#idk i fear this is doodoo
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foolishskull · 3 months ago
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candyheartedchy · 7 months ago
If I’m being completely honest, I followed your blog a year ago to make fun of you and save your self ship art to a cringe folder but, instead I’ve fallen in love with your art and how much you love your f/o’s and by extension yourself.
I realize that I was wrong in my original intentions now and what you do is harmless. I was and still am jealous of how bravely you post yourself and your thoughts and feelings about animated characters. I continue to follow your blog now as a way of trying to better myself and say “If this person is having fun creating, why don’t I?” And while it’s still scary to post my own art, you’ve helped me overcome the idea that I shouldn’t even try to make something.
Idk uh. TLDR: I was a stinky doodoo fart head but Chy’s blog helped me love myself like she loves herself.(and Spongebob!!!)
If I’m being honest too, I always felt that there was folks who made fun of my stuff on the side (since I seen it happen a few times here and there) and knew my stuff would be considered cringe to people. Like I expected that since day one. But at the end of the day I’m just doing this for me. My self ship art helps me stay creative and keeps me motivated for many different reasons. And if it wasn’t for creating this blog or making the art I do, I wouldn’t have gotten this far in life. Like I truly believe it’s what kept me alive for all these years. Because it taught me to learn to love myself. And I do understand feeling scared or afraid of letting yourself be expressive about things you enjoy and just being who you are in general. I had to learn to be brave and do everything out of fear when it comes to posting my art or just being myself. So I’m glad to help you love yourself better. And I believe you can and will post your own art one day too!
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months ago
lowkey one of my biggest fears for the flufftober fics coming out is someone making fun of my wording- ive had people outright say (in rude tones mind you) that english couldnt be my first language (it is, i just struggle with writing and tbf when those comments were made about my writing i was in middle school) like. that shit stuck with me because it used to be treated like doodoo, like. the mere concept of it not being perfect was a blight (also it was on wattpad idk what they expected)
second biggest fear is dialogue i am scared of writing dialogue
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idk why kpoppies hate when their faves get into acting like I'm praying for Irene to be in her thespian era and like take it serious too.. I cant watch joy act but I'd tune in for any doodoo drama Irene starred in I fear
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a-substantial-trash-pile · 3 years ago
been seeing a spike in people liking my previous h*rry p*tter art and then following, so i guess i should really make it clear that i don’t do stuff for that series anymore for obvious reasons. sorry for wasting your time!! at the time i was trying to “fix” hp with my dumb unhinged au shit, but it was kind of like slapping a bandaid on a huge crack in a dam y’know? there was just too much. and r*wling is a poopoo doodoo butt who is too inherently linked to the series for me to feel comfortable making content for it without feeling like i’m supporting her bs somehow.
sometimes i wonder if i should just go and delete all of my hp stuff so i’m not confusing anyone, but it’s over 200 drawings and i never really tag shit consistently. also it feels like i’m trying to hide my past if i do that. and also making the people who enjoyed my dumb au feel bad. because they were genuinely cool and nice! and i hate making people feel bad. like i think i still follow people who were in that community because of my fear of making them feel bad if i unfollow. idk why i’m like this. it’s not like a lot of them would notice if i dropped off their follower list.
i at least hope some of you who followed me for my hp stuff stuck around to be indoctrinated by my hlvrai propaganda. 🤞 but i don’t blame anyone for leaving. and don’t feel bad for leaving either! if you followed me for certain content and then i stop posting that content, it’s totally understandable for you to unfollow. it was nice having you here and i only wish you the best. 🙏🫡
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reginaldqueribundus · 3 years ago
idk if this ask got sent before cuz my wifi is being doodoo but THANK U for the reblogs i didnt think people would enjoy my doflamingo shitposts this much 😭🙏,, i liek to make him funny and weird cuz he gives me that vibe he is so swag
Haha have no fear I received your ask — you are welcome on my dash and in my inbox anytime. I can't draw but imagine a selfie of Doflamingo with his arm around Crocodile and a dumb filter that says “#SWAG” and Crocodile clearly did not want to be in this photo
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Can you just write all the answers?
woof okay sure (im assuming you mean this ask):
✨Music ask game hoes✨
1. Most frequently played song rn
hmm i think neverenders by fiatc, Kiss The Ring and Tomorrow’s Money by mcr, and EVOLVE by Shinedown
2. Favorite 2000s era song
Our Lady of Sorrows or Hang ‘Em High 
3. Go-to sad song
World Destroyer (if that counts as sad) and Demolition Lovers
4. Favorite movie soundtrack
doo-doo-doodoo-doo-doo-doodoo-doo-doo-doodoo-doodoodoo!!!  (if the link isn’t working, it’s Pirates of the Caribbean)
5. Number one artist/band you wanna see live
Fronk Oreo and the Fresh Vegetables
6. Artist you’d love to sit down and have a conversation with
Jish Dun aka DJ Spookey Jim
7. Give one controversial music-related opinion
i mean idk I’ve only really heard a couple of Metallica songs but they’re kind of boring? The riffs are just too repetitive and it takes too long to get the point, i tried listening to One and i couldn’t even get past the first minute cause the damn song wouldn’t start. I’ll stick to punk stuff,  thanks.
8. Do you like having physical copies of music?
like cds and stuff? i would love to, not that i actually do, i might try toconvince my mom to let me get Barriers when it comes out
9. Fave 90s era song
I haven’t listened to much but Basket Case is awesome
10. Go-to happy song
Summertime by MCR!!!! its my favortie Danger Days song, which totally contrasts from my favorites of the other albums but it just so darn beautiful. also while we’re on the subject listen to For The Lost And Brave by Ray Toro please it is so beautiful
11. Most played playlist
I don’t really make playlists because my moods are so weird and i can never pinpoint which songs i will want to listen to. I do have a couple playlists that spell out phrases though, like I Lied, AMBULANCE, Miss Me, Give Em Hell, Kid, Addict of the Gallery, and You are my sunshine. (true story)
12. A song that you have a very specific memory attached to- explain
Friend, Please by TØP, kind of self explanatory 
13. Fav 80s era song
does The Tropper (by Iron Maiden) count? its also one of the only songs i know that come from the 80′s so i don’t have much to choose from
14. A song that youd get the lyrics to tattooed on your body
I’ve always wanted “I’ll be your android girl” from F.T.W.W.W just cause its super punk but i’d also get “I am not afraid to keep on living” “Faith is to be awake” “Never let them take the light behind your eyes” “crazy=genius” and “Tatty my king” (100% joking about that last one, dont get any ideas)
15. A good song to blow your car speakers out to
Save Yourself I’ll Hold Them Back or I Am Going To Kil The President of the United Sates of America
16. A song from your childhood
the Agent Emes theme song or every barney song ever
17. Artist with the most angelic voice
Faith Marie or Ray Toro, maybe Aiden Gallagher
18. Fav 70s era song
Anarchy in the UK, i can never get it out of my head
19. A song that reminds you of your best friend
sometimes we all just stand in a cluster and sing I Wanna Be Sedated under our breath
20. Songs you use to fall asleep
.stage 4 fear of trying. by fiatc or Diluted by DeathSpells, depending on  my mood
21. Song you wanna get laid to
haha no
22. A song that’s lyrics are engrained in your mind forever
Fat and Alone, your out on your own, king of blubber, sitting on your throne (im pencey prep trash)
23. A song you cannot stand
In My Blood by shawn mendes, or every shwan mendes song ever. its literally just cliche after cliche, god just kill me now
24. Top 3 most listened to music genre
Punk, Alt Pop, Metal, idk genres are over rated i just listen to whatever appeals to my ears at the moment
25. Songs you’d fight to
the entirety of three cheers for sweet revenge, Say Amen, Smells Like Teen Spirit, and The Shining
wow that was fun, thanks for the ask stevie
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imtransgender · 6 years ago
5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 23, 43, 49, 55, 56, 61, 73, 85, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 98 :D I tried to not do too many so if you skip any thats ok im just gay n wanna hear what you have to say uwu
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
soda bottles!
8. movies or tv shows?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
none bc i was always gay and bad at sports lejeoshsksbdkshs
12. name of your favorite playlist?
lover boy
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
i always hated all of the books we were assigned to read tbh! i don’t think i ever liked a single assigned book.
18. ideal weather?
sunny weather, where it’s warm enough to be comfy but not too hot!
19. sleeping position?
on my side or on my stomach with one leg up and one leg down!
23. strange habits?
i talk to myself a lot skdbsodhskdb
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
hoodie!! it’s comnfy.........
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“if you doodoo on yourself......”
55. favorite fairy tale?
rumpelstiltskin...... that man was a bastard
56. favorite tradition?
lighting chanukah candles!!!
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“We accept the love we think we deserve.”
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
i don’t rlly have one tbh!
85. fairy tales or mythology?
87. your greatest fear?
a fear of rejection
88. your greatest wish?
to [REDACTED] with my bf
90. luckiest mistake?
fuck idk!!!!!! i can’t think of anything eoshsksbshs
93. nicknames?
flor and daddy
94. favorite season?
98. favorite historical era?
the 80’s!
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tallphonse · 8 years ago
Rules: answer all questions (that you can), add one question of your own and then tag as many people as there are questions
coke or pepsi: carbonated drinks hurt my throat (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
disney or dreamworks: both are hecking awesome tbh buuuut….disney
coffee or tea: ehhh neither ://
books or movies: movies
windows or mac: windows (fuck mac tbh)
dc or marvel: marvel all the wayyyy
x-box or playstation: playstation is my c h i l d h o o d
dragon age or mass effect: not my type o games sorry bud
night owl or early riser: night owl
Cards or chess: cards i don’t even know what a pawn does hh
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate treats vanilla sweets
vans or converse: i have like one pair of shoes
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: gesundheit
fluff or angst: fluff i can’t handle angst
beach or forest: beach
dogs or cats: BOTH
clear skies or rain: i loooove the sound of rain, but i don’t like being trapped in it :’)
cooking or eating out: i love cooking/baking buuuut i’d rather a professional prepare it for me
spicy food or mild food: depends. i have a high spice tolerance soo…
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot bc being cold all the time is a sign of bad blood circulation
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: the ability to either freeze or slow down time
animation or live action: animation forever my dude
paragon or renegade: well you just got renegade by the styx stuck in my head so
baths or showers: showers bc they quick, baths bc they relaxing
team cap or team ironman: iron man is my fav, sorry steve :(((
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy!!
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: honestly?? can’t think of any
youtube or netflix: youtube
harry potter or percy jackson: uhhhhhhhh harry potter ig?
when you feel accomplished: when i draw something well or when i successfully cheer someone up or make someone laugh
star wars or star trek: space balls
paperback books or hardback books: paperback (i fear hardback because i am a klutz and those edges are dangerous)
to live in a world without literature or without music? HELL. NO. music is one of my coping methods ahahahshshhshshckndbbke
who was the last person to make you laugh? a little boy that waved to me on the train :’)))
sour or sweet candy: sweet! i could never understand why people enJOY sour flavoring
do you believe in aliens? ofc!!
dawn or dusk: dusk
piercings or tattoos: i am weak
girls? HOT????? YEAHHHHhhhhh
snow or fog: snOW
do you sleep facing the wall or the room? usually the room
TRC or AFTG: wh at
horror or drama: drama! i am a wimpp
ocarina of time or majora’s mask? OCARINA OF TIME!!!! DOODOO DOOOOO DOO DOOOOOOO….
would you rather live in an area of more nature or city? city…can’t stand bein alone
what’s your addiction right now? FMA :))))))))
what languages can you speak? english is all that i’m fluent in, but i can understand most spanish and i’ve picked up on japanese lol
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? idk…i hate thinkin about the future…
sun or moon? moon because it’s pretty (but sun bc that’s the pokemon version i have eheh)
potato bread or banana bread? banana bread is littt
imma tag @gaypaninya @grey-ling @roylustang @calangkoh @raptatta and @thekillua *finger guns*
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foreign-sands · 8 years ago
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u know, my dad can be a really doodoo head. like i get that like being a hoe isnt a good thing in the eyes of the lord or whatever the jargon is but yo, if its only w one person then what difference does it make ????? (by being a hoe i mean holding hands, making out, having the bf buy food for me, etcetera :))) i dont get why parents are so invasive >:( like i bet back in the day u didnt tell ur parents who u nutted like ??? what the h let me be, let me make mistakes, let me not make mistakes just give me a choice :'( ughhh i wanna feel cheesy again, i miss that feeling when we were in my disgusting and we're just embracing, cuddling, being together, being on... man im getting cheesy but not in the right way.. but just to clarify, i dont partake in hoeing activities, i dont celebrate the high hoey days, i just cant. dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with it !! maybe its the catholic school girl in me but i dont know, i cant put myself "do the deed". blow job, maybe. handie, ehhh. maybe i have undiagnosed ocd and wont be able to deal with the fluids... regardless, i'll try anything (except penetrative sex) once and i kind of wanna try it with taj. definitely not now at this instance but in the future for sure. if he doesnt end up being a fuck boy and, idk cheat on me :)))))) thats actually my worst fear. not in life, but for guys. i dont know whether id kill him for betraying my trust or kill myself for being so naive.. ANYWHO.. DAD !!! IM GOING TO BE WITH PEOPLE WHO MAKE ME HAPPY IM GOING ON THIS DATE AND IM NOT GOING TO LET YOUR PRUDE RUDE ASS STOP ME !!
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