Word count: 2123
Genre: Angst but happy end
Pairing: Natasha x gn!reader
Warnings: Abusive prison/government (let me know if I need to add any)
Request: Hey, so this is kind of a weird request, but could you do a Nattie x Powered! Reader during Civil War, where Nat, of course, is on Tony's team, and the Reader is trying to keep the peace between the two teams. Maybe the government takes (Y/n) and puts her in a shock collar like Wanda's because they think she was on Steve's team? Sorry this is so weird . . .
Summary: You are neutral in the fight, or so you think before you are told you can't be and are taken away with the rest of Cap's team.
A/n: Thanks @thewidowsghost for requesting this! Honestly I didn't plan on writing anything or posting anything today but I saw that I had a little bit of this done and to be honest my day has sucked so I needed a distraction and this worked perfectly. Also I could someone tell me how the formatting looks? I'm trying the new beta editor and I think I'm doing things right but idk. Anyways I hope you all enjoy!
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As you take in the scene that surrounds you you can’t believe that you once considered everybody to be a big weird family. Certainly none of them are acting like it now. It breaks your heart to see them on opposite sides, throwing themselves at each other because apparently their personal beliefs are more important than their friends.
Neither of them are right or wrong in your opinion. There’s too many factors and both options suck, it’s the government’s fault for placing the team in this situation. However you are not happy with the way anyone is handling it, especially Steve, Tony and Natasha. Both Tony and Steve are acting based on what they think is right without considering the other sides to the story, although you can’t say that’s surprising coming from them. You do know that they genuinely do care for others but they can be very hard headed and neither of them like to be wrong.
It’s Natasha who you’re most disappointed in though, you thought that she would be a better negotiation, helping ease the tension but she’s out there fighting like the rest of the idiots. You thought that she would agree with you and try to bring together the two sides.
You narrow your eyes and zoom in your vision to the far side of the airport where you see Spiderman. You have no idea who he is but you can tell just by looking at him that he’s only a kid and it was irresponsible of everyone to let him be here and to fight him. You use your superspeed to get to him quickly and take him out of the way of flying cars and leave him by the side where it should be relatively safe.
“Stay here.” you tell him.
You glare. “Stay here.”
You rush off before you can make sure he listens because you can hear a grunt of pain from Rhodney. He’s lying on the ground with Tony standing over him and Sam a few meters back. The fight seems to be ending now, you see the plane leaving and the rest of the avengers start to gather but it doesn’t matter because the damage is already done. You don’t know exactly what happened but it looks like a freak accident, somehow nobody’s fault and yet everybody’s fault for getting into this situation in the first place.
The mood is weird, as if everybody is holding their breath and taking in what they’ve done. In the background you can hear trucks pulling up and footsteps follow soon after. The first man grabs Wanda and she blasts him back lightly so he falls down. Immediately a circle forms around her, everyone pointing their guns. Clint takes a step in, raising his arms and trying to calm the situation down but the guns shift to him and one agent steps forward and roughly grabs him, forcing his wrists into cuffs.
They go for Sam next and he looks pissed but lets them cuff him without comment. Scott looks completely confused and out of his depth. You don’t know him but it’s obvious that he is not trained for these types of situations and is in over his head.
It’s Wanda that makes your heart break the most though. She’s like a little sister to you so seeing the tears in her eyes and the terror on her face as the agents move in to cuff her makes you want to wrap your arms around her and promise it will all be okay. But you can’t, that would be a lie because everything is not okay and trying to hug her would only make things worse.
The agents start to move away, leading Cap's team to their trucks to be taken away. One of them turns back and notices you, murmuring something to the agents beside them. Before you can even understand what is happening they are right back and grabbing at your arms roughly. Naturally you try to pull away but they are strong and once you realize what is happening you stop struggling.
“I didn’t pick a side,” you try to explain, “I was just trying to make sure everyone was okay.”
“You didn’t sign the accords and therefore have no right to be here.” one of the men tells you. You look towards Tony’s team for help but they all seem to be busy. Tony and Vision are trying to make sure Rhodney is okay and the kid is luckily back where you left him. T’challa is shaking hands with one of the agents and although it makes you sick because of the way they are treating some of the others you understand, he does have a country to run and his people must come first after all.
Natasha is the only one not doing anything and she meets your eyes. You silently beg her to do something, anything against what is happening. She stares you straight in the eye and shakes her head. You actually shiver at how cold her look is because you never thought that would be directed at you, you thought that the two of you were close.
“I’m not going to help you Y/n, you made your own choice and I made mine.” Is all she says before turning away. You watch her back as long as you can as you are led into the trucks, wondering how everything went wrong so quickly.
Nobody talks. You aren’t even sure if you’re allowed to. There is no way what they are doing is legal but who is going to argue with the government. A secret prison built just for enhanced individuals and imprisoning people without trial isn’t right. You were neutral before but the more you see of how the government operates the more you start to lean towards supporting Steve and the rest of his “team”.
You shift slightly because the shock collar is getting even more uncomfortable. Wanda is wearing one too, probably since the two of you are the only ones that have powers unrelated to technology and suits. She looks smaller than ever in her cell and you close your eyes because if you continue to look at her you know you’ll end up crying.
Nothing changes throughout the day until you hear the door creak open. Everyone glares when they see it’s Tony and he and Clint share a few words before Tony practically begs Sam for information. Sam’s reluctant but gives in, seeing that Tony is sincere and knowing that although he disagrees with Tony it’s not really his fault that you’re all here, it’s the government’s.
When Tony leaves things go silent again for a few hours. You haven’t been fed since you’ve gotten here, you realize, but you aren’t hungry anyways, your mind can’t stop picturing the fight, being arrested and most of all Natasha’s attitude towards you. It hurts even more than you would like to admit. You considered her your best friend but you also had feelings for her and you were dumb enough to think that just maybe she felt the same things about you. Obviously that is completely untrue and you wonder if even your friendship was a lie.
“How long do you think we’ll be stuck here for?” Wanda asks finally and although her voice is quiet you wince at how it breaks the silence.
“I don’t know kid.” Clint responds. “Too long. My wife is going to kill me and my kids-”
He stops himself, getting a little choked up which surprises you. You’ve never seen him this emotional before.
“I already miss my daughter.” Scott adds on and there is a moment of understanding that passes between the two of them.
“I don’t have my own family but I’m going to miss my sister.” Sam says. “She probably won’t even find out what’s happening until it’s on the news, if the news even covers it.”
“I miss the team.” you add. “Before this fight, we weren’t perfect but I considered everyone family.”
“So did I.” Wanda says and you all take a moment to miss what used to be.
“I miss pizza.” Sam jokes, trying to lighten the mood. It works and soon everyone is adding on ridiculous things they miss and things they want to do when you get out (you can’t even think about the fact that the “when” might actually be “if”).
Your eyes snap to the door when it opens and everyone shuts up immediately. You look warily at Natasha, unsure of why she’s here. Maybe the government sent her in to interrogate, god knows she is amazing at that and you honestly wouldn’t be able to not talk to her, as much as you’re mad at her right now.
She doesn’t speak, going straight towards Sam’s door and kneeling down, fiddling with the lock. After a few seconds it clicks and the door swings open.
“When did you switch sides?” He asks, raising his eyebrows, impressed.
“I don’t pick sides, I do what makes the most sense and right now breaking you out is the right thing to do. Besides I’m wanted now too, apparently the government doesn’t like it when you aid fugitives in escaping.” she responds smoothly, moving onto Wanda’s cell and repeating her actions until it opens.
“Do you know how to take the collar off?” she asks and Sam nods. He gets to work while Natasha moves on. Both Clint and Scott pass at her offer of freeing them. They both look like they’re itching to escape but you respect that they’re putting their families first.
You’re surprised by how emotional you get when she unlocks your cell. You thought she didn’t care about you so to have her here now is amazing and makes you feel bad you ever doubted that she would do the right thing.
“Y/n, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” she tells you as she undoes your shock collar carefully, doing her best to not hurt you.
“I-I thought you didn’t care about me anymore.” you admit, a single tear dripping down your face.
She wipes it away with her thumb. “Oh sweetheart I care about you so much, more than you could ever know and I want you to always remember that, promise me.”
You nod, sniffing. “I promise Tasha.”
“Good because I came back for you and I will always come back for you.” she says, leaning in closer. You look down at her lips as she continues to lean in because she is so close and it seems like she’s going to kiss you.
“Glad to know Y/n was the only reason you came back.” Sam says, smirking. You love him but you also want to strangle him right now, that bastard could totally see what was happening and ruined the moment on purpose.
Natasha flips him the finger but otherwise ignores him. “Steve and Bucky are waiting in the jet outside, I was able to dismantle alarms and cameras but we only have a few minutes left so follow me and be quiet.”
She grabs your hand as she moves out of your cell and you walk with her, the others trailing behind slightly. The halls are clear and it’s only a few turns before she ushers everyone into a vent. It’s a tight squeeze but you make it through and you pop out to find sturdy wires attached to the side of the raft coming from a nearby jet. Wanda and Sam each take one and their wires retract, pulling them into the jet. You gulp nervously, heights are definitely not one of your favourite things.
“We have to go Y/n.” Natasha whispers just as alarms start to sound, the noises loud with flashing lights.
You take a deep breath and grab the remaining wire and once you���re secure Natasha grabs it too. Closing your eyes tightly so you don’t look down you feel a strange whooshing sensation before it disappears and your feet touch down on the jet floor.
“So what next?” Sam asks once you’ve all collected yourselves, directing his question at Steve.
“We lie low and try to help as best we can.” he responds, sighing heavily. “We’ll figure out the details as we go, what matters is that everybody is safe.”
Natasha holds your hand again and squeezes it tightly. “And that we are together.” she whispers into your ear so only you hear.
You squeeze her hand tightly back. Your relationship with her has gone through a rollercoaster of a day and is mostly undefined but she’s right, all that matters is that you’re together now and you wouldn’t rather be with anyone else.
Taglist: @fayhar @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @acertainredhead @madamevirgo @megaqueenmaeve @cherryblossomskye @aaron-despair @chickenhavewisdom @emril-osvigne @nyankitty987 @agathaharkness-simp @thewidowsghost @nyx-aira @stephanieromanoff @satxnsupreme @likefirenrain @wlwlovesreading @stop-drop-and-drumroll @peggycarter-steverogers @casperlikej @redswing @mochamoff @king-star @blackbat2020
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jungshookz · 4 years
kiss me at midnight; myg
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➺ pairing; min yoongi x reader
➺ genre; ceo!y/n x secretary!yoongiverse!! sfw!! fluff!! the title says it all!! this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for!! 
➺ wordcount; 8.1k
➺ summary; y/n finally musters up enough courage to tell yoongi about her i-know-i’m-your-boss-but-i-have-non-boss-feelings-for-you feelings. 
➺ what to expect; “careful, secretary min… i might have to give you a raise if you keep sweet-talking me like that.”
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
“let’s see… the decorators are coming at 2, the caterers are coming at 6:30, the DJ is coming at 7…” yoongi reads out loud as he goes down his checklist, “the bartender sent over the special drinks menu which i emailed to you this morning, and- ah, right, the caterers mentioned that they were able to switch the mini hot dogs to sliders instead-”
“oh, that’s great! mini hot dogs just don’t carry the same level of class as teeny little hamburgers…” you narrow your eyes slightly as you clasp your hands in front of your face, tapping your fingers against each other, “what about the chocolate lava cakes?”
“mhm, don’t worry, those are on the menu as well, as per your request,” yoongi pauses, “ah- the people bringing the photo-booths are coming to set them up at 5 - we’ve already cleared out the space for them, so that should be good to go… also, are we putting a limit on photos?”
“a limit?”
“yes, a limit,” yoongi looks up at you and shrugs, “there’s only so much film and it wouldn’t be fair for one person to take ten photos and for another person to not have any at all.”
you immediately scoff before dismissing yoongi with a flick of your wrist, “silly yoongi, you can’t put a limit on fun. just tell them we’re willing to pay for extra film and for one of their workers to hang out at the party and wait until the booths need refilling.”
“there.. is no limit… on fun…” yoongi mutters to himself as he continues to scribble notes down in his notebook, “and… that’s it!” he clicks his pen before tucking it back into his shirt pocket, “pretty much everything has been taken care of. if all goes well, this’ll be a fantastic new year’s eve party.”
“yay!” you throw your hands up into the air before leaning back against your chair with a giggle, “this is so exciting. i love throwing parties!”
“and i love planning parties...” yoongi hums absentmindedly, looking back down at his list, “so i guess we make a pretty good team...”
“teamwork makes the dream work, right?”
a couple seconds of silence ticks by as you scour through your brain for a new topic of discussion
you could... talk about the weather? 
or maybe ask him what he did over the weekend?
ask him about what he did on christmas day?? 
“so…” you clear your throat, smoothing your skirt down before folding your arms on your desk and leaning forward slightly, “you bringin’ any... hot dates to the party tonight?” 
that was... not an ideal topic of discussion 
also, way to sound like a creep! 
“me?” yoongi glances up at you and tilts his head slightly, “well, i’ll be with you.” he pauses, dark brows knitting together, “did you… want me to bring a date?” he shifts in his seat, “i’m sure i can arrange for someone to accompany me if that’s what you want.”
“no!” your eyes widen and you shake your head quickly, “i mean- no, i was just- you know, i just- usually you have a plus-one that you bring to parties and, like, i’m sure that you probably had other new year’s plans that didn’t involve being at the party your boss is throwing- i’m just saying that perhaps, if you were planning on actually bringing someone, i just wouldn’t want to be a cock-block-” 
you’re cut off (thankfully) when yoongi’s phone suddenly starts to buzz on your desk
he extends his arm and catches it right as it’s about to fall off (which, admittedly, shouldn’t have been as hot as it was, but yoongi could be sitting there doing nothing and you’d still find it attractive) 
he holds a finger up pardon himself and you nod before leaning back a little
“hello? …oh, perfect. yes, i can come and pick them up now…” yoongi trails off, sandwiching his phone in between his ear and his shoulder before pushing his sleeve up a little to check the time on his watch, “i can be there in… roughly half an hour? yes. alright. perfect. see you soon.”
he hangs up with a beep before looking back over at you, “sorry about that! your dress and heels are ready for pick-up. what were you saying before my phone went off?”
“hm?” you clear your throat, “oh! uh… nothing. i was just- you know, small talk. but you can go now if you want to- i mean, obviously you need to go and pick up my outfit for tonight so i’ll just let you go-”
“alright, perfect-” yoongi nods and gets up from his seat, “i shouldn’t take too long but if anything comes up, just call me-” 
“yep! you got it, homie-” you shoot finger guns at yoongi before quickly forcing your arms down and shoving both your hands in between your knees so that they won’t do anything like that again 
your face flushes bright red as soon as the door shuts behind yoongi and a quiet groan slips past your lips before you smack your forehead down on your desk 
that... was rough, to say the least! 
sure, you fumble over your words whenever you talk to yoongi on a regular basis, but it’s never usually this bad... 
what’s gotten into you today?!
maybe it’s just the pre-party jitters! 
“get it together, y/l/n.” you mutter to yourself, patting your cheeks lightly before pulling your laptop towards you and opening it up 
if there’s anyone who can get you get your shit together, it’s hoseok
Y/N Y/L/N (10:12AM): help me
you perk up when hoseok responds almost immediately, your laptop letting out a little ping! from his message
you have half a mind to scold him for not doing work and being on the company’s messaging system but you dO need to talk to him right now so 
Jung Hoseok (10:12AM): What did you do this time
Y/N Y/L/N (10:12AM): nothing!! idk what’s wrong with my mouth today i’ve never called anyone homie in my entire life 
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): ?
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): you had to be here to understand :-//
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): Okay well
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): I don’t know what I’m supposed to say now
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): can you just come to my office because it’s too much to type out
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): and bring me an iced coffee from the vending machine while you’re at it because yoongi left to pick my dress up
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): Let me get this straight
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): You want me to stop working and you want me to go to your office so we can gossip about Yoongi
Y/N Y/L/N (10:14AM): gossip sounds bad
Y/N Y/L/N (10:14AM): ‘discuss’ sounds more professional
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): …
Jung Hoseok (10:15AM): See you in ten minutes lmao
                                     »»————- ♡ ————-««
“you asked him if he was planning on bringing a date to the party?!” hoseok laughs, leaning back against the chair before folding his arms over his chest and shaking his head, “wow. what, are you going to help him plan his wedding too?”
“don’t say that!” you groan, rubbing your fingers against your temples in tight circles, “i was just trying to start a conversation… i don’t know...”
“start a conversation? about what? about encouraging yoongi to be with someone who isn’t you?” 
“keep up the attitude and i’ll reduce your lunch break from one hour and fifteen minutes to one hour and fourteen minutes.” you raise a brow in warning, hoseok gawking before wagging a finger at you 
“i’ll report you to HR for abuse of power!” he jokes, his smile faltering when he notices that you still have that mopey, kicked-in-the-gut look on your face, “okay, think about it this way: this party couldn’t have come at a better time, you know? because now you know exactly what you have to do!” 
“huh? oh, right.” you nod slowly, “yeah, of course i know what i have to do at tonight’s party.” you snort, pulling away from your desk and sitting up straight, “but... you know, just to make sure that you know what it is that i have to do, would you mind telling me what exactly we’re saying i have to do?”
“y/n. come on.” hoseok presses his lips together before leaning forward, “what do people usually do at new year’s eve parties?” he asks gently, in that infuriatingly condescending tone that people usually use when they’re talking to children
“people share their new year’s resolutions with each other?” you hum, thinking back to the new year’s eve party you were at last year where you ended up talking to a very friendly bartender about all the plans you had in mind for the new year 
you can’t help but wonder how he’s doing 
“well, yeah, but not quite what i had in mind-” hoseok shakes his head, “what else do they do?”
“they... sing karaoke really loudly?” you frown before letting out a gasp, “oh no! i didn’t think of that! do you think it’s too late to rent a karaoke machi-”   
“wow, i really have to spoon-feed this to you-” hoseok slaps his hands against his thighs before letting out a huff, “a new year’s kiss, y/n. does that ring any bells?”
“oh, right! i forgot about that part,” you chuckle lightly, tilting your head back against the top of your chair to look up at the ceiling, “but what does that have to do with-” you pause, head snapping back down to look at hoseok with wide eyes, “oh, you’re saying that i should- with yoongi- hoseok, i can barely look at yoongi for five seconds without breaking eye contact-” 
“why not?! its new years! you have to have someone to smooch when it’s midnight. even i have someone to kiss!”
“wait, who are you kiss-” 
“and you know what the best part is?” hoseok grins, “you have an excuse to get super drunk tonight! and a drunk y/n is a slightly more confident y/n-”
“oh, i can’t- i can’t ask him, no.” you chuckle nervously, your hands suddenly feeling a little clammy at the thought of asking yoongi to kiss you, “because then he’s going to feel like he has to kiss me because i’m his boss, and the next thing you know, i’m being called up to HR-” 
“you’re overthinking this again, y/n,” hoseok sighs, “don’t forget the fact that i caught him checking you out at the halloween party. you have to admit that he’s slightly interested in you.”
“that’s different!” you argue, your brows furrowing, “i was dressed as a sexy friggin’ bunny, for god’s sake!”
“and tonight, you’ll be dressed as a sexy friggin’ boss! the only difference is that you won’t have a little cotton tail and two bunny ears-”
“i don’t know…”
hoseok rolls his eyes at your doubt and resists the urge to get up and slap you across the face to get you to come to your senses
you can’t expect anything to happen between you and yoongi if you’re not willing to do something about it in the first place
he can’t even list out how many times you guys have had similar conversations that always end in you chickening out and changing your mind
you were supposed to make a move at the halloween party but you ended up bailing on the plan at the last minute and hoseok had to listen to half an hour of you whining about it over the phone 
he adores you but sometimes he just wants to grab you and yell at you for being such a wimp when it comes to yoongi 
“okay, you know what? forget yoongi. i’ll be your new year’s kiss!” hoseok teases, leaning forward before wiggling his eyebrows enticingly, “maybe if people see me canoodling with the boss i’ll finally get the street cred i deserve-”
“you know, i don’t know if i’ve reached that level of desperation quite yet-”
“i’m a great kisser, so it’s your loss...” hoseok kisses his teeth, raising his hands in defense, “anyways, just try not to overthink it. take a deep breath, relax, and hopefully you won’t point any more lame finger guns at yoo-”
“-ooou’re fired!” you stand up and slam your fist down on the desk the moment yoongi steps into the room, hoseok jolting at the sudden announcement, “you are fired, my good sir! you heard me loud and clear!” 
yoongi’s eyes widen slightly and he presses his lips together before stepping aside and lowering his head  
“what the hell are yo-” hoseok glances over his shoulder and it dawns over him when he spots yoongi standing by the door, “oh! oh. uh, okay. yes... i am... devastated...” he clears his throat as he rises from the chair slowly, “please... give me a second chance? i... won’t do it again?” 
you blink, pulling down your blazer slightly before giving him a curt nod
“...okay, but this is your last chance. next time, you’re really fired.” you clear your throat, sitting back down before gesturing towards the door, “you may leave now, mr. jung.” 
yoongi nods in acknowledgement when hoseok walks past him and he waits a couple of seconds before speaking up 
“sorry. i didn’t realize you were busy because the door wasn’t closed all the way.” he smiles sheepishly, raising the garment bag in his hand, “i just wanted to put your dress in the closet for you.” 
“yes! go ahead.” you smile, gesturing towards the closet before sitting back down in your chair 
“by the way, i passed by that breakfast place on the way to the laundromat-” yoongi pauses, glancing over at you on his way to the closet, “you know, the place that makes those BLT bagels you like so much?” 
“ooh, with the spicy mayo and the avocado?”
“mhm-” yoongi smiles, shutting the closet door gently and turning to face you, “they do chocolate chip waffles now and i thought maybe that’d be something you’d be interested in for future breakfasts.” 
“oh, no way!” your eyes widen in excitement, “i’m very interested in chocolate chip waffles for future breakfasts!”
“that’s what i thought.” he chuckles, making his way back towards the doors, “anyway- i’ll be out there if you need me, boss.” 
you immediately get up from your chair as soon as yoongi leaves the room 
you told yourself that you were going to wait until tonight but you’ve been thinking about your dress all week and you wanna see it now!! 
“dress, dress, dress-” you murmur to yourself like a maniac, your heels clicking against the floor as you jog over to the closet 
you push down a squeal of excitement after unzipping the garment bag and getting a good look at your outfit for tonight
you spent hours searching for the perfect dress and it was totally worth it now that you’re looking at it  
it’s a navy blue midi-length dress that sort of cinches in at the waist but the skirt itself is relaxed so you don’t need to worry about your legs being constricted 
there’s also a high slit in the skirt which is exciting (you had to shave your legs yesterday which wasn’t as exciting) 
and it’s a long sleeve dress but the sleeves and sheer and billowy but cap around your wrists 
it’s classy but also a little sexy but not like your halloween playboy costume level of sexy
you’re still not sure what possessed you to dress up as a playboy bunny but even you have to admit that that little black dress looked great on you 
you zip the bag back up before pushing it aside to sneak a peek at the suit that yoongi will be wearing to the party 
he asked if he could keep his suit in your closet and obviously you said yes because it’s yoongi 
your eyes light up when you notice something peculiar about his outfit 
it’s navy blue as well!! 
the corners of your mouth lift in a wide grin, your heart skipping a beat at the thought of you and yoongi (unintentionally, but still) wearing matching colours tonight 
                                    »»————- ♡ ————-««
“c’mon, stupid thing...” yoongi frowns to himself as he struggles to tie his tie
he’s been at it for the last ten minutes and it seems like his gummy worm fingers aren’t going to be useful anytime soon 
and it probably doesn’t help that he’s using his phone camera as a mirror instead of going to the bathroom to use the actual mirror
he doesn’t know if it showed this morning but he’s been a nervous wreck all day! 
he practically zipped out of your office as soon as he had the chance to and he just hopes that you’re not suspecting anything 
it’s just that as each day goes by, he gets more and more conflicted over what to do about his feelings for you 
this wasn’t supposed to happen!
when he first realized that you liked him, he was flattered and admittedly it was a nice stroke to his ego knowing that his boss was interested in him, but he didn’t know it’d turn into this 
he didn’t know he’d end up liking you back 
this is a disaster! 
he’s not supposed to like you back!
he already tried forcing himself to stop liking you but if anything it’s made things worse
he thought your schoolgirl crush was sweet at first and then one day he found your poor excuse of asking him to stay after hours to help you re-organize your pens was cute and ever since then it’s gone downhill 
like the other day when he was eating lunch with you - you took the paper sleeve that holds the chopsticks and you folded it into a makeshift chopstick rest and gave it to him to use and,,. he’d have to be crazy to not find that wildly endearing
yoongi lets out a huff and leans back against his chair as he looks at himself on his phone screen 
“good going, moron.” he grumbles to himself before lifting his hand and flipping himself off, “you and your feelings.”
of course, it’s not technically a... bad thing that he likes you back, right? 
...but what’s everyone going to think?
he knows that he’s on the list of people getting the christmas bonus (because he helped you type it out) but what if people think he just slept his way to the money?? 
oh, god
that’s not who he is!
this is too much to think about right now 
he just had this suit pressed and he’s not about to ruin it by nervously sweating in it 
he’s just going to enjoy this party with you and then deal with his feelings later!  
future yoongi can handle it
present yoongi is just going to enjoy the ride B-) 
“whatcha up to?” 
“-!” yoongi jumps and scrambles up from his seat when he hears your voice all of a sudden, “y/n! sorry, i didn’t hear you come out of... your... office...” he trails off, voice softening slightly as he takes in how beautiful you look in your dress 
obviously he already knew what you were going to wear because he was the one who picked up your outfit from the dry cleaner’s but... it’s a different experience actually seeing you in it 
there’s really no other way to describe it
you look... beautiful. 
“i don’t know why on earth you’re wearing a tie to a party.” you snort, eyes flicking down to the tie hanging loosely around his neck, “this isn’t a business meeting, yoongi.” (you decided it’d be best to take hoseok’s advice. no overthinking - just relaxing! and it seems to be going well...) 
“oh.” yoongi snaps himself out of his daze before shaking his head, “i… i don’t know why, either. i guess i’m just used to wearing a tie.”
“well, i say ditch it - you know, let loose a little! it’s new year’s eve, after all.” 
before yoongi even knows it, you’re stepping towards him and sliding the tie from his neck in one swift movement before tossing it onto his desk
ᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ
you even smell pretty 
he freezes when you reach up to undo a couple of buttons on his shirt, his hands gripping the edge of his desk so tightly that his knuckles are stark white 
“there we go!” you smile, fixing yoongi’s collar before nodding to yourself, “much better. also, do you think you can help me with my heels? i put them on already but the little buckles are flimsy and i can’t do them because of my nails.” you raise both your hands before wiggling your fingers 
“mhm, of course.” yoongi steps aside and gestures towards his chair, “take a seat and i’ll take care of them for you.”
yoongi’s chair squeaks slightly as you sit down on it and you make a mental note to get him a new one 
...maybe you should get everyone in the office new chairs to make your crush on yoongi less obvious
lots to think about
“so, do you think anyone’s going to have fun tonight?” you ask quietly, leaning back against the chair, “i’m nervous.” 
“i’m sure everyone’s going to have fun, y/n,” yoongi lowers himself onto the ground so that he’s down on one knee before raising your leg so that your foot is pressed against his chest, “they get free food, free alcohol, and there are fun 2021 party hats and stupid 2021 glasses to match. what’s not to love?”
“me. i’m the part they don’t love.” you snort, propping your elbow up on yoongi’s desk before leaning against your fist, “i’m gonna take one step onto the rooftop and immediately ruin the party somehow. i bet the dj will stop playing music and his records will make that awkward scratchy sound.”
“don’t be so harsh on yourself…” yoongi scolds, tucking the thin strap into the buckle and giving it a little tug to make sure it’s nice and secure before lowering your foot gently, “besides, if anyone looks at you weirdly, i can just call security and have them escorted out of the party.” he tuts, smiling up at you as he lifts your other foot 
“ooh. careful, secretary min… i might have to give you a raise if you keep sweet-talking me like that.” you joke, pushing the ball of your foot gently against yoongi’s chest teasingly
“oh, yeah? i wouldn’t be opposed to that, boss…” the corner of yoongi’s mouth twitches in a side smirk as he slips the other strap into place, “alright, there we go! heels are nice and secure.”
he gets up from the ground, dusting his knee off before extending his hand to help you get up from his chair, “ready?” 
“as ready as i’ll ever be...” you reach for his hand only to pause, your nose scrunching slightly as you pull away, “i don’t know. let’s think this through. do we have to go to the party?”
“well, you are the host.” yoongi points out, “and i planned the whole thing! do you know how hard it was to arrange for a karaoke machine on new year’s eve?” he frowns playfully, “you can’t bail on me like this.” 
“i guess...” 
“listen- whenever you want to leave, just let me know and i’ll grab the entire plate of sliders, a crisp bottle of champagne, and then we’ll head back down here to eat, drink, and watch the fireworks from your office window.” yoongi tilts his head, his hand still out for you to take, “deal?” 
“...throw in the chocolate lava cakes as well and we have a deal.” 
                                   »»————- ♡ ————-««
“wow! you really outdid yourself, yoongi.” you nod in approval as you look around, “look at this place!” 
you never even knew the rooftop had the ability to look like some trendy upscale bar that sells cocktails for $30 each 
“hey, if this secretary thing doesn’t work out, maybe i could become a party planner.” yoongi jokes, lifting his glass up with a smile
“you know, i really think you could.” you clink your glass against his before taking a sip of the bubbly champagne, “by the way, you don’t have to hang out with me all night. you’re allowed to go and mingle with your coworkers.” 
“i know.” yoongi hums before his nose scrunches slightly, “but every time i talk to them, they’re always gossiping about something and i think gossiping is unproductive.” 
“wha-” you gawk, your lashes fluttering, “you’re telling me that you’ve had access to juicy office gossip this whole time and not once have i ever heard any of it??”
“i mean...” 
“you have to tell me something. i’ll take anything!” 
you grin excitedly when yoongi gestures for you to come in closer 
“jungkook and tzuyu had sex on the photocopier by the supplies room.” he blurts out quickly, clearing his throat before taking a sip of his own champagne, “but you didn’t hear it from me!”
“they- what?!” you gasp in shock, jaw practically dropping to the floor, “they did?? during work??”
“no, it was after work!” yoongi shakes his head, “i think you had a meeting across town that night which is why we weren’t here... otherwise we... probably would’ve heard it but- it’s on the CCTV security cameras and everything. of course, since the photocopier is kind of out of frame, you can only see their lower halves-”
“well, then how do you know it was jungkook and tzuyu??” 
“their shoes! and jungkook’s socks. he’s the only one who wears bright purple rubber-duckie socks to work.” 
the two of you turn to look at jungkook across the rooftop and you blink before looking back over at yoongi with a pout 
“that’s my favourite photocopier.” you mutter, “i hope they didn’t get any... fluids inside of it-”
“gross! why would it be inside of the machine?!”
“i don’t know! people go crazy during sex sometimes!” you raise your hands in defense before clearing your throat quietly, “okay, but seriously, i feel like having vigorous sex on a piece of office equipment is definitely violating something so i might have to bring them in for a little chat-”
“ooh, can i be there when you scold them?” 
“miss y/n?” you jump in surprise when someone taps your shoulder gently from behind
you glance over your shoulder to see joy before smiling politely, turning around fully to face her, “joy! what’s up?”
“i’d like to talk to you about something, if that’s alright - do you have a moment?” 
“oh! um, of course-” you pause, turning to hand yoongi your glass, “let’s head over there for some privacy. what’s on your mind?” 
“it’s just... you know, regarding past comments i may or may not have made about you-” she chuckles uneasily, “seeing as you still have to figure out who’s getting christmas bonuses this year, i thought that-” 
yoongi bites back a grin when you turn back to look at him with pleading eyes and he shrugs helplessly before raising his own glass at you and downing the rest of the champagne 
                                  »»————- ♡ ————-««
yoongi’s never been a huge fan of parties mainly because he’d much rather enjoy a bottle of champagne and full-sized burgers in the comfort of his own home 
he really only started going to parties once you became CEO of the company and he wasn’t left with a choice because he was worried that you’d fire him if he didn’t attend any of these festive celebrations 
he likes to think that you’ve opened him up to new experiences, helping him become a better human being overall 
“hey!” yoongi chokes on his tiny burger patty when someone gives his back a hearty slap, “i’ve been looking for you everywhere! i have a bone to pick with you, min yoongi.”
yoongi’s brows furrow in confusion when it’s hoseok that plops down on the bar stool next to him 
“what-” yoongi swallows his bite before giving his chest a couple of pats to help get the masticated chunks of meat down smoother, “what did i do??” 
hoseok opens his mouth to say something before pausing, eyes flickering to the side as he reconsiders what he’s about to say 
he’s a little tipsy thanks to the open bar so he didn’t really think this decision through but he’s here now so it’s a little late to back out 
you explicitly asked him not to meddle but he feels like if he doesn’t do anything, then you’ll never do anything and you’ll just go to the grave keeping your feelings for yoongi a secret 
does this count as meddling? 
he just has to find a way to steer the conversation towards the topic of you and yoongi and romance 
this might be meddling, now that he’s thinking about it
it’s fine! 
he’ll do it in such a subtle way that yoongi won’t even notice! 
“it’s not something that you’ve done. it’s something that you haven’t done.” hoseok clears his throat, narrowing his eyes at yoongi suspiciously, “do you like y/n? because she likes you.”
(not very subtle, but hoseok never likes to beat around the bush.) 
“woah-” yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise and he lets out a nervous chuckle before looking around, “ha, i- um- where did you get that idea from?” 
“you didn’t deny it.” hoseok grins in success, “so you do?” 
“i...” yoongi pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek before he lets out a huff and his shoulders droop in defeat, “yeah. yeah, i do. ...but what does that have to do with you?” 
“oh, it has everything to do with me!” hoseok chirps, clapping his hands together excitedly, “i’m here to give you advice!” 
“yeah, okay,” yoongi immediately scoffs and rolls his eyes as he turns back to pick up his drink, “no offense, but i don’t think i should be getting advice from the guy who was almost fired today-”
“oh, please, i wasn’t getting fired when you walked in.” hoseok raises a brow, “we were talking about you before you barged in so y/n obviously panicked and changed the subject to make it look like she wasn’t going all goo-goo-ga-ga over you-” 
“what? you were- y/n was talking about me?” yoongi perks up, his interest in the conversation suddenly reigniting, “really?” 
“she’s always talking about you,” hoseok points out, “don’t get me wrong - i love going to her office to talk about you instead of doing my work, but it’s exhausting! which is part of the reason as to why i’m willing to give you advice to get this show on the road.” 
“i don’t need advice, though.” 
“of course you need advice. if one of you finally made a move, i wouldn’t need to give you advice, but here i am.” hoseok gestures to himself before shrugging, “so... what’s wrong with you?”
yoongi scoffs in offense
that’s a little ruDE
“what’s wrong with me?”
“yeah. why haven’t you made a move yet if you like y/n back?” hoseok emphasizes as a reminder that this crush goes two ways and that yoongi can be blamed for the lack of action just as much as you 
“because... i can’t! it’s not that easy, man.” yoongi shakes his head, “i can’t just ask her out. she’s... like... she’s miss y/n.” 
“yes. and the sky is blue.” hoseok frowns, “i’m sorry, what’s the problem?” 
“she’s the boss!” yoongi snaps, glaring over at hoseok, “she’s our boss!”
“exactly! she’s the boss! if you’re going to date someone in the office, it might as well be the person signing off everyone’s paycheques at the end of each month-” 
“but you can’t- the rules!”
“what rules??”
“there are no rules! that’s why i’m so confused! i’m used to rules! that’s how the world works in my head! what the hell am i supposed to do now? go rogue?! i’ve never gone rogue before!”
“oh, god, who do you think you are? some secret agent? all you’re doing is asking someone out-”
“i can’t date y/n-” 
“give me a legitimate reason as to why you can’t date y/n.”
“i’ll be penalized!” 
“who’s going to penalize you?!”
“the boss of our boss!” 
“please!” hoseok groans loudly, throwing his head back in frustration, “you don’t think he’s goofed around with any of his secretaries?”
“okay, but this isn’t me goofing around with y/n, this is me... being serious with y/n!” yoongi presses his lips together, unsure of what to say next, “yeah. i wanna be serious with y/n.” 
“i promise you that no one cares about relationships as long as work is handed in on time and bags of money are being made.” hoseok hums, gesturing for the bartender to fix up another drink for him 
having this conversation about you with yoongi is just as exhausting as having this conversation about yoongi with you 
he doesn’t know if that sentence made any sense but all this alcohol is making the words jumble up together 
“well, okay, but-” yoongi chuckles nervously, turning and setting his glass down on the bar countertop, “then we’d have to make a file with HR declaring the status of our relationship, and then we’d have to talk about whether or not we want to keep things private or let the whole office know- oh, god, and what if it doesn’t work out? what if we break up? it’d be embarrassing after having declared our love for each other in front of everyone! and favouritism! don’t even get me started on favouritism! people are going to bag on y/n if they find out that i’m on the list of people getting a bonus! ...but, in my defense, even if we weren’t together i would probably still be on that list because i’m hardworking-” 
“yoongi-” hoseok interrupts, slapping both his hands down on his shoulders before letting out a sigh, “do you like y/n?” 
“yes.” yoongi answers without missing a beat, “i like y/n. a lot.” 
“okay. then that’s all that matters, right?” 
yoongi opens his mouth to respond but he pauses
that... is a fair point... 
it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks about his relationship with you 
what is it about alcohol that makes some people so wise?
“do you know what kind of a person you’d be if you just repressed your feelings and pretended that they didn’t exist at all? a coward, that’s what you’d be. because y/n is a fantastic woman and you need to hurry up and make a damn move before she realises she’s wasting her time on you and moves on to someone else who isn’t afraid to show their true feelings for her.” hoseok shakes his head gently before pulling away from yoongi with a nonchalant shrug and a snort, “but, you know - i’m drunk as hell and i’ve had nothing to eat so all the things coming out of my mouth righ’now could be complete and utter bullshit!” he hiccups, giggling to himself, “who knows!”
“well… what do you suggest i do?”
“what else do you do at a new year’s eve party?” hoseok’s head flops to the side, the over consumption of nothing but champagne suddenly hitting him like a brick wall 
“…share new year’s resolutions?”
“wha- god, you guys are truly the perfect pair- no, dumbass, you kiiissss someone at midnight.” hoseok slurs, “you already know she’s into you. and now i know that you’re into her so she’s definitely not going to oppose giving you a big ol smooch!”
“well, it’s-” yoongi pulls his sleeve up to check his watch, anxiety bubbling in his stomach when he realizes there are exactly twelve minutes to midnight, “oh, god.” 
that’s fine!
it’s fine, he can work with twelve minutes!
all he has to do is 1) find you, 2) start a casual conversation, 3) somehow transition the casual conversation into a not so casual conversation about his feelings for you, 4) transition from the not so casual conversation to asking if you’d like to be his new year’s kiss, 5)- 
“i can’t pull this off in twelve minutes. i don’t know how i’m going to do this!” yoongi swallows thickly, turning to look at hoseok (who’s starting to doze off), “how the hell am i going to do this??” 
hoseok picks himself up off the counter, turning to face yoongi before a wide smile spreads on his face and a little gasp of excitement slips past his lips, “hey! i’ve been looking for you everywhere. i have a bone to pick with you, min yoongi-” 
“okay, buddy-” yoongi quickly reaches out to keep hoseok from toppling over, “you’ve definitely had one too many-” 
                                  »»————- ♡ ————-««
yoongi steps off the elevator with a huff, quickly checking the time on his watch for the millionth time tonight 
he spent two minutes running around the rooftop like a headless chicken in case you were still up there somewhere 
luckily jungkook told him that he saw you leave the rooftop and there’s really only one other place that you’d be 
he makes his way down the hallway towards the double doors of your office, smiling in success when he sees that one of the doors is slightly ajar 
maybe it’s because he’s now confident about his true feelings for you, but he feels like there’s a spring in his step right now! 
(it could also be because of the liquid courage, but that’s neither here nor there.)
he pushes the door open a little to stick his face in, giving himself a mental high five as he sees you leaning against your desk with a flute of champagne in your hand, staring out the window 
“hey!” yoongi clears his throat, knocking on the door gently, “there you are.”
“hm?” you turn to glance over your shoulder, “oh, yoongi! yeah, hey.” 
“i didn’t realize you’d disappeared... i would’ve brought the sliders with me if i knew you were in here.” he jokes, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click, “everything okay?”
“ah, well. maybe next time.” you smile stiffly, turning away from him to look back out, “yeah, everything’s fine. joy practically talked my ear off up there so i just felt like i needed to get away from the party for a little while.” 
“you know, the fireworks are starting soon...” yoongi points out as he makes his way over to you, “you’re probably going to get better pictures of them up there than down here in your office.” 
“yeah, i know… but it’s also going to be very loud up on the rooftop and i’d prefer to start the new year off with working eardrums.” your nose wrinkles as you let out a chuckle, “also, i…”
“i… i don’t know, i just don’t really want to start the new year awkwardly standing in the middle while everyone else is getting new year’s kisses.” you reach up to scratch the back of your neck before chuckling awkwardly, “that… makes me sound like a very bitter single person and i swear it wasn’t supposed to come off that way-” 
“no, i totally get it.” yoongi shakes his head as he wipes his hands on the side of his pants, “as a matter of fact, i kind of wanted to talk to you about something-”
“hold on, hold on- before you say anything, i-” you interrupt him, turning to set your glass down, “i, um- i have something that i wanna say to you as well. can i go first?”
“oh! yes, okay….” yoongi cowers down a little, pressing his lips together tightly, “is... everything alright?”
“yeah!” you nod quickly before pausing, “i mean, sort of. kind of. i’m… not sure if it’s going to be a good idea or not, but i just want to let you know that if you… you know, if you feel uncomfortable or something after i tell you this, you’re free to pack up and leave, you know? i mean, i actually already have a letter of recommendation written for you so if you wanna go off and work for someone else, i’ve already put in a lot of good words for you-”
“woah, woah-” yoongi raises his hands before letting out a chuckle, “i- while i definitely appreciate the gesture, you know i’m… not planning on going anywhere, right?”
“yeah, well… things change!” you clear your throat, gaze averting as you reach up to scratch the back of your neck, “things... change. i… don’t mean to sound so elementary school about it, but i…” you trail off, the little voice in the back of your head reminding you that this is your last chance to back out and not tell yoongi about your feelings for him
you’ve chickened out more than a handful of times, so what’s going to different about this time around?
you look up at yoongi and he blinks twice before offering you a soft smile, “you…?”
how are you supposed to back out when he’s looking at you like that?
and maybe it’s just because he looks particularly handsome tonight in his suit or because you’re all riled up on cocktails, but...
“i like you.” you blurt out, trying your best not to cringe or make any faces, “like… in a… romantic? way?”
yoongi’s eyes widen and the smile fades from his face, though you don’t have much time to process whatever reaction that was before he’s speaking up 
“you like me.” yoongi repeats, swallowing thickly before nodding, “in a romantic way.”
“yeah.” you shrug, “and i have for a while, but i just never said or did anything about it because i thought it was inappropriate - you know, because i’m your boss and around the time i started liking you was when we held that seminar for workplace harassment and i didn’t want to make you feel like i was harassing you or creeping on you or anything - a-anyways, at first i thought i was attracted to you solely because you’re hot in that broody, college skater-boyfriend kind of way and i thought it’d go away on its own, but then the feelings never went away, and then i thought that maybe this was just a more serious schoolgirl-type crush that would take time to go away, but then a lot of time went by and it still didn’t go away, so… here we are now, at the end of the year, and i… still have a huge, huge crush on you-”
“-i like you too.” 
“okay, cool, but i’m not done talking about-” you pause, your eyes flickering upwards, “wait, what?” 
“i like you, y/n.” yoongi breathes out with a smile, his shoulders visibly relaxing, “actually, i’ve known for a long time that you liked me and at first i was just flattered and admittedly i was a little cocky about it but then i... actually started to like you one day and- well, i didn’t want to say anything because- woah-!”
yoongi yelps when suddenly a paperweight is hurled in his direction and nearly whacks him in the face, “what the f-”
“are you kidding me, yoongi?!” you snap, slapping your hands down as you glare at him across your desk, “are you kidding me?!” 
“okay, i-i-” yoongi stammers, “i wasn’t expecting this reaction so i’m not entirely sure how i’m supposed to-” 
“you knew that i liked you this entire time-” you groan, reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “and you knew that you liked me this entire time... and you didn’t say or do anything about it?!”
“well, why didn’t you do anything about it first?” yoongi exasperates, “you- you’re just as much at fault here as i am!”
“because i-” you laugh lightly in disbelief, “because i thought that if i told you that i liked you, that you would feel pressured into saying that you liked me back because i’m your boss! how would i know if your feelings were genuine or if you were just playing along? of course i couldn’t tell you!” 
yoongi chews on the inside of his cheek anxiously as you let out a huff before stepping away from your desk and heading over to stand by the window again 
“i...” he trails off, bending down to pick up the paperweight before setting it down on your desk gently, “i’m sorry that you... struggled with that... but... i think the important thing is that i do like you, y/n. i genuinely like you, and i was an idiot for not saying anything earlier... i let my doubts get in the way and...” he sighs, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “i’m not good at- i’m not good at dealing with this kind of stuff and usually i just brush it aside and hope the problem goes away but i see you almost every single day so i couldn’t just brush it aside-” 
“yeah, well-” 
both of you freeze up when you suddenly hear the countdown chanting echo from up on the rooftop and yoongi feels his heart plummet to his stomach when he realizes he didn’t even ask if you wanted to be his new year’s kiss 
“i’m just-” yoongi shakes his head furiously, “i get nervous when there are no rules and there certainly isn’t a handbook for what to do when you’re attracted to your boss-”
you let out a scoff as you turn to face him, “-and you think there’s a handbook for what to do when you’re attracted to your secretary?!-” 
“i was a total coward for not saying anything sooner and i wish i did! i wish i kissed you at the halloween party!”
“you- you wanted to kiss me at the halloween party?” 
“of course i did, dumbass!” the name slips out of yoongi’s mouth before he even realizes it and he smiles sheepishly when you give him a warning look, “...miss dumbass.”
“anyways,” yoongi coughs, “i-if you’re still interested, i’d really like to kiss you tonight if that’s okay-” 
“wait, did hoseok put you up to this?” you narrow your eyes in suspicion before pointing to yourself, “because he told me to ask you to kiss me tonight-”
“yeah, he put me up to this because we both know that you certainly weren’t going to make the first move-”
“how dare you?” you scoff, crossing your arms stubbornly, “i could make the first move if i really wanted to-” 
“what?! that’s bullsh- oh my god, can we agree now to kiss first and then argue about this later?!” yoongi snaps, eyes full of panic at the thought of not making it on time, “please??” 
“fine, but-” 
you don’t get a chance to say anything else before yoongi swoops in swiftly to lean in and kiss you, warm hands quickly reaching up to cup either sides of your face 
the sound of people cheering and fireworks going off in the sky is nothing compared to the erratic thumping of your heart and the high-pitched ringing in your ears 
oh, wow
your lashes flutter as you feel yourself relax, your fists uncurling against yoongi so that your hands rest on his chest
you can feel his rapid heartbeat through his shirt and that’s all the confirmation you need to know that yoongi really, truly likes you back 
yoongi’s hands leave your face so that he can reach down to grasp your hips and pull you towards him, only for his arms to snake around your waist a second later 
your hands slide up his chest before your arms wrap loosely around his neck, feeling as though nothing else matters except what’s happening right now 
you’ve dreamt about this moment for so long but it’s so much better than you could’ve possibly imagined it to be 
and you’re not sure if it’s the copious amount of champagne that you consumed tonight but you just feel so warm inside 
yoongi pulls away (far too soon for your liking), his eyes lidded and hazy as he smiles fondly down at you, “happy new year, boss.”
you can’t fight back the wide grin on your face when he leans down to nudge his nose against yours, both of your hearts undoubtedly beating in time   
“happy new year, secretary min.”
❄️christmas with cee 2020 masterlist 🎄
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princehairsupremacy · 3 years
Omg I've just read the request that i send to you and it IS SO FUCKING AMAZING. Can you do a second part? Pleasee?🥺 (it was the one about Harry having a crush and y/n sat on his lap)
I love it soooo much, you're great
Main Masterlist
Prompt List
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Part 1
Word Count: 8.3k
Watch me do a Harry POV to do something different also read part 1 first but it isnt really needed if you dont want to !
I used she/her pronouns in this btw♡︎
No this is not the pegging fic and no i didn’t exactly finish it
Warnings: smut; bit of choking, spanking, unprotected vaginal sex, oral (f receiving), face riding, masturbation, dry humping?, edging, dom!h but also some of sub!h, idk touching?, handcuffing, degradation, sucking on fingers, swearing, handjob, fingering
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You stopped your hips and looked back at him. "I think we should leave." You stood up and Harry stood up right after you, following you as you both basically speed walked to the exit of the event. Hopefully, this was going to be a fun and different night together, definitely different from your usual nights together anyway.
Is this actually happening? Is she actually taking me to my car after practically fucking dry humping me in public? I’m dreaming. I’m dreaming. I mean, I have to be, this would not ever be happening otherwise. She’s not interested in me, but this seems like a good dream so far.
Shit shit, I can see my mum, she cannot see us leaving like this together. I grabbed Y/N’s arm and dragged her over a different way. “My mum’s there and she’ll stop us and have questions about us leaving.”
“Oh okay, can we even get to your car this way?” I looked around and slapped my forehead, the only way to my car is past my mum and that is not fucking happening. “Come on, we’ll find something. Maybe she’s moved somewhere else.”
I peeked around the corner and saw her turned away, talking to some other guest there. “If we walk really fast we can get past her without her seeing us.” I moved my hand down to hers and started walking, smiling when we walked past my mum and she didn’t turn around.
“Harry!” Fucking shit. I twisted my head around, oh no my mum had spotted us at the last minute, why me? “Oh, Y/N. Come here guys.”
I sighed and turned around, quickly letting go of Y/N’s hand when I realised I was still holding on to it. My mum narrowed her eyes but thankfully didn’t mention it. “Are you guys leaving?”
“Y/N doesn’t feel well and I drove her here so I was going to take her home and get her in bed.” She looked at Y/N and pursed her lips.
“Looks fine to me.” She brought her hand up and pressed the back of it against Y/N’s forehead. “No temperature. Why are you guys really leaving?”
“I told you, Y/N doesn’t feel well, okay?” She slapped my arm lightly and I flinched, stepping back from her. “Ow!”
“Don’t lie to me. You were holding her hand.” I pressed my lips together and she raised her eyebrows, shaking her head at me. “Just go, I don’t want to know anymore.”
“Okay, I’ll go.” I’m gonna fucking kill myself, I want to die now, immediately. Well, after I do what I plan on doing then I want to die immediately. My mum turned around and I grabbed Y/N’s hand quickly, walking away with my head down in shame. “I hope I die today or never see my mum again.”
“It’s fine, you’re a grown man. Everyone does it.” I don’t want my fucking mum to know, regardless. Oh god, and she knows it’s Y/N, I’m never going outside. I’m never taking the risk of seeing her ever again. “Just forget about it.”
We stepped outside to the car park in the front of the building and I scrunched my face up, where did I park my car. “Shit, do you remember where I parked?”
“Uh, yeah? Over there.” She pointed to the right and I looked over, oh it is over there. I’m so fucking stupid sometimes. “How do you even forget where your own car is and I remember?”
“Just forget about it.” I grinned at her and she let go of my hand, starting to walk towards the car herself. “Don’t leave me, wait!” I speed walked to her and raised my hand up, opening it up and waiting for her to take my hand again. “Y/N, hold my hand.”
“Hold it.”
“Just hold it.”
“No, shut up.” I huffed and dropped my hand back down to my side, pouting like a little fucking kid as I walked to car beside her. “Oh stop with the little sad face, that’s not getting you anything.”
“Oh, I’m not getting anything? So you just want me to drive you home and then I’ll go to mine?” She gave me an aggravated look and grabbed my hand, squeezing it tightly. “Um, ow.”
“Deal with it, you giant baby.” I pulled her closer with my hand and stopped us, leaning down and puckering my lips.
“Give me a kiss.” She raised her hand and pushed my face away, looking at me with disgust. “Hey, give me a kiss. You’re just rude now, give me a kiss.” I brought my hands up to her face and she pushed them away.
“Harry, we’re in public.” I stepped back, oh, forgot about that. No one knows about us yet, forget about my mum, because this is just happening today and now. It’s private. It’s not even a relationship. Yet? “Sorry, I’m just not really wanting to do public affection like that right now. Let’s just get to the car.”
“Okay.” I gave her a smile to hide my sadness about the slight rejection and let go of her hand since she obviously wasn’t comfortable with that at the moment. “No pressure, you don’t have to do anything.” She smiled at me and walked in front of me to the car.
I jogged to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for her before she could. “Already trying to score brownie points...” She grinned at me as she leaned down and sat in her seat.
“Not trying to score brownie points, ‘m just a proper gentleman.” I closed her car door and walked to the drivers side on the right, quickly getting in and buckling my seat belt. I pressed my foot down on the brake pedal and inserted my key into my car, twisting it. I let go of my keys and moved my hand to my gear, switching it to ‘drive’. I quickly released the parking brake, moving my foot to the gas pedal and pressing down on it gently, starting to move out of the parking space.
“You look hot when you do that.” My eyebrows raised and I looked at Y/N for a second before turning back to the road and focusing on what I was doing.
“I look hot while turning the car on?” She licked her lips and shrugged her shoulders, moving her hand to my thigh. “No affection?” She moved her hand slowly up and down my thigh, squeezing it once or twice.
“You don’t just turn the car on when you do that.” I placed my hand on top of hers on my thigh and stopped it. “Let me touch you, Harry.”
“While I’m driving? I’ll crash.” I nudged her hand off my thigh and her shoulders slumped, she crossed her arms and moved her legs away from me, staring outside the passenger window. “I can touch you though. If you want.”
She spread her thighs a little and I let go of the steering wheel, trusting myself to be able to drive with one hand. My hand landed on her thigh and she kept staring out the window but I noticed her thighs part even more. “Quickly.” Quickly? I’m trying not to crash.
“Okay. Do you want me to take your underwear off or just-“
“I’ll just take them off, Harry. Don’t worry.” I gulped as her hands disappeared underneath the loose part of her dress and she pulled her underwear down her legs. “Oh, where am I meant to put them?”
“Um, your bag? Wait, you don’t have a bag. Give them to me.” I opened up my hand and she placed her underwear on my palm. I looked down at my hand and cleared my throat, quickly raising my hips and stuffing them in my pocket, dropping my butt back down onto the seat when I got them in.
“Hey! You didn’t say you were going to be a little pervert about it!” I gave her a little smirk and I moved my hand back to her thigh, rubbing it up and down her inner thigh. “If you’re going to touch me just do it already.”
“Not with that attitude.” She gave me an irritated look and I smiled back at her. “Obviously joking, ha, I will touch you.” I slid my hand under her dress and tightened my hand around the wheel when I felt her wetness on the pads of my fingertips. “Fuck...”
I started to rub slowly where I thought her clit was but I literally can’t see anything and I’m guessing I didn’t get it my first time because she grabbed my arm and turned towards me. “Up.”
“Oh, sorry.” I move my middle finger up and she nods so I start to rub in slow circles, that was embarrassing. I dragged my middle finger back down and slowly moved it into her, I guess me turning the car on really did turn her on as well? But what about it? That’s what I’m not getting.
I moved my ring finger into her too and she grabbed my arm again but I don’t think she was stopping me this time, just looking for something to grip onto and going with my arm. “Move your fingers, stupid.”
“I’m sorry, I’m trying not to crash while I’ve got my fingers in you!” She dug her nails into the skin of my arm slightly and I winced. “Okay, okay.” So mean for pleasure. I mean, I don’t mind much.
I pulled my fingers back until just the tip of them were still inside then moved them back in, repeating this action and over time moving my fingers faster. “That’s better...” Her nails dug into my skin again, at least this time it was out of pleasure and not utter annoyance.
I quickly looked around at the cars around us while we stopped at a red light , once I’d shifted to the right gear of course, everyone seemed to be oblivious to what was happening, thank god. I looked at her while I could, first looking at the way my arm was moving and then my eyes wandered up to her face, her head was pressed against her seat and she had her mouth open with her eyes almost falling shut. I fucking wish we weren’t in the car right now, I want to fuck her so badly.
I turned back towards the light and they were already yellow so I shifted the gear from what it was on and pressed down on the gas pedal when it turned green, moving my fingers faster and hearing her let out a little moan and then she slapped her hand over her mouth. “No, don’t hide them.”
She dropped her hand back down to her side and I shifted my hips, at least there’s not that much more driving to do, I don’t think I could survive that.
I took the left into my street and quickly parked the car, I’ve never really been good at parking honestly. I slowly pulled my fingers out of her and she frowned but widened her eyes when I looked her in the eyes and put my fingers in my mouth and sucked them. “Harry you can’t just...do that.”
“And why not?” I grinned and unbuckled my seatbelt, showing her the cheeky grin on my face before getting out of the car. I frowned when I saw that she had already got out too when I was going to open her door for her again.
“Too late, sorry mr. gentleman.” I rolled my eyes at her antics and grabbed my keys out of my back pocket, walking to the door and sticking the key in the lock, twisting it and unlocking it, I walked in the door and held it open and she walked in, it seemed I was pressed up against the door as soon as it had shut, there were like no seconds in between the door shutting and me being against it.
“Woah there.” I grabbed onto her shoulders and turned us around, making her be pressed up against the door instead. “I don’t think so.”
“What, you’re too insecure to let me take a little control?”
“I just prefer to be in control, y’know?” She shrugged her shoulders and softly grasped my hands, bringing one to her shoulder and the other to her neck.
“Be in control then, Harry.” I stepped closer to her and closed my fingers around her neck, pressing my fingers into her skin, I like her but I also want to hurt her and fuck her until she can’t do it anymore and she’s at her breaking point, is that normal? Maybe. “Let yourself do what you want to me.”
“Trust me, I’m going to do that.” I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers, this kiss made it feel like time stopped when I done it, my heart was pounding in my chest and my knees were getting weaker every second. I could only focus on the fact that her lips felt so soft against mine and how I was already addicted, how I wanted to do this forever.
It felt like just raw emotion when we were kissing, we weren’t kissing because we felt like we had to, we were kissing because we felt like we wanted to. I’m not sure if my mind was tricking me with this moment right now but if this were to be a dream, I would be devastated to ever wake up from it.
I pulled back a little for some air and opened my eyes to sneak a peek at her pretty face before moving back in. I took my hand away from her neck and brought it down to her hand and I swear my heart skipped a beat when she intertwined her fingers with mine. Now just didn’t feel like the time to have my fingers around her neck, this moment felt too sweet for it in my opinion.
I think my whole body was tingling at the moment and I pressed myself against her, making sure to keep my lips right against hers. I felt her fingers go under my shirt and lay against my stomach and my heart stopped for a moment, her fingers were cold...
I gasped against her lips at the feel of her hand on my skin and groaned when her nails scratched my stomach, just the feeling of her was amazing, I didn’t ever want her to leave me now, I need her. My stomach was in a knot every time she’s around and a few years ago I started to notice some beautiful little details of her that I hadn’t even thought about before.
She smelt so good, no matter what, I didn’t care, she smelt good, it was one of the first things I noticed. Then I started to notice how jumpy I’d get when we touched or even accidentally touched but I didn’t want her to let go at the same time, it was the strangest thing to me when I first started feeling it but now I understand, I was starting to develop feelings. It was like in the movies when the best friend finally realises he’s in love with her and she’s the only one he’ll ever need.
My skin crawled with goosebumps as I felt her start to unbutton my shirt with her delicate fingers, how long had we been kissing now? Not long enough. Whatever perfume she was wearing right now was bloody intoxicating, I took every opportunity I could to take a deep breath in through my nostrils because the smell was just that addicting to me.
I brought my hand up from her shoulder and laid it softly on her cheek, stroking her skin with my thumb. I had no fear over my growing crush on her because now I knew she felt the same, hopefully it could only go up from here.
She pulled back and took a deep breath in, pressing her hand to her chest and giggling. “That was the best kiss I’ve ever had, H.”
“Let’s do it again then.” She parted her lips and I leaned back in, moving my tongue in through her parted lips this time. I tilted my head to the side and she tilted hers the opposite way. I started to move backwards towards the bedroom, trying to kiss her at the same times but this is not as easy as they make it look in the movies.
I kept walking backwards and then suddenly tripped over something, almost landing on my ass in front of her. I looked down and spotted a stray wire, I let out a frustrated noise and kicked it away. “I wish you fell, that would have been so fucking funny.”
“Ugh, that’s so rude.” I gave up on trying to kiss her and turned around, still keeping her fingers intertwined with mine as I entered the bedroom. I sat at the edge and she got on my lap, giving me a sweet smile. “I can’t believe this is happening still.” I said it in such a vulnerable tone, I never really sound like that.
“Aw.” I couldn’t imagine what it’d be like if everyone know what we were doing, especially our friends, they were always betting on us getting in a relationship or at least hooking up. It was annoying and it made me blush but I also crossed my fingers at the same time when they mentioned it, I wanted it to happen for so long and now it is. “It’s happening, baby.”
She started to grind her hips and my eyes snapped down to my lap, I did not expect her to do that already. I reached my hands up to her face and pulled her face down so that her lips touched mine again, I needed to kiss her again. Her lips were already swollen and plump from the time we kissed before but I didn’t care, her kiss was so addicting.
I nibbled at her bottom lip and she pressed her hips down harder against mine, making me shudder and let go of her bottom lip that was caught between my teeth. “Fucking hell, keep doing that.”
“That feel good?” I sucked in a breath through my teeth as she finished unbuttoning my shirt and pushed it down my shoulders and off my arms. She licked her lips and leaned down, sucking one of my nipples.
“Shit. Shit. Shit! Please.” I desperately pleaded her, her hands grabbed onto my belt loops and she tugged at them. “Love, stop.” She immediately stopped what she was doing and leaned back with a concerned face.
“Sorry, did you not want me to do that?” I grabbed onto her hips and shifted her onto my thigh.
“No, it was good. Just wanted to move you onto my thigh.” I pushed her hips forward and her mouth dropped open in realisation. “Go on, pretty girl. Go and get yourself off with my thigh.” She gave me an unsure look but moved her hips against my thigh anyway.
I felt like I was fucking aching for her touch, my body was yearning for it and screaming at me to be selfish and focus on my pleasure but I knew I was always coming second to her. “I want to make you cum until you feel like you can’t fucking do it anymore.”
“I want you to do it too.” She choked out, too focused on moving herself against my thigh. I flexed my thigh and she let out a pleasurable noise, that’s the exact sound I want to hear if I ever see the gates of heaven honestly, utterly perfect.
“Why don’t you take your clothes off, love? It’ll feel better.” She got up and started to take off the leggings she had on while I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my trousers, lifting my hips up and dragging them down my legs. Pink lace, pink lace. She’s wearing pink lace. I’m fine. I’m okay. I’m alright.
She sat back on my thigh, right on my tiger tattoo. Fuck, she’s hot. The skin of her thighs was glistening from sweat and it just made her look fucking delicious, her exposed thighs were simply beautiful. Every part of her was so fucking beautiful, I had a new greed for her body that kept developing more and more as we continued.
Her skin glistened and glowed under the pale light in my room that I’d put in, I could stare forever. Her hips rutted against my thigh and I felt that my eyes really were tricking me, she was getting herself off on the tiger tattoo in pretty pink lace. 100% a dream.
“I can’t do this anymore.” Her hips stopped and her eyes widened when I said it. “I need to get my tongue on you.” I watched her shuffle off my thigh and she turned around and bent down as she grabbed her underwear and pushed them down her legs, giving me the ultimate view of her ass. “I’m gonna grab something, you can wait here for me.”
I stood up and she grabbed my hand pulling me towards her. “You leaving me all alone, H? Can’t guarantee I won’t do something bad.”
“Just sit on the bed and fucking wait for me, be a little patient. I’m not even going to leave the room.” I gave her a warning look and then walked past her, to my drawers where I kept my stuff...that I like to use.
“What’re you getting there?” I pressed my lips together and didn’t answer her, she can wait and see. “Harry, what are you getting?”
“Fucking hell, just wait. You’ve waited 1 minute, probably less.” I opened the drawer and grabbed the fluffy red Gucci handcuffs I owned, I hope she likes these.
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(in case you’ve never seen the handcuffs)
I held them up and then turned around. “How do you feel about these?” She covered her mouth and giggled a little bit, shit, did she not like them? Did I just fucking embarrass myself? “Oh, I’m guessing that’s a no, I’ll put them away. Forget about it.”
“No! Don’t put them away! I just didn’t expect you to have fluffy red handcuffs, but I don’t mind them.” I walked over and grabbed her wrists with my left hand. “You going to cuff me, Harry?”
“Yeah, ‘m gonna fucking cuff yeh. Move back then get on your hands and knees for me, okay?” She furrowed her brows together but moved back, I don’t think she was getting what I was going to do today. I crawled up on the bed towards her when she finally turned around onto her hands and knees and kneeled beside her. “Give me your hands.”
She leaned back onto her heels and held her hands out for me, watching in curiosity as I raised them towards the headboard and cuffed her hands together. “I thought you wanted to, in your words, get your tongue on me.” She leaned forward and grabbed onto the headboard, resuming her position before except her hands were now in a different place.
“I will, I’ll just be under you.” Her head quickly turned towards me and I gave her a cheeky grin before getting behind her, parting her thighs. “You already wet for me?”
“Yeah...” I brought my hand to her ass and squeezed it softly, such beautiful skin.
I laid down under her, my face was below hers and she looked down at me. “Come on, get on m’face.” She moved forward on her knees until she was right above my face and I grabbed onto her hips, pulling her down onto my mouth.
I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, pressing the tip against her clit. I heard that it’s good to just do the alphabet until you find what get’s her thighs shaking and her letting out some moans.
Okay. A. B. C. D. E
Oh a reaction for e. Let’s go with e then.
I moved my tongue in an e shape a few times then flicked it up and down, I looked up and she was watching me, she finally let out a moan when I moved my tongue in an e shape against her clit. Her thighs pressed against the sides of my head and I reached my hands up, grabbing onto her ass.
I moved my right hand back slightly and then brought it back down on her ass, slapping it. “Woah!” She pushed her hips down on my mouth and her thighs squeezed around my head a little tighter. Fucking suffocate me if you have to. “Do it again.”
I brought my hand down on her ass again, but harder, way harder this time. I wanted to hurt her...but in a good way! “I like that.” I lifted both of my hands up to her ass and made her move her hips, she tightened her grip on the headboard and started to grind on my tongue on her own. I hope I can do this again and again and again and again.
I sucked on her clit softly and she moaned my name, yes, boost my ego baby. “Shit, Harry. I feel it.” I sucked on her clit harder for a few seconds then pushed her away from my mouth. “What’re you doing, you asshole?”
“I’m doing what I want.” I sat up and she sat herself down on my thighs, her arms resting on my shoulders since her hands were still cuffed behind me. I raised my hand up and pressed it against her throat, my 4 fingers gripping the right side of her neck and my thumb pressing into the skin on the left side of her neck.
“I want to touch you, can’t you let me out the handcuffs for a minute?” She could beg and plead all she wanted but I was going to do this my why, I was going to do what I pleased, unless she told me to stop. “Please, Harry.”
“No, I’m doing what I fucking want with you, don’t ask me to do anything. Fuck, I just want to get my tongue on you again.” I let go of her neck and brought my hand to the neckline of her dress, thank god it was strapless. “Can I move this down?”
“Yeah.” I gripped the neckline with both of my hands and pulled it down until her chest was exposed, groaning when it was revealed that she didn’t wear a bra under her dress. “Can’t you take the rest of your clothes off, H?”
“You’re in my lap, I can’t exactly do that right now.” She raised her hands and brought them over my head then moved herself off me and I raised my eyebrows, she just loves testing me, huh? “Wow, real smart.”
“I know. Take your clothes off, you can do it now.” I rolled my eyes and smiled as I grabbed onto the waistband off my boxers and caught her stare.
“Maybe I shouldn’t take them off, since you think you can just tell me to do it.” She huffed impatiently and leaned forward, grabbing onto my boxers herself. “You can’t just-“ She pulled them down until they were at the middle of my thighs and then leaned back. “Come here.”
“I’m sorry-“
“Come here.” She sat back on my thighs and avoided eye contact. “What made you think you could do that? I didn’t tell you to.” I grabbed her chin and tilted her head up so she was looking at me. “Tell me what made you think you could just do what you want.”
“I was just getting impatient, I know I shouldn’t have.”
“What a bad fucking excuse. Might as well actually take them off. Hurry up.” I let go of her chin and she grabbed my boxers again, pulling them off my legs. “Are you listening now? I might un-cuff you if you use your mouth right.”
“I’m listening, Harry. I’m sorry.” She’s such a talker, I wonder if she sucks as good as she always does in my dreams. She always leaves me satisfied and I leave her satisfied, always good fucking dreams than I hope I’m going to re-live right now. “You said you were going to use your tongue on me.”
“Can’t a guy change his mind when the person he’s in bed with is a fucking brat?” Admittedly, I did honestly want to use my tongue like I do in almost every dream I have but...I can’t just let her think that she can do something when I didn’t tell her to do it or I told her not to do it. “You said you were listening so why the fuck are you questioning me, anyway?”
“I didn’t want to question you, I was just looking forward to...never mind I’ll-“
“No, just don’t. I can’t even be bothered anymore, that’s how fucking annoying you’re being. Get off my lap and lie on your back like a good girl would.” She got off me and I bit my lip at her obedience, this is still a little strange at times but I’m not going to stop it, I’m enjoying myself so much. “You don’t get to come again, because of how much you’ve pissed me off.”
“What? You don’t have to do that, Harry. I’m sorry. Don’t do that again, please.” She had a pleading tone to her voice and I rolled my eyes, she can take what she gets. “Please don’t, I said sorry?”
“Talking is not making this any better, be quiet or I’ll have to put something in your mouth to shut you up. But you don’t even deserve that, the most you deserve is getting to suck on my fingers.”
“Can I?” I should’ve expected her to say that. “Please?” She probably doesn’t deserve it actually...but I just really want to see this, badly. I placed my index and pointer finger on my right hand on her lips and she opened them, letting me move my fingers into her mouth slowly.
“You just love having something to suck on, don’t you? You love sucking on whatever you can get from someone, baby? Lay back like I told you to now.” She grabbed my arm and slowly moved onto her back, I looked down at her body and shivered. Mine. “Need my fingers back, love.”
She shook her head and I pulled my fingers out her mouth myself. “You better start doing things when I tell you to. You’re a brat. That’s what you like to be though, isn’t it? A fucking annoying brat. You want someone to be in control of you but you don’t make it easy for them. You don’t deserve me touching you right now, do it yourself.”
“W-what?” I pushed her thighs apart and grabbed onto her hand, making her move it down her body until she got to her lower stomach. “You actually want me to do it myself?”
“Yeah, I want you to do it yourself, so do it.” I let go of her hand and she started to move it down herself, stopping for a moment. “No reason to be scared or anything, you can do it in front of me, I’m not going to judge you or make fun of you. Don’t have to if you don’t want to though.” 
“I can do it. I can.” She moved her hand down and then stuck out her middle finger, pressing it down on her clit and then moving it in circles. What a sight.
“Easier than you thought, innit. Just keep going, you have to listen to what I say though.” She nodded her head and closed her eyes, keeping her finger moving at a slow and steady pace. I can’t believe it took me so long to realise that I love her.
I love her so much. I want to be with her in every way. I want to be with her through every emotion I ever feel for the rest of my life. I want to be with her when I’m sad, I want to be with her when I’m happy, I want to be with her through it all. I want a family, but if she doesn’t want that, that’s okay too, I can live with it. All of it’s going to be for her now. Just for her.
When I touch her, I feel my face burning up, she teased me about it but I don’t think she knew it was because of her. It’s like I’m an obsessed teenage boy who just discovered that he’s into people, I can’t stay away from her. I really do need her. She may tease me but she’s always been so sweet to me, even when other people weren’t, she was.
She always helped me out, even helped me out with my crush, I don’t think I actually liked them, just couldn’t accept that I liked her yet and just tried to pick someone else to focus on instead. It didn’t work, she was around me so much constantly. I wonder if she felt the same.
Was she as obsessed as I was? Was she not able to sleep because she could only think about me too? Probably not. Imagine staying awake because of some boy with curly hair, that’d be pretty weird. No one would have thought about me like that, especially her.
I want to be good to her.
“Harry...please touch me, feels better.” Need to be good to her.
“Yeah, I can do that. I’ll do it. Move your hand.” She lifted her hand away and I licked my lips. Right, fuck...what am I doing? Well I know what I’m doing, I think. Doing her. “Do you want me to touch you or do you want me to...”
“You’ve suddenly gotten shy? Do what you want, Harry. Actually...I haven’t got to touch you since we started this. Will you let me?” As if I’m going to tell her no, that would just be pure stupidity.
“Yeah, of course.” She sat up and I moved beside her, this is really weird now. Like...I thought about it? But now it’s actually happening? I just didn’t think it would happen. This moment is very surreal for me. I don’t even care if we stop right now anymore, just want her here with me. How it should be. “Of course, no pressure to do this-“
“Harry, I asked.”
I remember the first day I realised I liked her, I was 14 or 15, I really was starting to notice her then that day it just clicked in my mind.
I looked at her and I knew. That day...she also asked me to kiss her for the first time, but not for the reason I would’ve wanted.
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11 years ago, Harry’s room.
Mum let Y/N come over today, it is summer, there’s not much of a reason for her to say no. I looked over at her and saw her scrolling through her phone and I let out a puff of air through my lips out of boredom.
“Oh, what is it?” I looked over at her on her spot on the floor, I laid back and let my head hang off of the edge of the bed, keeping my eyes on her. “You look weird when you’re upside down like that, stupid.”
“Thanks a lot. I’m bored, don’t you want to do something except go on your new phone? What on there could possibly be more interesting than me?” She grinned and I groaned, she definitely had something to tell.
“Well, you know Aidan?” I nodded my head and closed my eyes, Aidan’s a nice guy but he’s nothing compared to me. But I, of course...am not trying to make a move on Y/N. “Well, he gave me his number and we’ve been texting non-stop, I’m really excited about it, he’s such a good guy.”
“Pfft, I’m better. I’m sure anyone would rather hang out with me than Aidan. I’m a good guy too, I’ve always treated you good, haven’t I?” She raised an eyebrow and I slapped my hand over my mouth, why do I sound jealous? “Please, I just want you to hang out with me when you come over.”
“You really are needy. Fine.” She clicked the off button on the side of her phone and stood up, walking over to the side of the bed. I felt something on my stomach and lifted my head up, she laid her head on my stomach. Made me feel funny. “What are we going to do then?”
“You want to go out somewhere, we could go in my back garden? Treehouse?” Her head perked up and she slapped my stomach lightly. “Um, ow?”
“You’re a genius, treehouse it is then.” She stood up and I forced myself to sit up, raising my arms and stretching my back to try to get it to maybe crack, it fucking hurt getting up after being it that position. “C’mon lazy, get up.”
“I am, I am. Fucking hell.” I grabbed my shoes that were just beside the bed and quickly put them on, getting up and following behind her as she opened my door and made her way out of my room. “I swear you walk around this place like you live here sometimes...”
“I basically do.”
“That’s very true.” She reached behind her and grabbed my hand, I felt my face immediately heating up and she didn’t even react as she dragged me behind her while she walked down the wooden stairs. “It’s just the treehouse, it’s not going anywhere, you don’t need to hurry.”
“I want to hurry though, I like the treehouse.”
“Do you use me for my treehouse?”
“Yes.” I gasped and she squeezed my hand tightly, making me let out a yelp of pain. “Don’t act like you didn’t know that the only reason I hang out with you is for Gemma and your treehouse. I’ve always liked Gemma better than you by the way.” I rolled my eyes and pulled on her arm so that she stopped.
“If we run anymore I’m probably going to get a stitch. Also, I’m much better than Gemma don’t lie, you always hang out with me when you’re here.” I could just imagine that sharp pain in my side, fuck no, it’s the worst, I’ll do all I can to avoid getting a stitch.
“I hang out with you so that our friendship can build up and I can break your heart so much you’ll never forget me, baby.” Friend-zoned and called baby in the same sentence, okay. “Nah, don’t worry. Still love you.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek, quickly turning back around and dragging me out of the house to the back garden with her.
She just kissed my cheek. She just kissed my cheek? I brought up to my cheek and held it there as we walked out of the door to my garden. I got to slap myself, got to wake up. I raised my hand and brought it down onto my cheek, groaning when she turned around at the slapping noise and I learned it wasn’t a dream and I’ve just embarrassed myself. “Did you just slap yourself?”
“I felt something on my cheek, thought it was a fly or something, I hate them.” She raised her eyebrow to show that she was unconvinced and let go of my hand, walking away from me to the ladder that led to the treehouse.
“Whatever, let’s go up.”
“Wait! I need to go up and...clean...” She gave me a cheeky smile and grabbed onto the ladder, quickly moving up it. “Wait! Stop!”
“Nope!” I went up the ladder after her, quickly realising I had to stare at the ladder as I went up because she chose to wear a dress today. “What’re you hiding in here?...” She made her way into the treehouse and I went in after her. “Is this a diary?”
“No! Don’t read it!”
She opened up the first page and started to read it aloud. “I’ve been feeling different about her lately-“ I grabbed the personal little diary from her quickly and closed it, squeezing the edges tightly and probably causing some damage from how tightly I was gripping it. “Aw, have you got a little crush on someone, Harry? Who is she that you’re talking about?”
“None of your business!” I placed the book behind me and crossed my arms. “Just leave it alone...”
“Hm, alright...have you kissed anybody yet?” Should I lie or tell the truth? The truth is a little too embarrassing but I don’t like lying to her.
“Uh, no. Have you?”
“No...the reason I asked is well...I don’t want to go out with Aidan without even kissing anyone, so I was going to ask if...could you kiss me?” Woah woah woah, did she just actually ask me to kiss her? Pause, this can’t be right. “Please? It’ll feel like it’s over as quickly as it started, promise.”
“Yeah, I can totally kiss you. Just because you asked.” I should totally not be getting butterflies right now. “Let’s do it quickly. If we wait, I’m not going to be able to do it.”
“Right, okay...” I crossed my legs and sat in front of me, copying the way I crossed my legs. “Come here, then.”
I lifted my hand up to her cheek and leaned my upper body forward towards her, this is so normal. I closed my eyes and pursed my lips, just moving forward until I felt her lips against mine. Fuck.
I think I’ve figured out what the butterflies mean.
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“Harry, are you alright? It’s like you’re somewhere else.” She snapped her fingers in front of my face and I turned my head to look at her. How the hell did I drift away while this was happening. “Do you still want to do this?”
“I still want to, I just went somewhere else for a second, sorry.” Her hand landed on my thigh and I stared down at it, I think it just actually hit me what we’re doing, she’s going to try and...get me off? Ew, can’t believe I just said that, sorry.
“Okay.” Her hand moved up my thigh and I turned my head towards her again. “Relax, there’s no pressure to continue anymore.”
“I just need you to kiss me, I don’t feel pressured.”
“I can do that.” I lifted up to her cheek like I did that first time and leaned in towards her, pressing my lips against hers and moving my hand down to her throat but I didn’t squeeze tightly in case she didn’t want it.
I felt her hand close around my cock and I pressed my fingers into the skin of her neck. She pulled back from my lips and moved to my neck as she started to move her head, twisting it when she moved her hand up. “Uh-“
She started to suck my skin between her teeth and I moved my hand to the back of her head, keeping her there. “Fucking h-“ Her hand started to move faster and I squeezed my hand around her throat tighter, I could barely see anymore, my vision was so blurry from the pleasure.
She pulled back from my neck and I let go of her throat, instead choosing to grip the bedsheets because I don’t want to hurt her too bad. “You can’t even speak, can you?” She reached up and wrapped her fingers around my throat like I did before. This is new. But a really fucking good kind of new. “You look a little pathetic, I’m touching you and you can barely speak. I don’t even have to try, do it?”
“No...” I mumbled back my response quietly and she smirked, I’ve never really been the one without power but this is...good. So good.
“Are you not going to speak up? Imagine people knowing that the Harry Styles is actually pathetic and likes to be choked?” Is she degrading me? Why don’t I have a problem with it?
“I’m not ashamed.”
“No? Would you beg on your knees, H?” She stopped moving her hand and let go of my cock, making me whine. “Would you beg for me to touch you?”
“What?” Beg on my knees? She’d probably laugh at me.
“Would you beg on your knees?” She tightened her hand around my throat and I swallowed harshly, what the actual fuck is happening? “Are you nervous, Harry?”
“Pfft, me? Nervous? Nope! I’m just...unsure...about what is happening.”
“It’s okay to be the vulnerable one sometimes, Harry, but only be the vulnerable one if you’re comfortable with it.” She released her grip on my throat and I reached up, laying my hand over hers and making her squeeze my neck tightly again.
“I can be the vulnerable one...well...I can try my best to be the vulnerable one.” I kept my hand over hers and stared at her straight in the eyes, she needs to know I’m being serious since I’m not serious most times, which can cause problems.
“Have you thought about this before? Thought about someone telling you what to do instead of telling them?” I swallowed and contemplated whether I should tell her or not, she wouldn’t embarrass me surely? Then again, it turns out the she rather enjoys humiliating me so I don’t know. “Hurry up and tell me before I stop what I’m doing.”
“Yes! I-I thought about it before but I was too scared to try it or ask someone to try it so I just didn’t...can I touch you?” I reached my left hand out to her and she slapped it away, not harshly but it left a little sting. “Damn!”
“You didn’t even wait after you asked your question, I was going to say no, by the way. You probably wouldn’t have fucking listened anyway.” She squeezed her hand around my neck when she said those last three words and I whimpered at the feeling of pleasure I was getting from the pain. “Oh you like that?”
“Yeah...just let me fucking touch you.” I grabbed her arm and she let go of my throat from shock. “I can’t wait anymore, I was enjoying myself but I’m not patient, I’m not waiting on you any longer.” I pushed her back down onto the bed and crawled over her. “You can just listen to me now.”
“No, you can’t just- I was enjoying myself! Do you know how fun it is making men be the ones begging to be touched?” She pouted her lips and I smiled, too bad.
“How do you expect me to listen when you can’t listen yourself? I’m going to do what I want.” I rested my middle and ring finger on her lips. “Suck ‘em.”
“Fucking do it.” She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, I moved my fingers onto her tongue and she wrapped her lips around them. “Good girl.” I brought my other hand to her cheek and smoothed my thumb back and forth on her skin.
I pulled my fingers out of her mouth and she smirked at me. “That what you wanted?” The small smile I had on my face dropped immediately when I heard her sarcastic tone, she’s trying to annoy me. “I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?”
“Fuck, just be quiet.” She wrapped her legs around my waist and I grunted when she pulled me down on top of her. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’ve gotten impatient waiting for you too, get on with it.” I placed my hands flat on the bed and lifted my upper body up. “Are you going go fuck me now?”
“No,” She raised her eyebrows and I looked down between our bodies. “Was going to touch you first but you just don’t deserve it anymore. Well, maybe I’ll just keep going until you’re begging me to give you a break.”
“Please...” She said it so quietly that I almost didn’t hear it.
“Didn’t quite hear you, what’s you say?” She clicked her tongue and looked away from me so I moved my hips forward and bit my lip when I felt my cock against her pussy. “Tell me what you said, love.”
“I said...please...” She pleaded and moved my hips forward again and moaned softly in her ear. “Fuck me...”
“I need a condom.” I moved back from her a little bit and she grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“No, no...I’m on the pill.” I sighed and bit my lip, is it worth the risk? “Please. Need you to fill me up, Harry.” Yup, worth it.
“Okay, okay. I can definitely do that for you.” I looked down and grabbed my cock, moving my hand a bit before positioning myself. “Are you ready for this?”
“So ready.” I pushed into her a little bit then let go of my cock, bringing my hand to her waist and looking back at her face to see her with her eyes shut and her mouth hung open but nothing was coming out of her mouth.
“Shit, you feel good...” I leaned my head down into her neck and sucked at her skin, starting to move my hips slowly. The room was starting to get darker because it was almost night now but the light that was shining onto her skin made her look so good, it felt surreal that she was letting me touch her when she looked this good.
“Harry, go faster.” I gave her neck one last kiss and lifted my head up and drew my hips back, I looked at her eyes that were brighter because of the light and noticed that she was looking back and forth between my eyes and my lips. I thrusted my hips forward suddenly and she let out a moan that I think she wasn’t even expecting to come from her. “Well, that was definitely harder.”
I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers before starting to move my hips again, moving them harder than I was before, I want her at my mercy. “You going to take it like a whore, baby?” What the fuck did I just say. “I mean-“
“Say what you want, it’s not going to scare me.”
I took a deep breath and spoke again. “Take it like a fucking whore.”
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
bowling shoes (franklin/reader)
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Title: Bowling Shoes
Request:  yes! It was requested by the wonderful @sunlight-moonrise​​
Couple: franklin (mgg’s role in beginner’s luck)/fem!reader
Category: smut
Content Warning:  SEXUAL CONTENT (degradation, praise kink, semi-public sex, orgasm denial, little bit of cockwarming ;), spanking, heavy petting, slight humiliation (i think), spitting, hair pulling, groping, creampie/unprotected sex, fingering, penetrative sex), dom!franklin, kissing/making-out, swearing, implied age gap (but they never specify Franklin’s age. So idk) (if i missed anything that needs to be tagged, PLEASE let me know!!)
Word Count: 4,224
Summary:  Reader is new in town and works at her grandfather’s bowling alley, where some people spend late nights practicing for the town-wide bowling competition.
A/N: The third day of my seven days of seven fics! This particular one shot has been sitting in my wip list since September 2020. And I just finally decided to write it. This was written with matthew gray gubler’s character from the short film Beginner’s Luck. If you haven’t seen it yet I highly recommend watching it bc it’s amazing and I love Franklin. I hope you’re all enjoying the 7 days 7 fics! I really cranked it out on all of these oneshots! Here is the masterlist for that! And here’s my main masterlist! Thank you all for the love and support!  
Little Falls… I never understood this town's love for bowling… and I probably never will… It’s probably a good thing that I moved from Little Falls before I got old enough to actually learn how to bowl, mostly because if I did, and I didn’t bowl, I’d probably be chased out of town with a crowd of pitchforks and torches.
So, it’s probably an even better thing that I just work at the town’s precious bowling alley. But, to be fair… This alley has been in the family since it opened. 
Long story short, I hate bowling. I just needed extra cash, and my grandfather just so happens to pay me extra. Not because I’m fami-No that’s exactly why...
“You are busting my balls here!” A man shouted from the lanes. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked in that direction, looking for the owner of the shouts. I gently placed the pair of shoes down on the counter before walking around to the lanes. “You can’t be serious!” A guy wearing a yellow bowling shirt was shouting down the lane he was standing on. 
“Is… Is everything okay?” I leaned against the half-wall beside me. I propped my arms on top of the wall as I looked at him. I looked across the tables behind the lanes and noted there was only one other person, who was watching the man with such intent I was sure they’d kill him. “It’s just you playing,” I half-laughed at the guy. He spun around on his toes and pointed a finger at me. I tried to not take it as accusatory, but everything in my body was telling me he meant it as such.
“I would have gotten that pin down if it wasn’t for you,” he half-shouted at me. I lifted my hands as some form of surrender as I stepped down to the lanes. The guy in the yellow bowling shirt looked at me and cocked his head. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, I just came down here to see if everything was alright… And if it was, I was just going back to work… Cleaning smelly rental, bowling shoes,” I gestured back towards the counter where a pile of rental shoes was sitting, waiting to be cleaned. “I just heard all the shouting down here and wanted to make sure someone wasn’t fighting with the balls,” I shrugged as I looked up at him. My joke about the balls was only mildly humorous if you knew that there were only 3 people in total in the alley. Myself, the angry stranger, and his unusual friend.
Glasses that kinda reminded me a little of Jeffery Dahmer sat on the tip of his nose, and just under his nose was a porn-stache. And the way he styled his hair just looked like a mop sitting on his head. But there was something, I don't know, attractive (I guess it was attractive) about this man. A certain handsomeness that I couldn’t exactly describe. 
“No, no, no one was fighting with the balls,” he spoke as he stepped closer to me. He looked down at me with a smile before resting both his hands on my shoulder. I sighed deeply as I stared up at him. “Now, go, run along… You said you have rental shoes to clean,” he smiled as he turned me around to face the 3 steps behind us. 
“Hold on,” I stepped away from him and turned back to face him. I had to crane my neck up to meet his stare, him being nearly a foot taller than me. “I can easily kick you out of here,” I scoffed as I looked at his shirt, finally noticing the patch sewn into the pocket of his shirt. The name Franklin was stitched into the patch with black thread in a fancy script. “Franklin,” I looked up at him and smiled. The cocky and smug expression on his face faltered for a moment as he looked at me. 
“Oh, aren’t you’re so cute,” he brought his hands to rest on my cheeks before squeezing them together, pushing my lips out. “You’re new in town, aren’t you?” he asked as he cocked his head to look down at me. I couldn’t exactly answer with my words, so I just nodded lightly. My eyes never left his face, and his never left mine.
“There’s just one thing you’re missing then. I own this place. This bowling alley... Is mine,” he kept his voice low as he spoke and the smugness returning, “Do you understand, Sunshine,” he asked, the condescension in his tone really coming out with the pet name he used. I tried to laugh and shake my head before I pulled away from his grasp. I stumbled back, nearly falling over the steps behind me.
“Since when are you my grandpa?” I asked, cocking my head to my shoulder. I could feel a teasing smile grow on my lips as I looked at him. His face shifted from being very smug to being shocked. “Yeah, bet you didn’t see that one coming… Did ya, Franklin,” I smiled at him. 
Franklin stepped back away from me but kept his stare on my face. “You’re not Hank’s grandkid. I would know when his grandkid would be here,” he pointed at me as he backed away from me. I snickered and shrugged.
“Well, you’d be wrong,” I smiled as I folded my arms over my chest. Franklin looked over his shoulder at his companion, seeking some sort of backup. But it was clear that she had no intentions in answering, she was far too busy just admiring him. How did he not see this as uncomfortable and wrong? 
“Aw, now you’re intimidated by the bowling alley girl? I don’t even bowl,” I scoffed before pulling my eyes off him, “I just work here,” I laughed. Franklin looked genuinely offended by my statement. Again, I don’t understand this town’s love for bowling.
“I’m sorry… What did you just say?” he looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows. Oh, I really did offend him… Do I feel sorry? Not really...
“Oh, yeah, you heard that right. It’s stupid. And, frankly, Franklin, I don’t understand how a town so quaint is so obsessed with throwing a ball at some plastic things,” I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. He stepped closer to me, and for the briefest of moments, I wasn’t sure what he was going to do. And suddenly a tension was in the air between us. It was suffocating. “Did I make you mad? Did I piss poor Fwankwin off,” I furrowed my eyebrows and pouted, "Did I huwt your feewings," my head falling back as I broke into a fit of laughter.
“Be quiet,” Franklin scoffed as he stared at me. I felt my smile become a little smug as I looked up at him. 
“Oh? Really? Why don’t you make me?” I shrugged and stepped closer to him. We were so close, breathing each other’s air. One step from either of us and our chests would be pressed together. Our toes, however, were touching. His rented bowling shoes barely standing on my canvas shoes. 
That was when the air tensed even more. But, the level of tension shifted from an awkwardness… to a certain awkward-sexual tension. I personally loved it because he’s a dick. Men like him need to be messed with. Plus, I’m bored...
“Is that what you want me to do?” his voice was lower than before. My smile fell away and I swallowed roughly. I could feel my heart in my throat, cutting off any words I wanted to say. “Oh, I see how it is. All that snark and attitude is fake. Because the second someone… An older man, maybe, says something… It goes away,” he smirked as he slowly brought a hand to my face. I went to move my face away from his touch, but failed when he forced me to look at him.  
“You’re a brat,” he whispered as he kept his eyes on me. A shiver went down my spine and I had to press my legs together, slightly shifting my feet. I stared at him with wide eyes, feeling my breathing pick up slightly. 
And the moment was ruined before I even got the chance to say something. It seemed as if we both had forgotten something. Rather, someone. 
“We should get going, Franklin,” a voice asked from behind him. 
“Fuck,” he muttered as he closed his eyes and pulled his hand from my face. It was obvious we both forgot that someone else was here. We were both so involved with each other that we just forgot about his companion. After a brief moment of awkward silence, he opened his eyes and looked at me, sighing deeply before speaking.
"I'm gonna be here late. You should just go home," Franklin spoke to his companion but kept his eyes strictly on me. His friend looked up at him like he was some sort of celebrity. I wasn’t exactly sure why she was staring at him like that. He wasn’t a god or anything. Unless he was, then I’d be screwed.
"It's okay. I can wait,” she smiled as she longingly looked at him. I looked back at Franklin before nodding to his friend. I’m starting to think she wasn’t even a friend of his… just a creepy and overly-devoted fan. I don’t think Franklin even noticed her obsession. “I’ll always wait for you, Franklin,” she murmured. I shifted on my foot before I stepped back.
“Bomber,” he spoke, turning to look at her. He looked down at her, his eyes telling her to leave. I only know that because Bomber (I suppose that’s her name) gathered her things and quickly left the alley. “Sorry, now where were we, Sunshine?” 
“Your friend seems nice,” I muttered, looking away from him for a brief moment. Franklin scoffed out a laugh before shaking his head.
 “She’s not a friend, just a teammate,” his voice was low as he brought a hand back to my face. Part of me was expecting him to be gentle, and I’m not really sure why I thought that. So when he jerked my head back up to look at him, I was left in shock. “But, that wasn’t where we left off. Bomber’s gone now,” he dropped his head down and looked at me through his eyelashes. 
“Which means we’re alone now,” I whispered as I kept my eyes on him. He smiled and nodded lightly before bringing my face closer to his.
“Now you’re getting it,” he returned the whisper before harshly pressing his lips to mine. I couldn’t help but moan as he pulled me closer to his body. It was so hard to keep my focus on the world around us. My knees carefully buckled beneath me. If it weren’t for Franklin, I probably would have fallen to the ground. He stood his ground firm, like he was a brick wall in the wind, keeping me upright as I almost fell to the ground. 
He moved his face away from mine, but we were still close enough to feel each other’s breath. Franklin moved his free hand to my hip before carefully pushing it past the waistband of my pants. My body shifted slightly, trying to get more of his touch against me.
“The… The door,” I whispered, my eyes going to the door. Although, I truthfully didn’t care too much about the door and it being unlocked. The bowling alley closes in 5 minutes anyways.
“Who cares about the fucking door,” he muttered. I instantly looked back at him, feeling a whimper work its way out of my mouth. Franklin smiled as he moved his hand against the flimsy cotton blocking his hand from where I wanted it most. 
“Please,” I whispered, moving my hips against his hand. I hated the way he smiled. Mostly because it only further turned me on.
“Ohh, you’re such a needy slut. So wet and I’ve barely done anything,” he whispered as he squeezed my cheeks again. “You’ll get what you want, in due time,” he smiled. He pushed my underwear to the side and carefully moved his fingers between my folds. I couldn’t help myself as I ground down on his hand.
“Franklin,” I whimpered, my eyebrows furrowing slightly. He smirked, watching as I struggled for a moment. His finger slowly moving around the sensitive bud at the apex of my legs. My hands quickly held his arms, I was worried I’d fall if I didn’t hold onto him. My legs and knees became more and more wobbly as time passed.  
“Don’t cum till I tell you you can, Pretty Girl,” he whispered and pouted, “how about you open that pretty little mouth of yours, Sunshine,” he whispered, moving one of his hands to rest on my chin. I widened my eyes and took a deep breath.
I kept my eyes on him, a shaky breath leaving me, as I slowly opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. Franklin smiled slightly before holding my cheeks and spitting right onto my tongue. He nudged my mouth shut, forcing me to hold his spit in my mouth for a moment. I had to force myself not to gag as I held his spit before swallowing it. 
“What a good little whore,” Franklin cooed, cocking his head to his shoulder. I took a shaky breath as his movements in my pants picked up pace. “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he looked at me. I wanted to have a snarky reply, I really did. But I swear to god, my mouth and body betrayed me because an honest to god moan came from me. 
“Oh, you certainly did enjoy that,” he laughed as his movements in between my legs quickened. I looked up at him with wide eyes as a familiar tension grew in my abdomen.
But instead of saying anything else, he just put his mouth over mine, swallowing whatever sounds emitted from my mouth. He smiled, clearly enjoying my mild suffering. 
My body struggled to move, almost missing the sign of Franklin moving. On wobbly legs, my feet carried me backwards, and with Franklin's guidance, up the steps. My arms were wrapped around his neck to keep close to him. 
I was so close, I could feel the tension about to snap within me. The noises that were coming from me were becoming more desperate the closer I got to the snap. Franklin didn't seem bothered by my sounds at all. In fact, he was amused. 
He was so amused, that when he pulled his hands from my pants and pushed me over the counter, he laughed when I cried out. I wasn't sure the sound was from annoyance from him stopping, or from shock from being pushed down over the counter. His hand was firmly placed on my back, keeping me in place.
“What was that for!?” I shouted, trying to stand back up, only to be forced back down by Franklin, “You better do something better than leaving me high and dry! I swear to God!” I shouted as I wiggled my butt into his crotch. A certain hardness pressed into my butt and leg, causing me (and Franklin) to hold back a groan. Franklin’s hand was still around my waist, planted firmly on my hip to hold me against him. “Please, just fuck me already! Fuck!” I shifted my feet a bit and tightly pressed my thighs. 
“Oh, no you don’t,” Franklin laughed as he shoved his knee between my legs, blocking his foot between mine to keep my legs apart more, “If you’re going to finish, you’re gonna finish on my cock. You got that, Sunshine?” he groaned as he pressed his front into my butt more. I bit my lips together, nodded and whined, hoping that was a good enough answer. “Uh huh, use your words, Sunshine. Do you understand that?” he asked as he leaned closer to my ear.
“Yes! Yes, I understand! Please,” I whimpered as his grip loosened on my hip and moved to the button of my jeans. I let out a deep relieved sigh as my jeans fell to the ground around my ankles. Although my moment of relief and excitement was cut short by a loud crack in the air, and a sudden pain on my bottom. 
“Fuck!” I gasped once I finally regained the ability to talk and breathe. My chest began heaving as my body started to get more worked up. The sudden smack on my ass went straight to my core, causing me to involuntarily moan. Franklin laughed lightly, and I could just see him shaking his head in amusement.
“What do you want, Sunshine?” Franklin asked, his voice low, lower than before. I swallowed roughly before lifting my head slightly.
“Fuck me,” I whispered, trying hard to look over my shoulder at him. His glasses were slipping down his nose, and his hair was covering his eyes. His tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth and swept across his lower lip.
“Wrong,” he muttered before striking my butt again. A pleased shriek fell from my lips as I dropped my head down to the counter. “What do you want,” 
“Franklin, please,” my words were soft as my breathing got rougher, “Fuck me, please, do… Do whatever you-you want… To me,” my statement was punctuated by another strike on my ass. A mix of a cry and a moan escaped my lips as he gently rubbed the sore spot on my bottom. But it was only a moment before he smacked my other butt cheek. 
“Do it again! Please,” I pulled my lower lip between my teeth. I waited for his hand to make contact with my bare bottom again, but instead, I got nothing. I sucked in a deep breath before letting out a soft whimper, “Please,” I begged as I swayed my hips slightly from side to side. I hoped my begging would have given me what I wanted. But at this point, I’m not sure what I wanted more, to be fucked by him, or to be spanked by him over, and over again.
After he spanked my butt for the 6th time, Franklin’s hand grazed over each cheek before lightly dragging his fingers over my core. 
“You’re so wet, Sunshine,” he whispered as he moved his fingers over my cunt. Any response I thought I had gone out the window when he pushed two fingers into my entrance. So, I guess my response came in as a moan. “Fuck,” he groaned with pleasure.  
I was in trouble. He knew that too. The way he was playing with me, toying with me to get even the slightest reaction. Trying to get me as close as possible, without actually getting me over the edge. But whenever he curled his fingers just right, or just slightly touched my clit. 
“I-I’m so close,” I cried, my body moving closer to him. Franklin laughed again as he pulled his hand away from my body. This was the first time tonight that he wasn’t touching me. His hands were away from me, and as I tried to move closer to him I found nothing.
“Stay still, I want to remember this moment,” Franklin muttered as he rested a hand on my lower back, “Are you ready, Sunshine,” he asked, his tone seemed gentle. I swallowed roughly and nodded.
“Mmm-hmm, yes,” I nodded, feeling my hair move around before finally falling around my face. My body shivered as the sound of his zipper went down. And my body jerked once his hands were on my hips. 
I folded my arms on the counter. But what I should have done was brace myself against it in a better way. My body’s excitement was getting the better of me, and I could feel myself stray from the counter, and slowly towards his body.
“Stay still,” he muttered as he pushed me closer to the counter. My lungs ceased to function as I felt him rub the head of his cock against my slit. I choked back a moan and pressed  my lips together. And then he slowly began pushing into my entrance.
“Oh god,” I cried, pressing my face into my arms. 
“Name’s Franklin, but God works just fine,” he laughed behind me as he slowed his entrance. I gasped as he stopped, before slamming fully into me in one go. I couldn’t stop the shout that came from the pit of my stomach.
Once we were both used to each other, he started moving, his hips quickly finding a rhythm we were both pleased with. The silent room was quickly occupied by the grunts or moans from its only two occupants, and the sound of skin hitting skin.
I slowly lifted my head, looking out at the bowling alley. Is it bad that I didn’t think that this was weird or bad? That I was being fucked over the counter by a guy I just met? What would my grandfather think if he ever knew about this? Good thing he was never going to find out.
Franklin wrapped my hair around his hand before pulling me back up so my back was flush against his chest. His movements stilled, his hips pressed against mine as he stayed totally in me. My body froze like ice as I tried to take a deep breath. My senses were suddenly overwhelmed, and I honestly loved it. 
“Fuck,” I cried, pushing my hips against him to get some sort of relief. But I only groaned as he wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me still as well. “Please,”
“So greedy, so filthy,” Franklin groaned as he buried himself deeper into me. I whimpered as I bit my lips. The bitter, metallic taste of blood found its way to my tastebuds. “How does that feel? Does it feel good,” his voice was so low, nearly a growl in my ear. I sucked in a deep breath of air, slowly turning my face to look at him. “Just holding my cock in you?” he asked before pressing his lips harshly to the side of my face. 
“I… I do…” I spoke quickly and in a harsh whisper. My muscles clenched around him, wanting something to give me help for my finish. While Franklin kept his lips pressed to the side of my face, while his hands were otherwise preoccupied. One hand was holding one of my breasts, gently kneading at it. While the other was between my legs, slowly moving around my sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, please move,” I whimpered, pressing my shoulder into his shoulder a bit more. Franklin removed his hand from my chest before gently pushing me back over the counter. I let out a pleased moan once he started moving his hips again. It only took a matter of moments before the tension in me snapped, sending me over the edge. My vision turned white, and my hands balled into fists, my nails would cause indentations in my palms once my hands relaxed.
And, after a few more faulty thrusts into me, Franklin finished close behind me. His body hunched over mine, his hands holding himself up on the counter beside me. Neither of us wanted to move, still trying to calm down from what just happened. But also, the mess to follow once he finally stepped away from me. 
“I didn’t know I needed that,” I truthfully stated. Franklin laughed before standing upright. I’d be lying if I said I wanted him to step away from me. So when he eventually did, I held back the whimper. 
“Paper towels?” he asked as he fixed himself back into his pants. I swallowed roughly as I blindly pointed towards where I was cleaning the rental bowling shoes. He stepped away from me, going to grab the things he sought after. 
The mixture of the two of us slowly leaked down my inner thigh, and I just knew that mess would not be fun to clean, now or later. When Franklin returned and wiped a damp paper towel up my thigh, I jumped. 
“Did you enjoy that?” I asked as he helped me stand up straight. My legs and knees were so shaky, I almost fell. He wrapped his arms around me to keep me upright. I only struggled a little bit to pull my jeans and underwear back up, but I was very relieved when they were back around my waist.
“I had a great time,” he laughed. I swallowed roughly before stepping back away from him. I hoisted myself up so I was sitting on the counter, only to let out a sharp cry and jump off the counter. How the fuck did I forget about the pain on my ass?
“Did it feel like winning?” I asked, feeling a smile grow on my lips. Franklin looked up at me with a sly smile, cocking his head to his shoulder.
“I always win in this bowling alley, Sunshine,” he muttered as he stared at me. I blinked slowly. “Except for that one time. But every time after… Always a win,”
if you want to be a part of a taglist or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here
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baekhvuns · 4 years
Hey if you're taking requests, could you do a reaction when ateez are feeling yknow 👀👀 but then you leave them hanging 👉🏻👈🏻
ateez reaction ; requested (s)
。。。ateez feeling horny but you leave them hanging ( okay but idk if i did this right i think it somehow turned into you teasing them . . )
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── kim hongjoong
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your husband hongjoong was very touchy this entire week, at first you ignored it as if it was a plague but when he kept continuing the subtle touches, you couldn’t help but give in.
but of course, not with a little bit of a twist. knowing how just a few weeks prior, you were doing the same to hongjoong but he left you hanging, frustrated sexually and physically.
“aww, our little hongjoong’s needy?” you asked, tilting your head coyly while trailing a finger down his chest and stealing it on his hard on.
“(y/n), stop doing this and get to work already.” you bit your lip, trying to hide the laugh that was threatening to break out.
licking your lips playfully you eyed him with a raised eyebrow, scanning his face and hearing his raggedy breathing. this was your time to get revenge, and you’re sure this will leave him in danger zone.
you shifted your position on his thick thighs, breathing heavier to accentuate the feeling. you leaned into place a kiss on his lips, and he automatically puckered his lips and shut his eyes.
you bit your lips, feeling slightly bad but knowing he’ll deserve it for what he left you with. so you leaned in closer, making sure to give him all the experience you usually do when you’re about to kiss him.
just as you were about to place your lips on his, you shifted your your face to place a peck on his cheek. pulling back you hurriedly got up from his hold, folding your hands behind you as you leaned forward teasingly.
“i hope you remember what you did to me last month, joong.” you smiled innocently, glancing at his very frustrated expression, and turning away from him, leaving his mouth hung agape.
── park seonghwa ;
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seonghwa and you had sex almost everywhere, he just couldn’t keep his hands off of you. no matter how many times you told him that it was very inappropriately him to finger you while you and him were at a dinner with his family. the man just wouldn’t stop.
you were so, so close to release the heat in you that he pulled his slim fingers out, you looked at him through your hazy but wide eyes. cursing him under your breath and you sat there, stiff but so needy for him to do something but he did nothing.
so now it almost seemed like déjà vu, a dinner with your family members while seonghwa sat next and you palmed his clothed hard member underneath the table, a smirk on your face as you zipped down his zipper, rubbing the skin under his naval, right above the band of his briefs, and hearing him suck a sharp breath in.
“oh, hwa you okay?” you asked, your voice dropping with mockery. knowing all too well that seonghwa was drastically turned on and hard, you knew his dominant side would chime in whenever he was in such a position.
and you took every advantage of this, for once you got under park seonghwa’s skin. caressing his dick painfully slow, and feeling him arch his back up.
“k-keep on going,” his ragged breathing made your smirk, tilting your head to look at him a pout.
“don’t look at me like that.” he gritted out his mouth and you only pouted further, his eyes landing on your lips and he has to restrain himself back at your teasing.
but when you take your hand away from his hard on, he looks at you like you’re crazy. you only eye him with an innocent doe look, inside screaming because your boyfriend was not having the attitude you were giving him.
so you leaned up to whisper in his ear, “how’re you holding up baby?” giving him a taste of his own medicine, a sentence he uses while pounding into you.
“just wait till we get home,” he groaned and you smirked.
“but seonghwa, baby, you remember i’m staying at my parents tonight right?” his head snapped to look at you and you shrugged your shoulders, picking up the drink from your table and deliberately toying your tongue around the straw while giving him the entire scene.
── jeong yunho ;
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yunho loved it when you sat on his lap, it made him feel even bigger than he already was. your small body in between his bigger one, your back against his hard chest.
but this time the scenario was a little different, you were sitting on his lap, but in a car with the rest of his friends. as everyone was going on a trip in a small suv, you opted to sit on yunho’s lap to save space for the luggage’s.
and when the road went on a particularly stoney path, you were shifting on his lap quite a lot. at first you didn’t pay attention but when yunho’s hands gripped onto your waist, you smirked.
slowly starting to grind on his member, the skirt you were wearing ridding up and definitely not helping yunho’s imagination as you kept moving back and forth on his lap, his back arched up against your ass.
“yunho-yah, you okay there?” you asked, looking to the side and seeing his eyes shut while biting on his lower lip.
“hm-yeah, i-i’m doing great.” he let out a shaky breathe, his hands on your waist tightened, motioning you to keep on going as he forcefully grinded your hips onto his hard on.
and then suddenly you stopped when you felt his member poke your butt, a coy smile adorning your face as you leaned forward towards the driving seat. “hey wooyoung, are we there yet?”
“uh, not yet, there’s still two hours left.” you clicked your tongue and leaned back, putting the same amount of pressure as you did before on him.
you looked back and cupped his face with one of your hands, pouting. “yunho, you sure you okay?”
“i hate you so much,” you grinned, tapping his cheek mockingly and turning your body to face in front. still feeling his member poke into you but you knew he couldn’t do anything about it as long as the car hasn’t reached it’s destination.
── kang yeosang :
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you were sitting across the room from your boyfriend, the two of you were attending the baby shower of his older sister. the room was divided, the boys on one side the girls on the other.
prior to coming here, when you were getting ready in the bathroom. yeosang was feeling out of the blue, his hands wrapped around your waist as you applied the mascara while bending over the counter, making your rub against him.
you chuckled when he groaned in pleasure, tightening the grip on your waist and pulling you back with a jerk. one action got to another and the two of you were pressed against each other on a wall while having a hot make out session.
the dress strap dangling down your shoulder as he held your waist firmly, your legs around wrapped around his waist as he placed you on the counter. unbuckling his pants and proceeding to push himself into you, but before he could to that, your phone rang from beside you.
“it’s okay, it’ll be quick.” making him groan and you smiled and reached out to grasp the phone and bringing it next to your ear as yeosang waited patiently.
“oh, okay, we’ll be there.” you giggled, hanging up and placing your arms over his shoulders.
“your sister needs help, and she wants us there right now.” you said, lifting your dress strap up.
“she can wait, but i cannot.” you chuckled, pushing him back, “you know she’ll get mad at you.”
and now sitting on the sofa while yeosang eyes you through his hooded eyes, your long legs on a show making him swallow heavily. you knew he was needy, from the constant lip bites and ruffling his hair in frustration when you kept moving, and shifting your legs in a different position just to irk him.
── choi san ;
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you wrapped your arms around san’s neck, pressing closer to his body. his hands rested on the curve of your ass, pushing you into him.
you had succeeded into making san shift his focus from his gaming to you, but you of course wanted to play with him, not in the way he was picturing it.
you brought your lips over to ghost over his neck, licking your lower lip to press a kiss over his neck freckles. san let out a hiss as you slowly peppered his neck with your wet lips and the hot traces of your breath.
“my baby’s been a good girl, hmm?” he asked, breathing unevenly and you smirked before nodding, placing your knee in between his legs, pressed up his member and he let out a mewl.
“I’ve always been one san, but you just never noticed.” you teased, and his eyes shut at the feeling of your lips over his.
“but,” you brought your fingers up to trace his soft lips, bringing your lips close to his only leaving a a very small space between yours and his.
“you’ve been a very bad boy, and i think it’s your time to receive a punishment.” his eyes shot open and you smirked at his confusion, you slowly lifted your body up away from his.
“what’re you doing, (y/n).” his eyes darkened and his tone turned lower.
you raked a hand through his hair lovingly before properly standing up straight, crossing your arms over your chest. “i’ll see you tonight?” you said and turned on your heels but san was faster and got a hold on your wrist, pulling you into his chest.
“so you’re just going to leave me here, like this?” you smiled, tapping his chest lightly.
“of course.”
── song mingi ;
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hi what is he so hot for 
you were a very brave person to do this, a daredevil in your own dictionary.
mingi was a very intimate person, but he was also very horny. whether you dress up in a stunning body-con or just when you’re wearing one of his shirts, the man was always in need of you.
you could say you had him wrapped around your finger, and you did take advantage of that form time to time.
and today, was that day, and it just had to be the day of his nephew’s birthday party. he was eyeing you from across the room, eyeing your every move as you shifted through the crowd.
once you knew his eyes were set on you, you took the plan in your action. taking your phone in your hands and typing out a very interesting message, it was something you saw from from tiktok that was turned into a challenge, and you wanted to his reaction to it very badly.
the minute you hit send, you looked at him, motioning him to look at his phone with your eyes. you waited for him to pick his phone up, and when he did, his fingers scrolled down the screen to see your message.
the minute he finished reading it, his head shot up and his eyes narrowed at you. you patted yourself internally because the look he was giving you wasn’t just any look, the look screamed bedroom eyes and you couldn’t help but chuckle only making him raise his eyebrows at you in amusement.
in a blink of an eye, mingi was no longer on the couch but instead making his way towards you, his jaw clenched and eyes hooded.
you instantly looked around before heading to the kitchen, heart beating because of that risky text that you sent definitely had him feel some type of way, so you were kind of intimidated by his abruptness.
suddenly feeling as if the plan had crashed down on you, you hurried in the kitchen to busy yourself and thank god his mother was in their fixing the plates, you immediately made your way towards her.
when mingi walked in where you were, he was greeted by the sight of you helping his mother and not helping him keep his junior down. your eyes met his and you bit back a laugh, “hey mingi, do you need anything?” you asked, absolutely oblivious to his problem.
he clenched his jaw at the tone you used on him, knowing that no matter how much he wanted to fuck you, he couldn’t because his mother was in the room, and that would be very traumatizing.
“no, nothing. meet me when you’re done here, okay?” his voice was sweet, but you much better, his words coming out as a statement.
“sure, it’ll be quick.”
jokes on him, you had no plan on leaving his mother’s side the entire night.
── jung wooyoung ;
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wooyoung doesn’t take shit from you, every plan you’ve tried to leave him hanging just doesn’t work on him because he finds out, you don’t know if you’re bad at planning stuff or is he just too smart.
so you tried to take the chance and tease him a little, and just when you thought it was working as wooyoung stepped closer to you, making you step back and stop only when the table blocked you from any further.
his body pressed against yours and you sucked in a breath, he leaned his face closer to yours with the iconic cocky smirk of his. “w-what is it?” you asked, stammering as he pressed his hips into you, sending a tightening in your gut instead.
his one arm reached to wrap around your waist while the other reached for something behind you, his face was so close that you knew he would kiss you, so you shut your eyes on instinct.
but when nothing came, you jerk open your eyes in shock. “you thought something was coming your way?” he teased, reaching behind you to grab a glass.
“maybe next time,” he said, pulling back and walking away whistling.
in conclusion, you’re a clown and you got played by him.
── choi jongho ;
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sucking a lollipop couldn’t bring harm to anyone right?
you smiled evilly, swaying your tongue in circles around the candy while eyeing your boyfriend jongho who had his eyes set on you the entire time.
you lifted your left eyebrow, questioning jongho when you very well knew what was going on. “is everything alright jongho? you don’t seem well.” you asked, tilting your head while making a pop sound with the lollipop.
he clenched his jaw and shook his head,
looking the other way in an attempt to distract himself, but how could he when he knows your mouth his against that stupid lollipop and the noises you’re making over it, how would the poor man handle himself?
when you’re looking at him while sucking harshly on the candy, made me him want to take you against the table, right away.
but, when you suddenly stood up to receive a call, he couldn’t help but look at you in bewilderment. you were still sucking on the lollipop, just not looking looking towards him.
it’s like you left him hanging from the sweet torture you were giving him, and he’s sure to take the revenge the minute you stepped inside the house.
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castieltrash1 · 4 years
dangerous territory → clint b.
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gif credit (x)
summary → clint stays behind during a mission, leaving you alone with him in the avengers building. seeing him sprawled out on the comfy lounge room couch gives you some naughty ideas -- only adding to the tension your relationship already has.
word count → 6.7k (literally wtf)
warnings → i ignore the entirety of iw/endgame except for clint’s makeover, extreme sexual tension, smut; switch!fem!reader, switch!clint, couch sex, oral (both recieving), fingering, slight overstimulation, dirty talk, praise
a/n → literally idk if i should be ashamed or not but im Horny 4 Hawkeye!!! oopsie !! also there are like .3 smut fics for him on here and im determined to fix that
Quiet was not a word you’d use to describe the Avengers Facility.
In fact, with Steve’s loud orders, Bruce’s lab explosions, and Sam’s boisterous laughter -- not to mention the never-ending petty arguments that managed to revert the Avengers to 11th graders in their first debate club -- it was the farthest thing from quiet.
But, now, with zero disagreements and zero distractions, you’d been able to enjoy the building all to yourself. Almost. Of course, the one time you got to avoid a mission, you ended up falling into an even worse situation.
You’d covered for Wanda last mission, and she’d insisted on paying you back for the newest one. It wasn’t high stakes by any means, but the work itself had countless components and everyone who was nearby -- or at least on the planet -- had been called in to fill some role.  
Everyone, of course, except you. And Clint.
Suddenly the idea of being stuck in the Quinjet with everyone’s post-mission moodiness sounded very appealing. You could feel a headache growing as you wandered around the kitchen, doing anything and everything in your power to avoid him. He was not supposed to be here. Hell, he didn’t even like stepping foot in the place unless the world was in immediate danger.
Of course, you weren’t the only one to notice his odd attitude. Natasha gave him a confused look when he mentioned staying behind, but decidedly hadn’t commented, almost like she’d already pieced together the reason for Clint’s actions. Knowing her, she probably had. But, even Wanda shot a glance that worried you -- though you seemed to be the only one to catch her squinted green gaze before it disappeared. You weren’t sure you wanted to know what she saw in his mind.
Sure, you had a couple of ideas as to why he would choose to isolate himself with you, but you tried to not let those thoughts consume you. The others wouldn’t be back till midday tomorrow -- if all went well -- and you were not about to spend the next 36 hours soaking your panties with stupid fantasies.
Unfortunately, even when ignoring Clint, your mind was still focused on him. When you passed by the gym or shooting range, antsy to get your daily work in, one quick thought of seeing Clint’s arms -- tensed as he loaded his bow, muscles straining and eyes focused on his target -- was enough to have you quickly walking in the opposite direction.
But, now, as you make your way into the lounge to relax, you can’t find it in yourself to care. You have just as much of a right as Clint does to walk around whenever and wherever you please. In all honesty, you feel even more entitled considering you’re the one actually living in the tower (at least most of the time.)
He’s exactly where you expect him to be -- he may be fast and quiet on his feet, but you’ve been keeping tabs on him, for your own sake.
It’s a bit odd seeing a book instead of a bow in his hands, but you’re not entirely sure you should be focused on how his fingers wrap around the thin pages, thumbing the corners so gently--
“Done avoiding me, are you?”
Well, shit.
His gaze remains on his book -- though the very few pages he’s turned assures you he’s not paying attention to whatever riveting story Tony has stocked his shelves with.
“What are you talking about?” you ask. There’s a moment of temptation to take a seat next to him on the couch, as close as possible. To feel his strong arms around you, smell the raw masculine cologne he always wears a bit too much of -- heavy on his neck and sharp jaw that you know your lips could curl around so perfectly if given the chance.
You swallow heavily and take a seat in the chair across from him, sinking into the expensive fabric.
“Tony picks good furniture, right?” Clint sighs, book closing without so much as a dog-ear mark as he leans back.
It’s silent for a second, and you’re entirely sure you’ve missed a part of the conversation during your mini black-out, but Clint doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest, waiting patiently for your answer. You consider it a small win and accept the change in topic with an awkward laugh.
“Yeah. Didn’t think price made such a big difference.” There’s a firmness to the chair that keeps you from sinking, and mentally, you consider if it’d be strong enough for other activities. “How much you wanna bet he spent on each of these chairs?” you question, genuinely curious. ��I gotta guess at least two grand.”
Clint’s cool eyes glint playfully. “Three,” he challenges with a smirk that sends a shiver down your spine. “Though, you should really try this couch. Definitely my favorite thing here.”
There’s just a hint of suggestion in his tone -- the kind that you’d miss if you weren’t trained in reading people. It’s not unexpected, though. You’d have to be a fool to not recognize the exact same longing stares, the same lingering touches that Clint offers you. But, that’s what makes it all more intimidating. It’s an unspoken thing, and at this point, that’s what feels most convenient -- even if your lonely nights spent moaning his name are growing far too common for comfort.
Still, you can’t exactly ignore him, and his eyes follow you closely as you make your way to the couch, falling into the comfy cushions with a huff.
“Wow.” You laugh. “No wonder you’ve been spending so much time down here.”
Clint raises an eyebrow. “So you have been paying me some attention. Interesting.”
If he notices you shift as far to the other end of the couch as possible, he doesn’t mention it.
“Don’t take it personally, Barton,” you huff. “I’m used to keeping an eye on everyone around here.” It’s not entirely a lie, but he manages to see right through the half-truth regardless.
“So you avoid everyone, then?” There’s no hurt or misunderstanding in his voice, not even confusion. He knows what you’re doing, knows why you can’t bear to look him in the eyes for more than a few seconds.
“Still don’t know what you’re talking about,” you deflect, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back onto the couch.
He just chuckles, a low sound that makes your stomach clench unconsciously. You expect him to keep pressing you, work you up until you spill your guts, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t even say a word as you hear the rustling of paper and feel the couch move slightly as he shifts.
You turn your head towards him and open one eye, then both as they go wide. Clint has taken on a whole new level of comfortable, feet perched on the coffee table and one arm resting on the back of the couch while his free hand flips through the same first few pages as before.
In all honesty, you suddenly find yourself happy that Steve and Tony are gone -- otherwise they’d be scolding Clint for his manners, and most definitely not ogling his firm legs in those tight, black jeans.
You drag your gaze back up his body, stopping near the hem of his shirt, where his new position has allowed for the fabric to ride up his stomach. It’s just a sliver of skin but the image is enough to make your heart race. There’s a faint dip in the muscled hip line leading to his jeans, and if you stare extra hard, you can see the light trail of thin hairs disappearing under the fabric.
Swallowing heavily, you quickly look back at Clint’s face, holding back a gasp as he stares back at you.
“So,” you fill the silence before he can, mentally thanking Natasha for her training on keeping your composure. “How’s that book of yours?”
Clint just grins for a second -- you both know he’s caught you. “It’s alright. Not the most interesting thing in the building right now, though.”
You gulp. “Yeah… The place is big. Lots to explore. I don’t think I’ve even seen every room--”
“I have a feeling you know that’s not what I mean,” Clint cuts you off with a chuckle, and you send him a challenging glare.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you scoff.
He hums, before his tongue peeks out to swipe across his bottom lip. “You’re sounding awfully like a broken record today.” His icy, pale eyes return to his book, and you watch as he lifts his thumb to his wet lips, tongue darting out the lick the tip. You can practically feel the action, and almost whine in disappointment when his hand returns to flip the page.
Clint is downright grinning at this point, and you know he’s taking in every breath, shift, and blink of yours. “But, I know you’re not actually confused,” he continues. “In fact, I’d argue you like this game of ours a bit more than you should.”
You know if you brush it off again, he’ll drop it. He’s too nice to make you uncomfortable, and his statement hangs in the air with a heavy weight.
“You know, Barton?” you shift from your spot on the couch, eliminating a good chunk of the space between you and him. “I think you’re smarter than most people give you credit for.” He raises a brow, and you would believe his undisturbed look if you didn’t see his fingers twitch against the spine of the forgotten book.
“Tell Nat that,” he jokes, and you grin. Seeing that little crack in his facade, the way he fills the conversation with a joke, the discreet but heavy swallow he tries to hide -- it’s all enough to power you to move closer, until there are mere centimeters between you two.
“Hmmm, I don’t think I’ll be telling Natasha anything from this conversation of ours.” Keeping your attention on the slight tense of his jaw, you push the book from his hands, and he immediately drops his feet from the table to discard it in their place.
You pause for a second, glancing at Clint’s lap then back at him, and he doesn’t hesitate to reach out and grab your hip.
“Get over here already,” he groans, both arms wrapping around your waist to situate you in his lap. His hands are warm and firm and everything you could have ever imagined, and you automatically roll your hips down onto him. There’s a pleased moan from you both, and his own hips jolt in a way that sends you even closer to him, until your chests are touching.
He immediately dives for your neck, scruff tickling the sensitive skin as he breathes you in deeply. “I gotta admit,” he murmurs, letting his lips graze the bottom of your jaw in the most sinful way, “you look so much better sitting here than standing around in the kitchen.”
You drag your fingers through the long hair on the back of his head, tugging it playfully. “You’ve been watching me, Barton?”
He hums, squeezing you just as teasingly. “I do a lot of staring when it comes to you, babe.”
You pull him from your neck by his hair, and he looks up at you with the most mischievous glint in his eyes. The nickname makes you undeniably flustered, but you force the embarrassment away.
“I don’t know about you, but I think that’s what you call creepy,” you mumble, leaning down so Clint can feel your words against his own lips. He immediately darts forward, but you pull back with a sly grin, watching his eyes darken at the action.
“I think,” he growls, catching you off guard as he pushes you back onto the couch, making you jostle as you try not to fall off the edge. He steadies you with a large hand, and you only jolt again when he uses his free hand to spread your legs, caging you in as his hips drop between your parted thighs. “You’d be a hypocrite for saying that.” He drops back to your neck, and you can feel his smile before his teeth sink into your skin lightly -- just enough to make you gasp.
He continues to litter your neck with kisses, and you watch in awe as his toned arm tenses by the side of your head -- the thick black lines of ink rolling as his muscles flex.
“And what are you gonna do about it?” you taunt, back arching as his tongue darts out to lick a stripe up to right below your chin. “You gonna fuck me?”
Clint bites the edge of your jaw in retaliation to your words, before he pulls back just enough to stare at you with a lustful gaze.
“Not yet, baby. Not that easily.” One of his hands trails up the front of your thigh, before it busies itself with the hem of your shirt. You try to hide your disappointment, but Clint notices it, of course, and just shakes his head. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on letting you leave this couch anytime soon. You’ve made me wait long enough for this… I’m gonna take my time with you.”
He finally presses his lips to yours, and you hungrily reach and tug until he’s as close as possible -- until you can feel the denim of his jeans scraping deliciously against your thighs as you tug his bottom lip between your teeth. It’s messy and entirely uncalculated, and your nails catch in the wrinkles of the back of his shirt while his own fingers tug impatiently at the bottom of yours.
You part from him for a second, and his own greedy mouth follows yours, only managing to press against the side of your lips. “You act like you’ve made this easy for me,” you retort, and his chest rumbles against yours as he chuckles.
“Oh honey, I think I’ve made it quite obvious I’ve wanted to fuck you since the day you walked in here.”
“Clearly, not obvious enough.”
Clint huffs, warm breath hitting your cheek. “What’d you want me to do? Huh?” He shifts so his words make their way directly to your ear, each syllable accentuated with a puff of hot air. With him this close, neck just below your nose, you can take in the heavy smell of that sharp cologne you love so much.
His calloused fingers dip beneath your shirt, but instead of the obvious trail up, his hand trails down to play with the hem of your shorts. “Tug these little things off in front of everyone? Show them all how worked up you get me wearing these? Is that what you want?”
Your hips lift in a silent plea, and you groan. “They’re comfortable.”
“Maybe for you, but I find myself very uncomfortable when you wear them.” He snickers, and if you weren’t so turned on, you’re sure you’d roll your eyes. Only Clint Barton could make a joke about untimely hard-ons during a time like this.
“Then why don’t you take them off?” you groan, and he shakes his head while muttering something about you being bossy.
Still, his words betray him as he tugs the fabric down your legs, as slowly as possible while his eyes drink in the new area of exposed skin. “What part about taking my time with you did you not understand?” The corner of his lips tug in that mischievous way of his, and you have a sneaking feeling his patience is as fleeting as your own.
Proving your point, Clint tosses your shorts over the back of the couch with a grin, then pushes you further up the cushions. You’re almost sitting, shoulder blades knocking the arm of the sofa while your legs bend at the knee to accompany Clint, who scoots back. It’s the perfect and most disastrous angle to be at as you have to both feel and watch his deft fingers trail up from your knee.
You’re a hundred percent sure the effects of your arousal are extremely obvious, but he doesn’t comment on the wet patch of your panties -- though you see his eyes focus on the area between your legs for a second too long before his gaze flickers back to your thighs.
His calloused fingers trail the edge of fabric around your legs, rough skin providing a type of friction you can’t begin to explain. His touch is fleeting and he changes the amount of pressure with every swipe of his thumb, always pushing just enough to let you know he’s holding you down. That you can’t escape him -- as if you’d even think of trying to do so.
“Your legs are so sexy, you know that?”
You let out some type of pleased whine, a sound that Clint relishes as he tightens his grip on your thighs. “Make the prettiest sounds, too,” he continues, and then his fingers are right there. One hand holds your left leg down, while the other covers your panty-covered core. His thumb rubs into your desperate, throbbing clit, and you use your little amount of freedom to push your hips up, wanting, needing more.
Clint immediately presses you back down, and you watch his tattoos shift just slightly as he adds more weight to his hand on your thigh.
“Please, please.” You revert to begging at your lack of movement, losing all shame in regard to your desire. It’s obvious you need Clint -- any excuses or lies from before long forgotten. You need his movements to speed up, the slow circles of his thumb providing barely enough friction.
He just chuckles, but relents a little and you downright purr as the thin fabric of your underwear drags against your tingling nerve endings. It’s impossible to move under Clint’s weight, but all the muscles in your lower half flex and twitch as they desperately search for release and relief.
“How about…” Clint trails off, fingers moving upward to grab the waistline of your panties, “we get these off?”
You’re sure if you nod any faster you might make yourself dizzy, and Clint just smirks in that knowing way. That way that lets you know he has you right where he wants you. Right where he’s been waiting to have you.
The article of clothing is soon flung behind his shoulder just like your forgotten shorts -- and you can only faintly remind yourself to make sure you grab everything before the others return. Though, at this point, you think anyone could walk in on Clint between your legs and you’d still be begging him to make you cum -- audience or not.
“Fucking Christ,” Clint groans, palms sliding between your thighs to spread them, giving him a full view of your glistening core. “I swear, you’re gonna kill me.” Seeing his flushed cheeks, mussed hair, and greedy fingers, you’re not sure you can reject that statement.
He removes his hands for just a second, but you don’t dare close your legs, and he has the audacity to wink. Before your mind can even process the action, though, he’s pulling his shirt off, arms crossing over his chest as they show off in their full glory. Hips, stomach, chest, arms -- they’re all exposed so quickly and your eyes drink in the features as fast as they can. Clint throws the shirt to the side -- you have a feeling he’s utilizing his perfect aim to create a clothing pile -- but you just stare at his shoulder, where the ink spreads to areas you’ve never had the chance to see before. The olive green accents contrast against his tanned skin, which has gained a light sheen from the sweat of his arousal.
As he leans back down, Ronin’s portrait stares you dead in the eyes -- quite literally. If you didn’t know the deeper meaning, you’re sure you could mistake the skull as a danger warning to the man pressing a kiss against the inside of your knee.
Short hairs chafe your legs as Clint makes himself comfortable, pressing his jaw against you. When his hot breath dances over your center you almost squeeze your thighs together, but he’s there to push them apart with a chuckle.
“No, no…” He pulls away barely, and you take in a deep breath to calm yourself. “You’re gonna give me what I want, ok?” His fingers are gentle, and so are his eyes when he glances up to you. He’s hopeful, pleading almost, but stays respectful. “If that’s ok, of course.”
You almost want to cry, because how could he think any differently, but you just nod. “Please Clint, touch me.”
He sends you a lopsided grin, and then he’s right there, pressing a kiss against your clit. The feeling is completely different from before, lips slick and soft unlike his rough thumb. All the air in your lungs leaves your body as you let out a sigh of relief, body finally relaxing as it gets the touch it needs.
You reach down and your nails scratch his scalp lightly before you grip his hair in a tight hold. He nuzzles against your hand and groans against you, and the feeling of control makes your blood run hot through your veins. One of the most powerful men on Earth is between your legs, sucking softly on your clit like it's the only thing he could ever want.
He traces circles on your thighs with his coarse fingers as he warms you up with gentle licks and the occasional curl of his lips around your most sensitive area. You let him have the satisfaction of your spread thighs, but you periodically tug on his tousled locks to remind him that he’s the one between your legs. It’s the perfect balance of dominance -- the type that makes your head spin and your eyes roll back into your head.
Clint presses another kiss to your clit before traveling lower and the intimacy of the action makes your skin flush. You can tell he’s not going to be holding back for much longer though, if the desperation of his descent is any indication. His fingers join his attack as he spreads your folds, tongue dragging the entirety of your core.
“So good, baby. So fucking good,” he mutters, mouth impatient as he covers as much skin as he can at once. It’s fast and downright dirty as he presses his tongue into you, eliciting a groan from your parted, panting lips. You’re dripping at this point, and he laps up the mix of saliva and arousal with a yearning thirst.
It’s all so overwhelming. His fingers are digging into your skin -- likely to leave faint marks -- and the scruff framing his jaw scrapes and leaves your skin burning, while the softer locks between your fingers are a comfort to steady you.
The heat building in your body is entirely unbelievable, and your back digs into the couch as you arch into Clint, desperate for all he’ll be willing to give you. You press him closer, and he moans at the power in your hands -- the control you have despite him hovering over you. It’s a mental trip for you both, your stomach and pelvic muscles clenching as they react to his generous, eager giving.
“God, Clint, gonna cum.” The words barely feel like they’re coming from your own body, jaw slack as you tremble in his hold. His index finger presses into you slowly, while his thumb replaces his tongue on your clit. The change of stimulation has you reeling, your grip on Clint loosening as you feel his warm words against you.
“Kinda the point, sweetheart.” Your eyes are squeezed shut, but you know Clint is smirking -- you can practically hear it in his voice.
His finger curls to press against your front wall, and he rubs it gently once, twice, before he lets the digit drag out, sinking in again even slower. The leisurely thrusts continue as his tongue returns to circle your clit, his cocky words from before silenced as he puts his mouth to work. Your breath grows heavier, heart rate increasing with every second. His middle finger joins the first with a steady push, and you clench desperately as they curl and press and rub and reduce you to nothing but putty.
You’re right there and Clint knows it -- somehow he knows it. His fingers move faster, harder, and his lips wrap around your clit with even greater determination. There’s a shift, fingertips grazing the perfect spot as he sucks desperately and it’s over. You’re crying out his name, thighs shaking and you clench and flutter around his never-ceasing fingers. There’s a moment where all senses leave you and all you can feel is Clint, and the spread of warmth between your legs. Your ears ring and your own moans become faint background sounds.
And then, you’re pulling his head back, his tongue still trying to work your sensitive clit. He fights your tug on his hair but you must be begging because he finally relents with a huff. You can hear his breathing, and you feel his shift as he leans back over you, fingers still working you through your high.
“Look at me,” he demands, and his free hand drags down your cheek. “C’mon, open your eyes.” He forcefully grabs your chin, and your eyes open too quickly for your mind to process. It’s all so bright and you have to blink away the splotches of color coating your vision. Clint takes up the entirety of your view, lips wet and eyes dark. “There you go, baby.” He’s grinning and panting and his fingers are still fucking moving.
You whimper and glance down -- as much as his grip on your jaw will allow -- and the view of his tattooed arm between your thighs, veins pulsing as he fingers you is imprinted in your mind permanently. It’s a never-ending high that goes on for a second too long before Clint finally, finally eases his fingers from you. They’re practically dripping with your release, and he wastes no time bringing them to his glossy mouth.
It’s hypnotic to watch as his lips close around his fingers, nostrils flaring as he sucks them eagerly. They come out clean, and his chest rumbles with a groan. “Can’t get enough of your taste. Fuck.”
It takes a second for you to catch your breath, chest heaving and shirt clinging to sweaty skin. But, there’s finally a moment where your legs feel somewhat solid, and you take advantage of the opportunity, bending your leg to put the bottom of your foot on Clint’s bare chest.
He shoots you a confused but intrigued look, and you respond with a lopsided grin as you push him backward, until he’s the one stumbling to find a spot against the arm of the couch. Faintly, you consider the move would be much sexier with a pair of heels digging into his skin, but this will have to suffice for now. Maybe next time -- if there is a next time, of course.
“Now, what are you up to, baby girl?” Clint is practically vibrating with excitement as you gather the strength to push yourself off the couch, ignoring the slight twitch of your exerted thighs.
“Take your pants off,” you say, with little shame. “Now.”
You’re not sure you’ve ever seen someone get undressed so quickly and the hastiness of Clint’s actions leave him with very little coordination. It takes him three tries to get his belt undone, and he pokes himself with the metal prong when his eyes return to glance at you.
Raising a brow, you put your hands on your hips, and he speeds up. The button and zipper take him twice as long, but the sound when he finally tosses his belt and jeans off to the side is well worth the wait.
He licks his lips, looking up at you -- waiting, watching. Your earlier thoughts regarding his legs are heightened tenfold as you take in his toned thighs and hard cock in-between. He’s thick, the bulge pressing against his boxer-briefs making your heart skip a beat. The mere idea of him stretching you open has you growing too impatient for what you have planned.
“Keep going.” You swallow and hope your voice doesn’t sound too shaky.
Clint’s quick fingers make work of the fabric, and you focus on finishing yourself off. You pull your shirt off and let it drop to your feet before your hands move to unhook your bra. You’re barely sliding the straps down your arms when you hear Clint huff, and you look back to him.
“I wanted to do that,” he almost whines, chest puffing.
You roll your eyes but laugh, and toss your bra to him. He catches it with a wink, before throwing it behind him. Immediately, his gaze drags over your chest, excruciatingly slow. You know he’s taking in every inch, every natural mark that decorates your torso. Normally, you’d feel odd being examined so closely while still being at a decent distance -- but Clint is observant and his eyes are hungry.
Finally, his dark eyes reconnect with yours. “You gonna come sit or should I just grab you?” His tone is playful and daring, but you hear the hint of arousal that suggests he wouldn’t be opposed to tugging you into his arms. You don’t have time for games anymore, though, so you stand between Clint’s legs, and he pats his thigh playfully.
“Hmm…” You bite your lip and shake your head, eyes glistening with mischief. “Not yet…”
You make your descent to your knees perfectly paced, fluttering your lashes as you look up to Clint from between his thighs. He cusses and his arms fall limply to his side as he resigns himself to the torture he knows you’ll be sure to deliver.
“I thought you wanted to take your time,” you tease, fingers sliding up his thigh. Your nails against his skin have him tensing, muscles quivering.
He groans, and tosses his head back. “That was before I made you cum. Just wanna fuck you now -- make you shake again.”
You pinch him. “Sweet-talking will get you nowhere, Barton. You should know that.” But, you still let your palm graze over his hard cock, twitching at your touch. He’s firm and warm, and when your fingers wrap around his length, you realize how deliciously thick he is, filling your grasp fully. The length is there too, just enough to not be intimidating, but the girth has your core throbbing.
“Fuck, Clint,” you groan, giving a slow jerk of your wrist. “You’ve been holding out on me.”
He’s pulsing in your hand, skin flushed and precum beginning to drip from the head of his cock. It coats your hand on the second stroke, easing the drag. Soon enough, he’s practically glistening, and your mouth waters. You have to taste him.
He calls your name, voice trembling, as your tongue darts out to flatten against his tip. “Oh God, please.” He’s flushed, from his cheeks to his tensing thighs, and you’d grin if you weren’t taking him deeper into your mouth. Another part of the burning, fervid desire deep in your veins lights up as your lips wrap around him -- tongue greedy for more as it laps everything it can reach. A growl reverberates through his entire body, and the sound makes your thighs clench.
You spare him a glance, and he looks destroyed. Sweat gathers on his forehead and the veins in his arm pulse as he grips the cushions to stay steady. Sane. Calm.
His knuckles are white and you relieve them by grabbing his left hand in your own, thumb rubbing over the back of his palm. He’s squeezing you like you’re his lifeline, and you reward him with your free hand around his base.
“Fuck fuck, I’ll cum too fast with you doing that,” Clint grunts, and you watch his chest heave as he tries to steady his breathing.
You pull off him with a line of spit, breaking it with your hand as you use the saliva to glide your fingers. He’s still throbbing, and you trace his underside vein with your wet thumb. “I thought that was the point, right?” You repeat his words from earlier with a grin, pressing a kiss against his thigh as your hand speeds up. He’s so close and he needs it so badly, but he finally pulls his hand from yours to grab your moving wrist.
“Not until I fuck you.” He pants, and begrudgingly removes your hold from his cock. “And a couple times, at the very least.”
Your heart races at the mere thought of as many rounds as you can handle, with Clint making you cum again and again. Still, you stand slowly, silently hoping he’ll push you back to your knees and cum down your throat.
But he doesn’t. He watches closely as you straighten out, and you quickly move to straddle him. “Fine, but you’ll let me ride you, understood?” Your thighs brush over him with the lightest touch, and with just one solid movement, you could have him sinking into you. But, you wait. You watch as he swallows heavily, eyes hooded.
Clint gives you a lopsided smile. “No complaints here, babe.” And with that, you reach down to hold his length, pressing the tip against your clenching, wet, core. He gasps, but you shift just slightly, until he bumps your clit. It’s too much and too little all at once, and you let out a soft cry as he jerks upward, precum coating the swollen nub. You reward yourself with one more drag down from your clit before letting the head of his cock push into you.
You’re immediately clenching around his length, and Clint’s calloused fingertips dig into your hips as he helps steady you. It only takes a couple breaths and a slow spread of your thighs to take him fully, arousal coating his cock quickly. He barely holds himself back from rutting into you right away, but you rock your hips and grip his shoulders regardless.
“Fuck,” he half-groans, half-whimpers. “You’re so fucking wet.”
Your nails dig into his skin as you roll again, letting out an incoherent babble of his name as your clit gains friction from his own warm body. You can feel your own wetness dripping down your thigh onto his, and it has you shuddering. It’s so dirty and your fingers move to Clint’s hair, desperately clinging at the long strands. His forehead presses to yours, and he smells like the most dangerous concoction of sweat, cologne, and mint toothpaste you’ve ever had the honor of inhaling.
You join in an almost-kiss that’s all teeth, but he brushes his tongue against your cupid’s bow in a much gentler way, and you know he can feel the shiver that runs down your spine in reaction. He squeezes your hip gently in reassurance, and then his grip on you tightens. It doesn’t hurt, but you can feel the years of arm workouts, and you know there’s no way to escape -- as if you’d ever want to.
Clint’s knee jerks and then he’s thrusting up into you with such force it leaves you breathless. He holds you down and all you can do is gasp and hold him tighter as he pushes into you harder and faster. Every shift provides a new angle and friction as his tip stimulates your sensitive walls.
Your thighs shake desperately and you can hear the wet slap each of his movements provide as you coat his cock in warm slick. He grins at the sight, one hand drifting from your hip until it reaches your throbbing clit.
“Look at you,” he coos and punctuates the words with a rough circle of his thumb.
Your chest heaves as you gasp, but the lack of Clint’s hold gives you a second to grind against him. He grunts as you do, and you chuckle breathlessly against his parted lips.
“And look at you.”
He retorts by way of another rub against your clit, and your laughter quickly turns to a drawn-out moan.
“You look so pretty when you’re about to cum.” He pants between every word, but he’s determined to deliver the compliment that makes your face too warm. You’re not sure how he knows you’re so close -- it must be way more embarrassingly obvious than you thought -- but you can’t find it in yourself to care. Not when he’s letting his cock drag inside you slowly, with a hard thrust every few seconds. Not when the pressure on your clit is changing so rapidly you can’t breathe.
When you do cum, with a broken cry and shaking torso, Clint doesn’t let up. He goes faster, harder. It’s a never-ending high that turns your brain to mush, and your body into even less. Your thighs burn and your toes curl but all you can feel is the delicious length buried deep inside you.
It’s only during the beginning of the cool down that you tug a little harder on Clint’s hair, and roll your hips a little more. “C’mon, Clint, please. Please fill me up.” His chest rumbles against yours with a throaty growl, and you continue to ride out your orgasm as he fucks into you with a few more desperate, shaky thrusts.
He cums in you thick and warm, with a groan of your name. It tumbles from his lips sinfully, and you commit the sound to memory. The rasp of his tone and the sight of his wet, swollen lips.
It’s not until he eases out of you slowly, and you feel the drip down your thigh that you’re grounded and reminded of exactly where you are. On a multi-thousand dollar couch. Owned by Tony Stark.
“Oh my god, Clint.”
His eyes are closed and you’re sure he’s about three seconds from sleeping for eighteen hours, but he manages a tired smirk. “I know. That was good.”
“No! I mean yes. But that’s not what I’m talking about.”
He half-opens one eye. “What?”
“I think we stained the couch.” A quick glance between Clint’s thighs all but confirms it, and you’re not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed by the very large wet spot staining the blended fabric.
“I can’t believe that’s what you’re thinking about right now. After everything that just happened.”
You playfully slap his shoulder as you roll onto the cushion next to him with a huff. He nudges you back with his arm before clearing his throat, and letting out a butchered impression of your voice. “Oh Clint! Your dick was just so amazing!-”
“Oh my god!” You cover your face but nothing stops the laughter that rumbles through your chest -- even if he’s got your tone completely wrong. He just chuckles and wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his side with a sigh.
“How much do you think we’ll owe Tony by the end of the day?” He looks down at you with a playful glint in his eyes.
“What do you mean?”
He rolls his eyes, but presses a chaste kiss to your hair. “C’mon, you don’t think I haven’t planned out every surface we still need to fuck on before they get back?”
“See, you keep screaming my name but for all the wrong reasons.” Now you can feel his grin against the top of your head, and it comes into view as he stands with you still in his grasp. You’re not sure how he maneuvers it, but he’s got you in his arms before you can even blink, and the look he sends you tells you not to complain or even question it. He’s not even out of breath -- all things considered -- and when you glance in the direction he’s heading, your eyes widen.
“You have got to be joking…” You squirm in his arms as he sets you down on the table used for almost every meeting, and the mere thought of defiling it forever makes you squeeze your legs together shyly.
But, Clint is quick to spread them, all with a cocky grin and a far too confident tone.
“I don’t know about you…” He begins, as his fingers trail up your thigh. “But I think we could reach ten thousand by midnight.”
If you distantly hear FRIDAY warn adamantly against it -- neither of you mention it.
“Better get started then, Barton.”
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mc-critical · 3 years
Hi darling, Idk if you talked about this before, but what do you think about Rumeysa (Mustafa's concubine)? Do you think they planned to make her Mustafa's wife untill the actress was changed? And also, if she would've become his wife, how do you think she'd act in comparison to how Mihrunnisa (queen) acted? We didn't really see a lot of her but I wanted to know what do you believe they wanted to do with her character
Hey, dear! 🤗 No, I haven't talked about Rumeysa in here. I'll cover the S03 one and the S04 one separately, because in practice, they're both very different characters.
I strongly dislike S03 Rumeysa as a character, to be brutally honest. She goes all good, nice and innocent, when secretly she's sneaky and even manipulative in order to fulfill her goals. The thing that annoys me the most is not necessarily her fixation on Mustafa and how she wants to get him, because after all, it's a harem and everyone wants to get him, but how nearly inexplicable her whole motivation is, in spite and outside of that.
I feel Rumeysa's arc could be split in two almost separate halves - her set-up in the harem (pre-E93) and her as a favorite in the harem. (post-E93). The most interesting things about her were precisely her set-up and backstory. The way she was sent to the harem, the way she was tied to signora Gabriella, the way both of them were about to reunite and when that happened, Rumeysa was just confused more than anything... The idea of sisters finding each other within these harem walls was fascinating, but that was seemingly dropped. I feel even from this point on that the show tried to make a case of a person who's been long in the harem and has lost the touch of a free life to the point of being afraid to leave, but her confusion on the signora and her refusal to go with her was the only part they pulled off. (not to mention they executed that concept much better with Sümbül!) Then begins the second half of her arc that went in another direction the writers didn't succeed to make me get. I didn't get why she wanted Mustafa so much. She said she wanted and appreciated Mustafa a lot and that was why she wanted to leave and this trainwreck began all of a sudden! That doesn't make any sense! She had no (or at least not pivotal) scenes with Mustafa before E93, she neither experienced a desire to get Mustafa, nor was it shown to the audience in any way before the convenient moment. Her build-up was never about Mustafa before then. Her arc was never about Mustafa before then. And yet Mustafa became the center of her character, to the point it's as if they were like: "let's have another woman for Mustafa, but this time with an even more overexaggerated you might think it was Turhan Hürrem-esque arc, so we can make her his full on woman!". She was paving her way through sneaky methods to the point of hypocrisy for no reason, she didn't even have much of a threat, either. Ayşe Hatun put pressure on her once in a while, but it felt understandable when she had a child from Mustafa and that, Rumeysa started acting this confident just like that. I get that in the harem you have to be sorta like that in order to survive, etc., but with Rumeysa that wasn't enough of a motivation! She seemed just fine under Mahidevran and taking care of Nergisşah before then, she could calm people down, what happened? And notice how in the second part of her arc these scenes were lowered to the minimum, or recontextualized, at the very least, so you can't buy anything with her anymore.
But wait, what if she always wanted Mustafa when she arrived? Then every moment of kindness she has shown, even to the little child, becomes even worse in retrospect, because it would either just suit her interest, either become a jarring contrast with what she has shaped up to be. But wait actually, that effect is achieved even without her arc being split in two halves! I would've sympathized with her much more if there was some additional motivation, like everyone else basically, but honestly, the harem excuse is all we could use with her and in her case, that just doesn't suffice, especially for such a big shift in storylines. And then after building up to a halvet, we had the halvet and it was over and left me very unsatisfied. (okay, that's probably because of the actress, but still)
She was screwed up spectacularly at best and downright horrible at worst. Her early concept was way too good to be left out like that and since that leaving out was maybe inevitable for the writers, they had to do this transition better and have the first half of the arc be focused on Rumeysa, as well as Gabriella, instead of making this whole line with her being Gabriella's sister she was searching for more of a plot twist than an organic build-up, because Gabi was the one click baited to want Mustafa! This character ended up being defined by her goal she was trying to fulfill and nothing else, not any redeeming quality whatsoever.
I think Rumeysa was the least suited woman for Mustafa, yes, even less than Fatma. Because if Fatma had some love for him and was genuinely trying to calm him down after Efsun at first, with Rumeysa we simply had steps to get him right from the start and an entire ordeal that wouldn't sit well with Mustafa. We didn't even know not only why she wanted Mustafa, but also what was it she had with Mustafa - was it love, was he just a vessel for her to rise in the hierarchy (that's probably it for me), what was next when he was all hers etc. We have no feelings, no insight here and Mustafa himself was only slightly intrigued at best. And even if she were there for the battle of the throne, she would definetly scheme even more actively than anyone else and that would seriously clash with Mustafa's desires. I don't think she would suit S03B Mustafa's level of maturity, either.
Yes, I would say S03 Rumeysa could very well be the endgame for Mustafa and become his wife if it wasn't for the actress leaving and stuff, because of how she was framed to succeed. This part of Rumeysa's arc existed in a vacuum, it was a tiny victory after a tiny victory due to sly thinking that she was always allowed to get away with somehow. Again, the way she was slowly, but surely getting her way reminded me of all the Hürrem-esque arcs in the series that did end up with these women becoming the total favourites and I wouldn't be surprised at the least if they kept that pattern of success with Rumeysa, since it was very present in her arc.
[While we're at it, I didn't get why Mahidevran believed her so much. On one hand, yes, character development, because, as seen with Mihrünnisa later, as well, Mahidevran no longer gets suspicious of the nature of these women and only intervenes when she sees a decision of Mustafa's regarding them that could potentially be dangerous for his future, coupled with the fact that Mahidevran values loyalty a lot and she has seen nothing but that with Rumeysa. But on the other hand... Mahi is usually so perceptive when it comes to women that could actually be problematic or dangerous for him and Rumeysa being the only exception then was as much character development and the chance of lowering her guard because of the calmer environment as it was.. way too convenient, since we saw Rumeysa was playing a game behind the curtain. Especially the situation when Rumeysa provoked Ayşe Hatun on purpose for Mahi and Musti to see and Mahi not listening to Ayşe or Fidan's warnings about Rumeysa, along with her fully adapting to the harem laws she was previously against and taking on her role as a Valide in Mustafa's harem, was almost like Plot Armor for Rumi similarly to how Hürrem acted accordingly when she saw SS listening to her in the candle mirror in E44, albeit in the opposite way. I view that as a clear recipe for narrative favor and I was appalled that it had to be with such a character.]
If S03 Rumeysa became his wife, I don't see her acting much like Mihrunnisa. First off, due to how her arc was framed, Ayşe Hatun would have very much stayed as an antagonist of hers (even though Rumi wouldn't view her as one in their confrontations) and would try to eliminate her in a secret, subtle and cunning way. While Rumeysa would definetly try her all to keep Mustafa safe and would try to win Mahidevran's support for the marriage the way Mihrunnisa did, Rumi would have more of an agenda of her own she would follow. I won't be surprised if she tried head down on the path to overpower them all in her influence of him, either. Mustafa and Mihrunnisa were partners more than anything, with the same ideals, aspirations and desires. They were very close in their way of thinking and how they would approach problems, that's why they had such a deep bond. S03 Rumeysa would get further and further away from Mustafa's personality as his wife and if the other S04 events are canon, she would probably indeed go and reveal Bayezid's marriage with Huricihan the moment Mustafa refused to and act herself instead.
S04 Rumeysa is barely there, but I like her a bit better. She is an entirely different character with her consistent worries for the future, her more caring and protecting nature and even Mahidevran's more "I'm fed up with all this" attitude to her. Even if we add S03 Rumeysa to the mix, we get at least more feeling out of her and what was she all about and we get some other contrasting facets of hers as a bonus: in contrast to Rumi calming Mahidevran down when Mustafa disobeyed SS's order in E91/2 (my favourite S03 Rumeysa scene, but it was also kinda ruined post-E93), now Mahidevran tells her not to worry so much. Thing is, S04 Rumeysa could very well work without S03 Rumeysa both because of the different actress and the different characterization that could only loosely recontextualize S03 Rumeysa at best, and since there was a time skip, some random concubine and favourite Mustafa slept with and she became pregnant wouldn't be out of the question at all. Yes, her death would probably have less impact that way, but nor could I ever bother with S03 Rumeysa, nor would it be weird because of her different dynamics, which made her look almost foreign in comparison. (that's not on the actress, both Rumeysas were great!) And it would be as impactful as it would've been for Mustafa and Mahidevran, because the loss of the child would be just as devastating for him and was still tied to the mirror of sin.
If S04 Rumeysa didn't die and became Mustafa's wife, I think their bond would be focused more on their future child than anything. Rumeysa would probably act similarly to S03 Ayşe Hatun, only in a more secure position, I see a lot of similarities there. I don't think their bond would be as deep, but they could have the chance to get close for a little bit. I see Rumeysa refraining from acting so much, because of her worrying for the consequences, but when that fear gets the best of her, she could take desperate measures.
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crossbowking · 4 years
Look After You
Summary: (Set in the beginning of Alexandria) After a supply run goes wrong, the reader is forced to face one of their greatest fears.
Request: “Hey! Glad you’re back and in the swing of things! Hope everything is well. How about number 15 from the recent drabbles list? Maybe the reader says it to Daryl after a close call where he put himself in danger to save/protect the reader? And maybe it can say “what the hell is wrong with you?” instead cause it sounds more angry or whatever. Idk I just think it would be something cool and I know you can do a great job bringing it to life. That is if no one has requested it yet. Thank you!!” @mikahowl
A/N: REPOST!!! I was a big ol’ dumb ass and accidentally deleted this story. Which means I also deleted all of your lovely comments. Ugh. I’m sad. :( 
This oneshot is a bit lengthy, but I actually really love the way it turned out! There are some characters from Alexandria in this story that are actual characters in the show! Let’s see if you recognize any of them!
(Shoutout to @jodiereedus22 for her constant support and letting me run ideas by her! Check out her awesome work!)
xx crossbowking
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The people of Alexandria were oblivious — ignorant, even — to the reality that loomed just outside their towering walls.
But regardless, when your group had first arrived at the Safe-Zone, each of you had made a promise to try — to try and live the way they did, to try and live as normally as possible, as though the world wasn’t crumbling around you.
Everyone in your group was doing their part, offering what they could to earn their keep, designated a role in the community by the town leader, Deanna. In the beginning, you’d been assigned to assist on supply runs with an established group inside the walls, led by Deanna’s son, Aiden.
But after a run went horribly wrong, everything changed.
Your group was still recovering from the loss of one of your own — Noah. Glenn was taking it especially hard, having witnessed the boy’s gruesome death. But after hearing what had actually happened, your group knew things needed to change — things needed to change and quickly if any of you stood a chance of survival.
After Aiden’s death, the responsibility to lead supply runs fell on you — and training the residents on how to properly scavenge became priority number one.
“Okay, are there any other questions? Anything you didn’t catch or want to hear again?” you announced tentatively, eyeing the lineup in front of you. “Anything at all?”
A group of four stood before you, all residents from Alexandria, all looking increasingly nervous.
“We just want to be thorough,” Tara suddenly spoke from beside you, addressing the group, attempting to ease their worries. “Even the smallest mistake can get someone killed,” she finished, her voice breaking off at the end.
You reached out, giving her hand a soft squeeze — Noah’s death had been hard on all of you.
“Seems like a lot more people have died since your group came around, don’t it?” Barnes suddenly called out. He was one of the residents — late twenties with tousled brown hair and a distrusting look in his eyes.
“Barnes —” another Alexandrian named Annie chastised from beside him. She was one of the more skilled when it came to supply runs, having been part of the initial scavenging group before your people joined Alexandria. She was in her early twenties, brunette with a slight frame but tough as hell.
“It’s okay, Annie,” you quickly interrupted, taking a step forward, locking eyes with Barnes. “What we’re trying to do here is prevent any more death — the only reason your people are still alive is because you’ve been lucky. Most haven’t.”
Tension hung between you before Barnes looked away, muttering something under his breath as he adjusted the rifle in his hands.
“We need to be in and out,” Tara finally continued, pushing past the uncomfortable atmosphere. “Big-box department stores like this don't tend to stay empty for long,” she explained, motioning towards the towering building beside you.
“And it’s pretty likely that most supplies have already been taken. So check in places you might not normally — underneath shelving units, behind registers, back of the house stocking areas,” you listed off the top of your head. “We grab what we can and get the hell out,” you finished with a nod. “Since the store is pretty huge, Tara will take three of you inside first to scope it out — take out any walkers, make sure there are no stragglers. The rest of us will stay outside to keep watch.”
“Well, w-what do we do if we find another survivor?” another one of the residents, Eddie, spoke — he was nineteen, maybe twenty years old, and scared shitless.
You sighed, sharing a look with Tara. “You just — just find one of us, okay? Make sure the person is unarmed, make sure they’re not a threat and —”
“A threat? You’ve gotta be joking,” Eddie protested, looking at the other residents for support. “Look, I shouldn’t be here — I-I just tend to the gardens. I don’t know how to ‘unarm’ someone. I can’t be here —”
“Eddie —”
“No — no, I can’t —”
“Hey man, you need to relax,” the fourth resident, Scott, intervened, placing his hand on the kid’s shoulder. He was in his forties and also experienced with the outside world — just like Annie. The two, along with another resident named Heath, would go on week-long supply runs for the community. He was a beast of a man — tall, broad, and built like a damn wall.
But Eddie quickly shook him off. “I just want to go home. Please, I-I just want to go home. I —”
“The hell’s goin’ on over here?”
The sudden gruff voice was like music to your ears, a wave of relief washing over you as the archer appeared from around the far side of the building, his eyes immediately finding yours. He marched forward, wordlessly eyeing the Alexandrian’s as he passed before halting beside you and Tara, looking at you expectantly.
You sighed, shifting your weight slightly. “We’re fine, we’re just — we’re just going over the plan one last time.”
Daryl regarded you carefully, not believing you entirely but also not pushing the topic further. “Perimeter’s clear,” he grunted, swinging his crossbow over his shoulder before turning to face the residents, scowl set firmly in place.
You took a breath. “Alright — Scott, Annie, Eddie — you’ll do the sweep with Tara,” you instructed, motioning the three forward. “And Barnes, since you’re used to guard duty back home and you’ve got the rifle, you’ll be with us,” you finished jerking a finger between you and Daryl.
“Awesome,” Barnes muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes as he walked away from the lineup and towards your group’s van, the one you’d parked by the building’s front doors.
You felt Daryl stiffen from beside you — apparently, you weren’t the only one who picked up on the attitude.
Scott and Annie shared a ready look, immediately making their way towards the building. Eddie, on the other hand, remained frozen in place, looking incredibly pale all of the sudden.
You sighed. “Eddie —”
But Tara quickly took a step forward, slinging her backpack over her shoulder before glancing at you. “I got it,” she reassured with a wink, moving towards the frightened boy without another word.
Eddie watched her approach, shaking his head slightly in defiance. “I’m sorry, guys, but I-I can’t —”
“Hey, easy,” Tara calmed, stopping in front of the boy. “Listen, kid, I know you’re freaking out. I don’t blame you. But you gotta get your shit together, okay?” she continued, reaching down to grab the empty bag at his feet, forcing it into his grasp. “You can do this — but you have to trust us. We’re in this together, alright?” she encouraged softly before holding her fist out in front of her.
Eddie eyed her nervously before his shoulders sagged, eventually giving in and connecting his fist to hers. He slung the bag over his shoulder, unsheathing his small hunting knife as he hurried to catch up to Scott and Annie.
Tara glanced back at you and Daryl. “Fist bumping — it always gets the job done,” she grinned, waggling her eyebrows as she jogged to meet up with the Alexandrian’s.
You snorted a laugh, shaking your head as you watched the group of four disappear through the front doors of the department store.
“Ya did good,” Daryl suddenly rumbled from beside you.
You sighed, turning to face the archer, giving him a skeptical look. “You think?” you asked softly, hoping you didn’t sound as self-conscious as you felt. “I don’t know — this is more of Glenn’s specialty. He’s better at this kind of thing — he’s also better with people, I might add,” you murmured.
Daryl’s eyes narrowed as he watched you, the intensity in his stare catching you off guard. “What’s wrong with ya?”
“What? Nothing,” you shot back defensively, wishing he’d stop looking at you as though he could see through you — past flesh and bone, into the parts of yourself you kept hidden in darkness, away from the world’s wandering eye.
“Bullshit,” he grumbled before you could spew any more lies. But when you opened your mouth to respond, another voice cut through the air.
“So, are we just supposed to stand out here with our dicks out or —” Barnes called snidely, leaning cooly against the van, rifle propped up against his shoulder.
You watched Daryl’s features darken, his head snapping in Barnes’s direction before he suddenly stormed forward. “Ya best watch that fuckin’ mouth a’ yours,” he growled, his threatening tone unwavering as the smirk etched on Barnes’s face dropped.
“Relax, man,” Barnes held his hands up, the sarcasm in his voice obsolete as he quickly straightened. “It was a joke, alright?” he huffed, eyes darting between you and the archer as he took a small step back. “Damn,” he scoffed, almost in disbelief.
But his words only riled Daryl further. You watched his head cock to the side as he jabbed a finger towards Barnes. “Ya —”
Before the archer could take another step, before he could hurl another definitive threat, you grabbed onto his arm. Daryl glanced down at you, the look in his eyes practically lethal, only fading once you shook your head. “Not worth it,” you murmured, just soft enough for him to hear.
Daryl held your gaze a moment longer before he pulled out of your grip. “Asshole,” he spat, his eyes like daggers as he shot Barnes one last hostile look before sliding his crossbow off his shoulder. He muttered another curse under his breath as he moved away, beginning to pace back and forth like a caged animal.
You exhaled heavily, letting him simmer down — you knew Daryl well enough to know when he needed space.
Barnes watched the interaction curiously and you found yourself fighting back the urge to smack the defiant, and slightly cocky, expression from his face.
Tara suddenly appeared at the front doors, stopping you from doing something you’d regret. She motioned Daryl over from where he’d stormed off to. “We’re all clear,” she announced, slightly breathless before she disappeared back inside the store.
You unsheathed the hunting knife strapped around your thigh as Daryl wordlessly stormed past you. Barnes moved forward after him, only stopping when you held out your arm. “What?” he questioned, a confused look flitting across his features.
“Not you,” you shook your head resolutely.
Barnes scoffed. “Are you kidding —”
“It’s not a punishment,” you interrupted, holding your hand out, giving him a pointed look. “I need you out here to keep watch.”
“Why me?” he demanded, clearly offended.
You felt your last bit of patience dissipate. “You know what,” you hissed through clenched teeth. “If you think you’re better suited to lead this run, then by all means —” you took a step back, extending your arm, urging him forward. But when Barnes didn’t move, you dropped your arm. “That’s what I thought,” you muttered, taking a step before pausing, eyeing the rifle in his hand. “And hold your fire — it’s for emergency only, okay? Emergency only. If that thing goes off, it’ll attract every walker within miles. Understood?”
Barnes looked as though he wanted to object, but after a moment, he merely huffed a breath and turned to face the parking lot.
You entered the store without another word.
The first thing you noticed was the smell — like spoiled meat and unwashed gym socks. You thought that after all this time you’d get used to the stench — but still, to this day, it had a funny way of taking you by surprise.
The store had already been ransacked — though you weren’t surprised. You hadn’t expected to find much — big-box department stores were the first to get looted when the world ended. You’d chosen this place as more of a trial run, to help the Alexandrian’s get a feel of how supply runs would work now that your group was in charge.
Your team worked quietly, efficiently, taking the building by storm.
It was easy.
Almost too easy.
You should’ve seen it coming.
Scott and Annie were making their way to the front of the store, empty bags now filled with supplies they’d found on a truck still attached to the loading dock. Tara and Eddie were sifting through an overturned clothing rack, shoveling clothes of all sizes into their backpacks.
And Daryl was standing on the opposite side of the store — looking at you.
You didn't understand why — why his expression twisted into one of panic, why your name fell from his lips in what seemed like slow motion, why the smell of rotting meat was getting stronger and stronger until —
It happened in the blink of an eye.
One moment, you were upright, watching Daryl in the distance as he took off into a dead sprint towards you. And the next, you were facedown on the floor, a heaviness pressing into your back, pushing the air from your lungs. A gnarled hand wound through your hair, the other grabbing onto your shoulder in a vice-like grip, yanking your head backward as a low growl sounded in your ear.
A cry fell from your lips as you twisted, stunned for just a moment before survival instincts kicked in. You braced one arm against the ground, pushing off and propelling yourself onto your side, knocking the walker off your back.
You didn’t waste another moment as you rolled away from the biter and jumped up, frantically searching for the knife you’d dropped, focusing only on the dead staggering to its feet. The walker lunged once more, but this time, you were able to brace your forearm against its chest, keeping its snapping jaws mere inches from your face.
You grunted under the pressure, feeling your arm start to give way, its teeth snapping closer and closer until —
You saw a glint of silver.
You felt cool metal press against the base of your throat.
You recognized the handle of your knife, the one you’d dropped moments ago, wrapped in another’s hand.
You heard the growling before you morph into something different, something hauntingly familiar.
The low, hushed snarl stunned you into stillness, the sound shooting through you, feeling your blood run cold as you caught a glimpse of what exactly was in front of you.
Another survivor.
“Mine,” the man growled once more, pushing the tip of your knife deeper into your neck, your flesh splitting beneath the blade.
You grimaced, grabbing onto the stranger’s wrist to keep from screaming as your eyes frantically searched his.
He was covered in blood — some streaks fresher than others, spread across the naked parts of his face. His beard was tinged with grayness, curled and matted, hanging just above his chest. His teeth were bared like some sort of beast, crooked and yellow. But his eyes — his eyes you couldn’t seem to pull away from. They were wide and panicked — feral in the most animalistic way. They were distant, detached from any semblance of humanity as he neared closer.
You cringed away from the putrid smell he exuded, your dwindling strength no match for his barbarity.
“Get — out,” he growled between ragged breaths, his other hand tangling throughout your hair. “Mine — mine — home — get — out!“ he rasped, beginning to drag the knife’s edge across your throat.
But just as a cry reached your lips, suddenly, the man was gone.
You fell backward, colliding against the floor as chaos erupted around you.
That’s when you noticed Daryl.
He had the stranger pinned up against the wall, landing blow after blow, his movements fierce, precise, unrelenting. But then you saw something the archer didn’t — the man’s arm, raised high above his head, your knife in his grasp.
“No!” you screamed out, stumbling to your feet as the stranger plunged the knife down.
Except Daryl was quicker. He pushed away from the man at the very last second, just narrowly missing the knife’s blade — but the dodge threw him off balance, allowing the stranger a chance to land a solid left punch right against the archer’s temple, catching him off guard and sending him staggering away.
“Hey!” Tara suddenly appeared, distracting the crazed man, the rest of your group showing up right behind her.
The stranger let out a sort of animalistic shriek as he raised your knife, charging towards them without a second thought.
But before he could get close enough to attack, you heard gunshots.
The stranger froze, stunned mid-strike, his body swaying slightly before his legs gave out, folding beneath him. The sudden silence was so deafening, you were sure the sound of your heart pounding was heard by those around you. No one spoke — all eyes trained on the kneeling man, blood beginning to drip from the corners of his mouth.
“Mine,” the stranger gargled between hitched breaths. “Mine — my — home,” he sputtered through the redness, his lips curling into a deranged grin as the light faded from his eyes. His body slumped forward, motionless, three bullet holes now torn through his torso.
As if on cue, everyone turned to look toward where the gunshots came from.
And there stood Barnes, rifle clenched in trembling hands, breathing slightly labored. “I — uh,” he stuttered, breaking the quiet. “I-I figured this — this would be considered an ‘emergency’, right?” he jumbled, any previous trace of humor gone from his tone.
Before you had a chance to speak, you felt a familiar touch — calloused fingers grabbing your chin, turning your face forward.
Your eyes fell on Daryl, now standing before you, his expression furrowed, eyes troubled as he gently tilted your head back. You winced as the slash on your neck stretched, his features growing stormy.
“U-Uh, guys?” Eddie suddenly whispered from behind Tara, breaking the stillness, his features growing increasingly pale. “I’m —”
Whatever he was about to say was cut off as the boy spun around and toppled forward, emptying the contents of his stomach.
You grimaced, squeezing your eyes shut — but then you felt Daryl’s grip move to either of your shoulders.
“Hey, ya alright?” he murmured, voice just soft enough for you to hear it.
Your eyes snapped open, but before you could respond, you noticed something that sent your heart plummeting.
A small gash just above Daryl’s right eyebrow.
It wasn’t a bad injury — not at all. You weren’t even sure if he knew he was bleeding. He’d sustained worse, you knew that. But the fact of the matter was that it could’ve been worse — it almost was worse. And that was because of you. Because he was trying to protect you.
And that was something you refused to be okay with.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” you suddenly snapped, unsure where the abrupt fury came from — you hadn’t meant for the words to come out so harsh, but you also couldn’t seem to stop them.
The archer’s hands immediately retracted from your shoulders as he straightened, a look of confusion flitting across his features. “What?” he demanded, clearly taken aback.
“W-What — I mean, why would you —” you fumbled for the right words, feeling the anger in your gut simmering. You knew your feelings were being misdirected — but you couldn’t find it in you to stop. “What the fuck, Daryl?”
Daryl’s expression hardened as he took a step back, his eyes narrowing. “Are ya seriously pissed a’ me right now?”
“I can take care of myself, okay? I don’t need you to protect me!” you fired back, hands clenched into fists at your sides.
“I jus’ saved your damn life, Y/N!”
“Yeah, and you nearly lost yours!”
Your words echoed throughout the store, the silence that followed incredibly vast as you stood toe to toe with the archer, your heaving breaths mirroring his.
It wasn’t until Tara spoke that you remembered you weren’t alone. “Uh, guys, we gotta — we gotta go,” she intervened, appearing between you. “That gunfire’s gonna draw walkers in from all around — we need to get these people home.”
Daryl held your gaze a moment longer before shaking his head, grumbling something you couldn't quite catch as he stormed off. He grabbed his crossbow off the floor, having lost it in the scuffle, before walking out of the store without another word.
“Y/N?” Tara murmured, reaching out to gently squeeze your arm.
“Yeah,” you breathed, exhaling heavily. “Yeah, I’m coming,” you murmured, forcing a small smile onto your face.
Tara nodded, handing you a worn bandana. You pressed the cloth against your bleeding neck, wincing at the contact as Tara turned to address the group. “We gotta move — let’s grab our stuff and get the hell out of here,” she called out, picking up her backpack and herding the Alexandrian’s out of the store.
A traumatized Eddie stumbled after Tara, sparing the unmoving stranger one last look. “This — this place was his home. H-He was just protecting his home,” he whispered sorrowfully before Scott placed a hand on his shoulder and helped guide him the rest of the way out, Annie close behind.
The store was eerily quiet — the only sound being your footsteps as you slowly approached the man. His eyes were open yet vacant, mouth unhinged in what appeared to be a silent scream. You reached down, pulling your knife from his limp grasp before gently pressing the blade into his skull.
You felt for the stranger — he’d simply been a man who lost his mind, desperate to protect what he felt was his. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, a heaviness settling over your chest as you pulled your knife from the back of his head.
You turned to leave, pausing when you noticed Barnes standing by the front door. He watched you approach, expression grim as his eyes bounced between you and the lifeless stranger.
“Hey,” you murmured, nudging him gently, waiting until he looked down at you. “It had to be done.”
Barnes audibly swallowed, nodding slowly as he glanced down at the rifle still shaking in his grasp. “I — I’ve never killed a person before,” he whispered gravely.
“I know,” you sighed, any feelings of frustration you felt about Barnes from earlier dissipating. “I’m sorry you had to be the one to do it.”
Barnes simply nodded once more before you motioned him toward the van, the rest of the group already inside.
Just as Tara predicted, you spotted clusters of walkers beginning to fill into the parking lot as you climbed into the back of the van after Barnes. But by the time the dead neared closer, your group was already peeling out of the parking lot, headed back to Alexandria.
The ride home was silent.
You tried to ignore the nagging in your chest every time you glanced at the back of Daryl’s head. Instead, you focused on the steady throbbing in your neck — that pain seemed to be easier to accept.
When you arrived back at Alexandria, Daryl hopped out of the van before it even fully parked, stalking off towards the house your group shared without another word.
“Want Denise to check that out?” Tara asked, motioning towards your wound, interrupting your inner turmoil.
“Oh, no,” you waved her off. “It’s okay — just a scratch,” you shrugged, walking side by side back to the house. But as you neared closer, the fear of confrontation stopped you short — you couldn’t be around the archer right now.
Tara’s momentum slowed as she glanced between you and the house before taking a step closer. “He’ll come around,” she suddenly murmured, her lips turning up into a soft smile.
You gnawed on your bottom lip for a moment. “I didn’t mean —”
“I know,” she cut you off, taking another small step towards you. “He knows. He just — he was just scared, that’s all.”
You scoffed lightly, rolling your eyes. “Daryl Dixon isn’t scared of anything,” you pointed out, only half joking.
But Tara’s expression didn’t waver, now looking more serious than ever. “He was today,” she remarked quietly before turning around and walking away.
You watched her leave, heading towards the house Daryl had entered moments before. Her words sat heavily on your chest, only furthering the existing guilt you felt. You couldn’t walk into that house — not yet, at least.
Night came quickly.
You’d volunteered yourself for guard duty, welcoming the isolation, desperately needing the distance. It was easy to pretend when you were away from it all — that the day hadn’t panned out as it had, that the world hadn’t completely gone to shit, that you hadn’t almost lost the last good thing in your life.
You welcomed the solace.
When the ladder leading up to the tower suddenly began to creak, you couldn’t help the burst of hope that shot through you. But it was Sasha who appeared, relieving you of your duty, and you immediately felt yourself deflate.
You walked back home with your head hung low. How could you have said those awful things to Daryl? What the hell was wrong with you? He’d saved your life and in return you — you’d hurt him. He didn’t have to say a damn word — you knew your words had stung. And now — now you had to make things right.
The house came into view, one or two lights inside still dimmed — but that wasn’t what caught your attention.
There, sitting on the front porch steps, was Daryl.
Even in the darkness, you noticed the way he stilled when you approached, a lit cigarette dangling between his lips. Your breath caught in your throat as you faltered mid-step, feeling incredibly exposed all of a sudden. “Hi,” you whispered, your voice slightly hoarse.
Daryl acknowledged you with a short nod before taking a long drag, fiddling with the cigarette between his fingertips.
You sighed, slowly making your way towards the porch stairs. “Can I sit?” you asked quietly.
Daryl grunted a response as he exhaled the smoke — you chose to interrupt that as a ‘yes’.  
You sat down with a huff on the opposite side of the stairs, resting your back against the railing. The silence between you was overwhelming — and part of you wondered if the archer could hear your pulse racing from where he sat. “I’m sorry,” you murmured, the words tumbling out of you. “I’m — shit, I’m so sorry, Daryl. I didn’t —”
“Ya don’t have ta’ do this,” Daryl interrupted suddenly, inhaling another puff of smoke before flicking the cigarette away. “Ain’t mad at ya or anythin’.”
You pursed your lips, fidgeting with your hands in your lap. “Doesn’t matter — I’m still sorry,” you shrugged, sighing softly.
“I couldn’t do it,” Daryl spoke after a long moment of silence, glancing over at you before turning to stare ahead.
“Couldn’t do what?” you pressed gently, hanging onto every word he said.
Daryl grumbled something to himself, almost like he was second-guessing speaking in the first place. You merely sat, still and quiet, giving him time to sort himself out. “I heard what ya said back there — ya don’t need me —”
“Daryl —”
“I couldn’t do it, alright? I couldn’t jus’ stand there an’ let that asshole do what he was gonna do ta’ ya,” he pushed forward, his words fiercer than before as he faced you. “Now, I heard what ya said — ya don’t need me ta’ protect ya, I know that. But that don’t mean I ain’t gonna do it anyways.”
You couldn’t stop the swell of emotion that rose, forming a clump in the base of your throat. You lowered your eyes, the archer’s intense gaze too much for you at that moment. There were things you wanted to say, feelings you wanted to share, but they all seemed to tangle up inside you. “You could’ve died,” you whispered, those three little words all you could muster. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “God, if anything ever happened to you because of me —”
“Hey,” Daryl hushed you, leaning forward a fraction. “I’m alright.”
You shook your head slowly, giving him a serious look. “It doesn’t matter — you almost died back there for nothing, Daryl.”
The archer regarded you curiously then, an honest look of confusion crossing his features as he watched you. “Wasn’t for nothin’,” he rumbled simply.
You held his gaze a moment longer before slowly scooting forward, closing the short distance between you. Daryl stiffened instantly, practically turning to stone as you slowly reached forward, waiting until he relaxed a little before pushing back the hair from his face, revealing the small cut he’d received earlier.
You gently cupped the side of his face, your thumb grazing just above the wound as your eyes locked with his. “What am I gonna do with you, Daryl Dixon,” you sighed softly, feeling a weight lift off your chest.
Daryl didn’t respond — simply melting into your touch instead.
You lowered your hand, closing the last bit of space between you before resting your head against his shoulder.
After a moment of stillness, you felt the tension within him give way, his cheek finding its way nestled against your hair.
And so you sat, interwoven around one another, guarding the only thing left in a crumbling world that mattered as the cool, calm night lingered on.
A/N: Aww...what’d you guys think? Was the reader justified in her reaction? How did you like that sweet moment in the end?
Forever Tag List
@jodiereedus22 @momc95 @distressed-honking @apocalypsekid @lillyrosegirl @messiahofdystopia @reddhead95 @coffeebooksandfandom @xabigail-miwx @kazzieglove @side-effectss @selenedixon @auntiebyn @rubysglowingeyes @dreamingofonceuponatime @wtfcas @charity1080 @cbarter @mtngirlforever @hanaissupergirl @a-dlv @kickin-with-dixon @sugakookiexx @heyitscam99 @alwaysananglophile @vodkasindream @the-bleeding-rose @the-obsessive-fangirl @daryldixionfan1universe @munchkinfox @hp-hogwartsexpress @alilarkin99 @maddybeck01 @mrsdaamneron @randomtwistedlife @anything-for-the-archer @kittieswritingspot @sesshomaru-lover @x-everrosekillings-x @hopplessdreamer @cltex84 @the-lady-corvidae @fakesoniapayne @cutiepiemimi13 @qhbr2013 @frienah @mummy-woves-you @azanoni-blog @rirylgrimeson1 @seninjakitey @cole-winchester @andiejones @countrygal17a@jinkies-its-a-writer @katsandwriting @mildnoobs @always-hopeful- @kilyra @sourwolf-sterek32 @wilhelmjfink @antiformidable @sapphire1727 @pumpkinqueenbaka @bruised13peach @tatertot1097 @sassi-luna @youkilloryoudie @winchester-angel @zzeacat @queenlouisa2001 @captain-shannon-becker @my-current-fandom-is @drina365 @risingphoenix761 @twdeadfanfic @feartheendlesssummer @wanna-see-my-lease @bestillmystuckyheart @negans-wife @judymosali @thatsoragan @monetfatalia @burningrupture @firehoopinmama @nicknack2814 @senecat17 @ancientwhispers @divadinag @lonewolf471 @qrangr @apossiblegentleman @cxgrimes @ifatfirstyoudontfricassee @gruffle1 @iminlokisarmysofi @superflannel @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @crazyaboutnorman @deliciousassafrasssandwich @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @youhavemyfantasticbeasts @aint-ashes @s7g @amongthewildthingss @writinqss @dawsonfyre @twdsfix @teyema @baseballbitch116 @crowleysreigningqueenofhell @of-storms-and-sadness @bvbwestfall @pancakefancake @mblaqgi @littletexasgirl @the-specific-oceans @rhovanian @theunofficialduke @eiresworld @dashesoflipstick @daryldixonandfrogs @death-unbecomes-you @dandydragonz @elizabethserrato @bleakmidwintr @oh-balls-you-idjits @daddys-little-princess67 @mikahowl @pansexualgrapes @brightnss @thegirlwithoutaname87 @chickenparmandstoicvulcans @oncemorewithfeelingg @fand0m-fiend @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @ruinofkings @ivars-snowflake @cathwritestragediesnotsins @delightfuldela @easnuppa @pineappear​ @death-unbecomes-you @lilred254​ @starlesseyez​ @buckmecaptain​ @xxtwizztedxx​ @alanegaming​ @art-flirt @teaxerz  @iminlovewithasuperboy @vampromancy @viriditiez @azanoni @hotdigggittydogg @missscarletawesome @mel-2a @vox-noctis @thatmentallyunstablefangirl @kayninejayne @jll72-blog @right-til-the-end @daintychlo @iheartmusiclove @xxstylestrashxx @rasax45v @serfyan18 @a-radiant-sun @whatthefrickcrowley @thehybridsqueen @xmistressmistrustx @embracing-illusions @twisted-tasty14 @blankmoniker @angel79sworld @lokilover2000 @keybangs @hidinginohio @lonelyangelseekingdemon @thesnowfaerie @citlalireedus 
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infinitebells · 4 years
idk if requests for moriarty the patriot are still open but if they are m-may i ask for a nsfw scenario with william as a dom? sjsj i havent seen a lot of nsfw content of him lol. thank uu so much and have a great day!♡
yesss i love me some dom william. i hope you also have a great day :))
“come on love, what do we say for acting bratty?” his tone was low, dangerous. he reserved it for when you were acting like a downright brat. this time, you had attempted to jerk him off beneath the table at lunch, which everyone had noticed quite easily. after dragging you out of the kitchen, seething, he had restrained your arms tightly with one of his ties, and halfway done with spanking you. one for each minute you had acted up. today was 15 hits.
“i-i’m sorry sir,” your voice was meek, all of your energy going into keeping yourself from gushing all across william’s clothed thighs. god forbid you dirtied his suit before he let you.
“good girl. maybe if you’re good for your next few hits, you’ll finish punishment. can you do that? or are you going to keep acting like a bratty little girl instead?” his words were an obvious challenge. you knew how heavy handed he could be, but it only served to turn you on more. if you pushed your limits too far though, there was a good chance he’d leave you high and dry without cumming.
“i’ll be your good girl sir,” you spoke with more confidence this time, raising your hips and ass up so he had a better angle. he couldn’t hold back his chuckle at your eager submission taking over. he knew your bratty acts never lasted long, especially with the promise of you cumming hanging over your head like bait. his hand lands on your ass three more times, red patches blooming along your skin. each time elicits a cry of his name from your lips, your hands fisting in the sheets to keep them from flying to rub your painfully swollen clit.
“i’m done, so why don’t you be my good little girl and lay back on the bed hm?” he gently lifts you off his lap and onto the bed, your tied hands resting in your naked lap. you nod eagerly, shifting back and lifting your arms to rest above your head, legs spreading on their own. you used to embarrassed at the idea of completely exposing yourself to william, but you’ve long since grown out of it. instead, you eagerly watch as he rids himself of his clothes, his cock hitting hot and heavy against his abdomen. he crawls over you, slow and teasing. his usual smirk is present on his face as he reaches down, grabbing the base of his dick and rubbing it gently against your folds. your breath comes out heavier at the sensation, knowing part of his punishment meant fucking you with no prep. you were sure you wouldn’t need it anyways considering how thoroughly soaked you were. he brought the tip of his cock to tap against your clit, your thighs seizing at the sensation.
“please sir, can i please have your cock?” you know exactly what to say at this point, knowing which exact words will encourage him to fuck you stupid.
“only because you asked so nicely. i’ll fuck the last of that bratty attitude out of you right here right now,” he finishes by sheathing all of himself into you with one fell swoop. your breath hitches in your throat, cunt clamping down on him as the stretch and burn of his cock floods your senses. you’re sure you’re seconds away from cumming, but refuse to give in until william gives you permission. you learned the hard way that cumming without his permission meant not cumming for the rest of the week.
“s-sir you feel s-so good,” your stutter is involuntary as he slowly pulls himself out up until the tip of his cock before slamming his hips back into yours. you cry out at the feeling, the pain mixing with the pleasure, sending you into a state of euphoria.
“aw, does my little brat like when i fuck her without prepping her first? how slutty,” he growls out, his pace leveling out. it’s hard and fast, angling his hips down in order to brush against that one nerve-filled spot inside of you.
“fuck!” you slip up, the curse word falling out before you can stop it. his usually light, ruby red eyes darken until they’re maroon, one hand coming up to envelop your throat.
“naughty little girls don’t get to curse around me. do you want to cum? or should i just leave you on the edge?” he knew from the start that your orgasm was moments away from barreling over, but he also knew you knew better than to cum without his permission. you nod to the best of your abilities, the entirety of your self control going into holding your orgasm back.
“use your words,” his voice is lower than before, and he can feel you gulp beneath his tight grip on your throat.
“i want to cum sir,” you say, voice wobbly. he grins wolfishly down at you, squeezing your neck momentarily before releasing his grip.
“then don’t use such vile words,” it’s his last warning, the finality of it seeping into your fucked out brain. you nod more vigorously this time, whines slipping out of your mouth.
“yes sir,” you’re more firm with your words, conveying your understanding of his order. he’s quiet once again, focusing back on drilling his cock in and out of your gushing cunt. he can tell you’re a hair away from losing yourself on his cock, and he can feel his own orgasm creep up on him.
“i’m close darling, can you hold on until i cum? or will you keep acting bratty?” his patience with your actions is wearing thin, and he wonders if you’ll actually be competent enough to follow such a simple order.
“i can hold on sir,” he’s pleased with your words, picking up his speed and banging his hips into yours. the squelching sound of your soaked pussy only fuels him to go faster, and your moans only grow louder the faster he goes. his orgasm is rushing towards him at full speed, and he has barely enough time to give you your final order.
“cum for me love,” your fucked out brain immediately responds to his commanding tone, the string snapping as you squirt around him with a choked scream. his cum shoots out in hot, thick ropes, painting your walls white. he fucks some of it back into you before stilling, pulling out and letting his cock soften once again. he grabs a towel from the side of the bed, softly wiping the mixture of your cum off of his stomach and your thighs. you’re floating in bliss, barely registering his actions.
“darling, are you with me?” his voice pulls you out of your reverie, and your eyes slowly find his.
“‘m good will,” your grin is lazy, but it’s a sign that he wasn’t too hard. he sighs, throwing the towel off the bed and laying next to you, pulling the thick blankets over your naked bodies and pulling your back against his chest. his lips find your bare shoulder as he unties his homemade restraints, rubbing your wrists lightly and pulling one back to plant a kiss on it.
“you did so well for me darling,” he murmurs in your ear, and you giggle at the ticklish sensation.
“thank you love,” you force out, sleep just seconds away from pulling you down. the last thing you register is william’s grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly, keeping your body close to his as you succumb to sleep.
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charincharge · 4 years
Cruel Summer, Part 1
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cruel summer masterlist
AN: It’s here. Idk what the posting schedule will be like, I have no idea what my writing schedule will be like, but... I think it’s gonna be 25ish chapters? Maybe? Who knows. It’s gonna be fun, I think. I hope. Looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts. Alright... without further ado...
Rowan Whitethorn is having a really horrible day. Not just the kind of bad that he can shrug off, but the kind that seeps through his skin and sinks into his bones, that permeates even the smallest thing, turning everything into a giant annoyance.
First, he missed his alarm, so his grumpy manager, Lorcan, has been even grumpier with him since he pulled through the gates of Ashryver Playland this morning. The amusement park job is less than ideal. Rowan hadn’t planned for his summer to be taking tickets and cleaning up melted ice cream cones from sweaty-faced teens – but it was the only place that called him back, and he doesn’t come from the type of family that can afford to pay his rent. So unless Rowan had wanted to spend the summer in his mom’s unairconditioned apartment, dodging set ups with her mahjong circle’s daughters, this was his only option.
It's nearly 3PM, and Rowan still hasn’t been able to take his lunch break. He knows that’s adding to his bad attitude. Rowan has a tendency to get hangry, or so his coworker Fenrys tells him. And because he was in a rush this morning, he forgot to pack his lunch. Which means he’ll have to spend money buying overpriced crap at the park.
Rowan’s also on trash duty today. Which means he gets to spend the whole day circling the park grounds with a giant broom and pan and pick up the fallen bits of funnel cake and popcorn and soda cups and dump them into the closest trash. Then, once those are full, he gets to haul the heavy bags of stinking trash all the way to the back of the park where the dumpsters are. It’s pretty much his worst nightmare. Though Rowan isn’t opposed to physical activity, he’s not super fond of smelling like rancid garbage. He tugs at the collar of the too tight uniform polo shirt stretching uncomfortably across his chest and frowns. After a bag split all over him earlier, Rowan was forced to go diving in the employee lost and found for another uniform. Apparently, the only person who’s missing a shirt is two times smaller than him. He sniffs himself and nearly gags. He can’t wait to get home and shower. He look at his watch … in … five more hours.
“Whitethorn,” Lorcan calls, crossing across the yard at him. “Take your thirty now. Then you’re taking over for Connall at the ferris wheel ‘til closing, yeah?”
Rowan barely contains a shudder upon hearing his new assignment. He hates trash, but working the ferris wheel is somehow worse. He didn’t realize until last week that’s where every middle schooler goes on their first make out date. He’s had to pull too many kids off the ride, feeling like their disapproving father as he pulled their clashing braces apart to make room for the next patrons in line. Frankly, he finds PDA disgusting. And the sight of thirteen-year-olds going at it is enough to scar him for life.
At least Rowan finally gets to eat something, though. The oppressive mid-day heat combined with hours of physical labor and no fuel has him feeling like he could keel over any second. He grunts his acknowledgement at Lorcan and makes his way to the closest concessions stand, which luckily has barely a line – I guess since it’s 3 fucking PM and not actually lunch time. Rowan is about to step forward when he feels tiny fingers poke against the back of his knees. He’s about to snap at whatever parent to keep their kid on a tighter leash when he realizes there is no parent, just a kid – and the kid is, in fact, trying to get his attention.
“Um, excuse me? Sir?” the little boy says. Rowan’s never been a sir before. He hates it.
“I think I lost my family,” he says resolutely, not sounding even a little bit scared. “Can you help me find them?”
Rowan’s stomach grumbles and his head pounds. He knows he has to return this child to his family, but he also knows he needs to eat immediately or he’s going to lose it.
“We can absolutely do that,” Rowan begins, “but I haven’t eaten all day. Do you think you can wait like… ten minutes?”
The little boy nods and sticks out his hand. “I’m Gavin and I’m five.”
“Hey, Gavin. I’m Rowan and I’m hungry.” Gavin giggles at that, and Rowan finally cracks a smile and shakes the boy’s hand.
Rowan steps up to order, thinking about what’s going to be the fastest, since his thirty minute break is going to include an unforeseen detour to security at the entryway of the park. “Can I get a hot dog, a pretzel, a cherry coke and…” He looks at the little boy next to him. “Anything for you?”
Gavin’s eyes widen with glee. “Cotton candy?!”
“…and a cotton candy.”
Rowan reluctantly hands over a $20, saying goodbye to three hours of hard work. But he has no choice. They get their food and make their way to the eating tent. Rowan keeps his eyes open for anyone looking panicked or in search of a child, but he doesn’t see anyone who fits the bill.
Rowan inhales his hot dog in record speed and takes a giant gulp of his cherry coke and immediately feels better. Sitting under the shade of the tent helps, too. The pair sit quietly and eat their food. Gavin swings his legs happily as he peels off pieces of his cotton candy, licking the sticky sugar from his fingers.
“So…” Rowan has no idea how to talk to a kid, but he figures he should ask him a few questions to figure out who to return him to, at least. “Who are you here with today? You said your family?”
Gavin nods excitedly, the sugar clearly starting to make its way through his tiny body. “Yup! My whole family is here today. My mom, my dad, Auntie Ae, Nana and Grandpa.”
“Wow.” Rowan’s heart tugs slightly. “That’s fun. Any special occasion?”
“Nope. We come every week,” Gavin says.
“Every week?” Rowan asks, his voice rising in pitch. He’s trying to do the math of the ticket prices. $30 for six family members. That’s $180. For every week of the summer…? Rowan’s mental math skills stop there, but he knows that’s a LOT more than he’s ever been able to casually throw down.
“Yup. Since I was a baby,” Gavin says. “It’s my family’s special place.”
“Think your family would adopt me?” Rowan jokes. He loves his mom a lot, and she did the absolute best job raising him, but they’ve never had a special place. His mom thinks adding guacamole to her Chipotle bowl is special. Not that Rowan disagrees. Guacamole is a perfect condiment.
Gavin finishes his last lick of cotton candy and holds his red hands up at Rowan. “I’m sticky.”
Rowan shoves the final bite of his pretzel into his mouth and stands up. “Me too. Let’s go wash our hands and then find your family. Sound good?”
Gavin nods, skipping next to Rowan, his little shoes lighting up as he matches the striding pace. They make their way to the row of porta-potties and outdoor sinks, which line the side of the park. As Rowan washes his hands, he notices Gavin struggling to reach the stream of water. Of course. He’s only five.
“Need a hand?” Rowan asks, and Gavin nods, holding his arms up to be lifted. Rowan’s arms burn, since he’s been picking up giant bags of trash all day, but he manages to keep Gavin mid-air until he’s finished cleaning the sugary crystals from his hands. He’s putting Gavin back on the ground when he hears a loud voice shrieking behind him –
Damn it.
Rowan sighs and turns, letting his hold on Gavin drop completely. This is so not what he needs right now.
“Gavin, honey, come here,” the voice calls again.
Rowan searches to see who the voice belongs to and is momentarily stunned. Gavin’s mom is… young. And hot. Her golden blonde hair is swept away from her face in a high ponytail, resting softly down her bare back, on display in a strappy yellow tank top. And her jean shorts show off her long, tanned legs. Rowan stares a beat too long because the next thing he hears is, “Gavin, earmuffs,” and suddenly the blonde woman is inches away from him, in his face and pushing at his chest with her pointed finger. She is mad.
“Stay away from this little boy, you pervert!” The woman’s eyes flare angrily as she pushes Rowan’s chest again forcefully with her finger, and he is not having any of that. He grabs her finger in his large fist and moves it away from him, making the woman stumble back slightly. Her mouth widens into a small circle as she looks up at the man grabbing her finger.
“I’m sorry, pervert?” He chuckles humorlessly. “This little boy asked for my help finding his irresponsible family. Who lost him. I work here.” Rowan uses his other hand to point to the stupid logo on the corner of his polo. “He happened to find me on my lunch break. Maybe if you’d been a more responsible mother you wouldn’t feel the need to get this worked up the guy who was clearly about to take your kid to security.”
“Mom?” the woman says, horrified and snatches back her finger. “Oh my god.” Her demeanor shifts entirely as she looks to Gavin and motions for him to uncover his ears. “Gavin, please tell this very rude man that I am way too young and cool to be your mom.”
Gavin frowns. “I don’t think he’s rude, Auntie Ae. He gave me cotton candy.”
The woman’s eyebrows shoot up in accusation. ‘You gave him cotton candy? You’re only proving my point.”
Rowan puffs out his chest defensively. “I’m sorry, is cotton candy a sex offender favorite? I wouldn’t know.”
“You clearly offered sweets to a child to lure him away from his family!” she says way too loudly, looking around and making a show of her statement.
“Quiet down!” Rowan snipes through gritted teeth. “I need to keep this job, for fuck’s sake.”
The woman smirks and steps closer. “I think your employer deserves to know you were luring children away from their families!” she exclaims dramatically, attracting the attention of a nearby security guard.
“No,” Rowan says, his voice increasing in volume as well. He’s had it up to here with this day, and this woman has grated his last nerve. “That’s not… Listen…” Rowan takes a deep breath. He really cannot lose this job. “I was starving and about to go on my lunch break when some poor lost kid asked for help finding his family. I told him he could order something with me, since I felt bad. Sorry. I’ll be sure never to be polite ever again.”
Rowan has gotten in “Auntie Ae’s” face, and he’s breathing hard. He’s worked up, and he knows it’s not her fault, but fuck this day.
“Is everything alright here, Ms. Ashryver?” the approaching security guard asks, and Rowan pales.
The woman steps back and takes a breath, her fury melting into a warm smile for the guard. “No, Frank, everything is fine. Just thanking one of our newest employees, who made friends with Gavin today.”
The guard chuckles. “He run off again?”
The woman’s eyes flash in warning and the guard shakes his head. “Ah, don’t be mad, Aelin. You did the same exact thing when you were his age. Running from ride to ride and driving your old man crazy.”
Rowan crosses his arms as the guard saunters off, and the woman turns back to him with a shy smile.
“Ashryver, hm?” Rowan asks, feeling a little ill as he pictures the large Ashryver sign that hangs over the entryway to the park.  “So, what is this, like… hazing?”
“No! I was really only going to make the one joke and then let it go,” the woman says, biting her lip guiltily and shoving her hands into her jean shorts pockets. “But then you called me his mom and I just… got carried away. I do that sometimes. I’m Aelin. Ashryver.”
“So I heard.” Rowan rolls his eyes. “You know there’s absolutely nothing funny about calling someone a predator, right? I could be arrested if the wrong person overheard that.”
“You’re making me feel very bad,” Aelin says with a grimace.
“Good,” Rowan says resolutely. “Because now I’m also late to get back to work.” He’s more than a little annoyed at how this entire exchange has played out. And even more annoyed that he can’t stop staring at Aelin’s bright blue eyes. This is the last thing he needs. He’s about to head off when –
“You’re really not going to tell me your name?” Aelin asks, tilting her head up, trying to figure Rowan out. Rowan’s about to reply when she cuts him off, not even giving him a chance. “That’s fine. I’ll find it out. I have connections, you know.”
“I’m sure you do, princess,” Rowan says. Her lips purse at the nickname, and Rowan can’t tell if she loves it or hates it.  
“See you, stranger,” she replies, dismissing him and grabbing Gavin’s hand as she walks off. Just before turning the corner, she tosses her ponytail over her shoulder and looks back. It’s only when she winks at him that Rowan realizes he’s still standing motionless, watching her go.
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A slayer and the daughter of Dean Winchester:
9358 words later thank the lord I've finally finished! I hope you like this! warnings: Cussing, Death, Vampires, Angst, sadness, idk what else. 
Finally!! AFTER WAITING SO LONG HERE IT IS!!! So so sooooo sorry it has taken so long for this to post I’m sorry for the sucky story. But I hope you like it. 
@thornyrose463 hope you like it <3 xoxo! Credits go where they belong. Thank you @thornyrose463​ for making the cover and requesting!
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The slayer and the daughter of Dean Winchester:
My name is Y/n Winchester. I know what you're thinking. 'Oh my Gosh, Winchester. Like Sam and Dean Winchester?'  Yeah, Deans my dad, and Sams my Uncle. My mom left me on my dads door step 15 years ago. It was a one night stand mistake. She was a bar hooker and well, you know how that ends. (Should've wrapped it before he tapped it.) She left a note when she dropped me off at the doors of the bunker. It said, 
"I can't have her. Not with the life I live. I can barely take care of myself much less a kid. I've seen how you and your brother are. I know you two can take care of her. Please don't call or try to reach out to me. I don't want to hear anything about her. I feel bad enough about it. I just want you to give her the life I never had." Yeah, very heart felt. 
I was never a hunter. Dad and Uncle Sammy were to protective to let me hunt. They always tell me, "Kiddo, we've lost too much. We can't lose you too. We couldn't live with ourselves if you get hurt." I understood where they were coming from, but it sucked. I would get left behind. They never took breaks. It got lonely just to stay in the hotel room all day long. That is until one particular day when something strange happened.
Y/n was the smartest kid Dean and his brother, Sam had ever known. She was homeschooled, but if they had long hunts in a town Dean would put her in school. She was at the top of all her classes and was capable of doing anything she set her mind to.
Sometimes she would go to her uncle Bobby's. He treated her like she was a normal kid. He would play games with her. One time when she was little she and Bobby had a tea party. Y/n made Bobby wear a hot pink boa, a tiara, painted his nails purple. Dean may or may not have a picture of Bobby when he had passed out on the sofa.
Years went by and Y/n became a teenager. Her life was as normal as it can be with being a Winchester and all. But that is until a strange man walked up to her after school.
the night of the watcher-
Y/n walked out of her last period of school. She was glad the school day was over. She had enough homework  and books in her bag it seemed to be ripping the seams.
Y/n was walking out to the black impala when a Brown haired man walked up to her. She looked at him confused as he stopped beside her. "Hi, my name is Jackson." He started with a smile. His soft caramel eyes looking into her Y/e/c eyes. He seems to be only a few years younger than Sam and Dean.
"Y/n."  She said shaking his hand. Her silver ring she purposely wore not burning the man.
"Can I help you?" She asked softly looking at the man confused at what he wanted. "Well, I’m your watcher. I’m here to help you." He says it like Y/n is suppose to know what that meant.
"I was sent here because you're a slayer... a vampire slayer," he whispered softly as he smiled.
"Umm, I have no clue what your talking about." The man nodded as he walked with her to the Impala where her uncle sat reading something on his tablet and Dean watched them intently. "Who's that?" Dean asked nodding over to you and Jackson walking over to the impala. Sam looked up seeing you and Jackson waking over. "A boy," he gasped dramatically, clutching his heart. "Call the police! Your baby is growing up!" He joked. Even though he was just as protective as Dean was. "Bitch."  Dean said as he got out of the car. "Jerk!" Sam called out the window. “Y/n, who is this? Dean asked looking at Y/n. I'm Jackson, Y/ns watcher.” “Right. Is that suppose to be a new name for a stocker?” Dean asked with a look that could kill. “No, a watcher is someone who watches the slayer. Protect them and guide them. You can actually help out. A slayer is someone who dust vampires. My job as a watcher is to train them. But you can help with the fighting part. I'm not much to be beat up by a 15 year old.” Y/n looked up at Jackson who was a good foot taller than her. “Is it because I'm a girl?” She joked looking at the man. Jackson shook his head, looking down at y/n. “No, I just don't want my ego bruised.”  He spoke playfully. Making Dean and Y/n chuckle.
Days passed and Y/n was fully trained. Y/n noticed a few changes in her life. Not only the new man or her knew knowledge on being a slayer but she began to have these dreams. Strange dreams that seemed a little, what's the word.. prophetic maybe?
First it was this man being attacked in an apartment . She could see the attacker was a female vampire; brown hair, red-black eyes, a smaller build yet had so much supernatural strength.
Y/n watched the woman as she walked into a five story apartment complex. Y/n trailed behind her, though the woman seemed like she wasn't around. She followed the woman up three flights of stairs and down a long corridor. The fifth door on the left the red haired walked into a door, leaving it slightly opened. Y/n looked at the door seeing the numbers 327 A on the door.
She seen a young man standing in the living room of the apartment. Ringing his hands nervously, almost as if he was scared of being caught.
Why so nervous? The ginger haired woman asked the man. His green eyes met her striking blue eyes and smiled.
I'm just scared were going to be caught. Y/n didn't understand, was the young man married, did he have a girlfriend or something. “Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of that. But for now I have something special for you.” 
Y/n noticed a shift in the room. There were footsteps coming from another room in the apartment. Two men came out with a  sinister smirk. 
She silently gasped as she watched the three attack the young man. His hands hitting and scratching them. Trying with all his strength to push them off him. To fight back, but he was too weak against their supernatural strength. She tried to move but it was like weights were holding her down. Like her feet were glued to the ground, incapable of moving. 
She watched as they man fell to the floor completely drained of blood. His eyes landed on y/n. Y/n watched as his life slowly left his eyes. Him crying out for help against the three. He fought to his dying breath. “Help... me..” Y/n screamed as she violently woke up. Busting through the door came Dean with his gun, Sam with his, and Castile with his angel blade. “Are you okay? What's with the screaming?”  Dean questioned as he looked around the room. “Nothing, just a bad dream.” Deans eyes full of sympathy as he looked at his daughter. “I’m okay, y’all can go.” Y/n voice wasn't wavering at all, but her hands were shaking. Dean and Sam nodded as they hug and kissed her forehead. “Get some sleep kiddo.”  Dean spoke softly to his daughter. she nodded, hugging him then Sam. “Goodnight.” She told the two Cass stayed there in the room. He noticed how she really felt. She was scared, but she wasn't going to tell her dad and uncle that. “Will you stay with me, Uncle Cass?” She asked softly to the angel. “Of course,” his deep voice sounded through the quiet room. He laid down beside her as she cuddled up to his chest. She tried to keep it all in. To be strong like her dad and uncles. But it all came out. Castiel rubbed her back as he tried to soothe her. “It felt so real!” She sobbed, her body shaking in sobs. “They were attacking this man and I couldn't move. It felt like I was just stuck there in place. Like someone was holding me down. I couldn't save the man.”  She cried. Castiel rubbed her back as her body slowly stopped shaking in sobs. He noticed Y/n slowly falling to sleep. --- “You know that dream is going to become real, right?” Jackson asked Y/n as she ate her breakfast that she had made herself. She jumped as she looked at her watcher. “What the hell!” She jumped, Jackson came out of nowhere. “How’d you get in here?” She asked watching Jackson as he tried to steal bacon off her plate. “No”. She smacked his hand. “Your father let me. Nice man, though I can see where you got your nasty attitude from.” He winked playfully. Y/n rolled her y/e/c eyes as she sighed into her pancakes. “Back to what I was saying. The dream you had, it really is going to come true. Most likely tonight, so you need to figure out where it was so you can kill the vampires before they kill.” Jackson said as he took a pancake from a plate beside the stove. “Do you have any syrup?” Y/n looked at him with annoyance. “Yes, we do. In the fridge.”  The two of them ate their breakfast and had occasional small talk. Though Jackson was new Y/n spoke to him kindly. Not much like her uncle and father. For some reason she felt like she could trust this man. As if he wasn't out to hurt her or her family. He seemed to have god intentions. I mean, who just lets some dude into your life when he claims to be a watcher. Dean and the rest of the gang. (Sam and Castiel) eventually made their way down to the kitchen. Sam with his hair wet from his daily shower after a run. Dressed in his normal a red flannel and blue jeans. Dean had on his blue jeans a white t-shirt and a gray flannel over that. Castiel, well you can tell what he was wearing, His famous trench coat and a suit. ___ “So your telling me, my daughters nightmare is gonna come true?” Dean asked as the watcher dug into his breakfast. “Mhm, its premonitions. You see a vision, dream a vision, in your case. And what you see is what's going to happen. For instance, Y/n, you dreamed of what? Someone getting attacked by vampires in a apartment. If we can find out where that apartment is we can save the victim, before he become the victim.” Jackson explained, looking at Dean who seemed like he was still confused. “Well how do we find the apartment?” Sam asked, looking at his niece hoping she could tell them where it was. “Y/n, do you remember anything from the apartment building that could tell us where it is located?” Castiel deep voice startled Y/n as she spaced out. It seemed like she was daydreaming. She could see the apartment building that was in her dream. She walked towards it when she felt her foot hit something. “1254 Raymond rd., Emporia Kansas.” Y/n muttered as she woke from her daydream. What? “That's the apartment building. 1255 Raymond rd. Emporia Kansas.” Y/n repeated. “Good, that's only a couple hours from here. Back some stuff and well go.”  Dean clapped his hands together. Leaving the room to get ready. “Good job, kiddo.” Sam spoke giving Y/n a smile. About half an hour later they were packed to go on Y/ns first hunt. Y/n tried to get some sleep on the way but couldn't she kept dreaming the same dream over and over again. She knew what she was looking for, she just hoped they will get there on time. “Alright, this is it.” Dean said as they pulled up into the apartment building. “So what we just sit here until we see them?” Y/n asked Jackson who pulled up in a white pick up truck. “No, were going to go inside. Find out which room the kid has rented and then kill the vampires before they kill him.” Jackson explained, pulling out a black duffel bag from the back seat of the truck. “Alright.” Y/n hummed, getting out of the car with Jackson beside her. “You three can stay there. Well can if we need help.”  Jackson followed the slayer through the building and up 3 flights of stairs. Down a long corridor fifth door on the right; Y/n knew this was the one. Y/n bent down, grabbing her lock picking set she picked the lock. “Why do you know how to pick a lock?” Jackson questioned Y/n skeptically. Y/n shrugged smiling coyly her answer is simple,  “Because I’m a Winchester.” They walked into the apartment. Y/n prepared to kill any vampires in the room. She quietly walked in. A wooden stake in her hand, she searched the room. Ready to dust any vampires around. “Are you sure this is the apartment you saw?” Y/n nodded as she pointed to the numbers on the door. “1254 apartment 327 A, pretty sure this is it.” Her voice soft so no one but Jackson could hear her. “In my dream” “- vision” Jackson butted in, whatever. She rolled her y/e/c eyes. “There were two men  in this room. They came out of this room right here. So if we wait in this room  we have an advantage.” Jackson took a second before he realized what she was saying. “Oh, you clever girl.”  He spoke. * The two waited in the room for what seemed like an hour. Y/n Standing beside the window where the fire escape would allow anyone who dared to enter the room.   She thought maybe the two men would come in through the window. Giving her the advantage of killing them and then going for the woman.  Jackson had left the apartment. He went walking around the building so Y/n could be ready when the woman appeared in the apartment. So Y/n patiently waited. She waited longer then an hour. Just as she was about to give up she heard a click. The lock on the window had opened. 
“Ohh”  The first man groaned as he came in through the window. His back hitting the window. He was quite big, barely fitting in through the window. 
He stood up straight popping his back from where he had bent over. Y/n popped out from the shadowed corner. A wood stake held high as she plunged it through the first vampires chest. Then the second vampire came in through the window. His eyes were wide as he looked at the scene. His brother lying down dead on the ground. His gray/ blue eyes flickered red as he met Y/ns Y/E/C eyes. 
“I’m sorry, but its my job to save human from vampires.” She spoke calmly. As if she was trying to get the vampire to understand and completely give himself up. “Look here, lass. Nobody goes killin  me family wit out payin for it.”  His voice held an accent unlike the first man. He had what seemed like a deep Scottish accent. “Well, that's why I am doing what I'm doing. To stop monsters like yourself.” Y/n lunged at the man with a stake. His eyes went wide as saucers, but he swerved just barely missing the sharp end of the stick.  He pushed her, but luckily she was able to keep balance. She kicked his knee. making him fall groaning in agony. “I’m sorry, but I have to do this.”  She pinned him down, one hand holding one of his arms down. She's leaned forward putting her body weight on his arm as she brought her hand up with the wooden stake. Bringing it down quickly she pierced him through the heart. Jackson came back in the room, seeing the two bodies on the ground. “The mans here. The woman should show up at anytime.”  Jackson said as he walked around the two dead vampires. Y/n nodded as she grabbed the arm of the first vampire she had killed. “Good, now help me drag him out the way.” Y/n spoke lowly. Jackson nodded as he came over, grapping the mans feet. The two moved him over than the other one. The door opened once again and they could hear talking. “Why so nervous?” The ginger haired woman asked the man. His green eyes met her striking blue eyes and smiled. “I’m just scared were going to be caught.” Y/n didn't understand, was the young man married, did he have a girlfriend or something. “Don't worry, I'm gonna take care of that. But for now I have something special for you.”  Y/n opened the door. The woman was caught off guard making her fall. The man fell backwards. “What the hells going on?” The man asked looking at Y/n and then to the red head. “Who the hell are you?” The woman asked, pushing herself off the ground. “I'm here to take care of a little parasite problem.” Y/n said a stake in her hand she tried to stab the vampire, the vampire caught her hand. The two fell into the floor as the man approached them. “Get off her, what the hell are you doing?”  He asked Y/n, but the closer he got he noticed the blood on her clothes and the blood on her face. “What the..” “Your little girlfriend or whatever she is to you, is a vampire.” Y/n spoke trying to push the stake into the red heads chest. But the woman had enough strength to keep it from piercing her chest. “What? No!”  he gasped. “Don't listen to her, Rick. She has no clue what she's talking about.”  But the more the woman got angry the more her vampirism showed. Her eyes flashing red. Lunging to nip up  at Y/n, but as she did she practically killed herself. 
Y/n and Jackson cleaned up the bodies. Then told Rick about what had happened. He took it way better then what Y/n had thought he would. But after the night Y/n had with all the waiting and then fighting with the three vampires; she was ready to go home and get a nice hot shower then go to bed. 
A year goes by and Y/n is a properly trained slayer. Dean, Sam and Jackson trained Y/n to fight. She was great at hand-on-hand combat. (She was a Winchester nobody would have expected her to be bad.) 
Y/n had just woke up as she walked down the long corridors of the bunker. She was on her way to the kitchen to fix herself breakfast when she heard someone walking behind her. It was one of those nights where she didn't dream about an innocent human being chewed on by a vampire. 
"Mornin' kiddo." dean greeted as he walked pass his daughter walking into the kitchen. Sam was fixing pancakes as coffee brewed in the pot. "What are y'all busy bees doing?" Y/n questioned the two as she grabbed a coffee mug from the cabinet and poured herself a mug of coffee. 
"Y/n, they aren't bees. Are you okay?" The angel, Castiel, asked as he randomly walked into the kitchen. The three Winchesters laughed as Sam looked at Cas with a smile. "Cass, it's just a saying." He tried to explain as the angel was getting even more confused. "Why is that a saying? Neither of you resemble bees." Cass says making Y/n laugh. "The saying means they are busy like bees. Going all over the kitchen super fast." Y/n tried to explain what her uncle briefly explained. Cass nodded sort of understanding what the saying was meaning. "Is there any cases?" Y/n asked as she stole a piece of her dads bacon. Dean glared at Y/n as Sam typed on his computer before he bean talking. Y/n stuck her tongue out at her dad as she sat beside Cas at the table. "We do." Sam started as he clicked on random pages on his computer. "Check this out. There's been a handful of deaths outside of  Richmond, Virginia. All off the victims in between the age of 17 and 27. Cause of death, heart ripped out of their chest.  Yet, Something has been draining the blood of the victims after death. Without leaving any puncture wounds. Autopsies say the cause of death was unknown. Bruises were randomly found on the victims. But the weird thing is some of them were missing something.." Y/n and Dean looked at Sam confused. Neither of them knowing what Sam was going to say. "The heart was missing." Y/n looked at her uncle and gave him a knowing look. "Werewolf, easily. But the drained blood still sounds like a vampire." she spoke, as she took the computer from her uncle and read the website herself. "Maybe a vampire and a werewolf are working together?" Dean offered as he eats his breakfast. "That or maybe a vampire trying to act as a werewolf to throw hunters off its trail." Cass spoke in his deep voice. "Alright, pack up we leave in 15 minutes." Dean says as he gets up. His finished plate in the sink to be washed. Y/n, Sam and Dean on the way to their rooms to pack up their things. A week into the case. "Alright, we've talked to everyone connected to the case and still we have nothing." Dean groans as he lays on the hotel bed upset. "We've talked to them, but maybe we need to get to know them to get them to spill something." Sam says, sharing a look with his brother than to his niece. Y/n looked up from her lore book confused. "What? Youve gotta be kidding me?" She questioned. Sam and Dean looked at each other and then to Y/n. Clearly neither one of them were saying anything. The two brothers were just giving Y/n a look that told her that she was going to be the one they needed to use for information. "No! no no no no no. DO I need to spell it out for you N-O!" Y/n says as he uncle hands her a book bag and a "Transfer note". "You want me to go to school?" Y/n bellowed looking at her uncle and father with a deadly look in her Y/e/c eyes. "Look, sweetheart. We know you are going to be the smartest person in the school.." Dean trailed off waiting for Sam to help him out. "Let me elaborate," Sam starts as he looks at his niece with puppy eyes. (Yall know what I'm talkin about). "-We just want you to go to school get to know some people. Enough to gain their trust and have them spill their secrets. Enough so that We can figure out who is behind the deaths." "What makes you think its a teenager?" We don't, this is the only way to find out."  "Fine. But you two owe me." She groans, taking the book bag and note from her uncle. The school looks just like any other school. Big, annoying and sort of resembling a prison for children The school had two different levels.  It was quite big, but Y/n didn't care. Hundreds of teenagers crowds the hallways and the court yard. Y/n really didn't want to go to high school. She never had a good experience in school. Being in a hunting family meant never staying in one place for too long. She just home school herself, if she didn't know how to do something she would just ask her dad or uncle. She was quite smart for her age. Sometimes even out smarting her uncle and father. Y/n was staring out of the window starring at the school when they pulled up. All kinds of students and staff were starring at the black Impala. Dean tapped on her jean jacket clad shoulder to catch her attention. "Here's your schedule." Dean spoke softly. His eyes soft as he seen the anxiousness in his daughters Y/e/c eyes. The Y/e/c eyes that she had inherited by her mom. Dean didn't really understand why she was so stressed out. Sure, it was a new school. She would have to get to know the people there. Deal with bullies, annoying preppy cheerleaders, jocks, drug addicts, and possibly a vampire or werewolf. But Dean knew his daughter could take care of herself. But one thing that Dean didn't think about was teenage boys. He didn't think that he would have to worry about it. But the moment he walked Y/n into the school he could see school he could see a handful of teenagers already looking at Y/n. "Okay, you got this. You don't need to worry about anything." Y/n rolled her eyes at her father, fixing her gray bookbag back on her shoulder. "Sure, that's real assuring. I just don't need to worry. You know just because you tell someone to call down or that "they don't need to worry about anything" doesn't automatically calm them down. Sometimes it just stresses them out even more!" She rambled quickly. Dean looked at his daughter bewildered. He had no clue what happened to his confident daughter. Usually, Y/n was confident, outgoing (in a good way), smart, and optimistic. But looking at his daughter right now she was polar opposite. "Alright, tell me. What's wrong?" He asked sincerely. Y/n sighed, trying to feel less anxious, but breathing deeply wasn't working too well. "Dad, every time I get put into school I cant fit in. Hell, I don't fit in anywhere. When I go to my classes I'll be fresh meat. Everyone will be either making fun of me or wondering who the knew student is. But the thing is I will have to make friends. Earn some of these peoples trust and maybe, possibly have to gank them." She said the last part in a low whisper. So low dean had barely heard her from the busy corridor. Dean pulled his daughter into a tight hug. She could physically feel the some of the anxiety lift. Not all of it, but some. "Look, if you don't want to do this we can figure something out. I'm not gonna force this on you, okay?" Y/n nodded, looking at her father before looking around her. "How about this," he started as he wiped his face with his hands. Trying to figure something out. "Alright, you stay in school for a couple days. If you still feel anxious about it you don't have to go no more. I guess somehow I can get in and get to know some of these kids. I might have to be a gym teacher again.. and where them shorts." (you shiver disgusted thinking about that time your father wore those tiny shorts, kind of making you gag a little.) "No! No, I got this. I don't think we need to traumatized any kids." She shouted quickly. She felt like she was being weak. (Even though she wasnt. She was one of the strongest people Dean and Sam have ever known.) Good, because those shorts were so tight! Y/n laughed at her father for over exaggerating.   The school bell ring and Y/n have her father a tight lipped smile. Alright, kiddo. You got this. Have a good day. He gave his daughter a hug and a small peck on her hair line. Love ya, kid. Love you too dad. Y/n watched her father leave then tried to find her locker. Putting the books she didnt need in the locker and keeping the books she would need. Y/ns hands were shaking anxiously. She hated that she was anxious. She was always better around people older or younger then her. Never with people her own age. These days teenagers her judge mental, inappropriate, assholes. Completely different then her. Y/n was on her way to first period, Mr. James, American history class. Room 381. She spent quite a while searching for the class until she ran into something hard. Great, perfect first day Y/n running into people. A boy, who looks like her grade. He was tall looking down just a bit as he looked at Y/n. Y/n had to swallow the gasp she had when she seen his beautiful eyes. One an honey brown with what seemed to be gold flakes in them if you looked at them close enough. His iris a silver blue with a tent of green around the pupil. His eyes stood out with his dark, jet black hair. His skin a deep tan color. He wore blue jeans, gray sneakers and a AC/DC t-shirt on. Im so sorry. I didnt mean to bump  into you. I-I was looking at my schedule and just wasnt paying attention. Y/n rambled, what seemed to be her knew thing to do. His smile made Y/n blush, she looked down at her feet and then back to the boy a moment later. Oh, its fine! Youre new arent you? I think I wouldve remembered someone like you. Y/n tried to conceal the blush creeping up her neck. Her ears were red hot. I am new. My dad just got a job here. The boy nodded listening to Y/n with a smile on his face. Sorry, where are my manners. My name is Blake. Im in 10th grade. What grade are you? He asked, the two began to walk down the hall. 10th, my first class is history. Do you know where that is? Blake smiled and nodded. Yeah, thats my first class. Come on, Ill go show you. They walked into the history class right as it was about to start. Everyone staring  at the two. The teacher mr. James smiled as he welcomed them. Mr. Williams, whos your friend here? Y/n smiled as she walked up to her new history teacher. Y/n Winchester, Im a new student. She spoke politely handing him her transfer note. Welcome Miss. Winchester. Im glad to have you in my class. Pick an open seat. The teacher smiled as he put the transfer note in his desk then moved to the board in the front of the class. Y/n sat beside Blake and beside a Red haired girl. Im Claire, Claire Stevens. Im the class president. A boy snickered and she turned to the kid. Youre not class president. Nobodys voted yet. And even if they did theyd vote for me not you. Said a red headed boy who looked very similar to Claire excepts he had glasses. Thats my brother Keith. His my twin. -Older twin. He butted into the conversation. And I will be the class president, not Claire. He smiled proudly. Okay, whatever. Claire said pulling back the attention. You should totally vote for me when its time. Claire whispered. Anyway, welcome to the Temple high school. I hope you like it. If you need anyone to show you around Id be happy to help you out. Claire spoke softly so Mr. Williams wouldnt get after them for talking. Miss. Stevens Can you tell me when World War Two began? Mr. Williams called Claire as he continued to write on the board with perfect cursive writing. Umm.... September 1, 1939? She spoke unsure if she was correct. Thats right. You shouldnt question yourself. Most the time youre right until you second guess yourself. Claire nodded. Eventually the class ended and everyone left the class. Blake, Claire, and Keith walked out the class together. Claire holding onto Y/ns arms as she points out all the classes. Keith and Blake were talking when suddenly Claire stopped rambling. Who are they? Y/n asked looking at a group of what she would refer to as the mean girls group. Well the one wearing all pink is Claires ex-best friend, Jenna Harris. She stole Claires boyfriend from her. Its a long story for another day. Keith spoke as he pulled his sister into another hall they had to go down. Id just stay away from that group anyway. Theyre crazy. Blake said as he slung his arm around Y/ns shoulder. Y/n nodded as she followed her newly made friends down the hall. So, Y/n where are you from? Claire asked. Lawrence Kansas. Y/n answered with a smile. My dad, uncle and I moved up here for their work. Y/n added before they could get the question out. Oh? What kind of work do they do? Well, theyre detectives, but my uncle went to school to be lawyer years ago. Are they in town for those strange murders? Keith asked Y/n. His voice seemed to shake just a small bit making Y/n think maybe he had something to do with the murders. I think so, from what Ive pieced together theyre here for the murders. But they can tell me too much, You know. Y/n answer nonchalant. The bell rung and Claire showed Y/n to their English class with Mr. Stone. Blake and Keith went to their math class. As the day went on Y/n got to know these three people. They seemed to make great friends. Y/n learned Claire and Keith parents are divorced. They live three miles from the school; so they walk to school most of the time. Keith was worried about being murdered is why he was anxious about asking Y/n if her family moved there for the case. She learned that Blake was single. Not that she needed to know that, but Claire kept telling her that she and Blake would make a good couple. She learned he doesnt live too far from the motel that she and her family were staying in. He has two younger siblings and his parents are together. She also learned hay that he wants to be a detective when he graduates. Finally the last bell rings and Y/n, Blake and another boy whos name is Tyrese left the class together. Y/n learned Tyrese was a good friend of Blakes. So youre a good friend of Blakes? Y/n asked as the three walked to their lockers. Yeah, you can say that. Weve only been practically brothers since kindergarten. Tyrese spoke as he grabbed his books from his locker and put them in his book bag. Oh.. y/n nodded. Thats cool. She added as she too put her books in her book bag. Yup, me and him have been through everything together. His folks took me in when my parents died. Ever since then me and him have been inseparable. Brothers not lovers if thats what you were thinking. Y/n shook her head with a chuckle. No, thats not what I was thinking. I was just thinking how nice it is to have close friends. Tyrese looked at Y/n confused. You dont have any? Its kinda hard to make friends when youre moving all the time. Ive never been in one school long enough. My dad and my uncle makes us move around a lot for their work. Tyrese nodded understanding what she was saying. Well, you dont have to worry about not having any friends. Im your friend now. So is Blake, Claire and Keith. He smiled brightly at y/n. Thanks. She smiled and Tyrese nodded. Its no problem. Y/n, is he talking your ear off? Blake asked, who just came over from his locker. Oh, no. Were just getting to know each other. Y/n explained with a small (friendly) smile. Oh, god. He talked your ear off. Blake joked as he turned to his brother. Man, you gotta learn to stop talking so much. Y/n shook her head as she closed her locker. Y/ns phone dinged signaling a texts from someone. That someone was her dad, just letting her know he was there to pick her up. Tyrese and Blake walked with Y/n out of the school to the Impala, coincidently they parked right beside the black beauty of a car.   This your ride? Blake asked as they walked up to the 67 Impala. Yup, this is my dads baby. Y/n spoke with a smile as she looked at the car which held many memories. Dean looked up seeing his daughter with two boys. Instinctively he got out of the car to get Sticky teenage boys away from his baby. Hey, kiddo. Dean greeted his daughter as he got out the car. His arms crossed in a protective manner. Dad, this is Blake and his friend Tyrese. Blake, Tyrese this is my dad Dean. Y/n introduced them to each other. Nice to meet you sir. Blake said holding his hand out to shake Deans. Yeah.. Dean looked at Blake suspiciously. Well, you ready kiddo? Y/n nodded as she fixed the bag on her shoulder. Ill see you guys tomorrow. Y/n said as dean opened the front door for his daughter. Yeah, bye  Blake and Tyrese spoke as they waved at Y/n and then to dean who was glaring. Dude, you totally have a crush on her. Tyrese playful pushed Blake as he blushed. Blake shook his head as he smiled. Yeah, I do. *** Weeks passed and Y/n got to know the friend group better. She and Claire had became great friends. She would go over to Claires house to study together or just hang out. She tried to see if there was any chance Claire or her brother couldve been the murderer. But neither one showed signs of being vampire or werewolf. Y/n was happy to know that. She didnt want to have to kill her new friends. She, Blake and Tyrese were also close. She was closer with Blake then anyone else. She would go to their football games and cheer them on. She learned vampires are what killed Tyrese's' Parents. She wondered if maybe the people that killed his parents are the same people who are killing people now. "Y/n! You coming to the football game tonight?" Claire asked Y/n as she walked down the hall on her way to her Science class. "Umm, I didn't there was a football game tonight." Y/n said as she held her books to her chest turning to one of her best friends. "Well, there is. and a very special person is playing tonight. A very special quarter back. One that you are gonna marry one day." Y/n shook her head as she blushed.  "Who's marrying who one day?" Blake asked as he threw his arm over his girlfriends shoulder. "Y/n here is gonna marry the number one quarter back." Claire smiled as she looked at Blake with a smile. "Well, Y/n I didn't know you were gonna marry me." Tyrese said with a smile as he leaned over. Playfully kissing her forehead. "Ha. HA." Blake sarcastically laughed as he pulled his girlfriend closer to him. "Sorry, but Y/ns mine. Your gonna have to fight me for her." Blake said with a smile as he playfully held his hands up. Y/n giggled as she hugged Blake placing a kiss on his cheek as she smiled. "We better get to science class before we're late." Claire smiled at Y/n as they began walking to science. Y/n and Claire were hanging out at Claires house when it was time for the football game. The two of them dressed in the school colors as they left Claires house on their way to the game. "Okay, so I have y'alls wedding planed already. Its gonna be a June wedding." Claire started as she and Y/n walked on the sidewalk. "Oh my God! We're not even 18!" Y/n exclaimed with a big smile on her face. "Well, you guys are practically in love." Claire told Y/n as they walked down the sidewalk together. "Umm, I won't deny that, but still. I think its a bit too soon to be thinking about a June wedding." Y/n laughed looking at her friend. "Well doesn't every teenage girl think about their wedding? I mean as your girl best friend I of course will be your maid of honor." Y/n smiled as she looks at her friend. "Of course You will." Y/n smiled as she cheered on her boyfriend playing. Everyone in the stands could feel the exciting energy. The game is a close one 28- 28 with 3 minutes left on the clock. The people in the stands cheering on their team ready to party with the winning team. Y/n and Claire cheered Tyrese and Blake on as the ran down the field passing the football and running. The opposite team trying to catch Blake who had the football. "Run!!" Claire scream as the clock was down to the last 30 seconds of the game. Just as the timer hit 0 he scored. Winning the game. The whole crowd went wild! Y/n and Claire held each other while jumping up and down screaming in excitement. "They won!" They screamed in union. They waited for the crowd to die down until they could easily get to Tyrese and Blake. "You did it!" Y/n smiled as she hugged her sweaty boyfriend. "And you're grossly sweaty." Blake laughed as he kissed his girlfriend. "We won. of course I'm gonna be sweaty." "Well, why don't you guys clean up and shower then we'll go celebrate at the diner." Y/n said as She unraveled herself from her boyfriends sweaty arms. That night they all celebrated at a diner. They were all happy. Enjoying the time they had together. Y/n loved having friends. She just couldn't imagine leaving her friends when the time comes. A year went by and luckily they stayed in town. Sam and Dean decided they were just gonna stay until her senior year.
A year later- Y/n woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She grabbed her phone not even looking to see who the caller was. "Hello?" She mumbles into the phone sleep present in her voice. "Y/n?"  A shaky  voice said into the phone. "Blake?" Y/n asked jumping up worried. "Y/n, you need to help us."  Y/n got up throwing some clothes in as she listened to her boyfriend. "Baby, where are you? Can you tell me where you are?" Y/n asked, trying to figure out how to help. "They have us. The people that killed Tyrese parents. Y/n, babe, they aren't normal. They're monsters." Y/n listened to his trembling voice and she was on the verge of tears. "Blake, I need you to call down. I know it's hard, trust me I really do. Can you tell me where you are?" She listened as the phone went quiet. She couldn't hear him not until she heard a blood curdling scream. "Hi there, Y/n." A voice said into the phone. "If you want your boyfriend and friends out alive meet me at the old middle school. You'll know where it is." "How can I trust you? I need to know they're all okay!" Silence. "Listen you stupid fucking bitch! Tell me they're okay and what you want!!" Y/n screams into the phone. Sam and Dean burst into the room seeing y/n in the room full on panicking. Y/n puts the phone on speaker. "Y/n?" It's all of their voices. "Help us! She's gonna kill us!!"  Dean grabbed the phone from his daughter and starts talking to whoever's on the phone. "Listen you sick son of a bitch. We're gonna find you and kill you. Alright, those kids are gonna come out of this alive. You not so much."
Y/n tried to calm down. She grabbed all the things she needed. Wooden stakes, knifes, her gun she perfected with wooden bullets, one of her favorite type of weapons she's made. Y/n hoped that she would get there in time. She's lost too many people in her life. Too many, and she doesn't want to lose anymore. Especially the ones who are close to her. Y/n got in the Impala, dean shot gun and Sam in the back. (She got to the drivers seat first before dean could). Y/n cranked the car and sped of, tires squalling as she sped out from the motel parking lot towards the old middle school.   "Alright, we need a plan. We can't just go in guns a blazin'." Sam said as he leaned over the back seat. Y/n tapped her fingers anxiously on the steering wheel. Her Y/e/c eyes scanning the road cautiously as she drove. silently praying no cops would pull her over for speeding so she could save her close friends lives. "We find the middle school. You and dad will follow behind me until we're inside. We'll split off and search for them. Whoever finds them kills the bitch who has them. But make sure were safe about it. Most of the time vampires stay with their nest. So they're most likely with two or more other vampires. Look, if you run into a vampire you have to stake them. They're not like the normal vampires you guys kill. These are different. You have to stake them, not cut they're heads off." Y/n explains as she slammed on breaks finally at the middle school. "Okay, I think we understand." Sam spoke softly nodding as he looked at his frighten niece. "Look, I know this isn't the best time. But honey, you have to be prepared for this. You don't know what-" "Don't" Y/n cut Sam off. "Don't say what I know you're gonna say. I-I don't want to hear it. So, lets just get out and go help my friends before.." She couldn't even finish what she was going to say. She just needs to help her friends. She cares too much to lose anyone else. Y/n grabs the wooden stakes from the trunks hatch, giving some to both Dean and Sam. Y/n placed her pistol on her side, after making sure she had her wooden bullets inside of it. She also made sure she had her other gun on her thigh holster. That gun kept silver bullets inside of it. She was thought it was a vampire, but was going to be prepared if it was a werewolf too. "Alright," She says clicking on her flashlight. "lets go." Sam and dean follow Y/n in, both with their guns in hand. "Split up, it'll be faster if we do." Y/n said while the entered the school. Dean and Sam shared a worried look but did as Y/n said. Y/n went straight down the hall, Dean went left and Sam to the right. Y/n said a silent prayer as she went into the office into the small rooms. Checking each room searching for the friends she considered family. The family she loved dearly. They continued through the school when Y/n heard screaming. She ran through the halls following the screaming. "Y/n! Help!" She heard the Screams of Claire and Keith. She speed down the hall coming to a stop at the boiler room. (Its always at the boiler room SMH) Y/n grabbed her pistol with the silver bullets in it and held a wooden stake in the other. She burst through the door and pointed the gun around. "Ahh, Y/n, welcome to the slaughter party." Y/n looked up to see a red eyed vampire. "Are you kidding me?" Y/n asked as lunged at the vampire, right as she was about to kill the vampire he moved over. The vampire  moved the stake out of the way punching Y/n as he tried to kick her. Y/n moved backwards before he could kick her.  "You don't get to mess with my friends." Y/n said through gritted teeth. Punching the male vampire hard enough it split the vampires lip. The vampire laughed at Y/n as she continued punching him until he was choking on blood. "You stupid, brat." he smirked as he shook his head. "I don't have your friends. You're wasting valuable time." Y/n shook her head as he eyes were wide. She staked the vampire. Her phone rang, her dad was calling. "Hey, there's noise coming from the gym. We think they're in there. We didn't find anything. Its the only room left inside the school we haven't checked." Y/n nodded until she remembered her father couldn't hear her. "I'm on my way." She ran as fast as she could. She could hear the screams of her friends and then there was another scream. Her dad and uncle. She finally made it to the gym when she seen a vampire draining the blood of Keith. Sobbing out a cry she burst into the gym. She could see a vampire holding onto her dad and uncle. "Put him down." Y/n said as she pointed the gun at the monster in front of her.  The vampire smiled as it stopped drinking Keith's blood. "Okay." The vampire smiled, Keith dropped down to the floor. Currently losing more blood, well what was left of his blood. Y/n shot the vampire with the wooden bullet. The vampire fell to the ground dead. Y/n quickly turned around to see her father and uncle being held back by vampires. Each with a sorrowful look on their faces. "I'm sorry, we couldn't save them." Y/n had no clue what her dad was talking about till her eyes caught a glimpse of crimson liquid on the ground. "No," She gasped looking down at the bodies behind her dad and uncle with the vampire behind them too. "What are you going to kill me? The only way to kill me is to kill your dad or your uncle." The man smiled as he looked at Y/n. "I can't." Y/n cried, shaking her head. Dean looked at his daughter as tears were brimming his jade green eyes. Sam too was on the verge of tears. "Just do it. Its okay." Y/n shook her head as she tried to think of an other option. "I can't, daddy." she cried looking at her dad as he body shook as she sobbed. "Yes, you can." "Awe, how cute. A little father daughter moment. But, its not gonna last. I'm giving you just a minute before I kill them." Y/n shook her head as she smiled. "No, you're not." Y/n smirked. Her gun held up as she pointed the gun at the vampires head. "You see, If I have learned anything about being a Winchester. I can say I have learned this. Usually when you shoot someone in the head it fucking hurts." Just as Y/n finished saying that she pulled the trigger. The wooden bullet going straight through the vampires head. Releasing Sam and dean from his tight grip. Giving y/n a chance to shoot the vampire through the heart. Finally killing the vampire. Sam and dean moved the bodies of the vampires as Y/n walked over to her friends. They were leaned up against the wall, covered in blood, and had been drained out of blood. Sobs racked Y/ns body as she seen the bruises on their bodies, showing how they had fought for their lives. Y/n fell to her knees as she sobbed. She could barely breath as she looked at her dead friends. "Y/n." She heard a voice mumble. turning her head she seen Blake smile. "You're here." He spoke softly as tears ran down his face. "I'm here, baby." She cried as she crawled over to him pulling him carefully into her arms. "I'm so sorry I didn't get here soon enough. I was too late." She cried. Blake shook his head as he took his cold, bloody hand wiping the tears from Y/ns face. "This isn't your fought. You couldn't control this. You can't control this." Y/n shook her head as she leaned her head against his. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I should've been there. I could've saved you. I could've saved all of you. If I would've known. If I.." Blake chuckled as he shook his head. "There's no what ifs Y/n." Blakes voice was slurring as he slowly losing more blood. Y/n cried as she kissed his forehead. "I don't want to lose you." She cried. He nodded he began to cry. "Listen to me." Blake started as he looked at Y/n through tears. "It was never your fought. You have to believe me." Y/n nodded as she cried. "I just don't want to lose anyone else." She whispered against his head. "You're not. Baby, look. I want you to know, no matter what happens I will never blame you for what's happened. You didn't cause this." Y/n cried as she nodded she was listening but not listening. She was tired of losing people, but being a Winchester had its baggage. She lost her dad and uncle probably more than ten times. She's lost Bobby, Ellen, Joe, Kevin (who was like her brother),  John her grandfather who was a dick, but still. There's more people she's lost, but she was just tired of losing all of her family. "I-I want you t-to promise me s-something." His voice was shaking as he started to lose more and more blood. "When I-I die." He stuttered, "no" Y/n shook her head not wanting to come to the fact she was going to lose the guy she loved. "It's gonna happen baby." He spoke softly. "I want-t you to remember me when I'm gone. But you have to promise me, promise me you'll move on." He cried as he moved his hands from hers to his left ring finger. His class ring. "I want you to have this. To have a small token of me while I'm gone." He placed his class ring on her finger making her sadly smile. "Have your June wedding with someone who loves you more than anything in the world. But most of all. You'll save hundreds of people. You might not be able to save everyone, but you can't let that get in your way. You have to believe in yourself." There was a short pause as he started coughing, slowly slipping away. "I love-e you, Y/n Winchester." He spoke as he leaned up kissing her one final time. "I love you too." She cried as she felt him take his final breath. She sobbed as she held onto his lifeless body. Unable to do anything besides scream for help. Sam and Dean walked into the room watching as Y/n and Blake had their last moments together. Y/n cried, sobbed, screamed as she held onto Blakes lifeless body. They walked over to Y/n pulling her into their arms as she sobbed. The two of them feeling her pain. They knew what she was feeling because they have been through it their whole lives. Being a hunter brings hurt and death. But most of all being a Winchester had its burdens, but they were there for each other. They care for each other and they love each other. There for each other through everything. Whatever came up, they would always protect each other. They let the families bury the dead, but at night they salt and burned the bodies making sure they wouldn't come back as spirits. Y/n may be broken, but she had her family. They will help her get back to normal. Whatever normal it. Whatever its going to be. She's going to always have a piece of herself gone, but one day that piece might be mended. Hopefully one day, she'll meet her one true love. The one who will love her more than anything in the world, give her the dream wedding she wanted. The June wedding she'll have. With the people she loves. One day, things will be better. But for now, she's gonna keep kicking. She's going to keep killing monsters saving people, hunting things. You know the family business.
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