#idk if i should tag him but theres like 1/3 of hero lmao
ch0c00n · 2 years
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day 6: basils birthday
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motherofkittens94 · 6 years
tagged by @staryjoy 
Rules : list the first lines of the last ten published stories. Look to see if there is only patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! Tag up to 10 friends. 
ok so i haven't technically published any o my  fics yet but im getting an ao3 account so i will do soon so you can read them in full in a bit if you wanted  
here some starters anyway i didn't kno i it meant just first sentence or all the whole line so i did the line some are wip because i don't think i have ten that are finished im  still pretty new to writing my own fanfic and i tend to rite really long ones as well so
1) Sansa thought she had long since given up the idea marrying for love.  ( my theonsa wedding  i actually did post one on here was i going make it way longer and more extravagant but i   like how this turn out tbh)
2) “you know, I do believe I owe you an apology”    aaron / katelyn wedding 
3) “ I’m not sorry, why should I be? You never were sorry for what your family did to me . ( throbb - or it becomes throbb eventually - starts it just theon being angry  i wrote this  one after watching that ep it th e scene there theons says i deserved everything i was like oh hell no you did not - 
4)  There was a part of you that always knew it could not last. A part of you that knew he would not stay. ( throbb - you are robb - don't ask me y i wrote  is one in second person it as a experiment - a failed experiment  i you will)
5) they had a great many cats now and although he loved them all he did have  a particular favourite ( soft modern au throbb ft cats i devoted like a full page to just describing each cat they have in detail lmao )
6) Andrew liked cats more than people. people had not been kind to Andrew but cats had never once let him down.  (omg this is just me describing Andrews cats and literally like  noting else happens  theres not even any other characters in it just ya boy and a orange kitty living in harmony aha  i just like to write about cats give all my favs cats 
7)  Andrew’s ragtag collection of strays made me uneasy, he didn’t like them ,he didn’t trust them and he absolutely did not consider himself to be one of them. ( the infamous zombie fic of doom)
8)   I could still remember Andrew’s funeral and how Kate  had lied that day ( umm is this a aaron  based  fic because nobody writes about aaron  i have to do it myself and fuck you all for that )
8) Shireen loved to read her books were her greatest treasures for when she was  with the heroes from her stories she never felt alone ( queen shireen au one day i will finish this one - one day)
9)  theon greyjoy was no stranger to taunts but they no longer cut as deep as they once had. ( theon kills ramsay fic because we all know he should've - no offence  to sansa obvi sansa is it - and i guess teres a slight theonsa ) 
10 ) He had a rude sense of humour and she secretly  liked it she knew she shouldn’t but she did all the same  (theonsa this is  wip )
umm patterns ?? i like cats and weddings ..and side characters ?? that id mostly write theonsa or throbb  i like theon and  Andrew that i write mostly in 3rd person - anyone notice any pattern idk
tagging @lyledebeast @blueagia @lordhellebore @proskenion04 @mrs-storm-andrews   @goodqueenalys and my writing buddy if you see this @greyjoysexual  if you want to do it if you guys have done this already then you don't have to again if you dont wanna and if  anyone else wants to you can id love to see your ideas
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sunnmo-moved · 7 years
I was tagged by @sanhatation !  ty riles this was rlly fun 
Would you rather explore the many planets in the universe or explore the wondrous depths of our oceans? 
Y'all knOw im a hoe for astronomy,, send me thru those worm holes,, lemme meet those aliens,, frick yes ! The ocean scares me lmao
Can you describe your favorite color without saying what it is and its shades? 
It's like,, royalty and oceans, its either dark or light and its so pretty, theres this like twilight (the time of day yall, u stephanie myers hoes can get outta here) kinda feel to it and its very peaceful!!!
Your bias texts you, mistaking your number for one of their friends. Do you talk to them and keep up an act or do you admit the mistake? How do you do it? What happens after?
Minghao would probably send like a picture of some gucci shi and ask if he should get it and i'd be like "dang boy u got money !" and he'd be like "srry wrong number" but im annoying so i would just,, keep talking to him
 Describe your favorite feature of one of your best friends without saying what it is. Why?
I love the way my best friend just, talks i guess? The conversations we have just always seem to keep going on forever and ever and they come so smoothly and easily and even when theres silence it's comfortable and i really like that !! i like how comfortable we are with each other !
 What super power would you have and how would you use it? Hero or villain?
hOoOO okay I've actually thought about this so much and i'd want super speed !! I always seem to be in a time crunch and like,,, imagine waking up like 10 minutes before school starts and getting there like 5 minutes before the bell rings,, extra sleep ?? yes pls?? And honestly?? Lets be real i wouldnt be a hero or a villan,, i just want super speed to help me with my everyday life
What are three things included in your ideal type? Why? Would you accept someone without these features?
alrighty so my no. 1 is Loyalty, these hoes aint loyal? can't relate, my cowboys gotta have my back  secondly they gotta be funny, i can't hang out with w person who doesn't get jokes, super stupid funny is also appreciated, and also?? the want to actually dO things?? like a sense of adventure!! thats nice n i mean yeah id accept someone without these but like,,, i probably wouldnt want to be with u very often,,, lol
Vampires, werewolves, or witches? If you could become one, which would you choose and why?
W I T CH E S  witches are so cool did you know that beer was basically invented by witches?? Idk if its even true but i like that fun fact so im gonna pretend it is until i feel like actually researching it rjfgwpo anyway being a witch would be so cool like first of all the aesthetic of like alchemy and cauldrons and just hAlloween yknow but also??? magic?? yes 
if you released a mini album with 4 songs, what would the song titles be?
1 Crying™
2 Minghaos Elf Ears R Cute
 3 *7 minute screech*
4 Sore After 20 Situps
Describe what you feel right now by using a metaphor without including the word to describe how you are feeling.
There are tiny storms in the back of my brain, but air is in my lungs and my bones are whole.
Your bias from one group confesses to you in front of your bias from another group. They quickly confess their love. Who do you choose? they cannot be your ult. bias.
*uncomfortable aromantic laughter* listen i love rocky n i love lua but i,, the romance is not 4 this cowboy
Your bias promises to go on a date with you on the condition that you plan it. Plan the entire night (where you go, why, what you eat, what you wear, the other places you go, what you talk about, etc.)
*cracks knuckles* get ready for some good platonic shiz right here yall  Okay so im not much of a uh,, going-out kinda person ig but if we wEre to go out it'd be like an arcade or smth and minghao wld be wearing that rEd hoodie n we'd both be workin black skinny jeans bc  Looks™. I'd also be wearin like a white tshirt and my grey demin jacket bc its comfy af and i Love. We'd spend the night challenging each other to rounds of donkey kong and i'd spend like 30 tokens on the claw machines insisting that im a pro and then i'd finally win like a little frog or smth and give it to him bc he Deserves it. He'd probably also wreck some kid at ddr and then we'd spend an hour on the chance games trying to win 1000 tickets and be jealous of the 12 year old next to us who has like 6000 friggin tickets,, we'd come up wih theories on how the kid hacked the games and got thAt many tickets bc ?? they're riGGed man ur not actually supposed to win. After the arcade we'd probably go get shakes and then sit outside and talk about our favorite books and what they mean to us and stuff. Watch the stars and tell funny stories and maybe just take a walk. At some point i'd probably step on a rolly polly and cry bc i just killed an innocent little bug and minghao wld be like "wtf,,, get up hoe,," and then I feel like we'd end up just like sitting on a bench somewhere n talkin about deep things bc we both seem like we're kinda like that?? Idk I know I like talking about the universe and how the world works and things thay dont make sense to me and hes pretty Woke so he probably does too. It'd be a gt tho
fRickitgrn this was really fun ty again ri for tagging me i loev u and I’ll be tagging @arohawe, @illustre-bin, @lost-tearss, and  @blondshua ! have fun !
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