#idk idk not a lawyer not a paralegal etc.
fedoranon · 1 year
I AM BACK FROM SHOPPING AND BACK INTO LIVEBLOGGING! (Long as hell so there’s a cut before the first direct quote.)
Also obligatory: I’m not a lawyer but I do have a 1964 pocket legal dictionary that probably belonged to my stenographer great grandmother. Also her notary seal which I know better than to use thank.
The difference between how the Court reacts to Ms. Foti’s [representing LoDuca] concluding remarks vs. Mr. Minkoff & Mr. Maulsby [representing the Firm and Schwartz together] is night and day, hard to sum up in quotes or screenshots. Posting the link again, I’m starting on page 48 of 64.
Basically, Ms. Foti gets to deliver her whole statement without interruption, summarizing LoDuca’s side of things and citing a particularly favorable case where a lawyer did not get sanctioned for relying on the work of a colleague in good faith that contained falsehoods. The Judge says “thank you” and calls for Minkoff or his colleague.
Immediately the interruptions start.
Minkoff wants to trade off with Maulsby, his colleague, Judge says that’s unusual.
MR. MINKOFF: Actually, your Honor, I don't necessarily agree. I have divided arguments up before in other courts. If your Honor doesn't want us to do that, give me a moment to speak --
THE COURT: It would be customary to ask to do that. MR. MINKOFF: I am asking. THE COURT: Now you're asking that I'm granting it. The point is, you ask. MR. MINKOFF: Yes. THE COURT: Then I grant it. You don't presume. MR. MINKOFF: I apologize.
Like a misbehaving toddler. Treating Minkoff like he did Schwartz and LoDuca, who have seriously misbehaved in this court and are having the fear of God and Early Retirement put into them. I need to go back and finish the June 6th filings yet, there’s so, so much [I’m pretty sure Schwartz represents that he didn’t use ChatGPT to do any writing but I’m pretty sure this transcript points to the Judge believing he did], but I wonder what the hell is in there that pissed the Judge off so much already?
Anyway, he gets going pretty good for a couple pages here. I don’t find it as compelling as Ms. Foti’s statement, personally, but she has somewhat relevant case law and that always helps. It seems like Maulsby is going to do the actual arguing that they don’t meet the standard that LoDuca and Schwartz’s lawyers agree on, this “subjective bad faith” or I’d call it “intentionality” standard. Minkoff’s main thing is that this was new technology, it’s a known fact that lawyers are old and not hip with new technology and couldn’t have known ChatGPT isn’t a super search engine that has access to paid databases despite the fact that NO online search engine has access to all case law and, I cannot emphasize this enough, CHAT is in the TITLE [and also again I’m fairly sure Schwartz also used it to write for him].
Then Minkoff makes the Cardinal Sin of ascribing the Judge’s motive, or basically saying why he’s done what he did (WRT having this hearing), which my dad always emphasized that you must NEVER EVER DO in any circumstances but especially in a court room.
MR. MINKOFF:  [...] Now, this Court has done its job of warning the public about these risks, warning the profession about these risks. THE COURT: That's not my job, and I didn't set out to do that. MR. MINKOFF: I understand that it's not your job as a judge to do it, but you did it. THE COURT: That was not intended as a warning. That was intended as an order to show cause to bring these respondents before the Court to answer for their actions and nothing more. MR. MINKOFF: I understand that, your Honor. But whether your Honor intended it or not, the effect is what I said, which is that the public is now on notice of this problem, which my client was not on notice of and did not know about at the time. Now, just as AI teaches itself, now it is up to lawyers to learn about these dangers.
There’s a certain intelligence in writing to addressing your conclusion to your perception of the audience’s mind state, but I think this is a reach. ~The Judge is just trying to warn us of the dangers.~ Nah, fam, sanctions are on the line for a reason. This isn’t a SLAPP, it’s Judge who knows the law and how lawyers are supposed to behave.
Maulsby refers back to their previously filed papers a lot more than Minkoff and Foti, and I’ll admit this is the type of law work that goes over my head a lot. I’m related to lawyers, stenographers, and notaries, and I’ve answered phones a few times but I’m not trained in this kind of thing and I don’t pretend I am. It feels a bit tedious though, like maybe he loses his place a few times? I can catch that he’s citing several cases where sanctions were imposed, and saying that this case isn’t like that. 
He goes on about the “bad faith” and “knowledge” elements in a way that honestly sounds a bit written by ChatGPT himself. Very vague, repetitious, I don’t like his style and the Judge doesn’t either:
THE COURT: Let's not reiterate -- you are both from the same firm. You are partners? MR. MAULSBY: Yes. THE COURT: I have granted you the opportunity to supplement Mr. Minkoff's arguments. Please try to refrain from reiterating his arguments. If you have something new to say, I'm all ears. MR. MAULSBY: Understand. I will.
"If you have something NEW to say” AKA this is why I didn’t want to let you talk in the first place. The Judge loses all patience at this point:
THE COURT: I think this point has been made. MR. MAULSBY: The firm has taken appropriate remedial measures -- THE COURT: I think that point was made also. Your firm put on a CLE for the firm. Is that right? MR. MAULSBY: That's one of them, Judge THE COURT: I heard from the principal of the firm. Is this something that's in the record that you are going to tell me, or is this something not in the record? MR. MAULSBY: I'm summing the record, your Honor. THE COURT: This is something in the record. MR. MAULSBY: Yes. THE COURT: What is it in the record and tell me where I find it. MR. MAULSBY: I'm sorry. THE COURT: Tell me where I find what you are about to tell me in the record. MR. MAULSBY: Mr. Corvino's declaration talked about the remedial measures. THE COURT: I read it. MR. MAULSBY: I may not be understanding the question. I'm sorry. THE COURT: I have Mr. Corvino's declaration. I have heard from him. I'm all ears if you have something new you want to say. But reiterating your written submissions is not particularly helpful. MR. MAULSBY: That's fine, your Honor.
[A CLE is the continued learning hours that lawyers need to do if they want to continue to be barred.]
AND THEN HE JUST CONTINUES ON. IDK maybe he skipped a paragraph but he just goes “The point I’m trying to make is” and keeps going like more of the same. I’m not sure why he feels the need to “sum up” the record -- this isn’t a jury trial and these aren’t closing statements on the case, he’s here to present evidence and argue why sanctions shouldn’t be imposed.
Unless he doesn’t think the Judge read all those submissions two days ago, which. In this case? After all the false fucking cases he had his clerk run down? Sure, Jan.
Next IS one of the few points where they argue on behalf of the Firm well, although I think the best argument for them is the “We get out of the way and let our lawyers do their job” type statement Corvino made.
He’s arguing that the sanctions would be unduly punitive because sanctions are supposed to be a “deterrent message” but in Minkoff’s section the Judge already said “That's not my job, and I didn't set out to do that.“ That was about warning the public, not warning these lawyers but the point remains: the Judge isn’t here to warn the lawyers, he’s here “ to bring these respondents before the Court to answer for their actions and nothing more”.
The Judge has some closing comments, first thanking everyone for coming, then:
I want to make an important observation. It's not fair to pick apart people's words, but I'll just note that, repeatedly, this has been described as a mistake. And framing this as a mistake, I understand why it's framed that way, and the mistake is to have submitted the brief on March 1 that cited nonexistent cases.
But that's not what this is all about. [...] I doubt we would be here today if the narrative ended there. There was a reply brief filed by Avianca. The record will reflect whether that brief put Mr. Schwartz and Mr. LoDuca on actual notice that their cases were nonexistent. There was an order from the Court on April 11 calling upon Mr. LoDuca, not a law firm, not an entity, not the plaintiff, Mr. LoDuca to submit copies of the cases. We know how Mr. LoDuca responded to that. We know how Mr. Schwartz prepared the response. We know what they submitted and what they said about it. We know a lot more now. But this case is not just about the March 1 submission. It's what happened thereafter is an important part and an essential part of that narrative.
And then he marks the affadavit as Exhibit 1 and adjourns the hearing.
If I’m Schwartz walking out of this hearing, I’m terrified. The Judge was not pleased with the presentations by his team, ascribing the Court’s motives and being unnecessarily repetitive.
If I’m LoDuca walking out of this hearing, I’m feeling a bit less shaky? But I personally wouldn’t make any bets. His best defense is that he didn’t do due diligence, and as a lawyer you have an obligation to your clients and the court to do just that.
If I’m Corvino, I’m wondering if no news is good news, as it were. The Judge didn’t have questions for him, the lawyers hardly mentioned the Firm as a whole in their presentations, maybe they’re really just there because they happen to be these idiots’ employers? Their best defense is also not knowing anything, but not being familiar with the case makes it a lot more credible.
If I’m Mata, I’m probably gonna sue these guys for my medical bills pending how the retrial goes. Assuming he can bring this again once the dust settles, but I don’t see why this wouldn’t be a mistrial or otherwise dismissed without prejudice? I believe is the term.
If I’m the defendants or their counsel, I’m laughing my ass off at this while also being fucking pissed that what should have been an open and shut case is being dragged out like this. What a waste of time. Why wouldn’t you at least skim what you’re presenting. gods above.
So yeah. Let me know if y’all see what I do vis a vis the Judge not being happy with Schwartz’s lawyers and why.
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lucycore · 2 months
Hi!! I was wondering if I could get a IT 2017 ship. Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I'm a girl. I use she / her pronouns, and I'm bisexual.
Physically, I have long dirty blonde hair, hazel / green eyes, and I have pale skin with freckles. I also have glasses. I'm also around 5'6 ft. And I dress pretty normal ig. I usually wear band t shirts or tie die with bell bottom jeans or cargo pants and grey sneakers.
Personality wise im an ambivert. I'm quite shy around new people but very loud and open with my close friends. Speaking of friends I'm not very social since I have HUGE social anxiety but I do have alot of friends and get along with almost everyone. But I'm not very popular at school. And again speaking of school I get straight A's and im pretty goody two shoes in that area. + I've never gotten introubled but I often hide things from my parents and friends. I do get overwhelmed socially easily though and spend alot of time alone. Idk what else to add there hopefully that's enough
More facts about me / hobbies I have is that I really like music. I can play the piano and ukulele, but I more so enjoy others' music. Some of my favorite bands include The Beatles, Guns n Roses, Nirvana, Led Zeppelin, etc. I also love movies. My favorite types of movies are horror, comedy, and coming of age films. Some of my favorites include Stand By Me, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Napoleon Dynamite. Also, according to my friends, I have a dark / crude sense of humor. Some hobbies I also have are playing the piano/ukulele, writing, reading, drawing, and sculpting. My favorite places to hang out with my friends are the woods, the arcade, my house, and the mall. I also only have 3 very very close friends. And lastly when I grow up I want to be a lawyer or a paralegal.
Hope that's enjoy I couldn't think of anything else. Thanks again! Take your time :]
Okay so I was thinking between Bev and Stan and I'm gonna give u Bev.
I think she matches u more than Stan bc Stan seems too shy and not really outgoing and Bev definitely more.
Look wise I really wanna point out that ur pale skin with freckles matches her ginger hair and also the hazel eyes which are greenish (I have them too btw.) Also u have glasses and when she tried on the pharmacists glasses it leads me to think that she would ask u to put ur glasses on her. She would look cute in these.
Style wise I think it matches her style maybe a little but the bandshirts would be her favorite on u.
Personality wise u match her maybe the most. She is definitely an ambivert and like u said, shy at first but then open with the ones u feel comfortable with is also the case with Bev. She also gets along with most people and has friends (losers club). Also your not very social and so is she. Another important point is that u hide stuff from ur parents and so does she. I mean she hides everything from her father so I think u two would mostly relate about that to each other.
Hobby wise, like said before she would love ur taste in music and ask u about the bands that u like and together as a cute date idea the two of u would listen to music together and exchange your tastes in music. She would also love to hear u play the ukulele/piano. I also think the two of u would enjoy watching horror movies together but since IT is the biggest horror in your lifes, then you guys wouldn't need horror movies anymore lol. After all she would love your hobbies and love to try them out with u.
That's all I could take from your text that would match her so hope u like it and also like that I matched you with Bev.
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for the ask about career, some ex: doctor, lawyer, nanny, etc. ? Idk if that’s still too vague if so I apologize and don’t worry !
I can work with that! Check out our Doctor!Blaine, Doctor!Kurt, Lawyer!Blaine, Lawyer!Kurt, Nanny!Blaine, and Nanny!Kurt tags. I set out below my favorite fic for each profession you mentioned.  - HKVoyage
~~~~~A Doctor’s Touch by capturingme
Kurt has just hit the Broadway scene. His biggest part is about to open in 2 weeks when he comes down with a cough. His friend suggests their doctor, Dr Anderson. Little does Kurt know that its really Blaine, the one night stand from weeks ago. OC included.
A Fresh Start by pickingviolets
Blaine, a nurse, fresh from a bad marriage, is looking to start a new life for him and his daughter. Kurt, a doctor, is dealing with his own struggles as a single dad. Meeting in the emergency room late one night can provide more healing than either thought possible.
Download the [PDF] [Epub]
Syrup and Honey by LauGS (@heartsmadeofbooks)
AU!Klaine. Kurt Hummel is 25 years old when he finds himself being the owner of the bakery he had been dreaming about his whole life, just in time to sweeten up Blaine Anderson’s days.
Emotions in Limine by whenidance
As one of the founding partners at The Firm of Hummel, Lopez, and Smythe, Kurt is far too busy to worry about a personal life – on top of the stress of trying to make a name for himself as one of the most promising young attorneys in the Midwest, he’s got to keep a handle on his own office politics, which consist of Santana hooking up with their receptionist and Sebastian trying to get into his pants. When they hire a few new paralegals to help with their impending caseload, the last thing Kurt expects is to fall in love with one Blaine Anderson – and especially not on the eve of his thirtieth birthday. Can their secret office romance survive when their coworkers are quite possibly the nosiest group of people in the whole state of Illinois? (written for gleebigbang on LJ)
Serenade My Heart by MrsCriss2012
Kurt Hummel is a hugely successful actor, who suddenly finds himself having to take care of three small children. Blaine Anderson is a struggling musician, hired to teach piano. Only, Blaine has never taught piano before, and Kurt has never had to be a parent before. It’s a voyage of discovery for all of them.
Quicksand by LauGS
Something as simple as a phone call can change your life forever. When sudden tragedy strikes, NYU professor Blaine Anderson needs to learn how to move forward and not let the weight of the world crush him to pieces. But comfort can come from the most unexpected people, and even from one of his own students, Kurt Hummel, who may need some comfort of his own.
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lawschoolruinedme · 6 years
hi! im currently a freshman in college taking up ba sociology, tbfh i have no idea what to do w my life and im considering shifting to a different course but idk what yet. my parents want me to be a lawyer and I do consider it but I have a feeling that it’s not for me. how do i know what career I should pursue? should I pursue law even if im not sure I’ll like it? im rlly sorry if im bothering u or asking too much questions, i don’t rlly have anyone to talk to abt this. thank u tho!!!
The best way to know if being a lawyer might be for you is to actually go and look at what lawyers do all day. See if you can volunteer at a law firm for a few hours a day being a Runner (running to the bank, getting coffee, scanning documents, etc.). Lawyers who feel like you help them survive the day love to talk about their own journey to being a lawyer, law school, and you can really learn a lot about whether or not it’s something you want to pursue. 
Alternatively, being a paralegal is the next closest thing. Some jurisdictions don’t require you to have a paralegal degree, just some sort of university degree, so it could be something you try for a few years after college. 
All of that being said, don’t switch your major just yet. The first year of college is bullshit. It is designed, for lack of a better term, to cull the incoming class before they reach the upper years of study. Your first year of college is so ridiculously mundane compared to what you will be doing in two years. But it’s designed that way. 
Hold on a little longer, trust me. Then start thinking about whether you enjoy what you’re studying and where it could take you. 
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bethanysjournal · 7 years
I'm very interested in criminology but idk what career field is go into with it.. what are you doing after college or what job do you hope to get?
Hey Anon! Due to me only starting my second year on the  5th, it means that while I am currently studying criminology but it also means that I have not started specializing in anything yet. I have been thinking about going back to school after I finish my bachelor for 2 more years to get my Masters of Criminology because it could be helpful when getting a job.
However, job wise, there are so many careers that you can use a Bachelor of Criminology degree in. I found a list  on York University  website of careers, those that are italicized personally interest me.
⁂ Activist⁂ Addictions Counsellor⁂ Airport Security Officer⁂ Animal Welfare Investigator⁂ Author⁂ Behaviour Profiler⁂ Border Patrol Officer⁂ Child and Youth Worker⁂ Child Welfare Worker⁂ Coast Guard⁂ Community Outreach Worker⁂ Community Relations Consultant⁂ Consumer Advocate⁂ Corporate Security⁂ Corrections Officer⁂ Court Clerk⁂  Court Reporter⁂ Crime Reporter⁂ Crime Scene Analyst⁂ Customs Inspector⁂ Foreign Correspondent⁂ Forensics Specialist⁂ Fraud Investigator⁂ Historical Researcher⁂ Human Resource Specialist⁂ Human Rights Officer⁂ Journalist⁂ Juvenile Court Officer⁂ Labour Relations Specialist⁂ Law Enforcement Officer⁂ Lawyer⁂ Legal Secretary⁂ Legislative Aid⁂ Media Correspondent⁂ Mediator⁂ Military Officer⁂ Non-profit Sector Administrator⁂ Ombudsman⁂ Paralegal⁂ Park Ranger⁂ Personal Security Officer⁂ Policy Analyst⁂ Political Advisor⁂ Politician⁂ Polygraph Technician⁂ Prison Official⁂ Probation Officer⁂ Professor⁂ Public Administrator⁂ Rehabilitation Counsellor⁂ Researcher⁂ Social Policy Researcher⁂ Social Worker⁂ Surveillance Officer⁂ Teacher⁂ Victims Advocate
I’d also like to add that I am not familiar with many of these careers and what their jobs entail, meaning that a could be interested in a few more but still have to do research.
I also found a list from my university which is a lot more vague in what the exact career is but what you could be doing:
⁂ Work for a non-profit organization assisting justice-involved people with life skills and community involvement⁂ Working for organizations in the capacity of safety administrators, operations compliance officers or those that assist with anti-fraud measures⁂ Work as a police officer or security worker⁂ Work with offenders or prison inmates as a correctional officer, or case worker⁂ Work with young offenders in the community or in an institutional setting⁂ Work with women in conflict with the law⁂ Supervise offenders in the community on probation or parole⁂ Provide services to victims of crime, by helping prepare them for court or by providing other supports to them in the community⁂ Support inmates upon their release from prison⁂ Become involved in community-based alternatives to the criminal justice system
I think its important to realize that after graduation you can directly try to get employment or that you’ll also be prepared to apply to law school or graduate studies in disciplines such as Criminology, Social Justice, Policy Studies etc. which can lead to additional career choices.
While I wish I could personally be of more help, but due to my lack of doing research about careers that you can do with a Bachelor of Criminology I am not much help. My theory right now while I am in school is that I know many jobs can be done with a Criminology degree, because there will always be the law and issues with it, that I shouldn’t have to complexly focus on the future and first figure out what I enjoy learning and what I would enjoy doing 5 days a week for 40 hours, or even more. 
If you have more personal questions about what studying Criminology on a daily basis looks like, feel free to message me off anon and i’d love to help.
I hope this post gives you the push for studying Criminology because i personally love it. 
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officialcameronfrye · 7 years
okay this might be a dumb question but i’ve always heard the word and never known what it meant- what is a paralegal? like, what do they do?
it’s a little similar to a lawyer, but there’s certain stuff you can’t do. paralegals can’t to family law, real estate, some criminal law, etc. sometimes paralegals work under lawyers, but that’s not always that case.  
it’s also less expensive for schooling to be a paralegal. idk how it works for other countries but in canada to be a fully licenced lawyer you need to go to uni as well as law school, and take the bar exam, which is insanely expensive. 
hope this helped a bit!
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homo-normative · 8 years
you guys i'm having a bit of an identity crisis
so i'm one semester away from getting my marketing design AAS. and when i started the program I was just overjoyed with finding a way to monetize my artistic sensibility. but now that i'm almost done I feel kinda dispassionate about it. it uses the same part of my brain over and over again. the creative art making part. but i feel like it doesn't engage the logical problem solving part of my brain beyond making the things fit requirements put forth by whomever wants the ad or marketing media from me. @ school these army guys were there in uniform so i went to go say thank you for your service and they asked me if i've ever thought about serving bc they are recruiters. i said no but that i have always had an interest in law, which is tangentially related to the army at best. but the dude i was talking to was like "what about being a paralegal?!? you could be a paralegal in the army and then we would pay for you to go to law school!" and while i'm 100% not going to join the army, i can't stop thinking about the possibility of being a paralegal. i always thought doing stuff w law would be out of my reach because i don't have the money for law school. but you don't need law school to be a paralegal, yet you still get to immerse yourself in law. when i was a kid i either wanted to be a detective or a magician's assistant. those were my top 2 picks. i feel like being a paralegal is kind of like doing detective work for lawyers @ your firm. and busywork etc but you have to make sure the lawyers have all the info they need in order to best help their client and protect themselves. anyway. the idea of being a paralegal is nagging at the back of my mind. i feel like it would engage the creative part of my brain as well as the logic part, both to a greater extent than marketing design would. what do i even do? i have enough money left to become a paralegal. but i'm like 96% done with this marketing design thing. but i feel like it was jumping the gun just wanting to do something and not necessarily the field of work that would be best for me. idk.
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