#idk i don't know how to express it clearly but it had just gotten very tired for me tbh
thewritingpossum · 4 months
Hold on, Kathr*n Warn*r recently published a book exclusively about Edward II's sexuality and relationships?
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flw3rrr · 2 months
Thank you for responding! And honestly, creative freedom! An idea could be y/n (or however you wanna write it) is new to the team and is a little too eager and Tyler has to be that 'in charge' 'voice of reason' when she wants to take too risky of chances(like maybe they're chasing a Tornado and she decided to jump out of the truck way too close, idk) .. But if that doesn't vibe with you, that's totally ok! My fav is when he ends up manhandling y/n or the reader😅
No sense of safety
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Tyler owens x gn!reader
Warnings: Reader has no sense of safety keeping tyler on his toes, no description of reader, no mentions of y/n. reader is a little clumsy (mention only) But also saves a cat so it's worth it
A/n: Tysm for this request anon, and thanks for the creative freedom. i based it off the details you gave along with a bit of ideas from me. I really hope you enjoy it and feel free to request more!💖
word count: 2k
Not really proofread but a little is i like wrote this at 1am. sorry for any typos
Have a request? Feel free to send me it in my inbox!
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The little diner that basically was in the middle of nowhere almost sounded silent, with the only things heard being the clinging off class plates or mugs. seniors mostly seen, and then in the corner the tornado wranglers sat. It was the happiest day for you today because you were new to the team, and excitement was built up deep within you.
You've known Tyler for some time and gotten close to him; he was the one who brought you to the world of tornado chasing, and you were glad he did. You enjoyed the science behind it and how many different ways someone could tell a tornado was forming, the speed of wind, and a ton more.
But when you become excited for something, you tend to lose all knowledge of safety. getting too eager to start the job and have fun, but of course Tyler knew you and how you got so the night before today he sat you down and told you the rules and not to forget any of them. which you replied to him you wouldn't.
Soon a hand landed on your shoulder, looking up; it was Tyler standing up and looking at everybody. "Alright folks, today's the day we get some tornados!" The table cheered quietly in knowledge of others in the little diner trying to enjoy a meal. "And don't forget our safety rules." Tyler mentioned your name at the end, making sure it kept snug in your memory forever.
You just gave Tyler a nod in return, a little embarrassed since Tyler had obviously told the crew on how you got when too in the moment and excited. Taking one last sip of your water before heading out to the truck and the rest of the vehicles. Taking one of the monitors, you began to calibrate and made sure it was ready for whatever was ahead for today. 
"So you ready to join in the fun and chaos?" Looking over to see Boone approaching with the camera in hand. You'd always liked Boone; his humor was quite enjoyable, and he always made sure to capture the good moments for the viewers to see, but then he also knew what not to show. "Yeah, I am really pumped and ready." Not really having enough words to express, you just kept your response short. 
"It'll be fun, I promise, and the viewers always love new people who join. Perhaps you'll be the new star." He lets out a chuckle from his comment. Within seconds, Tyler appears, "New star? already plannin' for their future boone?" Placing his hands on his hips, his arm muscles clearly showing through the sleeves of his shirt. You'd admit to yourself only that he definitely was good-looking. "Yep, you know me gotta’ plan for everything. I know a star when I see one."
You felt very welcome by everybody and already felt like a star. Perhaps they were just boosting your confidence, but you enjoyed every part. recalling how you told your parents you joined the tornado wranglers with a big smile across your face and your parents held concerned looks. 
"No need to boost me that high, Boone; nobody really knows me, and they'll have to get to know me first before they decide if they even like me." Your parents always taught you growing up that it takes a while for people to get used to someone new, especially if it's something big.
Tyler let out a huff with a smile before turning his head toward you. "Nah, if I like you and the rest does, then they'll like you back. Don't doubt anything." You let out a laugh before speaking up. "Unless they see me do something stupid." Having moments in the past where you almost set off the fireworks in his truck when he showed you them for the first time or accidently set up the monitor the wrong way, causing it to freeze for a whole hour.
"We all do stupid stuff on streams, like one time i-" Boone began to speak once before Tyler cut him off. "Yeah, don't even continue on that." shrugging it off before nodding, you walked away to get more things needed for this chase. Carefully packing it up in the van and truck, making sure each is tucked away safe and not able to fling around from harsh turns that will come up sooner than later.
It was finally time to get out and start driving. Sitting in the back of the truck with all the equipment that you use to track the weather and tornado levels. "Hey, can you hand me the light for the camera back there? I forgot to replace this one," Boone asked. You just gave a smile in return before your arm moved in front of you, handing him the light, just before you could move. Tyler's hand landed on your wrist tightly, startling you in the process.  
Eyes slowly looking down to see why you realized your hand was close to setting off the fireworks almost once again. Quickly handing the light and bringing your arm back to you, "Sorry, I didn't realize." A wave of embarrassment rushes to you, wanting to sink into the seat and disappear. "It's fine. Just be careful this time. Okay,  we don't have a lot of fireworks on hand this time." He began to drive, his face stern before going to excitement for the camera.
His reaction scared you, thinking quickly that he was upset at you and annoyed. But he wasn't; he was just nervous having you on this chase, knowing how you get, and afraid of you doing anything stupid you'd regret. Slowly looking back at the monitor to show the camera and explaining who you were as well as what's on the screen.
Within minutes, there were so far three tornadoes; they were tiny and didn't really do damage, but I made sure to document them for future reference and further study. "So far, guys, we are getting good results, and you are all seeing this live!" Tyler yelled out loud to boost the viewers and likes. As you wrote down more, trying to make the handwriting more clear than messy, when in a moving car you take notice, Boone asked you a question.
"So why don't you tell them what you're doing as we drive down a boring road?" pointing the camera back at you once more. Blushing a little knowing millions were watching live at this very moment made you hesitate before speaking up. "Well, I work for a weather company, not a big one, but I'm getting every bit of data and tracking info I can get on each tornado that forms or tries to form basically so we can use it whenever something like this happens again, which it will." 
"See guys, they are also smart, so Tyler did good letting them join." Slowly turning the camera back to Tyler and letting you do whatever you needed to do. Enjoying the moment and everything, but your eyes missed the monitor at the moment you were writing. Showing high data of something big and dangerous, then it turned off with no signal shown on the screen.
"That's weird." You picked up the monitor to fix it, but nothing would work. The only thing it would do was turn off, and on displaying the "no signal," it was odd for you at least. "What's the matter?" Tyler spoke, taking a quick glance back to look at you. Glancing up at him before shaking the monitor, "It's not working anymore; it says the signal is lost. I can't see anything at all." 
Just as you tried shaking it, trying anything possible to work, the sky got darker, almost as if it were night. "Are you seeing this or?" Boone spoke up, breaking the silence in the truck, his hands holding the camera tightly. A crackle sound came from the radio that sat on the dashboard. Dani spoke up. "Guys, im saying this now we have to get to safety, um, it appears its going to be a big one."
Suddenly, Tyler hits the gas hard, sending you to fly back into the seat with a huff, the air pushing out harshly. Boone just cheers at the fast driving, while you were silently begging in your head for it to quickly come to an end. 
A small town in the distance appears almost quickly as Tyler continues to speed, the rest of the crew following behind. As Tyler slams on the breaks once again, you fly forward, but the thanks of seatbelts, it was cut. basically choking you, and the only time you were glad about choking.
Just as everyone got out, the wind speeds picked up quickly, chairs blowing away, leafs flying everywhere, and people running to safety. Just as you and the rest began to run to the basement of a store, your eye caught a glimpse of a tiny cat. 
Standing still and looking to the basement entrance and back to the cat, you take a step before a strong hand grips onto you. Looking back to be met with Tyler, "What on earth are you doing?! Do you realize you need to get to safety right now? Even I know that better than half of these people who are just running around!" His face looked harsh and desperate.
"I have too. There's a cat, and I'm not letting it fly up in the air, and if I let that happen, I'd cry forever." Losing your grip, you ran to the cat that stood still in fear; its tail stood straight. Tyler watched you as every second passed, a little annoyed, but he never took his eye off you. Within seconds, the wind picked up, and with the cat in your arms, you struggled to walk. Taking action, Tyler ran to you, and before you could speak, he picked you up tightly and back to the basement of the store.
Tyler put you down carefully and looked at you strongly. "That was a dumb move, and never do that unless you say something before. You can't die on your first day; I won't allow that." A breath of relief left him as he glimpsed down at the poor cat that still shook in fear.
"How about in three days then?" You asked with a smile, your hand slowly petting the cat to comfort it to the best of your ability. "I'll have to see." Just then the power went out, harsh winds
were heard loudly, and the cries of children filled the room, but Barely heard. Out of instinct, Tyler takes you into his grasp, holding you close to him. perhaps to comfort you or himself?
Just as your head turned to meet his, barely making it out with only a tiny emergency light lit the room. It felt as if the wind stopped and nobody was there but the both of you. Tyler leaned in first before his lips met yours in a heated kiss. It only lasted a second before the cat shook more as the emergency light began to flicker.
The tornado and storm lasted two hours before it was alright to get out. Trees everywhere, some stores destroyed, and cars, including Toyota's trusted truck. It was sad to look around as police and paramedics showed up to check up on everyone. You gave the cat to one of them to fully check on the cat."I wanted to apologize for acting harsh at the start of today and a few hours ago." 
"It's alright, Tyler; you just were used to everyone knowing how to do things normally and knowing to get to safety quickly." Stepping closer to him with a soft smile. "You didn't realize is my guess?" he suddenly spoke, which confused you. "realize what?" shaking his head with a sigh, he spoke again. "The tornado was like right there when you ran out to get the cat. That's why I was basically screaming at you."
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☆ Thoughts On Part 2 ☆
Time for the unhinged companion to my part 1 post, lol. I love how much these musicals surprise me, I always have such a fun time and oh boy do I have thoughts and feelings about part 2.
Once again I am not going to be able to capture every thought I have about everything because there is... so much. But I can try to express a portion of it, so on with the rambling!
Meanwhile / Sia's Vision
I love part 1 & the new characters we met, but I was definitely missing the rest of the quartet so I was so excited to get to hear them again today. That being said, I was totally unprepared for how I would react to their arrival (heh). I was damn near kicking my feet and I was close to either giggling or crying basically the entire time, but I guess they balanced each other out so I basically just vibrated in my chair instead, lmao.
I'm so happy that Margaret has been to Lincoln Island before? I was a little worried that she didn't even have a chance to see that any of her people had survived before she was sent away and she lost her memories. (However the hell that happened.)
I love how John and Samuel are both like "I can accept this mysterious magical woman saving our lives once, but TWICE? That is a little suspicious. 🤨😑"
SIA'S VISION. It happened years ago, and now we know we're not alone that Sia went straight from 1835 to 1874 just like the quartet, so she must have gotten the vision sometime between 1829 and 1835, proooobably a lot closer to 1829, since she said 'years.' She sees the Antikythera being claimed by the Ellen Austin, and evidence of Margaret's transformation magic as well as her radiance. She also saw John (the scientist) screaming for Rose as she drowns while the Antikythera takes on water, perhaps sinking entirely.
SIA'S PLAN. (MAYBE.) Okay so I very well could be wrong, lol, I'll get that out of the way right now, but I think Margaret had already been sent away when Sia had her vision. Part of this reasoning is simply because it would feel more satisfying to me if the quartet didn't come together entirely because it was forseen, and also because Sia says 'our Margaret returned.' Idk, just the delivery of that makes me feel like she must already be gone at that point. Sia wouldn't have left Margaret somewhere unsafe, so she probably looked around New York to scout it out, and/or maybe she was watching from time to time, to make sure she was okay. So maybe she saw the Stratfords at some point—Samuel says he read about Margaret in The Sun, so maybe she was interviewed in the building and they occupied the same corner of the city at just the right time for Margaret's guardian traveler to see the twins?—and then when Sia has that vision, she recognizes them and that's when she knows they have to keep these people safe. (And maybe she uses a bit of magic to send a certain scientist a certain paper about certain discoveries to ensure he joins the party...?) So in the years before the quartet gathers together, Sia makes plans with her friends. I don't know exactly what these plans are and won't really try to guess, but clearly part of it involved scheming with Addison to make me SO WORRIED about her and the crew leave her ship (and an orrery for Rose) drifting on the Sargasso at the right time and place, AND they must have had enough foresight to be prepared for Sia's 39 years away; we didn't hear her poof back to let her friends know when she was going, and they knew when to expect her return, so it must have been pre-arranged to some extent. So Sia skips ahead, dropping off the quartet in 1874 and returning to Lincoln Island where Rose has already been learning and testing for 9 days, until it's time to meet Margaret again on the Antikythera. And now we're caught up. (Was this whole ramble necessary? Eh, maybe not, but I needed to think about it and it took long enough to type that I'm not deleting all that, are you kidding?)
Arrival, part 2
aw, yay! I'm glad Margaret and the boys all got a similar welcome to Rose! I wasn't sure if there would be any fanfare for Samuel and John, lol.
The twins are reunited! 😭❤ (And Margaret and John get to say hi to Rose too, yes, yes, I was very happy, but this isn't about them right now. TWINS.)
Dakkar and his scanner, lmao. (Going to try and fail to not think about him taking out his trusty tech as a distraction when he witnesses the siblings' reunion. I'm totally fine and normal about this, guys. Trust me.)
Yes, filling everybody in about Kal! I suppose he was the specific threat they were worried about when they were trying to verify Rose's identity in part 1, which would probably make sense if he's Itzal's attack virologist or something. But I have concerns about how the scan went. Addison tells us Kal has a way of tracking people he encounters and the scanner they use to check has a database that doesn't recognize anything on Samuel and the others, but, uh. AFAIK that scanner has been here on Lincoln Island for 45 years, nice and protected. How many updates have they gotten? And what was that Kal said back in TGOA? "Non-lethal fog, my latest brew." ...YEAH. I HAVE CONCERNS.
Not Rose's somber "We must keep looking for the key" after the chorus 😭😭😭 We know Sia's been reassuring her and Ahlaam has been insistent that there's no pressure on her, but uh. There is pressure. And Rose probably feels some degree of guilt for not accomplishing everything these literally magical people hoped she would after they saved her life.
Margaret almost recognizing the people around her, Dakkar echoing/answering the calls we've heard from Margaret since the beginning of the story..... AUGHHHHH 😭
I am very interested in Samuel and Addison's dynamic (to put it lightly) and I want to know what the captain is so curious about bears for.
Magic Ways
I love this song so much. We get to receive lore in an easily digestible way AND the music is amazing???? Move over, Schoolhouse Rock, I only want to learn things from the Travelers and Searchers from now on. (This joke isn't even good but I've wanted to make one about Schoolhouse Rock since the premiere so this is what we get. sorry, lmao.)
SEVEN, SEVEN MAGIC WAYS! Radiance, Perception, Protection, Illusion, Healing, Movement, and Transformation. If I'm understanding correctly, everyone from the Blazing World has the Radiance. (And I assume every descendant born on Lincoln Island does, too? although if they didn't have any magic because they lost their connection to their world that could be interesting... 👀) It seems to be the root/core of it all, if it's the one everyone shares. All the magic connects them, but I think the Radiance is the deepest and strongest connection. I am not going to rattle off about all of the magic ways here because, well, reading my ramblings (delightful as they are) doesn't hold a candle to listening to the actual song, lmao, but I am going to share my ideas for what kinds of magic the different BW characters might have.
SIA — radiance, movement, perception, transformation, possibly more; if she was helping Margaret train her protection magic, then I think it could be reasonable to suspect Sia may also possess it? But that's a maybe for now—Sia could simply know both Margaret & how protection magic functions well enough to be able to coach her.
AHLAAM — radiance, movement, illusion (I believe she was going to cast an illusion spell on Rose during Two Weeks as one of the tests, and she also tells us about illusion magic in the song), possibly more; Ahlaam doesn't specifically say that she only had three magic ways, unlike...
DAKKAR — radiance, healing, protection. He says that "three is more than enough for me" so I think we can safely assume that's it for him, unless he has more magic that he just doesn't use for whatever reason, which could be an interesting idea. No evidence for it tho, I'm just saying words. <3
ADDISON — from what we know so far, she might have only one magic way, the radiance, but I keep thinking about her journal. Margaret had to use transformation magic on it to be able to read it, so does that mean Addison also has that power, or did somebody else (Sia?) transform the journal specifically so Margaret would have to transform it back and use her magic? Or, as some friends have joked, is Addison nerdy enough that she just writes in invisible ink?
MARGARET — in TGMH, we saw her use the radiance for the first time. in TBS, movement. TGOA, transformation. in this episode, she has started using protection magic. Matt has told us that there will be 7 pulps and there are 7 magic ways, so I'm wondering if we'll see her unlock or regain all the magic ways, with one new power returning in each episode. We still have one more part to go for this episode, so we'll see if this theory is disproven real quick or not, lol.
Thank Gravity
hi, what if I exploded?
the only m/f pairings I care about are written by Matt Dahan and this is only a slight exaggeration
what if I just, like, perished. would y'all be cool with that.
I am so not normal about how we've gone from them both yearning for 'a place with no laws of gravity' to them both thanking gravity—
have we considered the option of me just walking into the ocean? I think that might be the best course of action here.
oh my god. I love them.
Masterpiece Containing Masterpieces
Jackie's absolutely gorgeous art shows a bit of bright blue sky visible from the bridge of the Nautilus, so I'm guessing everyone got some much needed rest and continued the tours the next day, lol.
godddddd the callback to Margaret's Apartment. Maps of the Earth and sky lavishly hanging from golden frames—I need to bite something. (/pos)
John, if you're asking questions you should at least give people time to finish answering them, lmao
Someone is going to push one of those damn purple buttons and everyone is going to have a bad day, calling it now. If it doesn't happen this episode, it will happen in one of the later ones. And I am going to be glaring at them all mistrustfully until it finally happens. 😑👉🚫🟣‼️
Samuel and his imagination going crazy over the orrery's potential... and the way Addison talked about the Firestone getting burnt out, I wonder if that means it isn't repairable. Maybe Firestones are extremely rare, idk. curious how this orrery is still able to help them with the Gate somehow. WOULD LOVE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THESE GATES, BY THE WAY. JUST SAYING. /lh
EDIT: oops, the orrery on the Nautilus is not the same as the Antiythera's, I don't think. but it still seems like this one can't go back in time, going by the conversation!
Before the Island
yessssssss new solo John song for me to lose my mind about. also a casual reminder that Curt Mega is so gender it's unfair. <3
John, I love this for you. so much. go crazy, run wild, be silly and push buttons—NOT THE PURPLE ONES, FFS 🙏—and be happy with Rose.
John thinking his dad would understand what he's feeling instead of feeling smothered by his father's legacy and afraid of disappointing him......... 🥺😭❤
Ipomoea, part 1
the cover art!!!!!
This song is so goddamn pretty. Natalie and Kim's voices are heavenly together.
the imagery Margaret describes is so gorgeous, I want to draw it.
Margaret is closer than she's ever been to getting her answers!!!
and here we learn another time travel rule, which simultaneously makes me go "oh cool, that will probably make the timeline a little less messy" and "oh poor Sia, you lost 39 years with your besties" and "HEY SIA SO YOU BASICALLY LIED ABOUT BEING ABLE TO HELP ANNA GET OFF THE SATELLITE, HUH? CARE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF??" (This isn't really even about Travelovers, this is about Anna being LEFT UP THERE and someone needs to give Sia a talking to for this, on mine and Anna's behalf. 😭 John, you've smooched your girl, now go be mad for your bestie, plz.)
hi Dakkar, ilu, please never die
Ipomoea, part 2
I was a tiny bit worried about where this was going. I expected him to start using magic against Margaret to force her to defend herself, so the way he's like 'yo we should totally have Sia try to attack/kill us both' instead so they could combine their protection power was a really cool and delightful twist
I also love how Sia absolutely knows where this is going
Dakkar and Margaret are both so committed to this, & the way they sing together!!!!!!!
THEY'RE SIBLINGS! I don't currently have the brainpower (or time, tbh) to truly & accurately express how I feel about the reveal. Feel free to read my very smart friend's cool post about Dakkar and Margaret instead, it's very good.
I know I had a little "et cetera" sort of section at the end of my last post with some other thoughts, but honestly I am tapped right now, lol. Matt Dahan packs so much cool stuff in these episodes that there is undoubtedly a bunch of really cool theories and connections I haven't even touched upon in this post, but that's okay, it's long enough as it is. 😂
I love pulp so much and I am VERY AFRAID and VERY EXCITED for part 3.
Now if you'll excuse me I need to rewatch part 2 until Mr. Dahan himself pries the video out of my greedy little hands.
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lookingforcactus · 10 months
Live action Yu Yu Hakusho liveblog (ep 2)
Okay listen. Whoever wrote and whoever is voicing the little kid Yusuke saves has never heard an actual six year old talk in their lives
Also forgot to say last ep but liked the move to age yusuke up a bit. Also Botan's digital file of Yusuke talking back at her is hilarious
Botan's voice (Eng dub) isn't quiiiite as expressive as would hit the mark for me compared to the anime but whatever she's adorable I forgive her
Also forgot to say last ep "Maybe it's better you're dead" BOTAN STOP ASDLKFJADS I love her your honor
Fights and vfx on Goki are actually kind of shockingly good, esp given how much I Did Not like him in the anime
VERY annoying and unfortunately typical that the darkest-skinned guy we've seen so far is. very specifically. the demon that eats children and that the anime makes uh iirc a lot more directly than I ever wanted to watch into a Certain Allegory
Interested that Reikai doesn't seem to know who Kurama actually is. Was that the case in the anime/manga?? I feel like no, they knew who he used to be from the initial briefing on the thieves but idk season 1 wasn't exactly my favorite to go back and rewatch literally ever
My favorite was 2 and 4. If you even care. lol
Kurama standing there during the fight like a creeper go
Actually fight with Goki is very epic. Again super creative and impressively believable way for Yusuke to survive and fight back against a guy with WAYYYY superior strength
Also wow is Yusuke underqualified for these fights rn lol. I mean we knew that but he's lucky he pulled that one out in the end. And esp lucky that Kurama won't want to fight, obv
Her wig is sadly Not as impressive as Botan's, and I'm not a fan of what looks like her contacts. Did they make her eyes green??? Bc her eyes being red is kind of narratively. you know. Relevant
Wait is that guy helping Yukina Hiei???!!! Human-form Hiei??!!!
Wait no of course not Hiei would've just killed everyone and gotten her out
(Listen we don't have any good shots of his face yet okay. That little sister line made me think!)
Interesting new jagan origin + (presumably?) moving up Yukina as Hiei's motivation. Makes sense given how everything about Hiei's first manga/anime appearance was ignored afterward lol when he was too popular to kill off
I hope they got rid of his original plan/motivation, anyway. I hated the mind control arc thing with him esp on Keiko. Dickhead
Well. Eyehead. Technically. But yknow
Pfft Kurama 100% staging that entire encounter and stalking ep meaning Yusuke thinks he's being sooo sneaky
Kurama's outfit is really pretty actually btw. I like it better than his anime outfit by a lot. The pink always clashed with his hair sooo bad
Also the pink in the preview images made me think/hope he was a girl (who actually got to fight in a shounen anime!!!!) and you have no idea how disappointed I was when I realized that wasn't true
Pfft Kurama using his demon powers to?? Pull a quickchange?? Amazing
His hair continues to not work nearly as well as in the anime but that was a lost battle from the beginning let's be real. At least it's better than Hiei's
(Which is so actively bad what was that shadow with his hair in the knife scene what)
Shiori benefits a lot from being played by like. an actually human person who also is older and has visibly aged. Gives her Character, makes her less of Just An Archetype
Momma's boy Kurama excellent as always. Meanwhile Yusuke's just flat out not replying to a single thing Shiori is literally saying to him lol
Wait does the quickchange imply that Kurama only uses that outfit on demon business. Bc in the show it's just his (ugly) school uniform but here it's clearly not. I really desperately want that to be his On Demon Business outfit in this show lol
Also makes the fact that he had Yusuke stalk him in that outfit funnier. then. boom. quickchange. Mom can't see the Demon Business Outfit
Hmm something about Kurama and his delivery isn't rly landing for me here. But to be fair he is being super Performative and Deliberate about all of this so that may be on purpose
I hope it's on purpose. Bc Kurama's great and I'd REALLY like to buy him/his lines as a character in this
He does successfully pull off "casually menacing" (you know, without murdering someone first) much more easily than his anime counterpart tho so that's cool
Meanwhile, Yusuke's face. Great face-acting there. Also great face
The scrapes on Yusuke's face really are v aesthetically arranged lol. but still look legit enough. I'm a fan
Okay I'm buying Kurama now. Excellent
"I've been deceiving that woman for many years" genuinely love that he put it that way. He's come to care about her so much but he's not trying to make himself sound better or lying to himself about the situation
It is killing me that he used the phrase "fertilized egg" in this explanation. It's killing me. It's also raising Fucking Questions. (But does at least give an explanation for how Kurama didn't like. Kill the original Shuichi's soul when he took the body.)
Oh the pattern on Kurama's outfit is roses!!! love it
Kurama: Sees Kuwabara following them
Kurama: ...Anyway.
The mirror of darkness looks like a fucking ipad. I can't take it seriously why does the mirror of darkness look like an ipad!!!
What's with the weird scifi aesthetics here and on the other artifacts? This is a fantasy show, fantasy aesthetics would fit better
The mirror-realm life-taking sequence is just. so much. lol it's so much once again I am unable to take it seriously!
Wait Shiori! You don't know there was magic saving you!! Don't take off your oxygen mask without a doctor's permission!!! Practice self-care!!!
Okay Kuwabara looks super different from his anime/manga self-from the front, but from the back he has the EXACT same silhouette as anime!Kuwabara, so much it's EERIE. I'm learning lots of things about what pompadours look like in real life-
hsb, ig???
HIEI HAS BLUE EYES?!!??!?!?!!!!
I mean at least they didn't only change Yukina's
But this is WEIRD
Also making the jagan not purple anymore, just an actual third eye, was the correct choice
Hmm I don't like how they translated Hiei's outfit as much as I do the others. (I like how they translated literally everyone else's outfits. This is so disappointing, esp since Hiei's aesthetics go off. There's too much white and too much detail in his outfits. Give me his cloak!!! Also changing the scarf into a turtleneck is highkey Not Working For Me
Anime!Hiei would literally never wear a turtleneck
Why is he wearing a turtleneck, he's a FIRE DEMON, it's not like he can get cold
The scarf is okay because it was clearly not primarily for keeping him warm
Give him the cloak I want the cloak!!
And he should be wearing all black underneath it! I mean I know he wears other color shirts under it in the dark tournament arc iirc. But live action won't have the control over the cloak for that lol
At least give him something all black (except the scarf or something similar) (NOT a turtleneck) with a similar silhouette to the cloak
And idk compared to the others I think his costume looks kinda cheap
OOF effects on the Toguros are NOT convincing. Oof. I admire their commitment to taking their physicalities literally but uh. They should've been less ambitious and focused more on translating the vibe. Imho
Okay! Time for episode 3!
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ednito · 1 year
Oh shit wait who is your ex?
Uhhh idk if I feel comfortable putting their @ out but they're a hollow knight and deltarune artist (they also draw other shit but the only one I remember was dragons) but you can dm me and I'll tell you.
Idk it's been a while since we broke up, they were just...I don't even know how to describe them. It makes me sick trying to remember, I'd prefer to not.
I don't mean to trauma dump or do a "call out" or whatever but I'd like to speak on something- the one thing that I remember so clearly if that's ok. I know I'm not obligated to post this or anything but I just feel the need to talk about it ya know?
Obviously because of the topic trigger warning for mentions of SA
Now it was technically before we started dated but it was something that's always been in the back of my mind while dating and even now occasionally.
Much before meeting them I was sexually assaulted when I was younger, and at the time I never really knew how to handle that trauma- especially when I was first on the internet as that also led to more trauma. At the time of being friends I was horrifically bullied online and was really going through emotional anguish and they were the only person I really felt comfortable and I practically worshiped them. They were a favorite person i guess? I apologize if I'm using the term wrong but I was very unhealthy about my feelings at the time and I do definitely acknowledge how horrible I was bad I was being at the time. I don't exactly wanna go into how bad it was as it still is a sore spot but please trust me when I say it was bad.
It was around a specific date that I was really going through it, a mixture of peoples (mainly pertaining my SA) really took a toll on me and out of distress I cam to them for comfort, I felt safe around them and just dumped it all on them, I don't exactly know what it's called or of it even has a name but I remember at the time it felt like it was happening all over again and I just didn't know what to do.
I don't blame them for doing it but because they didn't know what to do they brought someone else into the situation, their own friend who I never really talked to and I can't even express how much more distress I was put into. I understand not knowing what to do, and I understand why they would bring someone else to help but it didn't help, especially when the person who did sa'd me was someone older. I ended up just passing out because of the stress.
Eventually after waking up and realizing how bad I was behaving I went to apologize, at the same time I decided to go into the public server we were both in and vent in that channel (not about the night before but just how I felt like a bad friend) and while I'm in there I see a long post they made talking about the whole situation, airing out trauma to people in the server (had around 2 hundred or somembers if I'm remembering right- which of course wasn't a lot but definitely felt a lot). They also talked about how I was a horrible person and that the didn't want to be friends and (if I'm remembering right) didn't care about my sa and very openly say they didn't like me. And I felt absolutely betrayed, they were the very first person I ever told about my sa, and they were the only person I felt safest. And while i definitely acknowledge I wasn't a good person you just, idk you just don't do that. And what hurts is that he later circled around and wanted to date me (ill be honest I don't exactly know why I agreed to it.) And idk. It just hurt because previously I had also confessed to him but he wasn't interested then but now only a month or 2 later now he is?? The whole incident really destroyed my world, I guess it was the thing that woke me up because I realized how awful I was being and started being better.
It doesn't help that by the end of the relationship (I had gotten somewhat better mentally) I see make a post (on his semi public account) subtly complaining about his friends and me and others and I remember him making a post talking about how he wanted me (or our other partner at the time) to be obsessed with him, to be jealous that he had friends, to spend days and nights thinking about him, to practically worship him and I was so upset I vomited. Because that's what I was originally, that were the same exact things I'd do in the very beginning, but he didn't like me then. That's when I had to break it off. I just immediately told him I didn't wanna date anymore.
Yeah thats kinda the story, i left it vague because really it still spikes up some bad taste in my mouth but it's always been something that's hurt me and has actively contributed to my paranoia and other illnesses. Theres more that happened since that particular incident but it's more pertaining my bestie then anything and I just don't feel it appropriate to talk about it without asking him.
I don't want to excuse my behavior, I very much acknowledge I was not being a good friend but I also can't not acknowledge that I was extremely vulnerable at the time and I just wanted someone who I could just trust for once you know? I'm much better from before but I still suffer and I'm trying to be better especially without any help mentally or anything. I've been on my own from the very beginning and I'm sure I'll be alone when I die.
Again I apologize for posting that if it was unnecessary, I've just never talked about it outside of my friend and my other ex at the time.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
earlier I was thinking about how we both use it/its and are autistic. and how you don’t consider yourself human, and it/its expresses that for you. and I always feel like I’m doing this whole person thing wrong, so I have to remind myself that there’s no wrong way to be human, and it/its pronouns are a big part of that for me.
like!! same pronouns same complicated relationship with being a person with the same root cause but very different feelings and experiences. idk about you but I think it’s cool as hell.
I clearly gotta work on embracing my oddities and not caring what other people think because my first instinct reading this was to further explain and justify myself because I know it's strange.
But like! Yeah! You're right! My pronouns and autism go hand in hand, we both have complicated relationships with the two and how they interact to make us. And how we consider ourselves. And they're not quite the same but they're the same enough we can recognize it in each other and bond over it and go hey! you're like me!
I'm low support needs but that doesn't mean I grew up feeling normal. And the way I processed that without another explanation was that everyone else had something that I was missing, something that made them more human than me. Ergo, I wasn't entirely human. And like. I know logically that I am, and that there's no right way to be human--and I have gotten more comfortable with it--but I don't know if I'll ever be able to hear myself referred to as human without going "wait, not quite." I don't have something I think I am, I just have trouble conceptualizing myself as completely human. And it/its are something that can be anything! They're so loose and vague and free; they don't tie me to anything. They let me be that complicated vaguely human but just not quite thing :)
It's such a weird thing but it's part of how I interact with and understand the world. And I love it! And that's not your same experience, but we both have a way of interacting with our humanity alongside our autism through our pronouns and that's! So so cool!
I just! Am also now thinking about it, and don't have the opportunity to talk about this part of my self conception with someone else on the same wavelength very often so! insert stimming right here because i'm doing that irl at the moment!!
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llycaons · 1 year
ep36 (1/2): we are so fucking back, baby
thank god this episode was really good. sweet and cute in part 1 and then really funny + spooky later on
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I do find it really funny that wwx arranged lwj's arms like he's in a coffin. man, but his sleeping pose is so strange
I wonder if there's something to be said that lwj looks like he's always in mourning and sleeps like he's dead but he's actually the force of life and light in the life of wwx. and wwx is even more strongly associated with death through his cultivation path and his own death, but he's got so much energy and life in him (when he's not like, super depressed or traumatized that is). the balance is neat
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yeah this is cute. lwj has changed in some ways since wwx has come back, in ways that I think confuse and put wwx on the defense in some cases. but overall there's a steady reliability there that I think plays a significant role in why he loves lwj - he's something familiar and comforting and dependable in a new and strange world
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aww their reunion!!
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love this scene! wwx never really thought he was above wen ning, but he didn't always show it so clearly. he's communicating so well to wn here - we're equals, I'm not above you, you can stand tall and not be ashamed of yourself
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ohhh that's why he wanted bichen
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his face is so funny and 2. man I guess that's the translation but I like bichen better
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another funny scene. wen ning noisily and clumsily running away right behind wwx and wwx stumbles over his words trying to explain himself
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how the FUCK did they get here. like there was no effort put into this at all lol wwx was just like 'hehe I got lost" HOW DID YOU GO FROM THE CITY CENTER TO A RANDOM FARMHOUSE
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man, wyb is BACK in this episode. idk why things were so weird and cold in previous episodes but he's got so much more expression in his face this time. even his dopey blank drunk-face is like deeply intent and focused. he is honestly very cute here
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ohhh I love this. couple quality activities
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I don't think it's fair to call ss utter shit with a sword, so lwj really is just that good. goddamn.
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im like really enamored with this face? god he's so open and honest and vulnerable like this
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so cute I can't 😭
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this makes me sooo mad because we SAW the brand on his chest we KNOW he got drunk and did that so why shouldn't he have gotten drunk off wwx's favorite wine?? huh??? at least, he did in the book iirc
side note, but as someone whose first exposure to the story was the drama, I put the pieces together pretty well myself. like, who else would it have been? it had to have been lwj himself
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back to chatting about rabbits. what a goofy smile. and look how much wwx is laughing, aww
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this is a great scene for the confession itself, but I've always loved most xz's performance. those big wet eyes, and all that swallowing - he's so touched he really might start crying right there. and it's so important to wwx to know that someone trusted him, and believed in him, and wished they'd done something differently to help him. the last time someone publicly defended him he did cry. it's something I love a lot about wwx
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and I just like that smile so much. all that love in there. that affection. almost looking like nostalgia
I like the idea that wwx is someone who can remember who he was when he was young more easily with lwj - that innocence and energy and joy he used to have
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this is also really funny. I'm sure it's not nine. he's just announcing it is because he's going to sleep now, so it must be
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and the only time we see him with a nightmare postres. makes sense that he still gets them - BM and the war was only a few years ago
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aww his smile when he sees the kids is so cute
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some sick burns these kids are delivering
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iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
I really liked the halsey movie, I went into it with a grain of salt as the only other album movies I've seen was fall out boys and Melanie's, so I kinda expected ya know, weirdness and not so perfect acting lol, and im sure as halsey has taken up other acting projects they've heard the criticism and have done some work (I still haven't seen americana yet and I'm also pretty excited for maxxxine, also as someone who hasn't even seen X or pearl yet)
But I feel like the movie itself was based around a lot of halseys experiences with pregnancy, I fucking loved what you might call the "impregnation" scene, idk, something something, self induced body horror.
I don't know if it was worth the 12 bucks on amazon, but my sister bought it for me lol. Fall out boys movie was free on YouTube and also had some boobs, but maybe 12 bucks is the price you pay for imax and full frontal nudity from the artist themselves. I know nudity is more so relevant for ratings but for some reason my brain is correlating that with the cost lmfao
I really liked it too! I was a bit apprehensive, just because it was such a huge undertaking. I'd also seen Melanie's movie at that point, and of course jumped on the Lemonade train with Beyonce as soon as I could. Janelle Monae did a movie for their album Dirty Computer, too (which I adored.) So I was prepared for the whole "concept album film" thing, and I figured since Halsey already makes very cinematic music, they had a good chance of making a really cool film.
And I think IICHLIWP is a great film! I really loved the whole storyline about Lila and her pregnancy and how that was tied to her royalty. All the little hints and glimpses about the "Lilith" character, especially whenever Lila saw her in the mirror - it just made for a really cool kind of "legend" style story, when it all ends with Lila dying and Lilith coming to life. I think it gave Halsey a chance to work through their own complicated feelings about motherhood, pregnancy, and the way these things are both incredibly liberating and horrifying and limiting all at once. It's also just a very visually interesting film and I love the costumes and the makeup. (And hey, shoutout to Halsey's pregnancy titties, they looked so good 😂😂)
I will agree though with some of the criticism H has gotten around their acting. I think they're an incredible artist - they can paint, sing, dance, create incredible visual worlds, do gorgeous makeup, write beautiful poetry... it's probably okay that they aren't also the most talented actor in the world, lol. I tend to think that she's really good with like, facial expressions and body language, but something about her line reads often comes across as just a little stilted to me.
That being said, I also haven't seen her in Americana. And they were clearly talented enough to land a role in Maxxxine, which is a pretty big deal. Maybe she's grown and worked on it, like you said.
All in all I'm curious to see what she'll do as an actor. And I'm always excited about their music videos and the other visual/film mediums she does for their albums. I feel like she's already so great at so many things, and even if I end up being underwhelmed by her acting, I'll have a million more ways she's gonna impress me to enjoy. <3
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abcdosaka · 11 months
other stuff
i bought britney's memoir day 1 and read it in two days. obviously. really really good i'm so glad i got it bc her voice is captured very clearly but also its written in a captivating way that really sparks my interest like i didn't wanna put it down. it was a better reading experience than i'm glad my mom died, like that book was great and it made me cry too but something about the way all the chapters were separated made it annoying to read sometimes.
the only reason i didn't read it all at once is bc i had to sleep and i was getting into the start of the conservatorship which was really hard to read. a lot of it is actually hard to read, esp the divorce and her being institutionalized, i think bc i'm kind of a stan so reading her personal feelings on everything was really tough. but anyway i cried twice
idk people were complaining like "we already knew all this tho" but you never heard it directly from britney?? like why are you complaining? didn't you wanna know britney's perspective on everything? how are you even a fan. i knew a lot of this stuff bc there have been deep dives on her and i've read them like a lot of her early life and the stuff abt her family history have been documented and aren't really a surprise to me but i always took them w several grains of salt bc you could never confirm this stuff unless she personally confirmed it, which in this case she did.
i even saw people saying they wanted her to talk about the original doll and her music like what? i don't think this was ever a memoir that was meant to be about her music i mean this is for her for express herself in her own words for once. well she did say that part 2 is coming next year so maybe she'll cover it there.
genuinely tho i can't understand wanting to lock people up like that its actually monstrous. and the only reason is bc they wanted to use her as a cash cow. and now everyone's like she keeps posting naked pics on ig :( was ending the conservatorship a mistake? like actually shut the fuck up. first of all, in general, infantilizing someone and making them helpless is not helping them develop any sense of independence in the first place. second of all, all she does is post naked pics and dancing vids with all the emojis like what is the problem!!!!! maybe its the cctv angle but she's like 40 please give her a break. maybe she's a little cringe WHO CARES shes literally just having fun and loving her body. she's literally not harming anyone. you think ppl should be institutionalized and 'handled' just for being a little weird?
anyway whatever i'm not engaging with the morons or conspiracy theorists anymore. people on the internet are so fucking dumb and lacking in any sense of understanding or empathy. the ppl that say she should be are always so judgemental and have horrible vibes and yet i'd still never say "we should put them in a conservatorship". like you go ahead and make your stupid decisions and say your shitty opinions on your own.
kinda on topic kinda off but when my parents get old enough that they can't function i really don't wanna put them in a home or anything even resembling a conservatorship type scenario. i'd hate to see them suffer or have no freedoms and elder abuse scares me icl. they're p dogshit at emotions and i don't particularly like to talk to them about serious shit and idk how i'll come out to them if ever but i do love them and i could never imagine that for them. and even just as a basic human right i want them to make their own decisions.
ugh i made this post so long too. but its been a while since i've been on my britney stan shit so its ok. ive been really into mamamoo again lately. another other ggs too. i really like le sserafim and g-idle. i used to kinda hate idle's music but i think its gotten a lot better lately bc queencard and nxde are soooo good. tomboy is good too but the lyrics are so strange that its distracting (like its okay in their other songs but in tomboy its just too much for me for some reason). le sserafim has really good title tracks and the rest of the album is like eh but epbw and antifragile are some of the best new music i've listened to, antifragile was so addicting.
also looking forward to: the red velvet album. red velvet either releases the greatest music ever or like the worst song i've ever heard in my life. there's more good than bad though so i'm excited. seulgi's solo album was soooo good i only just listened recently but its the groups best solo concept imo.
they're making a dungeon meshi anime and i'm actually excited!! my fav part of dungeon meshi was always the beginning and middle parts like the beginning is REALLY strong. there's also gonna be the love condition anime and that i'm a little less excited for bc that series is the opposite, it gets really good as the chapters go on but the beginning is like wow hananoi you really gotta chill and the anime will only adapt that initial portion :/ will still be watching tho
can't think of anything else but it was nice to write random shit after a while of not doing that. i feel good :)
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nanjokei · 1 year
all your sycophants telling you to be meaner, nah youre just an asshole. did you like. even read the post in the first place. bc it doesnt look like you did?? i get that it makes you feel cool and good abt yourself to mock other ppls thinking-out-loud type posts but you basically telling them to shut up and keep their thoughts out of The Pure And Perfect Tag™ and then go on to say "oh im autistic ive never gotten the chance to rly speak up and be mean so this feels good" like..... thats so painfully hypocritical. you should KNOW how it feels to be told "shut up no one cares" so why are you doing it to someone else? so im telling you to shut up. youre annoying and no one cares and you shouldnt use other people as punching bags. asshole
did you get it out of your system. that's great. i don't really feel like giving a benefit of the doubt response anymore given after the first ask you decided to go ballistic like this... like, not even being sassy, i could have just responded "are you mad" and published it. but i am a neurotic person who will respond even if it's not in the way i initially set out to. just for you.
just for transparency, here's the first ask i got last night:
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hi. i think you are projecting a lot of feelings onto me that i did not express and stretching my original statements. which in some sense, some may see as understandable! i was being less than gentleman-ly! i don't know if this is the op messaging after i blocked them or a friend coming in to give me a piece of their mind, it does not matter. this is something i was gonna say even in the first ask: had i been approached for an apology, i probably would have caved and apologized, because i'm weak to that kind of thing. at the very least even if i didn't agree, i would have wholeheartedly apologized for any distress or trouble. this isn't bull or me trying to flatter my way out of a situation. the response i got— which a friend ended up reading, to be honest i just blocked right away— was thoroughly strange, something something apologizing and being like "idk tumblr tag etiquette" and choosing to delete the original post. which i would not know how to respond to. i'm not some kind of tag police or god of tumblr or whatever, so why apologize to me or delete the post. i am writing this response under the assumption that it could be someone else, but a hit dog will holler, in this one sentence i will address OP directly: that response was strange. had i read it, i would have either ignored it still or apologized, i have no idea, but initial my response really was "but i have no power over this person or anyone". i did not ask for you to clean up your contribution to a tag or police it. i simply stated my opinion on my blog when prompted by a third party expressedly out of earshot of the op. is that a morally correct thing? proooobably not. but it is the internet. "why are you, the person who got hated on, continuing the cycle of hate" type bs might as well be a self fulfilling prophecy. if you feel this way, why send me asks about it at all if you're gonna go ape over me not responding immediately? does it mean so much to you? go ahead and block. i do not argue with people online. but i'll respond because clearly you want one. not gonna prostrate myself before anyone, and respond just as coldly as you are painting me out to be. this is my special fanservice to you, since you wanted to believe that about me so badly.
>pure and perfect tag
i do not check tags for a reason. i checked it one time. i guess this implication comes off of what i said so i'll say it out clearly but i genuinely could care less past the initial pang of cringe what is in there. had nonnie not continued to converse with me i would have moved on ans forgotten about it. i am not a police or a militia. it means nothing to me most days if a tag is "good". who the hell cares. you are obsessing over my existence, my opinion and the weight of such a thing a bit too much over here.
>shut up no one cares
neeeever said this, and no one has ever said this to me. the story i recounted about being called toxic was in the youtube comments and was 5 years ago. no one told me "no one cares". it just hurt my ego. anyway, if someone cared so much to send two asks about it, then thank you. i really won't shut up.
>never got the chance to speak up and be mean
>my sycophants
it was one nonnie. are you obsessed with me or something? i am like one random ass blogger on a dying website. i do not have an army or cult of personality. i am just one guy.
>end of the ask
heard you loud and clear. thanks for the feedback, not gonna reflect on it much though. it was an asshole move. does it make me an asshole? yup.
it was catty and petty of me. i knew that much from the very first ask i answered. but op wasn't tagged, i didn't send anyone to them either, so i can only really think "what were you doing on my blog anyway". because yes, this is a blogging site, not a pvp site, i didn't engage with anyone to start fights. didn't bring op's name into it, didn't actively mock them (the comment about them not being special was ad hominem though i admit to that much. sorry.)
you cannot expect everyone to be 100% nice and handle people with kiddie gloves in their own blog space when they are not bringing you into it especially given i did not direct anyone to anyone's post.
had it been me i would have just blocked and moved on. pwease no steppy and all that. whoever sent op an ask about it to make them respond is kind of a drama obsessed weirdo lol. like i'm just saying. causing both me and op a headache. it did not have to shake out like this. neither of us were gonna engage with each other and everyone could have gone to sleep without any icky feelings. honestly, from my point of view, both of you are strange. wow, i am barely hiding who i think is behind this ask. but it really is addressed very generally.
don't send me another ask! i will just publish them with no response. this situation was entirely avoidable and i lament that you decided to both waste my time and your own with all this. just block me like i asked!
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mari-writing · 2 years
Peace In Sleep, Troubles in Waking | Immortals x Traveller!Reader
[Your beloved wished you could sleep as long as possible, because they couldn't help but fall in love with you even more as you slept.]
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Genre: Fluff & Angst. IDK how balanced this is tbh
Characters: Immortals, i.e. Zhongli, Venti, Ei, Raiden Shogun, Albedo, Xiao, Ganyu, etc
Perspective: 2nd Person
Word count: 667 lets gooooooo
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You were initially very reluctant to get up when you first woke up, but hearing your beloved call out your name made it difficult to try and fall back asleep again.
Unable to suppress a yawn, you turned up to see your lover. They were in the exact same position you remembered they were when you first fell asleep. You were about to ask them if they had slept at all, but fell silent when you took in their facial expression.
Their eyes were soft, with small wrinkles at their corners. Equally as tender was their smile, giving them such a serene aura your heart tugged at the sight.
You pushed yourself up straight, and rested a hand on their cheek. They didn't hesitate to lean against you hand and hold it with their own hand.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You inquired, voice heavy with drowsiness.
"You seemed very much human as you slept, my love." They murmured. Perhaps they were quiet to maintain the peaceful quiet between the two of you. Perhaps they had gotten shy. Perhaps they wanted to ingrain the memory into their brains.
There was silence between you for a while. "I..." You began to trail off, but they looked at you, silently encouraging you, so you continued. "I was born human but... I don't know if I count as one anymore." You confessed one of your heaviest memories, your heart sinking as you recalled the day that the fear began to manifest in you.
Your beloved, perceptive as ever, gently brushed their fingers against you. The skin contact made you shudder, pulling you out of your mind before you could fall down the rabbit hole of your past.
Thank you. You don't know if you said it out loud or thought it, but your lover spoke again before you could dwell on it.
"I believe you are far more human than I am," They said your name, holding your hand tightly.
Your heart thumped at their words. Did they have the same fears as you?
Without hesitation, you cupped your hands around their cheeks and pulled them in until your lips brushed each other. They made a noise of surprise but even then, you went further. You pushed your lips against theirs and savored every bit of the moment until it was enough.
You pulled away to gaze at them, unable to fight off a small smile at their clearly flustered face.
"And I believe you a far more human than you realize, my beloved." You whispered, pecking them on the lips before holding them tightly.
They took a moment to return the hug and if you had been paying attention, you would have noticed them brushing their fingers against the lips as they replayed the moment in their minds.
But you weren't paying attention, for as the silence between the two of you blossomed, the thoughts you had tried so hard to suppress began to fester.
What did it mean to be human? Weak? Fragile? Mortal?
You had always tried to convince yourself you were still you, still human but you couldn't lie to yourself like you lied to others.
It felt as though your humanity was long gone.
You turned your head until your ears were directly above your beloved's chest. You could feel their heartbeat - far irregular from a normal human being.
Then you placed a hand over your own chest, feeling your heart race in their embrace.
They were right. This was very human of you.
Yet... Sometimes, if you really wished it, you didn't even need a beating heart to function. You didn't need a heart - and the fact always made your eyes prickle with tears.
You used to always feel like a monster. But now, with them, you felt just a little bit of what you once felt long ago.
And if you could make them realise their own humanity, even just a little, that would be more than enough for you.
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literally just wrote so will definetly be edited and changed (i've changed the ending like 10 times already and i wrote this 30 minutes ago) but i like it
title might change too
like i said before, had this traveller!reader x immortals idea for over a year and I'm thinking of extending it now
leaving it to the gods to decide tbh
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fruitquake · 4 years
listen. idk what your headcanons for reg are,,, but,,,, aroace reg coming out to sirius?? brotherly feels??? if you don't vibe with that just bless me with those two brothers, i need to see them hug
mate, i literally love this prompt. here, i hope you like this and that it gives u all the black brother feels <3
hope it’s okay i made this a muggle au, they’re just what i do best lol
(also: at first sirius is quite ignorant but pls read the whole thing before judging)
Regulus’ heart was beating like a hummingbird’s as he raised his hand and knocked on the door to his brother's room. 
“What do you want?”
Sirius no doubt knew it was him. Their parents never knocked.
Regulus opened the door, struggling to control his breathing. “Uhm… Sirius?”
Sirius was sitting on his bed, laptop in front of him. He rolled his eyes when Regulus entered. 
“Hang on, guys,” he said to the computer screen. Regulus recognized the faces on the screen as Sirius’ friends: James, Remus, and Peter. He took out his headphones and finally looked at Regulus. “This better be important.”
“It is!” Regulus said. It was important. If Sirius knew how much courage it had taken to come in there in the first place, a kind of courage he likely wouldn’t be able to muster again, he would understand the importance. “Please, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
Sirius sighed, turning towards his computer again. For a moment, Regulus thought he was being given the cold shoulder, but then Sirius said to his friends: “Gotta go.”
He hung up and closed the computer, then looked back at Regulus, eyes softening as he noticed how nervous he was. “Everything alright, Reg?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Regulus answered in a shaky voice. Why was he so nervous? Surely, he didn’t have to worry about Sirius not accepting him, when Sirius himself understood what it was like to be… different. 
Sirius himself hadn’t gotten the luxury of coming out on his own terms. Regulus had found out about him and Remus last summer, despite Sirius’ attempts at hiding their relationship. At first, it had been difficult to look at his brother the same: Their parents’ bigoted views had gotten to him, however much he tried to deny it. But over the course of the year, he’d gotten so much better, and then… Well, he’d started to realize he wasn’t “normal”, as their parents put it, either. 
He’d thought he was gay at first. It was the only other option he knew and if he didn’t fancy girls, he had to be gay right? He’d ignored the fact that he didn’t fancy guys either, constantly telling himself that it would come eventually. But then he’d discovered the term “Aromantic”, and everything had made sense. 
“Come on, Reg,” Sirius said, gesturing for him to sit down on the bed. “Tell me what’s up.”
Regulus sat next to him. He wasn’t scared to tell Sirius anymore. He was ready. “I'm asexual,” he told him. “And aromantic.” 
The blank look in Sirius’ eyes was hard to read. “Sorry, what’s that?” he asked after a moment. 
“Well,” Regulus said. “You like boys. Some people like girls, and some again like both…”
“Very well observed, Reg.”
“And I,” Regulus told him. “I don’t like anyone. At least not in that way.”
Sirius stared for a moment, then he shook his head. “That’s not a thing,” he said. “You can’t just not like anyone.”
“No, it is a real-”
“Maybe you’re gay,” Sirius interrupted him. “Trust me, at first I was confused, too, as to why I didn’t like girls.” 
Regulus wanted to cry. His own brother didn’t believe him. “I’m not gay,” he said. 
“There’s nothing wrong with being gay!”
“That’s not what I’m saying!” 
Sirius was taken aback by the sudden raise of Regulus’ voice. He’d tried to hold the tears back but there they were, pooling up in his eyes and slowly rolling down his cheeks. 
He managed to catch Sirius’ shocked expression before turning around to leave. Before he shut the door, he briefly turned around to look at Sirius. “I thought you of all people would understand.”
My love <3: everything alright? we haven’t heard from u all evening and u usually never stop spamming the groupchat
Sirius looked at the text from Remus, thinking about a good response.
Sirius: Dw I’m fine. Just had a bit of an argument with Reg
He bit down on his lower lip. To call it an argument wasn’t entirely fair. He quickly added another message:
Sirius: I think i might have fucked up
My love <3: how so?
Sirius: Well, it’s kinda hard to explain in text. Can I call you?
My love <3: ofc
Remus picked up after the second ring. “Hey,” he said. “What’s going on?”
Sirius hesitated, before asking: “Have you heard the word “aromantic” before?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well,” Sirius mumbled. “Reg told me he was aromantic. And... asexual? But… That’s not a real thing, is it?” he asked.
“Yes, Sirius, it is a real thing.”
Oh… “Shit,” he whispered, the image of Regulus running out of his room with tears in his eyes playing in his head again. “I definitely fucked up.”
“You told Regulus it wasn’t real?” Remus asked. 
Sirius sighed, rubbing his eyes. “I… Yeah.” He wanted to try and defend himself but did he really deserve that? “I’m a terrible brother,” he mumbled.
“Well, it was definitely not okay for you to invalidate his identity like that,” Remus said. “But it doesn’t make you a terrible brother. I know how much you care about him, Sirius. You just need to make it up to him and, most importantly, let him know you support him.”
Sirius nodded. “Right,” he said. “Yeah, you’re right, babe. I need to do that.”
The music from Regulus’ headphones was so loud he barely heard the knock on his door. He paused the music and sat up in bed, unsure if he’d really heard anything. 
He heard the next set of knocks quite clearly, though, and his brother’s voice which followed them. “Hey, can I come in?” 
Regulus thought back to his conversation with Sirius yesterday. That’s not a thing. You can’t just not like anyone.
“No,” he answered. “Leave me alone.”
“Reg, please,” Sirius said. “I have something for you!”
“Go away.”
There was a pause, and Regulus thought Sirius might’ve left, but after a while he said: “I’ll just slide it under the door, then.”
Regulus turned on his music again and turned away from the door, but he still saw the piece of paper sliding through the small space underneath the door. He didn’t care. Whatever it was, he didn’t want it.
The song ended and a new one began, the loud bass drowning out the world. But it couldn’t silence his curiosity…
He glared at the piece of paper on the floor, before finally giving in and picking it up. 
His heart caught in his throat. It looked like a handmade card of sorts. In the middle, Sirius had drawn a heart, one side in the colours of the asexual flag, the other coloured like the aromantic one. Above the heart he’d written, in pretty cursive letters: “Sorry,” and underneath: “I was a dick.” The “was” has been scratched out and replaced with “am”.  
Regulus teared up, but this time they were tears of joy, as he rushed out the door. He almost collided with Sirius, who was still standing in the hallway. He glanced nervously at Regulus.
“I know this doesn’t make things right,” Sirius said. “But… I hope it counts for something.”
Regulus nodded, looking down at the card still clutched in his hands. It was clear that a lot of effort had been put into it.
Sirius put his hand on Regulus’ shoulder and he looked back up at him. There was a sincere look in his eyes, something Regulus had never seen from him before.
“I’m sorry I was so ignorant, and so quick to judge,” Sirius said. “That’s exactly how people treat me for my sexuality, so… I really should’ve known better. I’m sorry.”
Regulus bit down on his lower lip. He wasn’t going to cry in front of his brother again; it was embarrassing enough the first time. 
“I just want you to know,” Sirius said, “That you have my full support, Reg. I… Yesterday, after our conversation, I spent hours doing research and I found out some really interesting things. Did you know sexuality is a whole spectrum?” His eyes glistened with excitement. “Like, asexuality and aromanticism are even spectrums of themselves! Isn’t that cool?”
Regulus couldn’t help but grin. He was having trouble concealing his own excitement. “Yeah,” he said. “That’s cool, Sirius.”
Before he even realized what was happening, Sirius pulled him into a hug. A real, warm, brotherly hug. Regulus couldn’t remember ever being hugged like that before. He didn’t quite know how to feel about it.
“Y’know,” he said, arms hanging awkwardly in the air as he wasn’t sure where to put them. “I really appreciate your support, but this is kinda weird. We never hug.” 
That only made Sirius hug him tighter. “We do now,” he said. “C’mon, just roll with it, you’re ruining the moment.
Slowly, Regulus returned the hug. It actually, strangely, felt… Good? “Thank you,” he mumbled, feeling safer and more loved than he remembered ever feeling before. 
Sirius chuckled. “We should do this more often.”
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handonhaven · 3 years
I know so many are tired of having malivore as a villain because we've been dealing with him for 3 seasons now(even though it was stated that he's the villain of the series). And people are ready to be done with malivore. I honestly don't mind it. Because it just seems more realistic to me. Some bad guys takes seasons to take down because of how strong they are, and how smart they are. And malivore's been around for a 1000 years give or take, there's no way they can take him down in a season or even two. And I think the build up from season 1 til now. Because I did not see that coming. I want to talk about Clarke and the whole Holarke ship. When I first saw Clarke I thought he was going to be the Katherine of legacies(I'm not comparing legacies to the vampire diaries because they're clearly very different). But now it seems like they're putting him on the road to being a good guy now. And I'm not really a fan of that, because it seems like with legacies everyone ends up turning into a good guy. And that's not very realistic to me. Clarke has been the way he is for centuries now and I think a lot of that was based on fear. I believe that some people are so stuck in there ways there is no way they can change. The Holarke ship just seems so wrong to me. I know it won't happen because it seems like legacies is breaking off from putting 16-19 year olds together with someone centuries older than them. But I could be wrong. Also I don't get why I see so many people say that they don't like legacies because it's not like the vampire diaries and the originals(but that's the point). But if they dislike it so much then why are still watching it?
I don’t really have a problem with Malivore either. The thing is that, yes, he’s been the villain, but we’ve not actually seen him as the villain. He’s been in the background and the cause of the monsters, but he’s not really been there and interacting with the other characters till now. And there’s just so much we don’t know about him. He’s been the villain, but they’ve not really explored him as a character or how his dimension and everything works, his connection with Landon, how exactly he created Landon and what Landon is, etc. So I’m not entirely sure why so many people want him gone when we haven’t found out all there is to know. I just have so many questions, I’d be very upset if they got rid of him and dropped it before explaining everything. And that’s a good point, it is more realistic for them to take longer to defeat this being that’s been around for so long. And who is also still very mysterious in his abilities and what exactly he’s capable of and all of his goals. So I feel there’s a lot more of Malivore’s story that they haven’t even gotten into yet. And I agree, I think they’ve done a fairly good job with the build up as well.
And yeah, I didn’t really know what they were gonna do with Clarke, and I’m still not sure. I hadn’t thought he would be as much of a villain as Katherine was, but then he wasn’t even around for all that long before they killed him off in 2x08, and I had thought there was a good chance he’d never be back. But true, it seems they are making him a good guy now. Though whether they’ll keep him around or not, who knows, he could end up leaving the show again. But you make a good point, there aren’t many characters on Legacies that stay bad or are real threats. And yes, when someone is a certain way for as long as Clarke has been, you’d think it would take a very long time for them to truly change, if they ever did. And some characters just don’t, so that could end up being the case with Clarke, I guess we’ll have to see. And agreed, I know Holarke isn’t gonna happen, and it does seem like they’re trying to stay away from ships with those age gaps now. The last one they had was Lizzie and Sebastian, and that did not end well. And it wasn’t received well by a lot of the fans either. So I think they’re trying to avoid ships that could be controversial in that way.
Okay, to be completely honest, I am one of those people who wishes Legacies was more like TVD and TO so I’m not sure I’ll be very helpful in answering that part of your ask. 😂 Idk, the thing is I’m a longtime TVDU fan. Like, I’ve literally been watching since day one when the TVD pilot aired. So for me, it’s been hard to see all the changes with Legacies. And it’s not because I want it to be just like the other two shows. I don’t want a repeat of the same storylines and I’m fine with the concept and storylines in Legacies with Malivore and everything. I just wish that the writing and the quality was as good as the other two shows. And also the tone... I know that they wanted Legacies to be different and for it to be lighter, and that’s fine. But imo, the way they’ve gone about making it “lighter” has been very... strange. And I feel they’ve taken it to the extreme a lot of the time. I just feel like, if you’re gonna make another show in a franchise, the tone should be similar enough to the past shows so it can still feel connected and grounded in that same world. And Legacies has often not even felt like TVDU to me. So those are just some of my main issues with it being different. And I could say a whole lot more about that and go on for a while, but I won’t. I don’t wanna be negative or bother anyone, these are all just my own opinions. I know some people love it just how it is, and if you do, that’s great. And even though I’ll express my disappointments with the show, I really do try to focus on what I do love about it (Handon) and try to put my energy into enjoying Handon content rather than just hating the stuff about the show I don’t like. And Hope and Landon are basically the main reasons I watch the show at this point. And because I’m just very attached to this thing I’ve been watching for over a decade and this show is all that’s left of it so I am curious to see what happens. So that’s why I keep watching it. I’m not sure what other people’s reasons are for continuing to watch it though. I understand if people are disappointed and want to express that or talk about improvements that could be made. But if they’re just spreading negativity and hate, and there’s nothing about the show that they enjoy, I’m not sure why they’d still watch it. If they don’t like anything about it, they might as well just stop watching.
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mejomonster · 3 years
Just watched not Me ep 12 part 1
These are the best roles off and gun have ever done
Idk what they'll do next but I am so excited for their future projects and how well they'll do them now
Gun has done multiple characters before but damn. This is the first time they felt fully unique to me, entirely different. This is the first time I've seen him play someone like Black who gets to be rough and idealistic and tired and hopeful (black is like his previous roles in a way as someone in control, angry, and snarky but it's always been in a way seeking approval like The Gifted or soft-warm in a way like Third in Theory of Love, finally Gun is exploring this character type in a further direction). Then there's White, who's the most emotionally open honest character I've seen him play. The way he makes his face and expressions so open with White in a way I haven't seen him do for other characters. The way White cries unabashedly, the way he smiles or worries or lights up or fears so clear on his expression (Guns played a lot of very controlled characters who keep up a Front rather than openly express themselves). White is so amazing to see Gun play. I knew he could play a character like Black, it's a further extension of the somewhat the kind of roles he usually gets. But White is so emotionally raw in a way I've not seen Gun do before and he's clearly doing it phenomenally.
Then there's Offs performance as Sean. I know a part of Mt love for this show is surely character design and makeup - showing stubble and pores and making them look more human and less polished (versus a styling like 2gether or Theory of Love). And that helps show off how the characters are adults stuck in messy situations with heavy lives. Rather than the saccharine feel of some bls which ends up also giving their characters a bit more youth and innocence like heavy things don't fully touch them in some ways (which in part is just due to them being rom com genre and the need to not get too heavy). So like. I just cannot stop comparing Offs role as Khai (which I think he did phenomenally) and as Sean.
For one, Sean just lets off show how dynamic of a role he can handle outside of romance. Sean is a great example I think of roles Off will be able to flesh out moving forward (and I'm really excited for his future dramas). How raw and natural the acting feels when Sean is upset, how clear the love feels. How his motivations are clear in his every action. (If I had to critique any acting it's just Offs one moment early in ep 1 with the oil cause I think the direction on that was fanservice not necessarily in character lol - but that's truly it). And then if you want to get into the romance, maybe its cause he has a good director and good acting partner, and or maybe he's just gotten better at showing intimacy on screen. But the on screen romance in this whole show feels so much more natural and less forced as a whole. The way he hugs White in this scene, the way the tears feel genuine and expected for this kind of scene. The way they interact just feels right for the characters.
And then just like. Wow is Sean not the usual role Off gets in a romance. I haven't seen his role with Mild, just his bl roles. And like he's always usually the kind of push-away but flirty type. Not emotionally upfront, a bit of a hard shell to hide his feelings (likewise Gun has gotten a Lot of tsundere roles which in a way also make his emotions less upfront in the role). So Sean is fucking refreshing. He does have hard edges and they're a lot like Black and they're handled well in characterization. And white connects to Sean and those edges are open For him. And so Off plays this very direct, emotionally aware and caring character. Motivated by his feelings of love and hate, loss and pain, clear as day. When he cares for white it's upfront, when he's suspicious or mad it's direct. Sean is very clear as a character in how he feels and what he wants and thinks. And its so cool to see Off play someone he can show that range with.
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sophroniaa · 4 years
Perfectly Lovable
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(just quickly wanted to say a huge thank you for the love on "Admiring", it honestly means the world to me. 🖤 & aaaalso, this might turn into a two parter if you like it?? idk)
Word count: 1,3k
Trigger warnings: Mentions of alcohol, being hungover
You wake up the next day, hungover to say the least, trying to deny the real reason as to why you got so drunk in the first place.
It had struck later in the afternoon and you were sitting in the backyard with Rook, enjoying the afternoon sun before it would set and the degrees would start dropping for the night. You had all been having a lazy day. A few of the guys even just starting to come back to life after last night's party. It hadn't been too long since you'd gotten out of bed yourself, feeling too hungover to move. Your thoughts wandered back to the night before, trying to remember what had happened past midnight… you came to the conclusion that the night could be rounded up very easily, as you'd been way too drunk since most of the night came up as a thick fog. The throbbing headache only proving your mental point further.
"It's been a while since I drank that much…" You mumbled to Rook, which only gained a snort in return. "Tell me about it." He chuckled as an answer to your statement, also thinking back to the events of the night before. "Have to say you took me by surprise when you challenged me to a tequila race." He said after a few seconds of silence, the images from the night before playing clearly in his mind. 
The new information caused you to push your sunnies further down your nose to look at him, eyeing his facial expressions trying to see if he was fucking with you. You covered your face with your hands in slight embarrassment when you realized he wasn't. "No fucking wonder we feel like absolute shit today." You said shaking your head, no longer finding the aching body & foggy memories strange.
"Don't think I've ever seen you that drunk." He stated before taking another sip of his pedialyte. You leaned over and took the plastic bottle from him before taking a gulp of your own. A grimace quickly spreading across your face once the taste hit your tastebuds, holding out the bottle to read the flavor.
"Euw, you willingly drink the mixed fruit flavor?" You exclaimed, more than happy to give him the bottle back.
He burst out laughing at your reaction. "So you're able to down multiple shots of tequila with a straight face but pedialyte gets you?" He teased, smirking so big that his eyes squinted a little.
"Shut up asshat…" You mumbled before offering him a playful smile.
"You seen Kells today?" You asked instead, not sure if you dare hear anything else about your drunken state from the night before. You leaned your head back, letting the sunshine rest on your tired face.
Rook only shook his head in response. You could see from the corner of your eye that he sneaked a peek at you trying to read your feelings. "So…" He started to say before falling quiet, like he was debating whether or not to bring it up. "We gonna talk about why you got so fucked up last night?"
You leaned your head back again to enjoy the warmth of the sun whilst hiding away behind your dark sunglasses. "I'm good, Rookie." You said flatly, knowing exactly what he was trying to get at. "Not like I haven't seen him with other girls before."
Not like you hadn't seen him with other girls before wishing it was you in their place.
"I'm just saying… Even an idiot would connect the dots, he brings over his "new girl" & you, who normally don't drink much, gets absolutely trashed."
"That's not why!" You protested.
"Oh yeah, then why did you get so drunk?" He was quick to ask. "Enlighten me." His voice letting you know just how much he believed you, which would be about approximately zero procent. Deep inside, you knew you were crushing so incredibly hard on Colson. It was just easier pretending like you didn't. The palms of your hands would start to sweat just by the simple thought of actually telling him. You could only imagine standing right before him trying to explain the situation, to you that sounds like nothing but a bulletproof plan for a break down.
This caused you to sit in silence for a while, trying to come up with something smart to say… Reaching for anything, really. So far you'd been doing a horrible job at trying to convince him. To be fair, you were probably the one needing the convincing. However it fooled neither of you, no matter how hard you tried to deny stuff. When you came up shorthanded you sighed loudly, signaling that he'd won this time around as well.
Fuck models, switch condoms. You felt your heart thug a little, thinking about the constant variation of girls in his life. As of right now he was seeing a brunette model that you honestly couldn't remember the name of, not too long before that it had been a blonde.
You hated it.
How they would stride into his life chasing that bad boy fantasy, wanting a taste of the exciting celebrity world, being MGK's center of attention for a short while.
Something you hated even more was how they knew exactly what they got themselves into, only to become disappointed when he immediately didn't change his ways and grant their wishes by becoming a whole other person for them.
"You've got that look on your face again." Rook pointed out only to sigh dramatically when he realized you'd slipped deep in thought about Colson, again.
"Sorry, what?" You sat up, straightening out in your seat, coming back to reality after he had nudged your leg with his.
"I said, you've got that look on your face again." Rook repeated. You looked at him dumbfounded.
"You get a bothered look on ya face when you think of the constant switching of girls." Rook explained in a matter of factly tone. Trying to even out your furrowed forehead with his thumb to further prove his point. You were quick to shake your head.
"It's not that… " You said while hating how well he could read you, always knowing exactly what's on your mind. Part of you knew there really was no point in denying it, he could read you like a book at this point. In a desperate attempt at keeping your mouth shut you started to chew on the insides of your cheek, but unfortunately it didn't take long before you spoke again.
"I just hate how they exactly know what they're getting themselves into and yet still have the nerves to act disappointed, demanding this and that, ultimatums left and right… " You mumbled, picking at your nails. "Leaving him to blame it all on himself thinking he's a complicated man to love."
When in reality it was the complete opposite, perfectly lovable the way he is. He was in no way complicated if you saw him for who he was instead of trying to change him into what you thought best fit. Understanding how the things he had been through shaped him into his whole existence. He still had his struggles, but who doesn't? He put on a tough act a lot of the time, acting like nothing could get to him, sometimes even talking a big game, sure thing, but underneath all that was a mushy lil' Colson. A side to him he wouldn't show to just anyone, you had to connect with him. Vibe with him. Almost like he needed to make sure your intentions were good before he could let his walls down a little. He wasn't just an angry guy, shouting into the microphone at an impressive pace. There was so much more to him than the established MGK image.
Never had you met a more genuine or kind-hearted guy, so naturally your heart ached when you oh so clearly could see people taking advantage of that.
Bitches, news flash, this ain't build-a-man factory.
"Dude, just fucking tell him already!" Rook exclaimed, clearly becoming impatient with how you acted like you only saw him as a good friend. "You the type of girl he should be with. These toxic models ain't doing him no good."
"Someone to date him for who he really is, shows him patience and acceptance. Understands his issues and encourage him to get better." He saw the hint of uncertainty spreading across your face as he talked. "Stop that, I honestly think that equals you." He said, putting his palm on the left side of his chest. "You just need a little encouragement to get over your nerves." He teased.
You couldn't help but smile at Rook's encouraging words, loving how he always rooted for you no matter what. You reached your arms out to embrace him in a big hug, a way of showing your appreciation towards him. "Everyone needs a Rook in their life." You mumbled into his chest.
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jordluna · 4 years
You Meet Steve Rogers (Natasha x daughter!reader)
Summary: On a mission to rescue hostages, you end up meeting Captain America along the way. The daughter reader is 15. Since reader is in her teenage years she's pretty sassy and her and Nat have a kinda bitchy relationship but it's still sweet though.
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"I have a mission with Steve to go on. I should be back in the morning so stay home, and don't do anything reckless while I'm gone." Natasha says while loading up guns on her cat suit as you sit on the couch of your apartment and binge the 100 on the T.V.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll stay here." You say while shoving a load full of popcorn in your mouth. You want her to leave badly so you can go onto the next season before the next day.
"Stay here and don't stay up late." She says firmly as you turn your back to face her to say one last remark.
"No mom, I'll go to the popular girl's party, get drunk, and hook up with the hottest dude I see." She rolls her eyes as she leaves the apartment, while you snicker to herself.
Just as your about to get up to make some more popcorn your phone rings from your hoodie. You pull it out,hoping one of your friends wants to chat with you so you won't be bored all night. Instead you see Director Fury's name on the screen.
You groan, as you swipe to answer it, knowing never to not answer Fury's calls.
"Was-sup Fury." You say while shutting off the T.V.
"Agent Romanoff, it's great to here from you again. Since you haven't showed up to Shield the past two weeks." Fury says not even trying to hid the annoyance in his voice.
"Two weeks already? Well I've been very busy with school work and all." You lie, as for the real reason you haven't shown up is because you were to busy binging The 100."Romanoff I think you must have forgotten you're on Spring break." You wince as you have totally forgotten.
"Shit." You mutter under your breathe. "Shit, indeed." Fury says back after a little bit of silence.
"So why'd you call me exactly?" You ask. "I need you as back up on your mother's and Steve's mission." He then explains their mission to you.
"So what do I have to do?" You ask annoyed that your all nighter is ruined, due to saving lives. "You, my least favorite Romanoff, have to collect Shield's intel on the ship. You can also kick some ass if needed." You sigh while putting on your cat suit and loading your weapons.
"Will do pirate dude." You say while leaving the apartment. "Also I'm so flattered to be your least favorite Romanoff."
"A car should be in the front of your house to escort you to the quinjet. You can jump off shortly after Natasha and Steve are already inside the ship."
"Sounds easy enough."
"Don't disappoint me y/n." You just sigh and end the call. You let your red hair down from the messy bun it was already in. Well time to do the dirty work.
As you hide in the back of the ship you do what Fury instructed and waited for everyone to get off before you leave. Once you jump off you immediately start making your way to the to the control room to grab the data and go, hoping maybe just maybe you can finish one last episode before your mom comes home. Men immediately start running at you but you take out your dagger and slide towards them on your knees, slicing their thighs.
As they knell to the floor you stab them in the chest and make a break for the room. You think about using your guns tonight off the men in front of you but you know that's more of Natasha's thing than yours. Plus the guns would be to loud and you don't want to bump into anyone you know on the mission.
So instead you just do the simple hand to hand combat and leave without a single bruising or scratch as usual while the guys are wailing in pain on the ground.
"Sorry about that, but to be fair you did ruin my movie night." You say with a sinister smile.
Steve moves around the ship looking for the rest of the hostages when he sees pirates injured on the ground. He immediately thinks it's Natasha since there is no there person that can fight without some sort of weapon as good as her. Let alone lave five men unconscious on the ground. As he walks closer he sees two more injured guys on the ground with what appear to be stab wounds.
"Nat, I didn't know you had an interest in knives." Steve says into his ear piece. Natasha is confused by his statement wondering what he is talking about. It then hits her. You were here.
"I'm not." She simply says as Steve is now also more confused.
As you enter the control room you immediately put the hard drive in and start collecting whatever you can. Just then something comes crashing through the door with some unconscious guy underneath him.
"Hey Rogers." You say with a small smirk on your face, recognizing the man as Captain America.
"Who are you and what are you doing?" He says sternly as he pushes you back into the wall, harshly, putting his shield up to your collar bone so you couldn't escape. However you showed no fear in your eyes as you weren't even scared, just irritated that you're still in this room.
"Damn, is this how people introduced themselves in the forties? I'm here on Director Fury's orders."
"To collect Shield intel?"
"Why are you asking if you obviously already know." You say.
"Who are you?" He says firmly looking for an answer.
"Name's y/n. I would ask for your name but I already know because of the whole being a popsicle in a freezer for 97 years."
"You knocked all those guards out there?" He says looking down at the bloody knife in your holster. You just nod quickly hoping to get out of here before your mother finds you and grounds you for life.
"Why would Fury send a 14 year old girl out here?" Ok, now your annoyed with the interrogation.
"I'm 15 Cap. Get your facts strait before spitting them out." He most likely annoyed to as he's pushing you a little more further against the wall. Just as your about to grab the knife and stab him the thigh a familiar voice fills the room.
"Let her go Steve." Natasha says as he releases the pressure on your collar bone. As he moves out of the way you see the one person you've been planning on avoiding this entire mission. Natasha gives you the deadliest glare you've ever seen her give you. You tense for a second but let your muscles relax knowing this isn't the time to be a wimp.
"Hey-" She immediately cuts you off."Я сказал тебе оставаться дома." She's yelling to you in Russian, that's not good. (I told you to stay home.)
"Я знаю, но Фьюри сказал, что тебе нужна помощь.There for here I am." You say trying to reason with her as Steve just watches you guys very confused. (I know, but Fury said you needed back up.) She takes the hard drive out and throws it to you. You catch it and immediately put it in your pocket."Фьюри твоя мать? Нет, я." (Is Fury your mother? No, I am.) You sigh in defeat.
"Can I say something?" Steve says loudly.
"Shut it star spangled capris." You say as he is clearly taken aback.  All of a sudden a grenade is thrown at you by the unconscious guy but Steve uses his shield to knock it away. He grabs the you and your mother and crash into a window. Smoke fills the air as you chuckle slightly at the look on Steve's face when you mocked him. However Steve and Natasha just look at you weirdly and your face goes back to its stern expression.
You, Natasha, and Steve stand in front Fury's desk in Shield's headquarters. As he stares at you three without saying anything you try to avoid eye contact and just tap the floor with your boot.
"Why would you send a child out on our mission without telling me?" Steve says interrupting the silence.
"Cap did you see the results of putting her on the field? Her mission was to collect Shield intel, and she did it with even getting a few of our foes hurt." Fury responds with and you look at your mother and see a smirk on her face, which makes you feel even more accomplished.
"People could have gotten killed and hurt." Steve says.
"I believe Fury sent the best assassins and super soldier to make sure that didn't happen." Natasha says as you nod your head agreeing.
"The kid could have gotten hurt!"
"Agent y/n Romanoff, is one of the best junior agents, Shield has ever seen. She doesn't get hurt easily." You see the shocked look on Steve's face, mixed with confusion. You, Fury, and Natasha try your best not to laugh as Steve's mouth is practically wide open.
"You better close your mouth before a fly goes in." You say as Steve moves his head looking at you, then Natasha, then back at you. He slowly starts to notice how similar you two are.
"Oh, yeah. I have a daughter." Natasha says as if she just accidentally forgot to mention it before.
"Oh hell no. I'm dreaming." Steve says raising his arms up and starts to leave the room.
"I can assure you that I'm very much real." You say laughing.
I enjoyed making this one a lot. I also just love writing sassy y/n. Sorry if Russian is wrong I'm so sorry I just used google translate. Also I might move to tumblr idk. Next story will be You're okay!
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