#idk if i will include the marisol relationship
sorrowingsoldier · 1 year
unhinged fic writing summer is here aka i will be trying to write a longer fic that’s basically post-s6 ‘eddie diaz goes to community college and has a sexuality crisis after reading judith butler’ with lots of little tangles of self discovery around his ethnic identity, around his feelings for buck, and his intense desire to be such a good father
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sevensoulmates · 6 months
Buddie 7x01 Meta
Okay! Finally, I was able to watch the full episode uninterrupted and have had a couple days to gather my thoughts. Quite simply this episode was fucking fantastic. My meta does sometimes include some spec, so if that's not your thing feel free to ignore those parts. Those of you who follow me know I write long ass essays, so fair warning for a long meta under the cut. ((Also idk how to make gifs, so enjoy my shitty screenshots)).
First, I love to see Buck and Eddie back at it again in their natural element being partners on a scene.
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This was very obviously a call back to season 2, even down to the positioning, having Buck watch Eddie be competent in defusing a bomb. Buck has complete faith in Eddie's abilities, it's the fighter pilot whom he distrusts. In the end, they narrowly avoid getting blown up, just like they did in 2x01. This one scene re-establishes the Buck/Eddie work dynamic and shows how they inherently trust each other on and off the field.
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Next, we get a scene of Buck and Eddie getting dressed in the locker room. Notably, Buck is fully dressed and Eddie is without his shirt until halfway through the scene. Buck also keeps his eyes on Eddie's naked torso pretty much through the whole shirtless section. This is another blatant callback to season 2x01 when Buck's first introduction to Eddie is when he's shirtless. This draws attention specifically to Eddie's physical attractiveness and how that affects Buck. This scene is odd to have with Eddie half-naked if we're then gonna make comments later on about "sexual tension" with friends, no?
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In the same scene we are reintroduced to Buck and Eddie's separate love lives. Eddie is just now learning that Buck and Natalia broke up, and gives an odd facial expression that looks far too much like vindication. We know from the graveyard scene in 6x17 that Eddie wasn't really a fan of Buck's relationship with Natalia (I don't think there's ever been a relationship Buck's had where Eddie has legitimately been happy about it, which is weird if they're just friends, right?) so to him, this was always coming down the road. He seems proud that Buck was able to end it this easily.
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Meanwhile, Eddie's going on a "not-date" with Marisol to chaperone Christopher's date with Penny. It's telling to me that Eddie doesn't classify this as a date with Marisol, but Buck does. Buck considers being at home watching Christopher as a date, and yet he seemingly doesn't classify all the times he's been over at Eddie's hanging out with just him and Chris to be a date? To me, this shows the first big disconnect in Buck/Eddie's brains that the show will likely dismantle this season: what is classified as platonic and what is classified as romantic, and which gender is allowed to be in each category. We'll come back to this when we get to the next scene.
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Eddie is very supportive of Buck breaking up with Natalia. He doesn't say it directly to his face, but it's implied that Buck really lost himself when he was with Natalia, hence Eddie's "Welcome back to the land of the living". While Buck did struggle with figuring out his life purpose at the end of season 6, he falsely prescribed that purpose to Natalia. Thankfully, this was rectified here. This also shows significant growth for Buck from his last relationship with Taylor Kelly. Buck was able to identify issues in his relationship quicker and was able to cut the relationship short when he realized it was no longer healthy to maintain for him. I am extremely proud of Buck in this moment, as is Eddie, which is the first of two big moments in this episode where Buck and Eddie really showcase their pride in the other's personal growth. "You were missed" is such a simple yet perfect line for Eddie to give to Buck. To show Buck that Eddie has always seen him, and will always see him, even through personal lows, and will still remain by his side when they come out the other side. I really love this showcase of unconditional love here.
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The next time we see Buck and Eddie, the chaperone date has already passed. Eddie and Marisol are seen watching Chris and Penny from behind the wall, but it's highkey awkward to watch and the focus of this scene is really not Eddie/Marisol but rather Chris and Penny and Eddie relaying this info to Buck. I first want to point out that we don't actually get to see Eddie/Marisol's first date, we don't see any subsequential dates, and the first time we DO see her, in an episode meant to be establishing couples, she's so blink-and-you'll-miss-it that I had to try 3 times to get this screenshot because it went by so fast. It's never a good sign when we don't actually get to see the beginnings of a non-established relationship.
Additionally, Eddie/Marisol's relationship is framed WITHIN Eddie recounting the night to BUCK. The important Eddie relationship we're supposed to be paying attention to in this scene is not Eddie/Marisol but Eddie and Buck's. It's not important for us to see Eddie and Marisol hanging out, but it IS important for us to see Eddie TELLING Buck about the night. That isn't insignificant. This means the show is clearly placing far more importance on Eddie/Buck than on Marisol, and for a pointed reason to be revealed hopefully later this season.
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This is the only line that Marisol has in the entire episode. This being the one line she has is interesting because it's a callback to Eddie's arc last season ie. "Eddie has no game with women". Christopher makes a pointed comment about it in 6x18. And of course, it's a callback to Performance Anxiety 6x14 where Eddie was being pressured about dating women and 6x17 Love Is In The Air where he once again pressures himself into dating women until he finally settles on Marisol. It's an interesting call back to have, considering this scene could have been considered Eddie successfully dating a woman. And of course this ties into later in this episode where we get the "turning women off" comment, which I'll talk more about later.
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Eddie goes on to tell Buck that he didn't really see any difference between Christopher hanging out with his male friends vs hanging out with his female friends. This is drawing attention to two things. The first is a call-back to Buck and Eddie's previous scene where we saw that Buck and Eddie have two different ideas of what constitutes "a date" when it's with a man versus a woman. Buck thinks that an at-home date with Marisol to watch Chris counts as a date, Eddie doesn't. Yet Buck doesn't consider his own at-home "hang-outs" with Eddie and Chris to be a date despite them being far more frequent and more meaningful than what we just saw with Marisol. Eddie also doesn't see it that way. This line is an indicator that both Buck and Eddie have blinders on currently when it comes to their interactions with each other, interactions which very much COULD be considered a date (including the later mentioned "underlying sexual tension") if they had done the same thing with a woman. They're just unable to recognize the truth of it at the moment, and this is clearly demonstrated when Eddie can't tell the difference between Chris having his date with his male friends vs. female. My prediction is that this will become more defined for Eddie by the end of the season or leading into next season.
But it's very interesting that this idea of not being able to recognize the possibility of romance except for the heteronormative options is coming into play now because there's really only one gay way to subvert that.
Which is then doubled down by Buck in the very next scene.
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This is blatantly not a true statement. Buck is not only assuming Chris's sexuality, but he's assuming the same would be the case in general, which is not true. Buck knows many queer people, but at the same time, every queer person he knows canonically falls more into the gay-lesbian binary, and not really anywhere in the middle (ie. bi/pan people). It's an oddly heteronormative statement coming from Buck, who is known to be very open-minded and also researches a shit ton? So why are we being shown that Buck has this sort of narrow-mindedness specifically when it comes to the possibility of people being bisexual?
(Spec) Firstly, I think this is to set up for a bisexual Buck arc. It's showing that Buck actually 1.) hasn't ever been with a man before so this is not just a casual bi reveal and 2.) that he's never actually considered it a possibility to have sexual tension with a man before. This is what we in writing call "the character's fundamental misbelief" and it is brought in specifically to be challenged, and I'm near-positive it will be at some point in the season.
Secondly, On the surface, this statement is telling the audience that obviously Christopher would only have tension with his female friends, right? (sarcasm). But what's interesting is that this statement is purposefully gender-neutral. It leaves the real meaning up to the audience to decide. Why? Because this part of the conversation is not really about Christopher. On the surface, yes, but beneath that, this line and the line before it are about Eddie and Buck's relationship with each other. Buck's not out here talking about Christopher having sexual tension with people, and even Eddie recognizes that it's weird to talk about in relation to their child. He's still in the nest for christ's sake! These lines are in relation to Buck and Eddie's friendship and how both of them are blind to the fact that it very much IS possible to have sexual tension with your female AND male friends.
And this is where the gender-neutrality of that phrase gets extra interesting. Because as we've seen before, Buck and (more prominently) Eddie often lack chemistry with their female love interests. It's up for debate, but the general consensus was that most people did not feel any chemistry between Buck/Natalia, and Eddie/Ana or Eddie/Marisol. What's fascinating is that Buck has had chemistry with some of his female love interests, but Eddie hasn't had any since Shannon (and this is not an endorsement of Eddie/Shannon's romantic relationship. I'm not getting into the extreme nuances of that right now.) Some argue Eddie's had chemistry with Felisa or Vanessa, but they aren't the ones Eddie's dating right now, are they? So Eddie, unlike Buck with his female LI's, hasn't really had any sexual tension with Ana or Marisol. The only person that (most) people agree Eddie has had sexual tension with is Buck. And we had a scene with them earlier with Buck watching a half-naked Eddie change too. So in this case, the line might also be a reference to Eddie having chemistry with men, but not really with any of his female LI's. I think the purposeful vagueness here though was a very telling choice on Tim's part.
Additionally, the use of the word "underlying". Underlying implies that the sexual tension isn't overt, but rather is something that lingers unspoken. Under the surface. Subtextual, if you will. Of course, it's possible to have subtextual sexual tension between an M/F pairing. But placing it in the context of this scene, where Buck is being weirdly heteronormative, it feels contradictory. If Buck believes that he (and Chris by proxy) can only have sexual tension with a female friend, why is it something that is hidden under the surface? If anything, due to heteronormativity, the sexual tension between a boy and girl should be plain as day for anyone to see, on the surface, very much textual and with no room for interpretation (ie. "He was a boy, she was a girl, could I make it any more obvious?"). But let's flip this around. With queer pairings and couplings, there's a huge history of their sexual tension and romance only being able to live and breathe in the subtext. This line being spoken between two men that many people for years have pointed out are heavily queer-coded and have a romantically-coded "bro" relationship with each other that so far has only been able to exist in subtext? Tim, you're not sly. I see right through you.
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After that, Eddie tells Buck about Christopher seeing 5 girls at the same time. Everyone's shocked and Eddie insinuates that Christopher didn't get this from him. By pointing out that Buck is a reformed playboy (I personally disagree with aspects of this statement but that's neither here nor there), Eddie is implying that Christopher may potentially be getting this trait from Buck. Which is an interesting thing to say to someone if they're not already heavily involved in the process of raising your child. Eddie claims that he's a "nester", which in my mind means someone who is very paternal/maternal, or constantly trying to build the home or the family. ((Sidebar: I googled nesting and apparently it's ALSO a term used in both polyamorous spaces and was later separately coined as a term referring to "where men treat women like they’re in a relationship, but they expect those women to know that it will never lead to real one." I don't interpret this line to mean either of those other definitions, I just think it's interesting that this is what popped up when I googled Nesting)).
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Eddie then says he "married the first girl he dated" and Buck instantly volleys back with "think you mean slept with", which is EXTREMELY telling of a few things. First, I want to point out, that I don't believe this is Buck denouncing or disrespecting Shannon's important role in Eddie or Chris's life, but rather recontextualizing it.
We got clarification last season that Eddie fell into his relationship with Shannon almost in the same way that he fell into one with Ana and Marisol. It was heavily implied that Shannon was the pursuer, the one who made their relationship happen. Not Eddie. While Eddie was a little less passive with Ana and Marisol, being the one to ask both of them out, he still exhibits extreme passivity in the furthering of each of these relationships, preferring to "stick it out" rather than actually end it when it's not working. This is the exact same thing he did with Shannon. It's interesting that Buck argues that Eddie married the first girl he slept with rather than the first girl he dated.
Dating someone implies you really genuinely want to form a deep romantic relationship with someone (ie. call back to Buck's line to Maddie "at least when I date someone, I date them"), whereas sleeping with someone does not have to immediately mean wanting to be with them romantically. To me, this implies that while Eddie might've deeply loved Shannon as a friend and eventual mother of his child later and had sexual chemistry with her, the reason why he stayed with her is not because he wanted to continue dating her or being with her because he was IN LOVE with HER but rather because they slept together. And what came about from sleeping with her? A fucking traumatic teen pregnancy.
Both Buck AND Eddie recognize that in this scene (which is huge, especially for Eddie). I'm kinda blown away honestly. It's extremely important for the audience to see that while Eddie did, does and will always love Shannon, it is NOT romantic love, and may have not ever been. Which is FINE. They were literal teenagers for god's sake.
This is once again a recurring theme in Buck and Eddie's story in this episode. Defining what is considered romantic and what is considered platonic AND the possibility of redefining those distinctions years later. And it's interesting that in this case with Shannon, a woman, it's finally being acknowledged that it might not have been as romantic as Eddie may have believed for all these years.
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Eddie then asks Buck to be the one to talk to Christopher about his relationship indiscretions. We see Eddie making the active choice to bring Buck deeper into the co-parenting role that's already been established in seasons 2-6. Right after Eddie talks about being a nester, a home-builder, he brings Buck deeper into his family in a parental role. To me, this scene doesn't imply that Eddie can't do it, or that it's out of his wheelhouse, but rather because he feels like Christopher might relate to Buck more about this. But even more so, it shows that Eddie inherently trusts Buck to be the one to talk to Christopher about this, because he's seen how Buck has grown over the years.
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Eddie doesn't want Christopher to continue making bad choices in life and he tries to convey this to Buck, but Buck, with his own self-esteem issues, assumes that Eddie doesn't want Christopher to end up like Buck. Which is fascinating because Buck's made it a huge point throughout the series to show that he's grown past his sleeping-around phase (which was never about disrespecting or using women, it was always about Buck's own desire for love and connection that he felt he could only get through sex). And yet with this line, we see that Buck still doesn't realize how far he's come. He still feels like he isn't worth emulating or being someone to look up to. But Eddie does. Eddie sees and loves Buck to his core, and so he points it out to Buck that no, Buck actually didn't become that person, and that Buck is, in fact, worthy of being the one to parent Christopher in this situation. Once again, this is a great moment of showing how these two are able to see past their facades to the truth of each other's issues and provide strength, reassurance, and clarity to each other, as an ideal life partner would be able to do.
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Then we get to see this amazing scene of Eddie talking down a panicking woman using his own unique "jello" methods. This coping mechanism tool he walks her through really does sound like something a therapist might teach their patient. Eddie not only is able to admit to having panic attacks but he's able to do it in front of strangers and his team alike with no shame (even a bit of pride at the end). This scene, which could've gotten very awkward very fast, ended up becoming a very sweet, serene moment where we also get to see that love reflected on Buck's face just how proud he is of how far Eddie has come. This episode made a point to show Buck and Eddie recognizing the other's growth and their pride in the other, as well as demonstrate how both are able to be there for the other emotionally in their times of need.
What's interesting is that this is all stuff that we've seen before. Buck and Eddie have been each other's emotional pillars for many years now. This is just a re-establishing episode. We know that this season their relationship is going to be shifting, growing, and showing a new side to it. So I'm intrigued to see how that will manifest given that we have already seen in one episode how Buck and Eddie are each other's closest person. Some might argue that this episode actually frames them to be closer and more emotionally supportive of each other than two of the other canonically romantic couples on the show.
Bathena are shown to be having marital problems in this episode, with Athena worrying she and Bobby might not actually have that much in common outside of the chaos. Madney is shown with pre-martial problems, with Chimney unnecessarily worrying he and Maddie's spark might fizzle out over the years and they might grow to resent each other. I'm not saying either of these relationship problems is really accurate, but it's just interesting to look at in comparison to how Buck and Eddie were framed in this episode, despite not being in a canonical romantic relationship at the moment.
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This exchange absolutely took me the fuck out. Because this line did not need to be there. Even for the giggles. It could've even been a line of Buck being sincere and saying that he's proud of Eddie or something. Instead, we get this. "I've never seen a man turn a woman off with such skill". This line connected with the line from Marisol are both callbacks to Eddie's series-long issue with dating women. We get this in conjunction with Buck pointing out that Eddie doesn't really date these women he's in relationships with. He's just with them due to circumstances. Even if the circumstances are of his own making (which could be a symptom of compulsory heterosexuality). Eddie has never once talked about dating women like he's actually attracted to women. I'm so sorry. AND combined with the line where Buck and Eddie actually acknowledge that Eddie wasn't really with Shannon because he wanted to be with her but because of the family they accidentally created. All of this in ONE episode leading up to this line where it's heavily implied that Eddie's skill is his inability to turn women on, and to actually be able to turn them all the way off. And I'm just going to say it, but this line HEAVILY implies queerness. This is the kind of line you'd expect someone to say to a gay man or someone who doesn't actually want the sexual attention of a woman. This, again, in conjunction with Eddie not being able to tell the difference between a date with a woman vs. a man, is all too pointed.
This line alone in a vacuum could maybe not mean queerness, but alongside the whole rest of the episode where beat after beat after beat implies that Eddie has in fact NEVER been in a relationship with a woman 100% of his own active desire for her as a person and not just for what she can provide to his or his son's life?
This points to a very particular direction with Eddie that I'm expecting to see him fight against really hard this season. I would not be surprised if he ends up holding onto Marisol as the last shreds of perceived "normalcy" (ie. heterosexuality) are being threatened. Hopefully, he'll be able to reconcile the truth by the end of the season or going into season 8.
God this is so long and we haven't even gotten to the buddifer scene yet. This part will be a bit more condensed because I'm not really analyzing Chris as a character here or his relationship with Shannon. Maybe I will later.
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I'm really loving seeing Christopher become his own person this season. But what really fascinates me here is Chris as a parallel to both Buck and Eddie. Christopher's abandonment trauma is starting to manifest in him through his choices with his love life. The same thing happened with Buck and with Eddie individually. Buck's trauma growing up informed his choices of sleeping around and seeking love from a myriad of individuals who didn't necessarily have his best interest at heart. Eddie's trauma manifested in him being so self-sacrificing that he can't ever choose a relationship for himself, but it always has to be in service of someone else or in pursuit of a perceived "Normal" standard.
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In this case with Chris, his trauma is manifesting in a way more similar to Buck's, which is another reason why it's so perfect to see Buck being the one to discuss this with Chris, even though they don't necessarily delve too deep into it. There's no question Buck sees his own issues reflected in Chris. This has been true since 4x08 Breaking Point when Chris runs to Buck's house and confides in Buck his worries about people leaving him. Chris demonstrates a similar issue that Buck and Eddie both hold individually. That being the notion that "it doesn't matter what I do, or how good of a person I am, or how good of a partner I am, I am not worth staying for."
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But the difference here is that Eddie and Buck, like the amazing co-parents they are, recognize the problem and take steps to address Christopher's trauma in a way that gives Chris autonomy and isn't condescending or out to make Christopher feel bad about making mistakes. The Buckley parents and the Diaz parents both failed Buck and Eddie in these ways because they blamed their children, never actually took the time to see the underlying issues let alone address them, and made them feel like everything was their fault, even going so far as to actively put their children down over and over and over again. Eddie and Buck get the beautiful chance to break the cycle here with Chris and get to be the parents that they never had.
It was so amazing to watch this episode with Buck and Eddie being supportive partners to each other and supportive parents to Christopher. It was an episode of growth just as much as it was an episode of reintroduction to a new audience. It was also extremely telling of what the future conflicts and themes will likely continue to be for Buck and Eddie for the rest of this season. I'm so excited to see what the rest of this season brings! And thank you from the bottom of my heart, ABC.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
i think this fandom hates it so much when eddie dates people who are not buck that they blow it out of proportion more than what it actually is. when in reality he's only had 2 minor relationships since shannon died. he was awful to marisol with the entire kim thing to be sure; but with ana it was...kinda fine? it wasn't great, but it also wasn't this horrible thing; like eddie thought he could love her, he realized he didn't and then he ended things. it's way better than, say, buck cheating on taylor and moving her into his apartment before coming clean and saying point-blank that he was settling for her and still not ending things. yet eddie gets a lot more heat for how things went with ana. and also this idea that he's been hurting chris somehow by dating a grand total of two women?? as though chris didn't canonically like both of them and even encouraged eddie to ask marisol out. idk it's just so strange to me!!
No, but Eddie had 2 relationships that were firmly in the background, and somehow he's the serial dater when Buck fucked that many women in the pilot. Yes, pilot Buck is a different Buck, but in the time we saw Eddie date twice, we saw Buck date four times, including a woman who was in the plot down to having beef with one of the LAPD people, someone Buck cheated on then trapped literally with him, he literally trapped Taylor, and he keeps diving in head first, but somehow Eddie and the relationship he was pushed and was settled into and that he broke off the once he realized he would not get to a point where he loved her and the relationship he had full support of everyone around him that ended because of a bonkers situation Eddie lost control of, suddenly makes him a horrible person. Buck should be allowed to date all of Los Angeles greater area but Eddie needs to sit his ass down and only exist when Buck needs him. It's madness. They don't want Buck to have a partner, they want Buck to have someone who exists to serve him, so Eddie's gets all the hate for shit he's not doing, because somehow Eddie is dating with the intention of hurting Buck. It makes no sense.
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eddiegettingshot · 5 months
I fell IN LOVE with bucktommy after 7x4, but honestly i think i just got kinda swept up in the excitement of bi buck and just generally falling in love with lou, because now it’s been a few eps with them together and…..i don’t really like them together…
Like i wanted them together so much, and now they are, i think it’s just…meh. They just made tommy into a really boring character? I can’t stand when LIs are boring. Ali, natalia, ana, marisol, and now tommy? Give me taylor ANY DAY over any of them! (Abby i honestly can’t comment on bcs i watched s1 before i was in the fandom and i genuinely thought that that whole storyline was gonna be about abby ending up stalking buck and ruining his life and i was so on the edge watching that entire season that i don’t think i can actually make a proper judgement of what their relationship actually was lmao i’m dubm)
I just don’t understand why this show has such a hard time making LIs have personalities?? I’m never gonna root for them if they’re boring, period.
Idk, maybe they’ll make him a little more fun in coming eps, but rn i just really miss buddie. Like the pendulum swung back so hard after bucktommy canon and just hit me right in the face, and now i want buddie canon more than i’ve literally ever wanted it before lmao
oh anon i get the sense that a lot of people are in your shoes right now lol. tommy is getting the plot device love interest treatment for sure which is weird because, again, he didn't need to. like yeah the scene at the end might demonstrate him putting some amount of effort in for buck but the actual reason he showed up at all from a plot standpoint was so buck could come out.
it's interesting because i think after 7x04, we all (me included) expected him to be something more than this, which is why there was so much speculation about his role in the chimney story... and then he wasn't involved even a little bit. what's also funny is that i actually do think that after taylor, abby, and shannon, tommy probably does have the most backstory and personality (not saying much considering the marisol of it all) - he has the potential to be compelling. i actually do like canon tommy i'm not joking about that (even though imo he comes across as consistently kinda dismissive of buck).
but the personality we're being shown is... not really melding well with buck's, specifically? or, i guess i should say that it's not really being developed in service of their relationship? so i really cannot tell if i'm supposed to root for them because from here it looks like tommy's around to drive buck's self-discovery story, at the very least. and now he's not going to be in the next couple of episodes so? i'm curious to see if they're going to make his presence known in any way.
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lemotmo · 18 days
Curious to hear your thoughts on this (And Ali’s as well if you feel like asking her but no biggie if not)
I have to admit that I still do kinda think he’ll be back if just briefly to wrap that storyline with Buck (or I guess maybe part of me hopes so just so the narrative doesn’t suffer maybe?) but.. this is a good point. Like there is zero reason to not mention him at this point. And they did mention Marisol and hell even Natalia last season.
So idk. I guess I’m conflicted lol. But my expectations of seeing him are very rapidly decreasing these days. And I know people will say well the insta account is still following him but I don’t think that holds as much weight as some people think it does. We all know they are very aware of the state of things these days, Tim included, so I really don’t expect them to unfollow him (if they do) until after season 8 finishes just to avoid the drama it would cause if they did so now.
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I got a bunch of asks in the same vein, so I'm just answering them all in this post.
Ali and I did talk about this synopsis earlier. We kinda came to the consensus that fandom has probably made Lou into a much bigger thing than he really was in the first place. He wasn't a part of recurring cast. He was a guest star and a pretty unimportant one at that, because we hardly saw him in 7b. So, he was never important enough to mention in that synopsis in the first place.
Those cameos certainly did a number on the fans. It made Tommy seem so much more important than he really was. While Lou was talking about how BT was 'thriving', the cold reality was that Buck and Tommy hardly shared the screen together and when they did, there was no substance to their interactions.
We're still waiting on a more extensive trailer and whether or not he'll be in it. If he isn't anywhere to be seen? We both agree that there might be a good chance that he is gone.
And let's not forget: no promo, no interaction, no mention of his character or the relationship anywhere...
Also, that link you sent me was very interesting Nonny. It's true, Marisol was mentioned. Articles were written about her and Eddie's relationship and where it would go. They haven't at all done that with Tommy and BT.
It's blatant and certainly in your face. So yeah... 👀
I'm always cautious to say that he really is gone with 100% certainty, because the truth is that we probably won't know for sure until we start watching the episodes.
But yeah, red flags everywhere Nonny! I agree.
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but uh, chnt x inanimate insanity.
sorry to all the non osc chnt peeps, uhm, have fun listening to me yap
(and ive mad posts about this au, so if you want to see my designs and stuff, i have them on there ^^)
sydney would be microphone, they both can be a lot for some people, and they also end up meeting up with the person in the woods and working with them and believing theyll get benefits from it. just to end up being used for that person's reasons
jedidiah would be test tube, i feel like she would stay up all night while ignoring everyone else because shes working on a project. although more sciencey, she does build stuff too so i guess she can be an architect.
elijah would be taco, theyre that person in the woods from earlier. they also both like tea and from european countries (sorta? idk if countries really exist in ii, but she is british 💔). also i gave her a cat mask instead of the elephant mask, and im now realizing the taco cat thing 😭.
adam would be mephone, they have similar vibes imo, and i feel like he would have good relationship advice. and since mephone is sorta robot, i thought that would go well with adam being a demon.
rowan would be candle, with all the magic stuff from her i thought that would go well with the visions stuff. plus candle is kinda black coded, atleast most people (including my self) draw her as black for gijinkas/humanized
juniper would be silver spoon, because... 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧💔BRITISH💔🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and i feel like he would try his best to get out of touching fish and stuff.
marisol would be lightbulb, first, lightbulb is sorta canonically trans fem, and second, shes just as loveable and goobery as marisol
salem would be paintbrush. mainly because of the whole lightbulb x paintbrush thing, but they also have that similar vibes know? (and tulip would be their pet crab, baxter!!)
yvonne would be knife. it was really hard for me to find one for yvonne, but i thought he would fit best. he sorta the though guy and pokes fun at people, but doesnt mean it in a bad way. and he canonically plays video games, so yeah
joshua would be balloon, as theyre both the scrawny type. they also can be annoying for people, and people probably believe they cant win a fight tbh.
sorin would be ying-yang, evil little mischievous dudes. similar vibes tbh
lucielle would be tea kettle, they both can be the sorta motherly like figure, but have a short temper. tries to stay calm.
matthew would be box
so yeah, i thought of this yesterday, and oh my gah, the fact that the characters and stuff like almost match perfectly GRAHHH. and the whole thing with microphone and taco is literally sydney and elijah without all the religion stuff, HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THIS SOONER 💔💔💔💔
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littlerosetrove · 4 months
My initial Spoiler Thoughts (as I was watching) for 7x10. 
What a breakneck pace. I think it was a bit too much because nothing was really allowed to breathe.
Ah, so Chris called his grandparents. Kinda expected that.
Ramon “even in death this woman is running your life.” I think that’s what he said and… he ain’t wrong. 
Athena in cop mode. *the longest sigh* This show has to play such a tight line, I know. They want to question cops, but when it’s Athena? She’s gotta be the hero and they let so much of what she does slide. She gets to be a serious hypocrite. 
Will Athena even face any consequences for all the law and rule breaking/bending that she did? Only time will tell, but canon so far says no. I think she’s been benched in any capacity once? In season one.  
Wow. I really didn’t expect much, but we literally got a 5 second acknowledgment of an off screen breakup between Marisol and Eddie. I mean there would have been zero weight to have it on screen because their relationship was such a nothing burger. But man. I’ve said it before, but there was no point to Marisol sticking around for the entire season. Good lord. 
“Being the living testament to a dead person is a lonely existence.” This applies to Athena, Amir, Bobby, and Eddie. And I feel like the only ones who learned something from this is everyone but Eddie. 
Damn, Jamal is an amazing actor. He was on par with Angela in that scene. I seriously hope we get to keep Amir because 1) he’s just a good guy, and 2) I want to keep this actor because he’s just awesome. 
I called it in 7x8 that the cartel, or the cartel adjacent apparently, would be the ones to hurt Bobby and I was right. This whole thing… happened so fast and felt. Idk, almost anticlimactic? 
Tommy lore! Sad though. He has a shitty dad that he doesn’t talk to because he’s comparable to Gerrard. Woof. 
There was nothing wrong with the date scene. I have a whole post about why there was nothing wrong with what Tommy said. Tommy was matching Bucks energy, and moved things into lighter territory that happened to include daddy kink (which as far as kinks go is mild).  
That felt a little weird? The scene with Bobby, Athena, Harry, and May. I know this show is trying to say they’ll be alright especially since this is the last episode of the season, but man. We didn’t get to see any, idk, concern from Harry and May over Bobby or sadness over their childhood house being burned down? 
Okay well I am definitely glad that Maddie and Chimney got to help out, that they’re going to foster Mara and thus bring the Wilson family back together in some capacity. I don’t know how they arranged that so fast, but I’ll take it. I think it really makes sense especially coming from Chimney whose dad basically abandoned him in the US, and so Chimney was taken in by the Lees, who were friends with Chimney’s mom.  
I’m, idk, there was so little communication overall amongst Eddie, Chris, Helena, Ramon, and even Buck? Like it was just simply “Chris is mad so he’s staying with his grandparents for an indefinite time.” Okay??? Like there was no conversation from anyone with Chris and what he’s even feeling beyond “I’m mad.” 
I know this is a drama show and we need to suspend our disbelief fairly often about things, but come on. Gerrard was kicked out, let go of being the captain at the 118 because of multiple misconduct reports. And you’re telling me that 1) he’s even still an active firefighter because truly how the hell has he not been fired before now, and 2) anyone would look into the records of the 118 and think putting Gerrard in charge - at the same firehouse he was booted from - is a good idea??? And thirdly, why is Hen not in charge? She’s interim captain, so why is she not stepping up until Bobby gets his place back, or literally anyone better than Gerrard comes in????? I know some of fandom sees this as juicy drama material, which I get, but right now all I see is a bigoted white man brought back who is going to make the lives of several non white people a living hell for drama. 
I’m… not 100% sure how I feel about this one. The pacing was too fast for me, and so nothing was really allowed to breathe. While not inherently a bad thing, but a lot of this was just predictable (thank you Elle for this word). I honestly didn’t get to feel much about Bobby’s story because it happened so fast in the story and just watching it. I felt more moved by Mara and Eddie and Chris’s story, but even that… I don’t know how to explain it.
Again I think it’s the pacing that lessened the impact of a lot of what happened. I’m also not particularly pleased with how, overall, Eddie has been handled this season as explained in this post. 
This wasn’t a bad episode, but I don’t think I’d call it great either.  As of right now, overall it felt weirdly anticlimactic I think.
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maygrcnt · 4 months
idk if you’re still doing the top 5 thing but I have some categories for ya but a top 3 would probably make more sense, so top 3 favorite couples, top 3 least favorite couples (people who weee just not good together or you just didn’t like ‘em/dont like ‘em !)
i’m still doing anything as long as people want to talk to me lmao, thanks!
top three is actually diabolical considering there is four main ships in this show…. hmmm
3. Henren, just a beautifully perfect display of older lesbians who have built a life and love each other so much. definitely an aspirational ship for me. i love them so much
2. Madney, they’re just so perfect for each other. everyone loves the ships that go through hell to save each other but madney is the ship that crawls through hell to save themselves so they can go home to each other and i just find that so,,,, everything
1. buddie, who is surprised! no one. you know why i love them, they’re my everything and more.
bottom three— gonna include non canons for this too just cus that makes it more interesting. and i’m only including couples that are supposed to be liked together (so nothing like eva and hen or maddie and doug because you’re SUPPOSED to hate them)
3. may & ravi, i don’t think there’s rly anything morally wrong with this one i just… they would be BESTIES your honor. and also may grant needs to kiss a woman i swear to god.
2. buck and abby, sorry man i just… it’s not for me. it’s very cringe and it’s not even the age gap thing. buck and abby are the main reason you can tell that ryan murphy was actually involved in season 1 of this show lmao.
1. eddie and marisol. like it just pisses me off. she was only brought back the first time because they thought needed to wrap up the show. she was only brought back in s7 because natalia’s actress wasn’t coming back. like she’s not even supposed to be here and it just annoys me. she’s not done anything wrong as a character but…. there’s just no chemistry or ground work and we’re just supposed to believe this is a relationship that matters for no fucking reason. i hate it.
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panther-os · 1 year
okay so Marisol is probably just gonna be an Ana 2.0. they keep setting Eddie up with amazing Latinas who would be good friends to him but then he utterly fails at maintaining a romantic relationship with them and they get understandably upset and fandom irrationally blames them for noncanon buddie. like maybe she'll be the one Eddie goes "maybe... the problem... is I'm not good at women... but what about... men?" but :/ And yes he's had character development since then, but this feels completely wrong to me. Not because it's not buddie, but because I don't feel Eddie is ready for that level of conscious commitment to anyone at this point in the show. the fact he's already at that level of commitment with buck only works right now because they're both oblivious and don't have to think about it.
idk all i can do is keep my hopes high, my expectations low, and my reactions appropriate, but I'm definitely frustrated with the theme here. and low expectations definitely includes fandom's treatment of this character. 😒
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
Concept that’s been floating around in my brain since I saw the guest cast:
Kameron & Connor involved in the disaster, baby survives but they don’t and Buck ends up with baby. Thoughts?
Honestly I don't see it happening for a few reasons, but that's not to say I wouldn't be down for it if it DID happen.
For one, this season has focused a lot on striking the balance between biological and non-biological family—we had Buck and Chim reconciling with their parents for their own well-being (or at least Chim; still not entirely sure what the resolution with Buck and his parents is) but at the same time, we had a whole episode really cementing Bobby in his role as Buck's chosen father figure. We've had Henren and their struggle with Denny's bio dad, ultimately culminating in them standing their ground as Denny's parents, but allowing Denny to explore that relationship because it's what he needs. With all that in mind, I think it would be a little bit off-theme for Buck to get Kameron and Connor's kid just because they died; they've really made it clear that Buck doesn't see this kid as his, and with the baby being very much theirs, I don't think the baby going to Buck makes much sense. Surely he would go to their next of kin, right? Unless of course there's something in 6x17 with Kameron where it's made clear that they've chosen Buck in the event of their deaths which would be a wild thing to do, but maybe also an interesting exploration of Eddie's will? Idk, seems like it'd be a lot to cram into 2 episodes, what with everything else going on. And then Buck would have a baby. Which would also be a lot for the show to deal with going forward. (don’t get me wrong, I want to get that man a baby asap. but im not sure the writers would agree with me)
The other thing is that it just feels....really dark for 911. Like orphaning a baby? Taking the opportunity to raise him away from the parents who wanted him so badly? I mean, lord knows there's been some dark plot lines on the show but ending the season on that would be....whew.
I do kind of love the idea that the pile up that causes the bridge collapse includes civilians that we've met over the course of this season. I saw someone else mention the disaster could start at the end of 6x17 and Marisol could be involved, and that's why she's in both episodes. Marisol (who's house Buck helped fix up) causes or is the first person injured in the pile up, injuring Chim (Buck's soon-to-be brother-in-law), Natalia (Buck's....girlfriend, maybe? Too soon to say), and Connor and Kameron (old friend and woman carrying a baby with his genetic material). Battle over his priorities ensues (save Kameron and the baby who's got half his DNA but leave them without Connor? Save his chosen family and the love of his sister's life? But if he does one or both he can't save his hot new death obsessed love interest? I mean, also exceptionally dark, but could turn out okay maybe? Idk, I'm very intrigued though.
send me your spec for the last two episodes of s6 (but don't be weird)
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dykeyote · 2 years
characters for the ask game you say 👀- soren, gerry, kevin and marisol if you wish?
how i feel about him: I LOVE HIM SOOOO MUCH HES LIKE . hes my second fav chara but hes THIS close to being tied with jedidiah and if u cant tell from like . everything about my acc thats HIGH praise
all the people i ship w him: sydney and marie-ann altho i usually see the latter as being sort of unlabeled and fluctuating between platonic and romantic (: i can be enticed into romantic sonnel from time to time but i usually prefer them to be queerplatonic which leads us to .....
my unpopular opinion: idk if i haaave one . this isnt like DISCOURSEY but its that i think sydsoren is good and cute and more people should like it
one thing i wish had happened: MAKE HIM INTERACT MORE WITH MARIE-ANN NOW. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also rowan too bc i think that would be an interesting parallel
how i feel about him: surprisingly for a transmasc in the tma fandom ..... ive never been a huge gerry girlie . hes cool and all but he confused me at the start bc i kept mixing Gerard up with Jared bc my audio processing issues and americanness combined to destroy me so i think that made it tricky for me to get into him . hes cool tho
all the people i ship w him: nobody strongly . if i see cute ship fanart im like aw! thats nice and then i move on
fav platonic dynamic: queerplatonic jongerry solos ur fav
unpopular opinion: honestly just that i dont care about him that much ..... sorry gerry fans . hes cool and i like his design but im just like . hes there
one thing i wish had happened: YO I JUST HAD A REALIZATION . GERRY KEAY AND OLIVER BANKS WOULD BE A COOL DYNAMIC . idk if theyve ever interacted in the show but if they havent they should
how i feel about him: OH YOU ALREADY FUCKING KNOW IM INSANE CRAZY ABOUT HIM OH MY GOD . hes one of my favorite characters of all time honestly ive been obsessed with him since 2019 wtnvs been my special interest for years and hes a HUGE focal point of it . i love him so much <3333 evil little skrunkly
all the people i ship him with: carlos mainly but charlevin is cute too . im a kevlos girlie at heart but if charlevin is written well i can get into it too especially if its radioscientology . i made this silly little oc that dated him in 2019 and im sure he was very badly written but i have a soft spot for them so ill include them . maybe ill rewrite them with the gf someday
fav platonic dynamic; i LOOOOOOVE his dynamic with vanessa and i love his dynamic with lauren too . gay/lesbian solidarity vs gay/lesbian antagonism
unpopular opinion: OH I HAVE SO MANY . a: kevlos is good actually and i like it more than charlevin i dont Dislike charlevin but im just more interested in kevlos as a dynamic. b: i have literally no interest in arcs that make kevin all sweet and non-bloody and shy its so boring let him be fucked up AND heal from his trauma. c: he didnt abuse or gaslight carlos in taking off he was a shitty friend but theres far FAR more evidence to suggest that it was simply the fault of him not being very good at social interaction and having severely unhealthy behaviors due to his trauma that he needs to work on before him and carlos can be in a healthy relationship than there is for him actually trying to manipulate carlos in some way
one thing i wish happened: i wish we saw more of kevin and carlos's relationship before they left . the shit in uhhhhh the buying of lot 37 drove me INSANE . in the goddamn MEMBRANE . and i wouldve loved to see some in the show ): ..... but i doubt it
how i feel about her: I LOVE HER SO MUCH .... shes so cute <3 underrated honestly make more marisol content now!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! she gives me nice fuzzy feelings
all the people i ship with her: OMG IVE GOTTA CHECK MY FUCKING . i made a ship chart for chnt which is embarrassing but useful bc i have so many goddamn ships in htat fucking camp. i like her with salem OBVI but im also fond of her with yvonne and rowan and fennel on occasion (: 
fav platonic dynamic: again probably sydney (: i also think her and joshua would be an interesting dynamic oddly ?? idk what that interaction would Be but i think itd be interesting to play out
unpopular opinion: she would be liked way better by the fanbase at large if her and salem were both guys and nobody really seems to want to admit that
one thing that i wish happened: just more of her honestly (: and more of her relationship with salem . theyre CUTE i want more of my girlies .....
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
ik you have shane as your perfect islander for lottie so you seemed like the right person to ask about what you think a perfect islander for hannah would be like
Ok hear me out- someone like Genevieve or (to a lesser extent) Priya.
I LOVE the arc I’ve decided is canon of Hannah realizing she is a lesbian throughout the show. It just makes too much sense and I feel like every sapphic girl had a best friend where the relationship was super intense and toxic (but not because we’re gay, no not because we’re gay) and that’s the vibes with Hannah and Lottie. So as much as I ship Lottie and Hannah, they both need to do a lot of growth before they can be healthy and stable together. Ultimately, while it’s one of the best ships in the game, Lottie’s love isn’t the perfect match for Hannah.
 In the canon season I do love the idea of Priya and Hannah- Priya’s much more grounded but still has the high femme glamour that Hannah is into. If Priya was openly bisexual and comfortable with that (which she SHOULD be because she SHOULD have been an LI for MC), I would love the arc of Hannah realizing she’s gay through Lottie and then realizing that her ‘romantic, sensible, and fairytale’ partner can be Priya. Then we could play around with her un-learning compulsory heterosexuality and realizing that everything she was romanticizing about love with a man is possible with women. I hesitate on this because in the game, Priya’s one of the more immature characters (obv. less so than Lottie but definitely more so than Hope or Chelsea) and she can’t really play the grounded voice of reason alongside all of her Lottie/Noah/Felix stuff.
 So I would bring in a character more like Genevieve. Someone who’s really confident, stable, self-sufficient, comfortable in who they are. She’s my favorite character in Season 3 because while she’s really smart and chill, she doesn’t make it her mission to police everyone else or fix other people’s drama (even though there is none in S3). She sits back with her partner (which is a whole other tangent- I love how they’re obviously into each other but don’t make a big show of it in the way that Nope or any other couple in the game did), does her own face paint, is kind to everyone but really only involved with her friends. If s3 had been written better, she would’ve been the competent and kind dark skinned black woman who’s NOT made into the mom friend for once in media.
 But of course the character of Genevieve doesn’t work 100% for Hannah because I get super straight vibes from her (not super-straight, fuck them, but like extra straight, like she is very straight but in a way that includes trans men because they are men). And also? A big part of Viv’s story is that she gets Seb in the end, and they’re a really functional healthy couple who support each other. She wouldn’t get that same support from someone going Thru It like Hannah is.
 So Hannah’s ideal partner is a mix between Priya and Genevieve, and seeing how underutilized Priya is I think we can just repurpose her (but take out a lot of the immaturity and add in Viv’s ambivalence). I’ll leave her name Priya because I’m very much picturing her as Priya.
 Priya comes in on day 1 like normal, late, but (instead of Hannah) Marisol goes home. Maybe there’s some kind of debacle where Gary tries to kiss Marisol and she calls him out, idk we need a reason for Gary to want to pick Hannah over Marisol. Lottie still attacks Priya and Hannah quietly takes Lottie’s side while feeling bad about it the whole time. Lottie and Hannah fall out, Hannah goes to Priya for support, I think I laid out this narrative in another post? Not sure, I’ve been maladaptive daydreaming about it a lot and maybe this is the first time I’m typing it out. At some point (ik Priya misses the truth or dare and with Marisol gone there’s not a character who compulsively needs to talk about their sexuality) it comes out that Priya’s bi, and she doesn’t shy away from or qualify that at all. She’s bi, she’s dated women, and she’s not uncomfortable with doing it again unlike SOME people.
 But Hannah goes to Priya for support on like day 6. Priya recognizes the sexual tension between Lottie and Hannah, but doesn’t point it out because Hannah’s not ready to accept that. Instead she just gives Hannah generic good advice. Roccogate happens to Hannah instead of Lottie, Operation Nope still happens and everyone hates Priya for it (but she handles it far more maturely than she did and comes out of it apologetic but not regretful).  Also because Marisol has to leave to keep Hannah, and we still need a prickly slow-burn lady LI, I’m thinking Lottie fills in that route (or Elisa comes in earlier with Lurik and does Marisol’s whole ‘omg dating a girl, such a big step!’ schtick).
 In CA, instead of Hope and Priya being dejected that they aren’t super into any of the new boys, it’s Hannah. Priya comes to comfort her, and she has a meltdown that ‘there’s so many awesome guys here why can’t I just like one of them’ and is also really salty that Kassam and Lottie are getting on so well. Priya gently tells her ‘maybe the reason you can’t force yourself to like the guys here is because you just don’t like men’. Hannah sputters a bit and Priya points out that she clearly has a crush on Lottie, which Hannah denies. Priya throws up her hands and says “well if you need to talk, I’m here,” to which Hannah initiates a kiss. They make out a bit, then Priya pulls away and says “that was lovely, but I’m not keen on being an experiment. I like you, but you need to know what you want.” And leaves. And Hannah shooketh because ‘oh, THAT’s what kissing is supposed to feel like’, because girlie same. It took me years of kissing men to realize you’re supposed to ~enjoy~ kissing.
 So then my ideal Priya route happens with Priya and MC, but at the recoupling after CA if MC doesn’t save Priya, Hannah does. Priya kind of says “thank you for saving me, you can keep going after to Gary,” and Hannah’s like “No. I want you.” They have a couple of conversations in private, where Priya is like ‘you can’t keep pining over Lottie if we’re going to be together together’ and ‘you gotta stop being sad that I’m not taller than you and that our hands are the same size- that’s compulsory heterosexuality and being upset about it is unfair to me’. And just generally Hannah grows a ton in the span of like 2 weeks, and they’re a really supportive healthy couple?
 Maybe if you’re feeling spicy, Hannah still kisses MC or Lottie before she leaves, and then that comes out at the finale party and Priya breaks up with her. I still think Hannah would have to leave LI and grow a lot before being ready to be in a functional relationship, so even if Priya was her perfect person she’d have to wait for her. I just need Hannah’s girlfriend to look over her glasses at her and be like “babes, this novel is trash. You’re writing about what you wanted LI to be, not what it actually was. No one’s going to read this. You need to find something that matters to you and write about it.” And the thing that matters to her is Priya. A real ‘I’m changing my major to Joan’ kind of moment.
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
Any Graham/MC friendship headcanons?
Carl/MC relationship headcanons if the other one is too difficult?x
Graham/MC friendship
Probably has him under “fishman ham 🎣” in their contacts — or at least I would lol
idk there wasn’t much interaction in the house since they weren’t each other’s type therefore there was little social to no scenes (which I think is kinda dumb because you can still be friends with someone if you don’t choose to go the romantic route yet he’s not that much of a fan fav so maybe that’s why? They also had a lot of characters so maybe that’s it too? Anyways) unless mc was going after marisol or considered a friend of hers? I’m not too sure on the still carrying feelings towards marisol if she’s with graham route so that’s based off pure assumption
If mc did start a friendship while he was with marisol and they still had feelings towards marisol then it wouldn’t happen until some months after the show or when/if marisol broke up with him (I made it canon that ultimately they do split but yeah)
so let’s say mc began a friendship while he’s dating marisol and mc has no romantic feelings towards marisol then?
They’d probably bond over some shit-talking cause I view graham as someone who can and WILL talk his shit
Mc and graham are on different time lengths majority of the time since graham is always up at the crack of ass out on his boat to snatch the catch of the day
He sends selfies on his boat—again at the crack of ass
“lemme know if you find aquaman! B safe uglie”
“i AM YOUR own personal gorgeous aquaman 😏 x”
“Don’t ever disrespect Jason momoa again in ur life !!!”
“U disrespect my wife Wunmi Mosaku”
“No I disrespect YOU. She doesn’t want u.”
“She wnted Jordan Patrick smith on tht show.”
“🥱🤫🖐🏽...I don’t blame her but only if he has the beard.”
“yew n ur got damn beards 😒”
Loves his seafood...I think that’s a given
“Can we eat something else, please!”
“...My Omama (grandmother) made her famous dressed crab.”
I decided against making hcs of graham before along with some others but ultimately thought he be of German background?
Not the greatest at speaking but understands the spoken language and ofc the curse words and insults are his favs + teaches mc some
I feel like he’s rough handed and has no issue bumping hips, elbowing, and putting mc into headlocks—basically treating his bestie like anyone of his bros really but he does that with anyone (including his omama, who laughs sending a punch with her knuckles against his forearm. It’s more of a gentle firm grip but they do this in greeting?)
Has no issue lugging mc around like some fish in a net?
like if there’s a severe rainstorm in his hometown of Devon and mc is the type to hate rain and they have a long way to get back to the car after hanging on the sandy beach all day, he’ll throw them over his shoulder like it’s nothing and stalk his way back up the cliffs to get back muttering “I’m getting real sick of Der mist!”
“Blah blah blah, you love me. Kiss my arse.”
“I could drop you on ya head, I’m sure that’s happened before.”
Then comes the hits, pinches, and jabs
Convinces mc to get random tattoos that he may or may not have doodled when they’re drunk off their asses
The next morning, “graham...what the f—
“Ah, now you look like me!” He ruffles mc’s hair from behind as they’re staring at their reflection in horror, “except I’d never get face tatts.” He whistles in slight disapproval
Mc might have to choke him and ask Gary to help dispose of the body in the ocean
Mc helps trim his beard instead since they almost cut off the entire patch left on top of his head “you look a bit like a beet or a mandrake from Harry Potter. Just cut the shit off or grow it all out, you’re embarrassing me.”
“Whatever happened to my body, my choice?”
“...that doesn’t apply to you. I’m your friend, I love you, and I’m trying to help you.”
“Oh, Piss off!”
Lots of middle fingers are used and hugs
Messy car, messy office, the only thing that’s neat is his hair/beard and his work ethic when it comes to the fish
He’s comes to mc when marisol dumps him and he’s hammered so that either = mad af or sad as hell sometimes it’s a little bit of both depending on how much he’s had
“Who do I have to fight? Or do you want to hug it out?”
“I kinda wanna slow dance to snow patrol.”
And you know it’s bad when graham openly wants to listen to snow patrol in the early afternoon instead of jelly roll or some shit
Hey, whatever the heartbroken fisherman wants he gets. That’s mc’s bud so they do what they can to make graham feel best...even if that means stepped on toes—He’s not the best dancer
I do get single dad vibes from him or at least uncle graham, he’s got a 3 year old son/nephew named Roy and he speaks so highly of the mother of his child/nephew who struggles with addiction but he’s on extremely good terms with her family
You adore Roy, who much like his daddy/uncle loves the water and sailboats
Mc will post captions about how thankful they are to have met graham due to some mess of a reality tv show whereas graham will post embarrassing pics that he secretly took of them and say things like “mc suxx a lot of the time 💘
“Text me when you get home bitch!” Type of friend too, cause if he can send you selfies so early in the day that he’s on the water at work then mc can txt him to let him know that they’re home after a night out, coming from work, etc...if they both are aware that the other was out
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
thoughts under cut to keep tag from being cluttered :)
- Oh yeah I forgot that Chad was blackmailing Veronica about the dirty dealings in her company even though it’s not her at all (unless it’s just been so long and I’ve forgotten but she’s my baby and I feel like I would’ve remembered but-
- Hiram and this dumb prison is one of the worst things for this show it’s a constant plot of people escaping and it’s so annoying like sure Hiram owns it and he was in the jail but no one has, like, taken him back to jail…??? Hiram is a fucking disease smh
- “back to remote learning” why didn’t you just stay that way though… like even right now in covid schools are opening back up and kids are complaining because it’s still not safe so like… just… go back to it??? I’m so not built for this world fasdhfkahf
- Veronica and Smithers 🥺🥺💞💞
- the way Veronica hugs Archie is so cute bc she’s so tiny but like she always gives her all and Archie is just 😐 never giving anything ahjfsdfsh it’s quite sad you can tell how done KJ is with Varchie lol
- “I really hate that I’m dragging you through this.” … what about constantly pulling him into your mob boss father mess that the writers refuse to allow you to escape from?
- “until you and Chad are officially done, I think we should keep our distance.” Varchie bones!!! you just KNOW that Archie has been looking forward to this because that man is whole heartedly in love with Betty and has been since forever and that while Chad prolongs the divorce papers, Archie will not be waiting for Veronica considering he doesn’t want her. Varchie = bones we love to see it!
- now who tf would join Penelope Blossom’s ministry… no one, realistically.
- can Cheryl stop being given the craziest and usually most boring plots ever please...
- Not someone holding a gun to Tabitha literally don’t hurt Riverdale’s best girl weirdo
- these bitches really haven’t aged huh…. poor Veronica though being robbed but like they stole some watches or something and the opal like that’s all you take..?? okay-
- Fangs 💞💞💞💞💞 also rip to him having to work with his ex tho
- You know considering the whole reason why Hiram is still here as the villain and ruining Veronica’s life/growth to keep her in his plots al because Mark is a big soap opera celeb and apparently brings in money, you’d assume they would give him GOOD shit instead of everything he’s gotten. If they hadn’t of hired Mark can you imagine how much better off the show would be if they didn’t have to keep him around bc of his status????? God why-
- Reggie’s always there for Veronica muah…. oh fuck me I guess fjasjkdf
- “I work for one Lodge and it’s not you.” lmao okay??? you acting like that’s a flex, and that you’re working for the better Lodge who literally left you to die after the Serpents thought you shot Fangs so-
- MARTY BEING WHY REGGIE IS WORKING FOR HIRAM…….. YOUR DAD IS ABUSIVE LET HIM HANDLE HIS OWN DEBT??? God both Veronica and Reggie are always fucked over when it comes to their parents huh
- don’t you just love when they make characters act ooc for a plot ahhhhhh it’s totally fun to watch and totally not frustratingly annoying
- “FOR OLD TIMES SAKE.” 💞💞💞 we love Veggie even though they made Veronica act ooc and hurt him back then and they weren’t given an actual chance.
- “don’t be such a Betty” now why is Betty so surprised she only ever had fun when she was with Archie, when she’s with Jughead all she did was do what she wanted and order him around so likeefjhakdfh
- “he shouldn’t really be my problem anymore.” BUGHEAD BONES YASSSSS
- I know it was just a sound they used but like that squish sound when Darla kicked Tom’s face… did she like smash his face in damn what is this The Walking Dead?
- see the problem with them randomly bringing characters/parents in when they need them is that they’re never around so like no one really cares… like they could have utilized the parents so much (and Skeet and Marisol never would have left) and it would have been so much better than random appearances that make them look incompetent and awful parents because they’re never there during all the other times their kids need them. but we have to see the two toxic parents that won’t go away constantly??? literally what the fuck
- Betty calling Jughead’s writing cringey wbk she’s never liked his writing she was just stroking his ego bc she was his gf and had to be supportive lmaoo
- why are these 60+ year old men beating up Jughead like for why???
- so they just forgot that Tom was checking in on the convict huh gotta love dumbing down characters for plot!
- Fangs with his switchblade muah
- jealous Tabitha muahhh over a password
- “wait THE BETTY?"
- Cheryl looks so good
- Find meaning in his death… girl didn’t you not care that your husband killed your son over the illegal maple stuff I forgot the plot but it was something illegal and dumb
- “drain the vein” …...
- Reggie helping muah
- Why is Archie acting like an ass? like sure he doesn’t know that Chad is abusive and toxic but c’mon fucker you cheated on her and never apologized and you don’t even wanna be with her in the first place so why are you acting like you’re personally hurt sit down
- God Archie really hates Veronica huh… I don’t even blame him considering the shit she’s brought him into time and time again.
- Jughead was kicked like maybe five times yet he was fine falling out of a two story window and the serpent imitation but now he needs antibiotics..? plot convenience!
- literally don’t remember anything about Doc tbh or him talking to Donna and Bret like—
- ever since Negan people are obsessed with bats with barbed wire.
- also! yes please kill Hiram <3 I know they end up saving him bc of the opal but c'mon
- they searched basically nothing for five seconds wow such great detective work you guys!
- we know you just want his manuscript Jessica
- Cheryl with her rainbow skirt how cute!
- “daddykins” girl you’re like 25
- Veronica acting like she cares about Hiram fjsadhkfhas these guys thinking that they’d kill Hiram even though they need him lol
- bad bitch Ronnie we love her even though she’s gonna have to save her father to save others and get her opal </3
- not Veronica calling Archie first and not Kevin considering Kevin’s dad is there…. this is the pandering va fan service bs we have bc it makes no sense and it’s so forced
- Fangs knowing Archie rides with tools in his truck mmhm that’s a little sus idk how but archiefangs agenda coming through!
- no one would actually believe that Jessica ashkjdfsj and they take this bait…??? you gotta be joking lmao
- Jug got to help doc this time 🥺😭
- …. tell me why when he said boyfriend I immediately thought of Reggie I hate myself for wishing fahsdjkfsafj
- okay as cheesy and corny and awful the fight scene is since they posted a clip of it, them working together is so refreshing and nice we love leader!Veronica bc she’s so good at it. but the show only cares for Betty which is funny since she’s an awful detective fbahsdjfj
- my god enough with Jason’s body!!!!!!!!! you burned his body please let him stay dead let his body rest
- okay but the back and forth from Betty and Jessica is so good like I wish we could get that kind of rivalry drama type stuff all the time. too bad they refuse to let Veronica act like a normal person and get angry at being cheated on and such :/ when will Veronica slap the fuck out of Betty
- he’s not a blameless victim but Betty take responsibility for how awful a person you are PLEASE
- THE VOICEMAILLLLLLL Jughead only speaks the truth! it’s weird that he only realized what we all knew about Betty after but whatever, finally he gets upset like damn. also jeronica crumb he’s the only one to ever include Veronica smh ALSO Cole acted the fuck outta this voice mail muah
- the way Betty just sits there uncaring… she really is a freak huh god when will someone punch her in the face and take her ego down a million notches she’s so annoying
- “that’s darkness.” …?? what?
- the way bh’s relationship parallels jughead’s with Jessica though. the unhealthy habits, the bad energy, etc. except Jessica left it and Betty didn’t and it turned Betty into whatever the fuck this is. I miss s1 Betty :/
- so when will they sue Jessica for drugging them? mmhm probably never
- poor Tabitha being the only one who cares about jughead tho
- oh no I forgot there was a random musical number…
- you’re gonna have Betty and Tabitha act like THAT and not put them together so rude
- when will Cheryl be free from her mom. is was like turned on by abuse or something sigh why do the toxic (and most boring!) parents get plots and screen time and everyone else doesn’t...
- Veronica would be able to do Moree than pepper spray but whatever only Betty is allowed be “badass"
- fangs being fangs ugh so sexy my babyyyyy
- Trevor Stines is so attractive it’s a shame they only bring him back for five seconds to traumatize Cheryl over and over again though </3
- wow varchie in a pop’s booth what season is this again??
- god it’s so upsetting how amazing varchie would have been as just friends…
- the way he smiled at Veronica was so contradicting to the blank, “please don’t” expression when she was telling him she was gonna get divorced as fast as possible. why can’t he just admit he doesn’t want to be with her!!!!!! my god they’ve put off barchie long enough just let them be together so their characters can finally act in character and stop being so awful and annoying
- “this cause” what cause you fucking weirdo
- not Hiram threatening the mayor he could literally be your downfall if we had good writers fjasdkjfasf
- jughead how would you have killed him with a small wooden basket
- I like doc so much but I know we’ll never see him again until we randomly need him seasons from noow
- Betty wasn’t hit by the drugs until after the message though… how would she not remember? it didn’t seem to be doing anything to Betty until the bunker
- hopefully since they’re friends now Tabitha can make Betty act like a decent human being <3
- the way Tabitha looked at Betty please stop doing this to me...
- maybe we can finish that dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jabitha rising bughead dying we love to see it!
wow that episode felt like it was two hours long but thankfully I finally finished it… don’t have many actual thoughts but anyways hope you enjoyed my live blog of my thoughts!
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svftheartcd · 4 years
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* maris racal, cis woman + she/her  | you know marisol flores, right? they’re twenty-one, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, their whole life? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to let’s get married by bleachers like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole windows filled with plants, rolled up sleeves of an oversized sweater, and believing in love at first sight thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is march 10th, so they’re a pisces, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( kennedy, 21, cst, she/her ) 
hello hello i’m kennedy and i’m super excited to be here!!! i apologize if this intro is a little messy, i’ve never been good at them. i have a pinterest board for her here !!
 *ryan bergara vc* with that being said... let’s get into it
for as long as she could remember, marisol’s parents were never happy. it was clear to everyone around that the two no longer loved each other ( if they ever did ). classic case of staying together for the kid. not that they were really around often enough for it to make much of a difference. her mother would leave for weeks at a time, only vaguely saying that she had work when pressed on it. her father at least tried to be there for her whenever he could but those times were rare. he worked as an architect in the next city over and worked long hours (and suspiciously seemed to stay even later whenever her mother was home).
marisol was often left in the care of the elderly woman who lived next door. a nice woman named irene with an incredible garden in her backyard. or at least, it was incredible to little marisol. these times at her neighbor’s home introduced marisol to her love of plants and just nature in general. she would spend hours helping irene with her garden, learning everything about the plants within it in the process. for her tenth birthday, she was gifted a book on how to identify wild plants and a blank journal. irene would take marisol out every weekend to identify (and sometimes collect) wild plants in the area and would help her record her ‘findings’ in said journal. soon enough, it was filled with drawings of plants (that slowly got better and better over time) and marisol’s observations about them. these formative experiences would be what eventually leads her to study botany.
marisol was very desperate for her mother’s approval growing up. she had herself convinced for a long time that the reason her mother was never home was because of her. that she just wasn’t good enough for her to bother being home. so she worked harder in school and strived to get the best grades. she got involved in various clubs and programs offered at her school, including theatre. but no matter what she did or how hard she worked, nothing seemed to work. 
marisol’s parents would finally divorce when she was sixteen. her mother would stay with a friend during the divorce proceedings. she would take marisol out to eat or to a museum every few weeks but that was about all marisol saw of her during that time. then. as soon as the divorce was finalized, she just left. marisol would still see her over the years although usually on holidays or special occasions. despite all of this, she still holds her mother in high regard and remains just as desperate for her approval as she was when she was a child. every time she comes into town, marisol is spending every minute she can with her.
marisol’s relationship with her father improved after her mother’s departure. seeing the effect everything had on his daughter, he began working less and spending more time at home. he encouraged her to continue her extracurriculars and made sure he was there for every school event. and while she doesn’t live with him anymore, she still talks to him regularly and goes to his house every sunday to have dinner.
very positive! always tries to see the best in people even if everything tells her that she shouldn’t, she strongly believes that everyone has some good in them. has probably gotten her into trouble a few times tbh
hopeless romantic. definitely believes in love at first sight but like obviously not for everyone (gestures at her parents). she just believes that it does happen for some people and think it’s just beautiful when it does. loves love!  has honestly gotten a lot of her expectations for love and relationships from movies and tv shows so they’re a little skewed.
can be a little shy when you first meet her but it honestly doesn’t take a lot to get her talking. and if you get her talking about something she’s passionate about? good luck getting her to stop. she just has a lot of thoughts and feelings.
people pleaser. she just wants people to like her. often puts other people’s needs and feelings before her own. honestly has a really hard time when someone doesn’t like her and will go out of her way to try to make them like her. 
she’s sensitive, it is honestly really easy to make her cry. whether they’re happy tears, sad tears, angry tears, etc. has definitely cried over the stupidest things too like a commercial for dog food or a silly meme.
fun facts
is currently going to the local community college... would have gone to the state college but she’s not super comfortable with driving long distances yet and she’d like to improve her gpa a bit first
her favorite movie is the princess bride <3 she used to watch it like once a week in high school yes she had a problem
is unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your outlook idk) a musical theatre kid.... hadestown is her favorite. she listens to it when she’s feeling sad.... also when she’s feeling happy. honestly she just listens to it a lot.
she’s recently gotten into flower pressing and is just having a blast with it! has briefly considered opening an etsy store for it but isn’t sure yet. 
favorite video game of all time is stardew valley. which isn’t saying much because she doesn’t play a lot of video games but still. she absolutely adores everything about it, seems to encompass most of her interests which she thinks is just great
has a lot of plants scattered around her place and yes, they all have names. is looking into getting a venus fly trap bc she thinks they’re neat...
works as a barista at kahlo’s!
bisexual <3
wanted connections
roommate(s) - roommates are always cool! must be okay with her plants... she has a lot of them honestly
best friend!!! everyone needs a best friend... i like the idea of them just being like the Exact opposite of her but honestly down for anything...
friends - just give her some friends... she is a very sweet girl ok she treats her friends very nicely.
crushes?? mayhaps?? - mutual... unrequited... whatever i just like crush plots they’re cute
exes maybe? reasons for not working out can be anything... angst always welcome but i do like a good ‘used to date but are just now good friends’ idk
other people who go to the community college ofc... uhhh coworkers... regulars at kahlo’s.... fellow plant lovers.... honestly open for anything and everything!!!
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skincareroutine · 8 years
this isn’t the 1st time i’ve had to say this but my heterosexual friend made me do this @aplutonic​
Do you hate your weight? not rlly im mostly muscle n bones so not much to hate i was pretty insecure when i was like 10
Have you ever struggled with a mental illness?
 nope never heard of whatever that is
Do you prefer listening to music or watching movies while you blog? listening to music
Serious question, peanut butter or Nutella? ....peanut butter......(it has sorta bad connotations bc like itz depression snack
Have you ever stepped on a snail? no im not the devil?
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? i dont care..... any bone apple teeth
Do you prefer ankle socks over regular socks? yes n i luv socks so every night
Last movie you’ve seen in theaters? the force awakens??? i think....
Would you ever go backpacking across any country? yea i wouldn’t mind going backpackin but like w friends i can’t go alone i’d probs throw myself off a cliff
Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend? a friend but idk who 👀👀👀
Do you like breadsticks? i like them but i dont eat alotta it
Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? i dont wear pants at home my entire fam is mainly girls so like :// no one does we dont care
What state were you born in? i was born in toronto but it was too cold so i moved like twice fuck u tottoronto
Have you ever had a nose bleed? yes
How far away do you live from your birthplace? different continent Do you have a weak stomach? kinda tf
Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? no but if it includes being falsely diagnosed then yes
Would you ever meet someone in person that you met online? yes i have more in common w ppl here than ppl im actually friends w irl Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person?  yes
What is so appealing about ‘Twilight’? the girls
Have you ever considered becoming a lawyer? yea a lot of my fam r lawyers 
Do you *really* like donuts? they ok...... i dont get the appeal of sugary bread tho
Do you think Disney World could ever get old? Disney World? I haven’t heard that name in years
If you could, would you hookup with the last person you texted? ma soeur est hors de question so uh.........
What are your favorite things to spend money on? lush in general is great or just selfcare products like skin care or fluffy blankets here for that
Will you talk to the person you like on the phone tonight? yea my friends....
What do you usually order on a pizza? uh.....hawaiian is good i dont rlly eat pizza often unless im like w friends n they order it
Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight a lot? no i dont rlly prolong relationships where we fight a lot like itz not rlly worth it to me if we both gonna b petty there’s only room for me
Who’s the first person with the letter “m” in your contacts? marisol a best fiend
Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? i have 4 cats bye
How old will you be on your next birthday? 17
What color are your underwear? pink the brand n color
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? 
 i wont eat around other ppl not eating unless im starving bc i feel bad unless others r eating smthn too im gonna tag ppl whom i luv but i kno arent gonna do this so @spacedreamteam @ashryvvr @syyd @fauxlesbian @minotaurclub
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