#idk how bad it is in this fandom but i dont want to take chances
mwagneto · 2 years
ok so which part of "i dont want to have in depth discussion about the war on my silly fandom blog that i (and probably a lot of people who would end up seeing said discussions) use to get away from my real life where there is a war and 500 other horrors" is so hard to get
#mf i got like 10 asks about it bro i dont want to think about it !!!!!!!!!!#can i just dissociate and look at funney posts and gifset once every few days without#ppl treating me like a political blog. i already said all my opinions if u want them that bad just read them again#like questions about basic shit are fine but im not getting into deep political stuff that's not why this blog exists#if i post an opinion there's like a 90% chance it's coz i broke out of my dissociative slumber for#a few seconds in order to have A Thought ™ and I'll never think about it again. if you agree and#wanna expand on it that's one thing but im not a debate club and im especially not a discourse blog#anyway. dont send me asks that prompt discussions on the war or inflation or anything like that#i cant do anything about it and the more i think about it the worse it gets. ion wanna#log on here and open my ask box only to see 5 more asks about your russia headcanons especially when it's#straying into conspiracy theory level shit#im not a newspaper im just some mentally ill guy im here to look at gifs . please#barking#like again idk how to phrase this without sounding like i dont want any asks#asks about fandom discourse are always welcome. i might not publish it if the take is too hot but i always enjoy them#questions like ''how do you feel about /current bad thing/'' are ok but if it's#something I've been asked before i probably wont have anything else to say#essays about the war/economic crisis/housing crisis/etc... no ? please ? im just trynta enjoy whatever show im insane about currently#on here anyway. escapism and all
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tsukasalvr · 11 months
Idk if your requests are open or not AAHH! But if they are:
(Possible TW in my request for mentions of depression, anxiety, commiting di3 joke)
Could you do a reader with bad depression and anixety. And maybe one day reader makes a joke about 0ffing themself and then they dont show up to school for a few days
Characters I would prefer(from TBHK): Kou, Teru, Hanako, Akane(boy)
You can add more if you like! :)
Im sorry its not very specific, this is my first time requesting something
Also sorry i know topics like these are difficult for some people <3
depressed!reader who makes su*cidal jokes
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Characters: Kou Minamoto, Teru Minamoto, Hanako, Akane Aoi
Warnings: I don’t proofread, depressed reader, mention of suicide
A/n: just got broken up w by my pookie wookie☹️💔
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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Kou Minamoto
Is immediately put off by what you’re saying and is immediately concerned, and gets even more concerned once you get together and just stares nervously at you while stuttering, not knowing what to say
“That’s so embarrassing, if that were me I would kill myself no doubt! Being so stupid like that, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself!” You casually said while looking at a post on your phone.
“O-oh… umm…” Kou is at a loss for words sometimes and tries to brush it off by moving onto something happier to distract you from thoughts like those
When you make a joke that’s one day too far he genuinely seems so much more concerned and ask if you’re okay. He gets so worried about you that it’s best not to make jokes like that near him.
If you don’t show up the next day, he gets worried and is immediately trying to leave school early even though he knows Teru will berate him later for it, he needs to see you’re okay and when he arrives to your house and sees you are, he’s very serious about not making jokes like those again and is invites you to his house more often to distract yourself and is willing to help you get help
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Teru Minamoto
Gives you a nervous smile when you joke about suicide and even when you you’re dating he still gives you an obvious fake smile to not hurt your feelings. He knows that outright saying that if you need someone talk to talk to can be annoying sometimes so he’ll try to subtly let you know he’s there
Whether it’s from talking about a topic of a documentary of a tragic life of some celebrity and all they needed help to having Kou telk you that you’re part of the family and that you can tell them anything when you’re over at their house
“I can’t stop messing this up! God I really should’ve taken those pills when I had the chance, what the hell!” You said angrily at the fact you couldn’t get the string through the small hole in the needle.
Teru could only smile at you, he never says anything to your ‘jokes’, but then he stops and just goes to frowning hoping that you’re not being serious
When you don’t show up the next day, he’s not super worried and just assumes you’re late but sends you messages. But after a few hours the messages become more frequent and by the end of the school day he’s running to your house scared. When he sees you’re alright, he’s pissed and says enough is enough and he’s not taking anymore jokes and is instead going to help you
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He might laugh at your jokes, but it’s only so he doesn’t worry you. He’s not an unfamiliar when it comes to stuff like this and he knows you might now want to talk about it right away so he’s fine with trying to take it slow
On the inside though, his ghostly heart is scared that you’re it joking and you’re actually being serious. He can’t bear the thought of you dying—and especially dying this way so he keeps a close eye on you and has Kou and Yashiro even make sure that you’re doing okay
“God, I’m so stupid and useless” you say with a laugh as you look at your test result and shove the paper back in your bag
Hanako stares at you, and lets out a laugh that’s believe enough. He’s conflicted on what he should do, should he ask how you’re doing? What if you lie to him? Would you even want to talk to him?
It seems as if his worries have come true when you didn’t show up to school the next day and asks if Yashiro or Kou have seen you at all and to message you on those weird electronic things. Yashiro only agrees to go to your house when Hanako asked because she too was worried about you. Hanako waits impatiently the next day and sees you and you tell him you were just feeling sick. If he could, then Hanako would definitely cry and basically forces you to promise to tell him if anything is wrong with a scared and worried expression on his face
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Akane Aoi
You’re the most precious person in his life so he takes everything very serious when it comes to you. A paper cut? He’s getting ready to call an ambulance for you and is frantically asking you if you’re okay.
So joking about such topics near him immediately alarms him and hea on full protective mode with asking if you’re joking or not. He takes everything you say seriously, he cares about you a lot so to see you laugh about it, hurts him a little
“What if I jump out this window right now? I really do want to do this test!” You whined and looked over at the window that was right next to where you were sitting.
Akane had a prominent frown on his face, he knew you weren’t exactly mentally okay and you’re jokes were becoming more and more frequent
He’s on full panic mode when you don’t show up to school the next day and the worst possible outcomes are immediately coming to mind. He hopes he’s wrong and is blowing up your phone and is willing to mess up his perfect attendance streak for you, he’ll fix it later. But when he sees you overslept and your phone died because wig wasn’t charged, he’s disappointed. He knew it was getting worse if you dying was what came to mind when you didn’t show up so he pledges to help you
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
(not maintagging this because it comes out more aggressive than it means to be. this is just an unserious rant.)
first of all, i do think qsmp as a whole has been kinder to cc!bad. the qsmp’s more dnd-like format is more inclusive in general, there’s net 0 creators who constantly swear at him, and the fandom does treat him better (the bar is low though). i’m more than grateful for that. 
that being said. i dislike how everyone acts like cc!bad was bullied into a corner on the dsmp. yes, a chunk of creators and fans only saw him as a “language” joke, thats an unfortunate fact. but i see a lot of people ignore the fact that cc!bad saw this, and in response created a whole fucking storyline that was designed to allow everyone to join in on it. 
bad, ant, and sam created the egg arc because they disliked the current political storylines and wanted to experiment with scifi-horror. this was after the badlands were formed, and after they realized that they were locked out of a lot of l’manberg conflicts. they didn’t sit around waiting for lore to be handed to them, they created it themselves. to act as though bad didn’t have the chance to create a complex character on the dsmp, or that every cc didnt take him seriously, is devaluing his work. the ccs involved in the egg arc did see c!bad as a threat. they respected his work, they participated in his lore. and there were a lot of them! you just maybe just didn't watch them.
if YOUR streamer only saw bad as a “language” joke, whatever. if YOUR side of the damp fandom never paid attention to egg lore, thats fine. but dont act like every cc did, or that the egg arc didn’t have a following. its true that it was very underrated, but cc!bad is also not this helpless baby who needs his hand held to create an engaging character. he saw he was the largest streamer among the egg arc ccs, and used that platform to bring everyone else up. he put in the fucking work, and it’s not his fault that people still refuse to acknowledge it.  
i see ex-dsmp fans praise the qsmp fandom for respecting bad, and then turn around and beg him to not reference egg lore. the same people who love karmaland, ordem paranormal, and 2b2t references are telling bad that he can’t reference his story, that he put work in. why? for dislike of streamers who weren’t even involved in it? you cant be happy bad is seen as his own person, then turn around and boil his dsmp work down to bigger streamers you dislike.
again, i don’t blame people for not watching the egg arc. i don’t think anyone should be forced to watch every storyline, or keep up with every cc. i don’t know. it’s just frustrating i guess? me and other egg arc fans were creating content, character analyses, and lore masterposts all to hype up c!bad and it’s not our fault yall ignored it and are just now seeing bad’s a good roleplayer! idk! i know everyone’s trying to be nice, i love everyone who’s new to bad’s content, i dont want to gatekeep at all. but your dsmp experiences are not universal. the way your streamers treated bad was not the way everyone treated bad. 
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wryterofworlds · 2 years
How does it feel to have inspired such a huge trend in dimension 20 fandom? Do you have any more headcannons for your modern AU?
In reference to this post:
Firstly, I do want to shoutout all the people who have made AUs based around the concept. All of them are so good and I can't believe that they exist because of my post. Obviously at this point everyone writing for this AU has their own ideas and versions of events, but here's the extended version of my version of the AU
Links to fics inspired by the original post:
Also fanart!!!: https://www.tumblr.com/mylovelyfools/709107455283593216/i-dont-have-my-tablet-rn-but-my-brain-is-moving
LMK If I missed any!
Various headcanons and plot beneath the cut
So starting with backstories:
Gerard was born into a wealthy family, and at a young age was kidnapped
Luckily he escaped, as he had always been a slippery little kid.
Unluckily, by that point his family had already had him publicly declared as dead, so no one believed him when he claimed to be Gerard Greenleigh
He lived on the streets for a while, and befriended Elody, and the two fell in love
It was only when he'd already grown into an adult that Gerard was able to prove his identity and gain access to the family fortune.
From there, familiar territory. He acted vain, petty, immature, etc., he and Elody separated, which brings us to when he adopted two kids
Ylfa is autistic, and she has particularly bad meltdowns and anger management issues. Her mother didn't handle her well and would frequently send her away to stay with Ylfa's grandmother
Eventually, she decided to just leave Ylfa there permanently
What she didn't know is that only a few days into this new arrangement, the grandmother would die of natural causes. Ylfa. Did not handle this well
She froze in place, not wanting to move forward. If she just didn't move, then she wouldn't have to deal with what came next. If she just stayed still, then there's a chance everything could go back to normal
Fortunately, Mr. Wolf the child welfare caseworker had already been looking for her as one of the mother's neighbors noticed the missing child
Unfortunately, it was still two days of her standing there, frozen and terrified, before he found her
The first thing Mr. Wolf did was take her to get some fast food, that she devoured ravenously
(She would throw up most of that food in the backseat of his car a few minutes later)
She ended up in the foster care system after that, as her mother was deemed unfit to parent her
(IDK how child welfare stuff actually works so I'm just taking my best guesses here. Apologies if I get anything wrong)
Pinocchio has chronic pain, and some days he can get by with a cane but other times he needs a wheelchair
His father was a loving, if demanding parent who, along with his kindergarten teacher, were very strict about morals and particularly lying
Eventually, a strange woman approaches him as he's about to walk home and she starts asking him increasingly personal questions about who his parent is, where he lives, how he gets home, etc.
Pinocchio cottons on that she's acting weird and lies, saying his dad will pick him up soon
Teacher Turquina hears this, and goes to give Pinocchio an earful about lying, telling the woman the truth
Geppetto goes missing soon after
Pinocchio is taken care of by his stepmother (his actual stepmother, in this AU), but eventually the way she's been emotionally and sometimes physically abusing him is noticed and he is put into the system
(The stepmother was particularly fond of locking Pinocchio in a closet for hours at a time. He still remembers the way it looked when she would open the door, the only light coming from behind her)
He has complicated feelings about his stuffed animals Spinocchio and Pinocchicrow, given the stepmother is the one who gave them to him. Eventually Pib mauls Pinocchicrow, and given how relieved Pinocchio seems, Gerard quietly moves Spinocchio into storage
Rosamund's backstory probably gets the most major overhaul
Rosamund was 16 and in love when she and her boyfriend (if you want to be particularly on the nose he could have the last name of briar or thorn or something) got into a bad car crash
She woke up from a coma 2 years later
Her boyfriend, who had been released from the hospital just a couple months after the accident, had already moved on, hence her current distaste for romance
Her parents tried to keep her inside all the time, obsessively overprotective after the accident, and she couldn't stand it
She eventually ran away, and given that Cousin Gerard has been one of the few tolerable people to be around (He had been kind and funny when she was growing up; after the accident he was empathetic in a way no one else was. It wasn't exactly the same, but he knew what it was like feeling like you've lost years of your life) and eventually she made her way to an address he'd written down for her saying if she ever needed to talk, she has an open invite
Her parents don't look for her under the belief that eventually she'll realize they were right all along and come home
(that isn't what happens)
Gerard was initially going to just take in Pinocchio, as he felt like since they'd shared experiences with kidnapping he could be helpful, and he could help Pinocchio deal with any issues the way he had
(He has not actually dealt with those issues)
Then he met Ylfa totally by accident, not at all arranged by Mr. Wolf in the hope that maybe this man would finally provide a home for two kids who so many felt were too high-maintenance to foster or adopt
So he ended up with two kids
Pib is a cat
He was originally a stray, taken in by Tomas, put in a shelter when Tomas died and then adopted by Timothy
Timothy has his husband, his menace of a son Jack, and inexplicable beef with a gander from the local park. He wants it dead, and the feeling is mutual
From here it's just general headcanons and little scenes
The non-Elody princesses are Rosamund's friends from an etiquette class that all of their terrible parents made them attend. None of them go to the class anymore but they still hang out
They are...maybe not the best influences. They regularly commit petty acts of vandalism and were maybe responsible for that time the school's library almost burned down
At some point one of Rosamund's friends/classmates says that Gerard is kind of hot in a pathetic way, and her first thought it "gross, that's my dad." She then has a minor crisis over when her goofy cousin became her dad
Gerard still exercises, but since it's his first time not working with a personal trainer he cannot figure out why he's getting stronger but not more "muscular." (not defined) Lifting more weight should be better, right?
This does mean he is strong enough to carry all three of his kids at the same time (because yes, Rosamund is his kid, even if not legally), and has carried them all to bed at once without waking them up before
Ylfa goes over the shoulders, as her grip is strong even asleep. Pinocchio is fully baby cradled in one arm, and Rosamund is carried in the other, her face tucked into this shoulder. Pib got Ylfa's back at some point without Gerard noticing, so actually it's three kids and a cat
Pib knows exactly one trick that he'll do on command, and that trick is "attack," where he runs up and smacks whoever without unsheathing his claws
For unknown reasons, he only does this trick for Gerard. Timothy is definitely not jealous
At one point Mr. Wolf was trying to talk to Pinocchio about setting goals and future careers, and Pinocchio panicked and said stand-up comedian
When Mr. Wolf tried to prompt him to set goals, he said he could come up with a good joke in a year. Mr. Wolf tried to hint that maybe that's a little too long. Pinocchio misunderstood and made it a year and a day
Pinocchio: I think that if I don't tell a good joke in a year and a day he's going to kill me
Ylfa, whose life was saved by Mr. Wolf and has known him for much longer: (100% earnestly) yeah, maybe.
Gerard tries to take the gang fishing. It goes badly. Gerard punches a fish
Ylfa has a dorky middle schooler crush on all of Rosamund's friends, especially Snow White. They think its cute and harmless enough not to discourage, much to Rosamund's chagrin
The princesses are also consistently accidentally mean to Gerard (a la "she's married?") They actually think he's a pretty good guy and by far the best parent any of them have, so they feel bad whenever it happens
Gerard does have minor Gilear energy in this au. Sorry bud.
Gerard and Elody's reuniting
For Elody and Gerard reuniting, IDK what leads to it but eventually Elody agrees to one date after starting to realize how much Gerard's changed
Gerard is very excited and spends nearly the entire day preparing for their dinner date
Unfortunately, the power goes out about midway through the day. At first it's kind of fun and everything's fine, date still set to happen
Then it gets dark and suddenly things aren't so fine anymore
Ylfa remembers the nights she stood, starving, staring at the body of her grandmother, trying desperately to pretend that nothing's changed, even as she becomes too dehydrated to cry
Pinocchio remembers that darkness of the closet, the silhouette of his stepmother, the way he could only ever catch glimpses of her sneering face as the door closed once again
Rosamund remembers the weeks of consciousness before she was able to even open her eyes, trapped in darkness by her own uncooperative body, aware yet unable to do anything, to save herself
Gerard might've asked Timothy to help out, but he'd left earlier that day to go on a camping trip with Henry and Jack, so it's up to Gerard to help his kids
So he does the one thing he's ever been good at. He tells them stories.
Some of them are old stories he's known since childhood, but some of them are new
He tells them stories of a brave little girl who was strong enough to survive despite everything, and a clever little boy who knows that sometimes you need to break the rules, and a bold princess who was able to free herself from the prison others had made for her
He does not tell them the story of a cowardly prince, too unlovable to be wanted by his parents or his wife, who has no one to blame for how things turned out but himself
Instead, his kids tell him a story
They tell him the story of a funny, smart, kind king who was beloved by all his subjects. Who never, ever got mad, and was super strong, and would accept any who would seek refuge in his kingdom. The three (four, counting Pib, who Timothy asked them to watch while they were gone) immediately decide it's their favorite
"How can that be your favorite story? That's barely a story at all, it just a list of character traits."
"Too bad, it's our favorite now, so we're gonna tell it every night."
They pass the night with stories and candles until eventually all his kids are happily asleep, and Gerard crashes onto his couch.
He, unfortunately, could not text Elody about this change of plans as his phone died before he could (his phone hasn't been fully charged since he got kids)
Elody shows up the next morning to be like "Why'd you ditch me and also are you still alive because I can't think of anything short of death that would've kept you from showing up"
She is greeted by a very tired Gerard in his pajamas, who asks if she wants to come inside for breakfast
Elody is very confused to be sitting around a table with three kids and a cat while her husband cooks breakfast (when did he learn how to cook?)
The neighbor pops in to say hi and ends up staying for breakfast as well, and Elody is quickly realizing just how much of a life Gerard has made since they separated
It's not a great breakfast. The eggs are kind of rubbery and the bacon is burnt on the edges, but it's far better than she ever imagined Gerard capable of
She...kind of wants to learn what else has changed about Gerard
She also wants to know when, where, and why he acquired these kids
Anyway, that's all I got. Maybe I'll make a continuation if I have any other ideas
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stupidrant · 1 year
I have to talk abt this as this has been in my mind for months and this i think is the only safe space to talk abt the fandom and their weird antics towards the characters/actors and overall games.Im not against criticism but theres a line between criticizing and going overboard with hating.
One thing i dont understand abt the god of war fandom is that they complain about alot of things not being “accurate” and thats doesnt make sense to me bc when has gow ever been accurate? I thought it was obvious from the beginning that SMS wasnt going for that and never truly will. Its always their own interpretation. They also have this weird hatred / ignorance towards atreus that i also dont understand? Yea he was a little annoying in the first game but thats understandable as hes… a kid. Ragnarok expanded his character pretty well imo and i feel like alot of these people for some reason cannot get past him in general? Maybe because they are afraid of him taking over the series and “forgetting” kratos (idk why thats in their minds LOL) or they just hate him just because. I feel like the fandom wants kratos to forever be this god who destroys things and whatnot and its all so weird. like they never gave him a chance. thankfully he has fans but majority hates him. Dont even get me started on how they treat angrboda. Its really so ridiculous to me that they can be so hateful for no true reason. they call her a bitch for yelling at atreus when all the women in the game get annoyed or disappointed in him atleast once. And they dont understand that she has only known this prophecy shit for her whole life and she couldnt do anything outside bc of the threat. ofc shes angry bro LOLL its also in her name like i dont understand 😭.  Atreus helps her get out of that mindset and assures her she can do whatever she wants now. Laya is so strong idk how she does it :( I also noticed they treat thrud as this “replacement” of angrboda bc they dont like her either cuz shes black or bc they hate her and everything related to atreus but as long as he has a character they can like thats not angrboda its fine. Its all so weird bc theres no competition between the two. There never was. I dont think they actually like thrud for her character they just want to be weirdos and i feel kinda bad for her and mina bc they really dont give a fuck. Im so shocked chris sunny and others even INTERACT with this bullshit of a fandom they are all really strong bc id say fuck all of you and go 😭 im not against criticism at all and i try not to take this shit seriously but its hard when you see a insane group of people take alot of this shit to the next level. this fandom is a bunch of whiny babies who hold onto their precious destroyer too much. The hate everyone has gotten recently is just so stupid and they often times try to make it their goal to hate. I see that SMS is trying to diverge their fandom to a broader audience and they are taking a bit more risks esp with atreus and i love that despite the backlash against him, they continued with his character regardless. I hope they do the same thing with the other characters as well and expand them no matter how much these people want to hate and act all high and mighty. I can understand certain critiques like the ending being too fast or maybe they couldve done blah blah better and whatnot but i think alot of people are overreacting and being ridiculously nitpicky with alot of things when it comes to ragnarok. 
Last thing and also kinda random thing SMS is very wrong for what they did to TC Carson and i acknowledge that completely and i hope they never do smth like that to any of the current cast either bc i would be fucking pissed if so LOL
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merioux · 1 month
im gonna be honest nobody in the ostc fucking likes me asides from my friends since a little something happened and it somewhat crapped down my "reputation" i guess. i need to come over that aand accept that if it wasnt over my designs and art id be given a weird look 24/7. lol. someone tried ruining my chances of being a guest artist of something just because we dont like eachother and someone else ripped off my oc because we dont like eachother people want me gone ahhhhhhhh i wish i could completely migrate to the lisa fandom but im a bit too young for that rn, atleast in my own opinion. i dont want to risk it taking a toll on my mental health considering lisa is one hell of a game LOL. i love this game but id prefer waiting that im a bit older to make it the "only" thing idk how to put it in words??? im bad at explainig aghhhhhh; i genuinely cant believe the community of a game so life ruining has been way nicer to me than a community of trading fucking objects with limbs like pokemon cards. idont really care anymore but its sad ppl dont really like me alot, however im glad ppl like my lisa stuff though i feel happier focusig on that and my friends an drawing . ah
funny cat video
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basofy · 6 months
ive been told all sorts of things by people to get me to not care about this scene, from 'it's a joke, laugh!' to 'we should just forget about it if you talk about it youre weird' and im honestly not willing to take it, this hasnt been a problem on tumblr just wanted to vent, but it surprises me how mean this fandom can be to people who relate to the issues in the game. all ive been told from either of these points of view has been hostility, it all just becomes 'shut up about how you feel, i dont want to hear it' and idk but thats a weird position to have as someone who likes a game that asks you to care about harsh topics. im just posting this to say i will keep talking about this scene as much as my soul wants me to, because i relate, it all comes from the heart and not from fetish, an ocassional joke might happen but i have my limits too, i also dont think a joke erases how much i care. if i overstep pls educate me on why, but please dont tell me to just shut up about it, austin dropped this thing out of the blue with zero elaboration and left it all to the players, it's everybody's choice to care or not and i personally choose to do so.
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im an adult who has not had a normal childhood, teenagehood or even adulthood, im still processing a lot of stuff, if you dont want to see the process of my growth youre free to leave but pls just let me exist. i cant even get proper professional help so thats why i use dumb pixelated people from a videogame to process my troubles, and making art that comes from my experience and people ignoring everything in it and telling me i probably just fap to it genuinely hurts. im talking from experience here, man. my problems arent fap material, not to me. everything i make about the harsh stuff in lisa (everything, not just this scene) comes from my feelings. it's legitimately cruel to just have the stance that every art that reminds you of bad things is made with dick in hand. i care about this campfire scene, i care about lisa, brad, buddy. so many of the emotional aspects of lisa stuck deep with me and i just want to express myself, that is all.
im also very thankful to my friends who saw me lose my shit over this thing the day i watched it and have kept up with me and watched me process it, and the friends ive made who try to see what im trying to show with my art.
sidenote i think its fine to not be okay with this thing existing it hasnt even been a year, but i wholeheartedly think people should try to give it a chance and not see it as an attack from austin, regardless of what the intention behind it could possibly be. there's stuff thats in the game that supports it and stuff that feels worth pointing out, dont be so scared of things that want you to feel.
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strawglicks · 2 years
thinking abt how every spamvil hater ive seen villainizes jevil and victimizes spamton to the moon and back. like their argument against spamvil is ALWAYS, without fail, "it would hurt spamton :(" and then they have nothing to say about jevil or talk abt how jevil would hurt him somehow.
First of all idk where this weirdass villainization of jevil is coming from. People seem to think hes this irredeemable soulless clown who feels nothing and doesnt care abt anyone. Meanwhile, ingame, he literally admits he is lonely and was close to Seam in the past. Yes he needs to learn how to be serious and has a cynical view of the world, but for some reason the fandom doesnt see him as a complex and flawed character. they just decide hes too far gone and would hurt anyone he has a relationship with, including spamton.
And then theres spamton, everyone's favorite innocent angel never did anything wrong bbg apparently!! The fandom doesnt treat spamton anything like they do Jevil. They actually want good things for him, a better future, and feel sorry for him. That's not a bad thing, I feel the same, but these same people will ignore all his flaws and how literally evil he was in the snowgrave route. Spamton is not a good person. I thought this was explicitly clear in the game, but apparently bc he has sad lore spoonfed to the audience this is ignored.
In regards to Jevil, Spamton is extremely bitter and jealous of him. The only things spamton himself has said about jevil is that he wishes to "surpass" him, and that he lost to jevil's games in the past. He even admits he cheated in many of these games. Spamton is not a trustworthy person. if you havent noticed his character is literally based on scam emails. Spamton is just jealous of Jevil's happiness despite the situation theyre both in, which is understandable in a way. Still, it doesnt mean spamton is in the right for being bitter and resentful. There's no real evidence Jevil has actively hurt spamton in any way, esp not on purpose. He literally just beat him at games and is way happier than he is and he's angry about it.
People consume all this shit at SURFACE LEVEL- reminder that this is an unfinished game MADE TO BE ANALYZED- and dont look any deeper into these very complex and interesting characters. All these spamvil haters assume Jevil is just irredeemable and too far gone and find spamtons backstory depressing but dont think about what these two NEED to heal from their experiences. Having gone through similar shit, they're really the only people who could understand each other to such an extent. They both need to let their guard down and listen to each other because they can offer each other a different point of view on a similar situation, which is what the both of them NEED more than anything. Yes it would take a lot of time; these are very flawed people. But you cant just. leave them where they are right now and expect either of them to heal completely on their own. Being alone is the LAST thing either of them needs. Jevil literally admits to being lonely and spamton ACTIVELY gets worse the longer he is alone. Yes he has trust issues, but he needs to be able to open up if he ever wants to get better.
Theres also the argument of "spamton is afraid of clowns" which isnt valid anyway because i just got done explaining how even if hes afraid of opening up and being close to people, spamton NEEDS it if he wants any chance at getting better. Sometimes you have to face your fears to make any progress. Plus spamton himself has never shown any sign of fearing jevil. He's only ever regarded him with bitterness and jealousy.
idk how to conclude this fuck you
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hajihiko · 2 years
Thank you and have a nice (early) talky tuesday :)
See that's kinda hard BC most media can fit on with a Battle Royale, but I definitely could not assign a Stand to every DR character. There's so many DR characters.
Oh but existing Stands, hmmm ...
Impostor: Yellow Temperance, somewhat obviously
A sticky, rubbery mass bound to and encasing his body which consumes any other organic substance it comes in contact with. The Stand defends him from all forms of brute force and allows him to effectively impersonate others.
TeruTeru: Pearl Jam, also obviously. He seems like more of a healer/support player than a fighter anyway.
A swarm of vegetable-like creatures that infuse themselves into the user's dishes, and increase the healing potency of the dishes to supernatural levels. Supposedly people with split stands have some Issues??
Mahiru: I wanted to say Hermit Purple but I dont think she has it in her to smash cameras....Atom Heart Father it is.
Atom Heart Father is bound to a Polaroid camera which takes pictures with several extraordinary properties. The user essentially lives within the camera but can interact with the subjects of the photos taken with it. Anything that happens within a photograph is reflected on the real life subjects. The photographs cannot be destroyed to stop the power because the damage to the pictures will be transferred as equivalent wounds to those depicted inside. Secondly, everything inside the photo becomes an effectively isolated space defined by the frame of the photographs. While people inside trying to get out will find themselves bumping into an unbreakable and invisible wall, people outside trying to go inside the photographed space find themselves transported to the other side of the space.
Peko: I mean ... Silver Chariot? It's a sword wielding knight. It's silvery. I think it'd look cool.
It's way too much to explain it's a very fast sword dude
Ibuki: Maybe Echoes? Sound manipulation PLUS .... Heavy metal...get it ....
Echoes ACT1 can write words on any surface or person. If the writing is an onomatopoeia, typically in Katakana letters, a sound related to the onomatopoeia in question is produced. If the writing is a sentence written in Kanji, the words will influence the target's state of mind.
Echoes ACT2 can write an onomatopoeia on any surface. When the sound effect is touched, an effect related to the sound is produced, either affecting the person who touched it or the object which the words are inscribed on.
Echoes ACT3 applies a "freezing" or stopping effect by greatly increasing the weight of its target by punching it. This one is fully sentient which is kind of an anomaly.
Hiyoko: GooGoo Dolls probably. Squishes people like ants
Goo Goo Dolls, has the ability to shrink the size of selected targets within her range to the size of a mouse.
Mikan: so conflicted. Green Day? Crazy Diamond? Metallica?? I wanna say Metallica.
Okay so it's basically iron manipulation but the user usually uses it by creating scissors, knives etc inside of people and cutting them up from the inside
Gundham: dude how sick if it was Scary Monsters
Scary Monsters' main ability is to infect other living beings with a virus which transforms them into dinosaurs, but also allows the user to control them. The user is capable of changing his own body into a dinosaur, either completely or as a hybrid of the two. Being bound to the user's body, Scary Monsters allows them to fight against other Stands and physically damage them with their bare hands. Fossilization; the ability to alter beings transformed by this Stand into a hardened dormant state much like a fossil. 
Nekomaru: had to think a lot buut maybe Bad Company? Hed like train them and have all these formations and moves. Idk.
it's a bunch of toy soldiers with guns and tanks and helicopters that shoot you.
Nagito: Black Sabbath, I think it fits nearly with his whole "I will bring out the true hope!" thing while also not being super overpowered in the wrong circumstances.
Black Sabbath can hide in shadows and is strongest there, but is vulnerable to light. By grabbing someone's shadow, Black Sabbath is able to forcibly drag out their souls, whereas grabbing a potentian stand sser's shadow would drag out their Stand.
Sonia: Love Deluxe because she has super long hair and I think it'd look cool as hell with her aesthetic.
Love Deluxe is attached to the user's hair, enabling it to grow to huge lengths, be used as extra appendages, and can be strong enough to break through walls.
Akane: honestly tbh Magician's Red? It's strong and fiery and detects things, like Akane's enemy senses. Hard to think of a gymnastic Stand..
Huge flaming bird with fire powers. The fire can suffocate a target by burning oxygen, restrain them, and detect Stand energy and breathing.
Kazuichi: Aerosmith! Second best to a rocket is an airplane.
Tiny toy fighter plane that can sense carbon dioxide, as well as shoot a machine gun and drop a bomb.
Fuyuhiko: Sex Pistols?? For gun?? He doesnt really fight much, all we know is he takes pain well.
Six tiny guys who kick bullets around so the shooter never misses, unless the shooter is Guido Mista. They're sentient and split up, so, funky combo.
Chiaki: Atum aka the video game stand, duh
Atum's primary ability allows the user to steal souls from someone who has recognized defeat in a game, for example video games. It can also ask a nearby person's souls a yes or no question which the soul is obliged to answer, unbeknownst to the one being read.
Hajime: shit that's hard. I'm gonna go with Tusk because: truth bullets -> nail bullets, starts off really pathetic and weak and ends up literally dimension-breakingly strong, and uuh I love Johnny lol.
Tusk has four ACTs; first one shoots nail bullets, yes it's gross. Second shoots nail bullets where the hole made from them will seek out the intended target even if they miss. Third creates bullet holes that are also wormholes through time space, and the fourth is basically infinite damage in infinite dimensions, gravity and time defying, like this shit will destroy you.
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youremyheaven · 1 month
aw omg thank you for taking the time to respond so thoroughly to my ask 🥹❤️
i think that teas do help but i think you’re right about slowing down in general like by lying on the yoga mat. i think i do struggle with pretty horrible imposter syndrome too (partially my fault. i used to have a pretty big tarot blog, now i have a somewhat big writing blog in a fandom (i just like to write, im in the fandom because it gives me something to tag my work with). sometimes i see people post content that’s more generic and romance related instead of with depth getting more likes than me and i feel like i loser but i think that’s just a recent thing anyway)
also i think it’s so sweet that your man liked you for long but stayed patient and respected your boundaries?? like yes bare minimum but having a good man like you that much that they waited it out and kept you in their life because they’d rather you be there in some form than not at all?? good job because that is an ACTUAL accomplishment
and of course job well to your hormones for triggering that hormonal ovulation wave that led you to this 🤭
may you last long and be happy and patient and kind with each other for eternity💗🧿
i hope u get to make changes to ur lifestyle that makes it easier for u to relax and chill out!!! <333
imposter syndrome is the WORSTTTT. i just think about how there are virtual massage therapists who do reiki healing over zoom and charge $$$$ for it and believe that if they can do it and get away with it, i can do what i do and be okay too hehe. we're all imposters and no one is actually good at anything, we're all just trying our best!!! dont think of success as something u have to "deserve",, you can just have it like its a part of life. you dont think too much about "deserving" education or sunlight or water, you believe you need it and you have it. success is similar, its a part of living, not something that u have to earn through virtue. if youre doing well, its because youre doing something right and thats good enough!!!
its sooo interesting u say that about arm guy being respectful and keeping boundaries lmaoo bc i always thought its a tactic most men use when they cant get with a girl: they say they'd like to stay friends because that means there's still a chance that you can someday get with her 😳as opposed to losing her completely. men crib about being friendzoned but they actually voluntarily enter that territory waiting for their turn with the girl🤢🤮
arm guy has an 8h stellium so i feel like there's more to him that i dont fully see yet. he's been respectful and gentlemanly with me but one time he told me about how him and his friends would stalk me on instagram and talk about how cute i was or whatever and it kinda gave me the ick 🤢🤢like i know thats a normal thing to do but the idea of a group of men all thirsting over me collectively made me 🤢 i sometimes wonder if he has told others about us yet in a braggy kinda way and i hateeee to think about it 🤢he's a good guy and everything but at the end of the day, he's just a guy
i think he stuck around bc he wanted me that bad but i honestly dont find that much of an accomplishment 😭😭i think most men are like that,, they'll do anything to get with u, ignore them, leave them on seen, unfollow them but they WILL persist 😭😭😭
idk about forever just yet lmaooo,, he's sweet and everything but its too soon for that type of talk. although i want us both to be happy together 💛💛and thats whats most important rn
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writing-hat · 2 months
hi hat!
firstly sorry for going silent for a while - im doing something thats really keeping me busy and i haven’t had the time to do much. speaking of which, i wanted to ask you for some advice - how do you go about writing your fics? like, in specific, how do you come up with your plot and follow through with it? i’ve been working on a new project but the actual “creating the storyline” bit is digging me an early grave lol.
also i wanted to ask - do you have any recommendations for other ninjago aus? (they dont have to be fics) im just looking for some interesting new stuff to hyperfixate over and thought you might know
-smiley anon :)
hi smiley anon! Sorry for taking so long to answer (I'm forgetful and a bit stupid sorry)
answer under !
Regarding the ask before this one, I'm super glad you have your AO3 account!! I hope you'll have lots of fun writing in the future ! :D You're definitely always going to be hard on yourself in the future, that's completely normal! But you'll be proud of yourself once you manage to get through it all and write that story down!
Don't worry for going silent, I think I am much, much worse ahaha.
As for writing for my fics, I usually have an idea first that I write down then the scenes kinda happen in my head, and I always have something to write them down (phone or notebook) if I'm not on my computer right away. My plots come from those ideas that form in my head? Idk how to explain that but uh yeah and it's rarely followed through tbh, I often change things along the way
One thing I do is like okay, this will happen now, how might it affect in the future if it's something important? I really have no idea how to explain all that I'm so sorry I hope it still sorta helps
A storyline right away can be kinda complicated to handle, it's what I'm trying to do with "everybody loves somebody sometimes" which is why it's taking so long to be written. But if that's what you wanna do, go ahead! But don't overwork yourself
I have no idea for other ninjago aus omg I read too little yet the fandom does such wonderful job at creating stories and I unfortunately forget to read stuff. hah. (sorry everyone)
I'm kinda obsessed with jay so I'll tell you what I have so far about it (i'm not tagging anyone to not bother anyone)
@/mondothebombo "when you think you're all alone" for more skybound definitely. it's such a good fic but there's like 90% chance you already read it jksgseh
I would suggest Cabinet Man by @/spinjitsuburst, I have been loving the story so far though nothing's written yet but what's already up is super good!
The AUs from @/taddymason !! She has a dad jay au that's UGH so good I'm addicted to that story and also the fic stormbound!!! really great stuff plus incredible art you should check it out!!
There's @/finn-m-corvex for all the stuff about jay his work is just mwah chief's kiss (lots of angst too (they have the fic Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire which is super good so far and am very excited to see more of!! definitely check it out))
I feel so so bad for forgetting so many people's stuff there's so much aaaaaa but you should find a ton of them on tumblr!! so many talented people in the ninjago fandom and so many good aus you'll have your fun by looking in it
i'll answer your second ask now aefhgseg
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localvoidcat · 1 year
to add to the mischaracterization post (all just my opinion) 1. this has been spoken about enough but there is something to be said about this fandom and its push to fill in the blanks of characters who we dont know much about (jonah and cesar). it's frankly tiring to see people (for the lack of a better phrase) jump to conclusions about characters then get upset or suprised when that turns out to not be the canon case. 2. tying into the 1st point, i know most people joke about this so maybe i'm taking it too deep, but it's almost weird to me how some people will grieve characters who have little character detail. obviously people can do what they want, i don't care. but it's bizzare to watch jonah fans still grieve and plead for this character who isn't coming back and we barely know anything about. idk. loved what u had to say!
i think with a lot of characters, it's important to remember that there's a very big chance that we just. will never learn as much about them as we want to. i've got a lot of friends that are very big fans of said characters and i respect that so much because trying to figure out a character interpretation with the limited knowledge we have in canon + filtering out the common fanon interpretations has got to be so difficult i can't even imagine.
i absolutely think that theres an issue with people getting upset at canon proving fanon incorrect, which never makes sense ESPECIALLY when it's fleshing out something that was never really explored all too much. i'd say that adam and jonah or mark and cesar being revealed to not be healthy friends was one of these things (although i think adam and jonah were the main focus of this. at least in the circles i hang out in, mark and cesar's relationship and how it might have been a bad thing has been an interesting topic for everyone to discuss)
totally agree with the last part, it's very hard to grieve characters when we know nothing about them. for the longest time there was a very strong resistance to things like jonah's death which. never made sense to me, even as someone that was a jonah fan last year or so. it's understandable to miss a character but straight up denying their death never made sense to me. and that's coming from the guy who's had a dead favorite character for about 10 months now LMAO
overall i agree with you 100%, im glad some of my rantings weren't just me getting heated over nothing IJUHY
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
You know a good thing about Ladrien being underrated is that the chances of you finding a bastardized version of the canon character is rarer than if you picked any other side of the lovesquare.
Yeah sure, Adrienette, Ladynoir and Marichat is awesome. But too many fics turn them into these ooc bastards like Adrichat is now an alphahole and Maribug is a weak, pathetic and insecure girl. Ladrien however? These two are the least easiest to turn into the stereotypes which means that most of the Ladrien fics will have proper characterization.
Yeah, that's an issue with any big ship though, people project their own ideas onto it or self insert and play out their fantasies, which like, y'all do y'all. But idk it's why I don't read very much in the fandom, or in any fandom for that matter. (That and my #adhd~) I'm particular about a lot of things, and hot take, but many popular fanfics (just in general, not just ML) aren't written well imo. And that's not directed at any one person, so don't go looking for shit 🙄 There are good fan writers out there, don't get me wrong, but very few "popular" fanworks really grab me. (Especially that one bitch that wrote that story where Marinette transfers schools and meets new friends that got way too popular for some reason) The same can be said in real life too though. The things that are the best quality aren't always the most popular. Idk taste is subjective I guess.
Idk where I'm going with this ramble, my brain is fried from staring at my resume all morning and trying to figure out how the fuck to sell myself to a panel of smart people, but anyway, yeah there are a lot of bad LS stories out there. That's why I prefer to write my own, or only read very trusted friends. 😅 I'm writing an MC story right now, but I'm being hella particular about it so I dont even think actual MC stans will like it, which like good, this one is for the Ladrien stans that want to like MC but their fanfics are just consistently bad and ooc. I think a lot of people just don't understand the show and characters, which also contributes to the problem, but in my experience Ladrien stans are some of the only ones that really get it. 💅
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m-feys · 6 years
one thing I find really interesting is how the most recent episodes really showcase how reigen and mob are almost the inverse of each other.
like reigen says stuff like “those people are probably just taking advantage of you” and then it ends up that mob is the one with genuine friends around him and the only people reigen knew are accusing him of taking advantage of them and he ends up alone.
you know, reigen’s the person who tries to stand out but in the end has no powers. Where mob is blending into the background with this unbelievable power under the surface.
he wears a suit everywhere and the only thing mob is known for wearing is a white t shirt
and when they both try to read speeches someone else gave them and in the end neither actually reads it. But for the exact opposite reasons. Mob just can’t speak. but reigen can’t stop from saying his own words.
and when they finally talk to each other again, its like reigen finally takes a page out of mobs book. Like he’s at a loss for words and finally stops to think about what he should be saying instead of just going on his instincts
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
I’m new and idk if this is where I send a request but..darkfic of Hela kidnapping Y/N? Smut included.
Fall From Heaven, Dragged to Hell
Hela Masterlist / Main Masterlist / Navigation
Summary: Hela has intentions of disrupting revenge upon her sibling Thor, and she has the best solution of how to do so; by targeting someone he cares about
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Pairing: Hela x reader
Warnings: smut read at your own risk, fingering, tribbing, dark fic, kidnapping, mention of non con and kinda non con at the same time its kinda implied so if this is a trigger please take caution when reading or just dont read please the last thing id want to do is have my writing negatively affect someone, mentions of death because its Hela, major character death, angst
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It was time to take what belonged to her, Thor’s little mortal friend. The goddess had been watching her prey like an ant crawling upon the plain of existence, exiting the New Asgard that the son of Odin had restored with the help of that Valkyrie, and returning to the bustling streets of New York City. She was fair, the perfect vessel to taint from the rush of Death. Hela would have her at the bottom of her tarnished black throne as Surtr had not manage to kill her as was planned, but first, like a peeping raven, she would watch the woman, out of sight and mind from her pretty little oblivious head. Y/n as she was known on Midguard removed the articles of fabric that hugged her body, dropping them onto the floor, baring her naked flesh to be bitten by the cold air seeping through her open bedroom window, causing the Goddess of Death herself to lick her pale lips out of bitter intrigue.
There was something to interesting about life and it’s variants, and whilst Hela enjoyed bringing the end to all things that she found to be the opposer of bitter, she enjoyed viewing the fragility, even if it came in the form of exposed collarbones and supple thighs that clung together with every stride that was made across a room. This was her time to strike, when the prey was at its most comfortable and least suspicious; a perfect opportunity some would say. And it was, there was no risk of the maiden that was clothed in a lack of anything to be flighty, she was in her own habitat and not burdened by any regressive thoughts that pointed to anything bad happening to her. Hela almost laughed at the ironic thought, because something terrible was bound to happen, and she would be the one causing it, holding the mortal’s life in the coil of her fingertips, touching her with the curse of death, but not quite impending it on her instantly.
From darkness she prowled, going unnoticed in the dimness of the night as she enclosed on the feeble creature of whom was unaware of her presence or intentions and continued to unknowingly trap herself in the small space of her bathroom, reaching for her body moisturiser just as a hand latched harshly onto her arm. Eyes of velour bore at her as she struggled, y/n attempted to scream but the woman’s free hand numbed any sound from escaping from there. Her legs thrashed, she tried to kick herself free or fall her head violently back but the intruder was smarter and below her efforts she knew there was no chance of her winning this morbid criminal. Her neighbours didn’t care for the sound, they were practically deaf in regards to everything outside of their little life together, y/n had found herself lucky of that when she had first moved in, but now she realised that was not luck at all, it was the one thing she needed that could save her from this promiscuous end.
The obstacle was awakening in a dark room; y/n hadn’t thought that she’d wake up at all, the assumption had been made whilst she was being dragged away by this hellish being in an unconscious state that she’d have killed her already, or perhaps she’d have preferred to do that with her eyes open, watching as she cast nothing but malice upon her human form, enjoying the view of torture that she recklessly caused. A tut echoed through the room, which had the restrained woman shake in the shackles that were locked around her wrists and ankles, the beautiful creature stalked closer, her bone structure was beautiful but fierce, she had the face of someone powerful, and y/n was no fool, she recognised the way that the lady was dressed, she was not around here. “Usually I have my executioner deal with pests like you, but he’s gone and I realised after the last one I cannot trust the likes of some idiot to carry out such important tasks.”
“Who are you?” A cackle drew out from the woman with the dark aura, y/n’s eyes widening from the sound. She wasn’t sure what she was caught up in, but it wasn’t anything good. This wasn’t like the time that Loki had tried to intimidate you, she wasn’t hiding behind a veil of insecurity and need to rule, from image alone it could he told that she was severely dangerous. It would take much to escape this trap that you were coiled in, perhaps death even, which was unknowingly ironic considering the truth behind her dark identity. The aura that she carried within her steps was like a prowess, there was no doubt that she was extremely powerful and that for whatever reason that her agenda had defiled taking you hostage, it was anything but good. Rather it was a nightmare of her own creation, a ploy to seep revenge in all corners that her opponent cared for, and to cause him more wounds that nobody would be able to heal.
“You may have heard of me, I’m the goddess of death.” She seethed, and instantly y/n caught up to who this was; it was Hela, the half blood sister of Thor, whom had supposedly been defeated during Ragnarok, the destruction of the Asguardians' homeland. It had been her intent to rule the Nine Realms and conquer any that opposed her wishes, for she had awaited thousands of years for Odin to cease in existence so that she could be freed from the purgatory that was designed to hold her at bay for as long as possible. "Most people call me Hela, and my father's child Thor thought that he had beat me at my own game; I never lose, and he should have realised that whence he realised that Odin could not kill me himself. It was not that he dared not to lay harm on his daughter, he tried countless times even, but he just was not capable nor strong enough. And Thor wasn't either, because here I am."
"No offense, Hela, but why do all you gods and goddesses drag us mortals into your feuds? I'm really quite useless, so I really have no use in this vendetta that you hold against your brother. I am simply a human being trying to get by in a world that gets invaded by aliens and the likes of you, not to mention that I’m not special. Just your average woman surviving the toxicity in this universe without your help, or your addition to the evil that I have to deal with on a daily basis. So I’d suggest taking a chill pill and starting a new agenda of becoming a female version of Sauron in the upcoming Lord of the Rings movie, because boy do you have that necromancer feel about you, and well most importantly releasing me, because I am sure as hell not your precious.” Sassing an immortal deity was rather a stupid act, and thus much was proven as she began to drawl out a dry cackle, though it appeared as though she were truthfully humoured.
"Oh I am sure that I can find a use for you my dear..." Her face drew closer to your own, executing your every breath as you fearfully held it in, afraid that she’d smell your worry for your own life. But she already knew, and that was already the beginning of the end, she had labelled you as her target, and there was no escaping death herself, so all you could do was accept your fate and hope that it came quickly. Her cold hands grasped at your shaking ankles, her nails scathing the flesh causing shivers to eject up your spine and a sickening feeling to dance in your throat, her shadow towered over you as a dominant figure and you could not help but allow your once snarky and confident shield to fade away as you dreaded the worst, she was the master in this scenario, the master of everything. There was not a thing that she did not control, and that included her hand that vegan to caress up the inside of your leg and your nudity in the moment only perceived your vulnerability to new levels.
If only Thor could see you now, he would no longer recognise you as the brave soul that he often described you with, instead you would be a weak mortal succumbing to the hands of his evil sister. She brushed her fingertips of death through your folds, causing you to inherently squirm from the notion, it felt like forever since you had last been touched, and the mind of a woman knew exactly the right spots to focus on. You were crumbling into a mess, a smirk fixated onto Hela’s face as she took note that you were no longer trying to resist her lustful advances, she had not done one thing against your wishes, instead you just opened up like a blooming flower that hungered to be fed. Even if you had denied her sexual clasp you'd have been a victim of it anyways, death answered to nobody, especially the cries of someone that wished to live.
And so you brainwashed yourself into wanting this, into wanting her to caress you with her threatening fingers, and without warning she slipped three right inside of your entrance, causing you to emit a sound of pleasured surprise at the misjudged expectancy of her dominant actions. Your head thudded against the hard ground as you grew delirious and dizzy minded from her retracting her digits, she seemed enraptured for a moment with how your essence drew strands between her soaked fingers, and whilst she was distracted you tried to scamper away, only for her to tut at your sad attempt and grab you with the same fingers that had been inside of you by your hair, tugging at it until she had you in the position that she desired. "Your kind is foolish, you more so than the rest if you think that you can escape death girl... I'll make you never want to leave by one easy gesture that will have you thinking about me for the rest of your pitiful life if I allow you to live."
With that said, her deathly apparel disappeared from her body, leaving her powerful and striking structure nude before your very eyes. If this was what death looked like then you'd accept the hand to follow her, though there wasn't much to define you having a choice in the matter. She spread your legs and breathed in the sweet aroma that flooded out from your centre as she adjusted herself and positioned her cunt above your own, and lowered it so that your most sensitive parts touched. From that contact alone you weren't sure if you were alive or already dead, but it didn't matter either way, Thor would never find you whilst you were swamped and your mind was clouded by this disarray of darkness, and perhaps a small part of you didn't want to be rescued. You were in a sinful motion of ecstasy as Hela rolled her strong hips so that shockwaves were sent throughout your body, moans reverberated out from your largely agape mouth as you struggled to fathom the amount of pleasure that you were undergoing. It almost felt impossible to experience so much of it at once.
You hoped that it would last forever, and it would if you died, though that choice was up to death herself. For now you would just enjoy how good you were feeling under her fucked up charade of sexual healing, oblivious to the withering of your mind and the slowly weakening state of your body. When Thor were to find you there'd be nothing more than a corpse at his feet, another soul for him to weep for and another lost friend for him to mourn. Everyone was taken from him, and Hela was taking the final moments of your life for her own enjoyment, when you collapsed into nothing more than an empty shell, that would be when she would stop, and her first repentance of revenge would be complete.
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lake-cosay · 2 years
jesse & lake songs
nobody asked but here's my list of jesslake songs, minus the ones i found from the fandom which i can make a separate list of if y'all want. i'm here to validate myself lol so these are all the ones i came up with on my own (some of em are specific to just lake or just jesse and some of them make absolutely no sense to anyone else but yknow)
lake songs
Renegade by Styx
the whole song is about being on the run from the cops and in fear for your life do i really need to say much more. plus its a banger. it's one of those songs i would definitely make an animatic for if i had the patience
My Silver Lining by First Aid Kit
first aid kit has been my comfort band, if you will, for years, and i've known this song for years, but recently i actually listened to the lyrics properly (auditory processing issues who) and was like holy shit this screams lake. it's about being stuck someplace you hate and wanting to break out. i was gonna point out some of the lyrics that really stick out to me but it's just. the WHOLE song. but if i had to pick my favorite for this context, it'd be the chorus:
"i hear a voice calling / calling out for me / these shackles i've made in an attempt to be free / be it for reason, be it for love / i won't take the easy road."
(and like. there's always a chance i'm massively mis interpretting the lyrics so,,, idk lol)
jesse songs
Empty Page by The Crane Wives
yknow how at some point basically everyone in our fandom realizes "omg the b2 title 'cracked reflection' applies to jesse too because he copies the people around him!!!" it's that but in a banger song
it's also a little depressing but let jesse be sad sometimes ppl he needs catharsis too
jesse & lake songs
Rebel Heart by First Aid Kit
this one is in this section cause it fits for both of them. like it could see the lyrics being from either of their perspectives. it's also another one where its basically just the WHOLE song that i feel fits but here's some highlights:
"you told me once i had a rebel heart / i don't know if that's true / but i believe you saw something in me that lives inside you too"
"i know you truly saw me / even if just for a while / maybe that's why it hurts now / to leave it all behind"
"i don't know what it is that makes me run / that makes me wanna shatter everything that i've done / why do i keep dreaming of you? / why do i keep dreaming of you? / is it all because of my rebel heart?"
this is another one i can picture an animatic for. curse you adhd
Wait for Me from Hadestown
(i personally like either the concept album version or the nytw/live version best for them)
listen. i'm never gonna be over the parallels between jesse and lake's story and orpheus and eurydice's (in hadestown specifically, lol). obviously the chorus is the part that really fits, but it just reminds me so much of the mall car, the wasteland, and so on, of all the shit that both jesse and lake go through to get back to each other and to get home. dont touch me im emotional again
Vanilla Twilight by Owl City
"please i just want u to hold me again" the song. also it's just nostalgic for me cause owl city my beloved. reminds me of AUs where jesse can't get back on the train and is just stuck missing lake, not knowing what to do and just generally Being Depressed Now
"the silence isn't so bad / till i look at my hands and feel sad / 'cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly"
"drenched in vanilla twilight / i'll sit on the front porch all night / waist deep in thought because when i think of you, i don't feel so alone"
Ribs by Lorde
this one is mostly just vibes. as far as the lyrics the most i can understand is "growing up sucks." i found the song through a connverse animatic and the connverse fandom got me into infinity train so i guess my brain connected them? but the vibes are so good.
"you're the only friend i need / sharing beds like little kids"
Little Soldiers by The Crane Wives
i almost forgot this one cause i forgot to put it on my playlist cause i hear it all the time on cd in my car. my GOD this is the most jesslake song out there i swear to god. i don't even know how to articulate it more than that. please just go listen to it
the "i swear that i loved you/i swear that you loved me" parts get to me man. holy shit.
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