#idk if i'm brave enough for it haha!
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lovebugism ¡ 8 months ago
hiii can i pls request shy!reader where eddie teaches her guitar but she keeps getting distracted by her crush on him and then they confess to each other 🥰 idk I'm just obsessed with eddie and guitars in general haha
ty for requesting!! — in which eddie calls his two favorite things sweetheart, his guitar and you (friends to lovers, fluff, 1.7k)
bug's summer fic fest (⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Eddie’s bedroom is heavy with an early summer heat. There’s one square window above his bed where the golden hour sun filters through directly. It spotlights the guitar hanging above his dresser, sparkling with bits of swirling dust in the air. 
“Sorry I’m late, sweetheart,” Eddie greets the instrument, as though it were a real thing with feelings. You idle behind him and watch in the mirror as he kisses two of his fingers and presses them to the strings. A crooked smirk sits lazily on his mouth at the graceless sound it makes.
“Is that its name?” you joke in a mousy voice, clammy hands wringing as thoughts of nonbelonging strangle you. You feel utterly out of place here, in this mess of boyish chaos — with heavy metal posters of bands you don’t know and movie prints with references you don’t recognize. 
The boy standing beneath it all turns to face you. He looks at you with the smile he always looks at you with — distant, pink, and quiet — like he doesn’t even know it’s there. And you feel at home all over again.
“Huh?” Eddie chuckles.
“Sweetheart,” you add.
“Sure,” he shrugs, scratching at the wild curls coiled at the nape of his neck. Another laugh sputters from his smiling mouth. “Might as well be, I guess. I’ve been callin’ her that since I got her.”
“Oh… It’s a she now, too?”
There’s a foreign twinkle in your sheepish gaze. A mischievous sort of glint Eddie only gets to see when you’re feeling brave enough to show it to him — comfortable enough, anyway. It makes his chest warm with pride, knowing he’s cracking away at the shell you so often hide behind.
“Uh-huh,” Eddie cajoles, nodding as he scrunches the bridge of his nose. With his hands on his leans hips, he walks the short distance to you. His sneakers sound heavy on the worn carpet. “She’s got all the features of a beautiful woman, too, you know? Strong but delicate. Easy to understand when you get to know her, but always slightly complicated in her own way.”
You forget to blink until he’s looming over you. Until his towering form blocks the flow of the tiny fan whirring on his desk. Until you can smell the pine of his cologne and the mint of his aftershave with every trembling inhale.
The petaled smirk on his rosy mouth makes your breath catch. His dark eyes are round like buttons, and they glimmer like melted chocolate as he peers down at you — like he’s talking to you directly. 
You feel utterly see-through beneath his unwavering stare. With your heart in your throat, you turn away. “Well, you’d know better than me, I guess,” you falter, voice trembling as you force a breathy laugh. 
Eddie doesn’t seem nearly as fazed by the proximity. His eyes narrow in a challenging squint. “Wanna learn how to play?”
You flash him a wide-eyed stare in response. A distant smile wavers at the edges of your mouth ‘cause you figure he must be joking. Eddie only grins in response, raising his brows in an expectant look, and you cower all over again.
“Oh, I… I don’t… I don’t know,” you stammer hopelessly and twist your anxious hands into a knot. “I don’t think I have, you know, the— the deftness for it or whatever…”
Eddie scoffs a faint laugh and steps back from you. He plucks the instrument from the wall in a few short steps. “Well, how about we just pretend I know what that word means while I teach you?” he jokes with the guitar cradled in an expert hand. 
His rings match the silver strings and the metal dials you don’t recognize. The black paint pairs well with his leather jacket, and the cracked scarlet pattern with his Hellfire tee. It looks like it was crafted with only him in mind. 
The mattress squeaks under his weight when he plops along the edge of it.
You shift on your feet in front of him, visibly unsure. “I don’t wanna break it,” you fret.
“You’re not gonna break it,” Eddie laughs with a smile that reveals all his teeth. He tosses his chin back to shake wild curls from his face, then squints solemnly at you. “Unless you’ve got, like, some kinda super-strength I don’t know about… You’re not a superhero, are you?”
You tilt your cheek to your shoulder in a sheepish look. “I can neither confirm nor deny,” you answer in a sarcastic murmur.
“Hm. That’s exactly what a superhero would say…” he teases, just to make you laugh, then smiles as he pats the bed beside him. “Here. C’mon. Sit down.”
Despite your better judgment, you sit in the spare spot next to him. The mattress is hard beneath you, worsened by your inability to get comfortable with Eddie’s body so close to yours. It makes you tense, so aware of yourself and him and this moment.
You keep a couple measured inches between you, which Eddie closes with little effort. His thigh presses to your thigh as he ushers the guitar into your lap. He maneuvers himself behind you, with an arm wormed around your back, so he’s got your left hand in his. His chest is flush against your shoulder. His wild curls tickle your neck. You have to remind yourself to breathe.
“Put your hands… like this…” Eddie mumbles as he guides your fingers over the neck of the guitar. When he’s set them in a stair-step pattern over the strings, he ducks his head to look at you. His wide eyes dart over your face. “That feel good?”
You nod wordlessly, skin buzzing under his touch.
“Good. Now, all you have to do is strum.”
You lift your wrist and hope he doesn’t notice how your hand shakes. Your fingers brush the steel strings. A quiet, distorted noise fills the quiet bedroom. 
Eddie grins wide despite your feeble attempt. “See? You’ve already got the hardest part down,” he beams. When you don’t laugh at his futile effort to make you laugh, his smile wavers. “Hey… You can relax, you know? Sweetheart’s not gonna bite you.”
“No, I know,” you waver, then remember to breathe.
“Then why’s it feel like I’m sittin’ next to a rock?”
“‘Cause this is, like, your most prized possession,” you laugh. “And I’m… the clumsiest person on the earth, and you’re letting me touch it anyway.”
“‘Cause you’re my second most prized possession,” Eddie quips.
You meet his smile with a knowing squint. “You don’t own me, Eds.”
His eyes narrow similarly. “Don’t act like you’re not flattered.” 
His breath fans across your cheek at the proximity. A dizzying concoction of nicotine and spearmint gum. Your eyes flit to his lips, for a flicker of a moment, and you realize he’s close now enough to kiss. 
Something about it makes you panic. Words spill from your mouth in stumbled rambles accordingly. “I just— I know I’m not gonna be any good at it, and it’s just gonna be a huge waste of time for both of us, so—”
Eddie scoffs. “If you don’t wanna spend time with me, you coulda just said.”
The mattress squeaks when he starts to shift away from you. His chest moves off your shoulder and leaves you cold, even in the suffocating humidity. Your heart wrenches. “It’s not that— don’t go,” you plead in a tiny voice.
Eddie, who hadn’t really wanted to leave in the first place, gravitates to you again with little effort. “So you do wanna spend time with me?” he wonders, equal parts teasing and searching for assurance.
You swallow hard, then nod.
“Just, maybe, without the guitar?” Eddie presses.
“I think we’d both be better off if I just watched you play it, honestly.”
“Ooh,” the boy croons, brows bouncing beneath his fluffy bangs. “So you like to watch, huh?”
Your eyes roll. “Don’t be daft.”
Eddie laughs and presses himself against you again — chest against your back, arm against your arm. “Here. C’mon. Just try again, alright? For me.” You let him guide your hand back to the neck of the guitar. His warm, ringed fingers cradle your own. “Put your fingers like— there you go. Look at that, you’re a pro already.”
He tries to bite back a smile at the look you give him. He fails.
“Alright, now…” he trails off, shifting impossibly closer until he’s flush with the right side of your body. “Try not to be so scared, alright? Sweetheart can sense fear, so just… Act natural.”
You exhale a wavering breath. When Eddie feels you relax against him, he tells you, “Now strum again…”
You twist your wrist and bring your fingers down in a motion that feels more natural this time. The sound that fills the bedroom, then, is much more pleasant than the one that came before it.
“At this rate, you’ll be better than me within the year,” Eddie muses.
You squint and try not to smile. “Don’t patronize me.”
“I’m serious!” he argues, laughing despite himself. “You’re a fast learner! With some proper lessons, you could do my Master of Puppets solo in no time— with your eyes closed.”
“Lessons?” you echo, brows pinched.
“Yeah,” Eddie shrugs and tries to play it cool. “I mean… You might have to come over from time to time. You know, so I can show you the ropes and everything, but… After a few months together, I’m sure you’ll be a total professional.”
You know exactly what he’s playing at. The notion makes your heart thrum hard against your ribcage.
“Well, what about after a few months?” you tease with a quiet smile. “What then?”
Eddie’s eyes flit to the ceiling for a moment as he ponders the question. “I don’t know… You keep coming around, I guess? And I make you the best damn guitarist this side of Indiana’s ever seen?”
A beam blossoms on your lips despite your attempts to keep it hidden. “Then I guess I’ll stick around.”
“Good,” Eddie grins.
“Good,” you parrot.
It takes you a second too long to realize he’s leaning in to kiss you. By the time you notice, his eyes are already fluttering shut and the tip of his nose is nearing yours. Your eyes widen. Your breath catches. You lick your lips in anticipation. 
You forget yourself too quickly, though, and your hand falls lazily against the strings of the guitar in your lap. You can feel the funny, distorted sound in your chest. Your heart lurches at the sudden noise, and you flinch back from the boy in front of you.
You sigh a second later, mourning the missed moment. 
Eddie chuckles to himself, cheeks flushed. “Told ya she could sense fear.”
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runningfrom2am ¡ 2 years ago
Hiii if it’s okay, can I request a jj x pogue!reader? Where they are in a secret relationship.. but right before a kegger they get into a fight and ignore each other, then a girl starts flirting with jj and he fake flirts back to make the Pogues not suspicious about your relationship but reader gets insecure and thinks jj is honest with his flirting and she gets upset, walks away idk, you can think of the ending haha hope this makes sense 😊
okay YES i love this so much omg.
tysm for sending this to me! i'm honoured that you trusted me with this and i hope it's what you pictured!
requests are open! send me something here.
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proving a point - (j.m)
pairing: jj x pogue!reader
warnings/tags: strong language, alcohol consumption/abuse, established (secret) relationship, that's p much it??
wc: 1.9k
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"Christ, JJ! Since when do you give a shit how much I drink? At an actual party?" You yell, dropping your hands from where they were rubbing the sides of your head in frustration.
"Since I had to drag you out of the driver's seat of your shitty car that's hardly drivable in the best of times! Fuck, like, I just don't want you to kill yourself or get arrested if I'm not babysitting you for five fucking seconds! I don't think I'm being crazy, here!" Your boyfriend shouts back, leaving you both staring at each other in his messy and quiet living room.
You scoff, shaking your head and crossing your arms over your chest. "Why's it matter to you so much anyways? Not like we have any points to prove, right? God forbid we show our friends we care about each other- that we love each other. That would just be too much, wouldn't it?"
JJ rolls his eyes, taking off his hat and turning it back the way he always does when he's about to do something risky, in the way that usually makes your heart skip a beat. This time it just makes your anger spike. "You're right. Fuck it. I'll mind my business, you black out and drive into a tree. Hit another car and kill the driver. See if I give a fuck."
"I'm not gonna drive to the boneyard, JJ. You're so fucking dense sometimes- seriously! John B is driving all of us, do you actually think I'm stupid enough to steal the Twinkie?" You retort, gesturing with one arm in the general direction of where John B's house is.
"Sometimes, yeah!" JJ laughs dryly, nodding at you.
"Oh, right. Gotcha." You nod sarcastically. "Is that why we can't tell them? Are you embarrassed because your girlfriend is stupid and gets drunk at parties? Please- I'd love to know."
"That's not why and you know it, Y/N." JJ rolls his eyes, pacing the living room now.
"Whatever you say. I'll see you tonight." You mumble, heading for the door and slamming it behind you.
You trudge your way out to your car and drive off, fighting back the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. He didn't mean that. He couldn't have.
By the time John B arrives with the rest of your friends to pick you up on the way to the boneyard, you've managed to down three drinks to get a good buzz going before you have to see JJ again. Putting on your brave face as you close your front door behind you, you smile as you approach the van, and the back door slides open, revealing Pope and Kie in the back.
"Y/N!" Kie grins, moving over to give you some room.
"Hey, guys!" You smile, closing the door behind you as John B is already peeling out. You steady the drink in your hand, making very brief eye contact with JJ over his shoulder in the passenger seat. His eyes landing on the drink in your hand don't go unnoticed as Kie and Pope continue the conversation you were assuming they were having before you jumped in.
It isn't long after you arrive that there are kids from all over the island at the kegger, sharing drinks and yelling listening to distant music with a big bonfire raging on the sand. You sway a little with your arm placed over Kie's shoulder, both trying to steady yourselves as you talk with some other pogues you don't see very often between everyone's busy work schedules.
"Hey, wait, you guys are close with Maybank, right?" The blonde girl standing in front of you asks, attempting to whisper but the alcohol in all of your systems is preventing it.
"Yeah." You nod, looking around for him, spotting him by the fire.
"Is he single still?" She asks, and you try to suppress a laugh. Luckily, Kie isn't able to stop hers for a completely different reason.
"That hot mess? Of course he is." Kie laughs, reaching out and tapping the girl's shoulder playfully. "You're funny."
You bite your tongue, actively fighting against the glare you want to give her. You disguise it by laughing awkwardly along with Kie.
"Oh my god, how? He's so hot, are you kidding?" She giggles, shaking her head at you guys.
"Well, you don't know him like we do." You say, shrugging a little and hoping she doesn't pick up on the bitterness in your tone. She doesn't even have a shot- you're confident of that much. You and JJ love each other, even if you fight sometimes. You'll make up within the week, just like last time.
"Well, it's worth a shot." She laughs and Kie nods, pointing JJ out to her in the crowd.
The girl asks you to wish her luck as she walks off, adjusting her shirt and pulling it down slightly as she walks over to him. You bite your tongue to keep yourself from grinding your teeth together. "Kie, wanna go watch this trainwreck?" You ask, leaning into her like you're joking and she nods.
"Oh, god, yes." She laughs, and the both of you cling onto each other as you walk your way over, keeping enough distance so the girl JJ is now talking to doesn't catch on that you're listening. They're not alone, there's loads of people around, including John B and Pope who were already at JJ's side, just watching as the girl leans into your boyfriend and he drapes his arm over her shoulder, leaning down to listen closely to what she has to say.
"What are you drinking?" She asks him, tilting her head to look into his cup and then back up at him.
"Just beer." He shrugs. "Why, you want to try it? Might be a little strong for you." He teases her, making you tense up.
"Oh, please." She giggles, grabbing the cup from him and downing it, tossing the cup on the ground.
"Fuck the beaches, I guess." You mutter to Kie, who also looks displeased at her actions. You need Kie to know you're upset- to take your side even if she doesn't really know what's going on.
"That's gross." Kie says, a sour look on her face now.
"Damn, you're a crazy one, aint'cha?" JJ says, squeezing her shoulders before dropping his arm down her back, grabbing her by the waist. With his friends keeping a close eye on him, he doesn't want them to suspect anything. He finds it hard enough as it is to keep his hands off you in front of them in the soberest of times, forget when either of you have been drinking. He's coping by convincing himself it's you under his arm, not this random girl he's only entertaining to prove a point to any prying eyes. Which, unfortunately, happens to be yours.
"I... I've gotta go. Uh.. yeah." You say,  wiggling out from Kie's grasp and stumbling off down the beach, struggling to make distance with your shoes in the thick sand.
Maybe he did mean it when he said that he thinks you're stupid. Maybe he is embarrassed- and maybe this is his immature way of showing you that you're done. That you're not worth it anymore.
"You okay?" Kie calls after you.
"Just have to pee." You make a quick excuse, not looking back to make sure she doesn't see that you're so visibly upset. JJ saw, however.
You make it up to where John B parked the Twinkie, the back packed with sleeping bags and random blankets and pillows in case any of you couldn't bum a ride home with someone else.
You find yourself shaking as the world spins around you and you polish off your cup, collapsing back against the far side of the vehicle and sliding down, curling your knees up to your chest as your body is wracked with your sobs. You can't stop it now. You've lost the boy you knew was the love of your life- who you thought was the love of your life.
You let yourself cry, comfortable enough with your drunkenness and distance from the party that no one can hear you as you crush the plastic cup in your hands, shaking and trying to ground yourself. 
You eventually drop the cup, resigning to burying your face in your hands.
"Baby?" Your head snaps up when you hear a familiar voice, and when you open your eyes JJ is kneeling in front of you, reaching for your wrists to pull your hands away from your face. "Y/N/N, hey, c'mere..." He says, his tone soft and comforting despite what you just saw.
"I saw you, J! I saw that! You can't-" You sniffle, wiping your nose on your sleeve. "You can't come here and act like we're not done."
"What? Baby, no, it's not like that- I just, I didn't want the boys to see me shove her off they'd ask questions. You know me." JJ chuckles a little at the end, trying to cheer you up but failing miserably. "I'm sorry. Hey, look at me. I'm sorry, I took it too far. We're not done, I love you, you know that." He says seriously, locking eyes with you and rubbing your wrists with his thumbs.
You shake your head, laughing slightly. "No- this is my fault, I'm being stupid." You insist. "It's fine, JJ. I get it."
"Shit." He sighs, dropping his head defeatedly. He knows you. He knows how you internalize things and he knew as soon as he said it earlier in the day that he would regret his impulsive answer when he said he thought that sometimes you were stupid. He meant irresponsible; he meant that you don't worry about your own safety as much as he wishes you would, but in the heat of the moment he couldn't articulate that. "You're not being stupid. I was being a dick."
"A little." You admit, laughing softly. You hate fighting, you're tired of it, and you want him to not take your stupid overreactions too seriously. "I am being stupid though."
"No, you're not. You couldn't be as stupid as me if you tried." JJ insists, dropping one of your hands to reach up and brush a tear from your cheek. "I just worry about you and I'm sorry I touched her. To be honest, I'm a little pissed she stole my drink. She's annoying as shit, too."
This makes you giggle, meeting his eyes again. "There's that smile..." He whispers, brushing his thumb over your cheek again.
You lean a little into his hand. It's impossible to stay mad at him, and you know he meant what he said about her. "You know what? Fuck it. Can we tell everyone?" JJ asks suddenly, catching you off guard.
"I- well..." You ponder it. "Do you want to?" You ask.
"This is stupid, isn't it? I want everyone to know we're together. Don't you?"
You nod, smiling softly at him. "It is kind of dumb." You agree.
"Let's skip that awkward conversation and just show everyone instead." JJ nods, satisfied with himself as he lets you go to stand up, holding his hand out to you. "Come on. Let's get you another drink so I can carry you home tonight." He teases, making you laugh as you take his hand and he pulls you up.
"Do you actually think I'm stupid?" You ask with a giggle, walking hand in hand back down to the beach.
"Sometimes, yeah." JJ jokes, making you shove his shoulder with your free hand. "Never any stupider than me, though. That's why we work."
"Stupider isn't a word, I don't think." You laugh, and JJ shrugs in response.
"That's my point proven."
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scoutsbabygirl ¡ 1 year ago
Are you open to yandere themes for Sniper or Scout but uhmmm uh uh. In reverse. So like, the reader is the one being a creep?
ooooh this is a really unique idea! idk if i really wrote this right as i'm used to writing this the other way around haha. likes are appreciated.
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sniper would pick up on your behavior quickly, he already has a heightened sense of...well...everything. nothing is getting past mick especially if you've been hanging around him often. he thinks of himself as a "scary dog" that should be feared by everyone. he's chased off scout, drunk tav and a curious and worried dell about micks' distant isolating behavior. a man of many tales of cannibalism and murder would be a warning to anyone with a brain. these stories interested you more in the bushman which caused you to hang around his van more, inquiring about the decapitated animal heads hanging outside and was given a speech about the details about the rabbits foot hanging above his rifle mount.
likewise, mick would take in interest in you for being brave enough to stand him and not hide and reject (from) him, yet, don't expect him to actively seek you out. if you make an effort to see him then he'll accept you with open arms.
"it's just his culture, he's not a bad person."
"sweetpea, i think he's not good for you. i mean, he's got a deer carcass and he was skinning it last night." you bore your stare into dell's eyes with no emotion on your face. "he's gon' eat it too." he finished then taking another sip of his beer.
if you end up stalking you for some reason be prepared to be shot, physically attacked or both. he thinks you're a spy or possessed and he doesn't take those threats lightly. you'll learn that stalking isn't the easiest thing to do with mick after he wacked you with the butt of his rifle.
if you write notes, he reads them and then had pyro burns them as he thinks it's scout and tav playing some sick love prank on him.
no matter how hard you try and how crazy you become he simply does not care and thinks he's too "scary" to have you have literally any romantic interest in him.
scout would be starstruck. he doesn't have the brain capacity to understand that what you're doing is dangerous. he lets you sleep in his bed, share sodas and he'll buy you flowers. he has no clue he's playing into your sick ideas because he think it's natural and normal.
obviously, he likes you too and with you reciprocating those feelings he's completely forgot about miss pauling. he finds it endearing when you pop out of thin air when he's in the gym then he notices that you never work out and you're just
at first jeremy thinks its a bit odd but chalks it up to you just liking him and wanting to spend time with him.
when little notes filled with lipstick kisses and random sweets start showing up on his bed he gets pissed off at first thinking its one of the other mercs "being gay" and calls everyone into a meeting (and even calls miss pauling into this meeting) to express to everyone how "not gay" he is and tells whoever it is "knock it off or you're gonna regret it." you've never felt as stupid as you did right then and knew you had to up your antics.
little by little you begin to get more touchy with him and he gladly accepts.
he really has no idea how dangerous you are and how he's being manipulated. he's just too stupid and in love to see through you.
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syndrossi ¡ 5 months ago
Any chance we'll get to see Aegon and Aemond forced into hanging out with Jace and Luke because they have to accept being in the group if they want to hang out with Jon and Rhaegar? I want to see Jon and Rhaegar using those diplomatic skills of theirs to make them play nice and maybe even become friends. Or at least enjoy watching them try... seeing the boys play tug-of-war over Jon and Rhaegar would be amazing, truly. (I'd like to see Daemon see it happening, lmao.) Aegon and Jace were friendly enough in HOTD, at least as children, before Cole and the whole Harwin thing, and then the whole Driftmark episode, took that friendship right off the table. Jace even looked up to Aegon, I think, especially when it came to dragon-related things after he bonded with Sunfyre, so I wonder if that means Aegon might be open to a friendship with the kids if the cards are played right. Aemond... maybe if the pig incident is avoided...? And because I'm thinking about all the kids, I have to ask: What's Helaena up to these days? Will we get to see her in Resonant again any time soon? I'm sure she'd love to join a game! She can play Princess Naerys, but idk, give her a magic pet spider that can cure a fatally-wounded knight if he's only brave enough to hold it! (Cue the game turning into a challenge of who dares touch the spider she found in the dirt until Ser Arryk realizes what they are doing and insists they LEAVE THE SPIDER ALONE. No touching poisonous spiders on his watch, please for the love of all the gods.) ... that got away from me, haha. Anyway. TLDR; the point is that I want to see more interactions with all the kiddos! :D
We'll probably see them all together soon enough, since the Velaryon boys are all alone for the next few weeks and even Viserys will feel bad enough about that to have a large supper with all the cousins + Daemon.
Yeah, Aegon being friendly with them early on isn't too surprising, TBH. He enjoys an audience/group of idolizing hangers-on, and little cousins who think you're cool because you're bigger and/or have a full sized dragon are a nice lure. They're also nearing an age where they're no longer "little kid annoying" (ages 3-4 are too "baby" for a 7-9 year old, but around 4-5, they're able to relate a bit better). And if it annoys Aemond, he's all for something.
Whereas Aemond's sense of self worth seems far more driven from "deserving" things more than anyone else. He's a proper Targaryen prince, with the right coloring and breeding, and he doesn't need a nurse, and he's very skilled for his age (until Jon and Rhaegar showed him up) and dedicated to his studies. He strikes me as someone who latches on to 1-2 people who he considers worthy, and looks down upon the rest. The introvert to Aegon's extrovert. (Not to say that introverts look down on people! I imagine a bunch of us fandom folks consider ourselves introverts. But he doesn't want or need a crowd.)
So Aemond sees them more as competition or something lesser to derive self-worth from.
Helaena is a victim of being shunted into "girl-appropriate" studies. Lessons with the septa, topics appropriate for a lady/princess (etiquette, sewing+embroidery, etc), which means her orbit doesn't intersect as much. The boys have to go out of their way to fit her into their schedules/breaks (since they have the same lessons/training, they have the same breaks and off days). Hopefully the boys find a way to include her more! She would absolutely love to play Dragonknight with them.
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keviniiryuu ¡ 8 months ago
okay like last time, I will compile my reaction/thoughts for ep13 and gbc as a whole :D (i don't do this often bc I can't write well... but..)
I knew it.... I don't like Hina HAHA. Like, I get her, but you really left Nina just like that huh?
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Go tell her off! Maybe people will say that Nina is having a hero complex or sticking her nose in to other people's business, but I think it's very brave of her.
Also, ngl, I didn't expect for this to be the reason why she was bullied...
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Momoka no......
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Miura-san is a goat for this one and why does Subaru looks like she's saying "God, why did it end up being me explaining it to you"
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Seriously having this truck right by their agency is a huge slap to the face
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Nina Fang (also Nina stop reading the negative comments...)
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"I was wrong and Hina was right all long." You know what? Fuck you, Hina. I know at present it's like Hina lowkey pushing Nina and motivating her, but I can't appreciate it that much lmao.
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I love the moments where Momoka gets all serious/mature mode
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Momoka apologizing.... seeing everyone getting shocked about it.... Honestly, this one broke my heart a bit. Momoka, who had lost all self-confidence, had rebuilt it very slowly because of Nina's and everyone else's trust in her.
So, seeing the song that was made by her with the members in mind not doing well must be a blow to that fragile confidence yet again. She was guilty that she let everyone down.
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you're not wrong, nina. i promise you.
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Everyone is tired (affectionate) of Nina's outbursts while Momoka looks awestruck... Of course, we will add this to the album of the Momoka Gayze (tm) but I think this is also related to her self-confidence.
I just said that Momoka felt guilty and like how Momoka blew Nina away in Ep. 1, Nina's outburst blew her away in a way that no, no one was blaming Momoka for their failure and the person that she is closest to still believes and trusts in her.
That awestruck gaze, admiring Nina's confidence and unwavering belief for her and the group. To the song. To their decision and that they weren't wrong. Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but let me be lmao.
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ugh the softness in her gayze.... i can't...
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SHUT THE FUCK UP HINA. Nina is brave enough to do the things no one would normally do!!
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bro whoever that was, it's on sight. also momoka, subaru. fight em
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tomo no...
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sigh... i love togetoge
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let them drink!!!
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Momoka gayze again
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You love this city (and Momoka) and met friends (and a girlfriend) right Nina?
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Ngl, I did like the touch that no miracle happened. Like, oh wow, a sudden burst of tickets selling! It is what it is.
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First time when i'm sad we didn't get a training arc for Nina playing guitar
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I love them
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idiot (affectionate)
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ngl. the song is not for me HAHAHA but welp. I will take this camera angle. thanks.
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Okay, now for GBC as a whole: I adore this show so fucking much. I didn't expect to fall in love with the show when I started watching it, but man. I am so glad that I didn't wait for this to finish and got to wait each week for a new episode with everyone.
Personally, the ending was okay. It feels like it's just the beginning, so it didn't feel like an ending ending. Idk how to explain it. It just.... it's like not everything has been concluded.
Regarding momonina: I am not surprised that nothing happened on camera. But with all the subtext and hints, I will take it. Sure, I wished they addressed the confession more openly, but you can't win it all.
Overall, this is my anime of the season, possibly anime of the year, and definitely one of my all time favorites. Maybe I'll make a post about the ED (since it's an epilogue), about momonina, or my fave moments throughout the season but we'll see haha.
"I wasn't wrong, was I?"
"To fall in love with Girls Band Cry."
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blupeeblep ¡ 19 days ago
Silly Game Time: After a long and exemplary career, the Great Sphinx has decided to retire from guarding the Pyramids (round of applause for the Greay Sphinx).
Who/What do you nominate to fill this vacancy and become the new guardian of the Pyramids?
The Little Xnihps. It's the Great Sphinx's child. Was taught at a young age how to take over its parent's role when they retired.
(idk, I'm just making something up, lol. I'm actually looking the idea. Okay, wait, hold up. I must now make something. Hehehehe! Give me a sec. Haha.)
Little Xnihps was taught at a young age how to protect the pyramids. Its parent, Great Sphinx, was its teacher. They told it about all that had happened, their whole past. They told it about their many grand battles to protect them. How they also made sure spirits didn't go into, nor out of, the rest places unless allowed by the gods. Little Xnihps loved hearing its parent's stories, and wanted to make its own. It asked them if it could have a trial run.
"Please Mapa." It asked. "Just once? A night? Let me try it out? Please? I promise I'll be good. I'll be the best!"
Great Sphinx chuckled and patted Little Xnihps on its head. "Okay brave child. Remember to be smart, not just fierce." With that, they flapped away and let Little Xnihps try out at being the pyramid's guardian.
At first, it was boring. Nothing happened. The cicadas played their music and the Nile flowed by. Frogs croaked, joining in the chorus. Little Xnihps smiled and hummed along, playing with its paws to a beat.
As Little Xnihps was playing with itself and nature's music, it didn't notice a figure dressed in dark clothes and a bag, skirting around it and towards the pyramids; a grave robber. Little Xnihps made enough noise that they were able to dodge where it was laying.
Little Xnihps yawned from its perch in front of the pyramids, thinking how uneventful the night was being. Surely a nap wouldn't be amis, right? Nothing had happened so far, so why would anything happen still? It yawned and stretched out, resting its head in-between its laid out arms.
When the grave robber came back out, it didn't know where the guardian was. They hoped they didn't move, so took the same path. Thankfully for Little Xnihps, they tripped over Little Xnihps limbs and into his arms. Little Xnihps awoke with a snort and saw the grave robber. It growled. The ribber was so shocked and scared that they ran away and left their pillaged loot.
Little Xnihps knew that it had done something wrong. It wanted to be a good guardian. If its parent was to give it another chance, it needed to put back the loot right away. It scurried into the pyramid and hid it all away.
When Great Sphinx came back, Little Xnihps acted as innocent as possible. But Great Sphinx wasn't called wise and smart for nothing.
"little Xnihps." They asked. "What happened."
Little Xnihps broke under its parent's gaze. "I didn't do a good job guarding. A robber got in."
"Did they get any of the goods?"
"How did it happen?"
"I fell asleep and got distracted."
"Have you learned? Will you let it happen again?"
Great Sphinx tilted their head. "Just saying it doesn't make it happen. How will you make sure it doesn't happen?"
"You practice with me? And then, I study the desert to keep me company when you're not there with me?"
Great Sphinx nodded. "That will be good enough. We'll try again later. For now, go, sleep. You are tired and did a good job. Nothing was taken away completely, you succeeded."
Gradually, Little Xnihps got better and better. Soon, Great Sphinx deemed it ready.
"I retire, Little Xnihps. Good journey be to you."
"And to you."
Now, Little Xnihps starts its new journey as guardian of the Pyramids. Wish it luck!
Little Xnihps:
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aeligsido ¡ 5 months ago
Hiyaaaa! 🧚‍♂️
You said in this ask that you would love to talk about your OCs, sooooo... Top 5 OC? 👀🍬
Hiiii 🕺
I also do indeed!
1) how dare you make me try to rank my babies (affectionate) 2) top 5 oc of what!! So many things I could go off on!!!
Jk jk, but I did choose to list five of my first OC created in a fandom. Bc why not. Important note that some of them were created more than ten years ago (a bit reworked more recently)!
1- [Fairy Tail] Lyna Dreyar (technically now Dreyar-McGarden) . I genuinely don't remember much from when I created her years ago — I think I do have notes somewhere. She was always Laxus' little sister though. She was also a Dragon Slayer but now she isn't anymore jdjdjdb. I think I reworked her personality a bit too? She was more of an extrovert in my first drafts I think, but she's not as much anymore 🤔
2- [One Piece] Monkey D. Ceeli (previously Shelly). Once again, I created her a long time ago! And she changed a bit, too. (I mean, we also learned some more about this world since I created her lmao). She's Luffy's little sister (by three years). In my first drafts (I do have a fanfic with a few chapters posted with her as a character, over on my ff.net... not on ao3 bc i don't think I will ever complete it) she was supposed to have been raised with the ASL brothers, with a pretty serious personality and very interested by the Revolutionary in general. Also I don't remember what it was exactly but she had powers™. Now, she has a super powered haki (bc i can), she was raised by their mother (for... reasons), and Luffy doesn't know her (or that she exists). She's also way less serious and a bit more into the overexcited side.
3- [HP] Daisy Potter (it... wasn't her first name when I first thought about her but I can't remember what it was now). Again, a very old OC! She wasn't that developed all that time ago, but she's way more present in my mind now haha. You will never guess, but she's Harry's little sister, bc i once found the HC that Lily was pregnant when she died and I ran away with it. Interestingly enough, I think that the explanation I have for her birth now and then is the same? And same for her fate in canon,,, (I mean, a canon where she's born). Rip (i love u baby). I put her in a lot of different aus now, where she grows up differently each time and things impact her differently, but I think at her core she's a very brave and smart girl who wants to do good. She's her parents' daughter all the way!
4- [Star Wars] Letti Kryze. One of my most recent ones! So maybe five years old or so idk what time is. She's Korkie Kryze's daughter, a Jedi, eight years younger than Luke & Leia, and has the habit of causing accidental chaos everywhere she goes. I love her she's a baby. I remember after watching the first season of the Mandalorian thinking it would be funny if her and Din kept throwing the Darksaber back at each other bc neither of them want to be the big boss™. She's a tired teenage girl in the middle of an intergalactic war who just wants her father back and it shows.
5- [DC] Emma Pennyworth. Alfred's granddaughter via his daughter Julia. She is, in general, done with the Batfam's collective bullshit, and wants to hold the braincell. She's also like, twelve, so there's that. I've written her a few times actually!! She tries so hard to be serious and mature and she forgets a bit to be a kid, but also her favorite sport is annoying Damian lmao.
Bonus — this one time I was very into Hetalia and created an OC Bretagne, bc of course I did.
Yes there's a common theme in all of those lmao. Interestingly enough, even when the OC is like... Cringey and a bit Mary-Sue and all, the goal was always to have them as part of the family and... That's it. Legit 0 of them have a love interest (I'm thinking of Cana for Lyna but that's a very recent development, and I do have a few ideas for Letti but it would be another OC)!! It's so funny in insight idkdkd
I also have a fair share of OCs that are like. The next gen (you know the type). So there's that. I'm giving so many characters kids and I'm not even sorry.
... Well kids or random family members lmao.
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pumpkinstrawbrew ¡ 7 months ago
Hi there,
I'm a really shy person, so it took a lot of convincing myself to send this, but I just wanted to say that I really love your art. It has a delightfully messy style to it and is also just really neat, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. I hate interacting with folks on the Internet so just know this means a lot, haha.
Keep doing what you do cool person 👍
(ps, thanks for introducing me to scarebat!)
howdy! as someone who was merely ghosting on online spaces when i was younger an’ way-way more socially anxious, i applaud you for braving up an’ going out of your way to do this. this is very touching! after all, i’m just a random fella with niche interests. so honestly, that’s a big gesture in my eyes! esp when someone says that they like my art, out of all things! 
i'm glad you like what i make. when i post i don’t expect anything tbh. just think, that maybe someone out there might enjoy it too or just find it peculiar to look at.
hehe. oh gosh. cool. who?? me? you’re too kind! 
i’m happy, if my stuff got you interested in scarebat, casually or not. they are a very good ship, like my own bias aside. i do think that fandoms can really benefit from various niche ships. even if just idk, for exploration reasons.
thank you again for telling me all of this! here, *i’m too sickly to draw anythin’ new atm* so i hope this lil thing, that was supposed to be part of this set might express my gratitude. i wasn’t able to find a proper placement for it back then an’ eventually forgot about it. but finally, it can be useful in a way. 
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so you an' everyone else, who would read it, can have batman trying new methods of interrogation, when it comes to scarecrow. basically, he just force holds him, till he gets flustered enough to give up the info.
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exdeputysonso ¡ 7 months ago
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comic-con wrap-up ✨
Thursday Did the dexter offsite. Honestly not really worth the hour wait, but the shipping container theming was cool!
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After that I said no more offsites or lines. The rest of my trip was exhibit floor and panels. I just didn't even try for any big Hall H panels this year. Too much camping. Other panels were pretty easy to get into if you just show up a bit early. I typically sit through one to three panels to make sure I get in and get a good seat for what I actually want to see. So there's a lot of random stuff in here. But a lot of the random stuff was fun! The Todd McFarlane panel had David Dastmalchian as a surprise guest to talk about a new comic he's writing. I'm like 90% sure David waved at me as I was taking pics of him. I was off to the side, towards the front, with not many other people around and I'll just say it was trippy.
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Then I was there for the Teacup panel which I knew nothing about except James Wan was producing so thought it'd be cool to check out. And it was!
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Okay, so I reallllly wanted to get into the Dexter panel so I sat through four (4) random panels for this one. You can kind of see my pics get progressively better as I move up seats between panels lol.
The panels were Snowpiercer, "Brave New Warriors" (basically a random guys panel about action roles), "Collider's Ladies Night" (random ladies panel), and "TV Guide Fan Favorites" (just completely random lol). The TV Guide panel was my fave and a lot of fun. Bruce Campbell is always a riot and idk anything about Percy Jackson but Leah Jeffries was adorable. Oh, also back to the ladies panel... shout-out to Katy O'Brian for being a Sinister fan.
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Then the main event was the Dexter: Original Sin panel. I was happy enough just for anything Dexter, but then Michael C. Hall showed up as a surprise guest and made my life. They also showed the intro for the new show and it looks great. Everything I heard just makes me extra hyped for it. And hyped about Michael C. Hall narrating. I'm still working out my feelings on the Dexter: Resurrections announcement, will have to wait and hear more on that one haha.
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Saturday was my see-random-panels-for-actors-i-like day. Jack Quaid, hollywood's good boy (cbb joke I can't resist), was there for the The Safe Man audio drama.
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And then Hamish Linklater was there for a panel for voicing Batman: Caped Crusader. My Hamish feelings are resurfacing after this, he's just such an interesting soul and a joy to listen to. Matt Reeves was also there which I guess is pretty cool!!! (But this panel only got vague references to the wider DC universe.)
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Sunday was just me finishing walking the rest of the floor I hadn't hit yet. And finishing my game of how much chucky merch can I find.
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And finally my haul of random stuff I bought off the exhibit floor. <3
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estbela ¡ 1 year ago
Just saw your post and was wondering if you have any SerbRo headcanons?
Yes. A lot. I'm so normal about them (lying). Although they might change and stuff, since I'm still working on my Serbia OC and stuff. At the moment he's mostly just vibes (and not that different from other serbia OCs anyway). Also the moment anyone asks me about anything I tend to forget anything Ive ever thought but I'll try.
Prepare for a lot of rambling. And for possibly regretting asking me this haha. Im also sleep deprived, as usual, so hopefully everything makes sense.
They're childhood best friends. I don't know exactly when they met, but they definitely met when they were children, and so they were best friends ever since.
Serbia was like...I think one of Ro's first friends? Besides Bulgaria. I think, in a way, they were both lonely wild children who were considered outcasts. In part for being nations, in part because they were both often disobedient and stuff, and thus were "bad kids".
They were such troublemakers as kids, and tbh, they still are. Whenever theyre together you gotta prepare for trouble.
they were both huge francophiles during the 19th century, I think. Idk I just picture them bonding about that.
They get along like a house on fire. They also might have lit up a couple of houses on fire together. What's a little arson between friends? :)
They're both animal lovers! It's also one of the things they bonded about when they first met(I can just imagine them being kids and telling eachoter all the animal facts they know). If they lived together it'd be them and a house full of animals I'm guessing.
They bully Bulgaria together. <3
Anyway more about their relationship.
they...understand eachoter. Understand eachoter so deeply. They know things about eachoter that almost no one else does. They talk about anything(like their interests and such), and about shit they would never be brave enough to discuss with anyone else. Show sides of themselves they didn't even know they had.
Yet they've never truly discussed...the fact that they might be more than friends. Or well, it took them a really long time of knowing eachoter to do so.
They're kindred souls. Also slightly codependent in the way, that they've grew up together, and went through so many things together, and even when they were alone, they still had eachoter. They're kind of inseparable at this point.
Yet, they can go on pretty long times of not talking to eachoter, but then they meet again and it's like...nothing really happened. They immediately pick where they left off. Thought, if they were to ever truly lose eachoter they would not deal with it well At All.
Anyway they both eventually have The Realisation, when theyre like teenagers. For Serb, I think it's maybe in the 16th century. I think...it's not exactly one moment that makes him realise it, but rather, multiple moments of just. Not wanting to be anywhere else in the world than with Ro. Just softly looking at him and having so much fun together.
For Ro...it's much of the same, although more reluctant, in some way. He doesn't really wanna fall in love. Something she learns early on in his life is that love between nations is tricky and often ends badly, and she's already got A Thing going on with Bulgaria.
They actually have their first kiss earlier thought. They're young teens, like maybe 13, or a little more, or less. It's the 14th century and theyre both curious about that kinda thing, and wanna practice for when they'll have a relationship.
And so they do eventually figure if out as I said, and they never talk about it, never say it aloud, but they Know. They know, and even if the both of them act so brave and confident most of the time, like they always know what they're doing, in things such as battle and in general facing enemies, they are afraid. Cause at the end of the day they are young and terrified that if they admit their love aloud it might twist and burn, or worse, it might be used against them, and then they'd lose their best friend.
But I think they do things that some ppl might consider to be of a romantic nature, like kissing and making out and cuddling and holding hands. Theyre both so touch starved, and even if Serb doesn't wanna admit it, he's even more clingy than Ro is. And everyone is kinda used to it cause thats just how Ro & Serb are like.
And like. Realising they love eachoter romantically, does not really change their dynamic cause they were already doing all of this stuff before.
Also, from the outside it might look like they make eachoter worse, but somehow, they manage to make eachoter better.
Their first kiss as teens, after The Realisation, was initiated by Ro.
and theyre not really children anymore but sometimes it feels like theyre two kids again, staring at the stars, talking about nothing in particular, as if they were the only things they mattered. They weren't nations, or well, they were, but sometimes they could almost forget that.
I think they do eventually talk about It. They're both shit at feelings, with Ro being slightly more emotionally intelligent i guess. In the 19th century, because their thing that's neither nothing or something was driving both of them a little insane. And they kinda get in an on and off relationship, but they dont use that word.
As far as anyone is concerned, theyre best friends. Best friends who perhaps aren't simply platonic, who have shared more than just friends ought to. But the fact is, calling eachoter best friends is not untrue, because that's what they are, thought they are also lovers.
And they have loved other people, and still continue to do so.
I guess they might try to not be too close, at least nto in public, when one of them is in a relationship of the monogamous kind, and theyre also the first person they go to after a break up.
Back to the understanding eachoter thing. I think they'd be willing to forgive eachoter for a lot of things, even if both of them are usually really petty(especially Serb). They'd also be willing to do things for eachoter they'd rarely do for others. Theyd kill for eachoter tbh.
I know this is very random and very different in tone after everything Ive talked about but they have a height difference and it's so cute. Serbia is like. 180 something centimeters while Ro is barely 170 cms shdhdhdhs. Anyway it's adorable.
Songs that make me think of them: Bad Idea from the musical Waitress, You don't need to love me from If/Then, Across the Overpass by the Solids...and way more that I cant remember.
And that's...not all. But all that I can remember at the moment cause my memory is shit. And woah, I talked so much about them dhdjddjdj. It's like the first time i ever get to ramble about them to anyone (besides one of my friends)
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ghost--girlfriend ¡ 10 months ago
I NEEEEEED to know more about you and Marlet!! Me and my boyfriend (Stars) are DYING to know!!!!
Eeehehehe!!!!!! Okay, lots of this is subject to change(currently rewatching utyellow pacifist with my s/i in mind for her story ^_^) but here's what I'm thinking!
For my self insert im going with my mermaid monster utdr sona :)
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I only have this (digital and colored, gotta lotta sketches)pic for her, changing up her outfit cause this is from back when I used to ship with Susie. A reel cutie, but has those big claws to watch out for! I'm thinking she lives in waterfall, and goes to visit a snowdin friend... where she sees the most charming bird girl!
Lily(might change her name?) Is just. Instantly smitten with Martlet. Turns to her friend going 'who's that beautiful lady...?' And her friends just like. 'You mean Martlet? She's kind of kooky, the local royal guard.' Lily just doesn't even hear the kooky part just like stars in her eyes awestruck
The friend visit concludes and Lily is on her own exploring snowdin. Martlet is going around checking puzzles when she notices, hey, there's somebody new in town!
Martlet swoops down and introduces herself ^_^ lily in her head is just. Oh my gosh not only do I see a cute girl today I get to TALK with one !?!! Just when their conversation really gets going, Martlet has to return to work/checking puzzles and they say goodbye.
Lily is kind of like. Wow.. whole days been made. Maybe even week!(lesbian who doesn't get out much so this was a big deal to her)
Martlet is happy to meet another kind-hearted monster and returns to work with a pep in her step! They start writing letters to each other and soon enough Lily visits snowdin again :) they're both glad to have a friend.
id like for things to get more spicy(in the dramatic way) but i dont have any ideas for it just yet! I know that Lily wouldn't be in UTyellow too much, she'd probably have a little shop after interacting with Clover some(I imagine she'd be self conscious that her wares weren't good enough, but seeing Clover so bravely facing the Underground inspires her! Then you'd learn some more about her with shop dialogue and her crush on Martlet(that shes horrible at hiding haha) and then, sense she chills in a river, Clover could ask her for a ride like the riverperson maybe? im spitballin' idk!)
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I'd like for her to have an intro cutscene(sketched it out!) where she pops up(after being all ominous and spooky ftgyh) greets clover(as shes trying to be more social, which she mentions) and then just '.... OH! Are you.. A human? I should... I should... Fight you! I think!?" something like that. THEN BOOM FIGHT !!!!! mostly because i like thinking about attack patterns though i only have two attacks for her so far tygujhk I'll have to think of another outfit for her too..! I'm thinking swimsuit top but I dont wanna portray Lily as overtly sexy, maybe I'll go with the whole 'mermaid top fused with her tail' look that Ursula in the little Mermaid has.... I'll have to think about it more :] THANKS FOR ASKING <333 !!!!! working on developing more for me and Martlet's story!
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iiep-wop ¡ 1 year ago
Theres something about the song 'Kiss Goodnight' (By IDKHOW) which feels so Ineffable Husbands coded
So many lyrics just feel like them idk how to explain it
But here is my attempted rundown of the lyrics and how I feel it fits them
Warning spoilers for end of S2
(I'm not a proper Good Omens fan unfortunately, Ive only seen it a couple of times, so sorry if I get some things incorrect regarding character motivations and such haha)
'No, I don't care, about anything at all'
Very Crowley coded, he likes to keep himself more hidden and 'closed off' with alot of people, giving off the vibe that he dosen't care to everyone around him
"But I still stop and stare, every time that you call"
He is often seen staring absentmindedly at Aziraphale, and also across the road at the end, just in hopes that Aziraphale will change his mind last minute and stay
'See, I know girls like you, they don't come with guarantees'
He knows that theres danger and hurt in wanting to be with Aziraphale due to the nature of 'their sides', he knows that Aziraphale has often been very about their respective side's, with the fact that Aziraphale left him to join his again
"So If you've got to spend your time, won't you spend it with me?"
I don't really have much for this one other than the fact that he enjoys spending time with Aziraphale
"I hope we kiss goodnight, It might just end my life"
Him admitting his feelings for Aziraphale straight after he had been told he was leaving was such an insanely brave thing to do, but it seemed to absolutely shatter him. His entire life has been flipped because Aziraphale has left, he has barely anything to live for now his love is gone. Aziraphale was his life.
Skipping the next couple lines because they're pretty much just repetitions of that last one because chorus
"Should you invite me in? To spend the night on the floor" He's a demon, he thinks he should be invited in but Aziraphale has given him full reign of the bookshop so he's allowed where he wants.
I don't really have anything for the night on the floor bit
"Oh please beleive I'll be a gentleman, Or you can show me the door"
He thinks that he's not good enough for Aziraphale and that he shouldn't be in his life
"While all my friends and I, Leaf through the books on your shelves"
Self explanatory, Aziraphale's bookshop, Muriel and James short for Gabriel long for Jim being the friends
"No I don't want to spend my life, with anyone else"
Pretty much just what he says to Aziraphale in his final speech to him
Then it repeats the chorus a couple more times because its a song and y'know
Anyway I hope this was somewhat coherent, go check out the song because its very cool (/nf), If anyone else has anything they want to add please tell me because I want to hear more Good Omens adept people tell me things and facts about it because its very interesting
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truckfreaks ¡ 2 years ago
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happy first birthday to the single most influential piece of media i have ever consumed!
this last year has been awfully intense... lots and lots and lots of changes. coming out to my folks and peers was not something i had on my bingo card - for this year or any year of my life, tbh. as an Elder Queer you kinda take what you can get. but the landscape of the world has changed - and i deserve to change with it, as i see fit! everyone should, if they want to. and BKMN was one of the things that reminded me of how beautiful it can be to be in a state of flux - nothing makes sense, so ... see where life takes you.
i saw a lot of myself in wegg. good and bad. i'm a little bastard, for sure. i've got a penchant for writing silly little songs that most read as goofy and superficial (which pisses me the hell off). i ran away from home (several times) on account of arguments i'd gotten into with my folks about what is and isn't ladylike (and i sure as hell wasn't). i'm excitable, profane lil dude, in love with the world and its experiences, wanting someone to want all of me even if it led me to dangerous places... and, a pan trans fella, at that! i'd never seen so much of myself in a character before, honestly.
more importantly, it made me believe that someone will love me for me, all of me - even when it's complicated.
along the way, i learned about Connie Converse, too - easily one of my most beloved artists now. i revisit her story often and find a quiet kinship with her.
when i got my first copy of BKMN, i read it and cried, and then I read it again and again and again, so much that the spine is already worn in places. i bought copies for my best friends and said, "you want to understand what i mean when i talk about what i'm about? here. read this." i felt seen on a level i honestly didn't know was possible!! and it changed my life. this past new years i promised i was going to be unapologetically myself. the version of myself i wanted to be for the last 20-something years. some people didn't like it. some people loved it. all i know is, i'm a lot happier for it.
i strengthened my bonds with my found family. i met so many new people who i'm absolutely crazy about and thankful to have in my life. i saw worth and pride in myself that i never really had before. i decided i'd never, ever, ever make myself smaller again for the sake of someone else's approval.
thank you so, so, so, so much @yugsly for creating BKMN. thank you for making something that helped me be brave enough to be the little bastard i always knew i was inside.
(...also... i always associate You Only Live Twice with bkmn now. idk. give it a listen and you'll prolly get it, haha. point is, it's never too late to turn your life around.)
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shessoft ¡ 10 months ago
4, 12, 16, 40 Regina. 14, 27, 48 those men from 911. The ones that kiss. (I don't go here.)
ah look an enabler. thank you for your time haha
Regina my beloved little bitch this will all be based on the og because she's my current hyper fixation
4. Favorite line
"I don't send them, I just get them. So you better send me one, biatch." *kiss kiss*
12. Crack headcanon
I don’t know if it’s really worthy of being called ‘crack’ but she actually hates the color pink. Karen loves pink. She’s why they have the Wednesday rule in the first place. It’s why you see Regina mostly in black or other neutral colors. She only owns so much pink because it’s part of being plastic. And Karen only ever buys gifts that are pink.
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
She actually really admires her mom and wouldn't mind ending up like her.
40. Favorite book
I'm realizing I don't fucking read enough books because this was difficult??
So we're gonna go with classics read in most American high schools.
Brave New World
The Scarlet Letter
The Outsiders
I feel like she finds some connection with these stories in some capacity. Also in someone’s fic she loves Wuthering Heights and that feels right too.
She also has a collection of poems her grandmother gave her that she keeps locked away. Partly so no one will ruin the books, they’re very old, and also because it’s doesn’t go with her image. She'll only ever be publicly seen reading something like US Weekly etc.
and Buck and Tommy absolute cuties but also very new and not part of the show I'm most invested in i should have specified my bad
14. Most heroic moment
Well they're firefighters so there are a lot. Honestly the entire tsunami story line Buck was incredible.
Tommy always showing up/flying in for Chimney when asked is very sweet tbh.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Idk why something about brownies popped into my head but Tommy loves to bake and I'm sure they'd have one of those cliche baking moments where they throw flour etc around and its messy but cute.
48. Scariest moment of their life
When Eddie got shot obviously.
Idk Tommy's story well enough.
send me numbers
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emperor-nasch ¡ 2 years ago
You! Fellow Jaune fan! Give me your best headcanons!
Thanks for the ask! I've always wanted to talk about the best boi. It took me couple days to think some of these out but I came up with a few that are really meaningful to me. I may have slipped into arkos territory at the end but that's not unusual for me in the slightest.
Ever since my first run-through of the series, I always wondered if he kept Pyrrha's recording from v4 on his scroll...and honestly I believe he does still have it even after upgrading scrolls in v7 (i'm not even trying to cope with v9 yet because, like, does he even have his scroll anymore?)
Bi as fuck
Touch is his love language, as well as keeping physical reminders/items as memories (as we see with pyrrha's sash)
Unless it's already been confirmed (I looked, couldn't find anything official) I see his birthday as being late march/early april (aries season baybee). This is entirely selfish because that's when my birthday is. But also bunny imagery makes me think spring/easter. Idk.
Other people can feel when he's using his semblance on them. It's not painful, more like a tingly feeling. But a good feeling nonetheless.
Even though he's great with kids and came from a large family, he isn't sure he wants his own (human children, anyway). He is, however, absolutely down with being the fun/cool uncle for Ren and Nora's kids (or if anyone on team rwby has kids)
Pyrrha shows up in his dreams sometimes. It happened more frequently right after the fall but has lessened over time. He believes that this is her visiting him/letting him know that she's ok. Sometimes these dreams are so real that he wakes up and the grief hits him as bad as it did right after her death. Usually, though, he takes comfort in these dreams.
Despite his size, he is shit at sports.
You can't convince me he didn't think of Pyrrha during the renora moment in v8. I know it was supposed to be funny because haha Jaune is finally able to read the room and leave but talk about really feeling like a third wheel, especially when your partner's been dead for almost 2 years.
Whenever he takes off the red sash, he handles it with care and sometimes holds it a little too long (not even gonna mention v9 here).
Similarly, when cleaning/polishing his weapons, especially his shield, he lingers on her headpiece and will touch/trace it softly, especially on days when he's really missing her.
So, I suppose these give a little bit of insight into how I characterize Jaune. Some of it is purely me projecting, but a lot of it I feel fits him realistically. Y'know, I've only been into rwby for 2 years but only now I'm feeling brave enough to make content. Hmm, wonder why that might be.
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centralkvetchmonolith ¡ 2 years ago
Further updates on today's occurrences:
I did NOT get my knives sharpened because* I'm a lazy dipshit who can't remember what times of day people function at, yippee!**
*I don't actually feel the following about myself; I'm just venting for funsies
**I'm cool I just have at least one sleep disorder and misremembered "1pm close" as "4pm close" for some reason, which is a normal mistake to make if you're unfamiliar with farmer's markets
Oh well! There is always next week. I DID go to the Jewish event, with @creatureaccess bc I haven't gotten to do much Jewy socializing with them, and we hung out with my friend Khesed and got some nice prints and earrings!!!
In addition to the planned socialization, I ran into 4 sets of people I wasn't expecting:
Kendrick and their roommate Dawn — they Recognized Me from services a couple years ago, but we didn't quite remember each other. I mention these folks mostly so that I remember their names, as I will probably see them in the future and it takes me several meetings to remember faces and names together w/o hints.
MJ! The (lay) cantor who is considering Hebrew College! She was like "oh jeez people keep saying that and I feel like everyone will be so disappointed if I decide not to go" which! oh no! I only mentioned it bc I just broke up w a Hebrew College student who mentioned seeing her at prospy week (which is not what they call it)! I think she feels bad about being put on a pedestal, bc she also remarked that introducing her to Mercury as "the most familiar voice at Shir Tikvah" was nice bc I wasn't doing the usual thing (of intentionally or unintentionally overpraising her, which I'm sure feels like "you're so BRAVE for Singing While Trans" in addition to the regular ol' anxiogenesis of high expectations & benevolent otherization). Anyway she was happy to see me again even though she almost certainly couldn't remember my name, and I was happy to see her cuz she wasn't at the one kabbalat shabbat I've gone to so far and that was one of the several reasons I didn't quite feel Home yet at Shir Tikvah.
Quotes-and-flowers prints lady, Della, complimented me on my constellation umbrella and we commiserated about Hebrew cursive being cool but not a thing people in our circles (myself included) can read. THEN HER MOM POPPED UP, AND IS ONE OF MY TORAH CANTILLATION CLASSMATES??!?!? So Moon is the first person from the 2024 adult b'mitzvah cohort that I got the pleasure of meeting in person :^>. She's a lesbian who bonded w other lesbian parents in 1995 — I asked her if she knew [Jaz's parents], and she didn't which idk is actually cooler cuz that means there were enough partnered lesbians making children in the mid-90s that they DIDN'T all know each other!?! Anyway, Moon is cool, and I'm glad I am soooo so brave to Talk While Trans have a distinctive voice so that she recognized me ^_^.
While talking to Candida, the vendor with the super cool lemon earrings that I got Mercury for their birthday, I DID make direct eye contact with a person who used to call me their wife ("Ohhhhh and I just saw my ex" "Haha isn't that just the experience at queer markets like this"). Mercury and I sidled over, talking abt their mom while waiting for an opening where I could talk to Tova (they are very popular, even as queer Jewish non-profit workers go), and Mercury squeezed my hand and made clear through, like, bestie telekinesis and a couple words that they were there for me. I was a bit awkward on the intro bc I broke up w Tova pretty suddenly in uhhhhh I wanna say Nov 2020? and they ghosted last time I tried to catch up in early 2022, so I was like "hi!!(?) are we on the sort of terms where it's okay if I talk to you?" and they were very like "(why wouldn't it be????) Yeah!! Hello!!" and we chatted for a bit and I DID ask if they had moved which they HAVEN'T so I can STOP forlornly looking at their living room window every time I go grocery shopping and just be chill neighbors who used to try to build a life together. Their Nana said "She's special to you. Hold on to her, even though you're not together anymore." I was there when their sister got married. Their brother-in-law painted me in fake blood while he was shirtless. Their parents welcomed me into the family. I spooned with them under the big flaming tree of their family's cult. We played tabletop roleplaying games together. and figure out how much we want to be in each other's lives.
Anyway yeah so I am reminded yet again that people love me and even people who have a reason to be Rude are probably instead going to be Cordial, which I think is generalizable to people who are not me as well (you, reader). Also Jaz came up in sets 2, 3, AND 4 above, so it's pretty clear that [insert transparently obvious takeaway that nevertheless evades me at the moment].
Being in community is Good, Actually.
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