#idk if I'll ever be over how sunday played with my feelings
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yupuffin · 2 months ago
I think the aspect of the 2.7 story that felt most impactful to me was something that was previously addressed in the Penacony main story, but was reemphasized and expanded upon with Sunday being the narrative focus of this update:
Sunday is scared.
His motivation to protect the people and things important to him -- Robin is an excellent example -- manifests as a desire for control, to eliminate potential dangers. This motivation is based in fear; he's afraid to lose what he has to factors beyond his control, like the bullet that nearly took his sister's life.
And part of the "true paradise" he longs for involves preventing the sense of powerlessness that accompanies that fear. He believes that humanity sleeps because "we are afraid to awaken from our dreams." Indeed, the appeal of the "sweet dream" of Penacony is freedom from the uncontrollable and inevitable tragedies of the waking world.
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It's part of what made him such an effective villain in the Penacony arc; even though you may disagree vehemently with his actions, you can understand with and sympathize the rationale behind them. In his mind, absolute control over the Dreamscape -- the elimination of frightening unknowns -- is the most effective way to keep everyone safe and happy. However, this undermines the real freedom and autonomy of the affected populace, many of whom are unaware of the Dreamscape's true nature.
In the 2.7 update, Sunday is "nerfed after turning into a good guy," to use March's words. Previously, he enjoyed immense social status as the head of the Oak Family -- and as the imposing, invulnerable, "final boss"-style antagonist. Now, his role is effectively reversed; he's a fugitive who has to disguise himself to evade the potential consequences of simply being seen.
He's an incredibly vulnerable position.
Not just physically -- as the audience, we also get intimate insights into his feelings and thought processes. Now he recognizes the scope of the harm he was previously willing to cause in the name of absolute control, and shoulders the responsibility of dealing with the repercussions.
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His newly evident guilt and shame is emotionally moving on its own...
...and becomes even more poignant when you realize that guilt and shame and vulnerability has been a crucial aspect of his character from the very beginning. After all, so much of his deep-seated fear of the unknown stemmed from him blaming himself -- his lack of control over the situation -- for Robin's unforeseen injury.
I found the scene at the Dream's Edge the most touching in this update. Sunday's conversation with Robin is a bit of a paradox: he is deeply sincere and vulnerable in speaking to his own sister, yet guarded because he must avoid revealing his true identity. And Robin, in turn, directly provides an alternate outlook on Sunday's character, describing him as though to someone who's never met him, as though he isn't there.
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And Robin's perspective reaffirms that Sunday's apparent invulnerability was essentially a facade. He may have been the head of the Oak Family, and the imposing final boss, but at the same time, on the inside, he was continually paralyzed by fear.
Sunday has always been vulnerable. He has always been scared.
And I think what makes the conclusion to the 2.7 story so satisfying and triumphant is that Sunday begins to properly address his fear, his persistent guilt and shame. He moves beyond simply acknowledging it, and recognizes not just how indulging his fear can bring further harm, but also what good things (that otherwise wouldn't occur) can happen when he overcomes it -- as it were, when he doesn't let his fear control him.
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I'm going to be real, I probably had an intelligent-sounding conclusion for this, but... it took me several weeks to write this and I've forgotten any idea i might have had previously, so let's just say he definitely hit me right in the feels. 🤣
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nathank77 · 4 months ago
4:14 p.m
I went to the gym and did the back/bicep combo machines, the chest/tricep machines, and I did 3 dumbbell shoulder workouts. It felt like a really effective workout tbh. I enjoyed it. I hope I can do that same workout with small variations in it Monday and Friday, so I can work my chest and back twice a week bc i can't work my chest on the dumbbells with more than one exercise atm... and my back well I could with dumbbells but idk if I'm confident enough with my form for most of them tbh. The machines really help with that. Same with the chest dumbbell exercises. I am only confident with one.
I'm going to do some serious edits to dumbbell day which i hope can be wednesdays.....maybe 3 triceps, 3 biceps and 3 shoulders and then if one exercise works say biceps and triceps then I'll count it towards one of the three for both. I'd really like to do my back and chest Monday and Friday and a light dumbbell session for my arms on Wednesday. It's absolutely the goal. I don't feel sore mostly. Funny enough my forearm wasn't really sore but only sometimes and working out seemed to stop it. Hopefully it stays that way. It's kinda like if you have a hang over and drink. Then you're not hung over anymore. It wasnt really painful just sore very occasionally but it gives me anxiety.... it was only ever sore on extension sometimes. I did arm circles and arm stretching before starting my workout today.
I also did abs hardcore today. Seated knee tucks (i feel it in my legs the most,) bicycle crunches (i fucking love them,) and two machines which i increased weight slightly. My shoulder is a little sore but this workout felt great.
I really hope the Monday, Friday thing works so I can keep up on my chest and also have nice back muscles..
I got home and my mother has been a bitch constantly about everything she doesnt even know this next part. The rescue is trying to make it work (all our limitations) but I doubt it... also I'm pretty sure if they come through skye will evict me.... so yea... I have anxiety about that... but yea she's been cunting out at me since I got home for cooking, for showering, for existing.
I'm giving up on fruits and vegetables, I went to buy cucumbers and I went to scan them and they had mold right on the side of them. I just can't. I get obsessive with checking them and washing them and they cost so much, have a very short shelf life. I can afford the calories eating other things. I found some other healthy-ish snack food. It'll save me money and go a lot further..
You can say my dad has high chlorestoral so it runs in the family but I mean lifestyle matters... he used to work at a desk and build stuff in his spare time. Idk what he eats. He could be getting dunkin everyday for all I know. So as stupid as it sounds to change my lifestyle and see what happens first and ignore my dad's high chlorestoral, idk if he is doing all the right things to control his chlorestoral and I mean maybe he isn't. Maybe his lifestyle doesn't cater to having low chlorestoral. Idk.
I got to give lifestyle changes a chance......
I'm planning on doing leg day tomorrow and altering my workout a little from machines. I'm planning on doing abs if I didn't push myself too hard today... it'll be better to do leg day tomorrow than to get bitched at all day tomorrow and listen to stupid Riley barking and whining while I try to game. No matter what I'm not really celebrating my testosterone day...
I might have a red bull day but idk.. I might do leg day, it depends on how I feel. I want to go to the gym 5 days a week and since I can't go Sunday it's Saturday or no gym until Monday. I always got to play my arms by year but my legs can handle every 2 or 3 days... the more fat i burn and muscles I gain the happier I get with my body.
If I go tomorrow I'll have hit the gym 5 days this week. Saturday to Saturday... 4 is good too but i mean I'll see how I feel and what i want to do tomorrow.
If I don't go tomorrow. I'll go Monday for chest and back machines ideally, Tuesday for legs, Wednesday for dumbbell day, Friday for upper body machines and Saturday for leg day. I don't really care about my leg muscle progress. I'm just trying to stay active and burn fat and gain muscle. So leg day helps with that. I'll see what I want to do. I hope my arms permit me to workout on Monday.
Sleep was god awful. Absolutely awful. Terrible. I laid there with my eyes closed for 2 hours before I just took a tiny baby piece of xanax... and a benadryl. I finally fell asleep around 1 a.m... I didn't get a full 7 hours but I got close.
I hope tonight goes better cause i got to take a full Xanax Saturday night, red bull day or not so I can sleep the night before my dad's house cause of the anxiety...
Idk what i did wrong and why I couldn't sleep. I didn't have caffeine late. I went out. I had my lights bright early. Had them mostly all off like normal at night before bed. I did everything right. Maybe it's my thyriod idk. I did poop 4 times yesterday...
I'm anxious about it though, I can't take more tonight bc I have to Saturday night otherwise I'll have to cancel going to my dad's and doing the Christmas tree.
Anyways here is my sexy af body, what are those lines????? I think my obliques. I fucking love the bicycle crunches. My reps are getting higher and higher and they hurt. They hurt so good.
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hospitalterrorizer · 8 months ago
already tired, it's only 10:42
but i guess that is not so surprising when i am waking up at 8-9 am.
today was the day of that competition thingy, the sampling thing. the samples were all from the new charli xcx album which i didn't ever fully listen to, the songs i heard were basically good but not "enough" for me if that makes any sense. i dunno. she is a great vocalist/has a great personality in the music, she does make it, and the synths and things sound great but i wish there were more going on. i think i'm a little spoiled by what the hellp do w/ their sounds and that whole thing going on rn w/ more messy electroclash stuff happening atm.
that aside, the song i made really mangles the sample i used so it's not like you can really tell the source at all, the bass synth is even made out of the sample though, the organ-y sounding cheap midi-ish thing almost, i'm quite fond of that, just looping a bit of the wave of a stretched version of the sample to make a tone and then play it. the other main driving bit of the song is just a guitar synth i made for the track, i really wanted something neo-no-wavey, irritating pitch bend riffs and stuff, i was really happy with how that came out/happened, makes me want to do more/get more ambitious with writing those kinds of riffs, though. idk why i added 'though' there, as if that's a bad thing really. i need to get to playing that stuff on guitar and transposing it over, that way i can figure out some more dynamic stuff. but this is what i came up with:
i'd also like to maybe do vocals for this one at some point, or flesh it out more when i'm not dealing with the constraints of the sample stuff/time limitations. which really didn't hit me, this week, since i think now the contest is gonna be over one whole day now, so it's gonna be more about making something as good as it can be, you can really get to focus on something, which is a blessing and a curse. it's a blessing in that it's nice to sit and focus on songs and stuff, but a curse in that idk, i need to work on other songs, so this doesn't really feel like a good way to spend that much time honestly. like, i want to work on my things, get myself to work on them, to work on the movie soundtrack which i really need to get to gosh, you know. and i know i can just go and do other tracks within the day, and i feel like i'll probably get there, as i'm only just now getting out of album production mode, but still, it's a bit of a bind for the people running things, if i'm really motivated say to record for other things, work on vocals for other things, get stuff together, it feels a little hard to really zero in on stuff like that.
it's interesting who won this contest, someone submitted a very catchy thing which had vocals, which made me a little sad, not like, that that's what got people going, just that i can't because my gf is home and stuff, because i would have liked to, i did feel it bubbling up while working on the song, that motivation. but it's tough to record in front of people for me + it's probably super annoying for her, or it would be if i did, because she's trying to focus too! so it's just like, it feels bad that it's something i can do, but am unable to, and that it's something i like to do, but because of the timing of things, it's hard for me to record on the weekends. i should get some tracks pretty complete soon, actually, so i can do vocals for them, since she's gonna start working for a famous youtuber for 2-ish weeks soon. i can't say who, or maybe i can but it's funny to not say.
anyway also re: the song:
i think i've said before, but this album doesn't really have all too many good or interesting songs on it, this is one of the two though. i was thinking about this song while writing the one i did for the sample contest, trying to do something a little more fun, but obviously there's a lot of arab on radar style stuff i was trying to get at too. god, though, this song really just makes me want to want to want to record vox for things. i do think it would be fun to maybe do some stuff that leans a bit harder into grooves, also, this has been something i've been thinking about, figuring out how to do dance stuff and getting it to move in and out of the more hardcore/emoviolence/noisecore stuff, some songs on the album are already like that but idk, maybe different styles of writing, you know, it'd be fun to try at least, i think i mentioned but i have one fucked up dance song done, plus a couple other way fucked up things that have actually been sitting and waiting for a while.
that's exciting ! plus a bunch of songs where it's like, i was just freestyling riffs and leaving them as project files, i really do need to go and dig for those. related to going and digging, i need to do more transcribing of my notes app writing into my larger piece and whatever smaller things that are in there too, as in: tiny pieces of separate writing.
otherwise, today's been pretty regular. i've been going back to a bunch of old robby rackleff videos and wham city comedy stuff. to bring it back to providence rhode island (dance punk no wave faggy (in attitude not really materially mostly) irritating noise rock stuff connection there), that stuff is still really inspiring to me, and the egi streams they seem to have started doing, these bizarre and insane video game adjacent but not really about/related to games at all actually, just continuing some of the live performance sketch aspects. here's one bit that's super funny:
also here's one of his videos that's really good i think:
this one is just an experimental short film without much comedy stuff at all, he's really talented, all those guys are, their approach to comedy is really the kind of comedy that stops being funny and turns into something else. really i'd describe the overall effect/intent as more literary than we're used to w/ most things, they seem more like guys trying things that one would approach in weird fiction, i think that's part of why some of what they did, the nested stories lodged in like, this house has people in it, all the freaky shit related to that, their ability to be funny but not so funny it defuses any tension, i guess the fact they let the tension be, make it rise, people laugh from discomfort and confusion, not knowing where they're going, charmed and then frightened (in some cases) and in others, they just seem to understand how to make things which are abrasive but still good enough for people to want to engage. or maybe i'm just very accepting of that kind of irritating art. certainly it's the latter (i always get confused on this... latter is the second of the two right? i hope so... or else i'm about to look soooo stupiddddddddddddd).
and of course, beside robby, i was going through some of alan's old sketches, he's also really good at juggling the tension /humor, i do love that all of his character are unassuming and good natured to the point of being freaks, or not all, a lot of the times that's a really evident facade, they're actually just awful people, like in his sketch where he's talking about the internet being his friend and doing a lot of funny miming stuff. like that character is just kind of a cunt! his nerd characters as well, the save it to your desktop bit and the video encoder bit, he's like a twisted know-it-all, which is a funny kind of person to poke fun at, on the other side of this there's the character he plays in his short film enterings (masterpiece btw, i can't really think of much else that's really so 'on' with experimenting w/ how things are shot than that, at least from america (people might say aggro drift is better but honestly idk, enterings is way more interesting/special to me)), who is just this strange almost child-like figure, who affects all these signs of maturity without much knowledge it seems like. ofc there's alantutorials as well, and that's the case where he is playing someone totally naive and helpless. he's good a tragedy!
i know robby's got a film in progress, dance freak, and that alan's on that in some capacity, so i'm really hoping for some magic there.
there's other people involved in/with wham city, but i think their sketches and bits aren't really so well documented, i do love that one of the only accounts on yt uploading all the old wham city stuff is this one woman who seemed like a regular attendee, it's awesome to see stuff like that. tragic how scenes like that dissolve into nothing, held together by very little it feels like.
anyhow, i'm sleepy, i'm always sleepy. i need to start these sooner at least, i think.
bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ohsomightypeaches · 1 year ago
I was ready for the filth but the feels 😩🔥
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Rating: Explicit, DP with Frankie's giant cock which needs a warning of itself.
No truer words have been spoken
Frankie sighs. $250 a night for a hotel room with a seaside view and it's just fucking pouring down.
I mean yes but its such a ✨️vibe✨️ It's a cuddle indoors with a good book/movie kind of day
It's his first proper holiday from work in years, and he'd thought it'd be nice to splurge a bit. Big king-sized bed. Hotel Spa. Beach access.
My mans needs more vacations where he gets pampered 😔
Stuck in a small room with nothing but reruns of telemundo and shitty overpriced hotel service club sandwiches to keep everyone distracted. Frankie's pretty sure that he's going to follow suit with a case of cabin fever not long after Santiago.
Idk why this hits like it does but 😩 you dont have to worry about everyone else bb
"Let's go out!" You announce. "So what if it's raining? We can go for a quick swim anyhow. It'll still be warm."
Frankie blinks. He casts his eyes over the cascade of rain that has turned the once white sand into grey sludge. Catches sight of the parasols on the beach that has been uprooted by the winds and are flying wildly, a scene straight out of that 'Twister' movie with Helen Hunt he saw as a kid.
Cackling at this description
"You're being uncharacteristically well behaved," Frankie says.
"There's much worse things in life than having you and Boa cooped up with me in a fancy hotel room."
There's something soft in Santiago's eyes as he says it. A sentimentality in his voice that Frankie has a hard time placing, because he can't quite recall when Santiago has ever used it with him before.
"Come on sweetheart. Stop being a brat," he says and playfully swats your backside with a gentle tap that makes you jump.
Oh look a kettle talking shit.
In his own humble opinion, Frankie's never been particularly good at poker. He's got the poker face part down, but he never had an interest for gambling and the rules of the game never quite made sense to him.
Santiago on the other hand is a master of it. He's the undefeated champion during their military days and he regularly cleaned out everyone's savings on any given night.
Yep. Wouldnt expect any less.
So in a game of strip poker, it's a bit surprising that two hours in, Santiago is the one sat in his underwear, while you and Frankie are still fully clothed.
Cheeky. Cheeky little shit. Hes doing it on purpose. Also not surprised about that either.
Frankie's down to his t-shirt and briefs, whereas you have only lost your right sock.
I feel like this too is somehow on purpose
"You're cheating," he mumbles indignantly. But his fingers are already dragging his sole remaining garment down over his hips to the sound of your cackling laugh.
😃 i dont think youre actually upset by that even if she was you cheeky little shit
If Frankie's eyes linger for a little longer than they should at the round ample curve of Santiago's ass, you don't notice over your absolute glee in defeating the man.
👀 i mean RESPECTFULLY because how are you NOT supposed to
"I'll do whatever you say."
What a little shit
Santiago is seemingly that idiot.
Oh sweet Frankie this has been his plan all along. Hes a mastermind disguised as an idiot or so he thinks.
"Antique markets every Sunday at 6am for a month," you threaten him. Santiago practically twitches at the scene you're painting. His fingers grip on tighter on his hand of cards.
😃 why track star you dont like antique market? LOL
"Oh and you're calling your Martina to confess about that time you blamed her for stealing booze from your mom but it was really you."
Okay but this is why hes an idiot lol. He forgot they got too much history.
Normally Frankie would say that with that look on your face, Santiago is in a whole world of trouble.
I am still 1000000% sure theres a longer game hes playing at that frankie and boa hasnt seen through.
"Sweetheart, slow down."
Then Santiago finally drops the act.
"I haven't shown my cards yet have I?" he says.
This little shit
Frankie suspected as much.
My mans is perceptive 😌💅
Frankie should probably put a stop to this.
Just go with the flow bb whats the worst that could happen? I mean thats an endless possibility but its not like yall got a lot of alternative activities rn.
The man can't resist the urge to tease you, even if it is under imminent threat to his life. His nimble fingers tuck a loose curl of your hair behind your ear before pressing a kiss to it.
What an apt description of one santiago garcia
"You're scaring poor Frankie," he tuts. "It's not good manners to stare daggers at a man when you're inches from his cock, sweetheart."
This little shit 💀💀💀
The tip of your tongue darts out, but before you make any physical contact, Santiago stops you.
WHY. Whyyyyyyyyy. 😠
"Please can I suck your cock, Francisco?"
Not the whole first name 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
"So fucking perfect for us. I think my only criticism is she gets so easily distracted", he teases as your hips cant up to chase his hand, for Santiago to give you more.
😤 dont be so distracting then
"Whatever I say," Santiago reminds you, parroting your own taunting words from before. "Those were the terms."
The power he holds
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It's such a sweet gesture, completely at odds with what the man is doing to you in this moment. Then his hips come to a still, an indicator that Santiago is well on his way to implement phase two of whatever devious plan he has for the three of you tonight.
💀💀phase 2. Did he actually read his book inside the hotel room or did he just start planning to be a little shit the entire time?
"So good for us. You wanna claim your prize hmm?" Santiago murmurs in your ear ominously.
😤 how dare you ask. Of course i do. Who doesnt. 😤😤😤
"You won the game tonight. Fair and square. I'm just here to give you your hard-earned prize."
✨️fair and square✨️
"Greedy girl," Santiago rasps out. He moves back for a brief moment, and you squeak in alarm that he's gonna leave. Instead he thrusts forward and fuck, fuckFUCK!
🔥🔥🔥*pterodactyl screech*🔥🔥🔥
Shit. Frankie can't breathe.
Same bestie. Same.
On top of that, while Frankie's never liked to brag, he's self-aware enough to know his own size and how he's a lot to take.
It should come with a warning 😌
His voice has gone sweet and indulgent. There's nothing mocking about it now. Just pure unadulterated fondness.
It's soft and loving.
Maam how dare you make me all soft and gooey in the middle of filth. 🥺😩
Contentment... It's a tone so foreign on Santiago but it suits him so well. If he can, then for the rest of his life Frankie wants to make sure the man gets to keep it.
Retirement looks good on you track star 🔥😌
Hmmm ok maybe the three of them going on holiday and making good use of a hotel room and balcony 😉
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Summary: The trio goes on a beach holiday only to get trapped in their hotel room and you end up playing strip poker.
Rating: Explicit, DP with Frankie's giant cock which needs a warning of itself.
Warning: Writer has no fucking clue about poker (or any card games) and it fucking shows. She did research and friends and family tried to explain it to her but that only confused her more.
Pairing: Frankie x female reader (you) x Santiago
Word Count: 5k
30 Pieces of Home Masterlist | Homecoming Universe | Astroboot’s Masterlist
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It's raining outside.
A violent smattering of rain so aggressive it sounds like the window panes are getting the beating of its life.
Frankie sighs. $250 a night for a hotel room with a seaside view and it's just fucking pouring down.
He is standing outside on the balcony, still within safe shelter from the rain. Leaning his elbow against the balcony rail, he peers down at the perfect aquamarine water that glitters like a precious gem underneath, out of reach.
It's his first proper holiday from work in years, and he'd thought it'd be nice to splurge a bit. Big king-sized bed. Hotel Spa. Beach access.
It would have been perfect. And at first it seemed to be. Gorgeous sun as far as the eye could see when the plane touched ground on the tarmac. Then it started raining, and it just didn't stop. Torrential -- there's a typhoon warning on the weather forecast everyone is recommended to stay inside -- kind of rain.
He throws a glance behind his shoulder, back at the hotel room where Santiago is draped across the large king sized bed with a thick novel he picked up from the airport. Santiago is about three quarters in, which means there's an hour, maybe less, before he's finished.
After that there will be nothing to distract the man and it's only a matter of time before Santiago will get restless. God knows what he'll get up to then.
For once, Frankie won't blame him.
Stuck in a small room with nothing but reruns of telemundo and shitty overpriced hotel service club sandwiches to keep everyone distracted. Frankie's pretty sure that he's going to follow suit with a case of cabin fever not long after Santiago.
From the corner of his eyes, he spots you stomp over to the bed where Santiago is lying. He can't hear what you're saying, but you're waving your hands around animatedly. Santiago immediately puts his novel face-down against the mattress, then he shakes his head adamantly at whatever it is you are saying.
Out of the three of you it looks like your patience was the first to snap.
Your arms cross across your chest, feet stomping down in dismay. Then you turn in the direction of the balcony and Santiago is immediately shooting to his feet to preempt you. He outruns you across the room and flings open the balcony door.
"Frank! Tell your wife it's a bad idea!"
Frankie rolls his eyes at the dramatic outburst. Oh it's his wife now that you have a bad idea, is it?
Cocking his head to the side, Frankie looks to you over Santiago's shoulder. "What's a bad idea baby?"
"Let's go out!" You announce. "So what if it's raining? We can go for a quick swim anyhow. It'll still be warm."
Frankie blinks. He casts his eyes over the cascade of rain that has turned the once white sand into grey sludge. Catches sight of the parasols on the beach that has been uprooted by the winds and are flying wildly, a scene straight out of that 'Twister' movie with Helen Hunt he saw as a kid.
There aren't many occasions in your life together that Frankie has ever said no to you. This though might be one of those rare ones.
"Baby," he starts, voice soft as to cajole you. "That's a bad idea."
You throw your hands out in a dramatic gesture as you stalk your way back inside the room. Frankie barely catches the tail end of your sentence but he hears the string of swears to understand the sentiment of it.
Frankie's left with only Santiago for company on the balcony. The man calmly walks up to the end next to him, leaning out against the railing to assess the weather outside.
To Frankie's surprise, Santiago doesn't say anything. Seemingly content with the companionable silence and the sound of rain smattering all around them. There are no bratty complaints about paying hundreds of dollars only to watch rain. No witty snark.
"You're being uncharacteristically well behaved," Frankie says.
Santiago grins. "I've had a lifetime of experience sitting out shitty weather with nothing to do during missions, Frank. At least this time, I don't have to listen to Firefly's snores."
Frankie snorts at the memory.
"There's much worse things in life than having you and Boa cooped up with me in a fancy hotel room."
There's something soft in Santiago's eyes as he says it. A sentimentality in his voice that Frankie has a hard time placing, because he can't quite recall when Santiago has ever used it with him before.
Before Frankie has a chance to recuperate from blanking out and think of something to say back, Santiago is already leaning away from the balcony to step back inside the room towards you.
"Come on sweetheart. Stop being a brat," he says and playfully swats your backside with a gentle tap that makes you jump.
Santiago leans over the desk and opens a drawer to pull out a pack of cards that he cracks open and your eyes light up at the sight of it.
"If you're bored, let's play a game, yeah?"
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In his own humble opinion, Frankie's never been particularly good at poker. He's got the poker face part down, but he never had an interest for gambling and the rules of the game never quite made sense to him.
Santiago on the other hand is a master of it. He's the undefeated champion during their military days and he regularly cleaned out everyone's savings on any given night.
As for you. Competitive as you are, as with every game that you've played more than twice -- you got good at it with practice, but the poker face bit of it is something you are still struggling severely with, because it's always written as plain as day on your face if you have a good or bad hand.
So in a game of strip poker, it's a bit surprising that two hours in, Santiago is the one sat in his underwear, while you and Frankie are still fully clothed.
Frankie's down to his t-shirt and briefs, whereas you have only lost your right sock.
In all honesty, Frankie doesn't quite understand it. Because right now you're sitting across Santiago, a grin so wide you are going to end up with muscle soreness in your cheeks. It's a sign the size of a massive billboard on Time Square lit up in neon and flashing lights that the hand you've been dealt with is good as gold. Yet, despite all the clear signs pointing to only one very clear and undeniable conclusion, for some unfathomable reason, Santiago still refuses to fold.
He tips his chin up in challenge towards you. "What you got sweetheart?"
That grin of yours grow impossibly wider as you set down your cards, revealing them one by one on the wooden floor where you're sat.
First a diamond 8. Then a ace of heart. Then an ace of diamond. Santiago's defiant features fall, pearly white teeth sinking into that pouty lip as he watches you put down a club ace. And as you put down the final card: An ace of spade. Santiago groans in defeat.
"You're cheating," he mumbles indignantly. But his fingers are already dragging his sole remaining garment down over his hips to the sound of your cackling laugh.
If Frankie's eyes linger for a little longer than they should at the round ample curve of Santiago's ass, you don't notice over your absolute glee in defeating the man.
You're already hooting with joy as Santiago demands another round, metaphorically kicking the man when he's already down.
"And what exactly are you going to gamble with for the re-match? You're butt fucking naked Santiago!"
"We'll do different stakes," Santiago shoots back.
"Like what?"
"I'll do whatever you say."
It's like a pin drops in the space between you. Your laughter stops.
"Whatever?" you repeat.
There's a glint in your eye that even Frankie can tell is dangerous, and only an idiot (a competitive idiot) would still go ahead when met with that look on your face.
Santiago is seemingly that idiot.
"Whatever," he confirms. "Carte blanch. Nothing's off the table."
The devious smile on your lips doesn't wane for even a second. You take the deck of cards back into your hands and shuffle them.
"You're on."
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Tense is an understatement do describe the next half hour that unfolds in the hotel room.
For a game that was meant to be a fun distraction from the rain outside, it's now turned into something else entirely.
Rundown gambling dens by the border of Colombia are less intimidating than what is going on between you and Santiago right now.
"Antique markets every Sunday at 6am for a month," you threaten him. Santiago practically twitches at the scene you're painting. His fingers grip on tighter on his hand of cards.
You grin at the sign of weakness.
"Oh and you're calling your Martina to confess about that time you blamed her for stealing booze from your mom but it was really you."
"What?" Santiago pipes up in alarm, with no trace of his trademark coolness that he usually has for these games. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Whatever I say," you remind him. "Those were the terms."
Santiago seethes. Gritting his teeth as he shakes his head and sits back down firmly on the ground. "Sure," he mumbles like a petulant child. "Whatever. Show your hand already."
You scoot closer to Santiago, cards tucked close to your chest with a smile so wide it lights up the whole room with it.
The first card that comes down is a club of 9. The next is a 10 in the same suit.
Frankie can already see the small muscle in Santiago's cut jaw flex before the man drags his hand over it in a tell-tale sign of displeasure that both you and Frankie recognize all too well.
Normally Frankie would say that with that look on your face, Santiago is in a whole world of trouble.
The face of Jack is staring up at the three of you from the floor, and before you even put down the final two cards, Santiago and Frankie both already knows that it is going to be a Queen and a King dressed in black club.
You fling down the duo triumphantly and you're already listing out loud every embarrassing act you are going to force Santiago to endure. There are threats of toilet scrubbing. Brunches with Frankie's mom. Attending a taxidermy class with you.
It lasts for several minutes before you lean down to start gathering the cards to put them away.
"Sweetheart, slow down."
Santiago reaches over. His free hand that's not holding the cards, cupping over yours to stop you. There's a slow and almost gentle smile that spreads across his lips.
Then Santiago finally drops the act.
"I haven't shown my cards yet have I?" he says.
From the way that your smile fades. The way the bright light in your eyes dim, you know it too. The bastard played you. Has been playing you this whole evening, right into his conniving and clever hands.
Frankie suspected as much.
After all, Santiago is brilliant at poker. Undefeated for as long as he's known the man.
As good as you may have gotten with practice, there was no way your long and uninterrupted winning streak of this entire evening was from sheer luck. Especially not when Santiago has not shown his hand a single time this evening.
10 of hearts. Jack of Hearts. Queen and King dotted with red hearts above their crown. Then finally an Ace in the shape of hearts.
A royal flush.
"Soooo," Santiago starts with a slow and meaningful drawl as he grins back at you.
"Whatever I say huh?"
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Frankie should probably put a stop to this.
Because you look like you're about to kill someone.
You're kneeling on the floor, tucked between Frankie's legs, as Santiago is right behind you, plastered closely to your back.
The man can't resist the urge to tease you, even if it is under imminent threat to his life. His nimble fingers tuck a loose curl of your hair behind your ear before pressing a kiss to it.
"You're scaring poor Frankie," he tuts. "It's not good manners to stare daggers at a man when you're inches from his cock, sweetheart."
That comment doesn't make you look any less like a murderess to be.
"Frank," Santiago calls out. "Take out your cock."
Frankie sighs as he reaches for his belt to unbuckle. One hand reaches underneath his boxers as he pulls himself out. He doesn't know why he lets either of you constantly rope you into these situations.
God he feels fucking ridiculous.
"Look at how nice and obedient our husband is being," Santiago goads as his hand comes to your jaw, bridging the span of it. Then he gently tilts you downwards to guide your face forward until you're lips are mere inches from Frankie's cock.
As if by instinct, without further instructions your mouth already parts for him. Just the sight of your glistening tongue makes the entirety of Frank's back tingle.
He can't help it. It's sense memory at this point.
The tip of your tongue darts out, but before you make any physical contact, Santiago stops you.
"Not yet," he says.
His arm curls around the front of your chest, pulling you back again with an expression of pure schadenfreude.
"I'm gonna have to have you ask nicely for it, sweetheart. Ask Frank to let you suck his cock."
Frankie nearly rolls his eyes at Santiago. The man just has to rub it in doesn't he? Insufferable brat.
If he was Santiago, he'd sleep with one eye open tonight.
Still for all his teasing, it could be so much worse. Not to defend Santiago and his idiocy. But in comparison to what you had in mind for the man, Santiago is going more than easy on you. This is mild for the man.
You must know it too, because you don't protest. Barely even hesitate as you gaze up at Frankie, through your thick lashes, dutifully and do as you're told.
"Please can I suck your cock, Francisco?"
Excitement pings across his nerves at your words.
This is a ridiculous situation. Frankie shouldn't get turned on.
But he can't help himself. not when he feels the warmth of your breath exhale gently over his cock and the stupid thing immediately stirs into rapt attention.
Your hands reach over, fingers wrapping around his girth. Frankie doesn't even get a chance to savor it before Santiago is already grabbing for your wrists.
"Nuh, uh," Santiago admonishes. "No hands".
You don't fight him on it. Your hands withdraw to your sides and you keep them there obediently, as your lean down the rest of the way, until your soft gorgeous lips press down against Frankie's quickly hardening cock.
Heat spears through his stomach at your touch.
Soft and almost chaste, your lips linger on his cock and it has Frankie immediately swelling to full hardness, until he can feel it twitching against your soft cheek.
Your tongue darts out, the pink tip gliding along a protruding vein as you pamper his cock with your full attention. Lapping, sucking and kissing at the spot with a quiet moan before you finally move along and slip the head of his cock between your lips.
Dizzying pleasure punches through him and for a brief second, even sat on the bed, Frankie thinks he might pass out from the overwhelming sensation. His mind is in the process of drifting and floating out of his body and away from the room. The only thing that still keeps him tethered to consciousness is Santiago's voice. The gentle mocking praise that spills from the man's filthy mouth.
"Isn't our sweet girl good?" Santiago asks him. "Doing such a good job isn't she?"
Frankie wants to say yes. But his tongue is heavy in his mouth, and he's gone dumb with pleasure to the point that he's forgotten how to speak.
In front of him, Santiago is having the time of his life (because of course the bastard is). There is a sly smile on his lips as that clever hand of his palms the small of your back. He traces the length of your spine until his hand disappears under the edge of your panties.
It doesn't take much detective work for Frankie to guess what Santiago is doing to you as you moan keenly around his cock.
"Look at her isn't she so pretty sucking your cock, Frank?"
For all that the man keeps coddling you with his words, cooing and hushing you with a soothing cadence, Santiago doesn't show you much leniency. His hand isn't stopping, even as you whimper and shake from his touch. He doesn't let up.
Even from Frankie's obscured view from the bed, he can see Santiago's fingers working into you. Finding every perfect angle that has tears stinging in the corner of your eyes until they gaze up pleadingly at Frankie with a wet glossy sheen.
Fuck, you're so fucking pretty like this.
"So fucking perfect for us. I think my only criticism is she gets so easily distracted", he teases as your hips cant up to chase his hand, for Santiago to give you more.
All Frankie can manage is a desperate groan in return. His head tilts back as the overwhelming sensation washes over him. Hips canting deeper into your mouth to have more of your lips, your tongue, more of… anything that you are willing to give him.
Your throat protests at the thick intrusion, swallowing in fits around Frankie. You whine, trying to pull back but Santiago is there pushing you forward with another encouraging string of praise.
Frankie can see the man work his fingers deeper into you and your body is wracked in another series of shivers, mouth parting until his cock slip out. You try to cover your mouth with your hand to stop a moan that breaks out, but Santiago's hand immediately shoot out to grab your wrist again to secure it to your side.
"That won't do. Put your pretty mouth back on Frank's big cock sweetheart."
"Santiago," you protest throwing him a menacing glare, a second away from telling him that it's his fault to begin with.
"Whatever I say," Santiago reminds you, parroting your own taunting words from before. "Those were the terms."
You bite your lip with a pout that is all too similar to Santiago.
In moments like this, Frankie is reminded of the closeness of the two of you. Bow inextricably intertwined you two are having grown up together. Two sides of the same stubborn, competitive coin. And god he loves both of you.
Swallowing your bruised pride, you bend over again, parting your lips to put your mouth back on his cock.
Heat spears through him until his eyes nearly roll into the back of his head. The last thing he sees before they do is Santiago's eyes gazing back at him.
Even behind closed eyes Frankie can't get away from it. Santiago's sweet and murmured praises as he talks about how good you are. How pretty you look. In the dark it's easy for the lines to be blurred enough that Frankie isn't entirely sure who Santiago is directing the praise at anymore. And that makes it even better.
When Frankie opens his eyes again, blinking away at the watery edges of his sanity, Santiago is right there.
One hand palming languidly at his own cock as he observes Frankie and you.
He smiles at Frankie, holding the eye contact before he moves to positions himself behind you, gripping at your hips. Cock lined up and nudging against the cleft of your ass, taking his sweet fucking time like he's putting on a show for Frankie's benefit to make sure he catches every single detail. Then he pushes forward, into you.
You gasp at the new intrusion, hands flying to Frankie's hips to keep yourself steady as Santiago thrusts forward. The momentum forces your entire body further onto Frankie's cock.
It's a struggle for you to keep your mouth on him and it's a maddening sensation for Frankie. The way your tongue darts out, desperately licking and sucking around the tip of him as best as you can. All the while the man is taunting you with unrestrained glee in his tone.
"It's not too much is it cariño? You can do it. You can take me and Frankie both can't you? Be our good girl, don't stop. Keep going."
And fuck, you don't stop. Your mouth envelops the length of his cock. inch by inch as Frankie watch in delirious fascination as the thick girth disappears between your lips.
You take in so much of him, Frankie has a momentary thought of how you even manage to fit it. Then he feels himself hit the back of your throat.
Christ, Frankie's not particularly religious but he's pretty sure he sees heaven as his cock nudges the back of your throat.
Still you continue, past your limits, eyes watering as you swallow desperately around him.
"Good girl. Such a good fucking girl," Santiago repeats, as he grinds his hips into you.
His hand rests on your back, sweeping your hair to one side until your neck is bare. Then he leans over, his chest pressed along your back and presses a kiss onto your nape.
It's such a sweet gesture, completely at odds with what the man is doing to you in this moment. Then his hips come to a still, an indicator that Santiago is well on his way to implement phase two of whatever devious plan he has for the three of you tonight.
Because Frankie knows Santiago. Better than you know Santiago sometimes, it seems. He knows him well enough that what has transpired so far is just the appetizer for what's to come.
That's just Santiago. Always a step ahead of everyone else. Always an opportunist to the core, his mind is always considering and assessing and re-evaluating the situation for changes.
It's where you lose to him. You get too honed in and narrow minded, your eyes too focused on the prize in front of you. Your mind always too occupied with thoughts of winning the battle while Santiago has his eye on the horizon to emerge victorious from the war.
In front of him, Santiago's hand comes to your cheek cupping you gently as he pulls you off Frankie's cock to your confusion.
"So good for us. You wanna claim your prize hmm?" Santiago murmurs in your ear ominously.
With one arm wrapped around your front, the man lifts you up and guides you to your feet. Then he's maneuvering you onto the bed, arranging you to his liking until you're sat in Frankie's lap.
He curls his fingers around Frankie's cock, like it's a trophy for you to claim and guides Frankie to your slick and waiting entrance, until the blunt tip is nudging against your wet clit.
That clever hand steady at the small of your back, in a steady but firm pace until the entirety of Frankie's cock is fully sheathed inside you.
You feel so fucking good. Warm, slick and so fucking perfect. Frankie thinks he's going to lose his mind with it.
His brain cells are melting with pleasure inside his skull and he can barely pay enough attention with the way you're clutched so tightly around his cock to register that Santiago isn't next to you anymore. He's gone off somewhere, fuck knows where, as Frankie palms the soft curves of your hips to press you firmly down on him, pushing as deep as he goes.
Frankie can't stop long enough to think much else, except for the sweet pace that you're rocking forward on his cock with. He's lost in it. Drunk and inebriated on the way you feel in his arms as he rocks you up and down on his cock that he barely even notices when Santiago's back again.
This time with a bottle of lube in his hand and a shit-eating grin on his face.
Of course, that's where the clever bastard went.
"San--" you start, but your voice is cut off at the long drag of Frankie's cock inside of you as he thrusts up again.
Santiago's smile spreads even wider, predatory. "What sweetheart? Don't you want your reward?"
Frankie can hear the click of the bottle, two seconds before he registers the way that Santiago's hand slips between your legs again, and then he fucking feels it. The pressure of Santiago's finger as he presses inside of you, and fuckfuck--shit! It knocks the fucking breath out of Frankie's lungs.
The sound you make is the sweetest fucking thing that Frankie's ever heard. It's needy and desperate. It echoes in his head and he never wants it to stop. Wants to record it so he can replay it a thousand times over.
"You did so well," Santiago says, pressing another kiss to the top of your head. He stills, allowing you to adjust to the new sensation.
"You won the game tonight. Fair and square. I'm just here to give you your hard-earned prize."
Even though Frankie can't see it, he can feel it. The rigid heat of Santiago's cock nudging at your ass, inches from Frankie's cock.
"This good cariño? You want me inside you too hmm? Tell me how you want it," Santiago demands.
But there's no way you can answer the man coherently.
You're an absolute trembling, shaking mess. Can barely form a word and much less a sentence. You just keep nodding, as you keep moving up and down on Frankie's cock with a stuttering "ye-yes."
And that's not enough for the bastard
"Yes what, sweetheart?" Santiago teases.
You sob, knowing fully well you won't be able to give Santiago what he wants in this state.
But he doesn't ease up. "Try again," he says.
"Both," you try, struggling. The word panting and out of breath. "I want-- f-fuck!" It's such a high pitched sound, you practically sound like a damned squeaky to. "Please, please," you cry, tears brimming in your eyes.
That smug bastard likes that, smiling and humming as he rubs the side of his jaw along the back of your neck, scraping his prickly five o' clock shadow against your soft skin until goose bumps form in its wake.
"Ple--please, San--I want--"
"Greedy girl," Santiago rasps out. He moves back for a brief moment, and you squeak in alarm that he's gonna leave. Instead he thrusts forward and fuck, fuckFUCK!
Shit. Frankie can't breathe.
There are bright sparks in his vision. Blood rushes to his head and for a moment Frankie isn't sure if he's going blind or having a seizure.
It's electrifying, a sweet burn that zips through Frankie's spine.
The blood thrashes and swirls inside his ears. It makes every noise around him distorted, like he's under water and drowning in you.
In the far off distance, he thinks he can hear Santiago groan brokenly against your skin. Whatever bravado was there before is all but gone in his voice now.
You're so fucking tight. He can feel Santiago through you. Can feel the way your perfect cunt is clutching onto every inch of his cock... and Santiago's not even all the way inside yet.
He doesn't know if you can fit more. Everything feels tight and overwrought and so so so much. His brain is so overloaded on sensation, it takes him a second to register that both him and Santiago have stopped moving.
None of you are speaking, and Santiago isn't teasing anymore, seemingly at loss of words now.
Santiago hisses out a breath between gritted teeth. His fingers gripping into your hips until it dents the soft flesh as the man tries to hold on by his literal fingernails.
"Fuck sweetheart, you're so tight. Relax for me okay?"
And you're trying to. Frankie can tell that much. You really are. It's not like you're doing this on purpose. It's real fucking easy for Santiago to ask you to relax when Santiago's never had to try to fit two cocks inside his body.
On top of that, while Frankie's never liked to brag, he's self-aware enough to know his own size and how he's a lot to take.
Frankie's hand comes to the small of your back, stroking it to provide you with comfort in the best way he can manage in the circumstances.
"It's ok baby, it's okay. We got you," Frankie murmurs against your skin.
Behind you, Santiago's eyes are squeezed tightly shut. An expression of bliss and torture all blended together. "I'll go slow," he chokes out. "I always do don't I? Let me open you up and make you feel good,"
His voice has gone sweet and indulgent. There's nothing mocking about it now. Just pure unadulterated fondness.
Whatever game he was playing before has ended now. Frankie knows that all Santiago wants in this moment is for you to feel good.
But you're too out of it to notice Santiago's defeat and your own outright victory.
You crane your head back towards Santiago with an indignant glare, no doubt to start off what will be a round of bickering between you and the man.
And that's the last thing Frankie wants in this moment, for either of you.
And maybe Frankie's an opportunist too. Maybe he's just as bad as Santiago. Because he quickly cups your cheek, guiding you back towards his lips to cut off any words you might have for Santiago.
His other hand, moves down to the front of your stomach, sliding his palm down along the inside of your thighs until his fingers can draw along the wetness of your folds, pressing light circles against your clit.
You try to escape it, oversensitive and overstimulated. You try to press back only to be met by Santiago's firm chest caging you in, pushing you forward and back into Frankie hand.
You shake and spasm in between them. Tears brimming in the wet sheen of your eyes.
Frankie's barely done anything to you and, god you're already close somehow.
He can feel it. The rise in the pace of your breathing, the thrum of your heart beating against your chest like your very heart is trying to escape from your ribcage as your impending climax builds and builds and builds from within you.
You come with a defeated whimper into his mouth. To Santiago's rasped groan in your ear and Frankie's low moan into your mouth. Your orgasm cascades over you as you shiver in his arms and squeeze tightly around them both.
Everything is a pleasant buzz thrumming in his veins as he can sense how all of you are unwinding. Your body melting in his arms, pressed between him and Santiago as you are.
They let you recover. Let you calm down. The only movement between them, is Santiago lips dragging against your hairline fondly as if to console you.
"That good baby? Think you ready for us now?" Frankie asks.
You're still swimming in the afterwaves of your pleasure, but you nod drowsily in reply.
Santiago continues to press open mouth kisses against your cheek and jaw, before he moves back to give you space.
You whine, a little bit panicked at the sudden movement. Your hand clings onto Santiago's wrist and the man immediately stills for you.
"Stay," you plead.
"Not going anywhere sweetheart," Santiago says, there's no hint of teasing this time. No lingering bluster of pride or a need to one up you.
"I'm staying right here."
It's soft and loving.
The very same tone in his voice he held when he was gazing out at the rain on the balcony.
Frankie had a hard time placing it when he heard it the first time, but he recognizes it for what it is now.
Contentment... It's a tone so foreign on Santiago but it suits him so well. If he can, then for the rest of his life Frankie wants to make sure the man gets to keep it.
Raising one hand to the back of Santiago's neck, Frankie cups his hand over the old-worn surgery scar as he reels the man closer and seals his mouth over Santiago's.
His lips are soft and pliant against Frankie's own. Then his mouth parts with a sweet little hum that sounds all too similar to the gorgeous whines you've been making all evening.
Outside the rain doesn't stop. It rains for the whole of that week.
But Santiago was right. There are worse things in the world than being cooped up in a room with the two people you love the most.
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I don’t have a tag list. 😅 Please follow astroboot-writes and turn on notifications for writing updates! 🥰
Author's note: We're baaaaaaaack! I know it's been a hot minute since we got some proper porn with these three! It's also the first time in months I've written proper porn so I may be rusty. Thank you for your patience everyone while I was off lusting for tall spidermen.
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chrissmissus · 3 years ago
✨Euphoria thought✨
In honor of Euphoria Sunday, I will be giving you guys and gals and non-binary my thought on the show so far. So let’s get into this cause it’s a hot mess.
I don’t think he needed to be in the show I feel like he’s a token character
He’s in college and everyone else is in high school… think about that
Even though he doesn’t fit in the show I feel extremely bad for him, he was sexually assaulted in front of his girlfriend and then that said girlfriend who he truly loved say ‘we can’t be together because I don’t think I’m a good person’ ( i’m obviously paraphrasing) and this is probably why he’s not with the gang that much anymore because he’s heartbroken
I’m not liking the turn her character is taking this season (and I’ve heard Barbie the woman who plays her doesn’t either)
It’s the typical fat girl doesn’t love herself story but last season damn was she powerful
Girl I’m really staring to not like you after that shit she said to Ali… fuck her
The way she manipulated her sister bothered me to my core. I understand she a drug addict but the things she did in that episode ( I forgot which one) bother me i will never look at Rue the same
I loved her story in Season 1 but I’m not here for the love triangle drop Jules and Elliot
You can not change my mind she is horrible
She just left Rue there at the station and had the audacity to be disappointed in Rue when she began doing drugs again
If you wanted Elliot’s dick so bad you could’ve led with that girl…we all do
I loved Jules at the beginning of season one but now I don’t like her at all
I don’t know how I feel about you cuz that shit you pull last episode should’ve got his ass beat
Actin like he didn’t play a part in Rue not being sober and feeding into her stop idea of getting ‘free drugs’
I would love to get his story line so maybe I would be a little more sympathetic to him cuz he seems nice ok? 
Like I understand you are rude or die for your older sibling but fuck you couldn’t even give the man a minute to speak
I loved ever minute of it
Also this is a child stop smiling over him you grown ass women it’s fucking weird
I think Cal Jacob yo real daddy due to the family picture but I ain’t got no real proof so… a bitch is left to assume like everyone else
Mac Miller that you???
I love Fez and Rue’s relationship it’s so pure and loving I want this shot right here
He deserves Lexi and she deserves him there period fight me if not agreed
This man is SO fine i don’t even want kids but if this man were to look at me and say I wanna make you my baby mama I would turn into Mother Teresa
From experience I understand where this anger toward her sister is coming from
And she started to smoke weed I 100% related to that scene so for the show in general I relate to her the most so fair
Rue’s mom
How does your drug addict daughter come home with a suitcase and you completely dismiss that shit?
I think she needs to beat Rue instead of yelling at her
I love him with all my heart, I can't even put it into words
And I hate what Rue said to him and I was crying on the inside for him
She's growing on me
I still think she’s crazy though but I fuck with her
I didn't like her at first IDK maybe I'll go back to not liking her after this new episode is dropped seeing as she nor Fez nor Ashtray got that much scene time
I have no words for Cal Jacobs
I hope he finds Derek and I hope he loses him again just because of all the shit that he’s done
How are you gonna call Nate your biggest mistake when you made him the way that he is???? 
I’m happy that he come out though and his speech is icon but other than that I still don’t like him
Deadass Jacob Elordi is fine as hell but as Nate Jacobs I can’t even…
I have to tell myself that this IS NOT the same boy from the kissing booth
Nate sucks and the way he’s playing with Cassie even though he was dogging her the fuck out in season one now you love her??
He doesn’t deserve Cassie and he sure as hell doesn’t deserve Maddy
He needs to except his sexuality before he does anything
I also strongly believe he’s in love with jewels
This bitch is a goddess on earth deadass
I don’t like how she lied about that rape though that was an OK and I’m not gonna forget about it
But other than that she deserves the world and I love how she babysits that child
Here comes my theory in Cal Jacobs arc I think it was to show what’s going to happen to meet if he doesn’t change and remember at the beginning of season one when Maddie said I would look so cute pregnant either she finna trap him or she’s pregnant because I don’t think they make Cassie pregnant twice in two different seasons
And you saw how in last episode when Maddie and Nate hugged in the backyard of the kid’s house she was babysitting how they looked kinda like a happy family like a happy husband and wife…
I would've fucked Marsha when she was younger period
Also, she looked a lot like Ms. Lexi….. i ain’t sayin nothin
I wouldn't lie when I saw the way she was looking at Derrick I thought she was finna cheat
I don't think she trapped Cal, I mean you see him right? I think Cal stayed because he felt it was right he didn't have to though he could've run away with Derrick if he really wanted to
She needs more screen time end of the convo
I don’t know when I started liking her but I know exactly when I stopped
Best bet is we’re never gonna like Cassie this entire season because she is so consumed by the idea of having a relationship that she’s going to be obsessing over Nate
Miss Ma’am is weak in the knees girl stand up
I will not be like in Cassie this entire season and I cannot wait for shit to hit the fan for her she’s a fucking embarrassment sorry
And that I’m crazy your shit she try to pull I think she’s trying to show Nate that she can be better than Maddie and Maddie‘s fucking crazy
Cassie is trying to hard Imma need her to stop
I love her more now than I did before
I think she finna expose everyone in this play and when I say everyone I mean Nate and Cassie
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 5 years ago
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To Do List:
What's up, my Herd of Nerds?
Anyway, as you can tell, tomorrow is AU Sunday. But, because it's one after a 'my input' one, it's a follower input AU day! Yay!
So, send me your AUs and I'll put all of em in a hat to pick one randomly. The winner is picked and posted and we'll all try and make headcanons about your AU.
Zombie Apocalypse AU :: (https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/618314308275863552/zombie-apocalypse-au-masterpost)
Pirate AU ::
Currently In The Raffle:
-Toy Story AU.
-Ever After High/Descendants/Vaguely 'nex gen priness' AU.
-Eldritch Horror AU :: Or if that's a bit too out there, a more normal Monster AU. I don't care, but in my heart, I know Cleo is some kind of eldritch horror. Zombie is far too easy.
-Eldritch Monster AU! Hermits are all Lovecraftian horrors who all individually decided that they wanted to pretend to be normal and are all trying to hide their otherworldliness. I also feel like Mumbo or X or someone as the one actually "normal" player on the server would work well. Most hermits don't know that everyone else isn't normal either, but some find out about friends maybe.
-Rabid Debate Club AU :: Random weird au idea where it's basic hs/uni au but like two of them try to start a debate club, then invite some friends just so there's enough people; cut to like two months later, it's all the hermits just fighting over whether or not pineapple should go on pizza or not lol it isn't very good i'm sorry but ya know rabid debate club AU.
-Animal/shapeshifting AU :: (Suggested Twice.) Every hermit can shapeshift into one token animal. (If it's something like "dog," they can only turn into one breed and color of dog, EXAMPLE: doc can shift into a black sable belgian malinois, but not anything else.)
-Wedding Planners AU :: Hermits work in various unrelated businesses such as a bakery, flower shop, etc., but see each other semi-often bc they're semi-often called upon to work together by another hermit's wedding planning business (obvs if you couldn't tell i know absolutely nothing abt wedding planning & businesses n shit lol but it's the /concept/ of it yannknow)
-Avatar: The Last Air Bender AU. (Suggested Thrice.)
-Fusion AU :: (Also suggested by Anon.) (Suggested Twice.) What if Hermits could fuse with each other? (Viva and Jumbo fused into MumboJumbo.)
-SCP AU :: The hermits have spooky powers and are kept locked up bc of it (or they have to keep the world safe from monsters and cursed objects!)
-RPG AU :: I feel like someone already thought of that but I am just wondering about it lately :p -🍋
-Adventure Time AU :: The hermits live in a post-apocalyptic world and the Lich (bad guy) is making everything decay. They need to gather all the gems (belt colours) to unlock the Enchiridion (a book) and have one wish each granted from Prismo (multiverse wish granting dude) before the Lich does. Only 4 elements can enter the multiverse: Slime (The Lich & Jevin), Redstone (Tango or Mumbo?), Ice (Stress), and Dirt (Grian, much to his dismay). Only the elementals can see the book. Grian's the protagonist with his sidekick Scar. He originally started collecting the belts because they were shiny but eventually decided to read the book and find out what they were for when Scar said he didn't see it. Doc, False, and Iskall are major obstacles because they don't believe the book exists.</p>
-Total Drama Island AU.
-Magical Girl AU :: Zedaph's the lead magical girl and rounds up a bunch of other magical girl hermits.
-Pokeman AU :: What are the Hermit's roles in this world? Who's the Champion, Elite Four. Are they scientists? Trainers? Do they compete in competitions, do they specialize in types? Who's everyone's starter? Has anyone encountered any legendaries?
-College AU
-High School AU
-Wizard101 AU :: I (🦊) recently got this AU idea and recently started going off somewhere with it in terms of writing, but, like, Hermitcraft meets Wizard101. Tons and tons of magical shenanigans, monster hunting, and idk what else.
-Magic AU
-My Hero Academia AU :: Headcanons can be about which hermits would have what quirks and occupations based on them.
-So I'm writing an AU where there's a second game of Demise but 5 years later. So far the first 2 hermits (Joe and Xisuma) have died, and their dead forms are cracked with an arrow in his chest (Xisuma) and cyborg (Joe). So since it's Saturday, I'm looking for what some skins would look for.
-City AU :: I mean this is really just a normal everyday AU.
-School AU.
-Terraria-Minecraft Fusion AU :: Who chooses what class? what events do each hermit prefer? how to they deal with the world infections? preferred biomes? Favourite NPCS? It has potentiallllll.
-70s/80s Teen Horror AU :: (like Stranger Things, Carreie, The Lost Boys, Halloween, etc.) -🦇
-Demi-God AU :: Sort of like percy jackson (everyone being the children of different gods from all different cultures.)
-Supernatural AU
-Marching Band AU :: Xisuma is the band major and all the show music is the remixes. I need to come up with some ideas for uniforms. Outfits and flags for the colorguard too.
-Different Eras AU :: (Suggested Twice.) All the hermits are from different time periods or eras. Like Wels is from the mediveal/dark era, Mumbo is from 1890-1920's, Iskall is from 2030, TFC is from 2020(?), Cleo is from 2130, etc!!! Like the mobs/animals became feused with humans, is when the mob players came from.
-Star Trek AU :: Like maybe they could be on one ship and each have different roles like engineers or doctors? I don’t know if this has been suggested but hope you enjoy! - 🐦
-House Mates AU :: ApartmentAU but scaled down?
-Atlantis AU :: (Could be merged with Mermaid AU???)
-Fighting Game AU :: Some influences would be Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Ultra Instinct, that kind of stuff.
-Time loop AU :: The hermits each have to deal with their own time loop.
(All those above in red are from our community's lovely Anons!)
-Superhero/superpower AU :: They each have a unique power/powerset that is in some way connected to their personality. (ie Mumbo *could* control electricity because of his love of redstone) Some Hermits may even choose to be "villains" and prank their other servermates. If you need power ideas, I've got a couple. (12u3ie)
-Daycare AU :: The recap peeps are the caretakers :P (-@tikauniverse.)
-Incredibly Long Cross Country Train Ride AU :: they all are in the same train car, telling stories of where they’re going, backstories.)
-Stuck In An Airport AU :: pretty similar to train au but they can be going diff places.
-Doctors AU :: they’re all doctors working at the same hospital.)
-Circus AU (Also suggested by an Anon.) (Suggested Twice.)
-Spy AU (Also suggested by @shadeswiftdraws.) (Suggested Twice.)
-Runaways AU :: The hermits are all teenagers who have run away from home, they all live on the streets until TFC takes them in. Head canons can be about backstories, living on the streets, or when they’re with TFC.
-Criminals and Police Officers AU
-Dancer AU :: I mean, I already got a list kind of planned out, but headcanons for why specific styles are chosen would be appreciated! :) (usedtobelucythefallenangel)
-Broadway/Musicals Hermits AU :: The hermits are all casts of various musicals and when this newly-built theater opens up they all fight for which musical gets to play in it first (they have a riff-off maybe?) musicals mainly included are Hamilton, BMC, DEH, SiX, Beetlejuice, etc (feel free to add more!) (-@heyitsroby.)
-DnD AU (Also suggested by Anon.) (Suggested twice.)
-Mermaid AU :: In honor of the end of Mermay
-Space exploration AU :: There could be different ships, command centers, aliens.... Maybe someone could even get stranded/crash on a new planet? Who knows, could be fun.
-Paranormal/ghost hunter AU :: A couple Hermits could be the ghost hunters going to haunted locations to prove/disprove their hauntedness, others could be camera crew, owners of haunted buildings, or even the ghosts themselves.
-Camping/Vacation AU.
-Summer Cottage AU :: They all spend summers/weekends along the same shoreline and do different summer activities together. Outdoor fun and shenanigans!
-Space AU :: like star trek or similar.
-I would say evil clone au but I think that's pretty much the entire Hermitcraft tumblr right now lol. (Suggested twice.)
-Magic AU :: Magic exists and all the hermits have powers. They can also summon a weapon but what that weapon is depends on the hermit. I'm thinking it'll take place in a sort-of Demise 2 in S7 with a big war. So far I've got: Grian - Cloning himself to his different personas (each has a different power). Xisuma - Making barriers, teleporting, and transforming into different mobs. Scar - Making mutant plants & boosting other hermits' attack & health. (-@datsaltyperson.)
-Demon AU :: Something enters the overworld and turns into a supernatural style-demon through Dimentional Distortion. Who gets posessed first, who goes crazy, and who actually kills it? Honestly I think that, if anything, Tango would know how to gank it, for obvious reasons. (-@fireflower-dusk.)
-High Street AU :: Everyone owns a different shop on the same street or some run a shop together (-@violets-arepurple.)
-Cat AU :: Either they're were always cats, or Hels turned everyone, including himself, into a cat, and they have to survive and overcome challenges in the Season 7 world. An example of a challenge would be Cub's a Sand Cat(the cats that always look like kittens no matter how old they are and live in deserts), and everyone's not sure if he can actually swim, so they have to find a way for him to get around without involving water. (-@scp10000.)
-How about a secret AU.. Every hermit has their big secrets and when Grian joined. He doesn't really know anything about those secrets even till season 7. Not many hermits talked to him in S6 anyway.. Mumbo was the closest to him so they would have regular chats For Iskall is mostly business related things Grian wants to know why so he set out on a quest to force the others to at least talk to him so he wouldn't be lonely. (-@babylightstudentbiscuit.)
-Hermit Family AU :: Xisuma is very busy dad but when he isnt busy the kids and younger hermits annoying the hell out of him. Grian once asked to use Xisuma's computer and crashed the whole thing trying to download illegal gamesites and get money off the internet. Mumbo and his trains run through the entire house and Xisuma trips on them daily. (-@gamerutx.)
-College AU!! But they are not students. THEY ARE THE TEACHERS (-@ivi-prism.)
Ones I planned to do anyway but Hermitblr Hivemind and all that:
Battle of The Bands AU: i believe u once mentioned a bands/ battle of the bands au... thats my jam... (Anon.)
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frisbee-camp · 6 years ago
Let Me Help
AO3 Link//Wattpad Link
Tj and Cyrus have been friends for a long time, but will that change after life comes crashing down and impulsive decisions catch up to them? (Angst, Ambi, love notes, slow burn, aged up so they're all in high school, god tier ships, mental health, and like a whole bunch more ladies! Let’s get this angst.)
Chapter 12 The Ocean is Six Miles Deep
From Muffin 😸: SKKSKSKSKSKSK WHAT IS THISS Sent: IDK lmao some kid on the basketball team sent it to me From Muffin 😸: I- From Muffin 😸:Best thing I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A TINY KITTTYYYYY AWWWWW Sent: Cutest thing ever right???  From Muffin 😸:Thank you for making my day Tyler James  From Muffin 😸:OH I FORGOT TO TELL YOUUUUUUU Sent: What?? whats wrong??? From Muffin 😸:NOthing,,,,,, but Nala is going to have puppies!!!!!! Sent: OH,...mygod.... From Muffin 😸: IKNOW RIGHT Sent: uhh they're mine now sry not sry From Muffin 😸:ybflhbdsonsj don't worry we'll have our own puppies someday,, my parents already have people who want them 😭 Sent: That's the worst thing I have ever heard in my entire life  Sent: what type of puppies do you want ill get you some for our future home From Muffin 😸: YES our future home must have at LEAST 30 puppies at all times From Muffin 😸:I WANT ALL OF THE PUPPIES GIVE ME ALL OF THEMMM Sent: hahaha i'll try my best  Sent: Ok Cy i really gotta gooo but i'll see you tomorrow? From Muffin 😸: NOOOOOOOO 😭😭🥺 Sent: Underdog...........its so late oh my god go to bed. GOODNIGHTTT 😊 TJ rubbed his eyes and looked at his clock, it was already 3 am and it was Sunday night. He knew he'd see Cyrus at school tomorrow. After last week's winter market, TJ had found himself gravitating towards Cyrus and his friends. He now considered them his closest friends. Wherever Cyrus was, he was there too. Cyrus had even gone over to TJs house to play video games Cyrus was extremely horrible at, they ended up eating canned peaches and playing Mario Cart (TJ let him win every time). Things were finally feeling stable, It felt like old times. He finally felt accepted, and yet there was always something off about the situation. If Cyrus really liked him like everyone told him, then why hadn't he said anything about it?  "Hey stranger," Cyrus had said to him the next morning after plopping his backpack on the table. TJ didn't care that he had to wake up thirty minutes earlier to talk to Cyrus in the mornings, he was glad to see him. "Hi," Tj smiled. He was only slightly tired.  "How'd you sleep?" Cyrus said lightly. "How did you sleep?" TJ retorted.  "Me? Like a baby." Cyrus smiled and laid his head on his backpack. Tj grinned, but he still felt like something was off. TJ laid his hands on the table, lightly fiddling with the straps of Cyrus' backpack. Cyrus put his own hand on Tj's. Tj's hand stopped moving, but his heart was about to beat out of his chest. They both knew they were something more than friends, but neither of them knew how to talk about it.  "So," Tj said.  "So...what?" Cyrus said  "Um," Tj bit his lip, he didn't quite know what to say. "I used to like Jonah," Cyrus said, as he played with TJ's fingers, "Is that okay with you?" Cyrus looked up at him, Tj didn't know if he'd ever seen such nice eyes in his life.  He nodded, his lip faintly curling, "Used to?" he said. Cyrus nodded slightly and looked away, "Yeah, well he's with Walker now...so I can't anymore,"  TJ felt his spirits drop, he whispered: "So, you still like him?"  "That's not what I meant," Cyrus sat up and took TJ's hand in both his hands.  "Then what do you mean?" TJ frowned, he didn't know if Cyrus was telling him if he liked him or Jonah.  "I just wanted you to know that I'm gay," Cyrus gave him a shy smile and looked up at him under his eyelashes. His cheeks were lightly dusted pink, Tj had never wanted to kiss someone's cheek so badly.  He swallowed the feeling down, he didn't want to complicate things. He liked Cyrus too much to confess, he was sure he'd mess it up if he did. He didn't want to hurt him. "Why didn't you tell me before? I thought we told each other everything?" He said.  Cyrus simply shrugged and said, "Well it didn't matter before." "And now it does?" Tj asked. What was he trying to say?  "Maybe, and you know," Cyrus slowly said as he traced TJ's palm, "You don't have to keep coming to school so early, I know you like to sleep."   "The morning is...nice," Tj said, looking around, he actually hated the morning, but at least it was sunny today.  "Tyler James, just say you wanted to see me and move on," Cyrus said, grinning.  TJ gave a fake gasp, "ME? Never," he said laughing, "Actually, I'm not even here right now! I'm a figment of your imagination, so take that." Cyrus rolled his eyes and gently shoved TJ, TJ ruffled his hair and laughed with him.  "Okay you two, get a room," Marty said, walking up to them. He was followed by tired looking Andi, Buffy,  Jonah, and Walker. TJ knew Amber was meeting with the student government to go over what still needed to be done for the dance in a couple weeks, so this meant she'd be extra moody when she gets home.  "Yeah guys, we gotta study for bio, the final is soon and I really really need an A," Walker said as he sat down next to Jonah. TJ noticed that Cyrus had let go of his hand. He saw Cyrus look towards Jonah, TJ felt a pang of jealousy. The rest of the morning consisted of the friends struggling to understand basic biology. During the school day, TJ was met with hesitant yet genuine smiles from his classmates. He didn't feel like he needed to intimidate them anymore, he felt normal. He walked around with his friends, shared food with them, and even gave Andi advice on how to deal with Amber. However, Tj couldn't keep his eyes off Cyrus. He seemed fine this morning, but now he looked deflated. TJ knew the smiles he gave him were fake. He had asked Buffy and Andi about it, but they just looked at eat other quickly and told him to brush it off. TJ couldn't help but notice Cyrus' absence during the second half of the week. TJ tried calling and texting, but he didn't answer. He thought it was something he had done. Was it because he didn't make a move on him? Nice going TJ, you ruined this too.  Friday night, while TJ was quietly playing a video game he'd gotten for his birthday, Amber burst into his room still in her work uniform.  "STOP BEING SO LOUD!" Amber yelled. "I'm literally playing with the sound off Amber what the hell!?" TJ said.  "You're just UGH" Amber threw herself dramatically onto his bed. "What's your problem?" TJ said.  "You're being too loud with your emotions," Amber said into the pillow.  "What are you even talking about?" Tj said confused.  "Twintuition" Amber said, "You're thinking too loud. Have you told him you like him yet?"  "No..." TJ said, looking guilty, "But soon." "That's what I thought. You need to tell him soon so that you can shut your mind up and give me some damn peace and quiet. Here, I'll call him right now." Amber went to reach for his phone, but TJ snatched it away from her line of sight.  "Bambi! Stop being so weird," TJ frowned at his phone screen, he had no notifications, "He's not even answering my texts." Amber sat up on her elbows, she hummed, "That's weird, I'll text Andi" a few moments later Tj saw Amber sit up and bite her lip.  TJ immediately stood up and took Amber's phone from her hand, he read a long desperate message from Andi saying Cyrus hadn't been answering their calls either, and when their friends went over to check on him, he barely acknowledged them. Andi said that his parents said he hadn't been taking his meds and that they were trying their best, but they couldn't do anything other than make sure he didn't hurt himself. Andi suggested TJ talk to him, maybe he needed to see a new face. Andi had sent his address in the text.  TJ frantically packed an overnight bag, "Come on!" he said to confused Amber, "will you take me?" She nodded skeptically.  TJ really hadn't thought this through. He really did not know what he was doing knocking on the Goodman's door at 10 pm on a Friday, he just knew he couldn't sit around like last time.  A man in a dark colored robe answered the door, he was holding a steaming mug, "Yes?" The man asked as he looked TJ up and down.  "Oh move Norman, it's one of Cyrus' friends," TJ saw a kind looking woman move Norman aside.  "Hi um Mr and Mrs Goodman I'm TJ, we've met before, I came, to" Tj pulled on his duffle bag strap, "I came to see if Cyrus was alright" He gave them his best handshake and smile.  "Ah," the woman raised her eyebrows and gave Norman a suspicious look, "So you're the one he's been talking about. Come in come in. I assume you're staying since you brought your bag and everything?" TJ shrank, he really didn't think this through, "If that's okay with you? I don't mean to intrude." "Oh sweetie no need to use that formal voice, you're here for Cyrus, you can stay however long you want," The woman opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in. TJ had been to Cyrus' before, but not to this house, he did have two sets of parents of course.  "He's with us this week, " The woman whispered in front of his door, "Please try to get him to take his meds," TJ saw her walk away and whisper something to Cyrus' dad who solemnly nodded.  TJ softly knocked and received no response. He knocked again. No response. He gently twisted the door open, "Cyrus?" he whispered into the darkness. "Cyrus?" he asked again as he stepped inside and dropped his bag. He saw Cyrus sitting on his bed, bundled in what Tj could only assume were all the blankets in Shadyside. Nala was sitting beside him as he stared into his blue computer screen. A breeze ran through the room, someone had left the window cracked open. TJ walked over and closed it, startling Cyrus. "TJ?" Cyrus asked confused. TJ knew that if he looked at him his heart would break, he looked at his dog instead.  "Yeah," he said as he sat next to him, "Your dog's here." "Yeah." "Does she always follow you?" "Yeah." "Uh, Whatcha watching?" TJ sat next to him. He didn't know what to do with his hands, or his feet, or his with his words for that matter.  "What are you doing here TJ?" TJ saw Cyrus stop petting Nala, she looked up at them both.  "Just thought I'd visit is all" TJ quickly glanced at Cyrus, he was right, his heart broke. Cyrus looked completely miserable, he was hollow. "What are you watching?" "Ocean documentaries." "Oh yeah? About what?" TJ really really did not know what he was doing, he just knew he had to be here. "The ocean." "What about the ocean?" TJ said grinning slightly. "What are you doing here TJ? I don't want you to see me like this," Cyrus whispered. He looked on the brink of tears, TJ hated this. He hated that Cyrus was sad, he hated that he couldn't kiss him, he hated that they were dumb teenagers with too many feelings.  "I wanted to see you," Tj said, forcing himself to look at Cyrus' sunken face. Tj wanted to cry too.  Cyrus looked down and back to his screen, he pressed play. They watched the movie in silence. Tj didn't know what it was about, he was too busy playing with Cyrus' fingers.  When the movie ended Cyrus burst into tears.  He leaned onto TJ's shoulder, "I don't know why I'm like this," he sobbed, "I don't know what I'm doing, I have nothing to be sad about." TJ didn't know what to do, so he sat there and rubbed his back as Cyrus' tears soaked his shirt. I wish I could take away your pain. TJ had to blink back his own tears. They sat there until the credits ended and Cyrus' sobs turned into sniffles.  "Another?" TJ asked softly. He felt Cyrus nod. TJ played another Ocean documentary as Cyrus clung to his shirt. Tj eventually felt Cyrus' breath even out. TJ tried to pay attention to the movie, it had something to do with the Mariana Trench and pufferfish, but TJ couldn't concentrate.  "Why are you so nice to me Tyler James?" Cyrus quietly asked.  "I'm your friend" "Friends don't do this," Cyrus said, still clinging to TJ.  "You just-" Tj thought to himself, "You get me, and I want to get you too. You know what I mean?" "You're easy to understand," Cyrus said.  "What do you mean?"  "You avoid your own feelings by fixing other people, you like feeling useful." Cyrus let out in one breath, "And so do I" he added.  "So I've heard" Tj chuckled to himself.  He heard Cyrus let out a breath, "Are you staying over?" "Yeah." "Don't you have cool jock stuff to do?" "This is my cool jock stuff," Tj grinned and squeezed Cyrus. He saw Cyrus' lips quirk up. He didn't know a smile could be so rewarding.  "I'm glad you came today and not yesterday. I was a mess yesterday." Cyrus sighed.  "Why?" TJ said, "I could've handled it." Cyrus let out a breath through his nose, "No you really couldn't have. My parents almost called all the psychiatrists in town." TJ stayed silent for a moment, simply tracing circles on Cyrus' back and hearing him breath. He wanted to stay like that forever. But, he knew he couldn't, "Why'd you stop taking your meds Cyrus?" he asked gently.  Cyrus was quiet. TJ thought he had fallen asleep, but he finally answered in the smallest voice, "I just want to be normal." Tj bit his lip, "Normal is what you make of it. You need to take them Cy, they're there to help you." Cyrus sighed and buried himself deeper into TJ's chest, "I know," Tj heard him say faintly. They stayed like that for the rest of the night, watching ocean documentaries under all the blankets in Shadyside, until they both fell asleep. Cyrus didn't let go of TJ the entire night.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 years ago
me and "my" manipulator
The story of how I slowly realized what went wrong with this guy, so that hopefully it won't happen again. And Idk, maybe this can be of help to you too.
So yes, I had an experience with a manipulator. I am sure I had/have others but I am still in the process of understanding/recognizing many of these so for now I'll simply talk about this guy, cause it's probably been the "awakening relationship" for me. There's this very accurate description of manipulation on wikipedia that is worth a read, in case you feel the need to know more and check if you've (ever) been in such a situation too: at times it's so hard to understand and acknowledge that we're being manipulated we might be never aware of that, or simply find out later on by chance (when it's too late).
BTW I'd like to know about your experience, if so, and if it's not too much to bear with ofc. Mine is gonna be long.
It happened around 4 years ago, ig. We met online, through Instagram. I like knowing people and making friends (that's my maximum goal online tbh), so I didn't see that as a bad thing (I also made some very good online friends from all over the world, so I never see that as a red flag from the start. Not to mention, I have my boundaries anyway).
TBH I didn't really liked how fast and pushy he was: he wanted to meet and go somewhere away from the city to take photos (I love photography and he is passionate about it too), but that's a big no for me: let's meet first where there are other people. I don't like being alone with someone I don't know. Plus, I prefer to take it slow: let's chat online a little before meeting irl. It has already happened to me with someone else that after a while, something happened and the offline meeting got cancelled (luckily, most of the times, I'd say), so... We moved on whatsapp. Yeah I gave him my number. I know we shoudn't do these kind of things, but aren't we putting it online anyway whenever we sign somewhere? Plus, back to the beautiful friends I made online: they all have my number too (not to mention that giving your number to someone irl can be any safer - but this makes for another story).
He used to write me as often as he could, telling me how his ex-girlfriend blocked him everywhere for no reason (I know the truth now, and I even wonder if she has ever been his gf), telling me how many things we had in common (I doubt it now), keeping me informed about his every move, even when he was at the club with his friends or going somewhere with them (I mean... go there and enjoy?? Leave me alone?? We're not even dating, hello?? - Red flag ig, but I didn't pay attention to it: I thought he was just a little bit weird but liked talking with me?? Wrong, though. He wanted to make me feel appreciated and more important than anyone, nice plan).
He wanted to meet one sunday but honestly I wasn't feeling good and my grandma too, and we were home alone, so I asked him to postpone and he got mildly angry (first BIG red flag that made me think: if he doesn't support you or understand you but feels like you're playing with him, leave). I had to promise it was real, I wasn't playing him, I kinda had to... beg?? Gosh, if I rethink about it... I feel so embarassed. But yeah, experiences like this make you more aware of how wrong some things are, once you re-think them over with a clearer mind. So I only have to forgive myself for having done that.
We went on chatting online, he seemed funny and kinda smart (things I like in a guy). Long story short, I decided to finally meet him irl: half I was growing tired of him asking me out and half I had to meet also with another guy (not a manipulator, but someone I had already been talking with and out of nowhere asked me the same thing: "let's go somewhere in the countryside to take photos" - what was going on even?? Maybe it was a sign to move things and see the reality of what was going on. Anyway I wanted to be fair and give both the same amount of time and chance, in my city center though).
I met him in my hometown (he lives nearby), and he parked his car in a parking lot without paying for it, so we basically sat on a bench in front of his car all the time cause he feared police finding out. If I had known his plan, I would have payed for the parking lot (and even a bottle of water or whatever he would have had): it was summer and, for how cool was the air under the trees, I was in deep need of some water to drink. Luckily, we stayed there talking about random stuff for only around 40 minutes. He mentioned many times how I wasn't as shy as I claimed to be and as he thought, but maybe I wasn't feeling as attracted to him: something inside wasn't just right (my guts were screaming "NO"). He tried to touch me and be close, kissed me on my cheeks once I told him I had to go.
It felt okay until the next day, when he started writing me "So how was it?". I was like WTH? What did we do? We spoke for 40 minutes and barely touched... It honestly made me laugh. So I kept being vague "Yeah it was... okay ig?" and tried to move on from the subject but he didn't seem to want that: it felt like he needed some precise words from me, but I couldn't give him them cause it was impossible on my view. I think this is exactly when things started to crumbling down. Probably also cause of how insecure he was/is about his look and his body and he felt judged by me on that (despite I didn't say a word about it, not even to my friends. That wasn't the real "problem" for me).
He started hating on me from that moment on, saying that I had changed from before the meeting (maybe it was half true but I mean, he wasn't helping with such an aggressive behaviour; I swear I kept trying to be friendly, but he didn't want that, he didn't want friends). Things then seemed to calm down for a while and go back to "normal" (he kept messaging me very often about everything and I kept replying him as usual), until I went away on holiday. He then accused me of being selfish and tried to make me feel guilty for being on holiday (maybe cause I didn't invite him): he kept messaging me because he was bored and alone (his friends were on holidays too with their gfs), and I really didn't want to talk with him constantly but enjoy my time there. He had me promise him to go places together (still with the excuse of taking photos), and once I told him "But you have a car and you can go wherever you want already" he got even more mad and upset with me.
One night we had another round of messages in which he said something but it was getting late: I knew he used to go to bed earlier than me, he told me one of the first times we were messaging because he had to wake up at 6 to go to work, and I was perfectly fine with that. Remembering this, I told him "Okay fine, let's continue tomorrow" and he started telling me I didn't want to talk about problems, and when I tried to explain it was for him and tried to put it on a fun note (it was really getting unbearable), he got even angrier and didn't understand my try. The following day he was at work but kept messaging me anyway. We kept "arguing": he kept accusing me of random stuff all done by him, while I was trying to make him aware about what really was going on, showing him his messages to have him shut up and understand it was him, but no ofc: in his mind, it was me. It was me not being his good puppy. At a certain point I really had enough and said "Okay, enough. Let's stop this. Stop writing me, stop. Don't talk to me anymore". He kept saying stuff and called me names, ofc he only wanted a response but I didn't give him: it would only have prolonged the agony for me. So I stood my ground, bit my tongue (I knew replying would have been useless too), and stopped reading his messages until he finally stopped sending. At that point he could have said whatever and I could have never been able to stop him, no matter what I would have said. I knew he was the wrong one and I didn't do anything, and that was enough for me. I even asked for an objective confirmation (I sent the screenshots) to a friend and she agreed with me: it was him making everything up.
He tried again to contact me again some months later on Instagram (I think he believes I blocked him), but I didn't read nor answer. He then tried to talk with me once more because I manage a page that reposts pictures of my area: I decided (with a big effort) to be a decent human being and answer with the basic human interaction "hello, yes, no". And that's all he will get from me (and only related to that page). I want to be clear and it's better to be clear with this type of people. They never give up, they never accept a defeat. But he will have to this time. I don't want to deal with him again anymore.
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year ago
saturday - sunday
i had a weird dream today.
but maybe i'll put that at the end or something, there's a bunch of other stuff i've been thinking about today, mostly all of it is dumb and pointless, but that's why i have a diary, i guess. but rn i am waiting for ableton to load so i can do some stuff to a song, the idea is to double the rhythm-carrying riff, and to make the one panned left a little more mid focused/less high end, but maybe just a touch of that. and then i'll make the vocals quieter, and they'll have to be re-recorded at some point, cuz i want to re-write some lyrics.
still waiting tho, so i'll talk about some positive stuff, good day for music i listened to:
this band is new to me, but really fun, at least 2 of their songs are good, other stuff seems way patchier but that's how a lot of myspace era stuff just seems to go. i also really like the cover art, such a perfect thing, the inexplicable tigers on everything, i need to put a tiger on my thing i think. also i'm #yearofthetiger (i think( cuz 1998)). obv super crystal castles sounding but they have a bit of another thing going on, the bass drum is super fucked sounding, and the track feels constructed differently.
their other good song, a lot more distinct from cc, i think. still really good, more chiptune-y.
liars are a classic band for me, cuz i listened to them a ton in highschool, but i've been meaning to come back to this record, just cuz it feels connected to the whitebelt thing i'm into/part of my past w/ that whole thing, even when i didn't know what ti was, they're definitely also not totally part of that but close enough, they're related/inspired i think. it's totally there in how they do the dance stuff w/ the noisy fucked up guitar playing, but they are way more gang of four than say, idk, arab on radar or six finger satellite, and those bands already love gang of four but they're doing some other weirdo shit. liars aren't straightforward but they are definitely more straight laced than either of those bands, at least in this point of their career. lyrically though, this album is really awesome, he's great at writing stuff that resembles nonsense but is approaching something larger.
i never expected to ever talk about new sematary in a positive way again, but this song is awesome, i keep hoping on some kind of comeback, he's been working on this song for a while it seems like, and you can tell, i really want him to be on some kind of upswing, and this song has everything i want from him, he's like writing something catchy, which is like what's he's really good at, he's got a great sense of melody, and he's even doing some good stuff lyrically i think, like not genius but there's poetry in wendigo/i don't know where to go, he's thinking harder about what he's doing. i hope this sticks around.
having a bit more of a moment w/ this song today, really freakish vocals but they're kinda hard, love how garish the video is too, these guys are masters of ugly vids though, fresh jame (exactly like that, the vocalist here) is so good w/ ugly stuff, he's a bit of a genius in that way, hope nation blows up more generally, i love that fucked up ep of theirs:
genuinely such strange music, they're the closest thing to var i've heard in a while, hypnagogic approaches to rave music kinda, like obviously not rave especially though, but they feel connected to it in some kinda way. var were def more post punk inflected, this has internet freak all over it, but in a way that's not commonly publicized, or maybe just older, they are probably james ferraro adherents in some way. god this ep is so good, the second song here is so beautiful, 'we don't have time to just forget'. i wonder if they play this stuff live, and how that sounds. i'd love to see if they do any shows out here. inexplicably, they were on tour w/ yves tumor, that whole thing around yves is probably this thing they're trying to break, izzy spears is touring w/ yves/was, i guess. that's probably over now. all these people hang out in some capacity, too. this ep feels so huge, no one seems to give a shit about it, but it seems like it has a touch of some kind of future in it. idk.
some pretty solid indie stuff, here, this guy is i think, cosmo potts, also known as frog power, kind of a songwriting genius, however the other half of this project is really good vocally, this is a rlly good story song, perfectly miserable and gothic, dirty in quotidian ways, 'time to take one for the team' is super haunting. i think the dude is definitely weird, not like, sexually, i think, but weird in that he made a song called 'i've been cancelled again,' but i think he's an artsy weirdo from new zealand who has done too many psychs and is into like mde or some shit. that's the kind of weird he is. ultimately people like that are putting work into writing some weird/interesting music about being online too much.
also i listened to some sundry powerviolence (ofc, i am an addict, it's like embedded in me), hardcore is fun to just throw on, random trax, some despise you, some other stuff, a band called peter mangalore, soon i need to listen to the first spazz record, but i did do all of these:
love this album's title, we should all be like it t b h....
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here's the pic of the postcards, i def wanna see if i can use this for something in a collage or whatevs.
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and then this is from the bellagio, the whole arboretum display thing they change up, this is here for chinese new year, the day we went, i saw them rescue a sick koi fish from the pond they had, it was hiding against the wall, really sad, especially seeing it thrash in the net, or even pre-net, how it always would return to the spot it had been before, just trying to fight off illness. i hope it is well, but maybe they'd just put it down in a situation like that. i don't trust casinos with animals i guess. but i hope it lived. i remember there used to be dolphins in the mirage. my grandma took me to see them, it made me really happy, las vegas felt so tropical that day, so many years ago.
re: my music, i did 2 traxxxxx today, both sound better than before, one i might wanna keep messing with but little bits, but it seems pretty solid i think. just listened to the one i'm most scared about, and it is closer to what i want, there's just this sound that i need to have a bit more presence/punch, idk how to get there though. it is really close and probably there, basically, it's just like, such a tiny thing, a little bit closer, just a bit over the edge, is the feeling, but my rule is i am not touching what i do/did w/ the distortion, under no circumstance, cuz that is a good sound. slowly i have been reducing the cut lows and i think that's giving me what i want, so maybe up by 2-3 db on the final eq in the chain in the lows. on the double tracked thing. that will probably do it.
kayyy, and nowwww:
fashion mag scans off that forum again cuz it's fun:
nylon japan:
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this mag is super fun/of the time, like 07-09ish, is the region we're looking at. i love the first one a lot, the bangs are crazy and that floral dress is so cute. the last one is maybe one of my favs though, it's really cool and strange, i love the belt.
gisele japan:
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this one is hilarious cuz it covers so many moods / moments in that time, like the middle 2 here are so american apparel coded in photography style it kind of hurts. but then the top 2 have the regular sort of distance i've noticed in jp fashion mags, and the bottom 2 are that retro throwback that was big at the time over there it seems. really all of this has that inside of it but they all treat it differently.
l'officiel singapore:
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this one is genuinely weird to me, but i love it also, the outfits feel crazy, being like, inside right now, so gaudy in sick ways, that kinda thing ought to come back, especially that third thing that's like a freaky athleisure thing? idk. and then the armor look with the chain collar, i have a friend that would love that, i'll send it to her when she talks to me again.
harper's bazaar china:
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idk why but everything i've seen from this mag had something athletic going on, likely cuz of the olympics being around that time, 07ish so they were getting hype up i think. anyways it's really cool and unique photography with these. i love how they stick the ornate stuff in these, treating it as thoughtfully as they treat the chanel sportswear stuff.
anyway brb gonna write something.
wrote for something i haven't worked on in a while.
anyway the crazy stuff from today:
one thing is that caffeine really is fucking twisted, for me, when i have too much i feel like the world really is ending, something terrible will happen, or something. the world feels dirty, everything can go wrong, i am just sitting here waiting to be put to death by nuclear weapons or something. everything feels yellow, kidney failure on everything, i can't filter out the world and i get small, ant sized. awful.
so i shouldn't ever have that panera lemonade ever again, but my gf's mom brings it, it's hard to tell her when something is not something i should get often, or at all.
the other thing is i watched that drama re: that mama max freak, which iss so weird and evil, i regret looking but i was too curious, like who is that fucker, why does he keep showing up in my recs. it turns out this pedo hunter youtube stuff is obviously evil and heavily fictionalized/ sensationalized to create as strong a reaction/reactionary worldview as possible. it's scary that this kind of content isn't being interrogated, because no one would ever say defending kids is evil, but you have to question what this level of exposure re: narratives of child abuse really does, other than make people paranoid and thirsty to keep hearing about it. honestly as someone who got jacked off to thru the internet over webcams as a child it's all pretty weird and ineffective/evil, i know kids are watching it now, like i watched tcap clips as a kid, it's really worrying, idk. there's almost too much to say about it. like it goads people into feeling good and like something is being prevented, but really it leaves one hopeful to hear more, everyone knows there's more abuse to learn about, or more abuse to simulate and then make someone guilty for. entrapment stuff even, those people are evil obviously and should not be on the streets but when it becomes entertainment idk, it's like it gives me the feeling that we're headed to a satanic panic 2 and it's not just going to be old people talking about it. it's so spectacular it stops anyone from seeing the rather dull reality, of how most people doing this stuff aren't all megafreaks who have crazy stories (so often this is queer people, who get to be talked about in these things, at least from certain accounts it seems like), but like, just men, just regular men, and as long as 'teen' is the most popular/most standard category of porn, this will not disappear, it's standardized/regular, so it can go on, so there will be more people like me.
the mamamax thing in particular made me think of wiseblood, just that he's trying to be clean, that he is evidently some kind of doomed man, working from a fucked moral framework, but he is less interesting than hazel motes. it just came to me cuz i am reading it now. that's how i am. that's how like everyone is.
anyway, a basically worthless thing to think abt, i said i'd write my dream here but i'm just tired now, so:
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If i had to pick an American Cookie that can be bought in the store today, hands down it would be this one.
Living in New Mexico for 20 years, i rarely see a black person. I can go 785 days without seeing an African American. Because i have.
So, it's shocking to go to Arkansas or even Oklahoma and see large groups of Black People and i stare. I don't forget they exist due to the internet.. But I never see them so it's like visiting Mount Rushmore or the Grand Canyon. Its this natural amazing marvel. And I just stare usually with my jaw dropped like some social retard. Which I'm not typically. And Hey -- I'm not the only New Mexican that does that shit. We simply have a serious minority of African Americans here. I understand places like Mississippi don't think they're a minority. But if i can leave my house every day and not see a African American, then you're a minority. Just as in higher areas of African American Domination, i like to call it, there isn't many Latina or Hispanic or Mexicans as there are here. In Mississippi, they're a minority and here they're all "bitch we rule this shit! We own New Mexico!"
So due to actual minority being true of African Americans (in the 90s i picked it because it was always claimed officially so I just accepted as NYC is a huge vast mix of all kinds of culture. I figured they actually went out and counted them. But i wanted to explain to those whom don't travel and don't experience life in other places in the United States.
So in the 90s the Harringtons and I and as he preferred to be called, Captain Negro, his super hero name. Captain Negro del ela Ponte if you wanted to get legal about it. Decided to pick an "American Cookie" we could easily purchase for Sunday nights. And of course it had to be absolutely perfect.
"Taste Great but Look the Part as Touched by a negros heart and soul" said Captain Negroponte as I called him or Captain Negro Party or Captain Negro Parte especially when i didn't know how to explain something.
I tell you. I've always been smart. Miss Leena always hides and plays dumb and just tells history. But to compare and contrast and make analogies i truly learned from this man whom was my English Compilation Teacher, a True Super Hero.
For the cookie experiment. I talked to Miss Leena but she wouldn't explain. She just gave me the type of cookie and told me I would know what to do.
William Harrington said, "I dont know to me a cookie is just a cookie and my wife makes them great!"
And Willingima. we called her, Harrington, at the (jokingly) threat of our own lives said she did not know either she just had to bake she had said as when quietly embroidered under the table a gift for the Captain Hero's family.
So he came over and we told him and his eyes lit up and he was bouncing around with excitement at the table. "So the cookies are.... But I sure don't know how to explain anything but the chocolate"
"Okay explain me"
I did
"And these are just regular old fashioned chocolate chip, not chocolate on chocolate dough or white chocolate chip?"
"I could ask miss leena but im sure it's the old fashioned."
"Lets call her"
She said that the Chocolate dough (black/dark brown dough) with white chocolate chips would be An African cookie -- for their culture here in America and in actually Africa.
So we were all at the phone all listening in, the phone turned all the way up. Now this is the 90s wall phone no speaker phone ability.
So Captain Negroponte told me back at the table, "so you know the old fashioned. Idk why she wouldn't explain the chocolate on chocolate because of the two different browns. But you know I'll stay out of it. I think i do know the sugar but let me just check. What did she say on the phone to you when she called?"
"Well she called just out of the blue. Asked for Sabrina and i thought she was asleep and so i said she was as she hadn't came down (stairs -- our bedrooms were up and i was just living there For the summer or however long until i had to go back to work into the city i moved out October 9, 1991 due to riots in Brooklyn because i had to go help as i spoke about this last week. Officially moved in July 4th of the same year) and she said and i quote "well just tell sabrina this, that i called and she needs to do a cookie experiment. A white old fashioned cookie of chocolate chip flavor and a sugar cookie. She should know what to do with all of your help" she sounded old and she said her husband wasn't home and she was just resting. So i said "well ill let you go" and she said no and wanted to know all about our enterprise feeding the Street neighborhood kids and asked about money and she said "well Sabrina can help" do you -- do you have money? I sure am tired of eating hot dogs myself. This is getting expensive! I mean for us"
I replied "i do have some... Ill talk to Steve to see what we should do and how much and the best way to go about this"
"No now you seem nervous and she said you have a lot"
"Billions" she said the same time I said "millions"
"And you said some.. You said what? What you got now hon?"
"You said I'm a billionaire and i wouldn't ever lie to anyone but Steve explained to me, hes my lawyer, he said that i needed not to explain how rich i am but if someone needed money I'm to say i only have one million dollars and that is it. And i said "but that is a lie!" And he said "but no it is not not when I'm not allowing you to give out more than thousands without my approval" and i was mad!!! But in the end i saw what Steve said i should see. Its dangerous to advertise how rich i am"
"Bull shit! We probably have the richest girl in the world here sitting at our table and im telling her to penny pinch! Babe! We're having steaks next week! Put that on the list!"
"I'll pay you guys all back!"
"No!" "No!" "No!"
"No. Yes i mean i know you all did it from the goodness of your hearts but you shouldn't suffer. And i didn't realize that you were. I mean i thought you just wanted to eat hot dogs. I didn't know there was any difference"
"So what I'll do. Because Steve said I'm allowed up to thousands and you're still in hundreds last i checked. $991 for the last three weeks for the entire house budget. So I'll at least double that and give Captain Nero the same. For the time y'all have spent working and then what i meant i would have to talk to Steve is that I would have to design a plan for the future. What he's talked about is supplying a credit card with a limit capable of exceeding the design purchases. So like if you need $900,000 a month then the credit card would allow $1 million. That's what hes explained to me. Then he would supply 12 blank checks for the year then all you would do is call the number on the back of the card once monthly to find out the balance and get the address, write the check and then mail it to the credit card company. Easy as that. He would get the bills to look over to see you're not scamming me. Then he can stop payment on the rest of the checks if you are and cancel the card. That goes for everyone. So for this i think that is what he would pick. It sounds simple. Of course, I don't pay bills or anything like that. Steve always handles it for me. But I'll still have to talk to Steve to get that program under way. And I'll make sure he pays you and you and of course you for past supplies and your time"
So they agreed to the extra payment but wanted to do work free. Mrs Harrington got $15 per day for taking care of me. And still does although she doesn't take care of me anymore, her influence still lives within me and is what made me who I truly am today.
If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't ever asked criminals how they wanted their ending to be. I would have ripped them off the streets and tortured them one by one ripping off pieces of their body while injected with a chemical that made them highly alert and aware of what was happening. For 6 years and 600 days. Them never knowing when it would be the day to lose something they deemed important.
Instead of dungeons and torture chambers, they have a chance at luxury and happiness.
Those asking for death instead have a right to live in peace and make their amends and do as they need. The miserable are killed first to stop their pain and suffering. 72 wanted vacation before. They got that.
If it wasn't for the Harringtons and Captain Negro, never would that occurred.
They saved a wretch like me and in turn, I saved those worst than me. As Jesus would. She taught me all about the belief of Jesus and who they believed he was
Over Captain Harrington's right shoulder was a cross with me looking down or asleep. They eyes were closed. I felt it was the most accurate representation of me. It even had lumps on it's chest. And I always felt so much responsibility. She believed the Unorthodox Jewish ways with a Catholic overcoat. She was non-religious before marriage so she had a mix of views and dabble in all spirits of religion. Also, the occult.
So when her cheeks were pink and her bright blue eyes lit up, and she told me about Jesus. I always prayed to the Lord in Hevaen that I would live up to her expectations.
And often I would look at that cross and feel the thorns cutting into my forehead. "I hope we can do it. Change the world as expected" I would say.
There were times i would take it off the wall "i feel Jesus should watch some T.V., too" i didn't want to say who i was. Mrs Harrington thought i felt that crown of thorns because Jesus was telling me that i knew things and i should act. Of course I didn't really know who I was, either, at first. Mommy thought it was too much but Daddy told me and said I should keep it secret. But I could tell who or what I want. So I decided to honor mommy and not say. But incorporate Jesus since he was such a big part of Catholicism and decor in the house, daddy said that would make Jesus alive in the house and keep my secret. But allow my full powers to bloom.
And it worked.
So Captain Negroponte said that day that he kept getting questions from one particular kid as tall as me about White Supremacy and how his family taught him that all white people were bad and "only play with nigger kids" so he was certain he knew how to explain the white sugar cookie as long as i could do "the chocolate chip without fail then it would all be good and life would be perfect for this particular child"
"I can. I know just what to do. It will be perfect"
"Okay don't tell me. I dont want to hear until that day"
So he left with a bounce and his eyes glittery. His soul full of tears for this young man, looking back where he left all his hope and faith, walked down the short dark hall and into the sunlight of a cool brisk Saturday afternoon.
"Hey now i might need some help. I know i need to show the white dough and then how it tans when baked. I got that talking to her on the phone"
"Well she didn't say --"
"She said Bake. And i was transformed back into her kitchen and had a white plastic bowl which i put into the oven -- it was empty and out it came a clay not crystal like ours but ceramic Brown bowl with the white inside. So i know what to say about White people tanning to make 2 races so we all have to support the black"
"You you get!! So not all white people are the same!!! Good good!!"
"Shew! Thank you! So I was at the kitchen in the sink.. I mean -- i said that backwards -- so anyway I'm in the kitchen and i see the silver sink and the bowl appears before my eyes and suddenly im holding it in my hands and i went to hand the phone to you as i tried to hand the bowl to her in my standing hands and she didn't sound old like she did in the phone, she sounded very young and sing song. And she said "no the children" so what we have to do is give the bowl to each of the children and let them mix it themselves. That will help white supremacy in however that means. So then the black kids all add the chocolate chips. And then when we bake. That will represent the Muslims that i used to help when in was younger and who framed me to be as i am today. But the kids don't all know that so it will represent all the darker but lighter skin than black you know like Puerto Riccans and Vietnamese and Chinese and all those sorts of people and how the African Americans have inserted their "language" into us to make the world such an amazing place. Without them we wouldn't be the cookie we are today here in 1991. Isn't that right, Jesus?"
"Oh don't look at him so harsh. What do you need me to do?"
"Bake the cookies. At the start we will mix then he will tell a story then we will do the baking. We can do two days in a row or we can help you here in the kitchen. Megan and i can take turns like we always do and so if we wanted to spread the word for two weeks since its getting so cold, we can start in the afternoon instead of dusk. And do the two different cookies the same time -- No i mean in the ssme day"
"Okay that could work. We will just let Captain Nero know and I'm sure he could come up with two great stories to pass the time. And you will pay?"
"Oh yes. Yes of course. And when I talk to Steve I'll ensure Miss Harriet Tubman is getting her cut although she always paid on her own and said she was on solid woman and could make it doing all she pleased, her husband is still working. But he's a police sergeant so I know its not for money. But she could buy her something nice with his pension."
"Oh he has two. He works a lot. One thinks she's like 80 and the other 102 or 103 i think it is. So one will be cut surely i assume. She said she doesn't think she can make it to 120 without them getting onto her"
"And his paycheck?"
"Oh he donates it to science. They own their own trailer and car and BBQ"
"BBQ Grill. Of course though if i gave her money she would probably just clothes the whole entire neighborhood. I'll ask Steve if thats what she wants or that i could do. She said that was the only thing she had left in life to apply for. I guess she always knew i had money thats why she gave me the evil eye. She always provides them gloves in the winter -- except she buys them in the summer when they're cheaper and puts them in a box to save them till it gets cold again. I tell you. She is smart. So about these sugar cookies. I sure hope it works. It seems the opposite of what we set out to do. All white with beautiful crystals on top. She said to make them look so worthwhile and be as perfect as possible..."
So while the White Supremacist cookie is after all just a cookie that we used to explain to a child that was deeply courageous to learn more and actually educated his parents and they hugged me with forgiveness, myself being white.
I have explained the example. And to further educate, the Sugar Cookie in all other reality when not used for a demonstrations, is just a cookie we bake when we have no other additives.
But as Captain Negro (you may call him Captain Nero as Mrs Harrington would as she refused to "see" any color other than the colors of the rainbow") explained we should always try to find something good to add to something that is empty of extras. Be it fruit from like the Garden of Eden or be it nuts or seeds like Big Bird from Sesame Street, prefers, we should always fill our life and our cookies with as much goodness as possible. But some days, he said, some days its okay to have just a plain ole bit of sugar. As long as it's full of love and not hate.
So please do enjoy your plain white sugar cookies that are made with love. Black Panthers nor "all" white people do not encourage prejudice -- even if it's just against a cookie.
God bless us.
So we picked for our "American Cookie" the cookie below: because of the way it looks and the way it tastes. I encourage you to buy some today. As you can see the chocolate chips are hidden just as African American Heritage is hidden. And when we take a bite a beautiful explosion of chocolate erupts and elivenes our spirits.
And to top the cookie off, all of this occurs inside. Hidden away. Just like our souls are.
Thank you for listening. If these people could touch you just one percent how much they changed my life and gave me love and education and pride and so much faith in other people. Then you will be so better off
I hope you allow them to touch your souls.
Now here is the cookie you all have been waiting for:
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We would laugh. And call it the "Soft Bitch" we may be going hard and fighting loud but we always have time for a tear, a hand to hold, a face to hug.
Because this is The United States of America. And she ain't all that bad. Not her citizens. Her government. Yes. But her citizens are blessed by her rich history of which she had no control over.
The American Cookie. A brown cookie, like a white person tans with perfect pieces of Black African American heart and soul baked in. Cookies of the United States of America. I always called them "American Cookies" We even had kids sit and mix up chocolate chip dough from scratch, each child getting to mix and have an ingredient added while they mixed. They all got to see the raw dough was White. Then They were baked with love by Momma Harrington and they came out tan. Like white people do in the sun. So they could see for certain how the African American were and are in the souls and minds of white people. And how without the African American pieces of love they were not complete. To prove this we made cookies without the chips and they were bland. "But What about White Supremacy? Because that was just America without us. But What about how they think?" I was asked. "I guess we could try Sugar Cookies then and see what happens. So we made beautiful sugar cookies with sugar crystals on top. Thank God our Black Panther Leader knew the words because i was at a loss.
"We all mixed and made those cookies. We saw what was in them! Sugar! We made them appeasing to the eye and different looking and more special looking than an old Chocolate Chip with those crystals. But those crystals?!? They ain't nothing. We got them in chocolate chip and that is all they put in the White Mass cookies. Then we sprinkled a little on top to make them look clean and beautiful like a real treasure. But the Treasure is Truth!!! They're missing the real thing! Sure they look beautiful especially in the sun, the crystals reflecting the lights all over but those crystals are Blinding us to the Truth!!! They are all a fraud!! But go ahead, eat them. I would too. White supremacist and all. Now let's growl!!"
Reminder Established in 1991:
Miss Leena has a different fund called ""Harriet Tubman's Self Worth Working Still Today" and she has 778 users of my funds whom also feed the people of their neighborhood and streets. They do collard greens, steak and potatoes soup daily. Saturday and Sunday add hot dogs and Sunday Morning they do their African American Heritage Stories. Of course 68% are certified Black Panthers as well but no one has to pledge to an organization to feed children with love m they just follow their hearts.
The account labeled "Black Panther Food Allocation - For the Street Kids" 962 people across the globe do this on their personal streets nightly. Feed kids collard greens, hot dogs and/or hamburgers (with cheese and iceberg lettuce, tomato, onions, relish and so on). And on Sundays tell the stories of Black American Leaders that intended to destroy prejudice and mistreatment and succeeded and the listeners all get cookies.
Of course I bought the secret Cookie to represent our Nation. The United States of America.
The United States was founded officially on July 4, 1776.
Due to this i requested our policy be to employ no more than 77% of African American and no less than 76% the remaining percent be of at least 4 different shades of white.
We start at $18 per hour as that is the adult age in the USA to represent freedom. We employ 2020 in each factory setting arena.
Then we changed the recipe, to take out the lumps. To promise a better and smoother future for all.
The Original cookie to represent the past is gone is pictured on the box as well as an elf. It is not misrepresentation of what is inside, unless you expected to find an elf as well. In no way is there any identifying words that says that is the what the cookie looks like inside. But it is the Original cookie artwork packaging as i bought it in 1991.
We have been sued over the artwork not representing the contents. Once i sued myself and won. I got good game. Y'all. Persuaded everyone to see it my way! It was a mock trial. And so it was to prepare for a real trial which did occur and we did win. We simply told the truth of our packaging and said we were not ready to reveal it. It was 2007 and we hadn't done a full reveal since 1991 and so why not leave us alone as we couldn't promise the change?!?!
We did word of mouth and some soft T.V. programming to indicate it. But never The full storey as I have today in pulic.
So again here is the Original cookie it did actually look like but did crumble more -- we kept that chocolate chip explosion. But bake them twice to have an outer coating of smoothness.
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Ali & Carly
Ali: this is why i don't wear shoes Ali: i have lost one??? Ali: rescue it if you see it Carly: what do they look like Ali: just a kinda tan sandal thing Ali: just a penneys special so not the end of the world, should chuck the other one so someone can have the pair Carly: come & bring me food & then youll be here to reunite them Carly: but yea k will lean out my door & see if its there Ali: love the enthusiasm, babe 😜 Ali: can feel your come down from here Carly: dont barely remember the come up Carly: wtf happened last night Ali: not in a much better position myself but uhm Ali: mayhem, that's for sure Ali: i think you might've gone home with the wrong cousin Carly: shit Carly: my bad Carly: better read my txts Carly: who did you go w ? Ali: didn't go that far with anyone Ali: 💍 remember and such a 😇 Ali: ronan was in a mard though and i weren't up for listening to that so 🤷 Carly: aw Carly: sorry baby i'll calm him down Ali: it's chill 😂 bless him Ali: no need on my account tho i'm sure he'd be down, despite protests otherwise Carly: my inbox is Carly: cba w this rn Ali: oh baby, want a bacon sarnie and a secretary? Carly: yea Carly: gonna throw my phone w your shoe Ali: i woke up to a mystery dickpic on my phone Ali: is it rude to ask which one it belongs to because lads, sorry, not that memorable that i'm picking it out of a line-up Ali: you'll know, been more recent, i'll come over with food and lucozade for real and ruin your day with that lovely image and the actually rather creative sexts that went with it Ali: 10/10 for effort, sir Carly: cant put it on the cv or school report but my memory for 'em is good Carly: if ive seen it i'll id it Carly: ill laff if its the large ginge cousin whose name i never got Carly: sounded like a cough Ali: that's a talent and if the man can't see that, fuck him Ali: and his job in tescos, like Ali: i mean, shouldn't have a preference but i hope not 😂 Ali: soz honey but Carly: thanks baby Carly: I hope its that token english Carly: he was fit Ali: can reply if you like Ali: worse ways to waste a sunday morning than messing with boys Ali: sounding like a priest Ali: oops Carly: ha Carly: i found some fucking funny vids of us so maybe the phone shouldnt go out window before youve had a look Ali: yes, i need to see that Carly: [sends her fave of the vids] Ali: aww Ali: we're fun drunks Ali: love that for us Carly: yea Carly: im a messy bitch tho Carly: no wonder i went w the hero cousin Ali: meh, things happen at parties, everyone knows that Ali: not like you're proper attached is it Ali: though he's gonna be annoying now probs but day in the life when you're irresistible, yeah? Carly: youd know babe Carly: he wont be on site long never is Carly: so idc Carly: saved me for a nite boy youre welcome Ali: duh Ali: hottest couple in town Ali: one for the wank bank anyway Carly: yea & he is fit Carly: give him that Carly: esp when i dont understand what hes saying Ali: the best kind Ali: a boy you don't have to speak to 😜 Ali: if that's all it takes like, whip out the Gaeilge Carly: youve got the giggles but yea Carly: true Carly: but on site id just have all the oldies chatting at me if i could Carly: not trying to make them go weak Ali: they ain't daddies? boo 😥 Carly: some got many kids but thats it Carly: say something to me then Ali: [sends voice memo, probably has dirty words she'd recognise from site life and lots of loling] Carly: k Carly: so hot Carly: if your gf is mad at me for stealing you last nite you can smooth things over w her like that Ali: might have to Ali: though it ain't you she's 😤 with Ali: poor ronan, shoulda done more than snog him if she comes for him, not even worth it for that Carly: ill protect him when he lets me back near Carly: cant stay mad at this Carly: sure your girls the same Ali: She's mad 24/7 babe, just gotta hold on, like 😂 Ali: we want different things now but that's not a convo for this morning like jesus Carly: whos got the energy Carly: cba w angry Carly: yea you want a sarnie Ali: exactly, and i wanted to have fun last night but may as well have said i want his dick in or around my mouth k bye babe Carly: ha Carly: that would be fun tho Ali: tell that to past you, dashing his threesome dreams like 🤷💔 Carly: still time Ali: not me you need to promise baby Carly: yea but id rather talk to you Ali: 💚 Ali: you cute Carly: all you Carly: how you look so good coming from band? wtf Ali: psh please Ali: it was all about you 🙇 Carly: if that was true why is every memory i got from last nite just you Carly: facts Ali: had to get you away from that mirror somehow, like 😉 Ali: it was fun Carly: ha Carly: cuz your talents got me like Carly: yea it was Ali: helps when the canvas already beautiful babe Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Ali: 🍓 Carly: gonna make me cry Ali: don't cry lil one Ali: the bacon is coming Ali: got roped into doing a shady kid swap, where is my ma, take this demon child Carly: you can bring him if you want Carly: ill put clothes on before Ali: cockblocked again 😉 Ali: nah, he needs to go get shoes Ali: ironically and unlucky, twat Carly: what size is he Carly: i can ask around when i look for yours Carly: lads flog everything and anything here on sundays Ali: his feet are big man Ali: he's only little but he's lanky af, unlike me Ali: that's fun tho Ali: imma go shopping Carly: aw Carly: yea wish i was taller Carly: ffs ma and da Ali: literally Ali: least neither of my sisters are model tall or i'd be more raging Ali: we make it work, babe Carly: & i dont have any sisters Carly: well done on that one tho ma & da Ali: speak for yourself Ali: i'm gutted Carly: oww Carly: trying to replace me like the vows were no thing Ali: you know you're my one and only Ali: but a woman got needs Carly: thats what your gf is for Carly: no Ali: yeah but i'm allowed wishful thinking too Ali: damn Carly: ive given you the mental image of me naked Carly: what more you need Ali: are you jealous of your hypothetical sister? Carly: yea if you like her more Ali: aw baby, 'course not Ali: she's a ride, yeah, but bit of a bitch too, like Carly: ha Carly: takes after our ma like Ali: sadly, straighter than you Ali: 👎 Carly: like theres a ranking Carly: just straight or not yea Ali: I mean, it is a scale but I'm not gonna try and bond with your Ma giving her the test for it, like Ali: could we tie her down for a sec, obvs Carly: hit her when shes washing up Carly: takes long Ali: okay, i'll dry 😉 Ali: what an offer Carly: trying to make me vom now Carly: take crying or blushing over Ali: soz babe Carly: her & my da dont fuck but still dont reckon youre her type Ali: don't know what's worse, that, or knowing they do Carly: im good w them not Carly: sound carries Carly: no secrets in the caravan Ali: sure there's a toilet block they could go to Ali: keeping it sexy Carly: sure my da's there doing his cry wank Carly: while my ma checks the talent Carly: we got that to look forward to in our marriage in a few years Ali: who's scouting who's cranking Ali: because frankly, i refuse either Carly: im the biggest slag so probs me Carly: sorry Ali: and I'm not Ali: igloo sisters how many times now?! 😂 Carly: ha Carly: but youre loyal Carly: me and my ma dont kno the meaning like Ali: am i Ali: you miss the part when i got on ronan Carly: o yea Carly: i forgot Ali: idk what i'm gonna do about that Ali: instant gameover but its literally so irrelevant Carly: hes a ride Carly: you should be excused for it Ali: she's a 6 on that scale, yeah, massive gay Ali: so she ain't seeing that, never mind the other shit Carly: shit yea Carly: dont tell her Ali: does that make me the worst? Ali: i should hm Carly: hes not gonna speak to her Carly: and if he brags you can call it that Ali: Yeah Ali: I don't know Carly: its that or tell her Carly: & say youre sorry Carly: we were all wasted Carly: not like you have feelings for him Ali: You're right, obviously Ali: like that's the truth but yeah Ali: might leave it unless I need to go there Ali: soz God, swing by confession later Carly: tell her youre a bi cliche Carly: she'd love it Carly: use the scale Ali: she would tho Ali: validate everything she's ever sneaky or not so thought about me Ali: soz, i need a constant stream of p n v or i die Carly: a girl has needs Carly: what am i a 1? Ali: its like dis Ali: 1- all straight 2- mostly straight but lil gay 3- equal/bi 4- mostly gay but still lil into opposite 5- total gay Ali: but not gonna resist the urge to tell you you a 10 Carly: 🥇 Carly: i like that you're 3 tho. 3's a lucky number Ali: and a magic one 🔮 Carly: yea cuz youre magical Ali: believe it baby Carly: i do Ali: right, finally leaving, be like 10 Ali: doing the opposite to a walk of shame rn, strutting back in like what's good Carly: you gotta Carly: own it baby Carly: havent found your shoe tho sorry Carly: maybe ronan took it cuz he loves you so bad Ali: 😂 oh my god Ali: like a horny puppy Carly: yea Carly: building a shrine to you rn probs Ali: or he wanna play cinderella Ali: such a ridiculous fairytale, as far as they go Carly: how wasted was the prince that he cant remember what she looks like Carly: k been there but not trying to wife anyone Ali: right?! also, sure plenty of bitches a size 5, like??? Ali: was it a magic shoe Ali: no explanation, frankly Carly: yea like me and you have the same size Carly: ill take your prince for a ride bitch Ali: 😂 Ali: he cool with that Ali: that's the tea Ali: boy gives no fucks, long as it ain't a man in drag Carly: he hasnt met your brother tho Carly: boy looks good Ali: eww Ali: stop that thought right there Carly: dont get jealous Carly: not gonna go there Ali: not jealous, but repulsed 😷 Carly: k babe Carly: if you say so Ali: trust, you wanna see jealous you'll see it soon enough if you go there Ali: 😂 bea don't fuck about Carly: have to go for one of your other hot brothers Ali: trying be my sister in law and wife Ali: kickin it country Carly: you kno Carly: been on site too long Ali: forreal, not gotta hang with the traveller lads that hard baby Carly: after last nite not gonna be hanging w them for a while Ali: let 'em fight it out amongst themselves Ali: defs for the best Carly: yea Carly: hide w me babe Carly: gonna be so bored Ali: gonna Ali: i'll peep their wares another day Ali: not a euphemism Carly: sounds dirty tho Ali: yeah, regretted it as i said it but hey Ali: love me a sale and a gypsy boy Carly: no regrets boo Carly: they love you too Carly: esp whoever send the dick pic Ali: the real mystery Ali: soz everyone else with your drama but we gotta know Carly: i do need to be knowing Carly: thats my wife lads Ali: awh you gonna defend my honour n delicate sensibilities Carly: yea Carly: youre an angel Ali: you're so cute Carly: its you Carly: my parents came back Carly: gonna have to run Ali: oh no i am en route Ali: where you going boo Carly: i'll catch you and we can find somewhere theyre not Carly: ha church Carly: can you eat there cuz im not looking to die for jesus Ali: yeah for sure, not in the pews like its the cinema, like Ali: can go park if you wanna Ali: or up the mountain if you can hack it, like Carly: youre so smart Carly: like your mouth Carly: but yea Carly: date time Ali: awh yeah Ali: this picnic ain't goals i'm so sorry babe Ali: least the weather's looking up Carly: idc Carly: get to be w my boo Ali: 😍 Carly: i look crazy Carly: havent got dressed faster w out getting fucked before since idc Carly: idk Ali: i like crazy Ali: and beside me you'll probs look totally normal 😉 Carly: you look hot every day baby Carly: facts Ali: all these compliments got me feeling 🔥 obvs Carly: thats how i want it Ali: gonna have you flying high too Ali: top of the world, baby Carly: aw Carly: whats in the food like Ali: 😂 Ali: just faith n trust n pixiedust, of course Carly: you can snort pixiedust yea? Carly: k Ali: you gon' be mad when i've got nothing but sandwiches and half a donut Carly: nah Carly: cant be mad at you Carly: too cute Ali: and donuts are life Carly: true
0 notes
infinitylester · 7 years ago
MaDi ThErEs So mAnY qUeStIoNs! i'm answering because when your best friend tags you in something, you fucking do it 💕
1. last drink: the hydration juices ;)))
2: last phone call: my brother lmao
3. last text message: to madi, i LoVe YoU
4. last song you listened to: single by the neighbourhood
5. last time you cried: on sunday when i had a mental breakdown and realised i wasn't important to anybody and that i wasn't really 'loved' by anyone :'))
6. dated someone twice: jesus, who do you think i am
7. kissed someone and regretted it?: never kissed someone so, ya know :'))
8. been cheated on?: no
9. lost someone special?: a lot of people
10. been depressed?: a lot... but i wouldn't say 'i'm depressed' i just feel depressed sometimes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up?: lmao no
fave colors
12. black
13. pastel colours... aLl oF tHeM
14. rose gold
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends?: sure have, wtf hOW?!
16: fallen out of love?: yes.
17. laughed until you cried?: yes... i cried and choked :'))
18. found out someone was talking about you?: yes. it's the reason i have trust issues.
19. met someone who changed you?: yes...the person who tagged me especially.
20. found out who your friends are?: yeah... no one apparently :'(
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: i dont have facebook lMaO
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl?: facebook??? don't use that bitch
23. do you have any pets?: a smol lil cat named mittens. she's ash grey with white paws and she's v jumpy but also super cute.
24. do you want to change your name?: no! i quite like my name, surprisingly!
25. what did you do for your last birthday?: i had my irl best friend and another close friend at the time sleep over.
26. What time did you wake up today?: 7:30am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: ...reading phanfic...smutty phanfic
28. What is something you can’t wait for?: the biggest one is meeting madi next year, but definitely seeing dan and phil and paramore!
29. What are you listening to right now?: party favour by billie eilish
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom?: my great uncle's name is tom, so yes.
31. something that’s getting on your nerves?: i'm second best to everyone, even my mum. i just want to be loved
32. most visited website: …. wElL
33. hair color: ginger-ey but also brown?? it's like auburn but lighter.
34. long or short hair: on myself, short hair! (i just cut it pretty short and i love it!)
35. do you have a crush on someone?: yep. one's serious and one's on my art teacher :'))
36. what do you like about yourself?: my heart. i have boundless love to give.
37. want any piercings?: some more ear piercings, a nose ring and a belly button piercing
38. blood type: i haven't the faintest idea
39. nicknames: loz, loza... that's it. nobody loves me enough to give me cute nicknames :'))
40. relationship status: ...taken but idk how to explain it. it's a bit up in the air :'))
41. zodiac: taurus
42. pronouns: she/her
43. fave tv shows: oH bOy, A lOt! game of thrones, stranger things, westworld and brooklyn nine nine
44. tattoos: none yet... i do want a few though
45. right or left handed: right handed
46. ever had surgery?: once!
47. piercings?: my ears...
48. sport: i used to play netball but that's it :'))
49. vacation: europe or america
50. trainers: ...nO
more general
51. eating: i just ate dinner
52. drinking: nothing atm lmao
53. i’m about to watch: not sure. probably continue ahs
54. waiting for: my will to live to arrive
55. want: to be loved by someone... a hug. someone to say they love me and mean it
56. get married: maybe one day. if i find somebody i want to spend the rest of my life with.
57. career: all i've ever wanted was to be a musician. i'll try and make that happen, but if i can't, maybe an artist.
which is better:
58. hugs or kisses: i've never been kissed, so hugs, purely because it's the only one i have experienced
59. lips or eyes: eyes. eyes are the window to the soul
60. shorter or taller: i kinda want a tol girlfriend but short people are so cute!
61. older or younger: i don't mind :))
62. nice arms or stomach: tummy... tummies are cute
63. hookup or relationship: relationship for sure
64. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: nO i HaVe AnXiEtY bRo
66. drank hard liquor: yes...
67. lost glasses: not yet... please don't jinx me
68. turned someone down: does it count when i was little and told a boy i wasn't interested in him... there was a reason for that BiTcH
69. sex on first date: no, most certainly not!
70. broken someones heart: does my mum's count? because probably. i'd say i've disappointed her more than i have made her proud. i guess there's a reason my brother's the favourite
71. had your heart broken: yes... not romantically
72. been arrested: no, i'm an angel bean, i've never even gotten detention, let alone arrested
73. cried when someone died: yes
74. fallen for a friend: ...fuck.
75. do you believe in yourself: pffft self belief left me long ago
76. miracles: noPE
77. love at first sight?: no. definitely not!
78. Santa Claus: awwww
79. kiss on a first date: maybe... depends on the person and how much i like them
80. angels: yes, i'd like to think so
81. best friend’s name: leila, madi and anna
82. eye color: extremely dark brown... like basically black
83. favorite movie: catching fire or la la land
84. fave actor: evan peters, jennifer lawrence and andy samberg
tHaT wAs LoNg!
i tag: @avengethenurses @picantebeefdotmp4 @dandy-dodie @northerndownpourlester @yiff-yiff-for-phan
thanks to @space-boy-leo + @lightphilly and all the others who tagged me i usually never do these but im sick and bored so here goes nothing
Tag 20 people
1. last drink: coconut water
2: last phone call: @infinitylester but she didn’t answer </3
3. last text message: well shit
4. last song you listened to: dreamer // charlie xcx
5. last time you cried: i dont remember 
6. dated someone twice: nah
7. kissed someone and regretted it?: hmm
8. been cheated on?: no
9. lost someone special?: yes
10. been depressed?: every fuckin day buddy
11. gotten drunk and thrown up?: never thrown up, no
fave colors
12. green
13. black
14. idk i appreciate all colours they all fit my different moods on different days
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends?: yes
16: fallen out of love?: yes and i was proud of myself for it because it was toxic
17. laughed until you cried?: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you?: yep
19. met someone who changed you?: yes
20. found out who your friends are?: not really
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: i dont have facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl?: facebook who
23. do you have any pets?: a dog! teacup poodle x
24. do you want to change your name?: i mean it’s a bit generic
25. what did you do for your last birthday?: cried
26. What time did you wake up today?: 5am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: wishing i was awsten knight
28. What is something you can’t wait for?: september !! meeting megan! (@lightphilly) dan and phil ! <3
29. What are you listening to right now?: i can hear the project on the tv downstairs
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom?: yes a very long time ago he was in the house opposite but he has moved now 
31. something that’s getting on your nerves?: living
32. most visited website: …. lol
33. hair color: chestnut red/goldish it’s quite odd
34. long or short hair: a bit longer than shoulder length
35. do you have a crush on someone?: awsten knight
36. what do you like about yourself?: fellas,, dude,, not a thing
37. want any piercings?: spider bites + tongue
38. blood type: i have the rarest blood type in the world ur looking @ an ab-
39. nicknames: none but some people call me moo
40. relationship status: pringles
41. zodiac: cancer
42. pronouns: buddy/bud/b
43. fave tv shows: THE GOOD PLACE 
44. tattoos: nada
45. right or left handed: ambidextrous look @ that talent
46. ever had surgery?: no but if anyone wants to offer me a full body and soul transplant i would be very willing 
47. piercings?: helix
48. sport: unfortunately im a rower 
49. vacation: hell
50. trainers: gotta do exercise somehow
more general
51. eating: no
52. drinking: no
53. i’m about to watch: andrew dexter ;))
54. waiting for: my will to live to arrive
55. want: death
56. get married: i mean,,,,,,,
57. career: i used to want to be an environmental lawyer but dan changed my mind on that one
which is better:
58. hugs or kisses: whichever
59. lips or eyes: either or
60. shorter or taller: im a GIANT i have no option
61. older or younger: i dont care
62. nice arms or stomach: tummy <3 <3 i LoVe
63. hookup or relationship: relationship
64. troublemaker or hesitant: doesnt matter
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: no
66. drank hard liquor: yes
67. lost glasses: yes
68. turned someone down: no one would ever want me is this a joke
69. sex on first date: no
70. broken someones heart: yeah unfortunately
71. had your heart broken: yes
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes
74. fallen for a friend: l o l
75. do you believe in yourself: fuck no
76. miracles: i mean i think people look after you –up there– but im not sure really
77. love at first sight: no because personality is more important
78. Santa Claus: think of the children
79. kiss on a first date: no
80. angels: yes
81. best friend’s name: u assume i have friends??bitch,, i got a surprise for u
82. eye color: green
83. favorite movie: little miss sunshine. the good old movies like shrek. most adam sandler movies
84. fave actor: adam sandler (+ drew barrymore + jennifer aniston)
i have very few people to tag that havent aleady been tagged and i dont even know 20 people lol so i tag  @infinitylester @roslynrobinson @shattering-the-4th-wall @aichatabai
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Carly & Ali
Carly: last nite was good of you Carly: saying thanks cuz i read my text from last nite & it was Carly: I cudnt read it k thats facts Ali: nah, don't mention it, no bitch left behind Ali: plus, I know the cunt doing the ditching, been there, like Ali: was trying to translate but yeah, you were pretty fucked 😂 Ali: how you feeling this am? 💚 Carly: yea? hes not that bad Carly: im a slag like he said tbh Carly: feeling like i had a decent nite all things considered Carly: you? Ali: Gurl, yes he is and no you ain't! Ali: Probably Ali: Who cares if you are, he is, and the rest Ali: I dated him for a bit, so there's no shady, tryna steal your man on the sly going on, don't worry Ali: much the same, my head feels like someone took my eyes out and shoved 'em up my arse, you know? Ali: standard sunday vibes Carly: aw you're sweet but it's no diss on me Carly: like ive cheated on him a few times Carly: but he does it too you're right w that Carly: hes a good fuck when he's not too wasted tho which you kno if you got it too Carly: you're single now tho? Carly: can have him back if you want Ali: Fair play Ali: why not call it open and call it a day? Ali: Probs 'cos he likes fighting as much as he likes fucking Ali: Meh, yeah, was passable, gotta have some reason to keep him around, like Ali: Nah, going out with the girl that drove us back Ali: Remember? Dark hair, angry Carly: yea Carly: you know Carly: shit my bad Carly: she was scary is what i've got in my head Carly: idk my head is sketch cant trust it Ali: That's a fair assessment, I reckon Ali: She wouldn't hate it either so you good 😉 Carly: pretty tho Carly: call it a trade up Ali: Yeah, she's cute Ali: you need any more of the night filling in lemme know, I'll do my best Ali: it was pretty standard though, nothing too wild Carly: no faking it w her cuz shes too drunk Carly: designated driver be like Carly: last i see i was getting with his friend lowkey and he went off about it im blank from then Ali: its a fucking gay crime to ever fake it, no matter what Ali: I can get behind that one tho, not got the time or energy tbh Ali: yeah i think him and his friend then got in a scrap and then they left Ali: bros before hoes mentality hardcore, like idk, have fun jerking each other off then, if that's ur vibe boys Carly: k that sounds legit from what i caught on his socials Carly: didnt upload the circle jerk bless Carly: gay crimes must of been committed Ali: sad face Ali: coulda spat on his back Ali: protip Carly: ill let him know when he texts me later Carly: how did you kno where i live? state of me Carly: sorry to drag you this way Ali: plottwist, i'm a massive stalker with bad intentions Ali: I truly don't know, but I'll tell Lene she should be a cabbie 'cos she managed and I don't think we got any puke in her car Carly: k big lesbian crush on me yea Carly: ioher lots Carly: stealing her girl and wrecking her car in one Ali: Naturally, you cute Ali: I'll give you her number if you like, or just pass along the thanks and soz Carly: awh you're cuter Carly: probs still drunk tho Carly: giving me those kind words Carly: you handle the now ex if you love me Ali: Hahaha, he'd LOVE that Ali: ghosts of gf past Ali: Let me and I'll love you forever Carly: go for it Ali: let's see if I've still got his number Ali: this contact list is a minefield of mistakes but the real embarrassment would be getting them muddled up, fo'shame! Carly: i can give it Carly: used it more recently than you Carly: up there at my top Ali: won't be tellin' him that Ali: don't need the ego boost Ali: but tah Carly: makes it more fun to fuck him over if you praise him first Carly: but maybe thats me Ali: like a shit sandwich Ali: I get it Carly: hungry for anything but that rn Carly: [Sends the number tho] Ali: wanna come for brunch Ali: now you are newly gay Ali: that's what they do, fucking sex in the city up in dis bitch Carly: yea? weird Carly: not what i thought Carly: awh first date tho Ali: forreal, even the butch ones, don't let 'em fool you, its all fancy fucking eggs and screwdrivers by 11am Ali: you call 'em mimosas tho, gotta pretend you're being classy Carly: wtf is a screwdriver Ali: Babe! Ali: Vodka and orange juice Carly: i call it that Carly: gays and their labels Ali: save it for the rant sesh honey Ali: love you talking about how men ain't shit as well Carly: thats the ones i fuck Carly: cant be bringing no poshos to a caravan Ali: Posh boys are only good for the money anyway, I'm sure Ali: not finding any in 24 like regardless Carly: not gonna find out if they do drive by now im a lesbian wife Carly: sorry lads Ali: they had their chance Ali: unlucky boys Carly: should prob tell me your name again if im taking it Ali: Ruins the mystery a bit but alright Ali: Its Ali Ali: Ali McKenna if we're being formal Carly: k you've got the hot brothers Carly: makes sense Ali: 🤔 Ali: I think you're thinking of someone else, babe Carly: not trying to have our first fight but you coulda told me before we got hitched, bitch Carly: you're still hot tho don't be sad Ali: so you could run off with one of my brothers? i think not Ali: unless you meant Tommy 'cos he's very single but that's unlikely because he's never here Ali: stuck with me for now, hoe 😘 Carly: a slag like me could do worse Carly: has Ali: bitch, same Ali: we can compare notes, see how many regrets we got in common Carly: yea Carly: doing it Ali: Good, save it for brunch 'cos I'm coming forreal Ali: we don't have to deal with a gaggle of gossiping gays tho, bring you a maccies breakfast? Carly: k Carly: be fun Carly: you are from what i remember Ali: I like that Ali: No bullshit Ali: Imma start all interactions like be fun please or I'm out Ali: ✌ bringing the fun and the bacon babe Carly: you're not bringing your gf are you Ali: Nah, how awkward, meet the missus, honey Carly: like there's usually a lad in my trio sorry Carly: still learning this lesbian life Ali: oh, are you bi legit? Ali: she's way too jealous for threesomes, you're good Carly: nah i just know what lads want Ali: Oh gurl Ali: that's why Lene ain't coming Ali: the lecture you're avoiding Carly: idc Carly: youre my wife now bitch Ali: 💍💍 Ali: Productive morning, if I do say so myself Ali: and we're hanging, fuck with us Carly: good influence of you cuz i havent done fuck all this week Ali: Hard work being a bi icon, babe Ali: wait 'til I get you on the yoga hype Carly: wtf Carly: is that a joke Ali: nah, I've already done half an hour this morning Carly: bitch i had my fingers crossed you mistyped yogurt Carly: i love you but its a no Ali: 😂 lets be really into yogurt, not fancy stuff, like fucking froobs Carly: phallic Carly: slurping on my dick shaped yogurt Ali: exactly Ali: what do men love more than a representation of their genitals shoved in your mouth? nothing, is the answer, bar the real thing Ali: so seductive Carly: they don't like food in bed tho, but maybe thats my technique Carly: thinking you could use whatever Carly: k just gonna dump this curry out yea bear with Ali: spicy Ali: imagine the yeast infection you'd get from a fromage frais Carly: like sorry but if i can handle cum in my eye you can deal with some saag aloo boy Carly: googling those symptoms would be a laff tho Ali: ugh, now i want indian Carly: date 2, babe Ali: 😍 Ali: this is all moving so fast Ali: 'bout it Carly: thats all i kno about lesbians k Ali: Its so true Ali: Can confirm Carly: is your gf gonna be mad that im flirting with you Carly: cuz im scrappy but she's scary Ali: 😂 Ali: Probably but when I tell her you're straight she'll have to chill Ali: yeah, we're married BUT SHE'S STRAIGHT, BABE Carly: can't tell her how many girls ive fucked cuz i dont remember Carly: convenient Ali: Best keep that on the DL, yeah Ali: like your blatant gay feelings for me Carly: k Carly: been a secret before no big Ali: Awh babe, ain't nothing dirty about this Ali: I shall tell the world Carly: you're sweet Ali: Probably not if you still wanna be getting that D but you know, noblest intentions, like Carly: im over it Carly: go off Ali: when your pussy's the cure Ali: how can I be humble now? 😏 Carly: dont be Carly: proud slags who fucking love froobs Carly: its a mood Ali: that is a whole ass mood Ali: put it on a t-shirt, babe Carly: earn some bread for my table Ali: solid business plan Ali: we can't be the only ones Carly: independent women who don't need no dick Carly: anymore Ali: hell yeah! Ali: unless that dick wanna pay the bills, in which case we'll let 'em Ali: so we can get more froobs Carly: point Ali: oh no, someone put a pic of Molly Briggs vomming on Insta Ali: 1. gross 2. who hasn't been there, poor bitch Carly: sad Carly: hope she's alright Ali: I'd ask but don't really know her and her phone must already be blowing up Ali: plus she threw a netball right in my face once and I don't forget, bitch Ali: jk, I'll just report the pic 😂 Carly: they all call me a whore cba to keep track of which mollys or other bitches Ali: She is a bit of a bitch, ain't gonna sugarcoat it so probably Ali: not saying Karmas real but posted on that friggin' TallaghtSlags page so 🤷 Ali: grab a froob, darling Carly: her name makes me wanna party with her dad but thats as far as im fucking with that family Carly: or mum i dont know who picked it like Ali: Init, proper old skool ravers, obvs Ali: think I'm out of eccies, sadly Ali: last night depleted me Carly: Watch me call my son Bennie cos I got anxiety, baby Ali: Cute tho, whole medicine cabinet of babies Carly: why not im married now Ali: We'll get on that, date 3, like Carly: where you taking me? Ali: up the wheyyyyyyyyyy Ali: well, we had brunch, indian, obvs we're fat bitches Ali: get on that chinese buffet life Carly: you can get on your yoga mat tho Carly: im fucked Carly: letting myself go so soon my bad Ali: Please, you're perfect Ali: I'll have all the kids if you want Carly: blushing is what i am Carly: how many you want? Ali: how many people names are there for drugs? molly bennie mandy charlie umm Ali: and our preachy child, frank Carly: ha Carly: tina that's one Ali: Ooh, yes, a gay icon Carly: billy, bud our weak child, cosmic kelly who's gonna have to style that out Ali: oh kelly, I hope you have the personality to match or we've really fucked you over there, soz babe Carly: can't forget dimitri, lucy or mandy Carly: sweet sweet mary joy Ali: My fanny hurts just thinking about it Carly: christine and tina are obvs twins thats a relief Carly: how manys that? Ali: 13 Ali: Unlucky for some but my actual lucky number! Ali: Fated Carly: ha Carly: it's love and keeps being proven Ali: can't fight what's clearly so right Carly: true Ali: you want a milkshake Ali: i'm having one Carly: yea Carly: strawberry Ali: 'cos u so sweet 💚 Carly: awww Ali: I shall be right there, with brunch fit for a pair of proud slags Carly: k Carly: my parents arent here no need to break the news of wedded bliss Ali: Would be a weird first impression but I could rock it Ali: new fave in-law? I think so Carly: yea Carly: cant fight fate like Carly: been said Ali: forreal, catch me outside if you got something to say, lads Ali: alone time with the bae is always good tho Carly: you kno Carly: love you bitch Ali: love ya 😘
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